Spartan: Hit Points

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The Spartan is a powerful fighter trained in the city-

state of Sparta. While highly efficient with the sword
and spear, the Spartan is particularly potent in combat
with his Aspis (Spartan shield), which is often used to
block the mighty blows of his opponents (and bash
them to their senses).

Spartans only come from one place: the city-state of

Sparta. They are elite warriors who train at a very young
age. It is said that Spartan boys are thrown together in
and arena with weapons against a grizzly bear as a rite
of passage. Spartans can only be human.

Class Features
As a Spartan, you gain the following features.

Hit Points
Hit Die: 1d10 per Spartan Level (+con modifier)
Homoioi bonus is tripled for your next attack against
Proficiencies that opponent.
Armor: Light armor, Aspis
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons, Dory, Hoplite Specialty (spear)
Xiphos Specializing in the Dory (spear), the Spartan can focus
Tools: None his attacks on critical areas to harm his opponent. You
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution gain a +1 bonus to AC when using an Aspis (shield) and
Skills: Any 2 from the standard Fighter’s list. Dory in combat. Furthermore, whenever you are in
melee combat, if your opponent misses an attack
Equipment against you by a roll of 5 or more, then your next attack
The Spartan starts with the following equipment: against that opponent will generate a critical hit on a
• Dory (spear), Xiphos (short sword), and Aspis (Spartan natural roll of 17-20.
• Leather armor Heroic Presence
• Explorer’s pack At 1st level, the Spartan gives off an aura of heroism,
lifting up the spirits of his brothers in arms. When in
Weapons Specialty combat, any ally within a range of 10 feet of you
While Spartans always carry a Dory and Xiphos (spear receives a +1 bonus to all melee attack rolls (this also
and sword), they tend to specialize their combat in one applies to you, but only if you have at least one ally
or the other. Spartans can choose from 2 specific within the range).
weapons specializations, focusing either on the spear or
the sword. When creating your Spartan, you must Fight in the Shade
choose one (and only one) of the following weapon At 2nd level, the Spartan is so adept at shield combat
specials. that he is able block nearly any ranged attack by a
physical weapon (arrow, spear, etc). Whenever a
Homoioi Specialty (short sword) successful ranged attack is made against you, you can
The Homoioi specialty focuses on using the Xiphos respond by making a Dexterity save (DC 10). On a
(short sword) in combat. You gain a +1 bonus to all successful save the ranged attack against you is
attack rolls and damage rolls when using this weapon. completely deflected and does no damage. You must be
In addition, when in melee combat, if your opponent holding a shield to use this ability. If you are using a
misses an attack by a dice roll of 5 or more, your shield other than an Aspis, the DC increases by 3.
Shield Bash Press The Attack
It was common to see a Spartan knock back an At 5th level the Spartan can concentrate all his might on
opponent with their shield and follow up with a fatal the opponents around him. You get a second melee
attack with their sword or spear. attack, which can only be made if you move less than 5
feet after your first attack.
At 3rd level, you begin to use your Aspis (Spartan shield)
offensively in combat. Whenever in melee combat, If this second attack results in kill, you are allowed one
when an opponent misses an attack roll against you by additional 5-foot step and a third melee attack as a
5 or more, you can immediately react by making an bonus action. For this third attack, your attack bonus is
attack with your shield to deal 1d6 damage + your STR reduced by one-half.
modifier (bludgeoning); this attack does not generate a
critical hit. For this attack, the Spartan’s attack bonus is Legendary Presence
maxed at +2. At 5th level, the Spartan has become a local legend,
with word of his exploits even reaching his home of city
This damage is reduced to 1d4 is the Spartan is using a of Sparta. Your Heroic Presence bonus and range is now
shield other than an Aspis. doubled.

The Spartan’s Shield Bash does work in conjunction with The Spartan Progression Chart
the Homoioi Weapon Specialty and/or Hoplite Weapon Proficiency
Specialty. Level Bonus Features
1st +2 Weapon Specialty, Heroic Presence
Phalanx Spirit 2nd +2 Fight in the Shade
At 4th level, the Phalanx can give out a powerful shout 3rd +2 Shield Bash
(as a bonus action) to summon the spirits of ancient 4th +2 Phalanx Spirit
5th +2 Press The Attack, Legendary
Sparta; this shout grants you a +2 bonus to AC when
using your shield, and it lasts a number of rounds equal
to 2 + your Spartan level. You can use this ability again
after a short rest. If you are using a shield other than an
Aspis, this bonus is halved.

Equipment Chart
Weapon Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Xiphos (short sword) 15 gp 1d6 Piercing 2 lb Weapon Finesse, Light
(Martial Melee)
Dory (spear) 5 gp 1d6 Piercing 2 lb Thrown (30 feet / 120 feet)*
(Simple Melee) 2H (1d8)

Armor Name Cost Armor Class (AC) Weight Special

Aspis (Spartan Shield) 20 gp +3 30 lb Must have a strength of 15 or more, or else
it reduces the wielder’s speed by 10 feet.
•Light: A light weapon can be used with two-weapon fighting
•Weapon Finesse: You may use your Dexterity or Strength modifier on attack rolls.
•2H: This is the amount of damage the weapon deals when using it with 2 hands for melee attacks.
*Optimal Range / Max Range

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