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Class : 5th. Marks : 40

Paper: English. Exam : 1st Term

NAME:_________ R-NO:_____________


Q-No 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (5)

I) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was born in________A.D.

a) 570 b) 571 c) 572

2) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was brought up by_______.

a) Abu Lahab b) Abu Talib c) Abu Jahal

3) The boy caught a________in trap.

a) sparrow b) pigeon c) parrot

4) Take_____on me and set me free.

a) mercy b) luck c) pity

5) I will make a______ of you.

a) roast b)soup c) curry

Q-No 2 Put in "much" or "many".

1) Did you buy_______food?

2) There aren't______ hotels in this town.

3) We haven't got_____ petrol.

4) Were there_______people in the train?

5) Did______students fail in the exam?


Q-No 2 Attempt any Six Questions of the following.Each Questions carry equal marks. (6*3=18)

1)Who is the last Prophet of Allah?

2)Who brought up the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?

3) How did the prophet treat the pagan?

4) How do you feel when you see birds in the cages?

5) What was the first piece of advice?

6) Which Province is the Khyber Pass situated in?

7)What is the largest province of Pakistan with regard to area?

8)What deeds can we perform to live a happy life?


Q-No_3 Attempt any two questions of the following.each questions carry equal marks? (6*2=12)

1)Are we following Quaid's motto?

2)Define Noun & Pronoun?

3)Define abstract noun & concrete noun?


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