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In this contemporary world, many people believe that the English language is vital

for, and that is why they give importance to English in school rather than their
native languages. I deem English is essential for everyone nowadays, but we should
also take care of local languages should not be extinct as it is crucial for

In this globalization era, the world has become a small village, and English has
become the universal language for communication. Many international trades, for
example, documented in English. Moreover, you will find the instructions in English
at the airports, train stations. Furthermore, mobile phones applications and
computer programs mainly available in English. So, the discipline of English is
essential for everyone.

Undoubtedly, English is a threat for regional languages as people are giving more
importance to English than their native languages, but there are ways available
through which we can ensure that local words remain alive in the locality. If the
other subjects such as science, maths, and social science are taught in the native
languages than it will surely help the local languages to remain the original
language in the realms and alive in the society. Not only government but citizens
also promote their native languages to keep their culture and customs alive for the
future generation.

Finally, it can be concluded that of course, English is imperative for everyone and
it should be taught at school, but native languages are also vital for the society
and due to that other subjects should be discipline in descriptive words so it can
extend the life of local languages.

The graph represents the information regarding the recycling rate for four types of
materials(paper and cardboard, glass containers, aluminium cans, and plastic) from
1982 to 2010 in a nation.
The most striking feature of the graph is that recycling rate of aluminium cans
raised nine times over the period. Initially, it was around 5, which rose to nearly
45 per cent in 2010. It is seen that the recycling rate for plastic remained under
10 per cent from 1982 to 2010.

The highest recycled material was the paper and cardboard; the recycling rate was
more than 60 % in the three decades. Glass containers' recycling rate was 50 per
cent in 1982 which climbed to 60percent in 2010. During 1990 fall was observed in
the rate of recycling of paper and cardboard and glass container and rates were
around 65 per cent and 40 per cent respectively.

Finally, it can be concluded that paper and cardboard remain the highest recycled
material following by glass containers, aluminium cans, and plastics.

It is rightly said that choosing the right candidate for the right job is the most
significant step for a company. Therefore, interviewers often ask interviewees
about their likes, dislikes and areas of interest. A group of people favour this
action whereas another group oppose asking personal information. I still believe
asking job seekers about their interest in other activities can help employers to
identify the candidate's characteristics and choose the right person for the

The supporters, including myself, say that asking about candidates' matter of
interest can reveal jobseekers' characteristics and this information helpful to
offer them suitable job role in the organization. A person, for example, loves to
meet new people and like outdoor life then such human is more suitable for the
marketing department. A research carried out by Harward university shows that
employee turn-out ration is high for singles. so, if employers prefer candidates
who are married then it could help to decrease the load for the HR department.
Thus, personal information helps companies to decide the right people.

The opponents argue that asking for personal information is a kind of violation of
privacy. They say it is an utterly wrong concept to choose employee based on their
interest rather than qualification. For instance, it may possible that people would
fake about their interest to get a job and it would end up with the wrong
To sum up, I am pen-down saying that asking future employees about their interest
and hobbies or marital status could help the organization to finalize the suitable

I am writing this letter to request time off for a week in June 2019. I want to
inform you that my cousin, Jane, is going to marry on 6 June 2019. As the wedding
will be held at Amreli, Gujarat, which is around 800km away from our town, Mumbai,
It will need two days for travelling.

Let me explain to you about my plan for leave and alternative arrangements for my
absence. It is going to be three days ceremony. I will set off to Amreli on 2 June.
On the following day, we have a musical night. On 4,5 June, it will be some
traditional rituals, and the wedding ceremony is going to be on 6 June so that I
will return to Mumbai on 8th June.

During my week off Anna is going to take care of my work and she will finish two
minor tasks. After returning, I will take the chargeback and continue working on
the project.

Dear John,
Hope you are in pink of your health. After getting your letter yesterday, I thought
to write you my opinion immediately so that you can decide about your future
I think going for college is not necessary for you at the moment. As you have
already finished high school, that gave you plenty of knowledge to start a primary
job. Moreover, it is good to have a break in the study and get job experience.
According to my opinion, you should get a job which will not only give you job
experience but also help you to enhance your life skills. By doing a job, you can
get paid and spent earn money to fulfil your wish to travel to London.
I suggest you get a job at a restaurant as a waiter. It would give you the chance
to meet new people and a bit of experience in the hospitality sector. I hope you
will enjoy it as you love to meet new people.

If you need any help, then give me a call on my mobile: 999999999.

Warm wishes,

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