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to Reduce
By Simeon Margolis, M.D., PH.D. &
Roger S. Blumenthal, M.D.
and the Editors of Johns Hopkins Health Alerts

7 Keys to
Reduce Cholesterol

s many Americans are now aware, abnormal levels of cholesterol
carried in the blood—and in particular a high level of LDL, or so-
called “bad,” cholesterol—significantly increase the risk for coro-
nary heart disease and heart attack. It is also well established that managing
blood cholesterol to achieve optimal levels can significantly reduce the risk
of heart attacks and strokes.
Your cholesterol levels, of course, are not the only risk factor for coronary
heart disease. Other major risk factors include older age, a family history
of premature heart disease, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, and dia-
betes; any decision about treating your cholesterol should be made with
your doctor taking all risk factors into account.
But whatever your other risk factors are, it may be time for you to reeval-
uate whether you need to lower your cholesterol. The government’s National
Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) has estimated that at least 65 mil-
lion Americans have blood cholesterol levels that merit treatment with
dietary and other lifestyle changes—and that as many as 36 million people
should be taking cholesterol-lowering medications. Yet only 12 to 15 mil-
lion of them are currently taking such medication, and many (probably
most) are taking too small a dose.
On the next page you will read the first of seven effective, proven, prac-
tical keys for managing cholesterol—with the latest, best information and
advice from specialists at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 1


Know Your “Target”

Cholesterol Levels

Know Your “Target”

Cholesterol Levels
Symptoms of coronary heart disease result

holesterol is a white, waxy lipid (fat)
that is present in the tissues of humans when an advanced plaque narrows a coronary
and other animals and, thus, in all arter y so much that it hinders blood flow to
foods from animal sources. Cholesterol is the heart. Plaque deposits also roughen arter-
essential for many bodily functions: It is a ial walls and make it easier for a blood clot to
building block for hormones and for vitamin form along their surface. Complete blockage
D; it is a component of the membranes of of a coronary artery by a clot can cause a heart
cells; and it is a part of the insulation sheath attack. A portion of a clot can also break loose
around ner ve fibers that enables ner ves to from its place of origin and cause a heart
communicate. attack by lodging in a narrower section of the
artery or in a smaller artery supplying blood
to the heart.
How Cholesterol Contributes HDL also carries cholesterol in the blood;
to Heart Attacks however, HDL has the beneficial capacity to
Despite its importance to life, cholesterol isn’t pick up cholesterol from cells and atheroscle-
an essential nutrient, meaning that the diet rotic plaques and bring it back to the liver for
does not need to contain cholesterol to meet reprocessing or excretion. Therefore, HDL
the body’s requirements. The liver can manu- cholesterol is often referred to as “good” cho-
facture all the cholesterol the body needs. Par- lesterol, because it clears cholesterol from the
ticles called lipoproteins, formed in the liver, arteries, while LDL cholesterol has been called
transport cholesterol and other fats through “bad” because it deposits cholesterol in the
the bloodstream. The three lipoproteins are arteries.
named according to their density: ver y–low- Because elevated cholesterol levels con-
density lipoprotein (VLDL), low-density tribute to the development of atherosclerosis,
lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipopro- reducing cholesterol levels can help prevent
tein (HDL). Most cholesterol is transported by coronary heart disease and heart attacks.
The liver secretes VLDL, which is converted
to LDL in the bloodstream. The cholesterol on Getting Your Cholesterol Levels Tested
LDL is used to form membranes in cells According to current guidelines from the
throughout the body, and it also serves as the National Cholesterol Education Program
starting molecule for the formation of several (NCEP), ever yone who is 20 years of age or
hormones, such as estrogen, androgen, and older should have a blood test called a lipid
cortisol. Deposits of LDL cholesterol in the profile (sometimes called a lipoprotein pro-
arterial walls initiate the formation of plaques. file) at least once ever y five years. This test
As plaques build up, the arterial walls thicken measures blood levels of total cholesterol, LDL
and narrow. cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 3

Know Your “Target” Cholesterol Levels KEY 1

Evaluating Blood Lipid Levels

Total Cholesterol
Cholesterol and triglycerides are the two principal lipids, Desirable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<200 mg/dL
or fats, in the blood. Because they cannot dissolve in Borderline-high . . . . . . . . .200–239 mg/dL
the blood, special proteins, called lipoproteins, carry Increased Risk . . . . . . . . . . . .≥240 mg/dL
them through the bloodstream. The cholesterol carried
LDL Cholesterol
on low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is often called “bad” Optimal* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<100 mg/dL
cholesterol because it contributes to risk for coronary Desirable . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100–129 mg/dL
heart disease (CHD). In contrast, high-density lipopro- Borderline . . . . . . . . . . . . .130–159 mg/dL
tein (HDL) cholesterol is often called “good” choles- Increased Risk . . . . . . . . . . . .≥160 mg/dL
terol because high HDL levels protect against CHD.
HDL Cholesterol
The chart here shows risk classifications for levels
Desirable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .≥60 mg/dL
of blood lipids and lipoproteins (in milligrams per
Borderline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40–59 mg/dL
deciliter, or mg/dL) when measured according to guide- Increased Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . .<40 mg/dL
lines from the National Cholesterol Education Program.
These classifications apply to people without CHD. If Triglycerides
Desirable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<150 mg/dL
you have CHD or diabetes or more than one risk fac-
Borderline . . . . . . . . . . . . .150–199 mg/dL
tor for CHD, a desirable LDL level may be lower than
Increased Risk . . . . . . . . .200–499 mg/dL
100 mg/dL. Because everyone’s situation is different,
ask your doctor for help in interpreting the test results *For people with diabetes, peripheral arterial disease,
history of stroke or aortic aneurysm, or known CHD, and
for cholesterol and triglycerides. for some people with two or more CHD risk factors, a
target of LDL <70 mg/dL should be considered.

(Triglycerides are another type of lipid, which • If you are healthy, your results are all in
the body uses for energy. Like cholesterol, the desirable range (see the chart above), and
triglycerides are obtained from food and pro- you have no other major risk factors for coro-
duced in the liver, and they are transported in nary heart disease, then you should be retested
the blood by lipoproteins, mostly VLDL. High in five years.
triglyceride levels are a risk factor for coronary • The target for people with one coronary
heart disease.) heart disease risk factor is an LDL cholesterol
The test should be performed at your doc- level of less than 160 mg/dL. In most individ-
tor’s office. You will be asked to fast for at least uals who do not have diabetes or known vas-
12 hours before the test, since what you eat can cular disease, but have two or more risk factors,
affect levels of blood triglycerides. LDL cholesterol should be below 130 mg/dL.
If fasting isn’t possible, then only the values • In patients with any form of known car-
for total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol are diovascular disease, the NCEP guidelines rec-
obtained. If you are considered at low risk for ommend that LDL cholesterol be lowered to
coronary heart disease and the test results con- less than 100 mg/dL—and possibly even less
firm this assumption, no further testing may than 70 mg/dL. This target also applies to indi-
be required. Otherwise, your doctor may ask viduals with diabetes, which is now designated
you to return for a fasting lipid profile. as a “coronary heart disease equivalent” rather

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 4

Know Your “Target” Cholesterol Levels KEY 1

than, as in previous guidelines, simply another

risk factor for coronar y heart disease. Some Now that you know what your cho-
individuals with two or more coronary heart lesterol targets should be, you are
disease risk factors are at particularly high risk ready for Key #2 — how to begin
and should also have their LDL cholesterol
lowered to less than 100 mg/dL (with an improving your cholesterol levels
optional goal of less than 70 mg/dL). with changes in your diet.
• A high level of HDL cholesterol (60
mg/dL or higher) is considered protective KEY 2 is titled:
against coronar y heart disease. A high HDL
level cancels out the effects of one other coro- Focus on the Right Fats
nary heart disease risk factor when determin-
ing the total number of risk factors.
• Your doctor will use the test results, along
This Special Report is not intended to provide advice on personal
with the presence of other risk factors for coro- medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician.
nary heart disease, to estimate your coronary
heart disease risk. If your total cholesterol, Copyright © 2006 Medletter Associates, LLC.
LDL cholesterol, or triglyceride levels are ele- All rights reserved.
vated (or if your HDL level is too low), your
doctor will determine the most effective risk
reduction measures for you to take, usually
beginning with lifestyle changes.

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 5


Focus on the
Right Fats

Focus on the Right Fats

gram of carbohydrates or protein (4 calories).

ifestyle measures can have a greater
impact on preventing coronar y heart (Fat and protein are more filling than carbo-
disease and heart attacks than on prac- hydrates, however.)
tically any other disorder. More specifically, Blood cholesterol levels are also raised by
lifestyle changes can reduce elevated choles- dietary cholesterol, but not as much as by sat-
terol levels—and the simplest change to make urated fat. A few foods—egg yolks, lobster, and
is to limit your intake of saturated fat. shrimp—are especially high in dietary choles-
The average American diet contains about terol. The NCEP guidelines also recommend
35% to 40% of calories from fat. Not all of this limiting dietary cholesterol (see next page).
fat is bad—in fact, some types of fat, such as While modifying fat intake is desirable, it is
mono- and polyunsaturated fat, have a benefi- important not to get too carried away with
cial effect on blood lipids and may lower the restricting fat in the diet. According to the
risk of developing coronary heart disease or American Heart Association, short-term stud-
dying of it. But the prevalent type of fat in the ies reveal that lowering fat intake to 15% or
American diet is saturated fat, the major less of total calories does not reduce LDL cho-
dietary factor that raises blood cholesterol lev- lesterol levels much further than a standard
els. In fact, saturated fat has a bigger impact low-fat diet.
on blood cholesterol levels than dietary cho- In addition, ver y–low-fat diets decrease
lesterol itself. Saturated fat includes most ani- heart-protective HDL cholesterol and increase
mal and dairy fats and some oils, such as palm triglyceride levels, whereas the moderate-fat
and coconut oils. diet recommended by the NCEP guidelines
can help reduce triglycerides and raise HDL
Modifying your fat intake. The National cholesterol, particularly in people with meta-
Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) guide- bolic syndrome, a condition that markedly
lines recommend reducing total fat to between increases the risk of coronary heart disease and
25% and 35% of total calories, with the major- diabetes. (Metabolic syndrome is characterized
ity of fat calories coming from mono- or by abnormally high blood sugar levels due to
polyunsaturated fat. Also advised is limiting the insulin resistance, accompanied by other fac-
intake of saturated fat in order to reduce blood tors that include abdominal obesity, high blood
cholesterol levels—specifically LDL (“bad”) pressure, low levels of HDL cholesterol, and
cholesterol. high levels of triglycerides.)
The guidelines recommend these dietar y
measures even when blood cholesterol is nor- Mono- and polyunsaturated fats. When fat
mal, since a modified fat intake can help main- is consumed, monounsaturated fats should be
tain optimal cholesterol levels. A reduction in chosen whenever possible so that they con-
total fat may also help to maintain an ideal tribute up to 20% of total calories. Olive and
weight, because a gram of fat contains more canola oils, almonds, and avocados contain
than twice as many calories (9 calories) as a large amounts of monounsaturated fat. When

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 7

Focus on the Right Fats KEY 2

they are substituted for saturated fat in the cally your LDL cholesterol. Meats, poultry skin,
diet, monounsaturated fats can lower LDL cho- and whole-milk dair y products contain the
lesterol levels and stabilize or even raise HDL most saturated fat and thus should be limited
cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated fats—found in the diet.
in safflower, sunflower, and corn oils—also
lower LDL cholesterol levels. 2. With few exceptions, limit total fat intake
Omega-3 fatty acids, another type of polyun- to between 25% and 35% of total calories. For
saturated fat, seem to have cardioprotective those whose fat intakes have exceeded the rec-
benefits beyond lowering LDL cholesterol. ommended amount, fat calories should be
There are three principal types of omega-3 replaced with ones from complex carbohy-
fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), drates, with an emphasis on whole grains, veg-
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha- etables, fruits, and legumes (beans and peas).
linolenic acid (ALA). EPA and DHA, found As much as possible, avoid calories from prod-
only in fish (particularly fatty fish), can reduce ucts that contain a lot of refined carbohy-
the tendency for blood to clot, decrease the drates, such as sugar and white flour.
risk of arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms),
and lower triglyceride levels; the benefits of 3. Get half your total fat intake from
ALA are unclear. monounsaturated fats. These fats are particu-
Trans fat. People should minimize their larly plentiful in olive oil, canola oil, almonds,
intake of trans fat—a type of fat found in foods walnuts, and avocados. Because these sources
made with hydrogenated or partially hydro- are also concentrated sources of total fat calo-
genated oils. Some examples are margarine ries, they must be eaten in moderation to
and commercial baked goods. Trans fat (also maintain a diet containing no more than 35%
known as trans fatty acids) is formed during of calories from fat and to avoid weight gain.
the addition of hydrogen atoms to unsaturated
oils to make them more saturated and there- 4. Get less than 300 mg of dietary choles-
fore solid at room temperature and more shelf- terol per day, and less than 200 mg if you have
stable. elevated levels of LDL cholesterol. Although
Trans fat may be even more harmful to saturated fat raises blood cholesterol levels
health than saturated fat because trans fat not more than dietary cholesterol, experts still rec-
only raises LDL cholesterol, but also lowers ommend limiting dietary cholesterol.
HDL cholesterol. The Institute of Medicine, a
branch of the National Academy of Sciences, 5. Eat fatty fish at least twice a week. The
recommends that trans fat consumption be as omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish appear to have
low as possible. some protective effects, and fish are a good
source of protein and are low in saturated fat.
Salmon, sardines, and albacore tuna are all
Recommendations for Fat Intake good choices.
1. Above all, keep saturated fat intake to less
than 7% of calories. This is the simplest dietary 6. Limit trans fats to less than 1% of total
measure you can take to lower your risk of a calories. Check food labels. The Food and
heart attack. Reaching this goal will help Drug Administration (FDA) now requires man-
reduce your blood cholesterol levels, specifi- ufacturers to list the amount of trans fats on

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 8

Focus on the Right Fats KEY 2

food labels; the amount is listed below the

amount of saturated fat. Assessing and modifying your intake
7. Remember that these recommendations of dietary fat is one of the most effec-
need not be followed at each meal. It is more tive lifestyle measures that can impact
important to even out fat intake over the
course of a week. If you eat a high-fat lunch, blood cholesterol levels. But as you
for example, you can compensate by eating a will discover in Key #3, there are
low-fat dinner or a little less fat than usual over additional changes you can make to
the next several meals.
your diet to improve your cholesterol
even further.
This Special Report is not intended to provide advice on personal KEY 3 is titled:
medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician.

Copyright © 2006 Medletter Associates, LLC. Make the Most of

All rights reserved
Cholesterol-Busting Foods

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 9


Make the Most of


Make the Most of

Cholesterol-Busting Foods
plums [prunes], apples, carrots, and grapefruit)

hen people need to reduce their
cholesterol, they often think about in your diet regularly.
eliminating some foods from their A 2002 study from the Journal of the American
diet. But research increasingly shows that Dietetic Association found that eating four serv-
adding certain foods can also lower cholesterol ings of high fiber foods per day for seven weeks
levels significantly. In fact, a study in Metabo- and receiving guidance about other lifestyle
lism found that people with high cholesterol changes to lower cholesterol decreased total
who ate a diet not only low in saturated fat but cholesterol levels by almost 6% and LDL cho-
high in plant sterols, soluble fibers, soy pro- lesterol levels by over 7%. Fiber may help lower
tein, and almonds effectively lowered their cholesterol by interfering with the reabsorp-
LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels by 35%. tion of bile acids from the intestine, so the liver
(Although this diet would be very difficult to converts more cholesterol to bile acids.
follow for long periods, the study illustrated
the feasibility of lowering LDL cholesterol
through diet.) Nuts
To avoid consuming excess calories, it’s Although nuts are high in fats, the fats are pre-
important to substitute the cholesterol-busting dominantly monounsaturated and polyunsat-
foods described below for other foods (prefer- urated, which decrease LDL cholesterol levels.
ably those high in saturated fat and choles- Although a number of types of nuts help lower
terol) rather than simply adding them to the LDL cholesterol levels—including walnuts,
diet. peanuts, pecans, macadamias, and pistachios—
the best evidence exists for almonds. In one
report, from a 2002 issue of Circulation, people
Soluble Fiber with high cholesterol levels who added 37
The American Heart Association recommends grams of almonds (about a handful) to their
that people who are unsuccessful in lowering diet each day lowered their LDL cholesterol
their cholesterol through other lifestyle levels by 4%; 74 grams of almonds daily low-
changes boost their intake of dietary fiber to ered LDL cholesterol levels by 9%. People
25 to 30 grams each day. Fiber comes in two should be sure to choose dry roasted or nat-
forms: soluble, the type in oatmeal that gets ural nuts and not ones that contain added oil
sticky when wet; and insoluble, the spongelike and salt.
version in bran and fruit and vegetable skins that
absorbs water. Both types of fiber are important,
but soluble fiber is especially effective in lower- Plant Sterols and Stanols
ing blood cholesterol levels. For this reason, you Plant sterols and stanols, plant compounds that
should include foods containing soluble fiber are structurally similar to cholesterol, partially
(such as oats, oat bran, barley, legumes, dried block the absorption of cholesterol from the

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 11

Make the Most of Cholesterol-Busting Foods KEY 3

small intestine. They lower levels of LDL cho- know whether their presence in plaques
lesterol without adversely affecting HDL actively predisposes to heart attack and stroke.”
(“good”) cholesterol levels. The LDL-lowering effect of plant stanols,
The American Heart Association states that by contrast, does not decline with time, levels
people whose elevated cholesterol levels are of stanols in the blood do not rise, and they
not controlled by increased physical activity, have the added benefit of lowering plant sterol
weight loss, and dietary changes (decreasing blood levels. Dr. Sibley comments, “Perhaps
saturated fat and cholesterol intake) might the most cautious response at present would
consider adding about 2 grams of plant sterols be to choose supplements containing plant
or stanols daily to their diet. This dietar y stanols to lower your cholesterol level until
change can lower LDL cholesterol levels by more definitive evidence is available regarding
about 10% and, over a lifetime, may decrease the long-term safety of sterol supplements. In
the risk of a heart attack by up to 20%. How- short, plant stanols can provide the same ben-
ever, consuming more than 2 grams per day of efits as the sterols with fewer question marks.”
plant sterols or stanols will not lower choles- To account for the increased calories of
terol any more effectively and may lead to adding these margarines to your diet, you will
excess caloric intake. have to cut down in other areas to avoid gain-
What foods contain sterols and stanols? The ing weight. Finally, because increased dietary
margarines Benecol, Take Control, and Smart- intake of either plant sterols or stanols may
Balance OmegaPlus are fortified with either reduce absorption of beta-carotene (a vitamin
sterols or stanols. And an orange juice, Heart A precursor), you should include more
Wise by Minute Maid, has added sterols. In a carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables, such as
March 2004 study from Arteriosclerosis, Throm- carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes,
bosis, and Vascular Biology, daily consumption and apricots, in your daily diet.
of 16 ounces of orange juice fortified with
plant sterols (for a total of 2 grams of sterols
daily) decreased total cholesterol levels by 7% A Note on Soy Products
and LDL cholesterol levels by 12% over eight Soy products have received considerable
weeks. attention for their potential ability to lower the
Other types of food fortified with stanols or risk of cardiovascular disease—a benefit sup-
sterols, like salad dressings, cereals, breads, and ported by the Food and Drug Administration
yogurt, may become available. (Please note (FDA), which in 1999 began allowing food
that these fortified products tend to be more manufacturers to make health claims on soy
expensive than the nonfortified versions.) products stating that consuming 25 grams of
There are potential concerns about the effi- soy a day may reduce the risk of heart disease.
cacy and safety of plant sterols: With time, their The FDA concluded that foods containing soy
LDL-lowering effect diminishes, and their level protein, if included in a diet low in saturated
in the blood increases. And plant sterols have fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of
now been found in atherosclerotic plaques. coronary heart disease by lowering blood cho-
However, according to Johns Hopkins cardi- lesterol levels.
ologist Christopher Sibley, M.D., while these However, in 2006, members of the Nutrition
findings are rather worrisome, “we don’t yet Committee of the American Heart Association

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 12

Make the Most of Cholesterol-Busting Foods KEY 3

(AHA) reviewed more recent research on soy

products. In most of 22 studies examining the Diet is typically considered the first
effect of isolated soy protein with isoflavones steps and the cornerstone for man-
(various active compounds found in soy), LDL aging high cholesterol levels—and
cholesterol decreased less than 3%—a “ver y
small reduction” that required consuming they may be all that you need. How-
large amounts of soy (study subjects consumed ever, many people can only reach
an average of 50 grams daily). The studies recommended cholesterol levels by
showed no significant effects on HDL choles-
terol or triglycerides. In 19 studies of soy
adding a medication. In Key #4,
isoflavones, the average effect on LDL choles- you’ll learn whether you might ben-
terol was negligible. efit from a statin drug.
KEY 4 is titled:
For this reason, the AHA does not recom-
mends using isoflavone supplements and takes
the position that soy products should be ben-
eficial to cardiovascular health not because of
any special properties, but because they are
Reduce Cholesterol
low in saturated fat and high in fiber and with Medication
polyunsaturated fat, so offer a healthy replace-
ment for foods high in saturated fat.

This Special Report is not intended to provide advice on personal

medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician.

Copyright © 2006 Medletter Associates, LLC.

All rights reserved

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 13


Reduce Cholesterol
with Medication

Reduce Cholesterol
with Medication
on the market. The others include atorvastatin

ot ever yone responds to the same
degree to the effects of a heart-healthy (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol), pravastatin
diet. Despite their benefits, these (Pravachol), simvastatin (Zocor), and rosu-
lifestyle measures don’t always lower LDL vastatin (Crestor), which is the most recent
(”bad”) cholesterol sufficiently to significantly one (it was approved in August, 2003).
reduce the risk of a heart attack. When that is Three statins—lovastatin, pravastatin, and
the case, medication is often recommended as simvastatin—are available in generic form.
well. Some of the statins are now available in com-
The benefits of reducing total blood cho- bination with other lipid-lowering drugs, and
lesterol and LDL cholesterol with medication one of them (ator vastatin) is sold in combi-
have been clearly demonstrated by a number nation with a blood pressure lowering drug (in
of well-designed studies. About 90% of the cho- a pill called Caduet).
lesterol-lowering drugs taken by Americans are As the number of statins has increased, so
in a class of medications known as statins. have the efforts by drug companies to promote
These drugs lower cholesterol by at least 20% the advantages of their particular product. But
through the same basic action: They inhibit is one statin “the best”—or are some statins
HMG-CoA reductase, a key enzyme that con- better than others? Why should you be on ator-
trols how much cholesterol is produced in the vastatin when your friend is on pravastatin or
liver. The result is lower blood levels of LDL simvastatin? What factors did your doctor con-
cholesterol. Statins also lower elevated triglyc- sider in prescribing a specific statin for you?
erides and raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol. And should your preferences be taken into
Statins also reduce inflammation in arterial account?
walls; relax blood vessels; improve blood flow
to the heart; inhibit clotting; and stabilize and
reduce the size of the fatty plaques that form Comparing Potency
in the walls of arteries. More research is Direct comparisons of the potency of the var-
needed to determine the clinical significance ious statin formulations are limited. The Statin
of these effects. Therapies for Elevated Lipid Levels Compared
Across Doses to Rosuvastatin (STELLAR) trial,
reported in 2003 in the American Journal of
Is There a “Best” Statin? Cardiology, is the largest comparison to date.
If you are one of the millions currently taking A randomized, controlled trial that involved
a statin drug or are a candidate for starting on more than 2,400 people, STELLAR compared
one, you are probably aware that there is more the three most widely prescribed statins—ator-
than one statin. The first statin, lovastatin vastatin, simvastatin, and pravastatin—with the
(brand name: Mevacor), was introduced 17 newest, rosuvastatin, across a range of doses.
years ago, and a total of six such drugs are now After 6 weeks of treatment, rosuvastatin low-

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 15

Reduce Cholesterol with Medication KEY 4

ered LDL cholesterol by 46% to 55%, com- • Side effects. Myopathy, or muscle pain and
pared with 37% to 51% for atorvastatin, 28% weakness, is the most common side effect of
to 46% for simvastatin, and 20% to 30% for all the statins. More dangerous is myositis, a
pravastatin. Not surprisingly, more people tak- severe muscle inflammation that can progress
ing rosuvastatin achieved their LDL cholesterol to rhabdomyolysis, a potentially fatal condition
goals. Rosuvastatin and atorvastatin also low- that can damage the kidneys. Rhabdomyoly-
ered triglycerides by 20% to 28%, significantly sis is rare when currently available statins are
more than pravastatin (8% to 13%) or simvas- taken alone, but it can occur when they are
tatin (12% to 18%). In addition, across dosage combined with the triglyceride-lowering
ranges, rosuvastatin produced a slightly greater fibrates gemfibrozil (Lopid) or fenofibrate
rise in HDL cholesterol levels than the other (Tricor, Lofibra). Fibrates, particularly gemfi-
statins—although the clinical benefit of such brozil, may raise the concentration of statins
an increase is unknown. and increase their potential for causing mus-
cle inflammation.
An uncommon adverse effect of all statins is
Other Factors To Consider an increase in liver enzymes. As a precaution,
In addition to potency, several other medical people taking these drugs should have peri-
and nonmedical factors may influence you and odic blood tests (e.g., every 4 to 6 months) to
your doctor’s choice of a statin. They include: monitor liver function. Any elevation in liver
• Cost. Statins vary widely in price. For exam- enzymes rapidly reverses when the statin is dis-
ple, the cost for 30 tablets of the 20-mg dose continued. No instances of permanent liver
size ranges from about $25 for generic lovas- damage have been reported.
tatin to about $135 for brand-name simvastatin
• When to take. All of the statins, except Which One Is For You?
atorvastatin and rosuvastatin, should be taken A statin’s ability to lower LDL cholesterol is the
in the evening or at bedtime to achieve their most important factor to consider when choos-
maximal effect (because cholesterol produc- ing a statin. If your initial cholesterol level is
tion is highest at night). Atorvastatin and rosu- only mildly elevated, your doctor may opt for
vastatin have a relatively long duration of any of the statins. On the other hand, if you
action and may be taken any time during the are at elevated risk for heart disease, your ini-
day. Lovastatin should be taken with meals to tial cholesterol level is ver y high and your
increase absorption. triglyceride levels are also high, or you’ve failed
• Drug interactions. Ator vastatin, simvas- to respond adequately to one of the other
tatin, and lovastatin may interact with certain statins, a more potent formulation—like ator-
drugs because they are metabolized by the vastatin, rosuvastatin, or simvastatin—may be
same enzyme system in the liver (see chart). more appropriate.
Pravastatin, rosuvastatin, and fluvastatin are Once medical issues are addressed, other
metabolized differently and appear less prone factors, such as cost and the time of day you
to such interactions. However, safety data on prefer to take your medication, can be con-
rosuvastatin are more limited because the drug sidered. No matter which drug is chosen, the
is so new. standard approach is to start at a low dose and

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 16

Reduce Cholesterol with Medication KEY 4

increase the dosage if a greater drop in LDL

cholesterol levels is needed. (If you take a Some people don’t respond ade-
statin drug, you should be monitored by your quately to a particular statin—and
doctor to be sure the drug is lowering your they may experience side effects
LDL cholesterol sufficiently and also for any
side effects, especially liver toxicity and mus- from increasing the dose. Or they
cle inflammation, which are rare). may have face special issues such as
high levels of triglycerides. As you’ll
This Special Report is not intended to provide advice on personal learn in Key #5, combining a statin
medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician. with another type of drug often pro-
Copyright © 2006 Medletter Associates, LLC. vides a solution.
All rights reserved

KEY 5 is titled:

Consider Combo Therapy to

Reduce Cholesterol

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 17


Consider Combo Therapy

to ReduceCholesterol

Consider Combo Therapy to

Reduce Cholesterol
should aim to decrease LDL cholesterol levels

hen it comes to cholesterol, LDL
might as well stand for “Lower, Darn by at least 30% to 40%.
it, Lower”—at least for some of us. Achieving these new, lower LDL cholesterol
The results of several recent clinical trials have goals, however, can pose a challenge. Although
shown that patients who are at high risk for statin drugs, which inhibit the synthesis of cho-
heart attack and death from cardiovascular dis- lesterol, are effective at reducing LDL levels,
ease can substantially lower their risk by reduc- researchers estimate that only about half of high-
ing levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol well below risk patients currently on statins have even
previously recommended targets. reached the LDL cholesterol target of less than
In response to these findings, a National Cho- 100 mg/dL. For patients with very high initial
lesterol Education Program (NCEP) panel LDL cholesterol levels, even maximal doses of
issued a statement in July, 2005 calling for more statins aren’t able to bring levels below the new
aggressive lowering of LDL cholesterol in peo- threshold. Other patients who require high
ple at high risk. According to the revised guide- statin doses to attain LDL cholesterol levels
lines, a reasonable therapeutic option for people below 70 mg/dL are unable to tolerate the
at “very high” risk (such as those who have expe- drugs because of side effects.
rienced a heart attack) is to push LDL choles- People in these circumstances should first
terol levels below 70 mg/dL—30 points below focus on their lifestyle habits: The new guide-
the prior target level of 100 mg/dL for this lines stress that eating a healthy diet, low in sat-
group. urated fat and cholesterol, and exercising
regularly can be important in lowering blood
cholesterol. In addition, another option can be
Lower Target = Higher Doses very effective—combining a statin drug with a
The new recommendations also give doctors the second cholesterol-lowering medication.
option of prescribing drug therapy to people at
“moderately” high risk who have LDL choles-
terol levels higher than 100 mg/dL. Moderately Advantages of Combos
high risk is defined as having multiple risk fac- First, combination therapy significantly enhances
tors, including older age (45 or older for men, the likelihood of meeting LDL cholesterol goals,
55 or older for women), smoking, and high especially in high-risk patients with coronary
blood pressure, which confer a 10% to 20% heart disease. Second, cholesterol-lowering
chance of having a heart attack within 10 years. drugs that work by different mechanisms may
Previously, drug therapy was only advised for have distinct, and potentially additive, beneficial
such patients if their LDL cholesterol levels were effects on the fatty deposits in the coronary
130 mg/dL or higher. In addition, the guide- arteries (atherosclerosis).
lines now say that for people at high or moder- Statins, for example, reduce inflammation
ately high risk for a heart attack, drug therapy associated with atherosclerosis and help stabi-

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 19

Consider Combo Therapy KEY 5

lize the lipid-rich plaques lining the arteries. published in The New England Journal of Medicine
Adding prescription-level doses of niacin to in 2001, the combination of simvastatin and
statin therapy can substantially increase HDL niacin reduced LDL cholesterol levels by 42%,
(“good”) cholesterol levels as well as lower LDL increased HDL cholesterol by 26%, and caused
cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Niacin also regression of fatty plaques in the coronary arter-
appears to enhance reverse cholesterol trans- ies. After 3 years, the incidence of major car-
port, a process by which HDL particles ferry cho- diovascular events was about 90% lower in
lesterol from peripheral cells and arterial patients treated with the simvastatin-niacin com-
plaques to the liver for breakdown, and thus may bination compared with the placebo group.
help thwart the progression of atherosclerosis. Muscle toxicity is a possible problem with the
Another possible benefit of combination ther- niacin-statin combination, but it is not as com-
apy is that it may help avert potentially serious mon as when a statin is combined with a fibrate,
side effects. When a statin is given at its maximal a drug that is mainly used to lower triglyceride
dose, there is a slight but significant increase in levels,” notes Dr. Blumenthal. Some patients are
the risk of liver enzyme abnormalities and mus- unable to tolerate niacin because it produces
cle toxicity. Giving a statin in lower doses flushing of the skin, but an extended-release
together with another cholesterol-lowering drug form (Niaspan), which is available by prescrip-
could produce the same, or an even greater, tion, causes less frequent and less severe flush-
degree of LDL lowering as the highest statin ing symptoms. Other side effects of niacin
dose while minimizing the risk of serious side include liver toxicity, sstomach ulcers, and gout.
effects. • Ezetimibe-statin. Combining a statin, which
inhibits cholesterol production, with ezetimibe,
a drug that blocks the intestinal absorption of
Combination Options cholesterol, can lower LDL cholesterol more
The drugs most often added to statin therapy than a statin alone. “I think at this stage, most
are niacin; ezetimibe (Zetia), a drug that inhibits of us would prefer to reach the LDL cholesterol
cholesterol absorption; or a bile-acid sequestrant target with only a statin,” says Dr. Blumenthal,
such as colesevelam (WelChol). Drugs that join “but if someone can only tolerate a lower dose
one of these cholesterol fighters with a statin in of a statin and cannot reach their LDL choles-
a single pill have recently become available: The terol goal with this dose, then we would certainly
drug Advicor combines lovastatin with extended- add ezetimibe.” Patients can take separate pills
release niacin, while Vytorin puts together sim- for each medication or choose the new drug
vastatin (Zocor) and ezetimibe. Vytorin, which combines 10 mg of ezetimibe
• Niacin-statin. Niacin has a beneficial effect with different dosages of simvastatin.
on the overall lipid profile, lowering LDL and • Colesevelam-statin. Bile acid sequestrants
triglyceride levels while raising HDL cholesterol. partially prevent bile acid absorption from the
“Niacin is primarily given in combination with intestine and cause the liver to convert more
a statin to patients who have low HDL levels,” cholesterol into bile acids, thereby removing
says Roger S. Blumenthal, M.D., Director of the more LDL cholesterol from the circulation.
Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Preventive Cardiology Older drugs in this category were difficult to
Center. In a controlled study conducted in take and caused many gastrointestinal side
patients with known coronary heart disease and effects. A newer bile acid sequestrant, coleseve-

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 20

Consider Combo Therapy KEY 5

lam, works more efficiently and thus can be add ezetimibe if necessary. And if a patient’s
administered in lower doses with fewer side HDL cholesterol or triglycerides are still subop-
effects. In a randomized controlled trial pub- timal after treatment, we would probably add
lished in Atherosclerosis in 2001, patients given 10 another drug to improve these levels.”
mg/day of atorvastatin (Lipitor) alone experi-
enced a 38% decrease in their LDL cholesterol, This Special Report is not intended to provide advice on personal
medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician.
while the addition of colesevelam to atorvastatin
produced a 48% drop in LDL cholesterol with- Copyright © 2006 Medletter Associates, LLC.
out any increase in adverse effects. All rights reserved

Are You Reaching Your Goal?

If your LDL cholesterol still exceeds the rec- Do you know your HDL level? Key #6
ommended target despite optimal statin ther- explains why it is worth focusing on
apy, or if you are unable to tolerate higher doses HDL cholesterol—and gives you the
of statins because of side effects, ask your doc-
tor if combination therapy would be an appro-
drug and nondrug measures experts
priate option. Similarly, if your HDL cholesterol recommend for raising HDL.
level is too low or your triglycerides too high, ask

KEY 6 is titled:
about adding niacin or a fibrate to your regi-
“Many doctors now try to push LDL choles-
terol way down in high-risk asymptomatic
patients,” says Dr. Blumenthal, “especially if tests
Boost Your HDL—
have established they have a lot of plaque in for Multiple Benefits
their heart. At Hopkins, we are very aggressive
about lowering LDL cholesterol levels and would

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 21


Boost Your HDL –

for Multiple Benefits

Boost Your HDL—

for Multiple Benefits
85 years were followed for 4 years, during which

n discussions about managing cholesterol
to prevent coronary heart disease, lower- time 152 of them died. People with low levels
ing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol is often cited of HDL cholesterol were twice as likely to die
as the first goal. But in recent years there has of a heart attack and 2.5 times more likely to
been growing emphasis on low levels of HDL have a fatal stroke, compared with those who
(“good”) cholesterol as an independent risk had high HDL levels. Low HDL—as well as low
factor for coronary heart disease. People with LDL—levels more than doubled the risk of
HDL cholesterol levels below 40 mg/dL have dying of infection.
a significantly elevated rate of heart attacks.
About 30% of people with coronary heart dis-
ease have low HDL choleserol levels but nor- Is it Genetic?
mal levels of LDL cholesterol. Research recently published in the Journal of
The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Medical Association determined that
the American Diabetes Association currently many people who live exceptionally long,
recommend that HDL levels be above 40 healthy lives—average age of study participants
mg/dL for men, and above 50 mg/dL for was 98 years—share a particular gene mutation
women. However, the greatest benefits seem to that leads to higher HDL levels as well as larger
come when a person’s HDL level is over 60 HDL and LDL particles than those present in
mg/dL. the general population.
It has been suggested that larger LDL parti-
cles may protect against cardiovascular disease
High HDL: Key to a Longer Life? because such large particles cannot readily pen-
HDL cholesterol exerts its good effects on the etrate the walls of arteries and contribute to
heart by removing cholesterol from the artery atherosclerosis. The gene mutation responsi-
walls, thereby reducing the risk of atheroscle- ble for high HDL levels and bigger HDL and
rosis. In addition, there is intriguing evidence LDL particles appears to protect against many
that having a high HDL level can even boost a chronic diseases associated with aging, such as
person’s overall longevity. heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
As people grow older, a high HDL level Although we are not all lucky enough to
seems to be a good marker for longevity. Once inherit the “longevity gene,” there is much that
someone reaches age 85, low levels of HDL we can do to raise our HDL level on our own—
cholesterol—rather than high levels of LDL and perhaps increase our odds for a longer and
cholesterol—are associated with an increased healthier life.
risk of death from heart disease and stroke,
according to a recent Dutch study in the
Archives of Internal Medicine. Lifestyle Changes to Boost HDL
In this study, a group of 599 individuals aged If your HDL is below recommended levels, cer-

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 23

Boost Your HDL—for Multiple Benefits KEY 6

tain lifestyle changes can help produce modest Extra Help with Medication
increases in HDL cholesterol. If lifestyle Many people are unable to raise their HDL
changes alone are insufficient, medications you level sufficiently with lifestyle changes alone
can add to help improve your HDL level are and may need to combine these healthy habits
discussed below. with one or more medications.
• Quit smoking. HDL levels average 4 to 6 • Fibrates. The fibrates gemfibrozil (Lopid)
mg/dL lower in smokers compared with non- and fenofibrate (Tricor) are an effective ther-
smokers. Quitting smoking can help raise your apy for people with high triglycerides and low
HDL as well as reduce your risk of heart disease HDL levels, raising HDL by an average of 5%
and lung cancer. to 15%.
• Increase your physical activity. Aerobic • Niacin. Niacin is the most potent drug cur-
exercise is physical activity that uses large mus- rently available for raising HDL levels—it
cle groups rhythmically and continuously and boosts HDL from 15% to 35% depending on
elevates the heart rate and breathing for a sus- the daily dose. In a study reported in Annals of
tained period. Regular aerobic exercise—any Internal Medicine in January, 2005, niacin com-
activity such as running, brisk walking, cycling, bined with gemfibrozil and cholestyramine
swimming, or dancing that raises the heart rate raised HDL levels by 36% and caused regres-
for 20 to 30 minutes at a time—can help boost sion of fatty plaques in coronary arteries.
HDL levels. Strength training, though it has Niacin is available in over-the-counter prepa-
many other benefits, does not affect HDL. rations, but because it can cause serious side
• Lose weight. If you are overweight, losing effects, you should take it only under your doc-
the excess pounds is an effective strategy for tor’s supervision. Niacin may cause facial flush-
raising HDL. Experts estimate that for every 7 ing, but this effect can be minimized by taking
lbs. you drop, your HDL level will climb by 1 an extended-release preparation (Niaspan),
mg/dL. which is available only by prescription. Taking
• Alter your diet. Trans fatty acids, found in the drug at bedtime with aspirin and a low-fat
margarines and many baked goods, can lower snack can help further reduce flushing. Niacin
HDL levels and should be avoided. Instead, you can also cause headache, indigestion, itching,
should try your best to incorporate healthier and nausea, as well as gout and liver damage.
monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil and • Thiazolidinediones. Rosiglitazone (Avan-
canola oil, into your diet because they can help dia) and pioglitazone (Actos) are antidiabetic
improve HDL levels. drugs, which may be an option for boosting
• Drink alcohol in moderation. People who HDL levels if you have diabetes.
drink in moderation—for example, consuming • Torcetrapib. Torcetrapib is an experimen-
about 2 to 6 ounces of wine with their evening tal drug that was shown to more than double
meals—can raise their HDL levels significantly. HDL levels in a recent study published in The
However, because of the potential risks of alco- New England Journal of Medicine. Torcetrapib
hol consumption, experts do not recommend and similar HDL-raising drugs are currently
that lifelong non-drinkers start drinking just to undergoing further testing in clinical trials.
boost their HDL.

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 24

Boost Your HDL—for Multiple Benefits KEY 6

This Special Report is not intended to provide advice on personal Reducing blood cholesterol is one of
medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician.
the most important measures for low-
Copyright © 2006 Medletter Associates, LLC. ering your risk of a heart attack. But
All rights reserved
as you will discover in Key #7, there
are additional steps you can take to
further reduce your risk.
KEY 7 is titled:

The ABC’s of
Heart Attack Prevention

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 25


The ABCs of
Heart Attack Prevention

The ABCs of
Heart Attack Prevention
Managing undesirable cholesterol levels is one you can take to prevent a first heart attack. (For
of the most important steps you can take to pre- some measures, more stringent recommenda-
vent a heart attack. Fortunately, most of the tions apply to people with known cardiovascu-
other risk factors for a heart attack can also be lar disease or who are at very high risk.) Taking
modified to reduce risk. Here is an easy-to- these steps will also help lower the risk of sub-
remember checklist of recommended strategies sequent heart attacks.

❑ Aspirin ❑ Diet and Weight Control

A daily low-dose aspirin (75–162 mg a day) is often Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, low satu-
advised for people with an elevated risk of a heart attack; rated fat or nonfat dairy products, fish, beans, poultry, and
in some individuals, an aspirin dose of 325 mg is recom- lean meats. Saturated fats should make up less than 7%
mended. Aspirin is not advisable for all people, so be sure of total calories. If you’re overweight, reduce your calorie
to consult with a physician before starting aspirin therapy. intake and increase your physical activity to achieve and
maintain a desirable body weight (a body mass index
❑ Blood Pressure below 25). If you drink, limit your alcohol intake (no more
Keep your blood pressure below 140/90 mm Hg (and ide- than 2 drinks a day for men, 1 drink a day for women).
ally less than 120/80 mm Hg). If you have diabetes or kid-
ney disease, make sure your blood pressure is kept below ❑ Exercise
130/80 mm Hg. If you’re unable to reach these goals after Perform at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical
3–9 months of lifestyle changes, your doctor may prescribe activity, such as brisk walking, on most (and preferably all)
a blood pressure drug. days of the week. Exercising for longer periods (60–90
minutes a day) or more vigorously can provide additional
❑ Cholesterol benefits, including weight loss if that’s 1 of your goals.
Your total cholesterol should be below 200 mg/dL. Keep
your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol under 160 mg/dL if you are at Additional Goals
low risk for a heart attack, below 130 mg/dL if you are at • If you smoke, you should stop completely.
moderate risk, or less than 100 mg/dL if you are at high or • If you have diabetes, strive for the best possible control
very high risk (and preferably lower than 70 mg/dL if you’ve of your blood glucose level (HbA1c level less than 7%).
had a recent heart attack). Your HDL (“good”) cholesterol If diet and exercise do not adequately lower blood glu-
should be 40 mg/dL or greater if you are a man and 50 cose, your doctor will recommend medication. Other
mg/dL or more if you are a woman (and preferably 60 risk factors for CHD, such as elevated LDL cholesterol
mg/dL or higher regardless of your gender). Your triglyc- levels and high blood pressure, must be treated aggres-
eride level should be under 150 mg/dL. If you’re unable to sively if you have diabetes.
reach your LDL goal after 3–9 months of lifestyle changes, • If you have prediabetes, keep your fasting blood
your doctor may prescribe medication. Exercise, dietary glucose level below 100 mg/dL. You can do this by
changes, and possibly medication can help you meet your reaching a healthy weight and engaging in regular physi-
HDL goal. Losing excess weight, exercising regularly, and cal activity.
medication can help reduce your triglyceride level.

This Special Report is not intended to provide advice on personal medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician.
Copyright © 2006 Medletter Associates, LLC.
All rights reserved

7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 27

The ABCs of Heart Attack Prevention KEY 7

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7 KEYS to Reduce Cholesterol 28

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