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I have divided the newsletter up into these categories, so scroll down to each category. I
have given each category a separation that is visible. This edition of the newsletter will feature the following:
 Announcements
 Health and Vaccine News
 Over 100 Murdered Microbiologists, Chemists and
 Vaccine Documentaries, Videos, News clips
 Vaccine Myths and Facts
 Vaccine Connections to Neurological Disorders
 Violations of liberty, constitution, etc with Vaccinations, Quarantines and lawsuits
 Chem-Trails
 We now have Vaccination Education T-shirts and will be adding them to the shopping cart
in the next few days. They look terrific! Don’t forget to order some bumper stickers and
we are planning on adding info cards and other products to the store to help with
activism of vaccine danger awareness
 We are going to be adding a new area on the website where you will be able to request an
information DVD and packet so stay tuned for that.
 We are also looking for people who may be interested in building out the information on
the website. If this is something you can assist in, please email Jonathan at
 Creator of about to release an all new documentary.
Writer/Director Jonathan Elinoff has been an activist for 6 years and already has released
2 films. Now he prepares to release his all new documentary entitled, "The Mad Divide," a
film about the left/right paradigm of politics and how its used against the people. Check it
out at the following link:
 Sign the petition to investigate HPV vaccine dangers!

Health and Vaccine News

Council of Europe to investigate Big Pharma links to ―false pandemic‖ of swine flu
(Featured Article)
Pharma Times | The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is to hold
an emergency debate and inquiry this month into the ―influence‖ exerted by drugmakers
on the World Health Organisation‘s (WHO) global H1N1 flu campaign.
Usage And Benefits Of Hyperbaric Chambers
Factoidz | Hyperbaric oxygen chambers have been in use since 1662. However its clinical
use started in 1800‘s. It has been used safely as a treatment for diving disorders since
1930‘s. Initially it was developed to treat decompression sickness and gas embolism
Is The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Causing Miscarriages? 9 New Stories Of Pain And Loss
From Pregnant Women Who Lost Their Babies After Receiving The H1N1 Vaccine
Organic Health | Is the H1N1 swine flu vaccine causing miscarriages? Is the vaccine safe
for pregnant women to take? Those are questions that thousands upon thousands of
pregnant women have wrestled with over the past couple of months as they have decided
what to do about the swine flu
Julie Gerberding Primed Big Pharma‘s Pump with Flu and HPV Vaccines (Featured
Vactruth | The most recent in a long list of government bureaucrats to leave the public dole
and take up the high-paying cause of Big Pharma is none other than former head of the
CDC Julie Gerberding. One year and one day from the date of departure from the
Taxpayer payroll, Ms. Gerberding takes the...
Three Approved GM Corn Varieties Linked to Organ Damage. "The data 'clearly
underlines adverse impacts on kidneys and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, as well as
different levels of damages to heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system'
(Featured Article)
Food Freedom | In what is being described as the first ever and most comprehensive study
of the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers have linked
organ damage with consumption of Monsanto‘s GM maize.
Scientists Discover Origin of a Cancer in Tasmanian Devils
New York Times | The Tasmanian devil, the spaniel-size marsupial found on the Australian
island of Tasmania, has been hurtling toward extinction in recent years, the victim of a
bizarre and mysterious facial cancer that spreads like a plague.
"Eight years ago, federal officials were struggling to remove potentially deadly E. coli from
hamburgers when an entrepreneurial company from South Dakota came up with a novel
idea: injecting beef with ammonia"
New York Times | The company, Beef Products Inc., had been looking to expand into the
hamburger business with a product made from beef that included fatty trimmings the
industry once relegated to pet food and cooking oil. The trimmings were particularly
susceptible to contamination, but a study comm...
An antibody has been discovered, 'F77', that finds and wipes out prostate cancer cells
(albeit in mice, so far), according to a study published in PNAS
Physorg |US researchers have found an antibody that hunts down prostate cancer cells in
mice and can destroy the killer disease even in an advanced stage, a study showed Monday.
17 Interesting Tricks of the Body
Rock for Health | Interesting facts about your body, or is it all non-sense?
Grow-your-own to replace false teeth
The Guardian | The British institution of dentures sitting in a glass of water beside the bed
could be rendered obsolete by scientists who are confident that people will soon be able to
replace lost teeth by growing new ones.
First Case of Highly Drug-Resistant TB Found in US
ABC News | They bathed and chilled the skinny frame of Oswaldo Juarez, a 19-year-old
Peruvian visiting to study English. His lungs clattered, his chest tightened and he ached
with every gasp. During a wheezing fit at 4 a.m., Juarez felt a warm knot rise from his
throat. He ran to the bathroom sink a...
The microbes that keep the human body healthy are facing decline, displacement and
possibly even extinction
Scientific American | The human body has more microbial than human cells, but this rich
diversity of micro-helpers that has evolved along with us is undergoing a rapid shift--one
that may have very macro health consequences
French Fries, Potato Chips, Cereal, Coffee, Cookies, Toast, Popcorn, Pretzels, You Name It
All Have Acrylamide (Featured Article)
Dr Benkim | Acrylamide has been shown to cause cancer in animals. Exposure to large
doses of acrylamide has also been shown to cause neurological damage in humans. The top
two food groups listed above - French fries and potato chips - are easily two of the most
damaging foods to human health. ...
CDC Advisers on vaccines often had conflicts of interest - "some were legally barred from
considering the [flu vaccine] issues but did so anyway"
New York Times | A new report finds that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
did a poor job of screening medical experts for financial conflicts when it hired them to
advise the agency on vaccine safety, officials said Thursday.
Former CDC head was named president of Merck's vaccine division. Wait, who does she
work for? Us or them? (Featured Article)
Reuters | WASHINGTON - Dr. Julie Gerberding, former director of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, was named president of Merck & Co Inc's vaccine
division, the company said on Monday. Gerberding, who led the CDC from 2002 to 2009,
stepped down when President Barack Obama took...
Move over Fluoride! Scientists in Japan, Canada, and UK want lithium in public water. No
more subtle mass mind control through sedatives like Fluoride (Featured Article)
BBC | Drinking water which contains the element lithium may reduce the risk of suicide, a
Japanese study suggests. Researchers examined levels of lithium in drinking water and
suicide rates in the prefecture of Oita, which has a population of more than one million.
FDA tries to deport herbal drug vender claiming he committed "drug related crimes," this
might be ok if the seller was in the USA, but was actually in Ecuador where the USA is not
supposed to have any control (Featured Article)
Information Liberation | FDA dupes Interpol to achieve illegal kidnapping and deportation
of herbal formulator Greg Caton. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today stands
accused of taking part in the kidnapping and illegal extradition of a permanent resident of
Ecuador, in violation of bot...
MASS Ischemia -Cranial nerve ischemia, snakebite poisons, and vaccine autism,
ADD/ADHD, Alzheimer‘s dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, Attention deficit
disorders, sudden infant death, shaken baby syndrome, and more...
Brain Guard MD | A compiled chart with pictures and graphs, as well as information, for
others to research
World Health Organisation ‗Mr Swine Flu‘ Under Investigation for Gross Conflict of
Market Oracle | The man with the nickname ―Dr Flu‖, Professor Albert Osterhaus, of the
Erasmus University in Rotterdam Holland has been named by Dutch media researchers as
the person at the center of the worldwide Swine Flu H1N1 Influenza A 2009 pandemic
Child diabetes blamed on food sweetener
Times Online | Scientists have proved for the first time that a cheap form of sugar used in
thousands of food products and soft drinks can damage human metabolism and is fuelling
the obesity crisis.
The CDC Has Been Purposely Mixing H1N1 Swine Flu And H5N1 Bird Flu To See What
Will Happen
Bird Flu Pandemic | In a move that can only be described as incredibly reckless, scientists
at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control have been conducting experiments in which they
infect ferrets with both the H1N1 swine virus and the H5N1 bird flu virus to see ...
The 7 foods experts won't eat
Healthy Living, Shine | How healthy (or not) certain foods are—for us, for the
environment—is a hotly debated topic among experts and consumers alike, and there are
no easy answers. But when Prevention talked to the people at the forefront of food safety
and asked them one simple question—―What food...
Why EPA Headquarters' Union of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation
following documents why our union, formerly National Federation of Federal Employees
Local 2050 and since April 1998 Chapter 280 of the National Treasury Employees Union,
took the stand it did opposing fluoridation of drinking water supp...
Several hospital employees said that getting vaccinated was against their religion, and got
NBC Philadelphia | The people who were let go said this year is the first that the hospital
has mandated flu shots.
Water provided to more than 49 million people contains illegal concentrations of chemicals
like arsenic or radioactive substances like uranium, as well as dangerous bacteria often
found in sewage
New York Times | That law requires communities to deliver safe tap water to local
residents. But since 2004, the water provided to more than 49 million people has contained
illegal concentrations of chemicals like arsenic or radioactive substances like uranium, as
well as dangerous bacteria often fo...
Supressed research showing definitive links between Thimerosal and Autism
Videos | Dr. Boyd Haley is a professor and chair of the chemistry department at the
University of Kentucky. In this interview, Dr. Haley discusses mercury toxicity as a causal
factor in Autism. He also discusses the two primary sources of mercury toxicity: vaccines &
dental amalgams.
New H1N1 Vaccines To Be Grown In Dog Cells, African Green Monkey Kidney Cells,
Worm Viruses And Genetically Engineered E.Coli Bacteria
ORGANIC HEALTH | Current H1N1 swine flu vaccine production primarily relies on
growing the H1N1 swine flu inside of chicken eggs. However, that process has proven to be
too slow to please vaccine manufacturers, so new "cutting edge" processes are being
developed to make the vaccine production proces...
Man in hospital complaining of pain in his chest radiating down his left arm is told to wait.
Dies 2 hours later and is robbed in the meantime
CBS | Police say three men stole a watch from Joaquin Rivera as he passed away inside a
Philadelphia hospital. An educator and community leader became a victim of crime as he
lapsed into unconsciousness in the waiting room of a Philadelphia hospital Saturday. Police
say as the victim was dying...
A Swedish research institute has released a report that links the use of analog cell handsets
and a benign tumor--adding fodder to the long-running debate over cell phones and brain
CNET | The Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm
said Thursday that it has found that 10 or more years of cell phone use may increase the
risk of acoustic neuroma, a noncancerous tumor, in humans. Since digital handsets have
not been in widespread circulation ...
One in five HIV infections caused by medical staff
Telegraph | One in five HIV sufferers in Africa was infected by medical staff using dirty
needles and clinical equipment, new research has found.
Freedom of Information: Stalled at CDC and D.C. Government (Featured Article)
CBS | The Obama administration made a commitment to a ―new era of open government,‖
as stated in a presidential memorandum on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). On
March 19, 2009, Attorney General Eric Holder issued new FOIA guidelines to ―restore the
public‘s ability to access information in a ...
Nurse anesthetist charged with molesting and sodomizing over 100 anesthetized patients
Yahoo | A metro Atlanta nurse anesthetist has been charged with molesting and
sodomizing anesthetized patients in dental and medical offices, and police say the
videotaped abuses could involve 100 or more victims.
Italian Professor of Medicine makes a startling breakthrough while treating his wife. It's
possible he has found a cure for multiple sclerosis
Globe and Mail | Elena Ravalli was a seemingly healthy 37-year-old when she began to
experience strange attacks of vertigo, numbness, temporary vision loss and crushing
fatigue. They were classic signs of multiple sclerosis, a potentially debilitating neurological
Adrian Gibbs - not one of the Bee Gees but a noted virologist - claims Swine Flu most likely
came from a lab or vaccine-making plant
Bloomberg | Scientist Repeats Swine Flu Lab-Escape Claim in Published Study
Pharmaceutical Giant Paid $500,000 to Psychiatrist Who Used Chicago's Poor as Guinea
Pigs (Featured Article)
Alternet | Dr. Michael Reinstein reaped a half million off his patients' misery.
France finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying
Mercola | France's highest court has ruled that U.S. agrochemical giant Monsanto had not
told the truth about the safety of its best-selling weed-killer, Roundup. The court confirmed
an earlier judgment that Monsanto had falsely advertised its herbicide as "biodegradable"
and claimed it "left the so...
Obama Caught Lying
Video | In an interview as president Obama says people who are not covered with health
insurance should face punishment, but in a video debate from the eleciton year he stated
this would not be his issue. In fact, during that debate, the video shows that Hillary
Clinton supports punishment for...
Police Force Boy to Take Flu Shot
Intelligencer | It took the strength of two sheriff's deputies to keep a middle school kid still
enough to receive a shot of the swine flu, or H1N1, vaccine at a recent clinic.
Study Links Fluoride to Premature Births
The Batvian | State University of New York (SUNY) researchers found more premature
births in fluoridated than non-fluoridated upstate New York communities, according to a
presentation made at the American Public Health Association‘s annual meeting on
November 9, 2009 in Philadelphia.
MD explains toxic content of flu vaccine, manufacturer‘s warning of fatal/crippling
The Examiner | You may have heard that "vaccines" are a staged process in a nefarious
plan of population reduction.
Poland not buying swine flu vaccination unless it has been properly tested
Google | Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Friday that his government won't buy
vaccines for swine flu that have not been properly tested or from producers who won't take
responsibility for possible side effects.
Swine flu skepticism demands deft response
Reuters | Britain has revised down the worst-case scenario for swine flu from 65,000 deaths
to around 1,000 deaths - way below the average annual toll of 4,000 to 8,000 deaths
Batch of H1N1 vaccine pulled after bad reactions
CTV | More than 100,000 doses of the H1N1 vaccine are being withdrawn across the
country, after Manitoba health officials announced Thursday they'd noticed a higher-than-
usual number of allergic reactions from one batch.
Teen Has H1N1 Vaccine Reaction, Diagnosed with Guillian Barre Syndrome
VIDEO | Like in the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak, GBS is being reported

 Taken right from the health website on H1N1 safety, at the bottom, it reads some of the
current adverse reactions being seen with H1N1 vaccines and as expected, GBS (Guillain
Barre Syndrome) which killed and hospitalized people in the 1976 Swine Flu scare is
being seen with this vaccine. “adverse reactions reported included generalized skin
reactions including urticaria… neuralgia, convulsions and transient thrombocytopenia.
Allergic reactions, in rare cases leading to shock, have been reported… reactions
included vasculitis with transient renal involvement and neurological disorders, such as
encephalomyelitis, neuritis and Guillain Barré syndrome.”

 Attempted Murder Of 6 Harvard Microbiologists

Over 100 Murdered Microbiologists, Chemists and

The deaths you are about to read about all occurred in the last 8 years, these are not accidents,
look at the cause of death and their expertise. I added links to the news stories, but if you
want to find them just google the scientist or doctor’s name followed by the word “dead”and
you should find a source if I didn’t place it

Attempted murder of 6 Harvard microbiologists disclosed this week. A leading toxicologist

believes the chances are slim that six lab workers at Harvard University Medical School
were poisoned by accident. "An accident? Sodium azide is a poison," said David M.
Benjamin, a toxicologist and Chestnut Hill-based clinical pharmacologist. "Absolutely
not." The Herald reported yesterday that six scientists and students at the New Research
Building in Boston's Longwood Medical area were mysteriously poisoned after drinking
from a communal, single-serve coffee machine on the eighth floor near their pathology lab
on Aug. 26. Seconds later all six reported symptoms including dizziness and low blood
pressure and were taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for treatment.

Don C. Wiley
Dr. Wiley disappeared November 15, 2001 in Memphis, Tennessee. He was attending a
two-day annual meeting of the scientific advisory board of St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital. His work on deadly diseases such as ebola and HIV raised fears of a terrorist
kidnapping. Four hours later, his rental car was found on a bridge, raising the question of
suicide, which his family vehemently refuted

Dr. Don C. Wiley

Dr. Wiley was found a month later in the Mississipi River.

Robert M. Schwartz
Robert M. Schwartz was a renowned biophysicist who was a pioneer in DNA sequencing,
he was found murdered in his home after coworkers became concerned at his absence. And
yet another biochemist

Dr David Kelly and others…

Dr. David Kelly was an unlikely dissident. In fact Kelly wasn‘t a dissident at all, but a
prominent figure in Britain‘s bioweapons defense establishment. The former head of the
microbiology department at Porton Down, the UK‘s secret biological and chemical warfare
research facility, at the time of his 2003 death Kelly was a consummate insider, a trusted
keeper of state secrets; dangerous and deadly secrets that could topple governments. A
civilian employee of Britain‘s Ministry of Defence (MoD), Dr. Kelly was a biological
weapons expert and former United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq. While David Kelly
wasn‘t a spy, he did enjoy unprecedented access to the world of secret intelligence. Indeed,
according to author Gordon Thomas, Kelly had helped orchestrate the defection of a top
Russian microbiologist Vladimir Pasechnik (who turned up dead in 2001, allegedly from a
stroke) and played a part in the FBI‘s investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks in the
United States by trying to identify the origin of the Ames strain used in the fatal mailings
which ended up turning into a highly top secret investigation since evidence mounted that
the Anthrax attacks were from inside the military‘s most secure bioweapons facility. But it
has now come to light that there may be another compelling reason why Dr Kelly might
have been murdered.

Amazingly, 12 other well-known micro-biologists linked with germ warfare research have
died in the past decade, five of them Russians investigating claims that the Israelis were
working on viruses to target Arabs. The Russian plane in which they were travelling from
Tel Aviv to Siberia was shot down on October 2001 over the Black Sea by an 'off-course'
Ukrainian surface-to-air missile. Dr Kelly knew the victims and asked MI6 to find out
more details. However, they drew a blank.

Five weeks later, Dr Benito Que, a cell biologist known to Dr Kelly, was found in a coma
near his Miami laboratory. The infectious diseases expert had been investigating how a
virus like HIV could be genetically engineered into a biological weapon.

Dr Benito Que
Dr Que, 52, was found unconscious outside in the car park of his lab and died in hospital.
Officially, he suffered a heart attack although his family says he was struck on the head.
Police refused to re-open the case.

Robert Schwartz
Robert Schwartz was found slain in Loudoun Home

Set Van Nguyen

Set Van Nguyen was found dead in the airlock entrance to a walk-in refrigerator in the
laboratory where he worked in Victoria State, Australia

Vladimir Korshunov
Vladimir Korshunov was found dead on a street in Moscow

Ian Langford
Ian Langford was a senior Fellow at the University of East Anglia‘s Centre for Social and
Economic Research on the Global Environment. His body was discovered on by police and
paramedics. The body was naked from the waist down and partly wedged under a chair. It
is understood that doors to the terraced house were locked.

Tsunao Saitoh
Tsunao Saitoh was a leading Alzheimer's researcher. He and his 13 year-old daughter
were killed in La Jolla, California, in what a Reuters report described as a "very
professionally done" shooting. He was dead behind the wheel of the car, the side window
had been shot out, and the door was open. His daughter appeared to have tried to run away
and she was shot dead, also.

Linda Reese
Linda Reese was a microbiologist working with victims of meningitis. She died three days
after she studied a sample from Tricia Zailo, 19, a Fairfield, N.J., resident who was a
sophomore at Michigan State University. Tricia Zailo died Dec. 18, a few days after she
returned home for the holidays.

Jeffrey Paris Wall

Jeffrey Paris Wall was a biomedical expert who held a medical degree, and he also
specialized in patent and intellectual property. Mr. Walls body was found sprawled next to
a three-story parking structure near his office. He had studied at the University of
California, Los Angeles.
Ivan Glebov and Alexi Brushlinski.
These were two microbiologists. Both were well known around the world and members of
the Russian Academy of Science. Glebov died as the result of a bandit attack and
Brushlinski was killed in Moscow.

David W. Barry
David W. Barry was a scientist who codiscovered AZT, the antiviral drug that is
considered the first effective treatment for AIDS. Circumstance of Death: unknown

Victor Korshunov
Victor Korshunov was an expert in intestinal bacteria of children around the world. He
was bashed over the head near his home in Moscow.

Tanya Holzmayer
Tanya Holzmayer was a Russian who moved to the U.S. in 1989, focused on the part of the
human molecular structure that could be affected best by medicine. She was killed by
fellow microbiologist Guyang (Matthew) Huang, who shot her seven times when she
opened the door to a pizza delivery. Then he shot himself.

Guyang Huang
Guyang Huang was a microbiologist who apparently shot himself after shooting fellow
microbiologist, Tanya Holzmayer, seven times.

David Wynn-Williams
David Wynn-Williams was a respected astrobiologist with the British Antarctic Survey,
who studied the habits of microbes that might survive in outer space. He died in a freak
road accident near his home in Cambridge, England. He was hit by a car while he was

Steven Mostow
Steven Mostow was known as "Dr. Flu" for his expertise in treating influenza, and a noted
expert in bioterrorism of the Colorado Health Sciences Centre. He died when the airplane
he was piloting crashed near Denver.

David R. Knibbs, PhD

David R. Knibbs was Director of Electron Microscopy at Hartford Hospital and had a
doctorate in pathobiology from the University of Connecticut. He also served as an adjunct
faculty member at the University of Hartford. He collapsed and died after an evening run
(one of his joys in life).
Dr. Leland Rickman of UCSD
Dr. Leland Rickman was an expert in infectious disease who helped the county prepare to
fight bioterrorism after Sept. 11. He was in the African nation of Lesotho with Dr. Chris
Mathews of UCSD, the director of the university's Owen Clinic for AIDS patients. Dr.
Rickman had complained of a headache and had gone to lie down. When he didn't appear
for dinner, Mathews checked on him and found him dead. A cause has not yet been

Michael Perich
Michael Perich was an LSU professor who helped fight the spread of the West Nile virus.
Perich worked with the East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Control and Rodent Abatement
District to determine whether mosquitoes in the area carried West Nile. Walker Police
Chief Elton Burns said Sunday that Perich of 5227 River Bend Blvd., Baton Rouge,
crashed his Ford pickup truck about 4:30 a.m. Saturday, while heading west on Interstate
12 in Livingston Parish. Perich's truck veered right off the highway about 3 miles east of
Walker, flipped and landed in rainwater, Burns said. Perich, who was wearing his seat belt,
drowned. The cause of the crash is under investigation, Burns said.

Robert Leslie Burghoff

Robert Leslie Burghoff was studying the virus that was plaguing cruise ships until he was
killed by a mysterious white van in November of 2003. Burghoff was walking on a
sidewalk along the 1600 block of South Braeswood when a white van jumped the curb and
hit him at 1:35 p.m. Thursday, police said. The van then sped away. Burghoff died an hour
later at Memorial Hermann Hospital.

Dr Richard Stevens
Dr Richard Stevens was a hematologist. (Hematologists analyze the cellular composition of
blood and blood producing tissues eg bone marrow). He Disappeared after arriving for
work on 21 July, 2003. A doctor whose disappearance sparked a national manhunt, killed
himself because he could not cope with the stress of a secret affair, a coroner has ruled.

Dr. Michael Patrick Kiley

Dr. Michael Patrick Kiley was one of the world's leading microbiologists and an expert in
developing and overseeing multiple levels of biocontainment facilities. He was at the
forefront in the early studies of Lassa fever, the Ebola virus and mad cow disease while at
the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Ga. He Died of massive heart attack.
Coincidently, both Dr. Shope and Dr. Kiley were working on the lab upgrade to BSL 4 at
the UTMB Galvaston lab for Homeland Security. The lab would have to be secure to house
some of the deadliest pathogens of tropical and emerging infectious disease as well as
bioweaponized ones.

Vadake Srinivasan
Vadake Srinivasan was one of the most-accomplished and respected industrial biologists in
academia, and held two doctorate degrees. He died in a mysterious single car accident in
Baton Rouge, La. Crashed car into a guard rail and ruled a stroke.
William T. McGuire
William T. McGuire was a NJ University Professor and Senior programmer analyst and
adjunct professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark. His dismembered
body was found floating in three suitcases in the Chesapeake Bay.

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove

Mallove was well respected for his knowledge of cold fusion. He had just published an open
letter outlining the results of and reasons for his last 15 years in the field of new energy
research. Dr. Mallove was convinced it was only a matter of months before the world
would actually see a free energy device. He Died after being beaten to death during an
alleged robbery.

Antonina Presnyakova
Antonina Presnyakova was the former Soviet biological weapons laboratory in Siberia.
She died after accidentally sticking herself with a needle laced with Ebola.

Dr. Assefa Tulu

Dr. Tulu joined the health department in 1997 and served for five years as the county's
lone epidemiologist. He was charged with tracking the health of the county, including the
spread of diseases, such as syphilis, AIDS and measles. He also designed a system for
detecting a bioterrorism attack involving viruses or bacterial agents. Tulu often
coordinated efforts to address major health concerns in Dallas County, such as the West
Nile virus outbreaks of the past few years, and worked with the media to inform the public.
Dallas County's chief epidemiologist, was found at his desk, died of a

Dr Paul Norman
He was the chief scientist for chemical and biological defence at the Ministry of Defence's
laboratory at Porton Down, Wiltshire. He travelled the world lecturing on the subject of
weapons of mass destruction. He died when the Cessna 206 crashed shortly after taking off
from Dunkeswell Airfield on Sunday. A father and daughter also died at the scene, and 44-
year-old parachute instructor and Royal Marine Major Mike Wills later died in the

Ok, well I can go on and on and on, but if you want to see more:

Here is a list of another 87 more convenient deaths in the microbiology, virology and
chemistry world. The reason all of this needs to be mentioned, as you can see, is the nature
of these murders and the fact that most of them, for the most part, are unsolved.

Here is the list of 87 more names:
Vaccine Documentaries, Videos, News Clips:
Swine Flu Conspiracy

Vaccine Nation - Director's Cut (Gary Null). Watch This Movie And You Will Never Want
To Vaccinate.

Merck Vaccine Chief admits the drug company vaccines have traditionally been injecting
cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in people worldwide.

Predictive Programming: Tv Movie Shows Riots, Quarantines, Mass Graves for Pandemic

Former Airforce Officer Sues State of Florida Over Forced Vaccination Law Being
Violation of Personal Liberty

Quarantine or $1,000 a day fine fore refusing the mandatory vaccine!

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey on Larry King talking about Autism, THANK YOU JIM
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Vaccine Myths and Facts:

Journalist Fired Over Flu Pandemic Lawsuit

Swine Flu: 177,699 cases & 1,126 deaths - *worldwide*. If you catch it, you appear to have
an approx 99.4% chance of living.

Australian Officials are warning of an infectious disease risk for those who receive the

Report suggests people who get vaccinated are more likely to catch H1N1

Uncensored Magazine | H1N1 Susceptibility Linked to Genetically Modified Food,

Mutating Rapidly

On The Smallpox Vaccine, Dr. Vernon Coleman wrote: "One of the medical profession‘s
greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of the smallpox vaccine. I
myself believed this claim for many years. But it simply isn‘t true."

Is it true that the Smallpox Vaccine Triggered the AIDS Virus?

Will the Vaccine Sterilize You?;topicseen

(2004) Polio Outbreak From Oral Vaccine Identified -- And Controlled -- In China

Did the Swine Flu come from a Lab?

World Health Organization investigating claims that Swine Flu may be Human Error

"The document on the WHO website linked below states that it is common procedure to
release pandemic viruses into the population in order to get a jump ahead of the real
pandemic, so as to fast track the vaccine for when it is needed"

The forgotten flu: At Fort Riley thousands of military personnel developed the flu in the
spring, summer, and fall of 1918. The first official influenza sick call at Camp Funston
occurred on March 4, 1918, and within three weeks at least 1,000 soldiers required
hospitalization for severe symptoms. That‘s right, the Spanish flu came from the military,

The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 was caused by vaccinations

The greatest threat to mankind is not Iran or North Korea developing a nuclear bomb. The
intentional release of a biological weapon like the A-H1N1 virus is.

Canadian Doctor says H1N1 Vaccination is a eugenics weapon for a massive and targeted
reduction of world population. Since the first immunizations are using live viruses, the
viruses used are probably modified and will be the cause of the spread of the initial
disease. This was the same as the case for the 1918 Spanish Flu, it was the immunizations
that caused the spread of the disease.

Fear the vaccine, not the swine flu itself - "People in the southern hemisphere have
recovered quite nicely from their "flu season" without having taken flu vaccines, with
general agreement that it was no worse than a normal winter."

New Swine Flu Mutation Far More Deadly

The Swine Flu advisor to our government is a vaccine maker executive who is making
money on the sale of vaccines. Why would we want him advising our government on the
swine flu vaccine program? Seems like we should not be surprised when he makes a
request to have vaccinations mandatory because he stands to make a lot of money from it.

Swine Flu Shot May Rely on Emergency Use of *Experimental* Additives - "The CDC
agreed to pay London-based Glaxo and Novartis, based in Basel, Switzerland, more than
$415 million for adjuvants that could be added to the swine flu vaccines"

Why did the government buy 195 millions doses of if they were still testing the H1N1
vaccine? They had not yet seen the adverse reaction rates, let alone what the adverse
reactions were going to be. Why the rush violating the law?

WHO has refused to release the Minutes of a key meeting of an advisory vaccine group –
packed with executives from Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi – that recommended compulsory
vaccinations in the USA, Europe and other countries against the artificial H1N1 ―swine
flu‖ virus this autumn.
Obama Science Advisor called for ―planetary regime‖ to enforce totalitarian population

Contaminated avian flu vaccine leads to bio-terrorism charges against the United Nations
and the World Health Organization

Check out this post from March 5, 2009 called ―bioterrorism attack plotted by New World
Order‖ which predicted the Swine Flu H1N1 outbreak

Vaccine Connections to Neurological Disorders:

Officials: Don‘t Blame Flu Shots for Side Effects (Including Death)

FOIA Reveals All: Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers
discuss, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from
vaccine components.

Deadly Immunity: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. investigates the government cover-up of a

mercury/autism scandal

Violations of liberty, constitution, etc with Vaccinations,

Quarantines and lawsuits:
Over 9,000 Vials Unaccounted For At U.S. military biolab

Kissinger Report 2004 How U.S. foreign policy uses population control to exploit third
world economies.

"In short: WHO has the authority to force everyone in those 194 countries to take a
vaccine this fall at gunpoint, impose quarantines and restrict travel."
When the flu peaks this Fall, the military will be deployed to "assist" you

Plans were drawn up for mass graves a while back if you remember

WHO ‗recommends‘ global mandatory vaccination, Canada prepares : Columbia Valley


Want exemption form a vaccine?

The following draft of an ―isolation order‖ was discovered on the CDC‘s website. It is a
template for state and local officials to impose quarantines and what would effectively be
martial law.

CDC H1N1 forced detainment and quarantine documents leaked…

Arkansas DHS Vaccinates 36 children with Swine Flu Vaccine against Parents‘ Objections

Panamax 2009: U.S. Military Exercise to Train Soldiers to Impose Pandemic Martial Law

Quarantine orders for Florida and Iowa for refusing swine flu vaccine.

New Government Swine Flu Document reveals plans for mass graves

Urgent lawsuit filed against FDA to halt swine flu vaccines; claims FDA violated federal

Militarization of Public Health, an agenda to have a worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination

Mandatory swine flu shots for health workers: Thousands rebel at safety risks, big pharm

Over the next two weeks 1,000 children aged six months to 12 years are being recruited in
Oxford, Bristol, Southampton, Exeter and London, to determine which vaccine ―has fewer
side-effects‖, reports the BBC.

Kissinger NSSM200 Population Control Agenda: Could the United States help reduce the
population and if so, in what form and through which agencies bilateral, multilateral,
private? One year before the 1976 Swine Flu Bioweapon Leak, Kissinger discussed in a
national security memo how countries could decrease the population. Vaccinations played
an important role in their goal of population reduction.

Childhood Vaccines Exceed Federal Guidelines for Mercury

Health workers on trial for testing vaccine on people without their consent

H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Mass Deaths Expected This Fall, FEMA Prepares By Building
Mass Grave Sites

The Swine Flu Conspiracy: If they Have Nothing To Hide, Why is the Government Acting
So Guilty?

Dr. Oz Will Propagandize For H1N1 Vaccine, But He Won‘t Give It To His Kids

Quotes on population reduction:

More quotes on population reduction:

Applied Eugenics, 1918 document which discusses using Spanish Flu immunizations to
spread the 1918 Spanish Flu with live viruses so that population can be reduced

Big Pharma Covering Up Deaths?

A High School in Maine was taken over by the National Guard a while back for the
purposes of a drill that will see Guardsmen deal with unruly citizens begging for swine flu

While asking questions with the CDC Pentagon representative, We Are Change Colorado
was able to get a video confirmation that States will be deciding on the issue of mandatory
vaccinations, not the Federal government.

Plans for ―vaccine‖ bracelets to be forced on people at road blocks

A New Health Bill would OK forced vaccinations in private homes

UK to vaccinate 30 people an hour in 'military-style operation' for H1N1 swine flu

For people who doubt that there is testing, experiments or other on your nice blue sky
(chemtrails) let me show you a list of links to some sites you need to familiarize yourelf
with. Remember, they do this over cities without your consent:

Unites States Patent for Chem Trails
C135 Weather Modification Plane
Local News Confirms barium in Chemtrails
Cloud Seeding Books
Cloud Seeding in COLORADO
Weather Manipulation Company:
Weather Modification Company:
Atmospheric Science Program
Cloud Seeding, Weather Modification Program Company
NASA - Dryden Flight Research ChemTrail program
Another Local Newscast reports on Military testing in atmosphere disrupting radar for
German Military caught manipulating atmosphere
French Military planes with atmospheric spray systems attached
Las Vegas Tribune does a piece on Chemtrails
Chemtrail plane following another plane not leaving any trail
Chemtrail Galore:
Boeing NKC-135A Strantotanker
Contrail Science Webpage
HAARP, documentaries you need to watch and website
Another Film:
And finally, educate yourself on HR 2977 where it states the use of chemtrails as well as
other similar weapons against the citizens is OK as a ―Defense‖ purpose

Here's a trailer for a made-for-TV movie called Toxic Skies that a friend of mine just co-
produced. Starring Anne Heche, the film was inspired by the Chem Trails conspiracy
theory, which holds that some jet contrails (the vapor trails the form behind jets at high
altitudes) are actually toxic chemicals deliberately sprayed at high altitude for an
undisclosed but presumably sinister purpose.

Chem Trail article released by Financial Times: ―Sulphur particles shot into the
stratosphere, could reflect enough sunlight to make a measurable difference‖ Wait a
second, I thought those were a conspiracy theory,dwp_uuid=abb716b0-

Oh yeah, and the artist formerly known as ―Prince‖ came out about Chem Trails

-Jonathan Elinoff

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