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Education is key to promote peace

“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope

breeds peace.”
There’s no doubt in saying that education is the key to promote peace.Giving
education can do wonders. In a classroom,students learn to to respect their teachers
and their peers. They are taught to let others speak and express opinions, not to
interrupt, how to behave, and how to conduct themselves within a group setting.
Perhaps this learned respect for other humans can be practiced on a global scale,
where there’s a respect for each and every life, not just those who share the same
religious beliefs and backgrounds. This is on a large promotes peace where an
individualresepct other’s relegion,race and beliefs and allow others to practice thier
culture freely. We can see that now a days some people get offended by other’s race
and relegious beliefs and work violently to stop others from freely practicing thier
relegion thinking it’s blasphemous. Providing education to such people will promote
peace and harmony and avoid violence.

Education encourages independent thinking, and it opens doors to new ideas.

Independent thinkers are less likely to be followers, and may instead leadtowards
positive change and action. Education teaches problem solving skills as well where
educated individualswith critical thinking skills can lead to innovtaive soluions and
alternatives to violence. In a classroom,students are also taught communication skills
and communication is the key to solving conflicts and avioding violence, hence
promoting peace.Through such quality education, students may be armed with the
tools to work within their communities to solve problems, or to do so on a global
scale.Education also leads to career enhancement, employment opportunities, and
chances of higher earnings. With careers in place, many people who came from
villages come back to work within their communities and support their families, often
promoting peace.

Education also increases political involvement where educated citizens hold the
government accountable for curruption and stand for thier rights. For women,
education can even be the playing field, and they are more likely to participate in
political discussions, town meetings, and decision making, therefore leading to a
government that represents its citizens more equally. Because educated women are
less likely to support terrorism, they can promote peace through politics.The Human
Rights conventions declare: “Education must prepare a child for responsible life and
effective participation in a free society in a spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance,
equality of gender and friendships among all peoples, ethnic, national and religious
groups and persons of indigenous origin.” Therefore with quality education, a child can
learn the quality of empathy and understanding towards those who are different from
them. And they may be more accepting of others and less likely to solve problems with
violence, hence promoting peace on a large scale.

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