What Is Luck

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That day a poor person won 'Many millions worth of

Lottery' & people said, "Wow, what a Lucky guy!".

Recently an old lady in her last will, gave everything to her
caretaker (servant) of 30 years, all her property, money
worth millions & people said "Wow, what a Lucky
person!". In this way, many people find themselves Lucky
suddenly. Similarly, people do get sudden losses in
business, have sudden misfortunes in life & people say,
"What a bad Luck!". Sudden gain or sudden loss in life is
said to be due to one's Luck. Now what is this Luck? Do
you believe in this Luck? Here below is described what is
Luck & what is it's relation with the Human Karmas.

Luck is generally said to be blessings of God. It is also

similar to Bhagya, Kismat, Fate etc. but differs from these
in a way that it is sudden, by chance that something good
or bad happens in one's life. Now the question is, "Why
suddenly Luck shines on a particular person & that person
wins a lottery?" To understand this we need to understand
the Hindu theory of Karmas.

As per Bhagwat Gita, individual soul is immortal & is

capable of taking rebirth in different bodies after it leaves
one body at death. As per the Hindu Philosophy, 'Actions
or Karmas' of previous birth become the basis of this birth
& Karmas of this birth become the basis of next birth & so
on. Every Karma has a consequential Fruit related to it. A
person has to enjoy the good or bad fruits of "Karmas", in
his/her next births. Karmas done by a person, remains
with that person, unless he/she has enjoyed the
consequential Fruits arisen out of doing that Karma.

At the death of a person, individual soul takes with it all

the accumulated Karmas, which contain Karmas done in
this birth & also the Karmas from the previous births for
which its fruits are yet to be enjoyed . Now when a person
gets something by chance, it is the outcome or fruits of
previous births Karmas which are bearing fruit now. So
when a person suddenly wins a lottery, then at that time
some very good deeds or Karmas of previous births
suddenly bear good fruits. Similarly when a person gets
sudden loss in life & have a bad Luck, then also some bad
deeds or Karmas of previous births suddenly bear bad

So this explains all such events as per the Hindu

Philosophy. It is also due to good & bad Karmas done by
an individual in earlier births only that a person is born in
a rich or poor family. All inheritances too can be explained
like that only. So let's all do Good deeds or Good Karmas
only so that our this & next lives can be good.

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