Tips Mastering Olevel Islamiat

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 Daughter of Zainab and Abu’Al As

 The Prophet loved her very much and cared for her
 She was often found playing in Masjid-i-Nabvi
 She was brought up by much love and affection
 She married Ali after the death of Fatima
 After Ali’s death she married Mughaira bin Nofal
 They had a son named Yahya who continued the
progeny of the Prophet
 They moved to Syria & she died there in 66A.H
 Son of Ali bin Abi Talib and Fatima
 The Prophet named him Hassan, meaning the
beautiful one
 He was eight years old when the Prophet passed
away, he faithfully served all the Caliphs & stayed
in office for a year
 He spent the rest of his life in scholarly activites
 He died in 50A.H and was buried at Madinah
 Younger son of Ali Ibn Abi Talib and Fatima
 He was seven years old when the Prophet passed
away, he faithfully served all the caliphs including
his brother
 He spent most of his life in scholarly activites
 He was martyred along with his family in 60 A.H
 He is revered as amongst the Chief of Martyrs

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