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End Game Guides

Item Guide
What to Look For

Table of Contents
Item Guide
Table of Contents
Rarities, Affixes & Item Levels
Rare Items
General Affixes
General Prefixes
General Suffixes
Core Gear Slots
Body Armour
Weapon Slots
Attack Based
Spell Based
Miscellaneous Items
Energy Shield values have been greatly reduced in 3.0, so their new values have been updated.
Along with addition of new affixes (+ to maximum life & +# to innate defense)

Welcome to the guide exile. In this guide we will be discussing the various types of items that we can
obtain in Path of Exile, and what makes them worth keeping or selling!

Path of Exile is a pseudo random loot based action role playing game, and with that comes an insane
range of loot that can either have no value at all, or be worth more than everything you own! This can
make it very confusing to figure out which items you should be identifying, keeping, vendoring or putting
up for sale.

To start figuring out what items we should be looking for, let us first take a look what variations these
items can come in. As a heads up, this will be information overload for many new players. So think of
this guide as a good reference, especially the written script, to re-check as you come across items.

Rarities, Affixes & Item Levels

In Path of Exile there are four ​rarities​: N
​ ormal, Magic, Rare ​and​ Unique​. These rarities define how
powerful an item can be. Looking at a normal rarity item, we can see that there are innate base stats,
sometimes joined by an implicit stat. This is the base item in its raw form, without any modifications.
There are many ​base items​ for each ​item category​, with certain item bases being better than others.
Item bases are gated by level and stat requirements to equip. So stronger item bases will appear as
you progress further into the game. These bases can be improved upon by increasing their rarity above
normal. Items above normal rarity will have explicit properties or ​affixes​ attached to them.

Affixes are the modifiers that are seen underneath the innate and implicit stats of the base item. Affixes
come in the form of ​prefixes​ and ​suffixes​. Each rarity can have a certain amount of each of these. The
prefixes and suffixes have different pools of modifiers, and no two of the same prefix or suffix can roll
on the same item. This means you cannot roll the prefix ‘​+# to maximum Life​’ on an item twice.

Rarity Table
Rarity Color Prefixes Suffixes

Normal White N/A N/A

Magic Blue ≤1 ≤1

Rare Yellow ≤3 ≤3

Unique Orange Variable Variable

Now that we have a handle on the rarities and number of affixes that can come on an item, what
determines how good said affixes are? Well this is determined by the ​item level​ of the item. Item level
determines how strong an affix can roll on an item. The higher the item level, the better the affix that
can roll on it.
Each affix has their own ​tiers​ based on the item category they are in. Each tier has its own ​numeric
range​ to which it is bound. We consider the maximum tier affixes an item can roll ​tier 1​, and count up
from there for preceding affixes. Meaning that a tier 1 affix is much stronger than a tier 5 affix.

For example, let’s look at the suffix of ​‘+#% to Fire Resistance’​. Elemental Resistances are unique in
that they have the same tiers and ranges for each item category. Here are the affix tiers, item level
requirements and numeric ranges for Fire Resistance:
Affix Tier Item Level Numeric Range

8 1 6 - 11

7 12 12 - 17

6 24 18 - 23

5 36 24 - 29

4 48 30 - 35

3 60 36 - 41

2 72 42 - 45

1 84 46 - 48

As we can see, there are 8 total tiers that can naturally roll on items, and the tier 1 numeric range is
much higher than the tier 8 range. It is important to note, that an item can roll any affix tier at or below
their item level for the category of item. This means, even a maximum item level base can still roll a
weak tier affix, making the probability of rolling a tier 1 affix very rare. It is also important to note, that
using a Divine Orb will not re-roll the affix tiers, but only the numeric ranges of the affix tiers. This
means that if you obtain an item with a tier 4 ‘​+(30-35)% to Fire Resistance​’ suffix, a Divine orb will
only re-roll the numeric value between 30 and 35.

For reference, item level 84 is currently the item level requirement for most tier 1 affixes, so it is the
desired item level to identify and craft on. To ensure the best resulting innate stats, we will also be
wanting to identify and craft on the best base items available for each item category. This guide is only
focused on identifying items, rather than crafting methods. However, we will discuss which high item
level bases to be looking for as we talk about each item category.

A great reference for checking what affix tiers exist, or what affix tiers you have found on an item, is​ or ​​. These sites show all of the possible
affix tiers and ranges that can occur on an item, as well as the item level required for affixes. PoE Affix
also has the possible implicit corruptions that can occur on that base item type. This information is
invaluable when determining potential item value, or when trying to craft an item. Unfortunately this
manual process of affix and tier identification on items can be overwhelming to many new players.
A nifty tool to side step the intensity of manually identifying which affixes your items have is the Path of
Exile Item and Trade Macro (​​). To run this tool we
must have AutoHotKey (​​) installed. The Github landing page for the macro
describes how to install and run the macro script.

This tool lets you quickly find out all of the information about any item in question. Simply press control
and ‘C’ (ctrl+c) together while hovering over the item, and it will provide: innate damage per second
calculations, all of the current affix names, their numeric ranges, affix tiers and whether or not they are
prefixes or suffixes. This is great for quickly seeing whether or not you have an item with great affix rolls
or open prefixes/suffixes you could craft on. ​Recall that you can craft guaranteed affixes onto items for
relatively minimal currency with Master Crafting benches, as shown in my Beginner’s Guide Series

In general, rare items will always be stronger than magic items, as they have more affixes. Rare items
will also be stronger than unique items in most scenarios, making rares some of the best in slot options.
This means you will want to be picking up and identifying rare items that you come across. So which
affixes should we be looking out for that make a rare item carry any value? Well, there are A LOT of
affixes that can occur on items and there is no good way of summarizing which ones to look for, since
each item category has their own affix groups and tiers. So to get a grasp on what is good, we will take
a look at all of the main gear slots, and determine what affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are worth looking

Before we go any further, remember that we can price check our items using PoE Trade
(​​). Here we can find items similar to our items by either manually searching the item
categories for similar affixes and ranges. We can also use Control and ‘C’ (ctrl+c) while hovering over
an item to copy it into our clipboard, and then import it into PoE Trade. From here we will of course
have to loosen our affixes and ranges down to find similar items. It is important to note that prices for
items will be much different depending on if you are buying and selling in a permanent league or
temporary league, and how long the league has been running for. Items will have a much larger value
in the beginning of a league, as there are less items flooding the market. This means that this guide will
serve as a general basis on what to look for without specific prices.
Rare Items
For this section, I will mention the current best item bases (Tier 1 bases) for each gear slot along with
specific affixes we want to look for on each. I will not be covering Jewels in this guide as they have
MANY different purposes and combinations that can be of different values. They will have their own
guide. Now, before we look into each gear slot, we should take a look at important​ General Affixes​ that
can occur on most all gear slots.

General Affixes
General Prefixes
For the ​prefixes​, we will be looking at two main build type resources: Life and Energy Shield. Builds
can be pure Life, pure Energy Shield or a Hybrid of both. Energy Shield rolls can ​only occur​ on Energy
Shield items and Accessories, while Life can roll on all item category bases aside from weapons. For
the most part, we want to be looking for pure Life or pure Energy Shield items. Hybrid items do have a
place, but are generally worth less on the market.

Life Based
For Life based items, we want ‘​+# to maximum Life​’. After that we want to look for ‘​+# to maximum Life
& +# to Innate Defense’ ​and ​‘#% increased Innate Defense’​, in which​ Innate Defenses​ are generally
Armour​ or ​Evasion​.

Energy Shield Based

Energy Shield items will only have to worry about increasing the Innate Defense of their gear, which is
Energy Shield​, and can ignore life. This means that we effectively replace ‘​+# to maximum Life​’ with
‘​+# to Innate Defense​’. Now that we have one more open prefix, Energy Shield will seek ‘​#% increased
Innate Defense’ ​and ‘​#% increased Innate Defense & #% increased Stun and Block Recovery​’.

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life (Gear slot dependant) (Gear slot dependant)

+# to maximum Life/+# to Innate Defense (Gear slot dependant) (Gear slot dependant)

#% increased Innate Defense (Gear slot dependant) (Gear slot dependant)

+# to Innate Defense (Gear slot dependant) (Gear slot dependant)

#% increased Innate Defense (Gear slot dependant) (Gear slot dependant)

#% increased Innate Defense & (Gear slot dependant) (Gear slot dependant)
#% increased Stun and Block Recovery

The tiers and numeric ranges for these prefixes can vary between gear slot, and will be reviewed
in each gear slot section. Energy Shield has also been greatly reduced in 3.0, so their new
values have been updated.
General Suffixes
General ​suffixes​ to look for on all gear slots are Elemental Resistances. To carry value, each gear slot
should have at least one high tier resistances.

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

+#% to Cold Resistance +(46-48)% to X Resistance +(30-35)% to X Resistance

+#% to Fire Resistance
+#% to Lightning Resistance

The tiers and numeric ranges for Resistances are the same for all item categories​. ​Chaos
Resistance​ can also be valuable to certain builds. However, for the most part, Chaos resistance is a
‘nice to have resistance’​, rather than a mandatory resistance.

Now that we know the ​General Affixes​ that we can and want to find on most all items, let’s dive deeper
and look at what additional gear slot specific affixes are useful. This will be a high level assessment of
the affixes we want to see on each gear piece. For the most part we want to try and get some
combination of the general and item specific affixes at or above their ​master crafted ​equivalent, which
is basically above half of the respective Tier 1 values. As such, I will be mentioning affixes in order of
importance on items, along with their tier 1 roll ranges.
Core Gear Slots
We will first review the core gear slots which include: Helmets, Body Armours, Gloves, Boots, and

Tier 1 bases (Best Available Bases):
Armour Energy Shield Evasion

Eternal Burgonet Hubris Circlet Lion Pelt

For Helmets, we will be looking for the General Affixes, with interest in a couple Helmet specific

These are the tier 1 numeric ranges for the General Prefixes on Helmets:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life +(90-99) +(60-69)

+# to maximum Life & +(29 - 33) +(18-23)

+# to Innate Defense Varies per Base Varies per Base

#% increased Innate Defense (121-132)% (65-82)%

+# to Energy Shield +(50-61) +(35-45)

#% increased Energy Shield (92-100)% (56-67)%

#% increased Energy Shield & (39-42)% (21-26)%

#% increased Stun and Block Recovery (16-17)% (12-13)%

Helmet Specific Affixes:

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to Intelligence +(51-55) +(33-37)

+# to Accuracy Rating +(321-400) +(166-200)

What Has Value?

Life Based
For Life Based items, you will be wanting to look for the ​General Prefix​ of Life on Armour or Evasion
bases with at least a value of ​+70 to maximum Life.​ ​Increased Innate Defenses​ are useful as well, but
are not as valued as Life. For Suffixes, you will want more than ​+80% to total Elemental Resistance​s.
Fortunately and unfortunately, Life based gear is very abundant and needs more than just this base to
have more than a 1 Chaos value. Getting a more than ​+110% total elemental Resistances​ or a high tier
Intelligence/Accuracy roll can land some decent value.

Energy Shield Based

For Energy Shield bases, you will want to take care in looking for High Tier ​General Prefixes​. This
means high ​+# Energy Shield​ and ​#% Increased Energy Shield.​ This is because helmets are a main
source of Energy Shield for Energy Shield builds. Helmets with very large Innate Energy Shield (300+)
will be well sought after, even with other Affixes being average. ​In general, large innate energy Shield
Items are more rare and valuable than high tier life items​. Getting two high tier ​Elemental Resistances
along side a large Energy Shield base will have a lot of value.
Body Armour
Tier 1 bases:
Armour Energy Shield Evasion

Glorious Plate Vaal Regalia Assassin’s Garb

Astral Plate N/A Zodiac Leather

For Body Armour, we will be looking for the General Affixes, with no Body Armour specific affixes.

These are the tier 1 numeric ranges for the General Prefixes on Body Armours:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life +(110-119) +(60-69)

+# to maximum Life & +(34 - 38) +(24-28)

+# to Innate Defense Varies per Base Varies per Base

#% increased Innate Defense (121-132)% (65-82)%

+# to Energy Shield +(91-100) +(31-38)

#% increased Energy Shield (92-100)% (56-67)%

#% increased Energy Shield & (39-42)% (21-26)%

#% increased Stun and Block Recovery (16-17)% (12-13)%

There aren’t any specific affixes to look for on Body Armour aside from the General Affixes.

What Has Value?

Life Based
For Life Based items, you will be wanting to look for all ​General Prefixes​ on Armour or Evasion bases,
with at least a ​+90 to maximum Life​. For Suffixes, you will want more than ​+80% to total Elemental
Resistance​s. As with helmets, Life based body armours are very abundant and need more than just this
base to have more than a 1 Chaos value.

Note:​ ​Body Armours have to compete with many Best in Slot unique Body Armours, such as Belly of
the Beast or Shavronne’s Wrappings. Because of this, Rare Body Armours will need really good affixes,
or to be 5 or 6 linked to hold any real value.

Getting a more than ​+110% total elemental Resistances​ or high Innate Defenses on a body armour can
be worth a lot unlinked.
Energy Shield Based
For Energy Shield bases, you will want to take care in looking for High Tier ​General Prefixes​. This
means high ​+# Energy Shield​ and ​#% Increased Energy Shield.​ This is because body armours are a
main source of Energy Shield for Energy Shield builds. Body Armours with very large Innate Energy
Shield (500+) will be well sought after, even with other affixes being average. Getting two high tier
Elemental Resistances ​along side a large Energy Shield base will have a lot of value.
Tier 1 bases:
Armour Energy Shield Evasion

Titan Greaves Sorcerer Boots Slink Boots

Two-Toned Boots​ are also a solid base to look for in the higher levels. These have hybrid innate
defenses, as well as dual resistance implicits.

For Boots, we will be looking for the General Affixes, with interest in one Boot Specific prefix.

These are the tier 1 numeric ranges for the General Prefixes on Boots:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life +(80-89) +(50-59)

+# to maximum Life & +(24-28) +(18-23)

+# to Innate Defense Varies per Base Varies per Base

#% increased Innate Defense (121-132)% (65-82)%

+# to Energy Shield +(39-49) +(17-23)

#% increased Energy Shield (92-100)% (56-67)%

#% increased Energy Shield & (39-42)% (21-26)%

#% increased Stun and Block Recovery (16-17)% (12-13)%

Boot Specific Affixes:

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% increased Movement Speed 30% 15%

What Has Value?

Life and Energy Shield

For all boots, you want to take care looking for boots with a ​Movement Speed​ modifier. Boots
generally need a Movement Speed affix, generally above 20%, to be worth anything. Pairing the
Movement Speed with high tier ​General Prefixes,​ Life or Energy Shield, and two or three resistances
can be worth a lot. If you do find a good pair of boots, with no Movement Speed modifier, but an open
Prefix, you can master craft on a fair Movement Speed with Tora.
Tier 1 bases:
Armour Energy Shield Evasion

Spiked Gloves Fingerless Silk Gloves Gripped Gloves

Titan Gauntlets Sorcerer Gloves Slink Gloves

For Gloves,we will be looking for the General Affixes, with interest in a few Glove specific affixes.

These are the tier 1 numeric ranges for the General Prefixes on Gloves:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life +(80-89) +(50-59)

+# to maximum Life & +(24-28) +(18-23)

+# to Innate Defense Varies per Base Varies per Base

#% increased Innate Defense (121-132)% (65-82)%

+# to Energy Shield +(39-49) +(17-23)

#% increased Energy Shield (92-100)% (56-67)%

#% increased Energy Shield & (39-42)% (21-26)%

#% increased Stun and Block Recovery (16-17)% (12-13)%

Glove Specific Affixes:

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

Adds # - # Physical Damage to Attacks (4-6) to (9-10) (3-4) to (6-7)

#% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched (0.2-0.4)% N/A

as Life/Mana

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Attack Speed (14-16)% (9-12)%

+# to Int or Dex +(51-55) +(33-37)

What Has Value?

Life Based
For Life Based Gloves, you will be wanting to look for the ​General Prefix​ of Life on Armour or Evasion
bases with at least a value of ​+60 to maximum Life.​ ​Increased Innate Defenses​ are useful as well, but
are not as valued as Life and the other available Glove Specific Prefixes. Getting the ​Physical Damage
to Attacks​ prefix and/or the ​#% Increased Attack Speed ​on these bases is desired and valuable. You
will want to look for at least one resistance if you get either of the previous glove affixes, otherwise look
for more than ​+80% to total Elemental Resistance​s. As with other Life based gear, it is very abundant
and needs these good rolls to be worth more than 1 Chaos. Getting a more than ​+110% total elemental
Resistances​ or both Attack rolls can be of great value.

Energy Shield Based

As with the other Energy Shield bases, you will want a high innate Energy Shield. However, gloves are
not a massive source of Energy Shield for most builds and can get away with low Energy Shield.
Energy Shield bases are not always used in Attack based builds, but Attack based prefixes and suffixes
are still be very valuable. ​+# to Dexterity​ is also very useful on Energy Shield gloves, as many Energy
Shield based builds are starved for Dexterity in their builds, and this could save them a passive point in
the tree. Ultimately, you will be looking for similar priority for Energy Shield bases as Life, just replacing
the Life rolls with Energy Shield rolls.
Tier 1 bases:
Armour Energy Shield Evasion

Pinnacle Tower Shield Titanium Spirit Shield Imperial Buckler

For Shields,we will be looking for the General Affixes, with interest in a few Shield specific affixes.

These are the tier 1 numeric ranges for the General Prefixes on Shields:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life +(100-109) +(60-69)

+# to maximum Life & +(29-33) +(24-28)

+# to Innate Defense Varies per Base Varies per Base

#% increased Innate Defense (121-132)% (65-82)%

+# to Energy Shield +(77-90) +(31-38)

#% increased Energy Shield (92-100)% (56-67)%

#% increased Energy Shield & (39-42)% (21-26)%

#% increased Stun and Block Recovery (16-17)% (12-13)%

Shield Specific Affixes:

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

+#% to All Elemental Resistances +(15-16)% +(9-11)%

+#% Additional Block Chance +(4-6)% +(2-3)%

+# to respective Attribute +(51-55) +(33-37)

For Energy Shield bases, we can also get the following Affixes:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Spell Damage (75-79)% (50-59)%

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells (100-109)% (60-79)%

For Armour Shield bases, we can also get the following Affixes:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Physical Damage (29-33)% (18-22)%

For Evasion Shield bases, we can also get the following Affixes:
Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Attack Speed (11-13)% (5-7)%

#% Chance to Dodge Attacks/Spells/Ailments 4% 2%

What Has Value?

Life Based
For Armour and Evasion based shields, you will want a large Innate Defense ​(Roughly 800+)​, along
with at least ​+80 to maximum Life​ and ​+80% to Elemental Resistances​. Getting ​+# to All Elemental
Resistance​ and/or ​Increased Block Chance​ in addition to the previously mentioned affixes can make for
a very valuable shield.

Energy Shield Based

For Energy Shield bases, you will again want to find a shield with large innate Energy Shield. This slot
is a main source of Energy Shield for Energy Shield builds, so Shields with very large Innate Energy
Shield (300+), with ​Elemental Resistances​ will be well sought after. Energy Shield bases can also get
Spell Damage​ and ​Spell Critical Strike Chance​, which is very valuable to spell casting builds. Keep an
eye out for ​Spell Damage ​and/or ​Critical Strike Chance​ affix alongside a large innate Energy Shield, as
it will make for a very very valuable shield.
Now we will take a look at accessory gear slots which include: Belts, Amulets and Rings.

Belts are a special gear type in that they have many different implicits than just the primary defense
types, as well as being able to get many unique affixes.

Here are the current belts and implicits they have:

Belt Implicit

Chain +(9-20) to maximum Energy Shield

Cloth (15-25)% increased Stun and Block Recovery

Crystal +(60-80) to maximum Energy Shield

Heavy +(25-35) to Strength

Leather +(25-40) to maximum Life

Rustic (12-24)% increased Physical Damage

Studded (20-30)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies

Vanguard +(260-320) to Armour and Evasion Rating

Chain, Cloth​ and ​Studded​ belt bases have undesirable or weak implicits, therefore are must have really
good affixes to make up for this.

Crystal and Vanguard belts only drop above level 78 and 79 respectively. ​Crystal Belts​ are always
worth currency, regardless of their rarity. Ensure to always be on the lookout for these bases in high tier

These are the tier 1 numeric ranges for the General Prefixes on Belts:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life +(90-99) +(60-69)

+# to Energy Shield +(48-51) +(32-37)

Recall that we want to look for Pure Life or Pure Energy Shield rolls on items for the most value.
Belts Specific Affixes:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Elemental Damage with Attacks (37-42)% (21-30)%

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Flask Charges Gained (10-20)% (5-15)%

#% Reduced Flask Charges Used (-20 - -10)% N/A

+#% Increased Flask Effect Duration (10-20)% (5-15)%

+# to Strength +(51-55) +(33-37)

What Has Value?

We can see that belts can roll an assortment of special affixes aside from the ​General Resources ​and
Resistances​, however it is still important to look for high tier ​+# to resources​ and ​Elemental
Resistances​. You will also want look for ​#% Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons,​ as well as
suffixes for ​Flask Charges​ or ​Flask​ ​Duration​. These affixes are very strong and valuable to most all
builds. Getting any combination of these, along with ​Resources​ or ​Resistances​, on a decent belt base
should definitely be price checked.
In general, Amulets come with ‘​+# to Attribute​’, either in pure form or hybrid forms. This is a major slot
in which most builds obtain a good chunk of their weakest attributes.

At higher levels, there are also some more powerful amulet bases:
Amulet Implicit

Blue Pearl (48-56)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate

Marble (1.2-1.6)% of Life Regenerated per second

These are the tier 1 numeric ranges for the General Prefixes on Amulets:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life +(80-89) +(60-69)

+# to Energy Shield +(48-51) +(32-37)

#% Increased Innate Defense (20-22)% (14-16)%

Recall that we want to look for Pure Life or Pure Energy Shield rolls on items for the most value.

Amulet Specific Affixes:

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Elemental Damage with Attacks (37-42)% (21-30)%

Adds # - # Physical Damage to Attacks (11-15) to (22-26) (6-9) to (13-15)

#% Increased Spell Damage (23-26)% (13-17%)

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

+#% to All Elemental Resistance +(15-16%) +(9-11)%

#% Increased Critical Strike Chance (35-38)% (20-24)%

#% Increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier (35-38)% (25-29)%

#% (X Elemental) Damage (13-17)% (8-12)%

#% Increased Cast Speed (11-13)% (8-10)%

+# to Accuracy Rating +(321-400) +(166-200)

+# to All Attributes +(29-32) +(17-20)

+# to Attribute +(51-55) +(33-37)

What Has Value?

There are many different combinations of affixes that can have value on an amulet. Finding an amulet
with just high tier ​Resources (around +70 Life or +40 Energy Shield) ​and​ ​around ​+80%​ ​total Elemental
Resistances​ will be worth a fair amount, but you can also look for more specific build affixes added
alongside these. Let us take a look some good affix pairings on an amulet.

To start, you will want to look out for pure Life or Energy Shield amulets. This means you want to find
Amulets with ​+# to maximum Life​ or ​+# to Energy Shield​. Having flat Energy Shield paired with ​#%
Increased Energy Shield​ is desired. The other Innate Defense Scalars, Armour and Evasion, are not as

Attack based builds will be looking for ​Weapon Elemental Damage a ​ nd​ Physical Damage to Attacks​.
Having both of these together, with other decent affixes, will be very valuable. Spell based builds will be
looking for ​Spell damage​ and ​Cast Speed​. Either set of these can be paired with Life or Energy Shield.

One of the most valuable ​Resistances​ you can get on an Amulet is a high tier ​+#% to All Elemental
Resistances​. This is because it provides effective value to all​ Resistances​, while only taking one suffix
slot. ​Critical Strike Chance​ and ​Critical Strike Multiplier​ paired together will be very valuable for any
critical strike build (Attack or Spell based). You will also want to take care looking for ​#% Increased
Elemental Damage (Cold/Fire/Lightning)​, as this can be used with Spell or Attack based builds, but is
more build specific and will be more niche depending on the element you get.
In general, Rings come with ‘​+#% to Elemental Resistance​’, either in pure form or hybrid forms. This is
a major slot in which most builds obtain a good chunk of their Elemental Resistances from Implicits and
Explicit Affixes.

At higher levels, there are also some more powerful ring bases. These drop at and above level 80:
Ring Implicit

Opal (15-25)% increased Elemental Damage

Steel Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to Attacks

These ring bases, like Crystal Belts, will always have innate value, even in their normal rarity. Always
price check these if you find them!

These are the tier 1 numeric ranges for the General Prefixes on Rings:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life +(70-79) +(60-69)

+# to Energy Shield +(44-47) +(27-31)

Recall that we want to look for Pure Life or Pure Energy Shield rolls on items for the most value.

Ring Specific Affixes:

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Elemental Damage with Attacks (37-42)% (21-30)%

Adds # - # Physical Damage to Attacks (6 -9) to (13-15) (4-6) to (9-10)

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

+#% to All Elemental Resistance +(15-16%) +(9-11)%

#% (X Elemental) Damage (13-17)% (8-12)%

#% Increased Attack Speed (5-7)% N/A

#% Increased Cast Speed (11-13)% (8-10)%

+# to Accuracy Rating +(321-400) +(166-200)

+# to All Attributes +(29-32) +(17-20)

+# to Attribute +(51-55) +(33-37)

What Has Value?
There are many different combinations of affixes that can have value on a ring. Finding a ring with just
high tier ​Resources (around +60 Life or +40 Energy Shield) ​and​ ​around ​+110%​ ​total Elemental
Resistances​ will be worth a fair amount. The reason we look for such high ​total Elemental Resistance​ is
because rings have innate Resistance as well as their Affixes. Like amulets, you can also look for more
specific build affixes added alongside these resources and resistances. Let us take a look some good
affix pairings on a ring.

To start, you will want to look out for pure Life or Energy Shield rings. This means you want to find
Amulets with ​+# to maximum Life​ or ​+# to Energy Shield​.

Attack based builds will be looking for ​Weapon Elemental Damage a ​ nd​ Physical Damage to Attacks​.
Having both of these together, with other decent affixes, will be very valuable. ​Accuracy​ in a ring slot,
with attack based affixes, is also valuable since rings have few offensive suffixes. Spell based builds
can really only look for ​#%​ ​Cast Speed ​and ​#% Increased Elemental Damage (Cold/Fire/Lightning)​ for
offensive stats. ​Remember the #% Increased Elemental Damage can be used for Attack or Spell based

One of the most valuable ​Resistances​ you can get on a ring, like amulets, is a high tier ​+#% to All
Elemental Resistances​. This is because it provides effective value to all​ Resistances​, while only taking
one suffix slot.
Finally, we will take a look at weapon slots which include: Quivers, Attack Based Weapons and Spell
Based Weapons.

Quivers are only used in tandem with with Bows, and have a few bases with worthwhile implicits:
Quiver Implicit

Broadhead Adds 6 to 12 Physical Damage to Attacks with Bows

Spike-Point (20-30)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance

These are the tier 1 numeric ranges for the General Prefixes on Quivers:
Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

+# to maximum Life +(90-99) +(60-69)

Here we can see that we can only get Life based Quivers.

Quiver Specific Affixes:

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons (37-42)% (21-30)%

Adds # - # Physical Damage to Attacks (4 -6) to (9-10) (3-4) to (6-7)

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Critical Strike Chance (35-38)% (20-24)%

#% Increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier (35-38)% (25-29)%

#% Increased Attack Speed (5-10)% (6-9)%

+# to Accuracy Rating +(321-400) +(166-200)

What Has Value?

Quivers are pretty straight forward. You will want to look for high tier Life, alongside as many of the
listed Quiver Prefixes and Suffixes you can get together.
Now weapons can come in two main forms: Attack Based and Spell Based. Recall from my previous
guides: Beginner’s Guide (​​) and Creating a Build
(​​) that Attack and Spell Skill Gems scale in different ways.

Attack Based
For Attack Based Weapons, we will be wanting to look for Affixes that modify just the innate stats of the
weapon. This includes the physical damage, critical strike chance, attack speed and possible addition
of flat elemental damage. Attack Based Affixes can roll on all weapon base types, however, there are
One-Handed and Two-Handed variants of these types of weapons. These have different Affix Tier
numeric ranges, which I will point out. I will first point out One-Handed Attack weapon bases and

Tier 1 One-Handed Attack bases:

Item Category Base

Axes Runic Hatchet

Claws Gemini Claw

Daggers Sai / Imperial Skean

Maces Behemoth Mace

Swords Eternal Sword / Jewelled Foil

Wands Imbued Wand

Attack Weapon Specific Prefixes for One-Handed Attack Based Weapons:

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

Adds # - # Physical Damage to Attacks (20 -27) to (41-49) (14-19) to (29-35)

#% Increased Physical Damage (170-179)% (110-134)%

#% Increased Physical Damage & (75-79)% (45-54)%

+# to Accuracy Rating +(135-169) +(65-82)
Here are the Two-Hand bases and affix variants, notice the only change here is the flat physical range:

Tier 2 One-Handed bases:

Item Category Base

Axes Vaal Axe / Fleshripper

Bows Harbinger Bow

Maces Coronal Maul

Staves Judgement Staff

Swords Exquisite Blade

Attack Weapon Specific Prefixes for Two-Handed Attack Based Weapons:

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

Adds # - # Physical Damage to Attacks (29-38) to (58-68) (18-24) to (36-42)

#% Increased Physical Damage (170-179)% (110-134)%

#% Increased Physical Damage & (75-79)% (45-54)%

+# to Accuracy Rating +(135-169) +(65-82)

Attack Weapon Specific Affixes:

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons (37-42)% (21-30)%

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Attack Speed (26-27)% (17-19)%

#% Increased Critical Strike Chance (35-38)% (20-24)%

#% Increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier (35-38)% (25-29)%

What Has Value?

For the most part, Attack Based weapons will only hold value if they are fully rolled for Attack Based
builds (meaning no ​Spell Based Affixes​). If they do get all Attack Based Affixes, they will also need to
ensure that those Affixes are of high tier, mainly looking for​ Flat ​and ​Increased Physical​ damage rolls in
the Prefixes as well as ​Attack Speed​ and ​Local Critical Strike Chance ​in the Suffixes. In general, it is
pretty rare to find or craft a great Attack Based Weapon, so a good one can go for a fair price. When
you think you have found a decent one, make sure to price check it on PoE Trade.
Spell Based
Spells do not benefit from weapon innate stats, so we will be wanting to look for ​Global​ or ​Spell Specific
Affixes on weapons. Here are the following Weapon categories that these Affixes can appear on, along
with the best bases for them:

Item Category Base

Dagger Platinum Kris

Sceptres Sambar / Void / Opal

Staves Eclipse Staff

Wands Prophecy Wand

Spell Based Weapon Specific Prefixes:

Prefix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Spell Damage (75-79)% (40-49)%

#% Increased Spell Damage & (35-39)% (20-24)%

+# to Maximum Mana +(26-28) +(17-19)

Adds # - # X Elemental Damage to Spells Varies Varies

Spell Based Weapon Specific Suffixes:

Suffix T1 Roll Average Roll

#% Increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells (100-109)% (60-79)%

#% Increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier (35-38)% (25-29)%

#% Increased Cast Speed (23-25)% (14-16)%

#% Increased X Elemental Damage (27-30)% (13-17)%

What Has Value?
Spell based weapons are pretty straightforward and not as hard to find as Attack Based Weapons. You
will want to try to find ​#% Increased Spell Damage​, along with ​Critical Strike Chance​ and ​Critical
Multiplier for Spells​ as a base. These are great general affixes for any Spell Based build. Keep an eye
out for ​#% Increased Elemental Damage (Cold/Fire/Lightning)​ as well. This is just as powerful as spell
damage for Elemental based builds, but of course more build specific. ​Added elemental damage​ can be
useful, but requires more specific builds and can be a problem if you are utilizing​ Elemental Equilibrium​,
as most elemental builds do. As far as bases are concerned: ​Daggers​ are the best for Critical Strike
builds, as they come with implicit Global Critical Strike and ​Sceptres​ are great for Elemental Builds as
they have implicit Elemental Damage.

Unique Items
Path of Exile has an insane amount of unique items. Almost every base item has at least one unique,
and because of that, it is near impossible for me to cover each one. Most uniques are designed to fit a
niche, add unique mechanics or provide useful bonuses for leveling. Just because they are unique,
does not mean they will be better than a rare item for that slot. You will come across many uniques
during your gameplay, and most of which will unfortunately have little to no value. I recommend that if
you don’t know how valuable the unique is, you check its name on PoE trade to see what the general
value of it is. If you are using an up to date Item Filter, they will generally bring valuable or rare unique
items to the forefront via larger text and/or filter sounds. This will help you identify which uniques do
have some value before bothering to price check them. As a side note, Uniques will always vendor for
Alchemy orb shards. So it may be worth it to you to vendor these even if they are worthless on the open

Miscellaneous Items
Now aside from Rare and Unique items that you will find while playing, you will also come across some
special variations of items that are worth picking up for trading into the vendor. These complete Vendor
Recipes that reward you with currency items.

Chromatic Recipe
You will want to look out for items with a linked Red, Green and Blue socket set. Trading this to a
vendor will result in a Chromatic Orb. This recipe is less important to follow once you get to end-game.
It is most efficient to be picking up 2x2 or 1x3 chromatic recipes, rather than 2x3 or 2x4 as you maintain
more inventory space.

1x Chromatic Orb
● Any item with a red, green and blue linked socket set. Can have other unlinked sockets.

Jeweller's Orb Recipe

You will most definitely be wanting to pick up any items that drop with 6 sockets naturally. Trading
these into the vendor will grant you with 7 jeweller’s orbs.

7x Jeweler's Orb
● Any item with 6 sockets.
Quality Skill Gems
For the most part, all skill gems are now accessible via vendors in town, so regular level 1 skill gems
will not be worth picking up. What you will want to pick up are skill gems that have quality on them,
adding a prefix of “​Superior​” to their name. Trading a single gem with 20% quality to a vendor will grant
you a Gemcutters Prism. Trading in multiple skill gems with a combined value of 40% will grant you a
Gemcutter’s Prism as well.

1x Gemcutter’s Prism
● A single gem with 20% quality, or a sum of qualities from numerous gems that equals 40%

Drop Only Skill Gems

Some drop only skill gems to keep your eyes out for are:


These gems take a massive amount of experience to level up, and only reach a maximum level of 3.
Quality on these gems increases the rate at which they gain experience. ​Empower​ and​ Enlighten ​are
the most valuable and worth leveling up in an offhand slot if you com across them. Empower provides ​+
levels​ to supported gems, and Enlighten provides a ​reduced reservation multiplier​. An uncorrupted level
3 ​Empower​ or ​Enlighten ​can go for numerous Exalted Orbs.

Sorcerer Boots
Once you get to maps, you will start seeing the ​Sorcerer Boots​ base item drop in its normal rarity. Most
item filters will outline or make this base very visible. You will always want to pick these up and chance
them with Chance Orbs. There is a very small chance of getting ​Skyforth​ Unique boots in this way that
are worth a lot of currency. You may also get lucky and get a good pair of rare boots as a by product!

So in conclusion, I will leave you with some tips that I have for best sorting through the items you come
across. In the beginning of the league (say the first week or so), or if you are playing solo self found,
you will be wanting to pick up almost all decent base rare items and identifying them. What I generally
do is pick up items until my inventory is full, identify what I collected and drop what isn’t worth keeping
based on the advice for each item category. I continue this until I return to town or my Hideout, bringing
back a full inventory of items to vendor for orbs.

As I progress further into the game and league, I am more strict with what I pick up. I will only pick up
and identify tier 1 bases from each item category, but still identify all accessory bases since these have
the same implicits at all levels. Other than that, I am just picking up the miscellaneous items I
mentioned and cruising through monsters for the sweet xp.
I hope that this guide has help sort out what item affixes are, how they are determined and what ones
are worth looking for in each item category and wasn’t TOO much of an information overload. Thanks
for watching and I’ll see you in the next guide exile.

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