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Megan Sunderman

Professor Parkes

EDIT 663 – Educational Applications of Social Media, Summer Session II

Social Networking Project

Instagram Website:

Instagram Username: duckydayplay

1. Pre-Survey

a. How many followers/fans do you have?

I do not have any followed because I don’t have an Instagram account.

b. How many people do you follow?

I do not follow anybody, since I do not have an Instagram account.

c. How many times a day do you post?

I have not post anything on Instagram yet.

d. How often do you interact with others?

I do not interact with anyone yet.

e. What time of the day do you post most often?

Since I do not have an Instagram account yet I have not yet posted.

f. Are your posts focused?

I have not post anything on Instagram yet, but my posts would focus on

information about my daycare, events going on, and pictures of what the children

are doing.

g. Do you think about your audience?

I don’t have an audience yet, but my audience would be parents, guardians, other

family members, and potential future clients.

2. Social Media Network Plan

1. What social media site will you be using?


2. What is the URL or username?

Instagram Website:

Instagram Username: duckydayplay

3. What are you going to be an expert on through your account (what is the focus of

your post?)

My posts will focus on Ducky Day Play, such as events going on, information,

quotes, and pictures of the children while at daycare.

4. What 2-3 categories will your posts mostly fall under? (Topics #EDTECH, how to

drive traffic to your site (Blog, Wiki, Microblogging, other), new tech equipment for

education, APPs, tech innovation, best practices, etc.…)

 Ducky Day Play Information

 Pictures of Ducky Day Play Daily Activities

 Inspirational Quotes about Education

Users can follow Ducky Day Play and posts can be shared on Facebook,

Twitter, and Tumblr. Instagram can be used on the computer and/or on iPads,

tablets, phones, etc. Notifications are send when someone starts to follow you

and when someone likes your photos.

5. How often will you post (Your minimum)

I will post at least three times a week and at least one post per day.
6. How will you post? (Phone, Computer, other)

I will post via my phone, and occasionally, I will post via my computer.

7. When will you post (Think about your intended audience)

I will mostly post in the morning and in the evening. I will post important

information in the morning and I will post quotes and pictures from the day in the

evening, so that parents, guardians, family members, etc. can see what the

children did during their time at daycare.

8. If you get negative comments, how will you deal with them?

If I receive negative comments, I will privately message the individual who

posted the negative comment(s) and address their concerns. I will also delete the

comment or report the comment, if necessary.

9. How quickly will you respond if someone replies or comments back to you? (Within

what amount of time)

I will try to respond to the person within the same day of their reply and/or

comment and within a couple of hours of their reply and/or comment.

10. What are your expectations/goals?

The purpose of my Instagram account is to inform and keep parents, guardians,

family members, etc. up-to-date about Ducky Day Play. Another purpose of my

Instagram account is to share with parents, guardians, family members,

community members, etc. activities that happen throughout the day and what the

children do at daycare. Providing inspirational quotes about education and

children allows for people to understand how Ducky Day Play feels and how the
workers at Ducky Day Play feel about their job and about the children they work


My goal is for parents, guardians, family members, community members, etc. to

feel welcomed at Ducky Day Play and know what goes on throughout the day.

My goal is also for parents, guardians, family members, community members, etc.

to collaborate with Ducky Day Play and with one another.

Social Media Evaluation Rubric
4 3 2 1
Post  Posting 4-5  Posting 2-3  Posting 1-2  No frequent posts
Frequency times a week times a week times a week
Contains all of the Contains 3 of the Contains 2 of the Contains 1 or none of the
following: following: following: following:
Content  Clear,  Clear,  Clear,  Clear, memorable
memorable memorable memorable content
content content content  Contact
 Contact  Contact  Contact information/website
information/w information/w information/web link
ebsite link ebsite link site link  Tag-line
 Tag-line  Tag-line  Tag-line  Audience
 Audience  Audience  Audience interaction
interaction interaction interaction
 150+ reaches  100+ reaches  50+ reaches per  0-49 reaches per
Reaches/ per post per post post post
Likes/Shares  45+ likes per  30+ likes per  20+ likes per  0-19 likes per post
post post post  3 or less shares per
 12-15 shares  8-11 shares  4-7 shares per post
per post per post post
Contains all of the Contains 3 of the Contains 2 of the Contains 1 or none of the
following: following: following: following:
 Uses of  Uses of  Uses of  Uses of memorable
Creativity memorable memorable memorable visual content or
visual content visual content visual content or slogans
or slogans or slogans slogans  Use of company
 Use of  Use of  Use of company logo
company logo company logo logo  Seasonal/themed/ho
 Seasonal/them  Seasonal/them  Seasonal/themed liday posts
ed/holiday ed/holiday /holiday posts  Use of
posts posts  Use of giveaways/contests
 Use of  Use of giveaways/conte
giveaways/co giveaways/co sts
ntests ntests

3. Post-Survey (After executing your plan)

a. How many followers/fans do you have?

I have 19 followers, and I hope this number continues to increase as my

business grows.

b. How many people do you follow?

I am following 14 people, and I hope this number increases as I post more

and as my business grows.

c. How many times a day do you post?

I post about once a day since my business is small, but I would like to post

more as my business grows and as children do more activities.

d. How often do you interact with others?

I check Instagram once a day and I check to see who likes my posts and

who commented on my posts.

e. What time of the day do you post most often?

I post mostly in the evening after work.

f. Are your posts focused?

My posts focus on information about my daycare, pictures of what the

children are doing, and inspirational quotes about education and children.

g. Do you think about your audience?

I do think about my audience. My audience consists of parents, guardians,

other family members, and potential future clients. My posts allow for my

audience to see what is happening at Ducky Day Play and what the

children do throughout the day.

4. Reflect and evaluate the effectiveness of the Social Media to support, model, and

promote your expectations/goals.

According to the article, “10 Reasons to Use Instagram to Promote Your Small Business

(Infographic)” Instagram is one of the most popular social networking sites. It is also a leading

platform for small business promotion (Bose, 2018). I choose to do my Social Networking

Project on Instagram because I have not ever used Instagram before. I know a lot of people who

use Instagram as a way to showcase and promote their business. I figured I can create an

Instagram account as a way to showcase and promote my daycare.

One reason to use Instagram for business is because Instagram is a visual platform, in

which helps one form a more personal connection with customers. One can share pictures and

videos of workers, the business itself, etc. to engage their audience. A visual feed can reflect the

businesses uniqueness and differentiate the business. Social media is all about networking.

Instagram is a great place to network. One can expand their social network and collaborate with

others. Businesses should use Instagram to deliver a great profile and bio about their small

business. They can engage with their followers by posting pictures and video content. They can

add links to their posts, such as including links to their business websites. Instagram allows

businesses to showcase their services and tell interesting stories. Businesses should have clear

intentions. They should also give followers real time information and updates about their

business (Bose, 2018).

The purpose of my Instagram account is to inform and keep parents, guardians, family

members, etc. up-to-date about Ducky Day Play, share events that occurred and that will occur.

The other purpose of my Instagram account is to share with parents, guardians, family members,
community members, etc. activities that happen throughout the day and what the children do at

daycare. I also post and will continue to post inspirational quotes about education and children,

because this allows for people and clients to understand how Ducky Day Play feels and how the

workers at Ducky Day Play feel about their job and about the children they work with. I will add

links to my Facebook page and my website to my Instagram, so that followers can view them

and gain a better insight about the daycare.

My goal for my Instagram account is for parents, guardians, family members, community

members, etc. to feel welcomed at Ducky Day Play and know what goes on throughout the day. I

can post pictures and videos of workers and children with the worker’s consent and the consent

of the parents, guardians, etc. of the children and showcase what activities children do. Visual

feeds can reflect Ducky Day Play’s uniqueness and how the business is different from others. My

goal is also for parents, guardians, family members, community members, etc. to collaborate

with Ducky Day Play and with one another. I want to create a platform in which builds a more

personal connection with parents, guardians, family members, community members, etc.

By using Instagram, I would like to expand my business by social networking and

collaborating with others. I need to constantly check my Instagram for new followers and

comments, post information about the business, what the daycare offers and what the children

do. I want my Instagram to build a personal connection with parents, guardians, family members,

community members, etc. so that they continue to come to Ducky Day Play, promote Ducky Day

Play, and to potentially gain more clients.

Instagram Website:

Instagram Username: duckydayplay

Day 1 First Post

Day 7

Bose, S. (2018, March 13). 10 Reasons to Use Instagram to Promote Your Small Business

(INFOGRAPHIC). Retrieved from


Grant, A. (2016, March 08). Habitat for Humanity Campaign Presentation. Retrieved from

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