Logbook Agustus 2018

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Bulan Agustus 2018




1 Dafit 01419908 22 th - Non union post OREF Femur (D) dengan loss - ORIF Femur (Broad plate + RYN  02/08/2018
of reduction dan bone defect Illiac graft
2 Ny.Sri Utami 01426523 32 th Destruksi Proximal Femur (S) susp MBD Core Biopsy RYN  03/08/2018

3 Tn. Kiswanto 0142043 18 th Susp Osteosarcoma R.Brachii (D) open biopsy RYN  03/08/2018

4 Ny.Darsining 01164727 81 th CF Proximal Humerus (S) Neer 4 part Hemiarthroplasty Shoulder (S) RYN  03/08/2018

5 Ny surami 01323885 43th - Paraplegi inferior ec destruksi VL 3-4 ec MBD - Corpectomy dan ADSF VL2-4 RYN  06/08/2018
ca mammae - THR (S)
- CF patologis subthrocanter femur (D) ec MBD
- CF patologis collum femur (S) ec MBD
6 An Jennifa 01424119 14th -Osteochondroma R.Cruris (D - Marginal Eksisi + biopsi + PA RYN  06/08/2018

7 Tn Giyono 01427830 52th - CF femur (D)1/3 tengah WH II comminutive - Pro debridement + ORIF RYN  06/08/2018
- CF tibia (D) 1/3 proksimal comminutive type
- OF fibula (D) 1/3 proksimal GA grade II
comminutive type
8 Darsining 01164727 81th CF proximal humerus (S) Neer 4 part HA shoulder RYN  07/08/2018

9 Sakino 01425566 56 th - Dead finger digiti III Manus (D) Disartikulasi setinggi DIP digiti RYN  07/08/2018
III manus (D)
10 Carimin 01427314 53 th - CF distal radius (D) et (S) Colles type Frykmann ORIF RYN  07/08/2018
- EDH frontotemporal (S)
11 Tn Burhani 01427830 52th - CF clavicula (D)1/3 tengah Allman group I - ORIF clavicula (Small Bone RYN  08/08/2018
- OF tibia fibula (D) 1/3 distal grade IIIC post Plate)
amputasi transtibia
12 Tn Tri marjuki 01422104 36th - CF patologis supracondyle femur (D) susp - Core biopsi RYN  08/08/2018
13 Ny harsi 01427106 57th - CF patologis shaft femur (D) ec MBD (ca - ORIF (Interlocking nail + Bone RYN  08/08/2018
mammae) cement)
14 An Nabila salma 01427134 10th - Primary bone tumor regio tibia proksimal (D) - Core biopsi RYN  08/08/2018
Susp Osteosarcoma

15 Rosid Aswadi 01427063 46 th - CF Shaft Radius Ulna (D) 1/3 tengah - ORIF Tibia RYN  09/08/2018
transverse type - ORIF Radius Ulna
- CF Proximal tibia Fibula (D)
- Chirrhosis Hepatis ec hepatitis B
- Anemia
16 Andrianto 01427903 37 th - CF Shaft Metacarpal V Manus (S) - ORIF Pinning RYN  09/08/2018
comminutuve type - relaparotomy + eksplorasi +
- Ruptur hepar post laparotomy eksplorasi + repair hepar (join op b.digest)
17 Ny.Vidia 01360628 29th - Union Fraktur Femur (S) post PFN - ROI PFN RYN  10/08/2018

18 Ny.Paryanti 01207500 51th - Ganglion reg Wrist (D) - Eksisi Ganglion RYN  10/08/2018

19 Ny.Winarni 01412870 51 th Destruksi Illiac Wing (S) + Os. Ischium(S)+ Pro curretage + THR cemented RYN  13/08/2018
Acetabulum (S) ec primary bone tumor dd + biopsi PA
osteochondroma transformasi malignant
20 Tn. Erik 01427893 18 th - CF distal radius ulna (S) comminutive type - ORIF maxilla + zygoma (join op RYN  13/08/2018
- COR GCS E4V5M6 dengan oedem cerebri plastik)
- Fr. Maxilla (D/S) - ORIF Radius Ulna
- Fr. Zygoma (S)
- Fr. Rima Orbita lateral (S)
21 Tabita ravaela 01426637 15th - PBT distal femur (D) DD osteosarcoma, eksisi tumor + PA + Juvara RYN  13/08/2018
angiosarcoma procedure k/p ablasi
22 Tabita ravaela 01426637 15th - PBT distal femur (D) DD osteosarcoma, eksisi tumor + PA + Juvara RYN  14/08/2018
angiosarcoma procedure k/p ablasi
23 Sri Puji 01423477 35 th OF Tibia Fibula (D) post OREF OREF transartikuler ankle joint RYN  14/08/2018
Dislokasi ankle joint (D)
Raw surface R. Cruris (D)
24 Srimiyatun 01403764 40th Recurrent chondrosarcoma proximal tibia (D) transfemoral amputation RYN  15/08/2018
post wide eksisi + limb salvage procedure
25 Dwi Purwanto 01311505 14th Osteosarcoma R.Femur (D) post juvara Limb salvage procedure RYN  15/08/2018
26 Achmad Pudji 01427807 17 thn Primary bone tumor proximal tibia (D) susp core biopsy + PA RYN  15/08/2018
27 Ryan Bastanta 01278429 26 th - Non Union Fracture Femur (S) post ORIF Transfemoral amputation RYN  16/08/2018
- Varus deformity Cruris (S) post ORIF
28 Erik 01427893 18 th - CF Distal Radius Ulna (S) comminutive ORIF Radius Ulna RYN  16/08/2018
- COR GCS E4V5M6 + edema cerebri
- Fr Maxilla D/S post ORIF
- Fr Zygoma (S) post ORIF
29 Imam Rifa’i 01419025 25 th Union Fracture Ankle (S) ROI RYN  16/08/2018

30 Tn. Ahmad 01427708 62 th Paraplegia Inferior LMN type ec Destruksi Vth Core Biopsy ( Trochanter Femur RYN  20/08/2018
Abad 9-10 ec Susp Metastase Bone Disease (S) )
Multiple lytic lession of the bone
31 Ny.Painah 01403130 54th Neglected Dislokasi anterior hip (D) post HA Skeletal Traksi RYN  20/08/2018
long stem cemented ai Fr.Patologis proximal
Femur(D) ec MBD Ca thyroid dd Ca Mammae
32 An.Devita 01424751 13th - Soft Tissue Tumor R.Manus (S) - Eksisi soft tissue tumor k/p RYN  20/08/2018
33 Legito 01427595 46 th - Destruksi proximal femur (S) post HA bipolar core biopsi RYN  21/08/2018
susp malignancy DD MBD, MM
34 Tri Bachtiar 30 th PBT proximal tibia (S) susp GCT core biopsi RYN  21/08/2018

35 Yulian 01429515 22 th OF clavicula (D) 1/3 tengah Allman group I ORIF Clavicula RYN  21/08/2018
Fr. Kompresi VTh 8
Contusio pulmonum
OF impresi R. Frontal
36 Daud Denni 01420901 34 th Neglected Fr. Humerus 1/3 tengah (S) ORIF Rekonstruksi + Bonegraft RYN  23/08/2018

37 Nafisatul 01425814 19 th OMC R. Cruris (S) Debridement + Biopsi dan RYN  23/08/2018
Kultur + guttering (k/p)
38 Ny.Partinah 01102012 76th - CF humerus 1/3 tengah (D)comminutive type - ORIF humerus dgn locking RYN  24/08/2018
tanpa lesi n.radialis plate
- CF olecranon (D) mayo type II - ORIF TBW
39 Andi setiawan 01429541 23th OF tibia fibula (D) 1/3 tengah Gustillo- - ORIF RYN  24/08/2018
Anderson grade I post debridement
40 Tri Marjuki 01427104 36th CF patologis distal femur (D) e.c Giant cell eksisi massa + rekonstruksi dgn RYN  27/08/2018
tumor Campanacci type 3 megaprotese
41 Rian Widianto 01424454 19 th - Primary Bone Tumor digiti II pedis (S) eksisi massa + rekonstruksi + RYN  27/08/2018
chondromyxoid Fibroma Biopsi PA
42 Jahriyati 01402812 53 th - Union fraktur Tibia Fibula (D) post OREF ROEF RYN  27/08/2018

43 Marianto 01429542 21 th - CF Clavicula 1/3 tengah (D) Allman group I - ORIF (Small bone plate 7-8) RYN  28/08/2018
44 Ahmad Subaidi 01395520 30 th - GCT proximal fibula (D) eksisi tumor/kuretase+ biopsi + RYN  29/08/2018
45 Painah 01403130 55 th - Dislokasi anterior Hip (D) post HA cemented ai Pro rekonstruksi HA long stem RYN  29/08/2018
Fr. Patologis proximal femur (D) ec MBD Ca cemented
thyroid dd ca mammae
46 Shofia 01430004 16 th -CF pelvis Young Burgess Combined type (APC ORIF rekonstruksi RYN  29/08/2018
type II+VS) post external fiksasi
-Ruptur vagina post repair vagina
-CF mandibula D/S
47 01419095 20th Osteochondroma collum femur (D) reseksi tumor + HA modular RYN  29/08/2018
Ari Widodo

48 An Ibrahim 01428835 18th - multiple lytic lesion susp MBD - Core biopsi reg. femur (D) RYN  30/08/2018
49 an Ryota arjuna 01425893 10th - Infected wound dengan Metal expose Tibia (S) - debridement + ROI Plate and RYN  30/08/2018
post ORIF Screw
(join op dengan b.plastik)
50 Ny.Katiyem 01258809 51 th CF Patologis Subthrochanter Femur (D) ec MBD Hemiarthroplasty Bipolar long RYN  31/08/2018
Ca thiroid stem cemented

51 Ny.Painah 01403130 54 th Post Skeletal traksi ai Neglected Dislokasi Rekonstruksi HA bipolar long RYN  31/08/2018
Anterior Hip(D) post HA long stem cemented ai stem cemented
Fr.Patologis Proximal Femur(D) ec MBD Ca
Tiroid dd Ca Mammae

NIM S.931308

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