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Distribution of Porosity and Permeability in Platform

Dolomites: Insight from the Permian of West Texas1

Arthur H. Saller2 and Nuel Henderson3

ABSTRACT lowering dolomite saturation in waters flowing

into distal portions of the reflux system. Lower
Dolomites were studied in two oil fields in dolomite saturations resulted in less dolomite pre-
west Texas (North Riley and South Cowden) to cipitation and more porosity and permeability in
evaluate factors affecting the distribution of distal parts of the system. After the original lime-
porosity in dolomitized carbonate platforms. stone was dolomitized, refluxing brines continued
North Riley field is at the northern margin of the to circulate, precipitating more dolomite and
Central Basin platform, with its main reservoir in decreasing porosity further, especially in platform-
dolomites of the Leonardian (Permian) Clear Fork interior dolomites near where the refluxing brines
Formation. Dolomites in the Grayburg Formation were generated. Many platform-interior wells are
(Guadalupian, Permian) were studied at South structurally higher than wells near the platform
Cowden field on the east-central margin of the margin, yet structurally lower wells near the plat-
Central Basin platform. Replacive dolomitization in form margin are more porous and permeable, and
both fields is interpreted to have occurred in have produced three to ten times more oil than the
ref luxing evaporatively concentrated seawater platform-interior wells.
shortly after deposition. That interpretation is sup-
ported by stratigraphic, petrographic, and geo-
chemical data and is similar to several previous INTRODUCTION
studies of Permian dolomites in the vicinity.
Porosity and permeability are lower in platform- Dolomitic strata produce hydrocarbons in large
interior dolomites and higher in dolomites near the and small fields throughout the world; hence,
platform margin in both fields, but porosity and understanding factors controlling dolomitization
permeability are not strictly facies dependent. The and porosity development is important to explo-
distribution of porosity and permeability is inter- ration and production in many carbonate provinces.
preted to be largely the result of location within the Dolomitization represents a chemical and miner-
dolomitizing system. Saline dolomitizing brines alogical change from calcium carbonate (calcite,
generated by evaporative concentration of seawa- Mg-calcite, or aragonite) to calcium magnesium car-
ter in restricted lagoons and tidal flats percolated bonate (dolomite); however, the effect of dolomiti-
downward and f lowed basinward (ref luxed) zation on porosity is variable (Purser et al., 1994).
through the sediments due to greater brine densi- Certain workers have suggested that the process of
ties. Refluxing brines, supersaturated with respect dolomitization, by its nature, increases porosity
to dolomite, precipitated large quantities of (Weyl, 1960); however, data of Schmoker and
dolomite in proximal parts of the refluxing system, Halley (1982) and Lucia and Major (1994) indicated
that porosity commonly decreases during near-sur-
face dolomitization. Fortunately for explorationists,
©Copyright 1998. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All dolomites lose porosity more slowly than lime-
rights reserved. stones during deep burial, causing them to be the
1Manuscript received November 13, 1996; revised manuscript received
July 18, 1997; final acceptance February 26, 1998.
principal reservoir rock in many ancient or deeply
2UNOCAL, 14141 Southwest Freeway, Sugar Land, Texas 77478. buried carbonates (Schmoker and Halley, 1982;
3 Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc., 4005 N. Wilson Way, Stockton,
Purser et al., 1994; Sun, 1995).
California 95205.
Many people helped us during the course of this study, including Ron
Although many dolomites are porous, many oth-
Carlton, Jerry Dunnam, Jeff Glossa, Tom Elliott, Lorraine Carey, Al Crawford, ers are not (Borer and Harris, 1991; Kerans et al.,
Tony Dickson, and George Covington. Stable isotope analyses were 1994). Even within a specific area or oil field,
performed at Brown University by Robert Fifer. We thank Steve Ruppel, Rick
Major, Deborah Bliefnick, and Jerry Lucia for reviews and suggestions that dolomites commonly have variable porosity
substantially improved this paper. (Cowan and Harris, 1986; Bebout et al., 1987;

1528 AAPG Bulletin, V. 82, No. 8 (August 1998), P. 1528–1550.

Saller and Henderson 1529

Harris and Stoudt, 1988; Major et al., 1988; Kerans et

al., 1994). Variations in porosity and permeability in
dolomites commonly are related to original deposi-
tional textures, grain types, stratigraphic position, or
paleogeographic location (Ruzyla and Friedman,
1985; Bebout et al., 1987; Major et al., 1988; Kerans
et al., 1994; Sun, 1995). Lucia and Major (1994)
noted that porosity in Pliocene–Pleistocene
dolomites on the Caribbean island of Bonaire N.MEX
increases in a basinward direction, away from the TEXAS
source of hypersaline dolomitizing waters.
In this paper we (1) confirm a reflux mechanism
for dolomitization of platform carbonates in two spe-
cific Permian oil fields in west Texas, (2) show the
distribution of porosity and permeability in those
two dolomitized fields, (3) present a model for
porosity and permeability variations in carbonates
dolomitized by refluxing evaporatively concentrated
seawater (supporting the model of Lucia and Major,
1994), and (4) show how those variations relate to
50 mi
oil production. Our study concentrates on two oil
fields, North Riley and South Cowden, where the 50 km
principal reservoir rocks are Permian dolomites
deposited near the margins of a broad carbonate RT SHE
platform (Figure 1). Although the reservoirs have dif- NO
ferent ages and locations, they are remarkably simi-
lar in their diagenetic history. Porosity and perme-
ability generally increase toward the platform CHANNEL HORSESHOE
margin (basinward) in both reservoirs.
The database for North Riley field includes ID
approximately 1000 m (3300 ft) of core from 8 LA

wells, wireline logs from 200 wells, and four region-

al reflection seismic lines. The database for South S IN

Cowden field includes approximately 700 m (2300


ft) of core from 8 wells, wireline logs from 40 wells,


and a three-dimensional seismic data set over most



of the field. Seismic data were related to well data


using synthetic seismograms made from acoustic


logs and vertical seismic profiles (VSP). Most stable


isotope analyses were from bulk rock samples using

methods described by Quinn (1991). Precision (2σ)
of stable carbon and oxygen isotope analyses is esti-
mated at ±0.2‰, and is reported relative to a PDB Figure 1—Map showing the location of North Riley and
standard. Most porosity, permeability, and grain den- South Cowden fields on the Central Basin platform in
sities were measured on whole (full-diameter) west Texas.
pieces of core. Precision of grain density measure-
ments is estimated at ±0.01 g/cm3.
anticline at the northern margin of the Central
Basin platform in Gaines County, Texas (Phipps,
GENERAL FIELD INFORMATION 1969) (Figures 1–4). Limestone occurs only in the
lower part of the Lower Clear Fork (Figure 3). The
North Riley field was discovered in 1947 and pro- gross pay at North Riley is approximately 305 m
duces mainly from dolomites in the Leonardian (1000 ft) thick, extending from depths of approxi-
(Permian) Clear Fork Formation on a north-plunging mately 1920 to 2225 m (6300–7300 ft). Primary
1530 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability


Dewey Lake (94 100 Dry Hole
Rustler 5 m ft
Ochoan ) ft Producer
Salado 00
404 394 -31 5 m) Injector
Castile (94
Tansill Abandoned Well
Capitan Yates Cored Well Used
PERMIAN Seven Rivers In This Study
Guadalupian Goat Seep Queen
Grayburg Other Cored Wells

San Andres 395 366

Glorieta Sprayberry 232

Leonardian Clear Fork Dean 44R
Wolfcampian Wolfcamp
Cisco 257 261
PENNSYLVANIAN 396 272 365 360

- 30 14 m

00 )


14 ft
-2900 ft

(-9 000
(-884 m)

364 361
SILURIAN Fusselman
upper Montoya 337
ORDOVICIAN middle Simpson
lower Ellenburger
Relative production Unit
1 mi
Figure 2—General Permian basin stratigraphy and rela-
tive oil production (modified from Galloway et al., 1983). 1 km
-2900 ft
(-884 m)

development was on 16.2 ha (40 ac) well spacing,

and waterflooding began in 1977. A 8.1 ha (20 ac) Figure 3—Structure map in depth subsea on top of Clear
infill drilling program began in 1984. Original oil in Fork Formation at North Riley field. Stars show cored
place is estimated at 250–300 million stock tank wells used in this study. Location of cross section in Fig-
bbl. Ultimate recoverable oil at a 8.1 ha (20 ac) well ure 9 is shown.
spacing was estimated at 36–38 million stock tank
bbl for a recovery efficiency of approximately 14%.
South Cowden oil field was discovered in Cowden trap. The Grayburg Formation at South
1933 on the eastern f lank of the Central Basin Cowden has been studied in detail by the Bureau
platform in Ector County, Texas (Figure 1). The of Economic Geology, Univer sity of Texas at
San Andres/Grayburg interval at South Cowden Austin (Lucia and Ruppel, 1996; Ruppel and Lucia,
field has approximately 570 million bbl of oil in 1996).
place, with a predicted ultimate recovery of 162
million bbl of oil for a recovery efficiency of 28%
(Galloway et al, 1983). South Cowden field has DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS
many unitized areas, including the Moss unit stud-
ied here (Figure 5). South Cowden field is part of a Eleven depositional facies form most of the Clear
large anticlinal structure that plunges to the south- Fork section at North Riley field and the Grayburg
southeast and is apparently the result of com- at South Cowden. They are described and inter-
pactional drape over a deeper depositional feature preted in Table 1. Core photographs, thin-section
(Figures 5, 6). The Grayburg structure does not photomicrographs, and SEM (scanning electron
close west-northwest of the Moss unit, but porosity microscope) photographs of some of these facies
and permeability decrease toward the west, result- are shown in Figure 7. A depositional model for
ing in a stratigraphic component to the South these facies is shown in Figure 8.
Saller and Henderson 1531

North Riley Field
Approximate Shelf
Two-Way Travel time (s)

0.9 San Andres Fm. Margin for Middle &

Upper Clear Fork
1.0 San Andres Fm.
1.1 Lower Clear Fork
Upper Clear Fork
Middle Clear Fork
1.2 Dean Sandstone

1.3 Sandstone Dolomite Sandstone/Siltstone

& Dolomite Limestone
1.4 Central Basin Platform ~ 8 mi San Simon Channel
South ~ 13 km North

Figure 4—Sequence-scale shelf-to-basin cross section showing distribution of limestone and dolomite and gross
correlations traced from seismic lines. In the shelfal dolomites (at left), 0.1 s two-way traveltime is approximately
equal to 300 m (1000 ft). Much of the apparent structure is related to differential compaction (interpretation after
T. L. Elliott, 1992, personal communication).

North Riley Field wackestones (facies 7) are more abundant toward

the north. We concentrate on the middle Clear
The Clear Fork at North Riley is characterized Fork where we have the best core control. A gener-
by a large-scale progradation of facies, including al northward (basinward) increase in porosity is
three seismic sequences that correspond to the present in that interval (Table 2; Figure 9).
lower, middle, and upper Clear Fork (Figure 4).
During Clear Fork deposition, the seismically
defined shelf margin prograded from approxi- South Cowden Field
mately 1 km (0.6 mi) north of the northern limit
of North Riley Field to approximately 8 km (5 mi) The Grayburg Formation at the Moss unit
north of North Riley field. The Lower Clear Fork includes porous and nonporous anhydritic
at North Riley field is dominated by subtidal dolomite. Sand- and silt-rich dolomites constitute a
facies, with little evidence of progradation in shelf minor portion of the section, but are important for
facies. Depositional facies and cycles indicate shal- correlations. The Grayburg Formation is overlain
lowing and progradation during deposition of the by the Queen Formation, which is composed of
middle Clear Fork, with shallowing-upward cycles porous and nonporous sandstones and nonporous
becoming thinner and peritidal facies becoming peritidal dolomites. Two major depositional
more abundant toward the top of the middle Clear sequences, Grayburg A (upper) and Grayburg B
Fork (Figure 9). The sequence boundary at the top (lower), were cored at the Moss unit. The bound-
of the middle Clear Fork is a sandy, irregularly ary between the two depositional sequences is an
weathered zone with a caliche crust in fenestral interval that contains abundant fenestral wacke-
wackestone/packstone. In the upper Clear Fork, stone/packstones in the western part of the Moss
depositional facies alternate between shallow sub- unit and unfossiliferous grainstone in the central
tidal facies and peritidal facies. part of the field, but was not penetrated by our
Each major Clear Fork sequence contains many easternmost cored well (6-20) (Figure 10). Lucia
0.5–10-m- (1.5–30-ft-) thick shallowing-upward and Ruppel (1996) and Ruppel and Lucia (1996)
cycles. Well-defined cycles have burrowed wacke- described more high-frequency sequences in the
stone at the base and cross-bedded grainstone or Grayburg and place the top of the Grayburg B high-
fenestral, algally laminated packstone at the top. er in the 6-20 well than our study (Figure 6).
Clear Fork strata thin, and tidal-flat facies are more Grayburg A strata thin toward the west over the
common toward the south over the structurally structurally highest part of the field (Figure 10),
highest part of the field, indicating that the current indicating that the current structural high at South
structural high corresponds to the Permian deposi- Cowden approximately corresponds to the Permian
tional high (Figure 9). Open-marine fusulinid depositional high. Depositional environments at
1532 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability

Figure 5—Structure map in depth

Well Variable Status

(feet) subsea on top of the


Dry Hole

- 16

Grayburg Formation at the Moss



Cored Well 41

unit, South Cowden field. Squares


show cored wells used in this 42


study. Contour interval is 100 ft Limits of
37 Moss Unit
(30 m). Location of seismic line
in Figure 6 and location of cross 21-16 45
section in Figure 10 are shown.
6-20 Seismic Line
47 4
1 9-17
16-14 8
13-11 7 Oil/Water
13-6 12

Contact 18 3000 ft

1000 m

South Cowden field also were generally shallower

or more restricted to the west, and deeper, more
open marine to the east and southeast (Figure 10)
(Lucia and Ruppel, 1996; Ruppel and Lucia, 1996).
The Grayburg B has facies that pass upward from
subtidal wackestones to shoal grainstones and tidal-
flat wackestones, which is consistent with shallow-
ing and eastward progradation into the basin. In
the western part of the field, caliche crusts near the
top of the Grayburg B indicate subaerial exposure
(Figure 7D). Open-marine facies (fusulinid wacke-
stone/packstone) are widespread in the transgres-
sive lower to middle part of the Grayburg A (Figure
10). The middle and upper parts of the Grayburg A
contain a variety of subtidal wackestones and shoal
grainstones, with depositional facies generally pro-
grading to the east. Tidal-flat facies were observed Figure 6—Segments of a three-dimensional seismic sur-
at the top of the Grayburg in the western and cen- vey that approximate a west-to-east profile through
most cored wells in the Moss unit, South Cowden field.
tral wells (Figure 10). Our distribution of deposi- See Figure 5 for location of seismic profile. Vertical scale
tional facies is generally similar to Lucia and Ruppel is in seconds of two-way traveltime.
(1996) and Ruppel and Lucia (1996). No distinct
soil- or exposure-related features were noted at the
top of the Grayburg; however, subaerial exposure
is suggested by onlap of overlying strata in the DIAGENESIS
Queen Formation and the presence of eolian sand-
stones in the Queen. In this paper, we concentrate Diagenesis has controlled porosity and perme-
on the Grayburg A to compare lateral trends in ability in the Clear Fork at North Riley field and the
porosity within a single sequence. Grayburg at South Cowden field, as well as at many
Saller and Henderson 1533

Table 1. Main Facies Descriptions and Interpretations

Main Grain Type and Texture Dominant Sedimentary Structures Interpretation

1 Intraclast wackestone/packstone Fenestral fabric; discontinuous, Upper intertidal to supratidal
crinkly laminations
2 Mudstone 1–10 mm parallel laminations Lower intertidal to restricted pond
3 Organic shale Fissile Organic swamp
4 Mudstone Irregular mottling Lower intertidal to tidal pond
5 Peloid wackestone/packstone Burrowed Slightly to moderately restricted
6 Bioclast-peloid wackestone/packstone Burrowed Open-marine shelf
7 Fusulinid wackestone/packstone Burrowed Open-marine shelf to upper slope
8 Peloid or ooid packstone/grainstone Cross-bedded or burrowed Cross-bedded = active shoal or
beach; burrowed = stabilized
grain flat
9 BioclastPackstone/grainstone Cross-bedded or burrowed Cross-bedded = active shoal;
burrowed = stabilized grain flat
10 Peloid wackestone/ Burrowed Subtidal between fairweather and
packstone/grainstone storm wave base
11 Sandy-silty dolomite Burrowed Subtidal adjacent to land

other Permian basin reservoirs. More than 90% of Ruppel and Lucia, 1996). Altered dolomites have
the existing porosity is diagenetic (secondary), distinctly lighter oxygen isotopic compositions
being dominated by intercrystalline and moldic than adjacent “unaltered” dolomites (Leary and
pores (Figure 7). Vogt, 1986, 1990; Major et al., 1990). Major et al.
(1990) proposed that the dissolved dolomite cores
originally were composed of isotopically heavier
Previous Studies and less stable dolomite. Leary and Vogt (1986,
1990) and Ruppel and Cander (1988b) suggested
A number of previous studies have discussed dia- that altered, porous dolomite may have undergone
genesis in Permian, especially San Andres, leaching or recrystallization in meteoric water or
dolomites in the subsurface of west Texas and seawater at higher temperatures. Major et al.
southeast New Mexico (Adams and Rhodes, 1960; (1990) and Major and Holtz (1997) noted that
White, 1984; Leary and Vogt, 1986, 1990; Bebout et altered dolomites were associated with stylolites,
al., 1987; Ruppel and Cander, 1988a, b; Longacre, and hence conclude that alteration was postburial.
1990; Major and Holtz, 1990; Major et al., 1990; Anhydrite has been described as replacive crys-
Ruppel and Lucia, 1996). Dolomitization of tals, nodules, and cements decreasing porosity in
Permian basin carbonates by refluxing evaporative many Permian dolomites, especially in tidal-flat
brines was initially proposed by Adams and Rhodes facies on depositional highs (Bebout et al., 1987;
(1960). Subsequently, widespread replacive Longacre, 1990; Lucia et al., 1990; Ruppel and
dolomitization by seawater or evaporatively con- Lucia, 1996). Anhydrite cements overgrow dolo-
centrated seawater has been proposed by many mite and fill dissolved cores of dolomites, indicat-
workers, based on petrographic and geochemical ing anhydrite cementation after dolomite precipita-
data (White, 1984; Bebout et al., 1987; Ruppel and tion and dissolution (Major et al., 1990; Ruppel and
Cander, 1988a; Leary and Vogt, 1986, 1990). Lucia, 1996). Leary and Vogt (1990) associated
Alteration and recrystallization of replacive anhydrite precipitation with calcium released dur-
dolomites in the San Andres Formation have been ing dolomitization. Ruppel and Cander (1988a, b)
described by several workers, although criteria for interpreted anhydrite as forming during the late
identification vary from paper to paper. In general, Guadalupian when evaporatively concentrated sea-
altered dolomite occurs as irregular, light-colored water migrated down from overlying evaporite-rich
areas of higher porosity adjacent to darker, lower strata.
porosity dolomite (Leary and Vogt, 1986, 1990; Anhydrite dissolution and associated calcite
Major and Holtz, 1990; Major et al., 1990; Ruppel cementation are described from some porous and
and Lucia, 1996). Dissolution of the middle of permeable parts of the San Andres and Grayburg
dolomite crystals has been documented in some (White, 1984; Leary and Vogt, 1986, 1990; Ruppel
altered dolomite (Leary and Vogt, 1986, 1990; and Cander, 1988b; Longacre, 1990; Lucia and
Ruppel and Cander, 1988b; Major et al., 1990; Ruppel, 1996; Ruppel and Lucia, 1996). Leary and
1534 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability



Figure 7—Core photographs, thin-section photomicrographs, and SEM (scanning electron microscope) pho-
tographs of the Clear Fork Formation, North Riley (NR) field, and Grayburg Formation at South Cowden (SC) field.
(A) SEM photograph of dolomitized wackestone/packstone with intercrystalline porosity (NR well 272, 6856 ft; bar
scale at bottom is 100 µm long). (B) Dolomite in the middle Clear Fork with dolomoldic porosity (m) where the
middles of dolomite rhombs have been leached. Porosity appears black (NR well 232, 6977.5 ft, crossed nicols). (C)
SEM photograph showing dolomoldic porosity (m) where the interiors of dolomite crystals have been leached (NR
well 44R, 6825.2 ft; bar scale at bottom is 10 µm long). (D) Core photograph of layered dolomicrite (D = dolocrete)
in a fenestral wackestone/packstone (F) in the northwestern (landward) part of SC field. The layered dolomicrite
(dolocrete) is interpreted as a product of diagenesis in a paleosoil zone (well Moss 16-14, 4649 ft). (E) Dolomitized
fusulinid wackestone/packstone with many fusulinid molds (white arrows) and intercrystalline porosity. Open
fractures (black arrow) and vug (V) are present where anhydrite has been dissolved. Core is from the easternmost
(basinward) part of SC field in the zone of anhydrite dissolution (well Moss 6-20, 4856 ft). (F) Nonporous dolomi-
tized wackestone from the western (landward) part of the field (well Moss 13-6, 4667.2 ft; plane-polarized light). (G)
Nonporous, dolomitized grainstone with ooids (O). Intergranular pore spaces are filled with anhydrite cement
(white). The wide spacing of grains suggests dolomitization and anhydrite cementation prior to significant burial
(well Moss 6-20, 4570 ft; plane-polarized light). (H) Dolomitized fusulinid wackestone/packstone with substantial
intercrystalline porosity (well Moss 6-20, 4855 ft; plane-polarized light).
Saller and Henderson 1535

Open Figure 8—General depositional

Tidal Flat Lagoon Shoal Marine
model for the Clear Fork and
Grayburg formations [similar to
Galloway et al. (1983) and Bebout
et al. (1987)].
Platform Burrowed
Bioclast-Peloid Mud
Packstone) Basin
(Facies 6)

Algal Flats Burrowed Current - Laminated Burrowed Burrowed

(Wackestone, Peloid Mud Carbonate Sand Carbonate Sands Fusulinid-Peloid
Packstone) (Mudstone, (Grainstone) (Packstone, Muds (Wackestone,
(Facies 1-4) Wackestone, (Facies 8 & 9) Grainstone) Packstone)
Packstone) (Facies 8 & 9) (Facies 7)
(Facies 5)

Vogt (1986, 1990) and Ruppel and Lucia (1996) cementation, anhydrite precipitation and dissolu-
noted these processes occurring near the original tion, and compaction substantially alter porosity
oil/water contacts of oil fields. Based largely on and permeability.
the geochemistry of associated calcite cements,
Leary and Vogt (1986, 1990) proposed that anhy-
drite dissolution and late calcite cementation Replacive Dolomitization
were the result of oxidation of hydrocarbons and Depositional calcium carbonate (aragonite, high-
sulfate reduction involving bacter ia in late magnesium calcite, or low-magnesium calcite) has
Cenozoic meteoric waters. Lucia and Ruppel been pervasively replaced by dolomite in the main
(1996) and Ruppel and Lucia (1996) related much reservoir intervals. Dolomite crystals commonly
of the porosity, permeability, and reservoir perfor- range in size from micritic to fine-cr ystalline
mance at South Cowden to anhydrite alteration (<0.001–0.10 mm across). Replacive dolomite crys-
and dissolution. tals commonly have cloudy (inclusion-rich) cores
and relatively clear outer rims. Many fossil frag-
ments, peloids, and ooids were dolomitized (Figure
Petrography 7G), but others were leached (Figure 7E). The
amount of intercrystalline porosity remaining in
The general sequence of diagenetic events that the dolomitized micritic matrix is highly variable
we observed from petrographic relationships in (Figure 7). If the precursor limestone had porosity
both oil fields includes (from earliest to latest) (1) similar to shallow Cenozoic limestones (20–50%)
replacive dolomitization, (2) dissolution of some (Enos and Sawatsky, 1981; Schmoker and Halley,
calcium carbonate grains and matrix, (3) dolomite 1982), replacive dolomitization probably decreased
cementation, (4) dissolution of dolomite, (5) pre- porosity.
cipitation of anhydrite cement and anhydrite nod-
ules, (6) silicification of some anhydrite, (7) for-
mation of stylolites, and (8) alter ation and Dissolution of Calcium Carbonate
dissolution of anhydrite. Many of these processes Dissolution of calcium carbonate created inter-
probably overlapped in time. This petrographic crystalline and moldic pores, which are the domi-
history is similar to that determined by the previ- nant pore types in North Riley and South Cowden
ously mentioned studies of Permian dolomites. dolomites. Some calcitic fossils, especially fusulin-
Replacive dolomitization, early dissolution of cal- ids, are dissolved in many dolomites (Figure 7E). In
cium carbonate, dissolution of dolomite, dolomite general, we cannot demonstrate petrographically
1536 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability



NRU 357 NRU 337 NRU 294 NRU 272 NRU 44R NRU 232
1.6 km 1.6 km 0.9 km 1.0 km 0.3 km





Tidal-Flat Facies ( 1 - 4 )

Peloid and Bioclast Wackestone/Packstone Facies ( 5, 6 )



Fusulinid Wackestone/Packstone Facies ( 7 )


Grainstone Facies ( 8, 9 )


Not Cored Correlation line 5m
(often cycle top)


Figure 9—Stratigraphic cross section of porosity in the main pay interval at North Riley field showing depositional
facies and core-measured porosity. Porosity greater than 5% is shaded. Note how porosity generally increases bas-
inward (to the right). See Figure 3 for location of wells on cross section. Datum is top of middle Clear Fork.

whether dissolution of grains occurred before, dur- Lear y and Vogt (1990), and Ruppel and Lucia
ing, or after dolomitization. (1996), some dolomolds are filled with anhydrite
indicating dolomite dissolution prior to anhydrite
cementation, suggesting that dolomite dissolution
Dolomite Cementation was a relatively early diagenetic event. Dolomoldic
Dolomite cements line molds of leached carbon- porosity may have formed by dissolution in fresh
ate grains, fractures, and intergranular pores in water or a mixing zone developed during a period
some grainstones (Figure 7G). Clear rims on some of Late Permian exposure, similar to dolomite disso-
replacive dolomite crystals also may be cements, lution observed in Pleistocene dolomites of the
but they are difficult to separate from the original Yucatan (Ward and Halley, 1985). The dolomoldic
replacive crystals. No baroque (saddle) dolomite porosity is more common off depositional highs,
(e.g., Radke and Mathis, 1980) was observed. suggesting that it is not simply related to freshwater

Dissolution of Dolomite
In some parts of the Clear Fork and Grayburg Anhydrite
reservoirs, the interiors of dolomite crystals were Based on grain densities and petrographic esti-
leached, leaving porosity in the middle of dolomite mates, anhydrite constitutes 0–10% of most
crystals (Figure 7B, C). These are the “altered” dolomitic rocks at North Riley field and 0–20% of
dolomites discussed in previous studies. As previ- most dolomitic rocks at South Cowden field.
ously reported by Ruppel and Cander (1988b), Anhydrite occurs in three main forms: (1) pore-filling
Saller and Henderson 1537

Table 2. Average Values for Middle Clear Fork Dolomites, North Riley Field

Average Number of δ13C δ18O

Depth Number of Permeability Porosity Isotope (‰) (‰)
Well (ft) Analyses (md) (%) Analyses (PDB) (PDB)
Basinward (North)
232 6857.5 n = 152 18.37 6.34 n=9 4.09 2.19
44R 6828.2 n = 144 1.14 5.25 n = 26 4.07 1.98
272 6803.4 n = 118 9.45 6.50 n=9 3.69 2.04
294 6777.0 n = 144 1.66 4.78 n=9 3.66 1.78
337 6759.1 n = 139 1.04 4.30
357 6707.4 n = 113 0.44 3.89 n=4 2.30 1.30
Landward (South)

cement, (2) coarse poikilotopic crystals, and (3) Lucia and Ruppel (1996) and Ruppel and Lucia
replacive nodules. Anhydrite cements locally fill (1996) indicated that alteration of anhydrite occurs
fractures, pores within dolomite crystals, and inter- in intervals with generally higher porosity, perme-
granular pores in grainstones (Figure 7G). At North ability, and production in South Cowden. Alteration
Riley field, anhydrite is present in many porous of anhydrite probably was localized in previously
dolomites; many nonporous dolomites have little porous and permeable intervals because those
anhydrite, which suggests that anhydrite precipita- intervals preferentially acted as conduits for mobile
tion is not the only critical factor controlling poros- subsurface waters that altered anhydrite.
ity. Based on grain densities and petrographic esti-
mates, landward and basinward wells at North
Riley field have similar quantities of anhydrite. Compaction
Dissolution of anhydrite was not observed at North Compaction has affected these rocks from depo-
Riley field. sition through deep burial. Stylolites (chemical
Anhydrite content is considered by Lucia and compaction) are more abundant in the more
Ruppel (1996) and Ruppel and Lucia (1996) to be a deeply buried Clear Fork than in the Grayburg.
critical factor in productivity at South Cowden; Stylolites truncate dolomite and anhydrite crystals,
however, anhydrite occurs in porous and non- but dolomite and anhydrite were not observed
porous Grayburg dolomites, and many nonporous overgrowing stylolites. Mechanical compaction of
dolomites contain little anhydrite (Figure 7F). Grain grains and grain-to-grain pressure solution have sub-
densities were used to evaluate semiquantitatively stantially decreased intergranular porosity in grain-
the amount of anhydrite in dolomites and its rela- stones lacking intergranular anhydrite cement.
tionship to porosity (Table 3). Samples with signifi- Mechanical and chemical compaction during burial
cant quantities of other minerals (sand, silt, clay, has reduced porosity in most Clear Fork limestones
organics, or gypsum) were excluded. Pure dolomite at North Riley to less than 2%, but has been much
in the Permian basin generally has grain densities of less effective in reducing porosity in dolomites.
2.81–2.84 g/cm3 (K. Hudson, 1997, personal com-
munication), and anhydrite has densities of 2.95–3.0
g/cm3; therefore, higher grain densities should indi- Stable Isotope Results
cate more anhydrite. Grain density data confirm
that wells in the west and central parts of South The stable carbon and oxygen isotope composi-
Cowden field have more anhydrite (Table 3). Lucia tions of dolomites at Nor th Rile y and South
and Ruppel (1996) and Ruppel and Lucia (1996) Cowden fields provide insight into their genesis
noted that dissolution of anhydrite is a late burial and porosity development. Stable isotopic compo-
process that has substantially increased porosity in sitions of bulk rock samples in the Clear Fork of
eastern parts of South Cowden field. North Riley field are shown in Table 2 and Figure
Alteration of anhydrite to gypsum is volumetrical- 11. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composi-
ly minor and apparently did not have a significant tions of Grayburg dolomites at the Moss unit are
effect on porosity and permeability in South shown in Table 3 and Figure 12. At South
Cowden dolomites. Lucia and Ruppel (1996) also Cowden, stable carbon and oxygen isotopic com-
indicated that alteration of anhydrite to gypsum did positions of dolomites are generally lighter
not appear to have a large effect on the petrophysi- (lower) in samples with higher porosity (Figure
cal properties of South Cowden dolomites; however, 13) and in a basinward (eastward) direction
1538 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability


WEST South Cowden Field EAST

13-11 13-6 9-17 16-14 8-12 6-16 6-20

0.5 km 1.8 km 0.9 km 1.0 km 1.0 km 0.5 km


Grayburg “A” 4500



4550 4600

Gray 4700
4600 burg
"B" 4600

4650 4700
Grayburg “B”

Anhydrite Dissolution
4700 4800


Top G
Grayburg "B"














4800 4900





10 m






Sandy/Silty Dolomite Not Cored Fenestral Wackestone/Packstone Burrowed Wackestone/Packstone/Grainstone

Peloid and/or Bioclast Wackestone/Packstone Fusulinid Wackestone/Packstone Grainstone

Figure 10—Stratigraphic cross section of porosity in the Grayburg Formation at the Moss unit, South Cowden field,
showing depositional facies and core-measured porosity. Porosity greater than 5% is shaded. Note how porosity
generally increases basinward (to the right) in the Grayburg A. Correlation lines between wells are not necessarily
cycle tops. See Figure 5 for location of wells on cross section. Datum is top of Grayburg except in well 6-20.

(Table 3). Results of analyses of adjacent porous/ wackestone/packstones) are present in many of the
nonporous samples are shown in Table 4. North Riley and South Cowden dolomites. Seawater
in the restricted lagoons could have been concentrat-
ed by evaporation, forming dense dolomitizing
Environment of Dolomitization brines that infiltrated downward through the under-
lying sediment. The abundance of anhydrite, an evap-
In our study, replacive dolomitization by oritic mineral, in these dolomites supports the inter-
ref luxing evaporatively concentrated seawater preted movement of saline brines through these
moving through the sediment shortly after depo- strata. Our stable carbon and oxygen isotopic results
sition is suggested by (1) petrographic relation- are similar to the results of previous studies of other
ships, (2) depositional environments, (3) evapo- Permian San Andres and Grayburg dolomites, and
r itic minerals, and (4) stable isotope data. our interpretations are similar to previous interpreta-
Petrographic relationships indicate that replacive tions of dolomite precipitation at near-surface tem-
dolomitization was an early diagenetic phase pre- peratures from evaporatively concentrated seawater
cipitating prior to significant compaction and (Leary and Vogt, 1986, 1990; Ruppel and Cander,
anhydrite cementation. Depositional facies char- 1988a, b; Major et al., 1990).
acteristic of restricted lagoonal and tidal-flat envi- Assuming Permian marine calcite cements have
ronments (peloidal wackestones and fenestral a δ 18 O composition of –2.8‰ (PDB) (Given and
Table 3. South Cowden (Moss Unit), Average Porosity and Permeability by Grain Density*

Mean Grain No. of δ13C δ18O

Grain Density** (g/cm3) Density** Isotope (PDB) (PDB)
2.83 2.84 2.85 2.86 2.87 2.88 Total† (g/cm3) Samples (‰) (‰)
Platform Interior (West)
13-11 n = 15 n=9 n = 20 n = 29 n = 26 n = 13 n = 140 n = 129 20 5.9 3.8
4% 6.2% 5.6% 6.3% 6.0% 5.1% 5.5% 2.860
0.15 md 0.22 md 0.27 md 0.35 md 0.34 md 0.34 md 0.27 md

13-6 n=7 n=9 n = 11 n = 18 n = 14 n=6 n = 89 n = 68

5.99% 6.06% 5.74% 5.65% 5.81% 4.53% 5.51% 2.858
0.02 md 0.13 md 0.05 md 0.07 md 0.06 md 0.03 md 0.05 md

9-17 n=5 n = 22 n = 23 n = 32 n = 23 n = 25 n = 184 n = 143

3.3% 4.15% 5.27% 5.52% 4.86% 4.94% 5% 2.860
0.06 md 0.07 md 0.1 md 0.15 md 0.13 md 0.19 md 0.17 md

16-14 n = 14 n = 15 n = 25 n = 29 n = 14 n=8 n = 150 n = 122 24 5.9 3.5

5.23 % 4.98% 5.25% 5.52% 3.97% 4.25% 5.04% 2.855
0.05 md 0.05 md 0.04 md 0.09 md 0.05 md 0.06 md 0.06 md

8-12 n = 22 n = 28 n = 26 n = 20 n = 21 n = 19 n = 173 n = 144 6 5.7 3.5

6.43% 6.26% 6.66% 5.5% 5.14% 5.3% 5.8% 2.856
0.76 md 0.41 md 0.33 md 0.27 md 0.14 md 0.27 md 0.346 md

6-16 n = 20 n = 37 n = 59 n = 34 n = 15 n=8 n = 218 n = 178

8.71% 8.09% 10.3% 9.35% 8.58% 8.3% 9.0% 2.852
0.98 md 0.57 md 3.45 md 2.57 md 1.34 md 1.04 md 2.33 md

6-20 above
4785 ft n = 52 n = 68 n = 26 n = 16 n = 11 n=7 n = 213 n = 182 14 5.1 2.7
10.7% 9.9% 9.6% 8.3% 5.8% 5.8% 9.5% 2.844
9.13 md 2.06 md 0.50 md 2.16 md 0.07 md 0.05 md 4.9 md

6-20 below
4785 ft†† n = 48 n = 21 n=2 n = 94 n = 88 5 4.6 1.9
13.9% 12.6% 12.5% 13.4% 2.831
35.1 md 14.9 md 11.0 md 29.7 md
Basinward (East)
*n = number of samples.
**Excludes sandy, silty, shaly, and gypsum-rich samples.
Saller and Henderson

†Total includes rocks with other densities.

††Samples below 4785 ft in the 6-20 well are in the zone of anhydrite dissolution.
1540 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability

CLEAR FORK DOLOMITES, NORTH RILEY FIELD ref luxing evaporatively concentrated lagoonal
5 waters would have logically flowed into more nor-
mal seawater of the open Midland basin, resulting
in lower δ13C and δ18O values in more basinward
4 waters and more basinward dolomites. We are not
sure why basinward areas should contain more
δ 13C (/oo, PDB)

burial dolomite.
3 The precise timing of dolomitization of Permian
carbonates in the Permian basin has been debated.
North - Basinward Leary and Vogt (1986, 1990) argued for penecon-
2 temporaneous dolomitization, whereas Ruppel and
NRU 232
NRU 44R Cander (1988a, b) argued for a second major stage of
NRU 272 replacive dolomite in early and middle Guadalupian
1 NRU 294 strata associated with late Guadalupian evaporite
NRU 357
deposition. We prefer the interpretation of Leary
South - Platform Interior
and Vogt (1986, 1990), that most dolomitization
-1 0 1 2 3 4 probably occurred shortly after deposition, for sev-
δ O(
, PDB)
eral reasons. (1) Most depositional fabrics show lit-
tle evidence of compaction prior to dolomitization,
Figure 11—Plot of stable isotope results for the middle suggesting dolomitization prior to moderate or
Clear Fork Formation in North Riley field. Distinctly deep burial. (2) If dolomitization followed substan-
lower δ 13 C and δ 18 O values are apparently related to tial burial, it might be difficult to get dolomitizing
meteoric diagenesis during subaerial exposure. See Fig- fluids throughout the formation in sufficient vol-
ure 3 for location of wells. umes to cause complete dolomitization of a plat-
form. (3) Significant burial would result in elevated
temperatures that should cause the stable oxygen
Lohmann, 1985) and dolomite has a 3–4‰ enrich- isotopes of dolomites precipitated during burial to
ment in 1 8 O relative to calcite (Land, 1980), be lighter than observed values.
dolomites precipitated from near-surface Permian
seawater should have δ 1 8 O compositions of
approximately 0.2–1.2‰ (PDB). Because most of POROSITY AND PERMEABILITY IN PLATFORM
the Clear Fork and Grayburg dolomites have δ18O DOLOMITES
values greater than 1.2‰ (PDB), precipitation
probably was from evaporatively concentrated Porosity and permeability in Clear Fork and
seawater that had δ18O values greater than seawa- Grayburg dolomites are heterogeneous due to
ter (Lloyd, 1966). The relatively consistent oxygen cyclic deposition and lateral changes of deposition-
isotope compositions of replacive Clear Fork al environments and diagenesis (similar to Kerans
dolomites (standard deviation of 0.6‰) (Figure 11) et al., 1994). Samples less than 3 cm apart can vary
suggest that dolomite cementation or recrystalliza- in porosity by 3 to 28% (Table 4).
tion at elevated temperatures during deeper burial
was minor. Lower δ 18 O and δ 13 C values occur in
updip wells or near the top of middle Clear Fork, North Riley Field
where recrystallization in meteoric water probably
resulted in lower δ18O and δ13C values (Allan and Carbonate in the middle and upper Clear Fork at
Wiggins, 1993). North Riley field has been pervasively dolomitized,
Stable oxygen isotopic compositions in the yet porosity is quite heterogeneous. Porosity mea-
Grayburg Formation are variable, supporting sured on full-diameter core samples ranges from
dolomitization in more than one type of water or 0.5 to 22%, and permeability ranges from less than
more than one temperature. The most basinward 0.01 to 100 md (Figure 14). An average of approxi-
well (6-20) has the lightest isotopic compositions mately 90 m (300 ft) of porous dolomite (porosity
(mean δ 1 8 O = 2.5‰), and the most platform- >4%) is present in the 300-m- (1000-ft-) thick Clear
interior well (13-11) has the heaviest (mean δ18O = Fork section at North Riley field. Reservoir porosity
3.8‰) (Figure 12). That trend may have been occurs in 1–9-m (3–30-ft) thick intervals that are
caused by precipitation of basinward dolomites in stratigraphically very discontinuous. Porosities of
more normal (less evaporated) seawater or at high- 4–15% and permeabilities of 0.1–20 md are typical
er temperatures during burial. We prefer the pre- in pay intervals. Most oil in North Riley field has
cipitation of basinward dolomites in more normal been produced from a 60–90 m (200–300 ft) (gross
(less evaporated) seawater interpretation because thickness) main pay interval in the middle Clear
Saller and Henderson 1541

Grayburg Dolomite Figure 12—Plot of stable isotope

results for the Grayburg
South Cowden Field Formation in the Moss unit, South
7 Cowden field. Generally lower
δ13C and δ18O values occur in
more eastern (basinward) wells.
See Figure 5 for location of wells.

δ 13C (/oo, PDB)

West - Platform Interior

MOSS 13-11
4 MOSS 16-14
MOSS 8-12
MOSS 6-20: <4785
MOSS 6-20: >4785

East - Platform Margin

1 2 3 4 5
δ O (o/oo, PDB)

Fork. Porous and nonporous dolomites occur in all Porosity and permeability are greatest in the east-
depositional facies, although grainstones generally ern part of the field, and are distinctly less in the
have greater porosity and permeability, and fenes- central to western part of the field (Figures 10, 15;
tral packstones and associated tidal-flat rocks have Table 3). Porosity is not strictly facies dependent
lower porosity and permeability. Porosity and per- (Table 5). Fusulinid wackestone/packstones
meability increase toward the north, away from the (facies 7) in the easternmost cored well (6-20)
Clear Fork depositional high in the southern part of have an average porosity of 9.7%, whereas fusulin-
North Riley field (Figures 9, 14; Table 2). In the id wackestone/packstones in western wells (13-
main pay interval, the southernmost cored well 11, 9-17, 16-14) have an average porosity of 4–5%
(357) has an average porosity of 3.9% and average (Table 5).
permeability of 0.44 md (Table 2). The main pay Porosity zones cut across stratigraphy and depo-
interval in the northernmost cored well (232) has sitional facies, especially in the eastern part of the
an average porosity of 6.4% and average permeabil- field (Figure 10) (Lucia and Ruppel, 1996; Ruppel
ity of 18.4 md (Table 2). and Lucia, 1996). Intercrystalline porosity is the
dominant pore type. Intercrystalline pore sizes and
permeability are related to crystal size (similar to
South Cowden Field Lucia, 1995) and are variable. Permeability trends
are similar to porosity with western wells (13-11,
Porosity and permeability in the Grayburg 13-6, 9-17, 16-14), having average permeabilities of
Formation in South Cowden field are also very 0.11–0.27 md, whereas eastern, more basinward
heterogeneous. Porosity ranges from 0.2 to 20%, wells 6-16 and 6-20 (excluding the zone of anhy-
and core permeability ranges from less than 0.01 drite leaching) have average permeabilities of 2.4
to 200 md (Figure 15). Dolomites in zones of late and 4.9 md, respectively (Table 3). The interval
anhydrite dissolution have been separated in tabu- with leached anhydrite in the 6-20 well has even
lated data and figures to isolate the effects of that higher porosity (average of 13.4%) and permeabili-
late dissolution on porosity and permeability. ty (average of 29.7 md).
1542 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability

Figure 13—Plot of porosity vs.

stable isotope composition in the
Grayburg Dolomites, Moss Unit, Cowden Field
Moss unit, South Cowden field.
In general, δ13C and δ18O values 7
decrease with increasing δ13C
MOSS 13-11
porosity. Correlation coefficient MOSS 16-14
(r) for δ13C vs. porosity is 0.41. 6 MOSS 8-12
Correlation coefficient (r) for MOSS 21-16
δ18O vs. porosity is 0.54. Both are MOSS 6-20: (<4785)

δ13C - δ18O (o/oo, PDB)

MOSS 6-20: (>4785)
statistically valid correlations at
the 95% confidence level. See
Figure 5 for location of wells. δ18O
MOSS 13-11
MOSS 16-14
MOSS 8-12
MOSS 21-16
MOSS 6-20: (<4785)
MOSS 6-20: (>4785)

0% 5% 10 % 15 % 20 % 25 %

A general increase in porosity and permeability Table 4. Stable Isotope Compositions, Porosity, and
in a basinward direction is still present at South Permeability of Adjacent Samples*
Cowden after the effects of anhydrite precipita-
tion and dissolution are excluded. Excluding the Depth Por Perm δ13C δ18O
zone of anhydrite dissolution, porosity increases Well (ft) (%) (md) (‰) (‰)
and anhydrite decreases toward the east in the North Riley
Moss unit (Table 3); however, data in Table 3 and NRU 44R 6661.4 18.9 27.0 4.2 2.1
Figures 16 and 17 indicate that a general increase NRU 44R 6661.5 1.1 <0.05 4.3 3.1
in porosity in dolomites is also independent of NRU 44R 6701.0 10.6 <0.05 3.9 1.7
the amount of anhydrite in samples. Dolomite NRU 44R 6701.1 1.1 <0.05 4.2 2.7
samples with the same approximate amount of NRU 44R 6820.0 29.1 13.0 4.4 1.8
anhydrite (as shown by grain density) have gener- NRU 44R 6820.1 1.1 <0.05 4.4 2.4
ally higher porosity in a basinward direction NRU 44R 6825.2 20.6 0.20 4.5 1.9
(Table 3; Figure 16); furthermore, many individu- NRU 44R 6825.4 1.8 <0.05 4.5 2.6
al wells show no relationship between amount of NRU 44R 6833.9 14.2 4.9 4.4 2.5
NRU 44R 6833.7 7.1 <0.05 4.5 3.0
anhydrite (as shown by grain density) and porosi- South Cowden
ty (Figure 17). These findings suggest that the 16-14 4517 5.9 nd 5.6 2.6
major trends in dolomite porosity at South 16-14 4517 2.8 nd 5.5 3.8
Cowden were imparted during early replacive 16-14 4533 8.9 nd 5.6 1.9
dolomitization, and that later diagenesis only 16-14 4533 4.4 nd 5.6 2.7
accentuated those porosity and permeability vari-
*Por = porosity, Perm = permeability, δ13C and δ18O are in ‰ PDB, nd =
ations. Anhydr ite has been impor tant as a no data.
cement, filling intergranular porosity in grain-
stones (samples with grain densities of 2.87 and
2.88 g/cm 3 in the 6-20 well in Figure 16), but
replacive nodular and poikilotopic anhydrite have Discussion
not been factors controlling porosity in most
wackestones and packstones. As Lucia and Excellent discussions of factors important to
Ruppel (1996) suggested, replacive nodular and variations in porosity in dolomites are found in
poikilotopic anhydrite had only a minor effect on Purser et al. (1994), Lucia and Major (1994), and
porosity and permeability at South Cowden. Sun (1995). Porosity can be created or destroyed
Saller and Henderson 1543

1000 Figure 14—Plots of permeability

vs. porosity for the middle Clear
Northern North Riley (Basinward) Fork in cored wells at North
Riley field.
Permeability (md)


NRU 232
NRU 272

0 5 10 15 20 25
Porosity (%)

Southern North Riley (Landward)
Permeability (md)


NRU 294
.1 NRU 337
NRU 357

0 5 10 15 20 25
Porosity (%)

during dolomitization depending on the chemistry where solid volume decreases by 12%.
of the dolomitizing waters. Volumetric changes
( )2
associated with dolomitization can be represented
by two different (end-member) equations (similar CaCO3 + Mg 2 + + CO23 − → CaMg CO3 (2)
to Weyl, 1960; Sun, 1995).
where solid volume increases by 75%.
2CaCO3 + Mg 2+
→ CaMg CO3 )2 + Ca 2+
Dolomitization by equation 1 would cause a vol-
ume decrease of approximately 12%, resulting in
1544 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability

South Cowden more porosity (Weyl, 1960). Dolomitization by

1000 equation 2 would result in a volume increase of
Western Wells approximately 75%, greatly reducing porosity.
(Platform Interior) Dolomitization requires large amounts of magne-
100 sium, hence good circulation of magnesium-rich
water. If seawater is the source of magnesium
(Mg2+), CO32– can usually also enter the dolomitiz-
Permeability (md)

ing system allowing equation 2. The amount of
CO 3 2– and efficiency of the dolomitizing system
determine which equation will dominate (Weyl,
1960; Lucia and Major, 1994). Most natural dolomi-
tizing systems probably work with a combination
0.1 MOSS 13-11
of the two equations. After a limestone is complete-
MOSS 13-6 ly dolomitized, waters supersaturated with respect
to dolomite can continue to flow through the car-
.01 bonate rock, allowing precipitation of additional
0 5 10 15 20 25 dolomite, which decreases porosity (overdolomiti-
Porosity (%)
zation of Schmoker and Halley, 1982; Lucia and
1000 Major, 1994; Sun, 1995).
Central Wells Porosity in these Clear Fork and Grayburg
dolomites could have formed by dissolution in one
100 of four general environments: (1) evaporatively
concentrated seawater penecontemporaneous
dolomitization, (2) fresh water moving through
Permeability (md)

10 partially dolomitized strata during times of subaeri-

al exposure, (3) moderate to deep burial, with
acidic waters being expelled from adjacent forma-
tions (basinal siltstones, sandstones, and mud-
stones), or (4) dissolution of evaporites by deep
0.1 MOSS 9-17
meteoric water. Because dolomitization involves
MOSS 16-14 the dissolution of calcium carbonate and precipita-
MOSS 8-12 tion of dolomite, dolomitizing solutions must be
undersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate
0 5 10 15 20 25 and supersaturated with respect to dolomite (Sun,
Porosity (%)
1995). Because dolomitization is interpreted as
1000 occurring in evaporatively concentrated seawater,
Eastern Wells (Basinward) it is logical to propose that dissolution also
occurred in those waters. Dissolution by evapora-
100 tively concentrated seawater has been described by
Sun (1992) and is our preferred explanation for the
origin of most porosity in the Clear Fork and
Permeability (md)

10 Grayburg dolomites studied here. None of the

other mechanisms explain petrographic features,
stable isotopic data, and the distribution of porosity
as well.
Two relationships suggest that leaching by
meteoric water during subaerial exposure was not
MOSS 6-16
MOSS 6-20 (<4785) a major factor contributing to the development of
MOSS 6-20 (>4785) porosity in the North Riley or South Cowden
0.01 reservoirs. First, porosity in dolomites 0–10 m
0 5 10 15 20 25 below major exposure surfaces (top-middle Clear
Porosity (%) Fork, top Grayburg A, top Grayburg B) is not sub-
stantially higher than surrounding dolomites
Figure 15—Plots of permeability vs. porosity for the
Grayburg A in cored wells in the Moss unit, South
(Figures 9, 10). Second, dolomites are generally
Cowden field. less porous on the depositional highs where sub-
aerial exposure and meteoric diagenesis would
have gone on longer dur ing sea level drops.
Although porosity does not increase in association
Saller and Henderson 1545

Table 5. Avearage Porosity in Depositional Facies by Well, Grayburg A, Moss Unit, South Cowden Field*

West (Landward) East (Basinward)

Well 6-20 Well 6-20
Well Well Well Well Well Well Above Below
13-11 13-6 9-17 16-14 8-12 6-16 4785 ft 4785 ft**
Facies 1 n=7 n=7 n=3
3.2% 3.6% 4.3%
Facies 5 n = 97 n = 38 n = 100 n = 77 n = 63 n = 50 n = 48
5.9% 6.8% 5.0% 5.0% 5.5% 11.2% 10.5%

Facies 6 n = 21 n = 21 n=5 n = 11 n = 12 n=8

4.7% 5.0% 6.1% 5.0% 11.2% 7.7%
Facies 7 n=4 n = 20 n = 23 n = 58 n = 106 n = 96 n = 94
4.2% 4.0% 4.8% 7.1% 7.6% 9.7% 13.4%
Facies 8 n=3 n = 10 n=7 n = 16 n = 26 n = 33 n = 38
4.6% 3.8% 3.8% 4.4% 4.6% 8.6% 7.4%
Facies 10 n=5 n = 20 n = 19 n = 14 n = 11 n=7 n=6
3.8% 4.2% 5.4% 4.7% 4.5% 7.8% 13.6%
Facies 11 n=3 n = 14 n = 14 n = 15 n=4 n=5 n = 17
7.3% 5.8% 6.5% 6.3% 6.7% 11.5% 9.7%

Total n = 140 n = 89 n = 184 n = 150 n = 173 n = 218 n = 213 n = 94

5.5% 5.5% 5.0% 5.0% 5.8% 9.0% 9.5% 13.4%
*n = number of samples (generally 1/ft); See Table 1 for description of facies.
**Samples below 4785 ft in the 6-20 well are in the zone of anhydrite dissolution.

with the subaerial exposure at the middle Clear period of late dissolution (Lucia and Ruppel, 1996;
Fork sequence boundary at North Riley, permeabil- Ruppel and Lucia, 1996); however, anhydrite disso-
ity apparently does. The interval around that lution is not widespread enough to explain the gen-
sequence boundary has small open fractures and eral basinward increase in porosity at South
takes large quantities of injection water, indicating Cowden (Figure 10). Anhydritic dolomites adjacent
a thief zone with high permeability. The open frac- to the leached areas have relatively high porosity
tures cut across early diagenetic features, suggest- and permeability, suggesting that even the lower
ing the fractures have a later burial origin and prob- part of the 6-20 well had substantial porosity and
ably formed by differential compaction associated permeability prior to anhydrite dissolution.
with lithification during subaerial exposure. Although other mechanisms are possible, avail-
Dissolution of dolomite, which could be deeper able data strongly suggest anhydrite dissolution at
burial in origin, created some porosity in the Clear South Cowden involved late Cenozoic meteoric
Fork and Grayburg formations; however, dissolu- waters. Six calcite samples associated with anhy-
tion of dolomite is not the main volumetric control drite dissolution at South Cowden have δ13C com-
on porosity. In some small areas of altered dolomite positions of –18.4 to –21.3‰ (PDB) and δ18O com-
(approximately 1–5 cm across), porosity within positions of –8.7 to –9.2‰ (PDB). These isotopic
dolomite crystals is substantial (up to 10% of a values are similar to those of Leary and Vogt (1986,
given sample); however, that “dolomoldic” porosi- 1990) for calcites associated with anhydrite dissolu-
ty is minor in both formations as a whole. Data in tion in the San Andres in fields to the nor th.
Ruppel and Lucia (1996, their figure 7) indicated Assuming modern formation temperatures (43°C;
intervals with “altered” dolomite (which contain 110°F), water precipitating the calcites would have
the leached dolomite) constitute less than 20% of a δ 1 8 O composition of approximately –3.3‰
the porous section in South Cowden wells; there- (SMOW) [using equation from Friedman and O’Neil
fore, porosity possibly formed by late dissolution of (1977)]. Formation waters from the San Andres
dolomite is considered to be minor in the reservoir Formation near Andrews, Texas [60 km (37.26 mi)
as a whole. north of South Cowden], have δ18O compositions
Anhydrite dissolution occurred near and below of –5.9 to –7.6‰ (SMOW) and are interpreted to be
the oil/water contact in the easternmost part of saline meteoric waters (rainwater that dissolved
South Cowden field (6-20 well and wells along upper Permian salt) recharged during the late
trend in adjacent units), apparently in response to a Cenozoic from southeast New Mexico (A.M.
1546 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability

West East Figure 16—Plots of porosity in dolomites and anhydritic

dolomites in South Cowden (Moss unit) wells according
to grain density. Similar grain densities indicate similar
Grain Density = 2.83 g/cm3 amounts of anhydrite. Higher grain densities indicate a
higher percentage of anhydrite relative to dolomite.
Porosity (%)

Horizontal bars show average values. See Figure 5 for

location of wells.

Stueber, 1996, personal communication). Pre-
cursor saline connate waters have δ18O composi-
0 tions of approximately +5‰ (A. M. Stueber, 1996,
personal communication); therefore, stable oxygen
20 isotopic compositions suggest that anhydrite disso-
Grain Density = 2.84 g/cm3
lution and calcite precipitation took place in a mix-
ture of approximately 70% meteoric water and 30%
15 saline connate water. The light stable carbon iso-
Porosity (%)

topic compositions of the calcites require an organ-

ic source of carbon. Leary and Vogt (1986, 1990)
10 proposed that similar carbon isotopes in late cal-
cites were derived from sulfate reduction involving
hydrocarbons and bacteria. We support a similar
mechanism at South Cowden, with the meteoric
More Anhydrite

groundwaters supplying bacteria to mediate sulfate

0 reduction.
Regional groundwater data suggest that meteoric
20 water is flowing through the San Andres/Grayburg
Grain Density = 2.85 g/cm3 interval from outcrops in southeast New Mexico to
the northern Central Basin platform (Dutton and
15 Orr, 1986). A. M. Stueber (1996, personal commu-
Porosity (%)

nication) found saline meteoric waters in the upper

San Andres Formation at Blackwatch field (near
North Riley field) at the north end of the Central
Basin platform and in the middle-to-upper San
5 Andres on the eastern margin of the Central Basin
platform near Andrews, Texas [60 km (37 mi) south
of Blackwatch field and 60 km (37 mi) north of
0 South Cowden]. That aquifer trend apparently con-
tinues to the south to South Cowden field. Actively
20 circulating waters that interfinger with the margins
Grain Density = 2.86 g/cm3 of South Cowden field would explain observed
variations in the elevation of the oil/water contact.
Porosity (%)

10 Model for Porosity Distribution in Platform


5 At North Riley and South Cowden fields, dolomi-

tization apparently occurred in refluxing saline
brines that flowed from platform-interior lagoons
0 toward the basin. That trend coincides with porosi-
13-11 13-6 9-17 16-14 8-12 6-16 6-20
ty increasing toward the platform margin (Figures
Platform Average Basin 9, 10). Variations in carbonate saturation in differ-
ent parts of the dolomitizing system should cause
differences in the amount of dolomite precipitated,
which should, in tur n, cause differences in
dolomite porosity. Ref luxing waters would be
Saller and Henderson 1547

greatly supersaturated with respect to dolomite in 25

proximal parts of the dolomitizing system; hence Moss 13-11
much dolomite should precipitate there. After pre-
cipitation of dolomite in proximal parts of the sys- 20

Porosity (%)
tem, the dolomitizing waters would be less super-
saturated with respect to dolomite in distal parts of 15
the refluxing system, and thus less dolomite would
precipitate there (Figure 18). After replacive
dolomitization is complete, waters supersaturated 10
with respect to dolomite may continue to f low
through the dolomite, precipitating more dolomite 5
(i.e., dolomite cement), further decreasing porosi-
ty, similar to the “overdolomitization” of Schmoker
and Halley (1982). The result of both processes 0
should be less porosity in proximal (lagoonal) por- 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9 2.95
tions of the system and more porosity in distal (bas- More Anhydrite
inward) portions of the system. 25
Variations in stable carbon and oxygen isotopic Moss 6-16
compositions of South Cowden dolomites support
this model. Lighter stable isotopes generally occur in

Porosity (%)
more porous and more basinward dolomites at South
Cowden (Figure 13). Higher δ18O and δ13C composi- 15
tions would be expected in proximal (platform-
interior, westward) parts of a reflux dolomitizing
system (Lloyd, 1966), whereas distal (basinward) 10
parts of the dolomitizing system could have a mix-
ture of evaporatively concentrated seawater and 5
normal seawater, resulting in lower δ18O and δ13C
compositions (see Figure 18). Two alternative
explanations for the isotopic data are (1) early, iso- 0
topically heavy dolomite (higher δ18O values) was 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9 2.95
selectively dissolved in more porous dolomites, Grain Density (g/cm3)
lowering the δ18O of the remaining dolomite, and
(2) more burial dolomite that precipitated at a high- Figure 17—Plots of porosity vs. grain density for a land-
er temperature is present in porous, basinward ward well at South Cowden (Moss 13-11) and a basin-
dolomites, lowering their δ18O values (ideas pro- ward well (Moss 6-16). Note that porosity does not
increase substantially with lower grain densities (less
posed by Major et al., 1990). Those two alternate anhydrite) within wells; however, the basinward well
explanations have difficulties explaining trends in (6-16) has slightly less anhydrite and substantially more
δ13C. There is no obvious reason why later dissolu- porosity than the landward well (13-11). See Figure 5 for
tion should preferentially remove δ 13 C in basin- location of wells.
ward dolomites, nor why burial dolomite should
have consistently lighter carbon isotopes than an
early dolomite. Paired isotope samples suggest that
later dolomite rims have δ13C values similar to the brines, and less porosity was present in updip
cores of the dolomite crystals. Similar isotopic dolomites than downdip dolomites (near the lime-
trends were not observed in North Riley dolomites stone/dolomite transition). Lower porosity in prox-
because the isotopic difference between evapora- imal (updip) parts of the dolomitizing system was
tive waters and seawater was not as great in that attributed to more dolomite cement growing on
system, and alteration related to subaerial exposure the original replacement dolomite (Lucia and
caused lighter isotopic compositions in proximal Major, 1994). Sun (1995) expanded the conclusions
parts of the system. of Lucia and Major (1994), and mentioned similar
Lower porosity in the proximal par ts of porosity distributions in association with dolomite
dolomitizing systems and higher porosity in the reservoirs. Sun (1995) explained that evaporative
distal part of dolomitizing systems have been rec- tidal-flat dolomites had less porosity than adjacent
ognized by other workers (Purser et al., 1994). subtidal dolomites due to overdolomitization, or
Lucia and Major (1994) concluded that dolomitiza- excess dolomite precipitation in proximal parts of
tion in Pliocene–Pleistocene carbonates on the the system. Our interpretations support many of
island of Bonaire occurred in refluxing evaporative the ideas proposed by Sun (1995). Aissaoui et al.
1548 Platform Dolomites: Porosity and Permeability

Figure 18—Model for

dolomitization and
porosity development
in carbonate platforms INTERIOR
dolomitized by refluxing
brines generated by
to Adams and Rhodes
(1960) and Lucia and
Major (1994)].
Nonporous Dolomite

Much Dolomite Precipitated

Reducing Porosity Porous Dolomite

Dolomitizing Waters Less Dolomite Precipitated Nonporous

Resulting In More Porosity Limestone

(1986) proposed that dolomites in the subsurface in the southeastern and eastern (basinward) parts
of Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia, formed in sea- of the field (off the crest of the structure; along
water circulating through the atoll from the open strike with well 6-16) had initial potential produc-
ocean toward the lagoon. In general, Aissaoui et al. tion rates of 100–300 bbl of oil per day and cumu-
(1986) found lower porosities in dolomites at the lative recoveries (including waterflood) of 0.5–1.2
seaward edge of the atoll and more porous million bbl of oil. The structurally highest wells in
dolomites near the lagoon; therefore, porosity is the central to western (landward) part of South
again lowest in proximal parts of the dolomitizing Cowden field (between wells 13-11 and 9-17)
system and highest in distal parts of the system (Figure 5) had similar initial potential production
(Aissaoui et al., 1986; Purser, 1991). rates; however, cumulative recoveries (including
waterflood) were much lower, only 40,000–80,000
bbl of oil per well. (See Lucia and Ruppel [1996] for
Effects of Porosity and Permeability a map South Cowden production.)
Distribution on Production

Lateral variations in reservoir rocks had a minor CONCLUSIONS

impact on initial potential production rates, but had
a profound impact on ultimate oil recovery at North Porosity and permeability in many dolomites are
Riley and South Cowden fields. The existing struc- controlled by diagenetic processes. Although they
tures at North Riley and South Cowden fields are heterogeneous, porosity and permeability show
(Figures 3, 5) were mainly the result of differential some patterns in large dolomitized systems such as
compaction over deeper structures, which also the Clear Fork and Grayburg of the Central Basin
influenced Permian deposition and early diagenesis. platform. Dolomitized strata tend to have lower
Both fields were initially developed on 16.2 ha porosity close to where dolomitizing brines form
(40 ac) well spacing. At North Riley, the original and higher porosity in distal portions of the dolomi-
wells in the porous northern, basinward, and tizing system. Dolomitizing brines in the Permian
downdip part of the field (area between wells 272 of the Permian basin commonly were generated in
and 232) generally had initial potential production evaporative lagoons in platform-interior areas. As a
rates of 100–200 bbl of oil per day and cumulative result, many platform-interior dolomites have lower
primary recoveries of 200,000–350,000 bbl of oil per porosity and per meability than do dolomites
well. Wells in the less porous, southern (landward) formed in distal parts of the dolomitizing system,
part of North Riley field (on the crest of the struc- near the platform margin (Figure 18). Differential
ture, near well 357; Figure 3) also had initial potential compaction dur ing deposition caused many
production rates of 100–200 bbl of oil per day, but platform-interior dolomites to occur over structural
their ultimate primary recoveries were generally only highs and platform-margin dolomites to occur in
30,000–80,000 bbl of oil per well. At South downdip and basinward positions. Differential
Cowden field, many primary development wells compaction after deposition has resulted in the
Saller and Henderson 1549

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Arthur Saller Nuel Henderson

Art Saller did undergraduate stud- Nuel Henderson received his B.A.
ies at the University of Kansas degree in earth science from Cal-
(1974–1978), received a Master’s ifornia State University at Fullerton,
degree from Stanford University in and his M.S. degree in geological sci-
1980, and a Ph.D. in geology from ences from the University of South-
Louisiana State University in 1984. ern California. His portion of the
From 1984 to 1986, he worked as a work presented in this paper was
research geologist with Cities conducted while he was employed
Service Oil and Gas in Tulsa, Ok- at UNOCAL in Brea, California, at
lahoma, and joined UNOCAL in which time his research interests
1986. At UNOCAL, Art performs included carbonate sedimentology,
technical service work and teaches courses related to diagenesis, and reservoir characterization. He currently is
exploration and development of hydrocarbon reservoirs a senior staff geologist with Advanced GeoEnvironmental,
in carbonate rocks. Inc., in Stockton, California.

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