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Includes the Course Framework
Pre-AP Biology Course Guide

Fall 2018

Please visit Pre-AP online ( for more information

about the course launch and program features.
About the College Board
The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects
students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board
was created to expand access to higher education. Today, the membership
association is made up of over 6,000 of the world's leading educational institutions
and is dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education. Each year, the
College Board helps more than seven million students prepare for a successful
transition to college through programs and services in college readiness and
college success—including the SAT® and the Advanced Placement Program®. The
organization also serves the education community through research and advocacy
on behalf of students, educators, and schools.
For further information, visit

© 2018 The College Board. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, Student Search Service, SAT, and the acorn
logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT is a trademark owned by the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT
is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. National Merit and the corporate
"Lamp of Learning" logo are federally registered service marks of National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
Understanding by Design® and UbD™ are trademarks owned by ASCD. All other products and services may be trademarks
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Khan Academy is a registered trademark in the United States and other jurisdictions.
Pre-AP courses are launching in a limited national cohort during the 2018-19 school year. The content included in this guide
is subject to change as the College Board incorporates educator feedback. The Pre-AP Bio Course Guide is intended for use
by schools only. All other uses must be approved by and receive express written permission from the College Board. Please
send your request to
v Preface

Contents vi Acknowledgments
1 About Pre-AP
2 Theory of Action
4 Shared Principles
5 About the Pre-AP Biology Course
6 Pre-AP Curricular and Resource
8 Pre-AP Biology Course Framework
8 Overview
10 Overview of Pre-AP Biology Units and
Enduring Understandings
11 Unit 1: Ecological Systems
18 Unit 2: Evolution
22 Unit 3: Cellular Systems
32 Unit 4: Genetics

40 The Pre-AP Instructional Approach

41 Areas of Focus
42 Instructional Resources

44 Pre-AP Biology Assessments

44 Overview
45 Inside the Assessment Blueprint
47 Sample Unit Quiz Questions
50 Pre-AP Biology Performance Tasks

53 Units at a Glance: Content, Structure,

and Pacing
56 Pre-AP Professional Learning
57 Contact Us
"Begin with the end in mind," Stephen Covey advised in his widely read 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People. He explained that forming a mental vision of our destination
(in life or career) is what allows our own decisions and actions, not others', to
guide us there. "Beginning with the end in mind" is also the underlying principle of
Understanding by Design™, a widely used framework developed by Grant Wiggins and
Jay McTighe that describes how curriculum and instructional design should be driven
by the eventual outcomes we want for students. Two seminal works—one in the areas
of business and self-help, one in the field of education—advance this singular principle
that makes perfect sense. For ninth-grade students, this idea that connects both to how
we live and how we learn carries particular resonance.
The beginning of high school is a daunting time for many students. Many do not yet have a
clear vision for where they want to end up, academically or career-wise. Most want to go to
some sort of college, but they depend on the adults in their lives—teachers, parents, family
members—to guide them on how to get there and how to make the right choices along the
way. For the most talented and motivated students, the ones whose families have navigated
themselves to their college and career aspirations, this process can be smooth, even if
the work itself is challenging. But most students need much more guidance and support,
especially when it comes to developing the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind that will
allow them to succeed in college. With postsecondary education increasingly a "must" for
earning a good wage and having a rewarding career, getting all students college ready is a
responsibility that falls heavily upon high school teachers and administrators.
If college is the end, then let's help our students have a vision of what that looks like
in their minds from the moment they start ninth grade. How do successful college
(and AP) students read for details and evidence, whether they are reading a piece of
literature, a history textbook, or a technical manual? How do they craft sentences and
paragraphs to compellingly make claims supported with solid evidence? How do they
interpret and use data from charts and maps? How do they make sense of the world
and solve problems using quantitative information? When students know what will
be expected down the road, and have opportunities to practice with grade-appropriate
content and contexts, with ample support and feedback from teachers across different
subjects, there are fewer surprises and unknowns. The process is more transparent and
fair, giving more students the opportunity to succeed.
The College Board has followed this principle of "beginning with the end in mind"
in designing this program. All students will leave high school ready for college and
career—this is the vision shared by our members, our leadership, our staff, and all of
you, the schools joining with us as we launch the Pre-AP Program. We are honored by
your participation and look forward to our partnership in the years to come.

Auditi Chakravarty, Vice President

SpringBoard and Pre-AP Programs
The College Board would like to acknowledge the following committee members,
consultants, and reviewers for their assistance with and commitment to the
development of this course. All individuals and their affiliations were current at the
time of contribution.

Biology Content Additional Biology Contributors

Development Team and Reviewers
Jason Crean Rick Duschl
Lyons Township High School Penn State University
La Grange, IL University Park, PA

Mark Eberhard Amy Fassler

St. Clair High School Marshfield High School
St. Clair, MI Marshfield, WI

David Hong Kenneth Huff

Diamond Bar High School Mill Middle School
Diamond Bar, CA Williamsville, IL

Michele Koehler Nancy Ramos

Riverside Brookfield High School Northside Health Careers High School
Riverside, IL San Antonio, TX

Courtney Mayer
Northside Independent School District
College Board Staff
San Antonio, TX
Karen Lionberger
Elisa McCracken Senior Director, Pre-AP Curriculum,
Brandeis High School Instruction, and Assessment
San Antonio, TX
Natasha Vasavada
Keri Shingleton Executive Director, SpringBoard and
Holland Hall Pre-AP Curriculum, Instruction, and
Tulsa, OK Assessment

Pre-AP Biology COU RSE GU I D E   Return to Table of Contents vi

© 2018 The College Board
About Pre-AP
Pre-AP provides teachers and students with instructional resources, classroom-based
assessments, high-quality professional learning, and meaningful student practice
in five new ninth-grade courses. Participating schools receive an official Pre-AP
designation for each course and the chance to bring engaging, meaningful coursework
to all their students. This designation signals consistent, high standards in focused
courses that help build, strengthen, and reinforce students' content knowledge and
skills. Pre-AP courses will get students ready for college-level coursework, including
AP courses and exams. And they'll be open to all.
The Pre-AP program's objectives are to:

ƒ ƒ Significantly increase the number of students who are able to access and
complete college-level work—like AP—before leaving high school; and
ƒ ƒ Improve the college readiness of all students.
Each Pre-AP course has been developed by committees of expert educators, including
middle school, high school, and college faculty. These development committees work
with the College Board to design effective frameworks and instructional resources that
emphasize and prioritize the content and skills that matter most for later high school
coursework and college and career readiness. In addition, assessments and performance
tasks situated throughout the year provide regular, actionable feedback. We believe that
students and teachers have the right to know how they're progressing—in real time.
Participation in Pre-AP courses places students on a path to college readiness. These
courses provide students with opportunities to engage deeply with texts, motivating
problems to solve and questions to answer, and key concepts that focus on the content
and skills central to each discipline. Across the ninth-grade Pre-AP courses, students
will experience shared classroom routines that foster and deepen college-readiness
skills. Finally, students will take classroom assessments that provide meaningful and
actionable feedback on college-readiness indicators.

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© 2018 The College Board
  About Pre-AP

Theory of Action
Pre-AP is designed to both facilitate and measure student learning while supporting
teacher practice in the orchestration of instruction and assessment in the classroom.
The Pre-AP theory of action is threefold: 1) purposeful and focused content,
2) horizontal alignment of skills and strategies, and 3) targeted assessments tied
with feedback and reflection for both students and teachers. These elements guide
Pre-AP curriculum and assessment design in order to support teacher learning
as a means to increase student success. Therefore, these design features should
widen the net of the number of students prepared for later high school and college

Design Features and Intended Effects

Design Features Description and Intended Effects
Focused content Pre-AP frameworks provide a deep focus on a limited number of
concepts and skills that have broadest relevance for high school
Reflected in: course
coursework and college success.
framework, instructional
materials, assessments, Course frameworks are back mapped from AP expectations
student practice and aligned to grade-level-appropriate PSAT/SAT content

The resulting focused content allows more time for students to

develop, practice, and master skills and concepts, thus building
more durable knowledge and skills to use throughout their high
school and college coursework.

Horizontal alignment Each Pre-AP course focuses on three areas of focus that are
central to the discipline and that emphasize the role of literacy,
Reflected in: areas of focus,
quantitative, and/or analytical skills that enable students to
shared principles
transfer knowledge within and across courses.

All five Pre-AP disciplines also share a common set of shared

principles, or routines, that guide classroom practice and
undergird the Pre-AP instructional units. These routines further
strengthen students' reading, analysis, writing, problem-solving,
and communication skills. Through engaging in these routines,
students gain regular practice at close observation and analysis,
evidence-based writing, higher-order questioning, and academic
conversation to ultimately equip them to be better prepared for
high school and college-level work.

Finally, schools that implement multiple Pre-AP courses provide

students with the multiplicative effects of cross-disciplinary
alignment during the critical early high school years.

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© 2018 The College Board
  About Pre-AP

Design Features Description and Intended Effects

Targeted assessments Unit-based assessments, both objective and performance
and feedback based, provide consistent measurements of student
achievement across the course.
Reflected in: unit
assessments and score Pre-AP course teachers receive professional learning and online
reports, performance tasks calibration tools to support the scoring of student work and how
and scoring guidelines, to use this feedback to guide student learning.
teacher professional
The targeted assessments, feedback reports, and scoring
learning, and online
guidelines help build a more consistent teacher understanding of
calibration tools for scoring
performance expectations required by Pre-AP to build readiness
student work
for AP and college-level work.

The emphasis on scoring student work and utilizing assessment

feedback reports aligns strongly with qualitative feedback from
the AP Program on the highly instructive value AP Readings and
other distributive scoring models have on teacher understanding
of assessment performance benchmarks.

Additional Resources
Visit for more information about the Pre-AP Program.

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© 2018 The College Board
  About Pre-AP

Shared Principles
All Pre-AP courses share a common set of classroom routines and approaches
that give students many opportunities to practice and strengthen their skills while
building their confidence in the classroom.

Close Observation Evidence-Based

and Analysis Writing
... to notice and consider ... with a focus on the sentence
In Pre-AP courses, students begin Pre-AP courses value and build time for
by carefully examining one object, evidence-based writing in a multitude of
text, performance piece, or problem. forms and for various purposes across
They will engage in deep observation the disciplines: crafting claims in science,
to build, refine, or confirm their analyzing sources in history, providing
knowledge, thus developing a explanations for problems in math,
foundational skill that supports demonstrating reading comprehension
analysis and learning in each in English, and critiquing artistic choices
discipline. As students encounter texts, in the arts. Pre-AP courses embrace a
art, graphs, maps, problems, and other purposeful and scaffolded approach to
source materials, they will learn to writing that begins with a focus on the
first engage in deep, close observation sentence before progressing to paragraph-
before being asked to explain and then and essay-level writing. All courses embed
apply or evaluate. tools and support (sentence frames,
outlines, and graphic organizers) to support
writing skills. Students will then build on
sentence-level claims to develop coherent
paragraph-length scientific reasoning and
justifications for those initial claims.

Higher-Order Academic
Questioning Conversations
... to spark productive lingering ... to support peer-to-peer dialogue
When examining texts, data, problems, In Pre-AP classrooms, students will
and other sources of evidence, have frequent opportunities for active,
students will be guided to grapple with thoughtful participation in collaborative
questions that spark curiosity, cultivate conversations about significant course
wonder, and promote productive themes, topics, texts, and problems.
lingering. Pre-AP lessons provide Through these discussions, students
teachers with questions to motivate will practice the skills of academic
student thinking, support students conversation that they will need to
as they develop evidence-based employ in college and career settings.
claims, and guide students to consider Students will regularly compare, critique,
problems from multiple angles. debate, and build upon others' ideas and
arguments to advance their learning.

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© 2018 The College Board
  About Pre-AP

About the Pre-AP Biology Course

Pre-AP Biology helps students and teachers prioritize and focus deeply on four
core areas: ecological systems, evolution, cellular systems, and genetics. Pre-AP
Biology students engage deeply with science practices to construct and revise
their biological knowledge as well as cross-disciplinary reading, writing, and
data‑analysis skills.
Students make meaningful connections among the structures, processes, and
interactions that exist across biological systems—from cells to ecological
communities. Pre-AP Biology motivates students to be active participants in
analyzing real-world phenomena and to collaborate productively with their peers in
dialogue, investigations, and problem solving.
Within this course, the theories of evolution and inheritance help students see the
story of how life has unfolded across Earth's vast history. They provide foundational
lenses from which students begin to understand and appreciate the extraordinary
diversity of life as well as the unity that exists across that life. This course also
focuses on the complex and dynamic processes that are required to sustain Earth's
biodiversity. By examining these processes, students build an understanding of the
intricate relationships of interdependence between living and nonliving systems.

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© 2018 The College Board
  About Pre-AP

Pre-AP Curricular and

Resource Requirements
Schools and teachers wishing to offer Pre-AP courses must align their instructional
plans to the specific curricular and resource requirements for each course. These
requirements have been developed in horizontal alignment across all Pre-AP courses
and represent the most essential elements that support the theory of action and
successful Pre-AP student outcomes.
Pre-AP Biology teachers should use the requirements outlined below, in conjunction
with the Pre-AP supplied instructional materials, for their instructional planning.

Pre-AP Biology Curricular Requirements

Course and Instruction
ƒ ƒ The course provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of
the Pre-AP Biology key concepts and skills articulated in the course framework
through the four units of study.
ƒ ƒ The course provides opportunities for students to engage in the three Pre-AP
Biology areas of focus outside of the Pre-AP instructional materials. The areas of
focus are:
Š ŠEmphasis on Analytical Reading and Writing
Š ŠFocus on Applying Mathematics
Š ŠAttention to Modeling
ƒ ƒ The course provides opportunities for students to engage in the Pre-AP shared
Š ŠClose observation and analysis
Š ŠEvidence-based writing
Š ŠHigher-order questioning
Š ŠAcademic conversation
ƒ ƒ The course provides students with the opportunity to engage in investigative
laboratory work for a minimum of 20 percent of instructional time.

ƒ ƒ The instructional plan for the course includes opportunities for students to
continue to practice and develop disciplinary skills outside of the Pre-AP
instructional materials within each unit.

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© 2018 The College Board
  About Pre-AP

ƒ ƒ The instructional plan for the course includes one performance task and two
digital quizzes within each unit.
ƒ ƒ The instructional plan reflects time and methods for using the performance task
scoring guidelines and score reports for digital quizzes to provide actionable
feedback to students.
ƒ ƒ The instructional plan reflects time, methods, and strategies for making
responsive adjustments to future instruction, based on student performance.

Resource Requirements
ƒ ƒ The school ensures that Pre-AP coursework is available to all students. This
means that the school must not establish any barriers (e.g., test scores,
grades in prior coursework, teacher or counselor recommendation) to student
ƒ ƒ The school ensures that participating teachers and students are provided
with computer and internet access for completion of course and assessment
ƒ ƒ Teachers should have consistent access to a video projector for sharing web-
based instructional content and short web videos.
ƒ ƒ The school ensures that teachers have access to laboratory equipment and
consumable resources so that students can engage in the Pre-AP Biology
inquiry-based laboratory investigations.

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© 2018 The College Board
 re-AP Biology
Course Framework

The Pre-AP Biology course emphasizes the integration of content with science
practices—powerful reasoning tools that support students in analyzing the natural
world around them. This ability is one of the hallmarks of scientific literacy, and it
cultivates a more sustainable pathway to numerous college and career opportunities
in science as well as numerous natural and social sciences. This course focuses
deeply on the foundational biology knowledge and skills that matter most in
preparing students for subsequent coursework in science.
The Pre-AP Biology course framework provides a clear and focused description
of what students should know and be able to do as a result of this course. It also
provides the broader concept development that serves as a foundation for the
scientific thinking and reasoning necessary in subsequent college and career
opportunities. The framework increases clarity and provides transparency to both
teachers and students about the most essential knowledge and skills students will
need for active, confident participation in subsequent high school courses, including
Advanced Placement, as well as college coursework and postsecondary careers.
The Pre-AP frameworks are designed using a collaborative and research-based
process with a team of master teachers and college faculty. All Pre-AP frameworks
are back mapped from Advanced Placement expectations and aligned to grade-level-
appropriate content dimensions from the PSAT/SAT system of assessments. The
frameworks are also deeply informed by state standards documents and carefully
reviewed by educators. As a guide for classroom instruction and assessment, the
course framework serves as the teacher's blueprint for the instructional resources
and assessments that are part of the Pre-AP course.
The following design principles shaped the framework development process:

ƒ ƒ Focused: The framework provides a deep focus on a limited number of concepts

and skills that have the broadest relevance for later high school and college
ƒ ƒ Collaborative: The framework is developed through the collaborative expertise
of disciplinary experts and cognitive scientists and the pedagogical content
knowledge of master teachers.
ƒ ƒ Measurable: The framework's learning objectives are observable and
measurable statements about the content and skills students should develop to
be prepared for later high school coursework and, ultimately, college readiness
and success.

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© 2018 The College Board
  Pre-AP Biology Course Framework

ƒ ƒ Manageable: The framework must be manageable for a full year of instruction,

foster the ability to explore concepts in depth, and enable room for additional
local or state standards to be addressed where appropriate.
ƒ ƒ Accessible: The framework's learning objectives are designed for all students
and represent the foundational concepts and skills all students should have
the opportunity to learn to be ready for the widest range of college and
postsecondary opportunities.
The Pre-AP Biology Course Framework is organized around four core units of study:

ƒ ƒ Unit 1: Ecological Systems

ƒ ƒ Unit 2: Evolution
ƒ ƒ Unit 3: Cellular Systems
ƒ ƒ Unit 4: Genetics
The framework includes the following components:

ƒ ƒ Enduring Understandings: Each unit focuses on a small set of enduring

understandings. These are the long-term, transferable takeaways that students
should develop after exploring a set of related concepts and skills. These
understandings are expressed as generalizations that specify what a student will
come to understand about the key concepts in this course.
ƒ ƒ Key Concepts: To support teacher planning and instruction, each core unit is
organized by key concepts. The associated learning objectives and essential
knowledge for each key concept give clear guidance on what students should
know and be able to do in order to master that concept.
Š ŠLearning Objectives: These objectives convey what a student needs to be
able to do in order to develop the enduring understandings. The learning
objectives serve as the targets for development of classroom-based tasks and
Š ŠEssential Knowledge: Essential knowledge statements are linked to specific
learning objectives and correspond to enduring understandings. These
statements describe the essential concepts and facts that students need to
know in order to demonstrate mastery of each learning objective.
ƒ ƒ Content Boundaries and Cross Connections: For some key concepts, content
boundary and procedural fluency statements are provided to clarify the content
and skills that matter most for subsequent courses. This area also highlights
important connections that should be made between key concepts from within
and across the units.
Reference: Wiggins, Grant, and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. Alexandria,
VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2005.

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© 2018 The College Board
  Pre-AP Biology Course Framework

Overview of Pre-AP Biology Units

and Enduring Understandings
Unit 1: Ecological Systems (ECO) Unit 2: Evolution (EVO)
Enduring Understanding ECO-A: Biological Enduring Understanding EVO-A: The theory
systems depend on the cycling of matter of evolution states that all organisms descend
within and between Earth's systems. from a common ancestor and share some
Enduring Understanding ECO-B: Most
ecosystems rely on the conversion of solar Enduring Understanding EVO-B: Biological
energy into chemical energy for use in evolution is observable as phenotypic
biological processes. changes in a population over multiple
successive generations.
Enduring Understanding ECO-C: The
dependence on the availability of abiotic Enduring Understanding EVO-C: Speciation,
and biotic resources results in complex and extinction, and the abundance and
dynamic interactions between organisms and distribution of organisms occur in response to
populations. environmental conditions.

Enduring Understanding ECO-D: Changes

to the environment can alter interactions
between organisms.

Unit 3: Cellular Systems (CELLS) Unit 4: Genetics (GEN)

Enduring Understanding CELLS-A: Four Enduring Understanding GEN-A: The
classes of macromolecules serve as the molecular structure of DNA enables its
primary building blocks of biological systems. function of storing life's genetic information.

Enduring Understanding CELLS-B: Biological Enduring Understanding GEN-B: Encoded in

systems have specialized structures that DNA is the heritable information responsible
enable specific functions necessary to for synthesis of RNA, which makes gene
sustain life. expression possible.

Enduring Understanding CELLS-C: Biological Enduring Understanding GEN-C: Organisms

systems must respond to changes in internal have diverse strategies for passing their
and external environments in order to maintain genetic material on to the next generation.
dynamic homeostasis.
Enduring Understanding GEN-D: Models
Enduring Understanding CELLS-D: In order can be used to illustrate and predict the
to sustain complex processes, biological inheritance of traits.
systems must have mechanisms for growth
and repair.

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© 2018 The College Board
  Pre-AP Biology Course Framework

Unit 1: Ecological Systems

Suggested Pacing: 4 weeks

Unit Overview
In this unit, students will deepen and expand prior knowledge, gained in middle
school, of how the cycling of matter and flow of energy regulate ecosystems.
Students will also apply proportional reasoning skills to examine data, especially
bivariate data, in order to analyze and make scientific claims about patterns,
relationships, and changes in the structure and distribution of ecological
populations and communities. During this unit, students will build on and deepen
their understanding of ecosystem structures as well as the living and nonliving
components that regulate those systems. Students should begin to gain an
appreciation for the intricate and often fragile interdependent relationships that
ecological communities rely on as well as for the ways ecosystems change over time.

Unit 1 Enduring Understandings

Students will understand that ...

ƒ ƒ Biological systems depend on the cycling of matter within and between Earth's
systems. (ECO-A)
ƒ ƒ Most ecosystems rely on the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy for
use in biological processes. (ECO-B)
ƒ ƒ The dependence on the availability of abiotic and biotic resources results in
complex and dynamic interactions between organisms and populations. (ECO-C)
ƒ ƒ Changes to the environment can alter interactions between organisms. (ECO-D)

Unit 1 Key Concepts

ƒ ƒ Cycling of Matter in the Biosphere
ƒ ƒ Population Dynamics
ƒ ƒ Defining Ecological Communities
ƒ ƒ Ecological Community Dynamics
ƒ ƒ Changes in Ecological Communities

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© 2018 The College Board
  Pre-AP Biology Course Framework

Key Concept 1: Cycling of Matter in the Biosphere

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Hydrologic Cycle
ECO 1.1(a) Explain how the unique properties and ECO 1.1.1 The polarity of water molecules results
phase changes of water enable and regulate biological in properties on which biological reactions depend.
reactions and/or processes. The solvent properties of water dissolve organic and
inorganic nutrients.

ECO 1.2(a) Create and/or use a model to explain how ECO 1.2.1 Water cycles between abiotic and biotic
biological systems function in the hydrologic cycle as systems in a process known as the hydrologic cycle.
water is transferred, transported, and/or stored.
a. The hydrologic cycle is driven by energy from the
sun and gravity.
b. The largest reservoir of water in the global
hydrologic cycle is the world's oceans.
c. A small portion of the water on Earth is fresh
water, which is required for life by all terrestrial
organisms, including humans.

Carbon and Nutrient Cycles

ECO 1.3(a) Explain the importance of the cycling of ECO 1.3.1 Elements that are building blocks to
carbon for biological systems. macromolecules are transported from abiotic to
biotic systems through gaseous and sedimentary
ECO 1.3(b) Create and/or use models to illustrate
how energy production in organisms plays a role in the
cycling of carbon in ecosystems. a. The carbon cycle is a series of molecular
transformations that includes photosynthesis and
ECO 1.3(c) Explain the importance of the cycling of
cellular respiration.
nutrients for biological systems.
b. The nitrogen cycle is a series of transformations
ECO 1.3(d) Create and/or use models to describe the that includes the conversion of nitrogen gas
cycling of nitrogen between biotic and abiotic systems. (the largest reservoir of nitrogen on Earth)
into biologically available nitrogen-containing
molecules (e.g., nitrates).
c. Phosphorus is a critical element for organisms,
as it helps make up numerous biomolecules (e.g.,

Content Boundary: Understanding of the cycling of sulfur and phosphorus in the ecosystem
is beyond the scope of this course. Students should understand why phosphorus is an
important element, as it serves as a monomer to many important biomolecules (e.g., ATP,
DNA), but the understanding of the cycle will be covered in AP Environmental Science.
Also, students should be able to model the process of nitrogen from a general standpoint
of how biotic and abiotic components interact and depend on one another. However, an
understanding of all the chemical conversions during this cycle is beyond the scope of this

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© 2018 The College Board
  Pre-AP Biology Course Framework

Key Concept 2: Population Dynamics

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Population Structure
ECO 2.1(a) Explain the role abiotic and/or biotic ECO 2.1.1 Species live in a defined range of abiotic
resources play in defining the niche of a species. and biotic conditions, or niche.

ECO 2.1(b) Collect and/or use data to predict a. Sunlight serves as the primary energy input for
population size, density and/or distribution. most ecosystems.

ECO 2.1(c) Create and/or use models to illustrate how b. Species have a range of tolerance for abiotic
environmental changes can alter the availability of resources and conditions (e.g., sunlight, nutrients,
biotic and/or abiotic resources. pH, temperature).
c. Biotic conditions, including competition for mates
and food (predator–prey interactions), also limit
where organisms can live.
d. Environmental changes can alter the availability of
abiotic and biotic resources and conditions (e.g.,
climate changes, drought, fire, floods).

Population Growth
ECO 2.2(a) Use data to explain the growth of a ECO 2.2.1 Population growth patterns are influenced
population. by the availability of resources and the interactions
that occur within and between populations of
ECO 2.2(b) Explain the relationship between resource
availability and a population's growth pattern.
a. All organisms have the potential for exponential
ECO 2.2(c) Explain how competition for resources
growth, but few organisms demonstrate this growth
shapes populations.
b. Both density-dependent (e.g., nutrients and food)
and density-independent (e.g., weather, natural
disasters) factors regulate population growth.
c. The availability of a single resource may limit the
survival of an organism or population (e.g., nitrates in
soil are a limiting factor for plant growth).
d. Due to dynamic resource availability, many
populations fluctuate around their carrying
capacity, thus demonstrating a logistical growth
ECO 2.2.2 Populations demonstrate diverse growth
a. r-selected species are typically short-lived.
Therefore, they invest energy in producing many
offspring during reproduction but provide little to
no care for those offspring.
b. K-selected species typically live longer. Therefore,
they have fewer offspring during reproduction
but invest energy in the care of those offspring to
ensure survival.

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© 2018 The College Board
  Pre-AP Biology Course Framework

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge

Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Food Webs and Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
ECO 2.3(a) Create and/or use models to explain the ECO 2.3.1 Energy availability helps shape ecological
energy flow through the food web of a community. communities.

ECO 2.3(b) Analyze data of species distributions to a. Only 10 percent of the energy available at one
make predictions about the availability of resources. trophic level can be transferred to the next.

ECO 2.3(c) Make predictions about the energy b. The metabolic activity required to utilize the
distribution in an ecosystem based on the energy energy available in any given trophic level results
available to organisms. in a loss of thermal energy to the environment, as
c. The energy available to organisms decreases from
lower-order trophic levels (primary producers) to
higher-order trophic levels (tertiary consumers).

Content Boundary: Students should begin to gain a conceptual understanding of how

populations grow (e.g., exponential versus logistical growth). However, many students may
not mathematically be able to distinguish the subtle differences between these two growth
curves, especially in early generations. Therefore, assessment questions about growth
patterns will be limited to what influences this type of growth; calculations of growth curves
are beyond the scope of this course.
Cross Connections: Students should have strong familiarity with food webs from middle
school life science. This course should give students opportunities to make connections
and extend their beginning understanding of characteristics of organisms and food webs to
deeper conceptual knowledge about how energy is transferred through diverse ecosystems.

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Key Concept 3: Defining Ecological Communities

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Importance of Biodiversity
ECO 3.1(a) Describe how ecological processes rely ECO 3.1.1 Reductions in local and global
on the biological diversity of the community. biodiversity can significantly alter the stability of
ecosystem processes and services.
ECO 3.1(b) Given a specific biome, describe the
ecological services that are provided that benefit a. Biologically diverse ecological communities are
humans. more resilient to environmental changes.
b. Ecosystems rely on biological diversity to sustain
necessary processes, such as cycling of nutrients
and flow of energy through food webs.
c. Diverse ecosystems provide many necessary
services that humans rely on, such as regulating
climate, storage of carbon, filtering of drinking
water, pollination, and flood/erosion control.

Types of Ecological Communities

ECO 3.2(a) Describe differences in the abiotic and/ ECO 3.2.1 Terrestrial ecological communities are
or biotic factors that shape aquatic and terrestrial classified into distinct biomes based on abiotic and
communities. biotic factors.

ECO 3.2(b) Use data to make predictions about a. Two major abiotic factors that help define biomes
how abiotic and/or biotic factors shape an ecological are climate (temperature, precipitation) and soil
community. type.
b. Biomes also possess variations in their biotic
communities (e.g., plants and animals).
ECO 3.2.2 Aquatic systems can be grouped into
three unique ecological communities: oceanic,
brackish, and freshwater.
a. Aquatic communities are shaped by water
depth (amount of sunlight), salinity, temperature,
nutrients, and flow rates (currents).
b. The three major freshwater communities are
rivers/streams, lakes/ponds, and freshwater
c. Estuaries are brackish ecological communities, as
they form where freshwater rivers meet the sea.
Their communities are shaped by the ocean tides.

Content Boundary: Students should gain an understanding of the type of abiotic and biotic
components of ecosystems that shape communities of living organisms. They should be able
to describe how these components differ for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. However, a
deep knowledge of chemical regulatory processes (e.g., dissolved oxygen in aquatic systems)
is beyond the scope of this course.

Cross Connections: Students should connect key concepts of the carbon cycle from earlier
in the unit to the importance of forests and ocean ecosystems as important reservoirs for

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Key Concept 4: Ecological Community Dynamics

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Interspecific Competition
ECO 4.1(a) Explain how competition shapes ECO 4.1.1 Competition between species drives
community characteristics. complex interactions in ecosystems.

ECO 4.1(b) Use data to analyze how competition a. Predator and prey populations respond
influences niche-partitioning in an ecological dynamically to each other.
community. b. Keystone species have a dramatic impact on the
ECO 4.1(c) Create and/or use models to explain structure and diversity of ecological communities
predictions about the possible effects of changes (e.g., trophic cascade).
in the availability of resources on the interactions c. Competition will lead to the exclusion of all but
between species. one species when two or more species attempt to
occupy the same niche.
d. Niche-partitioning is a means of reducing
competition for resources.

ECO 4.2(a) Describe what symbiotic relationship ECO 4.2.1 Competition in ecosystems has led to
exists between two organisms. symbiotic relationships where two or more species
live closely together.
ECO 4.2(b) Explain how a symbiotic relationship
provides an advantage for an organism by reducing a. Mutualistic relationships often form to provide
one or more environmental pressures. food or protection for both of the organisms
b. Parasitic relationships benefit only one organism in
the relationship (the symbiont) and harm the host.
c. Commensalism is a kind of relationship that
benefits only one organism in the relationship (the
symbiont); the host is neither harmed nor helped.

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Key Concept 5: Changes in Ecological Communities

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Natural Changes in Biodiversity
ECO 5.1(a) Explain how natural changes in the ECO 5.1.1 Ecosystem biodiversity is influenced by
ecosystem effect ecosystem dynamics. several naturally occurring factors that alter the
ECO 5.1(b) Create and/or use models to make
predictions about how changes in biodiversity affect a. Changes in energy, nutrient, and niche availability
local ecosystems. from natural events (e.g., forest fires, hurricanes,
volcanic eruptions) may influence an ecosystem's
ECO 5.1(c) Analyze data to make predictions
about the effects on biodiversity in response to
environmental changes. b. Mass extinctions open new, available niches for
colonization and therefore can have significant
impacts on biodiversity (e.g., the mammalian
diversity explosion post–dinosaur extinction,
65 mya).
c. Keystone species and ecosystem engineers (e.g.,
elephants, beavers) dramatically affect biodiversity
in the ecosystem.

Human-Induced Changes in Biodiversity

ECO 5.2(a) Use evidence to support the claim that ECO 5.2.1 Human activities (e.g., urbanization,
changes in ecosystems have resulted from human farming, tree harvesting) also alter availability of
activities. nutrients, food, and niches for species and therefore
affect population and community dynamics.
ECO 5.2(b) Given a human activity, predict the
potential biological consequences for an ecosystem's a. Human activities include anthropogenic climate
biodiversity. change, the introduction of invasive species,
habitat destruction, and air/water pollution.
ECO 5.2(c) Create and/or use models to design
solutions that mitigate the adverse effects of a human- b. The effects of human-induced environmental
induced environmental change on the biodiversity of changes and its impact on species are the subject
an ecosystem. of a significant amount of current scientific

Content Boundary: There are numerous examples of human-induced changes to ecosystems.

The focus here is on identifying a few examples of how human activities affect interactions in
ecological systems by reducing biodiversity. Understanding topics such as desertification and
salinization resulting from human activity are beyond the scope of this course.

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Unit 2: Evolution
Suggested Pacing: 4 weeks

Unit Overview
In this unit, students will explore the diverse type of data and multiple lines of
evidence that have informed our understanding of evolution theory over time.
Students will likely have a general familiarity with concepts associated with
evolution, from middle school life science. This course is designed to build on that
general understanding to provide a foundation in the mechanisms of evolution. This
includes both small-scale evolution (changes in gene frequency in a population from
one generation to the next) and large-scale evolution (speciation events over many

Unit 2 Enduring Understandings

Students will understand that ...

ƒ ƒ The theory of evolution states that all organisms descend from a common
ancestor and share some characteristics. (EVO-A)
ƒ ƒ Biological evolution is observable as phenotypic changes in a population over
multiple successive generations. (EVO-B)
ƒ ƒ Speciation, extinction, and the abundance and distribution of organisms occur
in response to environmental conditions. (EVO-C)

Unit 2 Key Concepts

ƒ ƒ Patterns of Evolution
ƒ ƒ Mechanisms of Evolution
ƒ ƒ Speciation

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Key Concept 1: Patterns of Evolution

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Theory of Evolution
EVO 1.1(a) Use scientific evidence to justify a claim of EVO 1.1.1 The theory of evolution states that
an evolutionary relationship between species. the unity and diversity of life we see today is the
result of more than 3.5 billion years of evolutionary
EVO 1.1(b) Describe shared characteristics
processes on Earth.
(homologies) among organisms that provide evidence
for common ancestry. EVO 1.1.2 Scientists use various sources of
evidence to establish evolutionary relationships
between organisms.
a. Fossil evidence, in conjunction with relative
and radiometric dating, provides insight into
geographic and temporal distribution of species
throughout Earth's history.
b. Comparisons of anatomical and molecular
homologies are used to determine the degree of
divergence from a common ancestor.
1. The structure and function of DNA is a
homology that links all living organisms across
the three domains of life—Archaea, Bacteria,
and Eukarya.
2. Cellular structures across all living organisms
are strikingly similar.

Classifying Evolutionary Relationships

EVO 1.2(a) Create or modify models to illustrate EVO 1.2.1 Evolutionary relationships between
evolutionary relationships. organisms can be modeled using phylogenetic trees,
which show inferred evolutionary relationships
EVO 1.2(b) Use models of evolutionary relationships
among living things.
to describe and/or analyze how different species are
related. a. Phylogenetic trees can illustrate speciation events.
b. These models of evolutionary relationships
show tree-like lineages that correlate to levels of
complexity or advancement.

Content Boundary: The intent is not for students to memorize a list of characteristics that
show descent from a common ancestor. Instead, the focus here is on a few powerful examples
of this evidence—such as DNA and cellular structures—that will help make discussion in
genetics and cellular systems more meaningful for students.

Cross Connection: Revisit these topics to connect key concepts of shared characteristics
across all living organisms as students explore structure and function of DNA and cellular
components in Unit 3: Cellular Systems and Unit 4: Genetics.

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Key Concept 2: Mechanisms of Evolution

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Development of Natural Selection Theory
EVO 2.1(a) Describe the scientific discoveries that EVO 2.1.1 Key discoveries made by several
informed the theory of natural selection. scientists contributed significantly to Darwin's
understanding of biological evolution.
a. Several naturalists, such as Lamarck and Wallace,
contributed models of evolution that informed
Darwin's theories.
b. Darwin's ideas about evolution were influenced
by the work of geologists Hutton and Lyell, whose
work highlighted the slow-acting geological
processes that shape Earth's features.

Selective Mechanisms
EVO 2.2(a) Describe how selective pressures in the EVO 2.2.1 Darwin's theory of natural selection is a
environment can affect an organism's fitness. selective mechanism in biological evolution that may
lead to adaptations.
EVO 2.2(b) Explain how selective pressures in the
environment could cause shifts in phenotypic and/or a. Abiotic ecosystem components (e.g., nutrients)
allele frequencies. and biotic ecosystem components (e.g., predators)
act as selective pressures.
EVO 2.2(c) Use data to describe how changes in the
environment affect phenotypes in a population. b. Favorable traits in a given environment lead to
differential reproductive success, or fitness, and
EVO 2.2(d) Predict how allelic frequencies in a over time can produce changes in phenotypic and/
population shift in response to a change in the or allele frequencies.
c. Heritable traits that increase an organism's fitness
are called adaptations.
d. Over time, adaptations can increase in frequency
in a population's gene pool.
e. Patterns of natural selection can include
phenomena such as coevolution, artificial
selection, and sexual selection.
EVO 2.2.2 Favorable traits are relative to their
environment and subject to change.
a. Changes in the environment happen both naturally
(e.g., floods, fires, climate change) and through
human-induced activities (e.g., pollution, habitat
destruction, climate change).

Cross Connections: Revisit these topics in Unit 4: Genetics to connect key concepts involving
genetic processes. Mutation types in DNA sequence, replication errors, and the random nature
of independent assortment can lead to phenotypic variations on which natural selection can
act. Also, connect key concepts to Unit 1: Ecological Systems. Changes in resources (e.g.,
nutrients from biogeochemical cycles and predator–prey interactions) can act as selective
pressures on organisms.

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Key Concept 3: Speciation

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Mechanisms of Speciation
EVO 3.1(a) Explain how geographic isolation events EVO 3.1.1 Speciation occurs when a reproductive
can lead to the formation of new species. barrier results in a lineage splitting into separate
EVO 3.1(b) Describe mechanisms that contribute to
reproductive isolation that could lead to speciation. a. Geographic isolation occurs when individuals in a
population face a physical barrier to mating (e.g.,
continental drift, rivers changing course, glacial
b. Reproductive isolation leads to increased
accumulation of genetic differences and may
result in the following:
1. Behavioral isolation: Species evolve different
mating habits, times, or locations.
2. Mechanical isolation: Species evolve structural
differences in their sex organs that make them
c. Reduced gene flow within a population may lead to

Rates of Speciation
EVO 3.2(a) Describe factors that affect the rate of EVO 3.2.1 Rates of speciation and extinction have
speciation. fluctuated throughout Earth's history in response to
changing environmental conditions.
EVO 3.2(b) Use evidence to support the claim that
rates of speciation have varied throughout Earth's a. Gradualism is a model of evolution whereby
history. lineages accumulate small genetic changes over
EVO 3.2(c) Explain how environmental change can
result in the extinction of a species. b. Punctuated equilibrium indicates that periods
of stability for species can be punctuated with
periods of rapid speciation, or splitting of lineages.
c. Extinction events that occur simultaneously
across numerous species, within a relatively
short period of geologic time, are known as mass
d. There have also been human-induced extinctions
due to overharvesting and/or changes in habitat
(e.g., great auk, passenger pigeon).

Content Boundary: Assessments will not require students to recall dates of major mass
extinction events. Instead, the focus here should be on a few diverse examples of evidence
that illustrate scientists' current understanding of the rate of speciation and extinction and
how that shapes biodiversity.

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Unit 3: Cellular Systems

Suggested Pacing: 9–10 weeks

Unit Overview
Students are introduced to cellular structure and function in middle school life
science. Therefore, this unit will deepen and expand students' knowledge as they
explore how cellular structures function together to support a cellular system that
grows and develops, responds to a changing environment, and obtains and uses
energy. Through concepts of homeostasis, students will gain an appreciation for
how interdependent cellular structures are on one another to maintain proper
cellular functions. Students will then build on their knowledge of cellular systems as
they examine how specific structures participate in the process of energy production
for the cell. They will connect their understanding of ecological roles of organisms,
from Unit 1: Ecological Systems, to the various types of energy production
processes—photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and fermentation.

Unit 3 Enduring Understandings

Students will understand that ...

ƒ ƒ Four classes of macromolecules serve as the primary building blocks of

biological systems. (CELLS-A)
ƒ ƒ Biological systems have specialized structures that enable specific functions
necessary to sustain life. (CELLS-B)
ƒ ƒ Biological systems must respond to changes in internal and external
environments in order to maintain dynamic homeostasis. (CELLS-C)
ƒ ƒ In order to sustain complex processes, biological systems must have
mechanisms for growth and repair. (CELLS-D)

Unit 3 Key Concepts

ƒ ƒ Chemistry of Life
ƒ ƒ Cell Structure and Function
ƒ ƒ Cell Transport and Homeostasis
ƒ ƒ Organisms Maintaining Homeostasis
ƒ ƒ Cell Growth and Division
ƒ ƒ Photosynthesis
ƒ ƒ Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

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Key Concept 1: Chemistry of Life

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
CELLS 1.1(a) Differentiate between the major CELLS 1.1.1 The four classes of organic
macromolecules based on their structure and/or macromolecules are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids,
function. and nucleic acids, and each have unique chemical
CELLS 1.2(a) Explain the role macromolecules play in
supporting cellular function. a. These organic macromolecules are primarily made
up of just a few elements—carbon, hydrogen,
nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorus.
b. Most macromolecules are polymers that are made
up of specific, smaller subunits called monomers.
CELLS 1.2.1 Each class of macromolecule carries
out specific functions in biological systems.
a. Carbohydrates serve as the primary source of
energy for organisms in the forms of glycogen and
starch and as structural support in plant cell walls
in the form of cellulose.
b. Lipids are used as a source of energy and building
blocks of biological membranes.
c. Proteins are responsible for numerous cellular
functions, such as catalyzing reactions, providing
structure, and aiding in cell transport and signaling.
d. Nucleic acids are responsible for storing and
transferring genetic information in the form of DNA
and RNA.

CELLS 1.3(a) Describe the effect of enzymes on the CELLS 1.3.1 Enzymes are proteins that are
rate of chemical reactions in biological systems. catalysts in biochemical reactions and essential for
maintaining life processes.
CELLS 1.3(b) Predict how a change in pH and/or
temperature will affect the function of an enzyme. a. The rate of a chemical reaction is affected by the
concentration of substrates and enzymes.
b. Enzymes have specific shapes that bind to
specific substrates in a precise location called the
active site.
c. Enzymes function optimally in a specific pH and
temperature range.

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Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge

Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Cellular Energy Needs
CELLS 1.4(a) Explain the role of ATP in supporting CELLS 1.4.1 Energy in biological systems is stored and
processes in biological systems. released as chemical bonds are formed and broken.

CELLS 1.4(b) Explain why different species a. ATP serves as the major energy currency of the cell.
demonstrate diverse energy and nutrient requirements. b. The amount of energy available to organisms from
the breakdown of macromolecules varies based
CELLS 1.4(c) Use data to predict the energy needs of on their chemical composition.
diverse species.
CELLS 1.4.2 Because organisms have diverse
ecological roles, they also have diverse energy needs.

Content Boundary: While students should recognize that sulfur is one of the most common
elements in living systems, a deeper understanding of the role sulfur plays in biological
systems is beyond the scope of this course.

Cross Connections: Students should connect key concepts to Unit 1: Ecological Systems.
The cycling of matter in the biosphere provides the building blocks for development of
the macromolecules. Students should make connections between the role of enzymes
in biological systems and the how those systems can be affected by mutations during
replication—specifically, when these mutations result in changes to enzymes produced
during protein synthesis. (Unit 4: Genetics). Students should expand on that understanding
to see how changes in proteins (enzymes) influence an organism's fitness, connecting to key
concepts in Unit 2: Evolution.

Key Concept 2: Cell Structure and Function

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Cellular Structure and Function
CELLS 2.1(a) Provide evidence to support the claim CELLS 2.1.1 The cell is the basic unit of biological
that all biological systems demonstrate some shared systems, and there are some shared characteristics
characteristics. among all cells.
a. All cells possess a plasma membrane, ribosomes,
genetic material, and cytoplasm.
b. All cells result from the division of preexisting cells.
CELLS 2.2(a) Develop and/or use models to compare CELLS 2.2.1 Cells have specialized structures that
and contrast cellular structures of different cells. perform specific functions.
a. Some cells (eukaryotes) have a nucleus that
houses their DNA.
b. Cellular structures can be organized based on four
primary functions:
1. Energy production (e.g., chloroplasts,
2. Production of proteins (e.g., ribosomes, ER,
Golgi apparatus).
3. Storage and recycling of materials (e.g.,
lysosome, vacuoles, vesicles).
4. Support and movement (e.g., cell wall,
cytoskeleton, flagella).

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Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge

Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Specialized Cell Structures
CELLS 2.3(a) Explain how cellular structures in CELLS 2.3.1 Multicellular organisms have specialized
different types of organisms enable specialized cell cells that perform a wide variety of functions.
a. During development, cells become specialized and
CELLS 2.3(b) Describe how cellular structures develop into higher-order systems (i.e., tissues,
support an organism's ecological role. organs).
b. Specialized cells perform a wide variety of unique
functions for organisms.
CELLS 2.3.2 Cell structures can differ across
organisms and often give insight into an organism's
ecological role.
a. Prokaryotes lack a nucleus and membrane-bound
organelles, whereas eukaryotes possess a nucleus
and complex, membrane-bound organelles.
b. Within the Eukarya domain, cellular structures and
functions differ among organisms.
1. Plant cells have large, central vacuoles and
chloroplasts that enable photosynthesis.
2. Some cells have rigid cell walls (e.g., fungi,

Content Boundary: Assessments will not require students to recall an exhaustive list of
organelles and their functions. Instead the focus is on how an organelle's function sustains
specific biological systems. Therefore, ideally, deeper understanding of organelles is
developed in context throughout the course based on their function (e.g., nucleus—genetic
processes, mitochondria—respiration, chloroplast—photosynthesis, ribosomes—protein
synthesis, lysosomes—transport).

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Key Concept 3: Cell Transport and Homeostasis

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Cellular Membrane Structure
CELLS 3.1(a) Explain how cell membranes function CELLS 3.1.1 Cells have phospholipid membranes
in maintaining dynamic homeostasis for biological that are selectively permeable.
a. All cells have membranes that separate the cell
CELLS 3.1(b) Create and/or use models to explain the from the external environment; some cells also
structure and function of cell membrane components. have a cell wall for structure and protection.
b. Membranes consist of a phospholipid bilayer with
proteins interspersed throughout and on either
c. Carbohydrate chains attach to some surface
proteins and together they contribute to cell-to-
cell chemical identification.

CELLS 3.2(a) Use data to investigate how various CELLS 3.2.1 Cells depend on the ability to move
solutes and/or solvents passively move across material into and out of the cell membrane in order
membranes. to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

CELLS 3.2(b) Explain how materials move into or out a. Passive transport involves the movement
of the cell across the cell membrane. of solutes across the membrane along the
concentration gradient, without the use of
CELLS 3.2(c) Create and/or use representations and/
additional energy.
or models to predict the movement of solutes into or
out of the cell. b. Active transport involves the movement of solutes
across the membrane against their concentration
gradients with the use of additional energy.
c. Bulk transport of molecules across the membrane
is accomplished using endocytosis or exocytosis.

Cell Size and Diffusion

CELLS 3.3(a) Describe how the size of a cell affects CELLS 3.3.1 Diffusion is most efficient when the
its ability to function efficiently. surface area is high and the volume is low.
a. Small cell size creates a surface-area-to-volume
ratio that enables more efficient diffusion.
b. The surface-area-to-volume ratio gets smaller as
the cell gets larger.

Cross Connections: Students should make connections to key concepts from Unit 1:
Ecological Systems. The cycling of matter contributes to the type of materials that the cell will
transport to sustain necessary functions and support energy production.

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Key Concept 4: Organisms Maintaining

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Organ/Tissue Systems
CELLS 4.1(a) Describe how organ systems work CELLS 4.1.1 Multicellular organisms rely on tissues
together to maintain homeostasis. and organ systems to transport nutrients and waste
in order to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
CELLS 4.1(b) Predict the consequence of a disruption
in homeostasis. a. Animals have organ systems that work together to
transport nutrients and excrete waste.
1. The digestive system is needed to derive
nutrients and basic building blocks (monomers)
from food, which are required for cellular
functioning and growth.
2. The respiratory system is needed for gas
exchange to obtain oxygen and remove carbon
3. The circulatory system is needed to transport
oxygen and nutrients to cells.
4. The excretory system is needed to remove
toxins and nitrogenous wastes from the body
and to maintain water balance with the help of
the circulatory system.
b. Plants have specialized vascular tissues and cells
that transport nutrients, water, and waste.
1. Plants depend on xylem to transport water and
nutrients for photosynthesis from the roots to
the leaves and on phloem to transport sugars
from the leaves to the rest of the plant.
2. Plants excrete waste products from
photosynthesis through the stomata in their

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Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge

Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Response to Stimuli
CELLS 4.2(a) Describe the benefits associated with CELLS 4.2.1 Organisms have positive or negative
tropisms and/or taxes in organisms in response to an responses to external stimuli in their environment in
external stimulus. order to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

CELLS 4.2(b) Predict how an organism might respond a. Plants exhibit tropisms that determine direction
to a change from the external environment in order to of growth toward or away from a stimulus, such as
maintain homeostasis. light, chemicals, gravity, touch, and water.
b. Animals exhibit taxes that enable them to move in
response to a stimulus, such as food, light, or pH.

Content Boundary: It is not the intent for students to develop a deep understanding of body
systems. The focus here is on using a few key systems—digestive, respiratory, circulatory,
and excretory—as a means to understanding how systems work together to support overall
functions in a multicellular organism. These systems help deepen students' understanding
about acquiring energy, eliminating waste, and the role of diffusion in those processes. The
nervous and endocrine systems are beyond the scope of this course.

Content Boundary: Understanding of the role of hormones (e.g., auxin) in plant tropisms is
beyond the scope of this course.

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Key Concept 5: Cell Growth and Division

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Cell Cycle
CELLS 5.1(a) Describe the importance of the growth CELLS 5.1.1 Generally, the cell spends 90 percent of
phases in the cell cycle. its time in interphase.

CELLS 5.1(b) Explain how the cell cycle is regulated. a. During the growth phases (G1 and G2) the cell is
producing new organelles and proteins. There
are cell division checkpoints at the end of both of
these phases.
b. During the synthesis phase, DNA uncoils to
replicate itself. Afterward, each chromosome
consists of two double-stranded copies of
identical DNA.

CELLS 5.2(a) Explain why chromosome duplication CELLS 5.2.1 Multicellular organisms use mitotic cell
must occur prior to mitotic division. division in order to replace dying or damaged cells.

CELLS 5.2(b) Create and/or use models to explain the a. Mitosis, the fourth phase of the cell cycle, consists
phases of mitosis. of a series of sub-phases (prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase) whereby the parent
CELLS 5.2(c) Predict consequences for biological
nucleus produces two genetically identical
systems if the cell cycle regulation is altered.
daughter nuclei.
b. There is a cell division checkpoint during metaphase.
c. Cancer cells form when cellular division continues
without regulation.

CELLS 5.3(a) Describe the structural differences CELLS 5.3.1 Viruses must utilize cellular machinery
between viruses and cells. in biological systems in order to replicate their
genetic material.
CELLS 5.3(b) Explain how viruses affect functions in
biological systems. a. Viruses lack the ability to perform reactions that
require energy, such as replicating their own
genetic material.
b. Viruses bind to and release their genetic material into
host cells, which allows the cellular machinery to be
hijacked to produce viral proteins and genomes.
c. Viral infection may disrupt biological systems by
manipulating cell cycle regulation and altering the
normal synthesis of proteins, causing disease or
cell death in organisms.

Content Boundary: The focus here is not on memorizing phases in the appropriate order,
but rather how those individual phases support other vital functions that sustain biological
systems. Students should see the need for cells to grow in size and increase the number
of organelles prior to cellular division. They should also understand why regulating cell size
through mitotic division is necessary. This keeps cell sizes small in order to support diffusion
rates and improve efficiency of cellular processes.

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Key Concept 6: Photosynthesis

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Properties of Water
CELLS 6.1(a) Explain how the unique properties and CELLS 6.1.1 The polarity of water molecules results
phase changes of water enable and regulate biological in properties on which biological reactions depend.
reactions and/or processes.
a. The properties of cohesion, adhesion, and surface
tension result in the capillary action of water.
b. The solvent properties of water dissolve organic
and inorganic nutrients.

CELLS 6.2(a) Explain why the products of CELLS 6.2.1 Photosynthetic organisms have the
photosynthesis are ecologically important. cellular structures to convert solar radiation into
chemical energy.
CELLS 6.2(b) Create and/or use models to explain
the process of converting solar energy into chemical a. Photosynthetically active radiation wavelengths
energy through photosynthesis. occur in the visible light spectrum.

CELLS 6.2(c) Describe how chemical energy b. Photosynthetic organisms have specialized
produced in photosynthesis is stored in photosynthetic pigments, membranes, and/or organelles that
organisms. enable solar radiation to be converted into
chemical energy.
CELLS 6.2(d) Use data to describe what factors affect
c. Photosynthesis is divided into two stages, light-
rates of photosynthesis.
dependent and light-independent reactions.
1. Light-dependent reactions require sunlight
energy and H2O to transfer energy to ATP and
NADPH. A byproduct of this process is oxygen.
2. Light-independent reactions use CO2, ATP, and
NADPH to produce sugars.

Content Boundary: The intent is not for students to memorize details of chemical reactions
that occur during photosynthesis. Instead the focus here is on understanding the role of the
main reactants and byproducts (as defined in the essential knowledge) at each stage of energy
transfer. A deep understanding of photosystems I and II and specific steps of the Calvin cycle
is beyond the scope of this course.

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Key Concept 7: Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Cellular Respiration
CELLS 7.1(a) Explain why the processes of CELLS 7.1.1 Cellular respiration is a series of
energy production in producers and consumers are enzymatic reactions that utilize electron carrier
dependent on one another. molecules to synthesize ATP molecules that provide
energy for cellular processes.
CELLS 7.1(b) Create and/or use models to explain
how consumers obtain usable energy from the a. Production of energy through cellular respiration
products of photosynthesis. begins with the carbon compounds generated by
producers during photosynthesis.
CELLS 7.1(c) Describe how consumers store the
b. Glycolysis, an anaerobic process that occurs in
energy produced during cellular respiration.
the cytoplasm, uses glucose and two molecules
of ATP to produce NADH, pyruvic acid, and four
molecules of ATP.
c. The Krebs cycle, an aerobic process that occurs
in the mitochondria, uses pyruvic acid to produce
ATP and electron carriers called NADH and FADH2.
Carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product
during these chemical reactions.
d. The electron transport chain transfers the high-
energy electrons from NADH and FADH2 to oxygen,
producing H2O.
e. The build-up of hydrogen ions in the inner
mitochondrial space produces a gradient that
allows the production of 36–38 ATP molecules
from each glucose molecule.

CELLS 7.2(a) Explain the biological importance of CELLS 7.2.1 Organisms have processes for
fermentation. producing energy under completely anaerobic
CELLS 7.2(b) Describe how consumers generate
cellular energy in anaerobic conditions. a. Fermentation allows for production of two molecules
of ATP during glycolysis if no oxygen is present.
b. Two common forms of fermentation are alcohol
and lactic acid.
1. Yeast use alcohol fermentation to obtain energy
from glucose and release CO2 as a byproduct.
This is an economically important process
because it is used to make many food products.
2. Bacterial and animal cells are able to utilize
lactic acid fermentation to obtain energy from
glucose in the absence of oxygen.

Content Boundary: The focus for this key concept is on the understanding of how the products
from photosynthesis enable the process of cellular respiration. It is more important for students
to be able to use reactants and products to explain the interdependence between photosynthesis
and cellular respiration than to memorize a series of steps that occur during these processes.

Cross Connections: In discussing electron transport chain processes whereby intermembrane

proteins (enzymatic) allow movement of hydrogen ions, students should make connections to key
concepts involving the role of proteins, membrane structures, and diffusion from earlier in this unit.

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  Pre-AP Biology Course Framework

Unit 4: Genetics
Suggested Pacing: 9–10 weeks

Unit Overview
Similar to the study of cellular systems, many key concepts in genetics can be
somewhat abstract for students because they are on a scale that cannot be seen
with the eye. Therefore, in order to better visualize genetic processes, such as DNA
and protein synthesis, students will engage with models, diagrams, and computer
simulations. Students will build on a basic understanding of the passing of traits,
from middle school life science, by developing a strong foundational understanding
of the molecular processes responsible for the passing of traits. They will also use
mathematics and pedigree models to analyze and predict inheritance patterns.
Students will also explore current biotechnology associated with the study and
manipulation of genes.

Unit 4 Enduring Understandings

Students will understand that ...

ƒ ƒ The molecular structure of DNA enables its function of storing life's genetic
information. (GEN-A)
ƒ ƒ Encoded in DNA is the heritable information responsible for synthesis of RNA,
which makes gene expression possible. (GEN-B)
ƒ ƒ Organisms have diverse strategies for passing their genetic material on to the
next generation. (GEN-C)
ƒ ƒ Models can be used to illustrate and predict the inheritance of traits. (GEN-D)

Unit 4 Key Concepts

ƒ ƒ Structure of DNA
ƒ ƒ DNA Synthesis
ƒ ƒ Protein Synthesis
ƒ ƒ Asexual and Sexual Passing of Genes
ƒ ƒ Inheritance Patterns
ƒ ƒ Biotechnology

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  Pre-AP Biology Course Framework

Key Concept 1: Structure of DNA

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Race to Discover DNA
GEN 1.1(a) Explain how models of DNA changed over GEN 1.1.1 Several scientists' models of DNA
time as new scientific evidence emerged, resulting in contributed to the final consensus model of DNA's
the final consensus model. structure produced by Watson and Crick.
a. Chargaff observed 1:1 ratios between certain
nitrogenous bases in DNA's nucleotides (A-T, G-C).
b. Franklin's work showed that DNA was in the shape
of a helix and suggested that the nitrogenous
bases were near the center.
c. Watson and Crick built the consensus model of
DNA known today.

The Structure of DNA

GEN 1.2(a) Describe how DNA is organized differently GEN 1.2.1 Living systems obtain the monomers
in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. necessary to build DNA strands using products from
metabolic reactions.
GEN 1.2(b) Describe the monomers necessary for
cells to build DNA. GEN 1.2.2 DNA is the genetic material found in all
living organisms.
GEN 1.2(c) Explain how the structure of DNA enables
storage of heritable information. a. In prokaryotes, genomic DNA is organized into a
single, circular chromosome.
b. In eukaryotes, genomic DNA is organized into
multiple, linear chromosomes found in the nucleus.
1. DNA is a double helix with the two strands
running in opposite directions (antiparallel).
2. Nitrogenous base pairing occurs in between the
two strands, each of which contains a sugar–
phosphate backbone.

Content Boundary: Quizzes will not require students to recall a list of scientists and their
contributions to the discovery of the structure of DNA. The focus here is on how scientific
knowledge (e.g., work from Pauling, Chargaff, Franklin and Watson, and Crick) developed over
time, finally leading to the understanding of the consensus model of DNA.

Cross Connections: Connect key concepts from the cycling of matter in the biosphere
(Unit 1: Ecological Systems) and the chemistry of life (Unit 3: Cellular Systems) to help
students understand where the building blocks to make these nucleic acids (both DNA
and RNA) come from.

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Key Concept 2: DNA Synthesis

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
DNA Synthesis (Replication)
GEN 2.1(a) Describe the importance of DNA GEN 2.1.1 All living cells have a mechanism for DNA
synthesis. synthesis (replication) in order to pass on genetic
information to new cells.
GEN 2.1(b) Create and/or use models to explain how
DNA synthesis occurs. a. Each of the two strands of DNA serves as a
template for a new complementary strand in a
GEN 2.1(c) Explain the function of enzymes in DNA
semiconservative process of replication.
b. DNA helicase and DNA polymerase are the primary
enzymes required for the replication process.

Content Boundary: Understanding of in-depth DNA replication processes, such as formation

of leading and lagging strands, Okazaki fragments, and DNA polymerase working in the 5'-to-3'
direction, is beyond the scope of this course.

Key Concept 3: Protein Synthesis

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
RNA Transcription
GEN 3.1(a) Explain structural differences between GEN 3.1.1 The unique structure of RNA enables its
RNA and DNA. function in protein synthesis.
a. Types of RNA may vary in structure but they all
have important structural differences from DNA:
1. All types of RNA contain the sugar ribose
instead of deoxyribose.
2. All types of RNA contain the nitrogen base
uracil instead of thymine.
3. mRNA is single-stranded instead of double-
stranded like DNA.
GEN 3.2(a) Describe how heritable information stored GEN 3.2.1 RNA synthesis, or transcription, results in
in DNA is transferred to RNA through transcription. three forms of the polymer.
a. RNA synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm of
prokaryotes and in the nucleus of eukaryotes.
b. During transcription, a single strand of DNA is
used as a template to synthesize a complementary
strand of RNA.
c. RNA transcription results in the synthesis of
messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and
ribosomal RNA (rRNA).

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Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge

Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
GEN 3.3(a) Explain how the structure of DNA enables GEN 3.3.1 Gene expression includes the process
storage of heritable information. of protein synthesis, which requires transcribing
heritable information stored in DNA and translating
GEN 3.3(b) Explain the role of mRNA in protein
it into polypeptides.
a. Genes are certain sections of DNA on
GEN 3.3(c) Identify the role of amino acids in protein chromosomes that contain the instructions for
synthesis. making specific proteins.
GEN 3.3(d) Create and/or use models to demonstrate b. Information carried on genes in the template
how the information in genes is expressed as proteins. strand of DNA is transcribed into a strand of mRNA
during transcription.
c. Translation of mRNA into the sequence of amino
acids (protein) occurs with the help of ribosomes
in the cytoplasm.
1. mRNA is read by the ribosome three bases at a
time (a codon), which corresponds to a specific
amino acid that the ribosome incorporates into a
growing polypeptide chain.
2. Translation begins and ends with specific start
and stop codons.
3. The particular sequence of amino acids
determines the shape and function of the
expressed protein.

GEN 3.4(a) Describe how changes in DNA sequences GEN 3.4.1 Mutations are heritable changes to DNA
may affect protein structure and function. sequences.

GEN 3.4(b) Create and/or use models to explain the a. Mutations are random changes in DNA sequences
consequences of changes in the DNA. that may occur as a result of errors during
replication or the effects of environmental
GEN 3.4(c) Analyze data to make predictions about mutagens (e.g., UV light, x-rays, and carcinogens).
how changes in DNA affect an organism's phenotype. b. A change in a DNA sequence occurs when
a nucleotide is substituted into the original
sequence (causing a point mutation) or inserted
into or deleted from the sequence (causing a
frameshift mutation).
c. Depending on how the changes impact gene
expression, mutations may cause negative disruption
in gene and protein function, have little to no effect on
organisms, or produce beneficial variation.

Content Boundary: It is important for students to realize that all forms of RNA are made in
the nucleus and to understand how forms of RNA work together to make proteins. However,
assessments will not require students to recall a step-by-step list of the process. Instead, they
should focus on how the structure of each form of RNA fits its role in protein synthesis and
why this process is important (from genotype to phenotype understanding). Students should
understand that only some regions of DNA carry genetic information for proteins (genes).
However, specifics about introns and exons are beyond the scope of this course.
Cross Connections: Make connections to key concepts from Unit 2: Evolution of how
mutations serve as sources of genetic variation on which natural selection mechanisms work.

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Key Concept 4: Asexual and Sexual Passing of Genes

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Asexual Reproduction
GEN 4.1(a) Explain why asexual reproductive GEN 4.1.1 Most unicellular and some multicellular
strategies do not lead to genetic diversity. organisms can reproduce through asexual
processes that do not increase genetic variation in
GEN 4.1(b) Explain the advantage(s) of asexual
the population.
reproduction strategies for organisms.
a. Binary fission is a form of asexual cell division
that results in a symmetrical genetic clone of the
parent cell (e.g., bacteria, amoebas).
b. Budding is a form of asexual cell division that
results in a diploid, asymmetrical genetic clone of
the parent cell (e.g., corals, yeast).
c. Some forms of parthenogenesis are a form of
asexual reproduction in some species, where
offspring are produced by females without the
genetic contribution of a male (e.g., bees, lizards,
d. Asexual reproduction can be performed without
the need to find mates and can lead to rapid
proliferation of a population over time.

Sexual Reproduction (Meiosis)

GEN 4.2(a) Explain why reduction division must occur GEN 4.2.1 Some unicellular and most eukaryotic
to produce gametes. organisms reproduce sexually, requiring a process
called meiosis that results in genetic variation in the
GEN 4.2(b) Explain how meiotic cellular division
followed by fertilization leads to genetic diversity within
a population. a. Meiotic division requires two distinct nuclear
divisions in order to reduce one diploid (2N) cell
GEN 4.2(c) Create and/or use models to explain how
into four haploid (N) cells.
chromosome number is halved during meiosis.
1. During the first division in meiosis, homologous
chromosomes pair together in a tetrad and
crossing-over occurs, which increases genetic
2. At the end of the first division (meiosis I),
homologous chromosomes are separated and
two daughter cells are formed.
3. At the end of the second meiotic division
(meiosis II), the two cells are separated into
four genetically diverse haploid cells, which in
animals differentiate into gametes.
b. Sexual reproduction occurs via fertilization, when
sperm and egg gametes fuse and form a zygote,
restoring the diploid number of chromosomes.

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Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge

Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Chromosomal Disorders
GEN 4.3(a) Describe how some organisms have an GEN 4.3.1 Chromosomal disorders can occur during
altered number of chromosomes in their genome. meiosis if chromosomes are altered, duplicated, or
GEN 4.3(b) Predict how altered chromosome numbers
may affect organisms. a. Unequal crossing-over events can lead to
chromosomal disorders.
b. Random nondisjunction events may occur in
meiosis when chromosomes fail to separate. This
may result in viable offspring with an abnormal
number of chromosomes.

Content Boundary: Students will not be assessed on the molecular details of the asexual
reproductive strategies of budding and binary fission, nor on which organisms utilize asexual
reproduction. The focus here is on how this reproductive strategy leads to the genetic clone
of the parent cell, the impact on gene pool diversity, and why that process is advantageous for
the organism at that time.

Cross Connections: Students should make connections to key concepts in Unit 1: Ecological
Systems and Unit 2: Evolution, recognizing how changes in the environment and natural
selection act on variation in traits that emerge through meiosis. These processes lead to
phenotypic variation in species and populations.

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Key Concept 5: Inheritance Patterns

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
Inheritance Patterns
GEN 5.1(a) Explain the relationship between genotype GEN 5.1.1 Investigation of Mendelian, or single-
and phenotype. gene, traits reveals the basis for understanding
patterns of inheritance.
GEN 5.1(b) Describe the type of inheritance pattern
based on data and/or use of models. a. Many of an organism's traits (phenotype) are
determined by the organism's genes (genotype),
which are passed from one generation to the next.
b. Somatic cells of sexually reproducing organisms
have two copies of each gene (one inherited from
each parent).
c. Each gene copy may have variants called alleles.
d. If present, dominant alleles are expressed,
whereas recessive alleles are expressed only in
the absence of a dominant allele.
GEN 5.1.2 Most traits do not follow Mendelian
inheritance patterns.
a. Some traits are determined by genes on sex
b. Most of our traits involve the interactions of
multiple genes.
1. Codominance occurs when both alleles of
homologous chromosomes are fully expressed.
2. Incomplete dominance occurs when neither of
the alleles from a homologous chromosome
pair are completely dominant.

Predicting Inheritance
GEN 5.2(a) Create and/or use models to analyze the GEN 5.2.1 The inheritance of certain traits from
probability of the inheritance of traits. parents to offspring can be predicted using models.

GEN 5.2(b) Predict the inheritance of traits that do not a. Rules of probability can be applied to make
follow Mendelian patterns. predictions about the passage of alleles from
parent to offspring using mathematical models
GEN 5.2(c) Use a pedigree to predict the inheritance
(Punnett squares).
of a trait within a family.
b. Pedigrees are useful tools for modeling inheritance
patterns to examine and/or make predictions
about inheritance of a specific trait from one
generation to the next.

Content Boundary: Students will be expected to know non-Mendelian inheritance patterns

such as codominance and incomplete dominance. However, epistatic genes are beyond the
scope of this course.

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Key Concept 6: Biotechnology

Learning Objectives Essential Knowledge
Students will be able to ... Students need to know that ...
GEN 6.1(a) Use data to examine inheritance and/or GEN 6.1.1 Biotechnology enables scientists to
chromosomal disorders. study and engineer heritable traits of organisms.

GEN 6.1(b) Describe techniques used to manipulate a. Karyotypes are used to examine inheritance and
DNA. help identify and predict possible chromosomal
genetic disorders.
GEN 6.1(c) Explain potential benefits and/or
consequences of manipulating DNA of organisms. b. Diverse methods, including PCR, gel
electrophoresis, and DNA profiling, are used to
study organisms' DNA.
c. Genetic engineering techniques (e.g., cloning,
GMOs) can manipulate the heritable information
of DNA, resulting in both positive and negative

Content Boundary: Students will not be assessed on a deep understanding of the molecular
processes for manipulating DNA. Instead the focus should be on giving a high-level
understanding of common processes that allow development of appropriate sizes of DNA to
be studied and manipulated. Also, students should learn about exciting new advancements in
this field.

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© 2018 The College Board
The Pre-AP Instructional
Pre-AP course frameworks articulate the
essential knowledge, skills, and practices all
students need to be prepared for college and
a career. In short, the frameworks outline the
what in terms of the content and skills teachers
should prioritize. The Pre-AP teacher, in turn,
breathes life into the course by defining the
how —creating the learning opportunities that
allow students to build, practice, and strengthen
the skills that will reward them throughout their
high school coursework and prepare them for
their futures.
The Pre-AP teacher's role is to translate what lives in this framework into classroom
learning. The Pre-AP course resources help teachers do that by modeling effective
strategies and approaches that they can adapt and leverage throughout the course.
The teacher-facing lessons and student resources (available to schools participating
in the official Pre-AP Program) provide concrete models of how to apply the course
framework and instructional principles to daily instruction.
This section describes the overall Pre-AP instructional approach, or philosophy,
to serve as a reference or guide for all teachers seeking to align their instruction
to Pre-AP goals and principles. The following components bring shape, focus, and
meaning to Pre-AP courses, while honoring and preserving the space and flexibility
for teachers' instructional decision making:

ƒ ƒ Shared principles: Instructional routines and strategies that unite all Pre-AP
ƒ ƒ Areas of focus: Discipline-specific instructional priorities for the course
ƒ ƒ Instructional resources: Overview of the lessons and resources that are provided
to teachers participating in the official Pre-AP Program
ƒ ƒ Recommended unit structure: A model for structuring and sequencing units in
the course
Pre-AP course teachers will receive more detailed course maps and planning tools
through the digital resources and professional learning institute that come with
official program participation.

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  The Pre-AP Instructional Approach

Areas of Focus
In addition to the shared principles, each Pre-AP course focuses on a small set
of discipline-specific instructional priorities that support both teacher practice
and student learning within the discipline. These areas of focus reflect research-
supported practices that should receive greater emphasis in instructional materials
and assessments than they often do. Pre-AP recognizes that many teachers and
schools already embrace these priorities, and now we are offering resources that
specifically emphasize these areas of focus.
Pre-AP Biology Areas of Focus:

Emphasis on analytical Focus on applying Attention to modeling:

reading and writing: mathematics: Students Students go beyond
Students engage in use mathematics to labeling diagrams to
analytical reading and understand and express modeling biological
writing to gain, retain, the quantitative aspects processes to demonstrate
and apply scientific of biology, to record and and revise understanding
knowledge. interpret experimental of key patterns,
data, and to solve interactions, and
problems as they arise. relationships.

Unpacking the Areas of Focus

Emphasis on Analytical Reading and Writing

Strong analytical reading and writing skills enable students to access and
extract information from scientific texts. This ability not only enhances
conceptual understanding in science but also deeply supports practices
necessary for college-level science coursework. Prioritizing analytical
reading in Pre-AP biology classrooms requires students to extract,
synthesize, and compare complex information, often by moving between
texts and multiple representations, such as tables and graphs. Students
then integrate and translate that information to craft scientific arguments,
reinforcing and deepening conceptual understanding. Encouraging
students to develop and apply these skills as they read and write about
informal science texts, such as science articles found in newspapers,
online, and in magazines also prepares students for becoming discerning
citizens and consumers of scientific information.

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Focus on Applying Mathematics

The ability to analyze and interpret data collected while investigating

the natural world is a critical practice for scientists. Once collected, data
must be translated into forms that can be analyzed in an attempt to reveal
meaningful patterns and relationships. These patterns and relationships
are not immediately obvious, so students must often apply mathematical
and statistical thinking in order to analyze data.

Attention to Modeling

Modeling is a core practice for scientists as they use models to develop,

refine, and communicate their ideas about the natural world. Engaging
students in modeling also reinforces other scientific reasoning skills,
such as data analysis and scientific argumentation, as students use these
while modeling. Modeling also helps illustrate for students how scientific
knowledge is constructed and revised over time as new data and evidence

Instructional Resources
Schools that officially implement a Pre-AP course will receive access to instructional
resources for each unit. These teacher and student resources do not constitute a full
day-by-day curriculum. Instead, they provide significant support and modeling for
teachers as they design instruction for each unit.
Pre-AP Biology offers the following types of instructional resources.

Launch Lessons
These lesson openers introduce each key concept in a unit, serving to launch that
topic of investigation. Launch lessons are designed around engaging real-world
problems or natural phenomena that spark student interest in the key concepts, in
preparation for deeper learning.

Focus Area Lessons

Three types of targeted lessons are designed to support the focus areas for the
course—modeling, data analysis, and analytical reading and writing. These lessons
provide teachers with instructional guidance about student misconceptions, ways to
meet diverse learners' needs, and practical classroom ideas for ensuring successful
implementation of each activity. Some lessons also include recommendations
for student practice, including connections to Khan Academy practice to support
foundational skills in math.

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Laboratory Resources
Each unit includes one or two laboratory investigations that provide opportunities
for students to plan, collect, and analzye data in order to answer scientific questions.
These investigations deepen and extend students' understanding of key concepts,
as well as their ability to apply scientific practices in order to make claims about
natural phenomena and support those claims based on evidence.

Please visit for more information and samples of these

instructional resources.

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© 2018 The College Board
 re-AP Biology

Pre-AP assessments are frequent and varied so that they become a natural part
of the classroom experience and a source of meaningful feedback. Teachers and
students can use the assessments, which are all based on the course framework, to
understand and track progress and to identify where additional practice or support
might be needed. Since students encounter a range of assessments throughout the
course, progress isn't measured by performance on any single exam. Rather, Pre-AP
offers a place to practice, to grow, and to recognize that learning takes time.
Unit Quizzes: Each unit includes two short online quizzes featuring multiple-choice
questions modeled closely after the types of questions students encounter on SAT
and AP Exams. Based on the Pre-AP Biology course framework, digital unit quizzes
require students to examine data, models, diagrams, and short texts—all set in
authentic contexts—in order to respond to a targeted set of questions that measure
both the key concepts and skills from the unit. All eight objective quizzes are
machine-scored, with results provided through automatic score reports that contain
explanations of all questions and answers and actionable feedback.
Performance Tasks: Each unit includes one performance-based assessment as
well as practice performance tasks. The Pre-AP Biology performance tasks are
designed as opportunities to evaluate the depth of student understanding of key
concepts and skills that are not easily assessed in a multiple-choice format.
Performance tasks in the ecology and cellular systems units mirror the AP free-
response question style. Students will demonstrate their understanding of content
by analyzing scientific texts, data, and models in order to develop analytical written
responses to open-ended questions.
Performance tasks in the evolution and genetics units will actively engage
students in hands-on data analysis and modeling skills as they demonstrate their
understanding of key concepts in those two units.
Both types of performance tasks will give students an opportunity to closely observe
and analyze real-world biological problems and apply the skills and concepts from
across the course units.
These tasks, developed for ninth-graders in an open access environment, are
accessible and appropriate while still providing sufficient challenge and the
opportunity to practice the analytical skills that will be required in AP science
courses as well as for college and career readiness. To support practice and skill

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  Pre-AP Biology Assessments

building, each unit also has a practice performance task to provide students with
time to engage with these open-ended assessments prior to the final performance
assessment in the unit.
These unit quizzes and performance tasks will be updated and refreshed on a
periodic basis to ensure the strength, quality, and value of these assessment
Teachers participating in the official Pre-AP Program will receive access to online
learning modules to support them in evaluating student work for each performance
task. These on-demand experiences will orient teachers to the content of the task
and scoring guide requirements and will engage them in scoring student work
samples in preparation for evaluating their own students' work.

Inside the Assessment Blueprint

The following tables provide a synopsis of key content dimensions of the Pre-AP
Biology unit quizzes.

Format Two machine-scored objective quizzes per unit
Digitally administered with automated scoring and reporting
Questions that target both concepts and skills from the course framework

Time Allocated One 45-minute class period per quiz

Length 10–15 questions per quiz

Multiple Choice (4 options) 100%

Stimulus Based 100%

Domains Assessed

Key Concepts Key concepts and prioritized learning objectives from the course framework

Skills Four skill categories aligned to the Pre-AP Biology areas of focus:
ƒ ƒ Analyze and use scientific data
ƒ ƒ Apply quantitative reasoning
ƒ ƒ Develop and use scientific models
ƒ ƒ Extract information from scientific text through analytical reading
Question Types ƒ ƒ Question types modeled after SAT and AP test questions
ƒ ƒ Question sets organized around two to three questions that focus on
a single stimulus, such as a text, graph or table
ƒ ƒ Questions set in authentic biological contexts

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Unit Quiz Content Domain (Key Concepts)

Unit 1: Ecological Systems Unit 1 Quiz 1 Cycling of Matter in the Biosphere

Population Dynamics

Unit 1 Quiz 2 Defining Ecological Communities

Ecological Community Dynamics
Changes in Ecological Communities

Unit 2: Evolution Unit 2 Quiz 1 Patterns of Evolution

Mechanisms of Evolution

Unit 2 Quiz 2 Speciation

Unit 3: Cellular Systems Unit 3 Quiz 1 Chemistry of Life

Cell Structure and Function
Cell Transport and Homeostasis
Organisms Maintaining Homeostasis

Unit 3 Quiz 2 Cell Growth and Division

Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

Unit 4: Genetics Unit 4 Quiz 1 Structure of DNA

DNA Synthesis
Protein Synthesis

Unit 4 Quiz 2 Asexual and Sexual Passing of Genes

Inheritance Patterns

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Sample Unit Quiz Questions

Question Set Analyzing Scientific Data
Biologists were studying the growth of a heterotrophic bacteria (Clostridium
perfringens) that is commonly found consuming decaying organic matter in
the sediments of freshwater lakes. They collected data to explore the following
question—Is the heterotrophic bacteria growth (concentration) dependent
on warmer lake water temperatures?

75 55
Bacteria Concentration (ppm) Temperature (°F)

Bacteria Concentration (ppm)

Temperature (°F)





55 30
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Time (days)
Assessment Focus
Examination of 1-Liter Samples of Lake Water over 30-Day Period. This question set assesses
a student's ability to analyze
1. Based on the data they collected, which of the following claims and and use data from a graph in
supporting evidence statements would be a reasonable conclusion order to select an appropriate
the biologists could make? scientific claim and evidence
pairing. It also assesses the
(A) Claim: Bacteria concentration does depend on warmer lake
student's understanding of
water temperature. the abiotic and biotic niche
Evidence: The bacteria population is at its highest on day 30 requirements for heterotrophic
and water temperature is also at its highest on day 30. organisms.
(B) Claim: Bacteria concentration does depend on warmer lake Question 1
water temperature. Correct Answer: D
Evidence: The bacteria population and water temperature are Question 2
exactly the same on day 20. Correct Answer: A

(C) Claim: Bacteria concentration does not depend on warmer lake Learning Objectives:
water temperature. ECO 2.1(a) Explain the role
abiotic and/or biotic resources
Evidence: From day 18 to day 20, both the bacteria population
play in defining the niche of a
and the water temperature were rising. species.
(D) Claim: Bacteria concentration does not depend on warmer lake ECO 2.3(a) Use data to
water temperature. explain the growth of a
Evidence: The water temperature declines from day 4 to day 8, population.
while the bacteria concentration continues to rise. Skill: Analyze and use
scientific data

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1. The biologists are interested in analyzing other environmental

conditions that may regulate the heterotrophic bacteria
concentration. Which of the following would be the least likely
factor for regulating the population growth of the bacteria in the
(A) Amount of sunlight reaching the lake bottom
(B) Dissolved oxygen level in the lake
(C) Amount of decaying organic matter in the sediments
(D) pH level of the lake water

Pre-AP Biology Sample Question: Using a Model

The diagram below depicts a model of a typical food web from coastal
waters in cool temperate and subpolar seas, such as those around Antarctica.
Examine the relationships in the model in order to answer the question below.

Crabeater seal Killer whale

Assessment Focus

This question assesses the

student's ability to use a
model to make predictions
Squid about how the flow of energy
Adelie penguin
Leopard seal through this food web would
change if organisms are
depleted. Students must also
Cod apply their understanding of
ecological roles (e.g., primary
Small animals
consumers) at each trophic
and protists level in order to make this
Algae prediction.
Question 3
Correct Answer: A
2. If cod were overfished in this Antarctic region and were not Learning Objectives:
an available food source, which of the following is a possible ECO 2.3(a) Create and/or use
disruption to the food web? models to explain the energy
(A) The Adelie penguin population could increase because there is flow through the food web of
a community.
less predation and an increase in krill and algae.
ECO 2.3(c) Make predictions
(B) The killer whale population could increase because there is an
about the energy distribution
abundance of prey. in an ecosystem based on the
(C) The crabeater seal could decline because there is a decrease in energy available to organisms.
the krill population. Skill: Develop and use
scientific models
(D) The squid population could decline because there is a decrease
in the algae population.

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Pre-AP Biology Sample Question: Data Analysis

Scientists conducted an experiment to determine how two different species of
duckweed, an aquatic plant, affected each other's growth. They grew each of
the species (Lemna polyrrhiza and Lemna gibba) separately as well as together
for seven weeks. The graph below shows the results of all three experimental

L. polyrrhiza alone
L. gibba alone
Dry Mass (mg)

400 L. polyrrhiza and

L. gibba together Assessment Focus

200 This question assesses the

student's ability to analyze
data from a graph. In order to
0 2 4 6 select the appropriate claim
Weeks’ Growth that can be made based on
the data, they must also
apply their understanding
1. Which of the following statements is a claim the scientists could of interspecific versus
make based on evidence from their data? intraspecific competition and
(A) The niches of the two organisms do not overlap, and therefore niche.

they are both able to continue to grow at their maximum growth Question 4
rate even when grown together. Correct Answer: C
Learning Objectives:
(B) Intraspecific competition between the two species stimulates
ECO 2.2(c) Explain how
the growth of the L. polyrrhiza population.
competition for resources
(C) The niches of both organisms likely overlap, and therefore, shapes populations.
when they are grown together, interspecific competition reduces ECO 2.3(b) Analyze data
both populations' growth rate. of species distributions to
make predictions about the
(D) L. polyrrhiza has a wider niche than L. gibba and therefore
availability of resources.
experiences a higher population growth rate even when the
species are grown together. Skill: Analyze and use
scientific data

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Pre-AP Biology Performance Tasks

Features of Pre-AP Biology Performance Tasks
Scaffolds for analytical reading and writing
In order to help Pre-AP Biology students continue to grow in their ability
to develop scientific claims supported by coherent evidence and reasoning,
performance tasks provide scaffolds for engaging with complex text and data.
Students are provided with strategies and prompts that help them first focus on
sentence-level analytical writing before moving toward longer paragraph-length

Space to demonstrate quantitative reasoning

Performance tasks provide a more open space for students to truly utilize
quantitative reasoning skills in order to demonstrate their understanding of
biological patterns, relationships, and principles.

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Sample Performance Task and Scoring Guidelines

Termites: Guardians of the Soil

Natalie Angier, "Termites: Guardians of the Soil." ©2015 by The New York Times.

The giant termite mounds that rise up from the sands of the African savanna are so
distinctive it's tempting to give them names, like "Art Deco Skyline" or "Trumpeting

Researchers at Princeton University and their colleagues recently reported in the journal
Science that termite mounds may serve as oases in the desert, allowing the plants that
surround them to persist on a fraction of the annual rainfall otherwise required to bounce
back after a withering drought.

And while the public may view termites as pale, blind, half-inch vermin, only a handful
of them are actually pests. "They're the ultimate soil engineers," said David Bignell, a
termite expert and emeritus professor of zoology at Queen Mary University of London. By
poking holes, or macropores, as they dig through the ground, termites allow rain to soak
deep into the soil rather than running off or evaporating. Termites artfully mix inorganic
particles of sand, stone and clay with organic bits of leaf litter, discarded exoskeletons
and the occasional squirrel tail, a blending that helps the soil retain nutrients, such as
nitrogen and phosphorous, and resist erosion.

The stickiness of a termite's feces and other bodily excretions lend structure and
coherence to the soil, which also prevents erosion. Bacteria in the termite's gut are avid
nitrogen fixaters, able to extract the vital element from the air and convert it into a usable
sort of fertilizer in the soil, benefiting the termite host and the vast plant community.

1. Write three sentences about the role termites play in modifying the natural process of
the water, carbon, or nitrogen. Use the following words in order at the beginning of your
claims: although, when, if.

Although ___________________________________________________________________

When ______________________________________________________________________

If _______________________________________________________________________

2. Use evidence from the text to support (agree with) or refute (disagree with) the following
Termite activities influence the cycling of matter in ways that are beneficial to their
Do you support or refute this claim?

Evidence from Text Scientific Reasoning

3. Describe two ways that humans influence the cycling of matter in ecosystems.

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Scoring Guidelines
These scoring guidelines are representative of the depth and kind of scoring information
provided for each performance task. The format of scoring guidelines may vary.

Question Possible Points Possible Solutions

Question 1 point for each There are numerous solutions to this first question. Some possible
appropriate sentence. answers include

3 points [Note: While not essential, Although termites are sometimes considered pests, termites also have
max it would be ideal if students positive effects on the water cycle.
used the three sentences When termites dig holes into the soil, they help plants get more water.
together to form a coherent If termites did not tunnel into the soil, water might evaporate and some
thought about one cycle. plants might not get the water they need.
Each sentence could
represent a different idea
as this is just an opening Although termites are very small, they play a big role in the nitrogen cycle.
question to get them into the When termites convert nitrogen into fertilizer, they help provide critical
text.] nutrients to plants.
If termites did not convert nitrogen, there might be less plant growth to
support herbivores.

Question 1 point for each piece of Evidence from Text Scientific Reasoning
evidence pulled from text ƒ ƒ allowing the plants that surround Each piece of evidence should be
that aligns to an impact in a them to persist on a fraction adequately paired with a reason
4 points cycle. (up to 2 points max) of the annual rainfall otherwise as to why this is beneficial to a
max required to bounce back after a particular cycle. Some examples
1 point for each withering drought include
appropriate reasoning ƒ ƒ poking holes, or macropores, as
statement attached to the they dig through the ground Evidence: "allow rain to soak deep
evidence. (up to 2 points ƒ ƒ allow rain to soak deep into the into the soil rather than running off
max) soil rather than running off or or evaporating"
evaporating Reasoning: This impacts the water
ƒ ƒ artfully mix inorganic particles of cycle in a way beneficial to plants
sand, stone and clay with organic because less water will evaporate
bits of leaf litter and more will be available in the
ƒ ƒ blending that helps the soil retain soil to use.
nutrients and resist erosion
ƒ ƒ stickiness of a termite's feces Evidence: "artfully mix inorganic
and other bodily excretions lend particles of sand, stone and clay
structure and coherence to the with organic bits of leaf litter"
soil, which also prevents erosion Reasoning: This impacts the
ƒ ƒ termite's gut are avid nitrogen carbon and nitrogen cycles
fixaters, able to extract the vital because it speeds up deposition
element from the air and convert and helps the soil hold more
it into a usable sort of fertilizer nutrients such as nitrogen and

Question 1 point for each correct ƒ ƒ Removing water from storage for drinking impacts the water cycle.
description of a human ƒ ƒ Farming practices increase evaporation from soil and runoff impacts
3 activity that affects the the water and nitrogen cycles.
2 points cycling of matter.
ƒ ƒ Using fossil fuels for energy releases carbon dioxide into the
max atmosphere, which impacts the carbon cycle.
ƒ ƒ Using nitrogen-based fertilizers in farming impacts the nitrogen cycle.
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Units at a Glance: Content,

Structure, and Pacing
The following tables map out the structure and content for each unit as well as
the suggested pacing. The tables also indicate the supporting instructional and
assessment resources that are provided to teachers participating in the official
Pre‑AP Program. Pre-AP instructional resources are designed to be used alongside
the teacher's existing classroom resources, textbook, and local curriculum.

Unit 1: Ecological Systems  Suggested pacing: 4 weeks

Key Concepts Pre-AP Instructional Pre-AP Classroom
Resources Assessments
Cycling of Matter in the Launch Lesson
Focus Area Lesson

Population Dynamics Launch Lesson Unit Quiz 1

Focus Area Lesson

Defining Ecological Launch Lesson


Ecological Community Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

Changes in Ecological Launch Lesson Unit Quiz 2

Focus Area Lesson Performance Task

Additional resources include one or two laboratory investigations and one practice performance task.

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Unit 2: Evolution  Suggested pacing: 4 weeks

Key Concepts Pre-AP Instructional Pre-AP Classroom
Resources Assessments
Patterns of Evolution Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

Mechanisms of Evolution Launch Lesson Unit Quiz 1

Focus Area Lesson

Speciation Launch Lesson Unit Quiz 2

Focus Area Lesson Performance Task

Additional resources include one or two laboratory investigations and one practice performance task.

Unit 3: Cellular Systems  Suggested Pacing: 10 weeks

Key Concepts Pre-AP Instructional Pre-AP Classroom
Resources Assessments
Chemistry of Life Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

Cell Structure and Function Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

Cell Transport and Launch Lesson Unit Quiz 1

Focus Area Lesson

Organisms Maintaining Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

Cell Growth and Division Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

Photosynthesis Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

Cellular Respiration and Launch Lesson Unit Quiz 2

Focus Area Lesson Performance Task

Additional resources include one or two laboratory investigations and one practice performance task.

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Unit 4: Genetics  Suggested Pacing: 9–10 weeks

Key Concepts Pre-AP Instructional Pre-AP Classroom
Resources Assessments
Structure of DNA Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

DNA Synthesis Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

Protein Synthesis Launch Lesson Unit Quiz 1

Focus Area Lesson

Asexual and Sexual Passing Launch Lesson

of Genes
Focus Area Lesson

Inheritance Patterns Launch Lesson

Focus Area Lesson

Biotechnology Launch Lesson Unit Quiz 2

Focus Area Lesson Performance Task

Additional resources include one or two laboratory investigations and one practice performance task.

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Pre-AP Professional
The summer before their first year
teaching a Pre-AP course, instructors
are encouraged to participate in
Pre-AP Course Teacher Institutes. For
schools participating in the
2018-19 cohort, all course
teachers must participate in the
professional learning institute.
The four-day institute held in the
summer introduces the Pre‑AP
course frameworks, instructional
units, pedagogical principles, and
assessment resources. Through the intensive and immersive study of both their
specific course materials and shared cross-disciplinary principles, teachers will
begin to develop their Pre‑AP instructional plans for the year.
During the school year, teachers will also receive an additional five to eight hours
of online training in assessment analysis and scoring of student work.
Pre-AP School Coordinators will register all teachers for their assigned Pre-AP
Course Teacher Institute and communicate the details and logistics of the event to
their teams.

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