June 2019 Human Behavior and Crisis Management Notes

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Human Behavior and Crisis Management Note

refers to the action of an organism or system, usually in relation to its environment, which includes the
other organisms or system around as well as the physical environment.
Human Behavior
Is the voluntary or involuntary attitude of a person adopts in order to fit society’s idea of right or wrong.
It is partly determined by heredity and environment, and modified through learning.
 Contributors in the study:
 Sigmund Freud – the father of psychoanalysis ( instinct )
 Francis Galton – Heredity and Human Behavior ( Genetics)
 Charles Darwin – Theory of Evolution
1. Overt or Covert Behavior
2. Conscious or Unconscious Behavior
3. Simple or Complex Behavior
4. Rational or Irrational Behavior
5. Voluntary or Involuntary Behavior
Normal and Abnormal Person
 Normal Person - behaves according to the norms and standards of the society.
 Abnormal Person - fails to meet the characteristics of a normal person.
Characteristics of a Normal Person
 Free expression of personality
 Adequate security feelings
 Efficient contact with reality
 Adaptability to group norms
 Emotional maturity
 Adequate self-knowledge
 Integrated and consistent personality
Abnormal Behavior
Is something deviating from the normal or differing from the typical.
is a behavior that is deviant, maladaptive or personally distressful over a long period of time.
How abnormal behavior is identified:
1. Deviation from statistical norm:
a. Intelligence
It is statistically abnormal for a person to get a score about 145 on an IQ test or to get a score below
b. Anxiety
A person who is anxious all the time or has a high level of anxiety and someone who almost never
feels anxiety are all considered abnormal.

2. Deviation from social norm.

- every culture has certian standards for acceptable behavior.
3. Maladaptive behavior
-third criterion is how the behavior affects the well-being of the individual and/ or social group.
4. Personal distress
-the forth criterion considers abnormality in terms of the individuals subjective feelings.
Mental Disorder vs Mental Retardation
refers to to the significant impairment in psychological functioning
wanting in memory, willpower and emotion, cannot expressed himself in language, is quiet, timid and
easily irritated. I.Q. 0-20.
cannot manage his own affairs, able to speak but worth poor command language. IQ. 21-40
incapable of receiving benefits from instruction in ordinary school, lacks initiative and ability for any
work or responsibility. I.Q. 41-70.
devoid of a moral sense and often shows intellectual deficiency, careless, pleasure-loving and a devil –
may-care-sort who adheres to the principles of live today for tomorrow we die, live fact and die young
and it is only happiness that counts.
Types of Mental Disorder
1. Psychosis 6. Somatoform disorder
2. Organic Mental Disorder 7. Personality disorder
3. Substance Related Disorder 8. Neurosis
4. Mood Disorder 9. Sexual and gender identity disorder
5. Anxiety disorder
is not capable to judge between right and wrong or the inability to appreciate the nature and quality of
wrongfulness of one's act.
Four (4) legal test of insanity
 M’naghten Rule
 Irresistible impulse test
 Substantial Capacity Test
 Durham Rule
 "psyche", mind/soul, and "-osis", for abnormal condition or mental state often described as
involving a "loss of contact with reality
is a gross and persistent falsification of conventional reality that leaves the person unable to manage
conventional reality with any degree of effectiveness.
 Delusion
 Hallucination
 Distortion of thinking
 Inappropriate emotion responses
Forms of Disorder
false interpretation of an external stimulus.
erroneous perception w/out the external stimulus.
hypnagogic – false sensory perception of occurring midway between falling asleep and being
lilliputian – perception of objects as reduced in size.
The partial or total inability to recall or identify past experiences following a traumatic incident.
 As to form - Retrograde & Anterograde
 As to severity - Brain Pathology Amnesia &Psychogenic Amnesia
disorder of the brain characterized by mental weakness, forgetfulness.
 acute dementia – a form of temporary dementia occurring in young people like
malnutrition, overwork.
 dementia paralytica – degeneration of physical , intellectual and moral power leading to
 dementia praecox –characterized by loss of memory.
 senile dementia - characterized by loss of memory with childish and silly behavior and
physical degeneration.
 toxic dementia- characterized by weakness of mind or feeble cerebral activity.
Delusional Disorder
- false or erroneous belief of something which is not a fact.
1. Delusion of grandeur- great possession 6. Delusion of Reference
2. Persecution – persecuted (OPPRESSED) 7. Delusion of Self accusation
3. Infidelity – lovers is unfaithful. 8. Hypochodriacal delusion
4. Nihilistic delusion 9. Narcissistic delusion
5. Delusion of Negation
Volition Disorder – Conation
sudden and irresistible force compelling a person to the conscious performance of some action without
motive or forethought.
• pyromania – an irresistible impulse to set things afire.
 kleptomania – steal
 mutilomania – maim animals
 dipsomania –indulge in intoxication
it is an act wherein a person is compelled to perform some actions against his free will and with duress
as a result of external factors.
Somatoform Disorder
Complaints about the body symptoms that suggest the presence of physical problem but no organic basis
can be found.
 Hypochondriasis  Conversion disorder
 Psychogenic pain disorder
Mood Disorder
are disorders characterized by extreme and unwanted disturbances in feeling or mood. This are major
disturbances in one’s conditions or emotions, such as depression and mania.
 Depressive Disorder  Bipolar disorder
 Dysthymic Disorder  Cyclothymic disorder
Personality Disorder
Cluster A
• Schizoid Personality • Paranoid Personality • Schizotypal
Disorder Disorder Personality Disorder
is a set of fixed delusional beliefs that are accompanied by clear and orderly thinking outside the
delusion system. Paranoia manifests itself.
It has been described as “vigilant suspicious, distrustful, insecure, and chronically anxious”.
Paranoid-Schizophrenic – is a mental disease resembling paranoia, but is also characterized by autistic
behavior, hallucinations and a gradual deterioration of the personality.
Cluster B
 Antisocial Personality Disorder  Narcissistic Personality Disorder
 Borderline Personality Disorder  Histrionic Personality Disorder
Cluster C
• Avoidant Personality Disorder • Compulsive Personality Disorder
• Dependent Personality Disorder •
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
is an abnormal mental condition whereby a person performs an act while sleeping.
state of half sleep or in a condition between sleep and being awake. Commit criminal act due to
a person is made unconscious by the suggestive influence of a hypnotist.
is a state of confusion of the mind. Characterized by incoherent speech, hallucinations, illusions,
delusions, restlessness and apparently purposeful motions.
this is a mentally disturbed person who is opposed to the principles upon which society is based.
 Sociopath – is a person who lacks any sense of social or moral responsibility due
to mental illness.
 Psychopath - is a person having personality disorders characterized by anti-social
behavior, indifference to immorality and abnormal changes in mood or activity.
group of abnormal behaviors, which typically stemmed from immature and distorted personality
development, resulting in persistent maladaptive ways of perceiving and thinking. They are generally
called “personality or character disorders”
is a mental disease resembling paranoia, but is also characterized by autistic behavior, hallucinations and
a gradual deterioration of the personality.
a person who does not fit a particular purpose.
characterized by alternating accounts of mania and depression.
 Neurosis
- is a class of functional mental disorder involving distress but neither delusion or hallucination.
- involves impaired social, intellectual and/or vocational.
- is suffered by a person if most likely to be observed in a continuous state of anxiety. Erratic
behavior would more than likely be displayed by reaction to anxiety in the form of ego defense
mechanism such as rationalization, projection or displacement
refers to anti-social acts that place at risk of becoming a focus of the attention of criminal and juvenile
justice professional.

Legal Definition
refers to action that are prohibited by the state and punished under law.
Moral Definition
- actions that maybe rewarding to the actor but that inflicts pain or loss to others.
Origins of Criminal Behavior
1. Biological factor 2. Personality Disorder 3. Learning Factor
Terrible Triad for Serial Killer
1. Bed wetting
2. Fire Starting
3. Animal Torture
Two types serial killer based on the serial killer's motive
1. Act-Focused - does'nt kill for the psychological gratification but making the act itself their
 VISIONARY - receives a vision or hears a voice
 MISSIONARY - mission to eradicate a specific group of people
2. Process-Focused - killing for enjoyment
 Gain  power
 thrill  lust
refers to the sum total of typing ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that makes each person unique.
Types of Personality
• Introvert
• Extrovert
6 approaches to personality
Psychoanalytical Approach
id, ego. superego
Levels of awareness
 Conscious  Preconscious  Unconscious
Trait Approach
 Attempt to learn and explain the traits that make up personality, the differences between people
in terms of their personal characteristics and how they relate to actual behavior
Biological Approach
Emphasizes the role of biological processess and heredity as the key to understanding behavior.
Humanistic Approach
Identifies personal responsibility and feelings of self acceptance as the as the key cause of differences in
Behavioral/Social Learning Approach
the role of environment in shaping behavior.
Cognitive Approach
looks at differences in the way people process information to explain differences in behavior.
Psychosexual Stage (SF)
1. Oral Stage — 0 to 18 mons
2. Anal Stage — 18 mons to 3 years old
3. Phallic Stage — 3 to 6 years old
4. Latency Stage — 6 to 11 years old
5. Genital Stage— 11 years old and above
this refers to an instance where in boys build up a warm and loving relationship with mothers
this refers to occasion wherein girls experience n intense emotional attachment for their fathers
 Factors Altering Behavior and Coping Mechanism
refers to feelings affective responses as a result of physiological arousal, thoughts and belief , subjective
evaluation and bodily expression.
It is a state characterized by facial expression gesture, posture and subjective feelings.
Emotional Disorders – Feeling
 Exaltation – feeling of unwarranted well-being and happiness.
 Apathy – serious disregard for the surrounding and the environment.
 Phobia –excessive, irrational and uncontrollable fear of a perfectly natural situation or object.
 Phobias
 Acrophobia - Fear of heights
 Biblophobia - fear of books
 Hematophobia - fear of blood
 Melancholia – intense feeling of depression.
 Mania – a state of excitement accompanied by exaltation or a feeling of well-being which is out
of harmony with the surrounding circumstances of the patient.
 Obsession – condition of the mind bordering from sanity and insanity.
is a stressful condition that occurs when person must choose between incompatible or contradictory

Types of Conflict
Psychological Conflict (internal Conflict)
Social Conflict
Types of Conflicts
 Double Approach Conflict – a person is motivated to engage in two desirable activities that
cannot be pursued simultaneously.
 Double Avoidance Conflict – a person faces two undesirable situations in which the avoidance
of one is the exposure to the other resulting to an intense emotion.
 Approach-Avoidance Conflict – a person faces situation having both a desirable and
undesirable feature
 Multiple Approach-Avoidance Conflict – a situation in which a choice must be made between
two or more alternatives each has both positive and negative features. It is the most difficult to
resolve because the features of each portion are often difficult to compare.
Maynard is the only son of his parents. He always takes into consideration the decision that they make
for him. However, he overthink as to what course he will take up in college, for his father want him to
enrol in criminology, but his mother want him in to be a chief. Which of the following explains the
scenario presented.
feeling of miserable thought, that a calamitous incident occurred in his life, something has gone wrong
with his bodily functions and prefers to be quiet and in seclusion.
refers to the consecquence of the failure of an organism-human or animal – to respond appropriately to
emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined.
 is anything (physical or psychological) that produces stress (negative or positive).
Types of Stress
 Eustress
 Distress
is a negative emotional state that occurs when one is prevented from reaching goals.
an unpleasant state of tension and heightened sympathetic activity, resulting from a blocked goal.
The following are common responses to frustration:
 Aggression  Scapegoating
 Displaced Aggression  Escape

During the final examination, Simon wishes to obtain the highest score in the subject human behavior,
but it turned out that he fails to achieve the said goal. Thus, he refused to talk to his friends and condemn
them as the reason why he got a low score. What type of response does Simon show?

- are the sum total of ways in which people deal with minor stress and trauma.
- refers to an individual’ way of reacting frustration. These are unconscious psychological strategies
brought into play by various entities to cope with reality and to maintain self-image.
Sexual Dysfunctions
is a persistent or recurrent problem that causes marked distress and interpersonal difficulty and that may
involve any or some combination of the following:
sexual arousal or the pleasure associated with sex; orgasm.
What is the Human Sexual Response Cycle ?
Responses during sexual stimulation
 Types of Sexual Dysfunction
A. DYSFUNCTIONS OF SEXUAL DESIRE (occurs during the Excitement Phase)
 Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
 Sexual Aversion Disorder
B. DYSFUNCTIONS OF SEXUAL AROUSAL (occurs during the arousal/plateau phase)
 Male Erectile Disorder (previously called as impotence)
 Female Sexual Arousal Disorder ( previously called frigidity)
C. DYSFUNCTIONS OF ORGASM (occurs during the Orgasmic Phase)
1. Premature Ejaculation 2. Female Orgasmic Disorder 3. Male Orgasmic Disorder
1. Vaginismus
2. Dyspareunia
1. Nymphomania (or furor uterinus)
2. Satyriasis - the etymology is satyr.
-(in Greek ‘para’= over ‘philia’= friendship) is a rare mental health disorder term recently used to
indicate sexual arousal in response to sexual objects or situations that are not part of societal normative
arousal/activity patterns.
People with a fetish experience sexual urges and behavior which are associated with non-living objects.

 Sexual Transvestic Fetishism
 Foot Fetishism
 Tickling Fetishism
 Wet and Messy Fetish (WAM)
Pygmalionism - It is a sexual deviation Scatologia
whereby a person has sexual desire for
statues. Coprophilia

Incendiarism Scoptophilia

Frotteurism (Frottage) Necrophilia

Pedophilia Zoophilia

Voyeurism (peeping tom) Gerontophilia

involves acts in which a person derives sexual excitement from being humiliated, beaten, bound, or
otherwise abused.
Is the act attaining sexual pleasure or gratification by the infliction of pain and suffering upon another
Category of Sexual Abnormalities
A. Sexual Abnormalities as to the Choice of Sexual Partner:
 Heterosexual  Bestosexual
 Homosexual  Autosexual- (Self Gratification or
 Infantosexual
 Incest
B. Sexual Abnormalities as to Instinctual Strenght of Sexual Urge:
 Over Sex  Sexual Anesthesia
 Satyriasis  Dyspareunia
 Nymphomania  Vaginismus
 Under Sex
C. Sexual Abnormalities as to Mode of Sexual Expression or Way of Sexual Satisfaction:
 Fellatio ( Irrumation)
 Cunnilingus
 Sado-Masochism ( Algolagnia)

D. Sexual Abnormalities as to the Part of the Body:

 Sodomy  Frottage
 Uranism  Partialism
E. Sexual Abnormalities as to Visual Stimulus:
 Voyeurism
 Mixoscopia (Scoptophilia)
F. Sexual Abnormalities as to Number of Sex Partner:
 Triolism
 Pluralism
G. Sexual Abnormalities as to Sexual Reversal:
 Transvestism
 Transexualism
 Intersexuality
Classes of Intersexuality
 Gonadal Agenesis  True Hermaprodism
 Gonadal Dysgenesis  Pseudi Hermaphrodite
Greek word crisis w/c means separate
is the turning points in the progress of an affair or a series of events.
Latin word "emergentia" means dipping
sudden condition or state of affair calling for immediate action.
Two Types of Crisis and Emergency
 Man-Made Crisis
 Natural
Two phases of Crisis Management
 Proactive Phase - 4 Ps of CM
 Reactive Phase - PIAP
Four P's of Crisis Management
 Prediction — state of anticipating crisis occurrences.
 Prevention — consider as counter measure as part of system operation.
Operational Security
Personal Security
 Preparation — involves organizing, training and equipment personnel of the organization.
Tactical Unit
Support Unit
 Performance — the implementation of the crisis management plan/contingency plan.
Reactive phase
 Initial Action — stage taken by initial action unit. Initially respond to take incident or
containment effort.
 Action — starts upon arrival of the other different unit. At this phase the OSC discusses the
incident with his commander and staff and decided on the plan
 Post action —begin as the perpetrator surrender, captured or neutralized.
 Political terrorists = these are ideologically-inspired individuals or groups. They want prestige
and power for a collective goal or higher cause.
 Criminals = these are people who commits terrorist acts for personal rather than ideological gain.
 Mentally-Deranged Individuals = these people commit terrorist’s acts during a period of
psychiatric disturbance.
 Religious Extremists = mainly belonging to Southern religious Fundamentalists.
 Economically-motivated Groups/Individuals = belonging to labor groups who take recourse to
violence if it find favorable to them.
1. Bombing
a. Vehicle bombs = booby trapped vehicles with attached devices and car bombs.
b. Laid charges = bombs placed by hand.
c. Projected bombs = bomb thrown by hand, launched from rifles/mortar devices.
d. Postal / mail bombs = bomb sent through letters, parcels and other items sent by mails.
2. Arson = used to destroy or disrupt targets such as public utilities, political headquarters,
economic and industrial facilities.
3. Hijacking/ skyjacking = highjack vehicles with supply ammunition and fuel cargoes.

4. Assassination/ Liquidation Targets are often predictable, and invariably, the terrorist will claim
responsibility for the assassination mostly government officials, corporate executives, military and
police and security officer.
5. Ambush = this is a well-planned, generally well-thought –out, properly rehearsed and precisely
executed operation.
6. Kidnapping = kidnapping for ransom is the most common form of this tactic.. The victim is normally
confined in a secret hideaway and the kidnapper makes material demands.

7. Hostage-taking = the hostage taker confronts the authorities and openly holds the victims for ransom.
His demands are often more than just material in nature
mutual discussion between authorieties and a hostage-takert or barricaded offender leading to n
agreement concerning the release of hostages or the surrender of the offender.
- is the process of inter personal communication in which interested parties resolve dispute agree upon.
 Crisis Management Action Group
1. Negotiation Group = composed of selected civilian officials/personalities and military/police
personnel for the purpose of negotiating with the terrorist elements and performing liaison functions
between them and the On-Scene Command Post.
 Negotiation Team =include psychologist or an interpreter whose primary concern
is to save lives, prevent destruction of property and pave the way for a peaceful
resolution of the crisis situation.
 Liaison Team = coordinates the negotiation team and OSC .
2. Operation Groups = composed of regular and special military and police elements deployed in the
crisis incident site to perform security functions.
They conduct tactical operations necessary and appropriate to neutralize the terrorist elements at the
earliest possible time and at minimum risk and cost to life and property.
3. Service Support Group = this group shall be composed of civilian agencies/organizations and
military police units tasked to provide the necessary administrative, operational and logistical support to
the OSC Post. These include food distribution, medical evacuation, communication-electronics,
transportation and other services.
 Investigation team  Medical team
 Intelligence team  Administrative Support team
 Communications-Electronics team  Fire-Fighting Team
 Logistic team
A person or entity who is held by a captor.
A person or party who seize or hostages.
1. The common criminal –concede to police negotiations.
2. The Psycho – unpredictable & may resort to violence depending on his mood.
3. The Fanatic- most dangerous , extreme side of violence.

1. Psychotics
a. Paranoid Schizophrenics =they are characterized by persistent false mental perceptions or beliefs such
as delusions or persecution. Their thinking is often loose and makes no sense.

b. Psychotic depressives = they experience extreme sadness, hopelessness, feelings of inadequacy,

worthlessness, slow thinking and speech and indecisiveness. They have less concentration and are prone
to suicide.
2. Personality Disorders
a. Anti-Social personalities = they are repeatedly in conflict with society, thus, are incapable of loyalty
and are grossly selfish, callous and irresponsible.

b. Inadequate personalities = they are unable to respond effectively to emotional, social, intellectual an
physical demands. They show ineptness, poor judgment, social instability and they lack physical and
emotional stamina.
What to do when Hostage Crisis occur?
First Arrival
Isolate, Contain, Evaluate, Report (ICER)
Assessing the Hostage Situation
 Preventing Early Harm  Creating Normality
 Getting Organized  Creating Humanity
 Finding Information  Developing Authority
 Getting Close
Policies in Handling Crisis/Hostage Situation
 Peaceful means and other options in the  Prompt Handling of a Crisis at the
Resolution of a Crisis lowest Level Possible
 No-Compromise with Terrorist  Respect for Human Rights
 Safety of Victims and Civilians  Crisis Situation involving Foreign
Handling Hostage Situations
 PNP shall ensure the safety of civilian hostages.
 Understand and minimize the mental anguish and agony of the victim's of the family.
 Achieve the early liberation of the hostages or victims.
 There should be a debriefing after the resolution of any crisis incident.
 Debriefing should take place immediately following an incident.
 Debriefing should focus on how the various units handled.
Hostage Crisis
- Develops when one or more terrorists or criminals hold people against their will and try to hold off the
authorities by force.
Stages of Hostage Situation
A. Alarm Stage
— most traumatic and dangerous.
— emotion of hostage taker is at highest peak.
— may inflict physical harm or even kill anyone.
— rationalization and proper thinking is low.
B. Crisis Stage
— stage when negotiation starts intiated by crisis negotiator.
— stage which may predict the remainder of solution.
C. Accomodation Stage
— distinguished by boredomes and moments of terror.
— captors has increase controls over hostage.
— hostage developed sympathy over captors.
D. Resolution Stage
— stage when hostage taker is being stressed out or fatigued of the situation.

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