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/ tJ n ive rsi ty of San t o T o mas

Fac ulty o f C i vi l


[AV 2017-2018}

I. Gen e r al Princi ples

A. Conce pt of Remedia l o r Procedu ra l Law
Pris c i lla Alm a Jose v. Ramon C. Javellana, et al., G .R. No. 1582 3 9 , Jan u ary 2 5 , 2 0 1.2
B. Nature of remedial law
Aten eo v . De La Rosa, G. R. No. L- 286, March 28, 1946
C. Substantive law vis a vis remedial law
Bustos v. Lucero, G.R. No. L-2086, March 8, 1949
D. Procedural laws applicable to actions pending at the time of promulgation
Panay Railways Inc. v . Heva Management and Development Cor poration, et al., G.R.
No. 154061, January 25, 2012
E. Liberal construction of procedural rules
1. Felix Martos, et al. v. New San Jose Builders, Inc., G.R. No. 192650, October 24,
2 . Maria Consolacion Rivera-Pascual v. Sps. Marilyn Lim, et al., G.R. No. 191837,
September 19, 2012
F. Rule-making power of the Supreme Court
1. Estipona v. Hon. Lobrigo, G.R. No. 226679, August 15, 2017
2. In the Matter of the Petition for the Issuance of a Writ of Amparo in Favor of
LiUbeth ladaga v. Major General Reynaldo Mapagu, et al., G.R. No. 1B9689/G.R.
No. 189691, November 13, 2012
G. Nature of Philippine Courts
1 . Classification of Phil ippin e Courts
2. Principle of judicial Hie rarchy
a. United Claimants Association of NEA v. National Electrification Administration ,
G. R. No. 187107, January 31, 2012
b . Emmanuel De Castro v. Emerson Carlos, G.R. No. 194994, April 16, 2013
3. Transcendental importance
United Claimants Association o f NEA v. National Electrification Admini stration, G.R.
No. 187107, January 31, 2012
4. Doctrine of non-interference or judicial stability
Sinter Corporation and Phividec Industrial Authority v. Cagayan Electric Power and
light Co., Inc., G.R. No. 127371, April 25, 2002
5. Doctrine of Primary jurisdiction
a. Omictin v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 148004, January 22, 2007
b. Republic v. Lacap, 517 SCRA 255 [2007]
6_ Doctrine of adherence of jurisdiction/continuing jurisdiction
Abad, et al. v. RTC of Manila, et al., G.R. No. l -65505, October 12, 1987
II. Jurisdiction
A. Over t he parties
1. How jurisdiction over the plaintiff is acquired
2 How jurisdiction over the defendant is acquired
a. Optima Realty Corporation v. Hertz Phil., Exclusive, Inc., G.R. No . 183035,
January 9, 2013
b. Afdal & Afdal.v. Carlos, G.R. No. 173379, December 1, 2010
B. Over the subject matter
1. How jurisdiction is conferred and determined
a. Fe V. Rapsing, et al. v . Hon. Judge Maximino R Ables
October 15, 201 2 · ' et at.. G.R. No. 171855,
b. Mendo_za v. Germino & Germino, G.R. No. 165676, November ,
22 2010
c. Remedios Antonino 11. The Register of Deeds of Makati City et al G R N
185663, June 20, 2012 ' ·, · · 0 ·

2. Objections to jurisdiction over the subject matter

Lasmis 11. Dong-E, G. R. No. 173021, October 20, 2010
3. Effect of estoppel on objections to jurisdiction
a. De Leon 11. Court of Appeals, 245 SCRA 166 [1995]
b. Tijam v. Sibonghanoy, 23 SCRA 29
c. Atty. Cudiamat, et al. v. Batangas Savings & Loan Bank, et al., G.R. No. 182403,
March 9, 2010
4. Error of j urisdiction as distinguished from error of judgment
First Corporation v. Former Sixth Division of Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No.
171989. July 4. 2007
C. Over the issues
De Joya v. Marquez, et al., G.R. No. 163416, January 31, 2006
0 . Over the res or property in litigation
Ferdinand Marcos. Jr, v. Republic, G.R. No. 189505, March 12, 2014
E. Jurisdiction of Courts
Supapo v. Sps. De Jesus, G.R. No. 198356, April 20, 2015
1. Supreme Court
2. Court of Appeals
3. Sandiganbayan
4 . Regional Trial Courts
5. Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts in Cities,
Municipal Circuit Trial Court
6. Shari' a Court
F. Jurisdiction over Small Claims
AL Ang Network, Inc. v. Emma Mondejar, et al., G.R. No. 200804, January 22, 2014
G. Rule on Summary Procedure
Fiorello R. Jose v. Roberto Alfuerto, et al., G.R. No. 69380, November 26, 2012
H. Barangay conciliation
1. Gegare v. CA, G.R. No. 83907, September 13, 1989
2. Sanchez v. Tupaz, G.R. No. 76690, February 29, 1988
3. Vda. De Borromeo v. Pogoy, G.R. No. L-63277, November 29, 1983
4. Peregrina v. Panis, 133 SCRA 75
5. Librada M . Aquino v. Ernest Aure, G.R. No. 153567, February 18, 2008
6. Crisanta Alcaraz Miguel v. Jerry D. Montanez, G.R. No. 191336, January 25, 2012
I. Totality rule
Flores v. Mallare-Phillips, 144 SCRA 377
Ill. Civil Procedure
A. Kinds of actions
1. Ordinary civil actions
2. Special civil actions
3. Criminal actions
4 . Civil actions vs. special proceedings
Ramon Ching and Po Wing Corp. v. Rodriguez, et al., G.R. No. 192828, November 28,
20 11
5. Personal actions and real actions
Paglaum Management & Development Corp. and Health Marketing Technologies,
Inc. v. Union Bank of the Philippines, et al., G.R. No. 179018, June 18, 2012
6. local and transitory actions
7. Actions in rem, in personam and quasi in rem
a. Belen v. Chavez, 549 SCRA 479
b . Planters Development Bank v. Julie Chandumal G R N
2012 ' · · o . 19S619, September 5 ,
c. Biaco v . Philippine Countryside Rural Bank, 51S SCRA 106
d . Yu v . Pacleb, etc., G.R. No. 172172, February 24, 2009
8. Independent civil action
B. Payment of docket fees
a. Manchester Development v. CA, 149, SCRA 56 2
b. Sun Insurance Office Ltd . v . Asuncion , 170 SCRA 27 4
C. Ballatan V. CA, 304 SCRA 34
d. Heirs of Reinoso, Sr. v . CA, 654 SCRA 1
e. Re: In the Matter of Exemption From payment of All Court and Sheriff's Fees ot
Cooperatives Duly Registered in Accordance with RA NO. 95 20, lA.M . No . ll-1 -
03-0, March 13, 2012]
f. Ricardo Rizal, etal. v. Leoncia Naredo, et al., G.R. No. 151898, March 14 . 2012
C Cau se ot action
1. Meaning of cause of action
Goodland Company, Inc. v. Asia United Bank, et al., G.R. No. 195561, March 14, 201 2
2 . Elements of cause of action
a. Relucio v . Lopez, 373 SCRA 578
b. Juana Complex I Homeowners Association, Inc. et al. v. Fil-Estate Land, Inc. G.R.
No. 152272, March 5, 2012
3 . Right of action versus cause of action
4 . failure to state a cause of action
5 . Test of sufficiency of a cause of action
a. Misamis Occidental II Cooperative, Inc. v. David, 468 SCRA 63
b . Juana Complex I Homeowners Association, Inc. et al. v. Fil-Estate Land, Inc. G.R.
No. 152272, March 5, 2012
c. BSP v. Legaspi, G.R. No. 205966, March 2, 2016
6. Splitting a single cause of action and its effects
a. Goodland Company, Inc. v . Asia United Bank, et al., G.R. No. 195561, March 14,
b. Philippine National Bank v. Getway Property Holdings, Inc., G.R. No. 181485,
February 15, 2012
7. Joinder and misjoinder of causes of action
D. Parties to civil actions
1. Real party-in-interest
a. Salonga v. Warner Barnes & Co., 88 Phil 125
b. Fortich v . Corona, 289 SCRA 624
c. Samaniego v. Aguila, 334 SCRA 438
d. Theodore and Nancy Ang, etc. v. Spouses Alan and Em Ang, G.R. No. 186993
August 22, 2012
2. Locus stand i
a. Most Reverend Pedro D. Arigo v . Scott S. Swift, G.R. No. 206510. September 16,
b. Resident Marine Mammals of the Protected Seascape Tanon Strait v. Sec. Angelo
Reyes, G.R. No. 180771, April 21, 2015
3. Indispensable party
a. Stmny G. Guy, et al. v. Gilbert Guy, G.R. No. 189486, September 5, 2012
b. living @Sense, Inc. v. Malayan Insurance Company, Inc., G.R. No. 193753,
September 26, 2012
c. Philip L Go, et al. v. Distinction Properties Development and Construction, Inc.,
G.R. No. 194024, April 25, 2012
d. Sepulveda, Sr. v. Pelaez, G.R. No. 152195, January 31, 2005
C. O~osa v. Factoran. 224 SCRA 792
"...! -

e . 6..m<Ja, et at ~. frmrt~, et at, (:i.R No. 16620, Apr« 2(1, 2010

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13. Ettect ot de.rth ot ~--«tie<mt

:a . R~~ filip~.! v . CA... G .~ - N~. 1173-55, Apnl 5 . 2002

1. Venue versus jurisdiction

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tn(- i.i ~ lnicJn ~nt c'1t Mi~ Pn,~,p!J~41€'5.. ~t ~t . G ~ tJc, 17~01~.. ; i_H1 € 18 , 2012
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Au;rust 22 . 2012
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b. Pagiaum Management & Devek>pment Corp. and HeaSth Marketing

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Counterclaims (Compul · ·
=-~ - . . -.. .,. •
" · -' s.,, ">... , iu:y, r, ;,----~
. , sorv counter-c1a· . . • ,,.,..,
n " " " .... ~«;, ,, ~ ...,, nu,,,,;..,;,,; ;, ,;;,,,,; ::·, P::~•~s-~ve counte~claim. Effect on the
n Ot answered .• Ht-a( , " 1,,....H,,.,;... ,. . u '.. ~ •

o ~anue! C. Bungcavao. Sr., etc. v . Fort Uocand· P , ...... ~,. · ~,,., ,,_
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d. Cross-ciaims
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f . CornpJaint in itttervention

::,. Parts of a pleading
a. Caption

c. Verification

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d. r,._c,
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o Atty. Emmanuel Agustin, et al.-..;_Alejandro Cmz-Herre,.,, G.R. No. 174564,

February 12, 2014

Association, inc., No. 144680, November 17, 2004

February 8, 2012

13, 2012

Effect of signing by a person not au-t:horized to sign

September 3, 2{H2

~- Manner of makiiig allegations

0 Ceroterr Realty Corp v. CA, 376 SCRA 144
176949, June 27, .2012
. ,. , "" - __
Soouses Fernando & Ma. Elena Santos v. lolita Alcazar, etc. G.R. No. 183034,
!Vt~fO! l ~ , ;'.: t_t lq

1. Ultimate faC'"..s
o Tantuico, Jr. v. Republic, G.R. No. 89114, December 2, 1991

2. Aitemative causes of action

.") , Condition precedent

judgments, officia: documents or acts.

a. When declaration ot default is proper
l, 2..111 -~:• ...;.-J-.-J l ; _ Al ~· )
• c-.,,,.,,vq,.., ...._, •• , ·..:. ••~t 1coo. Pc...;v«=r Cc;pc1ot;vn, ct ;;L r o t. 1 - '1 ,o,on
v . 1,. '"' V • -1.,c..,,vJ ,
November 14, 2012
b . Effad: cf ri~ crt'k:- ct dd.::t:?t r d f::--~ ~i - ~-;~, ~~i~ .. ,.
- - .. ....,. ~a, t..~ut u-~tnu , i.

0 MagdiW;:1ng Realty Corporation, et al. v. The Manila Ranking Corporation,

c;t.c., GR. ;\~v 11;:,::1;~\ :.~.:;t~~!;1::r : .. 2C12
c. Relief from an order of default, extent of relief
o Sps. Manuel v. Ong, G.R. No. 205249, October 5, 2014

!nc. G.R. No. 176628, March 19, 2012

o Leticia Diana, etc. v. Romeo A. Balangue, et al., G.R. No. 173559, January 7,

d. Actions where defautt is not allowed

Ar quero v. CA, G.R. No. 168053, September 21, 2011

G. Filing versus service of pleadings

\. Manner of filing

J. Modes of service of pleadings

o Salvador 0 . Moiar, et al. v.
,. -- ·"_.. .,.,. " __ __
di , •.;; . !": . rt(J . .LO r ~~ . JUC~
Commercial Securitv Service Af!,encv, \nc., et
f , O:V.1.~

8. Amendment
a .
J\ ...----A-•.--,-•
r•u,,c,, ,. . , ,,o..,,.,-_.
u,1 ,c,:1s. ..~c• . ..,. ~J.
u, ,.,.;..,..~•
• •e,.••l.

o Usam Enterprises, Inc. etc. v. BDO, et al., G.R No. 14264, April 23, 2012
b. Amendment bv leave of court
- J: ~ ..
(:, n.1rn1~1 .tn1ef1ur11en~
d. Substantive amendment

t. Supplemental pleadings, distinction between amended and supplemental


November 28, 2012

rf.s...~,_,. .,,.,J. ..,, - . .., ..,. ••,t.r. A ... , ... .,,..,.J~ ..... .,,.,
&- ••,_~s. '-"' u t ••~•-''-'"-U ..,,1-uuu,r,

o Sps. Vllluga v. Kelly Hardware & Construction Supply, et al., G.R. No. 176570,

K. Summons



quasi-in rem
o Biaco v. Philippine Countryside Rural Bank, 515 SCRA 106
r? ;; r,t,:= i, n ::\1~ k~ r ii.~;--.t ~~nk -..;
"\ t"". C C."'i f"\
5 , 2012. ' -· -'"~.. . . -·

r:, .... __,.:. ,., , n -,,-::,,

-1-••..,• .S. , L "\..'" .l..-•
f. Extraterritorial service, when aUowed
t\.~~r~ ~tti,~ n(.1tuut-«i~,-i_i<:~-ff(J". ,,. PJte::l<.-tt<tt..l L«v<tt<i, (-i H Ni) 150656 . Aof"ti '29
h. Service upon

(l prisoners
0 minors and incompetents

E.B. ViUarosa & Partner ltd. v. Benito, 312 SCRA 65

0 Public corporations

o Defendant who5€ identity or whereabouts unknown

L Motions

a. Definition of motion

c. Notice and hearing of motions

171750 , January 25. 2012

o Dr. Roger Posadas, et al. v. Sandiganbavan. et al., G.R. No . 16-8651, 1utv 17, 'er , -

d. Omnibus motion n.:!e
January 15, 2014

a. Purpose and when applied for

- ' ' . /" J • J ~
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~ -
I "~- t- \1-'-
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-'-1 ::) J,

b. Actions of the court

c. Compliance with the order and effect of non-compliance
. .. -.
. m~fm~~
,. .
a. Grounds

b. Resolution of motion
n ,. I" .a. • • •rr ~ •• ,. ~ • • ~• • "
~:. "~rn~tn~ <.tt UMem.m wm~n U«! t.l'.ffHUfdtm. ~ tmrm~')~J
d. Remedies of defendant v,rhen the motion is denied


Aquino v. Quiazon, G.R. No. 2012481 March 11, 2015

f ln..t ;:i riet-, ot t
· .· . m o It p r opr io lli, rrih., ;,I
0 He1rs o t M ari;m n h wi•· , 1 1
I· , , ( a . v. hun ,1 <,1>111al(''\ ,, , i l C, H N e) 10 .-,n ·,-,
~Tll l iH'\I l~ . 20 1•1 · ' " ,, ,
M . Dismissal of action~
o·1sm1·ssal upon not1c<
. • bv plaintiff; two dl~m h.,;al rule
_ Go v . C.ru1, ('t ill , c; H No ' ,R()Rf>, Apr il '\ I , lllRJ
2 - D~sm~ssal upon motion b y plai ntlrt; e4foct on t ~1<i~.\ln11, cot1111·1~r<falu1
3 0 1sm1ssa l ,iu"' t o fault o t plaintitt
0 Shimizu PhilippinP.<; Contrac tor, Inc v . Mr<, I etld;1 h . Miltr,<,;ilin, ~t .ti., G.R. No .
170026, June 20, 2012
o Ma. Mercedes I... 8 ;~rb;, v. I ir.en dt~c ~11,~yan Univ~r .,ltv, G.R. No . 1<B 857 ,
November 28, 2012
o Eloisa Merchandising, Inc. and Trebel International Inc. v . BOO Universal
Bank.. et al .. G.R. No. 192716..lune 13. 2012
N . Pr e-trial
1. Concept of pre-trial; nature and purpose
? Notin> of pr(>-trial
3. Appearance of parties; effect of failure to appear
4. Pre-t rial brief: effects of failure to file
5. Pre-trla! Order
Phil. hourt v . Amaleam.:1ted Marrn1~ement. et al.. G .R. No . 1777291. Seot~mber 28 .
6. Distinction between pre-trial in civil cases and in criminal cases
7 . Fffect of failurf' tn Sf't r:~<.P for rrf'-trial
8 . Court Annexed Mediation (CAM)
Real Ban\<.. Inc. v. Samsurn·. M~buh av Corooi.1tion . G.H. No . 175862 Oct:o ber 13
9 . Ju dicial Dispute Resolution UDR)
10 Alt p rn ;itivp Oi, p11tP RP c;ol11tio n (AOR) (Sppci;il R11lf>c, of (nurt o n AOR [AM No 0 7 -
0 . Interventio n
1. Definition and nature
2. Requisites for intervention
0 Lorenza Oneco v . Valeriana Um'!co Oalisav. G .R. No. 190810. Julv 18. 2012
3. Time to ir:ter-.'ene
4 . Remedies if motion tor intervention is denied
P. Slibpoena
1. Subpoena duces tecum
? . Subpoena ad testifiun<f um
3. Service of subpoena
4. Compelling attendam;f> of witne sses; <:ontempt
~- VIatory nght ot witnesses
6. Quashin~ of subpoena; ~rounds
0 !n Re : Petition for Cancellation of Entries in the Rernrd of Birth, Ernma K. lee
v. CA, et al. , G.R. No. 177861, July 13, 2010
Q. M odes of dismvPry
1. Depositions pending act ion
0 RPpuhlk v Sanrlig;mhayan, f>t <11., C, R No, 1Sl~7\ 0f>ff>m her lo, ?011
2. Depositions before action or pending appeal
n Hf>my l Go, Pt .il v PPOpl(", G.R No 18SS77, luly 18, ;,m:>
j _ tnterrogatones to pames

Sps. Vicente Afulugencia v, Metrobank, G.R. No. 185145, Ft.>bruary 5, 2014

4 RP'lllPc;t fo r ;lrtmi<.c;ion hy ;.utvprc;p p;1rty
() Rey I aa rla v CA, G .R No . 10n90, F<~hru.1ry 1, ) ('>I) )
• • ORP" CA . • (~1 •' I·• r,- ll Nn 1' 1014 •·
5. Pr oduction 0 ,- lns pt?rtl"n ~f · 1 _- •· · • -••;t'.14-'mht,wJO, 'JOO',
(, Pl· . • , · · 1 <.11.1.m1tmbtH\hui.i•
•Y'-Kcll ,Hid lll~hir1l t11<1mi,.-,li<Hl <,1 fH•fMm'- .,

;;.i~~onsequences of refusal to comply with mock!> ot di:.c<wery

1. Notice of tnai
2. Adjournments and postponements
3 . RequisitP.s of motion to post.pon P. 1'rial
4 . Order of lfidl ; rever~dl uf or<le,
5. Consolidation or severance of trial
6 . Tri,:11 hv c.ommi._,;ion(•r
5. Demurrer to evidence
1 . Nature ot demurrer to evidence
o Nenita Gonz.ales, Pt ;,ii. v. Mr.1riano Buer.1av, el ;:,il , (j .H No. 1nom~. 11•brnarv
22, 2012
-i Frt:><l~rick Ft->litH·' •1 . Mt.M Motm G.R. No . 1918'19. <it·nt~mher "l'-{ 7015
2. Ground
3. Effect of denial or grant of demurrer
4 . Waiv1:>.r of ti~l,t to nn'-:1:'nl l:'vidl:'1H".I:'
~- uemurrer to evidence m civii cJscs versus demurrer to ev1dem:e III c 11mir1;,1l ca•,l:',
i . Judgments and final orders
1. \,iiha, is judgrnent?
2 . Requic;ites of a valid judgmPnt
Arn:,lc:1 v. COiviELEC, 293 SCRA 578
3. Contents of a judgment
4 . h.idgment without tric1;
S. Judgment on the pleadings
De Lun a v . Abrigc,, 131 SCRA 150
6. Summary judgments
a . Rec,uisites for a valid summary judgment
b. Meaning of "genuine issue"
,_, Spouses R<.'fmon Villug<.'f ,md Merc.~it:a Villuga v. Kelly H,ndware and
Construction Supply, Inc., etc., G.R. No.. 176570, July 18, 2012
o Heirs of Cabigas v. Umbacoet, et al., G.R. No. l 75291, July n, 2011
c. Summary judgment for the daimant
d. Slffrimary judgment for the defendant
e. Partial summary judgment
f. Judgment on the pleadings versus summary judgment
g. Rendition -0f judgments i!nd final orders
h. Entry of judgment and final order
i. Several judgments
j . Memorandum dedsion
k. Doctrine of immutability of judgments
Oare Adventure farm Corporation v . Spouses felix and N('nita Ng, ,pt al., G.R. No.
161122, September 24, 2012
L When a judgment or final order becomes final and executor
m. Effects of fin<1htv of i\.H.l~ment
n. Doctrine of the law ofthe case
DBP v. Guarina Agricultural and Realty Development Corp., G.R. No. 160758,
January 15, 2014
U. Post-judgment remed1e-::
1. Before finalitv
a. Motion for new trial or reconsideration
o When to file
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• Pt:>tition fnr rl3view
• l'et1t1on ror review on cemoran
fa,;;tem Shipping lines, Inc. v . BPI/MS lnsurancP. Corp., et al., G.R. No.
· - - ..... ,,.. , ,. . • 4'- __ _.. ..
.i ::,;:,::,ou, JdltUdl y J.:,, £UJ."t

,"' Period tn appe~l

'-) rt• r~l.jVH vf d~~c:::dl
c, Appeal from judgments or final orders of the MTC
._ Md11dlct11~ v. Odt.dili, G.R. Nu. 156,SS, j.;m.,..;-y 12, 2015

G Appcc)\ from it:rlgmcnt:; or final orrl~rs of the RTC

• Dnrma M"-:1"~ v El~itlheth Mon~oo . et al.. G.R No. 174908. June 17,
• Boardwalk Rusiness Ventures, Inc v. Villareal, et al., G.R. No. 181182,
Ap1il 10, 2013
0 Appe~I frnm judgmi:>nts; or final orders of the CA
,. Ajjj.)t::di f1u111 juJg111c:::11b Vt fliic1l OfuE:f S uf-thE: CTA
Review at -rinai luclgm ent.5 or tina! orders. of quas.i-jud1cialbodie:.
• PPrP7 v nmh,.,r.1~,m. G.R No F~1445. M<'!v 77 7004

., ArrtdOU Curtit!:, v. UIIIU! 01 iitt! umouu:,mdn, t!l cti., G.i\. Nu~. lo",896-
':} / , June lU, LUU
2 After fin;ilitv
n _ ,: _ A r . ,. · ., .. . ...
d. ne11e1 fl VIII JUU!:,lllt::ltl

Juliet Vitug Madarang, et al. v. Sps. Morales, G.R. No. 199283, June 9, 2014
o T,me to fiie
,_., Contents of petition
h . Ann ulmt>nt ~f iucl~•ml-'r !
o Grounds
• Pinausukan Seafood House-Roxas Blvd, Inc. v. Far fast Bank and Trust
Cu., H aL, G.R. No. 15SS26, janua,y 20, 2014
• Sps. Manila v. Sps. Manzo, G.R. No. 163602, September I, 2011
• Leticia Dion.a, etc. v. Romeo 83langue, et al., G.R. No. 173559, January
7, 2013
o Period to file action
u Effec.t:> of judgroeni of armulroent
c. Collateral attack of jud1~ment
V. E.llec.ution, :><tti~fctetion, ifrtd effe<.t of judgment~
(' Ca~ayan de Oro v. CA, G.R.No. 129713, December 15, 1999
v Ayo v. Vk,;ifgo, A.M. No. RTJ-9S-1445, 1ur,~ 21, 19S3
l rnf~r~1cE> bf'tw~ fin~l~tv of h1d~1~t fur t"l\lfOOS('S of aoo~~I; for J.1Uff.H:>ses of
o Heirs of Retert 11

Wh ,
En execution s;hall .
a v. Mores & Lopez G R N
o Buaya v S-t issue (execution as'a ~~tt o. 159941, August 17, 2011
· ronghold I er of ri~ht · d. .
tI V lch :-, nsurance G R N . •scret1onarv execution)
0 p 1i l n V. t.A, l:l.K. Nos. lllbb~-~ . 0 . 149020, October 11, 2000
a ada V. RT( of Kalibo G ,_July b, lYYY
n Jaca v. lumber Co 12
· ~R. No. 9442. March 10. 1999
(' Eudela V. CA. G ., 113 5 RA 107
3. How a judgment . .R. No. 89265. Julv 17. 1992
15 executed
a. Bv motion or indeoendent .,,,...
O I f oulOO
n ante v Aran su·ld 1
,..l , mg .. H~ . ers, Inc., G.R. No. 156596, August 24, 2007
•· s::11 ~ ot Lino lJ
0 RCBC v F . . ' .K. No. lt>HYH, March 14, LUU /
b Is · edenco Serra. G.R. No. 203241. Julv 10. 2013
. suance . torm and t . .
c E . con ents of a wnt of execution
xecut1on of iudgments for monev
c VII 1 ·
annv.Munasque, G.R. No. 169444, September 17 2008
c• Leachon v. Pascua. A.M. No. P-11-2972. Seotember 28. 2011
d · Execution of judgments for specific acts
e. Execution of soecial iudgments
f . Removal of an improvement
g. Reouisites before demolition order is issued
h. Effect of levy on third persons
4 . Prooerties exempt from execution
o Spouses Versola v. CA, G.R. No. 164740, July 31, 2006
5. Proceedings where property is daimed by third persons
o Ching v. CA, G.R. NO. 124642, February 23, 2004
0 Villasi v . Garcia. G.R. No. 190106. January 15. 2014
a. In relation to third-party daim and replevin
b. Distinction between third party complaint and third partv claim
6. Rules on ~edem~tkin
7. Remedies in aid of execution
a. Examination of judgment obiigor when judgment unsatisfied
b fxaminc1tion of obli~or nf lmiRJTJent obliRor
c. Enforcement of attendance and conduct of examination
d. Order of application of prooertv and income to satisfaction of judgment
e. Appointment of receiver
f. Sale of ascertainable interest of judgment obligor in real estate
g. Proceedings when indebtedness denied or another person claims the property
h. Effect of judgment or final orders
o Two aspects of res judicata
• Bar bv prior _iudgment
• Conclusiveness of judgment
Social Security Commission v Rizal Poultrv, G.R No. 167050. June 1 .
LZK Holdings and Development Corp. v . Planters Development Bank,
G.R. NO. 187973, January 20, 2014
1. tntorcement and ettect ot tore1gn judgments or tinal orders
o St. Aviation Services v. Grand International Airways_. G.R. No. 140288,.
October 23, 2006
w. Prov1s1ona1 reme<11es
1. Nature of provisional remedies
o Estares v. CA, 459 SCRA 604
2. Purpose of p rovisional remedies
3. Preliminary attachment
o Davao light v. CA, 204 SCRA 343
a. Grounds for issuance f . 12
E . b o Prehmina
o Qurta le v. Soecial St ry attachment
b. Req · ·t eel G R N
u1s1 es; issuance and co ~ . . o. 175 350, June 13. 2012
c. Pu roose of ex . n ents of order of
d. Rul~ on pr,· parte issuance of Writ of attach attachment; affidavit and bond
o r or contem ment
e. Manner of attaching re ~oraneous service of summons
claim d b - a and Personal 0
. e y third person rooerty; when oropertv attached is
f. Discharge of attach .
- ment and the
o Peroxide PhT 11
. counter-bond
PPlnes Corp v CA G
g. Pur pose of counter-bond · · , .R. No. 92813, July 31, 1991
o Security Pacific Assu
h. Satisfactio n of . d ranee Corp. v. Tri-Infante, 468 SCRA 526
4 Prer . . . .!U gment out of prooertv attached
· •m inary lnJunction · ·
0 Lonch1ta Carpio M
orales, etc. v. lA & Hinay, Jr., u.K. No. l l l l lo--1.I,
November 10. 2015

~ P~I~ Tree Est~tes, Inc. v. PNB, G.R. No.159370, October 3, 2012

a. efin1t1ons and differences·• pre11minarv
· · ·1n1unct10n.
· · · · order.
temoorarv restrammR
a nd status quo ante order · - · · -
b. Requisites of preliminarv iniunction
c. Kinds of injunction · -
d. When writ may issue
0M iriam College Foundation, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 127930, December 15, 2000
oExecutive Secretarv. et al. v. Forerunner Multi Resources. Inc. , G.R. No.
199324, January 7, 2013
o TML Gasket Industries. Inc. v. BPI Family Savini;tS Bank. Inc.• G .R. No. 188768.
January 7, 2013
e. Grounds for issuance of preliminary in_ iunction
f. Purpose of injunction
o M anila International Airoort Authority v. Rivera Village, 471 SCRA 358
g. When preliminary injunction improper
o ~pouses N1cas10 Marque2 and Anita J. M arquez v. ~pouses carhto Almdog
and Carmen Alindog. G.R. No. 184045. Januarv 22. 2014
o BPI v. Hontanosas, G.R. No. 157163, June 25, 2014
h. W hen can a t emporary restraining order issue
o Bacolod City Water District v. Labayen, G.R. No. 157494, December 10, 2004
i. Requisites of temporary restraining order
o Strategic Alliance Development Corp. v. Star Infrastructure Corp., G.R. No.
187872, April 11. 2011
j. Period of effectivity of temporary restraining order
o Australian Professional. Inc. v. Municipality of Padre Garcia. 668 SCRA 253
k. limitations o n the issuance of a temporary restraining order or injunction
j _ Kece1versh1p
a. Purpose
o Mila Caboverde Tantano, et al. v. ominalda Caboverde, et al., G.R. No.
203585. July 29. 20 13
b. Cases when receiver may be appointed
c. Nature of t he dutv of a receiver ; general powers of a receiver
d, R1:>{!uireme!lt5 before i55U"!lce of ,m 9roer or ~ Vl:>r5hi!.l
e. Kinds of bond
f. Termination of receivership
6. Replevin
a. Nature of replevin
o Advent Capital & Finance Corp. v. Young, G.R. No. 183018, August 3, 2011
b. When may w rit issue/requisites
Affidavit and
uonu: reu · •· . .
l- !.-. - .,
d. Remedy of ~...i.......,_~ errvery bond
. OV \i c,-><:'...,a_..., ·
e . Sheriffs dutv in th ~ '' •
- third party . e lll'lplementation of the writ: whe . . . .
r. Rule in case . . . o property ,s c,airned by
.., wnt was iSSued . k . -
, . Sup~rt pendcnte lite tn •avur of the Reoubtic- bond t .
· · no reou,red
Ma. Carminia Cald ·
,:. . . eron, etc. v. Jose A t .
. -- !1!.!~,Y <:;;, LtJl.S n on1<> F. Roxas, G.R. No. i85595
X. Special civil actions '
1 . Ordinary civil .
act:10ns versus Special civil act·
o Reves v En . rons
2. lnterpleader · nque2. G.R. No. l629S6. ADril 10, 2008

R ~mPo V. Tirona, G.R. No. 147382 "-ril 6 2005
a. equasites ·~ ·
0 Rizal Commercial Ba n ki ng corporation
. v. Metro r,.,..,ta1·..,,,? ro?p G O " '"
1 ?7Q1 "=i <- - ......,.. ""'' '- ' ., .... " " ·
.. · - - - . ~!.ltl'>m~l'>r 1 "=i ?001
b. When to fi!e ·· - · · -
c. Limitations in filing of interoleader
Wack-Wack Golf V . Wo~, 70 SCRA 165
d. Inchoate right not a basis for interoleader
o Ramos v. Ramos, 399 SCRA 43 .
3. Declaratorv reliefs and similar remedies
o Province of Camarines Sur v. Court of Appeals, 600 SCRA 569
o Almeda v. Bathata marketing Industries. 542 SCRA 470
a. Declaratory relief not within the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
0 Allil'>~ ~rQ~~~~inp: (Qf'!lQ~t:u:m v R~~u.!blu::. r; R No 91500. Octob~r 18.
b . Who mav file action
c. Requisites of action for declaratory relief
o Jumamil v. Cafe. G.R. No. 144570, September 21. 2005
o Bayan Telecommunications v. Republic, 513 SCRA 560
d. Dedaratory relief treated as prohibition
o Diaz, et al. v. Sec. of Finance, G.R. No. 193007, July 19, 2011
e . Declaratorv relief treated as mandamus
o Salvacion v. Central Bank, G.R. No. 94723, August 21, 1997
e. When court mav refuse to make judicial declaration
f. Proceedings considered as similar remedies (action for reformation of
.nstrument, quieting of title, and consolidation of ownership)
n ni(lni<.it:1M~n~'!•.1il, M' al. v . Rnbertt:1 M,:,i,:--0, ~ R. N,:, . ~76, NQvf>mbf>r 20,
Spouses Santiago v. Vi!lamor. G.R. No. 168499. November 26. 2012
o PhiJ-Ville Development and Housing Corporation v. Bonifacio, 651 SCRA 327
4. Keview ot Judgments and tmai orders or resoiutiOn ot the CUMtll:C and COA
a. Application of Rule 65 under Rule 64
o Aratuc v. COMELEC, 88 SCRA 251
o lokin. Jr. v. COMElEC. 621 SCRA 385
o Reyna v. COA. 642 SCRA 210
~- Certiorari, proh1b1t1on, and mandamus
a. Function of writ of certiorari
o Francisco v. TRB, G.R. No. 166910, October 19, 2010
o Angara v. Fedman. G.R. NO. 156822. October 18, 2004
b. Requisites for certiorari
o Tan v. Antazo. G.R. No. 187208. February 23, 2011
c. Petition for certiorari distinguished from appeal by certiorari
Land Bank of the Ph·t· .
o 14
K I I IPptnes V (
a. u e b~ not a remeay tor lost app~ ~ourt of APPeals, 4 'i6 Phil 1r,•>
o Ruben c. Magtot0 a
and ArtemiaM
~ovember 21, 2012 agtoto v. CA, et al., G.R. No. 175792,
e. Certiorari involving act· / . .
e I · I · K>ns om,ssaons of MTC/R ·
xc usive YWrt:h COMELEC TC tn election ca~s shall be filed
o Galang v. Geronimo G R
f. Prohibition • · · NO. l92793. f ebruarv 22. 2011
g. Requisites for prohibition
Ongsuko v. Malan G
h• M an d amus es. .R. No. 182065• October 27• 2()()CJ
0 Datu Andal Am at .
, P uan, Jr. v. Sec. Leila de Lima, et al., G.R. No. 197291, April
3 2013
0 Spouses Augusto D d . .
acu ao and Ofelia Dacudao v. Secretary of Just ice Raul
~ on~ales, G.R.No. 188056, January 8, 2013
:::;, pec,al People, Inc. Foundation, et c.. v. Nestor M . C,anda, G.I{. No. 160932,
January 14, 2013
i. Exceptions to filing of motion for reconsideration before filing petition
Barrazona v.RTC of Baguio-Branch 61, 486 SCRA 555
o Tang v. Subic Bay Distribution, G.R.No. 162575, December 15, 2010
j . Injunctive relief necessary to stop proceedings below
o Juiiano--Uave v. ReoubHc, 646 SCRA 637
k. Effects of filing of an unmeritorious petition
I. Grave abuse of discretion
o Spouses Nicasio Marquez and Anita Marquez v. Spouses Carlita Alindog and
Carmen Alindog, G.R.No. 184045, January 22, 2014
o Ralph P. Tua v. Hon. Cesar Mangrobang, et al., G.R. No. 170701, January 2,
6 . Quo warranto
o Tecson v. COMELEC, 424 SCRA 277
Divinagracia v. Consolidated Broadcasting System, G.R. No. 162272, April 7,
a. u1stinct1on between quo warranto under Kule bb and under the ummbus
Election Code
o Fermin v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 179695, December 18, 2008
b. When government may commence an action against individuals
c. Who may commence the action
d . Judgment in quo warranto action
7. Expropriation
O A I U V. bopuco, Jr. 4bL ~LKA ~44
a. Two stages in action for expropriation
o National Power Corporation v. Joson, 206 SCRA 520
o City of Manila v. Alegar Corporatt0n, G.R. No. 187604, June 25, 2012
b. When plaintiff can immediately enter into possession of the real property in
relation to R.A. No . 8974
c. Defenses and objections
d. Ascertainment of just compensation
o City of lloilo v. Cont reras Besana, 612 SCRA 458
o Republic v. Rural Bank of Kabacan, Inc. , 664 SCRA 223
e. Appointment of commissioners; commissioners' report; court action upon
commissioners' report
o National Power Corporation v. De la Cruz, 514 SCRA 56
f. Remedy of unpaid ow ner
o Yujuico v. Atienza, Jr. 472 SCRA 463
Foreclosure of real estate IS
a. Manner of foreclosure •
b . Judgment on foreclosure f
c. Effect of sale of or payment or sale
. mortgaged propert
d. Equity of redemption Y
o Spouses Rosales v. Spouses Alf
e. Wri~ ~f possession ministerial onso, G.R. No. 137792, August 12, 2003
f. Deficiency judgment
g. Judicial foreclosure v . . .
9. Partit io n . ersus extraJud1c1al foreclosure
a. M Cdano Vda. De Viray v. Spouses Usi, G.R. No. 192486, November 21, 2012
o es of partition
~ Figuracion-Gerilla v. Vda. De Figuracion 499 SCRA 484
W ho are indispensable parties to partitio;
Sepulveda v. Pelaez, G.R. No. 152195, January 31, 2005
Matters to allege in the complaint for partition
d. Two stages in action for partition
o Lacbayan v. Samoy, 645 SCRA 677
e. Order of partition and partition by agreement
f. Partition by commissioners
g. Action for partition imprescriptible; exceptions
o Heirs of Restar v. Heirs of Cichon, 475 SCRA 731
h. Effects of judgment of partition
10. Forcible entry and unlawful detainer
a. Uet1nit1ons and dtstmcttons ot torc1ble entry and un1awtu1 detainer
o Nunez v. SLTEAS Phoenix Solutions, G.R.No. 180542, April 12, 2010
o Dela Cruz v. CA, G.R. No. 139442, December 6, 2006
o Sarmiento v. Manalite Home Owners Association, G.R. No. 182953, October
11, 2010
Juanita Ermitano, etc. v. Lailanie Paglas, G.R.No. 174436, January 23, 2013
b. When demand is necessary
c. Nature of the proceedings (Summary Procedure; prohibited pleadings)
o Delos Reyes v. Spouses Odenes, G.R. No. 178096, March 23, 7-011
d. Issue of ownership merely incidental
o Rural Bank of Sta. Ignacia v. Dimatulac, G.R. No. 142015, April 29, 2003
e. Appeals
o Manalang v. Bacani, supra
t. How to stay 1mmed1ate execution ot 1uagment
o Herminia Acbang v. Hon. Jimmy Luczon, Jr. et al., G.R. No. 164246, January
15, 2014
11. contempt
o P/Supt. Hansel Marantan v. Atty. Jose Manuel 0iokno, et al., G.R. No.
205956, February 12, 2014
o Lorenzo Shipping v. Distribution Association, 656 SCRA 331
o Siy v. NLRC, G.R. No. 158971, August 25, 2005
o Rivulet Agro-lndustriaJ Corporation v. Anthony Parungao, et al., G.R. No.
197507, January 14, 2013
o Regalado v. Go, 514 SCRA 616
a. Kinds of contempt (Direct and Indirect)
o Habawel and Medina v. CTA, G.R. No. 174759, September 7, 2011
o Encinas v. National Bookstore, G.R. No. 162704, July 28, 2005
o Re: Letter dated 21 Feb. 2005 of Atty. Noel Sorredo, A.M. No. 05-3-04-SC July
o Cruz v. Gigoyon, 658 SCRA 254
o SSMA v. Rodriguez, 619 SCRA 176
b. How contempt proceedings commenced
o Capito\ HU\s Golf & Country Club, Inc., et at v. Manuel O. Sanchez, G.R. No.
182738, February 24, 2014
c~ Where to file
d . Penalties and remedies against direct and indirect contempt
e. Contempt against quasi-judicial bodies
o Robosa v. NLRC, G.R. No. 176085, February 8, 2012
0 Land Bank of the Philippines v. Ustana, 408 SCRA 328

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