U1 Task1 Description About My Last Christmas Developed

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MAYO 2019
Now, put the knowledge into practice and write a two-page description in your
diary about the following situation: what were you doing at this time last

Christmas is a magical word that carries me towards the past. In my mind there is some
remembrance of those fantastic years when as a child I used to play with my cousins and
friends with a stained, old and plastic soccer ball. We all ran behind the ball trying to grasp
it and score a goal to have the chance of becoming the new goalkeeper or to drive out
one of the contestants. Day after day, near Christmas, I counted the days, and they
seemed to be too long. Anxiety was on edge, and other children started to talk about their
next Christ-Child present.
- “I am asking him for a green and pink bike”, said one of them.
He didn’t even know how to ride a bike, but he was practicing with his cousin’s one.
Every day, after school and without doing his homework, at 02:00 p.m. his cousin’s
doorbell was pressed by a long, dry and thin finger.
- “Antonio, he must be your cousin, open the door”, said his sweet and tender
grandma. I remember that for that time, her husband had died six months ago and
she was living now with her daughter and her grandson.
Another of my friends told us about his remote-controlled car Child-Christ was going to
bring him. His eyes got flooded when he described us his Christmas present and a deep
sigh swelled his chest. All of them had many requests to Child-Christ. Some of them
received what they were expecting, but others, on the contrary, had to satisfy themselves
with other different Christmas presents.
Now talking about me I have to say that I wanted to have a race car track that belonged
to a friend of mine, but my mom couldn’t afford this Child-Christ present. She had to work
really hard to give us some food and clothes. She got up early in the morning to go to
work and got back home in the evening; but, despite this situation, Child-Christ always
brought me a nice present. And I proudly showed my Child-Christ present to my friends
who always claimed me for it.
- “What happened with the Child-Christ present you were requesting?”. You told us
that Child-Christ was going to bring you a race car track, but this is just a little truck.
We were waiting for you to play with your track, so, what happened? A little bit
ashamed I had to say to them that Child-Christ couldn’t bring me my present ‘cause
this time He had many more children to give them presents, and that’s why He
couldn’t buy me the present that I wanted.
To finish with this retrospective I have to add that I always loved my Child-Christ presents,
it didn’t matter it weren’t my requested presents, ‘cause I knew that it was fruit of my
mom’s huge effort.
Today, over 30 years later, roles have changed. Now, it is my turn to be Child-Christ. I
have a six years old pretty little daughter who last year was requesting a tablet to play her
favorites games. She has enjoyed it a lot.
Last Christmas, as all the years, she was wearing a beautiful dress. She looked like a
pretty princess with her light blue dress, naive smile and sweet glance. A tinny tear rolled
my wife’s cheek down when my little daughter hugged and kissed her and said to her
“mommy, I love you”. My whole body trembled by this scenery, and my heart strongly
started to beat as my little girl looked at me and told me too, “Daddy, I love you too”.
On 24 December, we got up early and started with the meeting preparations. My wife´s
father had bought the meat for Christmas Dinner. My brother-in-law brought some beers
to make more pleasant the family meeting. My mother made the salad. My sister-in-law
made a delicious custard, and as the everlasting friend of the custard couldn’t be absent,
fritters were made by my sister.
My wife made a delightful supper. She made rice with chicken and raspberry juice. We
all sat down at table at seven o´clock, and thanks God for dinner, all the blessings we had
received, our health, job, dwelling and, of course, our daughter.
After dinner, we had time to talk about things we hadn’t had the opportunity to talk about.
My brother talked to me, in detail, about his current situation with his wife. She didn´t want
to live with him anymore, and this difficulty was affecting him and his daughter´s behavior.
I told him that tried to fix this standstill and rebuilt his home. My sister talked us about her
new enterprising project with the Gold Company Frontino Gold Mayer. It seemed to be
an excellent chance to start up a new business. And this way we spent the night talking
about many other things.
At the end, before going bed, we put our daughter’s Child-Christ present under the pillow.
The next day, my daughter got up earlier than she used to do it. Yeah! She wanna see
her present and play with it. She was really happy with her present.

Ok tutor! This way I summarize my last Christmas.

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