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Hey Masha Allah (praise be) my valiant.

There, take care of your duties, my lion.

Is there permission, my Bey?
Come in, Artuk Bey.
As-salamu alaykum (peace be upon you)
Alaykum as-salam (peace be
upon you too) - Alaykum as-salam
Our Sultan's man in Nikea has arrived, my Bey.
He wants to see you urgently - Where is he now?
Not far from the tribe He’s waiting
for you on the edge of the bush.
No one is to know where I'm gone. Artuk Bey.
Eyvallah (alright) my Bey
Clumsy bastard!!
How many times
the information I gave him were thrown into the winds.
He messed up everything.
And now
he won’t heed my words
He will learn soon enough that our words were true.
He will realize that he has to be
obliged to you even more, my Bey.
On the subject of Haçaturyan...
you were right.
Thanks to you. I have found the traitor in my Castle.
I won’t forget this
Go to Helena and console her a bit
He undermined me from the inside
He reached up to my Castle and struck it with his dagger!
He ripped out my lungs.
He followed every step I took, but that's the end of it.
I will keep my eyes and ears on those spies, now.
Those two will
serve us the heads of Ertuğrul and Aliyar...
on a golden tray
A single mistake...
I don t want even a single mistake, Ural Bey
Or I'll throw
you and your wife in front of Ertuğrul...
like old dogs.
I will not allow myself to die until I plant Çavdar’s flag on your Castle.
What is it?
Our Emperor has agreed to send troops to counter Turks' attacks upon your request, Sir.
They will be in the Castle, within a few days.
Good. Let them come.
I am thru with playing games, now.
I want blood.
I want to fight.
Let them come.
Incoming troops will give us the power to attack the tribes of those Turks.
Stop, traveler!
Where does this road go?
To Kızılelma.
Where's the essence?
It is in the Testimony (Shahada)
Who is Vuslat? - The homeland
Where is the homeland? -The whole world
May the world become your homeland. Let the world be yours
May your cause be blessed.
Eyvallah (Let it be so).
I’m listening to you.
Tekfur Vasilius wrote a letter to his Emperor
He wrote that the Turks broke the peace and started the war, that…
you imprisoned him at the Han and killed his soldiers.
You also entered the Castle and hung their commanders.
This has aroused anger in Nikea
Public pressure has increased.
And. the Emperor couldn't handle the pressures, of course.
The Emperor is a smart one. He knows his man very well.
He knows that Vasilius is looking for an excuse to start a war.
He has not paid much attention to it, so far.
Since, there were no strong reasons for hindering peace.
However, after what happened at the Han and in the Castle...
he has sent troops to investigate the
truth and to reduce the pressure.
They are on the way now
That means the Emperor knew he could not stop the war
The soldiers were sent not for the investigation, but..
they are coming here for scouting.
And even to fight
You're right
The Emperor wants to know how many troops he needs...
what is condition among the Turks and their capacity.
If he finds that Turkmen tribes are weak as he hopes..
then he will want to crush them.
What is your situation?
We ensured our unity, evelallah (with Allah's help)
If the Emperor wants war,
he must send, not a single unit, but an army.
Eyvallah (Well done)
On this very important battle line ..
you represent us with honor and
power, my Ertuğrul Bey Thank you
If not for you the Karacahisar would get
stronger, making our conquest tough.
You’ve performed this duty honorably
Now. there will be one more task
It is necessary to deliver this information to our Sultan.
Don i worry about that.
This information will be delivered to our Sultan immediately.
This task is now yours May Allah help you.
My dear cousin. What happened to you?
Come Let’s wash your face.
How could he do this to you?
Could a man do such a crime to
the woman he’s going to marry?
It was just a misunderstanding.
Otherwise, Vasilius would never do something like this.
He took out on you his anger over a traitor in the Castle.
How can he be suspicious of you?
Let's see how he will soothe your wounded heart
He is going through a difficult time. Çolpan.
We are at war
Besides, anyone in his position
would have the same suspicion.
Ah Helena. How good you are.
I wish the life was as innocent and as beautiful as you see it.
It's a matter of how you look at ît, Çolpan
Besides, how can a person be happy
if there is no kindness in them?
You’re right. But you know that everything has to be mutual
I hope Vasilius sees your value and
will not repeat the same mistake
Have no doubt at all He will appreciate me
You pull a long face. You seem very absorbed. Dündar Bey
What happened to you?
It’s nothing, Günyeli Hatun I'm a little bit depressed
There is something with you.
But you don’t want to tell me.
I'm out of sorts, Günyeli Hatun.
I understand if you do not want to talk to me. I won’t push you.
those closest to a person behave worse than the enemy
Our enemies ambush us and draw their swords on us.
But our closest relatives...
they hit us where it hurts most
Someone came at you because of me. isn't it?
They don’t want you to talk to me, do they?
Don’t be upset I'm used to being
excluded because of my father
I don't want you to fall out with your brother, because of me
Günyeli, if I love, I won't give up if
the whole world turns against me
While I’m with you nobody will dare to distress you.
Haa. if they do. we know how to
stand up against them, evelallah.
Allah has brought you to me, my Dündar Bey.
With your permission.
Bless your hands
Hatuns. May your hands be blessed
There's only a few days of work left
May Allah bless you all I am proud of you
May Allah bless you, Aslıhan Hatun.
Thank you
Thank you
Tomorrow we will all take a break.
You are very tired. You deserved it.
Thank you Hayme Mother. May Allah bless you.
May it go easy, hatuns.
Thank you, my Dündar Bey
Thank you, my Dündar B< y
Mother Huh-’
I have a word to say
What is up, son, why are you so downcast?
Didn't I tell you not to tell my brother
anything about Gunyell, did I9
Calm down, son Tell me what happened.
My sister-in-law told my brother about Günyelı, mother.
And my brother scolded me because of this issue.
He does not want me to marry Günyelı.
Mother First, with what happened at the drilling field
and now with his words, he offended me
He offended me
O my Allah, you protect my sons.
What's the matter? Why ıs my Dündar Bey in this state?
Halime dıdn t I tell you not to tell Ertuğrul about Gunyell. yet?
Mother, Ertuğrul is the Bey of our
tribe I can t hide anything from him
A behavior that befits a good wife
is not to sp< ak without thinking!
But rather to measure it and consider
and say when the time is right
Now troubles started to show its
ugly head What are we going to do?
Let's pray it doesn't get worse.
Otherwise, we will all pay very heavy price for it
Welcome, my Bey.
Glad to see you, Abdurrahman.
Send the word to Dündar and Doğan,
they’re to come to me at once.
As you order, my Bey
You. bear of the mountains. Bamsi.
You. bear of the mountains. Bamsi.
Of what
of what help are you to your beloved in the Castle?
Walls can’t be penetrated, it’s
impossible to pass through the soldiers
Ah. Bamsi. aM
Ah. you loved, you loved that girl of the mountains, so .
you could have thrown her on
you back and whisked her away

Look now, what I will do to our bear of the mountains.

You're always ready to make a racket, huh.
Ssh’ Be quiet
Now then here we go.
Bamsı, Bamsı.
You must be well off your head.
Now you even smell the scent of pastrami
I'm not bacon, I am Teo.
Ward off. bismillah (in the name of Allah)!
Come here. Doğan You II see
what's coming to you: come here.
Stop brother
Don't fly into temper. We just
thought to have a bit of laugh, man
So you've found an airy-fairy man to laugh at him.
You re nasty shame on you.
Shame on you.
Smile now, Bamsi. We missed your old self.
Eyvallah (alright) Eyvallah (alright), my Bey.
And look what I got for you.
I made it with my own fair hands.
And what’s more, I named it Teo. Enjoy your meal
Good. I'll take it
I ll take it then
I will eat Teo just like this anyway.
All this will pass, brother
Just be p itient.
Besides, have you ever seen our
Ertuğrul Bey not upholding his promise?
Hence you will be reunited with Helena.
Oh. of course. We're even going to have a wedding
We will cook cauldrons full of roasting.
We will bring you trays and trays of borek (meat pies).
Eh, and of course. We will get pastrami for you.
Then, at your wedding I will feed it to you.
I will feed you all of it.
Oh really7 Good
Good You’re right, brother.
You’re right It's s ivory, too
Oh brother, couldn’t you give another name to these blessing?
You'll make me lose my love for this bless
Gunkut brother -Huh'*
You’re not laughing
Laugh, you man. Laugh, man.
As-salamu alaykum (peace be upon you) Alps
Alaykum as-salam (peace be upon
you too). - Alaykum as-salam
Ertuğrul Bey summons you and Doğan Alp.
Let’s go then.
Come on eat it, eat.
What s wrong with you, Halime
Hatun You’re quiet like a deep well
I'm exhausted Aslıhan Hatun
I'm not in mood for talk
But. that sadness spreading over your face is not from fatigue.
Are you still distressed with the issue of Günyelı?
This issue is beyond my control, now.
It's best if I stay quiet like a deep well
Tell me, what happened again?
Is there permission, Aslıhan Hatun?
Come in. Kırca
A messenger came from Konya. He
wants to see you Aslıhan Hatun
uı uJiq }<»-]
This letter was sent to you by Blessed Emir Sadettin.
Is there permission, my Bay?
Come in, Doğan
You summoned us. my Bey
Dündar Doğan you're assigned for a very import ınt duty
Early tomorrow morning you will be on your way to Konya.
You will deliver a message to our Sultan
As you order, my B< y
Now listen to me carefully.
My words will not be written in a
letter You’ll commit it to memory
Tell our Sultan the following
Aslıhan Hatun
Is there a bad news, what happened?
Emir Sadettin
he invited me to İlgin, to meet his mother
He says he wants me to make my wedding preparations, there
What do you think? What are you going to do7
I don’t know what to think. Halime Hatun
Perhaps it would be the best if I go.
Gunyelı Hatun.
Why your face is so shadowed Günyeli Hatun'?
Why is your beautiful face shaded by black clouds?
It is beyond my power. Dündar Bey.
I don't want to drive a wedge between your brother and you
But don't worry: as long as you're by my side. I will be better.
In shaa Allah, you will be a Bey’s hatun. You must be tenacious.
And when would that be. did you say?
In the shortest time. In shaa Allah (God willing)
But, I have some important duty.
I'll hit the road tomorrow morning
After I've seen to that. I will talk to my brother first thing
That means I will not see you
I’m not going that far away, don't worry. I’ll be back soon.
While I was hoping to see you more often...
you're talking about going away.
No matter where I go
you will be in my heart and in my mind
Just have a little more patience.
Don t forget me wherever it is that you re going
Let me give you a keepsake.
Having your pretty handkerchief with me. not only...
to Konya, but even if I go to Fizan. I would never forget you
So, you are going to Konya?
Gunyell, this now has to stay a secret between the two of us
Don’t you dare to tell anyone about it
Don't worry my Bey My lips are sealed.
You seal your eyes, too Don’t look at other girls. there.
My eyes have been sealed since I saw you.
Once I return, everything will be different
You are entrusted to Allah.
May Allah open your path.
I will wait for you
What were you talking about with Dündar?
He came to say goodbye to me. father
He is going to Konya on an important mission
He will leave early in the morning.
To Konya is it7
Go in peace my Ertuğrul Bey.
Eyv i İlah (thank you). Aliyar Bey
Dog Teo is entrusted to you.
We also need to learn Acar Bey’s
movements as soon as possible
I have Acar Bey followed all the time. Ertuğrul Bey.
Do not worry I’m watching every step
You are entrusted to Allah, Aliyar Bey. -You too. my Bey.
The time has come now, to end the
tyranny of Ertuğrul Bey and Aliyar Bey
We II do whatever we need, to get Ural
Bey at the helm of our tribe, again
It is all upon us. Acar Bey.
While we re trying to put Ural Bey
into power, they'll be after us
Do not worry. There is no evidence on their hands
With only suspicions and assumptions
they can t achieve anything
Even if it s so, how many people we have left in the tribe.
They killed our Alps, one by one, in front of our own eyes
Ural Bey has ensured the support of other Turkmen Beys.
With their support Çavdar tribe will get the Bey it deserves.
Have a little more patience
There is another issue that we need to take care of first
Dündar ıs leaving for Konya.
There must be an important reason behind his going to Konya.
We need to inform Ural Bey of this.
But, I'm being followed by Aliyar Bey's Alps.
You will take this news to Ural Bey.
Before you go, I'll go hunting and lure
the men following me. elsewhere
So you go to Karacahisar and inform
him about Dündar Bey's trip to Konya.
As you order, my Bey
Aslıhan. are you alright, my sister?
I got a letter from Emir Sadettin.
What does he say '
He invited me to İlgin for the wedding preparations.
Our Sultan wants us to organize our wedding ceremony there.
My sister if your heart is not set
on this I'll support you completely
You are not obliged to marry Sadettin Kopek
The shield cannot ward off the arrow
of destiny, brother It’s my fate
I'm going to marry him
If you allow, I want to go to Kayi
tribe tomorrow to say my goodbyes.
As you wish, my sister.
We will go tomorrow together.
I haven't seen my Diindar’s face that happy for so long.
The flame burning in his heart has
lightened the eyes of my little one
It is obvious that an ember burns in Dundar s heart.
However, shouldn't he consult us on such matters, mother?
Doesn't the heart always have its own way, son?
When you gave your heart to
Halime Sultan, did you consult us7
What is important is Dündar s happiness.
My mother. Those are two different things
First Allah then you have witnessed
everything we have lived through
We will address this issue later, mother.
As for now, Dündar and Doğan
have an important duty to attend to
They will be away for a while.
My son -This is more appropriate, mother.
This task is important. I cannot entrust anyone else with that.
Besides, it will be good for Dündar
to be away from here for a while
What is it, where are you off to?
E rt uğru I Bey should be told that Helena ıs in dungeon.
It's not just her The pretense we’ve
created at the Castle will soon be out
I see that our Ertuğrul Bey’s rebuke
has taught you a hard lesson.
As it is. you would fly to my Ertuğrul Bey as if you had wings.
I don't have time to linger, usta.
Come here
He let her out of dungeon And he
escorted her to her room like a princess
True he doubted her.
But when Ertuğrul Bey sent the body
of that dog Yağız to the Castle .
Vasilius thought he has made a mistake.
Thank God. you finally understood, son
Our Ertuğrul Bey s wise movement has come at the right time.
Otherwise, the girl would be in dire straits
Perhaps, we would be too. Haçaturyan Usta (master)
Praise be to Allah, we are free from suspicion, too.
We would have lost our position in the Castle.
It might be Anyway
Here you go, get that broom Clean the shop nicely
All dirt and rust from the Castle penetrated the shop.
Apprenticeship training you know.
Usta (master)?
I am tired too I’m going to sleep for a while
What happened, what is it?
Acar Bey has sent me, my Bey.
Tell that Acar when I get back to the tribe, he’ll be in trouble
Because of him, I almost parted with my life.
Ertuğrul learned of Yağız What else?
Dündar Bey my Bey
He is leaving for Konya, tomorrow.
He ordered me to convey this to you
For Konya, is it?
Wht n did you learn it7
Dündar Bey said that to Gunyelı Hatun, Acar Bey s daughter
What would Dündar be doing with Günyelı Hatun?
They say that Dündar Bey is in
love with Gunyelı Hatun, my Bey
They frequently meet. He said this.
when he went to say his goodbyes
Well, well, well
So our little Bey is in love. huh.
He found a hatun just worthy of himself.
What other news you have?
Teo my Bey He s thrown into a prison
tent in the Çavdar tribe, for interrogation
Good, good. That’s very good
Tell that Acar, that he must find a way to set Teo free tonight.
As you order, my Bey
Oh and tell him one more thing if..
this Konya issue turns out to be another
trap, he can dig his own grave (mezar).
Tekfur Vasilıus.
What is it Ural, you couldn t hold it till dinner'?
Would you be able to hold it, once you hear what I learned?
What did you learn, this time? The way to get our revenge.
You re that determined
If you had used that for performing good deeds..
you’d become, how do you call it
evliya (saint like person), Ural, evliya.
Till I get my tribe back... -Understood,
I've got it You'll not stop
Tell me then, you determined wolf. How will we get revenge?
ErtugruI s brother Dündar Bey ıs going to Konya tomorrow.
To Konya
The motive behind his going is clear.
He’s going to see Sultan. It means
he’s got important information on him.
H< will not deliver it!
You are going prevent this.
Of course, if this is not bait that Ertuğrul has thrown your way.
Let it go
A job like this comes along only once,
Vasilius Why won’t you trust me ?
Are you going to let him go?
I served you Ertuğrul’s brother Dündar on a golden tray.
So, are you going just to sit there like this, doing nothing?
If I could have just sat here doing nothing. Ural ...
I’m pretty sure I would have lost less of my men
Every time I have taken up with
you, I couldn't get filth off my face
Take me with you. too If it s a trap
kill mt right there on the spot
I gave you Haçaturyan And now I offered you Dündar too
Furthermore, Teo. -Teo?
What about Teo'??
Teo is in Çavdar tribe.
He's kept in the caged tent.
But, I gave necessary orders to my
Alps: they will set him free, tonight

If you save him any wish you may

have would be my command
It would be enough if we get Dündar
It would be enough to take revenge
Moreover, we will get hold of that
information he s taking to the Sultan
You II come with me, too. If this
happt ned to be yet another trap
Is there permission, my Bey?
Come in, Kutluca, come in.
My Bey the Alp whom I had assigned
to follow Acar Bey, has come.
He's gone hunting today. He didn’t meet
with anyone He hadn t gone too far away
Why on earth Acar went hunting Kutluca?
The hunt became their signal There’s
something fishy going on there.
What is your order, my Bey?
Continue to follow him. Kutluca
With whomever he talks in the tribe, follows them too.
He might not go in person, but he is sending someone else.
As you wish, my Bey
We need to get Teo away, without losing time
How many people are there on guard?
Two man, my Bey. And Kutluca comes in frequently to check
We'll take care of this by the way of his meal
Put cutter inside the bread that goes to Teo.
But how can we manage that, my Bey?
Kutluca Alp checks everything What if he finds a cutter9
For that reason. I said to put it inside the bread.
Once his hands were untied, Teo
will take care of Alps at the entrance
And, on his way out of the tribe, our Alps
will turn a blind < ye and let him pass
As you wish, my Bey
May we come in
Masha Allah Masha Allah. Masha Allah (praise be).
Is there permission?
Please, have a seat my sons.
It is so beautiful to see you all together like this.
May Allah keep your unity everlasting.
The Sunnah of our Master the
Prophet was to sit together with
his companions in a circle (the
Halaqa) and have a friendly talk
However, as time progressed, gaps
started to appear in this circle
This was because some companions
wt nt on
i path of Holy Struggle
some were sent as envoys to various places, and...
some of them were being martyred by
the persecution of pagans (mushrikeen).
One of our Master's companions...
Mus'ab bin Umayr (RA)
giving up his property, his lifestyle, his family
he pledged an oath to our Master (Pledge of Aqabah).
In the Battle of Uhud to preserve
the blessed life of our Master
he became a martyr by sacrificing himself.
Our Prophet's paternal uncle, Hadret Hamza
(RA) who was most supportive of him
and who protected him n Mecca
against pagans (mushrikeen)..
has been martyred in the Battle of Uhud
One of the companions most alike to our Prophet...
Jafer bin Abu Talib...
had both of his arms severed and...
he was martyn d in Bittie of Mu'tah.
The blessed path requires sacrifices.
Today you are all together.
If you want Allah (SWT) to grant
you to be all together in Heaven.
you must be ready to bear witness at all time.
For those who believe, there is no separation.
For. as our Lord in Surah Al-Baqarah. tells us...
And do not speak of those who
are slain in Allah's way as dead
Nay, (they are) alive.
But you do not perceive (their existence)."
[Surah Al Baqarah- 2154]
May Allah..
grant martyrdom to all of us. In shaa Allah (God willing)
The right of martyrdom would not be granted to everyone.
The martyrdom is the right of those who give
up their lifestyles, their goods their egos
I would sacrifice my mother and
fath< r for you O Messenger of Allah”
it is the right of those who can say that.
It is the right of everyone who, for..
the blessed cause do not turn from
their course regardless of everything
This blessed cause, for the sake of
which those people were martyred
has been passed from generation to generation.
And it will continue to be so. always.
Out of respect for them...
may Allah make us too, the soldiers of this blessed cause.
My Kutluca Head-Alp, they've sent his food
Don't take your eyes from this dog.
As you order. - As you order.
Take it awayf
I don t have appetite. I won t eat it.
How did this dog got free. Kutluca'-'’
If he escaped, what would we say to Ertuğrul Bey?
He cut the ropes, my Bey
Someone smuggled him this cutter
O my Lord
I'm sick of these traitors
I seek refuge in You.
I beg You for h< Ip
Help me.
Çıçrk Hatun >
You're pregnant.
Take your breath a minute.
I'll finish up your preparation my Doğan.
You will set on the road tomorrow morning.
Let go of that clothes
Do I n< ed my shirt7
It s enough if
your glance and your smile...
fill the chambers of my heart.
You are going on another duty, my Doğan.
I'm proud of you..
as well as..
As well as?
My Çiçek as well as what9
And I'm scared, too.
You are not telling what your task is.
What if this is going to be like your Karacahisar duty?
Look, my Çiçek
When I set my heart on my Ertuğrul Bey's path. .
I was ready to sacrifice my life
And to be parted from my home.
my homeland and my loved ones.
My only goal is that.
our baby doesn’t have to migrate like we did.
So, that he is able to firmly and safely walk
in his father's homeland in his own land
And, don't trouble yourself
This time it won't be so long. I ll go
and return in no time at all. evelallah
Go and return safe and sound, In shaa Allah.
For our tribe
for the future of our child. .
I ll put up with your absence.
I am proud of you. my black-eyed.
It is not every hatun s lot to .
wait so long to be patient.
Whatever you do..
return before this baby is born, my Doğan.
I wish him to see you when he opens his eyes for the first time.
You are right villahi (by God)
If Allah forbid he sees his uncle
Bamsı when he first opens his eyes .
the newborn may regret that he’s been born.
Ahh. this child is just like pastrami. Mash Allah (praise be).
Well, come here, you’re your uncle Bamsi's favorite.
Come. I ll show you my swords.
You are entrusted to Allah.
May Allah help you and assist you.
Your trust is imprinted in both our
minds and our hrarts. my Bey.
Don't worry; we II forward it to whom it is intended.
Eyvallah (thank you), Doğan my brother.
May your path be open son.
May the enemy's shadow or any kind of evil
don t touch you on your way there and back
Go and return1 safe and sound. In shaa Allah.
Don’t trouble yourself, mother.
We ll go and return as soon as we fulfill our Beys order.
In shaa Allah (God willing). In shaa Allah, son.
May Allah help you and assist you.
May your paths not take you faraway, my brother.
If you show up empty-handed, you’ll
be in serious trouble, so you know
The bear of the mountains.
Come here, my little lion.
Go and return quickly uncle
Your uncle would give his life for you.
Have a safe journey, my Bey
Eyvallah (thank you)
May your paths be open my braveheart
Our baby is entrusted first to Allah (SWT), then to you
Go and return
smoothly like water. In shaa Allah, my sons.
May your paths be open, my bravehearts.
Where did
that degenerate get that cutter from, Kutluca?
What have you been doing?
I can t get it either, my Bey. When
they came I checked everything
I even cut his nails so he cannot use it to pry the ropes open.
How did h< then get it >
I put my most trusted Alps to stand guard, my Bey
I rely on them completely.
What about those entering the tent9
Only the Alps who brought water and food, entered.
I personally supervise everything
they bring in and serve to him
Increase the measures Kutluca.
Even the slightest amount of food brought to that dog..
you will chew it and feed it to him yourself.
Off you go
Brother, perhaps there was a cutter hidden on that man
When my tribe is plagued by so many problems ..
I'm not in a position to console myself Aslihan.
There's something in this matter.
I am ready.
Let’s go brother
Let s go, my sister.
Let's go.
I will let your Sultan wait for a while, Dündar Bey
There are important issues that I need to talk to you about
How did this degenerate know
that we will go to Konya my Bey?
No one else knew apart from us.
Having your pretty handkerchief with me, not only to Konya .
but even if I go to Fizan, I would never forget you.
So, you are going to Konya?
Dündar B y
it will be my honor to welcome a Bey like you into my Castle.
Drop your swords and surrender.
Dündar B< y
take it easy, don't think I've
forgotten my promise to your brother
I will exterminate your roots, I said, I will wipe you out
Attack them!

What s the matter with you, Doğan Alp. .

you're on your knees?
Soon enough all of the Kayış will kneel in front of me.
You won’t see it happening, even
in your wildest dream, bastard
Two in hand
Today is the day when you were born again. Tekfur Vasilîus
Take hım!
Welcome to you, you brought us honor
Glad to be here, my Ertuğrul Bey.
Welcome to you two.
Thank you. Hayme Mother.
Welcome, Aslıhan
Thank you
It s good you told us that you were coming, beforehand
We set the table places for you
We were very glad that you were
going to be with us this blessed day
Thank you.
Eyvallah (Thank you), my bacım.
Please, take your seat.
My sister got a letter from Emir Sadeddin, yesterday.
He sent his salams (greetings) to all of you.
Thank you. - Alaykum as-salam
Alaykum as-salam.
He invited my sister to Ilgın to do
wedding pre parations with his mother
The poor woman wondered where his bride was.
So, I gave my permission
I wanted to see you before I get on
the road tomorrow by Allah s permit
I am leaving for good.
How can you say that, my daugter?
All ıh forbid1
In shaa Allah, we'll live to see your children grow up.
Although, my other brothf r condemned for..
causing disorders still lives, I have lost him.
For me, he is nothing more than a living carcass
Of course, he will get what he deserves
However, my Lord has granted me one brave brother.
Ertuğrul Bey
My mother was taken away from me, way too soon.
He granted me a lovely mother like my Hayme Mother.
I never knew what it means to have a sister.
He bestowed on me the best one. Halime Sultan
May Allah be pleased with all of you
You saved the honor of my brother, my tribe and me, as well.
I want you to know that I will always
remember you with gratitude
In shaa Allah these troubles will end
and I will see you at my wedding
In shaa Allah - In shaa Allah (God willing).
May Allah forgive those you love, my daughter.
In shaa Allah, you will have a happy life
For your prosperity and for our
State may you raise good children
Amin. -Amin.
Let's start bismillah (in the name of Allah)
Take it. my daughter.
My Allah...
don’t let me to utter testemony, before I get to my tribe.
Allow me reach my Bey. o my Allah
This belt will be most befitting of
your slim waist Aslıhan Hatun
Halime, this is so very precious.
It's not precious more than my sister.
Thank you
Aslıhan, my daughter
It’s just that I thought I would never see you again..
It is not befitting of a bride to say things like that
Moreover, our tribe is yours, too.
Whenever you want to come..
it will be my joy to receive you just like my child
Let’s wipe away the tears from those lovely eyes.
And may you make a joyful nest. In shaa Allah.
In shaa Allah
I won’t be worrying myself. Hayme Mother.
I entrust my Aliyar brother first to Allah..
then to my Ertuğrul Bey and to you.
We expect you again, mistress.
We expect you again.
Thank you.
Seeing the gold your mood has lifted, usta.
Do you call this this gold?
The Emperor put silver inside, he put silver inside.
They killed the trade
But when we resume work in our
mine, you’ll see what's gold then
What is this noise7
Let's go and see
Kill hım’
Get him up! Get him up!
My good God
Protect us from the devil and his mercenaries.
Kill him? Murder him!
Kill hım’
SI »lighter him?
A death
is a salvation for this Turk
Though, is there any Turk to whom this is not a salvation?
But this Turk
does not deserve to die so easily.
Because he is the brother of that perfidious Turk who ..
came up to my Castle and killed my commanders!
I took our revenger
I will send him to our Emperor
As a gift.
I will send him so that our Emperor
may take his revenge on Turks, by.
his own hand, for all those years
they occupied our lands, for all
their treacheries, all the traps they
set upon us, for all our food they stole.
Vasilius. the great!
Scoundrel sod!
I’m going kill youi
Calm down'
You're crazyl
Keep your eyes open Haçaturyan Usta.
My Bey will raze this Castle to the ground, now
Remember everything...
hear everything, so when...
we came to destroy this Castle over
their heads you'll show us the way.
You don’t worry it all Dumrul Alp.
Notify our Ertuğrul Bey at once
Commander, get your soldiers ready.
Take him to Nikea, to our Emperor
As you order, Sir
Unfortunately, your visit to my Castle will be short-lived
But. yours will not be an easy death
How do you Turks call it? There is a very nice word.
A destiny; a destiny means what. .

What is intended for a person is
not always what a person will get!
You were on your way to your Sultan
However, you are going to our Emperor instead
Your destiny
will be my brother's double quenched steel.
My brother will never give you these lands.
Now, you will rot under these lands we will call our homeland.
Take him away
Hang hım’
It was beautiful
We need to put some salt on it.
Father, look.
Hey Mash Allah, my little lion
He will be like his father. Masha Allah (by God's help)
A purebred Arabian horse befits Gunduz. Ertuğrul Bey
Father, when I ride the horse why it doesn't
n ar up into the air like when you do?
My Gunduz Bey, My Gündüz Bey .
ehh, your legs are still short.
Ee, if you want to make the horse
rear up, firstly you have to grow up.
A horse acts in compliance with his owner, my Gündüz.
So, you move leg, and he moves too
Hope nothing s wrong. In shaa Allah.
My Doğan Alpr My Doğan Alp*
Wait, brother.
Doğan my brother’ My brother’
Doğan brother! Op< n your eyes!
Doğan brother’ Doğan brother!
Doğan brother’ -Doğan’
My Doğan* - Doğan brother!
Doğan brother, Brother! - Open your eyes!
Doğan, don t close your eyes!
Open them, brother, hang on’ Hang on. my brother’
Brothı r' Brother’
You'll see your son. You'll make this place your home
Doğan brother, wake up!
Brother' Doğan'
Doğan, who did this to you, my brother, tell me!
Who did it. tell me'
My Dündar Bey.
Vasilius together with Ural seized my Dündar Bey, my Bey
I beg your forgiveness.
I couldn’t protect my Dündar Bey.
My Bey. my Bey, do something. - My Doğan.
My Bey, do something.
My Doğan
Doğan don’t go - Dog >n
Doğan - Doğan
This gathering is not a good sign, my daughter.
Protect us from the evil .
on this blessed Friday, o Almighty.
What is happening there?
My Doğan Doğan, brother!
Aa’ - Aa!
Doğan brother, open your eyes.
My Bey, my Bey. come on. my Bey
My Bey. Doğan is going. My Bey!
Do something my Bey!
Doğan, my valiant.
Doğan, Doğan
Doğan, open your eyes What have they done to you?
My Doğan'
My son. My lion
My lion, what happened to you? Doğanl
Bring up our child to b<
worthy of our Ertuğrul Bey .
and of our trib
Don’t say so don’t Doğan
Doğan, don t say so
My Doğan, don't
Don t my Doğan, don’t say so
Doğan. - They are entrusted to you, my Bey.
Doğan, don’t say so, my brother.
Doğan - Doğan
Do not let yourself go.
No, no don’t go, Doğan.
Don't leave me. Please don't go.
Doğan, don’t leave me.
Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illallah’.
[I bear witness that there is no god except Allah]
Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah.'
[And I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah]
Aaaf - Doğan

No! - Doğan, Doğan!

Dog in’ Don't'
Don’t no no don’t go!
My brother1
Doğan, don't Don't leave me alonel
Doğan, Doğan! Ah, my little darling!
Doğan Doğan*
O, mother's lambî
Oyt He dıdn t die’
H< didn’t die, he didn’t die! - Doğan!
Doğan, don't, don t leave me alone!
Don t die don t die, Doğan! - Don t die mu lamb, don t die!
Don t die. my Doğanî
Doğan, don t h ave us! Don't leave
What would I do without you Doğanl Doğan, open your eyes!
My braveheart, open your ryes’
My Dog in rn’
Don’t leave us! My brother^
Let me get him ini
My Bey. don't take him, don't take him from me! - Get him in!
Let's get him in!
Let me take you in, my brother
Get him in! Get him in! Please my Bey. don’t take him!
Don’t take him. don’t, please, don't take him!
Please, don’t take him!
We have not reached our goal yet brother.
We have not reached our goal yet, my Doğan.
We have not reached our goal yet my brother.
Doğan Dog mr
Doğan don’t die. brother!
Dogin didn’t die!
Bamsı Let go man
Bamsı. Leave it brother, let go!
Brother, brother, brother!
My son, my son is gone!
My Doğan is gone!
I will not give him to the ground! - Bamsı!
Bamsı! - Bamsı. my brother!
He will not die! - Come on, my son!
I will not surrender Doğan!
Get up! Leave me alone!
Brother, brotherl
Come to yourself, come to yourself! - Brother!
Doğan, Doğan! - Pull yourself together!
Ooh my Doğan'
Oh my I ımb'
My Doğan'
My Doğan, open your eyes!
My Doğan'
My valiant, open your eyes. Doğanî
Please, wake up
Wake up. my braveheart.
Doğan, my lion
My lion, don t go and leave me, Doğan!
My Doğan, wake up. don't leave me alone, Doğan!
My lion, Doğan*
Doğan my brother!
Get up get up’
Get up
My Doğan, my Doğan.
We are going to get a child, my Doğan.
Please, wake up Doğan
My Doğan, open your eyes.
Wak< up. my lion. Doğan. Doğan wake up
Please, Doğan. Doğan, don’t go. Doğan.
Don t go and leave me, Doğan.
Don t leav< me on my own. Doğan.
Don’t leave me.
Wake up, my lion
Doğan, Dog
Ertuğrul, what happened to my children?
What happened, son?
You finally got something very valuable from Ertuğrul Vasilius.
Dündar ıs not enough
I'll take everything he owns
We will get it together Vasilius together
After Aliyar dies and you take over your tribe...
there will be nothing left for us to do together.
You will take your tribe and go away.
Don t you want to always see a
friendly Turk at your side, Vasilius?
I prefer to see..
a dead Turk.
Because of this anger ..
you re going to lose a lot.
If I were in your place...
Fortunately, you’re not in my place.
When my dealing with you is done, get out of my sight.
Won t you invite me to your wedding?
Helena would be very happy to see us.
After all she loves Turks very much.
Soon there won t be a single Turk
left, living in these lands Ural
Shah maV
You played on the wrong horse Vasilius
The time has come.
The hunt is just beginning Now it's time to set traps
h you big old man
How you have escaped the tip of this arrow, once.
God only knows
I wouldn’t have been able to escape without my Ertuğrul Bey.
Run I s iid!
Run! Run if you want to live’
Run I said, run! Don't do it brother’
Run, run run’
Run run run’
Run run run!

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