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Co C= gavido arqueiro clint barton, a.k.a. gavido arqueiro tornou-se o maior franco-atirador conhecido pelo homem. ele entGo juntou-se aos vingadores, isso 6 o que ele faz quando nado estG sendo um vingador. por que vocé continua lendo isso? é tGo repetitivo. matt david fraction aja writer artist matt hollingsworth colorist chris eliopovulos letterer david aja cover sana, stephen amanat wacker far-sighted near-sighted axel joe alonso_ quesada eaten in chief chief creative officer lan ‘ belts ine KIT publisher. executive producer ( this issue dedicated to Bares (Garo crquero) eliot r. brown (Gove orquete) (© 2012 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters featured inthis issue ar names and likenesses all elated indicia are trademarks of Marvel Characters, between any of the names, characters, persons, and or institutions in this magazine with t fad prc or istiuton is Intande, ad any Soo sry which may exis purely cxlcental fabio br tradugGo e letras

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