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Appreciation Essay

I appreciated a lot of people that helped me along the way these last 4 years. I

thank them all but the one that I really appreciate is Mr.Mua. He was the first person

who introduced me to something that can actually help me later on in life. If it wasn’t for

Mr. Mua, I probably would have ended up in continuation school and had a harder time

getting a job in the future because I wouldn’t have known what to do.

Mr. Mua has helped me a lot these last 3 years that i’ve had his welding class. I

do regret not being in his welding class my freshman year because I would have had

more time to get things done. If it wasn’t for Mr. Mua I wouldn’t know what to do in

college, and what to do after graduation. He has helped me with taking tests that will

allow me to start welding as soon as I get into college and not having to take a safety

course which would waste me time and money.

He has also helped me build many projects and get my name out there so people

can see what I can do. I have built barbeques, worked on 2 trailers, and currently

building a sign that is going in front of Merced High. I am very glad that I was able to

have a chance to be in his class and thank him for everything he has taught me. I never

really liked school and never had the best attendance, but if it wasn’t for Mr. Mua and

his welding class, I would have probably not found the passion I have for welding today.

So for this, Thank you….

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