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the Workplace: Variation

of Incident Severity among
Industry Settings and
between Recurring vs
Isolated Incidents
GS DeFraia

Background: Psychologically traumatic workplace events (known as critical incidents) occur

within various work environments, with workgroups in certain industries vulnerable to mul- Organizational Con-
tiple incidents. With the increasing prevalence of incidents in the USA, incident response is a sulting, New York, USA
growing practice area within occupational medicine, industrial psychology, occupational social
work and other occupational health professions.

Objective: To analyze a measure of incident severity based on level of disruption to the

workplace and explore whether incident severity varied among different industry settings or
between workgroups experiencing multiple vs single traumatic incidents.

Methods: Administrative data mining was employed to examine practice data from a work-
place trauma response unit in the USA. Bivariate analyses were conducted to test whether
scores from an instrument measuring incident severity level varied among industry settings
or between workgroups impacted by multiple vs isolated events.

Results: Incident severity level differed among various industry settings. Banks, retail stores
and fast food restaurants accounted for the most severe incidents, while industrial and manu-
facturing sites reported less severe incidents. Workgroups experiencing multiple incidents
reported more severe incidents than workgroups experiencing a single incident.

Conclusion: Occupational health practitioners should be alert to industry differences in sev-

eral areas: pre-incident resiliency training, the content of business recovery plans, assessing
worker characteristics, strategies to assist continuous operations and assisting workgroups
impacted by multiple or severe incidents.

Keywords: Workplace; Workplace violence; Occupational injuries; Psychology, industrial

Introduction with unfortunate regularity. While similar
incidents have occurred throughout his-

lobally, psychologically traumatic tory, widespread and instantaneous media
events, such as industrial acci- coverage results in high visibility, raising
awareness about psychological trauma Correspondence to
dents, explosions, mass shootings, Gary S. DeFraia, PhD,
terrorism, and natural disasters occur as a consequence. In recent years, there 19 Jeffrey Drive, Tillson,
NY 12486, USA
Tel: +1-845-216-1392
Cite this article as: DeFraia GS. Psychological trauma in the workplace: variation of incident severity among E-mail: gdefraia@hvc.
industry settings and between recurring vs isolated incidents. Int J Occup Environ Med 2015;6:155-168. doi:
10.15171/ijoem.2015.545 Received: Nov 29, 2014
Accepted: May 3, 2015  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015 155


Workplace Trauma and Industry Settings

have occurred several devastating natural cal incidents in the USA, this observational
disasters (Typhoon Haiyan, Philippines, study analyzes critical incident practice
2013; Super Storm Sandy, USA, 2012; In- data generated in a high volume incident
donesia's Tsunami, 2004), tragic gun vio- response unit.
lence in schools (Sandy Hook Elementary The article documents the prevalence of
School, USA, 2012; Kauhajoki and Tuusu- workplace incidents within the USA, iden-
la, Finland, 2008 and 2007), deadly indus- tifies common employee traumatic stress
trial disasters (DuPont's toxic chemical's symptoms and shows how subsequent
leak in La Porte, Texas, USA, 2014; West work performance impairments can be
Fertilizer Company's explosion, West, Tex- understood as manifestations of traumat-
as, USA, 2013; Amuay refinery explosion ic stress. It next reviews pre-incident and
in Punto Fijo, Venezuela, 2012; Deepwa- post-incident strategies to mitigate the im-
ter Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of pact of events on workers and the organi-
Mexico, 2010) and brutal acts of terrorism zation. It then profiles a prominent critical
(Kunming train station stabbings, China incident response unit, outlining its scope
2014; Boston Marathon bombing, USA, of practice, and describing its extensive
2013). As is evident from these examples, database of critical incident records, which
traumatic incidents frequently occur with- serve as the data set for an observational
in workplaces globally. Workplaces within study. Employing the methodology of ad-
the USA however, are particularly vulner- ministrative data mining, data are tested
able. To explore differences among indus- for whether incident severity level (a mea-
try settings and their experience with criti- sure of disruption to organizations), dif-
fered significantly among various industry
settings, and for whether incident sever-
TAKE-HOME MESSAGE ity was greater for workgroups experienc-
ing multiple traumatic incidents than for
●● For settings with a high frequency of incidents or those
those who were exposed to a single event.
prone to more severe events it is especially important to
emphasize pre-incident preventive measures, including re-
The article closes with implications for oc-
siliency training for workers and to ensure the human re- cupational health practitioners and rec-
source components of crisis recovery plans include specific ommendations for continued research.
strategies to reduce the emotional and psychological im- Prevalence of Workplace Trauma in the
pact of events.
●● Since support groups and other interventions vary in their The USA Bureau of Labor Statistics reports
effectiveness based on differing worker needs, preferences the occurrence of over 5000 workplace fa-
and cultures, awareness of the types of employees exposed talities annually and in 2008 noted work-
(professionals, skilled labor, industrial workers, store clerks, place suicides rose 28% over the previous
etc) allows occupational health practitioners to modify ap- year. In one year alone there were 4.6 mil-
proaches accordingly.
lion serious workplace injuries.1 The US
Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-
●● Occupational health practitioners should routinely screen
for a positive workgroup history for multiple incidents and tration cited homicide as a leading cause
determine whether interventions typically provided for sin- of workplace death, especially for women.2
gle incidents need modification, such as incorporating a Among mass shootings within the USA be-
workgroup's previous exposure and experience into discus- tween 2000 and 2013, over 50% occurred
sions or recommending the workgroup be observed over a in the workplace.3 Federal Bureau of In-
longer period of time to ensure ongoing recovery. vestigation (FBI) data reveal there are over
5000 bank robberies annually.4 As work-

156  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015


G. S. DeFraia

place trauma becomes more prevalent and crease managers' understanding of worker
disruptive to work environments it be- stress response, various work accommoda-
comes increasingly relevant to occupation- tions, stress management training and es-
al health professionals assisting workers tablishing an overall worker-focused, sup-
and affected organizations with post-inci- portive environment.18,19 Support for large
dent recovery. When occurring within the scale organizational change takes the form
workplace, traumatic events are referred of training for managers on responding to
to as “critical incidents.”5-12 Correspond- employee reactions, support groups for
ingly, the field of practice responding to employees and making available resources
workplace incidents is referred to as “criti- needed to navigate changes such as job
cal incident response.” While historically re-training or outplacement services to
this field evolved out of crisis intervention seek alternate employment. Many employ-
theory and workplace strategies to reduce ers maintain formal employee assistance
general occupational stress, it is distinct. programs that provide a range of services
In contrast to various stress management to increase worker health, improve pro-
interventions implemented to address ductivity, ameliorate routine work stress
routine and chronic stressors inherent in and reduce the impact of organizational
all work organizations, critical incident re- change.20-23 Where routine occupational
sponse specifically addresses unexpected stressors contribute to chronic and usually
and acute reactions to critical incidents. moderate levels of stress, unpredictable
critical incidents tend to generate acute
Chronic and Acute Workplace Stressors
stress, with significant repercussions for
Chronic sources of work stress cited in the workers and their employers.
literature include time pressures, high or
Impact of Traumatic Stress on Workers
low demand tasks,13 low levels of worker
and Work Organizations
autonomy and organizational instability.14
Murphy offers several work characteristics Workers exposed to a critical incident fre-
that contribute to stress, including job fac- quently experience emotional, cognitive
tors (long work hours, rapid pace of work) and behavioral symptoms that compro-
and role factors (high levels of responsi- mise occupational functioning. Symptoms
bility, multiple tasks, role overload, role include restlessness, insomnia, anxiety,
ambiguity).15 Other examples include con- detachment, intrusive images, poor con-
flicts between employees and between em- centration, social withdrawal or hypervigi-
ployees and managers.16 Graen cites as a lance.
stressor the tedious nature of some tasks.17 Within any given workgroup, approxi-
Colligan and Higgins note that workplace mately 15% of workers will exhibit symp-
atmospheres that are predominantly criti- tom clusters of sufficient severity and du-
cal or disrespectful contribute to chronic ration to meet criteria for a diagnosis of
stress as well.16 In addition to daily work- acute stress disorder (ASD) or post-trau-
related stressors, there occur periodic, matic stress disorder (PTSD),24,25 with the
large-scale, organizational-level stressors majority displaying sub-clinical, normal
such as bankruptcies, reorganizations, stress responses. Even normal symptoms
lay-offs, mergers, acquisitions or plant however, can emerge in the workplace as
closings. To address chronic job stressors absenteeism, poor presenteeism (present
inherent in any work organization, em- at work, but in a highly distracted state),
ployers rely on various management strat- task avoidance, increased conflicts, ac-
egies, including specialized training to in- cidents or loss of motivation. Employees  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015 157


Workplace Trauma and Industry Settings

may socially isolate themselves as a means man resource plan will detail psychologi-
of avoiding talking about the incident. cal support strategies to be taken within
Anxiety, fear, sadness and dissociative each of four phases of response—the pre-
symptoms impair cognitive functioning incident phase, the emergency phase, the
and work skills. Arousal symptoms create post-impact phase, and the restoration
difficulties with sleep, resulting in poor phase. An important element of pre-inci-
concentration, irritability with co-work- dent preparation, the provision of resil-
ers and tardiness or absenteeism. Due to iency training, has been found to facilitate
workplace reminders of the event, an em- adaptive responses post-incident.28,29 For
ployee may become distressed merely at employees, the content of resiliency train-
the thought of entering the workplace.26 To ing typically includes psycho-educational
the employer, the worker may appear dis- information about the relative risks of
tracted or unmotivated. If not addressed various types of incidents, common stress
such symptoms are disruptive to opera- responses, appropriate self-care measures,
tions through sick leave, missed dead- signs of traumatic stress, and the availabil-
lines, compromised work quality, worker ity of resources for assistance. For man-
conflicts and declining productivity. The agers, training additionally covers how to
employer is also at risk financially for in- identify stress symptoms in workers and
creased disability claims, worker compen- reviews constructive ways to approach
sation claims, increased health and mental performance issues in the aftermath of
health claims or legal liability.27 Due to the an event.30 Preventive resiliency train-
operational and financial risks of traumat- ing within settings known to be at risk for
ic stress symptoms many employers de- traumatic experiences receives a good deal
velop and maintain pre-incident and post- of attention.31-33 The US Army recently re-
incident procedures to mitigate risks and ported positive results of a resiliency train-
guide the organization through an event. ing program designed to reduce PTSD
symptoms among soldiers.34,35
Pre-Incident Strategies: Crisis Response
Employers seeking to reduce the impact
Plans and Resiliency Training
of workplace traumatic stress36-38 provide
Pre-incident planning results in recovery resiliency training and include psychologi-
strategies variously known as business cal support procedures in their recovery
continuity plans, operational contingency plans. Additionally, to facilitate recovery
plans, disaster recovery plans, crisis miti- following an incident major employers in
gation strategies, etc. While the compre- the USA also rely on a specialized approach
hensiveness of recovery plans vary, they known as “critical incident response.”27,39,40
normally cover steps to quickly establish
Post-Incident Critical Incident Response
a command center, address financial im-
pacts, restore facilities, re-establish com- Critical incident response is an approach
munications, protect data integrity, replace designed to facilitate the recovery of work-
technology and manage human resources. ers and managers and to stabilize the or-
While the human resource component typ- ganization. As a stabilization strategy, it
ically involves procedures to ensure work- includes various components, incident
er's physical safety, restore performance assessment, consultation to managers,
and regain productivity, they vary in the post-incident response planning, delivery
extent to which they include strategies to of on-site interventions (group sessions
reduce the emotional and psychological and individual counseling) and follow-up
impacts of events. A comprehensive hu- observations. These wide range of services

158  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015


G. S. DeFraia

are delivered by occupational health pro- support both the recovery of individual
fessionals including workplace physicians employees emotionally and the recovery
and nurses, industrial psychologists, oc- of organizations functionally, research
cupational social workers, employee as- oriented towards treating individual
sistance staff and employees of other traumatic symptoms dominates the lit-
health-related disciplines. Frequently, the erature.26,31,36,42-48 Correspondingly, the
overall response is coordinated by special- trauma assessment literature predomi-
ly trained critical incident response units nantly reflects scales designed to screen
or teams, operating within various indus- individuals for risk factors and varying
tries, government agencies, community levels of post-traumatic symptoms.49-57
organizations, law enforcement, emer- This research contributes to less prevalent
gency services, unions, airlines, banks and literature on measures of incident charac-
schools.5,41 These units may be staffed by teristics disruptive on the organizational
employees internally or they may be in- level. Additionally, while critical incident
dependent organizations contracting with response units collect massive amounts of
multiple employers to provide critical in- practice information, there are few pub-
cident services as needed. The unit serving lished studies capitalizing on potential
as the setting for this study is an indepen- discoveries within their data. Building on
dent, external program. previous studies analyzing this unique da-
tabase,58-60 this research explored variation
Research Setting: A Critical Incident
in the severity level of incidents occurring
Response Unit
within different industry settings and test-
The research setting was an external criti- ed whether incident severity level differed
cal incident response unit, one of the larg- within workgroups experiencing repetitive
est in the USA and operated by Magellan incidents vs a single incident.
Health Services. The unit served over 1400
client organizations with over 43 million Materials and Methods
residents (one out of every six individu-
als) eligible for its services. Between 2006
Administrative Data Collection
and 2008 the unit responded to more than
3000 critical incidents annually. Since Administrative data mining was employed
beginning operations in 1995 the unit col- to examine data produced by a single criti-
lected extensive data on over 60 000 work- cal incident response unit. Critical incident
place incidents. Two characteristics there- response services are initiated by requests
fore position this unit as an appropriate for assistance from site managers, medical
setting for an observational, exploratory directors, human resource professionals,
study—its large volume of requests for as- union representatives or other organiza-
sistance and its extensive database. Specif- tional officials. Calls to the unit are routed
ically, the data represent an opportunity to to an intake team. During intake assess-
explore variation of incident severity level ment, staff gathers details about the inci-
among different industry settings and be- dent, workgroup history and composition,
tween multiple vs single incidents. and identifies needs and expectations.
They assess the severity of the incident
using a scale measuring disruption to the
Gaps in the Literature and Research
workplace, categorize the industry setting
in which the incident occurred, determine
While critical incident response seeks to whether the affected workgroup experi-  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015 159


Workplace Trauma and Industry Settings

enced a previous traumatic incident and previously.59 Staff administers the scale for
enter the information into a computerized each incident at intake. Scores are grouped
Microsoft® Access® database. into five incident severity categories rang-
ing in impact from “low” to “catastrophic.”
Measurement of Incident Severity Level:
CrISIS-R Industry Settings and Critical Incidents
Within the field of trauma psychology, While any US industry setting is vulner-
there is a proliferation of clinical assess- able to experiencing a critical incident,
ment tools that facilitate screening for risk several occupational groups are at high
factors for traumatic stress and for mea- risk.61 Heavy equipment industries and
suring varying levels of individual PTSD industrial settings (oil and gas, mining,
symptoms.49-57 Collectively, they are clas- construction, manufacturing) experience
sified as “impact of event scales.”57 While drilling disasters, mining accidents, explo-
within some US practice settings it is sions, industrial fires, and biochemical ac-
feasible to employ individualized scales, cidents. Financial and commercial sectors
within the frequently chaotic post-incident (banks, retail stores) risk exposing tellers
workplace environment, administration and store clerks to criminal acts such as
is generally not feasible. In order to meet robberies, assaults, hostage taking and ho-
employer demands for an immediate on- micides. Nurses and doctors in health set-
site response, there are neither the time tings and social workers, child welfare and
nor the resources to administer individ- public assistance workers endure threats
ual scales. As an alternative to a clinical or injury and witness deaths. Workers in
measure based on post-traumatic symp- educational settings (teachers, administra-
toms disruptive to individuals (a symp- tors) experience shootings and emergency
tom severity scale), the unit in the study service employees (fire, police, ambulance
developed a measurement of incident staff) are vulnerable to traumatic rescue
characteristics disruptive to organiza- and recovery operations.61
tions as measured by an incident severity Based on the North American Indus-
scale—the Critical Incident Severity Index try Classification System,62 upon intake
Scale-Revised (CrISIS-R). The instrument the unit assigns each client organization
is quickly and easily administered during an industry classification code. The data-
intake by telephone and it proved practical base houses the following general industry
and usable within the unit's high volume groupings—public administration, utili-
incident environment. ties, finance (including banks and insur-
CrISIS-R includes six five-point Likert ance companies); professional settings
scale indices, each corresponding to an (including scientific and technical indus-
incident characteristic—portion of em- tries); real estate (including rental and
ployees involved in the incident, number leasing); travel and leisure (hotels, restau-
of workers with direct vs indirect expo- rants, arts, entertainment and recreation);
sure, level of perceived threat, level of vio- health and education (medical, education-
lence, impact on productivity, and extent al and social services); manufacturing (in-
of media exposure. Their combined ratings cluding industrial, construction, mining
comprise an overall CrISIS-R score with a and chemical industries) and wholesale
maximum of 30 points. Reliability testing and retail trade (fast food restaurants, de-
showed the scale to have a Cronbach's α of partment stores, etc).
0.7. Further details on scale development, In addition to the unit observing how
administration and reliability are reported frequently critical incidents occurred with-

160  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015


G. S. DeFraia

in each of these work settings, staff also sites and factories closed to the public are
noted that some settings were susceptible more secure against criminal acts.
to recurring or multiple incidents. Due to the importance of determin-
ing whether a workgroup is exposed to
Multiple Critical Incidents
multiple incidents, at intake staff inquire
Documenting the impact of multiple trau- of callers whether the currently affected
matic events on individual functioning, workgroup experienced a previous trau-
trauma researchers found that repetitive matic incident. Workgroups with an inci-
incidents increase risk for severe stress dent within the last 12 months with at least
symptoms.63-65 Schauer, et al, reported a some members present for the previous in-
building block effect, which is a dosage to cident are recorded as multiple incidents.
response influence from a cumulative, ad-
Statistical Analysis
ditive effect that predicts for more severe
traumatic stress symptoms.66 While the From the unit's records entered during
portion of US residents experiencing at 2006–2008, data for the three variables
least one traumatic event in their lifetime were extracted—CrISIS-R scores, industry
ranges from 50% to 66%,67-69 many experi- settings, and whether the workgroup expe-
ence multiple traumatic events, evidenced rienced multiple incidents. To test the po-
by estimates that 17% of men and 13% of tential association of settings or multiple
women have experienced more than three incidents with CrISIS-R scores, bivariate
traumatic incidents.70 analyses were conducted using ANOVA
Within the US workplace, employees in for industry setting and Student's t test for
certain industries are more or less suscep- multiple vs singular incidents. A p value
tible to multiple incidents depending on a <0.05 was considered statistically signifi-
variety of factors, including geographical cant.
location and level of site security. For ex-
ample, worksites in the coastal Southeast Results
USA are vulnerable to seasonal natural di-
sasters such as hurricanes. Those in west- Over the three-year period (2006–2008),
ern states are susceptible to recurring wild there were 5181 incidents in the unit's re-
fires and those located in low-lying areas cords. Figure 1 displays the number of in-
are in danger of frequent flooding. While cidents and sample scores' distribution.
employers in these locations prepare for
such natural events, they cannot prevent
their recurrence. To prevent recurring
criminal acts such as robberies or shoot-
ings, organizations implement a high level
of site security, the level of which is a func-
tion of whether a setting is public facing,
such as retail stores, social and medical
services and government offices, or non-
public facing, such as factories, refiner-
ies, utilities and other secure worksites.
Organizations serving the public need to
allow open access by non-employees and
are therefore vulnerable to recurring rob-
beries or shootings. In contrast, industrial Figure 1: Distribution of CrISIS-R scores (2006–2008)  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015 161


Workplace Trauma and Industry Settings

ments, such as industrial and manufactur-

Table 1: Distribution of CrISIS-R scores by severity category
ing sites, resulting in greater exposure to
criminal acts. Due to involving weapons,
Level of impact Scores range Frequency (%) assaults, injuries or fatalities, criminal acts
Catastrophic 25 to 30 18 (0.3)
tend to score high on the CrISIS-R scale.59
Confirming this differential exposure
Severe 19 to 24 710 (13.7) to criminal acts, the sample shows that
Moderate 13 to 18 1890 (36.5) among all criminal acts (n=1950), a high
concentration (n=1775, 91.0%) occurred
Mild 7 to 12 1578 (30.5) within these settings while only 9.0%
Low 0 to 6 985 (19.0) (n=175) occurred within manufacturing,
industrial, utilities and other settings.
Total incidents 5181 (100.0)
Workgroups with recurring incidents
The sample scores had a median of 13.0 also tended to experience more severe in-
(range 26.0, SD 5.6) (Fig 1). Severity cat- cidents. The observance of high CrISIS-R
egories, score ranges and distribution of scores for multiple incidents is consistent
incident scores are presented in Table 1. with the type of recurring incidents in the
The incident frequency of incidents strati- sample. Among 848 recurring incidents,
fied by industry is shown in Table 2. The 52.1% (n=442) were criminal acts with
mean CrISIS-R score was 12.2, indicating high CrISIS-R scores.
most incidents are of “mild” to “moderate” These results have several implica-
severity. Table 3 presents the frequency tions for occupational health practitioners.
of multiple and single incidents over the Those supporting workers and organiza-
three-year period. tions following traumatic workplace events
Type of industry had a significant should be alert to industry differences in
(p<0.001) effect on the incident severity several areas: the extent of an organiza-
level and accounted for 23% (η2 0.235) of tion's pre-incident resiliency training, the
the variance observed in the severity score comprehensiveness of their crisis recovery
(Table 4). planning, the types of worker populations
The mean incident severity score was affected, whether the environment is con-
significantly (p<0.001) lower in work- tinuously operational and vulnerability to
groups who experienced a single (n=3539) multiple or more severe incidents.
than those with multiple traumatic inci- Since pre-incident resiliency training
dents (n=848) (12.30 [SD 5.57] vs 13.68 facilitates adaptive responses,28,29 it is a
[SD 5.42]). recommended preventive measure, espe-
cially for organizations vulnerable to se-
Discussion vere or multiple incidents, such as public
facing settings (finance and retail trade).
We found that CrISIS-R score is signifi- Compared to other industries in the sam-
cantly higher in certain types of industry ple, these industries were more vulnerable
and for workgroups who experienced mul- to four types of risk. They experienced
tiple incidents. The observance of high CrI- more traumatic incidents than other set-
SIS-R scores for finance, trade settings and tings. They accounted for the majority of
real estate is consistent with a key charac- workgroups with multiple incidents. They
teristic of these settings. As public facing were more susceptible to criminal acts and
environments, they have less restrictive they tended to experience more severe
security than non-public facing environ- incidents. However, the critical incident

162  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015


G. S. DeFraia

response unit observed finance settings

Table 2: Incident frequency by industry setting (2006–2008)
(banks) tended to emphasize resiliency
training more than retail trade organiza- Frequency (%)
tions (department stores, fast food res-
Finance 2055 (39.7)
taurants). To manage the inevitability of
robberies, finance settings not only imple- Wholesale and retail trade 985 (19.0)
mented training for employees regarding Manufacturing 558 (10.8)
security procedures,30 they also routinely
provided resiliency training. Given banks' Health and education 301 (5.8)
high frequency of robberies and their need Other services 286 (5.5)
to quickly restore worker performance, it
is not surprising such preventive strategies Professional 269 (5.2)
are widely implemented. Conversely, retail Travel and leisure 253 (4.9)
trade settings rarely conducted resiliency
training. A possible explanation could be Public administration 230 (4.4)
the nature of their workforce. Typically Utilities 177 (3.4)
employing a large portion of part-time,
Real estate 67 (1.3)
transient sales clerks, fast food workers,
etc, trade settings may judge the invest- Total incidents 5181 (100.0)
ment is not justified. However, since retail of the demographics and characteristics
trade settings are similarly vulnerable to of workers affected informs occupational
severe and multiple incidents, where prac- health practice. An important element of
titioners find preventive strategies absent, incident assessment is therefore to deter-
they should discuss their value in reducing mine the types of workers exposed (pro-
the impact of future events. A partial reso- fessionals, skilled labor, health care staff,
lution could be conducting training only educators, industrial workers, office staff,
with more stable employees such as store tellers, retail store clerks, food service
managers. Better preparing managers to workers, etc). Identifying populations to
support resiliency among their employees be assisted allows for tailoring support
still contributes significantly to post-inci- services, group discussions or other inter-
dent recovery. ventions to suit needs, cultures and prefer-
As noted, organizations' recovery plans ences.
differ in general by their level of compre- Work settings also vary in their ability
hensiveness and in particular, by the ex- to accommodate worker time off to par-
tent to which they address emotional and ticipate in post-incident support services
behavioral impacts. During event intake,
understanding a setting's crisis recovery Table 3: Incident frequency by multiple vs single incidents
plan informs practitioners about the set- (2006–2008)
ting's readiness to respond and the range
Frequency % Valid %
of strategies available to be implemented.
Practitioners consulting with settings with Single incident 3539 68.3 80.7
incomplete plans should emphasize their
Multiple incidents 848 16.4 19.3
value for managing a response to future
events. Valid total 4387 — —
Since critical incident approaches effec-
Missing 794 15.3 —
tive for certain types of employees may be
less effective with other types,71 awareness Total incidents 5181 100.0 100.0  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015 163


Workplace Trauma and Industry Settings

Table 4: Mean (SD) incident severity score. worker and organizational needs follow-
ing such events differ from those following
Number of Mean (SD) CrISIS singular or less severe incidents. Typical
incidents score support strategies such as a single group
Finance 2055 15.44 (4.72) session covering symptoms and construc-
tive recovery activities may not adequately
Wholesale and retail trade 985 11.34 (5.41) support employees and organizations fol-
Real estate 67 11.33 (5.00) lowing multiple or severe incidents. Spe-
cialized, more intensive or a series of in-
Utilities 177 10.97 (5.58) dividual or group support sessions may be
Public administration 230 10.67 (4.99) indicated. For multiple incidents, it is im-
portant to acknowledge the workgroup's
Travel and leisure 253 9.56 (4.99)
previous exposure and to incorporate their
Health and education 301 9.37 (4.44) prior experience into discussions. Ad-
Manufacturing 558 9.11 (4.95)
ditionally, multiple and severe incidents
warrant emphasizing observation of the
Professional 269 9.08 (5.12) workgroup over time to ensure ongoing re-
Other services 286 NA covery and if needed, delivering additional
Total 5181 12.22 (5.64)
This study has some limitations. Find-
and to recover from an incident. Environ- ings and conclusions generated from a US-
ments that need to maintain continuous based study are not generalizable to other
operation (various 24-hour operations) or countries. Additionally, sample-specific
remain open for public access (banks, re- results from administrative data mining
tail stores) may not be able to shut down for one incident response unit are not ap-
for any length of time. To best assist such plicable to other settings. Conclusions
sites, occupational health practitioners based on observational statistics must be
should incorporate distinctive setting fea- viewed cautiously. Bivariate analyses con-
tures into incident response planning. Im- ducted on large samples have an increased
portant considerations include how quick- likelihood of producing statistically sig-
ly workers have to resume duties, whether nificant results, and significant findings do
reserve employees are available from other not support a causal relationship. Further-
branches or divisions as temporary re- more, an anticipated limitation of studies
placements and the extent to which em- employing administrative data mining is
ployees are eligible for time-off with pay. that data intended for program adminis-
Where necessary, practitioners should tration may not be structured optimally
schedule support services outside of work for research. For example, while a low
shifts and be versed in briefer techniques percentage (15%) of records were missing
for delivering support groups.6 data for whether an event represented a
Since severe incidents and recurring single vs recurring incident, there is some
traumatic events pose greater risks for potential for non-response bias. In addi-
worker stress and organizational disrup- tion, while the CrISIS-R scale's Cronbach's
tion, intake staff encountering workgroups α of 0.7 was considered adequate for an
experiencing multiple or severe incidents exploratory study, it needs continued re-
should consider unique challenges they finement to achieve a desired 0.9 level of
present. During incident response plan- reliability. Finally, analyses of pre-existing
ning, it should be determined whether administrative data are by definition retro-

164  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015


G. S. DeFraia

spective, precluding randomization within without such chronic stressors, and recip-
a controlled design, which constrains gen- rocally, whether the effect of a critical inci-
eralization. dent exacerbates such pre-existing stress-
Consistent with the objective of an ob- ors.
servational investigation, this study gen- While data available in this study in-
erated several directions for further re- dicate CrISIS-R scores varied among in-
search. Given the inability to generalize dustry categories, they do not provide any
from administrative data mining studies insight into the independent influence of
and the limitation on making causal infer- specific characteristics of settings, apart
ences based on bivariate associations, pro- from the industry category. Setting char-
spective and randomized research needs to acteristics include nature of work, types of
confirm findings of relationships between employees, organizational culture, site se-
incident severity level, industry setting or curity, work environment and many other
multiple incidents. variables. As an alternative to researching
Given that only part of the variance in classifications based on general industry
CrISIS-R scores was explained by setting categories (finance, trade setting, manu-
and multiple incidents and the potential facturing, etc), research based on various
for an interactive effect between industry setting characteristics could examine re-
settings, multiple incidents and other vari- lationships between characteristics and
ables multivariate analysis is indicated. outcomes for workers and organizations.
For example, a logistic regression would For example, research could explore which
produce a predictive model indicating types of workers respond best to certain
how much, or whether, each variable con- approaches and interventions, matching
tributes to variations in CrISIS-R score, different employee groups to interventions
and whether other variables intervene be- and adapting incident response plans ac-
tween industry setting and CrISIS-R score. cordingly.
Further research could confirm whether
comprehensive incident response plans Acknowledgements
with well-developed psychological support
components increase worker resistance to Robert McCullough and James Thorn-
symptoms of traumatic stress or whether brugh, Directors, Critical Incident Stress
organizations experience less disruption to Management Unit at Magellan Health Ser-
operations. vices supported the research by granting
Critical incidents occur within the the author access to extensive program in-
context of pre-existing work and orga- formation and by providing the assistance
nizational stressors. Further studies can of two data managers, Angela Ruppel and
examine whether there is reciprocal im- John Markuly, who provided consulta-
pact, where a critical incident exacerbates tion and assisted with data extraction and
existing organizational stressors or where screening.
existing stressors exacerbate critical inci-
dent effects. For example, in an environ- Conflicts of Interest: At the time
ment where workers routinely experience of the study, the author, currently an
high stress levels due to work demands, independent organizational consultant,
overload or labor-management conflict, was employed by the organization in
research could explore whether worker's which the critical incident response unit
traumatic stress symptoms post-incident operated.
are greater than within environments  Vol 6, Num 3; July, 2015 165


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