Authentic Listening Resource Pack PDF

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Bridging the gap to real-world listening DELTA Rualshing Ouince Cotage Hoe Lane Paste ‘Suey GUS aw Englond rn detapubksting £0 uk © DELTA Publishing 2014 ‘All fonts reserved No reproduction, copy or transmission ofthis publication may be made whout witten parmission from the publishes orn accordance withthe provisons of he Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 188, or under the tes of ary ioance eriting copying issued by the Copyrnt Lcensing Agency, Satron House, 6-10 Ky toot, London ECIN aS. Fst published 2014 Eaitod by Cations Wetson-Brown Designed by Caroline Johnston Cover design by Peter Bushs Itustrations by Katry Baxendale Pint in China by RR Donretoy |SBN 978-1-205085-86-0 ‘Author acknowledgements |We would keto afletharks to lan Ws at Insight Radio for ‘errssion fo use the aucio rater in Lessons 2,4, 9 and 24 ‘Thanks als to Peter Don at Radio Teesdale for to materia ne sedi Lessons 7,12, 14,17, 19, 22,27 ana 34. Thanks to Sut ‘Sharma a 91.8 Hayos FM fr Lescons & 92 and 4, Thenks to Phi {Gtboons at Bistos community radio staton BOFM 89.2 for the material use In Lessons 18, 28, 97 and 38. Thanks to Paul Holoway and the young voltaers at Stockpor!s PURE 107.8 FM ‘or the matonalin Lssons 29 and #2, Are tharks also to At Sngh at west Londons Punabl comunity radio station Desi Radio for Linsson 2. We would he to thark the spoakors who featured nthe rao rmatenal mentored above, nciusng Simon Pauley, Mal ioc, lan Pauley, Mary-les Leaverand, Trevor Sharman, Maggie Rosen, Kate Walace, Corine Sweet, Phi Beer, Malcolm Love, Jenny Fk,