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Editor: Dr. Ronald Klatz

Writers: Carol Kahn and Vicki Joy

Researcher: Catherine Cebula

Cover Design: Tom Heidtke

I sincerely wish to thank the people who contributed to making Ten Weeks to a Younger
You an informative text that will provoke new thoughts and motivations as well as further
the creation of the next paradigm of medical care — anti-aging medicine.

I especially wish to recognize the following people for their valuable assistance in the
research and compilation of this book:

Richard Fura R.Ph.

Thierry Hertoghe, M.D.

Mel Rich R.Ph.

Bob Burtis

Please allow me to recognize and thank some of the special benefactors of the anti-aging
medicine movement. Their vision, courage and support have made it possible for
physicians and scientists to not only imagine — but create ~ a future free from old age

Ben Weider

Joe Weider

Eric Weider

Marilyn Hennessey

Robert Gwinn

Louis Habash

Stu Piatt

Thomas Allen, D.O.

George Klabin

Vincent Giampapa, M.D.

Stanley Kornhauser, Ph.D.

Steve Novil, Ph.D.

William Regelson, M.D.

Major Andy Messing

Milton Copulos

Jack Dreyfus

Glenn Braswell

Denham Harmon, M.D.

Robert M. Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., D.O.



The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved many of the hormones listed in this
book for replacement therapy in states of deficiency, such as estrogen, testosterone,
progesterone, and human growth hormone (HGH). While melatonin, DHEA,

androstenedione, and pregnenolone have not yet been classified as drugs by the FDA,
they are available as nutritional supplements, and it is well within your physician's
prerogative to recommend these for hormone replacement therapy as well.

Hormones are very powerful substances that can offer miraculous anti-aging medical
benefits when used judiciously in conjunction with periodic laboratory monitoring to
assure both safe and effective blood levels, and conducted under the supervision of a
knowledgeable physician. While hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is extremely safe
as a technique to replace what is deficient in our body, hormones, if taken blindly at
excessive or superphysiological dosages, can lead to serious adverse effects including
illness and decreased Hfe span.

HRT literally is meant to replace only what is missing; restoring to physiologic healthy
levels those hormonal cellular stimulants that decline due to disease or dysfunction
related to the aging process. HRT is recommended for adults whose lab tests confirm
deviations from healthy levels of any of the naturally occurring hormonal regulators of
metabolism. These adults consequently experience age-related decline of normal
metabolism. Neither the editorial staff nor the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
endorses the use of hormonal agents as anti-aging supplements for pregnant women or
people younger than age 35.

This book was written to serve as an educational tool and resource for persons interested
in embarking on an anti-aging program. While specific companies and their products are
mentioned in the HGH Product Reference section (see Appendix), this information is
intended as a starting point. We have attempted to include all HGH products currently on
the market at press time. THIS LIST IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS AN
ENDORSMEMENT of these specific companies or their products. Quite to the contrary,
Caveat Emptor. Many of these companies are litde more than marketing organizations.
They have discovered the breadth of the anti-aging marketplace, which is growing larger
every day as every 7.7 seconds a

baby boomer turns 50. I am sorr}^ to report that some of the products sold as HGH and
IGF-1 supplements, precursors, agonists, boosters and secretagogues are woefully lacking
in science and credibility, with many being nothing more than hyped-up Holy Water.

LET THE BUYER BEWARE with your physician, investigate any product that you plan to
use. Look into the

credibilit)' and integrity of the company:

• What is the company's history and track record? Reliable sources at which you may find
assistance with this assessment are:

• The office of the Better Business Bureau for the cit}' in which the company is located

• The web sites of the FDA ( and FTC (

• Is the company backed by legitimate, notable and published physicians and scientists
who are not ashamed to have their names and credentials associated with the product?

• Is the company willing to furnish you with solid scientific research about its product?
Have their findings been published in reputable scientific publications?

• Will they provide you with the list of the specific ingredients?

If the answer is 'no' to the second, third, or fourth items above, do not waste your money.
Select a different product and company. The anti-aging product marketplace is expanding
rapidly and readers are cautioned to conduct their own careful deliberations.

Please respect these substances by educating yourself to their benefits and risks, and
obtain medical guidance if you plan on continuous use of any hormonal preparations.
Medicine is aptly referred to as the "practice of medicine" because it requires constant re-
education and re-evaluation to maintain proficiency and accuracy. The important
information presented in this book includes timely research on hormone replacement
therapy and anti-aging therapeutics written by the best and brightest minds and
published by some of the most authoritative texts and journals in the world. Medical
advancements will facilitate unparalleled strides in anti-aging medicine and biomedical
technolog}': in the time it would take for an infant born today to graduate from college,
the proliferation of medical innovations will result with increases in cumulative
knowledge of over sixty-fold.

Because of the ever-expanding knowledge base of medicine, the most any author can
hope to do is to wisely and prudently put forth theory and practice as best as it is
currently known. In

preparation of this book, the editorial staff reviewed thousands of pubHshed reports,
hundreds of books, and interviewed many of the world's leading anti-aging researchers
and scientists. However, do not assume the material in this book to be 100 percent correct
or safe ~ IT IS NOT SAFE FOR EVERYONE! This book is not intended to provide medical
advice or to be used as a substitute for advice from your own physician. If you wish to
initiate any of the programs or therapies described in this book, you must consult a
knowledgeable physician before implementing any program. Recruit this medical expert
as your partner on the journey towards optimal health and longevity, and with their
support begin to utilize the ideas discussed in this book.

By doing this, you will have taken the most prudent and powerful path to achieving
maximum life span and total well-being available via this new paradigm of health care
known as anti-aging medicine. To locate a physician in your area who is a member of the
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), please call (773) 528-4333 to order
your copy of A4M's Physician Directory and Resource Guide, which lists hundreds of
doctors practicing this new medical specialty. You may also visit the on-line physician
directory at the award-winning A4M web site at http: //www.worldhe

You are mvited to learn more about the exciting new medical specialty of anti-aging
medicine by visiting the A4M website. t functions as a clearinghouse
for information on the early detection, prevention, and reversal of the degenerative
disorders of aging, as well as a resource guide to sources of products and services relating
to the degenerative disorders of aging.

The science and clinical practice of anti-aging medicine is real, objective and absolutely
credible. But you must choose your program, your physician, and your nutrients and
medications wisely. Used properly, this book will help you to become an informed
consumer of anti-aging information, products and services.
HGH Rejuvenates Skin 47

HGH Resculpts the Body 48

HGH Controls Obesity 50

HGH for Anti-Aging and Longevity 52

Benefits of Exercise/Reasons for Everyone 53

Weight Resistance Exercises 55

Anti-Aging/HGH Enhancing Exercises 56

Aerobic Exercise 58

Walking For Fitness 59

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program 60

Chapter 4

HGH Formulations 63

HGH is a FDA Approved Drug 64

HGH Injections 64

HGH and Prostate Cancer 66

Amino Acid Precursors 67


Niacin 71

Homeopathic HGH 72

HGH Secretagogue, Nutritional Precursor Products and the New

Marketplace 73

Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) 75

IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor-1) 76

More Powerful HGH Secretagogues/Precursors 77

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program 79

Chapter 5

Finding Expert Anti-Aging Medical Care 81 Choosing an Anti-Aging Physician 82 Levels of

Anti-Aging Hormones 83 Determining Your Need for HGH 85 How Fast Are You Aging?
88 Is Your Hormonal Health Declining? 90 Your Personal Anti-Aging Program 92

Chapter 6

The Other Hormones of Youth 95

The Value of Multihormone Replacement 96

Melatonin 97

The Aging Clock 98

Melatonin and Disease 99

Melatonin and Free Radicals 100

Melatonin, Sleep, and Jet Lag 100

Taking Melatonin 102

DHEA 104

The Anti-Aging EfFect of DHEA 105

DHEA and Prostate Cancer 105

DHEA and Immunity 106

DHEA and Disease 107

DHEA Fights Fat 108

DHEA Stimulates HGH 109

Using DHEA 110

7-keto DHEA 111

Thyroid Hormone 111

What the Thyroid Gland Does 113

Thyroid and the Diseases of Aging 113

Nutritional Thyroid Support 114

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program 115

Chapter 7

Sex Hormones (Aren't Just for Sexual Health) 117

Estrogen 118

Estrogen Extends Life and Prevents Death 118

Estrogen's Heart Benefits 119

Estrogen and Osteoporosis 120

Estrogen Improves the Face and Figure 121

Estrogen Acts as a Smart Drug 121

Estrogen and Alzheimer's 122

Estrogen and Parkinson's Disease 123

Estrogen and Diabetes 123

Progesterone 124

Estrogen, Progesterone, and Cancer 124

ERT May Cut Colorectal Cancer 126

Taking Estrogen and Progesterone 126

Pregnenolone 127

Testosterone 128

Testosterone Restores Muscle Mass 129

Testosterone May Help the Heart 129

Effects of Testosterone Replacement 129

Testosterone and Cancer 130

Taking Testosterone 131

Androstenedione 132

Should Women Take Testosterone? 133

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program 134

Chapter 8

Smart Drugs 137

Hormonal Involvemem in Brain Functions 138

Thyroid Hormone 138

Testosterone 138

Estrogen 139

DHEA, The Mother of Hormones 141

HGH 142

Nutritional Nourishment for the Brain 143

Antioxidants 144

B-Vitamins 145

Amino Acids 146

Phospholipids 148

Herbs 149

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program 150

Chapter 9

The Anti-Aging Program of Lex "the Wonder Dog" 153 Dr. Ronald Klatz's Personal Anti-
Aging Program 156 The Anti-Aging 'A' List 157 Your Personal Anti-Aging Program 159

Chapter 10
The Future of Anti-Aging Medicine 161 Getting Rid of Age-Related Diseases 162 The
Impact on Society 162 Life Spans of the Future 163 Predictions for the Next 30 Years 164
Start Planning for the Future Now 165 The Bottom Line 166 Your Personal Anti-Aging
Program 167

Bibliography 169

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 184

The Official Longevity Test 252

Suggested Reading 265

World Wide Web Health Links 266

The A4M: Mission And History 269

The Demographics of Aging and Degenerative Diseases 273

HGH Products Reference Section 283

Chapter 1

Welcome to the Ageless Society

Congratulations, by reading this book you will have taken your first step toward joining
the ageless society, a place where the ravages of old age, disease, dementia and disability
are almost unknown. A place where every man and woman may look forward to a
youthful, productive life span of 100 or more years filled with boundless health and
unlimited opportunity. A society where no one even bothers to ask how old you are
because age has become as meaningless as your old school tie or at which health club you

Forging the advances that are changing this long held wish for longevity from science
fiction to science fact are the 7,000 physicians and scientists of the American Academy of
Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). These members, the vanguards of the new science of anti-
aging medicine, are making great strides in reducing the risks of disability and death from
heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, cancer, senility, arthritis — essentially by modifying
metabolism of the old to that of the young. These scientists are proving that diseases of
old age, to a large degree, are, in reality, disorders of metabolic processes. By repairing the
physiology of the old cell, it begins to act and function at a much more youthful and
healthful level — in essence, achieving rejuvenation and reversal of aging.

2 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

The physician and scientist members of A4M are the pioneers of powerful therapeutics
and revolutionary new drugs. They have been responsible for developing the protocols for
therapeutic administration of agents — such as HGH — which (when taken in precise
amounts) can alter the biomarkers of aging in 65 and 75 year-olds to a level some 10-20
years younger. Dozens of new methods for altering the "natural" course of aging and
death are today becoming available to anti-aging doctors: Viagra to restore an 80 year-
old's sexual potency to that of a man age 30; breakthroughs for the early detection and
treatment of Alzheimer's, neuron cell implants to repair the brains of those afflicted with
stroke and Parkinson's, and genetic cellular therapy that may restore and repair any and
ail DNA defects throughout the body ~ literally reprogramming us for longer, healthier
and an even more abundant health span. The many innovations of anti-aging scientists
and physicians are notable achievements in extending the human lifespan and enhancing
the quality of hfe.

Of the 3.2 million years that man has walked the earth, there has never been a better time
than today for health, lifestyle, affluence and longevity. There has never been a better
time to be alive. Until the time of the American Revolution, life expectancy was a mere 25
years of age. In 1900, the average American could look forward to 46 years. Today, life
spans of 73-79 are the norm, and recently the World Health Organization announced that
20% of all children born today could expect to see 100 years and more of healthful life

Almost every day, newspapers and television report new medical miracles - cures for
impotence, a possible end to cancer, new and highly effective drugs for chronic diseases
like heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis, identification of genes that hold the secret to
our futures of health and risk for disease, and new techniques to restore hearing and
eyesight. Breakthrough progress is being made in almost every area of health and disease.
And most far-reaching of all, we are beginning to conquer mankind's oldest enemy - aging
and death.

Chapter I 3

The new science of anti-aging medicine promises to double the human Hfe span and end
aging as we as know it. In the past few decades, a seismic shift in health and longevity has
already taken place. Consider these facts:

• 100 year-olds are the country's fastest growing age group.

• Jeanne Calment of Aries, France, died in August 1997 at the age of 122.

• Between 1980 and 1990, the number of centenarians doubled.

• Today there are about 70,000 centenarians in the United States, with 160,000 expected
by the year 2010, and 1 to 4 million by the year 2050.
• From 1960 to 1990, death rates from heart disease were almost halved, and stroke
deaths plummeted 62%.

• The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) predicts 50% of all baby boomers
alive and well today will celebrate their 100' birthday with physical and mental faculties

Without almost anyone noticing, there has been a revolution in medical care. Over the
past 100 years, life span has nearly doubled, from 46 to 77 years, mostly because of
improvements in sanitation and elimination of childhood infectious diseases. This trend
is continuing to rise due to improvements in the treatment of heart disease and the early
diagnosis of cancer.

"There have been more gains in life expectancy in the last 50 years than in the previous
5,000 years, " says Dr. David Brandling-Bennett of the United Nations' World Health

Since the 1960s, people have started to live longer because medical science has gotten
better at treating chronic conditions hke high blood pressure and heart disease. With
continuing advances in medicine over the next 30 years, today's 76 million baby boomers
can look forward to celebrating their 100th birthday in astoundingly good health. You
may hardly be able to tell a healthy and athletic 105-year-old from a fit and active 65-year-
old. Life spans of 120 to 130 years may not be unusual, and the oldest and healthiest of us
may not start feeling past our prime until 165.

Living as Long as a Bristlecone Pine

There is no natural limit to the human life span, according to leading anti-aging
researcher, Caleb Finch, M.D., of the Andrus Gerontology Center as the University of
Southern California. Life spans vary from yeast organisms that last less than a year to
Bristlecone pines that live for 5,000 years. And, as Finch notes, Jeanne Calment achieved
a record life span of 122 years, 4 months and 15 days, which makes her a longevity winner
not only among humans but also among almost all other vertebrates.

These examples drawn from nature means that there is no firm limit of human longevity,
according to Finch, because they reveal the enormous "plasticity of the schedule of
senescence during evolution." In other words, there is nothing in our biological makeup
that destines us to die at given time. Finch is now establishing a tissue bank of long-lived
organisms to study possible anti-aging mechanisms that can be used to enable humans to
survive to great ages.

The Arrival of Anti-Aging Medicine

In 1993, a dozen pioneering anti-aging physicians and researchers assembled in Chicago

to discuss the possibility of forming an organization dedicated to the principle that aging
Chapter 1 5

was a disease that was amenable to treatment. The American Academy of Anti-Aging
Medicine (A4M) was born. Later that year, the first scientific session was held in Cancun
with just 40 people in attendance. There are now 7,000 members, and in December 1997,
the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine (ABAAM) administered the first Board
Certification Examination to certify physicians as specialists in the new field of anti-aging
medicine. A sister Board for ancillary medical professionals, the American Board of Anti-
Aging Health Care Practitioners (ABAAHP), was recently formed. The first Board
Certification Examination for health care practitioners, including Doctors of Chiropractic,
Doctors of Dentistry, Naturopathic Doctors, Doctors of Podiatric Medicine, Registered
Pharmacists, as well as those with PhD degrees awarded for scientific research, will be
administered in December 1999.

The membership of A4M is united by one fundamental beliefi age is inevitable, aging is
not. The aging process can be slowed, halted, or even reversed. It is already happening in
laboratory animals and people. Just a few examples: mice and rats that have had their
caloric intake severely restricted live on average twice as long and have far less cancer and
other diseases. Scientists have genetically engineered three genes associated with aging in
worms, which increased their natural life spans by five times. And in aging humans,
hormone replacement therapy (HRT), human growth hormone (HGH) and other anti-
aging hormones like estrogen, testosterone, melatonin, and DHEA, are turning back the
biological clock an estimated 10 to 30 years for millions of people.

The Pacemakers of Youth

Remember when you were in college and stayed up all night drinking beer, eating pizza,
and partying, yet you still were able to attend class in the morning? How many of you
could do that now? What is the big difference between youth and age? To a large degree,
it is defined by hormonal balance and receptor site sensitivity. Hormones are chemical

6 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

receptors to these hormones reside on the surface of cells and are the recipients of these
chemical messages. Aging is in part due to a process of metabolic miscommunication in
which the endocrinological messages from our master regulator glands, for one reason or
another, don't reach their recipients - the organs and cells of our body.

When hormones are restored to their youthful levels, balance is reinstated and receptor
site sensitivity is improved. The largest single ongoing experiment in anti-aging is
estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). When it was first used 40 years ago, it was for the
relief of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. But four decades of treatment
has shown that it reduces death from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 50%. Estrogen
prevents osteoporosis, lowers the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and diabetes, smoothes
and firms the skin, sharpens memory and lifts the spirit. But the benefits do not stop
there. We now know that by enhancing the quality of life, we can increase the quantity of
life as well. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association
indicates an increased life span of 0.3 to 2.3 years for the beneficiaries of ERT.

Replacing the hormones which decline with age, such as estrogen, testosterone, DHEA,
melatonin, and now HGH, is as important to the treatment of aging as is replacing normal
levels of insulin is to an insulin-dependent diabetic. Tens of thousands of studies in the
world medical literature have documented the benefits of HRT and HGH therapy. At this
same time, over 10 million American women are benefiting from HRT with estrogen and
millions more are taking HGH, melatonin, DHEA, testosterone and other hormones of
youth, as well as their nutritional precursors. HGH now sets the pace for all the other
anti-aging hormones, not simply slowing the degeneration of aging, but actually reversing
it! HGH is the loco motive that> pulls all th e hormones _ir2jJiej,ging process. ' Tnthis
book we will show yoiT how to safely boost your

own supply of HGH with natural nutrient supplements. We will explore the wonders of
the other anti-aging hormones: melatonin, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, pregnenolone,
testosterone, androstenedione and thyroid. Combined with

Chapter 1 7

exeicise^proper diet and nutrients, you can look, feel, and act j^ounger, healtKIer,
happier and smarter. ——

You can plan for your Imrgcvtty and a 100+ lifespan by enlisting the elements in each of
the Plans for Longevity appearing at the end of each chapter. They'll help to rediscover the
younger you.

Benefits of HGH Replacement as an Anti-Aging Therapy

• 8.8% increase in muscle mass on average after six months, without exercise

14.4% fat loss, without dieting; average after six months Higher energy level Enhanced
sexual performance

Regrowth of heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs that shrink with age Greater
cardiac output Superior immune function Increased exercise performance Improved
kidney function Lowered blood pressure

Improved cholesterol profile: higher HDL, lower LDL Stronger bones Faster wound
healing Younger, thicker skin Hair regrowth Wrinkle removal
Enhanced collagen synthesis and repair Elimination of cellulite Sharper vision and
hearing Mood elevation

Elimination of fatigue and depression of aging Increased memory retention Improved


1 As originally observed by Dr. Daniel Rudman, and validated in Carroll P, Christ E, and
The Growth Hormone Research Society Scientific Communiry, "Growth Hormone
Deficiency in Adulthood and the Effects of Growth Hormone Replacement: A Review," J
of Clin Endrocrinoiogy and Metabolism, 83(2), p. 382.

8 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Staying Alive Is the Key

The three rules of anti-aging medicine are:

1. Don't get sick

2. Don't get old

3. Don't die

The longer you live, the better your chances are for living even longer. This allows you to
take maximum advantage of advancements in medicine. Medical technology doubles
every 3.5 years or less. By 2013, less than 14 years from now, we will know 16 times more
about aging then we do today. By the year 2016, we'll know 32 times more, and by 2020
this knowledge will have expanded to include 64 times more know-how to beat the
disorders we think of as aging. Soon we will reach the point where we'll know how to stop
aging, put it on hold, and even eventually reset the clock mechanism of life itself. HRT is
proving itself to be the bridge to a future of agelessness marked by limitless potential and
maximum life span.

The Theories of Aging

To begin to understand the aging process, let us review the five leading theories of how
and why we age.

Chapter J

The Wear and Tear Theory

Dr. August Weismann, a German biologist, first introduced this theory in 1882. He
believed that the body and its cells were damaged by overuse and abuse. The organs - the
liver, stomach, kidneys, skin, and so on - are worn down by toxins in our diet and in the
environment. The excess consumption of fat, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, ultraviolet
rays of the sun, and the many other physical and emotional stresses to which we subject
our bodies results with wear and tear on both the organ and cellular levels.

Even if you have never touched a cigarette or had a glass of wine, taken precautions to
stay out of the sun and have consumed only natural foods, the mere use of the organs
with which nature endowed you will wear them out. Abuse will only wear them out more
quickly. Likewise, as the body ages, our very cells feel the effect no matter how healthy
our lifestyle.

When we are young, the body's maintenance and repair systems actively compensate for
the effects of both normal and excessive wear and tear. (That's why young people can
more easily get away with a night of heavy drinking or a binge of pizza or sweets.) With
age, the body loses its ability to repair damage of all origins: dietary, environmental,
bacterial or viral. Thus, many elderly people die of diseases that they could have resisted
in their youth.

Wear and tear can be compensated for through a proper regimen of nutritional
supplements and other treatments covered in this book. Used correctly, these measures
can help to reverse the aging process by stimulating the body's ability to repair and
maintain its organs and cells.

10 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

The Neuroendocrine Theory

Vladimir Oilman, Ph.D. elaborates on the wear and tear theory by focusing on the
neuroendocrine system, the complicated network of biochemicals that governs the
release of our hormones and other vital bodily elements. When we are young, our
hormones work together to regulate many bodily functions, including our responses to
heat and cold and our sexual activity. Different organs release various hormones, all
under the governance of the hypothalamus. This walnut-sized gland located within the
brain is responsible for complex hormonal chain reactions that ultimately earn it the
nickname of the 'body's thermostat.'

Hormones are vital for repairing and regulating our bodily functions. As we age, though,
the body produces lower levels of hormones, which can result in disastrous effects,
including the decline of self-repair and self-regulation. Hormone production is highly
interactive: the drop in production of any one hormone is likely to have a feedback effect
on the whole mechanism, signaling other organs to release lower levels of other
hormones which will cause other body parts to release lower levels of yet other

Hormone replacement therapy — a frequent component of any anti-aging treatment —

helps to reset the body's hormonal clock and thus can reverse or delay the effects of aging.
If our hormones are being produced at youthful levels, in a very real sense the cells of our
bodies are stimulated to be metabolically active and thus, the entire body stays young.

Chapter I 11

The Genetic Control Theory

This planned-obsolescence theory focuses on the genetic programming encoded within

our DNA. We are born with a unique genetic code, a predetermined tendency to certain
types of physical and mental functioning. And that genetic inheritance has a great deal to
say about how quickly we are and how long we live. To use a macabre analogy, it is as
though each of us comes into the world as a machine that is pre-programmed to self-
destruct. Each of us has a biological clock ticking away, set to go off at a particular time,
give or take a few years. When that clock goes off, it signals our bodies first to age and
then to die.

However, as with all aspects of our genetic inheritance, the timing on this genetic clock is
subject to enormous variation, depending on what happens to us as we grow up and on
how we actually live (the old "nature versus nurture" debate).

Anti-aging medicine addresses this issue by employing a approaches to augment the basic
building blocks of DNA within each of our cells and prevent damage to, and increase
repair of, DNA. In this way, we believe, anti-aging treatment can help us escape our
genetic destinies, at least to some extent.

Note: For further information about the additional scientific postulations on the aging
process, consult the A4M's Physician Directory and Resource Guide.

12 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

The Free Radical Theory

This exciting development in anti-aging research was developed by Dr. Denham Harman
of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. "Free radical" connotes a molecular
structure with a free electron. Free radicals have an unusually high affinity that causes
volatile and destructive biochemical interactions.

With an unbalanced electrical energy, free radicals scour cells of the entire body to steal a
matching electron and attain electrical equilibrium. They will even disrupt stable
molecules in order to attain their own balance. In doing so, they create additional free
radicals—that continue the destructive pattern. Another way of looking at free radical
damage is to think of it as oxidation, the process of adding oxygen to a substance. Another
word for oxidation is rust, and in a sense, our aging process is analogous to the rusting
away of a once-intact piece of metal. Because forms of oxygen itself are free radicals, our
very breathing, and our otherwise healthy aerobic exercise, generates free radicals that
help along the aging process.

Substances that prevent the harmful effects of oxidation are known as antioxidants.

antioxidants include vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene (the substance that our body
uses to produce vitamin A). Specialists in anti-aging medicine prescribe a host of natural
and manufactured antioxidants to help combat the effects of aging. Additionally, free
radical scavenger substances will seek out free radicals and harmlessly bind them before
they can attack themselves to other molecules and/or cause deleterious cross-link

Chapter 1 13

The Telomerase Theory of Aging

A new theory of aging that holds many promising possibilities for the field of anti-aging
medicine is the telomerase theory of aging. This theory was born from the surge of
technological breakthroughs in genetics and genetic engineering. First discovered by a
group of scientists at the Geron Corporation in Menlo Park, California, telomeres are
sequences of nucleic acids extending from the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres act to
maintain chromosomal integrity. Every time our cells divide, telomeres shorten.
Ultimately, once the telomere end pieces of the DNA become too short, cell division slows
and finally ceases. It is postulated that this may be the mechanism for the cellular clock
of aging.

Scientists discovered that the key element in rebuilding our disappearing telomeres is the
"immortalizing" enzyme telomerase - an enzyme found only in germ cells and cancer
cells. Telomerase appears to repair and replace telomeres, manipulating the "clocking"
mechanism that controls the life span of dividing cells. Future development of a
telomerase inhibitor may be able to cease cancer cells from dividing and presumably
convert them back into normal cells.

In spite of the monumental progress in aging research, the debate continues and
scientists have not agreed on one specific theory. Dr. Hans Kugler, editor of the Journal of
Longevity Research, perhaps sums it up best: "we are each and everyone dying of the
same disease, old age\" Age-related changes do not occur uniformly in individuals; rather,
they are controlled jointly by genetic and environmental factors, which further heightens
the difficulty of finding a universal theory. What is universal is that we are all involved in
a global aging phenomenon - that, through theoretical gerontology and anti-aging
medicine we may eventually discover that there is no immutable limit to the human life
14 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Chapter 1 15

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program



Weeh One/


Although there are now 300 physicians Board Certified in the new cHnical science of anti-
aging medicine, and thousands more who are now learning, chances are that your
personal physician is not yet up to speed in this emerging new specialty. Unfortunately,
you don't have another 10 years or so to wait for this lifesaving information to trickle
down to the medical profession at large.

□ You are dying of a terminal disease called aging so the time to begin your life extension
anti-aging program is NOW !

□ Read, learn, and ask questions. You will become an educated consumer of medical life

□ See the Appendix for a list of recommended reading and a list of web sites for further



visit the award-winning A4M web site at

www. worldhealth. net

Chapter 2

What is Anti-Aging Medicine?

If you have had your cholesterol tested, taken a lipid-lowering drug, had a mammogram,
or taken HRT with thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, melatonin, or DHEA, you have
experienced anti-aging medicine. This form of medicine is based on the very early
detection, prevention, and reversal of age-related disease. 90% of all adult illness is due to
the degenerative

processes of aging. This includes heart disease, most cancers, "adult-onset diabetes,
stroke, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, autoimmune disease, glaucoma,
and Alzheimer's.

With early detection and appropriate intervention, most of these diseases can be
prevented, cured, or have their downward course reversed. Techniques for rejuvenating
the b odv and lenethening life are already available to the doctors oJ^ t He Amer ica n
Academy of Anti-Aging M edicine (A4M). This chapter contains just a few of the most
exciting developments.

Anti-aging medicine is the newest clinical medical specialty, the "optimum" of wellness
and longevity, and employs extensive therapies and treatment in the preventative health
care field far beyond just cholesterol testing and mammograms. A profound paradigm
shift in the way the medical establishment views aging and age-related disease is now

Our nation's health care system demands a radically different approach to how we view
and medically treat aging.

The demographics of aging necessitate we change from the current disease-based model
of medicine, to a more preventative one, otherwise the U.S. will go bankrupt under the
weight of the IG million strong baby boomer generation as they reach retirement age in
2011, and develop the chronic, degenerative diseases of aging!

Physicians practicing anti-aging medicine seek to enhance the quality of life as well as its
quantity, limiting the period of illness and disability toward the end of one's life. Anti-
aging medicine encompasses life style changes (diet and exercise); hormone replacement
therapies as needed ~ determined by a physician through blood testing (DHEA,
melatonin, thyroid, HGH, estrogen, testosterone); antioxidants and vitamin supplements;
and testing protocols which can measure not only hormone levels and blood chemistry,
but every metabolic factor in your body right down to the cellular level. Many of the
dreaded diseases of today, such as Alzheimer's and osteoporosis, are preventable and
treatable, even reversible, with proper modification of life styles, nutrition and

Anti-aging medicine will forever change the way society views going to the doctor's office.
Instead of waiting until a person is sick or exhibiting some type of symptoms, a person
will visit the doctor, perhaps two times per year, to monitor potential illnesses or
conditions — BEFORE they occur. The advances made in modern medicine in beating the
leading causes of death today (cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes) have been
achieved via early detection and prevention techniques, rather than through disease-
based treatments.

Exercise — A Powerful Anti-Aging Prescription

A study by Ralph Paffenbarger and his colleagues involving 17,000 Harvard alumni found
that men who burned 500 to 1,000 calories a week on physical actiioty (the equivalent of
walking 5 to 10 miles) iwid^a 22%-Ui^r rislcW death for all c^u^e^_^\jj\\\\^ thQQP
who (depended 2,500 calories) a week also added 1 to 2 yearsito
theirejrccft^e4JifL.spacu--^ople who are physically Ht, eat a healthy, balanced diet and
take nutritional

supplements can slice 10 to 20 years off their biological age — the true age that your body
should be measured, in terms of function, rather than your chronological age as
measured by the candles on your birthday cake.

Diet for Life

The biggest health problem facing Americans today is obesity. More than half of us are
over our ideal weight and more than one-third are obese enough to significantly raise the
risk of disease and premature death. Nutrition is one of the greatest weapons against
disease. Keeping fats below 30% and cholesterol intake below 200 mg will markedly cut
your risk of heart disease. Eating five servings a day of fruit and vegetables "I lowers your
chances of getting cancer. And a recent study found V tfiat eating nine to ten daily
servings of fruit and vegetables along 7* with three servings low-fat dairy products is as
effective as medication in lowering high blood pressure, and can help reduce J or
eliminate your chances of stroke.

Antioxidants Reduce Cellular Disease

Free radicals are highly reactive bits of molecules formed during the process of converting
oxygen and food into energy. Like tiny exploding grenades, they can damage cells and the
DNA. Thousands of studies support the idea that free radical damage contributes to age-
related illnesses like cancer, heart disease arni~rhe-^igine process itself.

itioxidants ^Vitamin A, C, E, and selenium) protect the cells^^bj L-neutr.^ lmng: the free
radicals and may help prevent disease. Supplements of antioxidants can have a profound
effect on risk of disease. For instance, a studyat U^LA School of Public Health found that
men who took(300 mg oy vitamin C daily had a 45% lower risk of heart attack SQmpapra
with men who took less than the U.S. Government Recommended Daily Allowance
(RDA). Vitamin E also lowered heart attack risk by

20 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

scale Hafvai:cl'-^udy, while other studies showed s of dietary fib^, and vitamirls E^nd C
probably reduce tke-fi^ of cancer. ^ ^■>—^

HGH Reverses Aging

Starting at age 20 or so, HGH levels begin to decline about 14% each decade so that by the
time we are 65, half of us have little or no HGH. The decline of HGH is accompanied by
many of the miseries we associate with aging from saggy skin, to a potbelly, to a lack of
vitality. But what would happen if HGH could be replaced in people who show signs of

A study involving 173 subjects demonstrated a highly significant decline in plasma growth
hormone concentrations after the second decade of life. After age 65, deficiency is
common. (Adapted from Sadiket. al., 1985)

AGE (years)

On July 5, 1990, Daniel Rudman, M.D., and his colleagues at the Medical College of
Wisconsin made medical history with an article in the prestigious New England Journal
of Medicine. It was the first clinical trial of elderly men on HGH. They compared the
effects of six months' of HGH injections on 12 men, ages 61 to 81, with an age-matched
control group. The result made headlines all over the world. Those taking the hormone
injections gained an average of 8.8% in lean body mass and lost 14% in fat, without diets
or exercise. Their skin became

thicker and firmer and the lumbar bones of the spine increased. In other words, HGH had
turned their flabby, frail, fat-bulging bodies into their sleeker, stronger, younger selves. In
language rarely used in conservative medical journals, the researchers wrote: "The effects
of six months of human growth hormone on lean body mass and adipose-tissue mass
were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10 to 20 years of aging."

Since that time, tens of thousands of studies in the world medical literature have
documented the benefits of HGH therapy. These studies suggest a wide range of effects
when HGH is replaced: reduced body fat, increased muscle mass, higher energy levels,
enhanced sexual performance, regrowth of vital organs, restoration of youthful immune
function, stronger bones, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, faster wound healing,
smoother, firmer skin, regrowth of hair, sharper vision, elevated mood and improved

Replacement therapy with injectable HGH should only be done under the supervision of a
doctor experienced in its use. While some studies have shown side effects of HGH
replacement, such as joint pain and carpal tunnel syndrome at higher doses, these
disappeared when the dosage was lowered.

There has also been concern whether HGH could stimulate the growth of cancer cells, but
no study to date has found a higher rate of cancer in the tens of thousands of children and
adults who received HGH treatment over the past 30 years. Two years ago, the Food &
Drug Administration (FDA) approved HGH therapy for use in HGH deficient adults;
hardly a move the FDA would make if genuine compelling evidence existed of HGH's

So Why is HGH So Controversial?

It is ironic the government agency charged with finding answers to the disabilities of old
age has in its 25-year history never taken a public position on anything except in 1996,
shortly after the publication and wide distribution of my book.

22 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Grow Young with HGH. The NIA created a barrage of radio and television public safety
announcements warning America about the unscientific claims of anti-aging medicine,
that there was NO evidence to support the claims that nutrients, hormones or anything
else could slow or ameliorate the inevitable decline of


This strongly worded, high visibility media campaign was totally unprecedented and
unique. The NIA, an agency whose budget now is $630 million, has never spent more
than $1 million per year on anti-aging clinical research according to Richard Sprout, M.D.,
former deputy director of the NIA. So it was not surprising to me that even this most
senior level staff member hadn't hardly a clue as to what the comprises the practice of
anti-aging medicine.

In what proved to be a curious twist of fate shordy thereafter, the Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) published a widely hailed and thoroughly researched report
demonstrating the positive effect of Vitamin E, antioxidant protection against heart
disease. Vitamin E's protective effects were so powerful as to reduce the risk of heart
attack by over 50%. No heart attack means longer life expectancy.

A week later the NIA retracted from its position on antioxidants and anti-aging. A few
months later, JAMA interestingly enough published an exhaustive study on estrogen
replacement therapy (ERT) in postmenopausal women. The women who took estrogen
amazingly developed almost 50% less degenerative diseases including less heart disease,
osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, skin dryness and wrinkling.

The NIA again retracted its blanket condemnation against anti-aging medicine, now only
taking aim at HGH and DHEA as dangerous and unproven.

So, why is the NIA anti anti-aging medicine? The answer cannot be science, as it is
mainstream hardcore documented scientific literature, experiment and clinical
observation, which is the corpus of the new specialty of anti-aging medicine. The
textbooks and educational materials of this new science are almost exclusively derived
from original

publications from Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, Archives of Internal
Medicine, Hospital Practice, Science, etc.

The answer must be found in the poUtics of medicine. Anti-aging medicine is a major
affront to those who insist of directing 95% of the U.S. healthcare budget toward disease
oriented medicine, while allowing less than 5% of that $1.5 trillion dollar budget be spent
on prevention.

Many at the NIA have made their careers poo-pooing the notion that "aging is not
inevitable," never mind the facts and the clinical successes of hundreds of thousands of
patients now benefiting from these breakthrough therapies.

Still, the genie is now out of the lamp and the advances in aging reversal cannot be
stopped. Proof positive of this fact was the airing of the PBS television special, "Stealing
Time: The New Science of Aging," in June 1999. This landmark show documented the
science of anti-aging medicine and the great advances in improving the quality and
quantity of life span, that life spans for baby boomers should soon reach 100 years and
that aging interventions as practiced by the anti-aging doctors is real!

The NIA and the AARP sponsored this incredibly accurate documentary on the future of
healthcare and anti-aging medicine. It seems they have at last read our research — age
may be inevitable, but aging is not!

Stimulating HGH Naturally

Two-t hirds of the older pop ulation will not require injections of HGH to get the age-
reversing benefits. Instead, they can stimulate their own hormone levels naturally
through a program that combines nutrient supplements, exercise, and diet. Commonly
available nutrient supplements have been shown in scientific studies to release HGH.
Moderate to intensive aerobic

exercise, su ch as ridin g a stationaj£ bike or runrung, can raise HGH levels one
.OQJlalEarF to two and half times higher. High intensity^eight tr aining gan increase
levels three to four-fold. You can also maximize the effect of exercise and HGH releasers
by losing weight if you are over your ideal body weight (obesity inhibits HGH release),
following a diet that is low in ^2X^\Mp\ in

24 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

healthy proteins, anii_avQi(iiflg-Ttigary, starchy foods ~ insulin stimulating foods, (in

Chapter 5, we will tell you about how to find an anti-aging physi cian faffl ttiSr with HRT
and the tests that should be conducted to monitor your progress.

Multiple Hormone Replacement for Best Results

According to Thierry Hertoghe, M.D., a Belgian endocrinologist and Secretary General of

the Belgium Medical Association and one of the world's leaders in HRT, the anti-aging
hormones work synergistically. Under the baton of HGH, the other hormones perform
together like a well-rehearsed orchestra. When he administers several anti-aging
hormones together, Dr. Hertoghe finds he can reduce the dosage of HGH by half while
achieving greater efficacy and safety. Replacing the several major hormones that decline
with age has practical value in a HGH enhancement program: it makes HGH work even
better. This is true whether you need HGH injections or you stimulate your own
endogenous levels with nutrient supplements.

Different hormones do different things in the body. There are reasons why all these
hormones are in the body, and why our body functions at peak efficiency in our youth
when our hormones are at their highest levels. If you cannot stimulate your own
endogenous levels of HGH and instead require injections of HGH, raising the other
hormones to optimal levels will decrease the amount of HGH needed, thereby lowering
the overall cost of treatment.

Rxfor Living 100 Years Plus

Today the average life expectancy is almost 80 years. A report in the highly respected
journal Science stated that if Americans could eliminate heart disease, cancer, stroke, and
diabetes as major causes of death, life expectancy would rise to 99.4 years overnight. The
physicians and scientists of A4M believe this goal is now within reach.


1. Prevent cardiovascular disease by keeping your total cholesterol below 200, your LDL
cholesterol below 150, and your HDL cholesterol above 45, do a half-hour of aerobic
exercise 3 to 4 times per week and 15 minutes of strength training. Have yearly
cardiovascular screening tests after age 40 to detect heart disease before it kills you,
reduce your risk of heart attack to near zero. Result: a gain of 13 years to your potential
life span.

2. Prevent cancer death through early detection tests since 90% of cancer is curable by
catching it at the earliest stage. Result: add 3 more years to your life.

3. Prevent stroke by keeping your arteries unclogged and your blood pressure down
through proper diet, weight control, and stress reduction. Keep your bl ood vessels stron g
and flex ible with antioxidants and magnesium. Keep homocysteine levels in check by
adding folic acid, B6 and B12 vitamins, panothenic acid, and vitamin C to your
cardiovascular disease prevention program. Result: add 2 years.

4. Prevent adult-onset diabetes by maintaining ideal body weight, exercising, and avoiding
overly sugary, nutritionally empty, fatty, and starchy foods. Residt: add 1.4 years.

5. Prevention and early detection are the keys to an anti-aging program. Drive a car that
weighs more than 3,500 pounds, buckle up every time you get behind the wheel, and the
chances are good for you to make it past age 100.

6. Join the A4M and support their pioneering physicians and scientists in unraveling the
puzzle of aging in eliminating age-related metabolic disorders. Their success could mean
an extra life span of youth, health and happiness.

26 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Anti-Aging Medical Care

How would you live your life if you knew you could live to age 150? Instead of feeling old
at 60 and retiring at age 65, would you start a whole new career? Would you put off
having children until you were 75, knowing that you had another 75 healthful and
productive years to live? Would you be more concerned about the long-term
environmental changes of planet Earth if you knew you would still be around to breathe
the air and drink the water?

Scientists in the field of anti-aging medicine believe that these questions and concerns are
not frivolous. With advances in genetic engineering, cloning, organ transplantation, and
molecular machines, in the next decade the average life expectancy will jump to age 85
and steadily increase from there. Along with increased age will come vastly improved
health, since the two go hand in hand. Many centenarians are now enjoying a vigorous
lifestyle. A recent New York Times profile featured such sparkling 100 year-olds as Lloyd
Botimer, who at age 103 won the javelin throw in the Senior Olympics three years earlier;
Essie Brown, 105, who was looking for a dance partner; and Lenore Schaefifer, who won
fame as a ballroom-dancing centenarian.

In the near future, we believe anti-aging medicine will become a dominant, primary
medical care specialty. Already, over 300 physicians have gained their specialty status in
this newest medical discipline as Diplomates of the American Board of Anti-Aging
Medicine (ABAAM). Soon you will visit your personal anti-aging doctor who will develop
a customized program to ensure that you don't fall ill or suffer the indignities of
deterioration and degenerative disorders of aging. The ability to live 120 years or more in
glowing good health will have such a profound an effect on our society that we can now
scarcely imagine it.

Anti-Aging Preventive Diagnostics


There are over one-hundred anti-aging centers operation across the United States. At
Cenegenics, located in Las Ve^as, Nev ada, Alan Mintz, M.D., "and HTs medicaT
colleagues conduct a comprehensive evaluation program for key physical biomarkers—the
signposts of aging. Once completed, patients consult with a nutritional counselor and an
exercise physiologist who, based on the results from the biomarker diagnostics, plan the
optimal nutritional and exercise regimens.

Cenegenics recommends the following program for the earliest detection of disease:


To learn about the latest research on biomarkers of aging and new longevity extension
software for at-home health promotion and tracking soon to be available from A4M, visit
our website at

28 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program

for LoYige^Cty

Weeh Two-

□ Optimize your antioxidant protection by eating 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables
per day and supplement with a high quality, high potency multivitamin/ antioxidant

□ For maximum longevity, limit fats to 30% or less.

□ Exercise at least 15 minutes daily to maintain the minimum yet significant longevity
benefit to over all health. With exercise, more is better: try for one hour a day, five days a
week (check with your physician first).

□ Look young, think young, and be young. "As a man thinketh, so shall ye be." True words
- the mind-body connection is a powerful force in medicine, healing and longevity.
Looking good will help you in feeling good.

□ Drive a large vehicle and always wear seat belts. Odds are 200% better of surviving a
crash than in a subcompact.

□ Find a physician who will be your partner in your personal anti-aging medical program.

□ Early detection and prevention is the cornerstone to longevity. Most cancer, diabetes,
osteoporosis, and all heart disease is curable if caught at Stage I (the earliest possible
detection stage of disease).

30 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

□ Don't accept "You are just getting old" as an excuse for not feeling youthful and
energetic. Fatigue, depression, slowed thought, truncal obesity, weakness, aches and
pains are all treatable and reversible signs of aging that should alert you to a need for
anti-aging medical intervention.

□ If you are over the age of 45, have your hormone levels checked by a physician at least
once a year.

□ Maintain sexual performance and refuse to accept diminished function - this ability is
an absolute indication of health and longevity.

Join the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) today: call (773) 528-4333 or
complete the membership form in the back of this book. Physician memberships are just
$150 per year, Scientific memberships for Ph.D., R.N., D.D.S, RPh, etc., and other medical
professionals is only $95 per year, and General memberships are just $65.

Your participation as a member of A4M is a powerful vote for advancing this new
paradigm of science. A4M now represents 7000 physicians and scientists in 50 countries,
who believe aging is not inevitable. Join us in saying "NO" to the old reality of
degenerative diseases of aging.

Together we can change the reality of aging and eliminate old age disease. Together we
will help usher in the ageless society of healthful, modern-time disease-free life spans of
100 years and beyond.

Chapter 3

HGH, The Master Hormone of Youth

Kelly Nelson began taking HGH in May 1997 and four months later she placed first in
bodybuilding contest for the over-35 age division. Today she is 72 years old.
John Baron found that on HGH his waist narrowed from a heart attack threatening 44
inches to a healthy 38 inches, his skin tightened, his energy, concentration, and memory
improved dramatically. Most heartening for this 82 year-old physician, his sex life is now
as good as when he was 45.

Paul Bernstein found that HGH and DHEA brought his muscle tone back to what it was in
his late 30s, picked up his energy level by about 20%, dropped his cholesterol level by 30
points and reduced his body fat 4%. At age GA, he looks like Mr. Fitness USA, the title he
was awarded three decades ago.

Most people think of HGH as the miraculous treatment for children doomed to dwarfism,
which over the past 30 years has saved tens of thousands from this fate. HGH therapy has
been so effective for our young that a remake of The Wizard of Oz is nearly impossible
today, due to this medical achievement.

The next great benefit of HGH therapy appears to be in the aging population. People with
age related deficiency of HGH become fat, flabby, frail, and lethargic, lose interest in sex,
have trouble sleeping, concentrating, remembering things, tire

52 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

easily, and in general, lose their zest for life. With HGH, all these so-called signs of aging
are reversed.

Like Kelly Nelson, John Baron, and Paul Bernstein, tens of thousands of people around
the world are experiencing the multiple life-enhancing benefits of HGH replacement.
They all feel that they have turned back the clock and regained their youthful bodies,
mind, and spirit. They feel a renewed sense of optimism, an excitement about starting
each new day, and a sense that they are children once again with the whole world in front
of them.

But individual cases, no matter how compelling, is not objective science. Real evidence
must come from the lab, animal studies, and most of all from well controlled clinical
studies ~ preferably those that are double-blind, where neither the researcher nor the
physician knows who is receiving the real treatment and who is getting the placebo. In
this chapter, we present a sampling of the evidence from the experts who have published
over 20,000 studies, abstracts and reports affirming the value of HGH in the world's most
respected and reputable scientific and medical journals. But first let us look at the
remarkable molecule called HGH.
HGH structure, a sequence of 191 amino acids.

How Growth Hormone Is Made

Hormones are chemical messengers that are made in one part of the body and tell other
parts of the body what to do. Once a hormone reaches its destination, it binds to a special
docking place on the cell called a receptor, where it stimulates a specific metabolic
activity. Hormones are involved in every aspect of human function from sex and
reproduction, growth and development, to metabolism and mood. A well-known example
of a hormone is insulin, produced by endocrine cells in the pancreas, in response to
elevated levels of glucose in the blood. Insulin then helps regulate the speed at which
cells will absorb sugar from the blood stream.




The most abundant neurohormone produced by the brain is HGH which is secreted by
the Anterior Pituitary Gland. The Pineal Gland is the site for production of the hormone

HGH is the most abundant hormone made by the pituitary gland, which is located in the
center of the brain. Pituitary cells (called somatotropes) make HGH, which is also known
as somatotropin — from the Greek, meaning "turning towards the body." 50% of the cells
of the pituitary are somatotropes, making HGH the most abundant hormone produced by
the pituitary gland.

Researchers have long noticed that peak HGH production coincides with the rapid growth
phase of adolescence, hence the hormone's name. Most HGH secretion occurs in brief
bursts, or pulses, which take place during the early hours of the deepest sleep. Indeed the
old adage that "you grow during your sleep" appears to have a basis in fact.

34 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


HGH remains active in the bloodstream for only a few minutes, but that is long enough to
stimulate its uptake to the liver where it is converted into growth factors. The most
important of these is insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), also known as somatomedin C.
IGF-1 is directly responsible for many of the positive benefits of HGH. Most clinicians
prefer to test the level of HGH indirectly by measuring the level of IGF-1, since the level
of HGH can vary widely throughout the 24-hour period. Below are the normal laboratory
ranges of IGF-1 for men and women at various ages. IGF-1 is explained further in Chapter

Blood Serum Laboratory IGF- 1 Values for HGH

Age (Year) Level (ng/mL)

16-24 182-780

25-39 114-492

40-54 90-360

over 55 71-290

HGH and Aging

HGH declines with age in every animal species that has been evaluated to date. In
humans, the amount of HGH after the age of 21 to 31 falls about 14% per decade, so that
the total

24 hour HGH production rate is reduced in half by age 60. In numerical values, we
produce on a daily basis about 500 micrograms at 20 years of age, 200 micrograms at 40
years and

25 micrograms at 80 years of age. The fall in IGF-1 with age mirrors that of HGH.

Daniel Rudman, M.D., a pioneer researcher in the use of HGH, considered plasma IGF-1
levels under 350 evidence of deficiency. Between the ages of 20 to 40 years, less than 5%
of healthy men have IGF-1 levels less than 350. But after age 60, 30% of apparently
healthy men have this low amount. And after age 65, about half the population is partially
or wholly deficient in HGH.

Why Does HGH Decline With Age?

The answer to this question still eludes scientists and physicians. Studies have shown
that the aging pituitary somatotrope cell is still able to release as much HGH as the young
cell if it is adequately stimulated. This implies that the fault must lie somewhere in the
factors that regulate hormone release.

Some researchers believe that the problem lies with somatostatin, the natural inhibitor of
HGH. It has been found to increase with age and may act to block the secretion of HGH.
When researchers knocked out the action of somatostatin in old rats, they had HGH
pulses that were as large as those of young rats.

Other researchers believe that the precursor hormone, growth hormone releasing
hormone (GHRH), which stimulates the release of HGH, becomes less sensitive to
feedback signals.

It may be also be possible that both these problems occur as we age. The latest thinking is
that not only does the amount of HGH available to the tissues decline with age, but our
tissues become more resistant to the action of the HGH that is there. In this view, aging
can be seen as a disease of HGH resistance in the same way that adult onset type 2
diabetes is not caused by the failure of the pancreas to produce adequate insulin, rather it
is a disease of insulin resistance.

The Decline of HGH is Not Inevitable

The most recent research shows that despite what aging does to cause the decline of
HGH, it is not irreparable and it is not permanent. William Sonntag, professor of
physiology and his colleagues at Bowman Gray School of Medicine in Winston-Salem,
North Carolina, conducted an experiment which clearly shows that the decline in HGH
secretion with age is reversible. Like old rats, older people experience a decline in the
bursts of HGH that are secreted. But when Sonntag and his colleagues took old rats at age
26 and restricted their caloric int ake, the HGH secretion was restored after two months.

36 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

The take-home message is that the dedine of HGH with age can be reversed. Even if the
activity of GHRH decUnes, or the somatostatin increases, or the receptors become less
responsive to the effect of HGH, the administration of either HGH, HGH releasers,
secretagogues (stimulators of HGH production and release), or amino acid precursors (to
the synthesis of the natural production of HGH) can produce a correction of the decline.
Clinical trials are now underway in several major drug companies, such as Merck and
Wyeth-Ayerst, on oral drugs that can stimulate the pituitary to release normal youthful
levels of HGH. The FDA is already evaluating these substances for approval as
prescription medications.

HGH Pituitary Deficiency Mimics Aging

People who produce little or no HGH as a result of pituitary tumors, disease, or removal
of the pituitary gland often seem like doddering old people. In studies of such patients,
they show a consistent pattern of mental and physical characteristics associated with
aging. The psychological and emotional symptoms include a reduced sense of well being,
low energy, vitality, and capacity for work, emotional liability, including mood swings,
anxiety, depression, and increased social isolation. Important physical signs are increased
body fat, especially around the waist (apple-shape rather than pear-shape), decrease in
muscle mass, and thin, wrinkled, or prematurely aged skin.

As Silvio Inzucchi of Yale University wrote in the January 15, 1997 issue o^ Hospital
Practice, "Growth hormone deficiency is now formally recognized as a specific clinical
syndrome, typified by decreased muscle mass, increased body fat (predominantly at intra-
abdominal sites), decreased exercise capacity, osteopenia, abnormal lipid profiles, and
diminished feelings of well-being. The critical reader will recognize that most, if not all, of
these signs and symptoms are common in an aging patient population."

Low Levels ofHGH Shorten Life Span

Bengt-Ake Bengtsson, M.D. and his colleagues at Salgrenska Hospital in Goteburg,

Sweden studied 333 patients who had been diagnosed with pituitary insufficiency in a 30-
year period between 1956 and 1987. All these patients had been treated with pituitary
hormone replacement, including cortisone, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones. The
one hormone that was not replaced was HGH. The HGH deficient patients died at twice
the expected rate - 107 deaths compared with 57 in the overall population matched for age
and sex. The primary cause of death was cardiovascular disease, which showed an almost
two-fold increase with 60 deaths versus 31 in the general population.

Effects of HGH Treatment

Three pioneering studies in Sweden, Denmark, and England found that four to six
months of HGH replacement in adults who had low levels due to pituitary insufficiency,
had beneficial effects on body composition, cardiac function, exercise capacity, renal
function and quality of life. Bengtsson also showed that after 12 to 18 months of HGH
therapy, bone mineral density increased.

Some of the most striking effects were in the area broadly defined as quality of life.
Before treatment, the scores of these patients on the Nottingham Health Profile indicated
that many of them were struggling with problems of low self-esteem, anxiety and
depression. Bengtsson characterized some of these patients as "Zombies, who moved in
slow motion." But within a short time on HGH therapy, the difference was like night and

"We called it the Lazarus effect," he says. "We woke them up. With some patients it was
like giving them a kick in the butt. Their lives changed within a few weeks."

The treatment went on to change the lives of all that participated in the program,
according to Dr. Lena Wiren, a psychologist who evaluated the patients. "Nobody wants to
stop treatment," she says. "Sometimes it is not even the patient who

38 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

notices the difference it is making. Rather it is their wives or children or friends at work."

In Bengtsson's opinion, the effects of six months of HGH therapy on lean body mass and
fatty tissue was equivalent to reversing the aging process 10 to 20 years.

Douglas Crist and colleagues at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine in 1987
worked with eight healthy athletic young people, five men and three women, all between
age 22 and 23. After six weeks of HGH injections three times per week, these young
adults, already in good shape, had gained an average of close to three pounds of muscle
while losing an average of 1.5% of their body fat. Their overall ratio of muscle to fat (a key
sign of being well conditioned) improved by an average of close to 25%.

Even before Crist, Dr. Robert Kerr had been administering HGH to healthy adult athletes.
Kerr, a family physician in San Gabriel, California, had treated some 8,000 athletes in the
course of his practice, prescribing HGH.

Kerr said his patients took HGH for only three to six weeks. In that short of time,
bodybuilders claimed their results lasted up to 12 months. Some athletes claimed to have
gained up to 40 pounds in six weeks while reducing their body fat. Others claimed to have
gained appreciably in height. Of his first 150 patients to take HGH, ages 29 to 52, one in
six gained from three-quarters to one inch. Subsequent patients in their 20s claimed to
have gained even more. Kerr reported that many patients found relief from chronic lower
back pain when they grew taller. Although they did not always retain the height, most did
retain their freedom from chronic back pain.

Dr. Julian Whitaker of Newport Beach, California has been prescribing HGH to his elderly
patients, as well as taking it himself He states, "In the 20 years I have practiced
nutritional and rejuvenative medicine, I have not seen anything that even comes close to
the restorative power of HGH supplementation."

In Whitaker's opinion, HGH is most effective in combating the effects of chronic diseases
that involve muscle wasting: stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and AIDS. He
thinks it can also be useful in treating severe burns and in helping patients recover from
surgery - both instances in which skin and other organs must be regenerated and

The Effect ofHGH Replacement on Aging Adults

The largest clinical study of HGH replacement therapy in normal older people shows that
it "appears to improve several attributes believed by many to be associated v^ith
performance, quality of life, and longevity," L. Cass Terry, M.D., Ph.D., Chairman and
Professor of Neurology at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Terry reported
his findings at the Fifth Scientific Conference of the American Academy of Anti-Aging
Medicine in Las Vegas in December 1996.

According to Terry, the largest effects were seen among those who were most deficient in
HGH. The study was based on the analysis of 320 responses to self-assessment
questionnaires drawn from a group of more than 900 patients, 200 of which were
physicians. The patients, who were between the ages of 39 to 74, had been treated an
average of 191 days. Terry analyzed the data before and after treatment so that each
person served as his or her own control.

Terry found total serum cholesterol and triglycerides dropped significantly in both men
and women. There were striking changes in muscles and body fat, with 80% reporting
improvements in muscle strength, muscle size, and exercise endurance, and 72% in loss
of body fat. Also notable:

Increase in sexual potency and frequency 76%

Higher energy levels 84%

Improved attitude toward life 80%

Increased resistance to common illness 73%

Improved skin elasticity 73%

Enhanced emotional stability 67%

Better memory 64%

There were no _serious side effects, with the most common ones being fluid retention,
jomt pains and five instances of carpal tunnel symptoms, which disappeared when the
dosage was lowered. Terry attributes the low incidence to the low-dose, high-frequency
treatment regimen with 4 to 8 lU per week of HGH in divided doses given twice daily,
upon arising and before bed, compared with what had previously been
40 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Studied in clinical studies of 16.5 lU per week, given once every other day. This dose,
which is about one-quarter to one-half of the weekly dosage used by Rudman, is safe, well
tolerated and virtually free of side effects, yet it is equally effective. IGF-1 levels increased
by 61% from a mean of 238.8 before treatment, to 384.5 after treatment. The regimen
used in his study, he believes more closely mimics the normal physiologic pulsatile
pattern of HGH release.

Medical Benefits of HGH Replacement

HGH therapy may prevent or reverse many of the most common diseases and conditions
of aging. In fact, it appears that a program of HRT, including HGH stimulation, may
provide one of the most effective means of maintaining health and vigor into one's 80s,
90s and beyond. Following are some of the areas in which HGH has already shown
considerable benefit.

HGH Rejuvenates the Immune System

The thymus glamz, located in the chest, is a primary organ of thesimmune^y^em. It

matures the T-cell lymphocytes, the same cells involved in AIDS, which make patients
vulnerable to the diseases that finally kill them.

At puberty, our immune system reaches its zenith, allowing the highest resistance to age
that we will ever have. Then the thymus begins to shrink until by age 40 it is a shriveled
shadow of its former self, and by age 60 it is difficult to find. The shrinking of the thymus
coincides with a rise in the diseases associated with aging, including cancer, autoimmune
diseases, and infectious diseases.

At the same time, there is also a decline in the T-cells as well as immune factors such as
interleukin 2. In a sense, aging is like a slow form of AIDS. What would happen if the
thymus could be made to grow again? Would our immune resistance return to that of a 12

In 1985, Keith Kelley, M.D., a research immunologist at the University of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign, showed that injections of cells that secrete HGH could regrow the

thymus gland in old rats so that it was as large and robust as that of young rats. Kelley's
work has now been confirmed by Israeli scientists, who used bovine growth hormone to
reverse thymus shrinking in mice, and similar results have been shown in dogs.

Immune activities that HGH improves include: the manufacture of new antibodies,
increased production of T-cells and interleukin 2, greater proliferation and activity of
disease fighting white blood cells, greater activity of anti-cancer natural killer cells,
stimulation of bacteria fighting macrophages, increased maturation of neutrophils,
increased erythropoiesis, and the production of new red blood cells. The latest study
showed that HGH promoted the rate of new red and white blood cells after bone marrow
transplantation in mice. The researchers from the National Cancer Institute conclude that
HGH may help cancer victims grow new cells after bone marrow transplants.

Immunity May Control Life Span

Does a rejuvenated immune system translate into longer life? The answer is not known
for humans, but an intriguing experiment shows that this may very well be the case. In
1990, two researchers at North Dakota State University gave growth hormone injections
to a group of 26 mice that were more than three-quarters through their life span, while
another 26 mice received placebo injections of saline solution. After 13 weeks, 16 animals
(61%) in the control group had died while all but two (97%) of the growth hormone
treated animals were still alive nine months after the average life expectancy for this
mouse strain. In other words, the treatment had added an extra third to their average life

The researchers also found that the growth hormone treated animals had improved
immune function including a reactivation of T-cell function, which is controlled by the
thymus gland. They had begun their study when the animals were already showing signs
of aging and deterioration of their immune system, including cancer and infection.
"Thus," they write, "the observed prolongation of the mean life expectancy in the
hormone-treated group seems to be due to a delay or prevention of age-associated

Growth Hormone Therapy and Psychological Well-Being of the Aging Adult

Thierry Hertoghe, M.D. Academie de Medicine Generale de Belgique

HGH treatment improves the quality of life for HGH deficient adults, reducing
depression, fatigue, and insomnia. In anxiety disorders, HGH levels (after clonidine
stimulation) are reported to be lower.

HGH treatment improves attention and memory, even in patients with the beginning
stages of dementia. In three patients suffering from beginning dementia (one with
alcoholic dementia and brain atrophy, one with Parkinson and one with Alzheimer's),
each showed relatively impressive improvement with HGH therapy, although in the
Parkinson and Alzheimer's patients it is implausible to expect total or near total recovery.

The follov^dng reports the frequency of improvement of psychological symptoms in a 48-

person study administered two months of HGH treatment at an average dose of 0.75 I.U.
a day (first month 1 I.U. a day, second month 0.5 I.U. a day) :

1. Permanent fatigue - decreases or disappears (86.8%)

2. Easy exhaustion when physically busy — recovery is clearly better (86.04%)

3. Poor resistance to stress - improves (83.7%)

4. Depression - fades away (82.7%)

5. Low resistance when staying up after midnight -improves (82.5%)

6. Low self-esteem - improves (79.2%)

7. Sense of powerlessness - on the contrary, subject gets a sense of power (77.8%)

8. Poor sociability - person opens up again to others (77.8%)

9. Anxiety - decreases greatly (73.5%)

10. Insufficient aggressiveness - subjects get firmer (73.1%)

11. Inappropriate hyper-emotionality - calms down greatly (71.4%)

12. Sharp verbal retorts - speech softens (71%)

Human Growth Hormone Therapy and Physical Appearance of the Aging Adult

Findings of Thierry Hertoghe, M.D. Academic de Medicine Generaie de Belgique

In 48 adults in Dr. Hertoghe's study, the following physical signs, in order of frequency,
were reported by the patients to be improved after two months of GH therapy on an
average dose of 0.75 I.U. a day (first month 1 I.U. a day, second month 0.5 I.U. a day):

1. Sagging cheeks - get denser (75.5%)

2. Wrinkled face - less wrinkled (71%)

3. Pouches under the eyes - less visible (65.8%)

4. Loose skin folds under the chin - tighten (62.5%)

5. Sagging body silhouette - straightens up (62.5%)

6. Dropping triceps - tightens (60.7%)

7. Bagging inner side of the triceps - tightens (60.7%)

8. Floppy belly - flattens (48%)

9. Less muscled shoulders - muscles back (44%)

10. Less muscled buttocks - muscles back (42.3%)

11. Meager, wrinkled hands - muscles back (41.6%)

12. Fatty cushions above the knees - decrease (41.2%)

13. Thinned skin - thickens (34.5%)

14. Obesity - decreases (33.3%)

15. Thin hair - thickens (28.1%)

16. Thin lips - thickens (25%)

17. Gingival retraction - less important (20%)

18. Thinned jawbones - thickens (9.5%)

44 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

HGH Helps the Heart

HGH replacement therapy improves cardiac function and protects against cardiovascular
disease in a number of ways. It reduces body fat particularly in the abdominal region,
which has been shown to be with a correlative marker of the increased risk of heart
attack. In studies of HGH deficient adults, HGH improves blood cholesterol profiles ~
raising the HDL while lowering the LDL, and reduces the diastolic blood pressure by
about 10% (without change to the systolic pressure).

Treatment with HGH also reversed heart failure in several studies. In a 1996 New
England Journal of Medicine article, seven patients treated with HGH (five men and two
women) who had moderate-to-severe heart failure, increased the thickness of the left
ventricular wall, enhanced the ability of the heart to contract and pump out blood,
reduced the oxygen requirement of the heart, improved exercise capacity, clinical
systems, and the patients' quality of life.

HGH Restores Lung Function

HGH injections have been shown to benefit heart-lung ftinction by increasing the
patients' ability to exercise, raising their maximum oxygen uptake, and increasing the
stroke volume and cardiac output. It also improved forced expiratory volume (FEVl), the
ability to force the air from the lungs in one second. David Clemmons, chief of
endocrinology at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill,
found that three weeks of HGH injections in patients in the later stages of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease significantly raised the maximum inspiratory force by 10
to 12 mm Hg on average, and increased their maximum expiratory force. Clemmons
believes that HGH is a promising treatment for emphysema and other chronic obstructive
pulmonary diseases.

HGH Builds Bones

A Swedish study of 44 men and women between the ages of 23 and GG who were severely
deficient in HGH found that two years of HGH treatment caused significant increases in
the density of the bones that form the hip joint and the vertebrae of the lower spine.
There were increases in calcium, osteocalcin and two types of collagen, which are markers
of bone formation. The researchers estimate that they have reduced the possibility of
fracture so that it now equals that of normal healthy controls.

HGHy The Ultimate Smart Drug

HGH replacement raises energy levels, improves slow wave sleep and elev ates mood.
Three years agoT'a team of Swedish scientists discovere3''wRy HGH replacement makes
so many people feel good. It acts in the brain exactly like an antidepressant, raising the
level of the neurotransmitter B-endorphin, which has been called the brain's own opiate,
and lowers the level of dopamine, which is associated with feelings of agitation. In other
reports, it appears to reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, and build self-
esteem and self-confidence. It may also play a role in depression, as shown by a 1998
report that depressed men have a marked decrease in HGH secretion during the first
three hours of sleep when compared with non-depressed controls.

HGH can reverse decline in memory and cognitive performance. A Dutch study found
HGH deficiency was directly related to impairments in iconic memory (the ability to
process a flash of information), short-term memory, long-term memory and perceptual
motor skills such as hand-eye coordination. Interestingly, the lower the levels of IGF-1,
the lower the patient's IQ and education level.

46 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Treating Brain and Nerve Disease

HGH, IGF-1, and nerve growth factors in the brain show promise in the treatment of
neurodegenerative disease and injury. IGF-1, which is also available in recombinant drug
form, has been shown to repair and reconnect severed nerve endings of up to a distance of
6 mm, a feat previously unheard of, and it has increased motor neuron activity in spinal
cord cells grown in the laboratory.

Some of the diseases for which IGF-1 may be useful are amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS) and peripheral neuropathies such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome. It may also
allow more aggressive chemotherapy of certain cancers, since drugs like vincristine and
cisplatin can cause nerve problems at the higher dosages needed to control the cancer.

HGH normalizes the impaired motor activity of dwarfed mice, suggesting that it may be
of value in treating Parkinson's patients. It also helps motor activity by stimulating the
grov^h of myelin sheath on nerve cells, making it a potential treatment for multiple

With Alzheimer's, there is a loss in a number of neurotransmitters particularly

acetylcholine and noradrenaline, which stimulate HGH. A number of investigators have
suggested that HGH may be useful for the treatment of this disease.

Other benefits of HGH therapy on the brain include a restoration of slow wave sleep, a
particular problem among the elderly, and anecdotal reports of improved vision, both
near and far, as well as night vision.

HGH Enhances Sexual Function

The decline of male potency parallels the decline of HGH release in the body. HGH levels
and sexual potency peak during puberty decreasing throughout manhood until, by the age
of 80, 75% of men are incapable of having or sustaining erections. Although there are no
clinical studies that specifically look at HGH and its effect on sexual function, people who

HGH deficient due to pituitary disease have decreased libido and sexual function. After
treatment with HGH replacement, they experience increased sexual drive and function
according to their responses on the Nottingham Health Profile.

In the clinical study of 302 aging adults on HGH mentioned previously, the investigators
found that three-fourths of the men reported improvement in sexual potency, frequency
and 62% had longer lasting erections. In fact, in interviews with people who have used
HGH for anti-aging purposes, almost everyone, male and female, reports improvements
in libido and sexual function.

A typical case is that of a 63 year-old divorced doctor who hadn't been with a woman in
five years and felt he was no longer interested in sex. After four weeks on HGH, he felt a
surge of sexual energy. He started dating again and now has sex on an average of twice a
week. Anecdotal stories of near super human sexual response are too common to list
here, but suffice to say, sexual rejuvenation is the most commonly reported benefit of
HGH therapy.

HGH Rejuvenates Skin

HGH is the only anti-aging treatment known that actually makes people look younger.
The skin of older people becomes papery thin and loses its firm texture. But in Daniel
Rudman's six-month study of HGH replacement in elderly men, skin thickness actually
increased 7.1%. And in a self-evaluation of 202 people who took HGH for six months,
more than two-thirds reported improvement in skin texture, skin thickness, and skin
elasticity, while 61% observed fewer wrinkles and 38% reported new hair growth. Patients
usually started noticing changes within a few weeks of treatment. Fine lines vanished,
deeper wrinkles receded, and facial fat decreased so that puffs of fat under the eyes
evaporated, while the facial muscles that lift and hold the skin became stronger.

HGH also increased the synthesis of new proteins that lie underneath skin structure. In
animal experiments, it increased the strength and collagen content of the skin. Collagen

elastin are the underlying foundation of the epidermis. HGH restored the turgor, or
bounciness, that is characteristic of young skin, so the skin bounced back more readily on
a pinch test (see Chapter 5), became better toned, and sagged less.

HGH Resculpts the Body

HGH does something no other weight loss regimen does — it recontours the body,
melting away fat and building muscle. In many cases, people look like they've shed years,
along with the fat. Even better, the greatest loss occurs in the deep belly fat, the area that
is not only the bane of aging men and women but is a marker of increased risk of heart
attack. In every study of HGH in pituitary-deficient adults, as well as aging "normal"
people, HGH replacement reduced body fat and increased lean body mass.

In a six-month placebo-controlled study at Thomas Hospital in London, of 24 adults with

HGH deficiency, the hormone treated group had no net change in weight but they had
lost an average of 12.5 pounds of fat and gained an average of 12.1 pounds of lean body

Rudman's study on elderly men between age 60 and 81 found that after six months of
treatment, the treated group gained an average of 8.8% in lean body mass and lost an
average of 14,4% in fat mass. The lean body mass included an increase in the bone density
of the lumbar spine by 1.6% and the liver and spleen grew by 19% and 17% respectively.

In a follow-up study, the same trends held after 12 months of treatment, with the lean
body mass increasing by 6%, the fat decreasing by 15%, skin thickness up by 4%, an 8%
growth of liver and 23% growth of spleen. All this was happening while the untreated
control group was losing an average of 2.5 to 4.5% a year in their lean body mass.

% Gain 10


-5 _
-10 _

-15 _

% Loss -20 _



Lean Tissue

Growth hormone therapy decreases fat tissue and increases lean tissue in the elderly
(aged 61 to 80 years).

HGH may be one of the most effective fat loss regimens ever discovered. In a double
blind, placebo-controlled crossover study of overweight women, HGH therapy caused an
average loss of more than 4.6 pounds of body fat, most of this in the abdomen. Most diets
cause loss of muscle along with the fat, but in this study the women's lean body mass
increased by 6.6 pounds.

In two double blind, placebo-controlled studies by David Clemmons, M.D. of the

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, HGH, i n_ combina tion with dieting,
accelerated weight loss. All of the people participatmg m tht study exceeded their ideal
body weight by 35 to 60%. In the studies, lasting either six or eleven weeks, HGH
combined with diet caused a 25% acceleration in the rate of fat loss above and beyond the
effects of diet alone. In the 11-week period, the HGH treated subjects lost 30 to 32
pounds, compared with 20 to 25 pounds in the controls. And while the controls lost
muscle along with fat, the treated group retained their body tone.

Most strikingly for health purposes, HGH treatment preferentially reduces abdominal fat
that is associated with an increased risk of heart attack. The loss of abdominal fat also
has.— implications for t}^pe 2 diabetes, since there is a close association between intra-
abdominal obesity and insulin resistance.

While some early studies showed increased blood sugar and insulin resistance among
HGH treated individuals, later studies showed that after six months of treatment insulin
sensitivity returned to baseline. While it is yet to be proven, it seems reasonable to
assume that over the long run, stimulation of


50 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

HGH by getting rid of abdominal fat could prevent type 2 diabetes or even reverse the
disease process.

\HGH Controls Obesity

It is well known in human physiology that muscle and fat tissue metabolism are directly
influenced by the interplay between HGH, amino acids, exercise, insulin, stress
hormones, proteins andiat ». Li t tle^ if any, fat burning can take place in the p res ence
|of high ins ulin/levels, sucnas^thos e fouttd -rorrrffiibrily after eating a meal high in fat
or carbohydrates. During fasting, insulin levels are at their lowest. Insulin is an inhibitor
of HGH, so it is very important to fast for a minimum of two hours before taking HGH, or
its precursors, at bedtime.

Obesity is also a _stLong inhibitor of HGH secretion.

Body fat is the largest public health problem in America. According to new guidelines just
released by an expert panel of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, more than
half the population is overweight, and 97 million Americans are obese.

Being fat is not a benign lifestyle choice. The excess body fat is like a huge magnet that
attracts such diseases as diabetes type 2, heart disease, high blood pressure, and some
forms of cancer. The American Heart Association has now upgraded obesity from a risk
factor to a contributing factor for heart attack. But for most people, taking weight off and
keeping it off is about as easy as falling upwards. About 90% or more dieters gain back all
the pounds they lost. HGH may well prove to be the answer not only in reducing body fat,
but also for many of the problems that accompany obesity.

A group of healthy older men who were administered low-dose HGH injections for nine
months lost an average of 9.2% total body fat, 6.1% of abdominal fat and an astounding
18.1% of the deep layer of central body fat. These results were accomplished without
dieting or exercise. The 1997 study, which was carried out by Johannson, Bengtsson, and
their colleagues at Salgrenska University hospital, was a randomized double-blind study
involving 30 men between the ages of 48 to 66 years old. Not only did the treated group
lose a significant

portion of their belly fat (the placebo group actually put on fat during that period), they
had improved glucose metabolism, lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides and lower
blood pressure.
How was HGH able to do all these things? The Swedish scientists suggest that the low
HGH secretion in obese people who carry their weight mostly in the belly is a sign that
the neuroendocrine system is off kilter, particularly when it comes to regulating HGH and
IGF-1, When you fix this defect by providing the body with HGH, the other benefits
follow, such as lower total cholesterol and triglycerides, decreased LDL cholesterol (the
bad kind), increased HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and lowered blood pressure.

In addition to all these benefits, HGH improved glucose metabolism. Diabetes type 2
(adult onset) is now reaching epidemic proportions in the U.S. Overall, there are 16
million Americans suffering from diabetes. Your chances of contracting this disease are
directly related to obesity. The fatter you are, the greater your risk for developing this
form of diabetes.

The major defect in this form of diabetes is insulin resistance, the inability of the cells to
use the insulin that is there. Central belly fat appears to be the major culprit in producing
insulin resistance. By eliminating this form of fat, HGH improves insulin sensitivity and
allows the body to manage blood sugar more efficiently. The message is clear: if you are
obese, there are now, for the first time, proven methods for getting rid of the fat that
poses such a danger to your health and your life.

32 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Physiological Effects of HGH and Changes Found in

Normal Aging and in Patients with HGH Deficiency Due

to Pituitary Disease



Normal Aging "Somatopause"

HGH Deficiency

in Pituitary


Body Fat

Lean Body Mass



Bone Density


HGH for Anti-Aging and Longevity

HGH appears to be the silver bullet of life extension. The most consistent extension of
life span comes from experiments in which animals have their food intake restricted. In
well-carried out experiments, animals on a calorically restricted diet have enjoyed a
maximum life span that was more than twice the average Ufe span for that species. In
human life expectancy, this would be equivalent to a life span of about 160 years!

Dr. William Sonntag at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine at Wake Forest University
in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has examined what happens to HGH and IGF-1
secretion in animals that are diet restricted. Normally when we age, the amount of HGH
and IGF-1 decreases along with protein synthesis. But, Sonntag and his associates found
just the opposite happened in the diet restricted animals. Young rats on a moderate food
restricted diet actually had their growth hormone secretion go down, but by the time they
reached 26 months (old age for a rat) their growth hormone pulses were the same as that
of a young control rat.

Could a significant factor in these animals' ability to defy death be growth hormone?
More growth hormone meant higher rates of making new proteins needed by the cell.
While the rates of protein synthesis went down in old control rats, the aged restricted rats
had 70% increase of new protein in the heart and 30% in the diaphragm compared with
the unrestricted animals.

With all these amazing benefits, HGH ~ which vanquished dwarfism over the past 30
years in children — may yet again prove to be the wonder drug of the next decade; this
time, for adults seeking the multitude of benefits of anti-aging medicine.

Benefits of Exercise/Reasons fi)r Everyone

Stimulates the neuroendocrine system

Improves immune system functioning

Helps maintain ideal body weight

Prevents cardiovascular disease

Improves posture

Reduces risk of diabetes

Increases maximum oxygen uptake

Increases muscle strength

Reduces blood pressure

Increases strength of ligaments and tendons

Improves cerebral circulation

Improves short term memory

Sharpens vision

Reduces risk of glaucoma

Enhances sexual performance

Improves quality of sleep

Reduces risk of developing breast, colon and prostate cancer

Helps alleviate depression

Helps eliminate low back pain

Improves self esteem

Improves mental alertness and reaction time

Helps relieve constipation

Helps retard bone loss and reduce risk of osteoporosis

Improves sensitivity of target tissue to insiJin and thyroid


54 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

The benefits of exercise do not end here. Exercise, especially short duration, high
intensity exercise training, such as powerlifting and other strength training activities,
exerts a powerful effect on the hormones of the brain and the endocrine system and have
been proven to boost HGH release into the bloodstream raising IGF-1 levels by 200-
400%. In 1994, Maria Fiatarone, M.D., of the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging
of Tufts University, conducted an exercise therapy experiment on a group of men and
women between the ages of 63 and 98. In spite of the fact that 83% required a cane,
walker or wheelchair, and GG^M had fallen during the past year, each underwent a high
intensity weight training program including leg presses three times per week. Over the
course of this 10-week training session, the results were remarkable with significant
increases reported in muscle growth and strength improvements in stamina and stability.
Many of the subjects were able to throw away their walkers entirely, or at least to improve
so much as to only need a cane. "^A High intensity ex ercise is a wake up call to the

Just starting an exercise program can j;i:imulate yoUi piluiiaiy lu produce more HGH, and
will help your body to make the best use of the HGH it has in the circulation.

OThe following are samples of strength training exercises lat are of benefit in stimulating
HGH release. The lower xtremities and pelvis account for almost 70% of the muscle lass
within you, so to achieve maximum stimulation of the euroendocrine system, lower
extremity exercise is key.

If you are over the age if 40, a sports and cardiac physical exam is a prudent first step
before beginning any new strenuous physical training program.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 48 million otherwise healthy Americans are
classified as sedentary, putting themselves at risk for premature aging, cardiovascular
disease, cancer and diabetes. 250,000 deaths per year are attributable in part to sedentary
lifestyles. A modest change in lifestyle enables every couch potato to reduce their
propensity for illness, and can add years to your youthful and productive lifespan.

Weight Resistance Exercises

The basic principles of isotonic workouts:

1. Muscular Strength - the amount of force that a specific muscle can exert. To increase
muscular strength and build up muscle mass, use more resistance and do fewer

2. Muscular Endurance — to increase muscular endurance, perform exercises that take

the muscle through its full range of motion. Use lighter resistance and perform more

3. Positive (Concentric) Contraction - when you flex and contract the muscle to overcome
resistance, the muscle shortens. Example: performing a bicep curl, pulling the weight
towards your body.
4. Negative (Eccentric) Contraction - when a group of muscles are forced to extend to a
fully outstretched position. Example: when a bicep curl is complete, lowering the weight
away from your body extends the bicep to its full length. For best results, weight
resistance exercises should include both positive and negative contractions.

56 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Anti-Aging/HGH Enhancing Exercises


Works upper thighs.

Starting Position (Machine) Position

yourself beneath

machine pressing bar so that the handlebars rest across back of shoulders. Place hands on
handle bars in comfortable position.

(Barbell) Place barbell across top of shoulders in back of neck. Stabilize the weight by

placing your hands near the collars in a comfortable position. Stand erect,

head up, back straight, with feet about 16 inches apart.


Inhale, then exhale as you squat down until your thighs and lower legs are at about a 120-
degree angle. Return to starting position and inhale. Repeat movement for specified
number of repetitions.


Works upper thighs.

Starting Position Hold a dumbbell in each hand, at arms' length, palms facing thighs.
Stand at end of bench, aligning heels with end of bench. Stand erect, back straight, head
up. Keep feet flat on floor, about 16 inches apart.

Movement Inhale, then squat down touch bench.

exhale as you

until buttocks

Do not take

tension off thighs by sitting on bench. Return immediately to starting position and inhale.
Repeat movement for specified number of repetitions.


Works outer thighs.

Starting Position Stand at end of bench so that heels Hne up with end. Stand erect with
arms crossed over chest. Keep head up, back straight, and feet flat on floor about eight
inches apart (close stance).


Inhale and exhale as you

squat down until buttocks

touch bench. Do not take

tension off thighs by sitting

on bench. Return immediately to starting position. Keep head up and back

straight throughout exercise movement. Repeat movement for specified

number of repetitions.


Works thighs and thigh biceps.

Starting Position Stand erect with hands on hips. Keep head up, back straight, and stand
with feet about 14 inches apart.


Inhale and step forward as far as possible, until leading leg is parallel with floor and
trailing leg is extended as B. ^^ straight as possible.

Push back to starting position and exhale. Repeat movement with other leg. Repeat full
cycle (alternate leg) movement for specified number of repetitions.

Works inner thigh and thigh biceps.

Starting Position Stand erect with hands on hips. Keep head up, back straight, and stand
with feet about 14 inches apart.


Inhale and step to side as far as possible until thigh of leading leg is parallel to floor and
trailing leg is extended as straight as possible.

Push back to starting position and exhale. Repeat movement with other leg.

Repeat full cycle (alternate leg) movement for specified number of repetitions.

Aerobic Exercise

rate your rate, stress



10 Sec

Beats Per Min

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132



10 Sec

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Beats Per


138 144 150 156 162 168 174

Your target heart zone is 70-85% of

heart's maximum If you have not had a test, which supplies your own body's maximum
heart rate, you can roughly approximate it by

subtracting your age from 220. For example, if you are 40 years old, your maximum rate
is 220 minus 40, or 180.

Your target heart rate zone, then, is 70-85% of 180, or 126 to 153. It is important to know
your own target heart rates zone, and to stay within it. Exercise at less than 70% of your
maximum rate will not produce the desired cardiovascular conditioning effect. Exceeding
85% of your maximum rate may be dangerous, and has been shown not to add
appreciable benefits.

Take your pulse after every exercise session, just before your cool down, to assure that
you are staying within your own target zone.



Beats Per Minute



Beats Per Minute

20 25 30 35 40
140 to 170 137 to 166 133 to 166 130 to 157 126 to 153

45 50 55 60 65 70

126 to 153 119 to 145 116 to 140 112 to 136 109 to 132 105 to 128

Walking For Fitness

As you progress in your exercise program, you may choose to perform your aerobic
exercise through running, swimming, cycling, jumping rope or rowing. However, a regular
program of brisk walking can also yield -valuable cardiovascular benefits

At the beginning, walk at least 10 minutes Gradually increase your walking time to 40-60
minutes Maintain your target heart rate for the entire walk Remember, time and
maintaining your target heart rate are more important than the distance you cover Walk
at least 3 times a week, 5-7 times if possible /

60 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program


How about adding another 6 to 11 more quality years to your own life span?

By avoiding or preventing

atherosclerosis and heart disease, the #1

killer of all men and women in

America, you will be able to add an

average of 8 years to your life

expectancy. Surprisingly few

Americans are availing themselves of

this slam-dunk win in the race for longevity, which seems just

plain foolish. Heart disease and atherosclerosis are almost 100%

preventable with today's advanced medical technology.

□ Regular yearly screening exams for hypertension and vascular and heart diseases after
age 40.

Weeh Three/

Do not smoke, do not start, or stop immediately. Every minute smoked is equivalent to a
minute of life expectancy lost. A family history of heart disease, mild obesity, high stress,
depression, or being of the male gender increases your risk factors.

Consider a Rapid Cardiac CAT Scan X-ray analysis of your heart. This "Star Trek" type
technology images the heart in 3D and spots very early signs of calcium deposits in
coronary artery walls, an indicator of atherosclerosis and an early warning of propensity
to heart attack.

□ Exercise 20 —30 minutes per day. Your goal should be to burn 2,000-2,500 calories per

□ Increase fish oils (Omega-3 fatty acids) in your diet.

□ Consider a niacin supplement to help lower "bad" LDL cholesterol if elevated or to raise
"good" HDL cholesterol if less than 45.

□ Drink 8 glasses of distilled water daily. Well hydrated blood moves more easily around
obstructions and may reduce the risk of heart attack by 50%.

□ Take optimal antioxidants (beta carotene, vitamin C, E, and CoEnzyme Q-10). These
protect the heart and its arteries against free radical damage, setting the stage for
atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). A Harvard Medical School study found that high doses
of beta carotene, vitamins C and E cut the risk of heart disease by 50%.

□ A new study from the Brigham and Women's Hospital, affiliated with Harvard Medical
School, reports that drinking tea everyday-eaa-jigduce the chance of a heart attack by
44%. /Blapk^eaN (leaves that are cooked or fermented, such as^«£^^^ontains powerful
flavonoids (green tea has minimal, and herbal teas have none). How much and how
strong this potable should be is yet to be determined.

□ Take any signs of heart problems as seriously as a heart attack! Better to err on the side
of caution than to have machismo lead to premature death!
Symptoms of heart attack (myocardial infarction, MI) include:

• Uncomfortable pressure, pain, or squeezing sensation in the chest lasting more than a
few minutes.

• Pain spreading to the neck, jaw, back, shoulders or arms.

• Chest or back discomfort with nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, irregular pulse
and/or palpitations in the chest, lightheadedness or fainting.

62 Ten Weeks to a Younger You First aid:

□ Call for emergency medical service attention immediately.

□ Chew and swallow two 500 mg tablets of Vitamin C. Newest research indicates that
Vitamin C helps to dilate (open) blood vessels and may improve blood flow to the heart.

□ Noted anti-aging cardiologist Steven Sinatra, M.D. recommends to chew one aspirin,
swallow one half of second, and hold the other half under your tongue if you suspect the
onset of a heart attack. Aspirin is readily absorbed into the blood stream and begins its
anti-clotting activity immediately, reducing the chances of deposits (plaques) causing
further occlusion. The FDA approved aspirin for this use in October 1998, following their
agreement with findings from a study of 17,000 heart attack hospitalizations.

□ When first administered within 5 hours of MI, as little as 1/2 of a regular strength
aspirin tablet at the time of MI and continued for a month causes a significant reduction
in vascular damage.

□ If you have suffered a MI, your physician may recommend low-dose aspirin therapy to
prevent recurrence. Aspirin can prevent 100,000 premature deaths worldwide ~ that's one
statistic in which you'd want to be counted.

Chapter 4

HGH Formulations

There are a variety of ways to increase your levels of HGH:

1. HGH replacement with injections of the recombinant DNA human growth hormone.

2. HGH secretagogues/precursors, substances that stimulate the brain to release more of

the hormone, including nutrient supplements and pharmaceutical products specifically
designed for this purpose.

3. Homeopathic HGH preparations, which contain very small amounts of the actual HGH
molecule, reported to act as secretagogue agents.
4. Injections of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH).

GHRH is a naturally occurring molecule that regulates the production and release of
HGH by the anterior pituitary of the brain. Once HGH is released from the brain, it
travels via the bloodstream to the liver where it is converted to IGF-1 (Insulin Growth
Factor 1). Both HGH and IGF-1 are powerful

64 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Stimulants to cellular metabolism throughout the body. IGF-1 growth factor carries out
many of the beneficial actions of HGH. There are new, more powerful pharmaceutical
HGH secretagogues under development in the laboratory that promise to restore youthful
levels of HGH with the convenience of a once-a-day pill, a nasal inhaler, or even an
asthmatic type inhaler.

HGH is a FDA Approved Drug

In August 1996, the FDA approved HGH for use in adult patients for the first time. Before
this, it was only authorized for use to promote growth in HGH deficient children. The new
indication is for "SDS," or somatotropin (growth hormone) deficiency syndrome, as a
result of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy or injury.

In effect, the FDA approval covers the use of HGH for anti-aging purposes since low
levels of HGH or IGF-1 indicate a failure of the pituitary to release adequate amounts of
this vital substance. In addition, the signs of SDS, such as decreased physical mobility,
lower energy, higher risk of cardiovascular disease, are exactly the same as those seen in
aging adults with low HGH levels. The FDA approval for HGH in adults means that any
physician may now prescribe it to their HGH deficient aging patients without fear of
practicing outside of conventional orthodox mainstream medicine.

HGH Injections

Today, HGH is made in the laboratory by genetic engineering methods generating an

identical protein to the one made naturally in the human body. For this reason, allergic
reactions to it are rare and the drug is extremely safe for human use. It is manufactured
by a number of drug companies under different names, such as Protropin and Nutropin

Chapter 4 65

Humatrope (Eli Lily), Gentropin (Pharmacia-Upjohn), Norditropin (Novo Nordisk), and

Serostim (Serano Laboratories).

The injections are similar to that of insulin, using very-small needles and delivered
subcutaneously (under the skin). Most people find it easy to do and even less painfiil than
a pinprick. While different doctors use different dose regimens, ■ *. the usual
recommendation is between 2 and 8 lUs per week (1 \ "^ mg = 3IUs).

Many specialists in anti-aging endocrinology are now dividing daily doses into two per
day, one at morning and one at night, to more closely approximate the way HGH is
released in the body. The idea is to raise the levels of IGF-1 (IGF-1, a byproduct of HGH,
is the substance often analyzed in the clinical laboratory to determine correct dosage of
HGH supplementation) to about what it was at age 30 to 40, which for most people is in
the high 200s to low 300s.

Side effects seen above this dosage such as joint pain, stiffness, swelling of extremities
and imbalance of blood sugar levels have been rarely reported, so long as IGF-1 levels
above 350 are avoided. Acromegaly type' (gigantism) syndrome of excess HGH levels have
been reported among HGH abusing body builders and other athletes who take HGH
supplementation to vast excess, taking many times the appropriate physiological
replacement dose for months or years on end. The lack of complaints in thousands of
anti-aging patients who are on HGH therapy since 1990 is strong evidence to its safety,
when used under a physician's supervision at a reasonable physiologic replacement

The most common side effects reported with HGH use are e dem a and join t aches and
pain s. These are due to the water retention efifects'orHGH and can be treated by
lowering the dosage. In a study by Maxine Papadaxis and associates at the University of
California in San Francisco, which used dosages about two to four times higher than is
now recommended by most anti-aging specialists, several of the subjects experienced
adverse effects of pains in the legs, edema and joint pain. Two HGH recipients (and two
placebo recipients) developed tender breasts, although none of the men in the study

66 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

gynecomastia (enlargement of the breasts). There was no incidence of carpal tunnel

syndrome, which can sometimes be seen at high doses. All the side effects disappeared
when the dosage was lowered by 25 to 50%.

The cost of the various HGH therapies range from just $1 per day for nutritional
precursors/amino acids to as much as $3,000-510,000 per year for injectable HGH.

HGH and Prostate Cancer

A 1998 article in Science suggested there is an association between men who naturally
have high levels of IGF-1 and prostate cancer. In their study, Dr. June Chan and
associates at the Harvard School of Public Health found that men with the highest levels
of IGF-1 had about four times the risk of men with the lowest levels.

In nature, it would appear that this could not be the case for the simple reason that IGF-1
levels in men markedly decline with age, while the risk of prostate cancer increases with
age. Or as Michael Anchors, a physician with a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Harvard
theorizes, "If IGF-1 goes down with normal aging and high IGF-1 is associated with
prostate cancer, wouldn't you predict that the risk of prostate cancer would decline with
age rather than increase?" Indeed five other reports found that there was no association
either between IGF-1 and prostate cancer.

Three of these reports from Stanford University in California, Tel-Aviv University in

Israel, and Kolling Institute of Medical Research in Australia, found that patients with
prostate cancer had normal levels of IGF-1. In fact, in some cases the cancer patients had
lower-than-average IGF-1 levels. Moreover, Bengtsson of Goteburg University, studying
the largest group of HGH treated adult patients anywhere in the world, has not found any
increase in prostate cancer or any other malignancies among several thousand adult
patients or in a registry of 20,000 children treated for 40-50,000 patient years. And a
recent study by L. Cass Terry of the Medical College of Wisconsin looked at 749 men,
many of whom were on HGH replacement therapy, found no association between IGF-1
and PSA (prostate specific

Chapter 4 67

antigen), which is today's most accurate and sensitive screening test for prostate cancer.
Six patients who were diagnosed with prostate cancer had IGF-1 levels within normal
range. (In one patient with prostate cancer who took HGH and other hormones in lieu of
cancer therapy, the PSA levels actually dropped precipitously.). Terry concludes, "Giving
growth hormone as an anti-aging remedy which elevates IGF-1 does not appear to
increase the risk of cancer."

Weighing all the evidence together, it does not appear that there is any significant reason
for concern for those who are deficient in HGH in using HGH replacement. With HRT, as
with most of the important things in life, having the right balanced amount is the key as
too much or too little can lead to problems. The men who were at greatest risk in the
Chan study had unusually high levels of IGF-1. People with acromegaly as a result of
abnormally high HGH levels or taking dangerously excessive doses of HGH are known to
have a higher risk of cancer. This is why it is important to work with an anti-aging
physician who can ensure that your levels of HGH and IGF-1 are neither too high nor too
low. At the same time, it is important to stress that there are few long-term studies of
HGH therapy in adults. Therefore, it is prudent for anyone who takes HGH or uses HGH
releasers to have a PSA test every year, which is normally recommended for men over the
age of 50.

Amino Acid Precursors

M any nutrients have been shown to increase HGH in bo th young and old subjects? Most
ol: these are amino acids, which are building blocks ol protein. Their advantages are that
they are safe, well-tolerated, cost less than $1 a day, and are available without a
prescription from most drugstores and health food store*! .

m-ginine has been used by millions of athletes over the past 20 years to enhance
production of HGH. Arginine works even into old age, with one European study showing
that it boosted blood levels of HGH to three times the level seen in their age group. The
effects of arginine supplementation include

68 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

increased fat burning and muscle building, enhanced immunity, and improving erectile
function in men. It appears to work by blocking the hormone, somatostatin, which acts as
a brake within the pituitary gkfltHew.eringthpprodiirrion ir\d release of HGH. The most
cdmmon dosag^(4tol0 grams tgken on an empty stomach one hour befbre^ercise and
betore sleeping.

Ornithine is similar in structure to arginine. It is also widely used to boost HGH.

According to authors Dirk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, it has double the effectiveness of
arginine at the same dosage, or about 2.5 grams. The usual dosage is 2 to 5 grams at

Glutamine is the most recent amino acid to generate excitement as a HGH releaser,
thanks to a 1995 study by Tomas C. Welbourne of Louisiana State University College of
Medicine in Shreveport. Welbourne showed in a study that a surprising small oral dose
(about 2 grams of glutamine) raised HGH levels more than four times than when the
subjects were given a placebo. Even more exciting, age did not diminish the response, at
least in this small study of volunteers, who ranged from 32 to 64 years. The usual dose is
2 grams at bedtime.

Lysine, another amino acid, has a synergistic effect with arginine. According to a 1981
study by Italian researcher A. Isidori, M.D., and his associates at the University of Rome,
the combination of 1,200 mg of lysine and 1,200 mg of arginine pyroglutamate in 15 male
volunteers between the ages of 15 and 20 was 10 times more effective than taking
arginine alone. But another study by the Gerontology Research Center in Baltimore found
that lysine/arginine combination, even at twice the dosage, used in the Italian study failed
to raise HGH levels in men over 65.

Glycine is another amino acid shown to increase HGH in several studies. One study found
that 6.75 grams at bedtime caused a three-fold increase, while a Japanese research team
showed that 30 grams raised HGH levels 10 times in patients who had gastric surgery. An
oral dose of 250 mg in normal volunteers also showed a significant, but less pronounced
rise in HGH. Glycine has also been found useful in increasing output in exercise
workouts. The usual dosage range is 250 milligrams to 6.75 grams.

Chapter 4 69

Tryptophan is an amino acid that is converted to serotonin, which increases HGH during
sleep. The nutrient is also found in milk, which may explain why drinking milk at night is
a common remedy for insomnia. Five studies reported small increases in HGH with doses
of more than five grams. It appears to be a mind-body regulator, decreasing anxiety and
depression, and with the addition of vitamin B6, tryptophan may help reduce the severity
of panic attacks. The usual dosage is one to two grams at bedtime. For best results, it
should be taken with B6 (30 mg) and vitamin C (250 mg), which the brain uses to convert
tryptophan to serotonin.

The latest clinical research indicates positive beneficial growth hormone agonist and
anabolic activity via a combination of amino acids and high IGF-1 colostrum. The amino
acid precursor glutamine peptides, arginine, ornithine, lysine, and glycine with colostrum
is presently a strong contender for the top position as the natural HGH stimulant. See the
HGH Product Reference section in the Appendix for a listing of available products.

CAUTION : The FDA withdrew tryptophan from the market as a dietary supplement in
1989 when it was suspected to cause a blood disorder, eosinophilia myalgia. These rare
cases were traced to toxic impurities in a few batches of synthetic tryptophan made by a
Japanese company. There have been no reported cases since then. Although a bizarre
reaction to tryptophan can not be completely ruled out, it appears almost certain that the
problem was due to contamination during the production process. Tryptophan is available
today only by prescription, but its analog 5-HTP may be just as effective and is available
over the counter and in many nutritional products.

70 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is a naturally occurring substance found in every cell of

the human body, as well as the brain. A Japanese study of GHB found that a dose of 2.5
grams given intravenously to six young healthy men increased the levels of HGH nine-
fold within 30 minutes and rose to 16 times over the baseline within one hour! The
stimulation of HGH no doubt accounts for its reputation among bodybuilders as one of
the best fat-burning, muscle-building compounds. A recent study shows that GHB packs a
one-two punch, stimulating slow-wave sleep (the deepest slumber) and doubling the
HGH released by the body. Usual dosage is 500 mg to 1 gram at bedtime.

Due to GHB's effectiveness as a hypnotic (sleep inducing agent) and anesthetic, the
recent widespread news is that this product really does work, and it is now considered a
controlled substance in several states. This is indeed unfortunate, as its potential benefits
far outweigh the few reported incidents of teenagers, who, by mixing GHB with alcohol
and other depressant medications, place themselves into a drug-induced stupor lasting up
to 20 hours. This, and the alleged potential of GHB to be used as a date rape drug, raised
media hysteria to the point of governmental action banning its sale without a
prescription. In reality, GHB tastes mighty awful. So much so, it would be nearly
impossible to spike someone's drink with sufficient amounts (4 grams or more about 2
heaping tablespoons) to succeed in drugging someone without their knowledge.

Such things as government bans, however, do not easily daunt freedom-loving American
nutritionists, as history has proven time and again. Enter 2 (3H) Furanone di-hydro, a
metabolite (breakdown product) of GHB within the body, which appears to be responsible
for both deep slow wave sleep and the HGH release seen with use of GHB.

2 (3H) Furanone di-hydro is neither approved nor disapproved by the FDA, and no state
has taken action to limit its availability as an over-the-counter nutritional supplement. It
is a yellow liquid with an unpleasant (though not vile) taste.

Chapter 4 71

which should be mixed in juice to make it palatable. Its sedation effects are similar, but
not as strong as GHB. The average dosage is 1/3 to 1 oz. at bedtime.

Unfortunately, misinformation and sensationalism by the media with the torrid myth of
the evil "date rape drug" may well remove this substance too from access by the public.
Sadly, it is science and the public who suffer when fact is sacrificed in search of a hot
news story.

The Food & Drug Administration has issued alerts warning against the use of this
substance making its future look uncertain. Despite this, the FDA recently accepted 15
investigational new drug applications asserting that GHB is remarkably safe for a number
of medical conditions.

NOTE - Potentiation can occur with any hormone or hormonal substance, so cycle its use
to maintain its effectiveness. For example, use for four to five nights per week for no
more than six weeks, then stop for at least two weeks. Cycling on and off is a precaution
to follow with any substance which exerts a metabolic or physical effect, including sleep
inducing agents, and many hormone replacement products.


Niacin may also be an effective stimulator of HGH. Niacin is the common name used to
refer to vitamin B3 — nicotinic acid or nicotinamide. Two scientific studies show that
200mg of niacin given intravenously increased HGH levels eight-fold with the HGH peak
occurring two hours after the administration. Pearson and Shaw state that a 200mg dose
of niacin will cause a mild HGH release. Niacin is believed to play a role in the release of
HGH, particularly in a form called xanthinol nicotinate, which passes more easily through
the membrane of cells and through the blood-brain barrier. Niacin

72 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

supplementation also significantly reduced mortality from all causes of death analyzed
during the Coronary Drug Project, a study conducted in the 1970s-1980s. Usual dosage of
niacin is 200 mg to 1 gram at bedtime to stimulate HGH release.

PLEASE NOTE: With niacin, many people will develop a flush of heat, redness and
sometimes an itching sensation of the skin. This flush reaction is in resonance to niacin's
ability to release histamine from the cells, which act to vasodilate (to open) the blood
vessels of the body. This "flush reaction" may be responsible for the HGH release as well.

Homeopathic HGH

Homeopathy is a form of medicine that uses vanishingly small doses of natural

substances to stimulate the body's own immune and endocrine systems. In some ways,
homeopathy is similar to a vaccine, where microscopically small amounts of a foreign
protein are introduced into the body to create an immune response. Homeopathy is
considered alternative and lacking in scientific proof by the mainstream medical

However, a published study sponsored by National Institute of Health (NIH) reported

limited success when they used infinitesimal amounts of actual HGH from DNA
recombinant technology to make homeopathic HGH. Preliminary studies of people who
took one dose three times a day for two to four weeks showed an 8 to 23% increase in
IGF-1 levels.

Among the benefits were enhanced functioning of the metabolic, immune, and nervous
systems with some of the participants also experiencing elimination of joint pains,
reduction of fat and increase in lean body mass. The product has also been tested in HIV-
positive patients. The four month study, which was double blind and placebo-controlled,

Chapter 4 73

that the treated groups had decreased viral loads, increased or stabilized T4 cell counts,
lowered measures of inflammation throughout the body, improved mineral metabolism,
and increased weight gain. During the same period of time, the placebo group had their
viral loads go up and the T4 counts go down, along with increased infection and weight
loss. There were no adverse side effects reported with this treatment.

It is important to note that homeopathy is a highly controversial practice which would

appear to violate commonly held beliefs of pharmacology and physiology, A single study
is not adequate evidence, and the scientific community awaits independent confirmation
from other objective university-based sources.

HGH Secretagoguey Nutritional Precursor Products and the New Marketplace

Sparked by avid public interest in HGH after the publication of Grow Young with HGH, a
number of companies have launched secretagogues, a new generation of products that
function as combination HGH stimulant and releasing compounds. These generally
contain a combination of amino acids, other nutrients, and in some cases, proprietary
peptides designed to enhance the pituitary's ability to release HGH. These products can
generally be found in health food stores, advertised in sports, fitness, anti-aging
magazines, on the Internet, or through multilevel marketing companies.

Since 1996, this new HGH product marketplace has evolved from zero into hundreds of
millions of dollars today. As this book goes to press, there are over 100 secretagogue,
amino acid precursors, or HGH spray products on the market.

The now defunct Quantum Leap, Inc. grossed $10 million in their first six months of
operations with their HGH spray product. In discussions with some of the new
secretagogue and spray companies, the smaller manufacturers are selling $50,000 to
$100,000 in product monthly, and some of the larger manufacturers are bringing in more
than $3 million per month. These estimates do not take into account the existing

74 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

sports medicine HGH agonist marketplace, which includes almost half of all the amino
acid products sold for muscle building, nor does it include the one billion dollar market
for injectable HGH, IGF-1, and GHRH pharmaceutical products.

The safety of nutritional HGH agonists is well established by the more than 20,000,000
international athletes who use these nutritional HGH support agents as part of their daily
sports nutrient regimen over the past 20 years, so far without significant adverse effects.

With the rapid advancement of science, injectable forms of HGH may soon be obviated.
New and more easily administered HGH stimulators and secretagogues are under
development, which are administered via a spray sublingual applicator through the nose
or mouth. Many companies marketing these products have thousands of anecdotal
reports on record testifying to the positive life enhancing effects of this HGH product,
however controlled scientific studies are needed before its genuine benefits are known.

This booming marketplace has fueled a tremendous amount of awareness about the
benefits of HGH replacement therapy, and also many questions and considerable
controversy within the scientific community about this new generation of products and
their research studies claiming to raise IGF-1 levels.
As new products are continually being introduced at a very rapid rate, you should ask the
manufacturer for a list of ingredients and sources, and for any clinical research study
results. As a service in locating these types of products and for comparison purposes, you
may consult the product resources listing at the end of this book for brief descriptions of
the HGH products currently being marketedj__£aLjiieJate*t4a^irmation about HGH
products, please visit

Chapter 4 75

Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH)

As its name implies, GHRH stimulates the release of HGH in the brain. Some anti-aging
researchers believe that it may be even more effective than HGH in aging people. GHRH
declines with age the same w^ay that HGH and IGF-1 do. Several recent studies show
GHRH only stimulates HGH and IGFl, but it works as well in older men (and presumably
women) as it does in younger men.

In a Baltimore study, researchers from the Gerontology Research Center, Francis Scott
Key Medical Center, and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that twice
daily subcutaneous injections of GHRH restored the levels of HGH and IGF-1 levels in
older men to that of men three decades younger. There were no reported problems or side
effects with the GHRH and no changes in bodily function, such as increased blood
glucose or blood pressure. The researchers conclude, "short term subcutaneous
administration of GHRH to healthy old men reverses age-related decreases in HGH and
IGF-1, suggesting that prolonged treatment could improve age-related alterations in body

More studies, including long-term treatment, must be carried out in humans before the
hormone can be widely recommended for therapeutic purposes. But the potential is great
for GHRH because it more closely mimics the way HGH is released in the body. The
Baltimore study shows that it can actually reverse the loss of HGH that occurs with age.

76 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

controtebody function, emotions, txxJy temperature, hunger, Itwst t)lood pressure
andsexuai feefmgs

Pituitary Gland

produces . HGH



HGH (Somatotropin)

IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor-1)

This natural anabolic growth factor molecule is the other end of the HGH chain, the
downstream player that actually exerts most of the effects we associate with HGH.
Injections of IGF-1 increase lean body mass, reduce fat, build bone and muscle and may
even regenerate nerve tissues. By taking it directly, you bypass the pituitary gland, which
may be "burnt out" with aging, according to some investigators.

It appears to be even more potent than growth factor in its anti-aging action. Keith Kelley
[responsible for studies showing that HGH restored the aging of the immune system (the
shrinking of the thymus gland) — see Chapter 3] showed through his experiments on
cells in laborator)^ culture that only IGF-1, and not HGH, worked. But both'lGF-1 and
HGH work in the living animal. "I know that both HGH and IGF-1 are substantially
elevated in the old animals treated with growth hormone," he says, "but my prediction is
that the main player is going to be IGF-1."

IGF-1 has also been shown to do things in the body that HGH does not. It has similar
effects to insulin in the body as its full name, insulin-like growth factor 1, suggests. It
improves blood sugar profiles in type 2 diabetic patients. High doses of HGH have been
shown to increase insulin resistance, but IGF-1 administration actually normalized the
insulin resistance in a group of healthy volunteers. Two 1997 double blind clinical

Chapter 4 77

studies found that IGF-1 injections can significantly reduce the need for insuHn in type 1
diabetes (the kind that develops in children and young people and is dependent on
insulin) by up to


IGF-1 has also been shown to repair peripheral nerve tissue damaged by injury or illness.
Dramatic regeneration occurred when IGF-1 was used in combination with other growTih
factors such as PDGF (platelet derived growth factor). And in studies of animals and cells
in culture, it has increased activity of neurons that control motor activity in the spinal
cord. Some researchers believe that if IGF-1 can regenerate spinal cord motor neurons, it
may be useful in treating otherwise hopeless neurodegenerative diseases, such as
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

IGF-1 is such a new product that most doctors don't yet know what to do with it. I t is te n
times more potent than HGH, so presumably you could get the same anti-aging t!lTt!Lts
at a much lower dosage. But more clinical studies must be done before it can be
appropriately used for anti-aging purposes.

More Powerful HGH Seeretagogues/Precursors

The Holy Grail of HGH replacement is a small, cheap, safe pill that one could take every
day to raise HGH levels — a kind of anti-aging aspirin. This is the ultimate secretagogue.
And it would work in the body the same way that GHRH does, by telling the pituitary to
release more of the HGH stores that are still present, age aside. Right now major
pharmaceutical companies have joined the hunt for the perfect, oral HGH secretagogue,
including Wyeth-Ayerst, Merck, P harmacia Upjohn, Genentech, Nova Tsiordisk, and a
Japanese company, Kakan.

Two secretagogues are now well into clinical trials in this country. The first one^-
devekSped, GH^P 6, is a HGH releasing peptide being tested bysWyeth-Ayerst. JK has
now been tested on ^JyC^ over a 1,000 people ana is remarlcably free of side effects, ^
according to its developer, Cyril Bowers, Ph.D., of Tulane Medical School in New Orleans.
The second compound,

MK0677, developed by scientists lat Merck and Co., does not have a typical peptide
structure and f5-43aare_easily^sorbable by the body than the HGH releasing peptides
such as CHRP 6. A clinical trial in a group of men and women, ages 64 to 81, showed that
as little as 25 mg of the drug taken once a day for two weeks raised the levels of IGF-1
from an average of l4l to an average of 219, with the highest levels reaching a near
youthful 251. It appears to be well tolerated by elderly people. Phase 3 clinical trials, the
last hurdle before FDA approval, are now underway. And they are now developing an even
more potent oral secretagogue, which has shown the ability to restore youthful HGH
levels in the lab with doses as low as 0.5 milligrams.
If the FDA approves any of these compounds, it will mean that a cheap, convenient, oral,
anti-aging medicine will be accessible to almost every aging American. Given the recent
hoopla and success of Viagra as a harbinger of anti-aging medications yet to come, an
HGH pill that could benefit almost every system of the body could help to make old age,
as we know it, a thing of the past.

Chapter 4 79

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program




Weeh four


Cortisol, a natural hormone, is

our body's primary anti-inflammatory

stress response hormone. In times of

stress from injury or severe exertion, it

is released in abundance by the adrenal

glands a top the kidneys. This

hormone, if in excess over the long

term, can accelerate the aging process.

Unrestrained Cortisol secretion can inhibit immunity,

slow protein synthesis (of tissue repair), lead to neuronal loss,

brain damage, bone loss, muscle wasting, increase abdominal fat,

psychosis, premature aging and death.

Long term over secretion of the adrenal by chronic prolonged stress can lead to Addison's
Disease, of hypertension, and hypoglycemia which itself can be deadly.

Be aware that high stress and anxiety are killers and probably the most common cause of
premature aging. During World War II, concentration camp survivors frequently
developed many age-related disorders including the very early onset of Alzheimer's like
disorders, as early as age 35.

Effective ways to protect yourself from stress and excess Cortisol include:

□ Meditation

□ Praying for inner peace

□ Moderate daily exercise

□ 20 to 45 minute mid-day nap

□ Deep breathing exercise for 10 minutes 3 times per day

□ B vitamins, low dose aspirin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin C daily

□ Get a dog - they are great stress busters and as the best fitness coach on four legs, they
will get you off the sofa and moving at least twice each day

Chapter 5

Finding Expert Anti-Aging Medical Care

No program of anti-aging drug therapy, especially one involving HRT, should be

conducted without expert medical supervision. Finding an anti-aging doctor should be
your first priority for several reasons.

First, only a doctor can prescribe injectable HGH and some of the hormone replacement
therapies covered in Chapter 6. Second, there are possible side effects associated with any
metabolic-altering agent, drug or non-drug, that you and your doctor need to be aware of
Third, you need a doctor to monitor how your anti-aging hormonal program is working by
checking the levels of the hormones with appropriate laboratory tests and adjusting
dosages accordingly. Fourth, you may wish to follow the effects that HRT is having on
your various risk factors for developing illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and
osteoporosis. These require sophisticated measurements that can only be done by a
doctor and a reputable clinical laboratory. Finally, each person is a unique individual with
a different set of genes, biochemistry, risk factors, family and medical history. Only a
physician, and preferably a physician specializing in anti-aging medicine, can determine
in consultation with you what works best ^ov you.
82 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Choosing an Anti-Aging Physician

The American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine now credentials anti-aging specialists. They
are the vanguard of this next generation of health care, medical doctors who have
dedicated themselves to the art and science of achieving optimal health and preventing or
delaying age-associated disease. To locate a qualified anti-aging physician in your area,
please call 773-528-4333 to order your copy of the American Academy of Anti-Aging
Medicine's (A4M) Physician Directory and Resource Guide or visit
to search the A4M online physician directory.

If you can not find an anti-aging specialist in your area, look for someone who has an
orientation in preventive medicine, nutritional medicine, or Olympic sports medicine.
These doctors are the most aware and best-educated in the latest techniques and
resources for longevity and maintaining the highest quality of optimum health. To qualify
your anti-aging consultant, ask the doctor the following questions:

1. Do you think we can delay aging or the diseases associated with aging? A physician who
practices anti-aging medicine believes that we can postpone or reverse many of the
biochemical changes associated with later life disease, such as heart disease, cancer,
stroke, and diabetes.

2. What do you do for your own health? Physicians who have an anti-aging orientation
practice what they preach: exercising regularly, taking high quality multivitamin and
mineral formulas along with supplements of antioxidants and other compounds that
reflect their own research and that of others.

3. How many patients are you actively treating with anti-aging regimens? A physician who
practices anti-aging medicine should have a minimum of 30 to 40 patients who are
committed to a program of optimal health.

Chapter 5 83

4. How do you keep up with latest advances? Your doctor should subscribe to periodicals
that report on the latest anti-aging findings, such as the International Journal of Anti-
Aging Medicine^ the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, or others listed in the back
of this book in the Suggested Reading section. Your doctor should also have access to a
number of databases on medical advances throughout the world and regularly attend
scientific educational conferences, like the medical conferences hosted by the American
Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, the Gerontological Society of America, or the American
Aging Association, etc., where they receive reports from top scientists about cutting edge
research and network with their colleagues.

5. Do you see your patient as an active partner or a passive recipient? As you become
more involved in your personal life extension program, you will find that you will want to
read everything on the subject, subscribe to magazines yourself, and perhaps start
attending anti-aging medical conferences as well. As you become more knowledgeable,
your relationship with your doctor becomes more like that of a colleague.

6. Do you believe in regular follow-up? It is essential that you see your doctor every three
to four months to make sure that there are no adverse side effects, to adjust the dosage if
needed, and to determine if the therapies are working.

Levels of Anti-Aging Hormones

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) means just that, replacing what is deficient. It does
not mean jacking up normal hormone levels in the way that some athletes have abused
their bodies with anabolic steroids or supraphysiologic megadoses of HGH. Using super-
high levels of hormones is abuse, while maintaining the hormonal levels of a 30-40 year-
old is the ticket to optimal health. For your information, we present normal values of
hormones at various ages, from a national laboratory.

84 Ten Weeks to a Younger You



Female Prepubertal Follicular Phase Luteal Phase Postmenopausal Male

Prepubertal Adult


Males Age Range Males Age Range

20-30 280-1205 60-70 120-870

30-40 350-1010 70-80 38-850

40-50 255-1025 80-90 28-390 50-60 255-950

DHEA-S (Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate)
Ag e Male Female

30-39 1.0-7.0 0.5-4.1

40-49 0.9-5.7 0.4-3.5

50-59 0.6-4.1 0.3-2.7

60-69 0.4-3.2 0.2-1.8

70-79 0.3-2.6 0.1-0.9

IGF-1 Serum (Somatomedin-C)


2Mo-5 Yrs 6 -8 Yrs 9-llYrs 12-15Yrs 202-957 261-1096

Male (ng/ml) 17-248 88-474 110-565


(ng/ml) 17-248 88-474 117-771

l6-24Yrs 25-39Yrs 40-54Yrs

Male (ng/ml) 182-780 114-492 90-360

Female (ng/ml) 182-780 114-492 90-360

>55Yrs 71-290 71-290

Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP3)

Age 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50

Units 1.29-4.06 1.50-3.44 1.33-3.58 1.44-2.75

Age 50-55 55-60 60-70

Units 1.31-2.52 1.53-2.43 1.40-3.22

Chapter 5 85

Determining Your Need for HGH

How do you know if you are a candidate for HGH replacement? The following questions
may help you decide.


1. How long would you like to live? 1 year? 5 years? 10 years? 50 years? Forever? Don't
care? When you feel like you're getting old, you don't want to live that long. The longer
you want to live, the better you feel about your life.

What is your energy level like? Do you feel tired a lot of the time? How is your energy
compared with that of ten years ago? Five years ago?

3. What is your mental outlook? How is compared to the way it was 10, 15, 20 years ago?
Do you feel happy most of the time or do you go through mood swings? Are you quick to
anger? Do you feel depressed or generally pessimistic about life a lot of the time? Are you
generally anxious or stressed-out?

How many hours a day do you work? Have the amount of hours you put in decreased in
the past year or past five years? Would you like to work harder or change jobs or careers
but feel you don't have the energy to do so?

5. Do you feel that you're cutting down on activity? Do you look forward to retiring, not to
pursue some activity you've always wanted to do, but rather just to do less?

6. Are you less social than in the past? Do you see or speak to friends less often? Do you
care less about keeping in touch?

86 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

7. Have you noticed a decline in your sex life? Are you less interested in sex? Does it take
longer to turn you on? Do you have sex less frequently? If you are a man, do you have
trouble initiating or maintaining an erection?

Do you have trouble sleeping? Does it take longer to fall asleep? Do you have frequent
awakenings? What is the quality of your sleep like? Do you feel well rested after you
Do you have more difficulty thinking clearly and remembering? Are you forgetting things
a lot? Using more memory aids like making a list? Do you have problems focusing and
concentrating? Do you feel like you often lose the thread of a conversation or where you
were going in your thoughts?


1. Check your body composition by measuring your waist-to-hip ratio. Measure your waist
(W) in inches and hip (H) in inches. Divide your W measure by your H measure.
W/H=ratio. If your ratio is less .79 or less, you are doing well. If it is 0.8 or greater, your
body composition is associated with low HGH levels. This ratio applies to women as well
as men, although women as a rule grow thicker around the middle about a decade after
men do.

2. Do you have trouble losing weight, especially around your waist? Have you developed a
spare tire? Love handles? Has the musculature of youth decreased significantly?

Chapter 5 87

3. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is poor and 5 is great, how would your rate your overall
health? If it is 3 or less, why do you feel that way? Do you often get colds or feel sick? Do
you get aches and pains or in general feel "creaky?"

Have you had a check up lately? Is your blood cholesterol over 200, which is moderately
high, or over 240, which is high? Is your HDL cholesterol less than 45 for men or 55 for
women? (It should be over these respective figures to be protective). Is your total
cholesterol/HDL ratio above 7.0, which is high risk or below 3.5, which is optimal? Is
your blood pressure normal (below 140/90 mm Hg), borderline (140/90 to 160/95 mm
Hg) or high (more than 160/95)?

List the 10 most significant health problems you think you have, such as obesity, prostate
enlargement, impotence, blurred vision, frequent urination, digestive problems, etc.
Check this list again after you've gone on a HGH therapy program.

Does this skin on your face, your neck, upper arms, and abdomen appear to hang? Do you
think you look older than your age or not as good as your age-mates? Do you have
cellulite on your thighs? Does it seem a longer and longer time between haircuts?

7. Does it seem to take a long time for cuts or bruises to heal or for wound seem to close?

8. Are you finding it harder to exercise, walk far, climb stairs, or run for a bus? Do you
seem to have less strength for gripping or lifting? If you exercise regularly, do you have
less power and endurance than you had? Is your breathing more labored when you
exercise hard?
88 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

If you have answered "yes" to many of these questions, or your answers to the
psychological questions indicate a lack of well being, you may be a candidate for HGH

How Fast Are You Aging^

The following are four biomarkers of aging tests that you can administer yourself.
Biomarkers are biological and functional signposts of how slowly or rapidly your body is
declining. The four tests here are designed as a rough guide only. They are particularly
useful in monitoring your progress in a personal anti-aging program.

1. Skin Elasticit}^ test. Pinch the skin on the back of your hand between the thumb and
forefinger for 5 seconds. Then time how long it takes to flatten out completely. There are
large individual variations, so don't take this test too seriously. Use it mostly as a gauge to
see how you are doing.

2. Falling Ruler test. Have someone suspend an 18-inch ruler by holding it at the top
(larger numbers down) between your fingers so that you can grab it when it falls. The
thumb and middle finger of your right hand (use your left hand if you're a lefty) > should
be 3 1/2 inches apart, equidistant from the 18-inch mark. The person lets the ruler go
without warning and you must catch it between your fingers as quickly as possible. Do
this three times and average your score.

3. Static Balance test. Stand on a hard surface (not a rug) with both feet together. You
should be barefoot or wearing an ordinary low-heeled shoe. Have a friend close by to
catch you if you fall over. Close your eyes and lift your foot (left foot if you are right-
handed and right foot if you are left-handed) about 6 inches off the ground, bending your
knee at about a 45-degree angle. Stand on your other foot without moving or jiggling it.
Have someone time how long you can do this without either opening your eyes or moving
your foot to avoid falling over. Do the test three times and take an average.

Chapter 5 89

4. Visual Accommodation test. Slowly bring a newspaper to your eyes until the regular-
size letters start to blur. Have someone measure the distance between the eyes and the
paper with a ruler. Do this either without glasses or with glasses corrected for distance
(not reading glasses). It is not how well you can read the print, but at what point it starts
to blur.

Try keeping a record of your test scores before you begin your anti-aging hormonal
program and at four month intervals afterwards. You may be surprised to see the changes.
For instance, one 42 year-old physician found that after a year on multihormone
replacement including HGH, his skin elasticity went from that of someone in his late 40s
to mid 30s. And a 48 year-old lawyer on HGH tested his reaction time against two twenty-
something young people found that he could catch a falling ruler faster than his young

90 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Is Your Hormonal Health Declining?

Available without copyright on line at

If you answer YES to any of these questions, score the appropriate number

Chapter 5 91


92 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program


Quality sleep time is essential for health and longevity. Recently published reports
indicate that on any evening, 1/3 of Americans suffer from sleep disturbance and as much
as 45% of all Americans are sleep deprived.

Limiting our natural sleep cycles by unnatural stressors such as

electric lighting, poor ventilation, excess emotional and

psychological stress can take its toll on your maximum life span.

American Demographic Magazine reports that 43% of surveyed

adults who sleep less than six hours per night feel stressed

compared to only 14% of adults who sleep seven to eight hours

per night.

Quality sleep time is critically important for the release

of important hormonal repair stimulators such as HGH and


Young people typically sleep ten hours per night,

compared to older folks, who have difficulty sleeping six hours.

Sleep is important for control of stress and allowing for repair of

the body.

□ Set a normal time for going to sleep and waking up. One of the worst things for your
internal bioclock is an irregular sleep schedule.

□ Sleep in a quiet, cool room with a good quality comfortable bed. Use room darkening
shades if necessary to keep your sleep chamber free from light. Melatonin production is
turned off by light, even short moments of light, which can lead to sleep disturbances -so
turn off the nightlight.

□ Try to remember your dreams. If you cannot, it may signal an inability to achieve
quality deep sleep.

Chapter 5 93

□ Avoid alcohol or drugs before bedtime.

□ Avoid drinking lots of water before sleep, your bladder may wake you up too early.

□ If you suffer from sleep difficulties and are over age 40, consider occasional
supplementation with low dose melatonin (see Chapter 6). Melatonin is a natural
hormone that stimulates the sleep cycle within the brain). Supplement with melatonin no
more than two to three times per week and see your doctor if you experience no

Note that poor sleep may also be a result of a disruption of the air passage that leads to
snoring — which can be an indicator of an even more problematic condition known as
sleep apnea. In apnea, breathing actually stops for prolonged periods of time, as long as
one to two minutes. This leads to diminished blood oxygen content and an inability to
achieve deep sleep. If you suspect that apnea may be a factor in your poor sleep, consult
your physician immediately.

Chapter 6

The Other Hormones of Youth

Hormones orchestrate the incredible myriad of tasks carried out by the cells of the body.
As such, they keep our metabolism in smooth running order. When we are young, the
feedback between the hormones and glands is under the master control of both nerves
and chemical messengers from the brain.
These hormonal signals and their complex chemical and neural feedback loops work
similarly to a home thermostat. If the door is opened and the room cools down, the
sensor in the thermostat picks up the change in temperature and the heat turns back on.
But with aging, the equivalent control in the endocrine system falters and the system
becomes less responsive to the needs of the body. The cells begin to function less and less
efficiently and the end result of this progressive dysfunction is the diseases of aging, and,
finally — death.

96 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


controls pituitary secretions, body temperature, hunger thirst, sex drive, and stimulates
release of HGH via GHRH

Pituitary Gland

regulates activity in the

other endocrine gland -source of HGH

Pineal Gland

mam biological clock forsleep-wake cycle -source of melatonin

Thyroid Gland

controls metabolism

Parathyroid Gland

Contois calcium regulation

The Value of Multihonnone Replacement

In Chapters 6 and 7, we will discuss melatonin, DHEA, thyroid hormone, IGF-1, estrogen,
progesterone, pregnenolone, androstenedione, and testosterone. Each of these has its
inherent value to the human body, but the most dynamic age reversing effects are seen
with an integrated program of HRT, antioxidants, exercise, and diet, along with HGH or
its precursors. There are several reasons for this effect:

1. Replacing all hormonal deficiencies has a synergistic effect on health, i.e.: 1 + 1=3, as in
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

2. Our body functions at peak efficiency in our youth when our hormones are at their
highest levels.

Chapter 6 97

3. If you cannot stimulate your own endogenous levels of HGH and require injections,
raising the levels of the other hormones will decrease the amount of HGH needed for
maximum benefit, lowering the overall cost of treatment.

Vladimir Oilman, Ph.D., a renowned Russian researcher in aging and member of the
Soviet Academy of Sciences, believed that the key to controlling aging was to recreate the
fine tuned hormonal control of youth. Any deviation from that of a healthy 25 year-old
should be considered abnormal and treated. His own treatment program included the use
estrogen, progesterone, HGH, insulin and thyroid hormone. Although Oilman published
his work several decades ago, his insight about the rejuvenating properties of HRT has
recently been borne out by a number of studies.




One of the wonder hormones of anti-aging, melatonin controls our body clocks and may
even control the aging clock of the brain. Even people who are not followers of the anti-
aging movement are popping it as a sleeping aid and also for jet lag. It is a potent
antioxidant, immune booster, cancer-fighter, heart-helper, mood elevator, and potential
therapeutic in fighting AIOS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, asthma, cataracts,
diabetes and Oown's syndrome. And it may yet prove itself to be an effective estrogen-free
form of birth control that helps stop breast cancer at the same time it prevents

98 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Melatonin Levels Through Life

^ 140

I 120

: 100

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Age (years)

The Aging Clock

Melatonin is produced in the dark, while we sleep, and wanes upon daybreak: bright light
signals the production cycle to shut down. It is secreted by the pineal gland, a small organ
set behind and between the eyes. The pineal is called the "third eye," a reference to our
evolutionary heritage ~ a time when the pineal may have extended the sensory capacities.
The pineal gland serves as the timekeeper of the brain, helping to govern the sleep-wake
cycle and, in animals, seasonal rhythms of migration, mating, and hibernation. In the
human population, melatonin levels are highest as children.

Italian immunologist Walter Pierpaoli, M.D., Ph.D. and Russian scientist Vladimir
Lesnikov transplanted the pineal gland from old mice to young mice and found that they
were able to speed up aging. When they performed the reverse experiment, transplanting
the pineal from young mice to old, it gave the mice a whole new lease on life — allowing
them to regain youthful function and maintain it throughout their maximum life span.
Using melatonin supplementation, Pierpaoli and other colleagues were able to extend the
life span of mice by 25%. The treated mice also appeared younger.

Chapter 6 99

healthier, and more vigorous. The rejuvenation also extended to their sexual function, not
only reawakening youthful interest and vigor, but also actually repairing and regenerating
their sexual organs so that they were comparable to younger animals.

Melatonin also stimulates the thymus, a key organ of the immune system involved in the
production of disease-fighting T-cells. Melatonin levels and the size of the thymus gland
appear to be related. That is, melatonin levels are highest around puberty when the
thymus is at its largest. Then melatonin levels decline and the thymus starts to shrink
until at about age 60 when the thymus is a thin shadow of its former self and melatonin
production is very low. In the thymic-stimulating model of aging, the decline in
melatonin levels causes the thymus to shrink and the immune system to falter, leading to
a vulnerability to disease.

When Pierpaoli and his associates put melatonin in the drinking water of older mice, the
animals became much more resistant to disease. At the same time, the weight of their
thymus glands increased and their thymus cells became more active, suggesting that they
were producing new, active immune cells.

Melatonin and Disease

Immune dysfunction, a loss of the ability to fight off infections and cancer, is a hallmark
of aging. Rejuvenation of the immune system in the aged could prove to be yet another
boon to those seeking to ting champagne glasses while doing the tango on their 120
birthday. Clinical studies with melatonin found that it boosts the immune system, lowers
elevated cholesterol, and shows promise in preventing and treating cancer.

It is also a highly effective and safe remedy for sleeping and overcoming jet lag. In a 1995
study, melatonin was shown to strengthen the immune system, particularly those aspects
that fight cancer, in 23 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. In addition to
stimulating immunity directly, the hormone acted as a buffer against stress,
counteracting the suppressive effects of stress hormones on the immune system, which
in turn helped

the patients fight cancer. Melatonin also significantly increased the one-year survival
rates of people with metastatic lung cancer in a 1992 study by Dr. Paolo Lissoni and his
colleagues at San Gerardo Hospital in Monza, Italy. To 200 cancer patients with advanced
solid tumors and a life expectancy of just six months, Lissoni gave a combination of
melatonin and immunotherapy. The result was that 2% of the patients had complete
tumor regression, 18% had partial regression, and 38% had their disease stabilized.
Melatonin may play a role in preventing cancers of the breast and prostate as shown by
the fact that patients with these diseases have very low levels of this hormone.

Melatonin and Free Radicals

The constant bombardment of free radicals from the metabolism of food into energy is a
major contributor to aging and the diseases of old age, headlined by heart disease, cancer,
and autoimmune disorders. Melatonin is one of the most effective natural free radical
scavengers yet discovered, capable of penetrating every cell of the body and working on
both the outside of the cell — the lipid-rich membrane — and the water-filled inside. Dr.
Russel Reiter and his colleagues at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San
Antonio gave melatonin to rats before feeding them food laced with carcinogens that are
known to produce DNA damaging free radicals. The melatonin treated rats had 41-99%
less genetic damage than untreated controls. The more melatonin the rats were given, the
greater their protection from damage.

Melatonin, Sleepy and Jet Lag

Melatonin may be the closest thing we have to a natural sleeping pill. It is released with
the dark of night and disappears at daylight. The amount of melatonin our pineal gland
secretes at night is directly related to how well we sleep. A common problem with aging is
difficulty sleeping.

Chapter 6 101

It turns out that elderly people, on average, have less than half the amount of melatonin
as young people do. The declining levels of HGH in the aged also contribute to sleep
problems. Steve Novih Ph.D., an anti-a ging specialistwithjhe W aveland W ellness Center
inChicago, has BeSir—treating patients with melatonin for six years. One 80 year-old
patient had a problem common to many older people - the inability to return to sleep
after getting up to urinate several times a night. Within a week of treatment with a 3-mg
tablet one hour before bedtime, she awoke to urinate less frequently, and when she did,
she fell right back to sleep. In addition to better quality of sleep, she reported having
vivid, pleasant dreams for the first time in years and woke up feeling refreshed.

Low doses of melatonin (0.3 mg and 1 mg) reduces the time to fall asleep, increases
actual sleep time, reduces the number of awakenings, and increases the quality of sleep as
reflected in deep or "slow-wave" sleep. Interestingly, it is during this deep stage of sleep
that the most HGH is released and the maximum amount of tissue repair and
rejuvenation occurs in our bodies.

Melatonin can also recalibrate our internal cellular clocks after shift work or flying across
time zones. A British endocrinologist who tested melatonin on some 400 travelers found
that it reduced the symptoms associated with jet lag, such as fatigue and disorientation,
by 50%. And French researchers, who conducted a double blind study in which 30
subjects flew from the U.S. to France, found that those given 30 mg of melatonin on the
day of the flight and for three days thereafter, were able to sleep and focus better and
experienced fewer mood swings than those who received a dummy pill. Many melatonin
users report good results in treating jet lag with as little as 1-3 mg.

24-Hoiir Cycle of Melatonin Production


f 70

2 p.m. 8 p.m. 3 a.m.

7 a.m.

Time of Day

Melatonin is the body's chronological hormone. It literally sets

the clock for every cell of the body, keeping the trilhons of

individual cells in sync. Melatonin is also the m ost powerful

antioxidant produced by the body.

Taking Melatonin

Unfortunately, finding the right dose of melatonin is a matter of trial and error. Some
people do well on as little as 200 micrograms (0.2 mg), while others seem to require as
much as 20 mg. Unless you need it to sleep well or to reset your body clock after crossing
time zones, there does not appear to be much need for it as an anti-aging therapeutic until
you are 60 or older. To maintain pineal health, sleep in a darkened room, roll up your
blinds first thing in the morning and soak up the sunUght and burn off the drowsiness
caused by melatonin.

If you are over 60, start out by taking low doses and only before bedtime. Taking doses
that are far beyond physiologic or replacement doses may slow or inhibit your own
natural production and release of the hormone. To find the dose that works for you, start
with the lowest amount, about 0.5 to 1 mg

Chapter 6 103

about one half-hour to two hours before bedtime. Most people feel drowsy within 30
minutes. There are also faster-acting lozenges and sublingual tablets available. With the
proper dosage, you should be able to fall asleep and sleep better.

If you feel groggy or headachy in the morning, reduce the dosage in increments of 0.5 mg
until you find the amount that's right for you. If you have trouble sleeping, try raising the
dosage to 5 or 10 mg, although some people require 20 mg or more to obtain the desired
effect. Many researchers prudently recommend taking it every other day or even less
often so that you don't reduce the capacity of your pineal gland to secrete its own stores of
melatonin. If you decide to go off melatonin, taper off by cutting the dosage back in
increments over several days for a period of one to two weeks in order to avoid rebound

CAUTION: Melatonin should not be used for any reason by pregnant or nursing mothers,
women trying to conceive (high doses act as a contraceptive), or by people who are on
prescription steroids or who have mental illness, depression, severe allergies,
autoimmune diseases (such as multiple sclerosis), immune system cancers (such as
lymphoma and leukemia), or any metastatic diseases that being are treated by
medication. Frankly, this caution is good advice for anyone seeking to use any hormonal
product. Ask your anti-aging phvsician first!

104 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Dehydroepian drosterone, bettei -^known as C^DHE A/ has been dubbed the ^tnother of
all steroids^ DHEA is the most abundant steroid in the human^Bodylnvolved and is
involved in the manufacture of testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and corticosterone.
The decline of DHEA with age parallels that of HGH, so by age 65, your body makes only
10 to 20% of what it did at age 20. Many anti-aging specialists believe that replacing
DHEA in later life will have multiple beneficial effects, even in people that are ostensibly


Benefits of DHEA

Proponents of DHEA claim that it may be able to:

• Enhance immune resistance against infection

• Reduce risk of age-related diseases, including cancer, coronary artery disease and

• Improve blood sugar and help prevent adult-onset diabetes

• Facilitate weight loss and help convert fat to lean muscle

• Control Alzheimer's disease, lupus, AIDS, Epstein-Barr, and chronic fatigue syndrome

• Treat herpes, menopause, depression, memory, and learning problems

• Increase life expectancy


Chapter 6 105

The Anti-Aging Ejfect ofDHEA

In animal studies, DHEA has been shown to be useful for a nti-obesity , anti-diabete s,
anti-cancer, anti-autoimmun e ,

disease, anti-heart disease, anti-stress, anti-infectious disease, in A'

other words, as an all aroufiS" anti-aging drug. It extends life of .-v^ a la boratory ani mq
l^; by as much as '>0%. Mice given the hormone jos^ *^ look younger and better,
maintaining the glossiness and coat color of their youth.

It may have a life-extending effect in men as well, although not as great as was originally
reported in a study that now spans nearly 19 years. While in 1987, Elizabeth Barrett-
Connor and associates at the University of California in San Diego reported a 70% drop in
mortality from heart disease in men with high DHEA levels, a 1995 follow-up study of the
same group found only a 20% drop in deaths when compared with those who had low
DHEA levels. Higher DHEA levels did not protect women at risk of dying from
cardiovascular disease.

A 1998 study published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society found that out of
a group of men between the ages of 60 and 80, those with the highest levels of DHEA
tested younger and leaner, were more fit and had higher testosterone levels than those
who were lowest in DHEA. However, no such differences were found in women of the
same age group between those with the highest and lowest levels ofDHEA.

DHEA and Prostate Cancer

There has been some concern that DHEA might stimulate the growth of cancer, since
there have been a few reports of the hormone stimulating breast cancer growth. In one
case study of a man with prostate cancer, who received DHEA after other treatments
failed, his cancer flared up. This is a controversy that requires further examination. But
several recent published studies presented at the annual meeting of the American
Association for Cancer Research indicate that DHEA supplementation may actually be
helpful in preventing prostate cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) or

106 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

overgrowth of the prostate. First, DHEA blocked the growth of both human and rat
prostate cells in culture in a dose-related fashion — that is, the higher the concentration
of DHEA, the greater the inhibition of cancer growth. Second, separate studies at Johns
Hopkins University in Baltimore, and Humbuldt University Medical School in Berlin,
found that levels of DHEA and DHEA-S (DHEA sulfate) were significantly lower in
patients with prostate cancer when compared with age-matched healthy controls. These
findings bolster the idea that DHEA supplementation does not raise the risk of prostate
cancer and may indeed help prevent the disease.

DHEA and Immunity

DHEA appears to be a potent immune system booster. Dr. Raymond Daynes, head of the
division of cell biology and immunology at the University of Utah at Salt Lake City, found
that it rejuvenated many measurements of immune function in mice, including the
production of T-cells and other immune factors, which declines with age. In mice with
viral encephalitis, DHEA eased some symptoms, reduced the death rate, and postponed
both the onsets of the disease and death. Older people do not respond as well to vaccines
as younger people. But when Daynes gave old mice vaccines laced with DHEA, their
ability to mount defenses to such diseases as hepatitis B, influenza, diphtheria, and
tetanus equaled that of a young animal. The animals he placed on DHEA replacement
therapy, according to Daynes, also looked "far, far healthier in their later months."

DHEA may also be beneficial in autoimmune disease, where the body's immune system
attacks its own tissue as through it were a foreign invader. In a clinical trial of 57 women
with the autoimmune disease system lupus erythematosus, researchers at Stanford
University Hospital found that DHEA relieved symptoms, such as skin rashes, joint pain,
headaches, and fatigue. Many also reported a higher tolerance for exercise and better

Chapter 6 107

Serum DHEA-Sulfate Levels with Aging



10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Age in years

DHEA and Disease

In humans, low levels of DHEA have been show^n to be predictive of heart disease in
men, as well as of breast cancer and ovarian cancer in women. It may play a role in
maintaining brain cells and protecting against Alzheimer's. Brain tissue contains five to
six times more DHEA than any other tissue in the body, but people with Alzheimer's have
almost half the amount of DHEA in their blood compared with age-matched controls,
according to several studies. One study of 61 men ages 57 to 104, who were confined to a
nursing home, found how well they functioned depended on their levels of DHEA - the
lower the level, the more dependent the man was and the more difficulty he had carrying
out daily activities. DHEA also has

108 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

anti-diabetic action, increasing insulin sensitivity in mice and actually preventing the
disease in rats bred to develop diabetes. Some clinicians report that their patients need
less insulin when they are on DHEA.

DHEA Fights Fat

Could DHEA be used as an anti-obesity drug? In one

study, high doses of DHEA (1,600 mg per day) given for four

weeks, caused a 31% decrease in body fat in four of five subjects

with no overall weight change, implying a substantial increase in

muscle mass. Their LDL levels also fell by 7.5%, showing that

DHEA was protecting their hearts as well. The weight loss

potential of the hormone has been explored by Arthur Schwartz,

Ph.D. of the Fells Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular

Biology at Temple University, a pioneer in DHEA research. He

found that animals on the steroid lost weight regardless of how

much they ate. When he took normal weight mice and

controlled their activity and diet for four weeks, they reacted

exactly like the humans, with four out of five losing 31% fat

while their overall weight remained the same.

1 There are a number of explanations for the anti-obesity

^/^ ^ effect. First, DHEA inhibits an enzyme called glucose-6-

^^JC \^ \l de hydrogenase, which may block the body s ability to store and

' 1^^^ pro duce fa t. Second, Schwartz found that iT 51'iiiiulaLcs

\~j cKoTecystokinin (CCK), which signals the body to feel full.

Third, it may work through IGF-1 to shift the metabolism from

producing fat to creating muscle and energy.

While these studies are impressive in animals, reports from physicians using replacement
levels of DHEA have not seen significant weight reduction in their human patient
population. Still, they do report elevated testosterone, which is a metabolic product of
DHEA, and this appears to help increase lean body mass.

Chapter 6 109

DHEA and Stress Reduction

Reducing stress is one good way to raise your DHEA levels. In a study at the Institute of
Heartmath in Boulder Creek, California, people who lowered their stress by relaxation
techniques and listening to music had a 100% increase in their DHEA levels and a 23%
decrease in the level of the stress hormone cortisone.

DHEA Stimulates HGH

In 1994, Dr. Arlene Morales, Samuel Yen, and their associates at the University of
California School of Medicine in San Diego, carried out a double blind, placebo-controlled,
crossover study of DHEA in aging men and women. It involved 71 women and 13 men
between the ages of 40 to 70 who were on 50 mg of DHEA for three months, and a
placebo for three months. When they were on the drug, their levels of DHEA and DHEA-S
rose to that of a young adult. Although the subjects did not know when they were on a
placebo (sugar pill) or the real thing, 82% of the women and G7% of the men reported an
improved sense of well-being. They attested to their better quality of sleep, increased
energy, improved ability to handle stress and feeling more relaxed. Five of the volunteers
also noted improvement in chronic joint pain and mobility. There were no changes in
body composition, even though other studies, including a year-long one by Dr. Yen, found
that it increased muscle mass in men and women, and that men gained strength and lost

Most intriguing, the San Diego group found that DHEA caused a significant rise in IGF-1,
although it did not affect the 24-hour measurement of HGH levels. They speculate that
restoring the levels of DHEA may stimulate the liver to produce more IGF-1 or generate
more HGH receptors. In other words, we may fmd that the anti-aging benefits attributed
to DHEA may actually be due to the stimulation of the HGH-IGF-1 system.

Metabolism of Cholesterol in the Adrenal Glands to DHEA and Other Steroids

Cholesterol is ingested through food, and also made in the liver.



Pregnenolone ->-Progesterone Cortisol Aldosterone



X^fStK^ Testosterone ° and other

Estradiol -► and other estrogens

androgens Metabolic steps have been omitted in order to simplify diagram.

Using DHEA

Some people are now using DHEA as an inexpensive alternative to HGH. It costs as little
as $15 for a one-month supply of 100-mg capsules. It has not been shown to have as
dramatic an age-reversal effect as HGH and it has yet to be proven in long-term human
studies. Although it is a food additive, the FDA has approved it by prescription only;
however, DHEA is readily available in health food stores. Since it can metabolize to
estrogen and testosterone in the blood, the same precautions apply as for those
hormones. At this point, it should not be taken by anyone with a history of prostate or
ovarian cancer. Dosages commonly range between 25 to 150 mg, but it is best to start at
the low-dose end of about 25 to 50 mg per day

Chapter 6 111

and raise the dosage later if needed. In Yen's study, 50 mg was all that was enough to
bring DHEA up to youthful levels. For best results, take in divided doses three or four
times a day. Have your DHEA levels measured every two to three months by your
personal anti-aging physician, preferably a member of the American Academy of Anti-
Aging Medicine (A4M) and Board Certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine

Since taking too much DHEA can turn off your own internal production, you can try
taking it every other day and alternating with a DHEA precursor, such as dioscorea (wild
yam) capsules.

7-keto DHEA

7-keto-dehydroepiandrosterone (7-keto DHEA), a metabolic derivative of DHEA, is just

now coming to market and, according to its manufacturers, is associated with a variety of
essential human functions. They claim that it enjoys the benefit of DHEA without the
unwanted effect of conversion to estrogen or testosterone. 7-keto DHEA may be more
potent than DHEA in enhancing memory, inducing the activity of various thermogenic
enzymes for weight loss and strengthening the immune system. This product is new to
the marketplace and too few studies are available, to develop an opinion as to its benefits.
Thyroid Hormone

Do you feel like you lack energy, are weaker than you used to be, and moving more
slowly? Your problem may not be aging, but hypothyroidism — a lack of thyroid hormone
(TH). This condition may also manifest with an increased susceptibility to colds, viruses
and respiratory ailments, heavy labored breathing, muscle cramps, persistent low back
pain, bruising easily, mental sluggishness, emotional instability with crying jags, mood
swings, temper tantrums, getting cold easily (particularly

in the hands and feet), dry, coarse, leathery or pale skin, coarse hair and/or loss of hair,
loss of appetite, stiff joints, and atherosclerosis.

In general, TH does not share the age-related decline characteristic of DHEA, HGH and
the hormones described in Chapter 7. However, thyroid deficiency is widespread
throughout the population. Estimates are that from 15 to 40% of the population suffers in
some way from an underactive thyroid.

Home Detection of Hypothyroidism

The Barnes Basal Temperature Test can help you determine if you are low in thyroid

1. Shake down an oral thermometer and place it next to your bed before going to sleep.

2. As soon as you awake, place the thermometer under your armpit and leave it there for
10 minutes before getting up.

3. Record the temperature. If it is below normal rising temperature (97.8 to 98.2 F) for
two consecutive days, you are very likely to be hypothyroid. (Menstruating women should
wait until after the first day of their period before taking this test.)

If you are low according to the Barnes test, have your doctor conduct a TSH (thyroid
stimulating hormone) blood test. While thyroid supplements may be available from
health food stores, we advise that you do not treat yourself. Too much TH can be just
detrimental as too little. Hormones are serious medicine and their replacement should be
done under the supervision of a physician.

Chapter 6 113

What the Thyroid Gland Does

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located behind the hollow of your throat. It
affects virtually all your metabolic processes, from body temperature to heart beat. One of
the most important reasons for checking the levels of TH, in the context of anti-aging
hormone replacement, is that thyroid hormone deficiencyc an wors en with HGH j he
rapy . HGH iHcreaseTrnetabolism, causing a speedier depletion of TH. But it also works
the other way around. According to Jens Sandahl Christiansen of the Kommunehospital
in Aarhus, Denmark, who works with HGH deficient patients, lack of HGH is commonly
seen in hypothyroidism. When HGH is replaced, it often normalizes the thyroid. Again,
this illustrates the synergy and the interconnectivity between the hormones of youth in
regulating almost all the metabolic processes of health and vitality.

Thyroid and the Diseases of Aging

Thyroid deficiency can increase your risk of age-associated diseases:

1. Depresses metabolism, increasing weight gain and all the associated ills of obesity,
including heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

2. Increased risk of developing adult-onset diabetes, since normal levels of TH are needed
to regulate blood sugar.

3. Low TH can also greatly increase the risk of heart disease by raising the levels of
cholesterol and triglycerides and may cause high blood pressure.

4. A number of studies find a correlation between low iodine levels, which interfere with
thyroid function, and an increased risk of cancer. Goiter, the enlargement of the thyroid
gland due to iodine deficiency, was associated with higher than

average cancer rates in a sur\'ey of "goiter belts" in 15 countries across four continents.
On the other hand, because TH controls the metabolic rate and stimulates immunity, it
may be of value in helping to combat certain types of cancer, according to studies in the
Southern Medical Journal.

Nutritional Thyroid Support

• Kelp (contains iodine, the basic substance of thyroid hormone)

• Eat the following foods in moderation, they may suppress thyroid function. If you have
severe symptoms, you should avoid these foods:

brussel sprouts peaches

mustard greens pears

spinach turnips

cabbage broccoli kale

• Avoid fluoride (found in toothpaste) and chlorine (both found in tap water).

Chapter 6 115

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program


Week/ S0)o


The responsible

are your

adrenal glands for manufacturing body's stores of DHEA. Take care of your adrenal glands
and you'll help to ensure adequate DHEA production.

Methods to restore the adrenals:

□ Eat a whole foods diet, and minimize (preferably, eliminate) substances that cause
adrenal — sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

□ Consult a physician to identify possible food allergies and to develop a proper food
rotation diet to manage the condition.

□ feiberi an Ginsen g dbntains a component that the body

uses to manufacture pregnenolone, the precursor to DHEA. 100 mg twice a day (if its
effects are too stimulating, take only a morning dose).

□ Go outside and enjoy nature for an hour a day. Researchers are finding that, in addition
to causing seasonal depression, a lack of natural light may be counterproductive to the
functioning of the adrenal elands.

116 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

a Adopt stress management techniques: Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Adding to
your Plan from Week Four, you might try:

• Prepare a list of your daily activities and rank them in order of priority. Accomplish what
you can, but don't fret if it all doesn't get done.
• Make sure to participate in and enjoy leisure activities. This will reduce the constant
taxing of stress on the adrenals.

• If you find yourself embroiled with conflicts at work, home, or anywhere else, take the
time to resolve the matter with those involved. If necessary, seek professional counsel.
Keep negative emotions bottled up and your adrenal might figuratively explode.

□ Plus, as little as 10-25 mg daily of DHEA may help to restore your youthful levels of
energy, stamina, mood, ability to think clearly, immune function, and resistance to
disease. Check with your physician.

Chapter 7

Sex Hormones (Aren 't Just for Sexual Health)

The pituitary gland is responsible for releasing a set of hormones that promotes the
ovaries in women and testes in men to produce sex hormones. In the teen years,
androgens (most notably, testosterone and androstenedione) in men and estrogen and
progesterone in women are responsible for the development of secondary sex
characteristics. All sex hormone levels decline with age. In women, estrogen is steadily
produced from puberty to midlife, with its levels dropping abruptly at menopause.
Production of androgens starts to decUne around the age of 30, causing men to
experience a slow and gradual decline of their sexual interest and performance.

The perfect hormonal balance in each sex requires complementary levels of androgens
from the opposite sex: women need a bit of testosterone and men, a bit of estrogen.
Additionally, pregnenolone, as a precursor hormone from which many of the sex steroids
are produced, is critical to both sexes. A HRT plan customized for your health needs
restores this integral and intricate balance.

Ten Weeks to a Younger You



largest anti-
aging experiment ever

conducted involves

estrogen replacement

therapy (ERT).

.•\lthough the hormone

was originally gi\'en more

than 40 years ago to

alleviate symptoms of

menopause (such as hot

flashes and vaginal

mucosal dr}^ness), ERT has turned out to be a literal lifesaver for

the 10 million postmenopausal women who now benefit from its



Estrogen Extends Life and Prevents Death

One of the most startling clinical studies ever conducted was a 1996 sun-ey examining the
benefits of ERT on 454 women born bet\veen the vears ot 1900 and 1915 who were
members of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program in Oakland, California. About
half the group, 232 women, used ERT for a least a year, starting in 1969, while the rest,
222 age-matched women did not. This is what Dr. Bruce Ettinger and his colleagues found
when they compared the estrogen users versus the nonusers:

Overall mortality' from all causes were reduced ^G^/q (53 deaths for estrogen takers
versus 87 for nonusers) Coronar}' heart disease deaths were reduced 60% Stroke deaths
were reduced ^0%

Cancer deaths were approximately the same in both groups, with the estrogen users
having a slightly higher death rate from breast cancer and a slightly lower death rate from
lung cancer
Chapter? 119

"The overall benefit of long-term estrogen use is large and positive," the study concluded,
noting that women who use this "relatively inexpensive drug can substantially reduce
their overall risk of dying prematurely." Ultimately, the risk of death in women from
heart disease is almost 10 times greater than premature death from breast cancer. Given
the fantastic improvements in the early detection and prevention of breast cancer, with
modern detection such as mammography, ERT should be viewed as a big net win in the
life extension equation.

Estrogen's Heart Benefits

Estrogen is a heart saver. In studies involving thousands of women, ERT has been shown
to protect against coronary heart disease and improve blood lipids, raising the good HDL
cholesterol and lowering the bad LDL cholesterol. But the opposite happens when you
remove estrogen by the taking out the ovaries. The LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol
jumps up, escalating the risk of heart disease, although the disease may not appear for 20

Today, many doctors prescribe HRT, a combination of estrogen plus progesterone or its
synthetic equivalent, progestin. Although the hormonal combination more closely mimics
the body prior to menopause, it greatly reduces the risk of endometrial cancer associated
with using estrogen alone, but it may also reduce some of the benefits of estrogen on the
heart. But taking estrogen in combination with progesterone is still more favorable for
the heart than not taking any hormones.

120 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Estrogen and Osteoporosis

A compelling reason for ERT use is for minimizing bone loss and osteoporosis in aging
women. Estrogen prevents the decline in bone density after menopause. Postmenopausal
women who took the hormone for 10 years or more reduced their rate of fracture by more
than 50% compared with women who did not take estrogen, according to two studies.
Some researchers suggest that the loss of teeth due to poor skeletal bone health is an
early warning sign of osteoporosis.

Estrogen's Effect on Bone Density

Estimated bone density by age in women who never used estrogen (never users), those
who used estrogen continuously beginning at menopause presumed to occur at age 50
(continuous users), and those who began estrogen use at menopause and stopped at age
65 (early users).

% Never users

O Continuous users

■ Early users









Age (years)

A 1995 Study conducted by Annalia Paganini-Hill, Ph.D. of the University of Southern

California at Los Angeles found that elderly women between 75 and 79 years of age were
19% less likely to wear dentures and 36% less likely to have no teeth if they were on HRT.
Interestingly, the bone-sparing effect of ERT, as well as other aspects of age-reversal
benefits, may be

Chapter 7 121

due to its stimulation of HGH. According to a 1987 article by a team of researchers headed
by Michael Thorner, M.D., at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, "Some
investigators have hypothesized that restoration of pulsatile HGH secretion in the elderly
may reverse many of these involutional (shrinking) processes of aging. Indeed, it is
possible that the positive effect of estrogen on postmenopausal bone metabolism is in
part mediated by activation of HGH secretion."

Estrogen Improves the Face and Figure

A study of 671 women ages 65 to 94 years, followed for 15 years, found that those on HRT
maintained leaner proportions than those who never used HRT. Estrogen also plumps out
the skin and adds moisture and collagen, which helps to prevent wrinkles and smoothes
and firms the skin. It prevents or reverses vaginal dryness and discomfort, which can
interfere with a woman's sexual enjoyment. And it can stop or reverse unwanted facial
hair that some women experience after menopause.

Estrogen Acts as a Smart Drug

One of the most common complaints of menopause relates to its effect on the mind,
causing symptoms such as mood swings, memory lapses, and difficulty concentrating.
Estrogen can improve all of these. Women who took estrogen supplements after surgical
removal of their ovaries were able to learn and recall pairs of words more easily than the
ovariectomized controls on placebo. In other studies, ERT in older women improved their
ability to recall on a number of different tests, including proper names. This familiar
memory lapse is seen even in middle-aged people and illustrates the ability of HRT to
improve failing memory and cognitive function. In addition, women on ERT had less
depression and a better quality of life.

122 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Estrogen and Alzheimer s

There is evidence that estrogen may prevent Alzheimer's disease and benefit those who
are afflicted. Two studies show that women on estrogen are far less likely to develop
Alzheimer's. The first, a study of a group of 143 women with Alzheimer's by Victor
Henderson and his associates, found only 7% were on ERT, while 18% of a non-demented
control group of 92 matched for age and education used estrogen post-menopausally.

The second study on estrogen and Alzheimer's, conducted on 9,000 women living in a
retirement community in southern California, found that those on ERT had a 30 to 40%
lowered risk of developing Alzheimer's compared with those not receiving ERT.
Henderson and his colleagues also found that women who had Alzheimer's and were
receiving estrogen did better on a test for mental function than the women who had
Alzheimer's and were not on estrogen. One way in which estrogen may help the
Alzheimer patient is by stimulating the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter
involved in memory. Dr. Howard Fillit, a geriatrician at Mount Sinai Medical Center in
New York City, found that after only three weeks of daily treatment with estrogen, women
with mild to moderate Alzheimer's symptoms were suddenly able to recall the day and
month of the year, even though they were previously unable to do this. The women were
also more alert, ate and slept better and were more sociable. And a recent study found
that estrogen reduced the levels of beta-amyloid, a toxic protein now considered to be a
marker of Alzheimer's.

These studies have compelled the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to fund an
unprecedented comprehensive study of the effects of HRT on Alzheimer's. The five-year
study will examine 4,500 women age 75 and older who belong to the Kaiser Permanante
medical group in southern California. It includes women who are on long-term HRT,
short-term HRT, and those who have never had HRT. "This will be the first large-scale
study of whether HRT can prevent Alzheimer's in women genetically predisposed to the
disease," says Diana Petitti, M.D., one of the lead researchers.

Chapter 7 123

Estrogen and Parkinson's Disease

Patients with Parkinson's have a higher incidence of dementia, but it was not known
whether HRT benefited women with Parkinson's as well as those with Alzheimer's. New
research reveals that HRT may slow the progression of Parkinson's in postmenopausal
women who are not taking L-dopa. Postmenopausal women who have taken HRT have
less severe disease and a slower progression during the two-year period of the study than
a similar group of women not on HRT. The non-HRT users tend to be older when they got
Parkinson's, but their disease was more severe when it occurred.

Estrogen and Diabetes

ERT can help prevent adult-onset diabetes in postmenopausal women and improve blood
sugar in women who have the disease. In a study of almost 15,000 diabetic women
members of the Kaiser Permanente health plan of northern California age 50 and older,
those on ERT had significantly lower blood sugar than those who were not on the
hormone. And, according to a study of 418 women in Milwaukee, the risk of developing
diabetes in women who were on not on ERT was almost five times that of women who
took estrogen. Moreover, a small preliminary trial of estrogen in 18 postmenopausal
diabetic women found that their blood sugar markedly improved when they were on the
hormone rather than a placebo.

124 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Estrogen and

progesterone work in tandem in the body in premenopausal women, and an increasing

number of physicians beheve that both hormones should be replaced postmenopausally.
Progesterone by itself has a large number of benefits including promoting

lipolysis (breakdown of fat), increasing energy through fat loss, protecting against
endometrial and breast cancer (see below), improving mood and sexual function, and
normalizing the levels of blood sugar, zinc, and copper.

Proges terone is a precursor hormone, which can be converted^ by the body mto other
steroid horniones. Animal studies suggest that beta-carotene can stimulate the
production of this vital hormone.


Estrogeny Progesterone, and Cancer

The foremost concern about using estrogen is whether it increases the risk of cancer,
particularly endometrial cancer. When progesterone is given along with estrogen for ten
or more days per cycle, it not only eliminates the risk of this cancer but may actually
reduce it beyond that which occurs spontaneously.

The relationship between HRT and breast cancer is much less clear cut. Studies go both
ways. One 1995 New England Journal of Medicine study by researchers at Harvard
Medical School found that women who currently used ERT were 32% more likely to
develop breast cancer, and women who used both estrogen and progestin were 41% more
likely to develop breast cancer, when compared to women who never used HRT. Long-
term users were AG% more like to develop

Chapter 7 125

breast cancer than nonusers. Age was even a bigger risk factor, with older women
between 60 and 64 who had been on HRT for more than five years having 71% higher risk
of developing breast cancer than women who had never taken estrogen.

But other studies found just the opposite. In 2i Journal of the American Medical
Association study, which looked at a group of 537 patients with breast cancer compared
with 492 randomly selected control women without a history of breast cancer, there was
no statistical difference between the use of HRT in those who breast cancer and those
who did not. If anything, the researchers concluded, those who used the combination
HRT for eight years or more had a reduced risk of breast cancer.

And, according to an Australian study, HRT may actually have a protective effect against
breast cancer recurrence. Dr. Jennifer Dew and her associates at the Royal Hospital for
Women in Paddington, compared a group of 167 women who used HRT to relieve severe
menopausal symptoms after they were treated for breast cancer with an equal number of
women with a history of breast cancer who had not taken the hormone.

After a follow-up period of seven years, those on HRT had a recurrence rate that was
nearly half that of the control group, 9.6%, compared with 18.5%, respectively. 90% of the
hormone users took continuous progestin along with estrogen, while only 10% used
estrogen alone. The researchers suggest that a combined continuous regimen of estrogen
and progestin could counteract the cell division needed to produce a cancer.

In addition, an American Cancer Society study, which followed more than 422,000
postmenopausal women for nine years, showed that women on ERT had a 16% lower risk
of dying from breast cancer than those who did not take the hormone. Dr. Dawn Willis,
the lead researcher, suggests that the lower death rate among estrogen users may be that
they are more likely to get mammograms on a regular basis and be treated earlier.

A study published in the June 1999 issue o^ JAMA found that ERT may slightly increase
the risk of developing tumors, but they tend to be less aggressive and easier to kill. With
no hormone replacement therapy, you have more aggressive tumors and no benefits from

126 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

ERTMay Cut Colorectal Cancer

Estrogen may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, although not all studies are in
agreement. In the latest 1998 study of 7,000 southern California women, postmenopausal
women on ERT had a 20% lower risk of developing colorectal cancer than "never-users."
The highest protection was seen in current or recent users. Women who stopped taking
estrogen more than 15 years prior to the study did not show decreased risk. In nine of the
ten studies that specifically looked at current or recent estrogen use, the association with
ERT and reduced risk of colorectal cancer held up, although only in five of these studies
was it statistically significant.

Taking Estrogen and Progesterone

For most women, estrogen/progesterone replacement makes sense because of its

preventative effects on the number one killer in older women and men ~ heart disease,
which now outweighs the risk of cancer. But only you, in consultation with your doctor,
can decide.
The best way to replace the female sex hormones lost with menopause is to follow
Mother Nature, replacing both estrogen and progesterone and using natural product s
rather than synth etics^ Among the three major estrogens produced by the body, estradiol
is most stimulating to breast tissue, estrone is second, and estriol is by far the least and is
believed to protect the breast against the growth-promoting effects of the first two.
Synthetic estrogen supplements are high in estrone and estradiol, while natural estrogen
is high in estriol. Surprisingly, a low dose regimen of only 0.3 mg per day has the same
good effect on the blood Hpids as a 1.25-mg dose, but it does not increase the risk of
breast cancer even after 12.5 years of use. Natural micronized progesterone, according to a
number of reports, eliminates the side effects associated with synthetic progestins, such
as abnormal menstrual flow, fluid retention, nausea, depression, and weight fluctuation.

Chapter 7 127

If you are concerned about taking estrogen, natural progesterone alone in the form of
pills or creams offers many of the same benefits, such as increased bone density,
restoring libido, and elevating mood, without the associated cancer risk. HGH also offers
similar protective benefits. Topical hormonal preparations are available from many
specialty-compounding pharmacies, often without prescription. However, we

recommend even these be followed with blood testing and supervision of an anti-aging



Produced from

cholesterol in the mitochondria (aptly nicknamed as "powerhouse" of the eel of their role
in cell and production of master energy molecili pregnenolone is the base material of ail
human steroid manufactures, including DHEA, progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen.
It appears to block the effects of Cortisol, preventing stress. Pregnenolone stimulates
brain NMDA receptors. These receptors, which decline with age, play an important role in
the function of synapses and neurons, influencing learning and memory. Pregnenolone
levels are directly correlated with cognitive ability, and declines precipitously with age.

Pregnenolone's anti-aging benefits may include its antiinflammatory properties and may
help in the reduction of arthritic inflammation, maintenance of memory capability,
improved mood, positive outlook and well being and improved sleep patterns.

There are few side effects associated with pregnenolone, basically the same concerns as
with DHEA, which is a product of pregnenolone metabolism. There are no known

contraindications to its use, however men with prostate conditions should be monitored

128 Ten Weeks to a Younger You



Andropause, the male equivalent of menopause is real, although more subtle than
menopause. While estrogen levels in women decline abruptly after menopause, there is a
gradual decline in androgens, the male sex hormones, starting in the late 40s to early 50s,
along with a rise in SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) - literally, antibodies to
testosterone which limit the amount and effectiveness of this hormone as men age. As
with the age-related decline of HGH, the loss of testosterone contributes to the familiar
"pot belly" and declining muscle tone in middle-aged men. The symptoms of the male
men opausgJ.nclude a waning interest in sex, difficulty in havmg and maintaining an
erection, and decreased sexual satisfaction, as well as fatigue, depression, irritability,
aches and pains, and stiffness.

Benefits of Testosterone

The major effects of testosterone are:

• Promotes libido and aggressiveness

• Stimulates the growth and repair of muscles and the heart and immune system

• Helps build muscle, skin, and bone

• Stimulates sperm production

• Nourishes the male urinary and reproductive system

• Regulates prostaglandin production, which may keep prostate growth under control

Chapter 7 129

Testosterone Restores Muscle Mass

Weekly injections of 500 mg of testosterone added an average of more than one pound of
lean body mass a week to male weightlifters who were pumping iron compared with
fellow weightlifters who received placebo injections, according to an article in The New
England Journal of Medicine. It also bulged the triceps and quadriceps of a second group
of men who received testosterone but did not exercise. Again, some of this benefit may be
due to HGH and IGF-1, since a recent report shows that the male sex hormone stimulates
HGH directly.

Testosterone May Help the Heart

Until recently, high testosterone levels were assumed the cause of why men developed
heart disease at a younger age than women did. But a recent study at Columbia University
College of Physicians and Surgeons indicates that it is far from being the culprit. The male
sex hormone may actually help protect the heart. When the researchers looked at 55 men
undergoing x-ray exams of their coronary arteries, they found that the men with higher
levels of testosterone had higher levels of protective HDL cholesterol, while those with
low testosterone had higher degrees of heart disease as shown by their coronary clogging.
Testosterone supplementation may also lower the bad LDL^ cholesterol and total
cholesterol. And low testosterone is also I correlated with hypertension, obesity, and
increased waist-to-hip / ratio — all heart attack risk factors.

Effects of Testosterone Replacement

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in men who are deficient in male hormones
appears to be as potent in its anti-aging effect as the counterpart, estrogen and
progesterone replacement, for women. It renewed strength, improved balance, raised red
blood cell count, increased libido, and

130 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

lowered LDL cholesterol. In one double-blind study, 12 of 13 men who were receiving
testosterone rather than placebo could tell they were on the active drug because they felt
more aggressive and energetic at work, and had better sex, including an increased ability
to maintain an erection.
Bone loss and osteoporosis is not only a female problem. Men after age 60 have a
dramatic rise in hip fractures, with the rate doubling every decade. Hypogonadal males
(men with abnormally low levels of testosterone) are six times more likely to break a hip
during a fall than are those with normal testosterone levels. According to studies of TRT
in both young hypogonadal men and older men with low testosterone levels, TRT
increased bone density, bone formation, and bone minerals, such as osteocalcin.

Testosterone benefits age-related autoimmune disease. Giving male hormones to men

with autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus
erythematosus, improved their condition. Testosterone, like estrogen, also heightens
mood and sense of well being and increases some mental funcdans,-parti cularly vi s ual s
pa ti al ability

fO CLA Endo crinologist Stanley Korenman, M.D.,

professor of endocrinology, tmds"that "when"~iTc-gives---'TKT to

older men who are deficient in testosterone, it improves their

activity level, mood, libido^aml sexaah~fii£u;tion, althoiigh it

-Aj^ doesn't help impotence^ ^X^ two side effectsjb watm ouflPbr,

> \^j-

iJLr^ he says, are a rise ir( PS^levels, and a rise in iiematocri/ a measure of blood volume

Testosterone and Cancer

A concern with testosterone replacement therapy is increased risk of prostate cancer. This
is the second most diagnosed malignancy in men and the second leading killer of men
after heart disease. The prostate gland is a small, chestnut-sized organ that sits just below
the urinary bladder. Among its functions are the production of semen and storage of
sperm. Signs of prostate abnormality — which can occur after age 40 —

Chapter 7 131

include frequent daytime and night time urination, slight pain or burning sensation
during urination, dribbling or stopping urine flow, and leakage of urine.

Early detection of prostate cancer, which is lifesaving, includes doing a digital rectal exam
(DRE) in which the physician palpates the back of the prostate and screening the blood
levels of PSA (prostate specific antigen). Normal is 0 to 4, while men with cancer
generally have PSA levels exceeding 10.
Testosterone can also potentially aggravate problems like benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH), a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate, or promote an undetected cancer.
For this reason, it is important to have regular prostate exams and PSA tests. As an added
precaution. Dr. Michael Perring, medical director of the Optimal Health Clinic in London,
who has treated over 800 patients with testosterone for symptoms of male menopause,
recommends yearly ultrasound examinations of the prostate in addition to a PSA tesL ~ "

Despite concerns oFtest(5sterone and malignancy studies

have not proven any definitive link. In fact, this issue remains unclear as testosterone
deficiency may be a risk factor for prostate malignancy, as optimal levels of this hormone
appear to stimulate the immune system and its cancer fighting cells.

Taking Testosterone

The samoCrisk-yersus-benefit) considerations apply to HRT in men as they doin women.

7\jnong the reported adverse side effects of excessively large doses of testosterone are
atrophying of the testicles with long-term use, high red blood cell and hematocrit count,
depression, fluid retention, reduced sperm count and volume of semen and reduced HDL
cholesterol. Testosterone is a serious medication and should only be used if your levels
are below normal.

The best way to maintain normal levels of free circulating testosterone (and HGH) is with
regular vigorous exercise, particularly treadmill running and weight-training.

If your doctor determines you are deficient in testosterone, use pure natural testosterone,
which is available in a

number of forms. It can be administered by intramuscular injections, as a patch applied

to the midriff, arms, or thighs, suppositories, as a patch attached to the scrotum, as a
cream applied to the scrotum, as oral micronized capsules or as sublingual lozenges.
Pellets implanted under the skin are now being used experimentally. In Europe, a
percutaneous gel, which crosses the skin into the bloodstream, closely mimics the way
your own testosterone worksj n the body.

[ _Avoid oral testosterone/ (the least effective), as well as synthetic testosterones^ (such
as methyl testosterone) — which h ave been associate d with liv er toxicity. A number of
new testosterone precursors and agents are now emerging from the nutritional industry
and are demonstrating beneficial action. These include DHEA, androstenedione, Tribulis
Teristris, boron, and other amino acid precursors.

A ndrostenedion e


is a steroid hormone

found in all animals and

occurs naturally in meats

as well as some plants. It

is a metabolite of DHEA,

and is a precursor of

testosterone. When taken

orally, androstenedione

will increase blood levels

of both androstenedione

and testosterone.

Beneficial effects oft:en reported include increased energy,

enhanced recovery and muscle growth from exercise, and

heightened sexual arousal and function, as well as greater sense of

This anabolic agent gained fame when 'Mark.>

[cGwire b^ke Babe Ruth's home run batting record in 1998,

n \ \\. McG wire attributing his prodigious strength and ability to

recover from his athletic injuries in part to the use of


Chapter 7 133

According to the German patent for androstenedione, 50 mg given orally to men raised
plasma testosterone levels from 140% to 183% above baseline. 100 mg of oral
androstenedione raised levels from 211 % to 237% above baseline. After oral
administration, blood levels start rising about 15 minutes and stay elevated for about
three hours, with the maximum peak in blood testosterone levels around one to one and a
half hours.

Androstenedione is legal for sale as a nutritional supplement. Like DHEA and

pregnenolone, it is a key intermediate in the biosynthesis of other biologically active
steroid hormones.

If androstenedione is taken as directed (once a day as an adjunct to physical/sports

training prior to activity), the positive benefits can be obtained without significant
negative feedback response to your own natural testosterone production. Because the
elevation of testosterone lasts only a few hours, this short of a burst of hormone it seems
is not enough to down regulate your natural testosterone production. But when blood
levels are raised during exercise, your body's u tilization ot thetestosterone '^^ foFmuscle
building'an3repair is maximized. 1 he same cautions in taking androstenediorie apply as
when supplementing testosterone - see your doctor.

Should Women Take Testosterone?

Women also make a small amount of testosterone, production of which is halved during
menopause. Replacing testosterone along with estrogen and progesterone helps women
who continue to have postmenopausal symptoms even after HRT. Many women claim
that the male hormone makes them feel sexier and more energetic. Low doses are best,
since higher doses can cause masculinization, such as unwanted hair growth, a deep
voice, increased blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease.

Reliable methods to assess levels of testosterone in women, which are markedly lower
than those in men, have not yet been developed.

134 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program



Weeh 5even/


If you're over 40 and feeling old, like your life could use some zip, discuss the possibility
of a hormone replacement program with your physician. Hormones can help you keep the
bounce in your step and the mojo rising for those many more years ahead.


Between their late 40s and early 70s, men experience a gradual drop in testosterone of
about 50%, with about 20% of men over age 60 have levels below normal. This hormone
has been accused as being the trigger for over-aggression, overactive sex drive, coronary
heart disease and heart attack: many of these notions are being overturned with new
research studies.

• Studies show that testosterone levels rise in response to aggressive behavior, rather
than the other way around. Rises in testosterone levels do not automatically lead to
aggression, and violent behavior cannot be attributed testosterone alone.

• A study at Columbia University in New York has shown that men with higher levels of
testosterone had less accumulation of fatty plaque in their coronary arteries, and had
higher levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol. Muscle mass and strength increases, while
abdominal fat decreases, in men receiving testosterone injections. Testosterone is
important to neurobehavioral functions including sexual arousal, emotional state, and
cognition. Evidence is mounting for a link between waning testosterone levels and major
depression in men. Men lose about 25% of their bone mass by age 85 and experience a
significant number of hip fractures. Men with osteoporosis may benefit from testosterone
replacement therapy to increase the bone mineral density.

Chapter 7 135

• Illnesses such as diabetes, kidney failure, and AIDS can

lead to testosterone deficiency.

• Testosterone supplementation reverses the damage to skeletal and soft tissues caused
by long-term use of the glucocorticosteroid class of asthma medications.

• In men seeking to have children, testosterone is important to production and viability of


Note: The role of testosterone in prostate cancer is not well understood, with some
studies pointing to an excess, and others to a deficiency, as a contributing factor.
Testosterone therapy can adversely affect liver function, and may increase red cells in the
blood (elevating stroke risk).


Making the News:

In July 1999, the prestigious International Clinical Synthesis Panel on HRT issued its
affirmation of the value of hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women.
The panel found that:

• For the symptoms of menopause, HRT is "the treatment of choice" — no other

treatment is as effective

• For osteoporosis, benefits are "very well founded"

• In cardiovascular disease, the "overwhelming observational data" suggests


• In dementia, "there may be long-term beneficial effect"

• For color rectal cancer, a possible 50% protective role

Here are some of the reasons for their glowing review:

• For life extension: Postmenopausal women face at least 15 times the risk of dying of
heart disease than of an estrogen-dependent cancer. In 1993, Zubialde and colleagues
found that women who began hormone replacement therapy at age 50 years showed
benefits ranging from 0.3 years of additional life for those at low risk of developing
coronary artery disease, to 2.3 years for those at high risk. Postmenopausal estrogen
therapy reduces the risk of

136 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

developing coronary artery disease, thereby increasing life expectancy.

• Estrogen is also beneficial for women who are at great risk for stroke or hypertension
because it raises the HDL cholesterol level and lowers the LDL cholesterol, decreases the
risk of heart attack, and does not elevate blood pressure.

• HRT can augment skeletal mass and reduce fracture incidence, offering an important
prevention approach for osteoporosis.

• Several studies have suggested that estrogen replacement therapy in postmenopausal

women improves cognition, prevents development of dementia, and improves the severity
of dementia.

Note: Because estrogen has been linked to a slight increase in risk of cancers of breast,
ovary, and uterus, it is generally not recommended for women with a family or personal
history of those conditions.

Chapter 8

Smart Drugs

In the early 1990s, anti-aging doctors coined the buzz-term, 'smart drug.' Somewhat of a
misnomer, 'smart drug' connotes those agents, of a pharmaceutical, nutrient, or botanical
origin, that enhance cognition, memory, learning and other mental functions. To properly
denote this group of both drugs and non-drugs for enhancing brain performance, the
medical and scientific community has adopted a more appropriate name: the term
'nootropic,' derived from the Greek meaning 'acting on the mind.'

Nootropics influence the brain in one or more of the following ways:

1. To retard damage to the brain and the course of natural deterioration of brain function
as a result of free radical damage (see Chapter 1).

2. To repair existing degradation from free radical damage.

3. In healthy people, to boost brain function above normal levels by facilitating the ability
to build and maintain connections between individual nerve cells (neurons) in the brain.

138 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Hormonal Involvement in Brain Functions


Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone, TH) is a condition that causes a decUne in

metabolic function that slows arterial blood flow and impedes the delivery of key
nutrients and oxygen to the brain. As a result, the person both thinks and moves more
slowly. If not treated in time, the condition progresses to cause the blood vessels of the
brain to age prematurely and irreversibly harden (atherosclerosis). Furthermore,
hypothyroidism also reduces the number of dendrite connections between brain cells.

Thyroid function is integral in maintaining overall youth (see Chapter 6). Cognitive
symptoms of hypothyroidism include sluggishness, slowed thinking, difficulty
concentrating and poor memory, most notable upon waking up or after resting. Not
surprisingly, thyroid therapy can reverse these signs, says Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, Secretary
General of the Belgium Medical Association and expert in HRT: "Thyroid supplements are
really great at enhancing alertness and intelligence to such an extent that many
physicians consider thyroid hormones to be the hormone of intelligence...the efficacy
with which thyroid treatment reverses failing memories of people definitely low in
thyroid hormones depends on when the therapy is started. In general, the sooner thyroid
supplements are given, the better,"


Although primarily associated with sexual performance, testosterone is an important

memory hormone. Men and women demonstrating a better spatial memory (the ability to
manipulate precise movements in all dimensions) generally have more testosterone in
their blood. According to Dr. Hertoghe, "When testosterone therapy is taken by
transsexual women (women who feel themselves more as men and try medical treatment
to make their body look more like the body of a male), these masculinized women
become more proficient in spatial tasks, but lose their previous language fluency, a typical
characteristic of women."

Chapter 8 139


Most of the research on the effects of hormones on memory has concentrated on

estrogen, with good cause. Through studies of the millions of middle-aged women on an
estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) program, it has been concluded that estrogen not
only counteracts the effects of menopause but also can reenergize slowed cognition.
Researchers around the globe are finding that it can markedly sharpen a woman's
thinking. It is important to note that estrogen, while available as either a tablet or
injection, is speculated to have better uptake to the brain in its injectable form.

Dr. Barbara Sherwin of McGill University, a leading researcher on this subject, reports
there is "reason to believe that this sex steroid might enhance memory," while noting that
estrogen does not have the same impact on all kinds of memory. In healthy young
women, it appears of most benefit for short and long-term verbal memory and especially
"paired-associate" memory (how well one remembers new information). On the other
hand, the hormone seemed to have no effect on, or sometimes weakened, spatial

In one of the studies, 28 women on ERT and 43 women not on ERT were read a short
paragraph and, after 30 minutes, asked to recall as much as they could about it. The
women on estrogen remembered much more, leading the researchers to conclude that the
hormone not only helped their memory but also their ability to learn new material. While
Sherwin admitted that the difference in performance between the two groups was not
huge, she did report that the ERT treated women recall telephone numbers, instructions
and directions more easily.

Some scientists have found that estrogen's influence on women's memory is apparent
during normal menstrual cycles. A study of 45 women at the University of Western
Ontario discovered that during the high-estrogen phase of their cycle, women did
noticeably better on verbal fluency tests (saying as many words as possible starting with a
certain letter and within a certain time).

The effects of estrogen on the thought processes of postmenopausal women have been
examined since the hormone was

140 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

first synthesized. A number of tests of elderly women treated with estrogen have shown
that it can produce major gains not only in verbal memory but other kinds of mental
functioning as well. Dr. Sherwin says that various studies provide "compelling evidence"
of the benefits of estrogen replacement for aging minds. Researchers at Stanford
University who tested the memories of 144 women age 55 to 93, half on estrogen and half
not, found that it definitely made a difference for remembering names and faces.

In studies of estrogen and brain activity, researchers have found that it has a stronger
influence on mental functions governed by the left hemisphere. The left side of your
brain directs language, verbal skills and manual dexterity. Also, a healthy circulation of
estrogen through the brain stimulates the production of nerve growth factor (NGF),
which the brain manufactures to protect neurons vital for memory. If there is not
sufficient estrogen in the brain, NGF production drops and memory cells weaken.

ERT is not for everyone, however. Women with a strong family history for breast cancer,
in particular, should give it thoughtful consideration. A new generation of estrogen
products that appears to side step the increase in risk for cancer is now entering the
marketplace. Called SERMS (selective estrogen-receptor modulators), these drugs are
designed to deliver estrogen to the heart and bones but not the uterus and breasts.
Consequently, SERMS hold promise in the battle against heart disease and osteoporosis
without contributing an increase in the risk of breast or uterine cancer. The tradenamed
SERM Raloxifene is already in clinical trials, with others close behind. In addition, plant
derived (soy based) estrogen products are already available, and offer a more natural
alternative to postmenopausal HRT.

The benefits of ERT appear to far outweigh potential risks. Most women concerned about
estrogen fail to realize that heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes and osteoporosis risk are
10-20 times higher as a cause of death than breast cancer ~ the #2 cancer among women
~ which is abating thanks in large part to nutrients such as selenium and bioflavonoids,
as well as advances in early detection methods.

Chapter 8 141


A hormone reputed to boost the memories of both men and women is DHEA, known as
the 'mother of hormones' because the body converts it to dozens of others (its offspring
include estrogen, androgens, testosterone, progesterone and corticosterone). DHEA is a
neuro-steroid hormone produced by our adrenal glands in a steady stream until around
age 30 when the flow beings to slack. By age 65, our bodies produce only a small fraction
of DHEA as in our 20s. While DHEA is usually recommended for its anti-aging powers,
part of its magic, say some doctors, is that it may boost your memo^)^

An investigation at Bates College in Maine that looked at how various steroids effect
memory found that DHEA was a standout. Using female rats, researchers fed them 6
different steroids then put them through memory and learning tests. Those on DHEA-S
(the sulfate form with solubility properties similar to plain DHEA) particularly excelled
on tests of working and long-term memory. In the discussion of their findings and
comparisons with other research, Drs. Cheryl Frye and Jodi Sturgis concluded, "This
confirms that DHEA's memory enhancing effects...are not unique to this species, sex or
memory task."

Another researcher, Eugene Roberts at the Beckman Research Institute in La Jolla,

California, may have learned why DHEA works so well. In his work with rats, he
discovered that DHEA stimulates production of a key brain cell messenger and the
formation of branches that connect brain cells.

DHEA is no magic bullet for a failing memory. The research on its influence on thinking
and memor)^ has so far been limited to animals — which do not have as much of the
hormone as humans, so scientists must theorize about how it could effect the human
brain. Nevertheless, they have found that it stimulates neuronal growth in animal brains.
DHEA also helps balance the body's production of potentially hazardous stress hormones,
namely glucocorticoids, which may negatively effect tissues like those in the memory
headquarters, the hippocampus.

Some doctors hesitate to recommend DHEA because of uncertainty over long-term side
effects. The side effects of acnelike pimples in men and facial hair in women may occur.
142 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Researchers have theorized that DHEA may raise the risk of prostate cancer in men. And
at extremely high doses, a single study has shown that DHEA may cause liver problems in
rats. However, there is no substantiating evidence of problems in people on low-dose
replacement therapy — and no reports of serious adverse effects in the tens of thousands
of people using DHEA for anti-aging purposes.

DHEA is available without a prescription, most commonly as 25 or 50 mg capsules. There

are no standard doses; most clinical studies administer 25 mg to 100 mg per day. Getting
the correct dose level for each individual is important, so request your physician to test
your baseline level. Your optimum dose will depend on how much DHEA your body is
producing naturally. Generally, women need less than men, and some people take it only
every other day. For people experiencing its dermatological side effects, a precursor of
DHEA, pregnenolone, shown in laboratory studies to be an effective memory enhancing
substance, is now available.


HGH, the most abundant hormone produced within the brain, is another candidate as a
memory repair hormone. HGH and its derivative IGF-1 both act as growth and repair
factors for nerves and have shown activity in helping the aged brain remodel and reshape
its neurocerebral matrix connections, a critical process for active and effective memory
and intelligence. It is now undergoing multicenter trials as a treatment for Alzheimer's
and other neurodegenerative diseases of aging.

By the time we are 50 or 60, we pump out 80% less HGH than in our youth. HGH not
only feeds our muscles, bones and tissues, but also our brains. As you age, your brain
loses many of its receptors for HGH, which compounds the deficiency and may well
explain why memory slides as the years tick by.

Scientists have found that it raises the level of B-endorphin, the neurochemical that can
make us feel energetic and "high," and lowers the amount of dopamine, a neurochemical
that agitates us. By reducing the amount of dopamine that might circulate, HGH may well
be making it

Chapter 8 143

easier for us to concentrate and remember, as well as to help us to avoid becoming cranky
and crotchety,

A study at the Free University Hospital in Amsterdam found that men who lacked HGH
had poorer iconic memory (the ability to retain a flash of information), short-term, long-
term, and perceptual-motor memory than those whose pituitary did produce HGH. Yet
most of the subjects had low HGH from birth, which might have also effected their brain
development. Further positive results come from a Japanese study testing rats at the
Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Company. Here, researchers have found that low levels of HGH
almost definitely produced poor thinking and memory.

Dr. Bengt-Ake Bengtsson, a Swedish endocrinologist, has been actively researching HGH
and has published an impressive number of studies on the use of HGH, especially in
adults who are deficient in it. He believes, "We are just beginning to scratch the surface of
the importance of growth hormone in cognition, memory and brain function."

Nutritional Nourishment for the Brain

There is no simpler way to feed the brain than through daily dietary intake from quality
food sources. The implication of proper dietary selections on cognition in older
individuals was elucidated by Ortega and colleagues from the Universidad Complutense
in Madrid. They found that the fat and nutrient makeups of diets were responsible for
differences in performances on mental scale exams: individuals with satisfactory exam
results ate less empty calories. The message: a diet with less fat, saturated fat, and
cholesterol, and more carbohydrate, fiber, vitamins (especially folate, vitamins C, E, and
beta-carotenes), and minerals (such as magnesium potassium, and zinc) may be advisable
not only to improve the general health of the elderly but also to improve cognitive

Illnesses such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases are frightening prospects for the
older population. Conditions that rob one's ability to think, express oneself and maintain

144 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

independent living, \v\\\ — with the assistance of anti-aging phvsicians and scientists
making full use of biochemical, bioengineering, and genetic advancements — become as
extinct as ri'phoid fever and polio. Until then, one of the best ways to stave the onset ot
brain disease is to take full advantage of those nutrients shown to prolong mental


The antioxidant vitamins, A (beta carotene), C and E, in addition to the mineral selenium
and bioflavonoids, by vinue of their capacit\" to counter free radical damage (see Chapter
1), offer brain cells protection from oxidation and deterioration.

The Rotterdam Study, conducted by Jama and associates at the Erasmus Universit}'
Medical School in Rotterdam. The Netherlands, found that a lower intake of beta carotene
corresponded to a higher incidence of impaired cognitive function. Schmidt and his
colleagues at the Karl-Franzens

Universit}- in Austria conducted a study to assess the antioxidant levels in middle-aged

and older individuals as it penained to cognition. .A_s confirmation and extension of
Jamas study, Schmidt found that low test results on a standardized dementia scale
correlated to depressed blood levels of beta carotene and alpha-tocopherol (Mtamin E).

Recent studies have elucidated a role tor X'itamin C as a factor in cognitive performance.
Gale and colleagues trom the University" of Southampton in England discovered that
cognitive function was poorest among those with the lowest vitamin C status, and that
those study participants who did not perform well on the administered mental exam had
an increased risk of death from stroke resulting from vascular impairment. Gale
concluded that "\^itamin C status may be a determinant of cognitive function in elderly
people through its eft'ect on atherogenesis. A high vitamin C intake may protect against
both cognitive impairment and cerebrovascular disease."

The role of \'itamin C as a free radical scavenger was investigated by Riviere and
colleagues from the Hopital La Grave-Casselar in Toulouse, France. Finding that
regardless of

Chapter 8 145

the actual dietary intake through foods, actual blood levels of vitamin C were depressed in
individuals with Alzheimer's disease in a manner reflective of the severity of the illness.
Because actual intake was not a relevant factor, this study confirms that free radicals
cause damage that results with in cognitive impairment.

Indeed, dietary antioxidants may serve a critical role in protecting against cognitive
impairment associated with aging.

B- Vitamins

Vitamin B-12 (also known as cobalamin) deficiency has been implicated as a cause of
vascular disease. Allen and colleagues from the University of Colorado Health Sciences
Center in Denver found that cobalamin deficiency is common in the older population.
Additionally, Allen's study found that B-12 therapy lowers homocysteine levels, a new
marker of heart disease.

Recent studies now find an important role for B-12 in cognition. Cunha and colleagues
from Brazil administered B-12 to cobalamin-deficient patients experiencing dementia.
Those who fared the best on treatment, showing notable improvement on mental state
exam, were patients who succumbed to dementia more recently — within the last two
years. Consequently, Cunha suggested that B-12 screening would be a valuable tool in
patients with recent changes in mental performance. In an assessment of veterans,
Bernard and associates from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine at
Oklahoma City found that veterans with subnormal B-12 blood levels experienced deficits
in cognitive performance.

Folic acid is a coenzyme that helps cells with the process of cell division and replication,
and as such, is most well known as the vitamin that prevents birth defects. Ebly and
colleagues at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada, discovered that low blood
levels of folate correlated to an increased likelihood of stroke. Additionally, dementia and
depression were associated with those with low folate levels. The individuals who showed

146 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

cognitive impairment without dementia were prone to difficulties with short-term


Thiamine (Vitamin B-1) is estabUshed as a circulatory-enhancer and for maintaining

muscle tone of the heart, stomach and intestines. Recent studies implicate thiamine in
cognitive dysfunction. On a group of Alzheimer's patients who were not deficient in B-1,
Mimori and colleagues at the Hiroshima University School of Medicine in Japan found
that oral supplementation of a thiamine derivative had a mild beneficial effect on
emotional as well as intellectual functions. This is an important clue for researchers
investigating the biological origins of Alzheimer's Disease.

Inositol, a B vitamin necessary for fat and cholesterol metabolism and for fat mobilization
from the liver, shows therapeutic benefit in Alzheimer's patients. Barak and associates
from the Abarbanel Mental Health Center in Bat Yam, Israel, found that language and
orientation skills were significantly improved, implying a potential therapeutic role for
high-dose inositol therapy in Alzheimer's Disease.



The twenty-nine molecules known as amino acids are regarded as the 'building blocks of
protein,' reflecting their integral role in cellular functions. Without amino acids, our cells
would, quite literally, fail to hold their shape. Because all cognitive processes rely on
neurotransmission (the communication of electrical impulses through nerve cells),
proper amino acid levels are critical to mental performance.

Amino acids are classified into two major categories: essential amino acids are obtained
solely from the diet, whereas the body is able to manufacture non-essential amino acids
from other sources.

Chapter 8 147

If you fail to receive sufficient essential amino acids through dietary means, your body is
forced to do without them. This may lead to the onset of illness, particularly in those
people with metabolic errors that exacerbate the consequences of amino acid deficiencies.
Thus, oral supplementation of amino acids has been found to be a generally safe and
effective method to reinforce cognitive health.

In a study of rats, Dawson and colleagues at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy
at Gainesville found a significantly reduction in the level of taurine in the part of the
brain associated with spatial learning performance. This depressed taurine level was
correlated to reduced dopamine, implicated in both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases.
Whereas aged rats without behavioral impairment had more modest taurine reductions,
this study demonstrated the significance of age-related declines of taurine. Dawson, in a
separate study, also observed that rats on taurine-deficient diets were found to have
depressed IGF-1 levels. Dietary supplementation was able to correct "advanced aging
[that] results in a taurine-deficient state."

148 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Tryptophan, through its metaboHc conversion to melatonin, is an important brain amino

acid. Maurizi found that stress or a dietary deficiency of tryptophan results with reduced
availability of serotonin and melatonin. Coupled with the naturally reduced ability to
produce melatonin with age, tryptophan's role in the bioclock of life cannot be
understated. Melatonin deficiency and biorhythm irregularities have been associated with
affective diseases, sleep disorders, Alzheimer's Disease, and other diseases of aging (see
Chapter 6).

Deficiencies of acetyl-L-carnitine has also been linked to cognitive impairment.

Administering it for a period of three months, Passeri and associates at the University of
Parma, Italy, found improvements in dementia and memory, as well as in attention and
verbal skills. When given to Alzheimer's patients, Pettegrew and colleagues at the
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine found that acetyl-L-carnitine exerted a
protective action, stabilizing test scores from mental assessments.


A group of molecules found in abundance in the membranes of nerve cells, red blood
cells, and cellular powerplants (mitochondria), phospholipids are a necessary fatty
compound. Their presence maintains an elasticity and permeability of cell membranes
that permits the continual flow of nutrients and oxygen. Without phospholipids, cell
membranes would harden and cells would starve and die. Delion and colleagues at the
Laboratoire de Biophysique Medicale et Pharmaceutique in France found that the
decrease in the major phospholipids is age-dependent. This decline could be corrected
through a diet including polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), resulting with
improvements in neurotransmission.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) is implicated in brain aging. As we age, levels of acetylcholine,

critical to the ability of neurons to communicate, decline. Jeglinski and associates from
the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology in Poland found that PS promotes the
release of acetylcholine, a critical neurochemical in the encoding of memory, in a study
conducted on aging rats.

Chapter 8 149


Botanical agents may become an important accessory armament in the war against
cognitive impairment. While a current lack of clinical studies plagues the complete
acceptance of botanical agents as a reputable therapy, the public's interest in this type of
non-drug approach will most certainly result with both validation and acceptance.

Ginkgo biloba extract is the most extensively studied herbal remedy for cognitive deficits.
Recognized for its ability to protect cell membranes from free radical damage, gingko
biloba is also responsible for improvements in short-term memory. In patients with
Parkinson's Disease, measurable brain wave changes upon administration with gingko
were found: specifically, theta waves, the wave of sleep and unconsciousness, were found
to retreat in prominence.

Researchers are also evaluating ginseng as a cognitive agent. Its active ingredient,
ginsenoside, is suspected to facilitate learning and memory. Ginseng can cause an
increase in the number of synapses formed in the hippocampal region of the brain,
responsible for learning and memory and an area that is hard hit by both aging and stress.
Ginseng's nootropic abilities include enhancement of immune function, mediation of age-
related motor and behavioral declines, and promotion of neuronal function.

150 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program.


for LoYi^eA^Cty

Weeh Eight
HEADLINE NEWS - Cognitive Decline is Not Inevitable:

Researchers at the University of California Davis School of Medicine have demonstrated

that changes in cognitive function are not a normal part of aging. While the risk of
Alzheimer's Disease is increased for people with atherosclerosis, diabetes, and those with
the apolipoprorein E4 gene thought to predispose to early onset of Alzheimer's, UC's
study of nearly 6000 seniors demonstrated that 70% of them showed rw significant
decline in cognition.

Take measures to promote cerebrovascular health and reduce your risk factors for
.Alzheimer's. As for role of genetics, a new vaccine and new medications are on the
horizon — in as little as five years, age-related cognitive decline may be another dreaded
disease of aging eliminated by anti-aging biotechnology. There is no need to grow senile.
There is no need to physically degtade, either: HGH and optional therapeutic nutrients
can help you to maintain muscle tone and skeletal strength for a lifetime.


Reversing death begins in the colon — but aging starts at your lips.

D Take a good look at your dietar\' habits, then take a look in the mirror. Do you like what
you see? If not, seek a nutritionist to act as your dietar\' coach.

^ Are you eating too much fried fc^d or commercially prepared

3 Are you meeting recommendatii vegetable

the new food pyramid's ser\dngs a day of fr uits and daily is the ideal target.

Chapter 8 151

□ How many times a week do you eat out, and during those times, do you ever ask how
your food is prepared?

□ Select foods with high content of the brain amino acids:

• Taurine: fish, organ meats

• Tryptophan: wild game, pork, cottage cheese, wheat germ, duck, turkey
• Carnitine: beef

□ If you are a vegetarian, make certain that you are consuming adequate alternative
sources of protein to provide a complete source of amino acids.

□ Select first pressed, cold processed/oils fo/cooking and food preparation. As the
Mediterrane^/i population has demonstrated, virgin ol ive oil is an excellent choice for
healthy fattvadi


□ Constantly build new mental circuits. Play chess, learn Tai Chi, go dancing, guess the
answers on Jeopardy, or take an adult ed class: just keep the mental muscle in shape and
say 'no' to old age.

□ Volunteerism and hobbies are also great brain stimulators, too.

Chapter 9

A Dog and His Boy

The Anti-Aging Program of Lex ''the Wonder Dog"

I am often asked by many people what they can do to improve the quality of their pet's
life, while at the same time gaining increased quantity. People love their pets will go to
any lengths and spend any amount of money on their pets to not lose them before it is
absolutely unavoidable.

154 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

In 1991, my Airedale Lex had turned into an 11 year-old old dog . As an expert and one of
the founders of the clinical specialty anti-aging medicine, it became very embarrassing for
me to have an aging pet whose coat was turning gray, and was experiencing the
unpleasant disabilities and symptoms of old age. I had already been experimenting with
anti-aging drugs on myself, my friends, patients and even my own mother without ill
effects, so I thought these substances were at last proven safe enough to try on my best
friend Lex.

Lex was a champion Airedale, the mascot of the A4M. The life expectancy for Airedales is
about 12 years, and Lex had started to fail about age 10.

I began Lex on an anti-aging regimen and saw startling, rapid effects. Within six months,
Lex had deaged to the condition of an 8 year-old dog. He was able to jump three-foot
fences, his coat returned to dark black-brown. His eyes became bright and animated,
when before they were cloudy and dull. Lex ran and played vigorously with dogs 5 years
younger than he.

Lex suffered a stroke at age 16. Although he made a good recovery by age 16 Vi, he
developed a weakness in his hind legs, thereby limiting his activity and the quality of his
life. Rather than have him suffer, he was put to sleep at the equivalent of human age of
116 years. While Lex could have been kept alive for another two or more years (as would
be the goal of geriatric medicine), anti-aging scientists seek to enhance quality of life —
not just to extend its quantity.

Lex serves as a metaphor for the paramount importance of living a longer healthier
happier lifespan. This pup at heart proves that to win the game of life, we need not keep
people alive for the longest period of time possible. The winners are those whose lives are
blessed with a prolonged period of satisfaction and enjoyment, and that goal is well
within the reach of each and everv one of us.

Chapter 9 155

Lex served his role as a pioneer of anti-aging research well. His dramatic age reversing
accomplishments demonstrated to all who knew him that anti-aging therapies were both
safe and effective. In a real and personal way, Lex showed me what could be easily
accomplished with minimal interventions if only we are willing to believe that aging is
not inevitable!

Because Lex was 65 pounds, he received one-half the dose of supplements normally
recommended for humans.

NOTE : This protocol was custom designed for Lex, as an older animal, and should not be
construed as a valid program for any other subject.

136 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Dr. Ronald Klatz's Personal Anti-Aging Progi^am

I am often asked about my own personal anti-aging regimen and what I recommend for
dosage amounts. These are the amounts, sources, and dosages I take, which should be
adjusted according to each indi\iduars weight and age.

Exercise 30-minute aerobic workout including: walking, stair climbing, and weight

training 5 times per week

Supplements (daily amount except where specified) Antioxidants

10,000 mg vitamin A (beta carotene) 800 mg vitamin E

2,000 mg vitamin C

400 meg selenitun

Vita77iins/Minerals/Other Nutriceuticals

900 mg niacin

15 e blue-green algae + chlorella

400 meg chromitun picolinate

Vi tablet of aspirin

1 g lysine

.\mino acids (an HGH preciusor)

500 mg 1-acetyl-carnitine

Folic acid (400 mg)


1 multivitamin meeting or exceeding RDAs for all basic vitamins and minerals for adults

Gingko Biloba


10 mg melatonin, 2 times per week as a sleep aid

5 mg deprenyl (Eldepryl) at bedtime

1 grain thyroid hormone every other dav

6 mg Hydergine (a memory booster) at bedtime

50 mg DHEA every other day

Dietary Protocol

8 glasses of distilled water per day with lemon. Pure, unadulterated distilled

water: not coffee, tea, soda, juice, or anything but pure distilled water.

Limit red meat and fried food, and eat fresh fruit nvice per day. Eat at least one ripe red
tomato per day, for its lycopen e and b ioflavonoid content. I would^ike to become*a
vegetartaTTsomeday, but I enjoy eating "real lobd" too



45 minute nap/siesta about 2:00 p.m.

The Anti-Aging A' List

Basic nutrients and lifestyle elements for an anti-aging program can act as your soldiers
in the war to stay young.

158 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program



Water is a critical component of your optimal health program. Man can go many days,
even weeks, without food — but deprived of water, life can end within three days. Water
composes more than half our bodies, one quarter of our bones, and one third of our
brains. It is present in every cell and tissue of the body and every bodily function, from
respiration to digestion

to cognition — is utterly dependent upon it.

So why, then, are more than 30% of senior Americans

dehydrated, and because of it, at greater risk for metabolic

dysfunction, constipation, fatigue and even heart attack?

Water is essential for proper elimination of toxins and for

this reason alone, you must make certain that you pay special

attention to the quality, as well as quantity, of water you ingest

every single day.

Perhaps, then, it's no coincidence that the Fountain of

Youth for which Ponce deLeon searched was overflowing with


□ Drink 6-10 glasses of pure water, not from the tap.

The government has reported that 53 million Americans drink water from municipal
water supplies containing potentially dangerous levels of chloro- and fluoro-chemicals,
lead, fecal bacteria, as well as pesticides and other impurities associated with cancer and
metabolic dysfunction.

Bottled and filtered water is better than tap water. Consider installing a water filtration
system in your home, particularly for drinking and cooking needs. You might also benefit
from a whole-house system that will bring purified water to your bathing areas.

160 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Distilled, sterile water is best, as it has the maximum abilit}' to eliminate toxins from
your body and is totally devoid of other substances and minerals. If you drink only sterile
distilled water, you risk losing both the beneficial minerals and toxic (heavy) metals from
your body via the urine. Therefore, if your diet is not balanced with five or more servings
of fruits and vegetables a day, addition of a multimineral nutritional supplement may be

U Stay alert to the qualit}^ of your water supply.

The Center for Disease Control reports that 900 deaths and one million cases of intestinal
malaise each year are attributable to waterborne organisms.

The Environmental Working Group reports that 14 million people drink water
contaminated with five of the most toxic herbicides known to man. By doing so, 3.5
million people in our largest cities are at a cancer risk 10 times greater than the general

The standard method by which most municipalities process water utilizes chlorination to
kill dangerous microbes. Chlorine by-products thus wind up in the water supply of 100
miUion people. This in turn causes about 10,000 incidences of bladder cancer each year.

It is estimated that in 99 percent of the US population, their fatty tissue contains one or
more of the toxic chemicals found in water.

□ Ask your local water department to provide you with a copy of the most recent analysis
of your water supply.

Contact the bottler of your bottled water product to ask for a copy of a complete
independent analysis. They should regularly test for pesticides, radioactivity, and
industrial wastes.

Chapter 10

The Future of Anti-Aging Medicine

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is more than the most powerful anti-aging
therapeutic that we have today. It is also the bridge to the future, the means by which we
can buy another 20 to 30 years of youth. As I said in the first chapter, there are three
rules in anti-aging medicine: don't die, don't get sick, and don't get old. You can follow
these rules by heeding the "Rx for Living 100 Years Plus," in Chapter 2. By adding a
multihormone replacement program, you greatly inc rease your, chances ot living a
healtkt ul and productive 83 years or more.

i his ^oulci be long enough for you to benefit from advancing biotechnology for treating
disease and extending life even further. With the advent of genetic therapies in the 21st
century, all bets are off as to maximum life span, the trick is to stay healthy and alive long
enough to benefit from these emerging age-reversing therapies. How sad it would be for
you to be the last one standing when the solemn funeral dirge — the music theme of
aging related death ~ stops, and you are the one left without a chair.

162 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Getting Rid of Age-Related Diseases

Anti-aging medicine is the next great model of health care for the new millennium. This
model is based on the very early detection, prevention, and reversal of aging-related
diseases. All diseases fall into four categories: the first three ~ inherited genetic disease,
infectious disease and trauma, account for only 10% of the cost for treating all the disease
in America. The fourth category, the degenerative diseases of aging, accounts for 90%.
One hundred million Americans are currently being treated for one or another
degenerative disease at a health care cost of over $700 billion per year. If we really want
to make an impact on health care in the country and in the world, we must focus on the
degenerative diseases of aging. If we can slow aging, we can eliminate over 50% of all
disease overnight.

The Impact on Society

The new clinical science of anti-aging medicine can drastically alter dire predictions about
aging in America:

• By 2020, 60 million Americans will be disabled by arthritis

• By 2034, Social Security trust funds will be exhausted

• By 2050, 14 million people will have Alzheimer's disease

We can alter this dreadful course by preventing, delaying, or reversing the diseases
associated with aging. Regular exercise, a nutritious diet with at least five servings of
fruits and vegetables a day, not smoking, and maintaining ideal body weight can greatly
reduce the chances of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and many
cancers. An example on the power of exercise: when 20 weak and sedentary 90+ year-old
men began weight lifting, they improved their energy, their independence, and outlook on

Anti-aging medicine programs are a tremendous boon for society. According to a 1998
Boston Globe article, "there is abundant evidence that prevention pays off in avoiding
diseases of old age." Just extending the productive, healthy human life span by one year
could boost the U.S. economy by $2 trillion and solve our health care cost problems
almost overnight.

Chapter 10 163

Life Spans of the Future

Animal research proves that mice can live an equivalent human life span of up to age 160
on a calorically restricted diet. Adding antioxidant therapy increases their life span to 220
and with genetic interventions, 300 years are possible. Genetic tinkering with worms
bumped up their life span fivefold. Imagine how these studies might translate to human
beings. Predicting maximum human life spans of only 150 years could prove to be a
colossal underestimate.

It is almost as thinkable to imagine living to 150 to 200 years of age, or more, as it must
have been for someone born at the turn of this century to imagine dancing at the
Millennium. But yet that is exactly what some 100 year-olds will be doing on New Year's
Eve 2000.

Life holds such unexpected marvels. Who could have envisioned cellular phones, the
World Wide Web, or cash machines as ubiquitous as pay telephones just 25 years ago?

Life Expectancy

115 years

2020 A.n.

Hormone replacement and other rejuvenating therapies.

200 years +

2200 A.D

Evolutionary forces push life expectancy still higher

' an

18 years

dirtlcull because of disease and accidents.

3000 B, Bronze

26 years

'■■ People live longer, but life was still short. I.lie cxpcclancy increased less than 45% over
2.752 years.

275 B.c.^ Roman Ei



a diet, health tare, iuced infant morlaJily.

49 years
1900 A. D.

Improved sannation helps.

but mtcctious di:>ease is sirll a killer.

Average life expectancy in the U.S. has increased to 76 years from 49 years since the turn
of the century, a 55% increase. Soon, scientists may be able to understand the aging
process enough to alter it. The prospect of a longer life generates an abundance of

164 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Toddlers today are playing computer games and cueing up their favorite movie on the
VCR. If I were to propose that in 30 years, computers would talk, see, think, and fit on a
wristwatch, no one would raise an eyebrow. Why then, shouldn't we expect similar
advances in the biotechnology of aging?

Predictions for the Next 30 Years

I believe that within 30 years, we will have a shot at immortality. In a new book entitled
Immortality (Avon Press) by Ben Bova, science writer for USA Today, Bova predicts that
many of these new technologies will be on stream within the next 20-30 yearsand that
virtual immortality will be within reach in the next 50 years. Why do I agree with Bova's
assessment? Because as I said in the first chapter, medical knowledge doubles every 3.5
years. In the coming decades, we may expect to see such life-extending innovations as:

• Implantable artificial hearts

• Fetal cell transplants that grow new heart tissue, brain tissue, and pancreatic insulin-
producing cells

• Implantable hormonal pumps that sense when we need a hormonal boost and deliver
complex hormonal formulations automatically

• Gene therapy that corrects most of the genetic defects and weaknesses that we all

• Smart drugs for memory and mental function, including effective treatments for
Alzheimer's disease

Farther down the line are even more incredible advances like nanosurgery — using
instruments smaller than the size of a human cell to surgically correct any bodily defect;
bionic devices to restore vision, hearing, and lost limbs; and cloned human body parts
that can be transplanted without rejection. Computerized backups of the accumulated
memory and experiences stored within our brain may one day be available

when our own frail neurons fail. Going even further, beyond a half century from now,
human cloning techniques, regeneration and nanosurgery will almost certainly achieve
physical immortality for those who want it - perhaps not limitless life span, but one
lasting 200-300 years now seems possible ~ in fact, probable! Generation X may have to
be relabeled as "Generation Lex," for life extension beyond all reasonable expectations.

Trying to predict the future is a perilous adventure for anyone who values their
reputation as a physician and scientist. Still, I am confident that even these seemingly
fantastic predictions may well prove timid given that technological advances 50 years
hence will be the equivalent of today's technology as seen in the year 1850. Who, during
the years of the industrial revolution, could have possibly predicted our world of leisure,
abundance, instant communication, unlimited education, space travel, thinking
machines, submarines and average life spans twice that of their day in 1850? Even the
fantastic fantasy science fiction writings of H.G. Wells fall short of our own everyday

Start Planning for the Future Now

Think of what you could do. Go to school or start a new career at age 75. Have a second
family at an age when most people are enjoying their grandchildren. Do all those things
you always planned but never got around to, like learning to paint, fly a plane, or
rollerblade in your 80s or 90s. You might become passionately involved in environmental
causes if you knew that not just your grandchildren, but you yourself, would still be here
to suffer the consequences of pollution. Extended life spans will make another of
humankind's most impossible dreams possible: manned space travel to other worlds.

And while we are planning this brave new world, why not be rich, or at least financially
secure? You can be if only given enough time and discipline. Using a long-term
investment strategy, by placing just $300 per month in an S&P index fund,

166 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

you'll join the ranks of the Millionaire's Club in less than 33 years.

Why not stay around to enjoy these wonders as they happen? You probably can if you
start today by finding an anti-aging physician who will help you devise an individually
tailored hormone replacement and anti-aging nutritional supplement plan. Ever\^ year
you stay alive and stay healthy allows you to take advantage of each new advance and get
that much closer to the vastly extended life spans of the future. I hope to see you at the
New Year's part}' for the 22nd Century.

The Bottom Line

Assuming you are willing to commit yourself to an anti-aging medical program of

antioxidant vitamins, regular mild to moderate exercise, risk factor reduction, twice per
year medical diagnostic exams, and HRT when needed, you should be able to extend your
own life span 10, 20, 30 years beyond what nature had planned for you.

The iAjnerican Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) now predicts that over 50% of
today's healthy baby boomers and their children will see age 100 and beyond with their
physical and mental faculties intact.

Beyond this, if you can remain alive and healthy for the next 30-50 years, advanced
technologies (such as cloning, cell transplants and nanotechnolog}') will come of age,
which could offer mankind its longest held wish - immortalit}' - or at least a taste of it,
say 200-300 year life spans and maybe more.

HRT and anti-aging medicine is the bridge to that brave new world. Anti-aging medicine
offers us the freedom to live our lives and choose our health destinies as wt see fit and
possibly even choose the time and place of our final passing. Ultimately, anti-aging
medicine is a quest for personal freedom. I hope you will choose to join us in that ageless

plan/ /or


Chapter 10 167

Your Personal Anti-Aging Program


^ We live in miraculous times

and you need not be pious, religious, or even especially spiritual to witness modern-day
miracles. Just open the today's leading newspapers to the science and health sections, and
guaranteed — every week, you will read about exciting major breakthroughs in the
treatment, prevention, and curing of one or more of the degenerative diseases of aging.

With medical knowledge expanding almost as rapidly as the computer revolution, it's
hard to imagine any current disease process that won't be treatable — or outright
eliminated — within the next 30-50 years.

Anti-aging scientific information is doubling every 3.5 years so, in twenty years, we will
know 64 times more about human aging, its, causes, and its cures. In 23.5 years we will
know 128 times more and in 27 years our information base will have expanded by 248

So it is illogical not to be gleefully optimistic about our futures and our prospects for a
very long and happy lifespan. Thirty years from now, technology will have advanced
medicine to an equivalent of comparing today's health science with the archaic methods
of anl880s-style country doctor.


□ Plan to stay alive, healthy, and youthful for longer than you ever imagined would be

□ Surf the age wave: Every year your life brings you closer to the reality of the Ageless
Society, a time and place where you'll scarcely be able to tell the difference between a
healthy 55-year old and an athletic and youthful 105-year old.

168 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

□ Keep up with the latest developments in anti-aging therapeutics. They just might save
your life.

□ Save as much as you can on a regular basis:

Bad news: Do not expect Medicare and Social Security to be there when you reach the age
at which you can collect its benefits.

Good news: Save $300 each month in a retirement annuity plan (earning 10% interest)
and in 33 years you too are a millionaire.

According to the A4M and the United Nations World Health Organization, 50% of all baby
boomers alive today will probably see their 100' birthday — continuing to be lively,
healthy, and productive.

Join the Ageless Society by becoming a member of the Am erican Acade my of Anti-Aging
Medicin e an d supporting their work to stop aging withour lifetimes. Remember the
7000 physicians and scientists of the A4M are fighting to save your youth and health:
help them to help you.

May infinity be your destiny,

RomUKtitz^M.D., P.O.

President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

Bibliography 169


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Hayflick, L., How and Why We Age, Ballantine Books, New York, 1996.

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Klatz, R.M. and Goldman, R.M., Stopping the Clock, Bantam Books, New York, 1997.

Klatz, R.M. and Kahn, C, Grow Young with HGH, HarperPerennial, New York, 1998.

Kolata, G. New Era of Robust Elderly Belies the Fears of Scientists, The New York Times,
Feb. 27, 1996.

Chapter 2

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Hendler, S.S., The Complete Guide to Anti-Aging Nutrients, Simon & Shuster, New York,

Hertoghe, T., Growth Hormone Therapy in Aging Adults: Place and Dosage in a Multiple
Hormonal Replacement Therapy, 1996 European Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine,
Madrid, Spain.

Klatz, R.M. and Goldman, R.M., 7 Anti-Secrets for Optimal Digestion and Scientific
Weight Loss, ESM Publications, Chicago, 1996.

170 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Rudman, D., et al. Effects of Human Growth Hormone in Men Over 60 Years Old, New
England Journal of Medicine 1990;323:1-6.

Sinatra, S.T., Optimum Health, Lincoln Bradley Publishing Group, Tennessee, 1966.

Ward, P.E. and Ward, R.D. Encyclopedia of Weight Training, Laguna Hills, CA:QPT
Publications, 1991.

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neurochemical effects of acetyl-L-carnitine in Alzheimer's disease, Neurobiol Aging 1995

Riviere, S., Birlouez-Aragon, I., Nourhashemi, F., Vellas, B., Low plasma vitamin C in
Alzheimer patients despite an adequate diet, Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 1998 Nov;13(ll):749-

Schmidt, R., Hayn, M., Reinhart B., Roob, G., Schidt, H., Schumacher, M., Watzinger, N.,
and Launer, L.J., Plasma antioxidants and cognitive performance in middle-aged and
older adults: results of the Austrian Stroke Prevention Study, J Am Geriatr Soc 1998
Nov;46(l 1):1407-10.

Stoll, S., Scheuer, K., Pohl, O., Muller, W.E., Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761)
independently improves changes in passive avoidance learning and brain membrane
fluidity in the aging mouse, Pharmacopsychiatry 1996 Jul;29(4): 144-9.

Touitou, Y., Bogdan, A., Auzeby, A., Selmaoui B., Melatonin and aging, Therapie 1998 Sep-

Umezawa, M., Kogishi, K., Tojo, H., Yoshimura, S., Seriu, N., Ohta, A., Takeda, T.,
Hosokawa, M., High-linoleate and high-alpha-linolenate diets affect learning ability and
natural behavior in SAMRl mice, J Nutr 1999 Feb;129(2):431-7.

Ying, Y., Zhang, J.T., Shi, C.Z., Qu, Z.W., Liu, Y., Study on the nootropic mechanism of
ginsenoside Rbl and Rgl—influence on mouse brain development, Yao-Hsueh-Hsueh-Pao.
1994; 29(4):24l-5.

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference


A naturally occurring nutrient in the body, acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) transports fats into
the mitochondria. It occurs in many common foods, including milk. Studies have shown
that ALC may help protect the brain by nourishing NMDA-sensitive glutamate receptors,
which normally decline with age. ALC has also been shown to help prevent the formation
of lipofuscin, a potassium age pigment, and to increase cerebral blood flow.

Possible Benefits: ALC's anti-aging benefits may include brain protection from signs of
aging, improved memory with long-term use, increased attention and vitality, and
protection and treatment of senile dementia.

Human clinical trials have explored its efficacy, especially in Italy, where it is used to treat
age-related mental debilitation and Alzheimer's disease.


Chemical Name: (3-Carboxy-2-hydroxypropyl) trimethyl-

ammonium acetate (ester) chloride. Molecular Formula: C(9)H(17)NO(4), HCL

Molecular Weight: 239.7

Side Effects and Contraindications: Side effects may include nausea, headache, dizziness
or vomiting when beginning treatment or at higher dosages.

Distribution: ALC is distributed in 250mg and 500mg tablets, and sometimes in oral
liquid form. Pharmaceutical trade name preparations include Branigen, Ceredor, Nicetile,
Normobren and Zibren.

Notes: With no known contraindications and very few side effects under 1500mg per day,
ALC is a noted smart drug with purported beneficial effects.

Non-generic product names are the trademarks of their respective holders.

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 185


Adrafinil acts to stimulate brain activity only when stimulation is required. Modafmil is
the latest, more potent analogue of Adrafmil. Both drugs act on brain Alpha 1 post
synaptic receptors and make them more susceptible to norepinephrine, thus increasing
alertness and concentration. They do not appear to affect other brain functions.

Possible Benefits: Adrafmil and Modafmil's anti-aging benefits have been increased and
improved alertness and concentration, improved thought clarity and short-term memory
and increased reaction speed including hand-and-eye coordination.


Chemical Name: 2-((Diphenylmethyl) sulfmyl) acetohydroxamic

acid. Molecular Formula: C(15)H(15)NO(3)S Molecular Weight: 289.4

Adrafmil is an alpha-adrenergic agonist chemically related to Modafmil. It is given by

mouth as a CNS Stimulant in doses of 60mg to 1.2g daily.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Side effects include an increase in liver enzyme levels
and therefore usage should be monitored. Other side effects include headaches, stomach
pain, minor skin irritations, inner tension and mild agitation or aggression. People with
epilepsy, liver or kidney impairment, or those using tranquilizers should avoid Adrafmil
and Modafmil. Caution is advised if used in combination with norepinephrine-
stimulating agents such as Yohimbine.

Distribution; Adrafmil is supplied in 300mg tablets under the trade name Olmifon.
Modafmil is supplied under the trade name Modiodal in lOOmg tablets.

Notes: Modafmil is superior to Adrafmil in its action. However most patients will usually
experience improvement with Adrafmil. Modafmil is a very recent addition and is
considerably more expensive than Adrafmil,

186 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Centrophenoxine removes lipofiiscin (potassium age pigment) from the brain, heart and
skin. Appearances of Jipofuscin in the skin are referred to as Hver or age spots.
Lipofuscin occurs in much higher levels in Alzheimer's patients than in their
counterparts, and some theories relate brain and memory function to the ability of
potassium to enter and exit brain cells. As we age, this ability is reduced and potassium
levels rise. Centrophenoxine can also increase production of brain RNA and aid in a
patient's oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production.

Possible Benefits: Centrophenoxine's possible anti-agine benefits include protection

against free radical damage in the brain, increased potential life span, reduction and
prevention of age spots in skin, increased mental energy, improved memory, and
prevention and treatment of stroke and brain injury.


Synonyms: Centrophenoxine Hydrochloride; Clofenoxine

Hydrochloride; Clophenoxate Hydrochloride; Deanol 4

Chlorophenoxyacetate Hydrochloride; Meclofenoxane

Hydrochloride. Chemical Name: 2-Dimethylaminoethyl 4 chlorophynoxyacetate

hydrochloride. Molecular Formula: C(12)H(l6)CINO(3), HCL Molecular Weight: 294.2

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: Possible side effects may include nausea or mild
dizziness. People with severely high blood pressure or convulsive disorders such as
epilepsy should avoid Centrophenoxine.

Distribution: Centrophenoxine is supplied in 250mg-tablet form under the trade names

Cerutil, Helfergin and Lucidril.

Notes: Because of its low toxicity and side effects and potential positive effects in anti-
aging, Centrophenoxine is considered to be an important anti-aging supplement. In
France it is viewed as a superior DMAE product and is available over the counter.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 187


Chelation therapy is used in patients with heavy metal toxicity. An intravenous (IV)
synthetic amino acid (EDTA) is used to isolate (chelate) heavy metals such as iron and
lead, removing them from the blood stream and tissues. Many believe chelation therapy,
along with a proper nutritional program, aids in the breakdown of the plaques that line
the arteries and cause arteriosclerosis. The end result of this type of treatment in some
people is increased blood flow and a marked decrease of excessive deposits of plaques in
arteries and organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart and brain.


Co-enzyme QIO, or ubiquinone, may improve the functioning of the immune system,
increase the body's resistance to stresses including bacteria and viruses, and improve the
condition of cardiac patients. Co-enzyme QlO's major function in the body is its action as
a co-factor in the production of ATP in the mitochondria. Studies have shown that many
patients with heart conditions had lower levels of Co-enzyme Ql 0 than their healthy
counterparts, and that increasing the levels improved patients' condition and mental
outlook. Co-enzyme QlO may also stimulate the immune system to protect against

Possible Benefits: Co-enzyme QlO's anti-aging benefits potentially include treatment of

cardiac conditions, treatment of high blood pressure, increased weight loss, protection
against carcinogens, improved recovery time after surgery, increased ftinctioning of the
immune system, enhanced vitality and increased life span.

A series of studies by E. G. Bliznakov and others found that elderly mice treated with Co-
enzyme QIO lived 150 percent longer than untreated mice.

Side Effects and Contraindications: No serious side effects reported.

188 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Distribution: Co-enzyme QIO is available in lOmg, 30mg, 60mg, and lOOmg capsules and
softgels in drug store chains and health food stores.

Note: Absorbtion of Co-enzyme Ql 0 is promoted by fat, which is why it is available in

softgel. As a capsule form, take Coenzyme QIO with lecithin, a fatty acid, or fish oil.


A product specifically designed to treat aging eye disorders such as cataracts, conjunctisan
A contains natural lysates, which purport to improve eye conditions by stimulating the
natural healing and repair processes. Regular, longer use of conjunctisan A may improve
eyesight in cataract suffers, as well as myopia.

Possible Benefits: Conjunctisan A's anti-aging potential benefits include treatment and
prevention of cataracts, improvement of eye irritation due to environmental factors, and
general improvement of aging eye deterioration due to macular degeneration, opacity of
the lens, retina changes and degenerative eye complaints.

Pharmacology: This product contains a plethora of bovine origin macromolecular organ

factors from corresponding eye sections. Each liquid capsule contains; 0.2ng bulb.oc. fet.,
0.05ng lenx, O.lng fet. Vessels, 0.l5ng placenta fet., 0.05pg retina, 0.05pg optic nerve,
O.lpg choriod, O.lpg hyaloid body, 0.05pg cerebral cortx, 0.05pg diencephalon as well as
the pharmaceutical substances 0.074ug deslanoside C, 5ug aesulin and 5ug sodium
dodecyl sulfate, 4 percent glycerol and 0.5ml saline (0.7 percent).

Side Effects and Contraindications: No known side effects or contraindications reported

by manufacturer.

Distribution: VitOrgan of Germany distributes Conjunctisan A in 0.5 ml liquid droppers.

Notes: Considered to be homeopathic. When used continuously for 4 to 6 weeks some

users may benefit from improved vision; after that period it is important to continue a
maintenance program in order for the condition not to regress.

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 189


Deprenyl is a drug that has been widely used to treat Parkinson's disease. In Parkinson's
disease, dopamine, a major nerve transmitter, decreases due to the action of two
enzymes, monoamine oxidases (MAOs). MAO B occurs in the brain; MAO A occurs
outside the brain and breaks up some amino acids present in food, thus serving a
necessary purpose. Deprenyl inhibits only MAO B, and thus in combination with L-Dopa
may be used to treat Parkinson's. Deprenyl may also act against several toxic chemicals
produced when MAO B destroys dopamine and may act as an anti-depressant.

Possible Benefits: Deprenyl's anti-aging benefits may include improved memory, slowing
of the loss of sexual capacity and increased life span.
A 1989 study conducted by Dr. J. Knoll showed that rats given Deprenyl beginning in their
24' month lived 30 percent longer than untreated rats. A 1990 study from the University
of Toronto and McMaster University on a different strain of rat showed that treated rats
lived 16 percent longer than controls. A 1991 study conducted by a group from Israel and
Italy (Brandeis, Sapir, Kapon, Borelli, Cadel and Valsecchi) tested Deprenyl's effect on
memory in aging rats and found that it improved the memories of both aging and young

Side Effects and Contraindications: Side effects can include nausea, stomach ache,
drowsiness and depression. High dosages can result in sudden high blood pressure spikes
and agitation.

Distribution: Standard dosage for humans is lOmg/day Deprenyl is sold in the U.S. for
treatment of Parkinson's disease under the name Eldepryl.


Estrogen is the female sex hormone. Before menopause the ovaries produce estrogen.
Low levels of estrogen have been linked to osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, declining
cognitive function and increased risk for Alzheimer's disease.

Possible Benefits: Estrogen's anti-aging benefits may include decrease in osteoporosis,

decrease in heart attacks and strokes, improved memory and cognitive function, reduced
risk and

190 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

slowing of Alzheimer's, reversal of thinning of skin and drying of mucous membranes and
increased life span.

A study reported in 1997 in tho. Journal of the American Medical Association reported
that post-menopausal women using estrogen experience as much as a 50 percent
reduction in osteoporosis, heart attack, stroke, reversal of thinning of the skin and
mucous membrane, significant reduction and possibly reversals in Alzheimer 's disease
and extended life span.

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: Conflicting information exists as to whether estrogen

replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer, but some researchers indicate
that combined estrogen-progestin therapy may eliminate this risk.

Similarly, some studies indicate an increase in the risk of developing endometrial cancer
when using estrogen replacement. Again, it seems that coadministration of progestin may
decrease this risk.

Ginkgo, derived from the leaves of the ginkgo tree, stimulates brain activity by increasing
levels of dopamine and improves the flow of blood to the brain and all other organs by
dilating or relaxing the arteries and veins. Rich in flavonoids, antioxidants that protect the
body against free radicals, ginkgo has also been shown to prevent blood clots by inhibiting
blood cells from sticking together.

Possible Benefits: Ginkgo has been used in Oriental medicine for thousands of years.
European researchers have recognized its properties since the 1970s and today ginkgo is
widely prescribed in Europe for maladies ranging from headaches to hemorrhoids.
Studies have shown ginkgo may have significant anti-aging benefits: improving mental
performance and circulation, as well as inhibiting free radicals, thus preventing heart
disease, cancer and arthritis.

Side Effects and Contraindications: There are no known side effects or contraindications.

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 191

Distribution: Ginkgo is available without a prescription in natural food stores and most
drug stores. The recommended dosage is one 60mg capsule or tablet three times daily, as
the effects only last a few hours at a time.

Ginkgo may soon be available in prescription form in the United States: Harvard chemists
are testing ginkgo as a potential drug for asthma sufferers and to help prevent the
rejection of transplanted organs.


For 5000 years the Chinese have revered this herb as a cure-all and antidote to the
ravages of aging. Ginseng is primarily a stimulant and some researchers speculate that it
may indirectly stimulate the production of stress hormones that can increase stamina.
Ginseng also contains choline, a chemical found in the brain that is essential for learning
and memory retention. Studies have found that people taking ginseng make fewer
mistakes and complete tasks more quickly than those who do not.

Possible Benefits: According to studies performed by Soviet scientist L.L. Brekhman,

Ph.D., ginseng helps the body to cope better with sfress by acting as an adaptogen,
regulating and normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Researchers at Japan's Kanazawa University found that compounds called unpurified

saponins found in ginseng inhibited the growth of cancer cells and even converted
diseased cells into normal cells. In addition, ginseng contains antioxidants, known to
prevent cellular damage due to free radicals.

Other anti-aging benefits of ginseng are that it helps to raise levels of beneficial high-
density lipoprotein or "good" cholesterol. In addition ginseng may help to control some of
the side effects of menopause, such as hot flashes.

Distribution: Ginseng, preferably the American or Siberian varieties, is available in

natural food and drug stores, and comes in many forms including capsules, tea and
powder. Always take ginseng one hour before eatine. In capsule form take one up to three
times daily. For tea, drink one cup daily. If you use powder, mix 5 to 1 Og in liquid daily.
Avoid the Chinese panax variety as it may be too strong.

192 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Side Effects and Contraindications: As ginseng has a mildly estrogenic effect on the body,
in rare cases it may cause vaginal bleeoing in postmenopausal women. People with high
blood pressure or irregular heartbeat should not take ginseng.

Excessive use may make some people very jittery - be careful not to exceed the
recommended dosages. As vitamin C can interfere with the absorption of ginseng, allow
two hours before or after taking ginseng to take vitamin C.


It has become evident during the past few years that homocysteine (Hey), a sulfur-
containing amino acid involved in methionine metabolism, is a major independent risk
factor for cardiovascular disease—joining the ranks of dyslipidemia, hypertension and
smoking. Interestingly, it was recognized more than 30 years ago that individuals with an
inborn error of metabolism, cystathionine betasynthase deficiency, had a 50 to 100-fold
elevation in circulating Hey and excreted large amounts of Hey in the urine. Premature
vascular disease and implicated subclinical deficiencies of B-vitamins are contributing
factors. It was estimated that a 5 umol/L increase in serum Hey is associated with 60 to
80 percent increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD).


Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is secreted by the pituitary gland. It causes growth and
repair of body tissues including the muscles, the skin, the kidneys and more. HGH levels
naturally rise sharply throughout puberty, peak at about age 20, and then slowly decrease.
HGH has been used to treat children who fail to make sufficient growth hormone and to
treat adults with HGH deficiency

Possible Benefits: HGH's anti-aging benefits may include increased vitality and energy,
changes in fat levels in location, increased muscle mass, thickening of the skin, improved
sleep, enhanced bone growth and maintenance and increased life span, A 1990 study
conducted by Daniel Rudman, M.D. and colleagues and published by the New England
Journal of Medicine reported that HGH reversed aging in human subjects. An experiment
conducted by Drs. David Khansari and Thomas Gustad, of North Dakota State initially
showed that mice treated with HGH outlived untreated mice, but the study ended before
all mice died of natural causes. A two-year trial conducted by Drs. G. Johanson, B. A.
Bengtsson and others reported in 1996 that treatment with HGH increased bone growth
and maintenance.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Side effects may include bloating, carpal tunnel
syndrome, gynecomastia (increase in mammary glands in men), slight decrease in
response to insulin, slight increase in blood pressure, hypertension accompanied by
headaches and swelling of the optic nerve and decrease in thyroid hormone production.

Distribution: HGH treatments are currently very expensive and available at clinics and
through prescription for adult HGH deficiency.


An important anti-aging and nootropic drug, hydergine may help protect the brain from
free radical damage and oxygen starvation, Hydergine maintains the brain's optimal
metabolism of oxygen. Oxygen is a free radical scavenger and generator. Free radicals
cause age-associated damage and at optimal levels oxygen will neutralize more free
radicals than it generates. Hydergine may also stimulate the growth of dendrite nerve
fibers, which may have a possible link to intelligence. Also, recent studies suggest that
hydergine may reduce Senescent Cell Antigen (SCA), a destructive auto-antibody
appearing more frequently in elderly cells. SCA damages cells and finally destroys them.

Possible Benefits: Hydergine's anti-aging benefits may include protection from free
radical damage, especially to the brain and the heart; protection from hypoxia and
peroxidation; prevention and treatment of strokes and other brain injuries; increased
potential life span; and improved and extended periods of mental workloads.

European studies on cats proved that hydergine treated cats survived severe diminished
blood and oxygen supply for much longer periods than non-hydergine treated cats.
Whereas cats in the control group suffered brain damage within five minutes, cats treated
with hydergine survived 45 minutes later with strong brain wave patterns.

194 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Synonyms: Co-dergocrine Mesilate; Co-dergocrine

Methanesulphonate; Dihydroergotoxine Mesylate;

Dihydroergotoxine Methanesulphonate; Dihydrogenated

Ergot Alkaloids; Ergoloid Mesylates (USAN); hydrogenated

Ergot Alkalids.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Mild side effects including nausea, headache, flushing
of the skin, dizziness, and more rarely, vomiting may occur with initial use. Stomach
upset may be more common with the tablet forms.

Hydergine is synergistic with other nootropics, especially Piracetam and its analogues.
Overall dosage may need to be reduced.

Distribution: Hydergine is supplied in Img, 1.5mg, 3mg, 4.5mg or 5mg tablets, and in
sublingual liquid form where it is possible to take 0.5mg doses at a time. There are many
generics on the world market. However, it remains generally accepted that the original
manufacturers of hydergine, Sandoz, manufacture the purest product.


You are what you absorb. The body's ability to absorb nutrients can be inhibited by many
factors including previous medicine and antibiotic use, yeast or bacterial overgrowth, as
well as prevailing nutritional deficiencies. To ensure absorption of nutrients, intravenous
vitamins and minerals are given. By receiving the necessary nutrients intravenously, a
person's body is able to utilize them and receive their benefits immediately. Intravenous
vitamins and minerals have been used in treatment of various chronic conditions
including cancer, fatigue and immune dysfunction.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 195


Magnesium helps prevent osteoporosis, protects against heart disease, lowers blood
pressure and acts as an antioxidant. The mineral also may help prevent diabetes and can
ease symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Distribution: People who do not regularly eat magnesium-rich foods (such as whole
grains, nuts, seeds and legumes) should probably take 200mg to 300mg supplement each
day. Multivitamins typically contain only lOOmg of the mineral, so additional magnesium
supplementation may be necessary.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Magnesium oxide should be avoided in most cases, as
most people do not tolerate it well. Better choices for magnesium supplementation are
magnesium chloride, magnesium aspartate, magnesium gluconate and magnesium

More than 600mg to 700mg of magnesium daily can cause diarrhea. Most people can
tolerate as much as 500mg of magnesium daily if they have normal kidney function.
Anyone with kidney problems, heart failure or a history of heart attacks should consult a
physician before considering magnesium supplements.


Melatonin, a hormone made by the pineal gland, affects many organs including the
thymus, the pituitary and the hypothalamus. Melatonin plays a major role in setting the
internal clock. Blind people use melatonin to improve their ability to sleep and to regulate
their circadian cycle. It Is also used to combat jet lag. Studies on mice suggest that
melatonin may play an important role in increasing life span.

Possible Benefits: Melatonin's anti-aging benefits may include improved sleep rhythms,
improved strength of immune system, more positive response to stress and enhanced

A 1987 study conducted by Walter Pierpaoli, M.D. and George J. M. Maestroni, M.D.
found that mice who received melatonin in their drinking water at night lived 20 percent
longer than untreated mice. Studies show that the effects of melatonin depend greatly on
the age of the patient and the timing of the dosage in the sleep-wake cycle.

196 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: Melatonin causes sleepiness, so it should be taken

only at bedtime. At higher doses, however, it may cause increases in depression and
psychosis in patients already suffering from them. It should not be taken by children or
pregnant females.

Distribution: Melatonin is widely available in drug-store chains in both capsules and in

slow-release preparations.


Metformin may improve insulin use and help prevent age-related onset diabetes. It may
increase the sensitivity of peripheral tissues (like muscles) to the effects of insulin,
restoring the effects of glucose and insulin to younger physiological levels. Metformin
may also be a useful dieting aid as it acts to stabilize sugar levels, thus preventing sugar
highs and lows and sugar cravings.

Possible Benefits: Metformin's anti-aging benefits may also include decreasing risk of
age-related adult-onset diabetes, prevention of sugar cravings, improved body
composition with improved insulin use, stabilization of sugar levels and slowing of the
effects of diabetes.

Synonyms: La-6023 (Metformin)

Chemical Name: 1,1 Dimethylbiguanide hydrochloride

Molecular Formula: C(4)H(11)N(5),HCL

Molecular Weight: 165.6

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: Side effects in healthy aging individuals are rare but
may include nausea, loss of appetite, and ver\^ rarely, vomiting, stomach pain and
diarrhea. Patients with diabetes type I and II sometimes take doses as high as 3 grams a
day, in which case side effects may include hypoglycemia or lactic acidosis.

Use of metformin is contraindicated when combined with Thiazide, Cimetidine, diuretics

or other anti-hypertensive products, which could cause renal malfunctioning. Also
contraindicated in individuals with ketonuria, serious hepatic and renal disorders, serious
cardiovascular problems, serious respiratory problems, suprarenal insufficiency, chronic
alcoholism, serious dystrophic illness, acute hemorrhaging,

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 197

gangrene, diabetes with previous episodes of lactic acidosis, or hypersensitivity to


Distribution: Metformin is supplied in 250mg, 500mg, and 850mg tablets under the trade
names Devian, Dextin, Diaberit, Diabetex, Diabetosan, Diabex, Diaformin, Glucamet,
Glucophage, Glucophate, Mediabet, Mesorit, Metforal, Metiguanide and Oraoet.

Note: Because metformin may cause the malabsorption of vitamin B12, patients should
supplement their diets liberally with vitamin B12.


Oxitriptan is converted into the neurotransmitter serotonin in the body. Serotonin is a

key factor in mood regulation, and reduction of depression and anxiety. Lack of serotonin
has been linked to compulsive disorders, especially the overeating of carbohydrates.
Serotonin is also the precursor to the pineal gland's production of melatonin. As
serotonin levels decline with age, supplementation with the amino acid L-tryptophan or
the drug Oxitriptan is beneficial. Oxitriptan's advantage is that, unlike L-tryptophan, it is
used solely by the brain for the production of serotonin, and thus more effective in
increasing serotonin levels.

Possible Benefits: Oxitriptan's anti-aging benefits may include the prevention and
treatment of depression, maintenance of serotonin levels as the body ages, prevention
and treatment of compulsive disorders like overeating, improved daytime alertness and
treatment of insomnia.

Pharmacology: 5-hydroxy-tryptophan (in the body the amino acid L-tryptophan is

converted to 5-hydroxy-tryptophan by a B3 dependent enzyme and then converted to
serotonin by a B6 dependent enzyme).

Synonyms: 5-HTP; L-5-Hydroxytryptophan; Ro-0783/B.

Chemical Name: L 2-Amino-3-(5-hydroxy-l-H-indol-3yl) propionic acid.

Molecular Formula: C(l 1)H(12)N(2)0(3)

Molecular Weight: 220.2

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: Side effects include nausea and mild gastric
discomfort. Patients suffering serious renal insufficiency or hypersensitivity to oxitriptan
should avoid the drug. Patients treated with alpha methyldopa and methysergide, which
block the peripheral decarbixylization of oxitriptan, should take oxitriptan with caution.

Distribution: Oxitriptan is available in 50mg or lOmg tablets under the trade names
Cincofarm, Levotonine, Levothym, Oxyfan, Serotonyl, Serovit, Telesol, Trimag, Tript-OG,
Tript-Oh, Triptene and Triptum.

Note: A potentially effective, safe and non-toxic method of improving serotonin levels.


The world's best-selling nootropic drug, piracetam, is purported to prevent and correct
memory loss due to old age, sharpening memory and improving clarity and attention to
detail. It is used to treat senile dementia and Down's syndrome. A derivative of the amino
acid GABA, piracetam helps restore levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It also
increases the sensitivity of muscarinic receptors, which decreases with age. It brings
about important metabolic modifications in nerve cells, which results in greater
receptiveness and increased use of chemical energy by these cells.

Possible Benefits: Piracetam's anti-aging benefits include treatment and prevention of

age-related mental decline, protection of the brain against aging damage and
environmental toxins, increased potential life span, and improved alertness, awareness
and short- to medium-term memory.


Synonyms: Cl-871; Pyrrolidone Acetamide; UCB-6215.

Chemical Name: 2-(2-Oxopyrrolidin-l-yl)acetamide.

Molecular Formula: C(6)H(10)N(2)O(2)

Molecular Weight: 142.2

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 199

Side Effects and Contraindications: Side effects may include nausea, dizziness and
lieadaches. There are no Icnown contraindications except for patients with
hypersensitivity to piracetam. Patients with renal disorders should use piracetam with

Distribution: Piracetam is available most commonly in 400mg, 600mg, 800mg, and

1200mg tablets, and in an oral liquid form. Trade name preparations include Avigilen,
Axonyl, Braintop, Cerebroforte, Cerebropan, Cerebrosteril, Cerebryl, Cerepar N, Cetam,
Ciclofalina, Cuxabrain, Encetrop, Flavis, Gabacet, Genogris, Geram, Geratam, Memo
Puren, Noodis, Nootrop, Nootropyl, Normabrain, Norzetam, Novocetam, Pirabene,
Piracebral, Piracetrop, Psycoton and Sinapsan.

Notes: While some of the generic forms of piracetam may be acceptable, generic
piracetam may be a "hit or miss" affair. There are now a growing number of piracetam
analogues, including Oxiracetam, Aniracetam, Modiracetam, and Pramiracetam. In all
cases with a comparison of mg product to kg body weight, the analogues have been shown
in clinical trials to be more potent. Supplies of the analogues tend to be intermittent.
Oxiracetam is the industry standard in Europe and when new analogues are developed
they are normally compared to Oxiracetam. In all cases however, the analogues are more


Produced in the mitochondria throughout the body from cholesterol, pregnenolone is the
base material of all human steroid manufacture, including DHEA, progesterone,
testosterone and estrogen. It appears to block the effects of Cortisol, preventing stress.
Pregnenolone stimulates brain NMDA receptors. These receptors, which decline with age,
play an important role in the function of synapses and neurons, influencing learning and
memory. Pregnenolone levels are directly correlated with cognitive ability. Pregnenolone
levels decline with age.

Possible Benefits: Pregnenolone's anti-aging benefits may include reduction of stress,

reduction of arthritic inflammation, potential maintenance of memory capability,
improved mood, positive outlook and well-being and improved sleep patterns.

200 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Chemical Name: 3-alpha-hyclroxy-5-beta-pregbeb-20-one.

Side Effects and Contraindications: There have reports of rash occurring with use but
otherwise there are few side effects. There are no known contraindications but people
with prostate conditions should be monitored carefully.

Distribution: Pregnenolone is available in 5mg, lOmg, 20mg, 25mg, 30mg, 50mg and
lOOmg capsules.

Note: Pregnenolone is set for a resurgence of interest and could become more popular
than DHEA.


The first drug suggested for use in reversing aging in modern times, Romanian physician
Dr. Anna Asian suggested in 1956 that procaine could be used to combat arthritis,
arteriosclerosis, senile skin changes and baldness. Procaine containing benzoic acid has
been shown to markedly improve the absorption of procaine by fats, thus quickening its
absorption by the human body. Procaine also increases the speed with which the nerves
conduct impulses, and decreases the rate of excretion of the 17 ketosteroids, which
usually increases with age.

Possible Benefits: Procaine's anti-aging benefits include increased nerve velocities,

improved sense of well-being and increased potential life span.

A 1965 study by Drs. Abrams and Gordon reported that elderly people treated with
procaine containing benzoic acid increased their mental state, nerve velocity and rate of
excretion of 17-ketosteroids. A 1965 study conducted by Dr. Anna Asian studied procaine s
effect on rats. Treated animals scored higher on electrocardiograms, ability to learn mazes
and cell pathology than untreated rats and treated male rats lived 20 percent longer.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Side effects include possible allergic reactions.
Patients with hypersensitivity to the drug should avoid it.

Distribution: Procaine can be administered by injection or by tablet. Procaine is available

in 50mg or lOOmg tablets under the names GH-3 and KH-3.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 201

Note: Procaine tablets are available as the anesthetic novocain, which is sold with and
without adrenaline added. Prolonged consumption of adrenaline can be dangerous so it is
important to make sure that procaine does not contain adrenaline.

"The rehabilitation of and incompetent structures such as a ligament or a tendon, by the
induced proliferation of new cells" (Webster's New International Dictionary). A ligament
is a band of fibrous tissue that holds bones together. Just like a rubberband, a ligament
can become "overstretched." The resulting laxity can cause severe pain as bones rub
together or muscles are over-worked as they tighten in an attempt to stabilize the bones.
Prolotherapy is a treatment where a proliferate solution of natural substances is injected
directly into the site where the weakened ligament attaches to the bone. Injections trigger
the body's own immune system to grow new and healthy tissue which then properly
stabilizes the bones and joints, relieving musculoskeletal pain and stiffness. Prolotherapy
is one of the treatments of choice for chronic pain.


RN13 is designed specifically to treat premature aging and geriatric complaints. It acts on
cell respiration and metabolism in organs which are particularly affected by aging. RN13
contains 13 different animal source RNA is, as well as vitamins, amino acids, procaine and
glutamic acid and biolecithin to improve cerebral activity. In the body, RNA is responsible
for protein biosynthesis, helping to repair and regenerate body tissues and organs. RN13
purports to work on the principle that animal source RNAs from specific organs may
stimulate the same organs in humans. RN13 has been shown to make aging individuals
more alert and vital and to improve weak concentration, defective memory, anxiety,
troubled sleep and lack of appetite.

Possible Benefits: RN13's anti-aging benefits may include prevention and treatment of
premature aging and all types of age-related disorders, lifting of apathy and potential
increase in life span.

202 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Pharmacology: A multi-combination product, of which each liquid capsule contains

macromolecular organ substances out of embryo 0.37ng, placenta O.lng, amnion 6-pg,
funiculus umbilical 60pg, cor 0.2ng, pancreas O.lng, mucosa intest O.lng, glandular
suprarenal O.lng, glandular parathyroid 20pg, testes juv. And fet. 0.2ng; as well as
mixture of the following drug additives; heparin 5x10-3 lU, L-glutamic acid lOug,
methenolone acetate 4ng, trijod thyroxin HCL 4pg, vitamin E 40ng, vitamin B12 40ng,
vitamin B6 40ng, p-amino benzoyldiethylaminoethanol HCL (Procaine) 5ng, biolecithin
lOmg, trace elements (Fe, Co, Cu, Mg, Zn, Ca) 1.5ng, sodium dodecyl sulfate 15ug,
medium chained triglyceride 4l0mg,

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: Side effects are rare but may include mild irritation at
the site of an injection and minor allergic reactions such as a skin rash. People suffering
disturbances in purine metabolism, such as gout, should avoid RN13 therapy Antibiotics
and drugs that suppress the immune system may inhibit RNl3's efficacy.
Distribution: In severe cases RN13 is administered by injection and supplemented by
ampules or capsules. In less severe cases 2ml ampules and 0.5ml liquid capsules are
available. VitOrgan of Germany manufactures RN13 under the trade name NeyGeront.

Notes: A useful long-term supplement and designer treatment aimed directly at

improving the aged condition.


Sodium Oxybate (SO) is one of the more controversial anti-aging drugs available today.
Normally referred to as GHB its effects (as well as its reputation) are varied and wide. SO
has developed a rather difficult reputation as a drug of abuse. Low to medium doses have
been used to treat alcohol withdrawal and as a mild general anesthetic. Medium doses
may act as a relaxant. At high doses SO may be a potent stimulator of human growth
hormone, as well as a very powerful sleep agent. SO has been noted to double
concentrations of dopamine in the brain and appears to inhibit the release of dopamine
from nerve endings without preventing the manufacture of dopamine. Although not
sufficiently studied clinically, SO is reported to have a significant effect on the libido in
both men and women.

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 203

Possible Benefits: SO's anti-aging benefits may include reduced fat levels, improved
muscle mass and condition, deep REM sleep, treatment of insomnia and narcolepsy,
improved libido and sexual performance and the ability to act as a general relaxant and
soothing agent.

Pharmacology: Synonyms: Sodium Gamma-hydroxybutyrate; Wy-3478. Chemical Name:

Sodium 4-hydroxybutyrate. Molecular Formula: C(4)H(7)NaO(3) Molecular Weight:

Side Effects and Contraindications: Side effects may include sudden sleep, dizziness,
nausea, vomiting and headaches. At higher doses side effects may include a moderate
slowing of the heart, small changes in blood pressure and cardiac and respiratory
depression and also, in a few cases, muscle spasms or twitches as the patients enters SO-
induced sleep. Patients suffering from Gushing's disease, convulsions, bradycardia, severe
cardiovascular problems, severe hypertension, hyperprolactinemia, epilepsy, narcotic
drug dependence, individual hypersensitivity, or who are using depressants should avoid
SO. It should not be used with alcohol

Distribution: SO is available in liquid form in vials of 10ml, 50mg, lOOmg, 30ml and
l40ml under the trade names Alcover, Gamma-oh and Somsanit.

Notes: It would be highly advisable to ensure that the patient informs his/her partner
about the usage of SO. This will ensure that s/he does not become frightened, if the
patient either undergoes muscle spasms/twitches before going into a deep sleep, a sleep
from which s/he is unlikely to be aroused for 2 to 4 hours. Unfortunately SO has received
a lot of bad press; this is likely due to people using the product in an incorrect manner
and under the wrong circumstances. Furthermore, there is concern that since SO is a
"desired" product, underground chemical factories are producing impure, adulterated
GHB (a situation which would be dangerous for any substance destined for human


Although the decline in testosterone production as men age (sometimes referred to as

"andropause") is not as dramatic as the drop in women's estrogen production with the
onset of menopause, testosterone decline is a serious issue for many older men. Among
other problems, declining testosterone production is strongly associated with impotency
and libido problems.

Possible Benefits: Anti-aging benefits that have been associated with testosterone
replacement therapy may include increased libido and sexual potency; improved erectile
function; improved mood and increased feelings of well-being; decreased fatigue;
increased red blood cell count; reduction of LDL cholesterol and overall cholesterol levels
and strengthening of the bones.

Distribution: Testosterone replacement needs to be managed by a physician to ensure

that a patient receives only enough of the hormone to replenish lost levels.

Many forms of administering testosterone have been developed, including intramuscular

injections, suppositories, transdermal patches, attached to the midriff, thigh, or arm, as
well as to the scrotum, oral micronized capsules and sublingual lozenges. Oral
administrations seems to be the least effective method.

Side Effects and Contraindications: If testosterone replacement is administered to men

with normal or near-normal levels of the hormone, any number of dangerous side effects
may occur. Most notably, excess doses of testosterone may inhibit the body's ability to
produce testosterone.

Testosterone replacement carries with it the risk of stimulating both benign and
malignant prostate tumor growth.

In addition because it can reduce HDL cholesterol levels, testosterone replacement may
be associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 205

Thym-Uvocal contains a standardized combination of thymus peptides, which may, in a
natural manner, replace the decrease of thymic secretion associated with increasing age.
The thymus gland undergoes an age-related decrease in production of its various
peptides. As thymus factors have been correlated with the strength of the immune
system, Thym-Uvocal may help increase the strength of the immune system. It appears to
have a favorable action on the T-4/T-8 cell ratio, and thus a stimulating and modulating
action on the cellular immune system. Thym-Uvocal increases levels of antibodies and
phagocytosis, increases interleukin-1 production, and activates macrophages and
enhances their tumor cell destruction action.

Possible Benefits: Thym-Uvocal's anti-aging benefits may include improved strength of

immune system, an increase in the thymic peptide blood count, prevention and treatment
of infection, treatment of cancer, treatment of rheumatic disease, treatment of
dermatology disorders such as neurodermatitis, aphtosis and psoriasis, treatment of
allergic reaction and states of exhaustion, and management of AIDS.

Pharmacology: Contains protein-free dry substances from calf thymus extract.

Side Effects and Contraindications: There is a possibility of allergic minor reactions.

ThymUvocal should be administered to patients with thymic hyperfunction, such as
myasthenia gravis, thymic tumors and hypothyroidism.

Distribution: Thym-Uvocal is available in 2ml ampules, topical cream and 240mg tablets.
Mulli of Germany manufactures it.

Notes: The elderly are the most important target group for the administration of Thym-
Uvocal and Thym-Uvocal's main indications are diseases of old age.

206 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Thymic proteins are produced by the thymus gland, which plays an important role in the
immune system. Thymic proteins program T-lymphocytes, the "shock troops" of the
immune system. T-4 (helper) cells are central to the functioning of the immune system,
and are activated by a certain thymic protein. This protein has been reported to
strengthen the immune system, fight viral infections, and stimulate the bone marrow to
produce more white and red blood cells, and fights against future illness.

Possible Benefits: Thymic protein's anti-aging benefits may include an increase in total
white blood cell count, increased T-4 and T-8 levels, increase in total red blood cells and
an increased potential life span.

Side Effects and Contraindications: This thymic protein should be avoided in patients
taking large doses of steroid hormones.
Distribution: The standard dosage for healthy people is 2 micrograms per day.


Trimethylglycine is a methyl donor supplement that assists in methylation and may help
protect cellular DNA from mutation. As humans age, methyl groups can decrease. Mildly
elevated levels of homocysteine, an amino acid, have been found in 21 percent of patients
with coronary artery disease and 24 percent of patients with cerebrovascular disease.
Trimethylglycine aids in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine.

Distribution: Trimethylglycine is available in powdered form from Klabin Marketing.

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 207


One of the most potent nootropic drues, vasopressin is a hormone secreted by the
posterior portion of tne pituitary gland. While it may help prevent frequent urination,
vasopressin's main use is to treat memory deficits due to old age, senile dementia, drug
toxicity and amnesia. Whenever a memory is deposited in the brain, vasopressin regulates
the process. It helps select bits of information from the stream of consciousness and
forms this information into an image or concept which is eventually transformed from an
electrochemical impulse into a chemically encoded long-term memory Vasopressin's
benefits may include enhanced clarity, increased attention to detail, improved short-term
memory and improved memory imprinting (when taken before an event one can recall
the event later in much greater detail). Vasopressin is so powerful that is has been banned
in some California colleges for giving students an "unfair" advantage.

Possible Benefits: Vasopressin's anti-aging benefits may include treatment and

prevention of age-related mental decline, prevention and treatment of senile dementia,
improved short-term memory, attention, and clarity, enhanced memory imprinting, and
treatment of diabetes insipidus.

Pharmacology: Synonyms: L-8; Lipressina.: LVP.

Chemical Name: (8 lysine)Vasopressin; Cys-TryPhe-Gln-Asn-

Cys-Pro-Lys-Gly-NH(2) cyclic (l->6) disulphide. Molecular Formula:

C(46)H(65)N(13)0(12)S(2) Molecular Weight: 1056.2

(Vasopressin is normally Lypressin, a synthetic hormone or extracted from pig's pituitary

glands. The other is Pitressin or Argipressin, which is extracted from all other mammals
including man.)

Side Effects and Contraindications: Side effects may include rhinorrhoea and nasal
itchiness, headaches, conjunctivitis, sore throat, nausea, abdominal pain and the urgent
need to defecate as a result of increased peristalsis. Vasopressin is contraindicated for
patients suffering from coronary insufficiency or using halothane or cyclopropane
anesthetics. It should be administered with caution in cases of hypertension, epilepsy,
advanced arteriosclerosis or any case where increased blood pressure is to be avoided.

208 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Distribution: Vasopressin is available in 5ml or I2ml nasal sprays under the trade names
Diapid, Lypressin Injection BP 1993, Lypressin Nasal Solution USP 23, Neo-Lidocaton,
Postacton, Postacton, Syntopressin, Vasopresina, Vasopressin, Vasopressin, Vasopressine,
and Vasopressine.

Notes: Vasopressin is a commonly used nootropic. For general anti-aging purposes it is

recommended that it only be used when required and that it is avoided by anyone
suffering from a cardiovascular problem.


Vinpocetine improves brain energy and blood supply and has been used as a preventative
and a treatment for stroke and other brain injury. It acts as a cerebral metabolic activator,
which may improve cerebral circulation and enhance oxygen and glucose utilization in
the brain. Vinpocetine may diminish or reduce disturbances due to hypoxia or to deficient
cerebral metabolism. It has been noted to improve oxygen and glucose utilization by brain
cells and increase their resistance to damage by hypoxia.

Possible Benefits: Vinpocetine's anti-aging benefits may include prevention and

treatment of stroke and other brain injuries, improved aged conditions caused by poor
brain blood circulation, particularly eyesight and hearing, improved concentration,
treatment and alleviation of the problems of menopause and increased potential life span.

Pharmacology: Synonyms: AY-27255; Ethyl Apovincaminate;

Ethyl Apovincaminoate; RGH4405. Chemical Name: Ethyl (3alpha,16alpha)


carboxylate. Molecular Formula: C(22)H(26)N(2)0(2) Molecular Weight: 350.5

Side Effects and Contraindications: Side effects are rare but may include nausea, eruption
and individual hypersensitivity. Patients thought to be in complete homeostasis after
cerebral hemorrhage should avoid vinpocetine. Although only applicable to high doses, if
hypersensitive signs occur, discontinue use.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 209

Distribution: Vinpocetine is available in Img, 5nig and lOmg tablets under tne trade
names Cavinton, Remedial, and Vincaton.

Note: Vinpocetine shows many of the positive signs of a preventative medication.


Yohimbine is a pharmaceutical preparation derived from the bark of a tree, called the
Corynanthe yohimbine, which has been useful in the treatment of impotence. Yohimbine
acts upon the alpha 2 adrenergic nerve cells and blocks their receptiveness to
neurotransmitter activity. It is theorized that inhibition of these cells increases the blood
flow through the penis, while at the same time reducing the flow of blood from the penis.
Furthermore, yohimbine increases blood levels of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine,
one of the body's own prosexual chemicals affecting the hypothalamus. Yohimbine may
also increase levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that has an effect on male
erection response.

Possible Benefits: The anti-aging benefits of yohimbine are purported to be the

improvement of strength, duration and response of male erection, libido enhancement
and improved sexual performance.


Synonyms: Aphrodine Hydrochloride; Chlorhydrate de

Quebrachin; Corynine Hydrochloride. Chemical Name: Methyl 17alpha hydroxy


16alphacarboxylate hydrochloride. Molecular Formula: C(21)H(26)N(2)0(3),HCL

Molecular Weight: 390.9

Side Effects and Contraindications: Yohimbine is likely to be more sensitive in the

elderly, where it can lead to over stimulation to the point of nervousness and anxiety.
Other side effects may include nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, tremors,
dizziness and headaches. Patients with inflammatory disease of the urogenital tract,
known or suspected prostate or mammary cancer, hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia,
nephritic syndrome, ischemic heart disease, untreated congestive heart failure, glaucoma,
extrapyramidal disorders and hyperexcitable states should avoid yohimbine.

Distribntio?2: Yohimbine is available in Img, 2.5mg, 5mg and lOmg tablets under the
trade manes Aphrodyne, Da)T:o Himbin, Plain Prowess, Yocon and Yohimes.

Notes: Yohimbine is a pharmaceutical preparation derived from the bark of a tree, called
the Con-'nanthe yohimbine, it should not be confused with Yohimbe, which although is
often the ground down bark of this tree, is not a pharmaceutical preparation and likely to
contain a minute amount of Yohimbine.


Vitamins are either water-soluble or fat-soluble. The body requires daily supply of water-
soluble vitamins. They cannot be stored are are r}^pically excreted within days of
ingestion. Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored for longer periods of time in the body's fatt}'
tissue and liver (hence toxicit}^ becomes an issue with fat-soluble vitamins). The body
needs both r\'pes of vitamins to function properly.

We provide the Optimum Daily Allowance (ODA) for each of the nutrients in this section.
Frequently, ODA values are larger than Recommended Daily .Allowance (RDA) levels.
RDA, instituted by the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board, is the bare minimum of nutrients
that the body requires to avoid disease. RDA does not address maintenance of optimal
health. By using each Optimal Daily Allowance as a guide, you and your physician can
customize a supplementation program that fits your particular health needs.

VITAMIN A (Retinol)


Sources: Found only in animal sources, fish liver oils (as in cod liver oil), liver, milk,
cream, cheese, butter and eggs.

Possible Benefits: It is required for all situations that have to do with vision and the eyes,
building resistance to respirator}' infection and increasing immunirv. Vitamin A may also
protect against cancer, prevent birth defects and help with skin conditions and acne.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 211

Deficiency Symptoms: Night blindness or loss of adaptation to the dark; dry eye disease;
sty in the eye; increased susceptibility to infection; sinus and bronchial infections; drying
out of skin and mucous membranes; loss of taste and smell which leads to loss of
appetite; loss of vigor; defective teeth and gums; slowed growth.

Optimal Daily Amount: 7,000 to 10,000 I.U. RDA is 5,000 I.U.

BETA-CAROTENE (Provitamin A)

*Fat soluble

Sources: Found in yellow fruit, dark green, yellow and leafy vegetables, carrots, yams,
cantaloupe, yellow squash, spinach, apricots, spirulina, wheat grass, alfalfa, barley grass
and over 400 carotenoids isolated from nature.
Possible Benefits: Beta-carotene is an important free-radical fighter for various forms of
cancer; protects against ultraviolet damage; enhances immune system. It carries many of
the same functions as vitamin A. The liver and the intestinal wall obtain useable vitamin
A by converting beta-carotene.

Deficiency Symptoms: Intake of alcohol decreases beta-carotene in the liver; those with
hypothyroidism and diabetes may have trouble converting beta-carotene into vitamin A.

Optimal Daily Amount: 20,000 to 50,000 I.U. No RDA has been established. Non-toxic.

212 Ten Weeks to a Younger You VITAMIN Bl (Thiamin)


Sources: Found in yellow fruit, green and leafy vegetables, carrots, yams, cantaloupe,
organ meats (especially liver), pork, dried beans, peas, soybeans, wheat germ, brewer's or
nutritional yeast, egg yolks, poultry, fish and seafood, dried yeast, brown rice, rice husks
or rice bran, whole grain products, oatmeal, nuts, most vegetables, milk, raisins and

Possible Benefits: Known as the "morale" vitamin, it converts carbohydrates (sugar) into
energy, promotes growth, aids digestion and is essential for nerve tissues, muscle and
heart. Vitamin Bl helps repel insects and mosquitoes and is also used in the treatment of
alcoholics and drug addicts.

Deficiency Symptoms: Loss of appetite; fatigue; weakness; neuritis; muscle atrophy; head
pressures; poor sleep; feeling tense and irritable; aches and pains; subjectively poor
memory, difficulty concentrating; constipation; impaired growth; "pins and needles"
sensation in the toes and "burning" sensation in the feet; beriberi, which includes mental
illness, paralysis of some eye muscles, foot drop and decreased sensation in the feet and
legs. Alcohol consumption interferes with absorption of Bl.

Optimal Daily Amount: 25-lOOmg. RDA is 1.4mg; additional 0.4mg for pregnant or
lactating women.

VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin)


Sources: Found in milk, cheese and yogurt (rich sources), along with liver, kidney, meat,
poultry, fish, eggs, bran, wheat germ, lentils, beans, peanuts, soy beans, green leafy
vegetables and fruit.

Possible Benefits: B2 helps to convert protein, carbohydrates and fat into energy. It
protects against free-radical damage; it is necessary for celltilar respiration and good
vision, skin, hair and nails. Physical exercise increases the body's need for B2.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 213

Deficiency Symptoms: Cheilosis or cracks and sores in the corners of the mouth; frayed
or scaling lips; inflamed tongue with purplish or magenta color; eczema or seborrhea;
flaking skin around the nose, eyebrows, chin., cheeks, earlobes or hairline; oily
appearance of nose, chin and forehead with fatty deposits accumulating under the skin;
bloodshot, watering, itching, burning, fatigued eyes with a keen sensitivity to light;
increase in cataract formation; nervous symptoms such as "pins and needles" sensation,
difficulty walking, muscular weakness, trembling and a lack of stamina or vigor;
behavioral changes such as depression, moodiness, nervousness and irritability.

Optimal Daily Amount: 25-lOOmg. RDA is 1.6mg.

VITAMIN B3 (Niacin, Niacinamide, Nicotinic Acid, Nicotinamide)


Sources: Found in lean meats, organ meats, fish, brewer's yeast, whole grains, nuts, dried
peas and beans, white meat of turkey or chicken, milk and milk products.

Possible Benefits: Known to assist enzymes to break down proteins, fats and
carbohydrates into energy. Helps to lower cholesterol levels, lowers triglycerides and
other cardiovascular disorders. Assists the nervous system, maintains healthy skin,
tongue and digestive tissues. B3 plays a role in the production of bile salts and for
synthesis of sex hormones. It prevents or cures schizophrenia and some other mental
disorders. It alleviates arthritis.

Deficiency Symptoms: Pellagra (symptoms include dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia

[mental disorders]); bright red tongue, sore tongue and gums, inflamed mouth, throat
and esophagus, canker sores, mental illness, perceptual changes in the five senses,
schizophrenic symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle weakness, general fatigue,
irritability, recurring headaches, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, bad breath, insomnia,
small ulcers.

Optimal Daily Amount: 50-lOOmg of niacinamide included in daily B complex

supplement. To lower cholesterol, researchers use the niacin form, 250-l,500mg spread
throughout the day. RDA is 20mg.

VITAMIN B5 (Pantothenic Acid, Calcium Pantothenate, Panthenol)


Sources: Found in brewer's yeast, liver, kidney, wheat bran, crude molasses, whole grains,
egg yolk, peanuts, peas, sunflower seeds, beef, chicken, turkey, milk and royal jelly.

Possible Benefits: B5 is vital for the adrenal glands and for production of cortisone. It
plays a role in creating energy from protein, carbohydrates and fats helping to synthesize
cholesterol, steroids and fatty acids. Used for a healthy digestive tract and essential to
production of antibodies, will help with arthritis and is an anti-inflammatory.

Deficiency Symptoms: A burning sensation in the feet; enlarged beefy, furrowed tongue;
skin disorders such as eczema; duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the intestines and
stomach; decreased antibody formation; upper respiratory infections; vomiting;
restlessness; muscle cramps; constipation; sensitivity to insulin; adrenal exhaustion;
physical and mental depression; overwhelming fatigue; reduced production of
hydrochloric acid in the stomach; allergies; arthritis; nerve degeneration; spinal
curvature; disturbed pulse rate; gout; graying hair.

Optimal Daily Amount: 100-200mg in a B-complex supplement or up to 500mg in divided

doses. RDA is lOmg.

VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine, Pyridoxinal, Pyridoxamine)


Sources: Found in brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, liver and other organ
meats, blackstrap molasses, bananas, walnuts, roasted peanuts, canned tuna and salmon.

Possible Benefits: B6 metabolizes proteins, fats and carbohydrates; it forms hormones for
adrenaline and insulin and makes antibodies and red blood cells. It is used for synthesis
of RNA and DNA; regulates fluids in the body and is needed for production of
hydrochloric acid. Can relieve carpal tunnel

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 215

syndrome and PMS symptoms, helps asthmatics, and when used with magnesium, helps
prevent kidney stones.

Deficiency Symptoms: Greasy, scaly dermatitis between the eyebrows and on the body
parts that rub together; low blood sugar; numbness and tingling in the hands and feet;
neuritis; arthritis; trembling hands in the aged; water retention and swelling during
pregnancy; nausea; motion sickness; mental retardation; epilepsy; kidney stones; anemia;
excessive fatigue; nervous breakdown; mental illness; acne; convulsions; babies and
newborn infants may develop crusty yellow scabs on the scalp called "cradle cap."

Optimal Daily Amount: 50-lOOmg combined with a B-complex supplement. RDA is 2mg.

VITAMIN B12 (Cobalamin or Cyanocobalamin)


Sources: Found in organ meats, liver, beef, pork, eggs, whole milk, cheese, whole wheat
bread and fish.

Possible Benefits: Helpful with metabolism of nerve tissue and protein, fat and
carbohydrate metabolism. Creates red blood cells and may stimulate appetite in children.
An "intrinsic factor" must exist in the stomach for this vitamin to be absorbed.

Deficiency Symptoms: Pernicious anemia including weakness, a sore and inflamed

tongue that appears smooth and shiny, numbness and tingling in extremities, pallor,
weak pulse, stiffness, drowsiness, irritability, depression, mental deterioration, senile
dementia, paranoid psychosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, diarrhea, poor appetite, growth
failure in children.

Optimal Daily Amount: 500-1,OOOmcg (micrograms) with a complete B-complex

vitamin. Sublingual form is best absorbed with tablets placed under the tongue. RDA is

216 Ten Weeks to a Younger You



Sources: Found in yeast, liver, organ meats, egg yolk, grains, nuts and fish.

Possible Benefits: Biotin is needed for britde fingernails, for maintenance of hair and
skin, sweat glands, ner\'es, bone marrow and normal bone growth. It may help prevent
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or crib death.

Deficiency Symptoms: scaly dermatitis, inflamed sore tongue, loss of appetite, nausea,
depression, muscle pain, sitophobia (morbid dread of food), pallor, anemia, abnormalities
of heart function, burning or prickling sensations, sensitive skin, insomnia, extreme
lassitude, increased cholesterol, depression of immune system.

Optimal Daily Amount: 50-200mcg (micrograms) combined with B-complex. RDA is


PABA (Para-Amino-Benzoie Acid)


Sources: Found in liver, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, molasses, eggs, organ meats, yogurt,
green leaf}' vegetables.
Possible Benefits: PABA stimulates intestinal bacteria, which aids in production of
pantothenic acid. It is a coenzyme in making blood cells and metabolizing protein and
imponant for skin health, hair pigmentation and health of intestines. It may also help
with vitiligo, restore hair from graying and is used for many skin conditions.

Deficiency Symptoms: Similar to symptoms caused by a folic acid or pantothenic acid

deficiencv^; also vitiligo, fatigue, irritabilit}-, depression, nervousness, headache,
constipation and other digestive disorders.

Optimal Daily Amount: 50-lOOmg included in a B-complex vitamin. No RDA has been

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 217

FOLIC ACID (Folacin, Folate)


Sources: Found in deep, green leafy vegetables, liver, brewer's yeast, whole grains, bran,
asparagus, lima beans, lentils, orange juice.

Possible Benefits: Used for synthesis of RNA and DNA, for red blood cell production and
metabolism of protein. It increases the activity and production of antibodies. Used for
prevention of neural tube defects and birth defects in babies. It m.ay also reduce
susceptibility to infection.

Deficiency Symptoms: Anemia, poor growth, weakness, an inflamed and sore tongue that
may appear smooth and shiny, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, indigestion,
diarrhea, depression, irritability, pallor, drowsiness, a slow, weakened pulse; graying hair;
mental illness; impaired wound healing; reduced resistance to infection; birth defects
resulting in spina bifida and other neural tube defects, toxemia, insomnia, leg numbness
and cramps in pregnant women, premature birth and after birth hemorrhaging, cervical
cancer and dysplasia.

Optimal Daily Amount: 400-800mcg (micrograms) combined with B-complex vitamin.

RDA for men is 200mcg; for women iSOmcg; for pregnant women 400mcg.



Sources: Found in lecithin, brewer's yeast, fish soybeans (tofti, tempeh, miso), peanuts,
beef liver, egg yolk, wheat germ, cauliflower, cabbage.

Possible Benefits: Used for transport and metabolism of fats and cholesterol in the liver.
Prevents cardiovascular disease and detoxifies the liver. For a proper functioning nervous
system and composes part of the nerve fluid for nerve impulses. Prevents and treats
memory loss and diseases of the nervous system, and can influence mood and depression
(manic depressive). May strengthen capillary walls, accelerate blood flow, thereby

218 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

lowering blood pressure. Also, used in aiding the treatment of gallstones.

Deficiency Symptoms: May cause high blood pressure, bleeding stomach ulcers, heart
trouble, blocking of the tubes of the kidneys, hemorrhaging of the kidneys, hardening of
the arteries, atherosclerosis, headaches, dizziness, ear noises, palpitations and

Optimal Daily Amount: 500-l,000mg. No RDA has been established.



Sources: Found in lecithin, organ meats, wheat germ, whole grains, brewer's yeast,
blackstrap molasses, peanuts, citrus fruit.

Possible Benefits: Used with choline it helps to metabolize fats and cholesterol in the
arteries and liver. Helps to promote the body's production of lecithin and growth and cell
survival in bone marrow, eye membranes and intestines. Used with vitamin E it may help
nerve damage in certain forms of muscular dystrophy. In certain cases it may prevent
thinning hair arid baldness. Assists with brain cell nutrition and when used with choline
it may help with menstrual problems.

Deficiency Symptoms: There are none officially recognized, however, deficiency may
cause constipation, eczema, abnormalities of the eyes, hair loss and high cholesterol.

Optimal Daily Amount: 500-l,000mg. No RDA has been established.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 219 VITAMIN C (Ascorbic Acid)


Sources: Found in rose hips, citrus fruit and juices, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupes,
raw vegetables such as red bell peppers.

Possible Benefits: Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant to protect against cellular damage.

The formation and maintenance of collagen (the skin's "cement"), Vitamin C helps with
wound healing and burns, especially for those recovering from surgery. It increases the
absorption of iron and calcium. For a properly functioning nervous system C is useful. It
increases resistance to infections and raises HDL (good) cholesterol. A protector from
cardiovascular disease, it also prevents buildup of atherosclerotic plaque on the blood
vessel wall. It may help with cold and flu symptoms and infertility. Vitamin C also
protects against industrial pollutants and cataracts and other eye disorders. It prevents
bleeding gums and many types of viral and bacterial infections. It may protect from many
forms of cancer.

Deficiency Symptoms: Bruising easily, bleeding gums, tooth decay, nose bleeds, swollen
or painful joints, anemia, poor wound healing, lowered resistance to infection, general
weakening of connective tissue, scurvy, easily fractured bones, weakened arteries which
rupture or hemorrhage, extreme muscle weakness, painful joints, wounds and sores that
will not heal.

Optimal Daily Amount: 1,000-6,OOOmg depending on your need. RDA is 60mg.

BIOFLAVONOIDS (Flavonoids, Rutin, Hesperidin, OPCs, Vitamin P)


Sources: Found in white part and pulp of oranges (including the center part), lemon and
grapefruit, apricots, rose hips, cherries, grapes, green peppers, tomatoes, papayas,
broccoli, cantaloupe and dark pigmented fruit and vegetables.

Possible Benefits: Bioflavonoids protect vitamin C from oxidation and increases

absorption of vitamin A. There is the possibility of

220 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

the ability to ease pain of varicose veins and help certain types of hemorrhoids.

Deficiency Symptoms: Edema or accumulation of fluid in the tissue, bleeding into the
tissue (noticeable as red spots and splotches when it occurs close under the skin)
resulting from fragile, faulty capillaries.

Optimal Daily Amount: 500-2,OOOmg, depending on need. No RDA has been established.

VITAMIN D (Ergocalciferol)


Sources: Derived from sunshine (manufactured through the skin), fish liver oils such as
cod liver oil, liver, egg yolks.

Possible Benefits: Enhances absorption of calcium and phosphorus and is necessary for
proper functioning of the thyroid and pituitary glands. Used to improve psoriasis and
maintenance of cell membrane fluidity, it may also protect against colorectal and breast

Deficiency Symptoms: Osteomalacia (softening of the bones) in adults, rickets in

children, irritability, restlessness, fitful sleeping, frequent crying, heavy perspiration
behind the neck in babies, delayed eruption of teeth, soft and yielding skull, bowed legs,
knock knees, depressions in the chest, pigeon-chest deformity of the rib cage, swayback,
overly prominent forehead causing the appearance of sunken eyes, delayed walking.

Optimal Daily Amount: 400-800 I.U. from fish liver oil. RDA is 400 I.U.

VITAMIN E (Tocopherol)


Sources: Found in wheat germ oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, peanuts, whole grains
(wheat, rice, oats), green, leafy vegetables, cabbage, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, eggs.

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 221

Possible Benefits: Vitamin E is also important for oxygenation of the cells, preventing the
oxidation of cells. It may be useful in gangrene, coronary and cerebral thrombosis (clots),
diabetes mellitus, congenital heart disease, arteriosclerosis, phlebitis, and other leg
problems due to poor circulation. Also helps with varicose veins. It is a powerful
antioxidant, protecting against air pollution, damage against radiation and protects
polyunsaturated oils from breaking down. Possibly prevents stroke and melts fresh blood
clots, frees blood platelets from normal clotting of wounds. It may normalize the activit}'
of ovaries in women, hence improving periods and preventing excessive bleeding and
vaginal dryness. Good for strengthening the immune system and if applied externally it
eliminates radiation burns and reduces scarring. It can alleviate pain in osteoarthritis and
may help relieve menopausal symptoms. Finally, it may increase stamina in athletes and
improves action of insulin.

Deficiency Symptoms: May decrease survival time of red blood cells, faulty rat absorption,
anemia in premature infants, degeneration of the brain and spinal cord, premature births
and higher risk of miscarriage, decrease in sex hormones and a higher risk of skin cancer.

Optimal Daily Amount: 400-1,200 lU. To obtain these potencies, one should use natural
vitamin E supplements, as d-alpha tocopherol or the dry form, d-alpha tocopherol
succinate. RDA is 30 lU.

VITAMIN K (PhyUoqninone)

Sources: Found in yogurt, kefir, acidophilus milk, alfalfa, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower,
tomatoes, pork liver, lean meat, peas, carrots, soybeans, potatoes, egg yolk.

Possible Benefits: Vitamin K is essential to the body for the purpose of blood clotting. The
body uses it for proper bone mineralization and it has helped people with Crohn's disease
and gastrointestinal disorders.

Deficiency Symptoms: Hypoprothrombinemia (condition in which the time it takes for

the blood to clot is prolonged).

222 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

hemorrhages, bloody urine and stools, nosebleeds, miscarriages; deficieno.' in newborn

babies results in bloody stools or vomiting (fairly common since newborns have no
intestinal bacteria).

Optimal Daily Amount: Most vitamin and mineral supplements do not contain vitamin K
as it is readily available in the diet and synthesized in the body. Consult your physician for
further information on this vitamin. RDA for women is 65mcg (micrograms); 80mcg for



Sources: Found in tresh fruits and vegetables. Boron helps retain calcium in bones and
prevents calcium and magnesium loss through the urine. It also helps bone
mineralization and prevents osteoporosis. In postmenopausal women it increases
estrogen naturally.

Deficiency Symptoms: None officialK" recognized.

Optimal Daily Amount: l-3mg daily combined with calcium, magnesium and all other
minerals. Xo RDA has been established.


Sources: Found in milk, egg yolk, fish or sardines (eaten with bones), yogurt soybeans,
green leai^' vegetables (such as turnip greens, mustard greens, broccoli and kale), roots,
tubers, seeds, soups and stews made from bones, blackstrap molasses, almonds, figs and

Possible Benefits: Calcium maintains acid-alkaline balance in the body and normalizes
contraction and relaxation of the hean muscles. Taken for strong bones and teeth
therefore protecting against osteoporosis, rickets and osteomalacia. It helps to lower high
blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and aids in preventing cardiovascular disease. Tn,' with
vitamin C for relief of

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 223

backaches, menstrual cramps and to sleep more soundly (a natural tranquilizer). It can
help prevent cancer, especially colorectal cancer.

Deficiency Symptoms: Nervous spasms, facial twitching, weak feeling muscles, cramps,
rickets, slow growth in children, osteoporosis (porous and brittle bones), osteomalacia (a
bone-softening disease), heart palpitations and slow pulse rate, height reduction, colon

Optimal Daily Amount: l,000-l,500mg with half to equal parts of magnesium. Some
researchers say menopausal women need l,500mg, with added boron and magnesium.
RDA is l,000mg daily for adults, l,200mg during pregnancy and lactation, l,200mg for
males and females from age 11 to 24.


Sources: Salt (sodium chloride) and salt substitute (potassium chloride), also found
occuring in large amounts in the body.

Possible Benefits: Chloride stimulates production of hydrochloric acid for digestion and
maintains fluid and electrolyte balance. Chloride has also been shown to assist liver

Defiiciency Symptoms: Impaired digestion, loss of hair and teeth, rare as the body usually
produces enough.

Optimal Daily Amount: The need nor the RDA has been established.


Sources: Found in brewer's yeast, blackstrap molasses, black pepper, meat (especially
liver), whole wheat bread and cereals, beets and mushrooms.

Possible Benefiits: Chromium helps stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore being effective
against diabetes and hypoglycemia. It aids in lowering cholesterol and increases level of
high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) in humans (protective against cardiovascular disease).
Can increase tissue while decreasing body fat.

224 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Deficiency Symptoms: Slowed growth, shortened life span, raised cholesterol levels, an
array of symptoms related to low and high blood sugar such as diabetes and low blood

Optimal Daily Amount: 200-400mcg (micrograms) of GTF (glucose tolerance factor)

taken with other minerals. Chromium polynicotinate (bound to niacin) and chromium
picolinate (bound to picolinic acid) are natural forms. RDA has not been established. The
National Research Council tentatively recommends 50-2300mcg to be effective.


Sources: Found in nuts, organ meats, seafood, mushrooms and legumes.

Possible Benefits: Accompanied by iron and protein it is able to form hemoglobin (red
blood cells). It forms melanin (pigment in skin and hair) and helps form connective
tissues such as collagen and elastin. Has the ability to assist in lowering cholesterol, helps
prevent rancidity of fatty acids and maintain cellular structure. It may help as an anti-
inflammatory against arthritis.

Deficiency Symptoms: Anemia, loss of hair, loss of taste, general weakness, impaired
respiration such as emphysema, brittle bones, chronic or recurrent diarrhea, hair de-
pigmentation, low white blood cell count which leads to reduced resistance to infection,
retarded growth, water retention, nervous irritability; high cholesterol, abnormal ECG
patterns, development of ischemic heart disease, birth defects, miscarriage and neural
tube defects. Antacid use creates copper deficiency.

Optimal Daily Amount: 2-3mg taken with zinc at a 10:1 or 15:1 ratio (zinc:copper). RDA is

Physicians' A n ti-Aging Desk Reference 225


Source: Found added to drinking water.

Possible Benefits: Fluoride is necessary for formation of strong bones and teeth and may
protect against osteoporosis.

Deficiency Symptoms: None.

Optimal Daily Amount: Do not take additional fluoride. It is found in various toothpastes
and mouthwashes. No RDA has been established.

IODINE (Iodide)

Sources: Found in seaweed (especially kelp), seafood, iodized salt and sea salt, eggs,
garlic, turnip greens, watercress.

Possible Benefiits: Iodine stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxin. It protects
against toxic effects from radioactive material. Related to over a hundred enzyme systems
such as energy production, nerve function and hair and skin growth. Able to stimulate
conversion of body fat to energy, regulating basal metabolic rate. Finally, iodine has the
ability to relieve pain and soreness associated with fibrocystic breast disease and can
loosen clogged mucous in breathing tubes.

Deficiency Symptoms: Goiter (characterized by enlarged thyroid gland which may thicken
the neck, restrict breathing and cause bulging of the eyes), hypothyroidism (low thyroid),
physical and mental sluggishness, poor circulation and low vitality, dry hair and skin, cold
hands and feet, obesity, cretinism (characterized by physical and mental retardation in
children born to mothers deficient in iodine), hearing loss.

Optimal Daily Amount: 150-300mcg (micrograms). RDA is 80-I50mcg. Liquid iodine for
medicinal uses (as a topical antiseptic for wounds) should NOT be used orally.

226 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Sources: Found in liver, heart, kidney, lean meats, shellfish, dried beans, fruit, nuts,
green, leafy vegetables, whole grains, blackstrap molasses.

Possible Benefits: Iron helps form red blood cells called hemoglobin -and myoglobin (red
pigment in muscles). It can cure and prevent iron-deficiency anemia and stimulates
immunit}^ Helps with muscular and athletic performance and as an aid in preventing

Deficiency Symptoms: Anemia (pallor, weakness, persistent fatigue, labored breathing on

exertion, headaches, palpitation), young children suffer diminished coordination,
unbalanced attention span and memory, older children have poor learning, reading and
problem-solving skills, depressed immune system with decreased abilit)^ to produce
white blood cells to fight off infection, concave or spoon-like fingernails and toenails.

Optimal Daily Amount: RDA is lOmg for men, 18mg for women, and this should be
adequate. As a supplement, do not use inorganic iron (ferrous sulfate) which destroys
vitamin E. Use organic iron (ferrous fumarate, ferrous citrate or ferrous gluconate).

Note: Do not supplement iron without first having a laboratory diagnosis of anemia.
Elevated iron or ferritin blood levels may increase free radical oxidation and, in at least
one major study, iron was associated with significantly increasing the risk of heart attack.

Sources: Found in chlorophyll of all plants, figs, lemons, grapefruit, leafy green
vegetables, alfalfa, yellows corn, soy flour, whole wheat, peas, beans, brown, rice,
almonds, oil-rich nuts and seeds, apples.

Possible Benefits: Magnesium is absolutely essential for life, a major mineral for the
metabolism of glucose. Used for the production of cellular energy and to create protein.
For nerve and muscle contraction and protection against cardiovascular disease. It lowers
high blood pressure and helps ease PMS.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 227

Important for people taking diuretics and digitalis. Aids in kidney health and supports the
nervous system.

Deficiency Symptoms: Apathy, depression, apprehensiveness, confusion, disorientation,

vertigo (at condition in which the room seems to spin), muscular weakness and twitching,
over-excitabilit}^ of the nervous system which may lead to muscle spasms or cramps,
insomnia, jumpiness, sensitivit)^ to noise, irritabilit^^ poor memory, tremors or


Sources: Found in whole grains, wheat germ, bran, peas, nuts, leafy green vegetables,
beets, egg yolks, bananas, liver, organ meats, milk.

Possible Benefits: Manganese is required for vital enzyme reaction and proper bone
development as well as synthesis of mucopolysaccharides. It is helpful with osteoarthritis
and is required for many enzyme reactions. The normal functioning of the pancreas needs
manganese, as does carbohydrate metabolism. It plays an important part in the formation
of thyroxin, a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland. It may also improve memory and
reduce nervous irritability.

Deficiency Symptoms: Weight loss, dermatitis, nausea, slow growth and color changes of
hair, low cholesterol, disturbances in fat metabolism and glucose tolerance, deficiencv'
suspected in diabetes, deficiency during pregnane}^ may be a factor in epilepsy in the
offspring, myasthenia gravis (severe loss of muscle strength).

Optimal Daily Amount: 5-lOmg in combination with other minerals. No RDA has been


Sources: Found in organ meats (liver, kidney), milk, dairy products, legumes, whole
grains, leafy green vegetables.
Possible Benefits: This mineral is required for the activity of several enzymes in the body,
a vital part of the enzyme responsible for iron utilization. Helps prevent anemia and
detoxifies potentially hazardous substances one may come in contact with. Can be an
antioxidant and protects teeth from cavities. It aids in carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Deficiency Symptoms: Possible esophageal cancer in those that have molybdenum

deficient soil.

Optimal Daily Amount: Optimal intake is still uncertain; 50-200mcg (micrograms). No

RDA has been established.


Sources: Found in high-protein foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts,
legumes; bone meal. Many processed foods and soft drinks preserved with phosphates
adversely affect the body's calcium phosphorous balance.

Possible Benefits: Phosphorous is essential for bone mineralization, for normal bone and
tooth structure. It may help with muscular fatigue and is involved in cellular activity Has
been shown to be important for heart regularity and needed for the transference of nerve
impulses. Also aids in growth and body repair.

Deficiency Symptoms: Muscle weakness (to the point of respiratory arrest), anemia,
increased susceptibility to infection. The typical diet usually makes a phosphorous
deficiency rare in the United States, Those with kidney failure or gastrointestinal diseases
can have severe deficiencies; alcoholics and those taking antacids may be deficient.

Optimal Daily Amount: No supplementation needed as the diet should supply sufficient
amounts. RDA is 800-l,200mg for adults.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 229


Sources: Found in bananas, apricots, lettuce, broccoli, potatoes, fresh fruits and fruit
juices, sunflower seeds, unsalted peanuts, nuts, squash, wheat germ, brewer's yeast,
desiccated liver, fish, bone meal, watercress, blackstrap molasses, unsulfured figs.

Possible Benefits: Potassium helps balance fluid with sodium inside the cells and used by
the body for proper muscle and heart contraction. Helps assist red blood cells in carrying
oxygen and helps eliminate water waste through kidneys. Used for proper carbohydrate
metabolism and for energy storage in the muscles and liver. Helps reduce high blood
pressure, allergies, colic in babies and is important for those using diuretics. It can
prevent heart attacks.
Deficiency Symptoms: General weakness of muscles, mental confusion, muscle cramping,
poor reflexes, nervous system disruption, soft, flabby muscles, constipation, acne in
young people, dry skin in adults, severe deficiency leads to heart attack.

Optimal Daily Amount: 2,000-4,000mg. Generally one gets enough from foods. Athletes
generally require more (3,000-6,000mg) because of heavy perspiration. The maximum
potency allowed by the government in supplement form is 99mg. Discuss higher
potencies with a physician. RDA is 2,000-2,500mg.


Sources: Found in organ meats, tuna, seafood, brewer's yeast, fresh garlic, mushrooms,
wheat germ and some whole grains.

Possible Benefits: Selenium is necessary for the body's growth and protein synthesis. It
helps to increase effectiveness of vitamin E. An antioxidant for the cells to protect against
oxygen exposure, it also protects against toxic pollutants for sexual reproduction.
Selenium may reduce risk of cancer and help against heart disease. It has been shown to
alleviate hot flashes and some menopausal symptoms as well as reduce free-radical
damage that causes aging.

230 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Deficiency Symptoms: Dandruff, damaging effects of ozone in the lungs, decreased

growth, infant deaths associated with selenium and/or vitamin B deficiency, and
increased risk of cancer and heart disease.

Optimal Daily Amount: 100-200mcg in high selenium areas; 100-400mcg in low

selenium areas. The Food and Nutrition Board states that overt selenium toxicity may
occur in humans ingesting 2,400-3,OOOmcg. No RX)A has been established.

SILICON (Silica)

Sources: Found in flaxseed, steel cut oats, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, onions,
alfalfa, fresh fruit, brewer's yeast and dietary fiber.

Possible Benefits: Silicon can help build connective tissue. Most people take silica as a
form of silicon, to help with hair, skin and nails.

Deficiency Symptoms: Aging of skin (wrinkles), thinning or loss of hair, poor bone
development, soft or brittle nails.

Optimal Daily Amount: No dietary recommendations. Adequate amounts are found in the
diet. No RDA has been established.
SODIUM (Sodium Chloride, Salt)

Sources: Found in sea salt, most foods from animal sources, shellfish, meat poultry, milk,
cheese, kelp, powdered seaweed, most processed foods.

Possible Benefits: Sodium works with potassium to maintain proper fluid balance
between cells. Used for nerve stimulation for muscle contraction and helps in keeping
calcium and other minerals soluble in the blood. Stimulates the adrenal glands and helps
weak muscles. High sodium usually accounts for high blood pressure. Finally, sodium
aids in preventing heat prostration or sunstroke.

Deficiency Symptoms: They are rare since most foods contain sodium, however,
symptoms include headaches, excessive sweating, heat exhaustion, respiratory failure,
muscular cramps,

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 231

weakness, collapsed blood vessels, stomach and intestinal gas, chronic diarrhea, weight
loss, kidney failure, tuberculosis of kidneys, streptococci infections.

Optimal Daily Amount: Rarely needed, as ordinary diet provides enough sodium. A gram
of sodium chloride has been suggested for each kilogram or water ingested. RDA is 200-


Sources: Found in protein foods, especially eggs, lean beef, fish, onions, kale, soybeans,
dried beans.

Possible Benefits: Sulfur is found in every cell of the body, helping the nerves and
muscles function properly, and normalizing glandular secretions. It is necessary for
healthy hair, skin and nails. It also helps maintain oxygen balance necessary for brain
function. The homeopathic supplement of sulfur helps with rashes and itching and other
skin conditions.

Deficiency Symptoms: Rare, but may include excessive sweating, chronic diarrhea,
nausea, respiratory failure, heat exhaustion, muscular weakness and mental apathy.

Optimal Daily Amount: A diet sufficient in protein should be adequate in sulfur. No RDA
has been established.


Sources: The richest sources are fish, black pepper and dill seed; middle range is whole
grains, meats and dairy products.
Possible Benefits: Research showed that it improved glucose tolerance and improved
efficiency in insulin in the muscle cells (studies with diabetic rats). More research needs
to be done.

Deficiency Symptoms: Little is known at this time but high blood pressure and hardening
of the arteries have been suggested.

Optimal Daily Amount: More needs to be known before recommendations can be made.
No RDA has been established.

232 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Sources: Found in fresh oysters, herring, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, milk, steamed crab,
lobster, chicken, pork chops, turkey, lean ground beef, liver, eggs.

Possible Benefits: T^uxq helps promote wound healing and helps improve acne. It affects
impotence in men and aids in increasing sperm count. It may help with prostate
problems. Use for combating colds and flu to increase immunity. It may help with some
forms of cancer and macular degeneration.

Deficiency Symptoms: Fingernails with white spots or bands or an opaquely white

appearance, loss of taste, smell and appetite, delayed sexual development in adolescence,
underdeveloped penis and less full beard and underarm hair in boys, irregular menstrual
cycle in girls, infertility and impaired sexual function in adults, poor wound healing, loss
of hair, increased susceptibility to infection, reduced salivation, skin lesions, stretch
marks, reduced absorption of nutrients, impaired development of bones, muscles and
nervous system, deformed offspring and dwarfism.

Optimal Daily Amount: 30-50mg (take with copper to yield a zinc to copper ratio of 10:1).
RDA is 15mg.



Possible Benefits: The gel of the aloe leaf contains several chemicals, a polysaccharide,
enzymes, nutrients and other compounds that seem to fight bacteria and fungi, reduce
inflammation and encourage wound healing. Chemicals called glycosides in the latex
cause the laxative effect. Two isolated compounds in the gel recently have been shown to
stimulate the immune system and improve skin healing time.

How to use it: Manufacturers sell the transparent gel from the plant's leaf as a topical
remedy; they also process it into "juice" and pills, which are taken internally for
gastrointestinal benefits or as a tonic (a substance that works to balance the body's
systems instead of addressing a specific ailment). For topical use, aloe eels work well on
sunburn, rashes and other minor

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 233

irritations (look for products containing 95 to 100 percent pure aloe); it is also available
as aloe-based ointments and sprays for other skin traumas. Aloe for internal use comes in
liquids, tablets and capsules. Check product labels for dosage recommendations.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Gel preparations used topically have not been
associated with side effects. Aloe juice products for oral consumption are generally
considered safe, although drinking more than a pint a day may lead to diarrhea. Products
made from the plant's latex can cause side effects such as intestinal cramping, which is
common to stimulant laxatives. Because they can be harsh, one should avoid aloe derived
laxatives during pregnancy.


Possible Benefits: The anthocyanosides in bilberries can improve circulation, protect

fragile capillaries and cause biochemical reactions in the eye; they have a positive effect
on enzymes crucial to vision and the eye's ability to adapt to the dark. They have also been
shown to alleviate symptoms of diabetes and heart disease. Although scientists don't
know what components of the bilberry leaf are responsible for these effects, recent
research has shown that taking a dried leaf extract will cause a drop in glucose (blood
sugar) levels. The same research also showed that bilberry leaf can lower blood
triglyceride levels, a heart disease risk factor.

How to use it: The most popular products are extracts standardized to contain 15 to 25
percent of a chemical called anthocyanosides. Bilberry is also available as tinctures and
concentrated drops. An average dose of an encapsulated extract standardized for 20 to 25
percent anthocyanosides is 60 to 120mg. The herb's short-term effect on vision is most
noticeable within the first four hours of taking it; thus it can be useful if taken before a
visually demanding task like driving all night or reading the entire Sunday paper.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Tests have shown bilberr)^ to be completely nontoxic,
even when taken in large doses for an extended period of time.

254 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Possible Benefits: The plant contains several beneficial chemicals, including flavonoid, a
gelatinous substance called mucilage, an essential oil and alcohols. While scientists are
still determining which of these constituents does what, researchers in Japan last year
isolated and identified alcohol constituents from calendula flowers that showed marked
anti-inflammatory activity. Skin irritations, superficial wounds and insect bites and stings
all respond well to calendula.

How to use it: Calendula is sold in liquid forms (such as juice, concentrated drops and
tinctures) and as an ingredient in herbal combination ointments, salves, lotions and
creams. It is also used to make homeopathic calendula remedies and an essential oil, both
of which are used topically to treat skin irritations, burns and scrapes. (An easy way to use
the herb is to soak a gauze pad in calendula tincture and apply directly to the skin.)

Side Effects and Contraindications: Calendula has not been associated with toxicity or
side effects.


Possible Benefits: Capsaicin appears to alter the action of the bodily compound (called
"substance P") that transfers pain messages to the brain, reducing pain and inflammation
by short-circuiting the pain message. Beyond this, a recent study found that cayenne has
antimicrobial effects, meaning it could be used to fight infections. When taken orally,
cayenne stimulates circulation, aids digestion and promotes sweating. (Because
perspiration works to cool the body cayenne is sometimes used to break a fever.)

How to use it: Cayenne contains a compound called capsaicin, which is the active
ingredient in many over-the-counter and prescription creams used to treat arthritis,
shingles (herpes zoster), post-operative pain, cluster headaches, psoriasis and other skin
conditions. Cayenne is also sold in capsules, concentrated drops and tinctures, which are
taken orally. Popular products are standardized for 5 to 10 percent capsaicin.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 235

An average dose of an oral extract standardized for eight percent capsaicin is lOOmg.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Cayenne is potent and can cause serious tissue
irritation if used improperly. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after using
capsaicin-containing creams; avoid any contact with eyes, mucous membranes, or open
wounds. Excessive internal use can inflame the membranes that line the stomach and
intestines and harm the kidneys. Follow label directions carefully and don't exceed the
recommended doses.


Possible Benefits: Chamomile can promote relaxation and it is also a reliable remedy for
skin irritation. It improves tissue regeneration, reduces inflammation and stimulates the
immune-boosting activity of white blood cells, thanks to the action of chemical
flavonoids. Both varieties are effective as mild sedatives, although German chamomile
appears to have more antiinflammatory action. The compounds responsible for
chamomile's sleep-promoting properties are still being determined, although a recent
study done on apigenin, a flavonoid derived from German chamomile, found clear
antianxiety and mild sedative effects.

How to use it: Chamomile comes as a dried whole herb (to be used as a tea or bath
infusion) and in packaged teas, tables, capsules, concentrated drops, tinctures and
extracts. Follow dosage directions on labels.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Both oral and topical chamomile products are
considered very nontoxic, gentle enough for use in children, or during pregnancy and
lactation. An extremely remote concern is that people with an allergy to some other herb
in the daisy family would also be allergic to chamomile. Chamomile-based skin creams
should not come in contact with eyes.

236 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Possible Benefits: Researchers studying cranberry's abilities to fight urinary tract

infections (UTIs) at first suspected that the juice made urine more acidic, which made the
urinary tract less hospitable to bacteria. However, recent studies indicate that the herb
prevents bacteria from sticking to the lining of the bladder and urinary tract. Cranberry is
rich in flavonoids, citric and other acids and vitamin C; exactly which compounds are
most active in promoting good urinary tract health (and delivering cranberry's other
health benefits) is still being determined.

How to use it: Most tablets and capsules contain dried, unsweetened juice powder or
concentrated extract. An average dose is 500 to l,000mg per day. Unsweetened cranberry
juice (available in some health foods stores) is the most potent cranberry drink, but many
people find it difficult to get down; sweetened drinks are more palatable. "Cranberry juice
drinks" typically contain 10 to 20 percent juice; "cranberry juice cocktails" typically have
25 to 35 percent real juice. Some observers have wondered whether these products were
too diluted or sugar-laden to have any therapeutic effects but a number of recent studies
have found that they can be quite beneficial. For instance, a 1994 study found that 10
ounces per day of commercially available cranberry juice cocktail was almost twice as
effective as a placebo in reducing bacteria in urine. When buying the "juice drinks," one
will have to drink roughly twice the amount, 20 ounces a day.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Avoid large doses of cranberry if one is taking drugs
for urinary or kidney problems, or are pregnant or breast feeding.


Possible Benefits: Echinacea has been shown to boost the immune system, short-circuit
colds and flu, fight bacterial and viral infections, lower fever and calm allergic reactions
when taken internally. Researchers have determined that echinacea increases levels of
the antiviral substance interferon as well as an immune-related blood protein known as
properdin. Echinacea also prompts the thymus, bone marrow and spleen to develop more
of their various immune cells. Studies have identified immune-boosting and anti-
inflammatory chemicals called polysaccharides

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 237

(including one called inulin). The compounds are found in both the root and the above-
ground parts of the echinacea plant. In addition, a recent study found that echinacea
contains a number of antioxidant compounds, which suggests that echinacea extracts
would protect the skin from sunlight-induced free-radical damage. Thus, herbal
companies may soon be adding echinacea to a whole new set of products: skin creams,
moisturizers and sun block.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Echinacea is one of the least toxic herbs around; it is
not known to cause any side effects. Allergic reactions are rare, but one should take only a
small dose at first if one is allergic to any other plants in the compositae family (which
includes sunflowers, daisies, and dandelions).

Note: Echinacea should only be taken on an as-needed basis. Efficacy may decline if used
for an extended period of time, so holidays (where you do not take in daily) are


Possible Benefits: Most commonly used to treat the runny nose and sore throat of the
common cold and to help to reduce the fever, muscle pain and other symptoms of the flu.
Elderberry induces sweating and stimulates circulation; it also has slight laxative and
cough-suppressant effects. The berries are rich in vitamin C, flavonoids such as
anthocyanins, substances called tannins, and other phyto- (or "plant") nutrients. Certain
compounds may help counter the effects of some strains of influenza by binding to the
virus and preventing it from attacking cells. (Recently, scientists who tested a
standardized extract of the berry found that it caused a complete cure or at least a
significant improvement in symptoms of the flu within two to three days.) The flowers
contain flavonoids, an essential oil, mucilage, tannins and other compounds, whose main
effects appear to be reducing fever and promoting sweating.

How to use it: Elderberry comes in tinctures, liquid extracts, lozenges, syrups,
standardized extract capsules and throat sprays. Follow dosage directions on labels.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Herbal products made from the leaves or bark of the
elderberry tree should NOT be taken internally.

Possible Benefits: Feverfew's principal traditional use was to reduce fever but it also has a
long history of treating headaches. It is also used to reduce the inflammation of arthritis
and to relieve menstrual pain. Researchers have determined in a number of placebo-
controlled human studies that feverfew can reduce the frequency and severity of
migraines. The herb appears to inhibit some of the negative (and migraine-related) effects
of certain chemicals that are produced by the body, including histamines and the brain
chemical serotonin. Scientists have traced feverfew's anti-migraine action to chemicals
known as lactone compounds (parthenolide in particular, although exactly how
parthenolide works is still being determined).

How to use it: Feverfew is sold dried and in capsules, concentrated drops, tinctures and
extracts. The newest products are standardized for 0.1 to 0.2 percent of the chemical
parthenolide. An average daily dose is 125mg of feverfew (standardized for 0.2 percent
parthenolide) or 250mcg parthenolide. Note: A number of studies done in the last 10
years indicate that several commercial feverfew products contained none of the active
compound parthenolide (in addition, parthenolide levels of the dried herb were found to
fall during storage). These studies emphasized the importance of using high-quality
standardized extracts of this herb for proper dosage and reliable effects.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Few side effects have been associated with feverfew
products, although eating the fresh leaves can cause swelling of the lips and tongue.


Possible Benefits: This herb figures in a seemingly endless array of remedies for
everything from insect bites and fever to intestinal ailments.

Researchers have documented garlic's potential to reduce heart attacks by lowering the
levels of blood fats, including triglycerides and LDL ("bad") cholesterol. Numerous
studies also indicate that garlic can boost immunity, balance blood sugar and

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 239

prevent digestive ailments (it may also help the liver to neutralize toxins). Garlic contains
amino acids, various vitamins and trace minerals, flavonoids, enzymes, and at least 200
additional compounds. Among the most active medicinal compounds are dozens of sulfur
compounds found in few other plants; these are thought to be responsible for garlic's
documented antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and other healthful properties. In one
recent study Russian researchers determined that garlic's beneficial effects on
cardiovascular health could be attributed to both direct actions on the walls of heart
arteries and to indirect preventive actions at the cellular level. In other words, garlic is a
double-barreled weapon against heart disease.
How to use it: Garlic is available fresh or juiced, as well as in tablets, capsules and
tinctures. Odor-controlled powders, concentrates and capsules are popular forms, as are
enteric-coated tablets (which have a coating that prevents the destruction of active
compounds by stomach acids). Supplement manufacturers are increasingly standardizing
their products for desirable garlic compounds (principally one called allicin, but also total
sulfur, allin, and S-allyl cysteine), but debate rages on as to which of these compounds are
most important and which formulations are most effective. The potency of garlic products
may be described in terms of fresh or whole garlic equivalent; an average dose is 1,500 to
l,800mg of fresh garlic equivalent, approximately equal to eating one-half clove of fresh
garlic. Read labels.

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: Garlic is extremely safe but taking very large daily
doses (more than 1 Og) of some products may cause flatulence, stomach irritation or
indigestion. Because garlic may thin the blood, people who are taking anticoagulant drugs
should use garlic with caution.

240 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Possible Benefits: Zesty flavor norwithstanding, ginger is often taken ft)r its calming
effects on a churning stomach. It is also taken to treat morning sickness, seasickness and
motion sickness. In some people it also can help reduce a fever or lessen the symptoms of
a cold. Ginger contains an essential oil and other compounds (including gingerol and
shogaol) that apparently prevent nausea through effects on the stomach and
gastrointestinal system rather than through the nervous system, as do conventional anti-
emetics such as Dramamine (this is why Dramamine is associated with many more side
effects and contraindications). Ginger's components also have antioxidant potential.
Doctors recently have tested ginger's ability to prevent nausea and vomiting after surgery
and during chemotherapy treatment. One recent study found that ginger was better than
a placebo and as effective as the conventional anti-emetic drug metoclopramide for
preventing nausea after gynecological surgery.

How to use it: Ginger comes in a variety of forms including fresh, dried, tablets, capsules,
tinctures, extracts, syrups and teas; follow dosage directions on labels. You can also buy
ginger essential oil, which can be diffused into the air for inhalation, or diluted in a
vegetable oil for inhalation, or diluted in a vegetable oil for topical application (or
massage). It is used to treat a variety of conditions, including indigestion, nausea, colds
and flu, muscle aches and poor circulation.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Ginger has a long history of being taken in relatively
large doses (up to several grams) without causing any toxicity or side effects. Many
pregnant women use it to help control morning sickness, but there have been no studies
in which women have taken large doses of ginger during
regnancy. Do not ingest the essential oil and be sure to dilute it

efore applying to your skin.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 241


Possible Benefits: Used for treating various conditions, including asthma, allergies and
coughs. Ginkgo stimulates circulation in the brain, ears and other parts of the body; it is
also an antioxidant. Plant scientists believe that the most active constituents of ginkgo are
the flavonoid compounds flavoglycosides and ginkgoheterosides. In a recent study of
patients with Alzheimer's type senile dementia, those who took ginkgo extract three times
per day experienced significant improvements in memory and attention. The changes
were evident after one month and continued to accumulate over the three-month period
of the study.

How to use it: The most popular ginkgo products are encapsulated extracts standardized
to 24 percent of chemicals called flavoglycosides; you can also find liquid herbal
concentrates and the powdered whole herb. An average dose of the standardized extract is
40 to 60mg.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Ginkgo has been associated with no long-term toxicity
and few side effects. However, newcomers to the herb who take single doses in excess of
300mg or so may experience headaches or dizziness. Some ginkgo users may also
experience a mild upset stomach.


Possible Benefits: Ginseng is not so much a cure-all as a prevent-all, a strengthening

"tonic" herb taken to rejuvenate and revitalize the body. Ginseng has been shown to act
on both the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. It helps to regulate blood
pressure, maintain blood glucose levels (a traditional use is in the control of diabetes),
and support the thymus and spleen (thus boosting immunity). It contains every major
type of potentially bioactive compound known to humanity: vitamins, minerals, amino
acids, proteins and many more. Among ginseng's key ingredients are chemicals called
saponins or glycosides, particularly a group called ginsenosides, about two dozen of which
have been identified. These chemicals appear to affect the nervous system, blood flow to
the brain and certain brain neurotransmitters. Ginseng also appears to have anti-

242 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

cancer potential: Korean researchers recently found that people who regularly used
ginseng had a dramatically reduced risk of developing cancer of the ovaries, pancreas and
stomach. Individuals who had been taking ginseng the longest had the lowest overall risk
of cancer.

How to use it: Ginseng comes in a variet}' of forms, from the whole root to teas to
standardized extracts. Potency varies considerably, depending on the type, place of origin
and how it was cultivated, stored and prepared. The most predictable results come from
using products standardized for one or more ginsenosides (chemicals isolated from the
whole plant); an average dose is lOOmg of an extract standardized for 7 percent

Side Effects and Contraindications: Ginseng may occasionally cause insomnia, but no
long-term adverse effect from taking average doses have been identified. However, a few
contraindications exist: Ginseng is best used with caution by anyone with high blood
pressure or cardiovascular disease and should not be used by pregnant or nursing women.
Children should not take ginseng, as the structure of some of the ginsenosides is
chemically similar to certain steroid hormones that have unknown effects on children's
growth and development.


Possible Benefits: Studies indicate that green tea may help protect aeainst cancers of the
lungs, skin, liver, pancreas and stomach; it also boosts cardiovascular health and may
work as a weight-loss agent by increasing fat metabolism and regulating blood sugar and
insulin levels. Green tea benefits the heart by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the
tendency of blood platelets to stick together. It contains numerous cancer-fighting
polyphenol compounds, including the antioxidant fiavonoid catechin. The evidence for
green tea's potent antioxidant effects continues to accumulate. In a recent study
researchers found that green tea compounds not only directly scavenge free radicals but
also enhance the effectiveness of the body's natural antioxidant systems.

How to use it: You can buy encapsulated extracts standardized for chemicals called
polyphenols. An average dose is 200mg of an

Physicians' Anti-Aging Desk Reference 243

extract standardized for 25 percent polyphenols. You can also buy the dried herb and
make tea; it's available in various grades, from twiggy, inexpensive kikich to choice
sencha. Drink up to four or five cups of green tea per day.

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: The most worrisome chemical in green tea is caffeine,
which occurs in small amounts (an average of 20 to 30mg per cup, if brewed for two to
three minutes). This is much less caffeine than in coffee, however; an 8-ounce cup of
coffee typically contains more than lOOmg of caffeine. Unless caffeine has been added,
the caffeine content in green tea capsules should be approximately 5 to 15mg.

Possible Benefits: Hawthorn helps the heart because it tends to normalize blood pressure,
prevent palpitations and arrhythmias and relieve angina. Studies have confirmed that the
plant is a rich source of healthy chemical compounds, including procyanidins and the
flavonoids rutin and vitexin, which have been shown to dilate blood vessels of the heart
and thus improve blood flow (these cardiovascular effects result from taking the herb
over a prolonged period). Researchers in Germany recently gave hawthorn extract to
patients suffering from congestive heart Failure and found the patients experienced fewer
overall symptoms and showed improvements in stamina and a reduction in blood
pressure and heart rate during exercise. Hawthorn is good for arthritis because it helps
stabilize collagen, the protein found in joints that are destroyed by inflammatory diseases.
It also has antioxidant effects.

How to use it: Hawthorn is sold as dried berries, capsules and tinctures. Extracts are often
standardized for one of two different chemical compounds: total flavonoids (usually
calculated as vitexin) or procyanidins. An average dose is 200mg of an extract
standardized for approximately 1.5 percent vitexin or 2.0 percent flavonoids.

Side Effects and Contraindications: While the herb is considered non-toxic, consumers
should be warned against taking this or any other natural remedy to treat a self-diagnosed
heart condition.

244 Ten Weeks to a Younger You KAVA

Possible Benefits: Kava root is used to calm body and mind and promote restful sleep; it
is also helpful as a solution to low mood, muscle spasms or tightness and anxiety. Kava's
relaxant properties are created by certain oxygen containing, lipid-like compounds known
as lactones or pyrones. Researchers have identified six major kavalactones (a class of
lactones) and another dozen minor ones. Exactly how the kavalactones act on the brain is
still being determined. Like Valium and related synthetic drugs, they may influence
GABA, the neurotransmitter that acts as a brake on the central nervous system. A recent
double-blind, placebo-controlled study on subjects with anxiety found that kava
significantly reduced symptoms after one, two and four weeks of treatment, without any
adverse side effects.

How to use it: Look for kava in capsules, liquids, and standardized extracts; a few sources
offer dried kava in root pieces, cut and sifted and as a powder. For a mildly relaxing,
anxiety-relieving effect an average dose is 200 to 250mg of an extract standardized for 25
to 25 percent kavalactones, the chemical constituent thought responsible for kava's

Side Effects and Contraindications: Kava is remarkably safe as a relaxant. Occasional and
even regular moderate use of kava among Pacific peoples seems to have no noticeable
adverse effects on long-term health. Even transient side effects, such as mild nausea, are
rare. High doses of potent kava products, however, can reduce one's motor control and
lead to accidents, including fatal ones if one unwisely attempts to drive or operate heavy
equipment after taking it. Persistent heavy consumption of kava may cause diarrhea, an
overall lethargy and apathy or a scaly skin condition. Eliminating or cutting back on kava
consumption reverses these conditions.

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 245


Possible Benefits: The herb's natural sweetness and flavor (it is fifty times sweeter than
sugar) are due to its high content of glycyrrhizin. Glycyrrhizin is also responsible for most
of licorice's medicinal properties, including its ability to reduce inflammation, soothe
throat tissues and reduce allergy symptoms.

The ulcer-healing compounds in licorice are thought to be flavonoids. They apparently

work by promoting the overall health of the gastrointestinal system rather than reducing
the secretion of stomach acid that triggers ulcers. Additional compounds with therapeutic
effects include sterols and gums.

How to use it: Retailers sell licorice in powders, capsules, lozenges, concentrated drops,
tinctures and extracts. Chewable tablets and other licorice products for extended anti-
ulcer therapy now often contain very little (just 2 percent or less) of the active component
glycyrrhizin (also known as glycyrrhizic acid). These deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DCL)
products cause fewer side effects and are much safer for long-term use than gly-cyrrhizin-
containing licorice. An average dose of DCL licorice is 200mg.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Taking high or repeated doses of licorice extracts
containing glycyrrhizin may cause adverse health effects related to salt and water
retention (including elevated blood pressure). People with kidney or heart problems or a
history of high blood pressure should avoid regular use of glycyrrhizin-containing licorice


Possible Benefits: Many people take milk thisde regularly to protect their livers from the
effects of alcohol, heavy metals and drugs, and as needed after exposure to solvents,
pesticides, bacteria from food poisoning or other toxins. Studies since the 1930s,
conducted mainly in Germany, confirmed that the silymarin found in the herb works to
stabilize liver cell membranes and act as an antioxidant to protect liver cells from free
radical damage. It also helps regenerate healthy liver cells and boost the organ's ability to
filter toxins from the blood. Most recently researchers found that the antioxidant activity
of a

milk thistle seed extract reduced the liver damage typically seen in patients who take
prescription anti-psychotic drugs for extended periods.

How to use it: Milk thistle comes in capsules, liquids and teas; silymarin (the chemical
constituent thought to be responsible for milk thistle's medical benefits) does not
dissolve well in water, so the teas are very weak. The most popular products are
standardized extracts of silymarin. An average dose is 200mg of an extract standardized
for 70-80 percent silymarin.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Taking milk thistle products does not seem to cause
any adverse effects either immediately or over the long term. In fact, the plant's young
(non-spiny) leaves and stems were once consumed as food in Europe.


Possible Benefits: Psyllium is mostly soluble dietary fiber but it is also rich in water-
absorbing mucilage, which is not broken down in the digestive tract. Psyllium adds bulk
to stools, absorbs excess liquids in the intestines and speeds bowel transit time.
Psyllium's regulation of blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels may be due to effects on
cholesterol-containing bile and digestion of carbohydrates. In a recent triple-blind study
(subjects, researchers and statisticians all were unaware of who was getting what), 17
"non-restrained eaters" tested psyllium for its effects on appetite. Taking 20g of seed
granules with seven ounces of water, three hours prior to and again immediately before a
meal, caused a significant increase in the feeling of fullness and a reduction in the
consumption of fat and calories.

How to use it: Psyllium is sold as dried whole seeds, powders, wafers and liquids. An
average dose is one rounded teaspoon (5 to 6g) of powdered psyllium mixed with at least
eight ounces of water or other liquid, taken at meal times. Effects on the bowels are
usually noticeable within one to two days.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Always drink plenty of water with psyllium to
promote its therapeutic effect and to prevent it from causing choking or intestinal
blockage. Some people may

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 247

experience flatulence or upset stomach; allergic reactions are rare but possible. Avoid
during pregnancy.


Possible Benefits: Well-controlled studies show that St. John's Wort alleviates symptoms
of depression. In addition, it has been used as a topical wound and burns healer and an
oral remedy to treat various viral conditions. Studies show that St. John's Wort is much
more effective than a placebo and provokes response rates that are similar to or even
slightly better than conventional antidepressants such as Prozac. The researchers also
determined that St. John's Wort was better tolerated than conventional antidepressants.

Hot to use it: St. John's Wort is usually sold dried and in concentrated drops, tinctures
and extracts. Its antidepressant effects may not be apparent until it is taken daily for three
to four weeks. An average dose of a standardized extract containing 0.3 percent hypericin
is 200 to 300mg.

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: The most common side effects from taking St. John's
Wort are mild nausea, stomach ache, lack of appetite and tiredness, although these are
not common. A very small percentage of people taking high daily doses of St. John's Wort
may experience increased sensitivity to sunlight. Avoid during pregnancy.


Possible Benefits: Saw palmetto has become the premier herbal remedy for benign
prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) symptoms, including discomfort and excessive nighttime
urination. Saw palmetto contains a number of compounds with potential therapeutic
effects. Researchers have not yet identified with certainty the BPH related compounds,
although the evidence points to certain fatty acids and sterols with either enzyme or
hormone-related effects. A recent study found that a saw palmetto extract significantly
reduced excessive urination both at night and during the day. Eighty-five percent of the
study's participants had their condition either stabilize or improve over the study's three-
year period.

How to use it: Saw palmetto is sold in capsules, liquids and standardized extract; it is
frequently combined with pygeum (Pygeum africanum), an herb with a somewhat less-
established reputation for improving prostate health. Although saw palmetto is also
available as a tea, the fatty acids in the herb thought to be at least partly responsible for
its effects are not extracted well into water; thus, drinking a tea would not be effective
against BPH. An average dose of saw palmetto is I60mg of an extract standardized for 85
to 95 percent fatty acids and sterols.

Side Effects and Contraindications: No long-term toxicity has been reported.


Possible Benefits: This Japanese mushroom (Lentinus edodes) extract can boost the
immune system, protect the body from cancer (and even shrink existing tumors), lower
blood cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and combat viruses and bacteria.

Shiitake contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and a number of polysaccharides,

which are linked to countering cancer, primarily by promoting immune function rather
than attacking cancer cells directly. Lentinan, one such polysaccharide, has been
successfully used in recent years in Japan as an adjunct to chemotherapy; researchers
have found that cancer patients who are given lentinan have increased survival times and
more positive outcomes. Other research also indicates shiitake extracts may assist in the
treatment of AIDS.

How to use it: Until recently, shiitake was chiefly imported from Asia, but now it's often
grown in the U.S. The mushroom's caps and stems are sold fresh and dried and in tablets,
capsules, tinctures, teas and extracts. Herbal companies also offer an extract of the
mycellium, interwoven threads that are the main body of the fungus and permeate the
natural or synthetic logs in which the mushrooms are grown. Shiitake products vary in
potency; follow dosage directions on labels.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Shiitake is safe and non-toxic, even in very large

Physicians 'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 249


Possible Benefits: It supports the working of the adrenal glands and prevents the worst
effects of nervous tension. It tends to increase energy, extend endurance and fight fatigue.
Siberian ginseng also boosts overall immune function and may play a role in the
treatment of hypertension, blood sugar irregularities and depression. Siberian ginseng
remedies are derived from the roots and sometimes from the leaves. Studies on Siberian
ginseng have shown that it has considerable promise for increasing longevity and
improving overall health. Chemists have isolated more than three dozen compounds in
Siberian ginseng that may affect the mind and body; foremost among these are the
eleutherosides, which occur in the plant's roots and, to a lesser degree, in the leaves.
Studies have determined that the eleutherosides differ from the ginsenosides isolated
from the panax ginsengs, though some of their effects on the body are similar Exactly
how these compounds affect the body is still being determined. (The effects, in fact, may
be available only from the whole herb. The isolated components of Siberian ginseng do
not have the same tonic action as the whole plant.) The effects of Siberian ginseng also
vary from person to person. In research conducted on people of average athletic abilities,
for instance, people given Sioerian ginseng have shown marked improvements in
endurance. However, in a recent study on experienced distance runners, researchers saw
no effects on exercise performance.

How to use it: Siberian ginseng is sold in capsules, tinctures, and extracts. Standardized
Siberian ginseng products often specify the content of one or more of a series of
chemicals known as eleutherosides. An average dose is lOOmg of an extract standardized
for one percent eleutherosides.

Side Ejfects and Contraindications: Siberian ginseng is considered to be safe for daily
consumption even in doses many times larger than average, though some people may
experience insomnia and other side effects from taking high amounts.

250 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


Possible Benefits: It is very effective in promoting sleep, and has a much better safety
record than prescription sleeping pills. Valerian helps to relax mind and body, provide
temporary relief from anxiety and calms nervous stomach. It can also help relieve
headaches, menstrual cramps and constipation or indigestion from nervous tension.
Researchers are trying to pinpoint which compound or compounds are responsible for
valerian's sedative effects. Many extracts are now standardized for valerenic acid, which
may interact with receptors for GABA, the calming brain chemical. In recent years
preliminary cell culture studies raised health concerns about the safety of long-term use
of concentrated valerian extracts. Long-term studies, however, have never found valerian
to be toxic.

How to use it: Valerian is sold in capsules, tinctures and extracts; it is frequently
combined with other calming herbs (like kava) in natural insomnia remedies. Valerian
root has an unpleasant smell, reminiscent of a pair of well-worn tennis shoes, so many
people prefer the (odor-free) capsules to liquid remedies. An average dose is 100 to
200mg of valerian extract standardized to contain 0.8 to 1.0 percent valerenic acid, a
compound that occurs in the root.

Side Effects and Contraindications: Valerian is much safer than prescription sedatives.
However, as with any relaxant, one should not take it before doine tasks that require full
alertness, nor should one use it regularly for an extended period of time (more than a few
weeks). For unknown reasons, a small minority may fmd valerian stimulating instead of
calming. Valerian should not be given to children under age 12.

Physicians'Anti-Aging Desk Reference 251


Possible Benefits: In 1940 an American scientist found that a species of Mexican wild yam
contained a steroid precursor known as diosgenin, which could be used in the
manufacture of synthetic hormone products such as birth control pills, testosterone,
progesterone creams and other medicine. Today the herb is used to make "natural
hormone" creams and other remedies for women seeking relief from uterine pain, PMS,
menopausal symptoms and various other eynecological conditions. Diosgenin can
definitely be used in a laboratory to make sex hormones, but the human body can't
convert diosgenin into hormones, and diosgenin apparently can't produce hormonal
effects on its own. Thus, wilci yam's ability to provide "natural progesterone" and to
regulate hormone production is controversial, even among herbalists. Experts have
theorized that diosgenin (or another compound in the yam) has other therapeutic, non-
hormone-related effects on the body. Scientists recently tested a wild yam extract to
determine if it increased blood levels of a compound of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA),
a steroid precursor hormone that has become the hottest anti-aging substance in health
food stores today. After three weeks of dioscorea supplementation, researchers found no
effect on levels of DHEA. The researchers did find, however, that dioscorea has significant
antioxidant activity and was associated with increased levels of the "good" HDL
cholesterol and reduced levels of certain blood fats.

How to use it: Wild yam products come in capsules, liquids, extracts and topical creams
and gels. An average dose of an extract standardized for 10 percent diosgenin is 200mg.

The Official Longevity Test

People age biologically and chronologically. Chronological age measures the amount of
time that has gone by since birth. Most of us can distinguish an elderly person from a
young person. We can even categorize what age range a person might fall into. But what
about a person who is 65 but looks as if he's only 45? Or a person who is 80 but functions
as well as a 60-year-old? This is biological age or functional age; we all age biologically at
different rates. As we have seen, age changes affect different parts of our body at different
times. These age changes occur in the DNA, tissues, organs and hormone levels, as well as
in every component of the human body This variance in our biological "clock" can help
explain why one 80-year-old may be able to work during the day, go bicycling in the
afternoon, and garden on the weekends, exerting more youthful qualities than another
80-year-old who may, biologically, be 80 or even 90 years old. A comprehensive battery of
metabolic tests and complex laboratory analyses is necessary to accurately determine
your individual biological age.

The purpose of this test is to emphasize how extremely useful and important it is to
recognize some of the basic markers and risk factors for premature aging. Through the
test presented, you will be able to detect what changes you need to make for longevity—
the period of time we can expect to live, given the best of circumstances.

The rationale for the Longevity Test is as follows:

Average life expectancy in the world's advanced countries is rapidly approaching 80 years
(85 if you are a woman recently born in Japan). A recent issue of Science magazine
reported that with the currently expanding life spans of modern man, all it would take for
the average life span to reach 99.4 years is the elimination of heart disease, cancer and

We now know what causes the majority of age-related disease. We know what
mechanisms lead to almost all cases of atherosclerotic heart disease and how to prevent
it. For those with heart disease too advanced to treat by diet and life style adjustment,
modern methods of heart bypass, laser-created collateral blood flow, coronary sinuses,
balloon angioplasty, artificial hearts and other highly developed techniques now offer a
second chance for life and a healthy heart.
Cancer is slowly yielding to modern medical innovation. Ninety percent or more of all
cancers are fully curable (not just five year survival rates, but a total cure) if detected at
Stage 1—usually the size of a pea or smaller. Even better, new analysis of cancer etiology
shows that 90 percent of all cancers are environmental in origin. Therefore, your chances
of cancer are only one in five if you don't smoke, avoid cancer promoters in food
(nitrosamines, fats), and limit exposure to radiation and other environmental

The Official Longevity Test 253

toxins. Your chances for avoiding cancer also greatly improve by supplementing your diet
with antioxidants and DNA-repairing nutrients.

Diabetes, especially adult-onset diabetes, is also coming under control thanks to

improved methods of early detection and endocrine stabilization and repair. Artificial
pancreas and islet cell implants have already cured dozens of people with severe insulin-
dependent diabetes. In fact new glucose control medications should soon eliminate this
disease as a major overall risk factor.

Is the possibility of a 120-year life span far behind?

The new reality for those age 35 and younger is a healthy life span of 120 and beyond
(assuming current advances in biotechnology, genetic engineering and medicine continue
at their present rate). And 100 years is an expected average life span for those 55 and
younger. For those over 55, researchers are cautiously only predicting an 85-year
advanced life span (average life span is interpreted as meaning that 50 percent will die
before the specified age and the other half will live beyond that age). Therefore, it is not
unreasonable—and history may ultimately prove us somewhat conservative in our
projections—for those who live the healthiest of lives and life styles to score a potential
maximum expected life span of 150 on this test. Again, remember that our predictions are
dependent on biomedical technology advancing with the age wave.

We recommend taking the whole test now, then taking it again in three months, when
you've had a chance to integrate some of the suggestions in this book into your own anti-
aging program. You can continue retaking the test every three months, as an incentive to
keep yourself on the path to longevity and to see what changes you've made overall.

Allow yourself from 30 minutes to an hour to take this test. Don't mull over each
question, but don't rush through anything either. Be completely honest. This is a self-test
for you to learn which of your habits work toward your longevity and which do not.

The Longevity Test is an educational experience, not cold, hard, objective, scientific
analysis. Regardless of what you score, chances are you can do better with simple
modifications to your diet, life style, environment and mental attitude. The rewards are
very significant in terms of a longer, healthier, happier and more vibrant life. Remember,
it's never too early or too late to stop the clock on the aging process.

Test Tip: If you aren't sure about an answer or just don't know, the answer most likely is

Good luck and long life!

254 Ten Weeks to a Younger You



Male -5

Female +6


0-29 +10

30-55 +5

55-65 +1

65 or older -10


Any grandparent lived to be over 80 (limit 4) +1

Average age all four grandparents lived to:

60-70 +3

71-80 +4

Over 80 +6


Either parent had stroke or heart attack

before age 50 -10

A family member (grandparent, parent, sibling) who prior to age 65 has had any of the
Hypertension -2

Cancer -2

Heart disease -2

Stroke -2

Diabetes -2

Other genetic diseases -2


The Official Longevity Test 255



0-$9,000 -10

$10,000-$18,000 -5

$l9,000-$30,000 +1

+ 1 for each additional $20,000, up to $200,000


Some high school (or less) -7

High school graduate +2

College graduate +4

Postgraduate or professional degree +6


Others would describe your general mood-temperament as follows:

Calm yet alert +3

Laid-back and passive -3

Angry, easily perturbed or annoyed -10

OCCUPATION (Choose one).

Professional +3

Self-employed +3

In health care field +2

Over 65 and working +3

Clerical or support -1

Shift work -2

Unemployed -3

Probability of career advancement +1

Regularly in direct contact with pollutants,

toxic waste, chemicals, radiation,

or carry a firearm to work -10


Large, congested, urban, industrial center -4

Rural or farm area +2

Area with air-pollution alerts -5

High-crime area -3

Little or no crime area +2

Home has tested positive for radon -2

256 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Total commuting time to and from work:

0-1/2 hour +1

1/2 hour-l hour 0

-1 for each 1/2 hour over 1 hour

Within 30 min. of major medical/trauma center... +1 No major medical/trauma center in
area -1



HEALTH STATUS Present overall physical health: Excellent-almost never ill

feel great most of the time +6

Good-sick 10 days or less/year,

feel good most of the time +4

Fair-sick 11 days or more/year,

feel okay but low energ\' -2

Poor-sick 20 days or more/year,

feel average to low energ}- -10

Blood Pressure (.if measured within the last year)

Normal: below 140/90 mmHg +3

Borderline: 140/90 to 160/95 -5

High: Top (systolic) above 160 and/or

bonom (diastolic) above 95 -10

Don t know -5

Cholesterol: Low cholesterol (under 200) +5

Moderate Cholesterol (200-240) -2

High cholesterol (over 240) -10

Don t know -5

HDL Cholesterol 29 or less -10

30-45 0
over 45 +8

Don t know -5

Do vou or a close familv member have diabetes?

Yes.! -4

No 0

The Official Longevity Test 257


Have comprehensive medical insurance coverage +2

Able to use physicians of your choice +2

Insurance limits your physician choices -5

Have no insurance -7

TOBACCO (1 pipe=2 cigarettes, 1 cigar=3 cigarettes)

Never smoked +7

Quit smoking +3

Smoke up to one pack/day -7

Smoke one to nvo packs/day -10

Over two packs/day -20

Pack-years smoked(number of packs smoked/day, times

number of years smoked)

7-15 -5

16-25 -10

Over 25 -20


(Daily consumption of 1 beer or 1 glass of wine= 1.25 oz. alcohol)

No alcohol consumption 0

1.25 oz./day or less +6

Between 1.25 and 2.5 oz./day -4

-1 more for each additional 1.25 oz/day

EXERCISE (20 min. or more moderate aerobic exercise)

5 or more times/week +10

4 times/week +6

3 times/week +3

2 times/week +1

No regular aerobic activit)' -10

How manv flights of stairs (about 12 steps) do vou climb each day?

1-5 '. 0

6-10 +1

More than 10 +3

Work requires regular physical exertion

or at least two miles walking/day +3

+ 1 more for each additional mile walked/day

Sedentary work/not much walking or stair climbing -6

258 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

After taking a brisk walk, do you feel any of these symptoms:

racing heart, irregular heartbeat or chest pain?

Yes -15

No 0

*Note: If yes, see your doctor before continuing any exercise program.
Need more than two pillows to sleep comfortably because

of discomfort or breathing while lying on back -12

WEIGHT Maintain ideal weight for height +5

5-10 lbs. over ideal -6

11-20 lbs. over ideal -10

21-30 lbs. over ideal -22

-1 more for each additional 10 lbs

Underweight 5-10 lbs +5

11-20 lbs -15

Determine your waist-to-hip ratio as follows:

Measure your waist (W) and hip (H) in inches.

Divide your W measure by your H measure. W/H=ratio

Women: Your ratio is 0.8 or greater -5

Your ratio is 0.79 or less +3

Men: Your ratio is 0.96 or greater -12

Your ratio is 0.95 or less +12


Eat a well-balanced diet

Yes +3

No -3

Regularly eat meals at consistent times

Yes +2

No -2

Snack or eat meals late at night -2

Eat a balanced breakfast +2

Eat fish or poultry as primary protein source (almost replacing red meat, once/week or
less) +5

The Official Longevity Test 259

Eat at least 5 servings of

green leafy vegetables/week +3

Eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruit or juice a day

Yes +2

No -1

Try to avoid fats

Yes +2

No -5

Fifty percent of meals consist of

fried take-out foods, prepackaged

or precooked foods -8

Eat some food every day that is high in fiber (whole-grain bread, fresh fruits and

Yes +2

No -3

Take a daily multivitamin or mineral supplement which

includes at least the following:

Vitamin A/beta-carotene (5,000 lU), vitamin E (400 lU),

vitamin B-complex (50 mg), zinc (30 mg),

selenium (100 mg) and vitamin C (500 mg)

Yes +10
No -10

Women: Take calcium supplement +3

Do you get colds or other infections more than

once every eight weeks?

Yes -6

No 0

Does it take a long time to get over a bad infection?

(For example, do your colds typically

last longer than two weeks?)

Yes -6

No 0

Do you need antibiotics three times/year or more?

Yes -8

No 0

260 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Are your lymph nodes often enlarged?

Yes -4

No 0

Regularly use sunscreen and avoid excessive sun.... +2

Subscribe to health-related periodicals +2

Actively involved in a life-extension, prevention

or comprehensive wellness program +5



Always wear a seat belt as driver and passenger

Yes +6

No -6

Never drink and drive or ride with

a driver who has been drinking +2

-10 for each arrest for drinking while under

the influence of alcohol in the past 5 years

-2 for every speeding ticket or accident in the past year

-1 for each 10,000 miles per year driven over 10,000

Primary car weighs over 3,500 lbs +10

Subcompact -5

Motorcycle -10

-2 for every fight or attack you were involved in,

or witness to, in the past 3 years

Smoke alarms in home +1

The Official Longevity Test 261


Comprehensive physical exams and blood tests (every 3 to 4 years before 50, every 1 or 2
years over 50) +3

Women: Yearly gynecological exam and Pap smear +2

Monthly breast self-exam +2

Mammogram (35-50, every 3 years; over 50, every year) +2

What is your menstrual status?

Still menstruating +3

Went through natural menopause

at 41 or older +1

at 40 or younger -5

Underwent total hysterectomy

before 41 -8

at age 41 or older -4

Postmenopausal and take

oral estrogen supplements +5

Men: Genital self-exam every 3 months +1

Rectal or prostate exam (yearly after age 30) +2

All: Rectal exam and tested for hidden blood in stool

(over 40, every two years; over 50, every year) +2

No rectal exam and test by age 50 -4

Well-formed bowel movement 1 or 2 times/day

without difficulty +3

Constipation and bowel movement

less than once/day -10

Irritable bowel disorder or other problems

and elimination -7

If over 50:

Sigmoidoscopy of the lower bowel every 3 years.... +2

Have a suspicious skin lesion that hasn't healed

in six weeks or that keeps growing -10


262 Ten Weeks to a Younger You



Married or in long-term

committed relationship +10

Not in any long-term relationship -6

Satisfying sex life twice/week or more +4

Unsatisfying sex life -10

Children under 18 living at home +2

-1 for each 5-year period living alone

No close friends -10

+ 1 for each close friend (up to 3)

Active membership in a religious community

or volunteer organization +2

Have a pet animal +2

Regular daily routine (an orderly day, e.g., wake up at 7:00, breakfast at 7:30, work by
8:00, etc.) +3

No regular daily routine -10

Hours of uninterrupted sleep/night:

Less than 5 -5

5-8 +5

8-10 -7

No consistent sleep time -5

Regular work routine +3

No regular work routine -5

-2 for every 5 hours worked over 40 in a week

Take a yearly vacation from work

(at least 6 days) +5

No yearly vacation in past two years -5

Regularly use a stress management technique

(yoga, meditation, music, etc) +3

No stress management program -4


The Official Longevity Test 263






A=Always (or as much as possible)


Generally happy

Have and enjoy time with family and friends

Feel in control ol personal life and career

Live within financial means

Set goals and look for new challenges

Participate in creative outlet or hobby

Have and enjoy leisure time

Express feelings easily

Laugh easily

Expect good things to happen

Anger easily

Critical of self

Critical of others

Lonely even with others

Worry about things out of your control

Regret sacrifices made in life


264 Ten Weeks to a Younger You




After you've added all of the subtotals together, divide the grand total by 3 or multiply by
0.333. This is your score.

Follow the chart for the next step.


This final number is your potential estimated life span.

How did you do? Did you learn something about factors in your life that might be making
you "old before your time" or that are sapping your youthful energy, health and vigor?

Remember, there are no "right" or "wrong" answers to these questions. We're not
suggesting that you move to the country or give up your high-powered job. And a life
without at least some of the "life-stress" elements we listed would be an empty life
indeed! The point is not to judge yourself, but rather to become aware of the things that
may be placing a strain on your system. Then you can choose which risk factors or
stressors are worth keeping and which need to be corrected.

We now know a great deal about the physical and emotional conditions for staying
healthy and vigorous well into lengthy old age and we hope you have gained a great
appreciation of how your life span can be significantly extended. Of course, not all the
factors determining your biological age, your health and your life span are within your
control. But of those that are, you now have the knowledge you need to make the choices
that are right for you.

Suggested Reading

Alternative Medicine magazine (800) 333-HEAL

Anti-Aging Industry News (773) 528-4333 (complimentary subscription for A4M


Brain Fitness by Dr. Robert Goldman

Brain Longevity by Dr. Dharma Khalsa

Grow Young with HGH hy Dr. Ronald Klatz

Feel 30 for the Next 50 Years by Dr. David Johnson

Gary Null's Ultimate Anti-Aging Program by Dr. Gary Null

HeartSense ncwsXcncx (301) 424-3700

International Journal of Ami-Aging Medicine {liy) 528-4333

Men's Health (610) 967-5171

New Age magazine (740) 375-2332

Optimum Health by Dr. Steven Sinatra

Preventative Medicine Update {310) 540-0564

Prevention (800) 666-2503

Prime Health & Fitness Magazine (818) 884-6800

Stop Memory Loss by Dr. William Cone

Stopping the Clock by Dr. Ronald Klatz

The Anti-Aging Zone by Dr. Barry Sears

The Bald Truth by Spencer Kobren

The Co-Enzyme Q-W Phenomenon by Dr. Steven Sinatra

The Healing Nutrients Within by Dr. Eric Braverman

The Melatonin Miracle by Dr. Walter Pierpaoli

77?^ Testosterone Syndrome by Dr. Eugene Shippen

Totalhealth magazine (435) 673-1789

Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients (360) 385-0699

266 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

World Wide Web Health Links

Web sites with information about a variety of medical topics

Alzheimer's Association: \vw^

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine:

American Diabetes Association:

American Heart Association:

American Medical Association and link to the Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA): providing information about HGH and HGH products

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Food & Drug Administration:

Healthfmder, a health infarmation gateway provided by the U.S. government:

Healthtouch provides links to specific health organizations:

Johns Hopkins heakh information:

Mayo Clinic: ww\

MedicineNet, easy-to-read, in-depth medical information for consumers:

Medinex, the Medical Community for Doctors and Their Patients:

Medscape has searchable full-text medical articles:

National Cancer Institute:

National Center for Complementar)^ and Alternative Medicine:

National Institute on Aging: v^

National Institutes of Health:

National Parkinson's Foundation:

National Stroke Association:

New England Journal of Medicine:

Obstetrics and Gynecology Network:

Patient's Guide to Healthcare Information on the Internet:


The A4M: Mission And History

/ \i Y I The American Academy of Anti-Aging

Medicine (A M) is a society of forward-looking physicians, scientists and researchers

dedicated to the beUef that the process of physical aging in humans can be slowed,
stopped, or even reversed through existing medical and scientific interventions. Through
continuing education, dissemination of research, public outreach and legislative advocacy
efforts, A^M seeks to bring about a profound shift in the way the medical field
approaches human aging.


The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine promotes the development of

technologies, pharmaceuticals, and processes that retard, reverse, or suspend the
deterioration of the human body resulting from the physiology of aging, and provides
continuing medical education for physicians.

• Incorporated in 1993

• 7,000 members

• 80% physician members (M.D. or D.O.)

• 12% scientist, researchers, non-physician healthcare, and media members

• 8% general public members

• 50 nations represented


• Make available life-extending information about the multiple benefits of Anti-Aging

therapeutics to practicing physicians.

• Assist in developing therapeutic protocols and innovative diagnostic tools to aid

physicians in the implementation of effective longevity treatment.

• Act as an information center for valid and effective Anti-Aging medical protocols.

• Assist in obtaining and disseminating funding for scientifically sound and innovative
research in Anti-Aging Medicine.

• Assist in the funding and promotion of critical Anti-Aging, clinically based research.

• Government outreach, education, and advocacy for Anti-Aging Medicine.

270 Ten Weeks to a Younger You


• Quarterly newsletter

• Web site with over 750,000 hits monthly

• International conferences on anti-aging medicine and biomedical technology

• Over 1,000,000 pieces of educational material mailed annually to physicians, scientists,

the media and members of Congress

• Scholarships for medical students and faculty to attend A4M educational conferences
for physicians
• Provide medical schools and libraries with Anti-Aging textbooks

• Publications:

Anti-Aging Physician Directory and Resource Guide

Anti-Aging Industry News

International Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine

Anti-Aging Medical Therapeutics

The Science of Anti-Aging Medicine

Whitepaper reports


• Conducts world-class international educational and scientific conferences on anti-aging

medicine and biomedical technology (venues include Spain, Singapore, Mexico, Brazil,
Brussels, and the United States).

• Provided University-sponsored, AMA and AOA-recognized continuing education for

thousands of physicians and surgeons.

• Published the first four medical textbooks in the field of anti-aging medicine.

• Sponsored production of an educational cable television feature Anti-Aging Update,

aired weekly on The Family Channel, Primestar, DirectTV, Fox TV, and Health Cable seen
in over 120 million homes throughout the U.S.

• Generated hundreds of magazine, newspaper, television and radio appearances or

stories to raise the profile of anti-aging medicine as reputable, fact-based science. Such
placements include The Oprah Winfrey Show, Lifetime, 48 Hours, 20/20, CBS Evening
News, MSNBC, CNBC, Vegetarian Times, Congressional Quarterly Researcher, Bottom
Line Health, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago
Tribune, Washington Post, and Art Bell's Coast to Coast.

• Conducted educational meetings on Capitol Hill for the purpose of informing key
legislators about the necessity of funding Anti-Aging research into clinical Anti-Aging

• Helped bring about increase in the NLA (National Institute of Aging) budget from $398
million in fiscal year 1993 to $623 million in 1999.

Some of A4M's valued sponsors and benefactors include the Alzheimer's Prevention
Foundation • Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics • Dreyfus Medical Foundation •
Genentech, Inc. • Great Earth Health Food Stores • Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory
• Encyclopaedia Britannica/Gwinn, Roben • Harvard University, Graduate School of
Education • International Olympic Committee • International Society for the
Advancement of Biotechnology • Journal of Longevity Research • Lane Laboratories •
Lucas Meyer, Inc. • Manchester Memorial Hospital • • National
Academy of Sports Medicine • National Defense Council Foundation • National Institute
of Electromedical Information • Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation • Oklahoma State
University • Retirement Research Foundation • SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals •
totalhealth magazine • University of Arizona School of Medicine • University of Madrid,
Spain School of Medicine • Weider Research Foundation



The Demographics of Aging and Degenerative Diseases


• In 1996, the oldest baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) turned 50, and
every 7.7 seconds a baby boomer turns 50.

• In 1996, the baby boomers represented 29% of the total U.S. population.

• There are currently 35 million members of the AARP (American Association for Retired
Persons) compared to the estimated 77 million baby boomers.

• The 50+ age group eats out three times per week, owns 77% of all assets in the U.S.,
purchases 43% of all cars, 90% of all travel, and will spend $ 1 trillion dollars this year.

• The average income for the 50+ age group is $44,000, with over 10% of that being
discretionary income.

• Only 1 in 3 retired workers has a pension.

• 95 million Americans have little or no health insurance.

• By 2004, the U.S. will spend 14% of the gross national product on health care.

• Europe and Japan have better health care for their elderly, spend less for it, and their
life expectancy is higher.


Life expectancy has risen to 79.6 years for women and 73.8 years for men. (USA Today)
Top 3 leading causes of death in the U.S. (National Center for Health Statistics)

1900 1998

Influenza Heart Disease

Diarrhea Cancer

Tuberculosis Stroke

Thousands of people born this year will live to see the 22" century, according to a 1998
World Health Organization report. By 2025, average global life expectancy will reach 73
years - a landmark in human history. The Earth's population will grow from 5.8 billion to
8 billion, and China will have more citizens over age 60 than the entire U.S. population.

274 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Between 1965 and 1995, the population aged 65 and older grew by 82%, numbering 33.5
million. (Administration on Aging)

During the 20' century, the number of people under age 65 has tripled, whereas the
number 65 and over has jumped by a factor of \\. (Census Bureau)

In 2050, the elderly population will number 80 million, more than doubling from today.
(Census Bureau)

According to the Census Bureau, the U.S. population 85 years and older, numbering 3
million in 1994, is projected to reach 19 million in the year 2050. This is the most rapidly
growing age group.

Today, there are approximately 70,000 centenarians. That number is projected to increase
to 160,000 by the year 2010. (Census Bureau)

California has the highest number of elderly; Florida has the highest percentage. (Census

By 2025, no nation on the planet will have a life expectancy under 50. When the first of
the baby boomers were born, most of the world died before age 50. (World Health


Current predictions suggest Medicare will be bankrupt in 2015. (USA Today)

The number of Medicare beneficiaries will double over the next 35 years -from 37 million
in 1995 to 78 million in 2030, as the last of the baby boomers reach age 65.

There will be 3.5 workers for each Medicare beneficiary when the baby boom generation
begins to retire in 2010. This ratio will "rapidly decline" to 2.2 workers per beneficiary in
the year 2030.

Medicare does not pay for pharmaceuticals, or preventative diagnostics testing such as
prostrate specific antigen (PSA). When Medicare was conceived in 1965, it was to serve as
a major medical or catastrophic health coverage, rather than a preventative health care
plan. Today, medicine is changing to a preventative approach, rather than remaining a
disease-oriented model of health care.

Medicare spending totaled $180 billion in 1995. If no changes are made to Medicare
spending, it will reach $468 billion by 2006.

Demographics 275

According to the Bipartisan Entitlement Commission, Medicare and other entitlement

spending, as well as interest on the national debt, will consume virtually all federal
revenues in 2010 unless changes are made.


40% of beneficiaries 65 and older (more than 15 million beneficiaries overall) are kept out
of poverty by their monthly Social Security benefits.

Social Security is the major source of income for 66% of beneficiaries age 65 and older.

The latest calculations indicated the Social Security trust funds will become exhausted in
2034. (USA Today)

Twice as many Generation Xers believe in UFOs than in the long-term existence of Social
Security. (Los Angeles Times)


In 1995, variable annuity sales were a record $51.5 billion. 1993 to 1995 sales outran, by
more than 60%, sales for the previous seven years combined. (Research Magazine

In the 1980s, savings totaled 4% of the gross domestic product and now averages less
than 2%. Savings from previous decades have been 8%. (Washington Post)

Baby boomers contribute to most of the savings gap, and their savings fell 10.6% in 1997.
(Associated Press)

"According to the World Health Organization, 65-80% of the world's health care services
can be classified as alternative." (Los Angeles Times)

Approximately 8,000 physicians specialize in geriatric medicine. At least 24,000 are

needed to treat the 35 million Americans over age 65. (Association of American Medical

According to a November 1998 Journal of the American Medical Association article, 4 out
of 10 Americans used some form of alternative therapy in 1997. The number of visits, 629
million in 1997, exceeded that of visits to primary care physicians, 386 million in 1997.
Total visits to alternative health care practitioners have increased almost 50% since 1990.
Conservatively estimated, Americans paid $21.2 billion for these services in 1997, over
half of which were out-of-pocket expenses.

42% of alternative therapies are sought out for chronic conditions, 58% for prevention of
illness or health maintenance, and less than 40% of people disclose their use to their
physicians. (JAMA)

276 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Who uses alternative medicine? Neither race, gender, age, income nor negative attitudes
toward conventional medicine are predictive. Persons surveyed cited benefits that the
treatment w^orked better, and rather than just focusing on illness, promoted health.

"There is no alternative medicine. There is only scientifically proven, evidence-based

medicine supported by solid data or unproven medicine, for which scientific evidence is
lacking," JAMA editors Drs. Phil Fontanarosa and George Lundberg.

Medical malpractice claims against alternative health care practitioners occur less
frequently, and typically involve less severe injury than claims against physicians.

National health care expenditures in 1995 (both public and private) totaled $988.5 billion.

In 1995, there were 20.4 million doctor's office visits for cholesterol reduction. (CDC)

39.8 million surgical procedures are performed annually. (CDC)


2 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the U.S. in 1997, a 75% increase from 4
years ago. (American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)

People age 40-69 comprise more than 60% of patients having cosmetic facial plastic
surgery. (American Academy of Facial, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)


1 in 2 males, and 1 and 3 females, will develop cancer in his or her lifetime.

Chance of developing invasive cancer by age 59: men 1 in 12, women 1 in 11

Chance of developing invasive cancer by age 79: men 1 in 3, women 1 in 5

1.5 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and 550,000 will die from

Cancer has claimed $104 billion dollars in medical costs, yet only one cent of every $10 in
taxes is allocated into fighting it.

An estimated 184,500 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed this year. The death
rate of men from prostate cancer has increased by 23% since 1973. Prostate cancer is the
2" leading cause of cancer death in men, an estimated 39,200 men will die of it this year.

Demographics 277

Only 54% of women over age 65 have had a recent mammogram. (CDC)


According to Federal guidelines announced in May, 1998 by the American Heart

Association, and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), 55% of American
adults need to lose weight, and that obesity is a major risk factor of heart disease.

Many women are unaware that heart disease is a greater health threat than breast cancer.
40 women will die of heart disease for every 5 who die of breast cancer. (New Choices:
Living Even Better After 50)

Three times as many men as women suffer heart attacks before age 65.

1 million Americans die each year of heart attacks. (American Heart Association)

22.3 million cases of heart disease are reported annually.


3 million Americans suffer a stroke each year. (CDC)


Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S., affecting 5.9% of the population - 16
million people.

Type 2 Diabetes (adult onset Diabetes) is the most common form and is expected to grow
to epidemic proportions in the next century due to the greater prevalence of sedentary
lifestyles, obesity, and the aging of the population.

Each year 625,000 new cases are diagnosed.

61,500 people die each year from Diabetes.


Currently affects 4 million Americans, with experts predicting this number will rise to 14
million by the year 2050.

Dementia is estimated to affect 3.75 million people in the United States and costs $67
billion annually. (JAMA)

Approximately 21,166 people die annually from Alzheimer's.

A female born in 1994 has a 1/6 chance of developing Alzheimer's if she lives

to age 80. This lifetime risk is GREATER than the lifetime risk of breast


A male born in 1994, who lives to the average male life expectancy has a 1/16 chance of
developing Alzheimer's.

50% of those over age 85 develop Alzheimer's.


An estimated 7 to 8 million Americans have osteoporosis now, and another 17 million are
at high risk for developing this disease.

80% of those with osteoporosis are women.

1.5 million hip and wrist fractures result from osteoporosis every year.

"Osteoporosis now costs the health care system some $18 billion each year. By the year
2000, that cost is expected to rise to $30 to $40 billion. Some authorities estimate that
increase alone will be enough to bankrupt Medicare."
Osteoporosis is "a disease we have created and one we can eliminate. Like coronary heart
disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, diseases of the colon, dental and
periodontal disease, gall stones and kidney stones, it is also a disease of Western
civilization created by our lifestyles." Osteoporosis is preventable and can be halted once

("Brittle Bones Cotild Bankrupt Medicare, Condemn Millions to Misery - Yet Disease Is
Preventable; Menopause-Osteoporosis Link Seen as Illusory," Susan E. Brown, Ph.D.)

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, this preventable and treatable

disease is expected to double early in the 21st century. Prevention measures include:

1) A balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D

2) Weight-bearing exercise

3) No smoking and limited alcohol intake

4) Bone density testing and medication when appropriate

Most people do not know they are at risk because there are no symptoms until they break
a bone. By that time, the disease is advanced. Bone loss can begin in a person's 30s.

Arthritis is the #1 leading cause of disability in America, affecting 40 million Americans,

with a $65 billion impact on the economy. (Arthritis Foundation)

This number is projected to rise to 60 million (18.2% of the population) by the year 2020.
(Arthritis Foundation)

Demographics 279


7.4 million Americans use assistive technology devices to accommodate mobility

impairments; 4.6 million of those are orthopedic impairments. (CDC)'

In 1995, 5.1 million office visits were made to the doctor's office for depression. (CDC)

73% of those age 65 and older are home health care patients. (CDC)

V2 of those aged 85 and over need assistance with daily activities.

Since 1992, fitness equipment sales have doubled from 1.6 billion to an estimated 3.1
billion in 1998. (CQ Researcher)

Only Va of the 50 year-old baby boomers have joined AARP. (AARP)

After age 74, nearly 2/3 of women cannot lift more than 10 pounds. (Prevention)

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the average person age 35-49 consumes
almost 40% of their calories from fat - almost 2 times above the necessary level.

Even though an unprecedented number of baby boomers are trying to eat properly and
exercise, 8 out of 10 do not consume a balanced diet, and only 1/3 exercise regularly.


1997 annual sales of the best selling herbal products according to Physicians

Financial News:

Ginseng ($78 million)

Garlic ($67.6 million)

Ginkgo Biloba ($66 million)

Echinacea ($14 million)

St. John's Wort ($13.5 million)

Saw Palmetto ($13.3 million)

Echinacea/Goldenseal combo ($13.1 million)

Pycnogenol/Grape seed ($9 million)

Goldenseal ($6.6 million)

Evening Primrose ($6.4 million)

According to NBT\', Inc., the highest seUing nutritional supplements in the

U.S. from July-September 1998 were:

Vitamin E (400 lU) Kava Kava

Ginkgo Biloba Garlic

Chondrointin/Glucosamine St. John's Wort

Calcium with \^itamin D 5-HTP

Vitamin C (500 and 1,000 mg) Selenium

During the past vear, food, drug and discount stores have reported a 21.8% increase in
vitamin sales and a 44.1% rise in mineral supplements. (CQ Researcher)

Americans spend S6 billion annually on nutritional supplements - vitamins, minerals,

herbs. (Newsweek)

Americans spend more than SI65 million per year lor homeopathic preparations. (Time)

50 billion Americans spend $30 billion each year in the quest to lose weight, and 8
million enroll in a structured weight loss program. (FDA)

In 1991, 8,500 commercial diet centers were in existence. (FDA)

The babv boomers are a S300 billion industry-. This year, the industrv- will spend more
than S20 billion developing new products, and 51 billion marketing them. (Time Asia)

According to a study published in the May 1998 issue of Ophthalmology, "risk of cataract
gro\\T:h is reduced by one-third in regular users of

multivitamin supplements and by about one-hall in regular users of vitamin E


A 1993 Simmons Market Research report shows that the heaviest users of
vitamins/minerals (more than once per day) are those between the ages of 24-54 years of
age (5,633,000 tisers)

15 million adults took prescription medication concurrendy with vitamins or

herbs. {]AM\)

During the first quarter of sales, 2.9 million prescriptions of Viagra were dispensed, with
estimated sales of S259.5 million. Projected future sales are estimated to reach SI billion
by March 1999. Pfizer stock jumped from $45 per share a year ago, to recently SI 18.

In 1995, 79 million mentions were made in the doctors office about psychopharmacologic
drugs. (CDC)

Demographics 281


The National Institute of Health is launching a S500 million women's health study to
evaluate preventative measures on breast cancer, hean disease and osteoporosis. 140,000
women will be monitored for 10 years. (Prevention)
In 1992, The National Institute of Aging awarded nine grants to study HGH and other
hormone replacement therapies, results reported to be fonhcoming. (NIA)

Of its S523 million dollar budget, the National Institute of Aging spends less than $1
million on clinical anti-aging research. The degenerative diseases of aging account for
90% of all disease.

HGH Products Reference Section

The following material was compiled by Bob Burtis and Contact
information, as well as updates and new announcements about these and other products,
can be found at

CAUTION: The following product data has been provided solely by the manufacturer.
References made to research or results have not been verified by objective third parties.
Where made, superlative claims are the strictly the opinion of the manufacturer.
Inclusion in this section does not imply endorsement by the author. Consumers are urged
to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*) denote questionable
statements made by the manufacturer as listed at ww^ Caveat

Product Name: Ultimate HGH Product Manufacturer: Great American Products





Ultimate HGH, a natural formula developed from published research is designed to help
boost the body's production of HGH.

The Amino Peptide Complex in Ultimate HGH is standardized to provide 30% Glutamine
Peptides, a major contributor to increased HGH levels in the body. The colostrum also in
Ultimate HGH is standardized to supply platelet-derived growth factors, such as IGF-1,
for increased anti-aging benefits. The IGF-1 in colostrum, along with the higher HGH
levels stimulated by glutamine in the Amino Peptide Complex, makes this product a
unique HGH release formulation.

Ultimate HGH also contains phosphatidyl serine, naturally occurring on the surface of
brain cells and nerve connections to enhance memory and cognitive skills that diminish
with age. Phosphatidyl choline, a significant component of lecithin, is needed for proper
mental functioning and efficient fat breakdown. Tribulus Terrestris, a

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor.

284 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

botanical, is used to increase libido and treat infertility in women and impotence in men.
Naringinine, a citrus extract, is a powerful antioxidant and also has been reported to be an
effective adjunct to weight loss.

Ingredients (active): Amino Peptide Complex (glutamine peptides), colostrum,

phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl choline, chrysin, Tribulus Terrestris, citrus complex.

Study/Test Results: Available Upon Request

Price: 30 Day Supply - $59.95 Reference: Great American Products

Product Name: Advanced Naturals HGH/Rejuvalife Manufacturer: Advanced Labs Int'l


100% Natural Homeopathic Growth Hormone that helps assist the pituitar}^ gland to
release more of your bodies own Hormone for ultimate youth and vitalit}'. Testimonials
have reported "I feel like I'm 21 years old again, and I don't have the aches and pains like I
did before I started using HGH. -69 year old J.Pate Ca.

ngredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 30 Day Supplv - $99.95

Reference: Advancea Naturals HGH/Rejuvalife

Product Name: Agewell HGH Distributor: LifeSpring International

Introducing Homeopathic HGH^^^ and IGF-1... Our Homeopathic formulations of HGH

and IGF-1 are a revolutionar)' class of homeopathic medicines that combine today's
advanced molecular biotechnology, basic homeopathic principles and bioelectric medicine
to help people achieve a greater sense of physical and mental balance. BioSignal^^^
Formulations were developed and patented by Dr. Barbara Brewitt. Dr. Brewitt developed
these natural medicines for the purpose of maximizing people's health and performance
without toxic side effects and at affordable prices.
Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 285

BioSignaF"^ Formulations work bv stimulating the body's own defense and healing
mechanisms, bringing the body back to its optimum performance level. These
formulations contain recombinant human growth hormone and insulin-like growth
factor-1 in homeopatnic preparations. Recent independent clinical studies have shown
that the Homeopathic Growth Hormone formula increases lean body mass, improves
physical appearance, energy, endurance and boosts immune system functions.

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: Available Upon Request

Price: 30 Day Supply - $59.97 Reference: Agewell HGH

Product Name: BioGevity Distributor: Neways

BioGevity is not a precursor (most HGH products on the market are precursors, and their
manufacturers' mistakenly refer to them as HGH, when in reality they are precursors to
somatotropin). BioGevity is not a stimulant, homeopathic, or secretagogue. BioGevity is
biologically activated somatotropm encapsulated in a macro-molecular structure designed
to facilitate delivery of large molecular weight proteins via oral spray.

In fact, when administered in clinical studies, the macro-molecular structure lowered

cholesterol in 9 out of 10 test subjects by an average of 11%, and lowered triglyceride
levels by an average of 29 percent in 8 out of 10 cases.

By combining this technology with the active ingredient in BioGevity, NSC has produced a
safe, effective somatotropm dietary supplement that achieves maximum results.

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: In outcome based research studies performed on 20 subjects

supplementing with BioGevity for up to 26 weeks, 75 percent of subjects (15 people)
experienced a 41 percent average increase in IGF-1 levels (insulin-like growth factor-1, a
stable indicator of somatotropin levels).
Price: 30 to 45 day supply - $85 Reference: Neways

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at www.
antiaginginfo. net, Caveat Emptor

286 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Product Name: BioRegenics GH

Distributor: Oasis Wellness Network

BioRegenics GH is even more effective that the original formuta. It contains the original
polymer matrix, manufactured by the originator of the growth hormone oral spray patent
and is more potent than the original formula, delivering at least 175 nanograms of growth
hormone per milliliter. The original growth hormone spray, released by another network
marketing company when it launched last vear, delivered 138 nanograms per milliliter.
Laborator\^ tests prove that BioRegenics GH deUvers more.

BioRegenics GH is not only the most powerful growth hormone sprav available in
network marketing today, it is the most powerful growth hormone spray in network
marketing ever. We guarantee 175 nanograms of growth hormone per milliliter and we
invite other companies in the consumer GH arena to show test results that are higher.
Our initial assays showed some companies selling potencies as low as 3.3 nanograms per
milliliter, an absolutely ineffective amount.

BioRegenics GH is actually growth hormone, not a "releaser" of growth hormone. Our

researcn has concluded that the amount of secretagogue necessar\' to create gro\\T:h
hormone is so enormous, that the usage of secretagogues as an anti-aging product is
currently impractical.

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: Not Available

Reference: Oasis Wellness Network

Product Name: Cell Signal Enhancers Distributor: D^iiamarketing Group

Cell Signal Enhancers®, or CSEs®, work by stimulating the body's own defense and
healing mechanisms, bringing the body back to its optimum performance level.

CSEs® are a revolutionar)' new class of medicines that combine today's advanced
molecular biotechnolog}% basic homeopathic principles and electromagnetic field theon,'
to help people achieve a greater sense of physical and mental balance. Homeopathic
growth hormone and homeopathic growth factors are now available as the result of a
patented process invented by Dr. Barbara Brewitt, formerly with the

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (')
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 287

prestigious National Institutes of Health. Dr. Brewitt's mission: to develop homeopathic

formulations of growth factors including human growth hormone to maximize health and
performance without toxic side effects, at affordable prices.

CSEs® contain recombinant human growth hormone or other growth factors in

homeopathic formulations. Recent independent clinical studies have shown that CSE®
homeopathic hGH increases lean body mass, improves physical appearance, energy,
endurance and boosts immune system functions.

Cell Signal Enhancers® are manufactured by recombinant DNA technology and prepared
in the classical homeopathic manner in an accredited FDA laboratory according to Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Ingredients: The active ingredients are recombinant human growth hormone 6C, lOOC,

Studies/Test Results: Dr. David Riley of the Integrative Medicine Institute conducted a
traditional homeopathic proving on homeopathic IGFl using 24 healthy subjects (19
women and 5 men). The findings from this ten week study were written up in a Materia
Medica format that reports the guiding symptoms ancl characteristics for which
homeopathic IGFl could be used for over-the-counter symptom relief and by trained
homeopathic physicians treating more cnronic illnesses. This double-blind and placebo
run-in study was submitted to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the
United States for official recognition of IGFl as a monographed homeopathic substance.
Furthermore, study results showed applications for energy balance, strengthening
muscles, PMS/menopause, mental clarity, mental stability, appetite control, pain control
and anti-inflammatory reactions.

Price: 30 Day Supply - $49.95 Reference: Cell Signal Enhancers

Product Name: Dream-A-Weigh

Distributor: Momentum Health and Nutrition

Dream-A-Weigh is a complete and balanced anti-aging formula with wonderful benefits

for anyone who has

IjT /^H excess weight and would like to turn back the clock on [•'^ " ^1 the body's aging
process. Our product is based on years

H , ...

^^^^^^^B of research by leading medical doctors and scientists in IH^Ml^H the field of
anti-aging. Thousands of hours of study have been done in this field and Ted researchers
to conclude that the aging process can be treated like any other disease and it's effects
slowed down or even reversed!

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

288 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Dream-A-Weigh is a dietary supplement system and NOT a drue, it is absorbed and

digested. It is a synergistic combination of Amino Acids, Protein Particles, and Natural
Plant Sources. It is actually a stimulator of insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), which
mirrors the body's secretion of Human Growth Hormone.

Now, for the first time, HGH is available to the general public in liquid form for oral
consumption...and at a moderate price or less than $100 per month. Is it worth $2.97 per
day to extend your life, and/or that of your loved ones 10 to 20 years while at the same
time, greatly enhancing the way you look and feel? When you answer yes to this question
you are ready to order "Dream-A-Weigh", the unique body toning formula.

Ingredients: DREAM-A-WEIGH's unique formula of stacked amino acids (the building

blocks of protein and nutrients), is becoming the best kept secret for weight lifters and
bodybuilders. Growth hormone releasers help melt away fat while building muscle.
Stimulation of GH enhances your capacity for intense exercise, while strenuous workouts
enhance GH levels. DREAM-A-WEIGH is safe and beneficial to take several times a day
for its wide array of body toning benefits.

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 30 Day Supply - $89.00 Reference: Dream-A-Weigh

Product Name: Eden GH 1 Distributor: Nutribolics

Eden GHl is the highest concentration of orally administered GHl available on the market
today. Injections of GH taken in international units or I.U.'s are usually prescribed to be
taken as a * shot, two times per day. The individual would be taking between 2 and 4 I.U.'s
per day. Eden GHl has over 2000ng per dosage and was created to imitate the body's
natural secretion of GH.

GH can be taken orally through the use of Eden GHl. This supplement is a naturally
derived, biologically active, growth hormone in tne only available polymer matrix of its
kind. This matrix facilitates the ability of GH to be absorbed directly into the oral mucosa,
thereby eliminating inactivation in the digestive process. This all-natural supplement also
contains trace amounts of calcium, metasilicate and sodium in an herbal-mineral liquid
base. Eden GHl also stimulates the body to manufacture growth normone and its
metabolite IGF-1.

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at www.
antiaginginfo. net, Caveat Emptor


HGH Products 289

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: Clinical Studies

Price: 1 month - $125 Reference: Eden GHl

Product Name: EMP Homeopathic HGH Distributor: Life Dynamics

The EMP FORMULA is a three-pronged homeopathic approach designed to donate HGH,

Pituitary and Liver Extract to the body in the form of a spray. By spraying EMP into the
mouth, it is absorbed directly mto the cells or the oral mucosa, allowing it to completely
bypass the digestive process.

EMP is not a nutritional pre-cursor. At their best, these types of products are only capable
of encouraging the body to try and produce HGH on its own. Rather, as EMP is a
homeopathic preparation, it is able to contain and deliver the actual "potentized" energy
of recombinant GH, and alternatively sourced pharmaceutical grade pituitary and liver
extracts for immediate assimilation and use by tne body.

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: In a randomized, placebo-controlled Clinical Trial of the EMP

formula by Dr. Juan Hernancez Flores, at the Cento Geriatrice Naturista in Mexico, the
following astounding results were documented:



Price: Not Available

Reference: EMP Homeopathic HGH

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

290 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Product Name: Enjuvenate Distributor: Enrich International

Sometimes the zest we feel when we're younger dwindles and fades as we journey
through life. The physical and emotional stresses and strains of daily life take their toll.

Enrich's newest product, Enjuvenate, is formulated to strengthen and nourish the body's
abilities to generate

energy and rejuvenate the production of hormones

naturallv produced by the body. Never before has a product had such a profound effect on
tHe abilit}^ to live life completely!
No other product on the market contains this unique combination of ingredients targeted
at stimulating the production of natural, healthy hormones.

Three proprietary ingredients—Enrich Super Protein Complex""^, Enrich Regenerative

Complex^^ Enrich Pituitarv Complex^'—are formulatecTto assist the body in forming
lean muscle mass, generating more energy, and stimulating the production of key

Enrich Super Protein Complex^' stimulates the body's ability to form lean muscle mass
and produce important biological substances.

Enrich Regenerative Complex^^ offers a proven positive effect on the body's natural
production of important growth and cellular activity substances.

Enrich Pituitar}' Complex^^^ demonstrates significant effects on biological activit)'.

Ingredients: Enrich Super Protein Complex^^^ (Soy Protein Isolates and Calcium
Caseinate), Crystalline Fructose, Enrich Regenerative Complex^^* (L-Ornithine Alpha
Keto Glutarate, Glutamine, L-Ornithine, Gamma Orv^anol and Dibencozide (CoEnzyme
B12)), Enrich Pituitan^ Complex^^^ (Gamma Aminobut\'ric Acid and Lacuna Bean
Extract), ISIatural Vanilla Cream Flavor, Dutch Cocoa, Tribulus terrestris fruit extract,
Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate and Natural Peppermint Flavor.

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: One month supply - $110 Reference: Enjuvenate

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 291

Product Name: Eternal HGH Distributor: Not Available

ETERNAL HGH's multifaceted approach begins with a short stack of amino acids
designed to stimulate HGH production and provide the basic building blocks for cellular
repair. Tne second facet is the use of a special cool milled chlorella that is up to twice as
effective as leading brands. Chlorella is an amazing blue green superfood that's full
description would sound as puffed up as a TV infomercial but has lOOO's of pages of
scientific research to back it up. The third facet is an antioxidant blend lead by NADH
(CoEnzyme 1). Purchased separately the amount of NADH we use would cost almost as
much as a bottle of ETERNAL HGH . The fourth facet is a cellular energy blend again lead
by NADH this time in its role as an essential player in the Krebs cycle. The fifth facet

Our ETERNAL GOLD HERBAL BLEND is a combination of 17 herbs balanced to supply

support to all glands, the blend is primarily composed of herbs from the Native American
Tradition of the Southern Shawnee and Cherokee Indians. Our herbalist has modified this
with a few herbs from traditional Chinese Medicine based on his 20+ years of clinical
experience with patients dealing with degenerative problems associated with aging.

Most of the herbs were harvested by us or our friends with respect for the earth. These
herbs then go through an extensive multiple maceration process that creates a full
spectrum colloidal extraction. This extraction goes through a special low temperature
dehydration process to create a highly potent powder for encapsulation. We use just
enough of the herbs to gently stimulate the endocrine system into balance.


Ingredients: Vitamin E 50iu, Niacin 240mg, B-5 48mg.

Propriety Blend consisting of: 1-lysine, 1-arginine, 1-ornithine, 1-arginine pyroglutamate,

1-glutamine, 1-tyrosine, 1-ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate, n-acetylcysteine, glycine, GABA,
mucuna pruriens, chlorella, d-alpha tocopheryl succinate, choline citrate, calcium
pantothenate, malic acid, inositol hexaniconate, calcium pyruvate, alpha lipoic acid,

Eternal Gold Herbal Blend: Spikenard Root, Wild Yam Root, Teasel Root, Saw Palmetto
Berries, False Solomon's Seal Root, American Ginseng Root, Korean Ginseng Root,
Siberian Ginseng Root, Angelica Root, Damiana, Butterfly Bush Flowers, Tribulus Seed &

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

292 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Western Peony Root, Irish Moss, Fennel Seed, Dodder Seed, Licorice Root

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 30 Day Supply - $79.00 Reference: Eternal HGH

ProductName:GHR15 Distributor: Not Available

The science behind GHR-15 is the use of HGH releasers or agonists, ingredients that
bring about the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Bv using tnese
agonists, you are able to induce your pituitar)^ to secrete extra HGH and then accentuate
them to full potential with a proper diet and HGH-releasing exercises.

Twenty amino acids form the building blocks of all proteins and are needea for the body
to make the proteins of enzymes, many hormones, muscle, bone, skin, organs, etc. A
number of these amino acids have been shown to induce growth hormone secretion —
and GHR-15 stacks them in such a way that maximizes their benefits.

Ingredients: Every two scoops of GHR-15 contains:

Anterior Pituitary Peptides

Glycoamino acia complex 4500 mg

Mono, Poly, and Oligo Saccharides 2500 mg

All in a base of:

L Glutamine, L Arginine, L Pyroglutamate, L Glycine, L Lysine, L

Tyrosine, GABA

Fortified with hypothalmus

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: One Month Supply $79.95 Reference:GHR 15

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 293

Product Name: HGH 2000 Distributor: Global Nutrition, Ltd.

Now you can enjoy the anti-aging benefits that others have been receiving for years at a
fraction of the cost. Growth Hormone (GH) has been used extensively by others willing to
pay thousands of dollars for ongoing injections, with HGH 2000, you never need any
needles, just simply place a few drops under your tongue, three times a day, and you're on
your way.

If you are over the age of 25 and looking for a way to minimize the effects of aging, HGH
2000 may be the ideal answer for you. Each one month supply bottle is affordably priced
and is specifically formulated based on your age and gender to help insure you receive tne
maximum benefits tnat H(jH 2000 can provide.

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 1 month - $99.00 Reference: HGH 2000

Product Name: hGH Healthy Distributor: Idea Concepts

What if you could live longer and live those extra years with the same vigor and vitality
you enjoyed decades earlier?

What if you had the mature mind of a 60- or 70-year-old and the fine physique of a
healthy 30-year-ola?

What if the overall deterioration of the body that we accept as an inevitable part of the
natural aging process was not inevitable at all?

What if the search for an "elixir of life" was tantalizingly close to achieving its goal?

And what if you could literally 'grow young?'

Stopping and even reversing the aging process is no longer the realm of science fiction . . .
it's becoming science fact. Leading researchers now conclude that the human lifespan can
be extended to 120 years . . . even beyond. Better still, those extra years can be healthy,
meaningful and productive.

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at www.
antiaginginfo. net, Caveat Emptor

294 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Ingredients: Not available.

Studies/Test Results: Not available

Price: 30 Day Supply - $73.95 Reference: hGH Healthy

Product Name: hGH-PH

Distributor: Performance Biochemical Laboratories

hGH-PH COMPLEX works in three intricate phases. Phase One consists of powerful
substances called secretagogues which influence the pituitary to release growth hormone.
The growth hormone is then carried to your liver where it is converted to insulin-like-
growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Now, when the growth hormone is increased, your body resists
by releasing somatostatin. Somatostatin literally tells your pituitary to stop releasing

frowth hormone. This is where Phase Two comes into play. Phase 'wo consists of a
Pituitary Response System (PRS) which acts to quickly suppress the release of
Somatostatin. The PRS signals the hypothalamus to send a signal to the pituitary to
inhibit the release of Somatostatin. Phase Three consists of increasing your body's
production of testosterone. The Testosterone Potentiation System (TPS) contains four of
the most powerful pro-hormones available. TPS consists of 4-Androdiol, 5-Androdiol,
NOr-4-Androdione, and Nor-4-Androdiol. If that wasn't high tech enough, hGH-PH
COMPLEX utilizes an effervescent delivery system to chaperone each of the three phases.
The effervescent technology literally protects the secretagogues, pituitary peptides and
pro-hormones from being destroyed by powerfiil stomach acids.

Ingredients: Listed above.

Studies/Test Results: USERS REPORT RESULTS:

Increase in Growth Hormone Release 800% above baseline.

Increase in IGF-1 levels from 5% to 264%.

Increase in Testosterone levels by more than 300%

Drastic Increases in lean body mass.

Drastic Decreases in body fat.

Ability to hold a pump for days at a time.

Price: 30 Day Supply - $94.95 Reference: hGH-PH

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 295

Product Name: HGH Releasing Complex Distributor: 21st Century Nutnceuticals

The HGH Releasing Complex^^ contains a balanced combination of vitamms, minerals,

amino acids, peptides, and herbs, synergistically designed to increase the release of
Human Growth Hormone within the body. Best of all, it tastes GREAT.

How it works: Nutrients and herbs are even more effective when they are delivered
directly to the blood by means of intra-oral absorption because they bypass the
gastrointestinal tract and its many limitations. 21st Centur)^ Nutriceuticals' HGH
Releasing Complex^^' uses this principle, called mucosal absorption, to enhance and
ensure Complete absorption of nutrients into the body,

Blood capillaries are extremely close to the surface in the mouth, so they can readilv
absorb these nutrients and extracts into the bloodstream. HGH Releasing Complex^*
travels from the mouth capillaries to the carotid artery in your neck, then up to your brain
and then on to the heart, all within 30 seconds. From there, the nutrients are circulated to
all the major organs within 2 to 3 minutes (compared to 30 to 40 minutes for a pill or
capsule, or even a liquid).

Ingredients: Vicia Faba Major, Anterior Pituitar)' Peptide Isolate, Glycine, Lysine, Gamma
Aminobutyric Acid (GABA), DHEA, and Zinc.

Studies/Test Results: None Available.

Price: 30 Day Supplv - $40.00 Reference: HGH Releasing Complex

Product Name: Internity HGH Support Formula Distributor: Millennium Direct

Marketing, Inc.

Human growth hormone (HGH) is produced bv the piruirar}' gland inside the brain
before being converted to insulin like growth factor (IGF-1) hormone by the liver. IGF-1
affects almost ever\' cell in the body helping to restore skin, bones, lungs, liver, heart and
tcidneys to their optimal condition. The amino acids contained in our support formula
have been demonstrated to naturallv produce a lar2;e burst of HGH following oral
administration (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 61:1058 1061). The addition of
lysine and arginine helps reduce somatostatin, the braking mechanism that limits HGH
production. Internit}' HGH Support Formula restores these bursts just as they were
present in young adults.

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

296 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Ingredients: INTERNITY HGH is a growth hormone booster that is Ycry potent,

substantial doses of amino acids known for years to stimulate the pituitary gland top
release HGH. The dosage exceed the amount used m published studies, are totally
absorbed immediately in the intestine, are reasonable in price, have a long shelf life, and
are proven clinicallv to increase IGF-1 levels an average of more than 60% over months
of'usage. Please be an educated and prudent consumer on HGH boosters.

Studies/Test Results: During a 180 day duration, in a study with 13 subjects (six female,
seven males) an amount of 15 grams was administered per day. The average age of the
subjects was 51.8 years old. The average change was +118% in 180 days.

Price: $127.00

Reference: Internity HGH Support Formula

Product Name: Longevity4

Distributor: Pharmaceutical Corporation of America

Longevity4 HGH human growth hormone therapy acts bv stimulating our Pituitary gland
to produce more (tiGH)human growth hormone, much as it did in our youth. Thus
slowing, and in many cases, reversing the aging process!


Longevity4 HGH is a dietar)^ supplement, that DOES NOT require a prescription. It is a

natural therapy that stimulates the Pituitary gland to produce HGH. (Human Growth
Hormone) This therapy is EDA approved as a natural human hormone therapy.

Thousands of doctors world wide are prescribing HGH in injectable format, to treat
patients who are successfully stopping and turning back Mother Nature's aging clock!
Injectable HGH is a synthetic form of Human Growth Hormone. The only problem with
Prescription HGH therapy via injectable format is the expense. Prescription HGH therapy
costs about $1,000 A MONTH! Now through research and testing, Longevity4 HGH
Hormone therapy can be administered by taking "TABLETS"! These all natural tablets,
stimulate the Pituitary glandto produce HGH at a fraction of the cost of prescription

Ingredients: (100% Free-Form Pharmaceutical Grade) - L-Glutamine, Gwcine, L-Arginine

Hydrochloride, L-Ornithine Hydrochloride, Pepsin

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 30 Day Supply - $39.95 Reference: Longevity4

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 297

Product Name: NGH Distributor: Vision 2000, Inc.

NGH is not a precursor (most "HGH" products on the market are precursors, and their
manufacturers' mistakenly refer to them as HGH, when in reahty they are precursors to
somatotropin). NGH is not a stimulant, homeopathic, or secretagogue. NGH is
biologically activated somatotropin encapsulated in a macro-molecular structure designed
to facilitate delivery of large molecular weight proteins via oral spray.

In fact, when administered in clinical studies, the macro-molecular structure lowered

cholesterol in 9 out of 10 test subjects by an average of 11%, and lowered triglyceride
levels by an average of 29% in 8 out of 10 cases.

By combining this technology with the active ingredient in NGH, Vision 2000 has
produced a safe, effective somatotropin dietary supplement that achieves maximum

Ingredients: NGH is produced by prokaryotic(plant-based) microorganisms. These

microorganisms are trained to manufacture the exact molecular structure of GH. The
Nichols Institute has independently tested NGH and their results document that NGH is
an all-natural GH. NGH is not a precursor or a secretagogue.
Studies/Test Results: In outcome based research studies performed on 20 subjects
supplementing with NGH for up to 26 weeks, 75 percent of subjects (15 people)
experienced a 41 percent average increase in IGF-1 levels (insulin-like growth factor-1, a
stable indicator of somatotropin levels).

Price: Not Available Reference: NGH

Product Name: Nu-SPRING Distributor: Nu-Med

After more than a decade of research, Dr. James C. Jamieson, a world renowned
pharmacologist, has created an orally ingested formula with special patented ingredients
based on a special " Chaperone Molecule Delivery System," that naturallv helps your body
to unlock its own source of HGH. This Chaperone Molecule, carries the Nu-SPRING... like

a bubble through the dangerous acids of the stomach - into the small

intestine where it can be absorbed properly.

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

298 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

At Nu-MED, we're helping turn back the bioloeical clock! For thousands of Nu-MED
customers, Nu-SPRING has halted, and even reversed, the signs of aging.

Ingredients: Anterior pituitary peptides, Aminotrop-7, Novel Polyose Complex, targeted

amino acids L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, L-Pyroglutamate, GABA, L-Glycine, L-Lysine, L-
Tyrosine, and Vicia Faba Major. These are combined with a proprietary chaperone
molecule m an effervescent delivery system.

Studies/Test Results: Clinical Studies

Price: 30 Day Supply/40 Tablets - $119.95 Reference: Nlu-SPRING

Product Name: Pharmacy In Blend^^ Homeopathic HGH Distributor: Pro-Net Marketing

I, Ltd.

We have the highest level of pharmaceutical grade HGH (Somatotropin 1,000 ng/ml)
orany oral HGH product that you can purchase. A plain and simple fact.

Our HGH Plus IGF-1 also contains pharmaceutical grade IFG-1, the others do not.

We have true INDEPENDENT test results that prove our S39.95 (75 ng/ml of HGH and
no IGF-1) HGH product

increased IGF-1 levels 160.6% in a 6 month period. What

do you want, independent or selective "company" test results?

Our HGH Plus IGF-1 contains the exact formula proven by independent tests, plus 13
times more HGH (1,000 ng/ml and contains IGF-1).

We are half the cost of "want to be" HGH products.

Dare to compare!

Pharmacy In Blend Homeopathic HGH is pharmaceutically manufactured under strict

GMP guidelines in an FDA registered laboratory. The human growth hormone has been
obtained through recombinant engineering.

Ingredients: Pharmaceutical grade HGH (Somatotropin 1,000 ng/ml).

Studies/Test Results: Clinical Studies

Price: Formula 1 - $39.95/Formula 2 - $79.95 Reference: Pharmacy In Blend™ HGH Plus


Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 299

Product Name: Pro-hGH Distributor: VesPro

PRO-hGH is an all-natural Plant Source of Amino Acids in a special combination

including a chaperon molecule which STIMULATES the body to produce IGF-1. It has no
known side effects and no known contra-indications. The Lacuna Bean is the source of its
activity. It is important to maintain a diet that is high in protein (may be animal or
vegetable protein), moderate fat intake and moderate carbohydrate intake. We
recommend you eliminate all refined sugar, Nutri-sweet, Equal, Aspartame and MSG
products. We recommend resistance exercise three times a week. PRD-hGH is effective
even if you do not follow these diet and exercise recommendations; but will be more
effective if you do.

PRO-hGH is best taken at bedtime on an empty stomach. The evening meal should be at
least four hours before consumption. PRO hGH may be taken in the morning upon
arising - wait 45 minutes to eat and tnen preferably a high protein breakfast, fruits OR
fast for 2-3 hours. If you drink coffee - wait 45 minutes before consumption and
preferably black.

Ingredients: Each 2 tablets contain- Anterior Pituitarv Peptides, Aminotrope-7 3900 mg (a

sequenced glycoamino acid complex). Novel Polyose Complex 2230 mg (pharmaceutical
mono, poly, and oligo saccahrides), all in a base or L Glutamine, L Areinme, L
Pyroglutamate, GABA, L Glycine, L Lysine, L Tyrosine, ancTnaturally occurring L Dopa

Studies/Test Results: Clinical Studies

Price: 1 month supply - $135.00 Reference: Pro-hGH

Product Name: PRO-Symbio PLUS Distributor: The Art or Better Living

Following the success of Secretagogue-HGH^^, The Art of Better Living has produced the
first ever capsulated, all natural growth hormone releasing complex.

Research and development with athletes has led to the development of an optimal amino
acid combination for maximal release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Furthermore,
the use of free form, crystalline amino acids ensures rapid suspension and absorption in
the digestive tract. The pharmaceutical grade products contam no milk proteins and are
distinctly hypoallergemc. Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items
marked ivith an asterisk (*) denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as
listed at, Caveat Emptor

300 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Rebalancing the amino acid combination exploits the natural synergism of amino acid
uptake by multiple pathways. This avoids the need for large doses of amino acids, which
can swamp and exhaust enzrvTnes, shuning down cellular transport mechanisms. The
novel anterior pituitar}* peptides remain, providing the formtila \\ith its abilit}- to
rapidly stimulate pituitar}- response.
Natural L-dopa remains in the formula, but its bio-availabilit}' is improved bv switchins;
to the herb Macuna pruriens as a tested natural source. Nutrient uptake has also been
improved by the addition of Bromalaine and Papaine, designed to improve digestion,
while Kelp aids in the cellular pump mechanisms involved in assimilation.

Refining; the original formula has enabled us to avoid the need for cosdv effer\'escent
tablets, allowing a flexible dosing regime of three capsules taken twice a day, 2 hours after
food or on an emprs' stomach. PRO-S^Tnbio PLUS^^ is taken seven days a week with a
4-week rest ever\' three months. This regime not only mimics natiu^al body rh\Thms but
also avoids the potential depletion of vitamins and minerals leading to enzvme
exhaustion and loss ot effecdveness.

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: One month supplv - S135 Reference: PRO-S>Tnbio PLUS

Product Name: ReCapture HGH

Distributor: Transcend Marketing International, Inc.

Transcend Marketing International. Inc.iTMII), searched the market to find the most
potent and unique anti-aging HGH product available. Recapture HGH is a non-toxic
homeopathic formulation that helps restore our gro\\th hormone to more vouthfiil levels
\nthout any side effects.


Recapture HGH is different from all ot the other HGH products on the market. It
contains the 191 amino acid synthetically formulated ero\\"th hormone that is needed to
see the results you desire! The other Forms of o;rowth hormone on the market now help
to naturallv stimulate the pituitar}- gland in hopes of producing more gro^^'th hormone.
TMII's Recapture HGH actually puts the gro\\th hormone into the pituitar}^ gland.

Ingredients: The acti\"e ingredients in Recapture HGH are growth hormone, pituitan*
extract, and liver extract. These are all synthetically cultured for the hi2;hest qualin- and
purest effects. Recapture HGH can also be taken with other natural or allopathic

Consumers are urged w exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at
um/ Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 301

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: Regular retail for Recapture HGH™ is $189.95 Reference: ReCapture HGH

Product Name: RECOM Sub-GH Distributor: HGH4Life

The world's finest oral growth hormone^''' (GH), RECOM Sub-GH^^ is a high-tech
nutraceutical product combining the best of science and natural, homeopathic medicine
in a proprietar}' formula.

RECOM Sub-GH^* contains naturally derived recombinant s;rowth hormone in a special

proprietary-formula, whicK allows it to be absorbed directly into the cells of the oral
mucosa, avoiding inactivation in the digestive process.

The best time to take RECOM Sub-GH^' is before meals, before bedtime and before
workouts. The normal recommended dosage is one spray, three times a day. ^Ailow one
to two minutes for oral absorption to occur. Do not drink liquids immediatelv before or
after taking RECOM Sub-GH™

RECOM Sub-GH^' promises to revolutionize the use of gro\vT:h hormone. It requires no

refrigeration, it is easy to use and it can be taken an^-where — at home, at work, and at
play. RECOM Sub-GH"^^ contains Patented Recombinant HGH RECOM Sub-GH^-''^
contains natural biologically active GH RECOM Sub-GH^^ in a special proprietar}-
formula, allowing it to be absorbed directly into the cells of the oral mucosa. RECCmI
Sub-GH^' has been shown to truly raise IGFl levels

Does not need to pass through the stomach to be absorbed where amino acids are broken
down by the bile.

RECOM Sub-GH^' is a powerful 3X homeopathic formulation! 100% Hand Succussed 100

times at all levels!

Prepared according to the strict guidelines of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of tne

United States RECOM Sub-GH^' also comes in a FULL 30 ml bottle! Natural ingredients -
No animal products

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 45 davs - S59.95 Reference: RECOM Sub-HGH

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

302 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Product Name: ReGener-8 Distributor: Achievers Unlimited

A new product from Achievers Unhmited that is designed to encourage vour body's
pituitary gland to release more Growth Hormone in a way that mirrors your body's
natural secretion patterns.

ReGener-8^^' is a natural, convenient, powdered drink mix containing essential amino

acids, vitamins, trace minerals and herbs designed to help the body replenish HGH
naturally. The ReGener-8™ state-of-the-art formula is far superior to sprays or tablets
that promise to increase the production of HGH. The problem is that the HGH molecule,
with the exception of painful and expensive injections, is prett)' much destroyed as soon
as it comes in contact with your body's digestive enzymes.

Ingredients: The natural HGH releasers in ReGener-8^"^ are delivered in the exact
amounts the body needs to replenish its own HGH supplv. As a result, these essential
nutrients are absorbed much more effectively in powdered form than sprays or tablets
could ever deliver. Just one scoop mixed into your favorite juice, prior to bedtime,
effectively enhances the body's own ability to produce HGH naturally, as it did when you
were younger!

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 30 Day Supply - $89.95 Reference: ReGener-8

Product Name: Rejuvamax Distributor: Biocentrics

Proprietar}' vegetarian amino acid blend containing pure pharmaceutical grade free-form
L-glutamine, L-arginine, L-lysine HCl, Sucrose, Fructose, Citric Acid and Natural Orange
Flavors. The amino acids are found throughout the human body and in milk, meat and
vegetables. L-arginine ingredient shown to

reduce somatostatin, the breaking mechanism of the pituitar}' gland.

30 packets per carton.

15 gram dosage provides nearly 6 grams of amino acids.

Mix into glass of water to make an orange-flavored drink.

Use two to four times a day on an empt)' stomach.

Designed for persons over the age of 55, but also provides powerful

benefits for ages 30-55. Not suitable for diabetics.

May be used alternately with Rejuvamin or Rejuvamin Plus in middle-aged persons for
strong results.

Qinical study showed lGF-1 increase in age group 47-72 of over 88%

in 90 days.

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at wimv.
antiaginginfo. net. Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 303

Ingredients: Free-form amino acids (L-Glutamine, L-Lysine HCl, L-Arginine), Sucrose,

Fructose, Citric Acid, Natural Orange Flavoring.

Studies/Test Results: Thirteen patients (six females and seven males) showed pre-
treatment baseline lGF-1 levels, a plasma marker for HGH secretion, of 117.83 ng/ml (+/-
6.66) females (median age=55) and 134.57 ng/ml (+/- 2.00) males (median age=49).
After 60 days of treatment with the proprietary preparation, three doses per day on an
empty stomach at least 45 minutes before mealtimes, IGF-1 levels were elevated by 25%
to 156.85 ng/ml (+/-4.40). After four months, lGF-1 levels had increased by 46% over
baseline to 181.25 ng/ml (+/- 8.75), and by six months, IGF-1 levels had risen by 93%
above pre-treatment levels to 277.00 ng/ml (+/-31.00). These data have consistently
suggested that the amino acid formulation used (Rejuvamax from Biocentrics,
Brentwood, TN 37024-1063) is an effective HGH secretagogue. No adverse side effects
were noted and patient acceptance was excellent. Related Products: Rejuvamin and
Rejuvamin Plus
The Rejuvamin Challenge!

Price: 1 month supply - $69.90 Reference: Rejuvamax HGH

Product Name: Secretagog;ue-3X3 Distributor: The Art ofBetter Living

As the #1 leader in the war on aging, ABL is excited to announce the addition of a brand
new Human Growth Hormone - HGH releaser that breaks the $40 price barrier!
Incorporating a brand new revolutionary Intraoral delivery system with a medically
proven 90% absorption rate, our newest anti-aging product "Secretagogue-3x3^'*^" brings
all the benefits associated with elevating your Human Growth Hormone - hGH levels
within a price range that every person can afford! Plus, you'll feel the effects of this
amazing product within 2-3 minutes! No longer only for the rich and famous, now
everyone over the age of 35 can literally "turn back the hands of time" with Secretagogue
3x3^^^! This product will come in a convenient spray bottle, and just 3 sprays three
times a day can help you to look and feel years younger!

Ingredients: Available from Company

Studies/Test Results: Not Available.

Price: 30 Day Supply - $39.00 Reference: Secretagogue-3X3

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

304 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Product Name: Secretagogue HGH Distributor: Art of Better Living

On the cuttine-edge of today's anti-aging research is Secretagogue HGH, an all-natural

product, which has produced startling results; and may very well become the basis for
increasing the length and quality of our life.

Secretagogue HGH was produced after years of research and development, and is the
world's first effective, controlled safe dosage, effervescent Growth Hormone Release
Stimulator. At a price virtually everyone can afford, the product works by assisting the
body's own ability to secrete HGH naturally, three to four times more effectively than the
direct hormone injections.

Secretagogue HGH utilizes an exclusive Growth Hormone Releasing Complex (GHRC)

and a proprietary cutting-edge delivery system that addresses gastric absorption,
transport through the bloodstream, and attachment to appropriate receptor sites. What is
particularly exciting is that only natural substances are used. Early clinical testing with
the product stimulated the body's own production of growth hormones with an amazing

Additionally, this product addresses the entire endocrine influence on HGH release
through insulin regulation, inhibition of somatostatin, stimulation of GHRH, and
conversion to IGF-1.

The skeptics said it couldn't be done, but the existence of this miracle product proves
otherwise! Secretagogue HGH is a promoter of HGH-release and IGF-1 formation. It is
designed to stimulate the release of growth hormone in males and females, who are
prematurely aging due to a HGH deficiency. (Women who have had a hysterectomy with
removal of the ovaries, or who suffer from other chronic degenerative diseases, may
benefit greatly from this product.)

Secretagogue HGH is truly an amazing substance, which is both safe and effective with no
side effects. On the cutting-edge of today's anti-aging research is Secretagogue HGH, an
all-natural product, wnich has produced startling results; and may very well become the
basis for increasing the length and quality of our life.

Ingredients: Secretagogue HGH utilizes an exclusive Growth Hormone Releasing

Complex (GHRC) and a proprietary cutting-edge delivery system that addresses gastric
absorption, transport through the bloodstream, and attachment to appropriate receptor
sites. What is particularly exciting is that only natural substances are used. Early clinical
testing with the product stimulated the body's own production of growth hormones with
an amazing effectiveness. Additionally, this product addresses the entire endocrine
influence on HGH release

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at www.
antiagingmfo. net. Caveat Emptor

HGH Products


through insulin regulation, inhibition of somatostatin, stimulation of GHRH, and

conversion to IGF-1.

Studies/Test Results: Physician Supervised Clinical Study

Price: 30 Day Supply - $89.00 Reference: Secretagogue HGH

Product Name: Secretagogue-One Distributor:

Developed and perfected through scientific research and clinical studies bv leading
research scientists, Secretagogue- One^^ is a unique blend of amino acids ancT nutrients
proven to enhance the bodies natural production of hGH and IGF-1.

Ingredients: Each packets contains:d-glucose, fructose, glucose polymers, citric acid,

potassium citrate-carbonate, amino acid blend (glycine,L-glutamine,L-tyrosine,GABA,L-
arginine hydrochloride, L-lysme hvdrochloride, pyroglutamic acid), sodium citrate-
carbonate, natural flavor, pituitary substance, acesulfame, broad bean, and FD&C yellow

Studies/Test Results: Physician supervised clinical studies have shown that Secretagogue-
One™ increased and sustained IGF-1 levels in bodies for longer periods of time than
bodies injected with synthetic hGH. The clinical studies have shown that his
breakthrough product supplementation increases lean body mass and decreases body fat,
increasing IGF-1 levels measured in the body over 12% with a single dose, and up to 229%
after 22 days. Secretagogue- One™ supplementation is the superior method to increase
lGF-1 levels in your body.

Price: 30 Day Supply - $74.95 Reference: Secretagogue-One

Product Name: Somastatin Distributor: AAR Laboratories, Inc.

tThis unique transmucosal GH formulation is sprayed into the mouth and absorbed
through the mucous membranes of the inner cheek. SOMASTATIN^^ addresses virtually
every aspect of GH therapy. In stark contrast, the synthetic injectables, other oral sprays,
and homeopathics address only one. SOMASTATIKrM (^i^h M.A.P.S. ™ delivery
Technology) is engineered with specific secretogogues (substances that increase
hormonal secretion from endocrine glands) which are in the form of Somatotropin
Releasing Peptides (SRP's)/Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides Consumers are urged to
exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*) denote questionable
statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

306 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

(GHRP's), free form amino acids, IGFl Peptides, and herbal extracts that target the
hypothalamic-pituitary axis (the hormonal system that regulates GH production).

SOMASTATIN effectively initiates a SEVENTY-TWO hour pulsatile release of GH from

the anterior pituitary (small bursts). The transport mechanisms in this product are also
very important because the various peptide fractions are quite fragile and must be
completely protected, quickly and efficiently absorbed, and then transported to the target
cells where they will enzymatically lock into receptor sites and activate GH production.

The mechanism of action here is simple but important and is a problem area with
synthetic injectables. When the body perceives a rise in either IGF-I (insulin growth
factor) or GH, it responds by releasing somatostatin which in turn shuts down the natural
production of GH until the levels drop back down in the system.

Essentially, with synthetic injectable GH, you are giving your body GHRH mimetic
peptides, which only work on the pituitary (the reservoir for GH), neglecting the
hvpothalamus, where Natural GH production begins. With SOMASTATIN^^^ you are
giving your body a natural, small concentrated, bioactivated, colloidal formulation that
strongly increases your natural production of GH by stimulating the hypothalamus with

You are also blocking somatostatin so that your GH levels can keep rising. Other
important growth hormone potentiators in SOMASTATIN^^^ are IGF-I peptides,
specifically sequenced amino acids, and natural L-dopa from standardized Mucuna

Ingredients: SOMASTATIN^^ comes in a two-part formula, one containing

secretogogues, GH and IGF-I peptides, and the second, an anti-somatostatin called
RETROSTATIN^^ (a powerful suppressor of an antagonistic hormone called
somatostatin responsible for what is called the negative feedback loop for GH).

Studies/Test Results: In a soon to be published 10-week human study conducted by the

Life Center for Health, a third party medical facility, on male and female test subjects
ranging in age from 42 to 86 years of age, levels of IGF-1, Testosterone, DHEA, HDL and
Lean Muscle Mass were significantly increased, while levels of LDL, body fat,
Triglicerides and Cholesterol were significantly decreased. In addition, hair color was
restored in several test subjects along with new hair growth. Anaerobic threshold and grip
strength also increased significantly. Also noted in the study were weight loss and
increased sexual stamina in test subjects as mature as 86 years of age. Liver regeneration
was evidenced by the significant and almost complete fading of "age spots" on the hands
of several test subjects, and cardiovascular health was improved in one test subject with

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 307

Arrhythmia. These results are all markers of regeneration and a return to a more youthful
state of health.

Price: 30 to 45 day supply - $125 Reference: Somastatin

Product Name: SomatoMed Distributor: VesPro Life Science

SomatoMed - Nutritional Support For The Endocrine/Growth Hormone System

Long ago VesPro Life Sciences understood that the megatrend of Preventive and Anti-
aging Medicine was colliding with the baby boomer obsession with looking and feeling
younger. We have harnessed the energ\^ from that collision. The company pioneered the
marketing of growth hormone releasers (secretagogues) to meet the needs of the anti-
aging marketplace in the summer or^l997. In the last one and a half years VesPro has
worked with more than one thousand phvsicians around the world who use an oral
growth hormone releaser for their patients. The data we collected and the feedback we
obtained from many of those physicians has provided VesPro with valuable knowledge
regarding the effects of oral secretagogues.

Realizing that there were few legitimate GH releasing products available, our physicians
commissioned us to find the most efficacious and up-to-date product technolog)- for their
patients. Accordinglv, our research pointed to the need for more contemporar\^ amino
acids and compounds, which would produce an even greater physiologic response of
growth hormone surge. VesPro discovered that there were indeed additional natural
compounds, which would take secretagogues to the next level for the health care

Ingredients: Synergistic Adaptagen Support (SAS) Herbal blend:

Little was known about the powerful, natural adaptagenic compound Mumie until 1993
when secret, Russian research was released to the western world. This research
documented the ability of Mumie to facilitate complete long-term overnight recovery
from physical and mental stress. Mumie has outstanding anti-inflammatory and healing
effects, and is beneficial for reducing joint soreness in the knees, shoulders and elbows.

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

308 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

In order to maximize the effects of SomatoMed the hver should function at optimum
levels. SomatoMed ' leaves nothing to chance, which is why this product contains herbs
known for centuries to have significant positive benefits for liver health and function.

Studies/Test Results: Not Available.

Price: 30 Day Supply - $99.95 Reference: SomatoMed

Product Name: Somatrop Sub-GH Distributor: Icon Research Labs

SOMATROP SUB-GH contains natural biologically active GROWTH HORMONE.

SOMATROP SUB-GH is GROWTH HORMONE transported by a glycerol and herbal base

with a negatively charged ion, allowing it to be absorbed directly into the cells of the oral

SOMATROP SUB-GH has been shown to raise IGFl levels as much as 800%.

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 30 Day Supply - $99.95 Reference: Somatrop Sub-GH


Product Name: Sunrise Distributor: Life Force International

Sunrise's high potency profile is superior to homeopathic formulations - No study has

shown any substantial changes in IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) from a
homeopathic or low dose oral HGH formulation. Small changes in IGF-1 not exceeding
30%, have been suggested and no study exceeding eight weeks has shown results. HGH
therapy is a lifelong protocol, not just a few weeks.

Sunrise's Growth Hormone releasers (which release your body's natural hormones) are
preferred to using exogenous hormone products (adding hormones not originally from
your body). Introducing external hormones into your body may cause an immune
reaction and side effects are possible, Including edema, carpal tunnel syndrome and
enlarged male breasts (gynecomastia), and should only be implemented

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 309

under the care of a physician. Because Sunrise is a food, not a drug, there are no side
effects with this natural product.

Sunrise's liquid formulation is superior to pills and capsules - The reason that HGH has
traditionally been an injectable preparation is that it is destroyed by stomach acids.
Unlike pill and capsule formulations. Sunrise's liquid is absorbed into the body before it
reaches the stomach.

Sunrise adds a scientifically researched combination of other ingredients that work

synergistically with HGH, whereas other products are HGH stand-alones. Although it is
one-half the price of most other HGH products, Sunrise gives you the added value of
helping you with:

Mental Clarity: Yerba Mate and Gingko Biloba.

Physical Energy: Ginger Root, Gotu Kola, Reishi Mushroom,

Astragalus, Condonopsis and Green Tea Extract.

Supportive Nutrients: Morinda Citrifolia (Noni Extract), Wild Yam

and Cinnamon.

Ingredients: Available from Company

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 30 Day Supply $42.00 Reference: Sunrise

Product Name: Symbiotropin Distributor: Extreme Sports Nutrition

100% Natural, Oral, Affordable hCH Releasing Complex that is 3 to 4 more effective than
INJECTABLE GH, and there are no side effects!

The effects that will be experienced on growth hormone:

1. Excellent weight loss without dieting or exercising.

2. 8.8% average increase in muscle mass after 6 months, with no change in exercise
pattern. More anabolic when stacked with hormone booster.

3. Higher energy levels, and increased exercise performance.

4. Enhanced sexual performance for men and women.

5. Regrowth of heart, spleen, liver, kidneys, and other organs that shrink with age.

6. Greater cardiac output, superior immune function, better kidney function.

7. Lowered blood pressure, improved, cholesterol profile, higher HDL and lower LDL.

8. Younger, thicker, tighter skin, wrinkle removal, reduction of ceilulite.

9. Hair regrowth.

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

310 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

10. Sharper vision.

11. Mood elevation.

12. Increased memory retention.

13. Improved sleep.

Ingredients: Not Available

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 40 Tablets - $89.95 Reference: Symbiotropin

Product Name: Unitropin hGH Distributor: Universal Networks, Inc.

Unitropin^'^ is an all-natural formulation of ingredients designed to increase your body

awareness and sensitivity. Individual results may vary. Many people experience a
renewed sense of confidence, renewed vigor and vitality and a return of youthful
excitement about life. Many books have been written about the ingredients found in
Unitropin^^' and we suggest you read them.

Unitropin^^^ is a dietary supplement. All the ingredients found in Unitropin^^ are

nutritionals and do not require a prescription or a doctor s supervision. However, you
should always consult with a doctor before you begin any diet, exercise or nutritional
program. In addition to B-vitamins and amino acids, Unitropin^^ contains herbs, extracts
and adaptogens that may focus the mind, strengthen muscles and help the body adjust to
stress. Ginseng, for example, is an adaptogen that has been consumed for thousands of
years. Studies on Ginseng (1) show that if you are feeling tired, it will pick you up"; if your
body is stressed, it is said to have a relaxing effect. This is why it is called an "adaptogen"-
it helps the body adapt.

The manufacturer's recommended dosage for Unitropin is one to three tablets twice daily
with meals. We suggest you begin with three tablets twice a day with breakfast and lunch.
Some people prefer to take Unitropin^^ in "cycles" by refraining from taking the product
one day per week. Supplement Facts Serving Size 6 tablets

Ingredients: Available from Company

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 30 Day Supply - $99.00 Reference: Unitropin hGH

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 311

Product Name: USA's Liouid GH Distributor: USA Health Products

No longer necessary injections! Available in Hormone with Real!

to spend thousands of dollars on liquid form!! Liquid Growth

HGH, the most potent hormone recognized in the Health & Fitness Industry!

Human Growth Hormone is produced, stored and secreted by the Anterior Pituitary
Gland located at the base of the brain. It is recognized For it's powerful anabolic (Muscle
building) effects, as well as it's lipotropic breakdown and utilization of bodyfat effects.
According to studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the most
dramatic effects associatea with HGH supplementation and treatment are: Increase in
lean muscle tissue mass, as well as a decrease in bodyfat. These changes are not
associated with any dietary changes, besides providing adequate protein and amino acids.
No further calories are needed.

Ingredients: 1 Ounce, 30 day supply of Real HGH! USA's Liquid GH contains REAL HGH
and real pituitarium extract. HGH, the most potent hormone recognized by bodybuilders
for years due to the explosive force it plays m producing lean muscle tissue, while
reducing bodyfat! The number or recent studies conducted on the positive effects of GH is
to numerous to list. USA Health Products has ACTUAL HGH mixed with real pituitarium
extract. This is real, not a GH booster!

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 30 Day Supply - $72.00 Reference: USA's Liquid GH

Product Name: VesPro GHS Distributor: VesPro Life Science

Long ago VesPro Life Sciences understood that the megatrend of Preventive and Anti-
aging Medicine was colliding with the baby boomer obsession with looking and feeling
younger. We have harnessed the energy from that collision. The company pioneered the
marketing of growth hormone releasers (secretagogues) to meet the needs of the anti-
aging marketplace in the summer of 1997. Since then VesPro has worked with more than
one thousand physicians around the world who use an oral growth hormone releaser for
their patients. Realizing that^ there were few legitimate GH releasing products available,
VesPro's scientists researched the data and identified the most contemporary amino acids
and compounds that would provide the greatest physiologic response Consumers are
urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*) denote
questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at,
Caveat Emptor

312 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

of growth hormone release. The result is VesPro GHSTM, the most advanced natural GH

Ingredients: Each caplet contains:

520 mg NGH protien/peptide complex

100 mgArginine

90 mg Inosme

50mcg Chromium Polynicolinate

250mg GH Support herbal base

Studies/Test Results: Not Available.

Price: 40 Caolets - $89.95 Reference: VesPro GHS

Product Name: Dr. Fulk's Vibrancy Release Supplements Distributor: LifeTimeSolutions



"Dr. Fulk's Vibrancy Supplement is the most complete and well balanced hCH release
formula I have seen." Dr. J. Richardson, Micro-Biologist, Nutritional Supplement


"My stamina and golf score improved." Jack Simp kins. Age 81

"After four weeks, my white hair began returning to its original color." Mavis Hojnacki,

"I can work and play all day and night like I did in my twenties." Terry Dearth, Age 54

"husband noticed that my skin is softer." Debbie Mumm, Age 48

"My waist lost a pant size and my face looks younger and slimmer." Rick Eichelberger,
Age 46

"My wife and family were amazed at my results." Kevin Trameri, Age 40

"I am sleeping better. I wake up feeling rested, refreshed and energized." Joan Bearden,
Age 39

"I am no longer tired after a hard days work. " Bill Bowman, Age 42

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 313

"My energy improved noticeably. I can earn more money." James Brown, Age 32

In addition to pleasing consumers, it is one of the lowest priced "Age Reversal"

supplements available.

We are so confident, we guarantee your satisfaction by saying "Look and feel younger in
180 days or your money back!" Choose between a Regular or Vegetarian Formula.

Ingredients: Not Available Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: Not Available

Reference: Vibrancy Release Supplements

Product Name: Liddell Vital HGH Distributor: VirtuVites

What is LIDDELL Vital HGH ?

Vital HGHa is a safe and effective homeopathic formulation of hGH, pituitarium, and
liver. Togetner, these natural elements help restore our hGH levels. Vital HGH is an easy
to take liquid, sold in 30 ml spray bottles.

LIDDELL Vital HGH is pharmacologically manufactured under strict GMP guidelines in

our FDA registered laboratory.

A recent company survey of customers taken from two to four months after first
begmning to take Vital HGH reports the following results:



Increased Energy - 94%

Elevated Mood - 94%

Younger Looking Skin - 38% (86% of Female Respondents)

Enhanced Sexual Function - 75%

Improved Muscle Tone - 75%

Improved Strength - 56%

Improved Sleep - 75%

Don't wait! Vital HGH has broken through the cost barrier to make hGH more affordable
to you.

Ingredients: Vital HGHa is a safe and effective homeopathic formulation of hGH,

pituitarium, and liver.

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at Caveat Emptor

314 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 4 Week Supply - $47.95 Reference: Vital


Product Name: Youth Activator

Distributor: Heritage Health Products Company

In the past few years, the only method to increase growth hormone levels involved very
costly mjections of the hormone. Recently, however, research has shown that several
nutrients, if taken in the proper ratio, have the ability to naturally

stimulate the pituitary gland to release growtn

hormone - these substances are called 'secretagogues'.

Heritage Health Products has acquired an exclusive license on a unique formu^ that is
proven to entice the body to set free its growth hormone - HGH YOUTH ACTIVATOR! A
clinical study carried out by Dr. Timothy Bassett and Dr. Steven Smith at the
LIFExtension Institute in Virginia showed that this formula increased IGF-1, a measuring
indicator of HGH, by an average of 45% in just 3 weeks!

In order for these natural substances to effectively increase growth hormone levels, HGH
YOUTH ACTIVATOR must be consumed in a specific manner. It is important to take
HGH YOUTH ACTIVATOR when the body would naturally be inclined to release growth
hormone - on an empty stomach between meals, an hour before strenuous exercise, and
for best results, prior to bedtime.

Ingredients: Our formula, which includes minor improvements on the formula in this
study, consists of natural ingredients - amino acids, an herb and a vitamin - which are
effective, simple and direct HGH secretagogues: L-Aminoglutaramic Acid, L-Aminoacetic
Acid, Nicotinic Acid, Coleus forskohlii root.

Studies/Test Results: Clinical Study

*Test results are identical to those for Rejuvamin

Price: 30 Day Supply - $48.00 Reference: Youth Activator

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at, Caveat Emptor

HGH Products 315

Product Name: Youth Formula 1 Distributor: Bio-Corp

To date, the most scientifically advanced amino acid formula is produced by Bio-Corp.,
located in San Mateo, California. Proprietary discoveries in the area of amino acid
processing have enabled this company to produce the most effective growth hormone
supplement to date. At present, Bio-Corp.'s amino acid growth hormone therapy costs
approximately $40 per month, depending on the individual's need.

One of the major benefits of the amino acid therapy is that it stimulates the pituitary
gland naturally, thereby causing the secretion of growth normone in the normal pulsatile
manner throughout the day and night. There are numerous benefits in addition to
reversing the effects of aging. Included among these are increased production of collagen,
which improves slan tissues substantially; accelerated post-injury healing for burns and
recovery from surgery, sepsis (blood poisoning) or kidney failure; and the alleviation of
various ongoing illness, such as asthma and panic attack among others.

Ingredients: Of the approximately 80 amino acids found in nature, only several known
varieties, when ingested, will stimulate the pituitary gland to produce natural growth
hormone. L-2 Amino 5 Guanidopentanoic Acid and L2 .5 Diaminopentanoic Acid
Monohydrochloride are two amino acids that, when combined, produce growth hormone.
Ingested separately, several other amino acids can produce growth hormone to a limited
degree. Current research indicates that specifically balanced complexes of these and other
amino acids obtain the best results.

Studies/Test Results: Testimonials

Price: 120 Capsules $42.95 Reference: Youth Formula 1

Product Name: Youth ReNew 2000 HGH Power Booster Distributor: Vision For Life,

Vision For Life's HGH Power Booster is within the price range of every "baby boomer".
Scientists have Found that as we grow older we still produce HGH, but the pituitary gland
does not release as much. With the all-natural HGH Power Booster Youth ReNew 2000 ,
you can stimulate the pituitary gland to produce and release more HGH naturally.

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at www.
antiaginginfo. net. Caveat Emptor

316 Ten Weeks to a Younger You

According to researchers, cuttine-edge natural HGH stimulators may-have the abihty to

more closely mimic the body's youthful HGH secretion patterns than any other HGH
therapy previously available. There is no other substance known to man that has such far-
reaching abilities to prevent and reverse the aging process.

Ingredients: This natural substance contains pure free form amino acids L-
Aminoglutaramic Acid and Aminoacetic Acid with Niacin and Forskolin Extract. This is
designed to encourage the pituitary to release more growth hormone. According to
researchers, this breakthrough booster may mirror the body's natural secretion patterns.
Studies/Test Results: The ingestion of 2 grams of Youth ReNew 2000 from Vision For
Life combined with water by males and females of ages 26-38 years, 4 times per day for 6
weeks on an empty stomach, significantly increased pituitary growth hormone production
as reflected oy an increased plasma level of insulin-like growth factor-one (IGF-1). The
average change in males was +72.8 percent and the average change in females was +40.8
percent. In no single case was there a rise in liver enzyme SGOT or SPOT in either sex, or
PSA in males. * Test results are identical to those for Rejuvamin

Price: 30 Day Supply - $65.00 Reference: Youth ReNew 2000

Product Name: Zen Distributor: Celestial Awareness

ZEN is a dietary supplement that should be used as a ^V nighttime formula only. ZEN
may assist the body in

/ \ the release of natural hormonal compounds. When

^jf^^Sl ZEN is used in conjunction with a proper diet and ■^^ -^^ Y exercise program it
may contribute to an increase in * ■ muscle and^ a decrease in body fat. It is highly

recommended that any person considering this or any dietary program consult a
physician oefore they begin. Contact company for additional information on hGH Release

Ingredients: Purified water, Sucol B, natural and artificial flavors and color (FD&C yellow

Nutrition Facts - Serving size: 1 oz./servings per container: 35 Amount of Sucol B per
serving: 3.5g

Studies/Test Results: Not Available

Price: 35 serving supply - $81.00 Reference: Zen

Consumers are urged to exercise appropriate diligence. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
denote questionable statements made by the manufacturer as listed at www.
antiaginginfo. net, Caveat Emptor

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