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Nikki Amboayan1,Rhoen Myla Caylan¹, Everlita Canalita¹,

Amelia Buan Ph.D¹ , Edna Nabua¹

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

College of Education

Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology

Iligan City

Abstract. This study aims to implement and determine the phenomenological responses of
the students towards the innovative lesson plan on Meiosis with the utilization of the 7E model
by Eisencraft (2003), with the adaptation of the Lesson Study process of Cerbin and Kopp
(2011). The study team consisted of four (4) pre-service teachers and three (3) in-service
teachers of MSU-IIT, Iligan City. Accordingly, three sections of grade 7 students, with a total of
120 under the Basic Education Curriculum in Iligan City National High School were selected as
respondents and 2 public school science teachers participated as a knowledgeable other. One
of the researchers acted as the implementer and the other researchers, with the
knowledgeable others acted as the observers. During the implementation the implementer will
discuss the topic and the observers roam around to check and record the students responses.
Three (3) implementation cycles were done by the researchers. After every implementation, a
post-conference will take place in order to discuss the phases that needs to be revise. As a
result, in the last implementation cycle, students show responses and performances that the
lesson plan was effective. Students were able to answer the questions critically and were able
to do the activities correctly. Therefore, the research lesson was effective in enhancing
students’ performances and engagement towards the lesson. In addition, the enhancement
and refinement of the research lesson is also one of the factors that the performances and
engagement of the students towards the lesson improves.


A major problem in the educational system was that the curriculum contains
topics which students dislike, and teachers find it difficult to teach or a part of the new
curriculum. (Lewis and Hurd, 2011)
The primary goal of education today is to prepare students to be globally
competitive which possesses all three domains. Secondary level science education prepares
students to develop all cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains in order to foster
understanding to the things present in the environment. Positive responses towards learning,
subject matter, and methods of teachings are vital for students for it strongly influences the
process of learning, and the utilization of the concepts gained in the past, but also to find out
future possibilities. (Kayani, 2015).

So, the researchers find it significant to use lesson study using 7E learning cycle
in teaching meiosis topic in biology to make the lesson comprehensive. A research study
showed that the use of lesson study leads to the instructional development since teachers
become more aware of how students learn and think and how instruction affects student
thinking. According to Lingambe, Kasode, and Nakai (2014) and Ni Shuilleabhain (2015),
lesson study has positive impacts on teacher’s attitude toward their respective subject areas
and can build their pedagogical content knowledge. Other than that it also provides teachers
with opportunities to evaluate how a student responds. Furthermore, lesson study has the
largest impact on the teacher’s perception by simply improving their ability to choose
strategies that suit to the students’ needs and in their teaching confidence. (Hinchey, 2010).
On the other hand according to Abraham (2003) and Welbert (2012) learning cycle is an
inquiry learning method that will develop a student-centered learning environment that improve
students engagement in the classroom that results to a life-long learning. In collaboration with
the 7e learning cycle, students-centered learning environment will be achieved that improves
students engagement in the classroom and encourage them to develop their own
understanding of the scientific concept, explore and deepen that understanding and apply the
concept to the new situation.


This research is a kind of phenomenological study which made use of the

responses of the students towards the innovative lesson.

The research lesson was implemented to the 3 sections of Grade 7, with a total of
120 students under the Basic Education Curriculum in Iligan City National High School
namely: Grade 7 loyalty, Grade 7 courage and Grade 7 prudence. The three sections were
labeled as Section A, Section B and Section C. One of the researchers acted as a teacher and
the 3 remaining researchers serve as the observers with one knowledgeable other. During the
implementation the acting teacher discussed the concepts about meiosis, helped the students
in their activity and provided their needs. The observers roamed around to check and record
the students’ responses during the implementation.

After every implementation of the research lesson, the phenomenological study

team had a post conference with the adviser and the knowledgeable other. This phase was the
discussion of observations, feed backs and suggestions. The phases of the 7E that needs
revision were also covered. After that, the phenomenological Study team revised the research
lesson for the next implementation cycle.


Revisions made in every implementation cycle

During the first implementation cycle, the observers and one of the
knowledgeable others observed that the students had slight difficulties in getting the correct
word that sum up the 4 pictures into one word. So for the second implementation cycle, the
researchers decided to change the pictures that the students were not familiar with and the
pictures that did not clearly describe the word. In twin or an identical, one of the pictures was
changed in the picture of Richard and Raymond which the students are familiar with, while the
growth pictures were changed into pictures that clearly show a growth of a human being and a
plant. But unfortunately, during the second implementation cycle, another problem arises; the
class was so noisy and was a mess because they all want to be called by the implementer to
give the right word. So, the researchers and the implementer did to avoid this kind of scenario
during the third implementation cycle, a game was made by group. The class was group into 7
and each group was given tag board and a chalk where they would write their answer and
whoever raises the tag board first with the correct answer gained the points. Second was
Engage, in the first implementation cycle, the researchers observed that their answers to the
questions thrown were mostly guessed since they were not yet familiar with the concepts. So,
the researchers decided to give scaffolding question for the second implementation cycle
which were “how do they look?” and “are fraternal twins look different?” The researchers also
diminish other questions and place it in optional to avoid confusions. So, based on the revision
from the previous implementation, during the second implementation cycle the researchers
perceived that the students were more responsive and showed interest in the discussion about
fraternal twins. So, the researchers agreed not to revise it for the third implementation cycle.
The third phase that required to be revised was explore, since in the first implementation cycle
the researcher found out that not all of the groups were able to follow or get the instructions
well. Other groups divide their straws into 2 or 3. Observers also state that the questions were
confusing and difficult for the students since it is too complex for them and also too many.
Students also find it difficult to imagine the discussion in the overview of the meiosis. Hence,
for the second implementation cycle the implementer emphasized that the instructions must be
clearly stated and must be repeated so that all of the groups would be able to follow the
instructions. As for the questions, the unnecessary were removed, from 9, the researchers
reduced it into four questions which were “what are your bases in dividing it that way?”, “what
does the plastic container represent? Pair of straws?”, “Do you have similar combinations of
straws per container?”, and lastly “what are the combinations of straws do you have?”. And
in relation to the discussion of the overview of meiosis the researchers decided to make a
model that shows the division of cells and its uniqueness. Yet, during the second
implementation cycle the observers found out that there were slight confusions of the students
in the part of the questions. So, in the third implementation cycle, the questions were
rearrange form simple to complex. As a result, students answer the questions without difficulty
and confusion. And the last phase to revise was the elaborate phase since; the first
implementation cycle did not go well. Majority of the group output does not match to the
phases that were assigned to them. In connection with that the researchers observe that the
activity was too difficult for the students so, they decided to change the whole activity. For the
second implementation cycle a picture of one of the stages of meiosis was shown to the
students. The implementer let them identify what stage is it and ask to predict what would be
the possible combinations if it would undergo meiotic division. As a result, students
participated actively and attentively in the activity. They were excited to answer and identify the
combinations and since their task was to predict they developed the skills predicting. The
second implementation cycle went well, so the researchers decided not to revise it for the third
implementation cycle.
Throughout the three implementation cycle, there were three phases namely;
(explain, extend and evaluate) in the research lesson that were not revised because based on
the observations of the observers and the knowledgeable others, students has satisfactorily
answer the questions, explain the concepts and relate it to real life experiences.

Reflection to the 3 Implementation Cycles

"Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to

Our experiences in the 3 implementation cycle of Research lesson in meiosis

gave enlightenment to the real scenario of a school environment which comprises students’
with multiple-intelligences and diverse personality and culture. Thus, the teacher must need to
find effective strategies or ways on how to catch students’ attention and increase the learner’s
engagement on the lesson. So, in connection with that, our research lesson was a big start to
examine the right way on how to increase students’ performances.

The 1st implementation of the research lesson was very challenging for the
reasoned that were placed in the sections that were average level. However, that’s the beauty
of the research lesson to uplift and encourage those students that were not good enough and
had a low performance in class. Throughout the first part of the research lesson, we perceived
that learners really engaged in the lesson because they were actively participating, however
the concentration and responsiveness of the students lessened with the time was extended.
Thus, we concluded that the responsiveness of the students will only cater for an hour. But, in
connection with the observations, students gained more understanding after the
implementation of the lesson.

The 2nd implementation was again a challenged. The same situation to the
previous implementation, but this point the research lesson was being refined and enhanced
based on the students’ behavioral responses that the research observer observed and results
of the previous implementation. The researcher also found a way to motivate students to
participate during the discussion by giving some prizes. This time students shared different
ideas to the questions that the teacher presented and students were more engaged in the new
activities that was being enhanced.

Lastly, the 3rd implementation came and again the research lesson was
enhanced. At this point, the students of these sections were participative than the other two (2)
sections. The students asked questions and shared also ideas related to the topic.
Nevertheless, the struggle of this implementation was the time since the class was 1 p.m., so
most of the students were sleepy and has lacked interest in participation. On the other hand,
the teacher found ways to catch students’ attention. The teacher did some iced breaker in
order to regain the students’ attention, however still there were some students who refused to
do so.

But then again, those experiences and challenges that we encountered for
almost a month of implementation were priceless and worthy given that we can inspire others
to do the same, to enhance the educational system of our country. Moreover, it also helps us
to deal with diverse learners through effective method.

The development of the innovative lesson plan displayed a vital role in
enhancing the lesson and increasing the performances of the students by means of the
revisions made by the researchers in every implementation. These revisions were made to
foster a lesson which students can cope up easily and affix lifelong learning. It comprises
group activities and scaffolding questions from basic to complex that aided the learners to be
involved and understand the lesson easily. Through the revisions it can be implied that as the
research lesson was being enhanced or developed, it resulted in the better engagement of the
students towards the lesson, increasing students’ performances as well as it made the lesson
more comprehensible to the learners.
Furthermore, responses and performances of the students, with the help of
series of thorough observations showed that the students were able to comprehend the lesson
well as the research lesson was being enhanced and learners’ contextualized the concepts
easily which implies that the lesson plan is effective that can cater the needs of the learners
and foster a lifelong learning.

Cerbin, B., & Kopp, B. (2011). Retrieved June 11, 2017, from
Eisenkraft, A., 2003. Expanding the 5E model, a proposed 7E model emphasizes ‘transfer of
learning’ and the importance of eliciting prior understanding. Science Education., 5(6):
Hinchey, P. H., (2010). Getting teacher assessment right: What policymakers can learn from
research. National Education Policy Center. Penn State University. (accessed April 12, 2011)
Kayani, M. (2015).Improving Students Achievement in Biology using 7E Instructional Model:
An Experimental Study. Rome Italy: MCSER Publishing.
Lewis, C., & Hurd, J. (2011). Lesson study step by step: HOw teacher learning communities
improve instruction. NH: Heinemann. Retrieved from
Lingambe, Allan, Emelia K. Kasonde, and Kazuyoshi Nakai. 2014. “Realizing
Learner-Centered Lesson through Lesson Study: Zambian Experience in African
Context.” Paper presented at International Conference of the World Association of
Lesson Studies, Bandung, Indonesia, November 25–28.
Ni Shuilleabhain, A. (January 2015). Lesson Study as form of in-school professional
development. Dublin. NCCA

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