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Sr No. Description Format No.

1 Grain Size Analysis QC/GFTRL/01
2 Modified Proctor Test QC/GFTRL/02
3 Liquid Limit & Plastic Limit QC/GFTRL/03
4 C.B.R. QC/GFTRL/04
5 Free Swell Index QC/GFTRL/05
6 Det. Of Ph Value QC/GFTRL/06
7 Calibration of sand used in Replacement Method QC/GFTRL/07
8 Field Density Test QC/GFTRL/08
9 Determination of Moisture Content QC/GFTRL/09
10 Individual Grad. For Crushed Aggregate QC/GFTRL/10
11 Sieve Analysis fpr Coarse Aggregate QC/GFTRL/11
12 Sieve Analysis fpr Fine Aggregate QC/GFTRL/12
13 Aggregate Ipact Value QC/GFTRL/13
14 Flakiness & Elongation QC/GFTRL/14
15 Watre Absorption QC/GFTRL/15
16 Determination of %age Fractured Faces QC/GFTRL/16
17 Determination of Sp. Gravity & Water Absorption QC/GFTRL/17
18 Determination of Silt Content QC/GFTRL/18
19 10% Fines Value QC/GFTRL/19
20 Soundness Test QC/GFTRL/20
21 Concrete Pour Card QC/GFTRL/21
22 Compressive St. of Concrete QC/GFTRL/22
23 Gradation of GSB QC/GFTRL/23
24 Gradation of WMM QC/GFTRL/24
25 Summary of Physical Test of Cement QC/GFTRL/25
26 Finess of Cement QC/GFTRL/26
27 Normal Consistency of Cement QC/GFTRL/27
28 Initial & Final Setting Time of Cement QC/GFTRL/28
29 Soundness of Cement QC/GFTRL/29
30 Penetration of Bitumen QC/GFTRL/30
31 Flash & Fire Point QC/GFTRL/31
32 Determination of Ductility QC/GFTRL/32
33 Determination of Softening Point QC/GFTRL/33
34 Viscosity Test QC/GFTRL/34
35 Specific Gravity for Bitumen QC/GFTRL/35
36 Stripping Value QC/GFTRL/36
37 Determination of Rate of Spray of Prime/Tack Coa QC/GFTRL/37
38 Gradation of Dense Bitumenous Macadam QC/GFTRL/38
39 Gradation of Bitumenous Concrete QC/GFTRlL39
Quantitative Extraction & Sieve Analysis of
40 QC/GFTRL/40
Bitumen mixes
41 Determination of Marshall Stability Test QC/GFTRL/41
42 Core Density QC/GFTRL/42
43 Calibration of Weigh Batch QC/GFTRL/43
44 Los Angles Abrasion Value Test QC/GFTRL/44
45 Calbration of Batching Plant QC/GFTRL/45
46 Calbration of Rapid Moisture Meter QC/GFTRL/46
47 Daily Activity Report(Lab) QC/GFTRL/47
48 Daily Testing Programme QC/GFTRL/48
49 Moistur Adjustment at Batching Plant QC/GFTRL/49
50 Surface unevenness QC/GFTRL/50
51 Gradation of Bitumenous Macadam QC/GFTRL/51
52 Elastic Recovery QC/GFTRL/52
53 Gradation for DLC QC/GFTRL/53

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