Origami-Shop Origami Made in Poland

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Origami Made in Poland

Referencia:LC Biernacki
Precio:20.50 €
Option e-book: : versión PDF, además del libro (+ 1.48 €)

Criterios asociados:
Especificidad : Artículos exclusivos de la tienda
Libros: El nivel de dificultad : -- Complejo
Libros: Idioma : - Inglés, - Polaco
Libros: Tema : ---- Mascotas

Book Description:
6 models diagrams step by step :

- Crab

- Bull

- Pig

- Dragonfly

- Dachshund
- Lobster

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Artur Biernacki is a genius of Crease Pattern, perhaps the most talented person in the world to decode and crack any CP.
With his incredible knowledge of complex folds, he creates now his own models.
It was the special guest of the 2009 Spanish Origami
convention at Allicante.
His Flickr album :http://www.flickr.com/photos/12569445@N02/

This is his first book which describescomplex to super complex folding sequences of his own models.

Product Details:
Softcover: 62 pages
Language: English & Polish
Product Dimensions: 24 cm x 16.5 cm

*PDF versionof the book (22 MB),which can be read using thefree AdobeAcrobatReader.Alink to downloadthe PDF filewill be sentat the earliest,most oftenin the day,upon receipt of

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