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Appreciation Paper

Throughout my 4 years of attending Merced High School, there is a lot of people that I

appreciate and thank for putting me in the position I am currently at. However, there is one

person that I appreciate the most. I was in a program called “Gateway Scholars” from my

freshman year all the way to my senior year. Patricia Zarco was the head person in charge all the

way up to halfway of my senior year. She helped me the most throughout high school. I say this

because she kept me on track for completing a lot of tasks I did not know had to be completed.

For example, she would call me into her office and talk to me about my progress with my A-G

requirements. She would also talk to me about colleges and always encouraged me to attend

college. I personally think that she is the main reason on my acceptance into Sacramento State.

She helped me throughout the whole process. From registering for major tests, like SAT and

ACT, to helping me on the college applications, she was with me throughout the whole process.

Also, the program payed for everything, like the SAT and ACT. Two very big major tests for

college entrance requirements. This was a major help because both of these tests were somewhat

expensive and having a group that helped pay for it was a big help. I personally think that if it

wasn’t for Gateway Scholars, especially Patricia Zarco, I would not be where I am at. She was

the person that pushed and motivated me to get everything done, when no one else did. I

appreciate her a lot for helping throughout the whole process, from completing my A-G classes,

to my college applications. She is the main reason why I am in this position right now. I am very

grateful for the Gateway Scholars program, especially Patricia Zarco. They really helped and

guided me throughout my 4 years of high school.

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