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Morrilton, AR

Submitted to:
Mr. Billy LaFoon
Reliability Engineer
Green Bay Packaging
March 2018

CPI Project Number: GBP082


1.1. General
1) TAPPI TIP 0402-16 is the generally accepted industry standard for dryer can inspections.
2) Internal inspections once every 5 years is general industry practice—more or less frequent
inspections may be warranted under certain circumstances.
3) According to TAPPI TIP 0402-16, performing external UT thickness scan should not
preclude the need for internal visual inspections.
4) Internal and external visual inspection should be well illuminated and detailed.
5) Physically entering dryers for internal inspection is required.
6) Visual examination of 100% of the internal surface is essential.
7) Magnetic particle testing of 100% of the external head surfaces is common practice.
8) Engineering & Maintenance personnel should review inspection results to determine if
repairs are required before start up.
9) Head bolts should be inspected using UT to see if shanks/threads are cracked.
10) Two, full-length UT thickness scans of the shell should be sufficient to detect circumferential
grooving due to wear. More than two, full-length scans are rarely warranted and not
statistically significant.

1.2. Inspection Interval

All dryer/cooling cans shall be inspected no less than every 5 years—based on 12-month mill
outage cycle. Reduced inspection intervals should be considered or may be required for individual
dryers based on inspection findings.

1.3. Internal Inspection Scope

1) Remove manhole covers from dryer/cooling cans.
2) Record level of water found in each dryer/cooling can.
3) Remove water from interior of dryers/cooling cans (protect equipment and controls below
and barricade area or pump out water through a hose to nearest U-drain).
4) Document photographically the overall appearance of the shell, any internal components,
and each dryer head. Photos of the dryer heads should clearly show the condition and
orientation of all bolted or cast counterweights.
5) Remove all debris from inside dryer/cooling cans.
6) Perform 100% Visual inspection of dryer/cooling can internals. The inspector entering the
can shall be familiar with previous inspection findings and document by photograph any
changes since the last inspection. Severity of observed damage such as grooves, gouges,
cracks, etc. shall be adequately characterized by applicable methods (UT, pit depth, MT, tape
measure, etc.).

Inspection of Steam Heated Dryers CORROSION PROBE, INC.

Inspection Scope and Reporting – March 2018 Project Number: GBP082
Green Bay Packaging – Morrilton, AR Page 2 of 4
7) Surface prep. by wire bush cleaning and then do a visual inspection of a 2-inch wide x 360-
degree band, starting at the radius of the reverse flange and extending 2-inches axially along
the shell ID, at both ends of the dryer cans. Perform magnetic particle testing of any
indications found by visual inspection. Inspector shall be fully qualified and properly
certified to perform all methods of testing used. (Note: this procedure is not required for
cooling cans).
8) Measure and record siphon tube clearance from dryer shell.
9) Record location of weights inside dryer/cooling cans.
10) Perform manual rotation of dryer/cooling cans, as needed for NDT.

1.4. External Inspection Scope

1) Perform 100% visual inspection of dryer/cooling can externals. This includes the journal
from the head transition to the bearing housing.
2) Locate and photograph identifying markings (nameplate and/or stamping) on the tending and
drive side heads. Confirm markings match those recorded during previous inspection.
3) Perform UT thickness testing in longitudinal line scans at two of the four quadrants (0, 90,
180, and 270 degrees).
4) Perform 100% magnetic particle testing of external surfaces of both heads of all dryer &
cooling cans. This includes journal surfaces from the head transition to as close as possible
to the bearing housing.
Note: Heads must be cleaned, by power wire brushing, degreaser, high pressure water blast, or
other approved method, before performing magnetic particle testing. Bearing and journal areas
must be protected before cleaning heads.
5) Perform straight-beam UT of 100 % of bolts in both heads to detect presence of cracks. If
required, preparation of the bolt head surface shall be performed by light grinding to remove
stampings that could alter results of the UT. Document location of all cracked/broken bolts
on layout drawings.
6) Perform manual rotation of dryer/cooling cans as needed for NDT.

1.5. Evaluation
All dryer/cooling cans found to have significant flaws shall be subjected to a fitness-for-service
(FFS) evaluation, per the rules of the National Board Inspection Code and industry best practice,
with the results documented in a formal report. Additionally, all FFS evaluations/reports for an
individual dryer/cooling can should be referenced in all subsequent inspection reports for that
dryer/cooling can.

Inspection of Steam Heated Dryers CORROSION PROBE, INC.

Inspection Scope and Reporting – March 2018 Project Number: GBP082
Green Bay Packaging – Morrilton, AR Page 3 of 4

The inspection report is to contain all information listed below, in addition to any unique
information applicable to specific dryer and cooling cans.

1) Cover page including the date of inspection and other relevant information.
2) Report shall have an Executive Summary section that includes:
• Table including dryer position (within machine), manufacturer, National Board No.,
ASME minimum required thickness (Tmin), and summary of shell UT results (minimum
and average thickness values) for each dryer. Thickness data shall be color-coded based
on value (Tmin and less / above Tmin up to Tmin + 0.100 / above Tmin + 0.100).
• Reference drawing/diagram of machine layout showing location of each dryer and
cooling can.
• Reference drawing/diagram of dryer/cooling can heads establishing bolt numbering
sequence and location (e.g. 0 degrees = top-dead-center of manhole cover).
• A summary page listing all dryer/cooling cans, with accept/reject notations from internal
visual inspections.
• A summary page listing all dryer/cooling cans, with accept/reject notations from external
visual inspections.
• A summary page of all dryer can heads listed with number and locations of rejected head
bolts, replaced head bolts, and rejected head bolts remaining in cans to be replaced at a
later date.
• A summary page listing all dryer/cooling cans with as-found water levels.
3) The report proper shall have individual sections containing the following:
• Written summary of findings including results of shell UT compared with Tmin values.
• Current photo of dryer nameplate.
• Current photos of tending and drive side heads from the interior and exterior.
• Current photos of significant internal & external findings with adequate description of
• External layout drawing/diagram of tending and drive side heads showing reference
coordinate system, bolt layout, bolt numbers, identification of rejected bolts, and
reference location of bolt No. 1. Location and size of significant external indications
shall also be shown on the layout.
• Internal layout drawing/diagram of tending and drive side heads showing reference
coordinate system, counterweight layout, and identification of missing or broken
counterweights. Location and size of significant internal indications shall also be shown
on the layout.
• Internal rollout drawing/diagram of shell showing reference coordinate system along
with location and size of significant internal indications.
• Shell UT scan charts.

Inspection of Steam Heated Dryers CORROSION PROBE, INC.

Inspection Scope and Reporting – March 2018 Project Number: GBP082
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