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Performance Analysis Report

DBAP, Inc.
March 31, 2019

Introduction and Background

Exclusive Clothes and Gifts (ECG) is a mail-order and Internet catalog business
marketing high-quality gifts, apparel, and home accessories. In operation for six
years, ECG is seeking to aggressively grow their company while remaining
profitable. To reach this goal, they would like to focus efforts on improving the
quality of customer service and resulting customer service scores by 10% and
improve the quality of the work environment through staff development and
Management has identified several areas of concern. Employee retention and
morale are low. Customer service complaints have increased 30% since the same
period in the previous year. In the coming year, ECG will be updating its current
technology including new hardware configurations and equipment. Additionally,
new HR policies were recently introduced along with a new company handbook.
ECG has designated a budget of $400,000 to employ DBAP, Inc. to assist the
company in reaching their determined growth goals through training to address
these concerns.
DBAP, Inc. has conducted a full gap analysis to assess current conditions at ECG
and identified key sources impacting telephone operator performance and
customer service. The analysis results are presented in this report, followed by
recommendations, proposed solutions, and an evaluation strategy. At the end of
this document is a request for proposal that DBAP, Inc. be invited to implement
the prospective plan to address the identified areas of need and develop focused
training to remediate areas of need.

Purpose of the Report

This report has been generated for use as a strategic company evaluation tool for
ECG. Summaries and descriptions of data points were collected through several
methods of analysis of various company resources to identify and provide
solutions for the root causes of customer service complaints, which have
increased significantly over the past year. The purpose of this report is to show
data results of the Performance Gap Analysis of the current condition of the
company. Proposed solutions have been outlined in prioritized order by DBAP,
Inc. based on this comprehensive performance analysis.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 1

Analysis Methods
DBAP, Inc. employed several methods of analysis to generate this report. Details
of results from each research method are presented in summaries and include
charts and graphs as appropriate for each data set. The four types of analysis
methods used were:
 Observations: Observing various employees as they worked showed
data not obtainable by surveys. The observations included the Telephone
Operator’s working environment, technology skills, work relationships
with each other and management, processes, customer service
interaction, and personality types. The trainers’ use of best practices in
adult education and training were also observed. These employees were
observed on the job:
o Telephone Operators
o Trainers
o Customer Service Supervisors
 Individual Interviews: Individual interviews with employees provided
in depth, qualitative data to supplement the Likert Scale surveys with
greater detail. Interview questions were designed to find factors
impacting employee morale and wellness support, training process,
learner engagement, hiring practices, incentive systems, nature of
employee complaints, purpose for monthly meetings, and to gauge
technical aptitude of employees. These employees were interviewed
o Telephone Operators
o Trainers
o Customer Service Supervisors
o Management
o Human Resources
o Technology Staff
 Surveys: Likert Scale surveys completed by employees allowed for the
collection of quantitative data to inform initial decisions for
recommended solutions. The survey questions were structured to
measure data to show employee job satisfaction based on provided
resources, relationship with management, technology equipment and
skills, product and technology training, quality of training received, and
professional development. These employees were included in the survey
o Telephone Operators
o Customer Service Supervisors

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 2

 Artifact Analysis: Analysis of company documents provided both
quantitative and qualitative data collection used to supplement results
from observations, interviews, and surveys. The analysis included
resources such as current training documents, job aids, exit interviews,
customer service evaluations, employee demographics, performance
evaluations, employee awards history, company handbook, and staff
schedules. Additionally, previous customer service survey data and
reports generated by the phone system were examined. The Artifact
Analysis included documents and materials from:
o Human Resources
o Company Records
o Training Materials

Data Summary: Telephone Operators – Job Satisfaction

One of the challenges ECG is experiencing is a high turnover rate among
Telephone Operators. All 25 Telephone Operators were surveyed on their overall
level of job satisfaction. There is a direct correlation between job satisfaction and
turnover rate. According to the survey, 76% of Telephone Operators are very or
somewhat dissatisfied with their jobs. Please refer to the following graph.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 3

Many factors can affect job satisfaction. Telephone Operators were surveyed on
the most common factors. They were asked to rate how satisfied they were with
their salary, environment, training, work relationships, resources, and tools
available to perform their job, and incentives. Those who disagreed with the
statements presented are dissatisfied and those who agreed with the statements
are satisfied. Please refer to the following graph.

Observations and interviews with Telephone Operators support this data. The
following are the root causes for Telephone Operators’ low level of job
 Telephone Operators do not have effective resources and tools to do their
job, specifically to retrieve product information when they are on a call
with a customer.
 The current compensation package and incentive program (percentage
off on personal orders) is not sufficient and Telephone Operators would
prefer a monetary incentive versus discounted merchandise.
 The relationship between Telephone Operators and Customer Service
Supervisors does not currently foster a positive or supportive working
 Current training on catalog products and technologies for Telephone
Operators is insufficient.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 4

Data Summary: Telephone Operators – Job Success Factors
An additional issue identified by ECG is an increase in customer complaints
about Telephone Operators. All 25 Telephone Operators were surveyed about
factors that may be impacting their performance. According to this survey,
Telephone Operators felt they could be more successful with improvements in the
following five areas listed in the graph. Please refer to the following graph.

The data gathered through observations and interviews reveals more details about
what causes Telephone Operators to not be successful at their job:
 All Telephone Operators surveyed cite the need for a better resource to
retrieve catalog product information. The current tool impedes their
ability to quickly and effectively answer customers’ questions.
 96% of Telephone Operators report a lack of feedback and/or coaching
from Customer Support Supervisors on their job performance.
 Most Telephone Operators had trouble navigating the order entry system
without hands-on practice when they first started on the job.
 While none of the Telephone Operators indicated that the timeliness of
the training was an issue, the current training being given lacks the
strategies and tools that would support quicker knowledge transfer and
job task completion.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 5

Data Summary: Technology
Technology has a significant impact on employee performance. This can include
equipment, software, servers, websites, infrastructure, etc. Using data collected
from observations and interviews, the most common themes surrounding
technology used by employees were:
 Catalog product information in the current system is unorganized,
inconsistent, and missing, making it difficult to locate answers to
customers’ questions quickly and results in increased wait times.
 The current order entry system is slow and hard to navigate at first,
indicating that it is not intuitive or user-friendly.
 Telephone Operators indicated a desire for hands-on training on the order
entry system prior to taking customer calls.

Data Summary: Customer Service

Findings compiled from the interviews, specifically from Human Resources,
along with the call reports revealed that customers voiced three major complaints
from their interactions with Telephone Operators. These included:
 Phone Etiquette
 Product Knowledge
 Customer Wait Time
Please refer to the following chart to view the distribution of customer

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 6

Further analysis indicates a possible correlation between these three complaints.
Long wait times possibly caused by a lack of Operator knowledge and slow
technology led to customer impatience. This impatience led to Operator
frustration resulting in failing etiquette in the Operator’s attempts to resolve the
situation. The chart below illustrates that calls completed in under 10 minutes
resulted without incident while those averaging 20-25 minutes resulted in varying
degrees of complication and escalation.

Data Summary: Training

Data gathered from the interviews and surveys revealed five major themes.
 Training frequency was found to be too limited to address acquisition of
product information for the 50-100 new products each quarter, especially
for new hires.
 No training has been provided to Telephone Operators or Customer
Service Supervisors regarding phone etiquette or appropriate responses
for dealing with challenging customers.
 Customer Service Supervisors have received no management or
supervisory training.
 Take-away training materials, including job aids and reference sheets,
beyond the copies of the slides, are not provided for further reference.
 Current training lacks learner engagement and assessment strategies and
is not employing best practices of andragogy, such as hands-on practice.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 7

The graph below illustrates the requests made specifically by Telephone
Operators in regard to their training.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 8

Current State, Desired State, and Recommended Solutions
Based on the data collected, the following table presents our analysis in terms of the current state and recommendations
that can help meet the requirements of the desired state.

Current State Desired State Recommendation to Achieve

Desired State

The quarterly 4-hour instructor-led The product trainings are scheduled Have one-hour weekly pre-shift
product training that introduces 50- in shorter, more frequent sessions. trainings wherein Operators are
100 new catalog items is viewed as They are timed and conducted in a briefed and given appropriate job
lengthy by the Operators. The manner that ensures effective aids to locate all new product
training focus is on product learning. information, with a special focus
features and benefits. on expected top sellers.

The Trainers provide handouts of The Trainers include activities in Train the Trainers to develop
the slides (information already the training that confirm and assess trainings, design activities, and
present online) at the end. No the learning of the employees. assessments based on ID
formal post-training assessment principles, which focus on the
and remediation sessions are learning needs and performance
conducted. gaps.

Accessing product information Access product information easily Create templates for product
online is challenging due to the and efficiently on the new order descriptions to ensure consistency
inconsistent organization on the entry system (SimplyOrder) so that in screen and layout. Standardize
current system. Different aspects of they can answer customer queries the process to input data and access
a specific product are found under satisfactorily, thereby reducing the product information on
different headings and some customer waiting time. SimplyOrder.
information is also missing at

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 9

Current State Desired State Recommendation to Achieve
Desired State

The current order-entry system will Operators can smoothly transition Provide hands-on training on how
be replaced by SimplyOrder. No from the current order-entry system to use SimplyOrder, with special
training on this new system has to SimplyOrder and use it focus on mitigating issues and
been initiated. efficiently. challenges that Operators face in
the current order-entry system.

Operators do not encourage Operators multitask on ongoing Train Operators on upselling

customers to buy an expensive or calls and convince customers to techniques and communication
related product. buy more related products. skills.

Customer service surveys are Operators spend minimum time in Ensure the new-order entry system,
conducted orally by the Operators conducting surveys and maximum SimplyOrder has automated survey
in the current system, which in solving customer queries. system.
consequently results in prolonged

During peak season, workflow is The workforce is adequate and Direct HR to monitor enough staff
slow due to inadequate staff and/or competent to handle workload all- is available year-round and recruit
slow equipment. year round. accordingly, especially during peak
seasons, to ensure smooth
workflow. Additionally, replace
slow/outdated equipment with
upgraded equipment.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 10

Current State Desired State Recommendation to Achieve
Desired State

The new-hire orientation (two The new-hire training is Provide hands-on training and on
hours of order-entry system and comprehensive enabling Operators the proposed mock-order entry
product demos each shown on and Customer Service Supervisors workstation before new hires start
LCD projectors) is inadequate to to take customer orders confidently working on live orders.
learn the process and protocols of and successfully from the first day. In addition, a new hire can shadow
the work. an Operator/Customer Service
Supervisor for a week before
independently working on live

Standard workstations are 4-years The new workstations are up to Replace current headsets with high-
old and equipped with separate date and the new equipment makes quality ones to avoid distraction.
telephones, old headsets, the job easier due to better speed. Alternatively, employees can be
computers with an old browser reimbursed (either full or in part) if
(IE11), and no soundcards. they buy their own high-quality
For planning of future audio
training, soundcard reinstallation is
recommended. Also, consider
replacing IE11 with faster browsers
like Chrome and Firefox

Monthly meetings are optional and Monthly meetings are held at times Take a survey to gauge when are
are offered twice every month – convenient for employees and they the most convenient times to hold
morning and evening to are duly compensated for attending meetings.
accommodate people from all three it. Offer either paid time for attending
shifts. However, these are unpaid these meetings or extra off hours as
meetings and poor attendance is incentives.
Introduce a disciplinary rule that
prohibits missing two consecutive

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 11

Current State Desired State Recommendation to Achieve
Desired State

The Telephone Operators find little The monthly meetings held by the Draw a clear agenda and
value in the meetings and don’t supervisory and management staff communicate it to all the
focus on the topics intended to be focus on the needs, new policies, employees by mail and/or common
shared. and information about discontinued notices. In the meetings, discuss
products. The meetings also: and exchange suggestions for
 motivate employees to sell improvement to match sale targets.
more and cross-selling Acknowledge good performance at
 highlight bestseller every meeting to motivate
 intimate staff about sales employees.

The Operators are dissatisfied with New and different incentives are Modify incentives by extending the
the incentive offered, which is a offered by the company which validity of the discounted period
percentage off on their own orders aligns with needs of the Operators. from one week to three weeks.
from the company. The offer is Additionally, explore these options:
valid for one week.  Extra pay as a bonus
 Paid off-hours
 Local store gift coupons
for domestic needs

Job expectations are communicated Employees are periodically advised Outline the job expectations of
only during the hiring/interview of the job expectations and take each role in the handbook.
process. However, the Operators necessary actions to meet these Additionally, Supervisors should be
most often fail to meet these expectations. trained to coach Operators in
expectations alignment with the job

Supervisors are experienced Confident Supervisors who can Train Customer Service
Telephone Operators who have lead, coach, and take disciplinary Supervisors on leadership,
performed well. No specific decisions with regards to telephone communication, and decision-
training provided for supervisory operators. making skills.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 12

Current State Desired State Recommendation to Achieve
Desired State

Telephone etiquette is a major The Operators: Train Operators and Supervisors on

customer complaint. Operators  are polite and calm under communication skills and etiquette.
struggle with difficult callers and every circumstance.
don’t say much before transferring Provide hand-outs and job-aids
 open and end (e.g., professionally written scripts)
calls to Supervisors. They have a conversations in a pleasant
standard greeting, but a difficult that operators can use for reference.
customer affects the temperament  are patient with a difficult Organize a role-playing session for
of the Operators and the customer and tactfully try Operators and Supervisors to
subsequent calls. There is currently to maintain peace while observe, coach, and learn how to
no formal training in place for this. trying to help the customer communicate and behave with
customers in different situations.

The Customer Service Supervisors All employees are aware of the Ensure the mission of the company
and Operators are unaware of the mission of the company and is stated during the monthly
mission statement of the company. perform accordingly to achieve it. meetings. Signoff all official
notices with the company mission.

Operators are unaware of the new Operators are aware of the process Outline the new and existing
HR performance evaluation/self- and the parameters of performance policies in the handbook and
evaluation policies which are in self-evaluation and other existing organize an inaugural meeting to
effect since a couple of months. policies. orient staff to the contents of the
company handbook.
HR is advised to formally
communicate/email a copy of these
policies to the employees.
Additionally, consider Intranet to
store all these policies for easy
referral of the staff.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 13

Current State Desired State Recommendation to Achieve
Desired State

The new HR self-evaluation policy The feedback and review from Train Supervisors to guide,
directs Supervisors to talk to Supervisors help Operators to encourage, and motivate the
Operators if they rank themselves identify their own strengths and Operators during their performance
higher than their Supervisor’s weaknesses, thereby improving the rating discussions.
ratings, but not otherwise. No latter’s performance.
formal performance reviews are Review the checklist of call behavior
given by Supervisors to the (and revise it, if needed) to include
Operators. criteria that will help to identify
strengths and improvement

All trainings are instructor-led Effective learning is facilitated by Educate upper management to a
training. Although no e-learning is appropriate choice of training variety of training deliveries and
currently in place, the management delivery. their benefits including ILT, e-
might consider it for future. learning, blended, etc. for future
training prospects.

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 14

Proposed Solutions for Consulting Firm to Carry Out
DBAP, Inc. has prioritized several recommendations for ECG and proposes to
implement the following solutions:

Priority Solution Description

1 Communication Skills Training Design, develop, and lead an

Program instructor-led classroom training
session for Telephone Operators
and Customer Service
Supervisors covering the topics
of telephone etiquette, call
procedures, difficult customer
situations, and upselling.
Training will include a
presentation, role plays, job aids
such as scripts. Job aids will be
developed in print and CD
format. This training can be
subsequently scheduled prior to
every catalog release.

2 Design, Usability, and The IT team can be given

Configuration Consultation for guidance in screen design
SimplyOrder Implementation principles for SimplyOrder
Technical writers of DBAP, Inc.
can assist in creating product
description templates. These
templates can be used for
submitting and storing product
information in organized
standard layouts that operators
can access through
Provide support to the IT team
to conduct usability tests for the
customizations to ensure it is

3 SimplyOrder Training Program Develop training on

SimplyOrder. The content will
be made in alignment with the
new order-entry customizations.
It will involve extensive hands-
on training. The training will be
given in sessions of one-hour
two weeks prior to roll-out. A

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 15

Priority Solution Description
sandbox will be available which
employees can use to practice
exercises after the training.

4 Management Training Program An instructor-led training will

be designed and developed to be
conducted by the HR to help
improve overall management
skills of the Customer Service
Supervisors. Focus areas will be
leadership, coaching and
mentoring, communication, and
decision-making skills.
Quarterly sessions can be

5 Train-the-Trainer Course For successful execution and

maintenance of the above
trainings along with the product
catalog training, Trainers will be
trained to develop content, job
aids, assessments and
evaluation strategies based on
ID principles. The following
Trainers have been identified:
 Judi Thompson and
Sheena Perez (product
catalog training)
 Susan Turner
(communication skills,
new-hire orientation,
management training)
 Tsien Yun
(SimplyOrder training)

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 16

Evaluation plan
In order to evaluate if the executed solutions have had a positive impact on
overcoming challenges that ECG is experiencing, data needs to be collected
following implementation of each solution using the following methods: surveys,
checklists, performance reviews, observations, and interviews. Data should be
collected according to this schedule: Immediately following the implementation,
at three months, at six months, at nine months, and at a year. A determination
will be summarized after a period of one year whether the solutions were
successful. The data will be collected and evaluated according to these metrics:
 Number of customer complaints
 Types of customer complaints
 Wait time for customer in a queue
 Time Telephone Operator is on call with customer
 Number of times call is transferred to Customer Service Supervisor
 Number of calls completed in one hour by Telephone Operators
 Number of cancelled orders
 Number of incorrect orders
 Number of sales
 Level of turnover
 Level of job satisfaction among Telephone Operators

Request for Proposal

DBAP, Inc. conducted a thorough Performance Gap Analysis for the company
ECG to address company concerns and deficiencies. The analysis results,
proposed solutions, and recommendations are detailed in this Performance
Analysis Report. Also described is the methodology by which the prospective
objectives and deliverables to address the identified issues will be achieved.
Upon request from ECG, DBAP, Inc. would be pleased to submit a proposal for
implementation of the prioritized solutions (as itemized and described in the
“Proposed Solutions for Consulting Firm to Carry Out” table.)

DBAP, Inc. Performance Analysis Report 17

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