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1. Technology and Efficiency .................................................................................................... 2

2. Artificial Intelligence ............................................................................................................. 7
3. Bill Gates.............................................................................................................................. 12
4. The Impact Of Computers.................................................................................................... 17
5. Graphics & Multimedia........................................................................................................ 22
6. Types Of Computer Viruses................................................................................................. 26
7. The Current Nature Of Human Relations ............................................................................ 31
8. Programming........................................................................................................................ 36
9. Living With Computers........................................................................................................ 41
10. The New Visual Age: The Influence of Computer Graphics on Art and Society.............. 46
11. The Information Superhighway ......................................................................................... 51
12. E-Commerce....................................................................................................................... 56
13. Hacking .............................................................................................................................. 61
14. Internet Advertisements ..................................................................................................... 65
Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 70

L1: Technology and Efficiency

The market for computer products is a multi-billion dollar business where one can
find a perfect balance of technology and efficiency. The huge industrial market is lead by
such names as IBM, Hewlett Packard, and Compaq. The steps that are taken to bring the
computer from several small components to a desktop product are organization of the
manufacturing facility, assembly of hardware, installation of software, and a test process.
The production of a high quality product is important to computer buyers. Manufacturing
factories produce approximately 14,000 systems weekly. Companies generally use 2
methods of computer assembly. One method involves complete unit assembly by one
person, the other being group assembly where several people construct a single computer
(the latter method is known as assembly line production).
When assembling a computer, there are 8 to 10 major components installed
including the processor speed chip, the motherboard, RAM (Random Access Memory),
diskette drive, modem or network card, video card, hard drive, sound card, and CD-
ROM. Before the components are placed into the computer, each part undergoes an
extensive testing process called “quality control” . Quality control ensures that faulty
systems are not shipped. As an initial step, prior to the assembly process, an inspection of
the outer case to ensure that there are no scratches or defects. The brand name and
indicator labels are put onto the computer case at this time. Next the motherboard is
installed and prepared for the processor chip. The chip (which is often a Pentium chip) is
attached to the motherboard along with the RAM component. Once the chip and RAM
are installed, the internal speakers and sound card are placed into the case. The hard
drive, disk drive and CD-ROM drive are attached to the computer chassis. All these
components are then attached to the motherboard with cables so that they may
communicate with each other. Power supply is then applied to the computer and other
additional components such as the video card, and modem are added near a final stage of
assembly. After all these components are installed to create the finished ‘PC’, the unit is
thoroughly inspected to ensure that all the cables connections are in place and all other
defects are fixed. Inspectors also ensure that cables are in appropriate places so that they
do not touch components. The CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor-
circuitry for the memory and processor) is set up at this time. The top cover is placed
onto the computer and it is shipped off for further testing. All companies differ in their
testing of finished products. A common practice in most companies includes the 48-hour
burn in period. After it, final diagnostic tests are completed to ensure all components are
working well. If a computer is ordered with sound cards, speakers are attached to the unit
and they also are tested. Mouse and keyboard components are tested manually by
connecting a testing mouse and keyboard to the ports. The computer is then shipped from
the manufacturing site to the distribution center. Here, additional tests are possible as
computers are randomly checked and inspected. The computer is then further shipped to
department or retail stores for sale to the consumer. In conclusion, the production of a
computer from a number of components to a finished product is a complex
procedure.(…) The usefulness of the computer and subsequent consumer demand for
improved models will keep pressure on manufactures to build more efficient, high quality
machines in future years.

A. Read the text above and find the synonyms for the following words(the
words are in the same order as they appear in the text).

1. exquisite; 2. main; 3. to put into position; 4. to damage a surface; 5. wrong; 6. ending;

7. filled in; 8. buyer; 9. following; 10. bettered.

B. Match the beginning of the sentences in the first column with their
endings in the second one.
a. the two methods of computer assembly 1. the video card, the modem
b. major components of a computer are 2. the 48-hour burn in period
an initial step in quality control is 3. the complete unit assembly by one
person, and the assembly line production
c. additional components are 4. organization of the manufacturing
facility, assembly of hardware, installation
of software, and a test process
5. the processor speed chip, the
d. a method of testing the finished products motherboard, RAM (Random Access
is Memory), diskette drive, modem or
network card, video card, hard drive, sound
card, and CD-ROM.

e. The steps that are taken to bring the 6. an inspection of the outer case to ensure
computer from several small components that there are no scratches or defects
to a desktop product are

C. Are the following statements true or false? Correct any false statements and
give reasons for your choice.
1. The internal speakers and sound card are placed into the case after the chip and
RAM are installed.
2. Mouse and keyboard components are not tested manually.
3. The hard drive, disk drive and CD-ROM drive are attached to the computer
4. CMOS is the short form for: complementary metal-oxide semiconductor-
circuitry for the memory and processor
5. After all the components are installed to create the finished ‘PC’, the computer is
shipped from the manufacturing site to the distribution center.

D. What improvements are possible in the computer field? Write your own point
of view in a 200 hundred word composition.

A. Put the verbs in brackets in the present tense continuous: positive, negative,

1. We………about our integration in the European Community at this

moment. (speak).
2. The little boy ……….to swim in this lake. (learn)
3. Grandmother………….the children a fairy tale. (not tell)
4. ………television? (you/ not watching)
5. She……….(not sleep) She……….a cake. ( bake)
6. What song ………….? (the singer/sing)
7. ………… the library? (Greg/ not study)
8. Listen ! Mary…………the piano.(play)
9. …………by bus? (you/ come)
10. What………to say? (he/try)
11. They ………..about that program. (not, lie)
12. They……….., hoping to find a treasure under this tree.(dig)

B. Make comments on the sentences bellow. Use the present tense continuous in
your sentences.

Example: Mary is in the kitchen.

She is cooking dinner for everybody in the house.
1. Mike is in the garage.
2. George is in the garden.
3. Meg is in the computer lab.
4. The children are in the park.
5. Mr. Smith is in his office.
6. The students are in the language lab.
7. The opera singer is on the stage.
8. Mr. Brown is in the living room; the TV set is on.
9. All the family are at table.
10. The painter is in his studio.
11. The surgeon is in the surgery room.
12. The computer worker is in front of the computer.

C. Ask questions to the following.

Example: The little boy is looking at a policeman.

a car.

Who is the little boy looking at?

1. The students are listening to the professor’s explanations.
2. The professor is speaking to the students about a new means of communication.
3. Father is looking for his glasses all around the house.
4. Greg is complaining about his neighbours.
5. The students are talking about the conference.
6. They are looking at the photos.
7. He is looking for his gloves.
8. She is waiting for the professor.
9. They are boasting about their results.
10. He is complaining about the noise in the street.

D. Change the following statements by using the words in brackets. Make any
necessary changes.

Example: She’s working on a new project and so is his colleague. (neither)

She’s not working on a new project and neither is her colleague.
1. Mary is helping the builders and so is her mother. (too).
2. The boys aren’t staying still and neither are the girls. (so)
3. The tourists are taking some photos and so is the guide. (but)
4. She’s feeling worse today and her sister is, too.(neither)
5. Paul isn’t making mistakes and neither am I. (either)
6. I’m searching for some information on this site and she is, too. (neither)
7. Jimmy isn’t digging in the garden right now and neither is his sister. (too)
8. Bob isn’t drinking his coffee and Doris isn’t either. (but).
9. Mrs. Brown is carrying a suitcase and so is her husband. (either)
10. Mr. Simpson is working in the garage and his son is, too. (so)
11. Dr. White is taking care of the patient and so is the nurse. (either)
12. No man in this room is doing the right job, but all the women are. (so)

E. Add tag questions to the following sentences:

Example: You aren’t practising a new technique, are you?

1. They aren’t skating now, ……..?
2. Diana is wearing a pair of new earrings today……..?
3. You aren’t buying sweets,…………?
4. The new student is trying hard,…..?
5. Your brother is studying French,…….?
6. The Germans are discussing about the price of the building,………..?
7. Your friend is waiting for you,…………?
8. They’re going to the meeting today,………?
9. He isn’t repairing the car today,………….?
10. My cousin is studying for the exam,…………..?

E. Imagine you are in a computer house. Tell what the people around you are
doing, using present tense continuous as much as possible.

1. Replace the phrases in italics with suitable expressions from the list bellow:
at cross purposes at short notice at least at least at the expense at all
times at random at the last moment at a glance at the last moment at
any moment at any rate at a loss at a loss
1. The child was rescued a moment before it was too late.
2. The show closed because it was running without making a profit.
3. They were speaking about different things but didn’t realize it.
4. It’s impossible to get tickets for such a popular show without previous warning-
you need to book no less than six months in advance.
5. She was working much too hard causing harm to her health.
6. When abroad, it’s advisable to carry your passport constantly.
7. The winners are selected without any plan by a computer.
8. I could tell by taking one quick look that there have been a mistake.
9. I’m sure that our friends will arrive very soon- anyway I hope so.
10. It was a difficult problem and I was uncertain what to do.

2. Phrasal verbs with get

• get away- escape
• get on- 1.make progress; friendly
• get on with- 1.have a good relationship with; 2.continue with
• get over- recover from
• get through- 1.make contact; 2.manage to finish
• get together- meet socially
• get up- rise from bed

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with get.
1. What time did he…… this morning?
2. She was delighted to meet you. She said you must……..again soon.
3. He’s dialled her number, but he can’t ……..
4. George adores his wife, but cannot ……..his mother-in-law.
5. The bank robbers managed to …………..with 75,000 $.
6. We’re still trying to ………that tragedy.
7. He took the car for a test drive to see how he……..

3. Adjectives or adverbs?
Choose the right word that fits in:

1- She entered a (bright/brightly) lit room.

2- The traffic is moving very (slow/slowly) ahead of us.
3- Her apple pie always looks (good/well) and tastes delicious.
4- There was a (fresh/freshly) fall of snow during the day.
5- I was (scarce/scarcely) able to move my leg after the accident.
6- The (easiest/easily) thing is for us to take the plane home.
7- In some towns you don't feel (safe/safely) going out alone at night.

L2: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is defined as the ability of a machine to think for itself.

Scientists and theorists continue to debate if computers will actually be able to think for
themselves at one point. The generally accepted theory is that computers do and will
think more in the future. AI has grown rapidly in the last ten years chiefly because of the
advances in computer architecture. The term artificial intelligence was actually coined in
1956 by a group of scientists having their first meeting on the topic. Early attempts at AI
were neural networks modelled after the ones in the human brain. Success was minimal
because of the lack of computer technology needed to calculate such large equations. AI
is achieved using a number of different methods. The more popular implementations
comprise neural networks, chaos engineering, fuzzy logic, knowledge based systems, and
expert systems. Using any one of the aforementioned design structures requires a
specialized computer system.
In order to tell that AI is present we must be able to measure the intelligence being
used. For a relative scale of reference, large supercomputers can only create a brain the
size of a fly. It is surprising what a computer can do with that intelligence once it has
been put to work. Almost any scientific, business, or financial profession can benefit
greatly from AI. The ability of the computer to analyze variables provides a great
advantage to these fields. There are many ways that AI can be used to solve a problem.
Virtually all of these methods require special hardware and software to use them.
Unfortunately, that makes AI systems expensive. Many new AI systems now give a
special edge that is needed to beat the competition. Created by Lotfi Zadeh almost thirty
years ago, fuzzy logic is a mathematical system that deals with imprecise descriptions,
such as new, nice, or large This concept was also inspired from biological roots. The
inherent vagueness in everyday life motivates fuzzy logic systems. In contrast to the
usual yes and no answers, this type of system can distinguish the shades in-between.
Fuzzy logic's structure allows it to easily rate any input and decide upon the importance.
Moreover, fuzzy logic lends itself to multiple operations at once. Fuzzy logic's ability to
do multiple operations allows it to be integrated into neural networks. Two very powerful
intelligent structures make for an extremely useful product. This integration takes the
pros of fuzzy logic and neural networks and eliminates the cons of both systems. This
new system is a now a neural network with the ability to learn using fuzzy logic instead
of hard concrete facts. Allowing a more fuzzy input to be used in the neural network
instead of being passed up will greatly decrease the learning time of such a network.
Another promising arena of AI is chaos engineering. The chaos theory is the cutting-edge
mathematical discipline aimed at making sense of the ineffable and finding order among
seemingly random events. Chaologists are experimenting with Wall Street where they are
hardly receiving a warm welcome. Nevertheless, chaos engineering has already proven
itself and will be present for the foreseeable future.
Making recommendations on which AI systems work the best almost requires AI
itself. However, there is something that can be said about this. On the one hand, neural
networks require massive amounts of computing resources that restrict their use to those
who can afford it. On the other hand, fuzzy logic is practically a win-win situation.
Although some are rather simple, these systems perform their duties quickly and
accurately without expensive equipment. They can easily replace many mundane tasks
that other computer systems would have trouble with. The chaos theory has potential for

handling an infinite amount of variables. This gives it the ability to be a huge success in
the financial world.
While the expert systems, knowledge-based systems, and cased-based reasoning
systems are here to stay for a long time. They provide an efficient, easy to use program
that yields results that no one can argue with. Designed correctly, they are can be easily
updated and modernized. While the massive surge into the information age has ushered
some old practices out of style, the better ones have taken over with great success. The
rate of advancement may seem fast to the average person, but the technology is being put
to good use and is not out of control.

A. Read the text and find the synonyms for the following. The words are in
the same order as those that appear in the text.

1. unnatural; 2. capacity; 3. finally; 4. mainly; 5. the lowest; 6. obtained; 7. disorder;

8. before mentioned; 9. unhappily; 10. dear; 11. necessary; 12. actually

B. Are the following statements true or false? Correct any false statements
and give reasons for your choice.
1. AI has grown rapidly in the last ten years chiefly because of the advances in
computer cased-based reasoning systems.
2. The term artificial intelligence was actually coined in 1965 by a group of
3. AI is achieved by using design structures like: neural networks, chaos
engineering, fuzzy logic, knowledge based systems, and expert systems.
4. The fuzzy "logic is a theoretical system used in mathematics, computing and
philosophy to deal with statements which are neither true nor false.
5. The chaos theory is aimed at making sense of the ineffable and at finding order
among seemingly random events.
6. Neural networks can be afforded by anyone.
7. Fuzzy logic can easily replace many mundane tasks that other computer systems
would have trouble with.
8. The chaos theory can’t be of a huge success in the financial world.
9. The expert systems, knowledge-based systems, and cased-based reasoning
systems provide an inefficient, difficult to use program.

C. Write your point of view on the following two issues. Use about 300 words
to sustain it.
a. Computers will actually be able to think for themselves at one point;
b. The technology is being put to good use and is not out of control.

A. Answer the following questions using the present tense simple to express
habitual actions. Add the adverb in brackets to your answers.

Example: How do you get to college?

I always go to college by trolleybus.
1. What time do you go to college? (USUALLY)
2. Which piece of music do you enjoy listening to? (SELDOM)
3. When do you go to the theatre? (SOMETIMES)
4. Do you work late at night? (GENERALLY)
5. What kind of books do you read? (OCCASIONALLY)
6. Who do you study with? (OFTEN)
7. Do you sleep in the afternoon? (NEVER)
8. Where do you spend your weekend?(RARELY)
9. Where do you go during your winter holiday? (SELDOM)
10. Do you help your parents with the housework. (OFTEN)
11. Where do you meet your friends? (FREQUENTLY)

B. Make sentences of your own to express chains of short actions.

Example: Mary is sitting at her desk.(bell/ring, go, open)

Mary is sitting at her desk. The bell rings. She goes to the door and opens
1. George is walking in the park with his daughter Mary. (Mary/see a flower, bend,
2. The musicians are tuning up their violins. (conductor/come, bow to the audience,
start conducting)
3. Two candles are burning on the mantelpiece. (The old lady/come in, go to the fire
place, put off the candles).
4. A door is opening to the left.( A tall man/come in, greet everybody, sit down)
5. Someone is approaching the house. (Jane/hurry down the stairs, run to the gate,
open the gate).
6. It is raining. (Paul/put on his raincoat, catch a bus, go back home)

C. Complete the following statements according to the indications in the


Example: He doesn’t collaborate with others…(she-either)

He doesn’t collaborate with others and she doesn’t either.
1. The restaurant doesn’t open until 9 o’clock …(neither –the snack bar)
2. The language lab helps them to improve their English…( so- grammar exercises)
3. Jill doesn’t read French…( her classmates- either)
4. The pink coat belongs to me….(so- the pink scarf)
5. Lawyers talk a lot in their work…(so- teachers)
6. The Herestrau Park looks beautiful in spring…( the Village Museum- too)
7. They often go on trips in the mountains…( but- the other students)
8. The washing –machine doesn’t need to be repaired…(neither- the vacuum-
9. I don’t like this man…(but- they)
10. Our friends attend school regularly…( we-too)

D. Complete these sentences using tag-questions.

Example: The last train leaves at midnight, doesn’t it?

1. He understands the new concept,….?
2. The department opens at 9 a.m.,…?
3. The film doesn’t begin at 3 p.m.,…?
4. Susan and Meg always help their parents,…?
5. Her neighbours often understand to show their gratitude in this way,…?
6. They like nothing that is on the list,…?
7. They sometimes do a good job,…?
8. Nobody likes listening to this nonsense,….?
9. She expresses her point of view quite abruptly.,,,,?
10. This complain changes nothing in our relation,….?

E. Join the following sentences using the connectors in brackets. Make

any other necessary changes. Use the present tense simple after time
connectors ( when, as soon as, before, etc.) and after conditional ones (
if, in case, etc.).

Example: He will play that game with you. He will be in the mood.(when)
He will play that game with you when he is in the mood.

1. Maybe it will snow tomorrow. Then we’ll go to the skating rink. (in case)
2. It will get dark. We’ll get home then. (before)
3. Greg will soon recover. He will go swimming again. (as soon as)
4. Perhaps Tim will miss the bus. Then he’ll be late for the conference. (if)
5. I’ll read the book. Then I’ll see the film. (after).
6. The clock will strike nine. You will go to bed. (as soon as )
7. She’ll send her mother a postcard. She’ll send her a letter. (before)
8. Perhaps I’ll see John tonight. Then I’ll tell him about the meeting. (provided)
9. They’ll go to the market. They’ll buy some food. (when)
10. I’ll think about the problem you’ve told me about. I’ll have some time. (in case)

F. Imagine you are a businessman. Talk about your daily program,

about the activities that you usually/ sometimes/ often/ seldom/ never

1. Replace the phrases in italics with suitable expressions from the list bellow:
at high tide hi-fi high and low high season high-tech high-rise highbrow
higher education highlight highlights in high spirits it’s high time
high school high street middle class middle-aged middlebrow at low tide
feeling low lowbrow low-rise
1. He has searched everywhere for his glasses.
2. Delays at the airport may be terrible in the main holiday period.
3. This CD contains the best parts of the show, not the whole thing.
4. Operas and chamber music are often considered to be intellectually superior,
while shows like musicals are sometimes described as uncultured- or at least not
so very artistic.
5. Good quality audio equipment is on sale in every main shopping street.
6. If you come across useful new words in a text, use a yellow pen to make them
stand out.
7. Would you like to live in a tall multi-storey building- or do you think two or three
storey buildings are more pleasant for people to live in?
8. Passangers and vehicles will be carried on ultra-modern shuttle trains.
9. Everyone was feeling elated before the weekend.
10. There’s less room for holiday makers on the beach when the sea comes up high
than when it goes out.
11. I’ve got a bad cold and my work is getting me down- that’s why I’m depressed.
12. Do you think a person is no longer young when they are 40, 50 or older?
13. In Britain, it’s not only professional and business people who own their own
14. Students who do well in their exams at secondary school can go on to university
or college.
15. Don’t put off doing this work any longer- you should do it now.

2. Phrasal verbs with go

• go away- 1.leave; 2.cease
• go back- return
• go down- become lower
•go in- enter
• go on- continue
• go over- 1.rehearse; 2.repeat
• go up- increase in number or amount
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with go.
1. Please, ……. reading the paragraph.
2. He told me desperately that prices……..again.
3. He asked her to……through that door.
4. They’ll……..the instructions as soon as you ask them to.
5. His neighbour decided to…… because it started to rain.
6. The temperature …..last night. It’s much colder now.
7. Who wouldn’t like that problem to……..

L3: Bill Gates

In the beginning Gates' was mainly concerned and involved with technical
development of new products in order to attract consumers. Since Microsoft controls the
largest percentage of the market than any of its competitors Gates puts more focus on the
organization itself and its employees. Microsoft's mission is to continually advance and
improve software technology and to make it easier, more cost effective and more
enjoyable for people to use computers. In order for Microsoft to continue on its fruitful
path the development of intelligent decision makers, otherwise known as managers, must
be trained. Gates' realizes the importance of every single individual. He also knows he
cannot be at the table to make ever single day-to-day decision, instead of trying to be in a
hundred place at once. Gates' attempts to train well oiled managers. He has even
published articles that reveal his expectations and qualities he attempts to instil into
Microsoft managers. Here are Bill's ten qualities of a good employee: 1. Choose a field
thoughtfully. By choosing a field one enjoys, it makes it easier to generate enthusiasm
towards one's work. This is true for both a manager and an employee. 2. Hire carefully
and be willing to fire. A strong team is vital, because a mediocre team provides mediocre
results, no matter how well it is managed. 3. Create a productive environment. This is a
particular challenge because it requires different approaches depending on the
environment. Sometimes productivity is maximized by providing everybody his or her
own office and other times by moving everybody into open space. Sometimes financial
incentives stimulates productivity and motivation. Usually a mixture of approaches is
necessary to reach desired productivity. 4. Define success. This is done by providing
employees with a clear definition of success and how they should measure their
achievements. Goals must be realistic. For example, project schedules must be set those
who actually do the work. People will accept a bottom-up deadline they helped set, but
maybe overwhelmed by a schedule imposed from upper management that doesn't map
reality. Unachievable goals undermine an organization. 5. To be a good manager, you
have to like people and be good at communicating. This quality is generally impossible to
fake. If an individual doesn't genuinely enjoy interacting with people it will be hard to
manage well. 6. Develop your people to do their jobs better than you can. Transfer your
skills to them. This is an exciting goal, but it can be threatening to a manger that is
worried about training his replacement. Many managers like to see their employees
increase their responsibility because it frees them up to tackle new or undone tasks. 7.
Build morale. It should be made clear there's plenty of good will to go around and that
there is not just one hotshot manager getting all the credit. Explain to employees the
importance of their work to the company and customers. Giving people a sense of
importance increases motivation to complete the task to the best of their ability and
provides the feeling of satisfaction after completion. 8. Take on projects yourself.
Managers need to do more than communicate. Nobody wants to work for a boss who just
delegates tasks. It is important for a manager from time to time to take on less attractive
task to provide examples of how his or her employees should meet challenges. 9. Don't
make the same decision twice. Managers should have the confidence in their well
thought out decision in order to not leave any avenues open for rediscussion. A manager
should never have to second-guess himself or herself. 10. Let people know whom to
please. It should be made clear whom employees have to please, whether it’s the

manager, the manager’s boss or someone else higher up. There is a risk of paralysis when
employees start to question whom they are supposed to make happy. The beauty of Gates'
tips is they are pretty much common sense, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to incorporate
these aspects into his or her employee. Making processes clear and simple always seems
to accomplish the goals was set out to. Gates' believes in talking with employees and
customers rather than talking at them. By conducting conversations individuals,
especially customers, can understand and allow them to provide feedback that is taken
into consideration allows Gates' to build a lasting and trusting relationship with
employees and customers.

A. In Bill Gates’ opinion,

To transfer your skills to your people. means To build morale.

It should be made clear whom Not to make the same decision
employees have to please twice.
Managers should, from time to time, To give people a sense of
take on less attractive task to provide importance of their work.
examples of how his or her employees
should meet challenges.
To like people and be good at To let people know whom to
communicating. please.
To increase their motivation to To hire carefully and be willing to
complete the task to the best of their fire.
Managers should not leave any To develop your people to do their
avenues open for rediscussion. jobs better than you can.
To provide everybody according to To create a productive
one’s own motivation. environment.
To provide employees with a clear To be a good manager.
definition of success and how they
should measure their achievements.
To choose the personnel with care, To take on projects yourself.
avoiding mediocrities.
To choose a field one enjoys. To define success.

B. Which of these Bill Gates’ ”rules” do you consider to be the most important?
Could you add more rules to his?

A. Put the verbs in the brackets in the present tense continuous or simple.

1. I……….(go) out to get the evening paper.

2. You…………..(always, beat) me at chess.
3. Not everybody …..…(like) autumn.
4. …….this pair of scissors ……….(belong) to you?
5. What time…….you…....(usually, speak) on the phone?
6. They…….(go) to the circus this evening.
7. All the students in the group …..…(read) English well.
8. He …..(know) what she….…(mean).
9. I ………(have) an appointment with my dentist at 5 p.m.
10. I must go, my friends………….(wait)for me.
11. Hey! You ………..(drink) from my glass.
12. The park……… (look)beautiful in autumn.
13. Meg ……..(make) her clothes herself.
14. John …………...(forever boast) of what he has done.
15. He……….(fly) from Bucharest to Sibiu tomorrow.
16. We……(get) a lot of snow in the mountains in winter.
17. I……..(not approve) of your behaviour.
18. Now I ………(hope)our team will win the match.
19. Don’t disturb her, she ……..(feed) the baby.
20. I can’t go away; I…….(see) the manager at the beginning of the week.
21. The officer (see) him and (catch) him in a matter of seconds.
22. He always (ask) me what I’ll do if I (be) the president of this committee.
23. He never (seem) to understand what (happen) in his very house.
24. They (criticize) me know, but they usually (tell) me nice things.
25. …..he…..(seem) to be in better shape now?
26. ……they ……..(usually, sign) the papers at the end or at the beginning of the
27. They (not jump) over the fence now, they (play) baseball with the neighbors’
28. …….they …….feel better today or is it necessary to call for a doctor?
29. With the dress you.. …..(wear) you…….(resemble) your mother very much.
30. Now that the flowers …….(bloom), the garden……..(smell) good.
31. “What on earth ……you……(do) there?” “I………(try) to find the key to the
32. I……..(not interrupt) people when they……..(talk) over the telephone.
33. “I…….(admit) we………..(move) freely in two directions. But how about up and
down? Gravitation………(limit) us there.” (H.G. Wells)

B. Translate into English:

1. Am foarte mult de lucru în perioada asta. Promit însă să trec pe la tine de îndată
ce mă voi elibera.
2. Ştiu că eşti priceput la toate! De ce eşti aşa de neîndemânatec astăzi-
3. Este prima oară în iarna asta când ninge aşa de mult că pare că nu se mai opreşte.
4. - Te caută cineva la telefon.
– Astăzi nu sunt acasă pentru nimeni, şi mai ales acum, când îmi beau cafeaua.
5. - Vrea vreo unul dintre voi să meargă cu noi la bazinul de înot-
- Astăzi nu mergem, nici eu şi nici sora mea, pentru că o ajutăm pe mama să
termine curăţenia de toamnă.
6. Nu-i aşa că nu ştii noutăţile? George studiază Informatica la Iaşi, iar Maria
urmează cursurile Facultăţii de Litere, secţia chineză.
7. Uneori Dunărea îngheaţă în luna ianuarie.
8. Prietenii tăi te aşteaptă în faţa teatrului de comedie.
9. Astăzi e hotărâtă să poarte o rochie verde cu dungi.
10. Bunica uită de fiecare dată unde îşi pune ochelarii şi ori de câte ori are nevoie de
ei îi caută prin toată casa.
11. Dan e în camera mătuşii lui. Repară maşina de cusut acesteia.
12. Băieţelul cel mai mic al vecinii mele are trei ani. Părul blond, ochii albaştri şi îi
plac foarte mult dulciurile şi ursuleţii, şi când îl întrebi cum îl cheamă, îţi
răspunde: -Am trei ani.
13. E prima oară când mănânc clătite cu spanac şi nu e rău deloc şi mi se pare doar că
are un gust ciudat. Tu ce crezi?
14. Totdeauna se întâmplă acelaşi lucru. Când ia banii se duce la cumpărături şi se
întoarce acasă cu o mulţime de fleacuri.
15. În mod obişnuit ne petrecem sfârşitul de săptămână într-un sat din apropierea
Bucureştiului. De data asta rămânem însă acasă pentru că aşteptăm nişte musafiri.
16. Directorul este foarte ocupat acum. Studiază Proiectul pentru o nouă aripă a
17. Nu se îndoieşte că cel care are dreptate în acest moment este el şi nimeni
18. Vorbeşte şi acum la telefon?! Dar este îngrozitor! Toată ziua ţine telefonul
19. Îi reproşează mereu că depăşeşte viteza şi că îi pune viaţa în pericol.
20. Nu-i aşa că vezi şi tu că omul de pe trotuarul vecin ne urmăreşte pas cu pas?
21. Nici el şi nici colegul lui nu par a fi prea interesaţi să-şi pună întrebări
existenţiale, luând viaţa în uşor.
22. Atât reprezentanţii noştri, cât şi cei ai lor semnează acum un tratat de
23. Vin dinspre moară acum şi sunt foarte încărcaţi, aşa că hai şi noi să mergem să-i
24. Mă întreabă mereu care este scopul meu în viaţă, punându-mă într-o situaţie
25. Uită-te! Ninge cu fulgi mari!

1. Fill in the gapes with the suitable phrases from the list bellow:
In ……or out of….
contact control danger debt doors fashion
focus hospital love luck pain practice
prison season stock touch tune work

1. The passengers knew they were…great ………when the pilot announced he was
no longer ………..of the aircraft.
2. Love letters will never be …….because people will go on falling …………
3. We used to keep …….regularly but I’ve lost her address and so now we are .…
4. Sorry, it’s not a good photo because it’s …….- I used to do a lot of photography
but now I’m …………
5. Although she’s still………considerable………, she’s……….and back home.
6. Strawberries are ………..this month but the shop hasn’t got them ……….
7. He really is …………: he lost his job last year and he’s been ……….ever since.
Now he’s ……….. he can’t afford to pay his mortgage- let’s hope he doesn’t end
8. The twins are learning the violin but as they always play………….., they aren’t
allowed to practise in the house and they have to play…………!

2. Phrasal verbs with give

• Give away- donate
• Give back- return
• Give in -surrender
• Give out -distribute
• Give up- stop doing something
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with give.
1. My father….. smoking years ago.
2. She’s going to……wildlife leaflets outside the main entrance.
3. She must …….these library books by Tuesday.
4. The pop star decided to……the proceeds of her last concert to charity.
5. We are strong enough not to ………so easily.

3. Adjectives or adverbs? Choose the right word that fits in:

1. She was (strange/strangely) calm – that was something I couldn’t
2. The kids loved the fair, but they enjoyed the bumper cars (most/mostly)
of all.
3. He (cool/coolly) placed the money on the table and walked out.
4. Do the police know the (exact/exactly) circumstances of her death?
5. We didn't expect such a (large/largely) number of people to attend our
6. He had a (sudden/suddenly) heart attack while he was on holiday.
7. Don't fill your glass too (full/fully) or you'll only spill it.
8. The world's financial markets are ever more (close/closely) linked.

L4:The Impact Of Computers

THE IMPACT OF COMPUTERS Computer technology not only has solved

problems but also has created some, including a certain amount of culture shock as
individuals attempt to deal with the new technology. A major role of computer science
has been to alleviate such problems, mainly by making computer systems cheaper, faster,
more reliable, easier to use.
Computers are forever present in the workplace. Word processors-computer
software packages that simplify the creational and modification of documents-have
largely replaced the typewriter. Electronic mail has made it easy to send messages
worldwide via computer communication networks. Office automation has become the
term for linking workstations, printers, database system, and other tools by means of a
local-area network. An eventual goal of office automation has been termed the “paperless
office.” Although such changes ultimately make office work much more efficient, they
have not been without cost in terms of purchasing and frequently upgrading the necessary
hardware and software and of training workers to use the new technology. Computer
integrated manufacturing is a relatively new technology arising from the application of
many computer science subdisciplines to support the manufacturing enterprise. The
technology of CIM emphasizes that all aspects of manufacturing should be not only
computerized as much as possible but also linked together via a computer communication
network into an integrated whole. In short, CIM has the potential to enable manufacturers
to build cheaper, higher-quality products and thus improve their competitiveness.
Making a telephone call no longer should conjure up visions of operators
connecting cables by hand or even of electrical signals causing relays to click into place
and effect connections during dialing. The telephone system now is just a multilevel
computer network with software switches in the network nodes to route calls get through
much more quickly and reliably than they did in the past. A disadvantage is the potential
for dramatic and widespread failures; for as has happened. The downside of this
technology is the potential for security problems. Intruders can see packets traveling on a
network and can perhaps interpret them to obtain confidential information.
Computer technology has had a significant impact on retail stores. All but the
smallest shops have replaced the old-fashioned cash register with a terminal linked to a
computer system. The terminal may require that the clerk type in the code for the item;
but more and more frequently the checkout counter include a bar-code scanner, a device
that directly reads into the computer the UPC printed on each package. Cash-register
receipts can then include brief descriptions of the items purchased, and the purchase
information is also relayed back to the computer to cause and immediate adjustment in
the inventory data. The inventory system can easily alert the manager when the supply of
some item drops below a specified threshold. In the case of retail chains linked by
networks, the order for a new supply of an item may be automatically generated and sent
electronically to the supply warehouse. In a less extensively automated arrangement, the
manager can send in the order electronically by a dial-up link to the supplier’s computer.
These developments have made shopping much more convenient. The checkout process
is faster; checkout lines shorter; and the desired item are more likely to be in stock.
Computer technology has been incorporated into automobiles. Computers are
involved (CAD systems) not only in the design of cars but also in the manufacturing and
testing process, perhaps making use of CIM technology. Today’s automobiles themselves

include numerous computer chips that analyze sensor data and alert the driver to actual
and potential malfunctions. Although increased reliability has been achieved by
implementing such computerization, a drawback is that only automotive repair shops
with a large investment in high-tech interfaces and diagnostic tools for these
computerized systems can handle any but the simplest repairs.

A. Find in the text the opposites for the following:

1. more expensive; 2. slowlier;3. less reliable; 4. more difficult; 5. separated;

6. slowly; 7.unreliably; 8. upside; 9. insecurity; 10. important; 11. long;
12. manually; 13.less convenient

B. Correct the following statements, whenever necessary:

Word processors-computer software packages make it easy to send messages worldwide

via computer communication networks.

Electronic mail eventual goal has been termed the “paperless office.”

Office automation simplifies the creational and modification of documents.

Computers technology has not been without cost in terms of purchasing and frequently
upgrading the necessary hardware and software and of training workers to use the new

The telephone system now are involved not only in the design of cars but also in the
manufacturing and testing process, perhaps making use of CIM technology.

The checkout counter includes a bar-code scanner, a device that directly reads into the
computer the UPC printed on each package and software switches.

Computers are involved (CAD systems) in the network nodes to route calls get through
much more quickly and reliably than they did in the past.

A. Make sentences according to the model:

Model: Peter: dog for a walk

He was taking his dog for a walk at this time yesterday.
1. Mary: at the baker’s 6. Jane: in the swimming-pool
2. Billy : to the cinema 7. Harry: in the park
3. Dan: at the box-office 8. Jannet: a football match
4. Roger: in the library 9. George: to the radio
5. Jenny: into the letter-box 10. Alice: home

B. Change the following statements by using the words in brackets. Make any
necessary changes.

Example: She was practising the violin and so was his colleague. (neither)
She wasn’t practising the violin and neither was her colleague.
1. The spokesman was supporting his idea brilliantly and so was Fred.(too)
2. They weren’t taking part in that competition and neither were their friends. (so)
3. The police officer was listening carefully to the criminal and Brian was, too.(but)
4. No stranger was trying to break in the conversation and neither was Greg. (either)
5. Their neighbours were leaving on that day and she was, too. (neither)
6. She was working ceaselessly on that project and so were we. (but)
7. The guests were talking silently and so were the kids. (either)
8. The Japanese weren’t having lunch and the Finish weren’t, either. (so)
9. The carpenters were mending the house and Brian was, too.( either)
10. All the aliens were taking photos and so were the Japanese. (too)

C. Add tag questions to the following sentences:

Example: You weren’ t practising the drums, were you?

1. They weren’t calculating the distance between the Sun and the Moon,…………..?
2. She was making a strange noise,………….?
3. They were doing absolutely nothing dangerous,……………?
4. The students were thinking what question to ask the speaker,……………?
5. The gifted child was practising the guitar at that moment,……….?
6. They weren’t trying very hard,…………….?
7. She was quoting nobody,……………?
8. The entire court were keeping silent,…………?
9. The elves weren’t walking tiptoed through the room,…….?
10. The speaker was shouting at the audience,………….?

D. What were they doing when the explosion took place?

1. The policeman…………………
2. The firemen……………………
3. My neighbours…………………
4. The science man……………….
5. The animals in the cage………..
What were they doing while the train was getting into the station?
1. The conductor…………………..
2. The person next to me………….
3. My baby boy……………………
4. A lady in black………………….
5. The bartender……………………

E. Make sentences using past tense continuous.

Example: Sandra –wash up John- dust the furniture

While/When Sandra was washing up, John was dusting the furniture

Sandra John
1. wash the clothes clean the rooms
2. cook some food make the beds
3. iron the clothes polish the shoes
4. sort the clothes tidy the flat
5. count the money pack the suitcases
6. phone friends look for their train tickets

F. Ask questions so that the words in italics should be the answer.

Model: They were taking part in the contest at that very moment.
When were they taking part in the contest?

1. They were speaking on the phone at that late hour.

2. The guardian was listening to the noises upstairs.
3. Nobody was paying attention to the chairman.
4. The students weren’t taking notes.
5. Somebody was ringing at the door late at night.
6. The newcomers were listening to the boss when, out of the blue, he stormed in.
7. The writer was typing a paragraph when he heard the telephone ringing.
8. The greengrocer was selling some cabbages right then.
9. We were waiting for a change in his attitude.
10. Everybody was pointing at him in rage.

1. Fill in the gaps with suitable phrases from the list bellow:
In…addition to brief cash the circumstances
comparison with detail difficulty doubt fun ink
pencil person private public return tears trouble
view of a whisper
1. “Poor Julie was…. When she read the letter”, he told me……….
2. If you are…………….about what to write, it’s best to make notes beforehand.
3. ……………business letters, personal letters are relatively easy to write.
4. I think he’ll be upset and you shouldn’t embarrass him …………,so………….it
may be better to tell him off…………
5. Writing an important letter is easier if you first write a rough copy
…………before you write the final version ……….or type it.
6. Orders may be placed by phone, by post or……..You can pay by check, by credit
card or ……….
7. ………….the size of your order we are prepared to offer a special discount of
10%………..the usual trade discount.
8. We knew the firm was ………..but not they were………such serious………
9. The book gave some information…………great………..but unfortunately the
figures I needed were only given ………
10. She did me favour and then asked what I’d do for he………At first I thought she
meant……..but then I realized she was serious.

2. Phrasal verbs with look

• look after- take care of
• look at- turn the eyes to see something
• look for- try to find
• look forward to- expect with pleasure
• look into- investigate
• look out- be careful, keep watch
• look up- find (information in a book)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with look.
1. ………!There is a car coming!
2. He decided to …….the word in the dictionary.
3. It’s no wonder why she doesn’t …….the Maths test.
4. Could you … things for me while I go get a ticket?
5. The police……..a number of thefts at our college.
6. Come …….these interesting stamps.
7. Can you help us? We’re …… some striped pants.
3. Choose the correct affix:
1- (anti/counter/mal/mis) -aircraft: intended to destroy or defend against enemy aircraft
2- (anti/in/mis/non)spell: to fail to spell (a word) correctly
3- (de/dis/im/un)possible: (of a situation) which is extremely difficult and there does not
seem to be a solution
4-(counter/dis/mal/un)incentive: something that discourages people from doing
something or working hard

L5: Graphics & Multimedia
What is graphics and multimedia? First of all, graphics software pertains to any
computer device or program that makes a computer capable of displaying and
manipulating pictures. For example, laser printers and plotters are graphics devices
because they permit computer to output pictures. Software like word processors support
graphics because they let you draw or import pictures. Spreadsheet programs support
graphics because they let you display data in the form of graphs and charts. Such
applications are often referred to as business graphics.
Multimedia has many definitions depending upon whom you ask. A standard
definition follows: Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation,
and video delivered to you by computer or other electronic means. Multimedia can help
to gain and hold attention, make points clearer, stimulate discussion, and in general,
enhance the learning process, if it also includes the appropriate human elements. With the
advent of the computer and other electronic devices, multimedia is now being used a
number of ways in the classroom including PowerPoint lectures, digital slides, digital
videos, case studies, newsgroups, mailing lists, MOOS, MUDS and more. As a student I
can be able to use multimedia and graphics as learning materials like learning
interactively with software's made for a certain subject. It will also allow me to
experience a subject from many angles, giving me deeper understanding of the subject
matter. Using various forms of multimedia and graphics in the classroom also helps to
keep my interest level high when it comes to learning. For work, being a business major,
I think multimedia and graphics will be very useful for me when I make presentations
through PowerPoint or when I make a report and I want to present it with charts and
graphs, which I wouldn't have been able to do without multimedia and graphics. I can
also perform research on the web and without multimedia and graphics I don't think that
would be possible for me to do and it would probably take me more time and effort to
research it in the library rather than from my computer. In conclusion I feel that
multimedia and graphics is the way to go, it can be a very effective tool to communicate,
educate, compel, and convince you and/or your audience.
A. Match the two columns:
Laser printers and plotters let you display data in the form of graphs
and charts.
Spreadsheet programs are graphics devices because they permit
computer to output pictures.
Software like word processors are applications often referred to as
business graphics.
Laser printers and plotters, software like PowerPoint lectures, digital slides, digital
word processors, spreadsheet programs videos, case studies, newsgroups, mailing
lists, MOOS, MUDS and more.
Through PowerPoint one can make they let you draw or import pictures.
Multimedia and graphics as learning can be used to experience a subject from
materials many angles
Multimedia is now being used in a number a presentation by means of charts and
of ways in the classroom including graphs
B. This is one person’s opinion on multimedia and graphics. Tell yours in a 200
word composition.

A. Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the verbs in the brackets.

1. He. ……. to set his clock last night so he……..up late this morning . (forget);
2. His wife……….him in order to wake up.(shake)
3. He……up at last…..dressed and then…….breakfast in a hurry.(get);(get); (get)
4. The wind ………all day yesterday and it also …..(blow); (rain)
5. He……..his bike to his office last week, but yesterday he couldn’t because of the
wind and rain so he ……..bus. (ride); (take)
6. He ………his umbrella tightly in his way to the bus stop.(hold)
7. In the bus he ……down on an empty seat. (sit)
8. Then an old lady………on the bus. (get)
9. He…..up and……her his seat. (stand); (offer)
10. He …… the office exactly when the clock …..eight.(arrive); (strike)
11. So nobody ……complain.(can)
12. But he ……..very tired all day on that day.(feel)
13. When he ……back home he………the cat,…….dinner himself and
then………for twelve hours! (go); (feed); (have); (sleep).

B. Complete the following tag-questions with the correct form of the verb in the

Example: (teach) Miss Smith ……...English last year, didn’t she?

Miss Smith taught English last year, didn’t she?
(forget) You…………… ring her up, did you?
You didn’t forget to ring her up, did you?
1. (help) John ………….you, didn’t he?
2. (take) Mr. Smith……..his son to the game, didn’t he?
3. (meet) You…………. Alan yesterday, did you?
4. (throw) They……….out those old papers, did they?
5. (explain)The teacher ……it to us very clearly, didn’t he?
6. (wear) Mary …..a beautiful dress at the party, didn’t she?
7. (live) The Scotts……….in London for quite a long time, didn’t they?
8. (carry) You ………..those heavy bags, did you?
9. (put) Jim ……….the dishes away, didn’t he?
10. (lose) Dr Brown never…….his temper, did he?

C. Answer the following questions using the past simple.

Example: When did you see him? (he-come in)

I saw him when he came in.
1. When did your cousin come from his office? (he –get your message)
2. When did the children go out to play? (they-finish their work)
3. When did you get up? (the clock-strike six).
4. When did mother find the sugar bowl? (she-open the cupboard)
5. When did Meg wash up? (she- finish dinner)
6. When did they stop writing?(the teacher –stop dictating)
7. When did the game start?(the referee –blow his whistle)
8. When did the boys stop the game? (it-start to rain)
9. When did she stop writing? (pencil- break)
10. When did they understand the situation. (the witness- explain for several times)

D. Change the following statements by using the words in brackets. Make any
necessary changes.

Example: She practised the violin and so did his colleague. (neither)
She didn’t practise the violin and neither did her colleague.

1. He took the plane to the nearest island and so did his friends. (too)
2. They complained about the conditions in the hotel and we did , too. (either)
3. My cousin didn’t show up at the party and neither did Greg.(but)
4. They seemed to understand each other and so did my parents.(neither)
5. She didn’t allow us to enter that room and his mother didn’t either.(but)
6. They created a new style in fashion and so did the Stuarts. (too)
7. We wondered who those persons were and my friends did, too. (either)
8. They actually asked for nothing but we did. (neither)
9. They said they couldn’t listen to the story because of the noise and so did
10. She created a new web-site but we didn’t.(so)

D. Complete these sentences using tag-questions.

Example: The last bus left at 8 p.m., didn’t it?

1. We hadn’t anything to say against him,……….?
2. They understood the problem in a blink of an eye,……….?
3. They didn’t agree to his telling a white lie,………?
4. She and her husband didn’t take part in the funerals,…………?
5. Greg and his girl-friend spent their time playing lego,………?
6. Nobody really wanted to go with that fellow in the mountains,………….?
7. They expected him to change his mind,……………?
8. They offered him nothing in return,……………?
9. She expected for nothing,……..?
10. He considered that he could use your money for his benefit,……..?

E. Write a two hundred word story that starts like this: “We heard a
strange noise in the lab….”. Use the past tense as much as possible.

1. Fill the gapes in these sentences using the phrases bellow:
come of age for ages space age Stone Age under age fresh air
fresh start freshwater new blood New World newcomer old flame
old friend old hand old master old times old wives’ tale Old World
as old as you feel young at heart
1. If you are …………you are not allowed to buy drinks in a pub.
2. Columbus sailed from the…… the………..
3. In an attempt to bring ……into the firm, they’re only taking on people under 25.
4. She used to go out with Terry- he’s an ………..of hers, but she hasn’t seen him…
5. If you are a ……… the firm and you don’t know the ropes, you can ask one of
the …………for advice.
6. We are ………and whenever we meet we reminisce about………
7. The Great Lakes in America are …………not saltwater lakes.
8. He didn’t enjoy his his work, so he decided to make a ……… applying to a
new job.
9. I prefer painting by the ……….to modern paintings.
10. People in Britain…………….at 18, when they are officially ‘adults’.
11. You can’t catch a cold from getting wet-that’s an……….However, plenty
of……….can keep you healthy.
12. Grandad’s ideas are terribly out of date – he still seems to think he’s living in the
……….not the………..My grandma, I’m happy to say, is still……….. and she
always says: ‘ You’re only……………..’.

2.Phrasal verbs with take

• take after- resemble
• take back- return
• take in- understand, absorb
• take off- remove(clothes)
• take on – accept (work or responsibility)
•take over- take control of
• take up- start and spend time doing( a hobby, interest)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with take.
1. When did you decide to……..jogging?
2. Could you ………these video to the shop? They are overdue.
3. She’s very organized. I suppose she……her mother in this respect.
4. I want him to ……..the business when I retire.
5. It’s so hot in here! I think I’ll…… coat.
6. I couldn’t remember all the details. There was too much to……..
7. He looks exhausted. I hope he isn’t……….too much work.

3. Choose the correct affix:

1. (ill/mal/non/un)treat: to treat cruelly or violently
2. (a/anti/il/non)sense: language which cannot be understood because it does not
mean anything
3. (dis/in/mal/un)avoidable: not avoidable
4. (dis/anti/non/in) regard: lack of consideration or respect for something.

L6:Types Of Computer Viruses
A computer virus is a program that is designed to damage your computer,
programs, and files. Like a virus in a living thing, a computer virus can spread if it is not
removed. Some viruses are more dangerous than others. One of the most common places
for a computer virus to appear is on a file found on the Internet or attached to an E-mail.
Computer viruses didn’t really exist until the mid 1980s. The first computer viruses were
created in university labs to demonstrate how much of a threat the vicious code could be.
There are many kind of viruses that exist today. Some of the most common of Computer
Viruses are: File Viruses, Boot Sector/Partition Viruses, Multi-Partite Viruses, Trojan
Horses, File Overwriters, Polymorphic viruses, and Stealth Viruses.
A File Virus is the most common kind of virus. These kinds of viruses usually
infect .EXE and COM files, which are the main component of a program or application.
A file virus can insert its own code into part of the file, so that when the infected program
file is run, the virus is executed first. Most file viruses are memory resident. Because of
this, they can easily attach themselves to other programs that are being run and start to
infect that file. A simple virus will overwrite and destroy a host file, immediately letting
the user know that there is a problem because the software will not run. Because these
viruses are immediately sensed by the computer, they have a less chance to spread. More
complex written viruses will cause more damage, spread easier, and are harder to be
Boot sector viruses infect hard drives and floppy disks by putting itself on the
boot sector of the disk, which has the code that is run at boot up. Booting up from an
infected floppy, allows the virus to jump from the floppy to the hard drive. These viruses
are loaded first, and gain control of the system before MS-DOS could be loaded. Since
the virus is run before the operating system, it is not MS-DOS-specific and can infect any
PC operating system. These viruses stay in the RAM and infects every disk that is read by
the computer until the computer is rebooted. After reboot the virus is removed from
Multi-Partite Viruses are the worse of both file and boot sector viruses. They can
infect the host software components. These viruses spread like a file virus, but still insert
itself into a boot sector or partition table. Because of this, they are difficult to remove. An
example of this type of virus is the Tequila virus.
Trojan Horses are the worst kind of viruses that exist. They contain malicious
code that is meant to damage your computer. Unlike other viruses, this virus does not
replicate itself. This virus waits until the trigger event. When the trigger event occurs, a
message is displayed or files are damaged.
File Overwriters are viruses that link themselves to a program, leaving the original
code intact and adding themselves over and over to as many files as possible. These
viruses are made simply to keep copying itself. While, this virus is copying itself it is
taking up more disk space and slowing down performance. Since these viruses often have
flaws in them, they can inadvertently damage or destroy data. The worst kind of file
overwriters, wait until the trigger event, then start to destroy files.
Most of the viruses that exist today are Polymorphic. Like the human AIDS virus,
polymorphic viruses grow fast to escape detection by anti-virus programs. Special
encrypted code within this virus allows the virus to hide from detection. There are a
limited number of kinds of polymorphic viruses. Because of this, they are easier to notice.
An example of this would be the Whale Virus , which has 32 different forms. Stealth
viruses are similar to a stealth aircraft. Like a stealth aircraft, they make themselves

invisible to be detected. The virus hides itself into the file and makes it look like the
program is running normal. This is a memory-resident virus.(…)
It is dangerous when making predictions about the future. Unless you can see into
the future, it is not wise to try to see what would happen. Because of this, someone can
make a broad judgment of future virus development.

Find the incorrect variant out of the four.

1.Computer viruses
a. didn’t really exist until the mid 1980s.
b. were firstly created in university labs to demonstrate how much of a threat the
vicious code could be.
c. are all equally dangerous.
d. are of different types.
2. A File Virus
a. is only memory resident.
b. usually infects EXE and COM files.
c. can insert its own code into part of the file.
d. is the most common kind of virus.
3. Boot sector viruses
a. infect hard drives and floppy disks by putting ithemselves on the boot sector
of the disk
b. are MS-DOS-specific and cannot infect any PC operating system.
c. are loaded first, and gain control of the system before MS-DOS could be
d. are run before the operating system.
4. Multi-Partite Viruses
a. are the worse of both file and boot sector viruses.
b. are easily to remove.
c. can infect the host software components.
d. spread like a file virus
5. Trojan Horses
a. contain malicious code that is meant to damage your computer. I
b. are the only one that replicate themselves.
c. wait until the trigger event.
d. are the worst kind of viruses that exist.

6.File Overwriters
a. wait until the trigger event, then start to destroy files.
b. are made simply to keep copying themselves.
c. seldom have flaws in them.
d. link themselves to a program, leaving the original code intact and adding
themselves over and over to as many files as possible.

A. Confirm things. Use Past tense Continuous.

Example: Did you read the book I told you about?

Yes. In fact I was reading it when you phoned me yesterday.
1. Did you wash your hair?
2. Did you help with the housework?
3. Did you write the essay?
4. Did you check your blood pressure?
5. Did you unwrap the paintings?
6. Did you talk business with your new partner?

B. Fill in the blanks with the past tense simple or continuous of the verbs in the

1. (watch) My friends ……..TV when I phoned them.

2. (invite) They ………me to see the film when I met them in the street.
3. (write) Bobby ………..the letter in about ten minutes.
4. (go) He………to his office by bike last year.
5. (read) Father……….the newspaper when we got home.
6. (ask) She ……….me about my holidays when she called me.
7. (read) He ……… a brochure when we met.
8. (shine) The sun ……………when we arrived.
9. (see) We………. a very amusing comedy yesterday.
10. (drive) He …………all the way to London.
11. (get) I saw Mary just when she………..into the library.
12. (spend) They………… a wonderful holiday at the seaside last year.
13. (ring) When she reached the door, the bell……still………..
14. (run) She ……….to the door the moment she heard the bell.
15. (fly) They …………to Constantza last night.
16. (take off) Michael missed the flight. The plane ………..when he arrived at the
17. (burn)The house……when we came out.
18. (talk) Mariam ……..always…….about fashion and this annoyed her friends.
19. (live) The Grants…… Brasov when I met them.
20. (drop) She ………the vase because she got frightened.

B. Study the following situations. Ask and answer questions according to

the model.
Model: Greg was reading a book on dinosaurs when the phone rang. When the phone
rang, he had to answer it.
a) What was Greg doing when the phone rang?
He was reading a book on dinosaurs.
b) What did he do when the phone rang?
He answered it.
1. Peter was walking up and down the platform. Then the train came and Peter met
his cousin.
2. The girls lay quietly in the sun for an hour. Then some friends called them and
they went to swim.
3. The baby cried for half an hour yesterday. Then his mother gave him a bottle of
milk and he stopped crying.
4. Sheila had lunch at 1 p.m. yesterday. In the middle of it her father came home She
went into the kitchen and brought her father a steak.
5. The boys were playing baseball when it started to rain. Naturally, they went
6. Jim was watching a film on TV when someone rang the bell. Jim stood up and
opened the front door.

C. Translate the following into English:

1. Acum câteva luni echipa noastră a câştigat campionatul de fotbal.

2. Săptămâna trecută am cheltuit enorm.
3. Ieri Simon mi-a făcut o vizită neaşteptată.
4. Acum câteva zile a fost ziua lui Steve, aşa că i-am cumpărat un cadou, iar mama
i-a făcut un tort de ciocolată şi frişcă.
5. Lunea trecută, pe când vorbeam cu vărul tău, l-am văzut pe John intrând în
6. Când am ieşit aseară din casă a început să plouă torenţial.
7. Duminica trecută Mary a scris câteva scrisori, apoi a ascultat un concert la radio.
8. Nimeni nu l-a văzut ieri când se ducea la pescuit.
9. Săptămâna trecută Dan a lucrat intens la pregătirea lucrării despre influenţa
calculatoarelor asupra psihicului uman. Acum două zile a terminat-o şi a rugat-o
pe Diana s-o scrie la calculator…
10. Se întreba cu ce a greşit de ea nu-i acordă nici o atenţie.
11. Le-a promis tuturor că se linişteşte şi nu mai deranjează pe nimeni.
12. A venit cu trenul de 2 dimineaţa şi aplecat cu cel de 7 seara. A fost deci grăbit şi
obosit, aşa că să nu te miri că nu a trecut şi pe la tine.
13. I-a lăsat un bilet în care-i spunea cum se simţea ea în momentul acela cumplit din
viaţa ei.
14. Se vedeau atunci pentru a doua oară, aşa că au putut discuta problema deschis.
15. Şi-a făcut o haină nouă pe care vrea să o poarte cu acest prilej.
16. Nu i-a înţeles nimeni intenţiile şi de aceea a încercat să mai explice încă o dată
17. Când ai stat de vorbă cu el ultima oară era la fel de supărat pe noi?
18. A explorat mai multe site-uri şi apoi a concluzionat că este prea devreme pentru a
se înscrie la o bursă.
19. De ce nu i-ai transmis ceea ce am discutat noi în ziua aceea când toţi ceilalţi
lucrau la proiect?
20. S-a deschis uşa brusc şi toţi au tresărit speriaţi. S-au liniştit imediat însă când l-au
văzut intrând pe George cu un zâmbet pe faţă.

1. Fill the gaps in these sentences with hard, soft, difficult or easy.
1. A ……….-hearted interviewer can give candidates a very………time and make
life……..for them.
2. Computer equipment is known as…….ware and the programs are known
3. A printout from a computer provides the user with a ………copy.
4. A computer can save data on a floppy disk but much more can be stored on a
5. This new fabric is so ………..-wearing that it will last a lifetime.
6. You can buy tools and screws and nails at a ………….ware store.
7. I realize that he makes people feel un ……..when he’s being …………., but deep
down he’s quite ………-hearted and ………….-going- I must say I do have a
…… for him.
8. It’s sometimes…… understand her because she’s rather ………..-spoken.
9. ……….drugs like heroin are more dangerous than so-called……….drugs like

2. Phrasal verbs with turn

•turn away- refuse entry
• turn down- 1. refuse; 2. reduce the volume
• turn in – give to the police
• turn off- switch off, disconnect, remove power
• turn on – switch on, cause to operate
•turn over- consider carefully
• turn up- 1. arrive; 2. increase the volume

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with turn.
1. The prisoners….. themselves…….after a four days’ run.
2. He spent hours ……the problem in his mind.
3. It was dark inside so he ……..the lights.
4. He tried desperately to…… the tap in the bathroom.
5. She kept ….him…, no matter how many times he insisted.
6. His ex-girlfriend… his house without any warning.
7. Please,…… the TV. It’s a bit loud.

3. Adjectives or adverbs? Choose the right word that fits in:

1. The teacher explained the point as (simple/simply) as she could.

2. All information will be treated as strictly (confidential/confidentially).
3. If the action in a film is too (slow-moving/slowly-moving) I get bored.
4. The child was playing (dangerous/dangerously) near to the edge of the swimming
5. I can't ski (awful/awfully) well, but I’m trying my best.
6. The (fast/fastly) train to London takes less than an hour.
7. The captain was criticized (strong/strongly) for his part in the team's defeat.

L7: The Current Nature Of Human Relations

The nature of human relations is evolutionary. It changes over time as our society
adjusts to our ever-changing environment. These changes can be positive or negative, and
sometimes necessary changes have both positive and negative consequences on our lives.
It seems that the overall nature of current human relations can best be determined by
examining human interaction in a few key areas. Interaction in the workplace, the school,
and the home, as well as interaction among strangers, can be analyzed to provide an
accurate description. There are many factors that can have an effect on our interaction in
each of these settings.
The workplace is an environment in which there is generally a high degree of
personal interaction. Recent technological advances have made it much easier for people
to communicate with one another. The emergence of the Internet in the 1990's has forever
changed the way that people will interact with one another. E-mail has become a way to
connect with co-workers anywhere in the world. No longer is one confined to only
communicating with people in their department or office. The increasing popularity of
cellular phones had also changed human relations. One can now be reached virtually
anytime, anywhere. Although technology has made human relations easier in the
workplace, it has also decreased the amount of face-to-face interaction. Technology has
also created the virtual workplace, where people can work from the confines of their own
home. This has drastically reduced the amount of personal interaction between workers.
The cultural diversity of the typical workplace has increased greatly over the last decade.
This increase in diversity has come from a couple of sources. First, many companies were
forced to diversify to comply with equal opportunity laws. Second, companies began to
discover that people from different ethnic backgrounds were helpful in working with a
wide spectrum of customers. Regardless of the reasons, this increasing diversity in the
workforce has caused a change in human interaction. People are now being exposed to
others with many different cultural backgrounds, beliefs and customs. This has forced
people to expand their horizons and learn the proper ways to relate to people from other
cultures. Many times language barriers exist, and it can be difficult to establish effective
communication. The threat of violence has been an increased concern for many
companies. Workers today feel as though they are just one part of a machine, and could
easily be replaced. This has degraded the quality of personal interaction in the workplace.
It seems that this trend toward violent behavior is crossing the generation gaps
and invading our schools as well. Advancing technology and growing diversity are
having an impact on the environment of schools across the nation. These aspects of
change are having many positive influences on the quality of education available to our
students. Advances in computers and the internet make limitless amounts of information
accessible to students. Cultural diversity in schools helps children to learn at a young age
that there are many things that can be learned from other people's cultures. These changes
are very important to society as a whole because they indicate that future generations will
be more accepting of differences and better able to accommodate others. These social
skills that children learn at school have a strong impact on how they will relate to others
throughout their lives.
Nearly everyday people face situations in which they interact with strangers.
These interactions are very common, since one naturally meets new people while going
about one's daily routine. The nature of human relations between strangers is complex
and dependent upon certain situations. Most of the time these interactions are polite or at

the least non-committal. Unfortunately, there seems to be a trend in recent times towards
distrust and outright violence in a growing percentage of these daily social interactions.
Communication with strangers involves relatively greater degrees of uncertainty thus
people may feel higher levels of anxiety. This may explain the growing number of people
who are choosing to interact with strangers via Internet chat rooms. In this situation there
is no face-to-face contact, so people do not have to worry about how they are perceived if
they were to make a mistake. Anxiety is reduced, making this interaction between
strangers easier.

A. Complete the following chart taking into account both the information in
this text and your own knowledge.

Key areas in Advantages and Why considered advantages or disadvantages.

human interaction disadvantages.



Interaction with

B. Have in view the beginning statement: ”The nature of human relations(…)

changes over time as our society adjusts to our ever-changing environment.” In
what respects does it change? In what way computers influence human
relations? Give your own opinion.

A. Answer these questions using Present Perfect Continuous and: lately,
recently, this year:

Example: How much do you usually study?

Well, I have been studying a lot recently.
1. How much do they usually train?
2. Do you spend much time on computer studies?
3. How many Peace Corps Volunteers do usually work in the business field?
4. How much money do the people in this company earn?
5. How much do you usually work?

B. ‘What have they been doing since they left school?” Make questions and
answers as in the model.

Example: John- work in a factory

What has John been doing since he left school?
He has been working in a factory since then.

1. George- make oilfield equipment;

2. Clara – sell groceries;
3. Betty -design clothes;
4. Janet- teach Geography;
5. Nick- repair cars;
6. Paul- work on a farm;
7. Andy- drive a lorry;
8. Stephen- manage a factory.

C. Fill in the blanks with since or for. Put the verbs in brackets in the present
perfect continuous.

1. The boys (study) Algebra………dinner time.

2. Annie (read) War and Peace ……..she went on holiday.
3. Michael is so thirsty that he (drink)……three minutes.
4. They (talk) to their master …….a long time.
5. I (phone) the doctor…..the last five minutes.
6. Mr. Brown (work) in this office . ……left school.
7. Basil (stay) with us…….September.
8. Greg (read) the newspaper…….he arrived home.
9. The little children (sleep) ……….nine hours.
10. That man (stand) at that corner……five o’clock.
11. My fiance (wait) in the line……….several minutes.
12. The other lieutenant (give) commands to his subordinates…..20 minutes.

D. Answer these questions giving the REASON for the present state of things.
Example: Why have you got a duster in your hand?
Because I have been cleaning the blackboard.

1. Why have you got a camera in your hand?
2. Why are your hands dirty?
3. Why is Peter out-of-breath?
4. Why are they wearing tennis shoes?
5. Why has mother got flour on her hands?
6. Why are you feeling tired?
7. Why has grandfather got his glasses on?
8. Why are the pavements wet?
9. Why have you treated him so badly?
10. Why has you friend been so angry?

E. Make questions using present perfect continuous. Begin with the words

Example: She (write) a book about selling products efficiently. (How long)
How long has she been writing a book about selling products efficiently?

1. The firm (to grow) rapidly. (How)

2. They (to reorganize) to create and keep customers. (Why)
3. We (to try) to make the company more responsible for its customers . (How)
4. We (to talk) business for two hours. (How long)
5. This construction company (to sell) stocks for two years. (What)

F. Ask questions for the following answers:

1. For a long time.
2. Since she graduated.
3. Since last Sunday.
4. For half an hour.
5. Since we met first.

G. Write two things you have been doing for several months.
Write two things your friend has been doing since a child.
Write two things you and your friends have been doing for several years.


1. Phrasal verbs and expressions with see

• see about something- to prepare /arrange for something to be done

• not see beyond something - to have your attention fixed on something and therefore
be unable to consider other things
• not know what somebody sees in somebody / something - to not understand why
someone likes a particular person or thing
• see somebody off – 1. to lead someone out; 2. to send away an attacker or unwanted
person, usually forcefully

• see something out - to wait/last until the end of a difficult situation
• see somebody out (also, see somebody to the door)- to go to the door of a building
or room with someone who does not live or work there, when they are leaving
• see somebody through something - to help or support someone during a difficult
period in their life
• see something through - to continue doing a job or activity until it is finished,
especially when it is difficult
• see through somebody / something - to be aware that someone is trying to deceive
you to get an advantage
• see to something /somebody - to deal with a person or task that needs to be dealt
with or is waiting to be dealt with

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb or expression with

1. The caretaker ran out and …….the boys who had been damaging the fence.
2. My brother's lent me £200 to … …….the next few weeks.
3. My secretary will ….you……..
4. The besieged town hasn't enough food to ……..the month……..
5. My parents ……me… the airport.
6. It's getting late - I'd better ………lunch.
7. The government cannot ………next year's general election.
8. "These letters need posting." "I'll …….them later."
9. The course would take me three years to complete, but I was determined to
10. He is always so rude and lazy - I don't know what she ……….him.
11. They were very friendly, but I quickly ………….them.

2. Fill the gaps in these sentences with hard, soft, difficult or easy.

1. We’ve been too……….on customers who don’t settle their accounts on time. We
should start to take a ……..line.
2. These aren’t guidelines, they are ………-and-fast rules.
3. A paper bag is often half the price of a ……….back.
4. Take it………….! There is no need to get so worried just because you are
…………up. It’s payday tomorrow.
5. I’m very thirsty , so I’d prefer a…………drink- is there any lemonade?
6. ‘ When would you like to come?’ ‘I don’t mind- I’m ……….’
7. Some sales people favour aggressive……….sell techniques, while others prefer
gentle persuasion and go for the ……….sell.
8. Dollars and Swiss francs (unlike the Zambian kwacha or the Albanian New Lek)
are ………currencies.
9. After a hard day at the office, I like to take it………..


A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the hardware of a computer what

operations to perform on data. Programs can be built into the hardware itself, or they may
exist independently in a form known as software. In some specialized, or dedicated
computers the operating instructions are embedded in their circuitry; common examples
are the microcomputers found in calculators, wristwatches, automobile engines, and
microwave ovens. A general purpose computer, on the other hand, contains some built-in
programs (in ROM) or instructions (in the processor chip), but it depends on external
programs to perform useful tasks. Once a computer has been programmed, it can do only
as much or as little as the software controlling it at any given moment enables it to do.
Software in widespread use includes a wide range of applications programs-instructions
to the computer on how to perform various tasks.
Languages. A computer must be given instructions in a language that it
understands-that is, a particular pattern of binary digital information. Unfortunately, the
computer's own binary-based language, or machine language, is difficult for humans to
use. Machine-language programming is such a tedious, time consuming, task that the
time saved in running the program rarely justifies the days or weeks needed to write the
Assembly Language. One method programmers devised to shorten and simplify
the process is called assembly-language programming. By assigning a short (usually
three-letter) mnemonic code to each machine-language command, assembly-language
programs could be written and debugged-cleaned of logic and data errors-in a fraction of
the time needed by machine-language programmers.
What was needed was a shorthand method by which one symbolic statement
could represent a sequence of many machine-language instructions, and a way that would
allow the same program to run on several types of machines. These needs led to the
development of so-called high-level languages.
High-Level Languages. High-level languages often use English-like words-for
example, LIST, PRINT, OPEN, and so on-as commands that might stand for a sequence
of tens or hundreds of machine-language instructions. The commands are entered from
the keyboard or from a program in memory or in a storage device, and they are
intercepted by a program that translates them into machine-language instructions.
Translator programs are of two kinds: interpreters and compilers. With an interpreter,
programs that loop back to re-execute part of their instructions reinterpret the same
instruction each time it appears, so interpreted programs run much more slowly than
machine-language programs. Compilers, by contrast, translate an entire program into
machine language prior to execution, so such programs run as rapidly as though they
were written directly in machine language.
The first commercial programmer was probably Grace Hopper (1906-92), an
American. To facilitate computer use in scientific applications, IBM then developed a
language that would simplify work involving complicated mathematical formulas. Begun
in 1954 and completed in 1957, FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) was the first
comprehensive high-level programming language that was widely used. COBOL
(COmmon Business Oriented Language), a commercial and business programming
language, concentrated on data organization and file handling and is widely used today in
business. BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was developed for
use by nonprofessional computer users. The language came into almost universal use

with the microcomputer explosion of the 1970s and 1980s. Condemned as slow,
inefficient, and inelegant by its detractors, BASIC is nevertheless simple to learn and
easy to use. Because many early microcomputers were sold with BASIC built into the
hardware (in ROM memory) the language rapidly came into widespread use. Although
hundreds of different computer languages and variants exist, several others deserve
mention. PASCAL, originally designed as a teaching tool, is now one of the most popular
microcomputer languages. LOGO was developed to introduce children to computers. C, a
language Bell Laboratories designed in the 1970s, is widely used in developing systems
programs, such as language translators. LISP and PROLOG are widely used in artificial

A. Match the beginnings in the first column with the endings in the second:

Compilers translate an entire program reinterpret the same instruction each time it
Examples of computer languages would be: assembly-language programming.
High-Level Languages allows the same into machine language prior to execution.
Machine-language programming is such a the operating instructions are embedded in
tedious, time consuming, task their circuitry.
With an interpreter, programs that loop some built-in programs (in ROM) or
back to re-execute part of their instructions instructions (in the processor chip)

One method programmers devised to FORTRAN, BASIC, PASCAL, LOGO,

shorten and simplify the process is called LISP and PROLOG
A program is a sequence of instructions that the time saved in running the program
that tells the hardware of a computer rarely justifies the days or weeks needed to
write the program.
In some specialized, or dedicated to run on several types of machines.
A general purpose computer contains
what operations to perform on data.

B. Comment upon this quotation: “Programming is a fascinating world that asks a

lot and gives a lot.”

A. Use the present perfect tense simple and the appropriate adverbs(never,
before, just, already, yet, etc.)to re-formulate the following.

Example: Dinner is not ready.(cook)

Mother hasn’t cooked the dinner yet.
1. Lunch is ready! Come and eat, everybody!(cook)
2. Do you want another dish? No, thank you.(have)
3. I’m going to play this record now. It’s very new.(buy)
4. Alan is not going to read the article. (read)
5. I’m still digging in the garden.(finish)
6. My brother goes to a technical college. (pass the entrance exam)
7. I don’t know this man.(meet)
8. This part of the country is completely unknown to me.(be)
9. I can tell you a lot of things about Jane Austen. (read)
10. Miriam is late again but nobody is surprised. (be late).

B. Re-express the following sentences using present perfect tense.

Example: I’ll have dinner first. Then I’ll phone Angela.(as soon as)
I’ll phone Angela as soon as I’ve had dinner.
1. Mike will arrive home. Then I’ll tell him the great news.(as soon as)
2. In a few years you’ll gain more experience. Then you’ll make a wonderful
3. Mr McGregor will finish lunch. Then he will talk to you about your future
4. The plane will take off first. Then the passengers will be allowed to smoke. (until)
5. The students will graduate. Then they will get finer jobs.(as soon as)
6. The film will finish at 10.30 p.m.. I’ll be hungry by then. (by the time)
7. The children will buy tickets first. Then they will get into the cinema hall.(after)
8. The Grants will consult a lawyer. After that they will buy the house. (when)
9. You will see him. Then you will know what to do next. (until)
10. Nobody will leave this place. We’ll establish the main points to be discussed
tomorrow. (before)

C. Make sentences ending in tag-questions to express the ideas bellow.

Example: The teacher hasn’t marked our tests, has he?
1. You have paid the telephone bill,…………?
2. They haven’t solved those long, difficult problems,………?
3. Nobody has understood that explanation,……….?
4. They have already repaired the ironing machine,……….?
5. Your friend hasn’t completed the task,…………?
6. They have done nothing at all these days, ………….?
7. The generous woman has already given them presents,…….?
8. You’ve just met him on your way home,………?
9. They’ve established who will be the winner this year,………?
10. He has gone nowhere this week,………?

D. Put the verbs in the brackets in the present perfect tense.
Example: (study)They………almost every lesson in this book up to now/ so far
They have studied almost every lesson in this book up to now/ so far

1. (write) Our friends from Portugal……….to us regularly.

2. (be) She………..busy lately.
3. (teach) Mr Smith ………English ever since the Second World War.
4. (have) He feels hungry although he…….only just…….a meal.
5. (talk) They……….to someone for the past few days.
6. (not make) So far they…….many mistakes in their exercises.
7. (not wear) Chris wore her new dress last week, but she…….it since.
8. (be) ……you….here for long?
9. (seen) They ………..their relatives for the last three months.
10. (not use) I’ve had that dictionary for a month but I still…….it.

E. Put the verb in parenthesis in the correct form. Choose since or for.
Example: I……….(interview) him for/since the last three hours.

1. My neighbours………(talk) about this topic since/for yesterday.

2. The men you……….(just, meet)…………(speak) for/since 9 o’clock.
3. Their grandmother ………..(not, knit) for/since several hours.
4. The student ………….(participate) in the debates for/since two full days.
5. Nobody………(be) here for/since a few years.
6. They ………..(write) an essay on this for/since summer.
7. They know someone who………(not, read) a book for/since June last year.
8. Who……..(try) to put him through for /since two minutes ago.
9. She …….(explained) to everyone what she likes doing since/for half an hour.

F. Make sentences of your own expressing:

1. Something you have just done.
2. Something you haven’t done yet.
3. Something you have often done.
4. Something you have seldom done
5. Something you have always liked.
6. Something you have recently.
7. Something you have participated in today.
8. Something you have visited this week.
9. Something you have studied up to now.
10. The most interesting thing you have ever seen.
11. Something you have never done before.
12. Something you have done and whose result can be seen.
13. Something you will do after you have arrived home.
14. Something you have had for a long time.
15. Something you have learnt since you’ve started faculty.
16. Something you have known for the last three weeks.

1. Fill the gaps with the phrases bellow:
on a diet on average on behalf of on condition that
on foot on purpose on television on the contrary
on the hour on the menu on the way for a change
for a long time for a walk

1. There are some lovely desserts………..but I won’t take anything because I’m
2. He claimed it wasn’t his fault and that he hadn’t done it ………
3. I should like to thank you ………the whole department.
4. She promised to help me ………I returned the favour another time.
5. We haven’t been out together………Would you like to come……..with us on
6. It was long drive so we stopped………… have a meal.
7. How much does a worker earn ………….in your country?
8. Did you see the news………….last night?
9. Trains always leave ……………
10. It takes much longer to get there …………than by bus.
11. No, I don’t dislike Chaplin at all:………….., I admire him greatly.
12. We’ve done a lot of this recently, so let’s do something different …………..

2. Phrasal verbs and expressions with keep

Phrasal verbs
• keep at – continue working at
• keep off- avoid
• keep on- 1. continue doing something; 2. continue saying the same thing
• keep out- 1. stay away; 2. prevent someone or something from entering
• keep to- stay with or follow an agreed plan or course of action
• keep up- manage to go fast

• keep going- struggle to continue
• keep together- stay in group
• keep warm- stay warm
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb or expression with
1. We’ve got to………if we want to be a real team.
2. Put a sweater on. It’s important to…….
3. She promised to be in time so she’d better……
4. They’re doing some building work over there so it would be great if we……..
5. When you run a marathon, it’s important to ……..even when you feel exhausted.
6. The doctor advised him to ……….coffee.
7. She hasn’t answered my phone calls, yet so I’ll………trying.
8. She walks so fast, it’s difficult to……..with her.
9. If they …, they’ll finish painting by midday.

L9: Living With Computers

Ergonomics is the study of the physical relationships between humans and their
tools, such as computers. Office chairs should be adjustable in height and should have
lower-back support and arm rests. Desks that allow proper keyboard height and special
ergonomic keyboards have been developed to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, a type of
repetitive stress injury. To avoid damaging your eyes, avoid starring at the screen for long
periods, position yourself from the monitor between two and five feet from your eyes,
make sure no bright lights reflect off your screen, and use a monitor that has a relatively
large screen without noticeable flicker. The computer industry has become known the fast
pace rate of obsolescence, with both hardware and software being replaced every couple
of years. Some of the leading toxic wastes coming form homes and offices are heavy
metals used extensively in batteries, such as cadmium. Although some experts
recommend leaving computers on all the time, this practice was shown to consume
unnecessary amounts of electricity. One response has been the development of energy
star equipment, which conserves electricity even when left on.
Our legal system is gradually developing a code of laws to provide a legal
framework for working with computers and on the Internet. The most prevalent breach of
law in cyberspace is software piracy, the illegal copying or use of a program. Copyright
laws relevant to computers and software are covered by the Copyright Act of 1976 and
the Software Piracy and counterfeiting Amendment of 1983. Instead of building copy
protection into their programs, most software developers discourage privacy among
organizations by offering site licenses and network versions. Software viruses are
parasitic programs that can replicate themselves, infect computers, and destroy data.
Users can protect their data and software by using an anti-virus program. Hardware is
sometimes stolen for the value of the data stored on it rather that for the value of the
machine itself. Government, legal professionals, and computing professionals continue to
debate computer-related ethical questions and attempt to develop laws that protect the
freedoms of computer users while limiting immoral or illegal use of computers. Few
actual laws, however, have been created or enforced to requiring computer users to let
their own sense of ethics guide them. Practices such as excessive e-mailing, sharing
objectionable or illegal material, and theft of intellectual property all create ethical
questions for everyday computer users.
It is my opinion that if we are to live comfortably with computers, we must first
use common sense to realize that everything we do has a cause and effect. We must take
on the responsibility as humans to utilize technology to change the World for the better,
because if we don’t, the misuse of technology will eventually be the downfall of

A. Make sentences of your own using the following:
to replicate oneself; software piracy; ethical questions; to live comfortably with;
pace rate of; a code of laws; counterfeiting; downfall; extensively.

B. Match the beginnings in the first column with the endings in the second one:

To avoid damaging your eyes conserves electricity even when left on.
Office chairs is a type of repetitive stress injury.
Software viruses are parasitic programs covered by the Copyright Act of 1976 and the
that Software Piracy and counterfeiting
Amendment of 1983.
Some of the leading toxic wastes coming should be adjustable in height and should have
form homes and offices are lower-back support and arm rests.
Carpal tunnel syndrome heavy metals used extensively in batteries,
such as cadmium
Copyright laws relevant to computers and avoid starring at the screen for long
software are periods, position yourself from the monitor
between two and five feet from your eyes,
make sure no bright lights reflect off your
screen, and use a monitor that has a relatively
large screen without noticeable flicker.

Energy star equipment have been created or enforced to requiring

computer users to let their own sense of ethics
guide them.
Few actual laws, however, can replicate themselves, infect computers,
and destroy data

C. What’s your opinion on the author’s statement? Develop your point of you
in a 200 hundred word essay.

“It is my opinion that if we are to live comfortably with computers, we must first
use common sense to realize that everything we do has a cause and effect. We must take
on the responsibility as humans to utilize technology to change the World for the better,
because if we don’t, the misuse of technology will eventually be the downfall of

A. Use present perfect continuous or simple.

1. She (work) hard, so she is glad to spend some time with her friends now.
2. I (talk) to a group of salesmen since 10 this morning.
3. The manager (just, sign) the papers. They are on the table now.
4. My father’s friend (have) the company since he moved to this town.
5. I (already, catch) the bus, but I(buy) a ticket , yet.
6. ………you……(speak) on the mobile phone since 2 p.m.? It’s time you finished!
7. She ……(criticize) me for the last 20 minutes and she seems to have even more to

B. The prices in this city increase amazingly. Find questions for the following
answers. Use present perfect simple or continuous.

1.For two years. 4. Recently

2. Since he left the town. 5. Not yet.
3. This summer. 6. Since last October.

C. Answer the following questions; use present perfect simple or continuous.

Example: Why is his house empty? (move to a new place)

Because he has just moved to a new place.
Why is he angry? (wait for half an hour)
Why are you so tired? (train for 3 hours)
Why is he so thirsty? (not drink anything the whole day)
How can your father be so vigorous at his age? (watch his diet all his life)
How is that you are not hungry. (eat from the snack-food machine)
Are you sure you don’t want some coffee? (drink some coffee-just)

D. Put the verbs in brackets in the past tense, present perfect simple or

Example: Chris went into the kitchen at 8 a.m.. She has been trying to make pancakes for
the last half hour. She has dropped one egg on the floor and she’s thrown one pancake
on the ceiling, but she hasn’t made a good one yet.
1. I(phone) you for the last three hours. Where(you, be)?
2. Since Mike last (visit) me, he (be) to many places.
3. We (watch ) the TV program several times this week.
4. (you, meet) Doris at 5 p.m. on Monday? Yes, I (do), but I (not, meet) her since.
5. We (not receive) any letter from him yet, but we (already, get) a phone call.
6. What (you, do) with my handbag? It(be) here a moment ago.
7. Please, excuse the disorder in the house. I(move) the furniture.
8. I (know) Peter for years; as a matter of fact I (know) him since I (be) a child.
(you, ever, see) any bears?
9. Mr Brown (tell) him to go the supermarket since breakfast, but he (not, go) yet.
10. Jim (often, try) to jump over the fence. When we(move) in three years ago,
everything (be) in a mess, but now I (almost, finish) the job.
11. Today I (work) since breakfast and I (not, have) lunch yet.
12. I (never, forget) what (happen) several years ago when she (try) to help me.
13. I (not, have) many accidents since then but Ann (often, warn) me to be careful.
14. She (warn) me again this morning at breakfast time but I (work( for four hours
and nothing (go) wrong.

E. Translate the following into English:

1. N-am mâncat niciodată icre negre.

2. George nu a mai cântat la pian de când era copil.
3. Meg citeşte în camera ei de când s-a întors acasă. Luna asta a citit şase romane.
4. Poate nu-ţi vine să crezi, dar să ştii că mi-am şi scris şi expediat toate felicitările de
Crăciun . Ultimele le-am expediat ieri.
5. Fratele ei şi-a rupt piciorul. Asta s-a întâmplat acum două săptămâni într-un
accident de maşină.
6. Nimeni nu a găsit ochelarii Anei. I-a pierdut în timpul orei de educaţie fizică.
7. Astăzi toţi vecinii şi-au parcat maşinile în noul parcaj din faţa blocului.
8. Prietenul ei e scriitor. Până acum a scris câteva romane, iar anul trecut a scris şi o
piesă de teatru.
9. Familia Bush a cumpărat un apartament în acest cartier şi de atunci locuiesc aici.
10. - Spune-mi, ai vizitat astăzi Galeriile Naţionale, nu-I aşa?
- Nu, n-am avut timp. În schimb am colindat prin toate magazinele.
11. Avionul nu a aterizat încă, dar îl aşteptăm din moment în moment.
12. S-ar putea să mă înşel, dar mi se pare că e cel mai talentat violonist pe care l-am
auzit vreodată.
13. N-am mai pomenit una ca asta! Sunt în oraş de o lună şi nu ne-au telefonat încă.
14. Nu ştiu la ce personaj te referi, pentru că n-am citit filmul şi nici na-m citit cartea.
15. Pregăteşte de obicei nişte prăjituri delicioase, dar de data asta s-a întrecut pe sine.
16. De când s-a mutat în blocul nostru nu ne-a mai sunat la telefon şi nici nu ne-a mai
17. În ultima vreme am fost atât de prins cu alte treburi, încât am uitat complet de ce
m-ai rugat.
18. De vreo doi ani îl tot rog să încerce să lucreze mai ordonat şi să aibă mai multă
voinţă, dar în zadar.
19. Verişorul meu a crescut foarte mult de când nu l-am văzut.
20. Ai încercat vreodată să faci practici vreun sport extrem?
21. De când n-a mai întrebat de mine? Cred că ar fi bine să-l mai caut eu, să-i
amintesc că avem un proiect de făcut împreună.
22. Ai înţeles vreodată geometria diferenţială? Dacă da, te rog să-mi explici şi mie
câteva noţiuni elementare.
23. De unde îl cunoşti? Până acum am crezut că îţi e total străin.
24. De când a stat de vorbă jumătate de oră cu acel personaj pitoresc nu mai e
acelaşi om!
25. N-a mai pomenit aşa comportament în viaţa ei aşa că este hotărâtă să-l determine
să- şi revizuiască atitudinea.

1. Rewrite each sentence, replacing the underlined words with a suitable form of
the word in bold on the right and adding FOR or ON.

1. She’ s well-known because she broke the world record. famous

She’s famous for breaking the world record.
2. We admire her because of her intelligence. account

3. Are you trying to find your hat? search have

4. I am sorry that I was rude to you. apologise

5. I don’t want you to sympathise with me. feel sorry

6. The price they charge varies according to the quantity you order. depend

7. He stopped to look in a shop window and then continued walking. walk

2. Phrasal verbs and expressions with do

Phrasal verbs
• do away with- abolish
• (could ) do with- (usually after could) need, want
• do up- 1. fasten; 2. repair or redecorate
• do without- manage to live without
• have/be to do with- have a connection with
• do domestic jobs, e.g. the washing, cleaning, cooking, the garden
• do school subjects, e.g. Maths, French
• do someone a favour
• do someone good
• do someone harm
• do well
• do your best
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb or expression with
1. Our car is going to be repaired this week so we’ll have to ……it for a day or two.
2. I’m freezing. I could ……a nice hot shower.
3. Meg’s business started slowly, but it’s ……
4. I know it’s hard to do the washing-up without a proper detergent, but please try
5. The new principal plans to…… uniform.
6. In his last year of study he ……..only one course of Chemistry.
7. Please, ……..and go fetch another beer.
8. You should eat a bit of meat occasionally. It won’t…… any…….In fact it’ll
9. Could you ……the zip …..on the back of this dress?
10.I think he …….nothing……this delicate problem.

L10: The New Visual Age:
The Influence of Computer Graphics on Art and Society

Only a few years ago it would have seemed ridiculous to discuss the influence of
computer graphics on art and society. Although computer-generated graphics had already
been applied in important areas of science and technology, its influence was not yet felt
in the arts or in society at large.
It was the most recent developments in microelectronics which mainly led to a
turning point in the history of computer art. Particularly the opportunities opened by
microprocessors, their decreased execution time and increased storage capacity allowing
ever greater access at lower prices to larger groups of interested amateurs have opened
new perspectives to the most diverse ranges of activity.
'Free' computer graphics can serve as a source of new programming methods and
of ideas for creating new shapes. It is through playful experiments, but also through
confrontation with classical art, that experience is gained which can be useful in several
(1) Theory of Art. From the viewpoint of the theoretician or the behavioural scientist who
is concerned with aesthetics, computer-generated drawings represent examples of
simulated pieces of art. The possibility of rapid creation and of variation in structures, as
in text analysis, is also essential.
(2) Education. Computer graphics is nearly indispensable when one is confronted with
dynamic processes which cannot be illustrated by individual pictures, but only by
animated sequences. The visualization of instructional material is one of the great tasks of
our future.
(3) Entertainment.. Forms of aesthetic activity can be imagined which allow the viewer to
enter into a sort of dialogue with the computer or the aesthetic program; by interaction
some sort of a play with graphic structures may emerge.
(4)Shaping of the Environment. Until recently, the shaping of our environment was left to
the more or less spontaneous ideas of individuals. But today we are convinced that an
optimal coordination of our living space with its inhabitants has become a necessity.
Apart from the task of a technical transformation and often adaptation to existing
psychological and sociological conditions, we are confronted with the problem of
aesthetic structuring.
The sudden interest in visual computer art has had repercussions on its artistic
forms, which, while still being ignored by art critics, have drawn the attention of
designers, educators, and the entertainment industry. An additional stimulus was created
by the advancement of microelectronics which added a new dimension of artistic activity:
the old dream of being able to play freely with colours and shapes has come true. The
new interactive method facilitated through the above-mentioned improvements even
allows a sort of graphic improvisation: the artist conceives the general framework for
multitude of graphic creations which the user, now promoted to the successor of the
hitherto passive onlooker, is able to activate according to his own taste.
At the beginning of computer graphics activities, mechanical plotting represented
the only possible choice, the production of a picture took ten to twenty minutes; at times
even half an hour or more. The result was an image which could be hung on the wall:
which means that at least from an external viewpoint, the traditional artistic criteria were
still respected. The newly obtained dynamics, however, explode the classical frame and
lead to an expansion which makes the integration into classical art forms impossible. The

universality of means and the peculiarities of data processing systems make the
traditional categories questionable for yet another reason: acoustic instruments can be
used for the output of data just as well as the screens. That means no less and no more
than that the program can be used to create and to structure musical and linguistic
elements artistically. It is clear that the old ways can no longer satisfy the needs of these
expanding forms of expression.

A. Which is the wrong variant out of the four?

1.Computer graphics

a. influence was not yet felt in the arts or in society at large;

b. could lead to a turning point in the history of computer art by using the most recent
developments in microelectronics;
c. have influenced art and society since decades;
d. ,by means of microprocessors, have opened new perspectives to the most diverse
ranges of activity.

2. 'Free' computer graphics can serve in several ways:

a. They represent examples of simulated pieces of art and offer the possibility of rapid
creation and of variation in structures.
b. They help with the visualization of instructional material
c. The aesthetic programs they may offer are meant only for serious stuff and not for
d. They help a lot in aesthetically structuring of our living space.

3. the advancement of microelectronics

a. made possible the old dream of being able to play freely with colours and shapes;
b. made possible a new dynamics that exploded the classical frame and led to a new
way of expression;
c. makes the integration into classical art forms possible;
d. allows a sort of graphic improvisation

B. In what respect and to what degree do you think computer graphics influence
society? Give arguments to support your ideas.

A. Use past perfect continuous with the verbs in brackets:

Abraham Lincoln (do ) manual labour on the family farm before he was sent to local
school. He (study) law for a short time when in 1834, Lincoln ran for political office
again. He (work) hard for years before he overcame defeat in politics. When he became
president, America’s national unity was threaten because the southern states and the rest
of the country unsuccessfully (try) to settle the question of slavery.

B. Fill in the blanks with the past perfect tense continuous.

Example: Mr. Barton was still planting trees at 6 p.m.

Mr. Barton had been planting trees all day.
1. Ann was wearing her green winter coat yesterday. In fact she……… all winter.
2. The actor was rehearsing at 8.30 p.m. He ………all day evening.
3. The wind was blowing in the morning. It………..all afternoon.
4. The students were working on a difficult project in May. They………….on it all
5. Diana was ironing her dresses yesterday afternoon. She ……….all day.
6. The girls were still skating at noon. They ………..all morning.
7. The policemen were still investigating the case in December. They………the case
all winter.
8. The guardian was still standing in front of her door at 12 p.m. He ……… front
of her door all morning.
9. The surgeon was still operating her on at 6 p.m. He …………all afternoon.
10. The children were still preparing for the show at 1 p.m. They…………all

C. Ask and answers according to the model:

mend the car

How long had you been mending the car when grandfather came home?
I‘d been mending the car for one hour and a half /since 2 o’clock when grandfather came
1. listen to music 5. play the new instrument
2. translate the passage 6. ski on the slope
3. solve puzzles 7. speak on the phone
4. dig in the courtyard 8. read that novel

D. Answer the questions using past perfect continuous and SINCE/FOR.

Example: How long had you been standing in a queue when you bought your ticket to
I’d been standing in a queue since 3 p.m./ for about ten minutes.

1. How long had your parents been saving up when they bought a car?
2. How long had you been waiting for your girl friend when she showed up?
3. How long had your neighbours been living next to you before they moved?
4. How long had you been walking when it started to rain?
5. How long had your neighbours been making noise when you complained?
6. How long had your mother been cooking when you offered to help her?
7. How long had you been playing this game when you join a club?
8. How long had your friends been filling-in that form when you decided to help 9.
9. How long had you been trying to persuade him when he left the room in a hurry?
10. How long had Mary and her friends been standing in line when someone offered
them two tickets.

E. Follow the model and answer the questions:

Example: Why was Nick angry? (he/wait/20 minutes)
Because he had been waiting for 20 minutes.

1. Why was Jane so tired? (she/work/4 hours)

2. Why did your friend look so amused?(he/watch a comedy/1/2 hours)
3. Why were you so busy? (I /make travel arrangements/ 3 days)
4. Why were they so furious? (the policeman/ ask questions/ an hour)
5. Why were they so frozen? (they /stay in a cold room/ 5 hours).
6. Why was she so enthusiastic? (she/ speak on her favourite topic/2 hours)
7. Why was she broken? (she / spend a lot of money/December last year)
8. Why were they so hungry? ( they/ have a proper meal/ several days)
9. Why were they so happy? ( they/ do something they enjoy/ 2 hours ago)
10. Why was he so relaxed? ( he/listen to a wonderful Chopin piano concert/ an hour).

1. Each of these sentences contains a colourful expression. What do they mean?
Don’t use a dictionary. The context will help you to guess.
1. Everyone in the class passed the exam with flying colours.
2. She didn’t go to work because she was feeling a little off colour.
3. The detailed descriptions in the story gave local colour to the book.
4. Far more men are colour-blind than women.
5. All the documents in this office are colour-coded.
6. What do you tjhink of the colour scheme in this room?
7. Don’t allow your personal interest to colour your judgement.
8. It was only when he had won the match and started jeering at his opponent that
he saw him in his true colours.
2. Phrasal verbs with run
• run away- escape
• run into- meet someone by chance
• run on- continue happening for longer than planned or expected
• run out of- use all one’s supplies
• run over- knock down and drive over the top
• run through- repeat for practice

• run up- cause to have bills or debts
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with run.
1. We let the monkey out of its cage for a while and it…….We’ve never seen it again.
2. Guess who I…….in the middle of the town? Mel Gibson himself!
3. I dropped my glasses in the street and a car ……
4. Let’s get going! I don’t want this meeting to……….all night!
5. I didn’t understand the passage so I should……… once again.
6. She sold her fur coat as she ………
7. Greg …………an enormous bill at the bookshop this year.

3. Rewrite each sentence, replacing the underlined words with a suitable form of
the word in bold on the right and adding FOR or ON.

1. She knows all about cars. an expert

2. I told the visitors you’d be late but she was determined to wait. insist

3. To hear the next track you should make the tape go forward. wind

4. It was a tall story but he was so gullible that he believed it. fall

5. I used to hate that song but then it became more pleasant to me. grow

6. You can’t trust him, but you can trust me. rely / count

7. Would you like to give me your opinion of my work? comment

4. Choose the correct affix:

1. (dis/ir/non/un)relevant: not related to what is being discussed or considered and
therefore of no importance
2. (de/in/non/un)flammable: burning very easily
3. (counter/dis/im/un)possible: (of a person) extremely difficult to deal with or
behaving badly
4. (dis/in/non/un)content: a feeling of wanting better treatment or an improved
5. (anti/ill/in/mis)considerate: not caring about other people or their feelings; selfish
6. (dis/mal/mis/un)cast: to choose (actors and actresses) that are unsuitable for the
characters in (a film or play)
7. (a/de/in/non)correct: not correct; not true; not as it should be
8. (anti/ill/mal/un)comfortable: not comfortable or not relaxed or calm
9. (anti/de/non/un) -alcoholic: a drink which does not contain alcohol
10. (de/dis/non/un)frost: to (cause to) become free of ice, or to (cause to) become no
longer frozen

L11: The Information Superhighway

The Internet, once concealed inside government agencies and universities, has
become the largest single form of communication worldwide. With a number of online
individuals exceeding thirty millions and the number of networks that act as gateways for
users exceeding fifty thousands, the Internet's boundaries can only be imagined. Often
described by the media as “the information superhighway”, the internet offers to
customary users a wide variety of services, but also some drawbacks.
Any form of communication via the internet is cheaper and rather faster than any
service from other facilities. The electronic mail (email), for instance, allows any user on
the internet to send nearly instantaneous electronic message to anyone else.
The “internet phone”, which is slowly but surely replacing the regular phone,
enables anyone to make free long distance calls, through the computer.
With the appearance of “streaming” technologies, broadcasting companies and
radio stations are transmitting regularly over the internet, which makes them accessible
anywhere on the globe. The only costs involved in using these internet services, and
many others not mentioned, are the costs of the user's computer, the modem , and the
telephone lines used to dial in, all of which can be relatively cheap.
One of the recent innovations the internet made available is online commerce,
which includes online shopping, online banking, online trading and many more. This
opens up a new international world of trading. Consumers, overcoming any kind of
disability, can effectively dive into an immense range and selection of merchandise,
effortlessly compare prices and quickly shop from remote locations.
Perhaps, waiting to carry out regular transactions in financial centres is very
frustrating. This is not true anymore with the expansion of the internet to include online
banking. People can, anytime and anywhere from the globe, access their bank accounts,
pay their bills, transfer their money and even trade their stocks. The internet is, beyond
doubt, the most efficient and economic tool of the next generation.
But, the dark side of the internet reveals some serious drawbacks. First, it was not
designed with tight security in mind. This was demonstrated, at least once a month, by
so-called “crackers”: growing minorities of people with nothing better to do than spoil
everyone else’s enjoyment. Crackers dedicate their work to purposely infect programs
and distant computers that access the internet. In July 1997, successfully capturing and
distributing credit card numbers of NBA and ESPN users, crackers achieved the first
widely known attack on internet credit card data. On the same year, another cracker
known as “Snak” was taken into custody by FBI agents after he had stolen over one
hundred thousands credit card numbers from an internet service provider (ISP) located in
northern California. Nevertheless, the “internet tasking force” (ITF), a group of
knowledgeable engineers whose sole task is to reinforce the integrity of the internet, is
taking significant measures to prevent such unlawful actions.
Secondly, the internet’s structures do not only transport data, but it also transports
compact and yet very harmful intruders: computer viruses. These artificial clever beasts
that destroy data, have existed since the very first birth of personnel computers. With the
growth of the internet, virus authors have been faced up to nothing but a widespread gate
to the information superhighway, efficiently supplied with new viruses. “Veronica”, last
century’s award winning virus, transformed to inoperative rather hundred thousands of
computers and thousands of networks around the globe for quite few days; financial
institutes deciphered the heartbreaking event to more than a few million dollars of

vanished money. This is wonderlessly why internet communities are very much
concerned about security.
Occasionally, information takes lengthy periods to load on the computer’s screen;
just enough to frustrate impatient users. This is often due to delays that occur at
endpoints, and on the internet's paths, which can be thought of several four lane roadways
with neither traffic officers nor civilized drivers. The rate at which data is transmitted and
the number of systems, are being improved, but not at the same level as the number of
new users. This is one of the main reasons behind the delays.
The “information superhighway”, as any other invention, has its strengths residing
in its popular aspects – the World Wide Web, email, online commerce, and many others.
The internet has also its weaknesses, some of which can be very damaging. I believe,
however, that these drawbacks will be overcome in time as technology advances and
methods of securely transmitting, receiving, and retrieving information improve.

A. Make your own sentences with the following words:

exceeding; gateways; drawback; cracker; effortlessly; wonderlessly; endpoint.

B. Fill in the following chart, according to the example:

Any form of communication via the internet is cheaper

advantages and rather faster than any service from other facilities.


C. Comment upon this statement, adding your own arguments to the ones
previously stated in the text above.
The “information superhighway”, as any other invention, has its strengths (…) and also
its weaknesses.

A. Comment upon these situations using past perfect simple.

Example: When Doris got to the baker’s, the door was locked and the lights were off.
(get to the baker’s-close the shop)
When Doris got to the baker’s they HAD CLOSED the shop.
1. Mary had a meeting and arrived home late. Her mother was washing up after
dinner. (arrive home- have dinner)
2. Tom was supposed to go on a trip with his friends yesterday. When he got to the
meeting place, neither the coach nor his friends were there. (get to the meeting
3. Greg had two tickets for the film. He invited Dan to come to come with him, but he
said no. (invite Dan-see the film)
4. Chris went to the shop. It was raining outside. She came out half an hour later. The
sun was shining. (come out- stop raining)
5. Mike got out of the train to buy a newspaper. When he came back the train wasn’t
there. (come back- leave)

B. Add tag questions to the statements bellow and answer them.

Example: You had seen Mary,……?

You had seen Mary, hadn’t you?
1. The film had already started,………?
2. The students hadn’t finished the tests,……….?
3. The principal had just come,…………?
4. I had met nobody before,………..?
5. I hadn’t promised anything,……..?
6. The sun had already set,………..?
7. Nobody had tried it before,……..?

C. Imagine your father was away on a business trip last week. Yesterday you
went to the airport to meet him.

1. What had you done before you went to the airport?

2. How long had you been in the airport by the time the plane landed?
3. How had you felt until the plane landed?
4. What had you done before your father was in the customs?

D. Say what you had just done when……..

1. the alarm clock rang in the morning
2. the skyscraper fell down.
3. your aunt told you the great news
4. you found out you had won the jackpot
5. your parents arrived home.

E. Connect the following sentences by using the appropriate connectors. Choose
BEFORE. Be careful about the past tense you use!

Example: They got on the train and immediately it left.

They’d hardly got on the train when it left.
(emphatic) Hardly had they got on the train when it left.
1. The sun rose and immediately we started.
2. We stopped at noon and immediately we had lunch.
3. At 12.30 the sky got dark. It was cloudy for an hour and then the sun came out
4. We started immediately and didn’t stop at all.
5. The sun set and then we stopped
6. We unpacked our things and then we put out our tents.
7. We had supper and then we washed the dishes.
8. We went to bed and immediately we fell asleep.

F. Use the past perfect simple and FOR and SINCE.

Model: see any films

Doris hadn’t seen any films since she came home/ for two weeks.
1. play tennis 4. watch TV
2. visit anybody 5. ride her bike
3. go swimming 6. write any letters

G. Join each pair of sentences bellow using BEFORE and the past perfect simple.
Example: The guest left. They hadn’t finished their dinner.
The guest left before they’d finished their dinner.
1. The student handed in the essay. He hadn’t corrected his mistakes.
2. They hadn’t heard the end of the joke. The audience laughed.
3. He hadn’t finished his paper. Greg’s pen ran out of ink.
4. Sissy went out. She hadn’t recovered from her illness.
5. The hostess served coffee. We hadn’t finished our main course.

H. Answer the following questions using the past perfect simple.

Example: Why did the clock stopped? (Tim –wind)
Because Tim hadn’t wound it.

1. Why couldn’t she tell anything about the book? (she-read )

2. Why didn’t Jane take the coach? (she-catch the train)
3. Why didn’t Mrs. Adams have a room in the hotel? (she-reserve)
4. Why didn’t she have dinner? (mother- cook, yet)
5. Why did they have to stand. (they- book seats)
6. Why couldn’t Carmen wear the new dress? (she- iron)
7. Why was the little boy unhappy?( he win the prize)

1. Replace each word or phrase in italics with one of the idioms bellow.
in the red red-handed see red red carpet red tape once in a blue moon
out of the blue blue-collar green green green with envy
give the green light
1. Most manual workers receive wages and are paid weekly.
2. He phoned me completely unexpectedly to tell me he was back in town.
3. She’s very famous so we must give her VIP treatment.
4. How environmentally friendly are you?
5. They were very jealous when they saw my new Porsche.
6. He became very angry when I told him he had made a mistake.
7. Dealings with government offices usually involve bureaucratic delays.
8. I’m ready to start when you tell me to go ahead.
9. Our new clerk makes a lot of mistakes because he is still inexperienced.
10. A lucky coincidence like this happens very rarely.
11. I can’t afford to buy anything because I’m still in debt after my holiday.
12. The police caught him in the act of committing the crime.

2. Phrasal verbs with work

• against somebody- to make it more difficult for someone to achieve something
• for somebody- to make it easier for someone to achieve something
• at something- to try hard to achieve something
• something off- to get rid of a feeling by doing something energetic:
• on something- to spend time repairing or improving something
• out- to be the result of a calculation
• something out- to understand something or to find the answer to something by
thinking about it
• up something- to develop an emotional or physical state that you feel strongly, after
a period of effort or time
expressions with work
• one’s fingers to the bone- to work extremely hard, especially for a long time
work like a Trojan- to work very hard
• till/until you drop- to work until you are so tired that you cannot work any more
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb or expression with
1. She …….to provide a home and food for seven children.
2. Inexperience can ……..a candidate looking for a job.
3. Most couples would agree that for a marriage to succeed, both parties have to
4. Being patient could ………. you in getting a job.
5. His dancing technique is good, but he needs to …….his fitness.
6. These figures …….differently each time I add them.
7. She ……stress by running for at least half an hour every day.
8. It's strange, but I can't ……..any enthusiasm for going on this trip.
9. There will be a full investigation to ……..what caused the accident.
10. He’s dedicated to work. He ……….

L12: E-Commerce

The Internet has caught on like wild fire. No one ever intended for it to be so
commercially successful. In the beginning, its main purpose was to send and receive
messages; no one anticipated that one-day people could buy books and cars over a
computer. Though with the advancement of certain technologies, this has happened. E-
commerce is a worldwide commodity that has taken the place of trips to the supermarket
and has given us the freedom to conduct business at our house in our pyjamas. To fully
understand what e-commerce is, you must first understand where it came from.
It all started with the DOD (Department of Defense) in 1996. After the Cold War the
Government wanted a reliable line of communication. If a network link became damaged
by enemy attack, the information on it could be rerouted automatically to other links.
This was the birth of the Internet. In order to use anything on the Internet, it is required
that you learn to operate a separate program, one for the mail, one for news groups, and
several different programs for accessing databases.
This all changed in 1989. A researcher at CERN (a big European physics laboratory)
named Tim Berners-Lee started to work on hypertext. By using hypertext he could link
together all the different kinds of information available on the Internet. Berners-Lee
called the software pack the World Wide Web. For the World Wide Web to work, each
page has it’s own address that the web recognizes using a system called HTTP (Hypertext
Transport Protocol). Each page has to be written with a special language called HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language). This language tells the computer how to display a page.
Now with the invention of the web, Businesses can use pictures to help sell their
merchandise online, and now that the Internet is everywhere- in schools, libraries, and
even cafes – anyone can order just about anything from anywhere. It is now easier than
ever to have and start your own web page; anyone from a big corporation or even the
average joe can build his or her own web page.
Just like Jeff Bezos, Time Magazine’s Person of the Year of 1999. With a loan
from the bank, Jeff founded in his garage and helped start e-commerce, as
we now know it. Many companies are trying to more like and trying to be
as profitable as Bezon and An example of this is, an online web
auction site, that lets everyone clean out his or her attic and make a profit. Like Sharon
Balkwitsch who has sold antiques on eBay. For instance, an Art Deco ashtray that she
bought for $20, sold for $290, and a vase she bought for $5 sold for $585, both on eBay.
She could make nowhere near that much by selling these items in her hometown. Now
thanks to the web everyone all aver the world can have a chance to bid on these items and
help make Sharone richer.
E-commerce is still in its developmental stage at this point. There is room for
improvement for the creators as well as for the manufacturers of these goods being sold
on the web. With as much support as e-commerce has gotten, it is easy to see that it will
be a lasting innovation in the world of computers.

A. Find the incorrect variant out of the four.

1. The Internet
a. is commercially successful nowadays;
b. enables people buy books and cars;
c. has caught wild fire;
d. had once as its main purpose sending and receiving messages.

2. E-commerce
a. is a worldwide commodity;
b. has taken the place of trips to the supermarket;
c. was first used in 1996;
d. has given people the freedom to conduct business at one’s house in our

3. The web sites

a. are based on hypertext
b. were founded by a researcher at HTML
c. are of common use nowadays
d. have each of their page written with a special language called HTML

4. Jeff Bezos
a. loaned some money from a bank from a bank;
b. was considered Time Magazine’s Person of the Year of 1999.;
c. founded in his garage;
d. started e-commerce, as we now know it.

5. Sharon Balkwitsch
a. has sold antiques on eBay.
b. bought an Art Deco ashtray for $20,
c. made all that money by selling those products in her hometown.
d. is helped willingly by people to get richer.

B. Starting from the following statement tell your own opinion on E-

“ Anyone from a big corporation or even the average joe can build his or her own
web page.”


A. Comment upon these situations using the past tense simple and the past
perfect continuous.

Example: Mike started studying the problem at 6 p.m. It was nine o’clock when he finally
found the solutions.
Mike studied the problem for three hours. Mike had been studying the problem
for three hours when he finally found the solution. He had been studying since 6 p.m.

1. The operation began at 10 a.m. It finally ended at 6 p.m. because it had been very
2. The McGregors’ went to a restaurant last night. They ordered the dishes at 8 p.m.
and the waiter brought them at quarter to 9.
3. Mary turned on the TV set at 8 p.m. At 10.30 she went to bed.
4. Roger Harrison got his first job in the publishing house when he was 20. He retired
when he was 65.
5. Laura began studying for her degree in 1998. She finally got her B.A. in 2002.
6. The first patients came into the waiting room at 7 a.m. The doctor came at 8 a.m.
7. Miss Brown started taking driving lessons in February 1999. She finally passed her
driving test in August 1999.

B. Use past tense simple or past perfect.

1. My friend (find) a luggage trolley when I offered to help her.

2. She (feel) nervous before the plane 9 took off.
3. George (wait) in the lounge before his flight (be announced)
4. They (leave) the hotel when you (call) a taxi.
5. When we reached the house, we(remember) we (forget) our luggage in the cab.
6. She (wonder) if the taxi-driver (understand) the address she (tell) him.

C. Re-estate the following sentences, using past tense and past perfect:

Example: I made many mistakes so I got a bad mark.

I got a bad mark because I had made many mistakes.
1. She didn’t hear the phone so she didn’t answer it.
2. They spent a lot of time together so they came to know each other well.
3. Many immigrants from many nations came to the U.S. so the country was called a
melting pot.
4. My friend never saw a baseball so he didn’t understand it.
5. They redecorated the house so it looked lovely.
6. He lost control of his car so he had a terrible accident.
7. He didn’t understand my name so I repeated it again.
8. They didn’t come in time so I left.
9. She complained a lot about my relatives so I felt embarrassed.
10. We gave her a lot of attention so she felt nice in our company.

D. Use past perfect continuous or past continuous.

Example: It had been raining for about half an hour when I looked out of the window.
It was raining when I looked out of the window.
1. He (sleep) for several hours when I came into the room.
2. She (read) when I entered the room.
3. We didn’t realize that they ( watch) us for a few minutes.
4. The woman didn’t know that the man (look) at her.
5. The thieves were not aware that the police (follow) them for 10 minutes.
6. When she warned me about the danger I (drive) at a high speed for about 20
7. When I noticed the speed limit I (drive) at a high speed.
8. She (read) a very captivating book when I got into the room.
9. Before I was in Mall she (visit) the Art Museum.
10. As we (make) pizza for an hour they lost their patience and (leave).

E. Write:

1. Two things you had done before you left home in the morning.
2. Two things you had been doing for one hour by 10 yesterday morning.
3. Two things your friend had done before he went to bed.
4. Two things your friend had been doing for half an hour before he called
5. Two things your colleagues had done before they left the lab.
6. Two things your colleagues had been doing for a couple of minutes before
the professor entered the lab.

Translate the following into English:

1. Nu mai vizitasem oraşul meu natal de multă vreme şi eram hotărât să-mi petrec
vacanţa acolo.
2. Nici n-am apucat să mă mişc că s-a şi trezit.
3. Toţi colegii mai şi-au cumpărat romanul lui Balzac după ce au văzut serialul la
4. Mi-a spus că invitase pe un cunoscut scriitor să ţină o conferinţă despre literatura
5. Nici n-am apucat bine să închid uşa că a şi sunat cineva.
6. Era în magazin de jumătate de oră când şi-a dat seama că şi-a uitat poşeta acasă.
7. Ne-a întâmpinat secretara care încerca să prindă Bucureştiul la telefon de la ora 6.
8. Când în cele din urmă a ajuns la gară, trenul plecase.
9. Pentru că oaspetele nu sosise încă, ne-am hotărât să-l aşteptăm în hol.
10. Conferinţa urma să aibă loc la ora 7 p.m. , iar oamenii aşteptau în sală cam de
jumătate de oră când a sosit invitatul.

1. Fill the gaps in these sentences with one of the idioms bellow.
black comedy white elephant white lie white wedding black comedy
black eye black look black market blackout in black and white
1. He showed his disapproval by giving me a …………
2. Send me a letter about this – I need to have all the details……….
3. During the war, some things could only be bought on the ………
4. It’s hilarious ……….about an unsuccessful murderer.
5. He must have been in a fight- he’s got a …….
6. They’re not getting married in a registry office: they’re having a ………
7. I told a………..because I didn’t want her to get into trouble.
8. Most ……….workers receive a salary and are paid monthly.
9. She had a …………and didn’t regain consciousness for several minutes.
10. No one will visit the museum- it’ll be a…………

2. Phrasal verbs with make

• make up- 1. invent ; 2. become friends again after a quarrel
• make up for- repay, compensate for
Expressions with make
• make an effort- try
• make a fuss- complain; show unnecessary excitement
• make a mistake- do something wrong
• make a noise- make a meaningless, usually unwanted, sound
• make it – arrive in time
• make money- do well financially
• make up one’s mind- decide
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb or expression with
1. We need silence, so don’t……
2. I don’t like people who always ………about things.
3. He behaved awfully to me last night and now, he’s trying to…….it.
4. It’s an important course so could you ………to be here on time?
5. She can never…………about what to wear.
6. His dream is to be successful and to ……..
7. It’s important not to………when you want to win the prize.

3. Chose the correct word between the homophones:

1- There was nothing on the table but a few crusts of (bread/bred).
2- I told that (to/too/two) George and he was enchanted.
3- Why has the project been (allowed/aloud) to continue if it's such a disaster?
4- A greater proportion of students with first degrees are now going on to study for
(higher/hire) degrees.
5- The plaster cast will help to (heal/heel) the broken bone.
6- This jigsaw puzzle has two (peaces/pieces) missing.
7- Go up the (stairs/stares) and her flat is on the left.
8- You need to have nerves of (steal/steel) to be a fighter pilot.
9- American pit bull terriers are (bread/bred) for their fighting instincts

L13: Hacking

Hacking has been developed over the years to be unstoppable. Newcomers to the
hacking community learn the rules by associating with established hackers. Hackers like
to hack in order to impress each other. Hackers also do not know about the cost results of
their actions. All studies show that hackers are generally young, and do not have full-time
jobs or own property. They do not consider that if they do get into a system and make an
unintentional, simple mistake, they could cost the company thousands, and possibly
millions of dollars. I think that every computer professional, including the best, have
made a mistake that has caused the loss of data, service or money. Young hackers do not
know what a System Administrator is faced with on a day-to-day basis, and neither do
they realize the problem they cause for already overworked people. The art of computer
hacking has grown since the computers first started to appear. Despite the growing trend
of hacking, very little research has been done on the hacking world and its culture. The
image of a computer hacker has grown from a harmless nerd into a vicious techno-
criminal. Although hacking is a growing trend in our society, it is not one that is accepted
in the United States or any other country. In the past, hackers were basically known as
just computer experts. Nowadays hacker means the same thing as a cracker, a person who
pirates software, and malicious hackers. There are hackers out there that will do there
best to harm any system they can, national security documents. The bad hackers are
dangerous if they may gain access to classified information. There is a number of things
that our country (USA) is realizing about Cyber terrorism. In 1998, president Clinton
created the Commission of Critical Infrastructure Protection. This protects the innocent
and helpless from hackers and gives them the right over the power of Cyber Terrorists.
Also in many government organizations, they have formed some type of group to deal
with cyber terrorist and block them from stealing money as well as information. (…)

A. Divide this article into paragraphs and give each of them a suitable title.

B. Make sentences of your own using the following:

unstoppable; trend; unintentional; overworked; to be faced with; nerd; to gain access to.

C. Choose between these two:

a. Write the portrait of the hacker from your own point of view .
b. Write an article in support of /against hacker.

1. Put each of the following words or phrases into its correct place in the passage
amount course graduation outline requirements
calendar credits major prospectus technical class
hours curriculum number specified three
college electives opportunity subjects week

Selecting courses
The course given by a 1………….. or university are called its curriculum. The
2…………of the institution 3…………the complete 4…………. It gives the
5……………for entry to each course, as well as the credits given for the 6 ……..
Each course is designated as giving a 7………….number of credits. These are usually
equal to the number of 8 …………devoted each week to the course. For example, a
course that meets three times a 9……usually gives……credits towards graduation.
Schools using the semester 10………..require about 120 credits for 11………….Between
30 and 40 of the required 12……………must be in the student’s 13…………subject.
Schools vary considerably in the 14 ………….of freedom given students in
15 ………their courses. Almost all schools have a certain 16…………..of required
17……….Students can also usually choose nonrequired courses called
18……………..Liberal-arts colleges usually give students more 19………. To choose
than do 20………..schools.

2. Choose the right answer:

Are you going to attend Prof. Wise’s ……….on C++ next week?
a) conference b) discussion c) lecture d)meeting
The lecture was so ………that almost everyone felt asleep.
a) bored b) dull c) exhausted d) tired
According to my…………, the lecture starts at eleven tomorrow morning.
a) belief b) information c) knowledge d) opinion
Prof. Rush was speaking so quickly I couldn’t ………what he said.
a) accept b) catch c) listen d)take
Use your imagination and try to ………..the scene in your mind.
a) draw b) model c) paint d) picture
Would you please………from smoking while the lecture is in progress?
a) avoid b) keep yourself c) refrain d) stop
Prof. Orator spoke clearly and…… we could understand every word he said.
a) distinct b) distinctly c) distinguishable d)legibly
During a lecture I always try to ……..down the main points that are maid.
a) doodle b) jot c) noting d) sketch
That’s precisely what I mean. You’ve hit the ………on the head.
a) idea b)nail c) pin d) point
A few jokes always ……….up a lecture.
a) inspire b) liven c) loosen d) raise
Miss Duffer looked as if she hadn’t a…………what Prof. Sophisticated was talking
a) clue b) guess c) point d) thought
You can………..your shorthand by taking notes during lectures.
a) keep b)keep in c)keep on d) keep up
To begin the lecture, let’ take an………..of the present situation.
a) oversight b) overtone c) overture d) overview
The lecturer spoke so fast I found it hard to take……….what he was saying.
a) away b) in c) over d) up
The example you have just referred to has no……..on the matter under discussion.
a) bearing b) connection c) dependence d) relation

3. Put each of the following words into its correct place in the passage bellow.
authority classes degree located special
women bachelor’s coeducational freshmen schoolstudents
year bodies coordinate graduates separate
undergraduates campuses courses junior
sex university
The student body of a 1. ……..or a college is divided into 2……..and
undergraduates. Graduates have already received their 3……..degrees, while
4……….have not. The undergraduates belong to one of four 5………, according to their
6 ………of study. These are 7…….., sophomore, 8……….and senior classes. Most
schools also admit 9……….students who take a number of 10…………., but are not
working towards a 11………..
Students12…………vary considerably from13……… school. Some
institutions are 14………..with both men and 15………students. Others admit
16………of only one 17………
A 18……… institution has 19……’s and women’s colleges. They are controlled by
the same central 20………..and are usually 21…………on the same campus or nearby

4. Match the words for people in education with the correct definition.
1. apprentice a) female teacher in charge of a school
2. cadet b) person who trains sportsmen for contests or prepares
private students for an exam.
3. coach c) highest grade of university teacher
4. dean d) the lowest teaching rank at a university
5. disciple e) person in charge of a division of study
6. headmistress f) person who teaches you driving
7. instructor g) the head of some universities or schools
8. lecturer h) a person studying to become an officer in the army or a
9. trainee i) someone learning a trade who works in return for being
10. principal j) person undergoing some form of vocational training
11.professor k) anyone devoted to the acquisition knowledge especially
attending university
12. pupil l) attends primary school
13. student m) follower of a religious teacher.

5. Fill the gaps in these sentences with a suitable form of head, brain or mind.
1. She’s very good at Maths- she has a good ………for figures.
2. They were in two………..whether to get married .
3. If there’s an emergency, don’t panic-try to keep your……….
4. We couldn’t solve the problem, but suddenly I had a…………..wave.
5. I’ll spin a coin to see – do you want to call ……….or tails?
6. That’s too difficult for me to follow- it’s over my……………
7. He can’t climb a ladder because he has no …………for heights.
8. They were……….over heels in love.
9. A good book can help to take your………… your troubles.
10. When it comes to politics, I try to keep an open…………
11. I’m sorry I didn’t make that phone call, it slipped my ……….
12. If there’s a problem to solve, two ………..are better than one.
6. Phrasal verbs with draw
• draw back- to move away from someone or something, usually because you are
surprised or frightened
• draw somebody into something - to make someone become involved in a difficult or
unpleasant situation
• draw something off - to remove a small amount of liquid from a larger amount
• draw on something - to use information or your knowledge of something to help
you do something
• draw something out - to cause something to last longer than is usual or necessary
• draw somebody out of - to help someone to express their thoughts and feelings
more easily by making them feel less nervous
• draw something up -1. to prepare something, usually something official, in writing;
-2. to move a chair near to someone or something
• draw oneself up -to make yourself look bigger by standing straight, usually to try to
seem more important
Expression with draw
• draw in your horns- to act in a more careful way than you did before, especially by
spending less money.
7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb or expression
with draw.
1. They tried to ……me …..their argument but I refused.
2. I've ……..a list of candidates that I'd like to interview.
3. She had a wealth of experience to………...
4. He'll have to ………his …….now he's lost his job
5. The director ……the meeting …….for another hour with a series of tedious
6. She ……..a little of her home-made wine just to taste.
7. Like a lot of short men, he tends to ……….to his full height in public.
8. Like all good interviewers he manages to …….people ……themselves.
9. ………..a chair and I'll tell you all about it.
10. She leaned forward to stroke the dog but quickly ………..when she saw its teeth.

L14: Internet Advertisements

The Internet can be very useful for companies to advertise and sell their products.
Since anyone can have access to the Internet, sellers can reach the majority of the
consumers through the use of the Internet. The two companies Sina and ASM both rely
on the Internet to run their companies receiving revenues through the Internet and
reaching their audience.
Sina is a company that has “ … become the most heavily trafficked Web sites in
the Chinese language market.” (Laudon, 18). “ Sina is known in China for providing first-
rate, comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news, it also offers popular chat rooms,
community platforms, financial information, online shopping platforms, search and free
email throughout its four sites.” (About Sina, 1). Sina uses the Internet to link people all
over to other Chinese language sites. The Internet is very essential for Sina to operate its
business. The Internet is the way that Sina operates with its users. Revenues are generated
for Sina by advertising for companies on its Web site that is primarily for the U.S. and
Taiwanese. Sina is hoping to generate profits through charging subscription fees for
access from users to their sites and to add electronic commerce and Internet telephone
capabilities to its Web sites.
Asia Source Media (ASM) “ … offers services via Internet for companies
participating in global trade.” (Laudon, 18). ASM used to be an Asian trade magazine
that eventually installed software and offered an interactive catalogue of products and
factories on CD-Rom and converted its catalogue to a Web site. Consumers view
products and then contact the sellers using email. Using email and the Web sites helps the
buyers and sellers come together saving money on costly travel or telephone calls. ASM
helps to provide users online information on trade shows, product alerts and discounted
prices from factories. ASM earns its revenues by “ … accepting ads to be displayed on its
Web site.” (18) as well as getting paid for listings by sellers and very soon to be buyers.
The whole make up of these two businesses relies wholly on the Internet to run
them. Both of the companies generate all their revenues through use of the Internet. If
there were no Internet, Sina would not be able to advertise on the Internet therefore not
being able to generate revenue and not surviving as a company. Both of the companies
use the Internet to better serve their customers and potentially adding new customers in
the long run as well. Without the Internet these companies would not be able to operate
their business and not serve their customers or gain potential new ones. These two
companies help their customers find what information or products they are looking for in
the comfort of their houses or offices.
The Internet saves the customers time and money by proving a fast way to retrieve
what they are looking for. Without the Internet the customers would have to search for
products and information by going to these sellers to shop around or by sitting on the
phone for hours calling these sellers for information. They can just click a button and find
whatever they need or are looking for in less time and money.

A. Which of the following information refers to Sina and which to ASIM and
which to both?

1. It uses the Internet to link people all over to other Chinese language sites.
2. It uses the Internet to better serve its customers and potentially adding new
customers in the long run as well.
3. It is known in China for providing first-rate, comprehensive, up-to-the-minute
news, it also offers popular chat rooms, community platforms, financial
information, online shopping platforms, search and free email throughout its four
4. It offers services via Internet for companies participating in global trade.
5. It used to be an Asian trade magazine that eventually installed software and offered
an interactive catalogue of products and factories on CD-Rom and converted its
catalogue to a Web site.
6. It helps its customers find what information or products they are looking for in the
comfort of their houses or offices.
7. It is hoping to generate profits through charging subscription fees for access from
users to their sites and to add electronic commerce and Internet telephone
capabilities to its Web sites.
8. It generates all its revenues through use of the Internet
9. It relies on the Internet to run its company receiving revenues through the Internet
and reaching its audience.
10. It helps to provide users online information on trade shows, product alerts and
discounted prices from factories.
11. It earns its revenues by accepting ads to be displayed on its Web site as well as
getting paid for listings by sellers and very soon to be buyers.
12. The whole make up of this business relies wholly on the Internet to run it.

B. What do you think on internet advertisements? Could we do without them? Are

there any disadvantages/risks that we should be aware of regarding these internet

1. Fill in the missing information:
Geology …….……………… …….………………
t…….……………… …….……………… religion
…….……………… botanist …….………………
a…….……………… …….……………… ancient ruins
…….……………… entomologist …….………………
agronomy …….……………… …….………………
b…….……………… …….……………… life
zoology …….……………… …….………………
…….……………… meteorologist …….………………
e…….……………… …….……………… words
e…….……………… …….……………… unborn babies
…….……………… graphologist …….………………

2. Put each of the following words into its correct place in the passage bellow.
achievements average grade minimum perfect
school adjustment colleges letter occasionally
progress teacher admit common marking
pass record attitude failure method
percentage reports
Grading is a 1………used in schools to 2…………student achievements. Almost
every 3..…… keeps a record of each student’s 4………in order to have some basis for
measuring his 5……….The record supplies information for 6…………to parents.
Universities and 7…….often use this piece of information to help determine whether they
should 8………a student.
For a long time, the most 9……….method of recording achievement was by
10….……., with a mark, or 11…………, of 100 per cent representing
12..………..achievement. The 13 ………… mark for a 14..…………was usually 70 per
cent , and for 15.……….work, about 80 per cent. Today the letters A, B, C, D, E, and
16…………are much more commonly used. The mark A stands for exceptional
achievement, and E or F means 17………
A few schools use no 18………….system at all. Instead, each 19…………writes a
detailed 20..………to the parents. Such letters report the student’s progress,
21…………, activities, and social 22.…………..

3. Choose the correct variant:

1. ………. that he only started learning it one year ago, his English is excellent.
a) accounting b) considering c) imagining d) wondering
2. We were the ………..students in the class who could speak Russian.
a) alone b) one c) only d) single
3. Your pronunciation would improve if you……….with a tape recorder.
a) exercised b) practised c) repeated d) trained
4. Priscilla asked for ……….at home as she thought she would learn English more
quickly that way.
a) particular b) peculiar c) personal d) private
5. Learners of English as a foreign language often fail to …………between
unfamiliar sounds in that language.
a) differ b) distinguish c) separate d) solve
6. Jonathan was surprised that Sonia’s English was so…………as she had never been
to England.
a) definite b) fluent c) liquid d) national
7. If you want to learn a new language you must ………….classes regularly.
a) assist b) attend c) follow d) present
8. Would you …… my studying English privately?
a) allow b) agree c) approve d) permit
9. Spanish is the…….. language of most Spaniards.
a) home b) mother c) native d) natural
10. They are learning English, but they haven’t …….much progress.
a) done b)got c)made d) performed
11. There has been a great ………. in his English.
a) escalation b) improvement c) increase d) rise
12. If you don’t know what that word means, ………….in the dictionary.
a) give it up b) look it up c) make it up d) show it up
13. Please ……..your hand if you want to ask a question.
a) arouse b) put out c) raise d) rise
14. At the language school each student is assigned to his or her own………
a) director b) professor c) staff d) tutor
15. A role play session is particularly useful in bringing together different ………of
a) cords b) fibers c) strands d) threads
16.Cyril’s understanding of the language is growing …………..
a) by hook and by crook b) by leaps and bounds
c) from time to time d) slow but sure
17. It’s fifteen years since Timothy worked in Holland and his Dutch is pretty
a) rusty b) scratchy c) sloppy d) stale
18. The school’s exam results ………….the headmaster.
a) celebrated b) delighted c) enjoyed d) rejoiced
19. They were most impressed by the overseas student whose English was …………
a) impeccable b) infallible c) irreproachable d) spotless
20. It is …….that students will have doubled their vocabulary in three months.
a) anticipated b) foreseen c) hope d) worry

4. Chose the best synonym.

1. The student is discourteous; he GRUMBLES no matter how you try to please him.
a) complains b) giggles c)scolds d) sneers
2. Vivian REVISED her paper carefully, following the professor’s suggestions.
a) copied b) corrected c) retyped d) reviewed
3. “Roget’s Thesaurus”, a collection of English words and phrases arranged by the
ideas they express RATHER THAN in alphabetical order.
a) as well as b) instead of c) restricted d) unless

4. Habits can be CONSCIOUSLY strengthened, as when a student of the guitar
practises and memorizes different fingerings.
a) conveniently b) deliberately c) lastingly d) robustly
5. My supply of confidence slowly DWINDLES as the day of the exam approaches.
a) diminishes b) emerges c) grows d) revives
6. His face was FLUSHED because he had run all the way from the dorm so as ot to
be late for the lecture.
a) pale b) red c) shaking d) wet
7. The student BROKE IN ON the conversation without waiting for the speaker to
stop talking.
a) interrupted b) regarded c) seized d) withdrew from
8. The warmth of the lecture hall made the student DOZE.
a) faint b) fall asleep c) sweat profusely d) yawn widely
9. The speaker DEMONSTRATED his knowledge of the subject by his excellent
a) corrected b) created c) repeated d) showed
10. The teacher told the student that his paper was ILLEGIBLE.
a) illegal b) indecipherable c) outstanding d) sloppy

5. Choose the correct word between the homophones:

1. They live in a remote farmhouse on the (Aisle/Isle) of Skye.
2. Pair/Pare/Pear) off any bits of skin that don't look very nice.
3. He had an accident while he was driving a (higher/hire) car.
4. Don't walk around outside in your (bare/bear) feet.
5. Not everybody agreed that winning was the (be-all/bee-all) and end-all.
6. They were so hungry they had to (steal/steel) in order to eat.
7. The children's club (meats/meets) every Thursday afternoon.
8. They pulled out of the deal at the last minute leaving us (hi/high) and dry.
9. The dog trotted off to (berry/bury) its bone.
10. She gave him a long (stair/stare) but didn't answer his question.
6. Fill these gaps with a suitable form of face, eye, nose, or ear.
1. I can’t tell you exactly what to do- you’ll have to play it by…………
2. I tried to catch the waiter’s ………but he didn’t look my way.
3. I have to go away for a while, can you keep an…….on them for me?
4. They normally see …………………….but in this case they disagreed.
5. During the wedding someone started giggling and I couldn’t keep a straight …
6. When they said they’d got engaged I couldn’t believe my……….
7. She’s such a snob- she looks down her ………..everyone.
8. Don’t bother to tell me how to get there-I’ll follow my ………..
9. You can’t support both sides at once- don’t be so two-………..
10. If you admit to making such a serious mistake you may lose ……….
11. He knew the risks and went into it with his………….open.
12. Anything you say to them goes in one ……….and out the other.


- Mistzal, Mariusz - Test Your Vocabulary, Ed. Teora, 1994

- Jones, Leo- New Cambridge Advanced English, Cambridge University Press,
-internet resources


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