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How can students in your public University save money?

In groups of three, you will produce a creative publicity video of no more than 2 minutes giving 9 suggestions how to
save money at ESPOL following the rubric bellow. Upload the video in youtube and send the link to the SIDWEB-FORUM.

DAY 1-5 Individually, each student will interview minimum 4 ESPOL students asking about money issues
and how they save money inside and outside the Campus. You have to video tape your interview,
updload the info in youtube and write its script.

DAY 6 Student A will collect the 12 links of youtube videos and scripts of them and send to student B.
(July 17- 11:59pm)

DAY 7-8 Student B will tabulate close questions and bring that information to the lab class. Student B will
send the links, scritps, and tabulation to teacher by SIDWEB-TRABAJOS. (July 18- 11:59pm)

Day 9 The group will tabulate open questions and find the 10 best and more creative suggestions. You
can add your own ideas. You will write the 9 tips using the grammar and vocabulary of page 46-
49-50. Student C will be the secretary. Student C will send the tips to the teacher by SIDWEB
FORUM and wait 48 hours for feedback. ( July 19)

Day 12-15 The group will produce the video.

You will present your video to the whole class. (July 26) Each student will explain what kind of
money problems Celex students have. Each student will say how he or she felt after doing the
interviewers and what he or she learnt about it. Each person will have one minute. You will be
graded on communication, creativity and critical thinking.
Date: __________________________________

How can students in your public University save money?


Do you work? Yes No

Of yes, how many hours a week do you work?

A) 1-7 hours B) 8-15 hours C) 15-20 hours D) more than 20 hours

How much do you spend a month for your personal expenses?

B) 0-30$ B) 31-60$ C) 61-100$ D) more than 100$

Can you quickly detail us your personal budget.

Food $
Educative resources

Give some suggestions about how to save money at ESPOL? Explain them.

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