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GEORGE W. BATCHELDER CB was intended to attain basic objectives in the

vs.THE CENTRAL BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES field of currency and finance. “It shall be the
G.R. No. L-25071 March 29, 1972 responsibility of the CB of the Phils to administer
the monetary and banking system of the Republic.
FACTS: It shall be the duty of the CB to use the powers
Monetrary Board Res No 857 requires Filipino granted to it under
and American resident contractors for US Military
bases in the Phils to surrender to the Central Bank Central Bank was intended to attain basic objecti
their dollar earnings under their respective ves in the field of currency and finance.
contracts but were entitled to utilize 90% of their “It shall be the responsibility of the Central Bank of the Ph
surrendered dollars for importation at the ilippines to administer the monetary
preferred rate of commodities for use within or and banking system of the Republic. It shall be th
outside US Military bases. Resolution 695 e duty of the Central Bank to use the powers
moreover denies their right to reacquire at the granted to it under this Act to achieve the followi
preferred rate of 90% of the foreign exchange and ng objectives: (a) to maintain monetarystability i
sold or surrendered earnings to CB for the n the Philippines; (b) to preserve the internation
purpose of determining whether the imports al value of the peso and theconvertibility of the p
against proceeds of contracts entered into prior eso into other freely convertible currencies; and
April 25, 1960 are classified as dollar-to-dollar (c) to promote a risinglevel of production, emplo
transactions or not. yment and real income in the Philippines."It is, of
course, true that obligations arise from 1) law; 2
George Batchelder, an American Citizen permane ) contracts; 3) quasi-
ntly residing in the Philippines who is contracts;4) acts or omissions punished by law a
engaged in the Construction Business, surrender nd 5) quasi-
ed to the Central Bank his dollar earnings delicts. One of the sources an obligation thenis a l
amounting to U.S. $199,966.00. He compels Cent aw. A legal norm could so require that a particula
ral Bank of the Philippines to resell to hi r party be chargeable with a prestation orundert
$170,210.60 at the preferred rate of exchange of aking to give or to deliver or to do or to render s
two Philippine pesos for one American dollar,mo ome service. It is an indispensablerequisite thou
re specifically P2.00375 which was denied by the gh that such a provision, thus in fact exists. There
court.He then contended that must be a showing to that effect.As early as 1909
said decision failed to consider that if there was in Pelayo v. Lauron, Court through Justice Torres
no contract obligating the bank to resell to him at , categorically declared:"Obligation arising from l
the preferred rate, the judgment of the lower co aw are not presumed." For in the language of Just
urt canand should nevertheless be sustained on ice Street in LeungBen v. O'Brien, a 1918 decisio
the basis of there being such an obligation arisin n, such an obligation is "a creation of the positive
g fromlaw. law." They areordinarily traceable to code or sta
tute. It is true though, as noted in the motion forr
ISSUE: econsideration following People v. Que Po Lay, th
Whether or not the CB has the obligation arising at a Central Bank circular may have the forceand
from Law to resell the dollars to Batchelder at the effect of law, especially when issued in pursuanc
preferred rate. e of its quasi-
legislative power. That of itself, however, is no ju
RULING: stification to conclude that it has thereby assume



REPUBLIC VS PLDT stopped by midnight of 12 April 1958, the PLDT

G.R. NO. L-18841 would sever the telephone connections. When the
PLDT received no reply, it disconnected the trunk
FACTS: Soon after its creation in 1947, the Bureau lines being rented by the Bureau at midnight on
of Telecommunications set up its own 12 April 1958. The result was the isolation of the
Government Telephone System by utilizing its Philippines, on telephone services, from the rest
own appropriation and equipment and by renting of the world, except the United States.
trunk lines of the PLDT to enable government
offices to call private parties. Its application for Plaintiff Republic commenced suit against the
the use of these trunk lines was in the usual form defendant, Philippine Long Distance Telephone
of applications for telephone service, containing a Company, in the Court of First Instance of Manila
statement, above the signature of the applicant, (Civil Case No. 35805), praying in its complaint
that the latter will abide by the rules and for judgment commanding the PLDT to execute a
regulations of the PLDT which are on file with the contract with plaintiff, through the Bureau, to
Public Service Commission. One of the many rules restrain the severance of the existing telephone
prohibits the public use of the service furnished connections and/or restore those severed.
the telephone subscriber for his private use. The
Bureau has extended its services to the general After trial, the lower court rendered judgment
public since 1948, using the same trunk lines that it could not compel the PLDT to enter into an
owned by, and rented from, the PLDT, and agreement with the Bureau because the parties
prescribing its (the Bureau's) own schedule of were not in agreement; that under Executive
rates. Through these trunk lines, a Government Order 94, establishing the Bureau of
Telephone System (GTS) subscriber could make a Telecommunications, said Bureau was not limited
call to a PLDT subscriber in the same way that the to servicing government offices alone, nor was
latter could make a call to the former. there any in the contract of lease of the trunk
lines, since the PLDT knew, or ought to have
The plaintiff, through the Director of known, at the time that their use by the Bureau
Telecommunications, entered into an agreement was to be public throughout the Islands, hence the
with RCA Communications, Inc., for a joint Bureau was neither guilty of fraud, abuse, or
overseas telephone service whereby the Bureau misuse of the poles of the PLDT; and, in view of
would convey radio-telephone overseas calls serious public prejudice that would result from
received by RCA's station to and from local the disconnection of the trunk lines, declared the
residents. preliminary injunction permanent, although it
dismissed both the complaint and the
The defendant Philippine Long Distance counterclaims. Both parties appealed.
Telephone Company, complained to the Bureau of
Telecommunications that said bureau was ISSUE: Whether or not the plaintiff can compel
violating the conditions under which their Private the defendant to enter into a contract with it,
Branch Exchange (PBX) is inter-connected with because the parties could not agree on the terms
the PLDT's facilities, referring to the rented trunk and conditions of the interconnection?
lines, for the Bureau had used the trunk lines not
only for the use of government offices but even to HELD: No, the plaintiff cannot coerce PLDT to
serve private persons or the general public, in enter into a contract where no agreement is had
competition with the business of the PLDT; and between them as to the principal terms and
gave notice that if said violations were not conditions of the contract. Freedom to stipulate
such terms and conditions is of the essence of our

contractual system, and by express provision of

the statute, a contract may be annulled if tainted
by violence, intimidation, or undue influence
(Articles 1306, 1336, 1337, Civil Code of the
Philippines). But the court a quo has apparently
overlooked that while the Republic may not
compel the PLDT to celebrate a contract with it,
the Republic may, in the exercise of the sovereign
power of eminent domain, require the telephone
company to permit interconnection of the
government telephone system and that of the
PLDT, as the needs of the government service may
require, subject to the payment of just
compensation to be determined by the court.



CORPUS VS. CA WE reiterated this rule in Pacific Merchandising

Corp. vs. Consolacion Insurance & Surety Co., Inc.
FACTS: (73 SCRA 564 [1976]) citing the case of Perez v.
David accepted the case of Corpus though there Pomar, supra thus:
was no express agreement regarding attorney’s Where one has rendered services to another, and
fees. Corpus was administratively charged. He these services are accepted by the latter, in the
employed the services of David. David won the absence of proof that the service was rendered
administrative case For Copuz. Corpus gave a gratuitously, it is but just that he should pay a
check to David, but was returned by David with reasonable remuneration therefor because 'it is a
the intention of getting paid after the case is ruled well-known principle of law, that no one should
with finality by the SC and Corpus gets his back be permitted to enrich himself to the damage of
salaries and wages. (Your appreciation of the another.
efforts I have invested in your case is enough
compensation therefor, however, when you shall
have obtained a decision which would have
finally resolved the case in your favor,
remembering me then will make me happy. In the
meantime, you will make me happier by just
keeping the check) David continued to fight for
Corpus’ case and got a favorable judgment.
Corpus refused to pay David contending that
since David refused the first check given by him,
he gave his services gratuitously.

HELD: While there was no express agreement

between petitioner Corpus and respondent David
as regards attorney's fees, the facts of the case
support the position of respondent David that
there was at least an implied agreement for the
payment of attorney's fees.

Payment of attorney's fees to respondent David

may be justified by virtue of the innominate
contract of facio ut des (I do and you give which is
based on the principle that "no one shall unjustly
enrich himself at the expense of another."
Innominate contracts have been elevated to a
codal provision in the New Civil Code by
providing under Article 1307 that such contracts
shall be regulated by the stipulations of the
parties, by the general provisions or principles of
obligations and contracts, by the rules governing
the most analogous nominate contracts, and by
the customs of the people.



EJERCITO vs ORIENTAL ASSURANCE themselves to indemnify the respondent under

CORPORATION, the deed of indemnity.
G.R. No. 192099 July 8, 2015
HELD: Yes. Petition denied. The contract of
FACTS: Respondent Oriental Assurance indemnity is the law between the parties. it is a
Corporation issued a Surety Bond in favor of FFV cardinal rule in the interpretation of a contract
Travel & Tours, Inc. (Company). The bond was that if its terms are clear and leave no doubt on
intended to guarantee the Company’s payment of the intention of the contracting parties, the literal
airline tickets purchased on credit from meaning of its stipulation shall control. The CA
participating members of International Air aptly found provisions in the contract that could
Transport Association (IATA) to the extent of not exonerate petitioners from their liability.
3million. Clearly, as far as respondent is concerned,
On the same day, petitioners and Merissa petitioners have expressly bound themselves to
C. Somes (Somes) executed a Deed of Indemnity the contract, which provides for the term granting
in favor of respondent. FFV Travel & Tours, Inc. authority to the company to renew the original
has been declared in default for failure to pay its bond. The terms of the contract are clear, explicit
obligations amounting 5,484,086.97 and USD and unequivocal. Therefore, the subsequent acts
18,760.98. Consequently, IATA demanded of the Company, through Somes, the led to the
payment of the bond, and respondent heeded the renewal of the surety bond are binding on
demand on 28 November 2000. IATA executed a petitioners as well.
Release of Claim acknowledging payment of the The intention of Somes to renew the bond
surety bond. The Surety Bond was effective for cannot be denied, as she paid the renewal
one year from its issuance and it was renewed for premium and even submitted the renewed bond
another year. to IATA.
Respondent sent demand letters to The claim of petitioners that they only
petitioners and Somes for reimbursement of the consented to the one-year validity of the surety
3 million pursuant to the indemnity agreement. bond must be directed against Somes in a
For their failure to reimburse respondent, the separate action. She allegedly convinced them
latter filed a collection suit. that the bond was valid for on year only. The
RTC dismissed the complaint and held allegation of petitioners is an agreement outside
Somes liable to pay the amount of 3 million and of the contract. In other words, respondent is not
interest per annum at the rate of 12% of the privy to the alleged agreement between Somes
principal obligation. The RTC found that there and petitioners. For respondent, there was a valid
was no written agreement to show the intention indemnity agreement executed by the parties,
of petitioners to renew the Deed of Indemnity. and contained a proviso that became the basis for
The absence thereof was evidenced by the the authority to renew the original bond.
nonappearance of any signature on the Renewal
Notice, which was not signed by Somes. The CA
reversed the finding of the RTC and ruled that
petitioners could not escape liability as they had
authorized respondent to grant any renewals or
extensions pursuant to the indemnity agreement.

ISSUE: Whether petitioners, by renewing the

contract through Somes, expressly bound



DAISY B. TIU vs. PLATINUM PLANS PHIL., Professional Pension Plans, Inc., a corporation
INC., engaged also in the pre-need industry.
G.R. No. 163512
NATURE: Autonomy of Contracts, Action for Consequently, respondent sued petitioner for
Damages damages before the RTC of Pasig City. Respondent
PONENTE: QUISUMBING, J.: alleged, among others, that petitioner’s
DATE:February 28, 2007 employment with Professional Pension Plans, Inc.
violated the non-involvement clause in her
DOCTRINE: a non-involvement clause is not contract of employment, to wit:
necessarily void for being in restraint of trade as
long as there are reasonable limitations as to 8. NON INVOLVEMENT PROVISION – The
time, trade, and place. EMPLOYEE further undertakes that during
his/her engagement with EMPLOYER and
RELATED ARTICLE:Article 1306 of the Civil in case of separation from the Company,
Code provides that parties to a contract may whether voluntary or for cause, he/she
establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and shall not, for the next TWO (2) years
conditions as they may deem convenient, thereafter, engage in or be involved with
provided they are not contrary to law, morals, any corporation, association or entity,
good customs, public order, or public policy. whether directly or indirectly, engaged in
Article 1159 of the same Code also provides the same business or belonging to the
that obligations arising from contracts have the same pre-need industry as the EMPLOYER.
force of law between the contracting parties and Any breach of the foregoing provision shall
should be complied with in good faith. Courts render the EMPLOYEE liable to the
cannot stipulate for the parties nor amend their EMPLOYER in the amount of One Hundred
agreement where the same does not contravene Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) for and as
law, morals, good customs, public order or public liquidated damages.5
policy, for to do so would be to alter the real intent
of the parties, and would run contrary to the Petitioner countered that the non-involvement
function of the courts to give force and effect clause was unenforceable for being against public
thereto. order or public policy: First, the restraint
imposed was much greater than what was
FACTS: necessary to afford respondent a fair and
reasonable protection. Petitioner contended that
Respondent Platinum Plans Philippines, Inc. is the transfer to a rival company was an accepted
a domestic corporation engaged in the pre-need practice in the pre-need industry. Since the
industry. From 1987 to 1989, petitioner Daisy B. products sold by the companies were more or less
Tiu was its Division Marketing Director. On the same, there was nothing peculiar or unique to
January 1, 1993, respondent re-hired petitioner protect. Second, respondent did not invest in
as Senior Assistant Vice-President and petitioner’s training or improvement. At the time
Territorial Operations Head in charge of its petitioner was recruited, she already possessed
Hongkong and Asean operations. The parties the knowledge and expertise required in the pre-
executed a contract of employment valid for five need industry and respondent benefited
years. On September 16, 1995, petitioner stopped tremendously from it. Third, a strict application
reporting for work. In November 1995, she of the non-involvement clause would amount to a
became the Vice-President for Sales of deprivation of petitioner’s right to engage in the



only work she knew. In upholding the validity of In any event, Article 1306 of the Civil Code
the non-involvement clause, the trial court ruled provides that parties to a contract may establish
that a contract in restraint of trade is valid such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions
provided that there is a limitation upon either as they may deem convenient, provided they are
time or place. In the case of the pre-need industry, not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
the trial court found the two-year restriction to order, or public policy.
be valid and reasonable.
Article 1159 of the same Code also provides that
On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial obligations arising from contracts have the force
court’s ruling. It reasoned that petitioner entered of law between the contracting parties and should
into the contract on her own will and volition. be complied with in good faith. Courts cannot
Thus, she bound herself to fulfill not only what stipulate for the parties nor amend their
was expressly stipulated in the contract, but also agreement where the same does not contravene
all its consequences that were not against good law, morals, good customs, public order or public
faith, usage, and law. The appellate court also policy, for to do so would be to alter the real intent
ruled that the stipulation prohibiting non- of the parties, and would run contrary to the
employment for two years was valid and function of the courts to give force and effect
enforceable considering the nature of thereto. Not being contrary to public policy, the
respondent’s business. non-involvement clause, which petitioner and
respondent freely agreed upon, has the force of
ISSUE: Whether the non-involvement clause is law between them, and thus, should be complied
valid. with in good faith.

HELD: YES, it is valid. Thus, as held by the trial court and the Court of
Appeals, petitioner is bound to pay
In this case, the non-involvement clause has a respondent P100,000 as liquidated damages.
time limit: two years from the time petitioner’s While we have equitably reduced liquidated
employment with respondent ends. It is also damages in certain cases, we cannot do so in this
limited as to trade, since it only prohibits case, since it appears that even from the start,
petitioner from engaging in any pre-need petitioner had not shown the least intention to
business akin to respondent’s. fulfill the non-involvement clause in good faith.

More significantly, since petitioner was the Senior

Assistant Vice-President and Territorial
Operations Head in charge of respondent’s
Hongkong and Asean operations, she had been
privy to confidential and highly sensitive
marketing strategies of respondent’s business. To
allow her to engage in a rival business soon after
she leaves would make respondent’s trade
secrets vulnerable especially in a highly
competitive marketing environment. In sum, we
find the non-involvement clause not contrary to
public welfare and not greater than is necessary
to afford a fair and reasonable protection to

CUI VS ARELLANOUNIVERSITY 38, s. 1949, it should have not entered into a

2 SCRA 205, May 30, 1961 contract of waiver with Cui on September 10,
Ponente: J. Concepcion 1951, which is a direct violation of our
Memorandum and an open challenge to the
FACTS authority of the Director of Private Schools
Emeritio Cui was granted scholarship by the because the contract was repugnant to sound
defendant university on scholarship merit as a morality and civic honesty.
student of the College of Law. Stipulated in the
contract for the scholarship grant is the following:
“In consideration of the scholarship granted to me
by the University, I hereby waive my right to
transfer to another school without having
refunded to the University (defendant) the
equivalent of my scholarship cash.”

On his last semester on the University, Cui

transferred to Abad Santos University where his
uncle, the previous dean and legal adviser of
Arellano University, was now the dean of the
College of Law of Abad Santos University.

Before taking the bar, Cui petitioned the

defendant university for the release of his TOR.
The university refused until Cui refunded the
scholarship granted to him totaling the amount of
Php 1,033.87, which he did under protest.

Thereafter, he filed for recovery plus damages.

The Court of First Instance of Manila ruled in
favor or Arellano University. Hence, this petition
for review.

Whether or not the stipulation on waiver of right
to transfer without having refunded the
scholarship is void.

Yes. The stipulation contravenes both moral and
public policy. Scholarship grants are not for
propaganda purposes but are awards for merits.
If Arellano University understood clearly the real
essence of scholarships and the motives which
prompted this office to issue Memorandum No.

RAMON E. SAURA VS ESTELA P. SINDICO Yes. We agree with the lower court in
G.R. No. L-13403 March 23, 1960 adjudging the contract or agreement in question
a nullity. Among those that may not be the subject
Ramon E. Saura and Estela P. Sindico were matter (object) of contracts are certain rights of
contesting for nomination as the official individuals, which the law and public policy have
candidate of the Nacionalista Party in the deemed wise to exclude from the commerce of
congressional elections of November 12, 1957. On man. Among them are the political rights
August 23, 1957, the parties entered into a conferred upon citizens, including, but not limited
written agreement bearing the same date, to, once's right to vote, the right to present one's
containing among other matters stated therein, a candidacy to the people and to be voted to public
pledge that — office, provided, however, that all the
qualifications prescribed by law obtain. Such
“Each aspirant shall respect the result of the rights may not, therefore, be bargained away
aforesaid convention, i.e., no one of us shall either curtailed with impunity, for they are conferred
run as a rebel or independent candidate after not for individual or private benefit or advantage
losing in said convention.” but for the public good and interest.

In the provincial convention held by the In the case at hand, plaintiff complains on account
Nacionalista Party on August 31, 1957, Saura was of defendant's alleged violation of the "pledge" in
elected and proclaimed the Party's official question by filing her own certificate o candidacy
congressional candidate for the aforesaid district. for a seat in the Congress of the Philippines and in
Nonetheless, Sindico, in disregard of the openly and actively campaigning for her election.
covenant, filed, on her certificate of candidacy for In the face of the preceding considerations, we
the same office with the Commission on Elections, certainly cannot entertain plaintiff's action, which
and she openly and actively campaigned for her would result in limiting the choice of the electors
election. Plaintiff Saura commenced this suit for to only those persons selected by a small group or
the recovery of damages. Upon motion of the by party boses. Appeal is dismissed.
defendant, the lower court, in its order of
November 19, 1957, dismissed the complaint on
the basis that the agreement sued upon is null and
void, because (1) the subject matter of the
contract, being a public office, is not within the
commerce of man; and (2) the "pledge" was in
curtailment of the free exercise of elective
franchise and therefore against public policy.
Hence, this appeal.


Whether the agreement between both

parties is a nullity?




LEAL V. IAC applicable in this instance, pacts, clauses, and

G.R. No. L-65425 conditions which are contrary to public order are
November 5, 1987 null and void, thus, without any binding effect.

FACTS: Parenthetically, the equivalent provision in the

Civil Code of the Philippines is that of Art. 1306,
Vicente Santiago and his brother, Luis Santiago which states: "That contracting parties may
entered into a contract entitled “compraventa” establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and
whereby the vendor sold t three parcels of land in conditions as they may deem convenient,
favor of Cirilio Leal Pursuant to this provided they are not contrary to law, morals,
"Compraventa," the title over the three parcels of good customs, public order, or public policy.
land in the name of the vendors was cancelled and Public order signifies the public weal — public
a new one was issued in the name of Cirilo Leal policy. Essentially, therefore, public order and
who immediately took possession and exercised public policy mean one and the same thing. Public
ownership over the said lands. When Cirilo died policy is simply the English equivalent of "order
on December 10, 1959, the subject lands were publico" in Art. 1255 of the Civil Code of Spain.
inherited by his six children, who are among the
petitioners, and who caused the consolidation One such condition which is contrary to public
and subdivision of the properties among policy is the present prohibition to self to third
themselves. parties, because the same virtually amounts to a
perpetual restriction to the right of ownership,
Between the years 1960 and 1965, the properties specifically the owner's right to freely dispose of
were either mortgaged or leased by the his properties. This, we hold that any such
petitioners-children of Cirilo Leal — to their co- prohibition, indefinite and stated as to time, so
petitioners. much so that it shall continue to be applicable
even beyond the lifetime of the original parties to
Sometime before the agricultural year 1966- the contract, is, without doubt, a nullity. In the
1967, Vicente Santiago approached the light of this pronouncement, we grant the
petitioners and offered re- repurchase the subject petitioners' prayer for the cancellation of the
properties. Petitioners, however, refused the annotations of this prohibition at the back of their
offer. Consequently, Vicente Santiago instituted a Transfer Certificates 'Title.
complaint for specific performance before the
then Court of First Instance of Quezon City on The law provides that for conventional
August 2, 1967. redemption to take place, the vendor should
reserve, in no uncertain terms, the right to
ISSUE: repurchase the thing sold. Thus, the right to
redeem must be expressly stipulated in the
Whether the phrase in the “compraventa” gives contract of sale in order that it may have legal
the Santiago a right to repurchase the land existence.

HELD: In the case before us, we cannot and any express

or implied grant of a right to repurchase, nor can
Contracts are generally binding between the we infer, from any word or words in the
parties, their assigns and heirs; however, under questioned paragraph, the existence of any such
Art. 1255 of the Civil Code of Spain, which is right. The interpretation in the resolution (Justice



Sison) is rather strained. The phrase "in case

case" of should be construed to mean "should the
buyers wish to sell which is the plain and simple
import of the words, and not "the buyers should
sell," which is clearly a contorted construction of
the same phrase. The resort to Article 1373 of the
Civil Code of the Philippines is erroneous. The
subject phrase is patent and unambiguous, hence,
it must not be given another interpretation

But even assuming that such a right of repurchase

is granted under the "Compraventa," the
petitioner correctly asserts that the same has
already prescribed. Under Art. 1508 of the Civil
Code of Spain (Art,. 1606 of the Civil Code of the
Philippines), the right to redeem or repurchase, in
the absence of an express agreement as to time,
shall last four years from the date of the contract.
In this case then, the right to repurchase, if it was
at four guaranteed under in the "Compraventa,"
should have been exercise within four years from
March 21, 1941 (indubitably the date of execution
of the contract), or at the latest in 1945.

In the respondent court's resolution, it is further

ruled that the right to repurchase was given birth
by the condition precedent provided for in the
phrase "siempre y cuando estos ultimos pueden
hacer la compra" (when the buyer has money to
buy). In other words, it is the respondent court's
contention that the right may be exercised only
when the buyer has money to buy. If this were so,
the second paragraph of Article 1508 would apply
— there is agreement as to the time, although it is
indefinite, therefore, the right should be exercised
within ten years, because the law does not favor
suspended ownership. Since the alleged right to
repurchase was attempted to be exercised by
Vicente Santiago only in 1966, or 25 years from
the date of the contract, the said right has
undoubtedly expired.



BANCO FILIPINO SAVINGS vs. NAVARRO ….please be advised that the Monetary
G.R. No. L-46591, July 28, 1987 (152 SCRA Board, in its Resolution No. 1155 dated June 11,
346); MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.: 1976, adopted the following guidelines to govern
interest rate adjustments by banks and non-banks
FACTS: performing quasi-banking functions on loans
On May 20, 1975, respondent Florante del already existing as of January 3, 1976, in the light
Valle obtained a loan secured by a real estate of Central Bank Circulars Nos. 492-498: (l) Only
mortgage from petitioner BANCO FILIPINO in the banks and non-bank financial intermediaries
sum of Forty-one Thousand Three Hundred performing quasi-banking functions may increase
(P41,300.00) Pesos, payable and to be amortized interest rates on loans already existing as of
within fifteen (15) years at twelve (12%) per cent January 2, 1976, provided that: a. The pertinent
interest annually. Stamped on the promissory loan contracts/documents contain escalation
note evidencing the loan is an Escalation Clause, clauses expressly authorizing lending bank or non-
reading as follows: bank performing quasi-banking functions to
“I/We hereby authorize Banco Filipino to increase the rate of interest stipulated in the
correspondingly increase the interest rate contract, in the event that any law or Central
stipulated in this contract without advance notice Bank regulation is promulgated increasing the
to me/us in the event law should be enacted maximum interest rate for loans; and b. Said loans
increasing the lawful rates of interest that may be were directly granted by them and the remaining
charged on this particular kind of loan.” maturities thereof were more than 730 days as of
January 2, 1976; and (2) The increase in the rate of
On June 30, 1976, BANCO FILIPINO gave interest can be effective only as of January 2, 1976
notice to Mr. Del Valle increasing the interest rate or on a later date. The foregoing guidelines,
on the LOAN from 12% to 17% per annum however, shall not be understood as precluding
effective on March 1, 1976 pursuant to Central affected parties from questioning before a
Bank CIRCULAR No. 494 issued on January 2, competent court of justice the legality or validity of
1976, which provides that, “…The maximum rate such escalation clauses.
of interest, including commissions, premiums, fees
and other charges on loans with maturity of more Contending that CIRCULAR No. 494 is not
than seven hundred thirty (730) days, by banking the law contemplated in the Escalation Clause of
institutions, including thrift banks and rural banks, the promissory note, Mr. Del Valle filed suit
or by financial intermediaries authorized to against BANCO FILIPINO for "Declaratory Relief"
engage in quasi-banking functions shall be with respondent Court, praying that the
nineteen percent (19%) per annum...Except as Escalation Clause be declared null and void and
provided in this Circular and Circular No. 493, that BANCO FILIPINO be ordered to desist from
loans or renewals thereof shall continue to be enforcing the increased rate of interest on Mr. Del
governed by the Usury Law, as amended." Valle's real estate loan.
In its judgment, respondent Court nullified
On August 28, 1976, Mr. Del Valle sought the Escalation Clause and ordered BANCO
clarification from the Central Bank on Banco FILIPINO to desist from enforcing the increased
Filipino's recent decision to raise interest rates on rate of interest on the BORROWER's loan. It
lots bought on installment from 12% to 17% per reasoned out that P.D. No. 116 does not
annum. Central Bank replied on September 24, expressly grant the Central Bank authority to
1976, as follows: maximize interest rates with retroactive effect
and that BANCO FILIPINO cannot legally impose a



higher rate of interest before the expiration of the rely thereon to raise the interest on the
15-year period in which the loan is to be paid borrower's loan from 12% to 17% per annum
other than the 12% per annum in force at the time because Circular No. 494 of the Monetary Board
of the execution of the loan. Hence, the petition for was not the "law" contemplated by the parties.
review on Certiorari.
Issue: It is clear from the stipulation between the
Whether the Escalation Clause, to which parties that the interest rate may be increased "in
the BANCO FILIPINO based upon the increase in the event a law should be enacted increasing the
the interest rate of the LOAN from 12% to 17% lawful rate of interest that may be charged on this
per annum, was valid. particular kind of loan." The Escalation Clause was
Whether the Central Bank CIRCULAR No. dependent on an increase of rate made by "law"
494 is not the law contemplated in the Escalation alone. CIRCULAR No. 494, although it has the
Clause of the promissory note. effect of law, is not a law. An administrative
regulation adopted pursuant to law has the force
Ruling: and effect of law.

The judgment appealed from is affirmed in The distinction between a law and an
so far as it orders petitioner Banco Filipino to administrative regulation is recognized in the
desist from enforcing the increased rate of Monetary Board guidelines quoted in the letter of
interest on petitioner's loan. Central Bank to Mr. Del Valle on September 24,
1976. According to the guidelines, for a loan's
The substantial question in this case is not interest to be subject to the increases provided in
really whether the Escalation Clause is a valid or CIRCULAR No. 494, there must be an Escalation
void stipulation. There should be no question that Clause allowing the increase "in the event that any
the clause is valid. Some contracts contain what is law or Central Bank regulation is promulgated
known as an "escalator clause," which is defined increasing the maximum interest rate for loans."
as one in which the contract fixes a base price but The guidelines thus presuppose that a Central
contains a provision that in the event of specified Bank regulation is not within the term "any law."
cost increases, the seller or contractor may raise
the price up to a fixed percentage of the base.
Attacks on such a clause have usually been based
on the claim that, because of the open price-
provision, the contract was too indefinite to be
enforceable and did not evidence an actual
meeting of the minds of the parties, or that the
arrangement left the price to be determined
arbitrarily by one party so that the contract
lacked mutuality. In most instances, however,
these attacks have been unsuccessful. The Court
further finds as a matter of law that the cost of
living index adjustment, or escalator clause, is not
substantively unconscionable.

However, while an escalation clause like

the one in question can ordinarily be held valid,
nevertheless, petitioner Banco Filipino cannot

SPS FLORENDO VS. CA In the case at bar, it may be said that previous
G.R. No. 101771 December 17, 1996 regulations had been taken into consideration by
the contracting parties when they first entered
FACTS: into their loan contract. In light of the CB
Florendo was an employee of Land Bank. Before issuances in force at that time, respondent bank
her resignation, she applied for a housing loan was fully aware that it could have imposed an
payable within 25 years. Together with the interest rate higher than 9% per annum rate for
Housing Loan Agreement, Florendo and Land the housing loans of its employees, but it did not.
Bank also executed a Real Estate Mortgage and In the subject loan, the respondent bank
Promissory Note. knowingly agreed that the interest rate on
petitioners' loan shall remain at 9% p.a. unless a
Land Bank increased the interest rate on CB issuance is passed authorizing an increase (or
Florendo's loan from 9% per annum to 17% to decrease) in the rate on such employee loans and
take effect on March 19, 1985. The details of the the Provident Fund Board of Trustees acts
increase are embodied in Land Bank's ManCom accordingly. Thus, as far as the parties were
Resolution No. 85-08 and in a Provident Fund concerned, all other onerous factors, such as
Memorandum Circular No. 85-08, Series of 1985. employee resignations, which could have been
used to trigger an application of the escalation
Land Bank first informed Florendo of the said clause were considered barred or waived. If the
increase in a letter dated June 7, 1985. Florendo intention were otherwise, they — especially
protested the increase in a letter dated June 11, respondent bank — should have included such
1985 to which the bank replied through a letter factors in their loan agreement.
dated July 1, 1985.
ManCom Resolution No. 85-08, which is neither a
Land Bank kept on demanding that Florendo pay rule nor a resolution of the Monetary Board,
the increased interest or the new monthly cannot be used as basis for the escalation in lieu
installments based on the increased interest rate, of CB issuances, since paragraph (f) of the
but Florendo just as vehemently maintained that mortgage contract very categorically specifies
the said increase is unlawful and unjustifiable. that any interest rate increase be in accordance
Despite Land Bank's demand to pay the increased with "prevailing rules, regulations and circulars
interest or increased monthly installments, of the Central Bank . . . as the Provident Fund
Florendo has faithfully paid and discharged their Board . . . may prescribe." As a matter of fact, the
loan obligations, more particularly the monthly said escalation clause further provides that the
payment of the original stipulated installment. increased interest rate "shall only take effect on
Disregarding the bank's repeated demand for the date of effectivity of (the) increase/decrease"
increased interest and monthly installment, authorized by the CB rule, regulation or circular.
Florendo is presently up-to-date in the payments Without such CB issuance, any proposed
of their obligations under the original contracts. increased rate will never become effective.

ISSUE: Did the respondent bank have a valid and The unilateral determination and imposition of
legal basis to impose an increased interest rate on increased interest rates by the herein respondent
the petitioners' housing loan? bank is obviously violative of the principle of
mutuality of contracts ordained in Article 1308 of
HELD: the Civil Code. As this Court held in PNB:



In order that obligations arising from contracts

may have the force of law between the parties,
there must be mutuality between the parties
based on their essential equality. A contract
containing a condition which makes its fulfillment
dependent exclusively upon the uncontrolled will
of one of the contracting parties, is void (Garcia
vs. Rita Legarda, Inc., 21 SCRA 555). Hence, even
assuming that the . . . loan agreement between the
PNB and the private respondent gave the PNB a
license (although in fact there was none) to
increase the interest rate at will during the term
of the loan, that license would have been null and
void for being violative of the principle of
mutuality essential in contracts. It would have
invested the loan agreement with the character of
a contract of adhesion, where the parties do not
bargain on equal footing, the weaker party's (the
debtor) participation being reduced to the
alternative "to take it or leave it" (Qua vs. Law
Union & Rock Insurance Co., 95 Phil 85). Such a
contract is a veritable trap for the weaker party
whom the courts of justice must protect against
abuse and imposition.



NEW WORLD DEVELOPERS AND entered into an Addendum to the Contract of

INC., RESPONDENT On the evening of 6 July 2004, AMA removed all
G.R. No. 187930 February 23, 2015 its office equipment and furniture from the leased
premises. The following day, New World received
FACTS: a letter from AMA dated 6 July 200410 stating that
New World is the owner of a commercial building the former had decided to preterminate the
located at No. 1104-1118 España corner Paredes contract effective immediately on the ground of
Streets, Sampaloc, Manila. In 1998, AMA agreed to business losses due to a drastic decline in
lease the entire second floor of the building for its enrollment. AMA also demanded the refund of its
computer learning center, and the parties entered advance rental and security deposit.
into a Contract of Lease 4 covering the eight-year
period from 15 June 1998 to 14 March 2006. New World replied in a letter dated 12 July
2004,11 to which was attached a Statement of
The monthly rental for the first year was set Account12 indicating the following amounts to be
at P181,500, with an annual escalation rate paid by AMA: 1) unpaid two months’ rent in the
equivalent to 15% for the succeeding years. 5 It amount of P466,620; 2) 3% monthly interest for
was also provided that AMA may preterminate the unpaid rent in the amount of P67,426.59; 3)
the contract by sending notice in writing to New liquidated damages equivalent to six months of
World at least six months before the intended the prevailing rent in the amount of P1,399,860;
date.6 In case of pretermination, AMA shall be and 4) damage to the leased premises amounting
liable for liquidated damages in an amount to P15,580. The deduction of the advance rental
equivalent to six months of the prevailing rent. and security deposit paid by AMA still left an
unpaid balance in the amount of P1,049,486.59.
In compliance with the contract, AMA paid New
World the amount of P450,000 as advance rental Despite the meetings between the parties, they
and another P450,000 as security deposit.7 failed to arrive at a settlement regarding the
payment of the foregoing amounts. 13
For the first three years, AMA paid the monthly
rent as stipulated in the contract, with the On 27 October 2004, New World filed a complaint
required adjustment in accordance with the for a sum of money and damages against AMA
escalation rate for the second and the third years. before the Regional Trial Court of Marikina City,
Branch 156 (RTC).14
In a letter dated 18 March 2002, AMA requested
the deferment of the annual increase in the ISSUE:
monthly rent by citing financial constraints
brought about by a decrease in its enrollment. Whether AMA is liable to pay six months’ worth of
New World agreed to reduce the escalation rate rent as liquidated damages on the ground that
by 50% for the next six months. The following when the parties freely stipulate on the manner
year, AMA again requested the adjustment of the by which one may preterminate the lease, that
monthly rent and New World obliged by granting stipulation has the force of law between them and
a 45% reduction of the monthly rent and a 5% should be complied with in good faith?
reduction of the escalation rate for the remaining
term of the lease. For this purpose, the parties RULING:



AMA is liable for six months’ worth of rent as Art. 1306. The contracting parties may establish
liquidated damages. such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions
as they may deem convenient, provided they are
Item No. 14 of the Contract of Lease states: not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
order, or public policy.
That [AMA] may pre-terminate this Contract of
Lease by notice in writing to [New World] at least The fundamental rule is that a contract is the law
six (6) months before the intended date of between the parties. Unless it has been shown
pretermination, provided, however, that in such that its provisions are wholly or in part contrary
case, [AMA] shall be liable to [New World] for an to law, morals, good customs, public order, or
amount equivalent to six (6) months current public policy, the contract will be strictly enforced
rental as liquidated damages;30 by the courts.

Quite notable is the fact that AMA never denied its

liability for the payment of liquidated damages in
view of its pretermination of the lease contract
with New World. What it claims, however, is that
it is entitled to the reduction of the amount due to
the serious business losses it suffered as a result
of a drastic decrease in its enrollment.

This Court is, first and foremost, one of law. While

we are also a court of equity, we do not employ
equitable principles when well-established
doctrines and positive provisions of the law
clearly apply.31

The law does not relieve a party from the

consequences of a contract it entered into with all
the required formalities.32 Courts have no power
to ease the burden of obligations voluntarily
assumed by parties, just because things did not
turn out as expected at the inception of the
contract.33 It must also be emphasized that AMA
is an entity that has had significant business
experience, and is not a mere babe in the woods.

Articles 1159 and 1306 of the Civil Code state:

Art. 1159. Obligations arising from contracts have

the force of law between the contracting parties
and should be complied with in good faith.




SALUDO vs SECURITY BANK CORP. Marcelo, Whether or not an approved second credit
Emmanuel T. facility under the same Credit Agreement is
G.R. NO. 184041 OCT. 13, 2010 covered by the Continuing Suretyship Agreement
executed to secure the said Credit Agreement,
Facts: hence, making the surety in such Continuing
On May 1996, respondent Security Bank Suretyship Agreement solidarily liable with the
Corp. (SBC) extended an omnibus line credit debtor to whom the second credit facility was
facility amounting to P10,000.00 to Booklight Inc. extended.
(Booklight) covered by Credit Agreement and a
Continuing Suretyship, with petitioner Saludo as Ruling:
surety. On October 1997, SBC approved a renewal The Supreme Court ruled in the
of credit facility in favor of Booklight under the affirmative.
prevailing security lending rate. Booklight failed
to settle the loans upon maturity, hence, demands There is no doubt that Booklight was
were made on Booklight and petitioner Saludo for extended two (2) credit facilities, each with a one-
payment of the obligation but the duo failed to year term, by SBC. Booklight availed of these two
pay. (2) credit lines. While Booklight was able to
SBC then filed with the RTC an action for
comply with its obligation under the first credit
collection of money against Booklight and
line, it defaulted in the payment of the loan
petitioner Saludo. Booklight was declared in
obligation under the second credit line.
default. Petitioner Saludo in his answer alleged
that under the Continuing Suretyship, it was the
parties understanding that his undertaking and Under the Continuing Suretyship,
liability was merely as an accommodation petitioner undertook to guarantee the following
guaranty of Booklight. The RTC ruled that obligations: (a) Guaranteed Obligations the
petitioner Saludo is jointly and solidarily liable obligations of the Debtor arising from all credit
with Booklight under the Continuing Suretyship accommodations extended by the Bank to the
Agreement. On appeal, the CA affirmed in toto the Debtor, including increases, renewals, roll-
ruling of RTC and the motion for reconsideration overs, extensions, restructurings,
of the petitioner was denied. In the instant amendments or novations thereof, as well as
petition before the Supreme Court, petitioner (i) all obligations of the Debtor presently or
Saludo argued that when the first credit facility hereafter owing to the Bank, as appears in the
expired, its accessory contract, i.e. the Continuing accounts, books and records of the Bank, whether
Security Agreement likewise expired,
direct or indirect, and (ii) any and all expenses
accordingly, the second credit facility approved
which the Bank may incur in enforcing any of its
by SBC in favor of Bookmark is not anymore
rights, powers and remedies under the Credit
covered by the Continuing Suretyship. Petitioner
Instruments as defined hereinbelow:
Saludo further argued that since he is the surety,
the approval of the second credit facility in favor
of Bookmark necessitates his consent before the Whether the second credit facility is
Continuing Suretyship Agreement for such considered a renewal of the first or a brand new
second credit facility be effective. credit facility altogether was indirectly answered
by the trial court when it invoked paragraph 10 of
Issue: the Continuing Suretyship which provides:



10. Continuity of Suretyship. This nature, a continuing suretyship covers current

Suretyship shall remain in full force and future loans, provided that, with respect to
and effect until full and due payment future loan transactions, they are x x x within the
and performance of the Guaranteed description or contemplation of the contract of
Obligations. This Suretyship shall not guaranty.
be terminated by the partial payment
to the Bank of Guaranteed Petitioner argues that the approval of the second
Obligations by any other surety or
credit facility necessitates his consent
sureties of the Guaranteed
considering the onerous and solidary liability of a
Obligations, even if the particular
surety or sureties are relieved of surety. This is contrary to the express waiver of
further liabilities. his consent to such renewal, contained in
paragraph 12 of the Continuing Suretyship, which
Trial court concluded that the liability of provides in part:
petitioner did not expire upon the termination of
the first credit facility. This very renewal is 12. Waivers by the Surety. The
explicitly covered by the guaranteed obligations Surety hereby waives: x x x (v)
notice or consent to any
of the Continuing Suretyship.
modification, amendment, renewal,
extension or grace period granted
The essence of a continuing surety has been by the Bank to the Debtor with
highlighted in the case of Totanes v. China Banking respect to the Credit Instruments.
Corporation in this wise:
Comprehensive or continuing surety The petition was denied. The Decision of
agreements are, in fact, quite the CA was affirmed in toto.
commonplace in present day financial
and commercial practice. A bank or
financing company which anticipates
entering into a series of credit
transactions with a particular
company, normally requires the
projected principal debtor to execute a
continuing surety agreement along
with its sureties. By executing such an
agreement, the principal places itself in
a position to enter into the projected
series of transactions with its creditor;
with such suretyship agreement, there
would be no need to execute a separate
surety contract or bond for each
financing or credit accommodation
extended to the principal debtor.

In Gateway Electronics Corporation v. Asianbank

Corporation, the Court emphasized that [b]y its



METROBANK VS REYNALDO & ADRANDEA of P50,990,976.27[8] as of February 4, 1997 and

undertook to pay the same in bi-monthly
FACTS: amortizations in the sum of P300,000.00 starting
On January 31, 1997, petitioner METROBANK January 15, 1997, covered by postdated checks, plus
charged respondents with the crime of estafa under balloon payment of the remaining principal balance
Article 315, paragraph 1(b) of the Revised Penal and interest and other charges, if any, on December
Code. In the affidavit of petitioners audit officer, it was 31, 2001.[9]
alleged that the special audit uncovered
anomalous/fraudulent transactions by respondents The Prosecutor dismissed the case. According
in connivance with client Universal which are as to Prosecutor Edad, the execution of the Debt
follows; Settlement Agreement puts complainant bank in
 that respondents were the only voting estoppel to argue that the liability is criminal. Since
members of the branch’s credit committee the agreement was made even before the filing of this
authorized to extend credit accommodation case, the relations between the parties [have]
to clients up to P200,000.00; change[d], novation has set in and prevented the
 that through the so-called Bills Purchase incipience of any criminal liability on the part of
Transaction, Universal, which has a paid-up respondents. The petitioner appealed the Resolution
capital of only P125,000.00 and of Prosecutor Edad to the Department of Justice (DOJ)
actual maintaining balance of P5,000.00, was by means of a Petition for Review.
able to make withdrawals The DOJ dismissed the petition ratiocinating
totaling P81,652,000.00[6] against uncleared that it is evident that your client based on the same
regional checks transaction chose to file estafa only against its
 that, consequently, Universal was able to employees and treat with kid gloves its big time client
utilize petitioners funds even before the Universal who was the one who benefited from this
seven-day clearing period for regional checks transaction and instead, agreed that it should be paid
expired; on installment basis. A Motion for
 that Universals withdrawals against Reconsideration [15] was filed by petitioner, but the
uncleared regional check deposits were same was denied on March 1, 2000 by then Acting
without prior approval of petitioners head Secretary of Justice Artemio G. Tuquero. The
office; that the uncleared checks were later petitioner appealed the case to CA
dishonored by the drawee bank for the
reason Account Closed; and, that The CA then affirmed the twin resolutions of
respondents acted with fraud, deceit, and the Secretary of Justice. It ruled that while novation
abuse of confidence. does not extinguish criminal liability, it may prevent
the rise of such liability as long as it occurs prior to the
In their defense, respondents denied filing of the criminal information in court. Hence,
responsibility in the anomalous transactions with according to the CA, just as Universal cannot be held
Universal and claimed that they only intended to help responsible under the bills purchase transactions on
the Port Area branch solicit and increase its deposit account of novation, private respondents, who acted
accounts and daily transactions. in complicity with the former, cannot be made liable
[for] the same transactions. Hence, this instant
Meanwhile, on February 26, 1997, petitioner petition before the Court.
and Universal entered into a Debt Settlement
Agreement[7] whereby the latter acknowledged its ISSUE:
indebtedness to the former in the total amount



Whether or not Novation and undertaking to pay the

amount embezzled extinguish criminal liability. Under Article 1311 of the Civil Code, contracts
take effect only between the parties, their assigns and
RULING: heirs, except in case where the rights and obligations
Novation not a mode of extinguishing criminal liability arising from the contract are not transmissible by
for estafa; Criminal liability for estafa not affected by their nature, or by stipulation or by provision of
compromise or novation of contract. law. The civil law principle of relativity of contracts
provides that contracts can only bind the parties who
Initially, it is best to emphasize that novation entered into it, and it cannot favor or prejudice a third
is not one of the grounds prescribed by the Revised person, even if he is aware of such contract and has
Penal Code for the extinguishment of criminal acted with knowledge thereof.
Criminal liability for estafa is not affected by a In the case at bar, it is beyond cavil that
compromise or novation of contract. In Firaza v. respondents are not parties to the agreement. The
People and Recuerdo v. People, this Court ruled that in intention of the parties thereto not to include them is
a crime of estafa, reimbursement or belated payment evident either in the onerous or in the beneficent
to the offended party of the money swindled by the provisions of said agreement. They are not assigns or
accused does not extinguish the criminal liability of heirs of either of the parties. Not being parties to the
the latter. We also held in People v. Moreno and agreement, respondents cannot take refuge
in People v. Ladera[ that criminal liability for estafa is therefrom to bar their anticipated trial for the crime
not affected by compromise or novation of contract, they committed. It may do well for respondents to
for it is a public offense which must be prosecuted and remember that the criminal action commenced by
punished by the Government on its own motion even petitioner had its genesis from the alleged fraud,
though complete reparation should have been made unfaithfulness, and abuse of confidence perpetrated
of the damage suffered by the offended by them in relation to their positions as responsible
party. Similarly in the case of MetropolitanBank and bank officers. It did not arise from a contractual
Trust Company v. Tondacited by petitioner, we held dispute or matters strictly between petitioner and
that in a crime of estafa, reimbursement of or Universal. This being so, respondents cannot rely on
compromise as to the amount misappropriated, after subject settlement agreement to preclude
the commission of the crime, affects only the civil prosecution of the offense already committed to the
liability of the offender, and not his criminal liability. end of extinguishing their criminal liability or prevent
Thus, the doctrine that evolved from the aforecited the incipience of any liability that may arise from the
cases is that a compromise or settlement entered into criminal offense.
after the commission of the crime does not extinguish
liability for estafa. Neither will the same bar the A close scrutiny of the substance of
prosecution of said crime. Accordingly, in such a Prosecutor Edads Resolution dated July 10, 1997
situation, as in this case, the complaint for estafa readily reveals that were it not for the Debt Settlement
against respondents should not be dismissed just Agreement, there was indeed probable cause to indict
because petitioner entered into a Debt Settlement respondents for the crime charged. From her own
Agreement with Universal. assessment of the Complaint-Affidavit of petitioners
auditor, her preliminary finding is that Ordinarily, the
Even if the instant case is viewed from the offense of estafa has been sufficiently
standpoint of the law on contracts, the disposition established.[45] Interestingly, she suddenly changed
absolving the respondents from criminal liability tack and declared that the agreement altered the
because of novation is still erroneous. relation of the parties and that novation had set in



preventing the incipience of any criminal liability on

respondents. In light of the jurisprudence herein
earlier discussed, the prosecutor should not have
gone that far and executed an apparent somersault

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The

assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP
No. 58548 promulgated on October 21, 2002
affirming the Resolutions dated June 22, 1998 and
March 1, 2000 of the Secretary of Justice, and its
Resolution dated July 12, 2004 denying
reconsideration thereon are hereby REVERSED and
SET ASIDE. The public prosecutor is ordered to file
the necessary information for estafa against the



ASIAN CATHAY FINANCE AND LEASING ISSUE: whether or not failure to disclose interest
CORPORATION VS SPS. CESARIO GRAVADOR rate prior to consummation of a loan transaction
AND NORMA DE VERA AND SPS. EMMA will bind parties to the interest ratedeclared
CONCEPTION G. DUMIGPI AND FREDERICO I. subsequent to consummation
RULING: petition is denied. Authorizing the
FACTS: imposition of iniquitous or unconscionable
On Appeal is The june 10 2008 Decision of CA, in interest is contrary to morals and against the law.
setting aside April 5, 2004 RTC decision These contracts under art 1409 are inexistent and
void from the beginning.
On October 22, 1999, petitioner extended a loan
of P800,000 to respondent CesarioGravador with
co respondents as co makers.

The loan was payable in 60 monthly installments

of P24,400.00 each. Respondent executed a real
estate mortgage over his property on Sta. Maria,
Bulacan to secure the loan. The respondents paid
initial installment due in November 1999 but they
were unable to pay subsequent ones and on
February 1, 2000 they received a letter from
petitioner demanding payment of P1,871,480
within 5 days. Respondents requested for
additional period to settle the account but this
was denied. Petitioner filed a petition for
extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgage with the
office of the deputy sheriff in Malolos, Bulacan.
On April 7, 200, respondents filed a suit for the
annulment of the real estate mortgage and
promissory note with damages and prayer for
issuance of TRO and write of preliminary
injunction. Respondents claimed real estate
mortgage is null and void. Their reason was that
the mortgage does not make reference to the
promissory note dated October 22, 1999 which
does not specify the maturity date if the loan, the
interest rate and the mode of payment and it
illegally imposes liquidated damages. The
mortgage contains a waiver on the mortgagors
right of redemption, which is contrary to law and
public policy. As a result respondents claim that
the foreclosure lacks factual basis and prayed to
the court that the obligation be fixed at 800,000



VELASCO VS. CA of facts where it was agreed that the witnesses of

G.R. No. L-47544 January 28, 1980 GSIS would testify on the execution of the Deed of
Quit-Claim in favor of defendant GSIS by Laigo
Facts: Realty Corporation, freeing said defendant from
Alta Farms secured from the GSIS two loans to any and all claims arising out of the suppliers,
finance a piggery project. These loans were contractors and house builders.
secured by two mortgages. Alta Farms defaulted
in the payment of its amortizations. It is Issue:
presumably because of this that Alta Farms Whether GSIS is liable to petitioners?
executed a Deed of Sale With Assumption of
Mortgage with Asian Engineering Corporation Ruling:
but without the previous consent or approval of Yes. Laigo admittedly has not paid petitioners.
the GSIS and in direct violation of the provisions The "bouncing" checks issued by it in their favor
of the mortgage contracts. Even without the is mentioned by GSIS itself in its statement of the
approval of the Deed of Sale With Assumption of facts. Supreme Court holds that upon this
Mortgage by the GSIS, Asian Engineering premise, it is a fair construction of the Deed of
Corporation executed an Exclusive Sales Agency, Quitclaim aforementioned, that GSIS can be held
Management and Administration Contract in liable to petitioners, without prejudice to its
favor of Laigo Realty Corporation, with intention securing corresponding indemnity from Laigo. It
of converting the piggery farm into a subdivision. is obvious from the terms of said deed that GSIS
Asian Engineering executed another contract contemplated the possibility of its being liable for
with Laigo, whereby Laigo was to undertake the Laigo’s account, otherwise there was no need for
development of the property into a subdivision. the reservation. This is one such liability. In this
Conformably with the two contracts, Laigo connection, while, indeed, Article 1729 refers to
started the development of the lot into a the laborers and materialmen themselves, under
subdivision. Laigo entered into contracts with the peculiar circumstances of this case, it is but
petitoners for the construction of houses for fair and just that petitioners be deemed as suing
home buyers. The checks paid by Laigo to the for the reimbursement of what they have already
petitioners were dishonored. paid the laborers and materialmen, as otherwise
they (petitioners) would be unduly prejudiced
When the petitioners could not collect from Laigo while either Laigo, GSIS or the occupants of the
and the home buyers and after the GSIS houses would enrich themselves at their expense.
foreclosed the subdivision including the It is a bad law that would allow such a result.
improvements, the petitioners sent a letter of
demand GSIS to pay for the indebtedness of Laigo At this juncture, We need to add only that Article
Realty Corporation. 1311 of the Civil Code which GSIS invokes is not
applicable where the situation contemplated in
Petitioners filed a case against the GSIS for the Article 1729 obtains. The intention of the latter
collection of sums of money representing labor provision is to protect the laborers and the
and materials used in the construction of houses materialmen from being taken advantage of by
caused by home buyers through the intercession unscrupulous contractors and from possible
of Laigo Realty Corporation. connivance between owners and contractors.
Thus, a constructive vinculum or contractual
Petitioners and the GSIS filed their ‘Joint privity is created by this provision, by way of
Manifestation’ which in substance is a stipulation exception to the principle underlying Article 1311



between the owner, on the one hand, and those

who furnish labor and/or materials, on the other.
As a matter of fact, insofar as the laborers are
concerned, by a special law, Act No. 3959, they are
given added protection by requiring contractors
to file bonds guaranteeing payment to them. And
under Article 2242 of the Civil Code, paragraphs
(3) and (4), claims of laborers and materialmen,
respectively, enjoy preference among the
creditors of the owner in regard to specific
immovable property.

As regards Article 526 of the Civil Code also

invoked by GSIS, suffice it to say that this
provision refers particularly to instances where
the bad faith or the good faith of the builder is the
decisive factor in determining liability. In the case
at bar, there is no necessity to pass on the
question of whether petitioners acted in good
faith or bad faith, for the simple reason that under
the Deed of Quitclaim, GSIS freely accepted the
benefits of what they have accomplished.




NATIONAL BANK Should the contract contain any stipulation in
G.R. No. 16454 September 29, 1921 favor of a third person, he may demand its
STREET, J.: fulfillment, provided he has given notice of his
acceptance to the person bound before the
FACTS: stipulation has been revoked. (Art. 1257, par. 2,
Civ. Code.) In the light of the conclusion thus
George A. Kauffman, was the president of a stated, the right of the plaintiff to maintain the
domestic corporation engaged chiefly in the present action is clear enough; for it is undeniable
exportation of hemp from the Philippine Islands that the bank's promise to cause a definite sum of
and known as the Philippine Fiber and Produce money to be paid to the plaintiff in NYC is a
Company, of which company the plaintiff stipulation in his favor within the meaning of the
apparently held in his own right nearly the entire paragraph above quoted; and the circumstances
issue of capital stock. He was based in New York under which that promise was given disclose an
City and as the president of the said company, he evident intention on the part of the contracting
was entitled to receive a dividend; as per parties that the plaintiff should have the money
instruction, Wicks who worked as the treasurer of upon demand in NYC. The recognition of this
the company, went to the exchange department of unqualified right in the plaintiff to receive the
PNB and requested a telegraphic transfer of the money implies in our opinion the right in him to
money to Kauffman. maintain an action to recover it.

The PNB agreed with additional charges for the It will be noted that under the paragraph cited a
transaction. The treasurer issued a check to PNB third person seeking to enforce compliance with
and it was accepted. The PNB’s representative in a stipulation in his favor must signify his
New York sent a message suggesting the acceptance before it has been revoked. In this
advisability of withholding this money from case the plaintiff clearly signified his acceptance
Kauffman, in view of his reluctance to accept to the bank by demanding payment; and although
certain bills of the company. PNB acquiesced in PNB had already directed its NY agency to
this and dispatched to its NY agency a message to withhold payment when this demand was made,
withhold the Kauffman payment as suggested. the rights of the plaintiff cannot be considered to
Meanwhile, Wicks then informed Kauffman that as there used, must be understood to imply
his dividends had been wired to his credit in the revocation by the mutual consent of the
NY agency of PNB. So Kauffman went to PNB contracting parties, or at least by direction of the
office in NYC and demanded the money, however, party purchasing he exchange. Thus, it was said,
he was refused payment. So he filed this "Cable transfers, therefore, mean a method of
complaint. transmitting money by cable wherein the seller
engages that he has the balance at the point on
ISSUE: which the payment is ordered and that on receipt
of the cable directing the transfer his
Whether or not Kauffman has a right of action correspondent at such point will make payment
against PNB? to the beneficiary described in the cable. All these
transaction are matters of purchase and sale
HELD: create no trust relationship."

Yes. It is a stipulation pour autrui.



BONIFACIO BROS., INC., ET.AL., v. ENRIQUE delay, subject to the condition that "Loss,
MORA, ET.AL if any is payable to H.S. Reyes, Inc.," by
G.R. No. L-20853, May 29, 1967 virtue of the fact that said Oldsmobile
sedan was mortgaged in favor of the said
FACTS: H.S. Reyes, Inc. and that under a clause in
Enrique Mora owned an Oldsmobile sedan said insurance policy, any loss was made
which he mortgaged to H.S. Reyes Inc. (HSRI) payable to the H.S. Reyes, Inc. as
with the condition that Mora would insure the Mortgagee;
sedan and H.S. Reyes would be the beneficiary. xxx xxx xxx
The sedan was insured with State Bonding & The car was involved in an accident and
Insurance Co., Inc. (SBICI) and the pertinent SBICI assigned the accident to Bayne Adjustment
provisions of the policy are as follows: Co for investigation and appraisal of the damage.
1. The Company (referring to the State Mora authorized Bonifacio Bros Inc. (BBI) to
Bonding & Insurance Co., Inc.) will, repair the sedan and Ayala Auto Parts Co. (AAPC)
subject to the Limits of Liability, supplied the materials. The amount for the labor
indemnify the Insured against loss of or and the materials was PhP2,102.73. The car was
damages to the Motor Vehicle and its delivered to Mora even without the payment to
accessories and spare parts whilst BBI and AAPC. SBICI issued a check amounting to
thereon; (a) by accidental collision or PhP2002.73 as the proceeds of the insurance
overturning or collision or overturning policy in favor of Mora or HSRI and entrusted the
consequent upon mechanical check with Bayne Adjustment for the delivery to
breakdown or consequent upon wear the proper party.
and tear, BBI and AAPC filed a complaint for
xxx xxx xxx collection of sum of money against Mora and
2. At its own option the Company may SBICI alleging that the insurance proceeds should
pay in cash the amount of the loss or be paid directly to them. SBICI filed its Answer
damage or may repair, reinstate, or with counterclaim for interpleader requiring BBI
replace the Motor Vehicle or any part and HSRI to interplead in order to determine who
thereof or its accessories or spare parts. has the better right over the insurance proceeds.
The liability of the Company shall not The Municipal Court declared HSRI as having the
exceed the value of the parts whichever better right. Upon appeal, the CFI affirmed the
is the less. The Insured's estimate of decision. The Motion for Reconsideration was
value stated in the schedule will be the denied.
maximum amount payable by the
Company in respect of any claim for loss ISSUE:
or damage.1äwphï1.ñët Whether there is privity of contract between
xxx xxx xxx BBI/AAPC and SBICI since the latter and Mora
4. The Insured may authorize the repair were the parties to the repair of the car based on
of the Motor Vehicle necessitated by the following:
damage for which the Company may be a. paragraph 4 of the contract which states
liable under this Policy provided that: — that:
(a) The estimated cost of such repair
“4. The Insured may authorize the repair
does not exceed the Authorized Repair
Limit, (b) A detailed estimate of the cost of the Motor Vehicle necessitated by
damage for which the Company may be
is forwarded to the Company without
liable under this Policy provided that: —



(a) The estimated cost of such repair does with the avowed purpose of conferring a favor
not exceed the Authorized Repair Limit, upon such third person. In this connection, this
(b) A detailed estimate of the cost is Court has laid down the rule that the fairest test
forwarded to the Company without delay” to determine whether the interest of a third
b. Bayne Adjustment Company’s person in a contract is a stipulation pour autrui or
recommendation of payment of BBI and merely an incidental interest, is to rely upon the
AAPC’s bill and the issuance of SBICI of the intention of the parties as disclosed by their
check amounting to PhP2,002.73 indicates contract. In the instant case the insurance
that Mora and Bayne Adjustment acted for contract does not contain any words or clauses to
and in representation for the insurance disclose an intent to give any benefit to any
company. repairmen or materialmen in case of repair of the
car in question. The parties to the insurance
contract omitted such stipulation, which is a
circumstance that supports the said conclusion.
No. The SC held that the arguments of BBI On the other hand, the "loss payable" clause of the
and AAPC does not have merit and that the cause
insurance policy stipulates that "Loss, if any, is
of action rest exclusively upon the terms of the
payable to H.S. Reyes, Inc." indicating that it was
insurance contract. BBI and AAPC sought to
only the H.S. Reyes, Inc. which they intended to
recover the insurance proceeds and relied on benefit.”
paragraph 4 of the insurance contract executed
by and between SBICI and Mora. “The SC likewise observe from the brief of SBICI
“The appellants are not mentioned in the contract that it has vehemently opposed the assertion or
as parties thereto nor is there any clause or pretension of the appellants that they are privy to
provision thereof from which we can infer that the contract. If it were the intention of the
there is an obligation on the part of the insurance insurance company to make itself liable to the
company to pay the cost of repairs directly to
repair shop or materialmen, it could have easily
them. It is fundamental that contracts take effect
inserted in the contract a stipulation to that effect.
only between the parties thereto, except in some To hold now that the original parties to the
specific instances provided by law where the
insurance contract intended to confer upon the
contract contains some stipulation in favor of a
appellants the benefit claimed by them would
third person.Such stipulation is known as
require us to ignore the indespensable requisite
stipulation pour autrui or a provision in favor of a that a stipulation pour autrui must be clearly
third person not a pay to the contract. Under this expressed by the parties, which we cannot do.
doctrine, a third person is allowed to avail himself
of a benefit granted to him by the terms of the As regards paragraph 4 of the insurance contract,
contract, provided that the contracting parties a perusal thereof would show that instead of
have clearly and deliberately conferred a favor establishing privity between the appellants and
upon such person. Consequently, a third person the insurance company, such stipulation merely
not a party to the contract has no action against establishes the procedure that the insured has to
the parties thereto, and cannot generally demand
follow in order to be entitled to indemnity for
the enforcement of the same. The question of repair. This paragraph therefore should not be
whether a third person has an enforceable
construed as bringing into existence in favor of
interest in a contract, must be settled by the appellants a right of action against the
determining whether the contracting parties insurance company as such intention can
intended to tender him such an interest by
deliberately inserting terms in their agreement





FLORENTINO VS ENCARNACION Whether the co-owners intended to benefit the

Church when in their extrajudicial partition of
FACTS: several parcels of land inherited by them from
On May 22, 1964, the petitioners-appellants Doña Encarnacion Florendo they agreed that with
Miguel Florentino, Remedios Encarnacion de respect to the land situated in Barrio Lubong
Florentino, Manuel Arce, Jose Florentino, Dacquel Cabugao Ilocos Sur, the fruits thereof
Victorino Florentino, Antonio Florentino, shall serve to defray the religious expenses
Remedior, Encarnacion and Severina specified in Exhibit O-1.
Encamacion, and the Petitiners-appellees
Salvador Encamacion, Sr., Salvador Encamacion, RULING:
Jr. and Angel Encarnacion filed with the Court of The evidence on record shows that the true intent
First Instance of ilocos Sur an application for the of the parties is to confer a direct and material
registration under Act 496 of a parcel of benefit upon the Church. The fruits of the
agricultural land located at Barrio Lubong aforesaid land were used thenceforth to defray
Dacquel Cabugao Ilocos Sur. the expenses of the Church in the preparation and
celebration of the Holy Week, an annual Church
The application alleged among other things that function.
the applicants are the common and pro-indiviso
owners in fee simple of the said land with the We find that the trial court erred in holding that
improvements existing thereon; that to the best of the stipulation, arrangement or grant (Exhibit O-
their knowledge and belief, there is no mortgage, 1) is revocable at the option of the co-owners.
lien or encumbrance of any kind whatever While a stipulation in favor of a third person has
affecting said land, nor any other person having no binding effect in itself before its acceptance by
any estate or interest thereon, legal or equitable, the party favored, the law does not provide when
remainder, reservation or in expectancy; that said the third person must make his acceptance. As a
applicants had acquired the aforesaid land thru rule, there is no time at such third person has
and by inheritance from their predecessors in after the time until the stipulation is revoked. The
interest, lately from their aunt, Doña Encarnacion Court find that the Church accepted the
Florentino who died in Vigan, Ilocos Sur in 1941, stipulation in its favor before it is sought to be
and for which the said land was adjudicated to revoked by some of the co-owners, namely the
them by virtue of the deed of extrajudicial petitioners-appellants herein. It is not disputed
partition dated August 24, 1947; that applicants that from the time of the with of Doña
Salvador Encarnacion, Jr. and Angel Encarnacion Encarnacion Florentino in 1941, as had always
acquired their respective shares of the land thru been the case since time immemorial up to a year
purchase from the original heirs, Jesus, Caridad, before the firing of their application in May 1964,
Lourdes and Dolores surnamed Singson one hand the Church had been enjoying the benefits of the
and from Asuncion Florentino on the other. stipulation. The enjoyment of benefits flowing
therefrom for almost seventeen years without
The crucial point in controversy in this question from any quarters can only be construed
registration case is centered in the stipulation as an implied acceptance by the Church of the
marked Exhibit O-1 embodied in the deed of stipulation pour autrui before its revocation. The
extrajudicial partition (Exhibit O) dated August acceptance does not have to be in any particular
24, 1947. form, even when the stipulation is for the third
person an act of liberality or generosity on the
part of the promisor or promise. It need not be

made expressly and formally. Notification of admitted in a Deed of Real Mortgage executed by
acceptance, other than such as is involved in the them on March 8, 1962 involving their shares of
making of demand, is unnecessary. A trust the subject land that, "This parcel of land is
constituted between two contracting parties for encumbered as evidenced by the document No.
the benefit of a third person is not subject to the 420, page 94, Book 1, series 1947, executed by the
rules governing donation of real property. The heirs of the late Encarnacion Florentino, on
beneficiary of a trust may demand performance of August 26, 1947, before M. Francisco Ante, Notwy
the obligation without having formally accepted Public of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, in its page 10 of the
the benefit of the this in a public document, upon said document of partition, and also by other
mere acquiescence in the formation of the trust documents."
and acceptance under the second paragraph of
Art. 1257 of the Civil Code. The annotation of Exhibit O-1 on the face of the
Hence, the stipulation (Exhibit O-1) cannot now title to be issued in this case is merely a guarantee
be revoked by any of the stipulators at their own of the continued enforcement and fulfillment of
option. This must be so because of Article 1257, the beneficial stipulation. It is error for the lower
Civil Code and the cardinal rule of contracts that court to rule that the petitioners-appellants are
it has the force of law between the parties. Thus, not the real parties in interest, but the Church.
this Court ruled in Garcia v. Rita Legarda, Inc., That one of the parties to a contract pour autrui is
"Article 1309 is a virtual reproduction of Article entitled to bring an action for its enforcement or
1256 of the Civil Code, so phrased to emphasize to prevent its breach is too clear to need any
that the contract must bind both parties, based on extensive discussion. Upon the other hand, that
the principles (1) that obligation arising from the contract involved contained a stipulation
contracts have the force of law between the pour autrui amplifies this settled rule only in the
contracting parties; and (2) that there must be sense that the third person for whose benefit the
mutuality between the parties based on their contract was entered into may also demand its
principle equality, to which is repugnant to have fulfillment provoked he had communicated his
one party bound by the contract leaving the other acceptance thereof to the obligor before the
free therefrom." stipulation in his favor is revoked

Consequently, Salvador Encarnacion, Sr. must IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the decision of the
bear with Exhibit O-1, being a signatory to the Court of First Instance of Ilocos Sur in Land
Deed of Extrajudicial Partition embodying such Registration Case No. N-310 is affirmed but
beneficial stipulation. Likewise, with regards to modified to allow the annotation of Exhibit O-1 as
Salvador, Jr. and Angel Encarnacion, they too are an encumbrance on the face of the title to be
bound to the agreement. Being subsequent finally issued in favor of all the applications
purchasers, they are privies or successors in (herein appellants and herein appellees) in the
interest; it is axiomatic that contracts are registration proceedings below.
enforceable against the parties and their privies.
Furthermore, they are shown to have given their
conformity to such agreement when they kept
their peace in 1962 and 1963, having already
bought their respective shares of the subject land
but did not question the enforcement of the
agreement as against them. They are also shown
to have knowledge of Exhibit O-1 as they had




(G.R. No. 74521 November 11, 1986) WON a third party may question the
identity/validity of the beneficiary
FACTS: Private respondent Air Cargo and Travel of a stipulation pour autrui.
Corporation (ACTC) is the owner of Account
Number 19842-01-2 with petitioner Bank of HELD: No, the identity of the beneficiary should
America (BANKAMERICA). Toshiyuki Minami, be in accordance with the identification made by
President of ACTC in Japan, is the owner of the parties to the contract, and a third party not
Account Number 24506-01-7 with Bank. privy to said contract cannot question that
identification as it is not a party to the
On March 10, 1981, the BANKAMERICA received arrangement.
a tested telex advise from Kyowa Bank of Japan
(KYOWA) stating, “ADVISE PAY USDLS 23,595. — In this case, the SC noted that the tested telex
TO YOUR A/C NBR 24506-01-7 OF A. C. TRAVEL originated from KYOWA at the behest of Tokyo
CORPORATION MR. TOSHIYUKO MINAMI.” Thus, Tourist Corporation with whom ACTC had
BANKAMERICA credited the amount of business dealings. Minami, on the other hand, was
US$23,595.00 to Account Number 24506-07-1 the liaison officer of ACTC in Japan. As the entity
(should be 24506-01-7) owned by Minami, who responsible for the tested telex was Tokyo Tourist
then withdrew P180,000.00 (equivalent of Corporation, it can reasonably be concluded that
US$23,595.00) from his account at if it had intended that the US$23,595.00 should be
BANKAMERICA. Evidently, there was a previous credited to ACTC, upon learning that the amount
contractual agreement between KYOWA and was credited to Minami, it should have gone,
BANKAMERICA that, from time to time, KYOWA together with the representatives of ACTC, in
can ask BANKAMERICA to pay amounts to a third protest to KYOWA and lodged a protest. Since that
party (beneficiary) with BANKAMERICA was not done, it could well be that Tokyo Tourist
afterwards billing KYOWA the indicated amount Corporation had really intended its remittance to
given to the beneficiary. be credited to Minami. The identity of the
beneficiary should be in accordance with the
Accdg to ACTC, Tokyo Tourist Corporation, Japan, identification made by KYOWA, and ACTC cannot
applied with KYOWA for telegraphic transfer of question that identification as it is not a party to
US$23,595.00 payable to ACTC's account with the arrangement between KYOWA and
that the amount should have been credited to its
account and demanded restitution, but

ACTC filed suit for damages against

BANKAMERICA and Minami before the RTC for
failure of BANKAMERICA to restitute. Minami was
declared in default. Thereafter, judgment was
rendered against BANKAMERICA and Minami.
Upon appeal, the CA "affirmed in toto, " except
that the dollar-peso rate of ex-change would be
that "at the time of payment."



PARAS, J.: On March 16, 1966, respondent Interocean
Shipping Corporation filed a complaint-in-
FACTS: In 1964 Philippine Traders Corporation intervention to collect what it claims to be its loss
and Union Import and Export Corporation of income by way of commission and expenses.
entered into a joint business venture for the
purchase of copra from Indonesia for sale in On November 22, 1969 the CFI rendered its
Europe. Exequiel Toeg of Interocean was decision in favor of petitioner.
commissioned to look for a vessel and he found
the vessel "SS Paxoi" of Marimperio available. Plaintiffs filed a Motion for Reconsideration
Philippine and Union authorized Toeg to and/or new trial. The trial court reversed its
negotiate for its charter but with instructions to decision on January 24, 1978.
keep confidential the fact that they are the real
charterers. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration
and/or new trial, which the court denied on
On March 21, 1965, in London England, a September 10, 1970.
"Uniform Time Charter" for the hire of vessel
"Paxoi" was entered into by the owner, On Appeal, the CA affirmed the amended decision
Marimperio Compania Naviera, S.A. through its of the lower court except the portion granting
agents N. & J. Vlassopulos Ltd. and Matthews commission to the intervenor- appellee, which it
Wrightson, Burbridge, Ltd. representing reversed thereby dismissing the complaint-in-
Interocean Shipping Corporation, which was intervention.
made to appear as charterer, although it merely
acted in behalf of the real charterers, private ISSUE: Whether or not respondents have the legal
respondents. capacity to bring the suit for specific performance
against petitioner based on the charter party
On March 30, 1965 plaintiff Charterer cabled a
firm offer to P.T. Karkam. The Charterer was RULING: According to Article 1311 of the Civil
however twice in default in its payments which Code, a contract takes effect between the parties
were supposed to have been done in advance. who made it, and also their assigns and heirs,
except in cases where the rights and obligations
On April 29, 1965, the shipowners entered into arising from the contract are not transmissible by
another charter agreement with another their nature, or by stipulation or by provision of
Charterer, the Nederlansche Stoomvart of law. Since a contract may be violated only by the
Amsterdam. Meanwhile, the original Charterer parties, thereto as against each other, in an action
again remitted on April 30, 1965, the amount upon that contract, the real parties in interest,
corresponding to the 3rd 15-day hire of the vessel either as plaintiff or as defendant, must be parties
"PAXOI" but this time the remittance was refused. to said contract. Therefore, a party who has not
taken part in it cannot sue or be sued for
On May 3, 1965, respondents Union Import and performance or for cancellation thereof, unless he
Export Corporation and Philippine Traders shows that he has a real interest affected thereby.
Corporation filed a complaint with the CFI against
the owners of the Vessel "SS Paxoi" for specific In the law of agency with an undisclosed
performance with prayer for preliminary principal, the Civil Code in Article 1883 reads: If
attachment. an agent acts in his own name, the principal has



no right of action against the persons with whom

the agent has contracted; neither have such
persons against the principal.

In such case the agent is the one directly bound in

favor of the person with whom he has contracted,
as if the transaction were his own, except when
the contract involves things belonging to the

The provisions of this article shall be understood

to be without prejudice to the actions between the
principal and agent.

While in the instant case, the true charterers of

the vessel were the private respondents herein
and they chartered the vessel through an
intermediary which upon instructions from them
did not disclose their names. Article 1883 cannot
help the private respondents, because although
they were the actual principals in the charter of
the vessel, the law does not allow them to bring
any action against the adverse party and vice,




PADRES AGUSTINOS RECOLETOS Issue: Whether Recoletos is liable to Daywalt?

Facts: Held: No, it is not liable.

In1902, Teodorica Endencia executed a The stranger who interferes in a contract

contract whereby she obligated herself to between other parties cannot become more
conveyto Geo W. Daywalt a 452-hectare parcel of extensively liable in damages for the non-
land for P 4000. They agreed that a deed should performance of the contract than the party in
beexecuted as soon as Endencia’s title to the land whose behalf heintermediates. Hence, in order to
was perfected in the Court of Land determine the liability of the Recoletos, there is
Registrationand a Torrens title issued in her first a need toconsider the liability of Endencia to
name. When the Torrens title was issued, Daywalt. The damages claimed by Daywalt from
Endencia found outthat the property measured Endenciacannot be recovered from her, first,
1248 hectares instead of 452 hectares, as she because these are special damages w/c were not
initially believed.Because of this, she became w/in thecontemplation of the parties when the
reluctant to transfer the whole tract to Daywalt, contract was made, and secondly, these damages
claiming that shenever intended to sell so large an are tooremote to be the subject of recovery. Since
amount and that she had been misinformed as to Endencia is not liable for damages to
its area.Daywalt filed an action for specific Daywalt,neither can the Recoletos be held liable.
performance. The SC ordered Endencia to convey As already suggested, by advising Endencia not
the entiretract to Daywalt.Meanwhile, La toperform the contract, the Recoletos could in no
Corporacion de los Padres Agustinos Recoletos event render itself more extensively liable
(Recoletos), was a religiouscorp., w/c owned an thanthe principal in the contract.
estate immediately adjacent to the property sold
by Endencia to Daywalt. Italso happened that Fr.
Sanz, the representative of the Recoletos, exerted
some influence andascendancy over Endencia,
who was a woman of little force and easily subject
to the influence of other people. Fr. Sanz knew of
the existence of the contracts with Daywalt and
discouraged her from conveying the entire tract.

Daywalt filed an action for damages

against the Recoletos on the ground that it
unlawfullyinduced Endencia to refrain from the
performance of her contract for the sale of the
land inquestion and to withhold delivery of the
Torrens title. Daywalt’s claim for damages against
theRecoletos was for the huge sum of P 500,000
[in the year 1919], since he claims that because
of the interference of the Recoletos, she failed to
consummate a contract with another person for
thesale of the property and its conversion into a
sugar mill.



GILCHRIST VS. CUDDY The appellants take the position that if the
G.R. No. L-9356 February 18, 1915 preliminary injunction had not been issued
against them they could have exhibited the film in
Facts: their theater for a number of days beginning May
Cuddy was the owner of the film Zigomar, he 26, and could have also subleased it to other
rented it to C. S. Gilchrist for a week for P125, and theater owners in the nearby towns and, by so
it was to be delivered on the 26th of May. A few doing, could have cleared, during the life of their
days prior to this Cuddy sent the money back to contract with Cuddy, the amount claimed as
Gilchrist, which he had forwarded to him in damages.
Manila, saying that he had made other
arrangements with his film. The other Thus, an appeal was filed before the Supreme
arrangements was the rental to these defendants Court.
Espejo and his partner for P350 for the week and
the injunction was asked by Gilchrist against Issue:
these parties from showing it for the week Were the appellants likewise liable for interfering
beginning the 26th of May. with the contract between Gilchrist and Cuddy,
they not knowing at the time the identity of one of
It appears from the testimony in this case, the contracting parties?
conclusively, that Cuddy willfully violated his
contract, he being the owner of the picture, with Ruling:
Gilchrist because the defendants had offered him Yes. It is said that the ground on which the liability
more for the same period. Mr. Espejo at the trial of a third party for interfering with a contract
on the permanent injunction on the 26th of May between others rests, is that the interference was
admitted that he knew that Cuddy was the owner malicious. The contrary view, however, is taken
of the film. He was trying to get it through his by the Supreme Court of the United States in the
agents Pathe Brothers in Manila. He is the agent case of Angle vs. Railway Co. (151 U. S., 1). The
of the same concern in Iloilo. There is in evidence only motive for interference by the third party in
in this case on the trial today as well as on the that case was the desire to make a profit to the
26th of May, letters showing that the Pathe injury of one of the parties of the contract. There
Brothers in Manila advised this man on two was no malice in the case beyond the desire to
different occasions not to contend for this film make an unlawful gain to the detriment of one of
Zigomar because the rental price was prohibitive the contracting parties.
and assured him also that he could not get the film
for about six weeks. The last of these letters was In the case at bar the only motive for the
written on the 26th of April, which showed interference with the Gilchrist — Cuddy contract
conclusively that he knew they had to get this film on the part of the appellants was a desire to make
from Cuddy and from this letter that the agent in a profit by exhibiting the film in their theater.
Manila could not get it, but he made Cuddy an There was no malice beyond this desire; but this
offer himself and Cuddy accepted it because he fact does not relieve them of the legal liability for
was paying about three times as much as he had interfering with that contract and causing its
contracted with Gilchrist for. Therefore, in the breach. It is, therefore, clear, under the above
opinion of the court, the defendants failed signally authorities, that they were liable to Gilchrist for
to show the injunction against the defendant was the damages caused by their acts, unless they are
wrongfully procured. relieved from such liability by reason of the fact



that they did not know at the time the identity of

the original lessee (Gilchrist) of the film.

The liability of the appellants arises from

unlawful acts and not from contractual
obligations, as they were under no such
obligations to induce Cuddy to violate his contract
with Gilchrist. So that if the action of Gilchrist had
been one for damages, it would be governed by
chapter 2, title 16, book 4 of the Civil Code. Article
1902 of that code provides that a person who, by
act or omission, causes damages to another when
there is fault or negligence, shall be obliged to
repair the damage do done. There is nothing in
this article which requires as a condition
precedent to the liability of a tort-feasor that he
must know the identity of a person to whom he
causes damages. In fact, the chapter wherein this
article is found clearly shows that no such
knowledge is required in order that the injured
party may recover for the damage suffered.

The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the

trial court.



ESTATE OF K. H. HEMADY, DECEASED, which comes in to their hands by right of

VS.LUZON SURETY CO., INC., CLAIMANT- inheritance; they take such property subject to all
APPELLANT the obligations resting thereon in the hands of
G.R. No. L-8437 November 28, 1956 him from whom they derive their rights.” The
third exception to the transmissibility of
FACTS: Luzon Surety filed a claim against the obligations under Article 1311 exists when they
estate of K.H. Hemady based on indemnity are ‘not transmissible by operation of law.’ The
agreements (counterbonds) subscribed by provision makes reference to those cases where
distinct principals and by the deceased K.H. the law expresses that the rights or obligations
Hemady as surety (solidary guarantor). As a are extinguished by death, as is the case in legal
contingent claim, Luzon Surety prayed for the support, parental authority, usufruct, contracts
allowance of the value of the indemnity for a piece of work, partnership and agency. By
agreements it had executed. The lower court contrast, the articles of the Civil Code that
dismissed the claim of Luzon Surety on the regulate guaranty or suretyship contain no
ground that “whatever losses may occur after provision that the guaranty is extinguished upon
Hemady’s death, are not chargeable to his estate, the death of the guarantor or the surety.
because upon his death he ceased to be a The contracts of suretyship in favor of
guarantor.” Luzon Surety Co. not being rendered
intransmissible due to the nature of the
ISSUES: Whether or not a party's contractual undertaking, nor by stipulations of the contracts
rights and obligations are transmissible to the themselves, nor by provision of law, his eventual
successors? liability therefrom necessarily passed upon his
death to his heirs. The contracts, therefore, give
HELD: Under the present Civil Code (Article rise to contingent claims provable against his
1311), the rule is that “Contracts take effect only estate. A contingent liability of a deceased person
as between the parties, their assigns and heirs, is part and parcel of the mass of obligations that
except in case where the rights and obligations must be paid if and when the contingent liability
arising from the contract are not transmissible by is converted into a real liability. Therefore,
their nature, or by stipulation or by provision of the settlement or final liquidation of the estate
law.” While in our successional system the must be deferred until such time as the bonded
responsibility of the heirs for the debts of their indebtedness is paid.
decedent cannot exceed the value of the
inheritance they receive from him, the principle
remains intact that these heirs succeed not only
to the rights of the deceased but also to his
obligations. Articles 774 and 776 of the New Civil
Code expressly so provide, thereby confirming
Article 1311.
In Mojica v. Fernandez, the Supreme Court
ruled — “Under the Civil Code the heirs, by virtue
of the rights of succession are subrogated to all
the rights and obligations of the deceased (Article
661) and cannot be regarded as third parties with
respect to a contract to which the deceased was a
party, touching the estate of the deceased x xx



SO PING BUN vs. COURT OF APPEALS contracts of lease with DCCSI in favor Trendsetter
G.R. No. 120554. September 21, 1999, Marketing. So Ping Bun claimed that after the
QUISUMBING, J.: death of his grandfather, So Pek Giok, he had been
occupying the premises for his textile business
Facts: In 1963, Tek Hua Trading Co, through its and religiously paid rent. DCCSI acceded to
managing partner, So Pek Giok, entered into lease petitioners request.
agreements with lessor Dee C. Chuan & Sons Inc.
(DCCSI). Subjects of four (4) lease contracts were Issue: Whether So Ping Bun is guilty of tortuous
premises located at Nos. 930, 930-Int., 924-B and interference of contract.
924-C, Soler Street, Binondo, Manila. Tek Hua
used the areas to store its textiles. The contracts Held: Yes, The elements of tort interference are:
each had a one-year term. They provided that (1) existence of a valid contract; (2) knowledge on
should the lessee continue to occupy the premises the part of the third person of the existence of
after the term, the lease shall be on a month-to- contract; and (3) interference of the third person
month basis. is without legal justification or excuse.
Damage is the loss, hurt, or harm which results
When the contracts expired, the parties did not from injury, and damages are the recompense or
renew the contracts, but Tek Hua continued to compensation awarded for the damage
occupy the premises. In 1976, Tek Hua Trading suffered.[6] One becomes liable in an action for
Co. was dissolved. Later, the original members of damages for a nontrespassory invasion of
Tek Hua Trading Co. including Manuel C. Tiong, anothers interest in the private use and
formed Tek Hua Enterprising Corp., herein enjoyment of asset if (a) the other has property
respondent corporation.So Pek Giok, managing rights and privileges with respect to the use or
partner of Tek Hua Trading, died in 1986. So Pek enjoyment interfered with, (b) the invasion is
Gioks grandson, petitioner So Ping Bun, occupied substantial, (c) the defendants conduct is a legal
the warehouse for his own textile business, cause of the invasion, and (d) the invasion is
Trendsetter Marketing. either intentional and unreasonable or
unintentional and actionable under general
On August 1, 1989, lessor DCCSI sent letters negligence rules.
addressed to Tek Hua Enterprises, informing the
latter of the 25% increase in rent effective A duty which the law of torts is concerned with is
September 1, 1989. The rent increase was later on respect for the property of others, and a cause of
reduced to 20% effective January 1, 1990, upon action ex delicto may be predicated upon an
other lessees demand. Again on December 1, unlawful interference by one person of the
1990, the lessor implemented a 30% rent enjoyment by the other of his private property.
increase. Enclosed in these letters were new lease This may pertain to a situation where a third
contracts for signing. DCCSI warned that failure of person induces a party to renege on or violate his
the lessee to accomplish the contracts shall be undertaking under a contract. In the case before
deemed as lack of interest on the lessees part, and us, petitioners Trendsetter Marketing asked
agreement to the termination of the lease. Private DCCSI to execute lease contracts in its favor, and
respondents did not answer any of these letters. as a result petitioner deprived respondent
Still, the lease contracts were not rescinded until corporation of the latters property right. Clearly,
the respondent send a notice to vacate to the and as correctly viewed by the appellate court,
petitioner however Petitioner refused to vacate. the three elements of tort interference above-
On March 4, 1992, petitioner requested formal mentioned are present in the instant case.





TONG BROTHERS CO vs. IAC and JULIANO AND duty to do so. Thevessel was not repaired.
COMPANY Instead, it undocked the vessel and left it exposed
G.R. No. 73918 December 21, 1987 to the elements where it remained until it became
a total loss.
Petitioners and the PrivateRespondents (PR) had ISSUE
business relationship for over 10 years. Whether or not there was a perfected contract
Petitioners used to repair the vessels owned by between the petitioner and the private
(PR). The procedure was for these vessels to be respondent to repair the vessel.
drydocked and repaired and after each job, a
statement of account would be sent to the (PR), HELD
which remitted payments to the Petitioners in No, there was no perfected contract between the
varying amounts.The last vessel of (PR) which petitioner and the private respondent to repair
was drydocked at the VARADERO DE RECODO the vessel Zamboanga-J. There was not yet a
(business name of thepetitioners) was meeting of the minds as to the cause of the
Zamboanga- J.It was drydocked andpaid (PR) contract. The cause of a contract is the immediate,
P15,000.00, representing partial payment of its direct and proximate reason which justifies the
old accounts (this amount paid is considered by creation of an obligation thru the will of the
(PR)as their downpayment). Because of the contracting parties. For the private respondent,
extensive repair to be done on the vessel, the cause of the contract was the repair of its
Petitioners prepared a written contract for the vessel Zamboanga-J while for the petitioner the
signature of (PR’s) authorized representative. In cause would be its commitment to repair the
said written contract, (PR) was to have deposited vessel and make it seaworthy.The telegrams
with Petitionersthe amount of P50,000.00, among dated January 17, January 20, and January 28,
others. Mr. Luis Canto man of (PR’s) in 1975 sent by the petitioner to the private
Zamboanga City, was informed on several respondent, however, indicate that the former
occasions by Petitionersto get in touch with his had not accepted the repair of Zamboanga-J, the
employer in Cotabato City, the purpose being was reason being that the extent of the repair to be
(sic) (PR’s) representative to see for himself the made necessitated a major expense so that the
extent of the deterioration of the vessel and to petitioner insisted on the presence of the private
sign the written contract prepared by Petitioners. respondent for evaluation before it accepted the
No authorized representative of (PR) came to repair of the wooden vessel. That the petitioner
Zamboanga City.It sent, however, several had not yet consented to the contract is evident
telegrams to Petitionersdemanding, among when it sent a telegram stating: "... NO
others, that Petitioners repair the vessel, there AGREEMENT AS TO THE EX TENT OF REPAIRS
being an earlier agreement between AND PAYMENT WILL UNDOCK VESSEL." The fact
Petitionersand Mr.ProtacioJuliano, authorized that the private respondent who received this
representative of (PR).On the other hand, telegram ignored it, confirms that there was no
Petitioners advised (PR) to send its authorized perfected contract to repair.
representative to Zamboanga City to see for
himself the extent of the deterioration of the
vessel, and insisted, among others, that it had no
contract with (PR) for the repair of Zamboanga-J.
In addition thereto, (PR)never bothered to secure
the Job Order from the Coast Guard, it being its



CLEMENTE VS. CA, JALANDOON Philippines, she registered the sale over Lots 32
and 34, and TCTs were issued in her name.
Adela owned three (3) adjoining parcels of land in After Adela died in the United States, Valentina
Scout Ojeda Street, Diliman, Quezon City, sought to eject Annie and Carlos Sr., who were
subdivided as Lots 32, 34 and 35-B (the then staying on the Properties. Only then did
"Properties"). During her lifetime, Adela allowed Annie and Carlos Sr. learn of the transfer of titles
her children, namely, Annie ShotwellJalandoon, to petitioner. Thus, on July 9, 1990, Annie, Carlos
Carlos G. Shotwell ("Carlos Sr."), Anselmo G. Sr. and Anselmo, represented by Annie, filed a
Shotwell and Corazon S. Basset, and her complaint for reconveyance of propertyagainst
grandchildren, the use and possession of the petitioner before Branch 89 of the RTC of Quezon
Properties and its improvements. City.

Sometime in 1985 and 1987, Adela simulated the In the course of the trial, private respondents
transfer of Lots 32 and Lot 34 to her two discovered that Adela and petitioner executed
grandsons from Carlos Sr., namely, Carlos V. another deed of absolute sale20 over Lot 35-B on
Shotwell, Jr. ("Carlos Jr.") and Dennis V. Shotwell. April 25, 1989 (collectively with the deed of
As a consequence, TCTs were issued in favor of absolute sale over Lots 32 and 34, "Deeds of
the two grandsons.It is undisputed that the Absolute Sale"), bearing on its face the price of
transfers were never intended to vest title to F60,000.00.21 This was notarized on the same
Carlos Jr. and Dennis who both will return the lots date by one OrancioGeneroso in Manila, but it was
to Adela when requested. registered with the Registry of Deeds only on
October 5, 1990.22 Thus, private respondents
On April 18, 1989, prior to Adela and Valentina amended their complaint to include Lot 35-B.
Clemente’s departure for the United States, Adela
requested Carlos Jr. and Dennis to execute a deed ISSUE:
of reconveyanceover Lots 32 and 34. The deed of Whether or not the Deed of Absolutesale between
reconveyance was executed on the same day and Adela and Valentina is simulated.
was registered with the Registry of Deeds on April
24, 1989. HELD: Yes.

On April 25, 1989, Adela executed a deed of The Civil Code defines a contract as a meeting of
absolute sale over Lots 32 and 34, and their minds between two persons whereby one binds
improvements, in favor of Valentina, bearing on himself, with respect to the other, to give
its face the price of P250,000.00 and also something or to render some service.43 Article
executed an SPA. Valentina’s authority under the 1318 provides that there is no contract unless the
SPA included the power to administer, take following requisites concur:
charge and manage, for Adela's benefit, the
Properties and all her other real and personal
properties in the Philippines. The deed of (1) Consent of the contracting parties;
absolute sale and the SPA were notarized on the (2) Object certain which is the subject matter of
same day. the contract; and
(3) Cause of the obligation which is established.
On April 29, 1989, Adela and petitioner left for the
United States. When Valentina returned to the



All these elements must be present to constitute a that she does not intend to claim exclusive
valid contract; the absence of one renders the ownership of Lot 35-B; and that she is aware that
contract void. As one of the essential elements, the ownership and control of the Properties are
consent when wanting makes the contract non- intended to be consolidated in Dennis.
existent. Consent is manifested by the meeting of
the offer and the acceptance of the thing and the c) The SPA executed on the same day as the Deeds
cause, which are to constitute the contract.44 A of Absolute Sale appointing petitioner as
contract of sale is perfected at the moment there administratrix of Adela's properties, including the
is a meeting of the minds upon the thing that is the Properties, is repugnant to petitioner's claim that
object of the contract, and upon the price.45 the ownership of the same had been transferred
to her.
Here, there was no valid contract of sale between
petitioner and Adela because their consent was
absent. The contract of sale was a mere

In determining the true nature of a contract, the

primary test is the intention of the parties. If the
words of a contract appear to contravene the
evident intention of the parties, the latter shall
prevail. Such intention is determined not only
from the express terms of their agreement, but
also from the contemporaneous and subsequent
acts of the parties.

These were the following circumstances to

conclude that the Deed of Absolute Sale between
Adela and Valentina is simulated:

a) There was no indication that Adela intended to

alienate her properties in favor of petitioner. In
fact, the letter of Adela to Dennis dated April 18,
1989 reveals that she has reserved the ownership
of the Properties in favor of Dennis.

b) Adela continued exercising acts of dominion

and control over the properties, even after the
execution of the Deeds of Absolute Sale, and
though she lived abroad for a time. In Adela's
letter dated August 25, 1989to a certain Candy,
she advised the latter to stay in the big house.
Also, in petitioner's letter to her cousin Dennis
dated July 3, 1989, she admitted that Adela
continued to be in charge of the Properties; that
she has no "say" when it comes to the Properties;




Vs. MAKILITO B. MAHINAY, Respondent explained that he was the counsel of
G.R. No. 171736 Ciudad Real Development Inc. (CRDI). In 1994,
Justice Nachura, ponente Pentacapital Realty Corporation (Pentacapital
Realty) offered to buy parcels of land known as
Dispositive portion: the Molino Properties, owned by CRDI, located in
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petitions Molino, Bacoor, Cavite. The Molino Properties,
are hereby GRANTED. The Decisions and with a total area of 127,708 square meters, were
Resolutions of the Court of Appeals dated sold atP400.00 per sq m. As the Molino Properties
December 20, 2005 and March 1, 2006, in CA-G.R. were the subject of a pending case, Pentacapital
SP No. 74851, and October 4, 2007 and January Realty paid only the down payment amounting
21, 2008, in CA-G.R. CV No. 86939, are REVERSED to P12,000,000.00. CRDI allegedly instructed
and SET ASIDE. Pentacapital Realty to pay the formers creditors,
including respondent who thus received a check
Respondent Makilito B. Mahinay is ordered to pay worth P1,715,156.90. It was further agreed that
petitioner Pentacapital Investment the balance would be payable upon the
Corporation P1,936,800.00 plus 12% interest per submission of an Entry of Judgment showing that
annum, and 12% per annum penalty charge, the case involving the Molino Properties had been
starting February 17, 1997. He is likewise decided in favor of CRDI.
ordered to pay 10% of his outstanding obligation
as attorney’s fees. No pronouncement as to costs. Respondent, Pentacapital Realty and CRDI
allegedly agreed that respondent had a charging
Facts: lien equivalent to 20% of the total consideration
Petitioner filed a complaint for a sum of money of the sale in the amount of P10,277,040.00.
against respondent Makilito Mahinay based on Pending the submission of the Entry of Judgment
two separate loans obtained by the latter, and as a sign of good faith, respondent
amounting to P1,520,000.00 and P416,800.00, or purportedly returned the P1,715,156.90 check to
a total amount of P1,936,800.00. These loans Pentacapital Realty. However, the Molino
were evidenced by two promissory Properties continued to be haunted by the
notes dated February 23, 1996. Despite repeated seemingly interminable court actions initiated by
demands, respondent failed to pay the loans, different parties which thus prevented
hence, the complaint. respondent from collecting his commission.

In his Answer with Compulsory Issue: Whether or not respondent is bound by

Counterclaim, respondent claimed that petitioner the promissory notes.
had no cause of action because the promissory
notes on which its complaint was based were Held:
subject to a condition that did not occur. While To ascertain whether or not respondent is bound
admitting that he indeed signed the promissory by the promissory notes, it must be established
notes, he insisted that he never took out a loan that all the elements of a contract of loan are
and that the notes were not intended to be present. Like any other contract, a contract of loan
evidences of indebtedness. By way of is subject to the rules governing the requisites
counterclaim, respondent prayed for the payment and validity of contracts in general. It is
of moral and exemplary damages plus attorney’s elementary in this jurisdiction that what
fees. determines the validity of a contract, in general, is



the presence of the following elements: (1)

consent of the contracting parties; (2) object Contrary to the conclusions of the RTC and the CA,
certain which is the subject matter of the contract; we find such proof insufficient to overcome the
and (3) cause of the obligation which is presumption of consideration. The presumption
established. that a contract has sufficient consideration cannot
be overthrown by the bare, uncorroborated and
In this case, respondent denied liability on the self-serving assertion of respondent that it has no
ground that the promissory notes lacked consideration. The alleged lack of consideration
consideration as he did not receive the proceeds must be shown by preponderance of evidence.
of the loan.
As it now appears, the promissory notes clearly
Under Article 1354 of the Civil Code, it is stated that respondent promised to pay
presumed that consideration exists and is lawful petitioner P1,520,000.00 and P416,800.00, plus
unless the debtor proves the contrary. Moreover, interests and penalty charges, a year after their
under Section 3, Rule 131 of the Rules of Court, execution. Nowhere in the notes was it stated that
the following are disputable presumptions: (1) they were subject to a condition. As correctly
private transactions have been fair and regular; observed by petitioner, respondent is not only a
(2) the ordinary course of business has been lawyer but a law professor as well. He is,
followed; and (3) there was sufficient therefore, legally presumed not only to exercise
consideration for a contract. A presumption may vigilance over his concerns but, more
operate against an adversary who has not importantly, to know the legal and binding effects
introduced proof to rebut it. The effect of a legal of promissory notes and the intricacies involving
presumption upon a burden of proof is to create the execution of negotiable instruments including
the necessity of presenting evidence to meet the the need to execute an agreement to document
legal presumption or the prima facie case created extraneous collateral
thereby, and which, if no proof to the contrary is conditions and/or agreements, if truly there wer
presented and offered, will prevail. The burden of e such. This militates against respondents claim
proof remains where it is, but by the presumption, that there was indeed such an agreement. Thus,
the one who has that burden is relieved for the the promissory notes should be accepted as they
time being from introducing evidence in support appear on their face.
of the averment, because the presumption stands
in the place of evidence unless rebutted. Respondents liability is not negated by the fact
that he has uncollected commissions from the
In the present case, as proof of his claim of lack of sale of the Molino properties. As the records of the
consideration, respondent denied under oath that case show, at the time of the execution of the
he owed petitioner a single centavo. He added promissory notes, the Molino properties were
that he did not apply for a loan and that when he subject of various court actions commenced by
signed the promissory notes, they were all blank different parties. Thus, the sale of the properties
forms and all the blank spaces were to be filled up and, consequently, the payment of respondent’s
only if the sale transaction over the subject commissions were put on hold. The non-payment
properties would not push through because of a of his commissions could very well be the reason
possible adverse decision in the civil cases why he obtained a loan from petitioner.
involving them (the properties). He thus posits
that since the sale pushed through, the A promissory note is a solemn acknowledgment
promissory notes did not become effective. of a debt and a formal commitment to repay it on



the date and under the conditions agreed upon by Lastly, respondent promised to pay 25% of his
the borrower and the lender. A person who signs outstanding obligations as attorney’s fees in case
such an instrument is bound to honor it as a of non-payment thereof. Attorney’s fees here are
legitimate obligation duly assumed by him in the nature of liquidated damages. As long as
through the signature he affixes thereto as a token said stipulation does not contravene law, morals,
of his good faith. If he reneges on his promise or public order, it is strictly binding upon
without cause, he forfeits the sympathy and respondent. Nonetheless, courts are empowered
assistance of this Court and deserves instead its to reduce such rate if the same is iniquitous or
sharp repudiation. unconscionable pursuant to the above-quoted
provision. This sentiment is echoed in Article
Aside from the payment of the principal 2227 of the Civil Code, to wit:
obligation of P1,936,800.00, the parties agreed
that respondent pay interest at the rate of 25% Art. 2227. Liquidated damages, whether intended
from February 17, 1997 until fully paid. Such rate, as an indemnity or a penalty, shall be equitably
however, is excessive and thus, void. Since the reduced if they are iniquitous or unconscionable.
stipulation on the interest rate is void, it is as if
there was no express contract thereon. To be
sure, courts may reduce the interest rate as
reason and equity demand. In this case, 12%
interest is reasonable.

The promissory notes likewise required the

payment of a penalty charge of 3% per month or
36% per annum. We find such rates
unconscionable. This Court has recognized a
penalty clause as an accessory obligation which
the parties attach to a principal obligation for the
purpose of ensuring the performance thereof by
imposing on the debtor a special prestation
(generally consisting of the payment of a sum of
money) in case the obligation is not fulfilled or is
irregularly or inadequately fulfilled. However, a
penalty charge of 3% per month is
unconscionable; hence, we reduce it to 1% per
month or 12% per annum, pursuant to Article
1229 of the Civil Code which states:

Art. 1229. The judge shall equitably reduce the

penalty when the principal obligation has been
partly or irregularly complied with by the
debtor. Even if there has been no performance, the
penalty may also be reduced by the courts if it is
iniquitous or unconscionable.



AGUSTINO B. ONG YIU VS. CA and that he be compensated for actual and moral
damages, otherwise he would file a suit. Upon
G.R. No. L-40597 June 29, 1979 letter reply, PAL stated that they did not know
who pilfered the baggage and they are regrettably
FACTS sorry for the incident.
On August 26, 1967, Atty. Ong Liu was a fare
paying passenger of respondent Philippine Hence, petitioner filed a complaint against PAL
Airlines from Mactan, Cebu to Butuan City. He was for breach of contract of transportation. The
scheduled to attend a hearing on August 28-31, lower court found the respondent liable for gross
1967 in Butuan City. negligence and ordered the respondent to pay
moral and exemplary damages because it had
As passenger, he checked in a blue “maleta” for acted in bad faith and with malice.
which he was issued Claim Check No. 2106-R.
When the plane arrived in Butuan, he found out Both parties appealed with the CA. The appellate
that his luggage could not be found. According to court modified the judgment, rendering the
petitioner, it was only after reacting indignantly respondent liable only for simple negligence.
to the loss that the matter was attended by the Respondent court also limited the liability of PAL
porter clerk. to 100php, as stipulated at the back of the ticket.
Hence, this petition.
At about 3pm, PAL Butuan sent a message to PAL
Cebu inquiring about the missing luggage. The ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner can claim for
same afternoon, PAL Manila wired PAL Cebu damage baggage payment more than what is
advising that the luggage had been carried to limited for each passenger, as evidenced by the
Manila and it would be forwarded to Cebu the ticket.
same day. Instructions were also given that the
luggage be immediately forwarded to Butuan City HELD:NO.
on the first available flight.
Petitioner argues that there is nothing in evidence
The next morning, petitioner went to the airport. to show that he had entered into a contract with
However, he did not wait for the morning flight PAL.
which arrived at 10am. This flight carried his
luggage. The porter clerk paged the petitioner but There is no dispute that petitioner did not declare
the latter had already left. It just so happen that any higher value for his luggage, much less did he
the driver of the petitioner was still there and he pay any additional transportation charge
delivered the luggage to the petitioner.
While it may be true that petitioner had not
When petitioner received the same, the luggage signed the plane ticket, he is nevertheless bound
was opened and was missing the documents he by the provisions thereof. Such provisions have
needed for trial. The driver informed him that been held to be part of the contract of carriage,
when he received the same from the porter clerk, and is valid and binding upon the passenger
the luggage was already unlocked. Because of this, regardless of the latter’s lack of knowledge or
petitioner refused to accept the luggage and assent to the regulation. It is what is known as a
returned it PAL Cebu. contract of adhesion, in regards which it has been
said that contracts of adhesion wherein one party
Petitioner then wrote a letter to PAL Cebu and imposes a ready made form of contract on the
demanded that his luggage be produced intact,

other, as the plane ticket in the case at bar, are

contracts not entirely prohibited. The one who
adheres to the contract is in reality free to reject
it entirely; if he adheres, he gives his consent. And
as held in Randolph v. American Airlines,"a
contract limiting liability upon an agreed
valuation does not offend against the policy of the
law forbidding one from contracting against his
own negligence.

Considering, therefore, that petitioner had failed

to declare a higher value for his baggage, he
cannot be permitted a recovery in excess of



WELDON CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION vs. to this Tribunal by certiorari under Rule 45 of the
COURT OF APPEALS Rules of Court. . The modification by the Court of
March 7, 1961 Appeals of said Decision in its Resolution of
TOPIC: DUE OBSERVANCE OF PRESCRIBED October 18, 1972 which dismissed the
FORMALITIES defendant's counterclaims is likewise AFFIRMED.
Petition DISMISSED for lack of merit.
FACTS: The present controversy arose from the
construction of the Gay Theater building on the ISSUES:
corner of Herran and Singalong Streets in Manila. 1. WON the agreement between the parties is a
Petitioner WELDON CONSTRUCTION contract of supervision of construction on
CORPORATION sued the private respondent commission basis, in which the case commission
Manuel Cancio in the then Court of First Instance will be legally demandable, or a construction
of Manila to recover P62,378.82 Pesos, which is contract for a stipulated price which has already
ten per (10%) of the total cost of construction of been consummated?
the building, as commission, and P23,788.32 2. WON petitioner can recover the cost of
Pesos as cost of additional works thereon. The additional works on the building?
basis for the claim for commission is an alleged
contract of supervision of construction between HELD:
the theater owner Manuel Cancio, herein private The inescapable conclusion is that Weldon
respondent, and the petitioner's predecessors-in- Construction assumed the obligation to construct
interest, Weldon Construction, which the the building at the price fixed by the parties and
petitioner seeks to enforce. The private to furnish both the labor and materials required
respondent refused to pay the amounts for the project. It acted as an independent
demanded on the ground that the Gay Theater contractor within the meaning of Article 1713 of
building was constructed by Weldon the New Civil Code, which states:
Construction for the stipulated price of ART. 1713. By the contract for a piece of work the
P600,000.00 Pesos which has already been fully contractor binds himself to execute a piece of
paid. The irreconcilable positions taken by the work for the employer, in consideration of a
parties brought the controversy before the courts. certain price or compensation. The contractor
may either employ only his labor or skill or also
Then Court of First, instance of Manila ruled that furnish the materials.
the agreement between the parties is a contract of
supervision of construction found in Exhibit "A" In view of all the foregoing considerations this
and ordered the theater-owner Cancio to pay the Court finds that the agreement between the
ten per cent (10%) supervision fee or commission parties is the contract of construction for a
provided for in said contract. On appeal by the stipulated price contained in Exhibit "5" which is
defendant Cancio, the Court of Appeals reversed akin to a contract for a piece of work defined in
the lower court's Decision and dismissed the the aforequoted article. Both parties having fully
Complaint. Both parties moved for the performed their reciprocal obligations in
reconsideration of the aforesaid Decision. The accordance with said contract, petitioner is
same division of the Court of Appeals denied the estopped from invoking an entirely different
two Motions for Reconsideration. Not satisfied agreement so as to demand additional
with the Resolution of its Second Motion for consideration. Once a contract has been
Reconsideration, plaintiff-appellee WELDON consummated, there is nothing left to be done or
CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION elevated its case to be demanded by the parties thereto. All



obligations arising from the contract are In the case before this Court, the records do not
extinguished. yield any written authority for the changes made
on the plans and specifications of the Gay Theater
As set by the parties, the consideration for the building. Neither can there be found any written
construction of the Gay Theater building is agreement on the additional price to be paid for
P600,000.00 Pesos which amount has been fully said "extra works." While the trial court may have
paid by the private respondent. There is no basis found in the instant case that the private
for the petitioner's demand for the payment of respondent admitted his having requested the
P62,378.83 Pesos as commission of ten per cent "extra works" done by the contractor (Record an
(10%) of the total cost of construction. Appeal, p. 66 [C.F.I. Decision]), this does not save
the day for the petitioner. The private respondent
Since the contract between the parties has been claims that the contractor agreed to make the
established as a contract for a piece of work for a additions without additional cost. Expectedly, the
stipulated price the right of the contractor to petitioner vigorously denies said claim of the
recover the cost of additional works must be private respondent. This is precisely a
governed by Article 1724 quoted as follows: misunderstanding between parties to a
ART. 1724. The contractor who undertakes to construction agreement which the lawmakers
build a structure or any other work for a sought to avoid in prescribing the two requisites
stipulated price, in conformity with plans and under Article 1724 (Report of the Code
specifications agreed upon with the landowner Commission, p. 148). And this case is a perfect
can neither withdraw from the contract or example of a tedious litigation which had ensued
demand an increase in the price on account of the between the parties as a result of such
higher cost of labor or materials, save when there misunderstanding. Again, this is what the law
has been a change in the plans and specifications, endeavors to prevent (San Diego v. Sayson,
provided: supra).
(1) Such change has been authorized by the
proprietor in writing; and In the absence of a written authority by the owner
(2) The additional price to be paid to the for the changes in the plans and specifications of
contractor had been determined in writing by the building and of a written agreement between
both parties. the parties on the additional price to be paid to
the contractor, as required by Article 1724, the
In addition to the owner's authorization for any claim for the cost of additional works on the Gay
change in the plans and specifications, Article Theater building must be denied.
1724 requires that the additional price to be paid
for the contractor be likewise reduced in writing. WHEREFORE, the judgment of the Court of
Compliance with the two requisites in Article Appeals in its Decision of December 23, 1971
1724, a specific provision governing additional which was upheld in its Resolution of October 18,
works, is a condition precedent to recovery (San 1972 dismissing the complaint filed by Weldon
Diego v. Sayson, supra). The absence of one or the Construction Corporation is AFFIRMED. The
other bars the recovery of additional costs. modification by the Court of Appeals of said
Neither the authority for the changes made nor Decision in its Resolution of October 18, 1972
the additional price to be paid therefor may be which dismissed the defendant's counterclaims is
proved by any other evidence for purposes of likewise AFFIRMED. Petition DISMISSED for lack
recovery. of merit.





C&C vs MENOR clearance certificate. It had a pending tax case in

AQUINO, J.: the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The award to C &
C Commercial Corporation would be in gross
FACTS:Judge Cloribel of the Court of First contravention of Administrative Order No. 66.
Instance of Manila in his decision dated March 1, The trial court erred in holding that
1967 in Civil Case No. 66750, a mandamus case, Administrative Order No. 66 could not be given a
ordered the Acting General Manager of the retroactive effect to the bid of C & C, in spite of its
National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority pending tax case.
and the members of the Committee on Pre-
Qualification to allow C & C Commercial A bidder whose bid is rejected has no cause for
Corporation to participate as a qualified bidder in complaint nor a right to dispute the award to
the public bidding for the supply of asbestos another bidder (Esguerra & Sons vs. Aytona, 114
cement pressure pipes to the Nawasa in spite of Phil. 1189; Surigao Mineral Reservation Board vs.
the fact that it had a pending tax case and had no Cloribel, L-27072, July 31, 1968, 24 SCRA 491).
tax clearance certificate.
It should be noted that "advertisements for
bidders are simply invitations to make proposals,
By virtue of that judgment, which became final and the advertiser is not bound to accept the
because the Nawasa did not appeal, C & C highest or lowest bidder, unless the contrary
Commercial Corporation took part in the bidding. appears" (Art. 1326, Civil Code). No such contrary
When the bids were opened on May 18, 1967, it intention appears in this case.
was found to be the lowest bidder.

In a letter dated July 25, 1967, Antonio C. Menor,

the acting general manager of the Nawasa,
required C & C Commercial Corporation to submit
the tax clearance certificate required in
Presidential Administrative Order No. 66 dated
June 26, 1967. Menor said that the requirement as
to the tax clearance certificate was mandatory as
held by the Government Corporate Counsel in his
Opinion No. 159, Series of 1967. C & C Commercial
Corporation filed another action to enjoin the
award and implementation of the contract to
another party.

ISSUE/S:Whether or not C & C Commercial

Corporation should be allowed to take part in the
bidding even if it had no tax clearance certificate.

RULING: The court ruled in the negative .Nawasa

was justified in not awarding the contract to C &
C Commercial Corporation because it had no tax



Art. 1332 is not applicable. Under the said article,
FACTS: the obligation to show that the terms of the
Vicente Tang is the nephew and beneficiary of contract had been fully explained to the party
Lee Su Guat, a widow, 61 years old, an illiterate who is unable to read or understand the language
and speaks only Chinese, in the 2 insurance of the contract, when fraud or mistake is alleged,
policies of the latter. The application for the 1st devolves on the party seeking to enforce it. Here,
insurance amounting to 60k is consisted of two the insurance company is not seeking to enforce
parts, which were both in English language. the contract; on the contrary, it is seeking to avoid
The 2nd part dealt with Lee's state of health its performance.
where her answers showed that she's healthy.
Thus, Philam Life issued the policy. It is the petitioner who is seeking to enforce it,
even if fraud or mistake is
Lee So Guat applied for additional insurance right not alleged. Accordingly, Philamlife was under no
after the issuance of the first policy which was on obligation to prove that the terms of the
October 23,1965. Since it was only recent from insurance contract were fully explained to the
the time she first applied, no further medical other party. Even if we were to say that the
exam was made, but she accomplished and insurer is the one seeking the performance of
submitted Part I of the application certifying the the contracts by avoiding paying the claim, it has
truthfulness of statements and answers made in to be noted that there has been no imputation of
Part II. After approval, the 2nd policy was then mistake or fraud by the illiterate insured whose
issued. Subsequently, Lee Su Guat died of lung personality is represented by her beneficiary. In
cancer. sum, Art. 1332 is inapplicable, and considering
the findings of both the trial court and the CA as
Vicente Tang claimed the amount of 100k but to the concealment of Lee, the SC affirms their
Philamlife refused to pay on the ground of decisions.
concealment and misrepresentation. His
contention was, since Lee was illiterate and spoke
only Chinese, she could not be guilty of
concealment of her health history because the
application for insurance was in English language,
and the insurer has not proven that the terms
thereof had been fully explained to her as
provided in Art.1332 of Civil Code. Both the trial
court and CA ruled that Lee was guilty of
concealment and misrepresentation.

Whether or not Art. 1332 applies. (Art.
1332: When one of the parties is unable to read
or if the contract is in a language not understood
by him, and mistake or fraud is alleged, the person
enforcing the contract must show that the terms
thereof have been fully explained to him.)



CARIÑO VS CA Held: Yes. This Court finds that there is

PADILLA, J.: substantial and convincing evidence that it was a
simulated deed of sale and transfer of rights. The
Facts: On 22 January 1954, Pablo Encabo applied characteristic of simulation is the fact that the
with the Bureau of Lands to purchase a parcel of apparent contract is not really desired or
land purchased by the government pursuant to intended to produce legal effects nor in any way
Commonwealth Act No. 539. alter the judicial situation of the parties. Under
the circumstances surrounding their transaction,
Thereafter, Encabo, through petitioner Cirila the parties knew that the document was at once
Vicencio, supposedly as "agent" entered into an fictitious and simulated where none of the parties
agreement with Josue Quesada transferring rights intended to be bound thereby.
over the lot to the latter, provided it is approved
by the Land Tenure Administration (LTA). The There is merit to the Encabos' claim that the
transfer of rights by Encabo to Quesada was not simulated deed of sale in favor of the Cariños was
put in writing but payment of the price for the executed in order to protect the money Quesada
rights transferred was evidenced by receipts on invested in the purchase of the rights to the lot in
which Cirila Vicencio signed as a witness. question, which transfer of said lot to his name
was later on disapproved by the LTA. As can be
Unaware of the transfer of rights by Encabo to gleaned from the testimony of Josue Quesada, he
Quesada, LTA adjudicated the lot in favor of did this by putting Cirila Vicencio as the vendee in
Encabo. LTA later came to know about the the stipulated Deed of Sale, when in fact, Encabo
"transfer" of rights, it disapproved the same on and Quesada meant her only as a dummy for the
the ground that Quesada was not qualified to latter. To this effect Quesada testified, despite the
acquire the lot because he is already a lot warning given to him by the court that his
owner. However, before the LTA's disapproval of statement might incriminate him.
the transfer, the Quesada had entered into
possession of the lot and also allowed Cirila Contracts of sale are void and produce no effect
Vicencio to enter into possession and occupancy. whatsoever where the price, which appears
therein as paid, has in fact never been paid by the
In November 1958, Encabo executed a Deed of vendee to the vendor. A sale of land without
Sale of House and Transfer of Rights purportedly consideration, but intended merely to protect a
conveying to herein petitioners (Juanito Cariño party to a joint venture for the cash advances he
and Cirila Vicencio), his rights over the lot. Juanito was to make for the realty subdivision that the
Cariño filed a petition with the LTA seeking parties wanted to put up, is null and void. 24 The
approval of the transfer on the basis of the Deed law is clear on this matter. The Civil Code
of Sale of House and Transfer of Rights executed provides:
by Pablo Encabo. Pablo Encabo objected and filed
an Answer in opposition thereto. Essentially, both Art. 1409. The following contracts are
parties (Encabo and the spouses Cariño) claimed inexistent and void from the beginning:
the right to purchase the lot in question from the
LTA. xxx xxx xxx

Issue: WON the Deed of Sale on which the (2) Those which are absolutely simulated
petitioners have based their application (to or fictitious;
purchase) over the questioned lot, is simulated
and, therefore, an inexistent deed of sale. xxx xxx xxx

These contracts cannot be ratified. Neither

can the right to set up the defense of
illegality be waived.

The ownership of the lot by the Cariños is still

contingent on the approval of the LTA upon their
compliance with all the requirements of the latter.
Since no approval or due course has yet been
given by the LTA or LA to such transfer of rights,
the document is not enforceable against the latter.



MANUEL LAGUNZAD vs. MARIA SOTO VDA. DE sister of Moises Padilla, objecting to the filming of
GONZALES and THE COURT OF APPEALS the movie and the "exploitation" of his life. Shown
G.R. No. L-32066 August 6, 1979; MELENCIO- the early "rushes" of the picture, Mrs. Amante and
HERRERA, J.: her sister, Mrs. Gavieres, objected to many
portions thereof notwithstanding petitioner's
Topic: due observance of prescribed formalities explanation that the movie had been supervised
by Ernesto Rodriguez, Jr., based on his book "The
FACTS: Long Dark Night in Negros." On October 5, 1961,
The case is a Petition for Review by certiorari of Mrs. Amante, for and in behalf of her mother,
the Decision of the Court of Appeals in affirming private respondent, demanded in writing for
the Decision of the trial for a Sum of Money and certain changes, corrections and deletions in the
Attachment which stems from a "Licensing movie. 5 Petitioner contends that he acceded to
Agreement" entered into by and between the demands because he had already invested
petitioner Manuel M. Lagunzad and private heavily in the picture to the extent of mortgaging
respondent Maria Soto Vda. de Gonzales on his properties, 6 in addition to the fact that he had
October 5, 1961 based on the copyrighted but to meet the scheduled target date of the premiere
unpublished book of Atty. Ernesto Rodriguez Jr showing.
entitled “The Long Dark Night in Negros”
subtitled “The Moises Padilla Story”, the rights to On the same date, October 5, 1961, 7 petitioner
which petitioner had purchased from Atty. and private respondent, represented by her
Rodriguez in the amount of P2,000.00. daughters and Atty. Ernesto Rodriguez, at the law
office of Jalandoni and Jamir, executed a
The book narrates the events which culminated in "Licensing Agreement"
the murder of Moises Padilla sometime between
November 11 and November 17, 1951. Padilla Petitioner takes the position that he was
was then a mayoralty candidate of the pressured into signing the Agreement because of
Nacionalista Party (then the minority party) for private respondent's demand, through Mrs.
the Municipality of Magallon, Negros Occidental, Amante, for payment for the "exploitation" of the
during the November, 1951 elections. Governor life story of Moises Padilla, otherwise, she would
Rafael Lacson, a member of the Liberal Party then "call a press conference declaring the whole
in power and his men were tried and convicted picture as a fake, fraud and a hoax and would
for that murder in People vs. Lacson, et al. 3In the denounce the whole thing in the press, radio,
book, Moises Padilla is portrayed as "a martyr in television and that they were going to Court to
contemporary political history." stop the picture."

Although the emphasis of the movie was on the petitioner contended that the episodes in the life
public life of Moises Padilla, there were portions of Moises Padilla depicted in the movie were
which dealt with his private and family life matters of public knowledge and occurred at or
including the portrayal in some scenes, of his about the same time that the deceased became
mother, Maria Soto Vda. de Gonzales, private and was a public figure; that private respondent
respondent herein, and of one "Auring" as his girl has no property right over those incidents
ISSUE: Whether or not the prior consent and
On October 3, 1961, petitioner received a authority from the deceased heirs is needed/
telephone call from one Mrs. Nelly Amante, half- required in order to portray publicly episodes in



said deceased’s life and in that of his mother and

the members of his family

HELD: Yes.

While it is true that petitioner had purchased the

rights to the book entitled "The Moises Padilla
Story," that did not dispense with the need for
prior consent and authority from the deceased
heirs to portray publicly episodes in said
deceased's life and in that of his mother and the
members of his family. As held in Schuyler v.
Curtis, 14"a privilege may be given the surviving
relatives of a deceased person to protect his
memory, but the privilege exists for the benefit of
the living, to protect their feelings and to prevent
a violation of their own rights in the character and
memory of the deceased."

In the case at bar, while it is true that petitioner

exerted efforts to present a true-to-life story of
Moises Padilla, petitioner admits that he included
a little romance in the film because without it, it
would be a drab story of torture and brutality.

Petitioner's averment that private respondent did

not have any property right over the life of Moises
Padilla since the latter was a public figure, is
neither well taken. Being a public figure ipso facto
does not automatically destroy in toto a person's
right to privacy. The right to invade a person's
privacy to disseminate public information does
not extend to a fictional or novelized
representation of a person, no matter how public
a figure he or she may be.




ELINO LEE CHI On June 26, 1961, the Trial Court rendered
PONENTE: MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.: decision ordering defendants to pay plaintiff "the
amount of P10,000.00 plus the further sum of
FACTS: P6,000.00 by way of liquidated damages . . . with
On or about September 7, 1957, plaintiff loaned legal rate of interest on both amounts from April
P10,000.00, without interest, to defendant 30, 1960." It is from this judgment that
partnership and defendant Elino Lee Chi, as the defendants have appealed.
managing partner. The loan became ultimately
due on January 31, 1960, but was not paid on that CA’S DECISION
date, with the debtors asking for an extension of AFFIRMED RTC DECISION
three months, or up to April 30, 1960. ISSUE: whether the agreement of the parties
On March 17, 1960, the parties executed another relative to the P6,000.00 obligation is presumed
loan document. Payment of the P10,000.00 was that it exists and lawful
extended to April 30, 1960, but the obligation was HELD:
increased by P6,000.00 as follows: We have decided to affirm.
That the sum of SIX THOUSAND PESOS Under Article 1354 of the Civil Code, in regards to
(P6,000.00), Philippine currency shall form part the agreement of the parties relative to the
of the principal obligation to answer for P6,000.00 obligation, "it is presumed that it exists
attorney's fees, legal interest, and other cost and is lawful, unless the debtor proves the
incident thereto to be paid unto the creditor and contrary". No evidentiary hearing having been
his successors in interest upon the termination of held, it has to be concluded that defendants had
this agreement. not proven that the P6,000.00 obligation was
illegal. Confirming the Trial Court's finding, we
Defendants again failed to pay their obligation by view the P6,000.00 obligation as liquidated
April 30, 1960 and, on September 23, 1960, damages suffered by plaintiff, as of March 17,
plaintiff instituted this collection case. 1960, representing loss of interest income,
Defendants admitted the P10,000.00 principal attorney's fees and incidentals.
obligation, but claimed that the additional
P6,000.00 constituted usurious interest. The main thrust of defendants' appeal is the
Upon application of plaintiff, the Trial Court allegation in their Answer that the P6,000.00
issued, on the same date of September 23, 1960, a constituted usurious interest. They insist the
writ of Attachment on real and personal claim of usury should have been deemed
properties of defendants located at Karanglan, admitted by plaintiff as it was "not denied
Nueva Ecija. After the Writ of Attachment was specifically and under oath". 3
implemented, proceedings before the Trial Court Section 9 of the Usury Law (Act 2655) provided:
versed principally in regards to the attachment. SEC. 9. The person or corporation sued shall file
On January 18, 1961, an Order was issued by the its answer in writing under oath to any complaint
Trial Court stating that "after considering the brought or filed against said person or
manifestation of both counsel in Chambers, the corporation before a competent court to recover
Court hereby allows both parties to the money or other personal or real property,
simultaneously submit a Motion for Summary seeds or agricultural products, charged or
Judgment. 1 The plaintiff filed his Motion for received in violation of the provisions of this Act.
Summary Judgment on January 31, 1961, while The lack of taking an oath to an answer to a
defendants filed theirs on February 2, 196l. complaint will mean the admission of the facts
contained in the latter.

The foregoing provision envisages a complaint

filed against an entity which has committed
usury, for the recovery of the usurious interest
paid. In that case, if the entity sued shall not file
its answer under oath denying the allegation of
usury, the defendant shall be deemed to have
admitted the usury. The provision does not apply
to a case, as in the present, where it is the
defendant, not the plaintiff, who is alleging usury.
Moreover, for sometime now, usury has been
legally non-existent. Interest can now be charged
as lender and borrower may agree upon. 4 The
Rules of Court in regards to allegations of usury,
procedural in nature, should be considered
repealed with retroactive effect.
WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment is hereby
affirmed, without pronouncement as to costs.



LAO SOK VS SABAYSABAY ISSUE: The issue in this case is whether or not
G.R. No. L-61898 August 9, 1985 (Penned by: petitioner Lao Sok is obligated to pay the private
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: respondents' separation pay.

This is a petition for review which seeks to set HELD: The petitioner contends that under the
aside for grave abuse of discretion the decision of Labor Code, he is not required to give separation
the National Labor Relations Commission dated pay for failing to make a report about the fire and
June 21, 1982 affirming the decision of Labor the dismissal of his employees which does not
Arbiter Apolonio L. Reyes ordering the petitioner need prior clearance. Compliance with rules is
to pay the private respondents their separation only an administrative matter and the failure to
pay. make a report does not make the dismissal illegal
per se, but only subjects him to administrative
FACTS: penalties.However, the petitioner's obligation
to pay severance compensation is not based
Petitioner Lao Sok was the owner and operator of on his failure to make a report or to ask for a
Shelton Department Store at Carriedo Street, prior clearance. Under the Labor Code,
Quiapo, Manila and private respondents Lydia prescribed separation pay is called for whenever
Sabaysabay, Amparo Mangulat, Rosita Salviejo, there is a reduction of personnel caused by the
Nenita Ruinata, Vilma Capillo and Virginia closure of an establishment. The department
Sanorjo were all salesladies each earning P14.00 store ceased operations not due to the fault of the
daily. On October 12, 1980, petitioner's store was employer due to fire (fortuitous event), BUT his
razed by fire. He did not report the loss of jobs as acts after are equally deplorable as termination
result of the store burning to the Ministry of w-o just cause. There is a need to alleviate their
Labor. He also promised them 1) transfer to plight of job loss and they were even given the run
another dept. store but promise was not fulfilled, around of unfulfilled promises (separation pay
2) give separation pay and other benefits upon and re-hiring in other dept. store).
insurance collection from the fire razing, which
respondents accepted. Upon insurance collection, Issue pertaining to Contracts under Special
they were neither paid nor re-hired in other Form of Contracts: Whether contract is
stores.On May 14, 1981, the private respondents unenforceable under Statute of Frauds for
filed a complaint with the Ministry of Labor and being an oral contract.
Employment charging the petitioner with illegal
dismissal and non-payment of their separation The Solicitor General affirmed the NLRC acted
pay, allowance and incentive leave pay.On July 23, properly in ordering petitioner to pay separation
1981, Labor Arbiter (“LA”) Apolonio L. Reyes pay as he was bound to comply with his
rendered decision based on position papers contractual obligations to the respondents. The
ordering petitioner to pay separation pay SolGen ALSO explained that this promise is not a
equivalent to 1month per year of service at legal mere promise BUT A CONTRACT. because all the
rate of interest in the event of refusal. Other essential requisites of a valid contract are
issues were dismissed under res judicata. On Oct. present, to wit: (1) consent was freely given by
2, 1981, petitioner appealed on the NLRC, which the parties, (2) there was a subject matter, which
affirmed the LA decision and dismissed the is the payment of the separation pay of private
appeal and also denied the MR, hence this petition respondents, and (3) a cause, which is the loss of
for review. job of private respondents who had been
petitioner's salesladies for several years



Lao Sok made an offer which was duly accepted compelled to put the offer in writing, a step no
by the private respondents. There was, therefore, longer necessary now because of this petition.
a meeting of the minds between two parties
whereby one bound himself with respect to the
other, to give something or to render some
service (Article 1305, Civil Code). By the
unconditional acceptance of the offer that they
would be paid separation pay, a contract was
therefore perfected. Petitioner contends that the
contract though orally made is unenforceable
since it does not comply with the Statute of

HELD: NO. Contracts in whatever form they

may have been entered into are binding on the
parties unless form is essential for the validity
and enforceability of that particular contract.

xxx xxx xxx

... Whether the agreement is in writing or not

is a question of evidence. Nevertheless, even
granting that the agreement is not in writing,
this circumstance does not militate against the
validity or enforceability of said agreement,
because contracts are binding upon the
parties in whatever form they may have been
entered into unless the law requires
otherwise. (Article 1356, Civil Code; Lopez v.
The Auditor General, et al., L-25859, July 13,
1967; Pilar Gil Vdan de Murciano v. The
Auditor General, et al., 103 Phil. 907). It is true
that Article 1358 of the Civil Code provides
that contracts involving more than P500.00
must appear in writing, but nothing is said
therein that such requirement is necessary for
their validity or enforceability. It has been
held that the writing required under Article
1358 is merely for convenience and so the
agreement alleged in the amended complaint
in the present case can be enforced even if it
may not be in writing.

The requirement of writing for the offer made by

Lao Sok is only for convenience and not
enforceability. In fact, the petitioner could be

MELITON GALLARDO vs. IAC where the original of their new transfer
G.R. No. L-67742 October 29, 1987 certificate of title was kept, were completely
PARAS, J.: burned. Accordingly, by virtue of an Affidavit of
Reconstitution dated December 2, 1958 and upon
FACTS: This is a petition for review on certiorari presentation of the Owner's Duplicate Certificate
seeking to set aside or reverse the decision * of of Title, the title was administratively
the Intermediate Appellate Court promulgated on reconstituted and the Register of Deeds of Laguna
May 22, 1984 in AC-G.R. CV No. 69946 entitled issued Transfer Certificate of Title No. RT-6293
Meliton Gallardo and Teresa Villanueva v. Marta (No. 23350) in the name of the petitioners.
Villanueva vda. de Agana, et al. affirming the
decision ** of the Court of First Instance of Laguna On November 17, 1976, defendant Marta
8th Judicial District, Branch II, Sta. Cruz, Laguna Villanueva together with Pedro Villanueva, Jr.,
dated January 20, 1982, which dismissed the and Restituto R. Villanueva executed and filed an
complaint for Quieting of Title in Civil Case No. SC- Affidavit of Adverse Claim with the Office of the
1492 and declared the plaintiff's (petitioner's Register of Deeds of Laguna. However, on
herein) Re-constituted Transfer Certificate of December 6, 1976 a joint affidavit was filed by
Title RT-6293 (No. 23350) as null and void. Pedro G. Villanueva, Jr. and Restituto Villanueva
withdrawing their adverse claim on the said
The subject matter of this controversy involves a parcel of land, with the Office of the Register of
parcel of land situated in Cavinti, Laguna Deeds of Laguna
consisting of 81,300 square meters, more or less, .
initially covered by an original Certificate of Title When petitioners learned of this Affidavit of
No. 2262, issued on April 2, 1924 owned and Adverse Claim, attempt was made to settle said
registered in the name of the late Pedro. controversy amicably. Several demands made by
Petitioners were nephew and niece of the late herein petitioners upon private respondents
Pedro Villanueva and first cousin of the private Marta Vda. de Agana to withdraw her adverse
respondent Marta Villanueva vda. de Agana, the claim, failed.
latter being the daughter of Pedro Villanueva.
On December 9, 1976, said private respondent
On August 10, 1937, petitioner claimed that the executed a Deed of Conveyance and Release of
aforestated land was sold to them in a private Claim wherein the parties agreed, among other
document, an unnotarized deed of sale written in things, to the following:
Tagalog that was allegedly signed by the late That in consideration of the said
Pedro Villanueva conveying and transfering the transfer and conveyance over a
property in question in favor of the petitioners. 1,000 square meter portion
mentioned in the next preceding
Subsequently, the Original Certificate of Title was paragraph, the VENDEE (Marta V.
cancelled on the basis of the private document of Agana) does hereby withdraw the
sale (Exhibit "B") and a new certificate of title was adverse claim mentioned above.
issued in the name of the petitioners covered by
Transfer Certificate of Title No. RT- 6293 (No. However, when private respondent Marta
23350) on January 4, 1944. Villanueva vda. de Agana refused to sign an
Affidavit of Quit-claim, petitioners instituted
During the Second World War, the records as well court suit against the private respondent and her
as the Office of the Register of Deeds of Laguna, husband, Dr. Marcelo S. Agana, Sr. by filing a



complaint for Quieting of Title and Damages with True, as argued by appellants, a private
the Court of First Instance of Laguna on February conveyance of registered property is valid as
3, 1977, demanding that their title over the between the parties. However, the only right
questioned land be fortified by a declaration of the vendee of registered property in a
ownership in their favor and avoiding the private document is to compel through
aforecited Deed of Conveyance and Release of court processes the vendor to execute a
Claim. Accordingly, private respondents in their deed of conveyance sufficient in law for
answer countered that the Deed of Sale in Tagalog purposes of registration. Plaintiffs-
and petitioners' title over the land be declared appellants' reliance on Article 1356 of the
void ab initio, among other demands Civil Code is unfortunate. The general rule
. enunciated in said Art. 1356 is that contracts
On January 20, 1982, the Court of First Instance of are obligatory, in whatever form they may
Laguna rendered its decision declaring the deed have been entered, provided all the essential
of sale of August 10, 1937, as well as the requisites for their validity are present. The
reconstituted transfer certificate of title of next sentence provides the exception,
petitioners, void ab initio. requiring a contract to be in some form
when the law so requires for validity or
ISSUE: WHETHER AN UNNOTARIZED DEED OF enforceability. Said law is Section 127 of Act
SALE ON A PARCEL OF LAND CAN BE 496 which requires, among other things,
CONSIDERED A VALID INSTRUMENT TO that the conveyance be executed "before the
TRANSFER OWNERSHIP judge of a court of record or clerk of a court
of record or a notary public or a justice of the
The crux of the matter now centers on whether or peace, who shall certify such
not the unnotarized deed of sale purportedly acknowledgment substantially in form next
executed on August 10, 1937 by the primitive hereinafter stated."
owner Pedro Villanueva, in favor of petitioners, Such law was violated in this case. The
can be considered as a valid instrument for action of the Register of Deeds of Laguna in
effecting the alienation by way of sale of a parcel allowing the registration of the private deed
of land registerd under the Torrens System. of sale was unauthorized and did not lend a
Corollary thereto, it becomes necessary to bit of validity to the defective private
examine other matters surrounding the execution document of sale.
of the alleged document of sale.
With reference to the special law, Section 127 of
Petitioners claim that the sale although not in a the Land Registration Act, Act 496 (now Sec. 112
public document, is nevertheless valid and of P.D. No. 1529) provides:
binding citing this Court's rulings in the cases of Sec. 127. Deeds of Conveyance, ... affecting
Cauto v. Cortes, 8 Phil. 459, 460; Guerrero v. lands, whether registered under this act or
Miguel, 10 Phil. 52, 53; Bucton v. Gabar 55 SCRA unregistered shall be sufficient in law when
499 wherein this Court ruled that even a verbal made substantially in accordance with the
contract of sale of real estate produces legal following forms, and shall be as effective to
effects between the parties. The contention is convey, encumber, ... or bind the lands as
unmeritorious. though made in accordance with the more
prolix forms heretofore in use: Provided,
As the respondent court aptly stated in its That every such instrument shall be signed
decision: by the person or persons executing the



same, in the presence of two witnesses, No title to registered land in derogation of that of
who shall sign the instrument as witnesses the registered owner shall be acquired by
to the execution thereof, and shall be prescription or adverse possession. Prescription
acknowledged to be his or their free act and is unavailing not only against the registered
deed by the person or persons executing the owner but also against his hereditary successors
same, before the judge of a court of record or (Umbay vs. Alecha, 135 SCRA 427 [1985]). The
clerk of a court of record, or a notary public, right to recover possession of registered land is
or a justice of the peace, who shall certify to imprescriptible because possession is a mere
such acknowledgement substantially in the consequence of ownership (Umbay vs. Alecha,
form next hereinafter stated. (Emphasis supra, citing Atun v. Nuñuz 97 Phil. 762; Manlapas
supplied). and Tolentino v. Llorente, 48 Phil. 298, 308: J.M.
Tuazon & Co., Inc. v. Aguirre, 117 Phil. 110, 113-
It is therefore evident that Exhibit " E " in the case 114) where land has been registered under the
at bar is definitely not registerable under the Torrens System (Alarcon v. Bidin, 120 SCRA 390;
Land Registration Act. Umbay v. Alecha, supra) because the efficacy and
integrity of the Torrens System must be protected
Likewise noteworthy is the case of Pornellosa and (Director of Lands v. CA, 120 SCRA 370). As
Angels v. Land Tenure Administration and Guzman, prescription is rightly regarded as a statute of
110 Phil. 986, where the Court ruled: repose whose objective is to suppress fraudulent
The deed of sale (Exhibit A), allegedly and stale claims from springing up at great
executed by Vicente San Jose in favor of distances of time and suprising the parties or
Pornellosa is a mere private document and their representatives when the facts have become
does not conclusively establish their right obscure from the lapse of time or the defective
to the parcel of land. WhiIe it is valid and memory or death or removal of witnesses (
binding upon the parties with respect to the Senoan v. Sorongon, 136 SCRA 407 [1985]).
sale of the house erected thereon, yet it is
not sufficient to convey title or any right to In the matter of laches, the Court aptly stated in
the residential lot in litigation. Acts and the case of Marcelo Sotto v. Pilar Teves, et al., 86
contracts which have for their object the SCRA 155 [1978] that "in determining whether a
creation, transmission, modification or delay in seeking to enforce a right constitutes
extinguishment of real rights over laches, the existence of a confidential relationship
immovable property must appear in a between the parties is an important circumstance
public document. for consideration. A delay under such
circumstance is not as strictly regarded as where
Upon consideration of the facts and the parties are strangers to each other. The
circumstances surrounding the execution of the doctrine of laches is not strictly applied between
assailed document, the trial court found that said near relatives, and the fact that the parties are
private document (Exhibit "B") was null and void connected by ties of blood or marriage tends to
and that it was signed by somebody else not excuse an otherwise unreasonable delay."
Pedro Villanueva. Such findings of fact besides
being based on the records, were sustained by the In the case of Esso Standard Eastern, Inc. v. Alfonso
Court of Appeals. Lim, 123 SCRA 464, 480 [1983]), the Court ruled
The contention that ownership over registered that laches cannot be asserted by a mere
property may be acquired by prescription or possessor without claim of title, legal or equitable
adverse possession is absolutely without merit. because for laches to exist, there should be a



showing of delay in asserting the complainant's

right. The complainant should have knowledge or
notice of the defendant's conduct and an
opportunity to institute a suit. Delay is not
counted from the date the lot was sold to the
buyer but from the time of entry of the defendant
or from the time the complainant came to know of
the occupancy for that is the only time it could
possibly have demanded that he get out of the
premises or could have instituted a suit.

In the case at bar, it will be noted that what

transpired was an administrative reconstitution,
essentially ex-parte and without notice, thereby
lending credence to the claim that private
respondent Marta Agana was unaware of such
reconstitution and possession until she
discovered the same in the Office of the Register
of Deeds in 1976. As such it cannot be claimed
that she slept on her right as from that time on, it
is undeniable that she filed her adverse claim on
the said lot.

After a careful perusal of the case, there appears

to be no cogent reason to disturb the findings of
fact of the Court of Appeals which affirmed the
findings of the trial court.
and the assailed decision of the Intermediate
Appellate Court is AFFIRMED.



CIRILO PAREDES vs JOSE L. ESPINO founded was unenforceable under the Statute of
G.R. No. L-23351 ; March 13, 1968 Frauds.

FACTS: The lower court dismissed the Complaint on the

Cirilo Paredes filed an action to compel Jose ground that there being no written contract,
Espino to execute a deed of sale and to pay under Article 1403 of the Civil Code of the
damages. The complaint alleged that Espino "had Philippines — Although the contract is valid in
entered into the sale" to plaintiff of Lot No. 67 of itself, the same cannot be enforced by virtue of the
the Puerto Princesa Cadastre; that the deal had Statute of Frauds
been "closed by letter and telegram" but the
actual execution of the deed of sale and payment ISSUE:
of the price were deferred to the arrival of Espino Whether or not the enforcement of the contract
at Puerto Princesa; that Espino upon arrival had pleaded in the Complaint is barred by the Statute
refused to execute the deed of sale although of Frauds.
Paredes was able and willing to pay the price.
The letter purportedly signed by Espino is as The lower court plainly erred in holding that the
follows: contract was unenforceable.
106 Gonzaga St.
Tuguegarao,Cagayan The Statute of Frauds, embodied in Article 1403
of the Civil Code of the Philippines, does not
May18,1964 require that the contract itself be in writing. The
Mr.CiriloParedes plain text of Article 1403, paragraph (2) is clear
Pto.Princesa,Palawan that a written note or memorandum, embodying
Dear Mr. Paredes: the essentials of the contract and signed by the
So far I received two letters from you, one party charged, or his agent, suffices to make the
dated April 17 and the other April 29, both 1964. verbal agreement enforceable, taking it out of the
In reply thereto, please be informed that after operation of the statute.
consulting with my wife, we both decided to Art. 1403. — The following contracts are
accept your last offer of Four (P4.00) pesos per unenforceable, unless they are ratified:
square meter of the lot which contains 1826 (1) . . .
square meters and on cash basis. (2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of
In order that we can facilitate the Frauds as set forth in this number. In the
transaction of the sale in question, we (Mrs. following cases an agreement hereafter made
Espino and I), are going there (Puerto Princess, shall be unenforceable by action, unless the same,
Pal.) to be there during the last week of the or some note or memorandum thereof, be in
month, May. I will send you a telegram, as per writing, and subscribed by the party charged, or
your request, when I will reach Manila before by his agent; evidence, therefore, of the
taking the boat for Pto. Princess. As it is now, agreement cannot be received without the
there is no schedule yet of the boats plying writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents:
between Manila and Pto. Princess for next week. xxx xxx xxx
Espino filed a motion to dismiss upon the ground (e) An agreement for the leasing for a longer
that the complaint stated no cause of action, and period than one year, or for the sale of real
that the Paredes’ claim upon which the action was property or of an interest therein.
xxx xxx xxx



The letter transcribed above and the previous

letter of Espino referring to the lot as the one
covered by Certificate of Title No. 62 constitute an
adequate memorandum of the transaction. They
are signed by Espino; refer to the property sold as
a lot in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, covered, by TCT
No. 62; given its area as 1826 square meters and
the purchase price of four (P4.00) pesos per
square meter payable in cash.

The Court had in them therefore, all the essential

terms of the contract, and they satisfy the
requirements of the Statute of Frauds. A sufficient
memorandum may also be contained in two or
more documents.



LIM YHI LUYA vs.COURT OF APPEALS and Price : Thirty Five (?35.00) Pesos
G.R. No. L-40258 September 11, 1980 picul, f.o.b. Manaoag
GUERRERO, J.: Terms : Cash upon signing of this
Facts: Manaoag, Pangasina, Nov. 13, 1970.

Petitioner Lim Yhi Luya (Lim) is a businessman, On the same day, November 13, 1970, in
resident of Lingayen, Pangasinan where he compliance with the contract, four delivery were
operates a grocery store, hardware store and issued to Lim by cashier Garcia upon instructions
gasoline station. Private respondent Hind Sugar of Manager Abalos covering the total quantity of
Company (Hind Sugar) is engaged in the sugar sold, 4,085 piculs. Between November 13,
manufacturing and marketing of sugar, its 1970 to January 27, 1971, Lim withdrew from the
principal office located in Manaoag, Pangasinan. company warehouse in varying quantities a total
Vice President and General Manager of Hind amount of 3,735 piculs under substitute delivery
Sugar is Atty. Emiliano Abalos. His assistant is orders, leaving a balance of 350 piculs
Generoso Bongato, while the cashier and undelivered.
accountant of the company is Teodoro Garcia.
On January 22, 1971, the question of payment
Lim and Hind Sugar since 1958 have had business cropped out between the parties. Lim claimed
dealings with each other, the company selling that he had paid P142,975.00 to the company
sugar to the Lim and the latter has been supplying officials, Cashier Garcia and Manager Abalos on
the company with diesoline, gasoline, muriatic November 13. 1970 and as proof of his payment,
acid, sulfuric acid, other supplies and materials he referred to the contract Exhibit "A",
ordered on credit. On November 12, 1970, particularly to the stipulation stating "Terms:
petitioner received a telegram from Manager Cash upon signing of this contract." Hind Sugar
Abalos in the following tenor: "Please come officials denied the claim of the Lim, alleging that
tomorrow morning without fail." The following Lim never paid for the sugar on November 13,
day, November 13, 1970, Lim proceeded to the 1970 or at any time thereafter. An audit report or
company and in the office of Manager Abalos, the examination of the books of the company made by
latter offered to sell sugar at P37.00 per picul. The an external auditor showed no payment by Lim.
parties agreed to the purchase of 4,085 piculs of
sugar at P35.00 per picul. The specific terms of the Issue:
contract (Exhibit “A”) are as follows:
Whether or not the Lim has paid the sum of
CONTRACT OF SALE OF SUGAR P142,975.00 which is the purchase price of 4,085
Seller : Hind Sugar Company piculs of sugar covered by the contract of sale
Manaoag, Pangasinan between the parties.
Buyer : Lim Yhi Luya
Lingayen, Pangasinan Ruling:
Quantity: Four Thousand Eighty-
Five (4,085) Yes. The issue may be resolved by tile rules on the
piculs of Hind-2 sugar, 1969-70 interpretation of contracts,.



The Court laid down cardinal rules in the November 13, 1970, the conflicting
interpretation of contracts as provided in the New interpretations have shrouded the stipulation
Civil Code, thus — with ambiguity or vagueness. Then, the cardinal
rule should and must apply, which is that the
Art. 1370. If the terms of a contract are Clear interpretation shall not favor the party who
and leave no doubt upon the intention of the caused the ambiguity (Art. 1377, New Civil Code).
contracting parties. the literal meaning of its The Court ruled that in the instant case, the
stipulation shall control. interpretation to be taken shall not favor the Hind
Sugar since it is the party who caused the
If the words appear to be contrary to the ambiguity in its preparation.
evident intention of the parties, the latter shall
prevail over the former. In truth the stipulation in the contract which
reads: "Terms: Cash upon signing of this contract"
Art. 1371. In order to judge the intention. Of is very clear and simple in its meaning, leaving no
the contracting parties, their doubt in the Court’s minds upon the intention of
contemporaneous and subsequent acts shall the contracting parties, hence, the first rule of
be principally considered. contract interpretation that the literal meaning of
its stipulation shall control, is the governing rule
Art. 1375. Words which may have different at hand. Resorting to Webster's Third New
significations shall be understood in that International Dictionary, p. 2515, for the
which is most in keeping with the nature and definition of the word "upon" which literally
object of the contract. means, among others, "10a (1): immediately
following on; very soon after; ... b: on the occasion
Art. 1377. The interpretation of obscure of at the time of; ... " the clear import of the
words or stipulations in a contract shall not stipulation is that payment was made on the
favor the party who caused the obscurity. occasion of or at the time of the signing of the
contract and not that payment will follow the
Considering the admitted fact that the contract of signing. The Court said that it must adopt the
sale (Exhibit "A") was prepared in the office of former meaning because it is such an
Hind Sugar by Generoso Bongato, Assistant to the interpretation that would most adequately
Manager of the company, upon instruction of render the contract effectual, following Article
General Manager Emiliano L. Abalos who is a 1373 of the New Civil Code which provides:
lawyer, and the Court was confronted with the
varying or conflicting interpretations of the Art. 1373. If some stipulation of any contract
parties thereto, Hind Sugar contending that the should admit of several meanings, it shall be
stipulation "Terms: Cash upon signing of this understood as bearing that import which is
contract" does not mean that the agreement was most adequate to render it effectual.
a cash transaction because no money was paid by
the petitioner at the time of the signing The evidence for the Lim establishes that after
thereof,Lim insists that it was a cash transaction paying the cash consideration to Cashier Garcia
inasmuch as he paid cash amounting to and Manager Abalos, the parties signed the
P142,975.00 upon the signing of the contract, the contract and thereafter a signed copy of said
payment having been made at around 1:30 in the contract was given to Lim and also the four (4)
afternoon of November 13, 1970 to the cashier, delivery orders covering the 4,085 piculs of sugar
Teodoro Garcia, and Manager Abalos although the sold. The questioned stipulation recites exactly
sale was agreed to in the morning of the same day,

the act of payment which is the paying of the

money on the occasion of or at the time of the
signing. Hind Sugar would have the Court
believed that the stipulation does not mean what
it conveys because Lim has not paid cash after the
signing of the contract nor at any time thereafter.
The Court did not agree with Hind Sugar for
otherwise the sanctity of the written contract can
easily be violated and impugned, for otherwise
oral testimony would prevail over a written
document to vary, alter or modify the written
terms, and most importantly, respondent's
interpretation would render the stipulation
ineffectual as a mere agreement.

(Furthermore, the issuance of and delivery to Lim

of the said four delivery orders covering all the
4,085 piculs of sugar placed the control and
possession of the thing sold to the vendee, Lim,
and pursuant to Article 1497 of the New Civil
Code, the sugar sold is understood as delivered to
the Lim. The thing sold shall be understood as
delivered when it is placed in the control and
possession of the vendee. Therefore, when the
thing subject of the sale is placed in the control
and possession of the vendee, delivery is




[GR L-20620, 15 August 1974] Untenable is the Republic’s contention that
Zaldivar (J): although the contract of lease was on a year to
year basis, it was in reality a more or less
Facts: permanent right to occupy premises under the
The Republic of the Philippines through the guise of lease with the right and privilege to buy
Armed Forced of the Philippines, particularly the the property should the lessor wish to terminate
Philippine Air Force occupied the land of Carmen the lease, ... so much so that the fair market value
M. vda. de Castellvi, the judicial administratrix of has been agreed upon, not, as of the time of
the estate of the late Alfonso de Castellvi, from 1 purchase, but as of the time of occupancy". The
July 1947, by virtue of a contract of lease, on a Court cannot accept the Republic's contention
year to year basis (from July 1 of each year to June that a lease on a year to year basis can give rise to
30 of the succeeding year). Before the expiration a permanent right to occupy, since by express
of the contract of lease on 30 June 1956, the legal provision a lease made for a determinate
Republic sought to renew the same but Castellvi time, as was the lease of Castellvi's land in the
refused, informing the latter that the heirs of the instant case, ceases upon the day fixed, without
property had decided not to continue leasing the need of a demand (Article 1669, Civil Code). To
property in question. sustain the contention of the Republic is to
sanction a practice whereby in order to secure a
The Chief of Staff refused, saying that it was low price for a land which the government
difficult for the army to vacate the premises, and intends to expropriate (or would eventually
that, there being no other recourse, expropriation expropriate) it would first negotiate with the
proceedings would be necessary. Castellvi then owner of the land to lease the land (for say ten or
brought suit to eject the Philippine Air Force from twenty years) then expropriate the same when
the land. While this ejectment case was pending, the lease is about to terminate, then claim that the
the Republic filed on 26 June 1959 complaints for "taking" of the property for the purposes of the
eminent domain against Castellvi over the 3 expropriation be reckoned as of the date when
parcels of land. For purposes of determining the the Government started to occupy the property
amount of just compensation, the Republic under the lease, and then assert that the value of
argued that it had taken the property when the the property being expropriated be reckoned as
contract of lease commenced and not when the of the start of the lease, in spite of the fact that the
expropriation proceedings began. value of the property, for many good reasons, had
in the meantime increased during the period of
Issue: the lease.
Whether or not the taking of the property has
taken place when the Republic has entered and The Republic's claim that it had the "right and
occupied the property as lessee. privilege" to buy the property at the value that it
had at the time when it first occupied the property
Held: as lessee nowhere appears in the lease contract.
No, the taking of the property should not be What was agreed expressly in paragraph No. 5 of
reckoned as of the year 1947 when the Republic the lease agreement was that, should the lessor
first occupied the same pursuant to the contract require the lessee to return the premises in the
of lease, and that the just compensation to be paid same condition as at the time the same was first
for the property should not be determined on the occupied by the AFP, the lessee would have the
basis of the value of the property as of that year. "right and privilege" (or option) of paying the



lessor what it would fairly cost to put the

premises in the same condition as it was at the
commencement of the lease, in lieu of the lessee's
performance of the undertaking to put the land in
said condition. The "fair value" at the time of
occupancy, mentioned in the lease agreement,
does not refer to the value of the property if
bought by the lessee, but refers to the cost of
restoring the property in the same condition as of
the time when the lessee took possession of the
property. Such fair value cannot refer to the
purchase price, for purchase was never intended
by the parties to the lease contract. It is a rule in
the interpretation of contracts that "However
general the terms of a contract may be, they shall
not be understood to comprehend things that are
distinct and cases that are different from those
upon which the parties intended to agree" (Art.
1372, Civil Code).



EASTERN SHIPPING LINES, INC vs. adhesion as embodied in the printed bill of lading
MARGARINE-VERKAUFS-UNION issued by petitioner for the shipment to which
G.R. No. L-31087 September 27, 1979 respondent as the consignee merely adhered,
having no choice in the matter, and consequently,
FACTS: Respondent corporation, a West any ambiguity therein must be construed against
German corporation not engaged in business in petitioner as the author.
the Philippines, was the consignee of 500 long
tons of Philippine copra in bulk with a total value
of US$ 108,750.00 shipped from Cebu City on
board petitioner's (a Philippine corporation)
vessel, the SS "EASTERN PLANET" for discharge
at Hamburg, Germany. Petitioner's bill of lading
for the cargo provided as follows:

... Except as otherwise stated herein

and in - the Charter Party, this
contract shag be governed by the
laws of the Flag of the Ship carrying
the goods. In case of average, same
shall be adjusted according to York-
Antwerp Rules of 1950.

While the vessel was off Gibraltar, a fire broke out

aboard and caused water damage to the copra
shipment in the amount of US$ 591.38. Petitioner
corporation rejected respondent's claim for
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner is liable under
the terms of its own bill of lading for the damage
suffered by respondent's copra cargo on board
petitioner's vessel?

RULING: Yes. We hold that the lower court

correctly ruled that the cited codal article (Art.
848, Code of Commerce) to be "not applicable in
this particular case for the reason that the bill of
lading contains "an agreement to the contrary".
There is a clear and irreconcilable inconsistency
between the York-Antwerp Rules expressly
adopted by the parties as their contract under the
bill of lading which sustains respondent's claim
and the codal article cited by petitioner which
would bar the same.

Furthermore, as correctly contended by

respondent, what is here involved is a contract of

ISIDORA CABALIW VS. SOTERO SADORRA The facts narrated in the first portion of this
G.R. No. L-25650 June 11, 1975 Decision which are not disputed, convincingly
show or prove that the conveyances made by
FACTS: Benigno Sadorra in favor of his son-in-law were
Isidora Cabaliw was the wife of Benigno Sadorra fraudulent. For the heart of the matter is that
by his second marriage andhad a daughter named about seven months after a judgment was
Soledad. During their marriage, the spouses rendered against him in Civil Case No. 43192 of
acquiredtwo (2) parcels of land and one of the the Court of First Instance of Manila and without
land is issued in the name of Benigno.Having been paying any part of that judgment, Benigno
abandoned by her husband, Isidora Cabaliw Sadorra sold the only two parcels of land
instituted an actionfor support and was granted. belonging to the conjugal partnership to his son-
Unknown to Isidora, Benigno executed two in-law. Such a sale even if made for a valuable
(2)deeds of sale over the parcels of land to his consideration is presumed to be in fraud of the
son-in-law Sotero.Because of herhusband's judgment creditor who in this case happens to be
failure to support, she filed a Civil Case and the offended wife.
the Court authorized her to take possession of
the parcels of land in payment for the support. Article 1297 of the old Civil Code which was the
OnF e b r u a r y 1 , 1 9 4 0 , I s id o r a f il e d w ith law in force at the time of the transaction
th e C o u r t o f F ir s t I n s ta n c e of provides:
N u e v a Vizcaya Civil Case No. 449 against
herhusband and Sotero Sadorra for Contracts by virtue of which the debtor alienates
therecovery of the lands in question on the property by gratuitous title are presumed to be
ground that the sale was fictitious; at the made in fraud of creditors.
same time a notice of lis pendens was filed with
the Register of Deedsof Nueva Vizcaya. In May Alienations by onerous title are also presumed
of 1940, Benigno Sadorra died. On June 7, fraudulent when made by persons against whom
1948,the above-mentioned notice of lis pendens some judgment has been rendered in any instance
was cancelled by the Register of Deeds of Nueva or some writ of attachment has been issued. The
Vizcaya upon the filing of an affidavit by decision or attachment need not refer to the
Sotero Sadorra tothe effect that Civil Case property alienated and need not have been
No. 449 had been decided in his favor and obtained by the party seeking rescission.
that hewas adjudged the owner of the land.
Isidora filed their counter claim. But theappellate
court dismissed the amended complaint of

Whether the Honorable Court of Appeals gravely
erred in holding that the fraudcould not be
presumedin the transfer of the lots in question by
the late Benigno Sadorra to his son-in-law Sotero




HONGKONG & SHANGHAI BANKING intervene. Court decreed the revival of judgment.
CORPORATION vs. RALPH PAULI No appeal was taken.
G.R. No. L-38303 May 30, 1988
In the present case before the SC, HSBC
Facts: This appealed case was preceded by three filed a new complaint in the CFI of Negros
(3) other cases between the parties, to wit: Occidental to annul the Conditional Sale and Deed
of Sale of Hacienda Riverside to the Garganera
1. Civil Case No. 32799 in CFI Manila spouses and to annul TCT. Pauli and spouses filed
On June 14, 1957, HSBC filed a complaint a Motion to Dismiss on the grounds of res
against Pauli to collect P258,964.15. Judgment judicata, prescription, waiver and abandonment
was rendered in favor of HSBC. On appeal, of claim. The lower court granted the Motion to
decision was upheld by the SC on March 31, 1962. Dismiss.
The writs of execution were returned unsatisfied
because there were no leviable assets of Pauli that Issue: Whether or not the trial court erred in
could be located. Unknown to HSBC, Pauli dismissing the case? No.
purchased from PNB a sugar cane plantation, (Has the action for annulment of the sale
Hacienda Riverside. To avoid discovery of the to the Garganeras prescribed? Did prescription of
transaction by his creditors, he did not register the action commence to run from the registration
the Deed of Sale. Six years later, he fraudulently of the sale, or from the discovery of the
sold the hacienda to his daughter, defendant- transaction by the Bank?)
appellee Sally Garganera, and her husband Mateo
Garganera. The sale was registered on March 5, Ruling:
1963. TCT was issued to the Garganera spouses. When a transaction involves registered
land, the four-year period fixed in Article 1391
2. Civil Case No. 626 in CFI Negros Occidental within which to bring an action for annulment of
At the instance of Warner Barnes & Co., the deed, shall be computed from the registration
another creditor of Pauli, the sale to the of the conveyance (March 5, 1963) on the familiar
Garganera spouses was declared fictitious for theory that the registration of the document is
being in fraud of creditors by the CFI of Negros constructive notice of the conveyance to the
Occidental on October 15, 1968. The defendants whole world.
entered into a compromise agreement with the
Warner Barnes & Co., Ltd., by paying its judgment Plaintiff's submission that the four-year
credit of P28,962.11. The CA approved the period commenced to run from the date when the
compromise and dismissed the case, Bank obtained actual knowledge of the fraudulent
sale of Pauli's land to the Garganeras (sometime
3. Civil Case No. 75319 in CFI Manila in 1969) and that hence the four-year period for
Having discovered that the sugar bringing an action to annul the sale had not yet
plantation belonged to Pauli, HSBC filed in CFI expired when it filed the action for annullment on
Manila a complaint for revival of the 1962 February 17, 1971, is unacceptable. That theory
judgment in its favor. A writ of preliminary would diminish public faith in the integrity of
attachment was issued against Pauli's, rights, torrens titles and impair commercial transactions
interests and participation in Hacienda Riverside. involving registered lands for it would render
Under the pretext of amicably settling the case, uncertain the computation of the period for the
Pauli postponed hearings to enable the spouses to prescription of such actions.



Civil Case No. 465, the action for

annulment of the Sale is not barred by res
judicata, specifically, the prior judgment in Civil
Case No. 75319, for revival of the judgment in the
collection suit, Civil Case No. 32799, for the
subject matter and causes of action in the two
cases are different. The three (3) Identities
required for the application of the bar by prior
judgment: Identity of parties, of subject matter
and causes of action, are lacking.

Nevertheless, as the plaintiff's right of

action in Civil Case No. 465 had already
prescribed, the trial court did not err in
dismissing the case.

WHEREFORE, finding no reversible error

in the order dated June 15, 1971 of the trial court
dismissing Civil Case No. 465, the same is hereby
affirmed. SO ORDERED.



FELIPE vs. HEIRS OF MAXIMO ALDON The case of Sofia and Salvador Aldon is different.
After the death of Maximo they acquired the right
FACTS: to question the defective contract insofar as it
deprived them of their hereditary rights in their
Maximo Aldon married Gimena Almosara in father’s share in the lands. The father’s share is
1936. They bought several pieces of land one-half (1/2) of the lands and their share is two-
sometime between 1948 and 1950. In 1951, thirds (2/3) thereof, one-third (1/3) pertaining to
Gimena Almosara sold the lots to the spouses the widow.
Eduardo Felipe and Hermogena V. Felipe. The sale
was made without the consent of her husband. The petitioners have been in possession of the
lands since 1951. It was only in 1976 when the
On April 26, 1976, the heirs of Maximo Aldon, respondents filed action to recover the lands. In
namely his widow Gimena and their children the meantime, Maximo Aldon died.
Sofia and Salvador Aldon filed a complaint that
alleged that the plaintiffs were the owners of Lots As to the second question, the children’s cause of
1370, 1371 and 1415; that they had orally action accrued from the death of their father in
mortgaged the same to the defendants; and an 1959 and they had thirty (30) years to institute it
offer to redeem the mortgage had been refused so (Art. 1141, Civil Code.) They filed action in 1976
they filed the complaint in order to recover the which is well within the period.
three parcels of land.
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals
The trial court sustained the claim of the is hereby modified. Judgment is entered awarding
defendants and rendered judgment in favor of to Sofia and Salvador Aldon their shares of the
Spouses Felipe as lawful owners. The Court of lands as stated in the body of this decision; and
Appeals set aside the decision of CFI declaring the the petitioners as possessors in bad faith shall
parcels ‘were purchased by plaintiff Gimena make an accounting of the fruits corresponding to
Almosara and her late husband Maximo Aldon’ the share aforementioned from 1959 and
(the lots having been purchased during the solidarity pay their value to Sofia and Salvador
existence of the marriage, the same are presumed Aldon; costs against the petitioners.
conjugal) and inferentially, by force of law, could
not, be disposed of by a wife without her
husband’s consent. Hence this petition.

ISSUE: WON the sale made by Gimena is a

defective contract but of what category?

HELD: It is a voidable contract. According to Art.

1390 of the Civil Code, among the voidable
contracts are “[T]hose where one of the parties is
incapable of giving consent to the contract.” (Par.
1.) In the instant case-Gimena had no capacity to
give consent to the contract of sale. The capacity
to give consent belonged not even to the husband
alone but to both spouses.



HOUSE INTERNATIONAL VS IAC CENTERTOWN is not qualified to acquire real

GR No. 75287; June 30, 1987 estate property or to engage in real estate
Petitioner constitutes the great majority of more The court dismissed the complaint. Petitioner
than a hundred heads of families who are tenants appealed to the Court of Appeals after its motion
of long and good standing of the 14-storey House for reconsideration was denied by the trial court.
International Building located at 777 Ongpin The order of dismissal was affirmed by the
Street, Binondo, Manila. The land and the appellate court
improvements thereon were formerly owned by
Atty. Felipe Ang who mortgaged the same to the ISSUE:
Government Service Insurance System Whether or not petitioner has cause of action on
(hereinafter referred to as GSIS) to secure the grounds that petitioner is not a party to the
payment of an obligation. After foreclosure of the contract.
mortgage and for failure of Ang to exercise his
right of redemption over the foreclosed property, RULING:
the ownership thereof was consolidated with the Petitioner has no cause of action. We agree with
GSIS which subsequently sold it to Centertown the Court of Appeals that on this issues the
Marketing Corporation (CENTERTOWN, for provision of Art. 1397 of the Civil Code is in point,
short) in a deed of conditional sale, without notice thus:
to the tenants of the building and without
securing the prior clearance of the then Ministry Art. 1397. The action for the annulment of
of Human Settlements. contracts may be instituted by all who are thereby
obliged principally or subsidiarily.
As CENTERTOWN was not authorized by its
Articles of Incorporation to engage in the real Petitioner is neither a party nor a privy to the
estate business, it organized a sister corporation, Deed of Conditional Sale and the assignment
with almost an the same incorporators and thereof: thus, it cannot assail the validity of the
stockholders, as CENTERTOWN'S, under the said contracts. In Ibañez vs. Hongkong and
corporate name of Manila Towers Development Shanghai Bank:
Corporation (TOWERS, for short) for the primary
purpose of engaging in the real estate business. From these legal provisions it is deduced that it is
Subsequently, CENTERTOWN assigned to its the interest had in a given contract, that is the
sister corporation TOWERS all its rights and determining reason of the right which lies in favor
obligations under the Deed of Conditional Sale, of the party obligated principally or subsidiarily
with the consent and approval of the GSIS. to enable him to bring an action for the nullity of
the contract in which he intervened, and,
Thereafter, herein petitioner filed a complaint therefore, he who has no right in a contract is not
with the Regional Trial Court of Manila against entitled to prosecute an action for nullity, for,
CENTERTOWN, TOWERS and GSIS for annulment according to the precedents established by the
of the deed of conditional sale and the subsequent courts, the person who is not a party to a contract,
assignment thereof by CENTERTOWN to nor has any cause of action or representation
TOWERS. The complaint alleged in part that the from those who intervened therein, is manifestly
Deed of Conditional Sale is null and void ab initio without right of action and personality such as to
for being ultra vires, since defendant enable him to assail the validity of the contract.



In the decision sought to be reviewed the court

agrees with the decision of the Court of Appeals

The corollary issue is whether appellant has the

personality to assail the validity of the conditional
sale and its assignment. The answer is partly
supplied by the above discussion: further
arguments against the appellant are the
provisions of the Civil Code which say that
contracts take effect only between parties (Art.
131 1) hence the action for their annulment may
be instituted only by those who are thereby
obliged principally or subsidiarily (Art. 1397).
Appellant is not privy to either the deed of
conditional sale or the assignment. (Decision of
Court of Appeals, p. 3).

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED, with costs

against the petitioner.



ORTEGA VS LEONARD of realty will not apply. Some circumstances

G.R. No. L-11311 May 28, 1958 indicating partial performance of an oral contract
of sale of realty are: relinquishment of rights,
FACTS: continued possession, building of improvements,
Maria Ortega averred that long before and until tender of payment rendition of services, payment
her house has been completely destroyed during of taxes, surveying of the land at the vendee's
the liberation of the City of Manila, she occupied expense, etc.
Lot 1, Block 3. Located at San Andres Street,
Malate, Manila. After the liberation, she re-
occupied it but Daniel Leonardo asserted that he
too had a right to a portion of the land. During the
occupation, Leonardo asked Ortega to desist from
pressing claims and he promised her if he
succeeded in getting the title to Lot 1, he would
sell her a portion thereof with an area of 55.60
square meters, at P25.00 per square meter. In
return, Ortega would pay for surveying and
subdivision of the lot and should continue holding
the lot by paying a monthly rental of P10 until said
portion has been segregated and the purchase
price fully paid. Ortega accepted the agreement
and desisted from further claims. Defendant
acquired the title and in return plaintiff caused
the survey and segregation of the portion which
defendant promised to sell. She also had a
subdivision plan, her lot known as 1B; had her
son’s house remodelled and it extended over said
lot; and tendered to defendant full purchase price
on July 1954. However, defendant refused to
accept payment. The lower court ruled that oral
agreement to sell is not enforceable. But the
plaintiff argued that the contract was already
partially performed due to the promise of
defendant, hence enforceable.

Whether or not the contract entered into by the
parties is unforceable?

The Supreme Court held that while, as a general
rule, an oral agreement to sell a piece of land is
not provable, however, where there is partial
performance of the sale contract, the principle
excluding evidence of parol contracts for the sale




G.R. No. L-29972 January 26, 1976 Who has the superior right over the subject
On January 27, 1955, respondent Jose Poncio RULING:
executed a private memorandum of sale of his The Supreme Court reversed the appellate court’s
parcel of land with improvements situated in San decision and declared the first buyer Carbonell to
Juan, Rizal in favor of petitioner Rosario Carbonell have the superior right over the subject property,
who knew that the said property was at that time relying on Article 1544 of the Civil Code. Unlike
subject to a mortgage in favor of the Republic the first and third paragraphs of said Article 1544,
Savings Bank (RSB) for the sum of P1,500.00. which accord preference to the one who first
Four days later, Poncio, in another private takes possession in good faith of personal or real
memorandum, bound himself to sell the same property, the second paragraph directs that
property for an improved price to one Emma ownership of immovable property should be
Infante for the sum of P2,357.52, with the latter recognized in favor of one "who in good faith first
still assuming the existing mortgage debt in favor recorded" his right. Under the first and third
of the RSB in the amount of P1,177.48. Thus, in paragraphs, good faith must characterize the
February 2, Poncio executed a formal registerable prior possession, while under the second
deed of sale in her (Infante's) favor. So, when the paragraph, good faith must characterize the act of
first buyer Carbonell saw the seller Poncio a few anterior registration.
days afterwards, bringing the formal deed of sale
for the latter's signature and the balance of the When Carbonell bought the lot from Poncio on
agreed cash payment, she was told that he could January 27, 1955, she was the only buyer thereof
no longer proceed with formalizing the contract and the title of Poncio was still in his name solely
with her (Carbonell) because he had already encumbered by bank mortgage duly annotated
formalized a sales contract in favor of Infante. thereon. Carbonell was not aware - and she could
not have been aware - of any sale to Infante as
To protect her legal rights as the first buyer, there was no such sale to Infante then. Hence,
Carbonell registered on February 8, 1955 with the Carbonell's prior purchase of the land was made
Register of Deeds her adverse claim as first buyer in good faith which did not cease after Poncio told
entitled to the property. Meanwhile, Infante, the her on January 31, 1955 of his second sale of the
second buyer, was able to register the sale in her same lot to Infante. Carbonell wanted to meet
favor only on February 12, 1955, so that the Infante but the latter refused so to protect her
transfer certificate of title issued in her name legal rights, Carbonell registered her adverse
carried the duly annotated adverse claim of claim on February 8, 1955. Under the
Carbonell as the first buyer. The trial court circumstances, this recording of Carbonell’s
declared the claim of the second buyer Infante to adverse claim should be deemed to have been
be superior to that of the first buyer Carbonell, a done in good faith and should emphasize Infante's
decision which the Court of Appeals reversed. bad faith when the latter registered her deed of
Upon motion for reconsideration, however, Court sale 4 days later.
of Appeals annulled and set aside its first decision
and affirmed the trial court’s decision.

GR No. L-8334; December 28, 1957



find unnecessary to discuss the other issues

FACTS: raised in appellants' brief.
Santiago Babao married the niece of Celestina
Perez. In 1924, Santi and Celestina allegedly had a The case is dismissed, with costs against appellee.
verbal agreement where Santi was bound to
improve the land of Celestina by leveling, clearing,
planting fruits and other crops; that he will act as
the administrator of the land; that all expenses for
labor and materials will be at his cost, in
consideration of which Celestina in turn bound
herself to convey to Santi or his wife ½ of the land
with all the improvements after the death of
Celestina. But, shortly before Celestina’s death,
she sold the land to another party. Thus, the
administratrix of the estate of the deceased
Santiago Babao filed a complaint alleging the sale
of the land as fraudulent and fictitious and prays
to recover the ½ land or the expenses he incurred
in improving the land.

Whether or not the verbal agreement falls within
the Stature of Frauds

Contracts which by their terms are not to be
performed within one year, may be taken out of
the statute through performance by one party
thereto. All that is required in such case is
complete performance within the year by one
party, however many tears may have to elapse
before the agreement is performed by the other
party. But nothing less than full performance by
one party will suffice, and it has been held that, if
anything remains to be done after the expiration
of the year besides the mere payment of money,
the statute will apply. It is not therefore correct to
state that Santiago Babao has fully complied with
his part within the year from the alleged contract
in question.

Having reached the conclusion that all the parol

evidence of appellee was submitted in violation of
the Statute of Frauds, or of the rule which
prohibits testimony against deceased persons, we



CABAGUE VS. AUXILIO This is such action, and evidence of such mutual
G.R. No. L-5028. November 26, 1952 promise is admissible. However Felipe Cabague’s
action may not prosper, because it is to enforce an
FACTS: agreement in consideration of marriage.
In the justice of the peace of court of Basud, Evidently as to Felipe Cabague and Matias Auxilio
Camarines Norte, Felipe Cabague and his son this action could not be maintained on the theory
Geronimo sued the defendant Matias Auxilio and of "mutual promise to marry." Neither may it be
his daughter Socorro to recover damages regarded as action by Felipe against Socorro "on
resulting from defendants’ refusal to carry out the a mutual promise to marry."
previously agreed marriage between Socorro and
Geronimo. Alleging: Consequently, we declare that Geronimo may
continue his action against Socorro for such
(a) that defendants promised such marriage to damages as may have resulted from her failure to
plaintiffs, provided the latter would improve the carry out their mutual matrimonial promises.
defendants’ house in Basud and spend for the
wedding feast and the needs of the bride;
(b) that relying upon such promises plaintiffs
made the improvement and spent P700; and
(c) that without cause defendants refused to
honor their pledged word.

The defendants arguing that the contract was

oral, unenforceable under the rule of evidence
hereinbefore mentioned. And the court dismissed
the case.

Whether or not the contract of promise to marry
is unenforceable, on the ground that it is an oral

This is in the Negative. There is no question here
that the transaction was not in writing. The only
issue is whether it may be proved in court.

The understanding between the plaintiffs on one

side and the defendants on the other, really
involves two kinds of agreement. One, the
agreement between Felipe Cabague and the
defendants in consideration of the marriage of
Socorro and Geronimo. Another, the agreement
between the two lovers, as "a mutual promise to
marry." For breach of that mutual promise to
marry, Geronimo may sue Socorro for damages.



SUGA SOTTO YUVIENCO VS HON. AUXENCIO C. the occupant represented by respondent Yao
G.R. No. L-55048 May 27, 1981, SECOND
In this respect, the governing legal provision is, of
FACTS: course, Article 1319 of the Civil Code which
In essence, the theory of petitioners is that while provides:
it is true that they did express willingness to sell
to private respondents the subject property (land ART. 1319. Consent is manifested by the meeting
and building) for P6,500,000.00 provided the of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and
latter made known their own decision to buy it the cause which are constitute the contract. The
not later than July 31, 1978, the respondents' offer must be certain the acceptance absolute. A
reply that they were agreeable was not absolute, qualified acceptance constitute a counter-offer.
so much so that when ultimately petitioners'
representative went to Cebu City with a prepared Acceptance made by letter or telegram does not
and duly signed contract for the purpose of bind offerer except from the time it came to his
perfecting and consummating the transaction, knowledge. The contract, in a case, is presumed to
respondents and said representative found have been entered into in the place where the
variance between the terms of payment offer was made.
stipulated in the prepared document and what
respondents had in mind, hence the bank draft In the instant case, We can lay aside, for the
which respondents were delivering to the moment, petitioners' contention that the letter of
representative was returned and the document July 12, 1978 of Atty. Pedro C. Gamboa to
remained unsigned by respondents. respondents Yao King Ong and his companions
constitute an offer that is "certain", although the
The respondents, in their complaint, contended petitioners claim that it was a mere expression of
“That on August 1, 1978 Pedro Gamboa arrived willingness to sell the subject property and not a
Tacloban City bringing with him the prepared direct offer of sale to said respondents. What We
contract to purchase and to sell referred to in his consider as more important and truly decisive is
telegram dated July 27, 1978 for the purpose of what is the correct juridical significance of the
closing the transactions referred to in paragraphs telegram of respondents instructing Atty.
8 and 9 hereof, however, to the complete surprise Gamboa to "proceed to Tacloban
of plaintiffs, the defendant without giving notice to negotiate details." We underline the word
to plaintiffs, changed the mode of payment with "negotiate" advisedly because to Our mind it is
respect to the balance of P4,500,000.00 by the key word that negates and makes it legally
imposing upon plaintiffs to pay same amount impossible for Us to hold that respondents'
within thirty (30) days from execution of the acceptance of petitioners' offer, assuming that it
contract instead of the former term of ninety (90) was a "certain" offer indeed, was the "absolute"
days.” one that Article 1319 above-quoted requires.

ISSUE: Dictionally, the implication of "to negotiate" is

Whether or not the plaintiffs have alleged facts practically the opposite of the Idea that an
adequately showing the existence of a perfected agreement has been reached. Webster's Third
contract of sale between herein petitioners and International Dictionary, Vol. II (G. & C. Merriam
Co., 1971 Philippine copyright) gives the meaning
of negotiate as "to communicate or confer with

another so as to arrive at the settlement of some trial to prove their cause of action. The plaintiffs
matter; meet with another so as to arrive through having alleged that the contract is backed up by
discussion at some kind of agreement or letters and telegrams, and the same being
compromise about something; — to arrange for sufficient memorandum, the complaint states a
or bring about through conference or discussion; cause of action and they should be given their day
work at or arrive at or settle upon by meetings in court and allowed to substantiate their
and agreements or compromises — ". allegations (Parades vs. Espino, 22 SCRA 1000).
Importantly, it must be borne in mind that Yao (Pp 165-166, Record.)
King Ong's telegram simply says "we agree to buy
property". It does not necessarily connote The foregoing disquisition of respondent judge
acceptance of the price but instead suggests that misses at least two (2) juridical substantive
the details were to be subject of negotiation.On aspects of the Statute of Frauds insofar as sale of
the other score of considering the supposed real property is concerned. First, His Honor
agreement of paying installments as partly assumed that the requirement of perfection of
supported by the letter and the telegram earlier such kind of contract under Article 1475 of the
quoted herein, His Honor declared with well Civil Code which provides that "(t)he contract of
studied ratiocination, albeit legally inaccurate, sale is perfected at the moment there is a meeting
that: of the minds upon the thing which is the object of
the contract and upon the price", the Statute
The next issue relate to the State of Frauds. It is would no longer apply as long as the total price or
contended that plaintiffs' action for specific consideration is mentioned in some note or
performance to compel the defendants to execute memorandum and there is no need of any
a good and sufficient conveyance of the property indication of the manner in which such total price
in question (Sotto land and building) is is to be paid.
unenforceable because there is no other note
memorandum or writing except annexes "C", "C- We cannot agree. In the reality of the economic
l" and "D", which by themselves did not give birth world and the exacting demands of business
to a contract to sell. The argument is not well interests monetary in character, payment on
founded. The rules of pleading limit the statement installments or staggered payment of the total
of the cause of action only to such operative facts price is entirely a different matter from cash
as give rise to the right of action of the plaintiff to payment, considering the unpredictable trends in
obtain relief against the wrongdoer. The details of the sudden fluctuation of the rate of interest. In
probative matter or particulars of evidence, other words, it is indisputable that the value of
statements of law, inferences and arguments money - varies from day to day, hence the
need not be stated. Thus, Sec. 1 of Rule 8 provides indispensability of providing in any sale of the
that 'every pleading shall contain in a methodical terms of payment when not expressly or
and logical form, a plain concise and direct impliedly intended to be in cash.
statement of the ultimate facts on which the party
pleading relies for his claim or defense, as the case Thus, We hold that in any sale of real property on
may be, omitting the statement of mere installments, the Statute of Frauds read together
evidentiary facts.' Exhibits need not be attached. with the perfection requirements of Article 1475
The contract of sale sued upon in this case is of the Civil Code must be understood and applied
supported by letters and telegrams annexed to in the sense that the idea of payment on
the complaint and plaintiffs have announced that installments must be in the requisite of a note or
they will present additional evidences during the memorandum therein contemplated. Stated



otherwise, the inessential elements" mentioned determinable with decisiveness and precision by
in the case of Parades vs. Espino, 22 SCRA 1000, the court without further delay.
relied upon by respondent judge must be deemed
to include the requirement just discussed when it In this connection, Moran observes that unlike
comes to installment sales. There is nothing in the when the ground of dismissal alleged is failure of
monograph re — the Statute of Frauds appearing the complaint to state a cause of action, a motion
in 21 SCRA 250 also cited by His Honor indicative to dismiss invoking the Statute of Frauds may be
of any contrary view to this ruling of Ours, for the filed even if the absence of compliance does not
essence and thrust of the said monograph refers appear an the face of the complaint. Such absence
only to the form of the note or memorandum may be the subject of proof in the motion stage of
which would comply with the Statute, and no the proceedings. (Moran, Comment on the Rules
doubt, while such note or memorandum need not of Court, Vol. 1, p. 494, 1979 ed.) It follows then
be in one single document or writing and it can be that when such a motion is filed and all the
in just sufficiently implicit tenor, imperatively the documents available to movant are before the
separate notes must, when put together', contain court, and they are insufficient to comply with the
all the requisites of a perfected contract of sale. To Statute, it becomes incumbent upon the plaintiff,
put it the other way, under the Statute of Frauds, for the reasons of policy We have just' indicated
the contents of the note or memorandum, regarding speedy administration of justice, to
whether in one writing or in separate ones merely bring out what note or memorandum still exists
indicative for an adequate understanding of all in his possession in order to enable the court to
the essential elements of the entire agreement, expeditiously determine then and there the need
may be said to be the contract itself, except as to for further proceedings. In other words, it would
the form. be inimical to the public interests in speedy
justice for plaintiff to play hide and seek at his
Secondly, We are of the considered opinion that own convenience, particularly, when, as is quite
under the rules on proper pleading, the ruling of apparent as in the instant case that chances are
the trial court that, even if the allegation of the that there are no more writings, notes or
existence of a sale of real property in a complaint memoranda of the installment agreement alleged
is challenged as barred from enforceability by the by respondents. We cannot divine any reason
Statute of Frauds, the plaintiff may simply say why any such document would be withheld if they
there are documents, notes or memoranda existed, except the unpermissible desire of the
without either quoting them in or annexing them respondents to force the petitioners to undergo
to the complaint, as if holding an ace in the sleeves the ordeals, time, effort and expenses of a futile
is not correct. To go directly to the point, for Us to trial.
sanction such a procedure is to tolerate and even
encourage undue delay in litigation, for the simple In the foregoing premises, We find no alternative
reason that to await the stage of trial for the than to render judgment in favor of petitioners in
showing or presentation of the requisite this certiorari and prohibition case. If at all,
documentary proof when it already exists and is appeal could be available if the petitioners
asked to be produced by the adverse party would subjected themselves to the trial ruled to be held
amount to unnecessarily postponing, with the by the trial court. We foresee even at this point,
concomitant waste of time and the prolongation on the basis of what is both extant and implicit in
of the proceedings, something that can the records, that no different result can be
immediately be evidenced and thereby probable. We consider it as sufficiently a grave
abuse of discretion warranting the special civil



actions herein the failure of respondent judge to

properly apply the laws on perfection of contracts
in relation to the Statute of Frauds and the
pertinent rules of pleading and practice, as We
have discussed above.

ACCORDINGLY, the impugned orders of

respondent judge of November 2, 1978 and
August 29, 1980 are hereby set aside and private
respondents' amended complaint, Annex A of the
petition, is hereby ordered dismissed and the
restraining order heretofore issued by this Court
on October 7, 1980 is declared permanent. Costs
against respondents.



G.R. No. L-30786. February 20, 1984 Trial court rendered judgment in favor of
RULONA, ruling that there was a perfected
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the contract of sale, the same being a pure sale and
CA decision that there was a perfected contract not subject to condition.
of sale between the CLARIN and RULONA with
regard to the disputed land. Aggrieved, CLARIN appealed to the CA,
contending, among others, that Exhibit A was a
Spouses RULONA purchased 10 hectares of land mere authority to survey. It is not addressed to
from CLARIN. The sale was evidenced by 2 any definite party, it does not contain the proper
documents executed by CLARIN. heading, there is no statement of the manner of
paying the purchase price, no personal
However, RULONA later filed a complaint for circumstances of the parties, and it is not
specific performance and recovery of notarized.
improvements on the ground that CLARIN and his
wife violated the terms of the agreement of sale On appeal, the CA affirmed the trial court
"by returning by their own volition and without decision, ruling that a contract to be binding upon
the consent of plaintiff, the amount of P1,100.00 the contracting parties need not be notarized.
in six postal money orders, covering the Neither should it specify the manner of payment
downpayment of P1,000.00 and first installment of the consideration nor should it specify the
of P100.00." manner of payment of the consideration nor
should it contain the proper heading."
CLARIN, on the other hand, admitted the sale but
contended that such was subject to the following Hence, this petition for review on certiorari
conditions: before the SC, wherein CLARIN alleged, aside
(1) that the contract would be realized only if his from the above contention, that assuming there
co-heirs would give their consent to the sale of a was indeed a perfected contract of sale, the two
specific portion of their common inheritance from documents introduced in evidence could not
the late Aniceto Clarin before partition of the said effectively convey title to the land because they
common property and were not public documents.
(2) that should his co-heirs refuse to give their
consent, the projected contract would be ISSUE:
discontinued or would not be realized. Whether the documents executed by CLARIN are
not valid and enforceable contracts of sale and as
CLARIN further contended that the respondent such, cannot convey title of the disputed land to
knew fully well the above terms and accepted RULONA
them as conditions precedent to the perfection or
consummation of the contract; that respondent RULING:
delivered the amount of P1,000.00 as earnest The petitioner’s contentions are without merit.
money, subject to the above conditions and that
the amount was returned by the petitioner upon While it is true that Exhibits A and B are, in
his learning definitely that his co-heirs and co- themselves, not contracts of sale, they are,
owners refused to give their consent to the however, clear evidence that a contract of sale
projected sale. was perfected between the petitioner and the
respondent and that such contract had already



been partially fulfilled and executed. A contract

of sale is perfected at the moment there is a
meeting of minds upon the thing which is the
object of the contract and upon the price.
(Article 1475, Civil Code; Phil. Virginia Tobacco
Administration v. De los Angeles, 87 SCRA 210).
Such contract is binding in whatever form it
may have been entered into. (Lopez v. Auditor
General, 20 SCRA 655).

Construing Exhibits A and B together, it can be

seen that the petitioner agreed to sell and the
respondent agreed to buy a definite object,
that is, ten hectares of land which is part and
parcel of Lot 20 PLD No. 4, owned in common by
the petitioner and his sisters although the
boundaries of the ten hectares would be
delineated at a later date. The parties also
agreed on a definite price which is P2,500.00.
Exhibit B further shows that the petitioner has
received from the respondent as initial payment,
the amount of P800.00. Hence, it cannot be denied
that there was a perfected contract of sale
between the parties and that such contract
was already partially executed when the
petitioner received the initial payment of
P800.00. The latter’s acceptance of the
payment clearly showed his consent to the
contract thereby precluding him from
rejecting its binding effect. (See Federation of
United Namarco Distributors, Inc. v. National
Marketing Corporation, 4 SCRA 884). With the
contract being partially executed, the same is no
longer covered by the requirements of the Statute
of Frauds in order to be enforceable. (See Khan v.
Asuncion, 19 SCRA 996). Therefore, with the
contract being valid and enforceable, the
petitioner cannot avoid his obligation by
interposing that Exhibit A is not a public
document. On the contrary, under Article 1357 of
the Civil Code, the petitioner can even be
compelled by the respondent to execute a public
document to embody their valid and enforceable
contract. XXX



BISAYA LAND TRANSPORTATION CO., INC., VS benefit of both parties, on 26 December 1979, co-
MARCIANO C. SANCHEZ petitioner Benjamin G. Roa, as Executive Vice-
G.R. No. 74623 August 31, 1987 President of BISTRANCO, wrote Sanchez a
letter advising him that, effective 1 January 1980,
Topic: Unenforceable contract: BISTRANCO would commence operating its
What is the status of a Contract which a Receiver branch office in Butuan City.
entered into without the approval of the court
which appointed him receiver? Pursuant to the letter (Exhibit "FF"), BISTRANCO
actually opened and operated a branch office in
Unenforceable. Butuan City on 15 January 1980. BISTRANCO
Paragraph 1. Article 1403 of the Civil Code through its new representative contacted the
provides that contracts "entered into in the name shippers in Butuan City and neighboring towns,
of another person by one who has been given no advising them to transact their business directly
authority or legal representation, or who has with its new branch office in Butuan City. Under
acted beyond his powers" are unenforceable, these circumstances, the business of Sanchez, as
unless they are ratified. shipping agent of BISTRANCO in Butuan City, was
seriously impaired and undermined He could not
Facts: solicit as many passengers as he used to, because
Petitioner Bisaya Land Transportation Company, the passenger tickets issued to him by
Inc. (BISTRANCO, for short) has been engaged in BISTRANCO were limited. The cargoes solicited
the shipping business. As early as 1954, private by Sanchez were loaded on a "chance basis"
respondent Marciano Sanchez was an employee because those that were solicited by the branch
of BISTRANCO, specifically, a quartermaster in office were given priority.
one of its vessels, In 1959, he ceased to be an
employee as he engaged in stevedoring services Realizing that the letter, marked as Exhibit "FF",
in the port of Butuan City and rendered was in effect a repudiation of the Contracts,
steverdoring services for the vessels of Sanchez filed an action for specific performance
BISTRANCO. When BISTRANCO was under with preliminary injunction and damages with
receivership, Sanchez was appointed by its the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City.
Receiver, Atty. Adolfo V. Amor, as acting shipping
agent, also for M/V Doña Remedies, in addition to Question: What then is the status of the Contracts
M/V Doña Filomena, in the port of Butuan City. which Receiver Amor entered into with Sanchez,
without the approval of the court which
After Sanchez found that Paragraph 16 of the appointed him receiver?
Contract of agency was quite prejudicial to him,
he executed with BISTRANCO a Supplemental The petitioners allege in their
Shipping Agency Contract. By virtue of the Memorandum submitted to this Court that they
Contract of Agency and the Supplemental are void contracts under Article 1409(l) of the
Shipping Agency Contract Sanchez performed his Civil Code, whereas, in their Petition, they
duties as shipping agent of BISTRANCO, and he labelled the contracts as unenforceable under
received his corresponding commissions as such Article 1403(l) of the Civil Code.
shipping agent.
ISSUE: Whether or not the contract entered with
While the shipping business of BISTRANCO in Sanchez by Amor is an unenforceable contract.
Butuan City flourished, evidently to the mutual



In the case at bar, it is undisputed that Atty. Adolfo
Amor was entrusted, as receiver, with the
administration of BISTRANCO and it business. But
the act of entering into a contract is one which
requires the authorization of the court which
appointed him receiver. Consequently, the
questioned Contracts can rightfully be classified
as unenforceable for having been entered into by
one who had acted beyond his powers, due to
Receiver Amor's failure to secure the court's
approval of said Contracts.

The petitioners allege that the Contracts are void,

citing Article 1409(l) of the Civil Code which
provides that contracts whose cause, object or
purpose is contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public order or public policy, are inexistent and
void from the beginning. In the case at bar, the
contracts of agency were entered into for the
management and operation of BISTRANCO's
business in Butuan City. Said Contracts
necessarily imposed obligations and liabilities on
the contracting parties, thereby affecting the
disposition of the assets and business of the
company under receivership. But a perusal of the
Contracts in question would show that there is
nothing in their cause, object or purpose which
renders them void. The purpose of the Contracts
was to create an agency for BISTRANCO with
Marciano Sanchez as its agent in Butuan City.
Even as to the other provisions of the Contracts,
there is nothing in their cause or object which can
be said as contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public order or public policy so as to render them

On the other hand, paragraph 1. Article 1403 of

the Civil Code provides that contracts "entered
into in the name of another person by one who
has been given no authority or legal
representation, or who has acted beyond his
powers" are unenforceable, unless they are



G.R. No. 175483; October 14, 2015 Soon thereafter, petitioner sought to eject Annie
and Carlos Sr., who were then staying on the
FACTS: Properties. Only then did Annie and Carlos Sr.
Adela owned three (3) adjoining parcels of land in learn of the transfer of titles to petitioner. Thus,
Scout Ojeda Street, Diliman, Quezon City. Among Annie, Carlos Sr. and Anselmo filed a complaint
the improvements on the Properties was Adela's for reconveyance of property against petitioner.
house. During her lifetime, Adela allowed her
children and her grandchildren, the use and In the course of the trial, private respondents
possession of the Properties and its discovered that Adela and petitioner executed
improvements. another deed of absolute sale over Lot 35-B
bearing on its face the price of F60,000.00. Thus,
Adela simulated the transfer of Lots 32 and Lot 34 private respondents amended their complaint to
to her two grandsons. Lot 35-B remained with include Lot 35-B.
Adela. It is undisputed that the transfers were
never intended to vest title to Carlos Jr. and The trial court decided in favor of private
Dennis who both will return the lots to Adela respondents. On appeal, the CA affirmed.
when requested. Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration but
was denied by the CA. Hence, this petition.
Prior to Adela and petitioner's departure for the
United States, Adela requested Carlos Jr. and ISSUE:
Dennis to execute a deed of reconveyance over WON the Deeds of Absolute Sale between
Lots 32 and 34. The deed of reconveyance was petitioner and her late grandmother over the
executed on the same day and was registered Properties are simulated and without
with the Registry of Deeds. consideration, and hence, void and inexistent.

Adela executed a deed of absolute sale over Lots RULING:

32 and 34, and their improvements, in favor of YES. The Deeds of Absolute Sale between
petitioner, bearing on its face the price of petitioner and the late Adela Shotwell are null and
P250,000.00. On the same day, Adela also void for lack of consent and consideration.
executed a special power of attorney (SPA) in
favor of petitioner. Petitioner's authority under While the Deeds of Absolute Sale appear to be
the SPA included the power to administer, take valid on their face, the courts are not completely
charge and manage, for Adela's benefit, the precluded to consider evidence aliunde in
Properties and all her other real and personal determining the real intent of the parties. This is
properties in the Philippines. The deed of especially true when the validity of the contracts
absolute sale and the SPA were notarized on the was put in issue by one of the parties in his
same day. pleadings.

Adela and petitioner left for the United Here, private respondents assail the validity of
States. When petitioner returned to the the Deeds of Absolute Sale by alleging that they
Philippines, she registered the sale over Lots 32 were simulated and lacked consideration.
and 34 with the Registry of Deeds. Adela died in
the United States and was succeeded by her four Here, there was no valid contract of sale
children. between petitioner and Adela because their



consent was absent. The contract of sale was a b) Adela continued exercising acts of dominion
mere simulation. and control over the properties, even after the
execution of the Deeds of Absolute Sale, and
Simulation takes place when the parties do not though she lived abroad for a time. In Adela's
really want the contract they have executed to letter dated August 25, 1989 52 to a certain Candy,
produce the legal effects expressed by its she advised the latter to stay in the big house.
wordings. Article 1345 of the Civil Code provides Also, in petitioner's letter to her cousin Dennis
that the simulation of a contract may either be dated July 3, 1989,53 she admitted that Adela
absolute or relative. The former takes place when continued to be in charge of the Properties; that
the parties do not intend to be bound at all; the she has no "say" when it comes to the Properties;
latter, when the parties conceal their true that she does not intend to claim exclusive
agreement. ownership of Lot 35-B; and that she is aware that
the ownership and control of the Properties are
In short, in absolute simulation there appears intended to be consolidated in Dennis.
to be a valid contract but there is actually none
because the element of consent is lacking. This c) The SPA executed on the same day as the Deeds
is so because the parties do not actually intend to of Absolute Sale appointing petitioner as
be bound by the terms of the contract. administratrix of Adela's properties, including the
Properties, is repugnant to petitioner's claim that
In determining the true nature of a contract, the the ownership of the same had been transferred
primary test is the intention of the parties. If the to her.
words of a contract appear to contravene the
evident intention of the parties, the latter shall d) The previous sales of the Properties to Dennis
prevail. Such intention is determined not only and Carlos, Jr. were simulated. This history,
from the express terms of their agreement, but coupled with Adela's treatment of petitioner, and
also from the contemporaneous and subsequent the surrounding circumstances of the sales,
acts of the parties. This is especially true in a claim strongly show that Adela only granted petitioner
of absolute simulation where a colorable contract the same favor she had granted to Dennis and
is executed. Carlos Jr.
We agree with the lower courts that the execution
In ruling that the Deeds of Absolute Sale were of an SPA for the administration of the Properties,
absolutely simulated, the lower courts considered on the same day the Deeds of Absolute Sale were
the totality of the prior, contemporaneous and executed, is antithetical to the relinquishment of
subsequent acts of the parties. The following ownership. The SPA shows that it is so worded as
circumstances led the RTC and the CA to conclude to leave no doubt that Adela is appointing
that the Deeds of Absolute Sale are simulated, and petitioner as the administratrix of her properties
that the transfers were never intended to affect in Scout Ojeda. Had the SPA been intended only to
the juridical relation of the parties: facilitate the processing of the reconstitution of
a) There was no indication that Adela intended to the titles, there would have been no need to
alienate her properties in favor of petitioner. In confer other powers of administration, such as
fact, the letter of Adela to Dennis dated April 18, the collection of debts, filing of suit, etc., to
1989 reveals that she has reserved the ownership petitioner.
of the Properties in favor of Dennis.
We affirm the conclusion reached by the RTC and
the CA that the evidence presented below prove



that Adela did not intend to alienate the the consideration stipulated in the simulated
Properties in favor of petitioner, and that the Deeds of Absolute Sale.
transfers were merely a sham to accommodate Although on their face, the Deeds of Absolute Sale
petitioner in her travel abroad. appear to be supported by valuable
consideration, the RTC and the CA found that
Petitioner claims that we should consider that there was no money involved in the sale. The
there is only one heir of the late Adela who is consideration in the Deeds of Absolute Sale was
contesting the sale, and that out of the many superimposed on the spaces therein, bearing a
transactions involving the decedent's other font type different from that used in the rest of the
properties, the sale to petitioner is the only one document. The lower courts also found that the
being questioned. In a contest for the declaration duplicate originals of the Deeds of Absolute Sale
of nullity of an instrument for being simulated, bear a different entry with regard to the price.
the number of contestants is not determinative of
the propriety of the cause. Any person who is Article 1471 of the Civil Code provides that "if the
prejudiced by a simulated contract may set up price is simulated, the sale is void." Where a deed
its inexistence. In this instant case, it does not of sale states that the purchase price has been
matter if the contest is made by one, some or all paid but in fact has never been paid, the deed of
of the heirs. sale is null and void for lack of
consideration. Thus, although the contracts state
Neither would the existence of other contracts that the purchase price of P250,000.00 and
which remain unquestioned deter an action for P60,000.00 were paid by petitioner to Adela for
the nullity of an instrument. A contract is the Properties, the evidence shows that the
rendered meaningful and forceful by the contrary is true, because no money changed
intention of the parties relative thereto, and such hands. Apart from her testimony, petitioner did
intention can only be relevant to that particular not present proof that she paid for the Properties.
contract which is produced or, as in this case, to
that which is not produced. That the deed of sale There is no implied trust.
in [petitioner's] favor has been held to be
simulated is not indicative of the simulation of We also affirm the CA's deletion of the
any other contract executed by the deceased pronouncement of the trial court as to the
Adela de Guzman Shotwell during her lifetime. existence of an implied trust. The trial court found
that a resulting trust, a form of implied trust
Other alleged transactions made by Adela cannot based on Article 1453 of the Civil Code, was
be used as evidence to prove the validity of the created between Adela and petitioner.
conveyances to petitioner. For one, we are not
aware of any of these transactions or whether Resulting trusts arise from the nature or
there are indeed other transactions. More circumstances of the consideration involved in a
importantly, the validity of these transactions transaction whereby one person becomes
does not prove directly or indirectly the validity invested with legal title but is obligated in equity
of the conveyances in question. to hold his title for the benefit of another. It is
founded on the equitable doctrine that valuable
B. No consideration for the sale consideration and not legal title is determinative
of equitable title or interest and is always
We also find no compelling reason to depart from presumed to have been contemplated by the
the court a quo's finding that Adela never received parties. Since the intent is not expressed in the



instrument or deed of conveyance, it is to be

found in the nature of the parties'
transaction. Resulting trusts are thus describable
as intention-enforcing trusts.6 An example of a
resulting trust is Article 1453 of the Civil Code.

We, however, agree with the CA that no implied

trust can be generated by the simulated transfers
because being fictitious or simulated, the
transfers were null and void ab initio — from the
very beginning — and thus vested no rights
whatsoever in favor of petitioner. That which is
inexistent cannot give life to anything at all.

Article 1453 contemplates that legal titles were

validly vested in petitioner. Considering,
however, that the sales lack not only the element
of consent for being absolutely simulated, but also
the element of consideration, these transactions
are void and inexistent and produce no effect.
Being null and void from the beginning, no
transfer of title, both legal and beneficial, was
ever effected to petitioner.

In any case, regardless of the presence of an

implied trust, this will not affect the disposition of
the case. As void contracts do not produce any
effect, the result will be the same in that the
Properties will be reconveyed to the estate of the
late Adela de Guzman Shotwell.




APPEALS It is of record, to begin with, that concrete
G.R. No. L-41132, 27 April 1988; FIRST monuments or "mojones" were laid out by
DIVISION; NARVASA, J government surveyors in 1956 between the
properties of Hernandez and Fr. Garcia.
FACTS: Hernandez avows that these structures were
The adjoining lots sold to Hernandez’s parents purposely installed to mark the limits of their
and to Fr. Garcia were unregistered and estates; his opponents could only let this
unsurveyed at the time of the transfer. There statement pass with telling silence. Neither did
were no dividing boundaries that existed thereon they seriously dispute that these "mojones" were
until cadastral surveyors from the Bureau of installed along the line agreed upon by the parties
Lands laid down official monuments (“mojones”) as marking their properties' boundaries. All they
to mark the separation of the lots in 1956. These averred in their defense is that the agreement did
monuments were set along a line which the not bind them. Lastly, they freely conceded the
landowners had previously agreed upon as presence of a fence along this line, but were quick
representing the correct boundary between their to point out that they had merely "permitted"
estates. Hernandez relied on the visible Hernandez to put up this "temporary" structure
landmarks installed by the government surveyors "to stop the public (from) using ... this place as a
precluded any overstepping of those limits. Yet common madden shed." The excuse is lamentably
unknown to Hernandez, Fr. Garcia’s application feeble.
included 220 square meters of the former. It was
not until the court had already ordered the The Statute of Frauds finds no application to this
registration of the lots in Fr. Garcia's name that case. Not every agreement "affecting land" must
Hernandez discovered the anomaly in the be put in writing to attain enforceability. Under
application. An Original Certificate of Title was the Statute of Frauds, Article 1403(2) (e) of the
issued in favor of Fr. Garcia. Alleging fraud had Civil Code, such formality is only required of
prevented him from proving their title to land contracts involving leases for longer than one
subject of registration proceedings in another's year, or for the sale of real property or of an
name, Hernandez sought review of the decree of interest therein. Hernandez's testimony is thus
registration by petition in the land registration admissible to establish his agreement with Fr.
court. Fr. Garcia on the other hand insisted that Garcia as to the boundary of their estates.
Hernandez’ claim over the parcel of land does not
bind them and is unenforceable under the Statute
of Frauds.

What is the effect of including 220-square-meter
area in Original Certificate of Title (OCT) which is
neither contemplated by any written agreement
nor supported by the official monuments marking
the separation of the lots.

AThe OCT issued should be declared null and



RUBIAS VS BATILLER lawyers with respect to the property and rights

G.R. No. L-35702 May 29, 1973 which may be the object of any litigation in which
they may take part by virtue of their profession.”
FACTS: The present case clearly falls under this,
Francisco Militante claimed that he owned a especially since the case was still pending appeal
parcel of land located in Iloilo. He filed with the when the sale was made.
CFI of Iloilo an application for the registration of
title of the land. This was opposed by the Director ISSUE:
of Lands, the Director of Forestry, and other What is the Legal effect of a sale falling under
oppositors. The case was docked as a land case, Article1491?
and after trial the court dismissed the application
for registration. Militante appealed to the Court of RULING:
Manresa considered such prohibited acquisitions
Pending that appeal, he sold to Rubias (his son-in- (which fell under the Spanish Civil Code) as
law and a lawyer) the land. The CA rendered a merely voidable because the Spanish Code did not
decision, dismissing the application for recognize nullity. But our Civil Code does
registration. Rubias filed a Forcible Entry and recognize the absolute nullity of contracts “whose
Detainer case against Batiller. cause, object or purpose is contract to law,
morals, good customs, public order or public
In that case, the court held that Rubias has no policy” or which are “expressly prohibited or
cause of action because the property in dispute declared void by law” and declares such contracts
which Rubias allegedly bought from Militante was “inexistent and void from the beginning.” The
the subject matter of a land case, in which case nullity of such prohibited contracts is definite and
Rubias was the counsel on record of Militante permanent, and cannot be cured by ratification.
himself. It thus falls under Article1491 of the Civil The public interest and public policy remain
Code. Hence, this appeal. paramount and do not permit of compromise or
ratification. In this aspect, the permanent
ISSUE: disqualification of public and judicial officers and
Whether the sale of the land is prohibited under lawyers grounded on public policy differs from
Article 1491. the first three cases of guardians agents and
administrators (under Art 1491). As to their
RULING: transactions, it has been opined that they may be
YES. Article 1491 says that “The following “ratified” by means of and
persons cannot acquire any purchase, even at a in “the form of a new contract, in which case its v
public or judicial auction, either in person or alidity shall be determined only by the
through the mediation of another…. (5) Justices, circumstances at the time of execution of such
judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks of superior new contract.” In those cases, the object which
and inferior courts, and other officers and was illegal at the time of the first contract may
employees connected with the administration of have already become lawful at the time of the
justice, the property and rights in litigation or ratification or second contract, or the intent, or
levied upon an execution before the court within the service which was impossible. The ratification
whose jurisdiction or territory they exercise their or second contract would then be valid from its
respective functions; this prohibition includes the execution; however, it does not retroact to the
act of acquiring by assignment and shall apply to date of the first contract. Decision affirmed.



JAVIER VS VDA. DE CRUZ Gregorio Cruz was the father of Delfin Cruz,
GR NO. L-25891, November 29, 1977 deceased husband of defendant Dominga Vda. de
Cruz and father of defendants Leonila, Roman,
FACTS: Eliseo, Leberata and Melecio, all surnamed Cruz;
This is an appeal by the plaintiff from the decision that on January 16, 1941 Delfin Cruz, by means of
of the Court of First Instance of Rizal in Civil Case deceit and in collusion with persons among them
No. 5996 entitled "Benedicto M. Javier, etc. vs. his father Gregorio Cruz made Eusebio Cruz, who
Dominga Vda. de Cruz, et al." the dispositive part could read and write, stamp his thumbmark on a
of which reads: deed of sale of a portion of the land described in
“IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, judgment is the complaint consisting of 26,577 square meters
hereby rendered one in favor of the defendants for the sum of P700.00 in favor of said Delfin Cruz;
and against the plaintiff dismissing the two that at that time Delfin Cruz did not have theithin
above-entitled cases, dissolving the writ of thirty days from submittal of the case for decision,
preliminary injunction, ordering the plaintiff to but the validity of the law cannot be seriously
pay attorney's fees in the sum of One Thousand challenged."
Pesos (P1,000.00) and condemning the said Petitioner fiscal, as already stated, filed the
plaintiff to pay the costs of suit. informations in the ten cases with the Circuit
IT IS ORDERED. Pasig, Rizal, August 29, 1962. Criminal Court rather than with the respondent
(Sgd.) Andres Reyes” judge's court to mitigate the latter court's
The Court of Appeals, in a resolution promulgated caseload in accordance with the purpose of the
on March 19, 1966 certified to the Supreme Court Circuit Criminal Court law or at the request of the
the case because "the value of the property in offended parties and complainants. Since the
question is more than half a million pesos ..." filing of the information or complaint "supplies -
hence "is beyond the jurisdiction of this Court." the occasion for the exercise of jurisdiction vested
On February 1, 1960 Benedicto M. Javier, as by law in a particular court" 15 and the law confers
administrator of the Estate of Eusebio Cruz, concurrent jurisdiction in the Circuit Criminal
instituted against Dominga Vda. de Cruz and her Court, the said court properly assumed
children Civil Case No. 5996 to declare null and jurisdiction over the said cases and there is no
void a deed of sale of a part of a parcel of land lawful basis for respondent judge's prayer that
located in Barrio San Isidro, Taytay, Rizal said cases be returned to his court "for the lawful
containing an area of 182,959 square meters and actions which are needed on them" and to set at
assessed at P4,310.00 under Tax No. 9136 under naught the judgments of conviction already
Tax No. 9136 in the name of Estate of E. Cruz. rendered by the Circuit Criminal Court in some of
The amended complaint stated that Eusebio Cruz, the cases and the other proceedings therein.
who died on February 2, 1941 at the age of 100 For administrative and record purposes,
years without leaving any will nor compulsory however, petitioner fiscal should have promptly
heirs, was the absolute and exclusive owner of a and in due course advised the clerk of respondent
parcel of mountainous and unimproved land judge's court that the informations had been filed
situated in sitio Matogalo, Taytay, Rizal which he with the Circuit Criminal Court. Petitioner fiscal
inherited from his forebears, described therein; recognized this oversight and duly "apologized
that during his lifetime, Eusebio Cruz had been humbly" to respondent judge and pleaded an
living with one Teodora Santos 'without the "acute lack of personnel in his office" in
sanction of marriage"; that Teodora Santos had extenuation. Under the circumstances and
with her as distant relatives and protegees the considering that petitioner was only discharging
brothers Gregorio Cruz and Justo Cruz; that his duty according to his best lights, and could not



be said to have in any way acted arbitrarily or in

bad faith in filing the informations with the Circuit
Criminal Court, his apology could have been
graciously accepted by respondent judge with an
admonition to exercise greater care in the future,
in lieu of the unwarranted imposition of punitive
fines in the total sum of P 1,000.00.
ACCORDINGLY, the questioned contempt orders
and fines imposed therein are annulled and set
aside. Without costs.

Whether or not Javier, as administrator of the
Estate of Eusebio Cruz can declare null and void a
deed of sale of a part of a parcel of land located in
Barrio San Isidro said to be owned by Vda. de Cruz
and her children?

Yes. As above cited, the deed of sale should be
declared null and void because it was found that
on January 16, 1941 Delfin Cruz, by means of
deceit and in collusion with persons among them
his father Gregorio Cruz made Eusebio Cruz, who
could read and write, stamped his thumbmark on
a deed of sale of a portion of the land described in
the complaint consisting of 26,577 square meters
for the sum of P700.00 in favor of said Delfin Cruz.



MENIL VS. CA pendency of Civil Case No. 1810, private

G.R. No. L-43668-69; July 31, 1978 respondents filed against the petitioners Civil
Case No. 1816 for the reconveyance of the land
FACTS: litigated in Civil Case No. 1692 and Civil Case No.
On November 3, 1955, Agueda Garan obtained a 1810 before the same court.
homestead patent over the land in question. On
February 4, 1956, Original Certificate of Title was By agreement of the parties, Civil Case No. 1810
issued by the Register of Deeds of Surigao under and Civil Case No. 1816 were jointly heard
her name. Judgment dated June 13. 1970 was rendered
declaring that spouses Menil were legally entitled
On May 7, 1960, Garan then sold the land to to the possession of the land, ordering private
movant Patenciano Manil for P415.00. But, for respondents to restore possession of the land in
reasons not revealed in the records, the litigation to petitioners.
contracting parties did not register the deed of
sale in the Registry of Deeds in Surigao. On August On a motion for reconsideration filed by private
30, 1964, Agueda Garan executed another deeds respondents, the appellate court set aside its
of sale over the same parcel of land in favor of the Decision which declared the sale of the
same vendee, Potenciano Menil, and for the same homestead in question to petitioners as nun and
price P415.00. void, ordered the cancellation of Transfer
Certificate of Title and the re-issuance of Original
On August 30, 1965, the contracting parties Certificate of Title to Agueda Garan, and ordered
registered the second deed of sale in the Registry Garan to reimburse Menil the price of the sale, the
of Deeds in Surigao. On February 28, 1966, interest
Potenciano Menil mortgaged the land to the
Development Bank of the Philippines to secure an ISSUE: Whether the Contract of Sale is Null and
agricultural loan which the former obtained void
fromthe latter. Petitioners were in possession of
the land in question until sometime in 1967 when HELD:
private respondents Agueda Garan, Francisco Yes. It is not disputed by the parties that the
Calanias, Miguel Nayve, Jr., Rufo Nayve, and Lucio contract of sale executed on May 7, 1960, having
Calanias forcibly took possession of the said land, been executed less than 5 years from May 7, 1960,
and filed against petitioners Civil Case No. 1692 the date the homestead patent was awarded to
for "Quieting of Title" before Branch 11 of the private respondent Agueda Garan, is null and void
Court of First Instance of Surigao del Norte. The for being violative of Section 118 of C.A. 141
said court dismissed the complaint, awarded [Public Land Act] which provides:
damages to the petitioners, and granted the writ
of execution prayed for by the latter. However, “Sec. 118. Except in favor of the government or any
upon the claim that the above decision was silent of its branches, units, or institutions, lands acquired
on the issue of who are entitled to the possession under free patent or homestead provisions shall
of the land under litigation, the private not be subject to encumbrance or alienation from
respondents refused to vacate the land, thus, the date of the approval of the application and for
forcing petitioners to file on July 8, 1968 Civil Case a term of five years from and after the date of
No. 1810 for "Recovery of Possession" of the said issuance of the patent or grant, nor shall they
land before Branch 1 of the same Court of First become liable to the satisfaction of any debt
Instance of Surigao del Norte. During the contracted prior to the expiration of said period,



but the improvements or crops on the land may be

mortgaged or pledged to qualified persons,
associations, or corporations.”

Petitioners contend, however, that the

subsequent approval thereof by the Secretary of
Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the
execution of the confirmatory deed of sale on
August 10, 1965, cured any defect that the first
sale may have suffered.

It cannot be claimed that there are two contracts:

one which is undisputably null and void, and
another, having been executed after the lapse of
the 5-year prohibitory period, which is valid. The
second contract of sale executed on March 3, 1964
is admittedly a confirmatory deed of sale. Even
the petitioners concede this point. Inasmuch as
the contract of sale executed on May 7, 1960 is
void for it is expressly prohibited or declared void
by law [CA- 141, Section 118], it therefore cannot
be confirmed nor ratified. Art 1409 are contracts
that cannot be ratified. Neither can the right to set
up the defense of illegality be waived.

Further, noteworthy is the fact that the second

contract of sale over the said homestead in favor
of the same vendee, petitioner Potenciano Menil,
is for the same price of P415.00. Clearly, the
unvarying term of the said contract is ample
manifestation that the same is simulated and that
no object or consideration passed between the
parties to the contract. It is evident from the
whole record of the case that the homestead had
long been in the possession of the vendees upon
the execution of the first contract of sale on May
7, 1960; likewise, the amount of P415.00 had long
been paid to Agueda Garan on that same occasion.
We find no evidence to the contrary.




Gr No. L-26096; February 27, 1979  CFI denied the move to cancel the annotation.

FACTS:  Spouses appealed. Their ground being that

 Maximo Abarquez filed a claim against her contract for a contingent fee violates Article
sister (Agripina Abarquez) for the annulment 14911 because it involves an assignment of a
of a contract of sale with right of repurchase property subject of litigation.
and for the recovery of the land which was the
subject matter thereof.

 Litigating as a pauper in the lower court and ISSUE:

engaging the services of his lawyer (Atty. Whether or not the contract for a contingent fee,
Alberto B. Fernandez) on a contingent basis, basis of the interest of Atty. Fernandez, is
petitioner, unable to compensate his lawyer prohibited by the Article 1491 of the New Civil
whom he also retained for his appeal, Code because it involves an assignment of a
executed a document in the Cebuano-Visayan property subject of litigation.
dialect whereby he obliged himself to give to
his lawyer one half (½) of whatever he might
recover from Lots 5600 and 5602 should the HELD:
appeal prosper.  Negative.

 Maximo Abarquez won the case.  This contention is without merit. Article 1491
prohibits only the sale or assignment between
 Atty. Alberto B. Fernandez (Maximo’s lawyer) the lawyer and his client, of property which is
waited for Maximo to comply with his the subject of litigation. As WE have already
undertaking, but instead, he sold the property stated: “The prohibition in said article applies
to the spouses Juan Larrazabal and Marta C. de only to a sale or assignment to the lawyer by
Larrazabal. his client of the property which is the subject
of litigation. In other words, for the
 In order to protect his interest, Atty. Alberto B. prohibition to operate, the sale or
Fernandez caused the annotation of “adverse assignment of the property must take
claim” on the TCT which appeared to the new place during the pendency of the litigation
TCT obtained by the spouses Larrazabal. involving the property.”

 The spouses Larrazabal moved for the  In the instant case, the attorney’s fees of Atty.
cancellation of said annotation before the then Fernandez, consisting of one half (1/2) of
Court of First Instance or CFI. whatever Maximo Abarquez might recover
1 “Article 1491. The following persons cannot acquire justice, the property and rights in litigation or levied
by purchase even at a public or judicial auction, either upon an execution before the court within whose
is person or through the mediation of another. jurisdiction or territory they exercise their respective
functions; this prohibition includes the act of acquiring
“x x x x x x by assignment and shall apply to lawyers, with respect
to the property and rights which may be the object of
“(5) Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks any litigation in which they may take part by virtue of
of superior and inferior courts, and other officers and their profession.” (Italics supplied).
employees connected with the administration of

from his share in the lots in question, is

contingent upon the success of the appeal.
Hence, the payment of the attorney’s fees, that
is, the transfer or assignment of one-half (1/2)
of the property in litigation will take place
only if the appeal prospers. Therefore, the
transfer actually takes effect after the
finality of a favorable judgment rendered
on appeal and not during the pendency of
the litigation involving the property in

 Consequently, the contract for a contingent

fee is not covered by Article 1491.



FRANCISCO A. TONGOY VS COURT OF November 5, 1935 — Hacienda Pulo was

APPEALS placed in the name of Luis D. Tongoy married
G.R. No. L-45645 June 28, 1983 to Ma. Rosario Araneta with the issuance of
TCT 20154 (Exh. 20);
It will be noted that the foreclosure on the original June 22, 1936 — An Escritura de Venta was
mortgage over Hacienda Pulo was instituted by executed by Basilisa Cuaycong over the
PNB as early as June 18, 1931, from which time Cuaycong property in favor of Luis D. Tongoy,
the members of the Tongoy-Sonora clan had been thereby resulting in the issuance of TCT No.
in constant conference to save the property. At 21522 in the name of Luis D. Tongoy married
that time all the respondents-Tongoys were still to Ma. Rosario Araneta;
minors (except Amado, who was already 23 years
old then), so that there could be truth to the June 26, 1936 — Luis D. Tongoy executed a
allegation that their exclusion in the Declaration real estate mortgage over the Cuaycong
of Inheritance executed by Patricio and Luis property in favor of the PNB to secure a loan
Tongoy on April 29, 1933 was made to facilitate of P4,500.00; and
matters-as part of the general plan arrived at after
the family conferences to transfer the June 29, 1936 — Luis D. Tongoy executed a
administration of the property to the latter. The real estate mortgage over Hacienda Pulo to
events that followed were obviously in pursuance secure a loan of P21,000.00 payable for fifteen
of such plan, thus: years.

March 13, 1934 — An Escritura de Venta When the mortgages were constituted,
(Exh. 2 or W) was executed in favor of Luis D. respondents Cresenciano Tongoy and Norberto
Tongoy by Ana Tongoy, Teresa Tongoy, Tongoy were still minors, while respondent
Mercedes Sonora, Trinidad Sonora, Juan Amado Tongoy became of age on August 19, 1931,
Sonora and Patricio Tongoy, transferring and Ricardo Tongoy attained majority age on
their rights and interests over Hacienda Pulo August 12, 1935. Still, considering that such
to the former. transfer of the properties in the name of Luis D.
Tongoy was made in pursuance of the master plan
October 23, 1935 — An Escritura de Venta to save them from foreclosure, the said
(Exh. 3 or DD) was executed by Jesus Sonora, respondents were precluded from doing anything
likewise transferring his rights and interests to assert their rights. It was only upon failure of
over Hacienda Pulo to Luis D. Tongoy; the herein petitioner, as administrator and/or
successor-in-interest of Luis D. Tongoy, to return
November 5, 1935 — An Escritura de Venta the properties that the prescriptive period should
(Exh. 5 or AA) was also executed by Jose begin to run.
Tongoy in favor of Luis D. Tongoy for the
same purpose; (Note: This was preceded by As above demonstrated, the prescriptive period is
the execution on October 14, 1935 of an ten year-from the date of recording on May 5,
Assignment of Rights [4 or Z) in favor of Luis 1958 of the release of mortgage in the Registry of
D. Tongoy by the Pacific Commercial Deeds.
Company as judgment lien-holder
[subordinate of the PNB mortgage] of Jose ISSUE:
Tongoy on Hacienda Pulo Whether or not the rights of herein respondents
over subject properties, which were the subjects

of simulated or fictitious transactions, have

already prescribed.

A void or inexistent contract is one which has no
force and effect from the very beginning, as if it
had never been entered into, and which cannot be
validated either by time or by ratification.



LITA ENTERPRISES VS. certificate of registration not levied in the prior

G.R. No. L-64693 April 27, 1984
Petitioner now prays that private respondent be
FACTS: held liable to pay the amount they have given to
Spouses Nicasio Ocampo and Francisca Garcia the heir of Galvez.
(private respondents) purchased in installment
from the Delta Motor Sales Corporation five (5) ISSUE:
Toyota Corona Standard cars to be used as taxi. Whether or not petitioner can recover from
Since they had no franchise to operate taxicabs, private respondent, knowing they are in an
they contracted with petitioner Lita Enterprise, arrangement known as “kabit system”.
Inc., through its representative Manuel
Concordia, for the use of the latter’s certificate of RULING:
public convenience for a consideration of P1, “Kabit system” is defined as, when a person who
000.00 and a monthly rental of P200.00/taxicab has been granted a certificate of convenience
unit. For the agreement to take effect, the cars allows another person who owns a motor vehicle
were registered in the name of Lita Enterprises, to operate under such franchise for a fee. This
Inc. The possession, however, remains with system is not penalized as a criminal offense but
spouses Ocampo and Garcia who operated and is recognized as one that is against public policy;
maintained the same under Acme Taxi, therefore it is void and inexistent.
petitioner’s trade name.
It is fundamental that the court will not aid either
A year later, one of the taxicabs, driven by their of the party to enforce an illegal contract, but will
employee, Emeterio Martin, collided with a leave them both where it finds them. Upon this
motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle, premise, it was flagrant error on the part of both
Florante Galvez died from the injuries it trial and appellate courts to have accorded the
sustained. parties relief from their predicament. Specifically
Article 1412 states that:
Criminal case was filed against Emeterio Martin,
while a civil case was filed by the heir of the victim “If the act in which the unlawful or forbidden
against Lita Enterprises. In the decision of the cause consists does not constitute a criminal
lower court Lita Enterprises was held liable for offense, the following rules shall be observed:
damages for the amount of P25, 000.00 and P7, “when the fault, is on the part of both contracting
000.00 for attorney’s fees. parties, neither may recover what he has given by
virtue of the contract, or demand the
A writ of execution for the decision followed, 2 of performance of the other’s undertaking.”
the cars of the respondent’s spouses were levied
and were sold to a public auction. The principle of in pari delicto is evident in this
case. “the proposition is universal that no action
On March 1973, respondent Ocampo decided to arises, in equity or at law, from an illegal contract;
register his taxicabs in his own name. The no suit can be maintained for its specific
manager of petitioner refused to give him the performance, or to recover the property agreed to
registration papers. Thus, making spouses file a sold or delivered, or damages for its property
complaint against petitioner. In the decision, Lita agreed to be sold or delivered, or damages for its
Enterprise was ordered to return the three violation.” The parties in this case are in pari



delicto, therefore no affirmative relief can be

granted to them.



ARSENAL VS IAC (AMANTE) the latter told him that he sold only three hectares
to Arsenal. Plaintiff approached Francisca Arsenal
FRANCISCA ARSENAL and REMEDIO ARSENAL for a satisfactory arrangement but she insisted on
VS IAC abiding by her contract. Because of their
G.R. No. L-66696 July 14, 1986; GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: disagreement, Francisca Arsenal registered her
Deed of Sale on December 6, 1973 and obtained
FACTS: Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-7879 for the
Francisca Arsenal and Remedio Arsenal became entire Lot 81 without the knowledge of the
tenants of an adjoining land owned by Eusebio plaintiff.
Pabualan that is separated from the land in
question only by a public road. Filomeno Palaos Plaintiff however learned of the cancellation of
and his wife executed a notarial Deed of Sale in the original certificate of title of Palaos and the
consideration of the amount of P800.00 issuance of the Transfer Certificate to Arsenal so
supposedly for the remaining three (3) hectares he sought the help of the municipal authorities of
of their land without knowing that the document Kitaotao to reach an amicable settlement with
covered the entirety of Lot 81 including the four- Francisca Arsenal who, on the other hand, refused
hectare portion previously deeded by them to the to entertain all overture to that effect.
plaintiff. The deed of sale was presented to the
Office of the Commission on National Integration Torcuato Suralta filed a case against Filomeno
at Malaybalay for approval because Palaos and his Palaos, Mahina Lagwas, Francisca Arsenal,
wife belong to the cultural minorities and Remedio Arsenal and the Register of Deeds of
unlettered. The field representative and inspector Bukidnon for the annulment of Transfer
of that office subsequently approved the same Certificate of Title No. T-7879 issued to the
without inspecting the land to determine the Arsenals insofar as it covers the four-hectare
actual occupants thereon. portion previously sold to him.
The Arsenal took possession of the three-hectare ISSUE:
portion of Lot 81 after their purchase and have Who among the two alleged purchasers of a four-
cultivated the same up to the present time but hectare portion of land granted in homestead has
they never disturbed the plaintiff's possession acquired a valid title thereto.
over the four-hectare portion that he had
purchased in 1957. Francisca Arsenal caused the RULING:
tax declaration of the entire lot to be transferred
in her name. Torcuato Suralta learned of the A contract which purports of alienate,
transfer of the tax declaration to Francisca transfer, convey or encumber any homestead
Arsenal and because of their good relations at the within the prohibitory period of five years
time, he agreed with Arsenal to contribute in the from the date of the issuance of the patent is
payment of the land taxes and paid yearly from void from its execution. In a number of cases,
1968 to 1973 the amount of P10.00 this Court has held that such provision is
corresponding to his four-hectare portion to mandatory.
Francisca Arsenal.
Under the provisions of the Civil Code, a void
However, the plaintiff saw for the first time the contract is inexistent from the beginning. It
Deed of Sale embracing the whole Lot 81 signed cannot be ratified neither can the right to set up
by Filomeno Palaos in favor of Francisca Arsenal.
Immediately he asked Palaos for explanation but

the defense of its illegality be waived. (Art. 1409, (b) Declaring null and void the sale of the same
Civil Code). portion of land to the petitioners Francisca
Arsenal and Remedio Arsenal:
Concededly, the contract of sale executed (c) Ordering the Register of Deeds of Bukidnon to
between the respondents Palaos and Suralta cancel Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-7879 as
in 1957 is void. It was entered into three (3) to the disputed four-hectare portion and to
years and eight (8) months after the grant of the reissue an Original Certificate of Title for the
homestead patent to the respondent Palaos in portion designated as Lot 81-A of the Subdivision
1954. Plan LRC-PLD-198451 prepared by Geodetic
Engineer Benito P. Balbuena and approved by the
Thus, it was erroneous for the trial court to Commission on Land Registration, in favor of the
declare that the benefit of the prohibition in the respondents Filomeno Palaos and Mahina
Public Land Act "does not inure to any third Lagwas;
party." Such a sweeping declaration does not find (d) Ordering the respondents Filomeno Palaos
support in the law or in precedents. A third and Mahina Lagwas to reimburse the heirs of the
person who is directly affected by a void respondent Torcuato Suralta the sum of EIGHT
contract may set up its nullity. In this case, it is HUNDRED NINETY PESOS (P890.00), the price of
precisely the petitioners' interest in the disputed the sale. The value of any improvements made on
land which is in question. the land and the interests on the purchase price
are compensated by the fruits the respondent
As to whether or not the execution by the Suralta and his heirs received from their long
respondents Palaos and Suralta of another possession of the homestead.
instrument in 1973 cured the defects in their
previous contract, we reiterate the rule that an
alienation or sale of a homestead executed
within the five-year prohibitory period is void
and cannot be confirmed or ratified.

The respondents Palaos and Suralta admitted that

they executed the subsequent contract of sole in
1973 in order to cure the defects of their previous
contract. The terms of the second contract
corroborate this fact as it can easily be seen from
its terms that no new consideration passed
between them. The second contract of sale being
merely confirmatory, it produces no effect and
can not be binding.

The decision of the Intermediate Appellate Court

is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Judgment is hereby
(a) Declaring null and void the sale of the four-
hectare portion of the homestead to respondent
Torcuato Suralta and his heirs;



MANOTOK REALTY INC. v. CA others, provided for the following terms and
GR NO. L-45038; April 30, 1987 conditions:
1. — The VENDEE assumes the risk and
FACTS: expenses of ejecting the tenants or squatters
Felipe Madlangawa (private respondent) claims on the said parcels of land if it decides to eject
that he has been occupying a parcel of land in the them. Any rentals or damages that may be due
Clara de Tambunting de Legarda Subdivision or collectible from the said tenants or
since 1949 upon permission being obtained from squatters for the period subsequent to the
Andres Ladores, then an overseer of the date of this deed of sale shall belong to the
subdivision, with the understanding that VENDEE but rentals due from the said tenants
Madlangawa would eventually buy the lot. or squatters prior to the execution of this deed
of sale shall belong to the VENDOR.
On April 2, 1950, the owner of the lot, Clara xxx xxx xxxx x x
Tambunting, died and her entire estate, including 3. — The VENDEE renounces the right to
her paraphernal properties which covered the lot warranty in case of eviction with the
occupied by the Madlangawa were placed knowledge of the risks of eviction and
under custodia legis. On April 22, 1950, assumes its consequences with respect not
Madlangawa made a deposit for the said lot in the only to the lots subject-of the above
sum of P1,500.00 which was received by Vicente mentioned cases and claims but also with
Legarda, husband of the late owner. As evidenced respect to any other lots subject of contracts
by the receipt issued by Vicente Legarda, the lot of sale or promises to sell that may have been
consisted of an area of 240 square meters and was executed by the deceased, Clara Tambunting
sold at P30.00 per square meter. There, thus, de Legarda and/or Vicente L. Legarda, and it
remained an unpaid balance of P5,700.00 but hereby relieves the estate of Clara
Madlangawa did not pay or was unable to pay this Tambunting de Legarda and the Philippine
balance because after the death of the testatrix, Trust Company, in its capacity as
Clara Tambunting de Legarda, her heirs could not Administrator thereof, of any and all liability
settle their differences. with respect thereto in case of eviction. All
sums of money that have been paid to the
On April 28, 1950, Don Vicente Legarda was deceased Clara Tambunting de Legarda
appointed as a special administrator of the estate. and/or Vicente L. Legarda and/or the
Meanwhile Madlangawa remained in possession administrator of Clara Tambunting de
of the lot in question. Subsequently, the Manotok Legarda on account of the purchase price of
Realty Inc. became the successful bidder and said lots shall belong to the estate, but any
vendee of the Tambunting de Legarda sums of money that are or may be due as the
Subdivision consisting of 44 parcels of land balance of the purchase price of said lots shall
spread out in the districts of Tondo and Sta. Cruz, belong to the VENDEE. (pp. 27-28, Rollo).
Manila, pursuant to the deeds of sale executed in xxx xxx xxx
its favor by the Philippine Trust Company on In its effort to clear the Tambunting Subdivision
March 13 and 20, 1959, as administrator of the of its squatters and occupants, petitioner caused
Testate Estate of Clara Tambunting de Legarda, in the publication of several notices in the Manila
Special Proceeding No. 10809 of the Manila Times issues of January 1, 1966 and
probate court. The lot in dispute was one of those the Taliba issues of January 2, and March 16,
covered by the sale. The Deed of Sale, among 1966, advising the occupants to vacate their
respective premises, otherwise, court action with



damages would follow. In addition to these disposed of the lot in dispute as a continuing
notices by publication, petitioner sent circulars to administrator of the paraphernal properties of
the occupants to vacate. Dona Clara Tambunting. It is also undisputed that
the probate court appointed Don Vicente Legarda
Felipe Madlangawa was one of the many as administrator of the estate only on August 28,
occupants who refused to vacate the lots they 1950, more than three months after the
were occupying, so that on April 26, 1968, the questioned sale had taken place.
petitioner filed the action below to recover the
said lot. The trial court dismissed the petitioner's We are, therefore, led to the inevitable conclusion
action after finding that the Identity of the parcel that the sale between Don Vicente Legarda and
of land described in the complaint had not been the private respondent is void ab initio, the former
sufficiently established as the very same piece of being neither an owner nor administrator of the
land in the material and physical possession of subject property. Such being the case, the sale
Madlangawa. On appeal, the Court of Appeals cannot be the subject of the ratification by the
found the Identity of the lot sought to be Philippine Trust Company or the probate court.
recovered by petitioner to be the same as that in As was held in the case of Arsenal v. Intermediate
the physical possession of Madlangawa and ruled Appellate Court (143 SCRA 40, 49):
that the only right remaining to petitioner is to Under the provisions of the Civil Code, a void
enforce the collection of the balance because contract is inexistent from the beginning. It
accordingly, it stepped into the shoes of its cannot be ratified neither can the right to set
predecessor; and that since the area now in up the defense of its illegality be waived. (Art.
possession of the petitioner which is that 1409, Civil Code.
involved in the present case is only 115 square
meters, the balance after deducting the deposit of To further distinguish this contract from the
P1,500.00 is P2,551.85, and as per order of the other kinds of contract, a commentator has
CFI of Manila, the said balance should be paid in stated that.
18 equal monthly installments.
The right to set up the nullity of a void or non-
ISSUE: existent contract is not limited to the parties
Whether or not the sale by Don Vicente Legarda as in the case of annuable or voidable
in favor of Felipe Madlangawa is valid, binding, contracts, it is extended to third persons who
and enforceable against Manotok Realty Inc.? are directly affected by the contract.
(Tolentino, Civil Code of the Philippines, Vol.
HELD: IV, p. 604, [1973]).
NO. There is nothing in the records that wig show
that Don Vicente Legarda was the administrator Any person may invoke the inexistence of the
of the paraphernal properties of Dona Clara contract whenever juridical affects founded
Tambunting during the lifetime of the latter. Thus, thereon are asserted against him.
it cannot be said that the sale which was entered
into by the private respondent and Don Vicente
Legarda had its inception before the death of
Dona Clara Tambunting and was entered into by
the former for and on behalf of the latter, but was
only consummated after her death. Don Vicente
Legarda, therefore, could not have validly



PORTUGAL VS IAC of Title T.C.T. No. 23539 registered in his and his
G.R. No. 73564; March 25, 1988; SECOND brother Emiliano Portugal's names, and which
DIVISION; SARMIENTO, J.: new T.C.T. cancelled the two previous ones. This
falsification was triggered by a deed of sale by
Nature of the Action: petition for review by which the spouses Pascual Portugal and Cornelia
certiorari. Clanor purportedly sold for P8,000.00 the two
CIV II Topic covered: Articles 1350, 1352, and parcels of land adverted to earlier to their two
1409 of the new Civil Code sons, Hugo and Emiliano. Confronted by his
mother of this fraud, Emiliano denied any
FACTS: participation. And to show his good faith,
Petitioner Cornelia Clanor and her late husband Emiliano caused the reconveyance of Lot No.
Pascual Portugal, during the lifetime of the latter, 2337 previously covered by TCT No. RT-9356 and
were able to accumulate several parcels of real which was conveyed to him in the void deed of
property. Among these were a parcel of sale. Hugo, on the other hand, refused to make the
residential land situated in Poblacion, Gen. Trias, necessary restitution thus compelling the
Cavite, designated as Lot No. 3201, consisting of petitioners, his mother and his other brothers and
2,069 square meters, more or less, and covered by sisters, to institute an action for the annulment of
T.C.T. No. RT-9355, in their names, and an the controversial deed of sale and the
agricultural land located at Pasong Kawayan, Gen. reconveyance of the title over Lot No. 3201 (the
Trias, Cavite, with an area of 43,587 square residential land).
meters, more or less, known as Lot No. 2337, and
also registered in their names under T.C.T. No. ISSUE:
RT-9356 of the Registry of Deeds for the Province What is the status of the Contract of Sale executed
of Cavite. by respondent Hugo

Sometime in January, 1967, the private RULING:

respondent Hugo Portugal, a son of the spouses, There is really nothing novel in this case as an the
borrowed from his mother, Cornelia, the issues raised had been, on several occasions,
certificates of title to the above-mentioned ruled upon by the Court. Apropos the first issue,
parcels of land on the pretext that he had to use which is the timeliness of the action, the trial
them in securing a loan that he was negotiating. court correctly ruled that the action instituted by
Cornelia, the loving and helpful mother that she the petitioners has not yet prescribed. Be that as
was, assented and delivered the titles to her son. it may, the conclusion was reached through an
The matter was never again brought up until after erroneous rationalization, i.e., the case is purely
Pascual Portugal died on November 17, 1974. for reconveyance based on an implied or
(Cornelia herself died on November 12, 1987.) constructive trust. Obviously, the trial court failed
When the other heirs of the deceased Pascual to consider the lack of consideration or cause in
Portugal, the petitioners herein, for the purposes the purported deed of sale by which the
of executing an extra-judicial partition of residential lot was allegedly transferred to the
Pascual's estate, wished to have all the properties private respondent by his parents. On the other
of the spouses collated, Cornelia asked the private hand, the respondent Intermediate Appellate
respondent for the return of the two titles she Court held that since the action for reconveyance
previously loaned, Hugo manifested that the said was fathered by a fraudulent deed of sale, Article
titles no longer exist. When further questioned, 1391 of the Civil Code which lays down the rule
Hugo showed the petitioners Transfer Certificate that an action to annul a contract based on fraud



prescribes in four years, applies. Hence, according inexistent, not merely voidable. And it is provided
to the respondent court, as more than four years in Article 1410 of the Civil Code, that '(T)he
had elapsed from January 23, 1967 when the action or defense for the declaration of the
assailed deed was registered and the petitioners' inexistence of a contract does not prescribe.
cause of action supposedly accrued, the suit has
already become stale when it was commenced on
October 26, 1976, in the Court of First Instance of
Cavite. For reasons shortly to be shown, we can
not give our imprimatur to either view.

The case at bar is not purely an action for

reconveyance based on an implied or
constructive trust. Neither is it one for the
annullment of a fraudulent contract. A closer
scrutiny of the records of the case readily
supports a finding that fraud and mistake are not
the only vices present in the assailed contract of
sale as held by the trial court. More than these, the
alleged contract of sale is vitiated by the total
absence of a valid cause or consideration. The
petitioners in their complaint, assert that they,
particularly Cornelia, never knew of the existence
of the questioned deed of sale. They claim that
they came to know of the supposed sale only after
the private respondent, upon their repeated
entreaties to produce and return the owner's
duplicate copy of the transfer certificate of title
covering the two parcels of land, showed to them
the controversial deed. And their claim was
immeasurably bolstered when the private
respondent's co-defendant below, his brother
Emiliano Portugal, who was allegedly his co-
vendee in the transaction, disclaimed any
knowledge or participation therein. If this is so,
and this is not contradicted by the decisions of the
courts below, the inevitable implication of the
allegations is that contrary to the recitals found in
the assailed deed, no consideration was ever paid
at all by the private respondent. Applying the
provisions of Articles 1350, 1352, and 1409 of
the new Civil Code in relation to the
indispensable requisite of a valid cause or
consideration in any contract, and what
constitutes a void or inexistent contract, we rule
that the disputed deed of sale is void ab initio or



YANAS VS ACAYLAR ISSUE: WON the contract of sale is valid and

GR No. L54538; April 25, 1985 binding


Yanas, also known as Sulung Subano, had 1) Badges of fraud and fictitiousness – The SC
occupied, even before 1926, Lot No. 5408 located hold that the sale was fictitious and fraudulent.
at Sitio Dionom (Lower Gumay), Barrio Sianib, Amongthe badges of fraud and fictitiousness
Piñan (Dipolog), Zamboanga del Norte. Such land taken collectively are the
was subsequently awarded to him on 1941 by a following: (1) the fact that the sale is in English,
judicial decree, adjudicating Lot No. 5408 to the alleged vendor being illiterate; (2) the fact
Yanas “married to Maria Aglimot”. that his wife did not join in the sale and that her
name is indicated in the deed as “Maria S. Yanas”
After Yanas’ death, his son filed an adverse claim when the truth is that her correct name is Maria
for Yanas. His heirs Hamoy allegedly taking Aglimot Yanas; (3) the obvious inade quacy of
advantage of his illiteracy, made Yanas affix his P200 as price for a 13hectareland (P15.40 a
thumbmark to a deed of sale in English. When hectare); (4)
Yanas discovered that his title was cancelled, he the notarization of the sale on the day following
caused on August 28, 1958 an adverse claim to be the alleged thumbmarking of the document; (5)
annotated on Acaylar’s title. He stated in his the failure to state the boundaries of the lot sold;
adverse claim that he never sold his land and that (6) the fact that the governor approved it more
the price of P200 was grossly inadequate because than two years after the alleged sale; (7) its
the land was worth not less than P6,000. registration more than three years later, and (8)
the fact that the Acaylars were able to occupy only
Yanas died in 1962. His widow, Maria Aglimot, four hectares out of the 13 hectares and were
also a Subano, and his children filed an action to eventually forcibly ousted therefrom by the
declare void Acaylar’s title claiming that that deed children and agents of the vendor. It was not a fair
of sale is fictitious and fraudulent because what and regular transaction done in the ordinary
Yanas thumbmarked on August 7, 1950 was course of business.
supposed to be a receipt attesting that he owed
Hamoy P200 for his legal services. The trial court 2) Patent contradictions in the testimonies of the
found the sale to be valid and binding. The principal witnesses of the buyers fatal to their
Appellate Court affirmed the trial court’s decision. alleged ownership of the land.—The grave flaws
The heirs of Yanas appealed to this Court. They in the evidence for defendants Acaylar are the
contend that the Appellate Court erred in not patent contradictions in the testimonies of
holding that the deed of sale was fabricated and Antonio L. Acaylar and lawyer Hamoy, their
simulated and, therefore, void ab initio and that principal witnesses on the validity of the sale.
Maria Aglimot as surviving spouse could recover Acaylar testified that he signed the deed of sale
the lot. and that one Tupas was an instrumental witness
(1213 tsn May 4, 1970). The truth is that Acaylar
The heirs of Acaylar, through counsel who did not never signed the deed and Tupas was not a
take part in the trial, maintain that the sale was witness. The instrumental witnesses were Hamoy
“true and faithful” and that the widow had no and Paulino Empeynado. Hamoy at first testified
right to recover onehalf of the lot. on November 20, 1968 that on August 7, 1950 he
was a witness in the deed of sale executed by
Yanas who had requested him to look for a buyer



of his lot (122124 tsn). That means that Hamoy

met Yanas in August, 1950. More than a year later,
or on June 22, 1970, Hamoy, testifying as a
rebuttal witness for Acaylar, declared on direct
and crossexamination that he last saw Yanas in
1946. He absurdly stated that his name appears
as an instrumental witness in the deed of sale but
he testified; “That is my name but I did not sign

3) Action or defense for the declaration of

inexistence of a contract does not prescribe.—
The fact that the alleged sale took place in 1950
and the action to have it declared void or
inexistent was filed in 1963 is immaterial. The
action or defense for the declaration of the
inexistence of a contract does not prescribe (Art.
1410, Civil Code).



BARSOBIA VS CUENCO provision of the 1935 Constitution, which is an

G.R. No. L-33048 April 16, 1982 expression of public policy to conserve lands for
the Filipinos. XXX
Nature: This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari
of the CA decision declaring herein respondent, Had this been a suit between Epifania and Ong
Victoriano Cuenco, as the absolute owner the King Po, she could have been declared entitled to
disputed land. the litigated land on the basis, as claimed, of the
ruling in Philippine Banking Corporation vs. Lui
FACTS: She, reading:
Leocadia Balisado (original owner) sold the ... For another thing, and this is not only cogent
disputed coconut land to SPOUSES Patricio but also important. Article 1416 of the Civil
Barsobia and Epifania Sarsosa (petitioner), both Code provides as an exception to the rule
Filipino citizens. on pari delicto that when the agreement is not
illegal per se but is merely prohibited, and the
When Patricio died, Epifania sold the land to a prohibition by the law is designed for the
Chinese National, Ong King Po, who later sold the protection of the plaintiff, he may, if public
same to one Victoriano Cuenco, herein policy is thereby enhanced, recover what he
respondent, a naturalized Filipino citizen. has sold or delivered. ...
Epifania, however, unilaterally repudiated the
sale to Ong King Po and later sold 1/2 portion of But the factual set-up has changed. The litigated
the same land to Pacita Vallar (petitioner). She property is now in the hands of a naturalized
claimed that it was not her intention to sell the Filipino. It is no longer owned by a disqualified
land to Ong King Po. vendee. Respondent, as a naturalized citizen, was
constitutionally qualified to own the subject
Cuenco then filed an action for recovery of property. There would be no more public policy
possession and ownership of the coconut land to be served in allowing petitioner Epifania to
against Epifania and Vallar. In their Answer, they recover the land as it is already in the hands of a
insisted, among others, that Epifania's sale to Ong qualified person. XXX
King Po, a Chinese national, was inexistent and/or
void ab initio. While, strictly speaking, Ong King Po, private
respondent's vendor, had no rights of ownership
ISSUE: to transmit, it is likewise inescapable that
WON Vallar is the rightful owner of the coconut petitioner Epifania had slept on her rights for 26
land because the sale between Epifania and Ong years from 1936 to 1962. By her long inaction or
King Po is void and/or inexistent inexcusable neglect, she should be held barred
from asserting her claim to the litigated property
RULING: (Sotto vs. Teves, 86 SCRA 157 [1978]). XXX
Respondent, therefore, must be declared to be the
There should be no question that the sale of the rightful owner of the property.
land in question in 1936 by Epifania to Ong King
Po was inexistent and void from the beginning
(Art. 1409 [7], Civil Code) because it was a
contract executed against the mandatory




GR NO. L-36731; January 27, 1983 There can be no dispute that the sale in 1941 by
Jose Godinez of his residential lot acquired from
FACTS: the Bureau of Lands as part of the Jolo townsite to
The plaintiffs filed a case to recover a parcel of land sold Fong Pak Luen, a Chinese citizen residing in
by their father Jose Godinez to defendant Fong Pak Luen. Hongkong, was violative of Section 5, Article XIII
Said defendant executed a power of attorney in favour of of the 1935 Constitution which provided:
his co-defendant Kwan Pun Ming, who conveyed and
sold the above described parcel of land to co-defendant Sec. 5. Save in cases of hereditary succession,
Trinidad S. Navata. The latter is aware of and with full no private agricultural land will be
knowledge that Fong Pak Luen is a Chinese citizen as well transferred or assigned except to individuals,
as Kwan Pun Ming, who under the law are prohibited and corporations, or associations qualified to
disqualified to acquire real property; that Fong acquire or hold lands of the public domain in
Pak Luen has not acquired any title or interest in the Philippines.
said parcel of land as purported contract of sale
executed by Jose Godinez alone was contrary to law and The meaning of the above provision was fully
considered non-existent. discussed in Krivenko v. Register of Deeds of
Manila (79 Phil. 461) which also detailed the
The defendant filed her answer that the complaint does evolution of the provision in the public land laws,
not state a cause of action since it appears from the Act No. 2874 and Commonwealth Act No. 141.
allegation that the property is registered in the name of The Krivenko ruling that "under the Constitution
Jose Godinez so that as his sole property he may dispose aliens may not acquire private or agricultural
of the same; that the cause of action has been barred by lands, including residential lands" is a declaration
the statute of limitations as the alleged document of sale of an imperative constitutional policy.
executed by Jose Godinez on November 27, 1941, Consequently, prescription may never be invoked
conveyed the property to defendant Fong Pak Luen as a to defend that which the Constitution prohibits.
result of which a title was issued to said defendant; However, we see no necessity from the facts of
that under Article 1144(1) of the Civil Code, this case to pass upon the nature of the contract
an action based upon a written contract must be of sale executed by Jose Godinez and Fong Pak
brought within 10 years from the time the right of Luen whether void ab initio, illegal per se or
action accrues; that the right of action accrued on merely pro-exhibited.
November 27, 1941 but the complaint was filed only on
September 30, 1966, beyond the10-year period It is enough to stress that insofar as the vendee is
provided by law. The trial court issued an order concerned, prescription is unavailing. But neither
dismissing the complaint. A motion for can the vendor or his heirs rely on an argument
reconsideration was filed by plaintiffs but was based on imprescriptibility because the land sold
denied. in 1941 is now in the hands of a Filipino citizen
against whom the constitutional prescription was
ISSUE: never intended to apply. The lower court erred in
Whether or not the lower court erred in treating the case as one involving simply the
dismissing the complaint on the ground that the application of the statute of limitations.
cause of action had prescribed
From the fact that prescription may not be used
to defend a contract which the Constitution
prohibits, it does not necessarily follow that the



appellants may be allowed to recover the

property sold to an alien. As earlier mentioned,
Fong Pak Luen, the disqualified alien vendee later
sold the same property to Trinidad S. Navata, a
Filipino citizen qualified to acquire real property.




G.R. NO. L-31606, March 28, 1983

Sometime in April 1939, Maximo Rico, the father
of respondent Jose Rico, executed a Deed of
Absolute Sale over two (2) lots in favor of the
petitioner Donato Yap, a Chinese national.
After the lapse of almost 15 years from and after
the execution of the Deed of Absolute Sale,
petitioner Donato Yap became a naturalized
Filipino citizen.
Since 1939, Petitioner Donato Yap has been in
possession of subject lots, openly, publicly,
continuously, and adversely in the concept of

Whether or not the sale of the lots to a Chinese
national who later became a naturalized Filipino
citizen is valid

VALID. The litigated property is now in the hands
of a naturalized Filipino. It is no longer owned by
a disqualified vendee. Petitioner Donato Yap, as a
naturalized citizen, was constitutionally qualified
to own the subject property.



PINEDA V. DELA RAMA but Pineda paid this other loan two days
G.R. No. L-31831. April 28, 1983 afterward.

FACTS: These allegations of Dela Rama are belied by the

The case involves a contract of loan between promissory note itself. The second sentence of the
Pineda and Atty. dela Rama, evidenced by a note reads — "This represents the cash advances
promissory note amounting to Php 9,300.00, the made by him in connection with my case for
purpose of which is to stop or delay the institution which he is my attorney-in-law."
of criminal charges against Pineda who allegedly
misappropriated 11,000 cavans of palay Considering the foregoing, we agree with the trial
deposited at his ricemill in Concepcion, Tarlac court that the promissory note was executed for
through Atty. Dela Rama who was purportedly an an illegal consideration. Articles 1409 and 1412
intimate friend of the National Rice and Corn of the Civil Code in part, provide:
Administration (NARIC) general manager. Atty. Art. 1409. The following contracts are
Dela Rama files a complaint for collection on the inexistent and void from the beginning:
basis of said note but was denied by the trial on (1) Those whose cause, object or
the ground that the purpose of the promissory purpose is contrary to law, morals, good
note was illegal when appealed, the CA ruled in customs, public order and public policy;
favor of Atty. dela Rama on the ground of xxx xxx xxx
presumption of valuable consideration. Art. 1412. If the act in which the
unlawful or forbidden cause consists does
ISSUE: not constitute a criminal offense, the
Whether the presumption of valuable following rules shall be observed:
consideration may be relied upon though the (1) When the fault is on the part of both
purpose for which the promissory note was contracting parties, neither may recover
issued to stop or delay the institution of criminal what he has given by virtue of the contract,
charges against Pineda? or demand the performance of the other's
RULING: xxx xxx xxx
NO. Whether or not the supposed cash advances
reached their destination is of no moment. The
The Court of Appeals' reliance on the above consideration for the promissory note — to
provision is misplaced. The presumption that a influence public officers in the performance of
negotiable instrument is issued for a valuable their duties — is contrary to law and public
consideration is only prima facie. It can be policy. The promissory note is void ab initio and
rebutted by proof to the contrary. (Bank of the no cause of action for the collection cases can
Philippine Islands v. Laguna Coconut Oil Co. et al., arise from it.
48 Phil. 5)."

According to Dela Rama, he loaned the P9,300.00

to Pineda in two installments on two occasions
five days apart — first loan for P5,000.00 and
second loan for P4,300.00, both given in cash. He
also alleged that previously he loaned P3,000.00



LIGUEZ VS. COURT APPEALS Under Article 1274, liberality of the do or is

G.R. No. L-11240; 18 December 1957 deemed causa in those contracts that are of
"pure" beneficence; that is to say, contracts
FACTS: designed solely and exclusively to procure the
Conchita Liguez filed a complaint against the welfare of the beneficiary, without any intent of
widow and heirs of the late Salvador P. Lopez to producing any satisfaction for the donor;
recover a parcel of 51.84 hectares of land, contracts, in other words, in which the idea of
situated in barrio Bogac-Linot, of the municipality self-interest is totally absent on the part of the
of Mati, Province of Davao. Plaintiff averred to be transferor. For this very reason, the same Article
its legal owner, pursuant to a deed of donation of 1274 provides that in remuneratory contracts,
said land, executed in her favor by the late owner, the consideration is the service or benefit for
Salvador P. Lopez, on 18 May 1943. The defense which the remuneration is given; causa is not
interposed was that the donation was null and liberality in these cases because the contract or
void for having an illicit causa or consideration, conveyance is not made out of pure beneficence,
which was the plaintiff's entering into marital but "solvendi animo." The facts as found by the
relations with Salvador P. Lopez, a married man; Court of Appeals (and which we can not vary)
and that the property had been adjudicated to the demonstrate that in making the donation in
appellees as heirs of Lopez by the court of First question, the late Salvador P. Lopez was not
Instance, since 1949. The Court of Appeals held moved exclusively by the desire to benefit
that the deed was indeed inoperative, and null appellant Conchita Liguez, but also to secure her
and void. cohabiting with him, so that he could gratify his
sexual impulses.
In this appeal, Liguez contends such decisions by
the CFI and the CA, arguing that under Article In the present case, it is scarcely disputable that
1274 of the Civil Code of 1889 (which was the Lopez would not have conveyed the property in
governing law in 1948, when the donation was question had he known that appellant would
executed), "in contracts of pure beneficence the refuse to cohabit with him; so that the
consideration is the liberality of the donor", and cohabitation was an implied condition to the
that liberality per se can never be illegal, since it donation, and being unlawful, necessarily tainted
is neither against law or morals or public policy. the donation itself. Motive may be regarded as
Furthermore, it was averred by Liguez that the CA causa when it predetermines the purpose of the
erred in the application of the principle of in pari contract.
delicto. The principle was applied in the case,
barring the appellant from alleging the illegality 2. No.
of the bargain. The Court of Appeals erred in applying to the
present case the pari delicto rule. First, because it
ISSUE: can not be said that both parties here had equal
1. Whether or not the motive for the donation guilt when we consider that as against the
determines the legality of the contract. deceased Salvador P. Lopez, who was a man
2. Whether or not the principle of impair delicto advanced in years and mature experience, the
was correctly applied in the case. appellant was a mere minor, 16 years of age,
3. Whether or not the donation is valid. when the donation was made; that there is no
finding made by the Court of Appeals that she was
RULINGS: fully aware of the terms of the bargain entered
1. Yes. into by and Lopez and her parents; that, her



acceptance in the deed of donation (which was

authorized by Article 626 of the Old Civil Code)
did not necessarily imply knowledge of
conditions and terms not set forth therein; and
that the substance of the testimony of the
instrumental witnesses is that it was the
appellant's parents who insisted on the donation
before allowing her to live with Lopez. These facts
are more suggestive of seduction than of immoral
bargaining on the part of appellant. It must not be
forgotten that illegality is not presumed, but must
be duly and adequately proved.

In the second place, the rule that parties to an

illegal contract, if equally guilty, will not be aided
by the law but will both be left where it finds
them, has been interpreted by this Court as
barring the party from pleading the illegality of
the bargain either as a cause of action or as a

The right of the husband to donate community
property is strictly limited by law (Articles 1409,
1413, 1415, Civil Code of 1889;
Baello vs. Villanueva, 54 Phil. 213). However, the
donation made in contravention of the law is not
void in its entirety, but only in so far as it prejudices
the interest of the wife. The rule applies whether
the donation is gratuitous or for a consideration.
The forced heirs are entitled to have the donation
set aside in so far as inofficious; i.e., in excess of
the portion of free disposal (Civil Code of 1889,
Arts. 636, 654.



PHILIPPINE BANKING CORPORATION VS. LUI In two wills executed on August 24 and 29, 1959,
SHE she bade her legatees to respect the contracts she
G.R. No. L-17587; September 12, 1967 had entered into with Wong, but in a codicil of a
later date (November 4, 1959) she appears to
FACTS: have a change of heart. Claiming that the various
Justina Santos y Canon Faustino, owner of a piece contracts were made by her because of
of land in Manila. This parcel, with an area of machinations and inducements practiced by him,
2,582.30 square meters, is located on Rizal she now directed her executor to secure the
Avenue and opens into Florentino Torres street at annulment of the contracts.
the back and Katubusan street on one side. Wong
Heng, a Chinese had been a long-time lessee of a The complaint alleged that the contracts were
portion of the property, paying a monthly rental obtained by Wong "through fraud,
of P2,620. misrepresentation, inequitable conduct, undue
influence and abuse of confidence and trust of and
Justina Santos executed on November 15, 1957 a (by) taking advantage of the helplessness of the
contract of lease in favor of Wong. The lease was plaintiff and were made to circumvent the
for 50 years, although the lessee was given the constitutional provision prohibiting aliens from
right to withdraw at any time from the acquiring lands in the Philippines and also of the
agreement. Philippine Naturalization Laws." The court was
asked to direct the Register of Deeds of Manila to
On December 21 she executed another contract cancel the registration of the contracts and to
giving Wong the option to buy the leased order Wong to pay Justina Santos the additional
premises for P120,000, payable within ten years rent of P3,120 a month from November 15, 1957
at a monthly installment of P1,000. The option, on the allegation that the reasonable rental of the
written in Tagalog, imposed on him the obligation leased premises was P6,240 a month.
to pay for the food of the dogs and the salaries of
the maids in her household, the charge not to In the meantime as a result of a petition for
exceed P1,800 a month. The option was guardianship filed in the Juvenile and Domestic
conditioned on his obtaining Philippine Relations Court, the Security Bank & Trust Co.
citizenship, a petition for which was then pending was appointed guardian of the properties of
in the Court of First Instance of Rizal. It appears, Justina Santos, while Ephraim G. Gochangco was
however, that this application for naturalization appointed guardian of her person.
was withdrawn when it was discovered that he
was not a resident of Rizal. On October 28, 1958 The lower court ruled that all the documents
she filed a petition to adopt him and his children mentioned in the first cause of action, with the
on the erroneous belief that adoption would exception of the first which is the lease contract of
confer on them Philippine citizenship. The error 15 November 1957, are declared null and void
was discovered and the proceedings were
abandoned. From this judgment both parties appealed
directly to this Court. After the case was
On November 18, 1958 she executed two other submitted for decision, both parties died, Wong
contracts, one extending the term of the lease to Heng on October 21, 1962 and Justina Santos on
99 years, and another fixing the term of the option December 28, 1964. Wong was substituted by his
of 50 years. Both contracts are written in Tagalog. wife, Lui She, the other defendant in this case,



while Justina Santos was substituted by the 3. Yes. The charge of undue influence in this case
Philippine Banking Corporation. rests on a mere inference drawn from the fact
that Justina Santos could not read (as she was
ISSUES: blind) and did not understand the English
1. Whether the insertion of a resolutory language in which the contract is written, but
condition permitting the cancellation by one that inference has been overcome by her own
of the parties is valid. evidence.
2. Whether there was a violation of Wong’s
Fudiciary relationship with Justina Santos. As it was with the lease contract, so it was with
3. Whether the consent of Justina Santos was the rest of the contracts — the consent of
validly obtained. Justina Santos was given freely and
4. Whether the contracts are void. voluntarily.

HELD: 4. Yes. For the testimony just quoted, while

1. Yes. Article 1256 [now art. 1308] of the Civil dispelling doubt as to the intention of Justina
Code in our opinion creates no impediment to Santos, at the same time gives the clue to what
the insertion in a contract for personal service we view as a scheme to circumvent the
of a resolutory condition permitting the Constitutional prohibition against the transfer
cancellation of the contract by one of the of lands to aliens. "The illicit purpose then
parties. Such a stipulation, as can be readily becomes the illegal causa" rendering the
seen, does not make either the validity or the contracts void.
fulfillment of the contract dependent upon the
will of the party to whom is conceded the Taken singly, the contracts show nothing that
privilege of cancellation; for where the is necessarily illegal, but considered
contracting parties have agreed that such collectively, they reveal an insidious pattern
option shall exist, the exercise of the option is to subvert by indirection what the
as much in the fulfillment of the contract as Constitution directly prohibits. To be sure, a
any other act which may have been the subject lease to an alien for a reasonable period is
of agreement. Indeed, the cancellation of a valid. So is an option giving an alien the right
contract in accordance with conditions agreed to buy real property on condition that he is
upon beforehand is fulfillment. granted Philippine citizenship.

2. No. It is contended that the lease contract was But if an alien is given not only a lease of, but
obtained by Wong in violation of his fiduciary also an option to buy, a piece of land, by virtue
relationship with Justina Santos, contrary to of which the Filipino owner cannot sell or
article 1646, in relation to article 1941 of the otherwise dispose of his property, this to last
Civil Code, which disqualifies "agents (from for 50 years, then it becomes clear that the
leasing) the property whose administration or arrangement is a virtual transfer of ownership
sale may have been entrusted to them." But whereby the owner divests himself in stages
Wong was never an agent of Justina Santos. not only of the right to enjoy the land ( jus
The relationship of the parties, although possidendi, jus utendi, jus fruendi and jus
admittedly close and confidential, did not abutendi) but also of the right to dispose of it
amount to an agency so as to bring the case ( jus disponendi) — rights the sum total of
within the prohibition of the law which make up ownership. It is just as if today
the possession is transferred, tomorrow, the



use, the next day, the disposition, and so on,

until ultimately all the rights of which
ownership is made up are consolidated in an
alien. And yet this is just exactly what the
parties in this case did within the space of one
year, with the result that Justina Santos'
ownership of her property was reduced to a
hollow concept. If this can be done, then the
Constitutional ban against alien landholding
in the Philippines, as announced in Krivenko v.
Register of Deeds, is indeed in grave peril.



AVILA VS. CA execution, and a writ of possession which was

G.R. No. L-45255 November 14, 1986; SECOND opposed by Paz Chavez, who was succeeded by
DIVISION; PARAS, J.: the herein private respondent Aladino Ch.
Bacarrisas on the alleged ground that he has the
FACTS: actual and physical possession of Lot 594 where
In 1939, the Court of First Instance of Misamis his residential house has stood since 1946.
Oriental, as a cadastral court, adjudicated Lots Petitioner based their view that ownership and
594 and 828 of the Cadastral Survey of Cagayan possession are separated in aforesaid decision, so
to Paz Chavez. But because Paz Chavez failed to that they assert that they are entitled to the
pay the property taxes of Lot 594, the government possession of Lot 594, although they are not
offered the same for sale at a public auction. entitled to its registration in their names.
Marciana G. Avila, a teacher, wife of Leonardo
Avila and the mother of the herein petitioners, Private respondent filed a certiorari and
participated in and won the bidding. Despite the mandamus with preliminary injunction suit was
provision of Section 579 of the Revised filed with the Court of Appeals when his urgent
Administrative Code prohibiting public school motion for correction of writ of execution was
teachers from buying delinquent properties, denied, alleging, among other things, that the
nobody, not even the government questioned her Avilas, the have no interest, right, claims, title or
participation in said auction sale. In fact on participation in Lot No. 594 to which they could
February 20, 1940, after the expiration of the claim possession. The Court of Appeals grant the
redemption period, the Provincial Treasurer private respondent’s certiorari.
executed in her favor the final bill of sale.
Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration but
Sometime in 1947, OCT Nos. 100 and 101, the same was denied by the Court of Appeals.
covering said Lots 594 and 828, were issued in Hence, this petition.
favor of Paz Chavez. In opposition thereto, private
respondents filed a petition for review of the ISSUE:
decrees on August 25, 1947 at the Court of First Whether or not the sale of the subject land to the
Instance of Misamis Oriental, Branch II, in mother of the petitioners is valid that would
Cadastral Case No. 17, Lot No. 594. After hearing entitled them to the possession of the land?
on the merits, the Cadastral Court promulgated a
Decision setting aside the decision of the Court RULING:
adjudicated the lots in question in favor of NO.
respondent Paz Chavez, and declaring NULL and
VOID Decrees Nos. 433 and 434 issued by the While it is true that Marciana Avila, their mother
Chief of Land Registration Office on June 19, 1947 and predecessor-in-interest, purchased the
as well as the certification of title covering Lots questioned property at a public auction
Nos. 594 and 828 of the Cadastral Survey of conducted by the government; paid the purchase
Cagayan issued by the Register of Deeds. price; and was issued a final bill of sale after the
expiration of the redemption period, it is however
Paz Chavez appealed the said decision with the undisputed that such purchase was prohibited
Court of Appeals which the later rendered under Section 579 of the Revised Administrative
modifying the decision appealed from by Code, as amended.
disallowing the registration of Lot No. 594 in the
name of Marciana G. Avila, but affirming said Thus, the sale to her of Lot 594 is void.
decision in all other respects. Avila moved for

On the other hand, under Article 1409 of the Civil

Code, a void contract is inexistent from the
beginning. It cannot be ratified neither can the
right to set up the defense of its illegality be
waived. Moreover, Marciana Avila was a party to
an illegal transaction, and therefore, under Art.
1412 of the Civil Code, she cannot recover what
she has given by reason of the contract or ask for
the fulfillment of what has been promised her.

Under the circumstances, possession cannot be

claimed by petitioners, because their
predecessor-in-interest besides being at fault is
not the successful claimant in the registration
proceedings and hence not entitled to a writ of
possession. As correctly stated by the Court of
Appeals when respondent Court issued the writ
of execution as to Lot 594, there really was no
legal basis for the same, for Avila had not secured
a decree, nor a judgment of confirmation of title
over said lot.

Much less can possession be claimed by private

respondents as it is undisputed that the land in
question has been the subject of a tax sale of
delinquent property with a final bill of sale.

Neither did the government file any claim for

possession; nor appear to be impleaded in any of
the actions or petitions before the Courts, Its only
interest in the land in question appears to be in
the collection of taxes.

Consequently, the situation is evidently one of

failure of ownership because of the violation of
Section 579 of the Administrative Code.
Otherwise stated, the property apparently has no

Under the principle that the State is the ultimate

proprietor of land within its jurisdiction, subject
land may be escheated in favor of the government
upon filing of appropriate actions for reversion or
escheat under Section 5, Rule 91 of the Rules of
Court relative to properties alienated in violation
of any statute.



TEJA MARKETING VS IAC Jaucian’s transportation franchise in order to use

G.R. No. L-65510 March 9, 1987; Paras, J. the unit for the public transport.

Short Version: The agreement also of the parties here was for
Nale bought a motorcycle from Teja Jaucian to undertake the yearly registration of the
Marketing/Jaucian. In the LTC records, Nale, in motorcycle with theLand Transportation
order to use the motorcycle for public transport, Commission. Jaucian failed to register the
attached the motorcycle to Jaucian’s motorcycle on that year on the ground that Nale
transportation franchise since Nale had no failed to comply with somerequirements such as
franchise of his own. When Teja Marketing’s the payment of the insurance premiums and the
demands on Nale for the outstanding balance bringing of the motorcycle to the LTCfor
failed, it instituted a collection case against Nale. stenciling. Jaucian said that Nale was hiding the
motorcycle from him to avoid payment.
Nale’s defense against the non-payment was that
Jaucian failed to register the motorcycle to the The vehicle was also mortgaged to the Rural Bank
LTC, in contravention of theiragreement. City of Camaligan, as all motorcycles purchased from
Court and CFI ruled against Nale. Jaucian on credit was rediscounted with the bank.

IAC reversed, on the ground of in pari delicto. SC Nale did not dispute the sale and outstanding
held that both parties are in pari delicto and were balance of P1,700; but contends that because of
thus not entitled to relief. The parties’ use of the the failure of Jaucian tocomply with his obligation
kabit system was illegal and abused the certificate to register the motorcycle, Nale suffered damages
of public convenience granted by the government. when he failed to claim any insuranceindemnity
Though the system is not expressly punished as for the more than 2 times that the motorcycle
criminal, it is contrary topublic policy; thus, void. figured in accidents aside from the loss of the
Having entered into an illegal contract, neither daily income of P15.00 as boundary fee when the
can seek relief from the courts, and each must motorcycle was impounded by the LTC for
bear theconsequences of his acts. not being registered.

FACTS: Teja Marketing filed an action for "Sum of

Pedro Nale bought from Teja Marketing a Money with Damages" against Nale. The City
motorcycle with complete accessories and a Court rendered judgment in favor of Teja
sidecar. A chattel mortgage was constituted in Marketing, dismissing the counterclaim, and
favor of Teja Marketing as a security for the ordered Nale to payTeja Marketing.
payment of the balance of thepurchase price. Nale
failed to pay the motorcycle after Teja On appeal to the CFI Camarines Sur, the decision
Marketing’s demands. The records of the Land was affirmed in toto.
Transportation Commission show that the
motorcycle sold to Nale was first mortgaged Upon Nale’s petition for review, the Intermediate
toTeja Marketing by Angel Jaucian, though Teja Appellate Court set aside the decision on the
Marketing and Angel Jaucian are one and the basis of doctrine of "pari delicto," and
same. It was made to appear that way because accordingly, dismissed the complaint of Teja
Nale had no transportation franchise of his own Marketing, as well as the counterclaim of
and he had to attach the motorcycle unit to Nale;without pronouncements as to costs.



Hence, the petition for review was filed by Teja

Marketing and/or Angel Jaucian. It is a fundamental principle that the court will
not aid either party to enforce an illegal contract,
ISSUE: but will leave bothwhere it finds then. Upon this
Whether or not the parties are entitled to relief. premise it would be error to accord the parties
relief from their predicament. Article1412 of the
RULING: Civil Code denies them such aid. It provides:Art.
NO, for both are in pari delicto. 1412. If the act in which the unlawful or forbidden
cause consists does not constitute a criminal
Nale’s purchase of the motorcycle for operation offense, the followingrules shall be observed.
as a trimobile to be used under the transportation When the fault is on the part of both contracting
franchise of Jaucian, pursuant to what is parties, neither may recover that he has given by
commonly known as the "kabit system," without virtue of the contract, ordemand, the
the prior approval of the Board of Transportation performance of the other's undertaking.
(formerly the Public Service Commission), was an
illegal transaction. The defect of in existence of a contract is
permanent and cannot be cured by ratification or
It involved the fictitious registration of the motor by prescription. The merelapse of time cannot
vehicle in the name of Jaucian so that Nale may give efficacy to contracts that are null and void.
traffic withthe privileges of Jaucian’s franchise, or
certificate of public convenience, to operate a Ex pacto illicito non oritur actio (No action arises
tricycle service. out of illicit bargain) is the time-honored maxim
that must beapplied in the case at bar. Having
Kabit system: entered into an illegal contract, neither can seek
A person who has been granted a certificate of relief from the courts, and eachmust bear the
public convenience allows another person who consequences of his acts. (Lita Enterprises vs.
owns motor vehicles to operate under such IAC)
franchise for a fee.
Petition dismissed for lack of merit. Decision of
The parties being in pari delicto, neither of them the IAC affirmed
may bring an action against the other to enforce
their illegal contract [Art. 1412 (a), Civil Code]. A
certificate of public convenience is a special
privilege conferred by the government. Abuse of
this privilege by thegrantees thereof cannot be

The "kabit system" has been Identified as one of

the root causes of the prevalence of graft and
corruption in the government transportation
offices. Although not outrightly penalized as a
criminal offense, the kabit system is invariably
recognized as being contrary topublic policy and,
therefore, void and inexistent under Article 1409
of the Civil Code.



BRIONES VS CAMMAYO discourage stipulations on usurious interest, said

GR No. 23559 October 4, 1971 stipulations are treated as wholly void, so that the
FACTS: becomes one without stipulation as to payment of
Aurelio G. Briones filed an action in the Municipal interest. It should not, however, be interpreted to
Court of Manila against Primitivo, Nicasio, Pedro, mean forfeiture even of the principal, for this
Hilario would unjustly enrich the borrower at the
and Artemio, all surnamed Cammayo, to recover expense of the lender. Furthermore, penal
from them, jointly and severally, the amount of sanctions are available against a usurious lender,
P1,500.00, plus damages, attorney's fees and as a
costs of suit. Defendants executed the real estate further deterrence to usury.
mortgage as security for the loan of P1,200.00 In simple loan with stipulation of usurious
given to Primitivo P. Cammayo upon the usurious interest, the prestation of the debtor to pay the
agreement that defendant pays to the plaintiff, principal
out of the alleged loan of P1,500.00 (which debt, which is the cause of the contract (Article
includes as interest the sum of P300.00) for one 1350, Civil Code), is not illegal. The illegality lies
year. only as to the prestation to pay the stipulated
Although the mortgage contract was executed for interest; hence, being separable, the latter only
securing the payment of P1,500.00 for a period of should be deemed void, since it is the only one
one that is illegal.
year, without interest, the truth and the real fact
is that plaintiff delivered to the defendant Barrredo, J., concurring
Primitivo P. Cammayo only the sum of P1,200.00 The Usury law is clear that he may recover only
and withheld the sum of P300.00 which was all interests, including of course, the legal part
intended as advance interest for one year. thereof, with legal interests from the date of
judicial demand, without maintaining that he can
On account of said loan of P1,200.00, defendant also recover the principal he has already paid to
Primitivo P. Cammayo paid to the plaintiff during the lender.
period from October 1955 to July 1956 the total Castro Fernando, and Conception, JJ., dissenting
sum of P330.00 which plaintiff, illegally and In a contract which is tainted with usury, that is,
unlawfully refused to acknowledge as part with a stipulation (whether written or unwritten)
payment of the account but as in interest of the to pay
said loan for an extension of another term of one usurious interest, the prestation to pay such
year. interest is an integral part of the cause of the
contract. It is also the controlling cause, for a
ISSUE: usurer lends his money not just to have it
Can Briones recover the amount of P1,500.00? returned but indeed, to acquire in coordinate
RULING: Article l957, which declares the contract itself –
Loan is valid but usurious interest is void. not merely the stipulation to pay usurious
Creditor has the right to recover his capital by interest -- void,
judicial action. To necessarily regards the prestation to pay
usurious interest as an integral part of the cause,
making it illegal.


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