Mortgagee Duties PK Airfinance Sarl V Alpstream AG Court of Appeal Decision 6030670

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Mortgagee duties: PK Airfinance Sarl v Alpstream AG - Court of Appeal decision 1

Briefing note 21 December 2015

Mortgagee duties: PK Airfinance Sarl v

Alpstream AG – Court of Appeal
Security enforcers should note today's timely reminder from the Court of Appeal on
the scope of their duties as mortgagee. In finding for the mortgagee (for whom Clifford
Chance acted), the Court of Appeal confirmed existing law that the mortgagee does
not owe its duties to those without a recognised interest in the property sold. The
decision also confirms that whilst a mortgagee who seeks to buy mortgaged property
is under a heavy duty to show that it has acted fairly to the mortgagors, the mortgagee
still decides on the timing and method of sale. The decision recognises the value to
aircraft mortgagors of a mortgagee being able to bid for the aircraft and that a
mortgagee is not obliged to pay more than the market price. The decision should
reassure secured financiers as to the enforcement
powers available to them under English law. Key lessons
Mortgagees owe duties to their D subsequently financed the
mortgagors when realising the purchase of three additional aircraft.  Mortgagees do not owe duties
mortgaged property, but that duty The security taken in respect of the to those with no interest in the
does not extend to unsecured three additional aircraft also stood as mortgaged property
creditors even if it is foreseeable that security for the loans in respect of the  Mortgagees can choose the
the unsecured creditors might be initial seven aircraft; this cross- timing of the realisation of their
adversely affected if the sale is not collateralisation is typical in multiple security in their own interests
conducted properly. In PK Airfinance asset financings.  Mortgagees buying the
Sarl v Alpstream AG [2015] EWCA The Claimant ("C") was a junior and property must show that they
Civ 1318, the Court of Appeal decided unsecured creditor of the buyer of the obtained the best price, but do
that the mortgagee's duty is confined three aircraft. It would only receive not have to pay more than the
to those who have an interest in the repayment if and when all the prior market price at the time
mortgaged property itself, not third obligations secured by the mortgages
parties who might have a contractual were paid. C agreed in the inter-
right to monies at the far end of an parent company and junior lenders
creditor agreements that it would
agreement as to the application of refused to repay the senior debt.
have no security interest in any
payments, including certain sale aircraft. C also provided no evidence D successfully bid for and bought the
proceeds (a so-called "payments to show how much, if anything, it was aircraft at the auction. C alleged that
waterfall"). owed. the price paid was less than it should
have been and, as a result, that C
Background The borrowers defaulted. The
had suffered a loss because, as the
In Alpstream, the Defendant (D) operator of the seven aircraft went
party at the bottom of the waterfall for
financed the purchase of seven into liquidation. These aircraft were in
the three cross-collateralised aircraft,
aircraft. The loans were secured by poor condition when repossessed. D
it would ultimately receive less. At first
shares in the borrower vehicles and forced the sale of those seven aircraft
instance ([2013] EWHC 2370
mortgages over the aircraft. at public auction when the borrowers'
(Comm)), the judge upheld C's claim.
2 Mortgagee duties: PK Airfinance Sarl v Alpstream AG - Court of Appeal decision

The Court of Appeal has overturned Equity should not recognise any duty property to show that it had obtained
that decision. that would "confound the the best price.
arrangements as to priority which the The Court of Appeal did not accept
No duty owed to parties, including [C], agreed". this. Obtaining an independent
unsecured third party valuation might be one way for a
Sale to self
creditor mortgagee to show that it discharged
C argued that the sales of the seven the duty, but it was not the only way.
When realising its security, a aircraft were void because a
mortgagee owes an equitable duty to C's claim for loss relied upon a
mortgagee is prohibited from valuation following a lengthy
take reasonable care to obtain the purchasing the mortgaged property
best price reasonably obtainable at marketing process, with no discount
for himself. Both the first instance for the perception of a forced sale.
the date of the sale. It is for the judge and the Court of Appeal
mortgagee to decide, in its own This approach ignored the fact that
rejected this contention on what was the mortgagee is entitled to choose
interests, whether and when to sell a connected party sale.
even if the timing is unpropitious. The the timing of the sale which, in this
The specific arrangement was not a case, would have led to a forced sale
key questions in Alpstream were to
sale by the mortgagee to itself. The discount. The expert valuation
whom that duty is owed and whether
seller was the owner trust, not the evidence before the court showed
the claimant had proved a loss. The
mortgagee. The Court of Appeal that the sum paid by D was higher
first instance judge had extended the
acknowledged the common practice than anyone else would have been
law, holding that a mortgagee owed a
in the aircraft industry for a non- prepared to pay in the circumstances.
duty beyond those with a direct
interest in the aircraft to a creditor of a
recourse secured lender to bid to D’s purchase at that price therefore
protect the value of its security. There had benefited the mortgagors (and
different company because that
was no good reason to apply or potentially C); it had not
creditor could be affected by the sale
expand the self-dealing rule. In a disadvantaged them.
of the mortgaged property.
connected party transaction, where a
The Court of Appeal was satisfied that sale gives rise to a risk of a conflict of Conclusion
this extended the duty too far. A interest and duty, the mortgagee has The Court of Appeal judgment in
mortgagee owes a duty to those with the burden of proof to show that it has Alpstream is a useful reminder of a
an interest in the mortgaged property, discharged its duties. mortgagee’s duties, to whom they are
but not to anyone else. That owed and contractual limitations in
conclusion is consistent with existing Best price reasonably
the context of market practice in
authority. If a mortgagee realises the obtainable aviation finance. By confirming the
mortgaged property for less than it limits of the duties owed by a
In practice, where the burden of proof
should have done, the mortgagee mortgagee when realising mortgaged
is reversed as a result of there being
must compensate the mortgagor for property, it reduces the scope for
a connected party sale, the
the shortfall by correcting the disputes with third parties and
mortgagee will need to show that it
mortgage accounts. That correction unsecured creditors. Further, the
obtained the best price reasonably
will then flow through to those further Court of Appeal recognises that a
obtainable. The trial judge found that
down the waterfall, as far as the borrower / mortgagor is not best
the price paid by D was more than
proceeds allow. served if the law or equity is
would have been recovered through a
The Court of Appeal was also well run auction or a lengthy private construed so as to discourage a
concerned to give effect to the sale process. In Alpstream, D was the mortgagee from offering to buy the
documents agreed by the parties with only bidder at the auction, C and its property at a fair price because of
the benefit of advice from associates attended but declined to fears it might be required to pay more
experienced law firms. Equitable bid as much as D. C complained that than market price to be able to show it
duties can be amended by agreement D had not obtained an independent is not in breach of duty.
between the parties. The transaction valuation of the aircraft and that such
documents in this case provided that a valuation would have been for more Clifford Chance LLP acted for the
C must not receive anything until D than the price D paid at the auction: lead appellant in Alpstream.
had been fully repaid. A conclusion so it argued that D had failed to
that C was entitled to damages before discharge the heavy burden on a
D had in fact been paid off would mortgagee buying mortgaged
undermine the parties' arrangements.
Mortgagee duties: PK Airfinance Sarl v Alpstream AG - Court of Appeal decision 3


Julian Acratopulo William Glaister Simon James

Partner, Partner, Partner
Litigation & Dispute Resolution Banking & Finance Litigation & Dispute Resolution

T: +44 207006 8708 T: +44 207006 4775 T: +44 207006 8405

E: julian.acratopulo E: william.glaister E: simon.james

Claire Freeman Marisa Chan

Senior Associate Senior PSL
Litigation & Dispute Resolution Banking & Finance, Capital Markets

T: +44 207006 4685 T: +44 207006 4135

E: claire.freeman E: marisa.chan

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