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Pride Sample

Throughout high school I had a lot of mini accomplishments or awards that I really value,

but there is one that I am the proudest and grateful for. My biggest accomplishment is being

accepted to Sacramento State. There is many reasons why I say that this is my biggest

accomplishment. But the main reason I say that this is my biggest accomplishment is because of

my background and where my family comes from. Where I am from, you are basically set up for

failure. My dad made it out and now is successful. However, he had to sacrifice a lot of things to

reach where he is at right now and one of them is school. My mom and dad did not have the

opportunity to reach college level education. My dad dropped out and did not finish high school

and my mom did not even go to high school. For me to even graduate from high school is one

big milestone. They are very proud of me for graduating high school, but personally I think it is

not as a big deal to me. I want to graduate from a 4 year because I know that is the important

graduation. That is what gives me my degree and paves my future for the rest of my life. Me

being accepted to Sacramento is my biggest accomplish because my Dad and Mom sacrificed

themselves to put me in this position. I personally did not think that I would have been accepted.

I know I am very smart and capable to do a lot of things, but I procrastinate a lot. Another major

accomplishment I was very proud to receive was the Cal Grant. I was very happy when I

received from them. This is one big accomplish because that Grant will help me a lot, financially

wise. Since I am going to a CSU, California State University, I will be receiving $7,000. This is

a very big deal to me because my parents are not the wealthiest. They will not be able to help me

whenever I need money and I know that by receiving this Grant it will put me in a better
position. I can use the money for buying books, and other things that I may need without asking

money for my parents. These are just two of my biggest accomplishments I have while attending

Merced High School.

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