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Newcastle College

Immersion, Frission & Emotion:

the study of a gaming experience

I propose to carry out an investigation into identifying reasons why people can experience moments
of frisson which trigger releases of dopamine in the brain when indulging in music, film and/or
gaming, this will then be extended by using the methods identified in music, film and gaming to
transfer them into a game development set of heuristics which studios could freely follow for
implementation of emotional and deeply immersive elements into their game for a more engaging
gaming experience for gamers. The research methods for this investigation will be performed
through a scientific approach particularly in the study of neuroscience and psychology.

A special thanks to Keith Harper and Robert Costello for supporting and supervising the
investigation. Also gratitude towards those participants who provided extra information to assist
with research findings.

Abstract (300) .....................................................................................................................................................1


Introduction (Word Count Start) ....................................................................................................................3

Literature Review ...............................................................................................................................................6

Abstract: ..........................................................................................................................................................6

Introduction To Frisson – Theories & Data Analysis..................................................................................6

Research Methodologies ...................................................................................................................................8

Results .............................................................................................................................................................9

Neurology - Understanding Human Minds .................................................................................................10

Experiment ...................................................................................................................................................10

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) ...............................................................................12

Default Mode Network ..............................................................................................................................13

Study of Neural Mechanisms .....................................................................................................................14

Introduction & Previous Study .............................................................................................................14

What is a (PET) Positron Emission Tomography Scan ....................................................................15

Conclusion of Results .............................................................................................................................15

Psychology – Emotional Intelligence & Establishing Connections .........................................................18

Emotional Intelligence – Personality Traits.............................................................................................19

Self-Awareness: ........................................................................................................................................19

Self-Management: ....................................................................................................................................21

Social Awareness:.....................................................................................................................................23

Relationship Management: .....................................................................................................................25

Summary ...................................................................................................................................................26

Discussion of Available Research in the Field.............................................................................................28

Heuristics - Methods & Considerations .......................................................................................................29

1. Stimulating Opening ...........................................................................................................................29

2. Character & Story Development Connection.................................................................................29

3. Emotional Interest – Fear & Exhilaration.......................................................................................30

4. Evoking Frisson & Deep Emotion ..................................................................................................30

Conclusion (Word Count End) .....................................................................................................................31

Project Direction..........................................................................................................................................31

Conducted Research....................................................................................................................................32

Correlation of Research ..............................................................................................................................32

Critical Reflection of Heuristic Methodologies.......................................................................................33

Final Discussion......................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.




The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate specific research materials to identify
methodologies that can be utilized in a game development scenario for the enhancement of an
immersive gaming experience. Immersion, frisson and emotion commences to find how and why
people experience these powerful connections in music, film and gaming, with scenes which deliver
increased moments of endorphin releases as a result of a developed culmination being the cynosure
of the research gathering stage within this investigation.

Although frisson is a spontaneous act of human nature and indeed classified as a phenomenon of
human evolution the proposition of what this investigation purposes is irrefutably possible due to
the reasons behind the phenomenon’s purpose being irrelevant and only the causes of triggering the
phenomenon holding any significance. Testing this theory means attempting to create and replicate
deep emotional connective responses by a thorough in depth understanding of all neurological and
psychological factors. In order to make this feasible without understanding how the brain works
through years of scientific study and considerable funding, rather alternatively creating an intricately
designed system using elements deduced from reliable research examples in music, film and gaming
in correlation with relative neurological and psychological data available for support. Also exploring
human nature to study the behavior of brain responses by researching anatomy is vital in identify
how certain experiences trigger brain emotional influences.

Numerous aims and objectives exist that are of great importance to the validity of this dissertation
project. Such as identifying useful methods designed for implementation into the cycle of a games
development, and show the ability to utilize limited available resources logically to create justifiable
determinations and conclusions based on the data analyzed. Based on the data collected and the
conclusions made the aim is to build a system transferrable into a set of heuristics for developers to
apply into a game’s planning, development and pre-production phases.

The project strategy consists of conducting scientific research into psychological and neurological
factors of the human brain to explain reasons for striking moments of emotional influence. Research
conclusions if strong, reliable and applicable are utilized as points of reference for the construction
of forming game development techniques to increase probability of generating and replicating
frisson. Supporting research documents and industry recognized sources are present to assist in
analyzing the study of a gaming experience.

To address the problematic concerns of the project specifically the fact what causes frisson isn’t
exactly determined or completely understood within scientific reason, this does add a significant
amount of difficulty and reduces the probability of the project being successful due to the resources
available are justified theories and limited scientific facts and experimental research. However this
shouldn’t render any conclusions and/or methods found not to be credible or reliable as tests and
experiments already carried out prove positive results can occur so therefore should be enough to
make justifiable decisions. Also the stress of dissatisfaction upon known the information available
concerning neuroscience in the human brain will cause complication, pre-established game
development techniques and psychology will assist in process of challenging the data which needs to
be deciphered.

Previously undertaken neurological experiments and research materials that have similar motives and
are relatable to the hypothesis of this study are in existence including investigations into dopamine
and endorphin releases when performing certain actions or experiencing frisson from music.
Meaning enough supporting data exists to make the study feasible with reliable conclusions and
justifications. Emotional input materials also are present to assist the study with particular
experiments being very useful such as psychological analysis’s covering music, gaming and a
recollection of emotional experiences from past events. Prior to the beginning of this experiment a
background of study shows extensive research in the field of neuroscience has already been carried
out which partially relates so therefore can be utilized in this investigation. Particularly in the musical
realm multiple articles and publications that specifically address this dissertation question in regards
to transferable methods are available to test along with this study’s primary research data.

For the sake of reliability, previous quantitative and qualitative research is used for support when
conducting analysis, so therefore primary data needs to be collected that serves the purpose of every
aspect of this study so each participant provides what’s suitable and necessary for this investigation.
The primary data collected has been retrieved through a questionnaire ready for numerous forms of
analysis and dissection. Only secondary research from reliable up to date sources is used in this
investigation. The purpose of collecting primary research is providing data for comparison to test
theories credibility along with other retrieved evidence in an effort to produce more realistic and
accurate results.

Research material and other relatable information available to utilize is unfortunately limited so
therefore reduces the probability of what’s produced will be complete and successful, this is due to
the lack of sufficient evidence and concrete material concluded from research testing in relation to
neuroscience advancements and understanding regarding emotion, and more specifically frisson.
Another existent limitation that could be possibly problematic is finding suitable research data to
utilize into transferable method for the creation of a set of heuristics catered to a game development

Due to the fact only about two thirds of people are able to experience frisson through emotional
connection the success of this investigation will be based on the evidence collected to support what
is produced. The possibility of justifiable definitive methods not developed is very possible but
regardless as long as evidence shows why certain methods are effective or dysfunctional progression
will be made towards understanding frisson so therefore will be a form of success and useful for any
future studies.

Literature Review

The purpose of this study is identifying causes behind the brain’s neurological triggers of the
phenomenon known as frisson or aesthetic chills. The objective is to establish justifiable methods
designed to create induced moments of frisson to a targeted mass audience for implementation into
a game development scenario along with a generalized but equally effective set of heuristics. The
importance of evidence and understanding the human mind is critical to the project’s success and
for a thorough accurate in-depth investigation. With the aim to spawn definitive answers the
informative output of this study will be beneficial regardless of positive or negative outcomes in
terms of the effectiveness of creating or replicating frisson.

Background of Study
The literature review of the research material is marked throughout this documentation, detailing its
nature legitimacy, reliability and also relatability to this investigation. To summarize even though
there is a significant lack of research available regarding certain relative aspects of this study, enough
is in existence to support the creation of heuristics than can contain accurate, justifiably and effective
elements. The research referenced in this dissertation documentation of this study details the
importance of each piece of research and just how significant the evaluation is after analysis to the
success of the overall outcome and investigation. Such research into the frisson phenomenon and
the related autonomous sensory meridian response phenomenon provides a deeper understanding in
how theoretical research can be supported with evidence. Particularly the secondary research
experiments within the boundaries of neuroscience like the positron emission tomography scan
provides insight that can lead to answers with greater accuracy and justifiable outcomes resulting in a
successful conclusion regardless of the results of the heuristic implementation because it identifies
the significance and perspective of what is achievable with the known current information.
Definitely the biggest contribution to the research of this project is the amount of psychological
knowledge available currently that directly relates to this study, in particular the understanding of
emotional intelligence is imperative for the creation of heuristics and the appeal to a particular target
audience in the sense of identifying traits which correlate into neural stimulant increase the
probability of triggering an elicit response intense enough for chills to anatomically involuntarily
acknowledge, and this is made possible even though emotional intelligence is regarded individually.

Introduction to Frisson – Theories & Data Analysis
Only two thirds of people are capable of experience frisson due to the neurological conditioning of
their brain. All the information collected here will be compared in the search for consistency and
correlation between what data has been provided by this investigation.

What is frisson? Frisson is a French term that translates into aesthetic chills leading into what’s
known as goosebumps which are tiny elevations of the skin that cause the miniature muscles
attached to hairs to uncontrollably contract resulting in shallow depressions which protrude the
surrounding area upon the skins surface. The adrenaline rushed feeling of frisson is a sensation
occurring from either moments of induced emotion or more commonly radical changes in
endothermic temperature like a sudden cold breeze contacting against the skin of a warm body
which in turn releases heat by raising the hairs.

Referred to as the physiology of emotion, the goosebumps sensation inherited from our
evolutionary ancestors is a physiological phenomenon. Although this human trait conveyed
throughout mammals ancestry evolutionary chain serves numerous purposes from temperature
control to intimidation it holds no known benefit to the human species (aside from its pleasurable
aspect among certain individuals) but nevertheless it has continued to persist. Throughout evolution
many useless traits reminiscent of previous times have persisted (such as the appendix) and are the
result of extreme adaptation of a species into another way of life to suit the new environment and
challenging conditions it faces, some species have even reversed through evolution as a result of
changing climate and environment.

The focus of frisson in this investigation is the cause of aesthetic chills through induced emotion.
Science explains the reason for these responses is through our subconscious involuntarily releasing
the stress hormone adrenaline, which influences body reactions such as the contraction of skin
muscles. Alternatively studies show adrenaline release can involuntary cause increases in blood
pressure and heart beats, sweaty palms, tears and butterflies in the stomach. (Scientific American,

Research Methodologies
Based on research previously retrieved in relation to the neuroscience, psychology and appropriate
game related aspects of this investigation a suitable questionnaire was created, and designed to
provide all the necessary data needed for an accurate thorough dissection. To help understand the
correlation between multiple entertainment mediums, sections of the questionnaire are specifically
catered to towards a singular focus subject such as music, film and gaming for the purpose of
gaining insight to how different people process data and interpret information. Other question
sections include generalized qualitative data and specific quantitative questioning. This investigation
has been meticulously structured to ensure requirements concerning data collection are met and the
analysis of information isn’t flawed with incomplete analysis and broad conclusions, rather specific
evident justifications.

After debating the best course of action in terms of the quantity of participants it was decided not to
have a large amount, the reason for this was due to careful consideration on what this investigation
was attempting to achieve and also finding other related studies which use similar amounts of
participants. As the purpose was only to establish emotional connections can exist in numerous
forms and ranges from person to person only a select number of individuals were needed as long as
the data collected is enough to back up statements. With the results from twenty six questions the
information collected is interpreted into both numerical averages for comparison to other research
data studies to support its reliability, and also grammatical forms holding information of important
effective emotional elements which have correlated between participants for use in the creation of

The data collect is conclusive in sense that it proves a variation of emotional connections can exist
within people ranging in values, forms, ratings and intensity, meaning no one specific formula could
positively emotionally stimulate everyone (at least with the knowledge currently known and the
technology available). The data recorded proves not only is frisson present with certain people in an
array of different entertainment platforms within music, film and gaming but is indeed replicable,
frequent and in some cases consistent. Some of the information participants gave on matters of
certain characters, films and games even stated the emotional connection established in correlation
between them and the source was so strong it changed their life for the better in terms of
personality, views and opinions. The fact that music, film and gaming influences neural brain activity
in a method that can produce stimuli which effects the minds condition regardless of our awareness
to the truth behind it, like a placebo, means the possibility of creating incredibly induced emotional
moments with overwhelming chills is significant at least for people with a certain neural circuitry
structure system. Also note-worthy is all participants claim emotional musical experiences influence
them beneficially.

Neurology - Understanding Human Minds

Large bodies of research conducted by scientists over the past five decades have had interesting
results, the origins of frisson has been traced to the emotional reactions humans have to unexpected
stimuli in the environment, particularly music. Common triggers for frisson in music are determined
when it violates listeners by exceeding expectations in a positive way, for instance passages of music
including unexpected harmonies like the moving entrance of a soloist or sudden changes in volume.
The scientific research behind frisson signifies that music which defies expectation is the trigger of
thrill leading into the climatically emotionally induced charged moment.

Predictions have been made which suggest people who are more deeply cognitively immersed in
entertaining subjects that include auditory elements have increased chances to experience frisson as a
result of paying closer attention towards the stimuli. Also it’s suspected the ability of someone
possessing the brain required to become cognitively immersed in musical segments is the result of
their personality type. This hypothesis was thoroughly tested through an in depth experimentation,
participants were wired up to an instrument that measures their galvanic skin response, which is
responsible for electrical resistance changes in human skin when subjects are physiologically
aroused. Participants were monitored in real time inside a laboratory environment then presented
several pieces of music in an attempt to stimulate the sensation of frisson. Through comparing
physiological measures to the data collected and also results from a personality test from the
participants, unique conclusion have been formed detail why possibly frisson is more common than

Deduced from the data collected from the personality tests of participant’s show those who are able
to experience the phenomenon frisson also correlate into scoring high for the personality trait
referred to as openness to experience. Studies have established a connection to people who possess
this trait are have particularly unusual active imaginations, seek new experiences, often reflect on an
emotional level and appreciate nature and the beauty of the world around them. The interest of this
trait is that it includes aspects of inherent emotion such as love as well as cognitive thinking for
instance intellectual curiosity and imagination.

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Although previous research in the field of neuroscience has established connections between
openness to experience personality trait and the phenomenon frisson. The majority of researchers
concluded listeners who experienced frisson rather did through a deep emotional reaction with the
music. In contrast, results show cognitive components such as mental prediction into how the audio
develops and musical imagery combining auditory influence and daydreaming to process vivid
images within the mind are associated with frisson’s aesthetic chills more than the competing
emotional components.

Published research found inside the “Psychology of Music” journal indicates becoming intellectually
immersed with music as opposed to allowing it to flow over you without cognitive or emotional
interest possibly could result in experiencing frisson to a greater degree of intensity and more
frequently than others.

(Colver, M, 2016)

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Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)

ASMR autonomous sensory meridian response is responsible for triggering tingling sensations
throughout the body; the reason for this is a specific visual and auditory stimulus that causes the
perceptual condition. The triggers of stimuli usually occur in moments of social interaction,
calmness or instinctual intimacy and promote a positive emotional state. Its suggested individuals
with ASMR demonstrate increased connectivity within certain correlating regions of the brain,
particularly the occipital, frontal, and temporal cortices meaning the perceptual condition is caused
by a blend of multiple resting-state networks. This atypical functionality and brain connectivity is
theorized to influence unique sensory experiences of an emotional nature in direct association with
autonomous sensory meridian responses in individuals. Sometimes referred to as a flow-like mental
state ASMR holds a distinction from other uncommon sensory driven induced conditions such as
frisson, the unique particular factor ASMR triggers are rather reliable and consistent with delivering
the same emotional response and sensory mind state to individuals through the same exact triggers
or content.

Autonomous sensory meridian response also has connections to repetitive motion and audio, along
with being connected to alternations in relation with binaural auditory stimuli. Unfortunately no
concrete evidence exists regarding current scientific studies or investigations that analyze correlation
with neuroscientific stimuli and ASMR, although despite a lack of understanding towards this
phenomenon the fascination has sparked numerous theories and hypothesis which can be tested
singularly and compared with known research in an attempt to find positive justifiable results.

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Default Mode Network
In relation to neurology the DMN commonly referred to as the default mode network is important
as it identifies particularly high regions of the brain which are distinctive in its group of other
correlated areas to other networks in the brains structure. Regions commonly associated with DMN
consist of medial prefrontal cortex, bilateral inferior parietal cortices, and posterior cingulate gyrus,
although other brain network structures possibly considered includes the medial temporal gyri,
hippocampal formation and the precuneus. To generally summarize the default mode network
specifies formation structures that are part of hypothesis which states certain high activity brain
networks are involved with an interconnected functional system. (Harrison, L. and Loui, P, 2017)

Active regions within the DMN has been theorized as a representation of self-relevant thought
processes, however anomalies exist within this network which compromise its integrity especially
when considering neurological and neurodevelopmental conditions. Therefore reduced connectivity
in regions associated with the default mode network regions could represent atypical functionality in
the neural pathways. Individuals that are susceptible to automated sensory meridian responses have
been hypothesized to experience altered perceptions compared to ordinary group states, meaning
people can have increased brain activity in the DMN through emotional stimuli but react biologically
different in certain events or influences. Another intriguing factor to consider is people who have
increased correlation in the default mode network sensory cortices, if future research can conclude
the brain possess extra functionality in terms of connectivity regarding sensory based regions then it
would suggest the individual is more open to unconventional sensory responsive influences. (RL, B.,
Hanna JR, A. and DL, S, 2015) (Smith, S., Fredborg, B. and Kornelsen, J, 2017)

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Study of Neural Mechanisms
Introduction & Previous Study
A research study was conducted for the purpose of monitoring the alterations of the physiological
and anatomical neural mechanisms in response to emotionally intense music, this research
experiment was achieved through a positron emission tomography procedure that scanned organs
and tissues to detect changes. To improve upon the understanding of the pleasurable experiences of
chills while listening to music participant’s cerebral blood flow was also measured to detect level
changes within brain regions at moments of intense emotion, arousal and achievement or
motivation, the regions of the brain that were monitored included ventral striatum, midbrain,
amygdala, and the prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex’s. These particular structures of the brains
anatomy have previously shown activity in response to certain inducing stimuli so therefore became
prime candidates for the focus of the experiment.

Because of frissons psychophysiological and autonomic nature particularly intense euphoric

responses can often be replicated in response to musical influence. In a previous study using the
positron emission tomography an observation of the brain activity in particular regions suggested
correlation between the unpleasant and slightly pleasant elicited emotions due to multiple variation
note types of music. Although the previous positron emission tomography study focused upon the
unpleasant reactions, it still managed to provide information crucial for the understanding of how
induced emotional input neural correlates. In addition based of previous results it’s hypothesized
that during intensely pleasurable emotional moments increased brain activity is also present through
related neural systems.

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What is a (PET) Positron Emission Tomography Scan
Positron emission tomography or its abbreviation PET is a procedure that examines the body’s
anatomy through specialized radiology equipment to identify certain conditions for observational
and medical use. For the purpose of this PET research only in the neurology field is relevant to this
projects investigation. The scanning procedure of positron emission tomography involves the
implementation of radioactive methodology, to be specific a substance named radionuclide is
utilized in a small controlled amount and is required for the successful completion of the procedure.
To further elaborate research found through positron emission tomography analyses the metabolism
of a certain organ or tissue, for the purpose of evaluating the information collected in relation to its
physical functionality and anatomical structure. In addition it’s possible a PET scan could detect
alternations of biochemical properties within an organ or tissue that results in the identification of
various diseases at an early stage of development. (, 2017)

Conclusion of Results
The results reported that 77% of participants experiencing aesthetic chills during listening to their
own music choices increased significantly in their relative condition. The intensity of the chills are
marked in a statistical system that ranged from 1 to 9, the results from this system shown emotional
variation within and between subjects. The main conclusion taking from the data collect was
pleasantness and emotional intensity seemed to higher than the intensity ratings of aesthetic chills,
this suggests levels of pleasure and emotion are required to achieve a certain level of intensity before
the experience results in chills. The data collected from participants stated subjects average chill
intensity numeric value was 4.5 out of 10, but the average numeric intensity value of emotion
reached 7.4 out of 10 and the pleasure ratings was 4.4 out of 5. Regression analysis displayed
correlation of chills intensity ratings in subjects with musical influence in numerous regions of the
neural network, specifically those regions that have been identified show interesting results from
increases and decreases in brain activity depending on the region during feelings of emotionally
fueled intensity chills.

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The observation conducted in this experiment reveal an existing pattern of correlation between
music induced chills and is further supported by other studies including brain imaging focusing on
euphoria and pleasant emotion. For example increased activity is present within neural systems such
as the thalamus, insula and others during intense emotional stimulation, however certain regions like
the amygdala and VMPF shows decreased brain activity in response to cocaine dependent subjects.
Evidence supports that levels of neural activity in certain regions of the brain tend to be significantly
more intensive in relation to reward processes, this determination is based on the involvement of
dopamine, opioid systems and other neurotransmitters during elicit moments of emotion and
pleasure. It appears that through observation analysis it’s suggested the most consistent mechanism
for responding to rewarding based neural stimuli is dopaminergic activity. The results of the
procedure produced information which was consistent with previous reports relative to the control
music condition, particularly data showed significant increases of psychophysiological activity during
chills that were caused by emotional responses to music.

Interestingly the results from the positron emission tomography procedure gave evidence that brain
structure correlation differed considerably compared to the data recorded from the previous
experiment. The results of this experiment suggests and supports the previously established theory
of no correlation of brain activity regarding positive response during chills was present within the
parahippocampal gyrus meaning that particular neural network system could specifically be
influenced from negative emotional stimuli, this assumption is made based on ratings levels of
participants and concluded PET scan data. In addition regions of the brain associated with
rewarding and motivational circuitry were discovered to privately correlate with chills intensity but
not with mildly pleasant emotional input. Evidence provided through these research techniques
further support the ideology that types of emotions are distributed into certain sectors or groups of
the brain’s structure, meaning this integration capacity could suggest regions are either susceptive to
one particular emotional input or multiple.

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Biologically music is not necessary for human survival or required for psychological purpose so
therefore its ability to recruit or adopt sector of neural networks through emotional influence is
phenomenal. Our brain system responding to music to create a stimulus so influential to neural
activity is a reflection on how complex the human cognition regarding anatomical structure and
physiological processing has become. A reasonable argument has be derived from this very
information theorizing that instinct related brain system neural functionality could be linked with
modern cognitive thought leading to an array of possibilities, including increasing our capacity to
interpret abstract stimuli with significant meaning to increase the intensity of the chills and/or
emotional pleasure level. To summarize music and partially related entertainment types such as film
and gaming are able to produce induced pleasurable feelings strong enough to be of a significant
psychological benefit to humankind even though it is not imperative for our survival, and therefore
due to a high activity of neural network stimuli it can control our psychophysiological state to a
certain degree. (Blood, A. and Zatorre, R, 2017)

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Psychology – Emotional Intelligence & Establishing Connections
Emotional intelligence in psychology is the ability of managing personal emotions effectively
through overcoming challenges and stressful conditions that may exist in the mind; for instance how
data is processed from the complex world that influences the mind is interpreted. Studies have
shown those in possession of strong emotional intelligence can use and understand data around
them positively in terms of relieving stress, showing empathy for others, defusing conflict and
communicating with others making challenging and confrontational situations more manageable.
Furthermore this astute advantage holds the ability of recognizing and understanding others
emotional experiences in logical ways which can produce therapeutic reasoning to situations.
Emotional intelligence isn’t naturally acquired rather learned through socially based experiences
which occur throughout life, meaning potentially to a certain degree everyone is able to learn this
ability. Although emotional intelligence is learnt it isn’t just applying knowledge previously acquired
through life experiences, for instance for the majority of people the brain can override and make
decisions that ignore our best intentions especially in stressful situations.

The importance of emotional intelligence is the potential of understanding the psychological triggers
of frisson and possibly establishing a personality type who are able to experience this phenomenon.
In order for someone to form or change emotional intelligence they must show decorum and sense
of control under pressure and stand up to stressful situations. Commonly associated with emotional
intelligence is four defined attributes that highlight significances within personality traits. These traits
are so important because they build emotional intelligence meaning people are more susceptive to
receiving emotional input, which leads to feedback being greatly analyzed in turn improving the
effectiveness and heightening the induced emotions that are received including aesthetic chills
through frisson, automated sensory meridian response, piloerection and others. Improving upon
emotional intelligence traits could be the key to understanding how frisson works, for instance an in
depth understanding will allow developers who are attempting to create emotionally correlating
content to greater appeal and connect with their audiences with psychological justification.

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Emotional Intelligence – Personality Traits
The ability of recognizing your emotions and how you’re individual self perceives interpreted data.
To elaborate self-awareness is the knowledge of personal strengths and weakness while still retaining
strong self-confidence. It involves awareness of the aspects associated with self-including traits,
behaviors and emotions of oneself personality, a psychological state of focused attention towards
self-examination. The human brain is not born with self-awareness however research that
demonstrates such suggests it forms significantly before the age of two. (Cherry, K. 2016)

Research suggests that the anterior cingulate part of the brain located in the frontal lobe region
holds importance to the development of self-awareness. According to the conclusion made through
the results of an experiment conducted by ‘Lewis and Brooks-Gunn’ self-awareness emerges around
18 months old and directly coincides with the rapid speed growth of spindle cells located within the
anterior cingulate. Results taken through monitoring adults see those who are self-aware also show
activity in this region.
Psychologist often defines self-awareness by separating factors into two group types, public and
private. (, 2017)

Public Self-Awareness
How your psychological state, emotional condition and personality traits appears to others
subconscious. Public self-awareness often emerges through individuals at moments when they are
center of attention to multiple people. Essentially public self-awareness compels people to the social
boundaries of society, in other words in groups we behave to a socially acceptable standard because
we are aware people evaluate us constantly especially in company of mass audience. Unfortunately
this type of awareness can lead to evaluation anxiety in which people become so concerned about
how they are perceived by others it causes them distress, anxiousness and destroys confidence with
some cases resulting in complete loss of who we are and control over our self-interests.

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Private Self-Awareness
The direct opposite to public self-awareness private self-awareness is becoming aware of certain
aspects about oneself in a private way. For example a form of this type of self-awareness could be a
realization of a personal habits or just simply seeing your reflection in a reflect surface. A common
trigger for this is suddenly becoming aware of something you’ve forgotten or feeling your heart
flutter in the company of a person you’re sexually attracted to. Generally private self-awareness is
considered to be positive in terms of the realizations of events often aid you in life or improve your
understanding of who you individually are as a person and what your desires and ambitions are.

Heightened State of Self-Awareness

Although a rare occurrence individuals can surpass the normative self-awareness state and
inadvertently veer into a self-consciousness condition. This heightened self-awareness state in some
instances leave individuals feeling awkward, nervous and uncomfortable, possibly even resulting in
paranoia for example thinking people are secretly observing and judging you. Sometimes this state
becomes so overwhelming it evolves in a psychological chronic condition.

Private self-consciousness is the result of increased private self-awareness levels. This state can be
both positive and negative. For instance the benefit of high self-consciousness is a strong will to not
deviate from feelings, beliefs and personal values; however this can lead into serious health
consequences with anxiety and stress becoming continuous complications.

Those who are publicly self-conscious have increased public self-awareness levels and tend to
therefore become concerned about their appearance and actions to the degree of altering themselves
to hopefully be approvable within society and more specifically others judgmental processing. More
commonly this condition influences individuals to restrict themselves to the norms of society and
social acceptance in the fear of being embarrassed or looked upon negatively.

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To manage your psychological urges during negatively induced moments of temptation to act
irrationally without emotional control or situational understanding. In other words self-management
is controlling impulsive feelings and behaviors that occur in stressful or intense situations. The
science behind self-managing emotions is to convert bad energy into healthy means of
improvement, for instance using negative influences to fuel the motivation behind following
through on commitments, taking initiative and adapting as a result of changing or challenging

Self-management is formed through self-awareness in the understanding of possessing control over

emotional influences so emotions don’t control your actions. If a subject is able to make an accurate
assessment of their personal behavior and emotional intelligence it becomes then possible to identify
weaknesses and problematic factors meaning judgments of what is feasible or overly ambitious can
be made.

Steps of Improving Self-Control

o Identifying Emotional State: focusing upon what specific feelings you have which are strong and using
overwhelming brain signals to identify emotional status so the best and most logical assessments can be made.
Suddenly feeling angry, sad or even just unease should result in those who are emotionally intelligent to then
recognize the change and begin this three stage analysis. Exercising self-awareness is imperative to determine
an accurate emotional state.

o Determining Underlying Cause: requiring an honest understanding of yourself which is difficult this process
consists of analyzing and reflecting upon the situation in order to identify the cause of your emotional state.
Usually the cause of emotion is broken down into two opposing reasons, either it’s the subjects fault for their
outlandish behavior and lack of commitment or it’s yourself because you haven’t reached your goal even
though you possessed the potential to do so.

o Taking Unspontaneous Action: After assessing your emotional state and identifying the true cause beneath the
surface of the problems appearance to others, it then becomes possible to take action on decisions made
through logical and unbiased motives. If achieved this process means practitioners can act without influence
from a cycle of negative emotions and instead see the situation in whole as opposed to focusing upon a
singular aspect. This determination could involve simply recognizing your emotional feelings are unjustifiable
or inappropriate so you hold back the urge to act out irrationally and instead swallow the negativity to prevent
the problem escalating. (, n.d.)

21 | P a g e
A common indication of negative self-management is those who tend to predict and visualize
mentally scenarios of a pessimistic nature when analysing and evaluating current events. To
overcome this bad tendency habit those associated with it must increase their ability to read
situations and upon obstacles learn to analysis objectively so probabilities can be estimated for the
various envisioned outcomes. Those who foreshadow situations think they are mitigating the
problems but rather instead they think through feelings of fear inadvertently leading into irrational
decisions. This method of evaluating situations could result in a self-fulling prophecy as the lack of
confidence in yourself condemns it to failure, preventing personal productivity and presenting an
individual negatively towards others perception of you.

A method for increasing emotional intelligence for better results and to prevent prolonged habits
from occurring which can last a lifetime for certain individuals, it’s suggested to try to analyse and
evaluate perceived information in a beneficial manner to support creating possible positive
outcomes. Another recommendation to improve levels of self-management is to evaluate the
possibility and reason for believing why failure is a likely result, such factors of lack of delegation,
procrastination, and distractions or interruptions are a common competing element to successfully
managing emotional control. You can increase confidence of not acting out of emotionally or
irrationally when searching for solutions through focusing upon developing the certain skills where
your feelings of weakness lie psychologically.

When faced a way stressful challenging that isn’t easy to overcome some a number of individuals fall
into a fixated state which blinds them from the bigger picture, instead of revaluating the same
situation they become obsessed with triumphing over a single problematic factor which could be
minor within a set of complications or obstacles. Dwelling on isolated events builds up confusion
and often emotional feelings such as anger leading to further deviation from the more beneficial
approach. The ability of bouncing back depends out how a person perceives criticism and blame,
because inability of taken failure into constructive use may result in a substantial negative impact on
a person’s emotional state. Those who feel criticism is unwarranted due to a lack of understanding
of the opposition’s behalf will understandably delve into a range of negative emotional energy.

22 | P a g e
It’s of great importance to the resilience of emotionally intelligent people’s patience to stay in
control to recognize becoming over critical is path to certain failure due to your emotional goals
never being accomplished to a good enough standard. Instead rather use the methods of evaluation
and self-reflection to deal with criticism in a manageable and objective way. Educating oneself not to
be pessimistic or judgmental towards negative or unusual input through having a greater tolerance of
receiving feedback with a more open mind ensures a higher probability of self-improvement.

Social Awareness:
Delving into the understanding of others social awareness is the ability of reading the emotional
state and needs of people, essentially recognizing the emotional cues and awkward dynamics in
social groups. To feeling emotion particularly concern towards others dysfunctional emotional state,
furthermore to realize differential mind states of others around you and still feel comfortable
socially. As people gain a deeper understanding of their own emotions and greater control over them
they develop the skills, knowledge and experiences necessary to recognize and sympathize others
emotional state through use of emotional awareness. The competences required to learn the ability
of understanding peoples sate of emotion involves empathy, organizational awareness and service

The importance of social awareness is possessing the ability to accurately evaluate situations through
a complete understanding of the people involved meaning those who are socially aware can often
improve negative conflict between others and empathize with them gaining trust due to their own
experiences with the emotional hardship. Poor social awareness results in people not being able to
relate with others which decreases the probability of resolving issues or even interpreting situations
to their full extent. Strong communication requires empathy, for someone to be truly understood
the audience must first understand who they are which can be accomplished through reflecting upon
yourself and recognizing similarities of characteristics in other people.

23 | P a g e
A method and solution for understanding people is to use a technique referred to as the reflective
cycle, through this it’s possible to learn the ability of identifying emotions of others you interact with
by gaining insight into their mental state and situation. Being confident can blind people to the fact
the information their conveying could possibly be incorrect or debatable, by learning to understand
a point of view before jumping to a conclusion and challenging it a large amount of conflict can be
prevented and reduced. Due to influenced human tendencies many people unfortunately are unable
to empathize with others on an emotional level, the factors which prevent this consist of self-
centeredness, not listening to others and having unstable emotional boundaries. The standard state
of people is naturally self-oriented and anxious to express opinions and views upon the world, this
can lead to negativity as those associated become expectant on others to agree with them and be
obliged to listen. To overcome this hindrance to human character regarding the restrictive state of
emotional boundaries it’s imperative for capabilities, attitudes and emotions to be considered in
order to attain accomplishments.

Through experiences it’s possible to develop and adapt communications to be more effective in
terms of understanding and gaining the ability of persuasive power or even manipulation, this can be
encouraged through deep reflection of the vocal and body language expressions used, mastering
such an empathetic understanding perspective gives people an appreciation of others including the
responses they receive and request they make. To be truly receptive and show appreciation to others
ideas and emotional state through empathy there a certain factors one must maintain to do so
throughout an observation, these consist of retaining complete focus, being responsive but not
interrupting and giving an honest objective feedback. The ability of social awareness can be
improved through recognizing subtleties whether they are intentional or not is achievable by gauging
emotion through gestures and a person’s posture based on your own habits and communicational

24 | P a g e
Without understanding and respecting others emotional boundaries it may be extremely difficult to
influence people’s mood and actions so therefore needs to be accepted that aiding and directing
them is out of your control. Part of social awareness is the ability of analyzing group structures and
conditions including their operational processes, inside relationships and communicational
comfortability, this is essential for achieving objectives with failure or complications such as conflict.
Social awareness is of great value when working or communicating in teams so should be
encouraged to people through others, ultimately this will improve productiveness decrease conflict
and boost creativity because those involved will feel comfortable being ambitious knowing members
can relate and understand with empathy and objective constructive criticism as well as giving praise
and encouragement when appropriate.

Relationship Management:
Rather self-explanatory relationship management is the ability of developing and maintaining good
relationships. This includes general communication with others entailing good team work, defusing
conflict and also inspiring and influencing others positively. Advanced relationship management is
the ability of identifying and analyzing the relationships between yourself and others, this including
observing the development of individuals so you can give constructive responses. Another element
of relationship management involves implementing skills of communication, persuasion and
leadership to direct people successfully without alienation, favoritism or being dishonest and

Relationship management in emotional intelligence is vital or negotiation skills, resolving conflict

and team communication, all essential to reach the full potential individually and as a group. Success
is often depicted by the correlated attributes used to overcome challenges, for instance utilizing
multiple skill sets in a group can significantly increase productivity as long as relationship
management is positive otherwise people may clash with the lack of structured authority in the team.
The system to successful relationship management consists of factors which improves the strength
of the group as a hole. To further elaborate members can Influence others to develop skills which
builds upon the trust and communication between them leading to greater teamwork and a unified

25 | P a g e
A combination of emotional intelligence and communicational skills within individuals gives an
increased persuasive power of others without the need of manipulation or exercising authority, this
is because you appeal to people more through relatability and understanding which builds trust and
relaxes audiences. Successful teamwork relies on members to contain the same positive mentality
otherwise those who are more passionate about the project will be frustrated with others leading to
conflict within the team.
(, n.d.)

To summarize the importance of emotional intelligence in correlation with strong aesthetic chills in
both phenomenon’s frisson and the automated sensory meridian response is imperative, as those
who are able to experience chills of an emotional nature must have certain required emotional
intelligence traits in order to do so. With this recent discovery the evidence and research collected
could theoretically lead into people becoming emotional susceptive to aesthetic chills by using
proven methodologies to increase emotional intelligence which in turn improves psychological
control and has numerous health benefits.

Emotional intelligence is associate with being open minded influencing such beneficial character
traits in human psychology as for instance improving creativity, and In the highly regarded book
named emotional intelligence 101 it even states “The emotional side of openness is little known, but
we might imagine the artistic and intellectual enjoy some frisson of pleasure through creative
endeavor” (Matthews, Zeidner and Roberts, 2012). Therefore emotional intelligence may be the key
factor in understanding how to successfully implement elements which trigger a form of aesthetic
chills through emotional connection, in relation to this study it’s particularly useful to support the
creation of a set of heuristics to be utilized for development cycle scenarios of primarily gaming
platforms although other cinematic based projects can also apply these strategies such as in film and

26 | P a g e
With indisputable proven results its known particular influences including gaming can stimulate
brain activity and even form new neural pathways to compensate for damaged or dysfunctional
brain cell membranes. Meaning if the reason behind those who cannot experience emotional
aesthetic chills is due to an neurological condition that has arisen through the damage of neuron
cells or the possibility of the individual not completely developing fully functional forms of the brain
through its infancy and teenage years which is a common occurrence in human evolution, then
theoretically through carefully designed brain stimulating techniques practitioners of such given
methodologies who have insufficient cerebrum activity that effects emotional psychological states
can develop the brain functionality needed to form these connections through emotion.
Furthermore if the lack of emotional intelligence required in the brain is not present due to a
psychological bases rather that neurological bases or alternatively reliant on each other’s
contribution, then developing emotional intelligence traits through psychological training is possible
leading to a strong possibility in the future human emotional intelligence on average will be
significantly heightened and elicit moments of induced emotion such as frisson or automated
sensory meridian response will be a more frequent and intense occurrence.

The psychological benefits of experiencing deep emotional connections are incredible from both
healthy and entertainment perspectives. For instance with entertainment including video games the
meticulously crafted to a science story’s, characters, environments, and reality’s become more
enthralling, relatable and emotionally influential to moods and psychological states due to the
stronger emotional connection that can exist if correctly established. In addition to this
psychological health benefits also can occur due to strong positive influences greatly stimulating the
brain and expressing emotions more efficiently and less stressfully, not to mention strengthening
mentality and improving the minds psychological state by exercising emotional intelligence in a
healthy manner.

27 | P a g e
Discussion of Available Research in the Field
The lack of research available in the field of neuroscience and psychology in relation to this
investigation has restricted the scope of the project and negatively affected its results, but although a
lot of what is discussed is speculation, theory and hypothesis the data collected allows for analytical
evaluations that can be concluded to efficient results based on the evidence, justification used
through objective logical interpretations. Due to this investigations subject frisson being classed as a
psychological phenomenon the reliability and integrity of the results could always be debatable and
receive negative feedback to a certain degree, however because the nature of the project is
identifying triggers of the phenomenon and not particularly understanding its system then the
authenticity and dependability is not compromised, furthermore data retrieved from psychoanalysis
tests and questionnaires will certainly hold truth as the results are guaranteed to be effective as long
as at least one participant is influenced it shows promise.

Unfortunately the challenge of creating heuristics currently couldn’t be 100% effective because the
research known to be carried out is limited and as established in the understanding of neurology and
emotional intelligence in psychology the human brain’s functional abilities, psychological intelligence
and perceptive interpretation is proven to be different so therefore influences that can produce
induced emotion, increased stimuli and aesthetic chills are effective based on an individual’s mind
state instead of target audience groups. To combat this dilemma the currently most logical solution
would be to combine influences which have gotten the most positive results together in the hopes
that it stimulates a greater amount of individuals.

28 | P a g e
Heuristics - Methods & Considerations
All methods have been specifically concluded with justifications into the design and intention behind
them, although primarily aimed at game development scenarios and other mediums for instance
film, TV and even music to a certain extent can also greatly prosper if correctly utilized. It’s
important to understand that the methodology is intended to be implemented into emotionally
based stories to increase its connection to the audience and not to make an unemotionally based
story emotionally powerful. Depending on the story and more relevantly the vision behind the
project, it may be best for the creators not to include certain elements that are otherwise

1. Stimulating Opening
Description: the purpose is to introduce the audience to the focus of the vision and story, this can
be achieved through a dramatic character or characters and scene opening accompanied with
appropriate sound and environment design which sets the tone of the vision and also provides
intriguing elements to stimulate brain activity and cognitive thoughts. Story-telling and emotional
story-telling of both characters and a stories plot can be told through the environmental setting and
features as well as sound, it’s important all elements correlate and touch upon multiple emotional
inputs to the audience in order for an emotional connection to be established.

2. Character & Story Development Connection

Description: in order for any sort of emotionally purpose event such as a character death, plot
twist, failure, victory, love, fear etc. to transfer from the game to the player there must relatability
between them, whatever the characters emotional state is the player must also feel that by relating
and sympathizing with the character. To express the mood of a scene a character appearance,
personality and decisions could represent that, along with the environmental design, aesthetic
elements, and location setting.

29 | P a g e
3. Emotional Interest – Fear & Exhilaration
Description: to keep the audience enticed and consistently feeling induced there must be elements
of emotional interest, for example instead of the player experiencing victory after victory and getting
stronger and stronger the character weakens and becomes somewhat desperate throughout the story,
this way the difficulty of achieving a victory becomes that more exhilarating, emotionally powerful
and progressive in terms of development to the game character and the player or audience. In turn
not only does this technique give even little victories significant meaning also it creates a fear factors
within the player, the knowledge of the possibility of defeat, a valued character death, facing an
intimidating opponent correlated with setting of environmental elements can create freighting
moments but also tranquil emotionally stimulated scene upon reaching safety.

4. Evoking Frisson & Deep Emotion

Description: to evoke frisson a deep emotional connection must be established and the stimuli
levels of the brains activity in certain regions are required to reach increased ratings. In order for this
happen an element of shock, surprise, bewilder, or astonishment is required, in other words a
moment is necessary which holds great emotional tension and intensity from a previously
established connection is accompanied by something that completely defies expectations and is
important to the focus of emotion, for example a favorite character death in a horrific unimaginable

30 | P a g e

Project Direction
The journey of the investigation throughout this study has indeed deviated from what was expected
and initially planned for research purposes but reflecting upon that shows the development and
adaptation it has taken in order to find the valuable research necessary for conclusive results. The
management process of research collection was carried out through a logically based system, to
elaborate the steps consisted of first retrieving any impregnable indisputable research related to the
study along with justifiable theories and then challenging them for the purpose of supporting
theorems and identifying correlating elements. The analysis of research in terms of becoming
neurologically and psychologically focused only gave evidence to support how the brains neural
network and mind state is important when understanding frisson and also generating emotionally
stimulant moments with intense chills. So therefore the directional process of the project steered to
primary research for the purpose of acquiring information that aids in creating possible
implementation elements for games and other means of entertainment through its development
stages. The direction of the project was considered throughout its stages of what was required for
success, a reflection of the process taken shows how adaptations have been made once a discovery
of new important information either positive or negative was found or determined through analysis.

31 | P a g e
Conducted Research
The research method conduct by myself I consider to be a complete success, it provided me with
evidence to prove certain statements and support other researcher’s theories and hypothesis.
Statistical analysis of the research correlated with other research in the field and the evaluation of
worded answers I received provided constructive feedback, emotionally induced chills examples, and
allowed for deconstruction of the variations of the personal preferences within participants.
Although an increased amount of participants would provide more accurate and reliable results for
the purpose of this investigation the information required for collection consists of singular proof
that some individuals are emotionally induced from various influences. After critical reflection of the
procedural process taken to acquire participants it’s concluded the target audience and scope of the
vision behind research was never achieved although there is justifications for this. The legal and
confidential aspects of the survey was correctly handled professionally through a thorough creation
of terms of conditions explain how that participants details and answers will be managed during and
after the study.

Correlation of Research
The correlation of the research was substantial, meaning the evaluations made are all justifiable and
have shown positive results multiple times before. Although due to the lack of information available
on the frisson phenomenon the correlating research could possibly be coincidence because of the
individualism behind the emotional connection and intensity of chills triggers, structure,
susceptibility and personal preference. This means however greatly heuristics are devised from
research there could never be a guaranty of appealing to a large target audience, therefore to
compromise and overcome this problematic hindrance the most general common factors are
transferred into forms of elements for implementation into a game development’s life cycle in the
anticipation that the majority of the audience can relate and be stimulated. But to increase the
intensity of emotional connection leading to aesthetic chills, specific elements can be utilized during
elicit moments of gameplay or a cut scene. Unfortunately though some information is still debatable
even after critical evaluation resulting in assumptions being made that could fail diabolically.

32 | P a g e
Critical Reflection of Heuristic Methodologies
Each heuristic point was created using evaluated data from what information was available to work
with. Although some theoretical research has influenced the creation of certain elements everything
has been based upon reliable data with evidence supporting it. The main focus of information used
to inspire methodologies was all correlating research as this logically is the most reliable and also has
increased probability of having effectiveness due to the fact in the past it has previously been
effective numerous times. The overall effectiveness of the heuristic created in this investigation can
only be distinguished in the future but regardless of the outcome with the phenomenon of frission
and automated sensory meridian response becoming implemented into projects and further research
currently being carried out adjustments can be made to increase the effectiveness so the
methodology is consistently improved and possible update by adding and/or removing advising

33 | P a g e

Ethics Form


Researcher Daniel Burns

Email address

School Digital Skills Academy

Project Title Immersion, Frission & Emotion: the study of a gaming

experience (Dissertation)
Names and email N/A
addresses of other
Proposed timescale 11/16 – 05/17
of the project
Aims of the project
Identify the methods and benefits experiences of immersion, frisson and emotions in
gaming, music and film can have upon the mind through a study of neuroscience.
Project design overview
The majority of the project will involve me having access to a computer researching
information and writing up my dissertation. Other project actions include traveling to
libraries and analysing input from participants in the form an online questionnaire.

34 | P a g e
Total number of participants (individuals taking part in the research) 50

Selection method for participants

I will be having participants fill in a questionnaire through an online website which will
be completed voluntary and sent to specific people who have an extensive gaming,
music or film/TV experiences. The length of the question should not exceed 10
State the nature and N/A
source of any
advice received in
the planning of the
Procedures carried A short simple questionnaire which participants will fill out
out on the online unsupervised but in familiar surroundings.
Potential risks to N/A
participants and
measures taken to
address them
Potential risks to N/A
researchers and
measures taken to
address them
Potential risks to N/A
bystanders and
measures taken to
address them

35 | P a g e
Will informed consent be received from all participants prior to their involvement?

Yes ☒ No ☐

If not, please explain N/A

Outline how records N/A

of consent will be
List other institutions N/A
or bodies involved in
the project
Outline any N/A
payments to be
made to participants
Identify any funding N/A
sources external to
the institution,
including any
Outline how the The research findings will be prioritised by relevance,
findings of your importance, credibility and how recent the research data was
research will be collected. It will then be used appropriate as supporting data
disseminated to utilize in the dissertation.

36 | P a g e
Supporting Documents

Document Tick the box if applicable

Research proposal ☒

Information provided to participants ☐

Consent forms (including approval from ☐

Participant recruitment materials ☐

Draft data collection tools (e.g. ☒

questionnaires, surveys, interview plans)

Supporting evidence from other ☐

institutional ethics committees

Risk assessment form ☐

CRB reference number ☐


1. I have completed all of the required research ethics training ☒

2. I have read the NCG Research Ethics Policy and Procedures ☒

3. I am aware of my legal, professional and statutory obligations ☒

and understand where to seek further guidance if required

4. I will notify the SEC if the scope of my project changes ☒

significantly during its operational phase

5. I understand that my research cannot commence until I have ☒

received full ethical approval

Researcher signature:

Date: 20/10/2016

37 | P a g e

Will the research project involve… Yes No

Contact with human participants, either directly or indirectly ☒ ☐

Consent being sought from the National Research Ethics Service ☐ ☒

Vulnerable groups (e.g. children, those with cognitive impairments) ☐ ☒

Involvement of gatekeepers for access to participants (e.g. school children, ☐ ☒

care home residents)
Colleagues or staff as participants ☒ ☐

Participants being studied in any manner without their knowledge or consent ☐ ☒

Sensitive topics (e.g. alcohol or drug use, sexual behaviour) ☐ ☒

Significant risk to either the researcher, participants or bystanders ☐ ☒

Potential for psychological stress, anxiety or loss of social standing as a result ☐ ☒

of the research or its dissemination
Prolonged or repetitive testing ☐ ☒

Members of the public in a data collection capacity ☐ ☐

Access to existing data which requires the consent of an external body before ☐ ☒
Potential for participants to be identified during dissemination by ☐ ☒
compromising anonymity or confidentiality
External research partners ☐ ☒

External funding ☐ ☒

Payments to participants other than for reasonable expenses ☐ ☒

Sharing of data beyond the scope of the initial consent from participants ☐ ☒

CRB check ☐ ☐

38 | P a g e
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