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In this era the peoples is more aware of the importance of English, not only
because it is an international language but more about global language as the world
language (Strevens, 1983). The reason is that many people in this part of the world,
including Asia, are involved in learning English. English is beneficial for those involved
in the world of commerce, banking, tourism, technology as well as in scientific research
(Anthony and An Cheng, 2014).
In Indonesian, English has occupied a special position as the only foreign
language subject that must be studied, from elementary school to university level. In
addition English is also studied for special purposes, better known as ESP (English for
Specific Purposes).
The era of globalization demands and encourages all aspects of life, both
economic, social and cultural to master foreign languages. English as one of the most
dominant international languages and the most speakers, is inevitably one of the urgent
needs of the world community, including Indonesia, which is currently entering the era
of the MEA (ASEAN Economic Community).

In addition, the development of information technology and also the economy and
other aspects of life gave rise to critical and factual English language learners. In a
professional manner they have mastered the fields of their profession, but they realize
that in terms of communication, they have weaknesses, especially communication in
English. Therefore, they know in detail the English learning needs that they want, both
in terms of material content (learning content), techniques, methods of learning, and
effective learning strategies for them in order to achieve the learning goals they want.

In the early 1960s, ESP began to be triggered (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987),
there were many reports of dissatisfaction from various countries about teaching
English where there was no link between teaching materials and student needs. This
means that the theory of English learning is not suitable with the goals to be achieved by
the school (Wingard, 1971) quoted from Mustari (1991).
In line with the growing criticality of English language learners as stated above, it
provides new challenges for instructors and material developers to be able to prepare
teaching materials and syllabus that really suits their needs. However, this is not easy to
implement considering that English in Indonesia has a status as a foreign language so
that the availability of authentic teaching materials is very limited.

MacKay (1978) says the purpose of learning English must be adapted to academic
goals. For example the syllabus for entrepreneurs or pilots must be in accordance with
their professional needs. Analyzing the language needs of students is the basis for
designing syllabi and teaching material. Design syllabus and teaching material based on
learning objectives, needs, desires and talents of students (Hutchinson and Water,
1987). This is in line with the principle of relevance. Relevant to the demands of the
world of work and the potential of students (psychological relevance). This means that
what is taught in schools must be able to meet the needs of the workforce.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, ready-for-use teaching materials available on the

market generally cannot accommodate the needs of ESP learners and generally do not
match the characteristics, conditions, and needs of students. This is very understandable
because the development of ESP teaching materials should ideally be based on a very
in-depth needs analysis process (Needs analysis).

English is one of the general courses that must be followed by every student at the
University of Bali. This course aims to equip students with English language skills both
orally and in writing, both for short and long term interests. The short-term benefit of
learning English is to equip students with English language skills which later can help
and facilitate them in the learning process of specific subjects in their study program.
While the long-term benefits of learning English are to support and create quality
graduates and able to compete in the world of work, especially those who need skilled
workers who speak English.

English Language Courses taught to students in addition to the English language

study program are in the form of special purpose English or English for Specific
Purposes (ESP). The purpose of ESP-based English teaching is mastery of English
language skills that are specific to a particular field of science. In other words, English
at ESP can support students' knowledge of the fields of science in their chosen study
program. Therefore the need for student's need analysis in English courses so that the
teaching is in accordance with the needs of students.

Therefore, the author intends to research through the needs analysis of students, to
find out the needs of students in learning English for students of economic development,
Faculty of Economics and baturaja universities. Based on these problems, it is deemed
necessary to conduct an analysis of the need for the use of English in students majoring
in economic development S1. Then the results of this research will be a reference for
creating learning that is suitable for the needs of development economics students.

Based on the background of the study above, the research questions are
formulated as follows:

1. What are the student’s needs in second semester of students development

economics major at Baturaja University in learning English for specific


The purpose of this study is to find out:

1. To find out what students need for English for specific purpose.
2. To identify the "target need" of second semester students majoring in Economic
Development S1.
3. To identify "target learning" of second semester students majoring in Economic
Development S1.

A. Research Results
1. Students’ Need Alnalysis Result
To answer the question in order to get the results of the analysis of student needs
for learning English, researchers have given 28 questions in the questionnaire. The
questionnaire was given to 20 students of Economics Development at University of
Baturaja in April 2019. The 28 questions were divided into two groups, consisting of
target needs and also learning need. In the target need, it is divided into four important
points, namely goals, necessities, lacks and also wants. Meanwhile, learning needs are
grouped in listening input, speaking input, reading input, writing input, learning
activities, classroom setting.

In order to be clearer the findings in the distribution of the questionnaire are

explained in each table below.

a. Target Needs
Target needs include several important points; goals, necessities, lacks and wants.

1) Goal
The following table shows the views of students about the demand for their target
situation. The result of question number one is the following:

Table 2.1 Objectives of Students Learning English

Aspect Question Items %
a. Sebagai penentu kelulusan
Pelajaran bahasa b. Menunjang kesuksesan karir saya kelak
Inggris penting 40

c. Menunjang kelanjutan studi saya

Goal menurut saya d. Membantu saya dalam berkomunikasi
karena..... dengan orang asing.
e. ………………………….…

The data above shows that out of 20 people, most of them are students, 60%
think that their main purpose is to learn English so that they help me communicate with
foreigners. The second highest percentage of 40% is to support their future career

2. Necessities
Hutchinson and Waters (1987) define necessities as the type of needs students
should have. There are four questions provided by the author. The following table
shows the views of students about the demand for their target situation. The result of
question number one is the following:

Table 2.2 Student Views the level of English they have.

Aspect Question Items %

a. Saya tidak dapat memahami apapun dalam
bahasa Inggris.
b. Pemula (beginner): dapat memahami kalimat
Kemampuan dan ungkapan sederhana yang sering muncul 90
bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
saya saat ini c. Menengah (intermediate): dapat memahami
berada pada level inti/maksud dari teks yang rumit dan 10

.... memberikan tanggapan mengenai teks tersebut.

d. Mahir (advance): dapat memahami berbagai
macam bentuk teks dan memahami makna
tersirat yang terdapat dalam sebuah teks.
e. .............................................................................
Table 2.2 shows that out of the 20 preschoolers, most students stated that they
had English skills at beginner level. 90% say they are at beginner level: they can
understand simple sentences and expressions that often appear in everyday life. While
the second highest level, 10%, namely Intermediate level (Intermediate): Intermediate
(intermediate): they can understand the core / intent of the complicated text and provide
responses about the text.

3. Lacks

The gap between the expertise possessed by students and the skills to be
achieved is called Lacks ((Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). The following table shows
the Lacks or shortcomings felt by students.

Table 2.3 Student opinions on the difficulties often encountered.

Aspect Question Items %

a. Listening 35

Kesulitan b. Speaking
pelajaran bahasa 50

Inggris yang c. Writing

Lacks 10
sering saya saya
temui adalah d. Reading

..... e. ........................................................................ 5

Table 2.3 Shows that students tend to have difficulty in learning English in speaking
skills. Of the 20 presenting people, 50% had difficulty in learning English in speaking
skills. 35% had difficulty in listening skills. 10% difficulty in writing skills and 5%
having difficulty learning in all five skills.
1. Wants

Wants refers to student opinions on their needs (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). The
table below presents Wants students.

Table 2.4 Student opinions on the level of ability.

Aspect Question Items %

a. Cukup seperti saat ini tidak perlu
dikembangkan lagi.
Untuk dapat b. Pemula (beginner): dapat memahami
menunjang kalimat dan ungkapan sederhana yang 10
pekerjaan saya sering muncul dalam kehidupan sehari-
kelak, kemampuan hari.
bahasa Inggris c. Menengah (intermediate): dapat
saya seharusnya memahami inti/maksud dari teks yang 5

berada pada level rumit dan memberikan tanggapan

…. mengenai teks tersebut.
d. Mahir (advance): dapat memahami
berbagai macam bentuk teks dan 85

memahami makna tersirat yang terdapat

dalam sebuah teks.
e. ...................................................................

Table 2.4 shows that of the 20 people presenting most of the students want to be at
the advanced level: they can understand various forms of text and understand the
implicit meanings contained in a text to support their future work. 85% of respondents
want to be at the advanced level: can understand various forms of text and understand
the implicit meanings contained in a text. 10% want to be at beginner level: can
understand simple sentences and expressions that often appear in everyday life. And 5%
of students want to be at the Intermediate level (intermediate): can understand the core /
intent of the complicated text and provide responses about the text.
For the second question, which is about the students' view of English language
skills they must have. The data is as follows:

Table 2.5 The wants of Students in Learning English

Aspect Question Items %
a. Dapat beriteraksi secara lisan
menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan 70

mahir dalam dunia kerja kelak..

a. Dapat beriteraksi secara tertulis
Pelajaran bahasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan 5

Inggris seharusnya mahir dalam dunia kerja kelak.

dapat membuat saya b. Menguasai kosa kata (vocabulary) yang
...... berkaitan dengan bidang keahliansaya 5

c. Dapat meggunakan tata bahasa
(structure) dengan benar. 20

d. ..................................................................

Table 2.5 shows that of the 20 people presenting most of the students want to be
able to interact verbally using English fluently in the workforce later. 70% of students
want to be able to interact orally using English proficiently in the workforce later. 20%
of students want to be able to use the structure correctly. 5% of students want to be able
to interact in writing using English proficiently in the workforce later. 5% of students
want to master vocabulary related to the field of knowledge (management).
For the third question, which is about the wishes of students in the use of
English, the following are:

Table 2.6 Students' wants in using English.

Aspect Question Items %

a. Beriteraksi secara lisan kepada rekan kerja
atau klien (pelanggan). 50
Pada saat bekerja
nanti, b. Berinteraksi secara tertulis (surat-
menyurat) baik dalam bentuk formal atau 15
Wants kemungkinan
saya akan lebih informal.

sering c. Membaca teks-teks dalam bahasa Inggris

untuk memperdalam kemampuan saya 25
bahasa Inggris dalam bidang Manajemen

untuk ... d. Menerjemahkan dokumen-dokumen

perusahaan baik formal maupun informal. 10

e. .....................................................................

Table 2.6 shows that of the 20 people presenting most students want to use
English to interact verbally to coworkers or clients (customers). 50% of students want to
use English to react verbally to coworkers or clients (customers). 25% of students want
to use English to read texts in English to deepen my ability in the field of Management.
15% of students want to use English to interact in writing (correspondence) either in
formal or informal form and 10% of students want to use English to translate company
documents both formal and informal.

b. Learning Needs
Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 60) defines learning needs as knowledge and abilities
that students will need to have special expertise in the target situation. This means that
students are expected to have the ability according to their field of expertise. The
following table shows the results of the questionnaire about the material needed for the
second semester of S1 economic development students.

1) Input
According to Nunan (2004), "Inputs refer to spoken, written and visual data that
work with the course of completing a task." This means that input refers to the oral,
written and visual data that students are working on in completing the task. Input can be
obtained from various sources. The following are the results of the questionnaire related
to the type of text material that students want in the process of learning English I.

a. Listening input

Table 2.7 Listening Learning Text Input

Aspect Question Items %
a. Monolog dan dialog. 10
Dalam belajar b. Monolog dan dialog yang disertai
listening gambar. 50
(mendengarkan) c. Monolog dan dialog yang 10
input yang saya disertai daftar kosa kata baru.
inginkan berupa.... d. Materi otentik seperti acara berita, siaran
radio, film, dan lagu. 30

e. .................................................................

From the results above, it can be seen that from 20 respondents, 50% of S1
economic development students prefer Monologue material and dialogue accompanied
by drawings, besides that 30% of S1 semester II students in development economics
like authentic material such as news programs, radio broadcasts, films and songs. . 10%
of students like Monologue material and dialogue. 10% of students like Monologue
material and dialogue accompanied by a list of new vocabulary words.
For the second question, namely about the Size of Speaking Material as follows:

Table 2.8 Size of listening material

Aspect Question Items %

a. < 100 kata 35
Dalam belajar
listening panjang teks a. 100 – 150 kata
Listening 20
yang saya inginkan
Input b. 150 – 200 kata 25
adalah ….

c. > 200 kata

d. ..................................................................

From the data above, it can be seen that some S1 economic development
students like listening materials that are <100 words. 35% of students like listening
material that is <100 words, 25% of students like listening material 150 - 200 words,
20% of students like listening material 100-150 words and 20% of students like
listening material> 200 words.

For the second question, which is about Speaking Learning Materials are as

Table 2.9 Listening Learning Materials.

Aspect Question Items %

a. Kehidupan sehari-hari 45

Dalam belajar b. Pendidikan/sekolah

listening topik yang 5
Listening 15
saya inginkan adalah c. Bidang Manajemen
d. Isu/Berita terkini
e. ................................................................. 5
Data from the table above shows that out of 20 respondents 45% want material
about everyday life. 25% want material about the latest issues / news. 15% want
material about the field of management and 5% want material about education / school.

b. Input speaking

Table 2.10 Speaking Learning Material

Aspect Question Items %

a. Monolog dan dialog. 10
Dalam belajar b. Monolog dan dialog yang disertai
speaking gambar. 5
(berbicara) text c. Monolog dan dialog yang disertai daftar 65
input yang saya kosa kata baru.
inginkan berupa.... d. Materi otentik seperti acara berita, siaran
radio, film, dan lagu. 20

e. ..................................................................

Data from the table above shows that from 20 respondents 65% of students
wanted the material of Monologue speaking learning and dialogue accompanied by a
list of new vocabulary words. While 20% of students want speaking learning authentic
material such as news programs, radio broadcasts, films, and songs. 10% of students
want Monologue speaking and dialogue. 5% of students want material in Monologue
speaking and dialogue.

Table 2.11 Size of Speaking Material

Aspect Question Items %

a. < 100 kata 30
Dalam belajar
speaking panjang b. 100 – 150 kata
Speaking 15
teks yang saya
Input c. 150 – 200 kata 20
inginkan adalah ….
d. > 200 kata
e. ..................................................................

For the size of speaking material, 35% of students want material with a text
length of> 200 words. 30% of students want material with a length of <100 words. 20%
of students want material with a length of 150-200 words. 15% of students want
material with a length of 100-150 words.

Table 2.12 Topik Materi Speaking

Aspect Question Items %

a. Kehidupan sehari-hari 50
Dalam belajar b. Pendidikan/sekolah
speaking topik yang 15
saya inginkan adalah c. Bidang Manajemen 25
d. Isu/Berita terkini

Based on the table above, it can be seen that from 20 people, some students want
material topics about daily life. 50% of students want material topics about everyday
life. 25% of students want material topics about management. 15% of students want
material topics about education / school. 10% of students want material topics about the
latest Issues / News.
c. Input reading

Table 2.13 Material Of Reading

Aspect Question Items %

a. Materi otentik, yang dengan mudah dapat 55
Dalam belajar dijumpai dalam keseharian (contohnya,
reading (membaca) majalah, surat kabar, label, resep, iklan,
input yang saya jadwal, dll)
inginkan berupa.... b. Teks yang menggambarkan konteks yang
berkaitan dengan bidang kerja saya 30

c. Teks yang disertai daftar kosakata baru 10
yang terkait.
d. Teks disertai gambar.
e. ..................................................................

Based on the table above, it can be seen that out of 20 people, some students
want authentic material, which can easily be found in daily life (for example,
magazines, newspapers, labels, recipes, advertisements, schedules, etc.). 55% of
students want authentic material, which can easily be found in everyday life (for
example, magazines, newspapers, labels, recipes, advertisements, schedules, etc.). 30%
of students want Text Material that describes the context related to my field of work
later. 10% of students want Text Materials that are accompanied by a new list of related
vocabulary. 5% of students want the material to read text with pictures.
Table 2.14 Size Of Reading Material

Aspect Question Items %

a. < 100 kata 25

Dalam belajar
reading panjang teks b. 100 – 150 kata
Reading 10
yang saya inginkan
Input c. 150 – 200 kata 15
adalah ….

d. > 200 kata

e. .................................................................. 5

From the data above, it can be seen that of the 20 people who were prescribed by
most of the students, 45% of students wanted the text length> 200 words. 25% of
students want a text length of <100 words. 15% want a text length of 150-200 words.
10% want a text length of 100-150 words. 5% want a text length of around 500 words.

Table 2.15 Reading Material Topics

Aspect Question Items %

a. Kehidupan sehari-hari 45

Dalam belajar b. Pendidikan/sekolah

reading topik yang 20
saya inginkan adalah c. Bidang Manajemen 15
d. Isu/Berita terkini
e. ..................................................................

From the data seen in table 2.15 it can be concluded that 45% of students want reading
learning topics about daily life. 20% of students want a reading learning topic about
school / education. 20% of students want a reading learning topic about the latest issues
/ news. 10% of students want a reading learning topic about management.

d. Writing input

Table 2.16 Materi Writing

Aspect Question Items %

a. Contoh teks/tulisan yang akan dipelajari. 25

Dalam belajar b. Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan teks

writing yang akan ditulis. 10
(menulis) input yang c. Penjelasan struktur kalimat yang 55
saya inginkan berkaitan dengan teks yang akan ditulis.
berupa.... d. Gambar yang berhubungan dengan teks
yang akan ditulis. 10

e. ..................................................................

Data from the table above shows that from 20 respondents 55% of students want
Writing learning material about Explanation of sentence structure related to the text to
be written. 25% of students want Writing learning material about examples of texts /
writings that will be learned.10% of students want Writing learning material about
Vocabulary related to the text to be written.10% of students want Writing learning
material about images related to the text to be written .
Table 2.17 Size Of Writing Material

Aspect Question Items %

a. < 100 kata 30

Dalam belajar writing

b. 100 – 150 kata 25
panjang teks yang
saya inginkan adalah c. 150 – 200 kata 20
…. d. > 200 kata 25

e. ...................................................................

Data from the table above shows that out of 20 respondents 30% of students
want the text writing length <100 words. 25% of students want the text writing length of
100-150 words. 25% of students want the length of text writing> 200 words and 20% of
students want the text length of writing150-200 words.

Table 2.18 Topics for Writing Materials.

Aspect Question Items %

a. Kehidupan sehari-hari 50

Dalam belajar b. Pendidikan/sekolah 15

writing topik yang c. Bidang Manajemen 25

saya inginkan adalah d. Isu/Berita terkini 10
e. ..................................................................

From the data seen in table 2.15 it can be concluded that 50% of students want
writing learning topics about everyday life. 25% of students want writing learning
topics about management. 15% of students want a reading learning topic about school /
education. 10% of students want writing learning topics about the latest issues / news.
e.Learning activities

Table 2.19 Listening Learning Activities

Aspect Question Items %

a. Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari 60

dalam dialog/monolog yang disimak.

Dalam b. Mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang ada

pembelajaran dalam dialog/monolog yang disimak.
Bahasa Inggris c. Menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan 20
listening terhadap dialog/monolog yang disimak.
(mendengarkan) d. Menjawab pertanyaan secara tertulis 20

jenis kegiatan terhadap dialog/monolog yang disimak.

yang saya sukai e. ..................................................................
adalah .... ..........

In Listening learning, students have three answers that they consider equally
important. This can be seen from the small percentage difference between the three
answers. Of the 20 presenting people, 60% of students want to identify certain
information from the listened dialogue / monologue, while the second highest choice is
20% Answering questions verbally to the dialogue / monologue being listened and 20%
of students wanting to answer written questions on dialogue / listened monologue.

Table 2.20 Speaking Learning Activities

Aspect Question Items %

Dalam a. Mempraktekkan dialog di depan kelas 35
pembelajaran berpasangan dengan teman.
Bahasa Inggris b. Bermain peran (role play) 5
speaking c. Bertukar informasi antar teman dalam 30
(berbicara) jenis kelompok
kegiatan yang d. Berdiskusi tentang topik tertentu atau 30
saya sukai permasalahan terntentu
adalah .... e. ..................................................................

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that out of 20 preschoolers, 35% of
students like speaking activities practicing dialogue in front of the class in pairs with
friends. 30% of students like speaking activities. Exchange information between friends
in groups. 30% of students like speaking activities Discussing about a particular topic or
specific problem and 5% of students like speaking activities Role play.

Table 2.21 Reading Learning Activities

Aspect Question Items %

a. Membaca nyaring teks dengan 15

Dalam pengucapan dan intonasi yang benar.

pembelajaran b. Membaca sebuah teks secara individu 10

Bahasa Inggris lalu menjawab pertanyaan mengenai teks

reading tersebut.
(membaca) c. Mendiskusikan isi teks secara 65

jenis kegiatan berkelompok untuk memahaminya.

yang saya sukai d. Menganalisa arti kosakata baru 10

adalah .... berdasarkan konteks yang dibaca.

e. ..................................................................

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that of the 20 people presenting,
65% of students like reading activities. Discuss the contents of the text in groups to
understand it. 15% of students like reading activities Reading text aloud with correct
pronunciation and intonation. 10% of students like the activity of reading a text
individually and then answering questions about the text and 10% of students like
reading activities Analyzing the meaning of new vocabulary based on the context being
Table 2.22 Speaking Learning Activities

Aspect Question Items %

a. Menyusun kalimat-kalimat sehingga 50
Dalam menjadi satu paragraf yang benar
pembelajaran b. Mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki 30
Bahasa Inggris kesalahan struktur kalimat
writing c. Mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki 15
(menulis) jenis kesalahan tanda baca pada teks
kegiatan yang d. Menulis teks yang serupa dengan input 5
saya sukai teks yang diberikan
adalah .... e. ...................................................................

Based on the above data, it can be concluded that of the 20 people who are
presenting, 50% of students like writing activities. Arrange sentences so that they
become one correct paragraph. 30% of students like writing activities Identify and
correct sentence structure errors. 15% of students like writing identifying activities and
5% of students like writing activities writing text similar to the text input given.

Table 2.23 Vocabulary Learning activities

Aspect Question Items %

a. Mencocokkan kata-kata atau ungkapan 50
Jenis kegiatan bahasa Inggris dengan maknanya yang
dalam pelajaran telah disediakan
Bahasa Inggris b. Mencocokkan kata-kata atau ungkapan 30
yang saya bahasa Inggris dengan gambar
harapkan dapat c. Melengkapi kalimat atau paragraph 15
memperkaya dengan kata-kata yang telah disediakan
kosa kata sebelumnya
(vocabulary) d. Melengkapi kalimat atau paragraph 5
adalah... dengan kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan
e. ..................................................................

In learning English, mastering and having a lot of vocabulary is also important.

Based on the data in table 2.23, of the 20 people presenting, 50% of students chose to
match English words or expressions with their meanings. 30% of students choose to
match English words or expressions with pictures. 15% of students choose to complete
sentences or paragraphs with the words previously provided. 5% of students choose to
complete sentences or paragraphs with their own words based on knowledge.

Table 2.24 Grammar learning activities

Aspect Question Items %

Jenis kegiatan a. Mengidentifikasi kesalahan struktur 20

dalam pelajaran kalimat

Bahasa Inggris b. Membenarkan kesalahan struktur kalimat 15
yang saya c. Menulis kalimat berdasar pola yang telah 35
harapkan dapat dipelajari
meningkatakan d. Melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang 30
kemampuan tata dengan grammar yang sesuai
bahasa e. ...................................................................
(grammar) ..........

Regarding grammar teaching activities, out of 20 preschoolers, 35% of students

want grammar activities. Writing patterns based on sentences that have been learned to
improve grammar skills. 30% of students want grammar activities to complement the
accompanying sentences with appropriate grammar to improve grammar skills. 20% of
students want grammar activity to identify sentence structure errors to improve
grammar ability. 15% of students want grammar activities. Justify sentence structure
errors to improve grammar skills.
Table 2.25 Pronunciation Learning Activities

Aspect Question Items %

Jenis kegiatan a. Menirukan cara pengucapan yang 35

dalam dicontohkan oleh guru.

pelajaran b. Membaca secara nyaring dengan
Bahasa Inggris melihat cara bacanya (phonetic 15
yang saya transcription).
harapkan dapat c. Berdiskusi kepada teman sebangku atau
memperbaiki kelompok kecil mengenai cara 50
kemampuan pengucapan yang benar.
pengucapan d. Menirukan cara pengucapan berdasarkan
(pronunciaton) video yang telah diputar guru.
adalah... e. ..................................................................

Regarding pronanunction teaching activities, from 20 preschoolers, 50% of students

chose pronaunction activity by discussing with fellow students or small groups about
the correct pronunciation method. 35% of students choose pronounction activities by
imitating the way the pronunciation is exemplified by the teacher. 15% of students
choose pronouncement activities by discussing with peers or small groups the correct
pronunciation method.

f. classroom activities

Table 2.26 Class settings in Learning

Aspect Question Items %

a. Individu 15

Dalam proses pembelajaran b. Berpasangan 10

Bahasa Inggris saya lebih c. Kelompok 40
suka mengerjakan d. Bekerja sama dengan semua
tugas/kegiatan secara.... teman di dalam kelas 35
e. ..............................................

Based on the data above, of the 20 people presenting, 40% of students choose to do
assignments / activities in groups. 35% of students choose to do assignments / activities in
collaboration with all friends in the class. 15% of students choose to do assignments / activities
individually and 10% of students choose to do assignments / activities in pairs.

Table 2.27 Class settings in Learning

Aspect Question Items %

a. Hanya mendengarkan
Dalam proses penjelasan guru di kelas.
pembelajaran Bahasa b. Berdiskusi untuk
Inggris dikelas saya lebih memecahkan masalah atau 75
suka jika saya ... mengerjakan tugas.
c. Menulis semua informasi 20

yang diterangkan oleh guru.

d. Presentasi setiap akhir
pelajaran. 5

e. ..............................................

Based on the data above, out of 20 people who are presenting, in the process of
learning English 75% of students prefer to discuss to solve problems or do assignments.
20% of students like to write all the information explained by the teacher. 5% of
students like the presentation at the end of each lesson.
Table 2.28 Class Settings In Learning

Aspect Question Items %

a. Memberikan soal untuk
Dalam mengerjakan tugas dikerjakan kemudian 25

Bahasa Inggris di dalam membahasnya.

kelas saya lebih suka jika b. Memberikan contoh dari
dosen .... suatu pembahasan lalu 50
memberikan tugas.
c. Mengamati pekerjaan siswa 25
lalu memberikan jawaban
jika siswa menemui
d. Berkeliling dan memberikan
komentar pada pekerjaan
e. ..............................................

Based on the data above, of the 20 people presenting, in the process of learning
English 50% of students like lecturers. Give examples of a discussion and then give
assignments. 25% of students like lecturers Observe student work then provide answers
if students encounter difficulties. 25% of students like lecturers Provide questions to do
then discuss them.
a. Target Needs

1. The purpose of students learning English. From the data shown that 60% of
respondents answered that their main purpose is to learn English in order to help
me communicate with foreigners and 40% of students learn English to support
future career success. This is in line with the aim of learning the language itself,
which is to be able to communicate, not only to support career success later.
2. After answering the objectives in learning English, the researcher also looks at
the students' views on the English language skills they must possess. Apparently,
90% of them said they were at Beginner level, meaning that they could already
understand simple sentences and expressions that often appeared in everyday life
and 10% of students stated that they were at intermediate level, meaning that
they could already understand the essence / intent of the complicated text and
provide responses to the text. By analyzing student needs this will help us know
the needs of students in learning English in accordance with their goals.
3. Difficulties that they often encounter in learning English from the data above
Shows that students tend to have difficulty learning English in speaking skills.
Of the 20 presenting people, 50% had difficulty in learning English in speaking
skills. 35% had difficulty in listening skills. 10% difficulty in writing skills and
5% having difficulty learning in all five skills. This proves that speaking is a
fairly difficult skill for students in the second semester of development
economics while speaking is a capability that must be owned by students to
master the workforce, in addition to other abilities, such as listening, reading and
writing. So here students need help in learning English especially for skill
4. students' wants for the level they want to be able to support my work in the
future, most students want to be at an advanced level that is able to understand
various forms of text and understand the implicit meanings contained in a text.
later. 85% of respondents want to be at the advanced level: can understand
various forms of text and understand the implicit meanings contained in a text.
15% want to be at beginner level and Intermediate level.
5. students' wants for their abilities from these data shows that most students want
to be able to interact verbally using English with proficiency in the workforce
later. 70% of students want to be able to interact orally using English
proficiently in the workforce later. 30% of students want to be able to use
English proficiently in the workforce later. So here students want to be able to
use English especially in speaking skills when they have entered the workforce.
6. From these data also shows that most students want to use English to interact
verbally to coworkers or clients (customers). 50% of students want to use
English to react verbally to coworkers or clients (customers). 25% of students
want to use English to read texts in English to deepen my ability in the field of
Management. 15% of students want to use English to interact in writing
(correspondence) either in formal or informal form and 10% of students want to
use English to translate company documents both formal and informal. from
these data we can know that students want to use English to verbally react to
coworkers or clients (customers). So students want to be able to use English,
especially in speaking skills.

b. Learning Needs

1. After knowing their desires, taken from the previous three questions, the
researcher also saw the lacks or weaknesses of the students in the present
conditions. Apparently, from the results of the questionnaire it was found that
90% of them were beginners in learning English. That is, researchers must also
consider the level of difficulty or the level of sequential learning for them to
learn. This is done so that they are easier to understand and the lecturers when
they will provide teaching in class, consider their abilities.
2. The input needed by students about the type of listening text that students want
is a monologue and dialogue with images. This is evidenced by 50% of
respondents answering it. Followed by authentic material such as news
programs, radio broadcasts, films and songs as much as 30%. Furthermore, as
many as 10% of them answered monologues and dialogues and 10% answered
Monologues and dialogues accompanied by new vocabulary.
3. The size of the listening material desired by students is <100 words. It was
proven by 35% who answered <100 words. 25% of students answer 150-200
words, 20% of students answer 100 - 150 words and 20% of students answer>
200 words.
4. For listening material, students want material about everyday life. this was
proven that out of 20 respondents 45% wanted material about everyday life.
25% want material about the latest issues / news. 15% want material about the
field of management and 5% want material about education / school.
5. For text speaking, students prefer the material of Monologue speaking learning
and dialogue accompanied by a list of new vocabulary words. This is evidenced
by 65% of students answering wanting Monologue material and dialogue
accompanied by a list of new vocabulary words. While 20% of students want
authentic material such as news programs, radio broadcasts, films and songs.
10% of students want a Monologue and dialogue. 5% of students want
Monologue material and dialogue.
6. For the size of speaking material, students prefer material with a text length of>
200 words, this is proven by data that 35% of students want material with a
length of text> 200 words .. 30% of students want material with a length of <100
words. 20% of students want material with a length of 150-200 words. 15% of
students want material with a length of 100-150 words.
7. For the topic of speaking material, some students want material topics about
everyday life. 50% of students want material topics about everyday life. 25% of
students want material topics about management. 15% of students want material
topics about education / school. 10% of students want material topics about the
latest Issues / News.
8. For reading material, some students want authentic material, which can easily be
found in everyday life (for example, magazines, newspapers, labels, recipes,
advertisements, schedules, etc.). This is evidenced by the data above that 55% of
students want authentic material, which can easily be found in everyday life (for
example, magazines, newspapers, labels, recipes, advertisements, schedules,
etc.). 30% of students want Text Material that describes the context related to
my field of work later. 10% of students want Text Materials that are
accompanied by a new list of related vocabulary. 5% of students want the
material to read text with pictures.
9. For reading material size, From the data above, it can be seen that from 20
people, most of them are students, 45% of students want text length> 200 words.
25% of students want a text length of <100 words. 15% want a text length of
150-200 words. 10% want a text length of 100-150 words. 5% want a text length
of around 500 words.
10. For the topic of reading material, from the data above it can be concluded that
45% of students want reading learning topics about daily life. 20% of students
want a reading learning topic about school / education. 20% of students want a
reading learning topic about the latest issues / news. 10% of students want a
reading learning topic about management.
11. For writing material, some students want students to want material about
Explanation of sentence structure related to the text to be written. With a
percentage of 55% students want material about Explanation of sentence
structure related to the text to be written. 25% of students want material about
examples of text / writing to be learned. 10% of students want Writing learning
material about Vocabulary related to the text to be written. 10% of students want
material about images related to the text to be writing.
12. For the size of writing material, based on the table above, it shows that out of 20
respondents 30% of students want the text writing length <100 words. 25% of
students want the text writing length of 100-150 words. 25% of students want
the length of text writing> 200 words and 20% of students want the text length
of writing150-200 words.
13. For the topic of writing material, based on the table above shows that out of 20
respondents 50% of students want writing learning topics about everyday life.
25% of students want writing learning topics about management. 15% of
students want a reading learning topic about school / education. 10% of students
want writing learning topics about the latest issues / news.
14. For Listening activities, students have three answers that they consider equally
important. This can be seen from the small percentage difference between the
three answers. Of the 20 presenting people, 60% of students want to identify
certain information from the listened dialogue / monologue, while the second
highest choice is 20% Answering questions verbally to the dialogue / monologue
being listened and 20% of students wanting to answer written questions on
dialogue listened monologue.
15. For speaking activities, based on the table above shows that from 20 people 35%
of students choose to practice dialogue in front of the class in pairs with friends.
30% of students choose to exchange information between friends in groups. 30%
of students choose to discuss certain topics or specific problems and 5% of
students choose role play.
16. For reading activities, based on the above data, it can be concluded that out of 20
preschoolers, 65% of students choose to discuss the contents of the text in
groups to understand it. 15% of students choose to read aloud text with correct
pronunciation and intonation. 10% of students choose to read a text individually
then answer questions about the text and 10% of students choose Analyze the
meaning of new vocabulary based on the context in which they are read.
17. For writing activities, some students choose writing activities Arrange sentences
so that they become one correct paragraph, this is evidenced by 50% of students
choosing to compose sentences so that they become one correct paragraph. 30%
of students choose to identify and correct sentence structure errors. 15% of
students chose to identify and 5% of students chose to write text similar to the
text input given.
18. For vocabulary teaching, some students choose to match English words or
expressions with their meanings provided, this is evidenced by 50% of students
choosing to match English words or expressions with their meanings provided.
30% of students choose to match English words or expressions with pictures.
15% of students choose to complete sentences or paragraphs with the words
previously provided. 5% of students choose to complete sentences or paragraphs
with their own words based on knowledge.
19. For grammar activities, some students want to write sentences based on patterns
that have been learned to improve grammar skills. this is evidenced by 35% of
students wanting grammar activity Writing patterns based on sentences that have
been learned to improve grammar skills. 30% of students want grammar
activities to complement the accompanying sentences with appropriate grammar
to improve grammar skills. 20% of students want grammar activity to identify
sentence structure errors to improve grammar ability. 15% of students want
grammar activities. Justify sentence structure errors to improve grammar skills.
20. For pronounction activities, some students choose to discuss with their peers or
small groups the correct pronunciation method. this is evidenced by 50% of
students choosing pronaunction activities by discussing with their peers or small
groups the correct pronunciation method. 35% of students choose pronounction
activities by imitating the way the pronunciation is exemplified by the teacher.
15% of students choose pronouncement activities by discussing with peers or
small groups the correct pronunciation method.
21. For Class Arrangements in Learning, some students choose to do assignments /
activities in groups. this is evidenced by 40% of students choosing to do
assignments / activities in groups. 35% of students choose to do assignments /
activities in collaboration with all friends in the class. 15% of students choose to
do assignments / activities individually and 10% of students choose to do
assignments / activities in pairs.
22. For Class Arrangements in Learning, some students prefer to discuss to solve
problems or do assignments in the process of learning English. This is evidenced
by 75% of students preferring to discuss to solve problems or do assignments.
20% of students like to write all the information explained by the teacher. 5% of
students like the presentation at the end of each lesson.
23. For Class Arrangements in Learning, some students prefer students to like
lecturers. Give an example of a discussion and then give assignments. This is
evidenced by 20 respondents, in the process of learning English 50% of them
choose lecturers. Give examples of a discussion then give task. 25% of students
choose lecturers Observe student work then provide answers if students
encounter difficulties. 25% of students choose lecturers Provide questions to
work on then discuss them.



This study is intended to answer the questions What are the needs of students in
semester 2 of economics in developing baturaja universities in learning English? From
the results of the study it can be concluded that their needs for learning English are not
the same and vary. Speaking skills are considered skills that are very much needed to be
learned. In addition, knowledge of grammar and vocabulary related to the field of
science is also needed to support them in learning English at this time and in the future.
however, which skills or aspects will be focused on learning ESP English language
depends on the characteristics of each study program and its learning. Developed from
the results of the analysis of student needs as follows:

Aspects Questions Items (%)

a. Sebagai penentu kelulusan. 40
Pelajaran b. Menunjang kesuksesan karir saya kelak.
bahasa Inggris c. Menunjang kelanjutan studi saya.
penting d. Membantu saya dalam berkomunikasi
Goal menurut saya dengan orang asing.
karena..... e. ......................................................................

a. Saya tidak dapat memahami

apapun dalam bahasa Inggris.
Kemampuan b. Pemula (beginner): dapat 90
bahasa Inggris memahami kalimat dan ungkapan
saya saat ini sederhana yang sering muncul
berada pada level dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
.... c. Menengah (intermediate): dapat
memahami inti/maksud dari teks 10
yang rumit dan memberikan
tanggapan mengenai teks tersebut.
d. Mahir (advance): dapat memahami
berbagai macam bentuk teks dan
memahami makna tersirat yang
terdapat dalam sebuah teks.
e. ........................................................

a. Listening 35
Kesulitan b. Speaking 50
pelajaran bahasa c. Writing 10
Lacks Inggris yang d. Reading
sering saya saya e. ...................................................................... 5
temui adalah ......

a. Cukup seperti saat ini tidak perlu

Untuk dapat dikembangkan lagi.
menunjang b. Pemula (beginner): dapat memahami
Wants pekerjaan saya kalimat dan ungkapan sederhana yang 10
kelak, sering muncul dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
kemampuan c. Menengah (intermediate): dapat memahami
bahasa Inggris inti/maksud dari teks yang rumit dan 5
saya memberikan tanggapan mengenai teks
seharusnya tersebut.
berada pada d. Mahir (advance): dapat memahami
level …. berbagai macam bentuk teks dan 85
memahami makna tersirat yang terdapat
dalam sebuah teks.
e. ......................................................................

a. Dapat beriteraksi secara lisan

Pelajaran bahasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan 70
Inggris b. Dapat beriteraksi secara tertulis
seharusnya dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan mahir 5
membuat saya dalam dunia kerja kelak.
...... c. Menguasai kosa kata (vocabulary) yang
berkaitan dengan bidang keahliansaya 5
d. Dapat meggunakan tata bahasa (structure)
dengan benar. 20
e. .......................................................................
a. Beriteraksi secara lisan kepada rekan kerja
atau klien (pelanggan). 50
Pada saat
b. Berinteraksi secara tertulis (surat-menyurat)
bekerja nanti,
baik dalam bentuk formal atau informal. 15
c. Membaca teks-teks dalam bahasa Inggris
saya akan
untuk memperdalam kemampuan saya 25
lebih sering
dalam bidang Manajemen
d. Menerjemahkan dokumen-dokumen
n bahasa
perusahaan baik formal maupun informal. 10
Inggris untuk
e. ......................................................................

Dalam belajar a. Monolog dan dialog. 10

listening b. Monolog dan dialog yang disertai gambar. 50




(mendengarkan c. Monolog dan dialog yang disertai daftar
) input yang kosa kata baru.
saya inginkan
d. Materi otentik seperti acara berita, siaran
radio, film, dan lagu. 30
e. ......................................................................
a. < 100 kata 35
Dalam belajar b. 100 – 150 kata 20
listening panjang c. 150 – 200 kata 25
teks yang saya d. > 200 kata 20
inginkan adalah
…. e............................................................................

a. Kehidupan sehari-hari
Dalam belajar 45
listening topik b. Pendidikan/sekolah
yang saya 5
inginkan adalah c. Bidang Manajemen
…. 15
d. Isu/Berita terkini 25

e. ......................................................................
...... 5
a. Monolog dan dialog. 10
b. Monolog dan dialog yang disertai gambar. 5
Dalam belajar
speaking c. Monolog dan dialog yang disertai daftar
(berbicara) kosa kata baru.

input yang d. Materi otentik seperti acara berita, siaran

saya inginkan radio, film, dan lagu. 20

berupa.... e. .......................................................................

a. < 100 kata 30

Dalam belajar b. 100 – 150 kata 15
speaking 20
Speakin c. 150 – 200 kata
panjang teks
g d. > 200 kata 35
Learning Needs

yang saya
Input e..........................................................................
inginkan adalah

a. Kehidupan sehari-hari 50
Dalam belajar b. Pendidikan/sekolah 15
speaking topik 25
c. Bidang Manajemen
yang saya
d. Isu/Berita terkini 10
inginkan adalah
e. .......................................................................

a. Materi otentik, yang dengan mudah dapat

dijumpai dalam keseharian (contohnya, 55
Dalam belajar
majalah, surat kabar, label, resep, iklan,
jadwal, dll)
(membaca) b. Teks yang menggambarkan konteks yang 30
input yang saya berkaitan dengan bidang kerja saya
inginkan nantinya.
berupa.... c. Teks yang disertai daftar kosakata baru 10
yang terkait.
d. Teks disertai gambar. 5
e. ......................................................................
a. < 100 kata 25

b. 100 – 150 kata

Dalam belajar
c. 150 – 200 kata 15
reading panjang
d. > 200 kata 45
teks yang saya
e.......................................................................... 5
inginkan adalah

a. Kehidupan sehari-hari 45

b. Pendidikan/sekolah 20

Dalam belajar c. Bidang Manajemen
reading topik d. Isu/Berita terkini 20
yang saya e. .......................................................................
inginkan adalah .....
a. Contoh teks/tulisan yang akan dipelajari. 25
b. Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan teks yang 10
Dalam belajar
akan ditulis.
c. Penjelasan struktur kalimat yang berkaitan 55
(menulis) input dengan teks yang akan ditulis.
yang saya d. Gambar yang berhubungan dengan teks 10
inginkan berupa.... yang akan ditulis.
e. .......................................................................
a. < 100 kata 30
Writing 25
b. 100 – 150 kata
c. 150 – 200 kata 20
Dalam belajar
writing d. > 200 kata 25
panjang teks yang
saya inginkan
adalah ….

a. Kehidupan sehari-hari 50

b. Pendidikan/sekolah 15

c. Bidang Manajemen 25
Dalam belajar
writing topik yang d. Isu/Berita terkini 10
saya inginkan e. .......................................................................
adalah …. .....

a. Mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari 60

Dalam dalam dialog/monolog yang disimak.
pembelajaran b. Mengidentifikasi ungkapan yang ada dalam
Bahasa Inggris dialog/monolog yang disimak.
c. Menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan terhadap 20
dialog/monolog yang disimak.
jenis kegiatan
d. Menjawab pertanyaan secara tertulis 20
Learning yang saya sukai
terhadap dialog/monolog yang disimak.
Activities adalah ....
e. ......................................................................
Dalam a. Mempraktekkan dialog di depan kelas 35
pembelajaran berpasangan dengan teman.
Bahasa Inggris b. Bermain peran (role play) 5
speaking c. Bertukar informasi antar teman dalam 30
(berbicara) jenis kelompok
kegiatan yang d. Berdiskusi tentang topik tertentu atau 30
saya sukai permasalahan terntentu
adalah .... e. ......................................................................

a. Membaca nyaring teks dengan pengucapan dan 15

Dalam intonasi yang benar.
pembelajaran b. Membaca sebuah teks secara individu lalu 10
Bahasa Inggris menjawab pertanyaan mengenai teks tersebut.
reading c. Mendiskusikan isi teks secara berkelompok
(membaca) jenis 65
untuk memahaminya.
kegiatan yang
saya sukai d. Menganalisa arti kosakata baru berdasarkan 10
adalah .... konteks yang dibaca.
e. .............................................................................
Dalam a. Menyusun kalimat-kalimat sehingga menjadi 50
pembelajaran satu paragraf yang benar
Bahasa Inggris b. Mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki kesalahan
struktur kalimat
(menulis) jenis c. Mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki kesalahan
kegiatan yang 15
tanda baca pada teks
saya sukai
d. Menulis teks yang serupa dengan input teks 5
adalah .... yang diberikan
e. ..............................................................................

a. Mencocokkan kata-kata atau ungkapan bahasa 55

Jenis kegiatan Inggris dengan maknanya yang telah disediakan
dalam pelajaran b. Mencocokkan kata-kata atau ungkapan bahasa 10
Bahasa Inggris Inggris dengan gambar
yang saya c. Melengkapi kalimat atau paragraph dengan 15
harapkan dapat kata-kata yang telah disediakan sebelumnya
Learning memperkaya d. Melengkapi kalimat atau paragraph dengan
kosa kata 20
Activities kata-kata sendiri berdasarkan pengetahuan.
e. ...........................................................................
Jenis kegiatan a. Mengidentifikasi kesalahan struktur kalimat 20
dalam pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris b. Membenarkan kesalahan struktur kalimat 15
yang saya
harapkan dapat c. Menulis kalimat berdasar pola yang telah 35
meningkatakan dipelajari
kemampuan tata d. Melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang dengan 30
bahasa (grammar) grammar yang sesuai
adalah... e. .............................................................................
Jenis kegiatan a. Menirukan cara pengucapan yang dicontohkan 35
dalam pelajaran oleh guru.
Bahasa Inggris b. Membaca secara nyaring dengan melihat cara
yang saya
bacanya (phonetic transcription).
harapkan dapat
c. Berdiskusi kepada teman sebangku atau 50
kelompok kecil mengenai cara pengucapan
yang benar.
(pronunciaton) d. Menirukan cara pengucapan berdasarkan video
adalah... yang telah diputar guru.
e. .............................................................................

a. Individu
Dalam proses
pembelajaran b. Berpasangan
Bahasa Inggris
Classroom saya lebih suka c. Kelompok
Setting mengerjakan d. Bekerja sama dengan semua teman di dalam
tugas/kegiatan kelas
secara.... e. .......................................................................

a. Hanya mendengarkan penjelasan guru di kela

Dalam proses
pembelajaran b. Berdiskusi untuk memecahkan masalah atau
Bahasa mengerjakan tugas.
Inggris c. Menulis semua informasi yang diterangkan o
dikelas saya guru.
lebih suka jika d. Presentasi setiap akhir pelajaran.
saya ...
e. ........................................................................
a. Memberikan soal untuk dikerjakan kemudian
Dalam membahasnya.
mengerjakan b. Memberikan contoh dari suatu pembahasan la
tugas Bahasa memberikan tugas.
Inggris di c. Mengamati pekerjaan siswa lalu memberikan
dalam kelas jawaban jika siswa menemui kesulitan.
saya lebih d. Berkeliling dan memberikan komentar pada
suka jika pekerjaan siswa.
dosen .... e. ........................................................................

















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