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one. Introduction
1.1. Density
two. goals
2.1. General objectives
2.2. Specific objectives
3. Theoretical framework
3.1. Requirements
3.2. Granulometry
Four. Materials and Equipment
5. Experimental part
6 Results
7 Questionnaire
7.1. What is absorption in coarse aggregates?
7.2. How to determine the clay content?
7.3. What are the specific weights of granites, basalt, sandstone and
8 Bibliography
Index of illustrations
Illustration 1 Aggregation of water to the aggregate




one. Introduction
The building materials are the bodies that make up a construction site, whatever
their nature, composition and forms. Before carrying out any work, a laboratory test
must always be carried out, and the following report deals with the laboratory
practice number 4, which is entitled "Specific Weight and Thick Aggregate
Absorption". The purpose of this report is to make known the test method to
determine the total moisture content in the aggregate by drying, as well as the
specific weight calculation.

The specific weight of a substance is defined as its weight per unit volume.

1.1. Density
It is a magnitude referred to the amount of mass contained in a certain
volume. In which it is understood that the absorption is the increase in the
mass of the aggregate due to water in the pores of the material, but not
including the water adhered to the outer surface of the particles, expressed
as a percentage of the dry mass.

* This test method is used to determine, by drying, the percentage of

evaporable moisture in an aggregate sample, this method is sufficiently
accurate for the adjustment of the weights in concrete mixtures for similar
purposes, it may happen that the method is not applicable or that requires
modification in isolated cases in which the aggregate has been altered by heat,
or when more precise measurements are required.
* For the specific gravity, this standard contemplates the test method to
determine the apparent specific gravity, the specific saturated saturated
surface weight at 230ºC, the nominal specific gravity and the absorption of the
coarse aggregate.

two. goals

2.1. General objectives
 Find the specific weight and the percentage of absorption of the coarse
aggregate sample.
 Determine if our aggregate meets the specified standards.

2.2. Specific objectives

 Find the ideal dry weight of the coarse aggregate, by comparing weights
during the test.
 Find the data that we need to replace them in the formulas of the apparent
specific weight, dry saturated saturated specific weight and nominal specific
weight; as well as the percentage of absorption.

Illustration 1 Aggregation of water to the aggregate

3. Theoretical framework
Aggregates - Are those inert materials, hard and resistant, free of harmful
materials that due to their relative low cost are used to give body and volume
to a concrete mixture. In general, the aggregates occupy at least three quarters

of the volume of the concrete; they also limit the strength of the concrete,
depending on the type of aggregate with which the mixture is made; In addition,
its properties greatly affect both the durability and structural behavior of

This test method covers the determination of the average density of a quantity
of coarse aggregate particles (which does not include the volume of the orifices
between the particles), the relative density (specific gravity), and the absorption
of coarse aggregates. Depending on the procedure followed, the density (kg /
m3) or (lb / ft3) is expressed as an oven drying condition (OD), a superficially
dry saturated condition (SSD). , or as apparent density. Likewise, the relative
density (specific gravity), a dimensionless quantity, is expressed as OD, SSD
or as apparent relative density (apparent specific gravity). OD density and OD
relative density are determined after the aggregate is dried. SSD density, SSD
density and absorption are determined after soaking the aggregate in water for
a previously established period.

This test method is used to determine the density or essentially solid portion of
a large number of aggregate particles and gives an average value representing
the sample.

3.1. Requirements
The coarse aggregate will be composed of clean particles, of a profile
preferably angular, hard, compact and resistant; free of harmful quantities
of dust, lumps, scaly or soft particles, organic matter, salts or other harmful

3.2. Granulometry
In relation to its granulometry, the coarse aggregate must be graduated
within the limits indicated in the recommendations of MTC E 204, AASHTO
T27 or ASTM C136.

The granulometry of an aggregate base is defined as the particle size

distribution. This granulometry is determined by passing a representative
sample of aggregate through a series of sieves ordered, by opening, from
highest to lowest.

The sieves are basically meshes with square openings, which are
standardized by the Peruvian Technical Standard 400.037.
The series of sieves used for coarse aggregate are 3 ", 2", 1½ ", 1", ¾ ", ½",
3/8 ", # 4.

Four. Materials and Equipment

 Thick aggregate
 Water

5. Experimental part

6 Results

7 Questionnaire

7.1. What is absorption in coarse aggregates?

The absorption of a coarse aggregate is arbitrarily expressed in terms of the
water entering the pores or capillaries during a soaking period of 24 h and
is calculated on the basis of the weight of the oven-dried aggregate as

Absorption = ([B - A] / A) * 100

Absorption in fine aggregates of natural origin is between 0.8 and 1.3%, fine
aggregates of crushing are 0.9%, coarse aggregates such as pebbles are
0.2% and coarse aggregates split stone walk at 0.8% for granites, 1.8% for
quartzites and 1.6% for basalts. The absorption of aggregates of artificial
origin is usually very high, as in the case of slag or expanded clays that are
around 15%

7.2. How to determine the clay content?

To determine the clay content there are two ways to evaluate it, one by clay
lumps retained in the No. 16 sieve (IRAM 1.2 mm) that are broken manually
and the percentage of material passing the sieve No. 20 is calculated (IRAM
0 84 mm). Maximum percentages of 1% are established for sand and 0.25%
for coarse aggregate.

7.3. What are the specific weights of granites, basalt, sandstone and
The specific weights of many of the aggregates of natural origin hover around
2.65gr / cm3, as in the siliceous, calcareous and granite aggregates, with the

exceptions of basalt which is 2.90 gr / cm3, sandstones in 2, 55 gr / cm3 and the
quartzite at 2.50 gr / cm3. There are heavy aggregates such as the split stone of
hematite rock that runs at 4.25 gr / cm3.

8 Bibliography
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