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Engine Selection Guide

Two-stroke MC/MC-C Engines

This book describes the general technical features of the MC Programme

This Engine Selection Guide is intended as a 'tool' for assistance in the initial
stages of a project.

As differences may appear in the individual suppliers’ extent of delivery, please

contact the relevant engine supplier for a confirmation of the actual execution and
extent of delivery.

For further informatoin see the Project Guide for the relevant engine type.

This Engine Selection Guide and most of the Project Guides are available on a CD

The data and other information given is subject to change without notice.

5th Edition
February 2000
MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Engine Data

Engine Power Specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC)

The table contains data regarding the engine power, Specific fuel oil consumption values refer to brake
speed and specific fuel oil consumption of the en- power, and the following reference conditions:
gines of the MC Programme.
ISO 3046/1-1986:
Engine power is specified in both BHP and kW, in Blower inlet temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 °C
rounded figures, for each cylinder number and lay- Blower inlet pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 mbar
out points L1, L2, L3 and L4: Charge air coolant temperature . . . . . . . . . . . 25 °C
Fuel oil lower calorific value . . . . . . . . 42,700 kJ/kg
L1 designates nominal maximum continuous rating (10,200 kcal/kg)
(nominal MCR), at 100% engine power and 100%
engine speed. Although the engine will develop the power speci-
fied up to tropical ambient conditions, the specific
L2, L3 and L4 designate layout points at the other fuel oil consumption varies with ambient conditions
three corners of the layout area, chosen for easy ref- and fuel oil lower calorific value. For calculation of
erence. these changes, see section 2.
SFOC guarantee
The figures given in this project guide represent the
values obtained when the engine and turbocharger
L2 are matched with a view to obtaining the lowest
possible SFOC values and fulfilling the IMO NOx
emission limitations.
The Specific Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) is guar-
Fig. 1.01: Layout diagram for engine power and speed anteed for one engine load (power-speed combina-
tion), this being the one in which the engine is opti-
Overload corresponds to 110% of the power at
MCR, and may be permitted for a limited period of The guarantee is given with a margin of 5%.
one hour every 12 hours.
As SFOC and NOx are interrelated parameters, an
The engine power figures given in the tables remain engine offered without fulfilling the IMO NOx limita-
valid up to tropical conditions at sea level, ie.: tions is subject to a tolerance of only 3% of the
Blower inlet temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 °C
Blower inlet pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 mbar
Seawater temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 °C Lubricating oil data

The cylinder oil consumption figures stated in the

tables are valid under normal conditions.
During running-in periods and under special condi-
tions, feed rates of up to 1.5 times the stated values
should be used.

430100 400 198 22 27

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

The engine types of the MC programme are

identified by the following letters and figures

6 S 70 MC - C
C Compact engine
S Stationary plant

C Camshaft controlled
E Electronic controlled (Intelligent Engine)
Engine programme

Diameter of piston in cm

S Super long stroke approximately 4.0

Stroke/bore ratio L Long stroke approximately 3.2

K Short stroke approximately 2.8

Number of cylinders

178 34 39-1.0

Fig. 1.02: Engine type designation

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Engine Layout Engine
effective Number of cylinders
type point speed
r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
L1 34320 40040 45760 51480 57200 62920 68640
K98MC 94 18.2
46680 54460 62240 70020 77800 85580 93360
Bore L2 27480 32060 36640 41220 45800 50380 54960
94 14.6
980 mm 37320 43540 49760 55980 62200 68420 74640
Stroke L3 30660 35770 40880 45990 51110 56210 61320
84 18.2
2660 mm 41700 48650 55600 62550 69500 76450 83400
L4 24540 28630 32720 36810 40900 44990 49080
84 14.6
33360 38920 44480 50040 55600 61160 66720
L1 34260 39970 45680 51390 57100 62810 68520
K98MC-C 104 18.2
46560 54320 62080 69840 77600 85360 93120
Bore L2 27420 31990 36560 41130 45700 50270 54840
104 14.6
980 mm 37260 43470 49680 55890 62100 68310 74520
Stroke L3 30960 36120 41280 46440 51600 56760 61920
94 18.2
2400 mm 42120 49140 56160 63180 70200 77220 84240
L4 24780 28910 33040 37170 41300 45430 49560
94 14.6
33720 39270 44880 50490 56100 61710 67320
L1 29340 34230 39120 44010
S90MC-C 76 19.0
39900 46550 53200 59850
Bore L2 23520 27440 31360 35280
76 15.2
900 mm 31980 37300 42640 47970
Stroke L3 23580 27510 31440 35370
61 19.0
3188 mm 32060 37400 42750 48090
L4 18840 21980 25120 28260
61 15.2
25610 29880 34150 38420
L1 29340 34230 39120 44010 48900 53790 58680
L90MC-C 83 19.0
39480 46480 53120 59760 66400 73040 79680
Bore L2 18780 21910 25040 28170 31300 34430 37560
83 12.2
900 mm 25500 29750 34000 38250 42500 46750 51000
Stroke L3 21900 25550 29200 32850 36500 40150 43800
62 19.0
2916 mm 29760 34720 39680 44640 49600 54560 59520
L4 14040 16380 18720 21060 23400 25740 28080
62 12.2
19080 22260 25440 28620 31800 34980 38160
L1 18280 22850 27420 31990 36560 41130 45700 50270 54840
K90MC 94 18.0
24880 31100 37320 43540 49760 55980 62200 68420 74640
Bore L2 11700 14650 17580 20510 23440 26370 29300 32230 35160
94 11.5
900 mm 15920 19900 23880 27860 31840 35820 39800 43780 47760
Stroke L3 13720 17150 20580 24010 27440 30870 34300 37730 41160
71 18.0
2550 mm 18640 23300 27960 32620 37280 41940 46600 51260 55920
L4 8800 11000 13200 15400 17600 19800 22000 24200 26400
71 11.5
11960 14950 17940 20930 23920 26910 29900 32890 35880

178 46 78-9.0

Fig. 1.03a: Power and speed

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Engine Layout Engine
effective Number of cylinders
type point speed
r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
L1 27360 31920 36480 41040 45600 50160 54720
K90MC-C 104 18.0
37260 43470 49680 55890 62100 68310 74520
Bore L2 21900 25550 29200 32850 36500 40150 43800
104 14.4
900 mm 29820 34790 39760 44730 49700 54670 59640
Stroke L3 23280 27160 31040 34920 38800 42680 46560
89 18.0
2300 mm 31620 36890 42160 47430 52700 57970 63240
L4 18600 21700 24800 27900 31000 34100 37200
89 14.4
25320 29540 33760 37980 42200 46420 50640
L1 23280 27160 31040
S80MC-C 76 19.0
31680 36960 42240
Bore L2 14880 17360 19840
76 12.2
800 mm 20280 23660 27040
Stroke L3 17460 20370 23280
57 19.0
3200 mm 23760 27720 31680
L4 11160 13020 14880
57 12.2
15180 17710 20240
L1 15360 19200 23040 26880 30720 34560
S80MC 79 19.0
20880 26100 31320 36540 41760 46980
Bore L2 9840 12300 14760 17220 19680 22140
79 12.2
800 mm 13360 16700 20040 23380 26720 30060
Stroke L3 11480 14350 17220 20090 22960 25830
59 19.0
3056 mm 15600 19500 23400 27300 31200 35100
L4 7360 9200 11040 12880 14720 16560
59 12.2
10040 12550 15060 17570 20080 22590
L1 14560 18200 21840 25480 29120 32760 36400 40040 43680
L80MC 93 18.0
19760 24700 29640 34580 39520 44460 49400 54340 59280
Bore L2 9320 11650 13980 16310 18640 20970 23300 25630 27960
93 11.5
800 mm 12640 15800 18960 22120 25280 28440 31600 34760 37920
Stroke L3 10960 13700 16440 19180 21920 24660 27400 30140 32880
70 18.0
2592 mm 14880 18600 22320 26040 29760 33480 37200 40920 44640
L4 7000 8750 10500 12250 14000 15750 17500 19250 21000
70 11.5
9520 11900 14280 16660 19040 21420 23800 26180 28560
L1 21660 25270 28880 32490 36100 39710 43320
K80MC-C 104 18.0
29400 34300 39200 44100 49000 53900 58800
Bore L2 17340 20230 23120 26010 28900 31790 34680
104 14.4
800 mm 23520 27440 31360 35280 39200 43120 47040
Stroke L3 18540 21630 24720 27810 30900 33990 37080
89 18.0
2300 mm 25200 29400 33600 37800 42000 46200 50400
L4 14820 17290 19760 22230 24700 27170 29640
89 14.4
20160 23520 26880 30240 33600 36960 40320

178 46 78-9.0

Fig. 1.03b: Power and speed

430100 400 198 22 27

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Engine Layout Engine
effective Number of cylinders
type point speed
r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
L1 12420 15525 18630 21735 24840
S70MC-C 91 19.0
16880 21100 25320 29540 33760
Bore L2 7940 9925 11910 13895 15880
91 12.2
700 mm 10800 13500 16200 18900 21600
Stroke L3 9320 11650 13980 16310 18640
68 19.0
2800 mm 12660 15825 18990 22155 25320
L4 5960 7450 8940 10430 11920
68 12.2
8100 10125 12150 14175 16200
L1 11240 14050 16860 19670 22480
S70MC 91 18.0
15280 19100 22920 26740 30560
Bore L2 7200 9000 10800 12600 14400
91 11.5
700 mm 9760 12200 14640 17080 19520
Stroke L3 8440 10550 12660 14770 16880
68 18.0
2674 mm 11440 14300 17160 20020 22880
L4 5400 6750 8100 9450 10800
68 11.5
7320 9150 10980 12810 14640
L1 11320 14150 16980 19810 22640
L70MC 108 18.0
15380 19225 23070 26915 30760
Bore L2 7240 9050 10860 12670 14480
108 11.5
700 mm 9840 12300 14760 17220 19680
Stroke L3 8480 10600 12720 14840 16960
81 18.0
2268 mm 11540 14425 17310 20195 23080
L4 5420 6775 8130 9485 10840
81 11.5
7380 9225 10070 12915 14760
L1 9020 11275 13530 15785 18040
S60MC-C 105 19.0
12280 15350 18420 21490 24560
Bore L2 5780 7225 8670 10115 11560
105 12.2
600 mm 7860 9825 11790 13755 15720
Stroke L3 6760 8450 10140 11830 13520
79 19.0
2400 mm 9200 11500 13800 16100 18400
L4 4340 5425 6510 7595 8680
79 12.2
5880 7350 8820 10290 11760
L1 8160 10200 12240 14280 16320
S60MC 105 18.0
11120 13900 16680 19460 22240
Bore L2 5240 6550 7860 9170 10480
105 11.5
600 mm 7120 8900 10680 12460 14240
Stroke L3 6120 7650 9180 10710 12240
79 18.0
2292 mm 8320 10400 12480 14560 16640
L4 3920 4900 5880 6860 7840
79 11.5
5320 6650 7980 9310 10640

178 46 78-9.0

Fig. 1.03c: Power and speed

430100 400 198 22 27

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Engine Layout Engine
effective Number of cylinders
type point speed
r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
L1 7680 9600 11520 13440 15360
L60MC 123 17.0
10400 13000 15600 18200 20800
Bore L2 4920 6150 7380 8610 9840
123 10.9
600 mm 6680 8350 10020 11690 13360
Stroke L3 5760 7200 8640 10080 11520
92 17.0
1944 mm 7800 9750 11700 13650 15600
L4 3680 4600 5520 6440 7360
92 10.9
5000 6250 7500 8750 10000
L1 6320 7900 9480 11060 12640
S50MC-C 127 19.0
8580 10725 12870 15015 17160
Bore L2 4040 5050 6060 7070 8080
127 12.2
500 mm 5500 6875 8250 9625 11000
Stroke L3 4740 5925 7110 8295 9480
95 19.0
2000 mm 6440 8050 9660 11270 12880
L4 3040 3800 4560 5320 6080
95 12.2
4120 5150 6180 7210 8240
L1 5720 7150 8580 10010 11440
S50MC 127 18.0
7760 9700 11640 13580 15520
Bore L2 3640 4550 5460 6370 7280
127 11.5
500 mm 4960 6200 7440 8680 9920
Stroke L3 4280 5350 6420 7490 8560
95 18.0
1910 mm 5840 7300 8760 10220 11680
L4 2760 3450 4140 4830 5520
95 11.5
3720 4650 5580 6510 7440
L1 5320 6650 7980 9310 10640
L50MC 148 17.0
7240 9050 10860 12670 14480
Bore L2 3400 4250 5100 5950 6800
148 10.9
500 mm 4640 5800 6960 8120 9280
Stroke L3 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
111 17.0
1620 mm 5440 6800 8160 9520 10880
L4 2560 3200 3840 4480 5120
111 10.9
3480 4350 5220 6090 6960
L1 5240 6550 7860 9170 10480
S46MC-C 129 19.0
7140 8925 10710 12495 14280
Bore L2 4200 5250 6300 7350 8400
129 15.2
460 mm 5700 7125 8550 9975 11400
Stroke L3 4400 5500 6600 7700 8800
108 19.0
1932 mm 5980 7475 8970 10465 11960
L4 3520 4400 5280 6160 7040
108 15.2
4780 5975 7170 8365 9560

178 46 78-9.0

Fig. 1.03d: Power and speed

430100 400 198 22 27

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Engine Layout Engine
effective Number of cylinders
type point speed
r/min bar 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
L1 4320 5400 6480 7560 8640 9720 10800 11880 12960
S42MC 136 19.5
5880 7350 8820 10290 11760 13230 14700 16170 17640
Bore L2 3460 4325 5190 6055 6920 7785 8650 9515 10380
136 15.6
420 mm 4700 5875 7050 8225 9400 10575 11750 12925 14100
Stroke L3 3660 4575 5490 6405 7320 8235 9150 10065 10980
115 19.5
1764 mm 4960 6200 7440 8680 9920 11160 12400 13640 14880
L4 2920 3650 4380 5110 5840 6570 7300 8030 8760
115 15.6
3980 4975 5970 6965 7960 8955 9950 10945 11940
L1 3980 4975 5970 6965 7960 8955 9950 10945 11940
L42MC 176 18.0
5420 6775 8130 9485 10840 12195 13550 14905 16260
Bore L2 2540 3175 3810 4445 5080 5715 6350 6985 7620
176 11.5
420 mm 3460 4345 5190 6055 6920 7785 8650 9515 10380
Stroke L3 2980 3725 4470 5215 5960 6705 7450 8195 8940
132 18.0
1360 mm 4060 5075 6090 7105 8120 9135 10150 11165 12180
L4 1920 2400 2880 3360 3840 4320 4800 5280 5760
132 11.5
2600 3250 3900 4550 5200 5850 6500 7150 7800
L1 2960 3700 4440 5180 5920 6660 7400 8140 8880
S35MC 173 19.1
4040 5050 6060 7070 8080 9090 10100 11110 12120
Bore L2 2380 2975 3570 4165 4760 5355 5950 6545 7140
173 15.3
350 mm 3220 4025 4830 5635 6440 7245 8050 8855 9660
Stroke L3 2520 3150 3780 4410 5040 5670 6300 6930 7560
147 19.1
1400 mm 3420 4275 5130 5985 6840 7695 8550 9405 10260
L4 2020 2525 3030 3535 4040 4545 5050 5555 6060
147 15.3
2740 3425 4110 4795 5480 6165 6850 7535 8220
L1 2600 3250 3900 4550 5200 5850 6500 7150 7800
L35MC 210 18.4
3520 4400 5280 6160 7040 7920 8800 9680 10560
Bore L2 2080 2600 3120 3640 4160 4680 5200 5720 6240
210 14.7
350 mm 2820 3525 4230 4935 5640 6345 7050 7755 8460
Stroke L3 2200 2750 3000 3850 4400 4950 5500 6050 6600
178 18.4
1050 mm 3000 3750 4500 5250 6000 6750 7500 8250 9000
L4 1760 2200 2640 3080 3520 3960 4400 4840 5280
178 14.7
2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6600 6600 7200
L1 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800
S26MC 250 18.5
2180 2725 3270 3815 4360 4905 5450 5995 6540
Bore L2 1280 1600 1920 2240 2560 2880 3200 3520 3840
250 14.8
260 mm 1740 2175 2610 3045 3480 3915 4350 4785 5220
Stroke L3 1360 1700 2040 2380 2720 3060 3400 3740 4080
212 18.5
980 mm 1860 2325 2790 3255 3720 4185 4650 5115 5580
L4 1100 1375 1650 1925 2200 2475 2750 3025 3300
212 14.8
1480 1850 2220 2590 2960 3330 3700 4070 4440

178 46 78-9.0

Fig. 1.03e: Power and speed

430100 400 198 22 27

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Specific fuel oil consumption Lubricating oil consumption

With high efficiency turbochargers System oil Cylinder oil

Approx. g/kWh
At load layout point 100% 80%
kg/cyl. 24h g/BHPh

K98MC L1 171 165

and 126 121
L2 162 158
119 116
171 165
126 121

162 158
119 116

S90MC-C 167 165

123 121

160 157
118 116
L3 167 165
123 121

160 157
118 116

L90MC-C 167 165

123 121

L2 155 154
114 113

167 165 0.8-1.2

L3 7-10
123 121 0.6-0.9

L4 155 154
114 113

K90MC 171 169

126 124

159 158
117 116
L3 171 169
126 124

159 158
117 116

178 46 79-2.0

Fig. 1.04a: Fuel and lubricating oil consumption

430 100 100 198 22 28

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Specific fuel oil consumption Lubricating oil consumption

With high efficiency turbochargers System oil Cylinder oil

Approx. g/kWh
At load layout point 100% 80%
kg/cyl. 24h g/BHPh

K90MC-C 171 169

126 124

L2 165 162
121 119
171 169
126 124

L4 165 162
121 119

S80MC-C 167 165

123 121

155 154
114 113
L3 167 165
123 121

155 154
114 113

S80MC 167 165

123 121

L2 155 154
114 113
167 165
123 121

L4 155 154
114 113

L80MC 174 171

128 126

162 160
119 118
L3 174 171
128 126

162 160
119 118

178 46 79-2.0

Fig. 1.04b: Fuel and lubricating oil consumption

430 100 100 198 22 28

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Specific fuel oil consumption Lubricating oil consumption

With conventional With high efficiency

System oil Cylinder oil
turbochargers turbochargers

Approx. g/kWh
At load layout point 100% 80% 100% 80%
kg/cyl. 24h g/BHPh

K80MC-C 171 169

126 124

L2 165 162
121 119
171 169
126 124

L4 165 162
121 119

S70MC-C 171 169 169 166

126 124 124 122

159 158 156 155

117 116 115 114
L3 171 169 169 166
126 124 124 122

159 158 156 155

117 116 115 114

S70MC 171 169 169 166

126 124 124 122

159 158 156 155

117 116 115 114
171 169 169 166
126 124 124 122

L4 159 158 156 155

117 116 115 114

L70MC 174 171

128 126

L2 162 160
119 118
174 171
128 126

162 160
119 118

178 46 79-2.0

Fig. 1.04c: Fuel and lubricating oil consumption

430 100 100 198 22 28

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Specific fuel oil consumption Lubricating oil consumption

With conventional With high efficiency

System oil Cylinder oil
turbochargers turbochargers

Approx. g/kWh
At load layout point 100% 80% 100% 80%
kg/cyl. 24h g/BHPh

S60MC-C 173 170 170 167

127 125 125 123

L2 160 159 158 156

118 117 116 115
173 170 170 167
127 125 125 123

L4 160 159 158 156

118 117 116 115

S60MC 173 170 170 167

127 125 125 123

160 159 158 156

118 117 116 115
L3 173 170 170 167
127 125 125 123

160 159 158 156

118 117 116 115

L60MC 174 171 171 169

128 126 126 124

162 160 159 158

119 118 117 116
174 171 171 169
128 126 126 124

L4 162 160 159 158

119 118 117 116

S50MC-C 174 171 171 169

128 126 126 124

L2 162 160 159 158

119 118 117 116
174 171 171 169
128 126 126 124

162 160 159 158

119 118 117 116

178 46 79-2.0

Fig. 1.05d: Fuel and lubricating oil consumption

430 100 100 198 22 28

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Specific fuel oil consumption Lubricating oil consumption

With conventional With high efficiency

System oil Cylinder oil
turbochargers turbochargers

Approx. g/kWh
At load layout point 100% 80% 100% 80%
kg/cyl. 24h g/BHPh

S50MC 174 171 171 169

128 126 126 124

L2 162 160 159 158

119 118 117 116
174 171 171 169
128 126 126 124

L4 162 160 159 158

119 118 117 116

L50MC 175 173 173 170

129 127 127 125

163 162 160 159

120 119 118 117
L3 175 173 173 170
129 127 127 125

163 162 160 159

120 119 118 117

S46MC-C 174 173

128 127

169 167
124 123
174 173
128 127

L4 169 167
124 123

S42MC 177 175

130 129

L2 171 170
126 125
177 175
130 129

171 170
126 125

178 46 79-2.0

Fig. 1.05e: Fuel and lubricating oil consumption

430 100 100 198 22 28

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Specific fuel oil consumption Lubricating oil consumption

With conventional turbochargers System oil Cylinder oil

Approx. g/kWh
At load layout point 100% 80%
kg/cyl. 24h g/BHPh

L42MC 177 174

130 129

165 163
121 120
L3 177 174
130 129

165 163
121 120

S35MC 178 177

131 130

173 171
127 126
178 177
131 130

L4 173 171
127 126

L35MC 177 175

130 129

L2 171 170
126 125
177 175
130 129

171 170
126 125

S26MC 179 178

132 131

174 173
128 127
L3 179 178
132 131

174 173
128 127

178 46 79-2.0

Fig. 1.05f: Fuel and lubricating oil consumption

430 100 100 198 22 28

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 32 80-6.1

Fig. 1.05: K98MC engine cross section

430 100 018 198 22 29

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 36 24-7.0

Fig. 1.06: S80MC engine cross section

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 44 14-4.1

Fig. 1.07: S70MC-C engine cross section

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 32 19-8.0

Fig. 1.08: S60MC engine cross section

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 16 07-0.0

Fig. 1.09: S50MC-C engine cross section

430 100 018 198 22 29

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 43 10-1.0

Fig. 1.10: L42MC engine cross section

430 100 018 198 22 29

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 42 12-5.0

Fig. 1.11: S26MC engine cross section

430 100 018 198 22 29

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

2 Engine Layout and Load Diagrams

Propulsion and Engine Running Points

Propeller curve

The relation between power and propeller speed for

a fixed pitch propeller is as mentioned above de-
scribed by means of the propeller law, i.e. the third
power curve:

Pb = c x n3 , in which:
178 05 41-5.3
Pb = engine power for propulsion
n = propeller speed Line 2 Propulsion curve, fouled hull and heavy weather
c = constant (heavy running), recommended for engine layout
Line 6 Propulsion curve, clean hull and calm weather
The power functions Pb = c x ni will be linear func- (light running), for propeller layout
tions when using logarithmic scales. MP Specified MCR for propulsion
SP Continuous service rating for propulsion
Therefore, in the Layout Diagrams and Load Dia- PD Propeller design point
grams for diesel engines, logarithmic scales are HR Heavy running
LR Light running
used, making simple diagrams with straight lines.
Fig. 2.01: Ship propulsion running points and engine layout
Propeller design point

Normally, estimations of the necessary propeller hull surfaces, the fouling after sea trial, therefore,
power and speed are based on theoretical calcula- will involve a relatively higher resistance and thereby
tions for loaded ship, and often experimental tank a heavier running propeller.
tests, both assuming optimum operating condi-
tions, i.e. a clean hull and good weather. The combi- Sea margin at heavy weather
nation of speed and power obtained may be called
the ship’s propeller design point (PD), placed on the If, at the same time the weather is bad, with head
light running propeller curve 6. See Fig. 2.01. On the winds, the ship’s resistance may increase com-
other hand, some shipyards, and/or propeller manu- pared to operating at calm weather conditions.
facturers sometimes use a propeller design point
(PD’) that incorporates all or part of the so-called When determining the necessary engine power, it is
sea margin described below. therefore normal practice to add an extra power
margin, the so-called sea margin, see Fig. 2.02
Fouled hull which is traditionally about 15% of the propeller de-
sign (PD) power.
When the ship has sailed for some time, the hull and
propeller become fouled and the hull’s resistance Engine layout (heavy propeller)
will increase. Consequently, the ship speed will be
reduced unless the engine delivers more power to When determining the necessary engine speed
the propeller, i.e. the propeller will be further loaded considering the influence of a heavy running propel-
and will be heavy running (HR). ler for operating at large extra ship resistance, it is
recommended - compared to the clean hull and
As modern vessels with a relatively high service calm weather propeller curve 6 - to choose a heavier
speed are prepared with very smooth propeller and propeller curve 2 for engine layout, and the propeller

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

curve for clean hull and calm weather in curve 6 will

be said to represent a “light running” (LR) propeller,
see area 6 on Figs. 2.07a and 2.07b.

Compared to the heavy engine layout curve 2 we

recommend to use a light running of 3.0-7.0% for
design of the propeller, with 5% as a good average.

178 05 67-7.1

Fig. 2.02: Sea margin based on weather conditions in the

North Atlantic Ocean. Percentage of time at sea where
the service speed can be maintained, related to the extra
power (sea margin) in % of the sea trial power.

Engine margin

Besides the sea margin, a so-called “engine mar-

gin” of some 10% is frequently added. The corre-
sponding point is called the “specified MCR for pro-
pulsion” (MP), and refers to the fact that the power
for point SP is 10% lower than for point MP, see Fig.
2.01. Point MP is identical to the engine’s specified
MCR point (M) unless a main engine driven shaft
generator is installed. In such a case, the extra
power demand of the shaft generator must also be

Light/heavy running, fouling and sea margin are
overlapping terms. Light/heavy running of the pro-
peller refers to hull and propeller deterioration and
heavy weather and, – sea margin i.e. extra power to
the propeller, refers to the influence of the wind and
the sea. However, the degree of light running must
be decided upon experience from the actual trade
and hull design.

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Influence of propeller diameter and pitch on

the optimum propeller speed

In general, the larger the propeller diameter, the Once an optimum propeller diameter of maximum
lower is the optimum propeller speed and the kW 7.2 m has been chosen, the pitch in this point is
required for a certain design draught and ship given for the design speed of 14.5 knots, i.e. P/D =
speed, see curve D in Fig. 2.03. 0.70.

The maximum possible propeller diameter depends However, if the optimum propeller speed of 100
on the given design draught of the ship, and the r/min does not suit the preferred / selected main en-
clearance needed between the propeller and the gine speed, a change of pitch will only cause a rela-
aft-body hull and the keel. tively small extra power demand, keeping the same
maximum propeller diameter:
The example shown in Fig. 2.03 is an 80,000 dwt
crude oil tanker with a design draught of 12.2 m and • going from 100 to 110 r/min (P/D = 0.62) requires
a design speed of 14.5 knots. 8,900 kW i.e. an extra power demand of 80 kW.

When the optimum propeller diameter D is in- • going from 100 to 91 r/min (P/D = 0.81) requires
creased from 6.6 m to 7.2. m, the power demand is 8,900 kW i.e. an extra power demand of 80 kW.
reduced from about 9,290 kW to 8,820 kW, and the
optimum propeller speed is reduced from 120 r/min In both cases the extra power demand is only of
to 100 r/min, corresponding to the constant ship 0.9%, and the corresponding 'equal speed curves'
speed coefficient a = 28 (see definition of a in next are a =+0.1 and a =-0.1, respectively, so there is a
section). certain interval of propeller speeds in which the
'power penalty' is very limited.

178 47 03-2.0

Fig. 2.03: Influence of diameter and pitch on propeller design

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Constant ship speed lines MCR point "MP1", selected in the layout area and
parallel to one of the a-lines, another specified pro-
The constant ship speed lines a, are shown at the pulsion MCR point "MP2" upon this line can be cho-
very top of Fig. 2.04. These lines indicate the power sen to give the ship the same speed for the new
required at various propeller speeds to keep the combination of engine power and speed.
same ship speed provided that the optimum propel-
ler diameter with an optimum pitch diameter ratio is Fig. 2.04 shows an example of the required power
used at any given speed, taking into consideration speed point MP1, through which a constant ship
the total propulsion efficiency. speed curve a = 0.25 is drawn, obtaining point MP2
with a lower engine power and a lower engine speed
Normally, the following relation between necessary but achieving the same ship speed.
power and propeller speed can be assumed:
Provided the optimum pitch/diameter ratio is used
P2 = P1 (n2/n1)a for a given propeller diameter the following data ap-
plies when changing the propeller diameter:
P = Propulsion power for general cargo, bulk carriers and tankers
n = Propeller speed, and a = 0.25 -0.30
a = the constant ship speed coefficient.
and for reefers and container vessels
For any combination of power and speed, each a = 0.15 -0.25
point on lines parallel to the ship speed lines gives
the same ship speed. When changing the propeller speed by changing the
pitch diameter ratio, the a constant will be different,
When such a constant ship speed line is drawn into see above.
the layout diagram through a specified propulsion

178 05 66-7.0

Fig. 2.04: Layout diagram and constant ship speed lines

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Engine Layout Diagram

Layout diagram of
The layout procedure has to be carefully considered 100 - 64% power and
because the final layout choice will have a consider- Power 100 - 75% speed range
L1 valid for the types:
able influence on the operating condition of the main
engine throughout the whole lifetime of the ship. The L90MC-C S60MC-C
factors that should be conisdered are operational flex- L3 K90MC S60MC
ibility, fuel consumption, obtainable power, possible L2 S80MC-C L60MC
shaft generator application and propulsion efficiency. S80MC S50MC-C
L4 L80MC S50MC
An engine’s layout diagram is limited by two constant
mean effective pressure (mep) lines L1-L3 and L2-L4, S70MC-C L50MC
and by two constant engine speed lines L1-L2 and S70MC L42MC
L3-L4, see Fig. 2.04. The L1 point refers to the engine’s L70MC
nominal maximum continuous rating.

Please note that the areas of the layout diagrams are Power
different for the engines types, see Fig. 2.05. L1
Within the layout area there is full freedom to select the L2
engine’s specified MCR point M which suits the de- Layout diagram of
L4 100 - 80% power and
mand of propeller power and speed for the ship.
100 - 80% speed range
valid for the types:
On the X-axis the engine speed and on the Y-axis the
engine power are shown in percentage scales. The Speed
scales are logarithmic which means that, in this dia-
gram, power function curves like propeller curves (3rd Layout diagram of
power), constant mean effective pressure curves (1st 100 - 80% power and
power) and constant ship speed curves (0.15 to 0.30 Power 100 - 85% speed range
power) are straight lines. valid for the types:
L3 L2 K90MC-C
Fig. 2.06 shows, by means of superimposed diagrams K80MC-C
for all engine types, the entire layout area for the L4
MC-programme in a power/speed diagram. As can be
seen, there is a considerable overlap of power/speed
combinations so that for nearly all applications, there S35MC
is a wide section of different engines to choose from all Speed L35MC
of which meet the individual ship's requirements. S26MC

Specified maximum continuous rating, SMCR = “M”

Based on the propulsion and engine running points, L3
as previously found, the layout diagram of a relevant L2 Layout diagram of
main engine may be drawn-in. The specified MCR L4 100 - 80% power and
point (M) must be inside the limitation lines of the lay- 100 - 90% speed range
out diagram; if it is not, the propeller speed will have to valid for the types:
be changed or another main engine type must be cho- K98MC
sen. Yet, in special cases point M may be located to K98MC-C
the right of the line L1-L2, see “Optimising Point”. Speed

178 13 85-1.4
Fig. 2.05: Layout diagram sizes

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178 13 80-2.8
Fig. 2.06: Layout diagrams of the two-stroke engine MC-programme as per January 2000

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Continuous service rating (S) Engines with VIT

The Continuous service rating is the power at which The optimising point O is placed on line 1 of the load
the engine is normally assumed to operate, and diagram, and the optimised power can be from 85 to
point S is identical to the service propulsion point 100% of point M's power, when turbocharger(s) and
(SP) unless a main engine driven shaft generator is engine timing are taken into consideration. When
installed. optimising between 93.5% and 100% of point M's
power, 10% overload running will still be possible
(110% of M).
Optimising point (O)
The optimising point O is to be placed inside the lay-
The optimising point O is the rating at which the out diagram. In fact, the specified MCR point M can,
turbocharger is matched, and at which the engine tim- in special cases, be placed outside the layout dia-
ing and compression ratio are adjusted. gram, but only by exceeding line L1-L2, and of
course, only provided that the optimising point O is
On engines with Variable Injection Timing (VIT) fuel located inside the layout diagram and provided that
pumps, the optimising point (O) can be different than the specified MCR power is not higher than the L1
the specified MCR (M), whereas on engines without power.
VIT fuel pumps “O” has to coincide with “M”.
Engine without VIT
The large engine types have VIT fuel pumps as stan- Optimising point (O) = specified MCR (M)
dard, but on some types these pumps are an option.
Small-bore engines are not fitted with VIT fuel pumps. On engine types not fitted with VIT fuel pumps,
the specified MCR – point M has to coincide with
Type With VIT Without VIT point O.
K98MC Basic
K98MC-C Basic
S90MC-C Basic
L90MC-C Basic
K90MC Basic
K90MC-C Basic
S80MC-C Basic
S80MC Basic
L80MC Basic
S70MC-C Optional Basic
S70MC Basic
L70MC Basic
S60MC-C Optional Basic
S60MC Basic
L60MC Basic
S50MC-C Optional Basic
S50MC Basic
S46MC-C Basic
S42MC Basic
L42MC Basic
S35MC Basic
L35MC Basic
S26MC Basic

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Load Diagram Line 4:

Represents the limit at which an ample air supply
Definitions is available for combustion and imposes a limita-
tion on the maximum combination of torque and
The load diagram, Figs. 2.07, defines the power and speed.
speed limits for continuous as well as overload op-
eration of an installed engine having an optimising Line 5:
point O and a specified MCR point M that confirms Represents the maximum mean effective pressure
the ship’s specification. level (mep), which can be accepted for continuous
Point A is a 100% speed and power reference point
of the load diagram, and is defined as the point on Line 7:
the propeller curve (line 1), through the optimising Represents the maximum power for continuous
point O, having the specified MCR power. Normally, operation.7
point M is equal to point A, but in special cases, for
example if a shaft generator is installed, point M may Limits for overload operation
be placed to the right of point A on line 7.
The overload service range is limited as follows:
The service points of the installed engine incorpo-
rate the engine power required for ship propulsion Line 8:
and shaft generator, if installed. Represents the overload operation limitations.

Limits for continuous operation The area between lines 4, 5, 7 and the heavy dashed
line 8 is available for overload running for limited pe-
The continuous service range is limited by four lines: riods only (1 hour per 12 hours).

Line 3 and line 9:

Line 3 represents the maximum acceptable speed
for continuous operation, i.e. 105% of A.
A 100% reference point
If, in special cases, A is located to the right of line M Specified MCR point
L1-L2, the maximum limit, however, is 105% of L1. O Optimising point

During trial conditions the maximum speed may be Line 1 Propeller curve through optimising point (i = 3)
extended to 107% of A, see line 9. (engine layout curve)
Line 2 Propeller curve, fouled hull and heavy weather
The above limits may in general be extended to – heavy running (i = 3)
105%, and during trial conditions to 107%, of the Line 3 Speed limit
nominal L1 speed of the engine, provided the tor- Line 4 Torque/speed limit (i = 2)
sional vibration conditions permit.
Line 5 Mean effective pressure limit (i = 1)
The overspeed set-point is 109% of the speed in A, Line 6 Propeller curve, clean hull and calm weather –
light running (i = 3), for propeller layout
however, it may be moved to 109% of the nominal
Line 7 Power limit for continuous running (i = 0)
speed in L1, provided that torsional vibration condi-
tions permit. Line 8 Overload limit
Line 9 Speed limit at sea trial
Running above 100% of the nominal L1 speed at a
load lower than about 65% specified MCR is, how- Point M to be located on line 7 (normally in point A)
ever, to be avoided for extended periods. Only
Regarding “i” in the power functions Pb = c x ni, see
plants with controllable pitch propellers can reach page 2.01
this light running area.

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Fig. 2.07a: Engine load diagram for engine with VIT 178 05 42-7.3

178 39 18-4.1

Fig. 2.07b: Engine load diagram for engine without VIT

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Recommendation Examples of the use of the Load Diagram

Continuous operation without limitations is allowed In the following see Figs. 2.08 - 2.13, are some ex-
only within the area limited by lines 4, 5, 7 and 3 of amples illustrating the flexibility of the layout and
the load diagram, except for CP propeller plants load diagrams and the significant influence of the
mentioned in the previous section. choice of the optimising point O.

The area between lines 4 and 1 is available for oper- The upper diagrams of the examples 1, 2, 3 and 4
ation in shallow waters, heavy weather and during show engines with VIT fuel pumps for which the op-
acceleration, i.e. for non-steady operation without timising point O is normally different from the speci-
any strict time limitation. fied MCR point M as this can improve the SFOC at
part load running. The lower diagrams also show
After some time in operation, the ship’s hull and pro- engine wihtout VIT fuel pumps, i.e. point A=O.
peller will be fouled, resulting in heavier running of
the propeller, i.e. the propeller curve will move to the Example 1 shows how to place the load diagram for
left from line 6 towards line 2, and extra power is re- an engine without shaft generator coupled to a fixed
quired for propulsion in order to keep the ship’s pitch propeller.
In example 2 are diagrams for the same configura-
In calm weather conditions, the extent of heavy run- tion, here with the optimising point to the left of the
ning of the propeller will indicate the need for clean- heavy running propeller curve (2) obtaining an extra
ing the hull and possibly polishing the propeller. engine margin for heavy running.

Once the specified MCR (and the optimising point) As for example 1 example 3 shows the same layout
has been chosen, the capacities of the auxiliary for an engine with fixed pitch propeller, but with a
equipment will be adapted to the specified MCR, shaft generator.
and the turbocharger etc. will be matched to the op-
timised power, however considering the specified Example 4 shows a special case with a shaft gener-
MCR. ator. In this case the shaft generator is cut off, and
the GenSets used when the engine runs at specified
If the specified MCR (and/or the optimising point) is MCR. This makes it possible to choose a smaller en-
to be increased later on, this may involve a change gine with a lower power output.
of the pump and cooler capacities, retiming of the
engine, change of the fuel valve nozzles, adjusting Example 5 shows diagrams for an engine coupled to
of the cylinder liner cooling, as well as rematching of a controllable pitch propeller, with or without a shaft
the turbocharger or even a change to a larger size of generator, (constant speed or combinator curve op-
turbocharger. In some cases it can also require eration).
larger dimensions of the piping systems.
Example 6 shows where to place the optimising
It is therefore of utmost importance to consider, al- point for an engine coupled to a controllable pitch
ready at the project stage, if the specification should propeller, and operating at constant speed.
be prepared for a later power increase.
For a project, the layout diagram shown in Fig.
2.14 may be used for construction of the actual
load diagram.

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Example 1:
Normal running conditions. Engine coupled to fixed pitch propeller (FPP) and without shaft generator
With VIT

178 05 44-0.6

Without VIT

M Specified MCR of engine Point A of load diagram is found:

S Continuous service rating of engine Line 1 Propeller curve through optimising point (O) is
O Optimising point of engine equal to line 2
A Reference point of load diagram Line 7 Constant power line through specified MCR (M)
MP Specified MCR for propulsion Point A Intersection between line 1 and 7
SP Continuous service rating of propulsion
178 39 20-6.1

Fig. 2.08a: Example 1, Layout diagram for normal running Fig. 2.08b: Example 1, Load diagram for normal running
conditions, engine with FPP, without shaft generator conditions, engine with FPP, without shaft generator

For engines with VIT, the optimising point O and its pro- on the engine service curve 2 (for fouled hull and
peller curve 1 will normally be selected on the engine heavy weather), as shown in the lower diagram of
service curve 2, see the upper diagram of Fig. 2.08a. Fig. 2.08a.

For engines without VIT, the optimising point O will Point A is then found at the intersection between pro-
have the same power as point M and its propeller peller curve 1 (2) and the constant power curve through
curve 1 for engine layout will normally be selected M, line 7. In this case point A is equal to point M.

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Example 2:
Special running conditions. Engine coupled to fixed pitch propeller (FPP) and without shaft generator
With VIT

178 05 46-4.6

Without VIT

M Specified MCR of engine Point A of load diagram is found:

S Continuous service rating of engine Line 1 Propeller curve through optimising point (O)
O Optimising point of engine is equal to line 2
A Reference point of load diagram Line 7 Constant power line through specified MCR (M)
MP Specified MCR for propulsion Point A Intersection between line 1 and 7
SP Continuous service rating of propulsion 178 39 23-1.0

Fig. 2.09a: Example 2, Layout diagram for special running Fig. 2.09b: Example 2, Load diagram for special running
conditions, engine with FPP, without shaft generator conditions, engine with FPP, without shaft generator

Once point A has been found in the layout diagram, A similar example 2 is shown in Figs. 2.09. In this
the load diagram can be drawn, as shown in Fig. case, the optimising point O has been selected
2.08b and hence the actual load limitation lines of the more to the left than in example 1, obtaining an extra
diesel engine may be found by using the inclinations engine margin for heavy running operation in heavy
from the construction lines and the %-figures stated. weather conditions. In principle, the light running
margin has been increased for this case.

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Example 3:
Normal running conditions. Engine coupled to fixed pitch propeller (FPP) and with shaft generator

With VIT

178 05 48-8.6

Without VIT

M Specified MCR of engine Point A of load diagram is found:

S Continuous service rating of engine Line 1 Propeller curve through optimising point (O)
O Optimising point of engine Line 7 Constant power line through specified MCR (M)
A Reference point of load diagram Point A Intersection between line 1 and 7
MP Specified MCR for propulsion
SP Continuous service rating of propulsion
178 39 25-5.1
SG Shaft generator power

Fig. 2.10a: Example 3, Layout diagram for normal running Fig. 2.10b: Example 3, Load diagram for normal running
conditions, engine with FPP, without shaft generator conditions, engine with FPP, with shaft generator

In example 3 a shaft generator (SG) is installed, and The optimising point O will be chosen on the engine
therefore the service power of the engine also has to service curve as shown, but can, by an approxima-
incorporate the extra shaft power required for the tion, be located on curve 1, through point M.
shaft generator’s electrical power production.
Point A is then found in the same way as in example
In Fig. 2.10a, the engine service curve shown for 1, and the load diagram can be drawn as shown in
heavy running incorporates this extra power. Fig. 2.10b.

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Example 4:
Special running conditions. Engine coupled to fixed pitch propeller (FPP) and with shaft generator

With VIT

178 06 35-1.6

Without VIT

M Specified MCR of engine Point A of load diagram is found:

S Continuous service rating of engine Line 1 Propeller curve through optimising point (O) or
point S
O Optimising point of engine Point A Intersection between line 1 and line L1 - L3
A Reference point of load diagram Point M Located on constant power line 7 through
MP Specified MCR for propulsion point A (O = A if the engine is without VIT)
SP Continuous service rating of propulsion and with MP's speed.
SG Shaft generator 178 39 28-0.2

See text on next page.

Fig. 2.11a: Example 4. Layout diagram for special running Fig. 2.11b: Example 4. Load diagram for special running
conditions, engine with FPP, with shaft generator conditions, engine with FPP, with shaft generator

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Example 4: In choosing the latter solution, the required speci-

fied MCR power can be reduced from point M’ to
Also in this special case, a shaft generator is in- point M as shown in Fig. 2.11a. Therefore, when run-
stalled but, compared to Example 3, this case has a ning in the upper propulsion power range, a diesel
specified MCR for propulsion, MP, placed at the top generator has to take over all or part of the electrical
of the layout diagram, see Fig. 2.11a. power production.

This involves that the intended specified MCR of the However, such a situation will seldom occur, as
engine M’ will be placed outside the top of the layout ships are rather infrequently running in the upper
diagram. propulsion power range.

One solution could be to choose a larger diesel Point A, having the highest possible power, is
engine with an extra cylinder, but another and then found at the intersection of line L1-L3 with
cheaper solution is to reduce the electrical power line 1, see Fig. 2.11a, and the corresponding load
production of the shaft generator when running in diagram is drawn in Fig. 2.11b. Point M is found
the upper propulsion power range. on line 7 at MP’s speed.

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Example 5:
Engine coupled to controllable pitch propeller (CPP) with or without shaft generator

Without VIT With VIT

M Specified MCR of engine O Optimising point of engine
S Continuous service rating of engine A Reference point of load diagram 178 39 31-4.1

Fig. 2.12: Example 5: Engine with Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP), with or without shaft generator

Fig. 2.12 shows two examples: on the left diagrams The procedure shown in examples 3 and 4 for en-
for an engine without VIT fuel pumps (A = O = M), on gines with FPP can also be applied here for engines
the right, for an engine with VIT fuel pumps (A = M). with CPP running with a combinator curve.

Layout diagram - without shaft generator The optimising point O for engines with VIT may be
If a controllable pitch propeller (CPP) is applied, the chosen on the propeller curve through point A = M
combinator curve (of the propeller) will normally be with an optimised power from 85 to 100% of the
selected for loaded ship including sea margin. specified MCR as mentioned before in the section
dealing with optimising point O.
The combinator curve may for a given propeller speed
have a given propeller pitch, and this may be heavy run- Load diagram
ning in heavy weather like for a fixed pitch propeller. Therefore, when the engine’s specified MCR point
(M) has been chosen including engine margin, sea
Therefore it is recommended to use a light running margin and the power for a shaft generator, if in-
combinator curve as shown in Fig. 2.12 to obtain an stalled, point M may be used as point A of the load
increased operation margin of the diesel engine in diagram, which can then be drawn.
heavy weather to the limit indicated by curves 4 and 5.
The position of the combinator curve ensures the
Layout diagram - with shaft generator maximum load range within the permitted speed
The hatched area in Fig. 2.12 shows the recom- range for engine operation, and it still leaves a rea-
mended speed range between 100% and 96.7% of sonable margin to the limit indicated by curves 4
the specified MCR speed for an engine with shaft and 5.
generator running at constant speed.
Example 6 will give a more detailed description of
The service point S can be located at any point how to run constant speed with a CP propeller.
within the hatched area.

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Example 6: Engines with VIT fuel pumps run-

ning at constant speed with controllable pitch
propeller (CPP)

Fig. 2.13a Constant speed curve through M, nor-

mal and correct location of the optimising point O

Irrespective of whether the engine is operating on a

propeller curve or on a constant speed curve
through M, the optimising point O must be located
on the propeller curve through the specified MCR
point M or, in special cases, to the left of point M. Constant speed service
curve through M
The reason is that the propeller curve 1 through the Fig. 2.13a: Normal procedure
optimising point O is the layout curve of the engine,
and the intersection between curve 1 and the maxi-
mum power line 7 through point M is equal to 100%
power and 100% speed, point A of the load diagram
- in this case A=M.

In Fig. 2.13a the optimising point O has been placed

correctly, and the step-up gear and the shaft gener-
ator, if installed, may be synchronised on the con-
stant speed curve through M.
Constant speed service
Fig. 2.13b: Constant speed curve through M, curve through M
wrong position of optimising point O Fig. 2.13b: Wrong procedure

If the engine has been service-optimised in point O

on a constant speed curve through point M, then the
specified MCR point M would be placed outside the
load diagram, and this is not permissible.

Fig. 2.13c: Recommended constant speed run-

ning curve, lower than speed M

In this case it is assumed that a shaft generator, if in-

stalled, is synchronised at a lower constant main en-
gine speed (for example with speed equal to O or Constant speed service
lower) at which improved CP propeller efficiency is curve with a speed lower
obtained for part load running. than M
Fig. 2.13c: Recommended procedure
In this layout example where an improved CP pro-
peller efficiency is obtained during extended peri-
ods of part load running, the step-up gear and the Logarithmic scales
shaft generator have to be designed for the ap-
plied lower constant engine speed. M: Specified MCR
O: Optimised point
A: 100% power and speed of load
diagram (normally A=M) 178 19 69-9.0

Fig. 2.13: Running at constant speed with CPP

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Fig. 2.14 contains a layout diagram that can be used for con-
struction of the load diagram for an actual project, using the
%-figures stated and the inclinations of the lines.
178 46 87-5.0

Fig. 2.14: Diagram for actual project

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Emission Control

IMO NOx emission limits

All MC engines are delivered so as to comply with More detailed information can be found in our publi-
the IMO speed dependent NOx limit, measured ac- cations:
cording to ISO 8178 Test Cycles E2/E3 for Heavy
Duty Diesel Engines. P. 331 Emissions Control, Two-stroke Low-speed
The Specific Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) and the P. 333 How to deal with Emission Control.
NOx are interrelated parameters, and an engine of-
fered with a guaranteed SFOC and also guaranteed
to comply with the IMO NOx limitation will be subject
to a 5% fuel consumption tolerance.

30-50% NOx reduction

Water emulsification of the heavy fuel oil is a well

proven primary method. The type of homogenizer is
either ultrasonic or mechanical, using water from
the freshwater generator and the water mist
catcher. The pressure of the homogenised fuel has
to be increased to prevent the formation of the
steam and cavitation. It may be necessary to modify
some of the engine components such as the fuel
pumps, camshaft, and the engine control system.

Up to 95-98% NOx reduction

This reduction can be achieved by means of sec-

ondary methods, such as the SCR (Selective Cata-
lytic Reduction), which involves an after-treatment
of the exhaust gas.

Plants designed according to this method have

been in service since 1990 on four vessels, using
Haldor Topsøe catalysts and ammonia as the re-
ducing agent, urea can also be used.

The compact SCR unit can be located separately in

the engine room or horizontally on top of the engine.
The compact SCR reactor is mounted before the
turbocharger(s) in order to have the optimum work-
ing temperature for the catalyst.

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Specific Fuel Oil Consumption

Engine with from 98 to 50 cm bore engines are as With a conventional turbocharger the amount of air
standard fitted with high efficiency turbochargers. required for combustion purposes can, however, be
The smaller bore from 46 to 26 cm are fitted with the adjusted to provide a higher exhaust gas tempera-
so-called "conventional" turbochargers ture, if this is needed for the exhaust gas boiler. The
matching of the engine and the turbocharging sys-
High efficiency/conventional turbochargers tem is then modified, thus increasing the exhaust
gas temperature by 20 °C.
Some engine types are as standard fitted with high
efficiency turbochargers but can alternatively use This modification will lead to a 7-8% reduction in the
conventional turbochargers. These are: exhaust gas amount, and involve an SFOC penalty
S70MC-C, S70MC, S60MC-C, S60MC, L60MC, of up to 2 g/BHPh, see the example in Fig. 2.15.
S50MC-C, S50MC and L50MC.
The calculation of the expected specific fuel oil con-
The high efficiency turbocharger is applied to the sumption (SFOC) can be carried out by means of the
engine in the basic design with the view to obtaining following figures for fixed pitch propeller and for
the lowest possible Specific Fuel Oil Consumption controllable pitch propeller, constant speed.
(SFOC) values. Throughout the whole load area the SFOC of the en-
gine depends on where the optimising point O is

178 47 08-1.0

Fig. 2.15: Example of part load SFOC curves for the two engine versions

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

SFOC at reference conditions Examples of graphic calculation of

The SFOC is based on the reference ambient condi-
tions stated in ISO 3046/1-1986: Diagram 1 in the following figures are valid for fixed
pitch propeller and constant speed, respectively,
1,000 mbar ambient air pressure shows the reduction in SFOC, relative to the SFOC
25 °C ambient air temperature at nominal rated MCR L1.
25 °C scavenge air coolant temperature
The solid lines are valid at 100, 80 and 50% of the
and is related to a fuel oil with a lower calorific value of optimised power (O).
10,200 kcal/kg (42,700 kJ/kg).
The optimising point O is drawn into the above-
For lower calorific values and for ambient conditions mentioned Diagram 1. A straight line along the
that are different from the ISO reference conditions, constant mep curves (parallel to L1-L3) is drawn
the SFOC will be adjusted according to the conver- through the optimising point O. The line intersec-
sion factors in the below table provided that the maxi- tions of the solid lines and the oblique lines indi-
mum combustion pressure (Pmax) is adjusted to the cate the reduction in specific fuel oil consumption
nominal value (left column), or if the Pmax is not at 100%, 80% and 50% of the optimised power,
re-adjusted to the nominal value (right column). related to the SFOC stated for the nominal MCR
(L1) rating at the actually available engine version.
With Without
Pmax Pmax The SFOC curve for an engine with conventional
adjusted adjusted turbocharger is identical to that for an engine with
SFOC SFOC high efficiency turbocharger, but located at 2
Parameter Condition change change change g/BHPh higher level.
Scav. air coolant
temperature per 10 °C rise + 0.60% + 0.41%
In Fig. 2.24 an example of the calculated SFOC
Blower inlet curves are shown on Diagram 2, valid for two al-
temperature + 0.20% + 0.71%
per 10 °C rise ternative engine ratings: O1 = 100% M and
Blower inlet O2 = 85%M for a 6S70MC-C with VIT fuel pumps.
pressure per 10 mbar rise - 0.02% - 0.05%
Fuel oil lower rise 1%
calorific value -1.00% - 1.00%
(42,700 kJ/kg)

With for instance 1 °C increase of the scavenge air

coolant temperature, a corresponding 1 °C increase
of the scavenge air temperature will occur and in-
volves an SFOC increase of 0.06% if Pmax is adjusted.

SFOC guarantee

The SFOC guarantee refers to the above ISO refer-

ence conditions and lower calorific value, and is guar-
anteed for the power-speed combination in which the
engine is optimised (O).

The SFOC guarantee is given with a margin of 5% for

engines fulfilling the IMO NOx emission limitations.

As SFOC and NOx are interrelated paramaters, an en-

gine offered without fulfilling the IMO NOx limitations
only has a tolerance of 3% of the SFOC.

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 44 22-7.1

SFOC in g/BHPh at nominal MCR (L1)

Engine kW/cyl. BHP/cyl. r/min g/kWh g/BHPh
6-12K98MC 5720 7780 94 171 126
6-12K98MC-C 5710 7760 104 171 126

Data optimising point (O): 178 87 11-3.0

Power: 100% of (O) BHP

Speed: 100% of (O) r/min
SFOC found: g/BHPh

These figures are valid both for engines with fixed pitch propeller and for engines running at constant speed.

Fig. 2.16a: SFOC for engines with fixed pitch propeller, K98MC and K98MC-C

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 44 22-7.0

178 44 22-7.1

Fig. 2.16b: SFOC for engines with constant speed,

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 37 74-4.0

SFOC in g/BHPh at nominal MCR (L1)

Engine kW/cyl. BHP/cyl. r/min g/kWh g/BHPh
6-9S90MC-C 4890 6650 76 167 123

178 87 12-5.0

Fig. 2.17a: Example of SFOC for engines with fixed pitch propeller, S90MC-C

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 37 75-6.0

178 11 68-5.0

Fig. 2.17b: Example of SFOC for engines with constant speed,

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 06 87-7.0

SFOC in g/BHPh at nominal MCR (L1)

)Engine kW/cyl. BHP/cyl. r/min g/kWh g/BHPh

6-12K90MC-C 4560 6210 104 171 126
6-12K80MC-C 3610 4900 104 171 126

Data optimising point (O):

Power: 100% of (O) BHP 178 87 13-7.0

Speed: 100% of (O) r/min


178 39 35-1.0

Fig. 2.18a: Example of SFOC for engines with fixed pitch propeller,

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 06 89-0.0

178 44 22-7.1

Fig. 2.18b: Example of SFOC for engines with constant speed,

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 15 92-3.0

SFOC in g/BHPh at nominal MCR (L1)

High efficiency Conventional
Engine kW/cyl. BHP/cyl. r/min g/kWh g/BHPh g/kWh g/BHPh
6-12L90MC-C 4890 6650 83 167 123
4-12K90MC 4570 6220 94 171 126
6-8S80MC-C 3880 5280 76 167 123
4-9S80MC 3840 5220 79 167 123
4-12L80MC 3640 4940 93 174 128
4-8S70MC-C* 3105 4220 91 169 124 171 126
4-8S70MC 2810 3820 91 169 124 171 126
4-8L70MC 2830 3845 108 174 128
4-8S60MC-C* 2255 3070 105 170 125 173 127
4-8S60MC 2040 2780 105 170 125 173 127
4-8L60MC 1920 2600 123 171 126 174 128
4-8S50MC-C* 1580 2145 127 171 126 174 128
4-8S50MC 1430 1940 127 171 126 174 128
4-8L50MC 1330 1810 148 173 127 175 129
4-12L42MC* 995 1355 176 177 130
* Note: Engines without VIT fuel pumps have to be optimised at the specified MCR power

These figures are valid both for engines with fixed pitch propeller and for engines running at constant speed.

Data optimising point (O):

Power: 100% of (O) BHP
Speed: 100% of (O) r/min
SFOC found: g/BHPh 178 43 63-9.0

Fig. 2.19a: Example of SFOC for engines with fixed pitch propeller

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 15 91-1.0

178 43 63-9.0

Fig. 2.19b: Example of SFOC for engines with constant speed

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Specified MCR (M) = optimised point (O)

178 06 88-9.0

SFOC in g/BHPh at nominal MCR (L1)

Engine kW/cyl. BHP/cyl. r/min g/kWh g/BHPh
4-8S46MC-C 1310 1785 129 174 128
4-12S42MC 1080 1470 136 177 130
4-12S35MC 740 1010 173 178 131
4-12L35MC 650 880 210 177 130
4-12S26MC 400 545 250 179 132

178 87 15-0.0
Data optimising point (O):
Power: 100% of (O) BHP
Speed: 100% of (O) r/min

These figures are valid both for engines with fixed pitch propeller and for engines running at constant speed.

Fig. 2.20a: Example of SFOC for engines with fixed pitch propeller

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Specified MCR (M) = optimised point (O)

178 06 90-0.0

178 43 63-9.0

Fig. 2.20b: Example of SFOC for engines with constant speed

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 15 88-8.0

Data at nominal MCR (L1): 6S70MC-C Data of optimising point (O) O1 O2

100% Power: 25,320 BHP Power: 100% of O 21,000 BHP 17,850 BHP
100% Speed: 91 r/min Speed: 100% of O 81.9 r/min 77.4 r/min
High efficiency turbocharger: 124 g/BHPh SFOC found: 122.1 g/BHPh 119.7 g/BHPh
178 43 66-4.0
Note: Engines without VIT fuel pumps have to be optimised at the specified MCR power

O1: Optimised in M
O2: Optimised at 85% of power M
Point 3: is 80% of O2 = 0.80 x 85% of M = 68% M
Point 4: is 50% of O2 = 0.50 x 85% of M = 42.5% M
178 43 67-6.0

Fig. 2.21: Example of SFOC for 6S70MC-C with fixed pitch propeller, high efficiency turbocharger and VIT fuel pumps

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Fuel Consumption at an Arbitrary Load

Once the engine has been optimised in point O, The SFOC curve through points S2, to the left of
shown on this Fig., the specific fuel oil consumption point 1, is symmetrical about point 1, i.e. at speeds
in an arbitrary point S1, S2 or S3 can be estimated lower than that of point 1, the SFOC will also in-
based on the SFOC in points “1" and ”2". crease.

These SFOC values can be calculated by using the The above-mentioned method provides only an ap-
graphs for fixed pitch propeller (curve I) and for the proximate figure. A more precise indication of the
constant speed (curve II), obtaining the SFOC in expected SFOC at any load can be calculated by
points 1 and 2, respectively. using our computer program. This is a service which
is available to our customers on request.
Then the SFOC for point S1 can be calculated as an
interpolation between the SFOC in points “1" and
”2", and for point S3 as an extrapolation.

178 05 32-0.1

Fig. 2.22: SFOC at an arbitrary load

402 000 004 198 22 30

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

3 Turbocharger Choice

Turbocharger Types Location of turbochargers

The MC engines are designed for the application of • On the exhaust side:
either MAN B&W, ABB or Mitsubishi (MHI) turbo- On all 98, 90, 80, 70, 60-bore engines
chargers which are matched to comply with the IMO On 10-12 cylinder 42, 35 and 26-bore engines.
speed dependent NOx emission limitations, mea- Optionally on 50 and 46-bore engines.
sured according to ISO 8178 Test Cycles E2/E3 for
Heavy Duty Diesel Engines. • One turbocharger on the aft end:
On all 50 and 46-bore engines
Engine type Conventional High efficiency On 4-9 cylinder 42, 35 and 26-bore engines.
turbocharger turbocharger Optionally on 60-bore engines.
For other layout points than L1, the number or size of
turbochargers may be different, depending on the
S90MC-C S point at which the engine is optimised.
K90MC S Two turbochargers can be applied at extra cost for
K90MC-C S those stated with one, if this is desirable due to
space requirements, or for other reasons.
S80MC S In order to clean the turbine blades and the nozzle
L80MC S ring assembly during operation, the exhaust gas in-
K80MC-C S let to the turbocharger(s) is provided with a dry
cleaning system using nut shells and a water wash-
ing system.
L70MC S Coagency of SFOC and Exhaust Gas Data
S60MC-C O S Conventional turbocharger(s)
For certain engine types the amount of air required
for the combustion can, however, be adjusted to
S50MC-C O S provide a higher exhaust gas temperature, if this is
S50MC O S needed for the exhaust gas boiler. In this case the
L50MC O S conventional turbochargers are to be applied, see
S46MC-C S the options in Fig. 3.01. The SFOC is then about 2
g/BHPh higher, see section 2.

S = Standard design
O = Optional design

Fig. 3.01: Turbocharger designs

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Number of cylinders
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

K98MC – – 3xNA70/T9* 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9* 4xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9 5xNA70/T9*

K98MC-C – – 3xNA70/T9* 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9* 4xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9 5xNA70/T9*

S90MC-C – – 2xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9* 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 – – –

L90MC-C – – 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9

K90MC 2xNA57/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9

K90MC-C – – 2xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9* 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9 4xNA70/T9

S80MC-C – – 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 – – – –

S80MC 1xNA70/T9 2xNA57/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 – – –

L80MC 1xNA70/T9 2xNA57/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9

K80MC-C – – 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9 3xNA70/T9

S70MC-C 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 2xNA57/T9 2xNA70/T9 2xNA70/T9 – – – –

S70MC 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 2xNA57/T9 2xNA57/T9 2xNA70/T9 – – – –

L70MC 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 2xNA57/T9 2xNA57/T9 2xNA70/T9 – – – –

S60MC-C 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 2xNA57/T9 – – – –

S60MC 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 – – – –

L60MC 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 – – – –

S50MC-C 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 – – – –

S50MC 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 – – – –

L50MC 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 – – – –

* Turbocharger installation requires special attention

– Not included in the production programme

Example of full designation: 6S70MC-C requires 2xNA57/T9 at nominal MCR.

178 86 83-6.0

Fig. 3.02: MAN B&W high efficiency turbochargers for engines with nominal rating (L1)
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitatoins

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Number of cylinders
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

K98MC – – 2 x 85-B12 2 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B12 4 x 85-B11 4 x 85-B12

K98MC-C – – 2 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B12 4 x 85-B11 4 x 85-B12

S90MC-C – – 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B12 2 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B11 – – –

L90MC-C – – 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B12 2 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B12

K90MC 1 x 85-B12 2 x 80-B12 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B12

K90MC-C – – 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B12

S80MC-C – – 2 x 80-B12 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B11 – – – –

S80MC 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B12 2 x 80-B12 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B12 – – –

L80MC 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B12 2 x 80-B12 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B12 2 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B11 3 x 85-B11

K80MC-C – – 2 x 80-B11 2 x 80-B12 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B11 2 x 85-B12 2 x 85-B12 3 x 85-B11

S70MC-C 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B12 2 x 80-B11 2 x 80-B12 – – – –

S70MC 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B12 2 x 80-B12 – – – –

L70MC 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B12 2 x 80-B11 2 x 80-B12 – – – –

S60MC-C 1 x 77-B12 1 x 80-B11 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B12 – – – –

S60MC 1 x 77-B11 1 x 80-B11 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B11 – – – –

L60MC 1 x 77-B11 1 x 80-B11 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B11 – – – –

S50MC-C 1 x 73-B12 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B12 1 x 80-B11 1 x 80-B12 – – – –

S50MC 1 x 73-B11 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B12 1 x 80-B11 1 x 80-B12 – – – –

L50MC 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B12 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B12 1 x 80-B11 – – – –

All turbochargers in this table are of the TPL-type.

- Not included in the production programme

Example of full designation: 6S70MC-C requires 1 x TPL85-B12 at nominal MCR.

178 86 84-8.0

Fig. 3.03: ABB high efficiency turbochargers, type TPL, for engines with nominal rating (L1)
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Number of cylinders
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

K98MC – – n.a. 3 x 714D 3 x 714D n.a. 4 x 714D 4 x 714D n.a.

K98MC-C – – n.a. 3 x 714D n.a. n.a. 4 x 714D n.a. n.a.

S90MC-C – – 2 x 714D n.a. 3 x 714D 3 x 714D – – –

L90MC-C – – 2 x 714D n.a. 3 x 714D 3 x 714D n.a. 4 x 714D 4 x 714D

K90MC 2 x 564D 2 x 714D 2 x 714D n.a. 3 x 714D 3 x 714D 3 x 714D 4 x 714D 4 x 714D

K90MC-C – – 2 x 714D n.a. 3 x 714D 3 x 714D n.a. 4 x 714D 4 x 714D

S80MC-C – – 2 x 714D 2 x 714D 2 x 714D – – – –

S80MC 1 x 714D 2 x 564D 2 x 714D 2 x 714D 2 x 714D 3 x 714D – – –

L80MC 1 x 714D 2 x 564D 2 x 714D 2 x 714D 2 x 714D 3 x 714D 3 x 714D 3 x 714D 3 x 714D

K80MC-C – – 2 x 714D 2 x 714D 2 x 714D 3 x 714D 3 x 714D 3 x 714D 3 x 714D

S70MC-C 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 2 x 564D 2 x 714D 2 x 714D – – – –

S70MC 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 2 x 564D 2 x 564D 2 x 714D – – – –

L70MC 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 2 x 564D 2 x 714D 2 x 714D – – – –

S60MC-C 1 x 564D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 2 x 564D – – – –

S60MC 1 x 564D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 2 x 564D – – – –

L60MC 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D – – – –

S50MC-C 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D – – – –

S50MC 1 x 454D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D – – – –

L50MC 1 x 454D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 714D – – – –

All turbochargers in this table are of the VTR-type and have the suffix "-32".

n.a. Not applicable

– Not included in the production programme

Example of full designation: 6S70MC-C requires 2 x VTR564D-32 at nominal MCR.

178 86 86-1.0

Fig. 3.04: ABB high efficiency turbochargers, type VTR-32, for engines with nominal rating (L1)
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Number of cylinders
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

K98MC – – 2xMET83SE 2xMET90SE 2xMET90SE 3xMET83SE 3xMET90SE 3xMET90SE 3xMET90SE

K98MC-C – – 2xMET83SE 2xMET90SE 3xMET83SE 3xMET83SE 3xMET90SE 3xMET90SE 4xMET83SE

S90MC-C – – 2xMET83SE 2xMET83SE 2xMET90SE 2xMET90SE – – –

L90MC-C – – 2xMET83SE 2xMET83SE 2xMET90SE 2xMET90SE 3xMET83SE 3xMET83SE 3xMET90SE


K90MC-C – – 2xMET83SE 2xMET83SE 2xMET90SE 2xMET90SE 3xMET83SE 3xMET83SE 3xMET90SE

S80MC-C – – 2xMET71SE 2xMET83SE 2xMET83SE – – – –

S80MC 1xMET83SE 1xMET90SE 1xMET90SE 2xMET71SE 2xMET83SE 2xMET83SE – – –


K80MC-C – – 1xMET90SE 2xMET71SE 2xMET83SE 2xMET83SE 2xMET83SE 2xMET90SE 2xMET90SE

S70MC-C 1xMET71SE 1xMET83SE 1xMET83SE 1xMET90SE 2xMET71SE – – – –

S70MC 1xMET66SE 1xMET83SE 1xMET83SE 1xMET90SE 1xMET90SE – – – –

L70MC 1xMET71SE 1xMET83SE 1xMET83SE 1xMET90SE 2xMET71SE – – – –

S60MC-C 1xMET66SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET71SE 1xMET83SE 1xMET83SE – – – –

S60MC 1xMET66SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET71SE 1xMET83SE 1xMET83SE – – – –

L60MC 1xMET66SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET71SE 1xMET83SE 1xMET83SE – – – –

S50MC-C 1xMET53SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET71SE – – – –

S50MC 1xMET53SE 1xMET53SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET66SE – – – –

L50MC 1xMET53SE 1xMET53SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET66SE 1xMET66SE – – – –

– Not included in the production programme

178 86 87-3.0

Fig. 3.05: Mitsubishi high efficiency turbochargers for engines with nominal rating (L1)
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Number of cylinders
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

S70MC-C 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 2xNA57/T9 2xNA57/T9 – – – –

S70MC 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 2xNA57/T9 2xNA57/T9 – – – –

L70MC n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. – – – –

S60MC-C 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 – – – –

S60MC 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 – – – –

L60MC 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 1xNA70/T9 – – – –

S50MC-C 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA70/T9 – – – –

S50MC 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 – – – –

L50MC 1xNA40/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 – – – –

S46MC-C 1xNA40/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 1xNA57/T9 – – – –

S42MC 1xNA40/S 1xNA40/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 2xNA40/S 2xNA48/S 2xNA48/S

L42MC 1xNA34/S 1xNA40/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA57/T9 2xNA40/S 2xNA40/S 2xNA48/S

S35MC 1xNA34/S 1xNA34/S 1xNA40/S 1xNA40/S 1xNA48/S 1xNA48/S 2xNA34/S 2xNA40/S 2xNA40/S

L35MC 1xNR29/S 1xNA34/S 1xNA34/S 1xNA40/S 1xNA40/S 1xNA40/S 2xNA34/S 2xNA34/S 2xNA34/S

S26MC 1xNR20/S 1xNR24/S 1xNR29/S 1xNR29/S 1xNA34/S 1xNA34/S 2xNR24/S 2xNR24/S 2xNR29/S

n.a. Not applicable

- Not included in the production programme

178 86 87-3.0

Fig. 3.06: MAN B&W conventional turbochargers for engines with nominal rating (L1)
complying with IMO's NOx emission limits

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Number of cylinders
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

S70MC-C 1 x 80-B11 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B12 2 x 80-B11 – – – –

S70MC 1 x 80-B11 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B12 2 x 80-B11 – – – –

L70MC n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. – – – –

S60MC-C 1 x 77-B11 1 x 80-B11 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 1 x 85-B11 – – – –

S60MC 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B12 1 x 80-B11 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 – – – –

L60MC 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B12 1 x 80-B11 1 x 80-B12 1 x 85-B11 – – – –

S50MC-C 1 x 73-B11 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B12 1 x 80-B11 – – – –

S50MC 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B12 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B12 1 x 80-B11 – – – –

L50MC 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B12 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B12 – – – –

S46MC-C 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B11 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B12 – – – –

S42MC 1 x 69-A10 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B12 1 x 77-B11 1 x 77-B11 2 x 73-B11 2 x 73-B11 2 x 73-B11

L42MC 1 x 69-A10 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B12 1 x 73-B12 1 x 77-B11 2 x 73-B11 2 x 73-B11 2 x 73-B11

S35MC 1 x 65-A10 1 x 69-A10 1 x 69-A10 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B11 2 x 69-A10 2 x 69-A10 2 x 69-A10

L35MC 1 x 65-A10 1 x 65-A10 1 x 69-A10 1 x 69-A10 1 x 73-B11 1 x 73-B11 2 x 65-A10 2 x 65-A10 2 x 69-A10

S26MC 1xTPS57D* 1xTPS57D* 1 x 61-A10 1 x 61-A10 1 x 65-A10 1 x 65-A10 2 x TPS57D* 2 x 61-A10 2 x 61-A10

All turbochargers in this table are of the TPL-type.

* For 4 and 5 cylinder S26MC the full designation is listed in the table.

n.a. Not applicable

- Not included in the production programme

Example of a full designation: 6S70MC-C requires 1 x TPL85-B11 at nominal MCR.

178 86 89-7.0

Fig. 3.07: ABB conventional turbochargers, type TPL, for engines with nominal rating (L1)
complying with IMO's NOx emission limits

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Number of cylinders
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

S70MC-C 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 2 x 564D 2 x 564D 2 x 714D – – – –

S70MC 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 2 x 564D 2 x 714D – – – –

L70MC n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. – – – –

S60MC-C 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D – – – –

S60MC 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D – – – –

L60MC 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D 1 x 714D – – – –

S50MC-C 1 x 454D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 714D – – – –

S50MC 1 x 454D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 714D – – – –

L50MC 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D – – – –

S46MC-C 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D – – – –

S42MC 1 x 454P 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 2 x 454D 2 x 454D 2 x 454D

L42MC 1 x 454P 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 1 x 564D 1 x 564D 2 x 454D 2 x 454D 2 x 454D

S35MC 1 x 354P 1 x 354P 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 2 x 354P 2 x 454P 2 x 454D

L35MC 1 x 354P 1 x 354P 1 x 454P 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 1 x 454D 2 x 354P 2 x 354P 2 x 454P

S26MC 1 x 254P 1 x 254P 1 x 304P 1 x 304P 1 x 354P 1 x 354P 2 x 254P 2 x 304P 2 x 304P

All turbochargers in this table are of the VTR-type and have the suffix "-32". Example of a full designation is VTR714D-32.

n.a. Not applicable

- Not included in the production programme

Example of full designation: 6S70MC-C requires 2 x VTR564D-32 at nominal MCR.

178 86 90-7.0

Fig. 3.08: ABB conventional turbochargers, type VTR-32, for engines with nominal rating (L1)
complying with IMO's NOx emission limits

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Number of cylinders
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

S70MC-C 1xMET66SD 1xMET83SD 1xMET83SD 1xMET90SE 1xMET90SE – – – –

S70MC 1xMET66SD 1xMET71SE 1xMET83SD 1xMET83SD 1xMET90SE – – – –

L70MC n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. – – – –

S60MC-C 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET71SE 1xMET83SD 1xMET83SD – – – –

S60MC 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET71SE 1xMET83SD – – – –

L60MC 1xMET53SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET71SE 1xMET83SD – – – –

S50MC-C 1xMET53SD 1xMET53SE 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET71SE – – – –

S50MC 1xMET53SD 1xMET53SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD – – – –

L50MC 1xMET53SD 1xMET53SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD – – – –

S46MC-C 1xMET53SD 1xMET53SD 1xMET53SD 1xMET66SD 1xMET66SD – – – –






n.a. Not applicable

– Not included in the production programme

178 86 91-9.0

Fig. 3.09: Mitsubishi conventional turbochargers for engines with nominal rating (L1)
complying with IMO's NOx emission limits

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Cut-Off or By-Pass of Exhaust Gas Advantages:

The exhaust gas can be cut-off or by-passed by the • Reduced SFOC if one turbocharger is cut-out
turbochargers using either of the following systems.
• Reduced heat load on essential engine compo-
Turbocharger cut-out system nents, due to increased scavenge air pressure.
This results in less maintenance and lower spare
The application of this optional system, Fig. 3.10, parts requirements
depends on the layout of the turbocharger(s) in each
individual case. It can be economical to apply the • The increased scavenge air pressure permits run-
cut-out system on an engine with two or more ning without the use of an auxiliary blower down
turbochargers if the engine is to operate for long to 20-30% of the specified MCR from 30-40%,
periods at low loads of about 50% of the optimised thus saving electrical power.
power or below.
At 50% of the optimised power, the SFOC savings
will be about 1-2 g/BHPh, and the savings will be
larger at lower loads.

178 06 93-6.0

Fig. 3.10: Position of turbocharger cut-out valves

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Valve for partial by-pass Total by-pass for emergyency running

This optional system can only be applied on engines The total amount of exhaust gas around the
having a turbocharger capacity higher than required turbocharger is only by-passed in case of emer-
for the specifed MCR. gency running upon turbocharger failure, Fig. 3.12.

A valve for partial by-pass of the exhaust gas around This enables the engine to run at a higher load than
the high efficiency turbocharger(s), Fig. 3.11, can be with a locked rotor during emergency conditions. If
used in order to obtain improved SFOC at part this system is applied, the engine's exhaust gas re-
loads. For engine loads above 50% of optimised ceiver will be fitted with a by-pass flange of the same
power, the turbocharger allows part of the exhaust diameter as the inlet pipe to the turbocharger. The
gas to be by-passed around the turbcoharger, giv- emergency pipe between the exhaust receiver and
ing an increased exhaust temperature to the ex- the exhaust pipe after the turbocharger is yard's de-
haust gas boiler. livery.

At loads below 50% of the optimised power, the

by-pass closes automatically and the turbocharger
works under improved conditions with high effi-
ciency. Furthermore, the limit for activating the aux-
iliary blowers is reduced in relation to the normal
limit for plants without partial bypass.

178 06 69-8.0 178 06 72-1.1

Fig. 3.11: Valve for partial by-pass Fig. 3.12: Total by-pass of exhaust gas for emergency running

485 600 100 198 22 31

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

4 Electricity Production

Introduction PTO/GCR
(Power Take Off/Gear Constant Ratio):
Next to power for propulsion, electricity production Generator coupled to a constant ratio step-up gear,
is the largest fuel consumer on board. The electricity used only for engines running at constant speed.
is produced by using one or more of the following
types of machinery, either running alone or in parallel: The DMG/CFE (Direct Mounted Generator/Constant
Frequency Electrical) and the SMG/CFE (Shaft
• Auxiliary diesel generating sets Mounted Generator/Constant Frequency Electrical)
are special designs within the PTO/CFE group in
• Main engine driven generators which the generator is coupled directly to the main en-
gine crankshaft and the intermediate shaft, respec-
• Steam driven turbogenerators tively, without a gear. The electrical output of the gen-
erator is controlled by electrical frequency control.
• Emergency diesel generating sets.
Within each PTO system, several designs are avail-
The machinery installed should be selected based able, depending on the positioning of the gear:
on an economical evaluation of first cost, operating
costs, and the demand of man-hours for mainte- BW I:
nance. Gear with a vertical generator mounted onto the
fore end of the diesel engine, without any con-
In the following, technical information is given re- nections to the ship structure.
garding main engine driven generators (PTO) and
the auxiliary diesel generating sets produced by BW II:
MAN B&W. A free-standing gear mounted on the tank top
and connected to the fore end of the diesel en-
The possibility of using a turbogenerator driven by gine, with a vertical or horizontal generator.
the steam produced by an exhaust gas boiler can be
evaluated based on the exhaust gas data. BW III:
A crankshaft gear mounted onto the fore end of
the diesel engine, with a side-mounted generator
Power Take Off (PTO) without any connections to the ship structure.

With a generator coupled to a Power Take Off (PTO) BW IV:

from the main engine, the electricity can be pro- A free-standing step-up gear connected to the
duced based on the main engine’s low SFOC and intermediate shaft, with a horizontal generator.
use of heavy fuel oil. Several standardised PTO sys-
tems are available, see Fig. 4.01 and the designa- The most popular of the gear based alternatives are
tions on Fig. 4.02: the type designated BW III/RCF for plants with a
fixed pitch propeller (FPP) and the BW IV/GCR for
PTO/RCF plants with a controllable pitch propeller (CPP). The
(Power Take Off/Renk Constant Frequency): BW III/RCF requires no separate seating in the ship
Generator giving constant frequency, based on and only little attention from the shipyard with re-
mechanical-hydraulical speed control. spect to alignment.

(Power Take Off/Constant Frequency Electrical):
Generator giving constant frequency, based on
electrical frequency control.

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Alternative types and layouts of shaft generators Design Seating Total

efficiency (%)

1a 1b BW I/RCF On engine 88-91

(vertical generator)

2a 2b BW II/RCF On tank top 88-91


3a 3b BW III/RCF On engine 88-91

4a 4b BW IV/RCF On tank top 88-91

5a 5b DMG/CFE On engine 84-88


6a 6b SMG/CFE On tank top 84-88

7 BW I/GCR On engine 92
(vertical generator)

8 BW II/GCR On tank top 92


9 BW III/GCR On engine 92

10 BW IV/GCR On tank top 92

178 19 66-3.1

Fig. 4.01: Types of PTO

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

The BW III -design can be applied on all engines

from the 98 to the 42 bore types. On the 60, 50,
46, and 42 type engines special attention has to
be paid to the space requirements for the BW III
system, if the turbocharger is located on the ex-
haust side.

For the smaller engine types, (the L/S35 and the

S26) the step-up gear and generator have to be
located on a separate seating, i.e. the BW II or the
BW IV system is to be used.

For further information please refer to the respec-

tive project guides and our publication:

P. 364 “Shaft Generators

Power Take Off
from the Main Engine”

Which is also available at the Internet address: under “Libraries”.

Power take off:

BW III S70-C/RCF 700-60

50: 50 Hz
60: 60 Hz

kW on generator terminals

RCF: Renk constant frequency unit

CFE: Electrically frequency controlled unit
GCR: Step-up gear with constant ratio

Engine type on which it is applied

Layout of PTO: See Fig. 4.01

Make: MAN B&W

178 45 49-8.0
Fig. 4.02: Designation of PTO

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

PTO/RCF Fig. 4.03 shows the principles of the PTO/RCF ar-

rangement. As can be seen, a step-up gear box
Side mounted generator, BWIII/RCF (called crankshaft gear) with three gear wheels is
(Fig. 4.01, Alternative 3) bolted directly to the frame box of the main engine.
The bearings of the three gear wheels are mounted
The PTO/RCF generator systems have been devel- in the gear box so that the weight of the wheels is not
oped in close cooperation with the German gear carried by the crankshaft. In the frame box, between
manufacturer Renk. A complete package solution is the crankcase and the gear drive, space is available
offered, comprising a flexible coupling, a step-up for tuning wheel, counterweights, axial vibration
gear, an epicyclic, variable-ratio gear with built-in damper, etc.
clutch, hydraulic pump and motor, and a standard
generator, see Fig. 4.03. The first gear wheel is connected to the crankshaft
via a special flexible coupling made in one piece
For marine engines with controllable pitch propel- with a tooth coupling driving the crankshaft gear,
lers running at constant engine speed, the hydraulic thus isolating it against torsional and axial vibrations.
system can be dispensed with, i.e. a PTO/GCR de-
sign is normally used.

178 00 45-5.0

Fig. 4.03: Power Take Off with Renk constant frequency gear: BW III/RCF

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

By means of a simple arrangement, the shaft in the alarm is given depending upon the origin, severity
crankshaft gear carrying the first gear wheel and the and the extent of deviation from the permissible val-
female part of the toothed coupling can be moved ues. The cause of a warning or an alarm is shown on
forward, thus disconnecting the two parts of the a digital display.
toothed coupling.

The power from the crankshaft gear is transferred, Extent of delivery for BWIII/RCF units
via a multi-disc clutch, to an epicyclic variable-ratio
gear and the generator. These are mounted on a The delivery comprises a complete unit ready to be
common bedplate, bolted to brackets integrated built-on to the main engine. Fig. 4.04 shows the gen-
with the engine bedplate. eral arrangement. Space requirements for a specific
Standard sizes of the crankshaft gears and the RCF
The BWIII/RCF unit is an epicyclic gear with a hydro- units are designed for 700, 1200, 1800 and 2600 kW,
static superposition drive. The hydrostatic input while the generator sizes of make A. van Kaick are:
drives the annulus of the epicyclic gear in either di-
rection of rotation, hence continuously varying the Type 440 V 60 Hz 380 V 50 Hz
gearing ratio to keep the generator speed constant 1800 r/min 1500 r/min
throughout an engine speed variation of 30%. In the DSG kVA kW kVA kW
standard layout, this is between 100% and 70% of
62 M2-4 707 566 627 501
the engine speed at specified MCR, but it can be
62 L1-4 855 684 761 609
placed in a lower range if required.
62 L2-4 1056 845 940 752
74 M1-4 1271 1017 1137 909
The input power to the gear is divided into two paths
74 M2-4 1432 1146 1280 1024
– one mechanical and the other hydrostatic – and
74 L1-4 1651 1321 1468 1174
the epicyclic differential combines the power of the
74 L2-4 1924 1539 1709 1368
two paths and transmits the combined power to the
86 K1-4 1942 1554 1844 1475
output shaft, connected to the generator. The gear is
86 M1-4 2345 1876 2148 1718
equipped with a hydrostatic motor driven by a pump,
86 L2-4 2792 2234 2542 2033
and controlled by an electronic control unit. This
99 K1-4 3222 2578 2989 2391
keeps the generator speed constant during single run-
ning as well as when running in parallel with other gen- 178 34 89-3.1

In the case that a larger generator is required, please
The multi-disc clutch, integrated into the gear input contact MAN B&W Diesel A/S.
shaft, permits the engaging and disengaging of the
epicyclic gear, and thus the generator, from the If a main engine speed other than the nominal is re-
main engine during operation. quired as a basis for the PTO operation, this must be
taken into consideration when determining the ratio
An electronic control system with a Renk controller of the crankshaft gear. However, this has no influ-
ensures that the control signals to the main electri- ence on the space required for the gears and the
cal switchboard are identical to those for the normal generator.
auxiliary generator sets. This applies to ships with
automatic synchronising and load sharing, as well The PTO can be operated as a motor (PTI) as well as
as to ships with manual switchboard operation. a generator by adding some minor modifications.

Internal control circuits and interlocking functions

between the epicyclic gear and the electronic con-
trol box provide automatic control of the functions
necessary for the satisfactory operation and protec-
tion of the BWIII/RCF unit. If any monitored value ex-
ceeds the normal operation limits, a warning or an

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Yard deliveries are: Additional capacities required for BWIII/RCF

1. Cooling water pipes to the built-on lubricating oil The capacities stated in the “List of capacities” for
cooling system, including the valves. the main engine in question are to be increased by
the additional capacities for the crankshaft gear and
2. Electrical power supply to the lubricating oil the RCF gear stated in Fig. 4.06.
stand-by pump built on to the RCF unit.

3. Wiring between the generator and the operator

control panel in the switch-board.

4. An external permanent lubricating oil filling-up

connection can be established in connection with
the RCF unit. The system is shown in Fig. 4.07 “Lu-
bricating oil system for RCF gear”. The dosage
tank and the pertaining piping are to be delivered
by the yard. The size of the dosage tank is stated in
the table for RCF gear in “Necessary capacities for
PTO/RCF” (Fig. 4.06).

The necessary preparations to be made on the en-

gine are specified in Figs. 4.05a and 4.05b.

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 36 29-6.0

Fig. 4.04a: Arrangement of side mounted generator PTO/RCF type BWlll RCF for engines with turbocharger on the
exhaust side (98-90-80-70-60-50-46 types)

178 05 11-5.0

Fig. 4.04b: Arrangement of side mounted generator PTO/RCF type BWlll RCF for engines with turbocharger on the at end
(60-50-46 types and 4-9 cylindere engine of the 42 type)

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 40 42-8.0

Fig. 4.05a: Necessary preparations to be made on engine for mounting PTO (to be decided when ordering the engine)

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Pos. 1 Special face on bedplate and frame box

Pos. 2 Ribs and brackets for supporting the face and machined blocks for alignment of gear or stator
Pos. 3 Machined washers placed on frame box part of face to ensure, that it is flush with the face on the
Pos. 4 Rubber gasket placed on frame box part of face
Pos. 5 Shim placed on frame box part of face to ensure, that it is flush with the face of the bedplate
Pos. 6 Distance tubes and long bolts
Pos. 7 Threaded hole size, number and size of spring pins and bolts to be made in agreement with PTO
Pos. 8 Flange of crankshaft, normally the standard execution can be used
Pos. 9 Studs and nuts for crankshaft flange
Pos. 10 Free flange end at lubricating oil inlet pipe (incl. blank flange)
Pos. 11 Oil outlet flange welded to bedplate (incl. blank flange)
Pos. 12 Face for brackets
Pos. 13 Brackets
Pos. 14 Studs for mounting the brackets
Pos. 15 Studs, nuts, and shims for mounting of RCF-/generator unit on the brackets
Pos. 16 Shims, studs and nuts for connection between crankshaft gear and RCF-/generator unit
Pos. 17 Engine cover with connecting bolts to bedplate/frame box to be used for shop test without PTO
Pos. 18 Intermediate shaft between crankshaft and PTO
Pos. 19 Oil sealing for intermediate shaft
Pos. 20 Engine cover with hole for intermediate shaft and connecting bolts to bedplate/frame box
Pos. 21 Plug box for electronic measuring instrument for check of condition of axial vibration damper

Pos. no: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

A: Preparations to be carried out by engine builder

B: Parts supplied by PTO-maker
C: See text of pos. no.

178 33 84-9.0

Fig. 4.05b: Necessary preparations to be made on engine for mounting PTO (to be decided when ordering the engine)

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Crankshaft gear lubricated from the main engine lubricating oil system
The figures are to be added to the main engine capacity list:
Nominal output of generator kW 700 1200 1800 2600
Lubricating oil flow m3/h 4.1 4.1 4.9 6.2
Heat dissipation kW 12.1 20.8 31.1 45.0

RCF gear with separate lubricating oil system:

Nominal output of generator kW 700 1200 1800 2600
Cooling water quantity m3/h 14.1 22.1 30.0 39.0
Heat dissipation kW 55 92 134 180
El. power for oil pump kW 11.0 15.0 18.0 21.0
Dosage tank capacity m3 0.40 0.51 0.69 0.95
El. power for Renk-controller 24V DC ± 10%, 8 amp

From main engine: Cooling water inlet temperature: 36 °C

Design lube oil pressure: 2.25 bar Pressure drop across cooler: approximately 0.5 bar
Lube oil pressure at crankshaft gear: min. 1 bar Fill pipe for lube oil system store tank (~ø32)
Lube oil working temperature: 50 °C Drain pipe to lube oil system drain tank (~ø40)
Lube oil type: SAE 30 Electric cable between Renk terminal at gearbox and
operator control panel in switchboard: Cable type
FMGCG 19 x 2 x 0.5
178 33 85-0.0

Fig. 4.06: Necessary capacities for PTO/RCF, BW III/RCF system

The letters refer to the “List of flanges”,

which will be extended by the engine builder,
when PTO systems are built on the main engine

178 06 47-1.0

Fig. 4.07: Lubricating oil system for RCF gear

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

DMG/CFE Generators can be supplied by others, e.g. Fuji, Nishishiba and

Shinko in Japan.
Fig. 4.01 alternative 5, shows the DMG/CFE (Direct
Mounted Generator/Constant Frequency Electrical) For generators in the normal output range, the mass
which is a low speed generator with its rotor mount- of the rotor can normally be carried by the foremost
ed directly on the crankshaft and its stator bolted on main bearing without exceeding the permissible
to the frame box as shown in Figs. 4.08 and 4.09. bearing load (see Fig. 4.09), but this must be
checked by the engine manufacturer in each case.
The DMG/CFE is separated from the crankcase by a
plate, and a labyrinth stuffing box. If the permissible load on the foremost main bearing
is exceeded, e.g. because a tuning wheel is needed,
The DMG/CFE system has been developed in coop- this does not preclude the use of a DMG/CFE.
eration with the German generator manufacturers
Siemens and AEG, but similar types of generators

178 06 73-3.1

Fig. 4.08: Standard engine, with direct mounted generator (DMG/CFE)

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 06 63-7.1

Fig. 4.09: Standard engine, with direct mounted generator and tuning wheel

178 56 55-3.1

Fig. 4.10: Diagram of DMG/CFE with static converter

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

In such a case, the problem is solved by installing a Yard deliveries are:

small, elastically supported bearing in front of the
stator housing, as shown in Fig. 4.09.
1. Installation, i.e. seating in the ship for the syn-
As the DMG type is directly connected to the crank- chronous condenser unit, and for the static con-
shaft, it has a very low rotational speed and, conse- verter cubicles
quently, the electric output current has a low fre-
quency – normally in order of 15 Hz.
2. Cooling water pipes to the generator if water
cooling is applied
Therefore, it is necessary to use a static frequency
converter between the DMG and the main switch-
board. The DMG/CFE is, as standard, laid out for 3. Cabling.
operation with full output between 100% and 70%
and with reduced output between 70% and 50% of The necessary preparations to be made on the en-
the engine speed at specified MCR. gine are specified in Figs. 4.05a and 4.05b.

Static converter

The static frequency converter system (see Fig.

4.10) consists of a static part, i.e. thyristors and con-
trol equipment, and a rotary electric machine.

The DMG produces a three-phase alternating cur-

rent with a low frequency, which varies in accor-
dance with the main engine speed. This alternating
current is rectified and led to a thyristor inverter pro-
ducing a three-phase alternating current with con-
stant frequency.

Since the frequency converter system uses a DC in-

termediate link, no reactive power can be supplied
to the electric mains. To supply this reactive power,
a synchronous condenser is used. The synchronous
condenser consists of an ordinary synchronous
generator coupled to the electric mains.

Extent of delivery for DMG/CFE units

The delivery extent is a generator fully built-on to the

main engine inclusive of the synchronous con-
denser unit, and the static converter cubicles which
are to be installed in the engine room.

The DMG/CFE can, with a small modification, be

operated both as a generator and as a motor (PTI).

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

PTO type: BW IV/GCR for maintaining the constant frequency of the gener-
Power Take Off/Gear Constant Ratio ated electric power.

The shaft generator system, type BW IV/GCR, in-

stalled in the shaft line (Fig. 4.01 alternative 10) can Tunnel gear with hollow flexible coupling
generate power on board ships equipped with a con-
trollable pitch propeller running at constant speed. This PTO-system is normally installed on ships with
a minor electrical power take off load compared to
The PTO-system can be delivered as a tunnel gear the propulsion power, up to approximately 25% of
with hollow flexible coupling or, alternatively, as a the engine power.
generator step-up gear with flexible coupling inte-
grated in the shaft line. The hollow flexible coupling is only to be dimension-
ed for the maximum electrical load of the power take
The main engine needs no special preparation for off system and this gives an economic advantage
mounting this type of PTO system if it is connected for minor power take off loads compared to the sys-
to the intermediate shaft. tem with an ordinary flexible coupling integrated in
the shaft line.
The PTO-system installed in the shaft line can also
be installed on ships equipped with a fixed pitch The hollow flexible coupling consists of flexible seg-
propeller or controllable pitch propeller running in ments and connecting pieces, which allow replace-
combinator mode. This will, however, also require ment of the coupling segments without dismounting
an additional Renk Constant Frequency gear (Fig. the shaft line, see Fig. 4.11.
4.01 alternative 4) or additional electrical equipment

178 18 25-0.0

Fig. 4.11: BW IV/GCR, tunnel gear

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Auxiliary Propulsion System/Take Home ing when the clutch is disengaged, is built into the
System CB-Clutch. When the clutch is engaged, the thrust
is transferred statically to the engine thrust bear-
From time to time an Auxiliary Propulsion Sys- ing through the thrust bearing built into the clutch.
tem/Take Home System capable of driving the
CP-propeller by using the shaft generator as an To obtain high propeller efficiency in the auxiliary
electric motor is requested. propulsion mode, and thus also to minimise the
auxiliary power required, a two-speed tunnel gear,
MAN B&W Diesel can offer a solution where the which provides lower propeller speed in the auxil-
CP-propeller is driven by the alternator via a iary propulsion mode, is used.
two-speed tunnel gear box. The electric power is
produced by a number of GenSets. The main en- The two-speed tunnel gear box is made with a
gine is disengaged by a conical bolt clutch friction clutch which allows the propeller to be
(CB-Clutch) made as an integral part of the shaft- clutched in at full alternator/motor speed where
ing. The clutch is installed between the tunnel the full torque is available. The alternator/motor is
gear box and the main engine, and conical bolts started in the de-clutched condition with a start
are used to connect and disconnect the main en- transformer.
gine and the shafting. See Figure 4.12.
The system can quickly establish auxiliary propul-
The CB-Clutch is operated by hydraulic oil pres- sion from the engine control room and/or bridge,
sure which is supplied by the power pack used to even with unmanned engine room.
control the CP-propeller.
Re-establishment of normal operation requires at-
A thrust bearing, which transfers the auxiliary pro- tendance in the engine room and can be done within
pulsion propeller thrust to the engine thrust bear- a few minutes.

178 47 02-0.0
Fig. 4.12: Auxiliary propulsion system

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Generator step-up gear and flexible coupling Power Take Off/Gear Constant Ratio,
integrated in the shaft line PTO type: BW II/GCR
For higher power take off loads, a generator step-up The system Fig. 4.01 alternative 8 can generate
gear and flexible coupling integrated in the shaft line electrical power on board ships equipped with a
may be chosen due to first costs of gear and coupling. controllable pitch propeller, running at constant
The flexible coupling integrated in the shaft line will
transfer the total engine load for both propulsion and The PTO unit is mounted on the tank top at the fore
electricity and must be dimensioned accordingly. end of the engine and, by virtue of its short and com-
pact design, it requires a minimum of installation
The flexible coupling cannot transfer the thrust from space, see Fig. 4.13. The PTO generator is activated
the propeller and it is, therefore, necessary to make at sea, taking over the electrical power production
the gear-box with an integrated thrust bearing. on board when the main engine speed has stabi-
lised at a level corresponding to the generator fre-
This type of PTO-system is typically installed on quency required on board.
ships with large electrical power consumption,
e.g. shuttle tankers. The BW II/GCR cannot, as standard, be mechani-
cally disconnected from the main engine, but a hy-
draulically activated clutch, including hydraulic
pump, control valve and control panel, can be fitted
as an option.

178 18 22-5.0

Fig. 4.13: Power Take Off (PTO) BW II/GCR

485 600 100 198 22 32

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

5 Installation Aspects

Installation Aspects
Space requirement for the engine
Overhaul with double jib crane
Arrangenant of epoxy shocks
Mechanical top bracing
Hydraulic top bracing
Earthing device

400 000 050 178 50 15

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

5 Installation Aspects

The figures shown in this section are intended as an Please note that the distances H3 and H4 given for a
aid at the project stage. The data are subject to double-jib crane is from the centre of the crankshaft
change without notice, and binding data is to be to the lower edge of the deck beam.
given by the engine builder in the “Installation Docu-
mentation”. A special crane beam for dismantling the turbo-
charger must be fitted. The lifting capacity of the
Please note that the newest version of most of the crane beam for dismantling the turbocharger is
drawings of this section can be downloaded from stated in the respective Project Guides.
our website on under 'Products,
'Marine Power', 'Two-stroke Engines' where you The overhaul tools for the engine are designed to be
then choose the engine type. used with a crane hook according to DIN 15400,
June 1990, material class M and load capacity 1Am
and dimensions of the single hook type according to
Space Requirements for the Engine DIN 15401, part 1.

The space requirements stated in Figs. 5.01 are The total length of the engine at the crankshaft level
valid for engines rated at nominal MCR (L1). may vary depending on the equipment to be fitted
on the fore end of the engine, such as adjustable
The additional space needed for engines equipped counterweights, tuning wheel, moment compensa-
with PTO is available on request. tors or PTO.

If, during the project stage, the outer dimensions of

the turbochargers seem to cause problems, it is Engine Masses and Centre of Gravity
possible, for the same number of cylinders, to use
turbochargers with smaller dimensions by increas- The total engine masses appear from Fig 5.01. The
ing the indicated number of turbochargers by one, centre of gravity as well as masses of water and oil in
see chapter 3. the engine are stated in the respective Project

Overhaul of Engine
The distances stated from the centre of the crank-
shaft to the crane hook are for vertical or tilted lift,
see Figs. 5.01a and 5.01b.

The capacity of a normal engine room crane can be

found in Fig. 5.02.

The area covered by the engine room crane shall be

wide enough to reach any heavy spare part required
in the engine room.

A lower overhaul height is, however, available by using

the MAN B&W double-jib crane, built by Danish Crane
Building ApS, shown in Figs. 5.02 and 5.03.

430 100 030 198 22 33

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Engine Seating and Arrangement of inders or more, it tends to twist the engine. Both
Holding Down Bolts forms are shown in section 7 dealing with vibrations.
The guide force moments are harmless to the en-
The dimensions of the engine seating stated in Fig. gine, however, they may cause annoying vibrations
5.04 are for guidance only. in the superstructure and/or engine room, if proper
countermeasures are not taken.
The engine is basically mounted on epoxy chocks
in which case the underside of the bedplate’s lower As a detailed calculation of this system is normally
flanges has no taper. not available, MAN B&W Diesel recommend that top
bracing is installed between the engine’s upper
The epoxy types approved by MAN B&W Diesel A/S platform brackets and the casing side.
However the top bracing is not needed in all cases. In
“Chockfast Orange PR 610 TCF” some cases the vibration level is lower if the top brac-
from ITW Philadelphia Resins Corporation, USA, ing is not installed. This has normally to be checked by
and measurements, i.e. with and without top bracing.
“Epocast 36"
from H.A. Springer – Kiel, Germany If a vibration measurement in the first vessel of a se-
ries shows that the vibration level is acceptable
The engine may alternatively, be mounted on cast without the top bracing, then we have no objection
iron chocks (solid chocks), in which case the under- to the top bracing being dismounted and the rest of
side of the bedplate’s lower flanges is with taper the series produced without top bracing.
It is our experience that especially the 7 cyl. engine
Please note that the K98MC, K98MC-C and the will often have a lower vibration level without top
S90MC-C are designed for mounting on epoxy chocks bracing.
Without top bracing, the natural frequency of the
vibrating system comprising engine, ship’s bottom,
Top Bracing and ship’s side, is often so low that resonance with
the excitation source (the guide force moment) can
The so-called guide force moments are caused by occur close the the normal speed range, resulting in
the transverse reaction forces acting on the the risk of vibraiton.
crossheads due to the connecting rod/crankshaft
mechanism. When the piston of a cylinder is not ex- With top bracing, such a resonance will occur
actly in its top or bottom position, the gas force from above the normal speed range, as the top bracing
the combustion, transferred through the connecting increases the natural frequency of the above-
rod will have a component acting on the crosshead mentioned vibrating system.
and the crankshaft perpendicularly to the axis of the
cylinder. Its resultant is acting on the guide shoe (or The top bracing is normally placed on the exhaust
piston skirt in the case of a trunk engine), and to- side of the engine, but the top bracing can alterna-
gether they form a guide force moment. tively be placed on the camshaft side.

The moments may excite engine vibrations moving

the engine top athwartships and causing a rocking
(excited by H-moment) or twisting (excited by
X-moment) movement of the engine.

For engines with fewer than seven cylinders, this

guide force moment tends to rock the engine in
transverse direction, and for engines with seven cyl-

430 100 030 198 22 33

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Mechanical top bracing Earthing Device

The mechanical top bracing shown in Figs. 5.05 and In some cases, it has been found that the difference
5.06 comprises stiff connections (links) with friction in the electrical potential between the hull and the
plates. propeller shaft (due to the propeller being immersed
in seawater) has caused spark erosion on the main
The forces and deflections for calculating the trans- bearings and journals of the engine.
verse top bracing’s connection to the hull structure
are stated in Fig. 5.06. A potential difference of less than 80 mV is harmless
to the main bearings so, in order to reduce the po-
Mechanical top bracings can be applied on all types tential between the crankshaft and the engine struc-
from 98 to the S35 and no top bracing is needed on ture (hull), and thus prevent spark erosion, we rec-
L35 and S26 types. ommend the installation of a highly efficient earthing
The mechanical top bracing is to be made by the ship-
yard in accordance with MAN B&W instructions. The sketch Fig. 5.10 shows the layout of such an
earthing device, i.e. a brush arrangement which is
able to keep the potential difference below 50 mV.
Hydraulic top bracing
We also recommend the installation of a shaft-hull
The hydraulic top bracings are available with pump mV-meter so that the potential, and thus the correct
station or without pump station, see Figs. 5.07, 5.08 functioning of the device, can be checked.
and 5.09.

The hydraulically adjustable top bracing is an alter-

native to the mechanical top bracing and is intended
for appliction in vessels where hull deflection is fore-
seen to exceed the usual level.

The hydraulically adjustable top bracing is intended

for one side mounting, either the exhaust side (alter-
native 1), or the camshaft side (alternative 2).

Hydraulic top bracings can be applied on all 98-50


Position of top bracings

All engines can have a top bracing on the exhaust side.

All 98-S35 engines can have a top bracing on the

camshaft side, except for S70MC-C, S60MC-C and
S50MC-C engines where only a hydraulic top brac-
ing can be placed in both ends of the engine.

The number of top bracings required and their loca-

tion are stated in the respective Project Guides.

For further information see section 7 “Vibration as-


430 100 030 198 22 33

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide



Lmin B 178 16 77-5.0

K98 K98-C S90-C L90-C K90 K90-C S80-C S80 L80 K80-C S70-C S70 L70 S60-C S60 L60
Dimensions in mm
A 1700 1700 1800 1699 1699 1699 1736 1736 1510 1510 1520 1520 1323 1300 1300 1134
B 4640 4370 5000 5000 4936 4286 5000 4824 4388 4088 4390 4250 3842 3770 3478 3228
E 1750 1750 1602 1602 1602 1602 1424 1424 1424 1424 1190 1246 1246 1020 1068 1068
H1 13075 12400 14450 13900 14050 12075 14400 14050 12400 11475 12400 12225 10850 10650 10500 9325
H2 11950 11325 13300 12800 12925 11100 13275 13150 11575 10675 11525 11400 10075 9925 9825 8675
H3 13025 12575 13425 13125 13175 11950 13025 12950 11775 11125 11250 11125 10125 9675 9550 8725
4 cyl. 9176 8051 8386 6591 7177 7008 5648 6116 5956
5 cyl. 10778 9475 9810 7781 8423 8254 6668 7184 7024
6 cyl. 12865 12865 12087 12400 12380 12447 10899 10899 11234 11104 8971 9669 9500 7688 8252 8092
7 cyl. 14615 14615 13689 15502 13982 14049 12323 12323 12658 12528 10161 10915 10746 8708 9320 9160
8 cyl. 17605 17605 15291 17104 17084 15651 13747 13747 14082 13952 11351 12161 11992 9728 10388 10228
9 cyl. 19355 19355 18193 18706 18686 18403 16331 16786 16526
10 cyl. 21105 21105 20308 20288 20005 18210 17950
11 cyl. 22855 22855 21910 21890 21607 19634 19374
12 cyl. 24605 24605 23512 23492 23209 21058 20798
Dry masses in tons
4 cyl. 787 636 580 408 413 383 263 273 270
5 cyl. 931 756 681 480 492 448 314 319 318
6 cyl. 1152 1100 1105 1077 1074 986 805 864 791 774 555 562 525 358 371 343
7 cyl. 1318 1265 1235 1279 1272 1106 880 996 864 875 624 648 592 410 422 407
8 cyl. 1528 1475 1410 1446 1411 1253 985 1105 974 984 704 722 667 467 470 451
9 cyl. 1678 1621 1588 1589 1553 1415 1223 1120 1101
10 cyl. 1856 1797 1734 1700 1561 1218 1202
11 cyl. 2006 1946 1877 1840 1686 1339 1302
12 cyl. 2157 2095 2038 1980 1826 1440 1423

The distances H1 and H2 are from the centre of the crankshaft to the crane hook.
The distance H3 for the double jib crane is from the centre of the crankshaft to the lower edge of the deck beam

E - Cylinder distance H1 - Vertical lift H2 - Tilted lift H3 - Electrical double jib crane
178 87 18-6.0
Fig. 5.01a: Space requirements and masses

430 100 450 198 22 34

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

H1 H3

H2 H4

Lmin B 178 16 76-0.0

S50-C S50 L50 S46-C S42 L42 S35 L35 S26

Dimensions in mm
A 1085 1085 944 986 900 690 650 550 420
B 3150 2950 2710 2924 2670 2460 2200 1980 1880
E 850 890 890 782 748 748 600 600 490
H1 8950 8800 7825 8600 8050 6700 6425 5200 4825
H2 8375 8250 7325 8075 7525 6250 6050 4850 4725
H3 8150 8100 7400 7850 7300 6350 5925 5025 4525
H4 5850 4825 4500
4 cyl. 4739 5730 5615 4357 4240 4661 3480 3445 2975
5 cyl. 5589 6620 6505 5139 4988 5409 4080 4045 3465
6 cyl. 6439 7510 7395 5921 5736 6157 4680 4645 3955
7 cyl. 7289 8400 8285 6703 6484 6905 5280 5245 4445
8 cyl. 8139 9290 9175 7485 7232 7653 5880 5845 4935
9 cyl. 7980 8401 6480 6445 5425
10 cyl. 9476 9897 7080 7645 6405
11 cyl. 10224 10645 8280 8245 6895
12 cyl. 10972 11393 8880 8845 7385
Dry masses in tons
4 cyl. 155 171 163 133 109 95 57 50 32
5 cyl. 181 195 188 153 125 110 65 58 37
6 cyl. 207 225 215 171 143 125 75 67 42
7 cyl. 238 255 249 197 160 143 84 75 48
8 cyl. 273 288 276 217 176 158 93 83 53
9 cyl. 195 176 103 92 58
10 cyl. 232 210 122 108 68
11 cyl. 249 229 132 118 74
12 cyl. 269 244 141 126 79

The distances H1 and H2 are from the centre of the crankshaft to the crane hook. The distances H3 and H4 for the double
jib crane are from the centre of the crankshaft to the lower edge of the deck beam.

E - Cylinder distance H1 - Vertical lift H2 - Tilted lift H3 - Electrical double jib crane H4 Manual double jib crane
178 87 19-8.0
Fig. 5.01b: Space requirements and masses

430 100 450 198 22 34

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Lifting capacity in tons

Engine type For normal For double

overhaul jib crane

K98MC 12.5 2 x 6.3

K98MC-C 12.5 2 x 6.3

S90MC-C 10.0 2 x 5.0

L90MC-C 10.0 2 x 5.0

K90MC 10.0 2 x 5.0

K90MC-C 10.0 2 x 5.0

S80MC-C 10.0 2 x 5.0

S80MC 8.0 2 x 4.0

L80MC 8.0 2 x 4.0

K80MC-C 6.3 2 x 4.0

S70MC-C 6.3 2 x 3.0

S70MC 5.0 2 x 2.5

L70MC 5.0 2 x 2.5

S60MC-C 4.0 2 x 2.0

S60MC 3.2 2 x 1.6

L60MC 3.2 2 x 1.6

S50MC-C 2.0 2 x 1.6

S50MC 2.0 2 x 1.0

L50MC 1.6 2 x 1.0

S46MC-C 2.0 2 x 1.0

S42MC 1.25 2 x 1.0

L42MC 1.25 2 x 1.0

S35MC 0.8 2 x 0.5

L35MC 0.63 2 x 0.5

S26MC 0.5 2 x 0.5

178 87 20-8.0

Fig. 5.02: Engine room crane capacities for overhaul

488 701 010 198 22 35

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Deck beam

MAN B&W Double

Jib Crane

The double-jib crane

can be delivered by:

Danish Crane Building A/S

P.O. Box 54 Centreline crankshaft
Østerlandsvej 2
DK-9240 Nibe, Denmark
Telephone: + 45 98 35 31 33
Telefax: + 45 98 35 30 33

178 06 25-5.3

Fig. 5.03: Overhaul with double-jib crane

488 701 010 198 22 35

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 06 43-4.2

Dimensions are stated in mm

Engine type A B C D E F G H I Jh Jv K L M N P
K98MC 3255 2910 50 2310 60 1525 50 1510 30 781 1700 80 50 500 38
K98MC-C 3120 2775 50 2175 60 1375 50 1360 30 781 1700 80 50 500 38
S90MC-T 3360 3100 44 2480 55 1755 44 1730 30 920 1800 75 50 470 34
L90MC-C 3360 3100 44 2480 55 1755 44 1730 30 920 1800 75 50 470 34
K90MC 3420 3054 44 2359 55 1675 44 1650 30 885 1699 75 50 470 34
K90MC-C 3090 2729 44 2034 55 1405 44 1380 30 610 1699 75 50 470 34
S80MC-C 3275 2950 40 2450 50 1700 40 1675 25 920 1736 70 50 440 34
S80MC 3275 2950 40 2320 50 1700 40 1675 25 805 1736 70 50 440 34
L80MC 3040 2720 40 2100 50 1490 40 1465 25 785 1510 70 50 440 34
K80MC-C 2890 2570 40 1950 50 1340 40 1315 25 677 1510 70 50 430 34
S70MC-C 2880 2616 36 2195 45 1530 36 1515 22 805 1520 65 50 400 34
S70MC 2880 2616 36 2046 45 1500 36 1480 22 695 1520 65 50 400 34
L70MC 2670 2410 36 1840 45 1310 36 1290 20 685 1323 65 50 400 34
S60MC-C 2410 2175 30 1855 40 1330 30 1315 20 700 1300 60 50 400 22
S60MC 2410 2175 30 1690 40 1215 30 1200 20 630 1300 60 50 400 25
L60MC 2270 2045 30 1565 40 1095 30 1080 20 1150 605 1134 60 50 400 25
S50MC-C 2090 1880 28 1540 36 1110 28 1095 20 1075 518 1088 50 47 400 22
S50MC 2090 1880 28 1450 36 1035 28 1020 20 1050 520 1085 50 50 400 22
L50MC 1970 1760 28 1330 36 915 28 900 18 1046 515 944 50 50 400 22
S46MC-C 1955 1755 28 1435 32 1060 28 1045 18 830 550 986 50 50 380 22
S42MC 1910 1720 25 1330 30 955 24 980 15 880 510 900 45 50 350 19
L42MC 1785 1595 25 1230 30 870 25 855 18 940 560 690 45 50 350 19
S35MC 1616 1475 20 1155 25 855 20 840 18 775 495 650 45 40 350 19
L35MC 1505 1350 20 1035 25 720 20 705 18 745 465 550 45 40 350 19
S26MC 1390 1235 20 695 20 680 15 690 470 420 40 35 19
Jv = with vertical oil outlets Jh = with horizontal oil outlets
FIg. 5.04: Profile of engine seating, epoxy chocks 178 87 22-1.0

430 100 450 198 22 36

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Force per mechanical top bracing and minimum

horizontal rigidity at attachment to the hull
Force per
Engine type bracing in
rigidity in
K98MC 248 230
K98MC-C 248 230
S90MC-C 209 210
L90MC-C 209 210
K90MC 209 210
K90MC-C 209 210
S80MC-C 165 190
S80MC 165 190
L80MC 165 190
K80MC-C 165 190
S70MC-C 126 170
S70MC 126 170
L70MC 126 170
S60MC-C 93 140
S60MC 93 140
L60MC 93 140
S50MC-C 64 120
S50MC 64 120
L50MC 64 120
S46MC-C 55 110
S42MC 45 100
L42MC 45 100
S35MC 32 85
L35MC * *
S26MC * *
* = top bracings are normally not required

178 46 90-9.0

Top bracing should only be installed on one side,

either the exhaust side, or the camshaft side

178 09 63-3.2

Fig. 5.05: Mechanical top bracing arrangement Fig. 5.06: Mechanical top bracing outline

483 110 007 198 22 37

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Force per hydraulic top bracing and maximum

horizontal deflection at attachment to the hull
Number of Force per Max.
top bracing in horizontal
Engine type
bracings kN deflection
per engine in mm
11-12K98MC 6 127 0.51
6-10K98MC-C 4 127 0.51
11-12K98MC-C 6 127 0.51
6-10K98MC-C 4 127 0.51
S90MC-C 4 127 0.51
L90MC-C 4 127 0.51
K90MC 4 127 0.51
K90MC-C 4 127 0.51
S80MC-C 4 127 0.51
S80MC 4 127 0.51
L80MC 4 127 0.51
K80MC-C 4 127 0.51
S70MC-C 2 127 0.36
S70MC 2 127 0.36
L70MC 2 127 0.36
S60MC-C 2 81 0.23
S60MC 2 81 0.23
L60MC 2 81 0.23
S50MC-C 2 81 0.23
S50MC 2 81 0.23
L50MC 2 81 0.23
S46MC-C 2* 46* 0.13*
S42MC 2* 46* 0.13*
L42MC 2* 46* 0.13*
S35MC 2* 35* 0.07*
L35MC ** ** **
S26MC ** ** **
* = with mechanical top bracings only
** = top bracings are norminally not required
178 87 24-5.0

178 46 89-9.0

Fig. 5.07: Hydraulic top bracing arrangement, turbocharger located exhaust side of engine

483 110 008 198 22 39

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

With pneumatic/hydraulic
cylinders only Hydraulic cylinders

Accumulator unit
Pump station
two pumps
oil tank
releif valves and
control box

The hydraulically adjustable top bracing system con-

sists basically of two or four hydraulic cylinders, two
accumulator units and one pump station
Electric wiring:
178 16 68-0.0

Fig. 5.08a: Hydraulic top bracing layout of system with pump station, option: 4 83 122

Valve block with

solenoid valve
and relief valve

Hull Engine
side side

Inlet Outlet 178 16 47-6.0

Fig. 5.08b: Hydraulic cylinder for option 4 83 122

483 110 008 198 22 39

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

With pneumatic/hydraulic
cylinders only

178 18 60-7.0

Fig. 5.09a: Hydraulic top bracing layout of system without pump station, option: 4 83 123

178 15 73-2.0

Fig. 5.09b: Hydraulic cylinder for option 4 83 123

483 110 008 198 22 39

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Cross section must not be smaller than 45 mm2 and

the length of the cable must be as short as possible


Voltmeter for shaft-hull

Silver metal
graphite brushes

Propeller Voltmeter for shaft-
hull potential difference

Main bearing

Intermediate shaft

Earthing device
Propeller shaft

178 32 07-8.0

Fig. 5.10: Earthing device, (yard's supply)

420 600 010 198 22 40

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.01 Calculation of Capacities • Central cooling water system, Figs. 6.01.02 and 6.01.04

The capacities for the starting air receivers and the

The MC engines are available in the following three compressors are stated in Fig. 6.01.05
versions with respect to the Specific Fuel Oil Con-
sumption (SFOC): Each system is briefly described in sections 6.02 to
6.10. A detailed specification of the components
• With high efficiency turbocharger(s): can be found in the respective Project Guides.
K98MC, K98MC-C, S90MC-C, L90MC-C, K90MC,
K90MC-C, S80MC-C, S80MC, L80MC, K80MC-C and If a freshwater generator is installed, the water pro-
L70MC duction can be calculated by using the formula
stated later in this section and the way of calculating
• With conventional turbocharger(s): the exhaust gas data is also shown later in this sec-
S46MC-C, S42MC, L42MC, S35MC, L35MC and S26MC tion. The air consumption is approximately 98% of
the calculated exhaust gas amount.
• With high efficiency turbocharger or optionally with
conventional turbocharger: The diagrams use the symbols shown in Fig. 6.01.19
S70MC-C, S70MC, S60MC-C, S60MC, L60MC, “Basic symbols for piping”. The symbols for instrumen-
S50MC-C, S50MC and L50MC. tation can be found in section 8 of the Project Guides.
A 2 g/BHPh penalty must be added to the SFOC if a
higher exhaust gas temperature is required by using a Heat radiation
conventional turbocharger
The radiation and convection heat losses to the
Cooling Water Systems engine room are stated as an approximate per-
centage of the engine's nominal power (kW in L1).
The capacities given in the tables are based on tropi-
1.1% for the 98 and 90 types
cal ambient reference conditions and refer to en-
1.2% for the 80 and 70 types
gines with high efficiency or conventional turbo-
1.3% for the 60 and 50 types
charger running at nominal MCR (L1) for:
1.5% for the 46 and 42 types
1.8% for the 35 types, and
• Seawater cooling system, Figs. 6.01.01 and 6.01.03
2.0% for the 26 type

178 11 26-4.1

Fig. 6.01.01: Diagram for seawater cooling system

178 11 27-6.1

Fig. 6.01.02: Diagram for central cooling water system

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 94 r/min kW 34320 40040 45760 51480 57200 62920 68640
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 13.2 15.4 17.7 19.9 22.0 24.0 26.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 8.8 10.2 11.7 13.2 14.6 16.1 17.6
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 305 350 395 450 495 540 600
2) 275 320 370 415 460 510 550
3) n.a. 335 385 n.a. 480 530 n.a.
4) 275 320 370 415 460 510 550

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 1090 1270 1440 1630 1810 1990 2170
2) 1080 1260 1450 1620 1800 1990 2170
3) n.a. 1260 1430 n.a. 1790 1970 n.a.
4) 1080 1250 1430 1610 1790 1970 2150
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 750 860 980 1110 1230 1350 1480
2) 740 860 990 1110 1230 1360 1480
3) n.a. 830 950 n.a. 1190 1310 n.a.
4) 740 860 980 1110 1230 1350 1470
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 14000 16340 18670 21010 23340 25670 28010
Seawater m3/h 712 830 950 1068 1187 1306 1424
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2860 3290 3720 4250 4680 5110 5630
2) 2960 3390 4010 4440 4870 5490 5920
3) n.a. 3010 3440 n.a. 4300 4730 n.a.
4) 2790 3260 3690 4180 4670 5100 5530

Lubricating oil* m3/h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"

Seawater m3/h 1) 378 440 490 562 623 684 746
2) 368 430 500 552 613 684 746
3) n.a. 430 480 n.a. 603 664 n.a.
4) 368 420 480 542 603 664 726
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 5040 5840 6640 7520 8320 9120 10000
2) 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 8800 9600
3) n.a. 5880 6680 n.a. 8370 9170 n.a.
4) 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 8800 9600
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 345 405 465 520 580 630 680
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 329490 384405 439320 494235 549150 604065 658980
Air consumption of engine kg/s 89.8 104.7 119.7 134.7 149.6 164.6 179.6

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a. Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 86 64-5.0

Fig. 6.03a: List of capacities, K98MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 94 r/min kW 34320 40040 45760 51480 57200 62920 68640
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 13.2 15.4 17.7 19.9 22.0 24.0 26.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 8.8 10.2 11.7 13.2 14.6 16.1 17.6
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 305 350 395 450 495 540 600
2) 275 320 370 415 460 510 550
3) n.a. 335 385 n.a. 480 530 n.a.
4) 275 320 370 415 460 510 550
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 880 1020 1160 1310 1450 1590 1740

2) 870 1010 1160 1300 1450 1600 1740

3) n.a. 1010 1150 n.a. 1440 1580 n.a.
4) 860 1000 1150 1290 1440 1580 1720
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 1040 1210 1380 1560 1730 1900 2080
2) 1040 1210 1380 1550 1720 1900 2070
3) n.a. 1200 1370 n.a. 1710 1880 n.a.
4) 1030 1200 1370 1540 1710 1880 2050
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 750 860 980 1110 1230 1350 1480
2) 740 860 990 1110 1230 1360 1480
3) n.a. 830 950 n.a. 1190 1310 n.a.
4) 740 860 980 1110 1230 1350 1470
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 13890 16210 18520 20840 23150 25470 27780
Central cooling water m3/h 498 581 664 747 830 912 995
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2860 3290 3720 4250 4680 5110 5630
2) 2960 3390 4010 4440 4870 5490 5920
3) n.a. 3010 3440 n.a. 4300 4730 n.a.
4) 2790 3260 3690 4180 4670 5100 5530

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 382 439 496 563 620 678 745
2) 372 429 496 553 620 688 745
3) n.a. 429 486 n.a. 610 668 n.a.
4) 362 419 486 543 610 668 725
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 5040 5840 6640 7520 8320 9120 10000
2) 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 8800 9600
3) n.a. 5880 6680 n.a. 8370 9170 n.a.
4) 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 8800 9600
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 21790 25340 28880 32610 36150 39700 43410
2) 21650 25200 28930 32480 36020 39760 43300
3) n.a. 25100 28640 n.a. 35820 39370 n.a.
4) 21480 25070 28610 32220 35820 39370 42910
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 345 405 465 520 580 630 680
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 329490 384405 439320 494235 549150 604065 658980
Air consumption of engine kg/s 89.8 104.7 119.7 134.7 149.6 164.6 179.6
178 86 65-7.0

Fig. 6.04a: List of capacities, K98MC with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 104 r/min kW 34260 39970 45680 51390 57100 62810 68520
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 13.2 15.4 17.6 19.8 22.0 24.0 26.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 8.8 10.2 11.7 13.1 14.6 16.1 17.5
Jacket cooling water pump m /h 1) 305 350 395 450 495 540 600
2) 275 320 370 415 460 510 550
3) n.a. 335 n.a.s n.a. 480 n.a. n.a.
4) 275 320 370 415 460 510 550

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 1110 1290 1470 1660 1840 2020 2210
2) 1100 1290 1470 1650 1830 2020 2200
3) n.a. 1280 n.a. n.a. 1820 n.a. n.a.
4) 1090 1280 1460 1640 1820 2000 2190
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 750 860 980 1110 1230 1350 1480
2) 740 870 990 1110 1230 1360 1480
3) n.a. 830 n.a. n.a. 1190 n.a. n.a.
4) 740 860 990 1110 1230 1350 1480
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 14610 17040 19480 21910 24350 26780 29220
Seawater m3/h 730 852 975 1097 1218 1340 1462
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2860 3290 3720 4250 4680 5110 5630
2) 2960 3580 4010 4440 4870 5490 5920
3) n.a. 3010 n.a. n.a. 4300 n.a. n.a.
4) 2790 3260 3750 4180 4670 5100 5570

Lubricating oil* m3/h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"

Seawater m3/h 1) 380 438 495 563 622 680 748
2) 370 438 495 553 612 680 738
3) n.a. 428 n.a. n.a. 602 n.a. n.a.
4) 360 428 485 543 602 660 728
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 5040 5840 6640 7520 8320 9120 10000
2) 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 8800 9600
3) n.a. 5880 n.a. n.a. 8370 n.a. n.a.
4) 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 8800 9600
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 345 405 460 520 580 630 680
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 343350 400575 457800 515025 572250 629475 686700
Air consumption of engine kg/s 93.6 109.2 124.8 140.5 156.1 171.7 187.3

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 86 66-9.0

Fig. 6.03b: List of capacities, K98MC-C with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 104 r/min kW 34260 39970 45680 51390 57100 62810 68520
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 13.2 15.4 17.6 19.8 22.0 24.0 26.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 8.8 10.2 11.7 13.1 14.6 16.1 17.5
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 305 350 395 450 495 540 600
2) 275 320 370 415 460 510 550
3) n.a. 335 n.a. n.a. 480 n.a. n.a.
4) 275 320 370 415 460 510 550
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 890 1030 1180 1330 1470 1620 1770

2) 880 1030 1180 1320 1470 1620 1760

3) n.a. 1020 n.a. n.a. 1460 n.a. n.a.
4) 870 1020 1170 1310 1460 1600 1750
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 1070 1250 1420 1600 1760 1950 2130
2) 1070 1250 1420 1600 1780 1960 2130
3) n.a. 1230 n.a. n.a. 1760 n.a. n.a.
4) 1060 1230 1410 1580 1760 1940 2110
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 750 860 980 1110 1230 1350 1480
2) 740 870 990 1110 1230 1360 1480
3) n.a. 830 n.a. n.a. 1190 n.a. n.a.
4) 740 860 990 1110 1230 1350 1480
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 14500 16910 19330 21740 24160 26580 28990
Central cooling water m3/h 510 595 680 765 850 936 1021
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2860 3290 3720 4250 4680 5110 5630
2) 2960 3580 4010 4440 4870 5490 5920
3) n.a. 3010 n.a. n.a. 4300 n.a. n.a.
4) 2790 3260 3750 4180 4670 5100 5570

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 380 435 500 565 620 684 749
2) 370 435 500 555 620 684 739
3) n.a. 425 n.a. n.a. 610 n.a. n.a.
4) 360 425 490 545 610 664 729
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 5040 5840 6640 7520 8320 9120 10000
2) 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 8800 9600
3) n.a. 5880 n.a. n.a. 8370 n.a. n.a.
4) 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 8800 9600
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 22400 26040 29690 33510 37160 40810 44620
2) 22260 26090 29740 33380 37030 40870 44100
3) n.a. 25800 n.a. n.a. 36830 n.a. n.a.
4) 22090 25770 29480 33120 36830 40480 44160
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 345 405 460 520 580 630 680
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 343350 400575 457800 515025 572250 629475 686700
Air consumption of engine kg/s 93.6 109.2 124.8 140.5 156.1 171.7 187.3
178 86 67-0.0

Fig. 6.04b: List of capacities, K98MC-C with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9
Nominal MCR at 76 r/min kW 29340 34230 39120 44010
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 11.3 13.2 15.1 17.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 7.2 8.4 9.6 10.8
Jacket cooling water pump m /h 1) 250 295 335 370
2) 230 270 305 345
3) 240 n.a. 320 360
4) 230 270 305 345

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 860 1000 1140 1280

2) 860 1000 1140 1290
3) 850 n.a. 1130 1270
4) 850 990 1130 1270
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 550 640 730 820
2) 550 640 720 820
3) 520 n.a. 700 790
4) 550 640 730 820
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 11310 13200 15090 16970
Seawater m3/h 554 647 739 832
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2170 2590 2920 3250
2) 2360 2690 3020 3540
3) 1980 n.a. 2640 2970
4) 2190 2520 2890 3220

Lubricating oil* m3/h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"

Seawater m3/h 1) 306 353 401 448
2) 306 353 401 458
3) 296 n.a. 391 438
4) 296 343 391 438
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 4120 4860 5520 6180
2) 3960 4620 5280 5940
3) 4150 n.a. 5560 6220
4) 3960 4620 5280 5940
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 295 345 395 445
Exhaust gas flow at 240 °C** kg/h 273400 319000 364600 410100
Air consumption of engine kg/s 74.5 86.9 99.4 111.8

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a. Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 37 42-1.2

Fig. 6.03c: List of capacities, S90MC-C with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9
Nominal MCR at 76 r/min kW 29340 34230 39120 44010
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 11.3 13.2 15.1 17.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 7.2 8.4 9.6 10.8
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 250 295 335 370
2) 230 270 305 345
3) 240 n.a. 320 360
4) 230 270 305 345
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 720 840 960 1070

2) 720 830 950 1080

3) 710 n.a. 950 1060
4) 710 830 950 1060
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 840 980 1120 1260
2) 840 980 1110 1260
3) 830 n.a. 1110 1250
4) 830 970 1110 1240
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 550 640 730 820
2) 550 640 720 820
3) 520 n.a. 700 790
4) 550 640 730 820
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 11220 13090 14960 16840
Central cooling water m3/h 416 485 554 624
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2170 2590 2920 3250
2) 2360 2690 3020 3540
3) 1980 n.a. 2640 2970
4) 2190 2520 2890 3220

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 304 355 406 446
2) 304 345 396 456
3) 294 n.a. 396 436
4) 294 345 396 436
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 4120 4860 5520 6180
2) 3960 4620 5280 5940
3) 4150 n.a. 5560 6220
4) 3960 4620 5280 5940
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 17510 20540 23400 26270
2) 17540 20400 23260 26320
3) 17350 n.a. 23160 26030
4) 17370 20230 23130 26000
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 295 345 395 445
Exhaust gas flow at 240 °C** kg/h 273400 319000 364600 410100
Air consumption of engine kg/s 74.5 86.9 99.4 111.8
178 37 43-3.2

Fig. 6.04c: List of capacities, S90MC-C with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 83 r/min kW 29340 34230 39120 44010 48900 53790 586800
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 11.3 13.2 15.1 17.0 18.9 21.0 23.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 7.2 8.4 9.6 10.8 12.0 13.2 14.4
Jacket cooling water pump m /h 1) 250 285 335 370 410 455 495
2) 230 270 305 345 385 420 460
3) 240 n.a. 320 360 n.a. 440 480
4) 230 270 305 345 385 420 460

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 860 1000 1150 1290 1430 1580 1720
2) 860 1000 1140 1290 1430 1570 1710
3) 850 n.a. 1140 1280 n.a. 1560 1700
4) 850 990 1130 1270 1420 1560 1700
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 560 650 750 840 930 1040 1130
2) 570 660 750 850 940 1030 1120
3) 540 n.a. 720 810 n.a. 990 1080
4) 570 660 750 840 940 1030 1130
Booster pump for camshaft+exh. m3/h 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6 17.3 19.1 20.8
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 11300 13200 15100 17000 18900 20700 22600
Seawater m3/h 554 647 739 832 924 1016 1109
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2240 2580 3010 3350 3690 4130 4470
2) 2430 2770 3110 3640 3980 4320 4660
3) 2050 n.a. 2730 3070 n.a. 3750 4090
4) 2250 2590 2980 3320 3720 4060 4460

Lubricating oil* m3/h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"

Seawater m3/h 1) 306 353 411 458 506 564 611
2) 306 353 401 458 506 554 601
3) 296 n.a. 401 448 n.a. 544 591
4) 296 343 391 438 496 544 591
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 4120 4780 5520 6180 6840 7580 8240
2) 3960 4620 5280 5940 6600 7280 7920
3) 4150 n.a. 5560 6220 n.a. 7630 8290
4) 3960 4620 5280 5940 6600 7260 7920
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 295 345 395 445 495 550 600
Exhaust gas flow at 240 °C** kg/h 273400 319000 364600 410100 455700 501300 546800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 74.5 86.9 99.4 111.8 124.2 136.6 149.0

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a. Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 00-5.0

Fig. 6.03d: List of capacities, L90MC-C with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 83 r/min kW 29340 34230 39120 44010 48900 53790 58680
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 11.3 13.2 15.1 17.0 18.9 21.0 23.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 7.2 8.4 9.6 10.8 12.0 13.2 14.4
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 250 285 335 370 410 455 495
2) 230 270 305 345 385 420 460
3) 240 n.a. 320 360 n.a. 440 480
4) 230 270 305 345 385 420 460
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440

2) 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1430

3) 710 n.a. 950 1070 n.a. 1310 1420
4) 710 830 950 1070 1190 1300 1420
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 840 980 1120 1260 1400 1550 1680
2) 840 980 1120 1260 1400 1540 1670
3) 830 n.a. 1110 1250 n.a. 1530 1670
4) 830 970 1110 1250 1390 1530 1670
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 560 650 750 840 930 1040 1130
2) 570 660 750 850 940 1030 1120
3) 540 n.a. 720 810 n.a. 990 1080
4) 570 660 750 840 940 1030 1130
Booster pump for camshaft+exh. m3/h 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6 17.3 19.1 20.8
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 11200 13100 15000 16800 18700 20600 22400
Central cooling water m3/h 416 485 554 624 693 762 832
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2240 2580 3010 3350 3690 4130 4470
2) 2430 2770 3110 3640 3980 4320 4660
3) 2050 n.a. 2730 3070 n.a. 3750 4090
4) 2250 2590 2980 3320 3720 4060 4460

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 304 355 406 456 507 558 608
2) 304 355 406 456 507 558 598
3) 294 n.a. 396 446 n.a. 548 588
4) 294 345 396 446 497 538 588
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 4120 4780 5520 6180 6840 7580 8240
2) 3960 4620 5280 5940 6600 7260 7920
3) 4150 n.a. 5560 6220 n.a. 7630 8290
4) 3960 4620 5280 5940 6600 7260 7920
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 17600 20500 23500 26300 29200 32300 35100
2) 17600 20500 23400 26400 29300 32200 35000
3) 17400 n.a. 23300 26100 n.a. 32000 34800
4) 17400 20300 23300 26100 29000 31900 34800
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 295 345 395 445 495 550 600
Exhaust gas flow at 240 °C** kg/h 273400 319000 364600 410100 455700 501300 546800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 74.5 86.9 99.4 111.8 124.2 136.6 149.0
178 87 01-7.0

Fig. 6.04d: List of capacities, L90MC-C with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 94 r/min kW 18280 22850 27420 31990 36560 41130 45700 50270 54840
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 7.4 9.3 11.1 13.0 14.8 16.7 18.5 20.0 22.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 4.7 5.8 7.0 8.2 9.4 10.5 11.7 12.9 14.0
Jacket cooling water pump m /h 1) 155 200 235 270 315 350 385 430 470
2) 145 180 215 250 290 325 360 395 430
3) 150 190 225 n.a. 305 340 375 415 450
4) 145 180 215 250 290 325 360 395 430

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 580 720 860 1000 1150 1290 1440 1580 1730
2) 570 720 860 1010 1150 1300 1440 1580 1720
3) 570 710 850 n.a. 1140 1280 1420 1570 1710
4) 570 710 860 1000 1140 1280 1430 1570 1710
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 420 530 630 730 840 940 1040 1160 1260
2) 415 520 630 730 830 950 1050 1150 1250
3) 405 510 610 n.a. 810 910 1010 1110 1210
4) 420 530 630 730 840 940 1050 1150 1260
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 7460 9330 11200 13060 14930 16800 18660 20530 22390
Seawater m3/h 374 467 561 654 748 841 935 1028 1121
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1560 1990 2350 2710 3170 3530 3890 4340 4700
2) 1630 2070 2540 2900 3260 3810 4170 4530 4890
3) 1440 1800 2160 n.a. 2880 3240 3600 3960 4320
4) 1560 1970 2370 2730 3130 3490 3910 4270 4690

Lubricating oil* m3/h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"

Seawater m3/h 1) 206 253 299 346 402 449 505 552 609
2) 196 253 299 356 402 459 505 552 599
3) 196 243 289 n.a. 392 439 485 542 589
4) 196 243 299 346 392 439 495 542 589
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 2670 3330 3970 4600 5320 5950 6580 7300 7930
2) 2540 3170 3810 4440 5080 5710 6350 6980 7620
3) 2670 3360 3990 n.a. 5360 5990 6630 7360 7990
4) 2540 3170 3810 4440 5080 5710 6350 6980 7620
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 195 245 290 340 390 440 485 520 580
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 175600 219500 263300 307200 351100 395000 438900 482800 526700
Air consumption of engine kg/s 47.9 59.8 71.7 83.7 95.7 107.6 119.6 131.6 143.5

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a. Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 73-5.0

Fig. 6.03e: List of capacities, K90MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 94 r/min kW 18280 22850 27420 31990 36560 41130 45700 50270 54840
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 7.4 9.3 11.1 13.0 14.8 16.7 18.5 20.0 22.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 4.7 5.8 7.0 8.2 9.4 10.5 11.7 12.9 14.0
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 155 200 235 270 315 350 385 430 470
2) 145 180 215 250 290 325 360 395 430
3) 150 190 225 n.a. 305 340 375 415 450
4) 145 180 215 250 290 325 360 395 430
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 465 580 690 810 930 1040 1150 1270 1390

2) 460 580 690 810 920 1040 1150 1270 1380

3) 455 570 680 n.a. 920 1030 1140 1260 1370
4) 455 570 690 800 910 1030 1140 1250 1370
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 560 700 830 970 1110 1250 1390 1530 1670
2) 550 690 840 970 1110 1250 1390 1530 1660
3) 550 690 830 n.a. 1100 1240 1380 1520 1650
4) 550 690 830 960 1100 1240 1380 1510 1650
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 420 530 630 730 840 940 1040 1160 1260
2) 415 520 630 730 830 950 1050 1150 1250
3) 405 510 610 n.a. 810 910 1010 1110 1210
4) 420 530 630 730 840 940 1050 1150 1260
Booster pump for camshaft+exh. m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 7410 9260 11110 12960 14810 16660 18510 20370 22220
Central cooling water m3/h 260 326 391 456 521 586 651 716 781
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1560 1990 2350 2710 3170 3530 3890 4340 4700
2) 1630 2070 2540 2900 3260 3810 4170 4530 4890
3) 1440 1800 2160 n.a. 2880 3240 3600 3960 4320
4) 1560 1970 2370 2730 3130 3490 3910 4270 4690

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 205 254 299 354 409 454 499 554 609
2) 200 254 299 354 399 454 499 554 599
3) 195 244 289 n.a. 399 444 489 544 589
4) 195 244 299 344 389 444 489 534 589
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 2670 3330 3970 4600 5320 5950 6580 7300 7930
2) 2540 3170 3810 4440 5080 5710 6350 6980 7620
3) 2670 3360 3990 n.a. 5360 5990 6630 7360 7990
4) 2540 3170 3810 4440 5080 5710 6350 6980 7620
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 11640 14580 17430 20270 23300 26140 28980 32010 34850
2) 11580 14500 17460 20300 23150 26180 29030 31880 34730
3) 11520 14420 17260 n.a. 23050 25890 28740 31690 34530
4) 11510 14400 17290 20130 23020 25860 28770 31620 34530
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 195 245 290 340 390 440 485 520 580
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 175600 219500 263300 307200 351100 395000 438900 482800 526700
Air consumption of engine kg/s 47.9 59.8 71.7 83.7 95.7 107.6 119.6 131.6 143.5
178 87 74-7.0

Fig. 6.04e: List of capacities, K90MC with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 104 r/min kW 27360 31920 36480 41040 45600 50160 54720
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 11.1 13.0 14.8 16.7 18.5 20.0 22.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 7.0 8.2 9.3 10.5 11.7 12.8 14.0
Jacket cooling water pump m /h 1) 215 260 290 325 355 400 430
2) 200 230 265 295 330 365 395
3) 210 n.a. 280 310 n.a. 385 415
4) 200 230 265 295 330 365 395

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 890 1040 1190 1330 1480 1630 1780
2) 890 1030 1180 1330 1480 1620 1770
3) 880 n.a. 1180 1320 n.a. 1620 1760
4) 880 1030 1170 1320 1470 1610 1760
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 610 720 820 920 1010 1120 1220
2) 610 710 810 920 1020 1120 1220
3) 590 n.a. 790 880 n.a. 1080 1180
4) 610 710 820 910 1020 1120 1220
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 11680 13630 15580 17530 19470 21420 23370
Seawater m3/h 586 684 781 879 977 1074 1172
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2350 2810 3170 3530 3890 4340 4700
2) 2540 2900 3260 3810 4170 4530 4890
3) 2160 n.a. 2880 3240 n.a. 3960 4320
4) 2370 2730 3130 3490 3910 4270 4690

Lubricating oil* m3/h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"

Seawater m3/h 1) 304 356 409 451 503 556 608
2) 304 346 399 451 503 546 598
3) 294 n.a. 399 441 n.a. 546 588
4) 294 346 389 441 493 536 588
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 3970 4680 5320 5950 6580 7300 7930
2) 3810 4440 5080 5710 6350 6980 7620
3) 3990 n.a. 5360 5990 n.a. 7360 7990
4) 3810 4440 5080 5710 6350 6980 7620
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 290 340 390 440 485 520 580
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 274700 320500 366200 412000 457800 503600 549400
Air consumption of engine kg/s 74.9 87.4 99.9 112.4 124.9 137.3 149.8

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a. Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 75-9.0

Fig. 6.03f: List of capacities, K90MC-C with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 104 r/min kW 27360 31920 36480 41040 45600 50160 54720
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 11.1 13.0 14.8 16.7 18.5 20.0 22.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 7.0 8.2 9.3 10.5 11.7 12.8 14.0
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 215 260 290 325 355 400 430
2) 200 230 265 295 330 365 395
3) 210 n.a. 280 310 n.a. 385 415
4) 200 230 265 295 330 365 395
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 710 840 950 1070 1180 1310 1420

2) 710 830 950 1070 1190 1300 1420

3) 700 n.a. 940 1060 n.a. 1290 1410
4) 710 820 940 1050 1170 1290 1410
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 860 1010 1150 1290 1430 1570 1710
2) 860 1000 1140 1290 1430 1570 1710
3) 850 n.a. 1130 1270 n.a. 1560 1700
4) 850 990 1130 1270 1420 1560 1700
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 610 720 820 920 1010 1120 1220
2) 610 710 810 920 1020 1120 1220
3) 590 n.a. 790 880 n.a. 1080 1180
4) 610 710 820 910 1020 1120 1220
Booster pump for camshaft+exh. m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 11590 13530 15460 17390 19320 21250 23190
Central cooling water m3/h 410 478 546 614 683 751 819
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2350 2810 3170 3530 3890 4340 4700
2) 2540 2900 3260 3810 4170 4530 4890
3) 2160 n.a. 2880 3240 n.a. 3960 4320
4) 2370 2730 3130 3490 3910 4270 4690

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 300 362 404 456 497 559 601
2) 300 352 404 456 507 549 601
3) 290 n.a. 394 446 n.a. 539 591
4) 300 342 394 436 487 539 591
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 3970 4680 5320 5950 6580 7300 7930
2) 3810 4440 5080 5710 6350 6980 7620
3) 3990 n.a. 5360 5990 n.a. 7360 7990
4) 3810 4440 5080 5710 6350 6980 7620
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 17910 21020 23950 26870 29790 32890 35820
2) 17940 20870 23800 26910 29840 32760 35700
3) 17740 n.a. 23700 26620 n.a. 32570 35500
4) 17770 20700 23670 26590 29580 32500 35500
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 290 340 390 440 485 520 580
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 274700 320500 366200 412000 457800 503600 549400
Air consumption of engine kg/s 74.9 87.4 99.9 112.4 124.9 137.3 149.8
178 87 76-0.0

Fig. 6.04f: List of capacities, K90MC-C with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 76 r/min kW 23280 27160 31040
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 9.6 11.2 12.7
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 5.7 6.7 7.6
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 215 250 285
2) 200 230 265
3) 210 240 275
4) 200 230 265

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 700 810 920

2) 690 810 930
3) 690 800 920
4) 690 800 920
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 445 510 580
2) 440 520 590
3) 420 490 560
4) 445 520 590
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 10.4 12.1 13.9
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 8970 10460 11960
Seawater m3/h 441 515 588
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1770 2040 2300
2) 1850 2230 2490
3) 1580 1850 2110
4) 1750 2060 2320

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 259 295 332
2) 249 295 342
3) 249 285 332
4) 249 285 332
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 3590 4160 4730
2) 3430 4000 4580
3) 3620 4190 4760
4) 3430 4000 4580
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 250 295 335
Exhaust gas flow at 240 °C** kg/h 216700 252800 289000
Air consumption of engine kg/s 59.1 68.9 78.8

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 37 44-5.2

Fig. 6.03g: List of capacities, S80MC-C with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 12
Nominal MCR at 76 r/min kW 23280 27160 31040
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 9.6 11.2 12.7
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 5.7 6.7 7.6
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 215 250 285
2) 200 230 265
3) 210 240 275
4) 200 230 265
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 590 690 780

2) 590 690 780

3) 580 680 770
4) 580 680 780
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 680 790 900
2) 680 790 910
3) 670 790 900
4) 670 790 900
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 445 510 580
2) 440 520 590
3) 420 490 560
4) 445 520 590
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 10.4 12.1 13.9
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 8900 10380 11860
Central cooling water m3/h 334 390 445
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1770 2040 2300
2) 1850 2230 2490
3) 1580 1850 2110
4) 1750 2060 2320

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 256 300 335
2) 256 300 335
3) 246 290 325
4) 246 290 335
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 3590 4160 4730
2) 3430 4000 4580
3) 3620 4190 4760
4) 3430 4000 4580
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 14260 16580 18890
2) 14180 16610 18930
3) 14100 16420 18730
4) 14080 16440 18760
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 250 295 335
Exhaust gas flow at 240 °C** kg/h 216700 252800 289000
Air consumption of engine kg/s 59.1 68.9 78.8
178 37 45-7.2

Fig. 6.04g: List of capacities, S80MC-C with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9
Nominal MCR at 79 r/min kW 15360 19200 23040 26880 30720 34560
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 6.3 7.9 9.4 11.0 12.6 14.2
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 3.7 4.7 5.6 6.6 7.5 8.4
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 140 175 215 250 285 325
2) 135 165 200 230 265 300
3) 140 175 210 240 275 315
4) 135 165 200 230 265 300

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 465 580 700 810 930 1050
2) 465 580 700 820 930 1040
3) 460 580 690 810 920 1040
4) 460 580 690 810 920 1040
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 305 380 460 530 610 690
2) 305 375 455 540 610 680
3) 295 365 440 510 590 660
4) 305 380 455 540 610 680
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 6.9 8.7 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 5910 7390 8860 10340 11820 13290
Seawater m3/h 294 368 441 515 588 662
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1190 1500 1840 2110 2390 2760
2) 1290 1570 1920 2310 2580 2860
3) 1100 1370 1650 1920 2200 2470
4) 1200 1500 1770 2090 2410 2680

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 171 212 259 295 342 388
2) 171 212 259 305 342 378
3) 166 212 249 295 332 378
4) 166 212 249 295 332 378
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 2370 2990 3590 4160 4730 5390
2) 2290 2860 3430 4000 4580 5150
3) 2380 2990 3620 4190 4760 5430
4) 2290 2860 3430 4000 4580 5150
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 165 205 245 290 330 370
Exhaust gas flow at 240 °C** kg/h 142800 178500 214200 249900 285600 321300
Air consumption of engine kg/s 38.9 48.7 58.4 68.1 77.8 87.6

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 36 25-9.1

Fig. 6.03h: List of capacities, S80MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) f or engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9
Nominal MCR at 79 r/min kW 15360 19200 23040 26880 30720 34560
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 6.3 7.9 9.4 11.0 12.6 14.2
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 3.7 4.7 5.6 6.6 7.5 8.4
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 140 175 215 250 285 325
2) 135 165 200 230 265 300
3) 140 175 210 240 275 315
4) 135 165 200 230 265 300
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 390 490 590 680 780 880

2) 390 485 580 680 780 870

3) 385 480 580 670 770 870
4) 385 480 580 670 770 870
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 450 570 680 790 900 1020
2) 450 560 680 790 900 1010
3) 445 560 670 780 890 1010
4) 445 560 670 780 900 1010
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 305 380 460 530 610 690
2) 305 375 455 540 610 680
3) 295 365 440 510 590 660
4) 305 380 455 540 610 680
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 6.9 8.7 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 5860 7330 8800 10260 11730 13190
Central cooling water m3/h 218 273 328 382 437 491
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1190 1500 1840 2110 2390 2760
2) 1290 1570 1920 2310 2580 2860
3) 1100 1370 1650 1920 2200 2470
4) 1200 1500 1770 2090 2410 2680

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 172 217 262 298 343 389
2) 172 212 252 298 343 379
3) 167 207 252 288 333 379
4) 167 207 252 288 333 379
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 2370 2990 3590 4160 4730 5390
2) 2290 2860 3430 4000 4580 5150
3) 2380 2990 3620 4190 4760 5430
4) 2290 2860 3430 4000 4580 5150
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 9420 11820 14230 16530 18850 21340
2) 9440 11760 14150 16570 18890 21200
3) 9340 11690 14070 16370 18690 21090
4) 9350 11690 14000 16350 18720 21020
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 165 205 245 290 330 370
Exhaust gas flow at 240 °C** kg/h 142800 178500 214200 249900 285600 321300
Air consumption of engine kg/s 38.9 48.7 58.4 68.1 77.8 87.6
178 36 27-2.1

Fig. 6.04h: List of capacities, S80MC with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 93 r/min kW 14560 18200 21840 25480 29120 32760 36400 40040 43680
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 6.3 7.8 9.4 11.0 12.5 14.1 15.7 17.2 18.8
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 3.7 4.7 5.6 6.5 7.5 8.4 9.3 10.2 11.2
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 120 145 180 210 235 275 300 325 355
2) 110 135 165 190 220 245 275 300 330
3) 115 145 175 200 230 260 290 315 345
4) 110 135 165 190 220 245 275 300 330

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 465 580 700 820 930 1060 1170 1290 1400
2) 465 580 700 820 930 1050 1160 1290 1400
3) 460 580 700 810 930 1040 1160 1270 1390
4) 465 580 690 810 930 1040 1160 1270 1390
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 350 435 530 610 700 790 870 960 1040
2) 350 435 520 610 700 780 870 960 1050
3) 335 420 510 590 670 760 840 930 1010
4) 350 435 520 610 700 780 870 960 1040
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 6.9 8.7 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6 17.3 19.1 20.8
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 6210 7760 9310 10860 12410 13960 15510 17060 18620
Seawater m3/h 302 378 454 529 605 680 756 832 907
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1260 1580 1940 2230 2520 2900 3200 3490 3780
2) 1360 1650 2010 2420 2710 3000 3290 3770 4070
3) 1160 1460 1750 2040 2330 2620 2910 3200 3490
4) 1270 1580 1870 2210 2540 2830 3160 3450 3740

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 163 202 246 291 325 380 414 458 493
2) 163 202 246 291 325 370 404 458 493
3) 158 202 246 281 325 360 404 438 483
4) 163 202 236 281 325 360 404 438 483
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 2170 2740 3290 3820 4340 4940 5460 5990 6510
2) 2090 2610 3130 3660 4180 4700 5220 5750 6270
3) 2180 2740 3320 3840 4370 4980 5510 6030 6550
4) 2090 2610 3130 3660 4180 4700 5220 5750 6270
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 165 205 245 290 330 370 410 450 495
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 145700 182200 218600 255000 291500 327900 364400 400800 437200
Air consumption of engine kg/s 39.7 49.7 59.6 69.5 79.5 89.4 99.4 109.3 119.2

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 36 26-0.1

Fig. 6.03i: List of capacities, L80MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 93 r/min kW 14560 18200 21840 25480 29120 32760 36400 40040 43680
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 6.3 7.8 9.4 11.0 12.5 14.1 15.7 17.2 18.8
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 3.7 4.7 5.6 6.5 7.5 8.4 9.3 10.2 11.2
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 120 145 180 210 235 275 300 325 355
2) 110 135 165 190 220 245 275 300 330
3) 115 145 175 200 230 260 290 315 345
4) 110 135 165 190 220 245 275 300 330
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 390 490 590 690 780 890 980 1080 1170

2) 390 485 590 690 780 880 970 1080 1180

3) 385 485 580 680 770 870 970 1070 1160
4) 390 485 580 680 780 870 970 1060 1160
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 460 570 690 800 920 1040 1150 1260 1380
2) 460 570 690 810 920 1030 1140 1270 1380
3) 455 570 680 800 910 1030 1140 1250 1360
4) 455 570 680 800 910 1020 1140 1250 1360
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 350 435 530 610 700 790 870 960 1040
2) 350 435 520 610 700 780 870 960 1050
3) 335 420 510 590 670 760 840 930 1010
4) 350 435 520 610 700 780 870 960 1040
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 6.9 8.7 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6 17.3 19.1 20.8
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 6150 7690 9230 10770 12310 13850 15390 16930 18460
Central cooling water m3/h 227 284 340 397 454 510 567 624 680
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1260 1580 1940 2230 2520 2900 3200 3490 3780
2) 1360 1650 2010 2420 2710 3000 3290 3770 4070
3) 1160 1460 1750 2040 2330 2620 2910 3200 3490
4) 1270 1580 1870 2210 2540 2830 3160 3450 3740

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 163 206 250 293 326 380 413 456 490
2) 163 201 250 293 326 370 403 456 500
3) 158 201 240 283 316 360 403 446 480
4) 163 201 240 283 326 360 403 436 480
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 2170 2740 3290 3820 4340 4940 5460 5990 6510
2) 2090 2610 3130 3660 4180 4700 5220 5750 6270
3) 2180 2740 3320 3840 4370 4980 5510 6030 6550
4) 2090 2610 3130 3660 4180 4700 5220 5750 6270
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 9580 12010 14460 16820 19170 21690 24050 26410 28750
2) 9600 11950 14370 16850 19200 21550 23900 26450 28800
3) 9490 11890 14300 16650 19010 21450 23810 26160 28500
4) 9510 11880 14230 16640 19030 21380 23770 26130 28470
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 165 205 245 290 330 370 410 450 495
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 145700 182200 218600 255000 291500 327900 364400 400800 437200
Air consumption of engine kg/s 39.7 49.7 59.6 69.5 79.5 89.4 99.4 109.3 119.2
178 36 28-2.1

Fig. 6.04i: List of capacities, L80MC with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 104 r/min kW 21660 25270 28880 32490 36100 39710 43320
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 9.4 10.9 12.5 14.0 15.6 17.1 18.7
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 5.5 6.5 7.4 8.3 9.2 10.2 11.1
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 175 200 225 250 285 315 340
2) 155 180 210 235 260 285 310
3) 165 190 220 250 275 300 325
4) 155 180 210 235 260 285 310

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 670 780 890 1000 1110 1220 1330
2) 670 780 890 1000 1110 1220 1340
3) 660 770 880 990 1100 1210 1320
4) 660 770 880 990 1100 1210 1320
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 495 580 650 730 820 900 980
2) 495 570 660 740 820 900 990
3) 475 550 630 710 790 870 950
4) 490 580 660 740 820 900 980
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6 17.3 19.1 20.9
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 8840 10310 11780 13260 14730 16200 17680
Seawater m3/h 441 515 588 662 735 809 882
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1860 2140 2420 2700 3070 3350 3630
2) 1940 2220 2610 2890 3170 3450 3920
3) 1670 1950 2230 2510 2790 3060 3340
4) 1800 2120 2440 2720 2990 3310 3590

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 229 265 302 338 375 411 448
2) 229 265 302 338 375 411 458
3) 219 255 292 328 365 401 438
4) 219 255 292 328 365 401 438
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 2940 3400 3860 4330 4870 5330 5790
2) 2780 3240 3700 4170 4630 5090 5560
3) 2970 3430 3890 4450 4910 5370 5840
4) 2780 3240 3700 4170 4630 5090 5560
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 245 285 330 365 410 450 490
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 207900 242600 277200 311900 346500 381200 415800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 56.7 66.1 75.5 85.0 94.4 103.9 113.3

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 79-6.0

Fig. 6.03j: List of capacities, K80MC-C with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 104 r/min kW 21660 25270 28880 32490 36100 39710 43320
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 9.4 10.9 12.5 14.0 15.6 17.1 18.7
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 5.5 6.5 7.4 8.3 9.2 10.2 11.1
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 175 200 225 250 285 315 340
2) 155 180 210 235 260 285 310
3) 165 190 220 250 275 300 325
4) 155 180 210 235 260 285 310
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 540 630 710 800 890 980 1070

2) 530 620 710 800 890 970 1070

3) 530 620 700 800 880 970 1060
4) 530 620 710 790 880 970 1060
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 650 750 860 970 1080 1180 1290
2) 650 750 860 970 1070 1180 1290
3) 640 750 850 960 1070 1170 1280
4) 640 750 850 960 1060 1170 1280
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 495 580 650 730 820 900 980
2) 495 570 660 740 820 900 990
3) 475 550 630 710 790 870 950
4) 490 580 660 740 820 900 980
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 10.4 12.1 13.9 15.6 17.3 19.1 20.8
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 8770 10230 11690 13150 14610 16070 17540
Central cooling water m3/h 309 360 412 463 515 566 617
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1860 2140 2420 2700 3070 3350 3630
2) 1940 2220 2610 2890 3170 3450 3920
3) 1670 1950 2230 2510 2790 3060 3340
4) 1800 2120 2440 2720 2990 3310 3590

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 231 270 298 337 375 414 453
2) 221 260 298 337 375 404 453
3) 221 260 288 337 365 404 443
4) 221 260 298 327 365 404 443
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 2940 3400 3860 4330 4870 5330 5790
2) 2780 3240 3700 4170 4630 5090 5560
3) 2970 3430 3890 4450 4910 5370 5840
4) 2780 3240 3700 4170 4630 5090 5560
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 13570 15770 17970 20180 22550 24750 26960
2) 13490 15690 18000 20210 22410 24610 27020
3) 13410 15610 17810 20110 22310 24500 26720
4) 13350 15590 17830 20040 22230 24470 26690
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 245 285 330 365 410 450 490
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 207900 242600 277200 311900 346500 381200 415800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 56.7 66.1 75.5 85.0 94.4 103.9 113.3
178 87 80-6.0

Fig. 6.04j: List of capacities, K80MC-C with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines
complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 91 r/min kW 12420 15525 18630 21735 24840
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 5.5 6.9 8.3 9.6 11.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 3.1 3.9 4.6 5.4 6.2
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 110 140 165 190 225
2) 105 130 155 180 205
3) 110 135 160 190 215
4) 105 130 155 180 205

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 405 500 610 710 810

2) 405 510 610 710 810
3) 400 500 600 700 800
4) 400 500 600 700 800
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 265 325 390 455 530
2) 260 325 390 460 520
3) 250 315 380 440 500
4) 265 325 390 455 530
Booster pump for exh. valve act. m3/h 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 5070 6330 7600 8870 10130
Seawater m3/h 269 336 404 471 538
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 980 1200 1440 1660 1950
2) 1030 1320 1540 1840 2060
3) 880 1100 1320 1540 1760
4) 970 1200 1420 1680 1970

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 136 164 206 239 272
2) 136 174 206 239 272
3) 131 164 196 229 262
4) 131 164 196 229 262
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1880 2330 2830 3280 3760
2) 1800 2250 2700 3150 3600
3) 1890 2340 2830 3340 3790
4) 1800 2250 2700 3150 3600
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 145 180 220 250 290
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 117600 147000 176400 205800 235200
Air consumption of engine kg/s 32.1 40.1 48.1 56.1 64.1

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 45 60-4.0

Fig. 6.03k: List of capacities, S70MC-C with high efficiency turbocharger seawater system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 91 r/min kW 12420 15525 18630 21735 24840
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 5.5 6.9 8.3 9.6 11.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 3.1 3.9 4.6 5.4 6.2
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 110 140 165 190 225
2) 105 130 155 180 205
3) 110 135 160 190 215
4) 105 130 155 180 205
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 310 385 465 540 620

2) 310 385 460 540 620

3) 305 380 455 530 610
4) 305 380 455 530 610
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 380 470 570 660 750
2) 375 470 560 660 750
3) 375 465 560 650 750
4) 375 465 560 650 750
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 265 325 390 460 530
2) 260 325 390 460 520
3) 250 315 380 440 500
4) 265 325 390 455 530
Booster pump for exh. valve act. m3/h 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 5030 6290 7540 8800 10060
Central cooling water m3/h 173 216 259 302 345
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 980 1200 1440 1660 1950
2) 1030 1320 1540 1840 2060
3) 880 1100 1320 1540 1740
4) 980 1200 1420 1680 1970

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 137 169 206 238 275
2) 137 169 201 238 275
3) 132 164 196 228 265
4) 132 164 196 228 265
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1880 2330 2830 3280 3760
2) 1800 2250 2700 3150 3600
3) 1890 2340 2830 3340 3790
4) 1800 2250 2700 3150 3600
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 7890 9820 11810 13740 15770
2) 7860 9860 11780 13790 15720
3) 7800 9730 11690 13680 15610
4) 7810 9740 11660 13630 15630
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 145 180 220 250 290
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 117600 147000 176400 205800 235200
Air consumption of engine kg/s 32.1 40.1 48.1 56.1 64.1
178 45 61-6.0

Fig. 6.04k: List of capacities, S70MC-C with high efficiency turbocharger central cooling water system stated at the
nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 91 r/min kW 11240 14050 16860 19670 22480
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 5.2 6.4 7.7 9.0 10.3
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.8 3.5 4.2 4.9 5.6
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 94 115 135 155 190
2) 85 105 125 150 170
3) 90 110 135 155 180
4) 85 105 125 150 170

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 355 440 530 620 710

2) 355 440 530 620 710
3) 350 440 530 610 700
4) 350 440 530 610 700
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 245 305 370 425 490
2) 245 305 365 425 490
3) 235 295 355 410 470
4) 245 305 365 425 485
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 6.2 7.8 9.4 10.9 12.5
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 4460 5570 6690 7800 8920
Seawater m3/h 231 289 347 404 462
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 890 1090 1310 1510 1780
2) 930 1180 1380 1580 1860
3) 800 990 1190 1390 1590
4) 870 1100 1300 1520 1710

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 124 151 183 216 248
2) 124 151 183 216 248
3) 119 151 183 206 238
4) 119 151 183 206 238
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1710 2110 2570 2980 3410
2) 1630 2030 2440 2850 3260
3) 1720 2130 2570 2980 3440
4) 1630 2030 2440 2850 3260
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 135 170 200 235 270
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 106300 132800 159400 186000 212500
Air consumption of engine kg/s 29.0 36.2 43.4 50.7 57.9

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 81-8.0

Fig. 6.03l: List of capacities, S70MC with high efficiency turbocharger seawater system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 91 r/min kW 11240 14050 16860 19670 22480
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 5.2 6.4 7.7 9.0 10.3
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.8 3.5 4.2 4.9 5.6
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 94 115 135 155 190
2) 85 105 125 150 170
3) 90 110 135 155 180
4) 85 105 125 150 170
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 290 360 430 500 580

2) 285 360 430 500 570

3) 285 355 425 495 570
4) 285 355 425 495 570
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 335 420 500 590 670
2) 335 420 500 580 670
3) 330 415 495 580 660
4) 330 415 495 580 660
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 245 305 370 425 490
2) 245 305 365 425 490
3) 235 295 355 410 470
4) 245 305 365 425 485
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 6.2 7.8 9.4 10.9 12.5
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 4420 5530 6630 7740 8840
Central cooling water m3/h 164 205 246 287 328
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 890 1090 1310 1510 1780
2) 930 1180 1380 1580 1860
3) 800 990 1190 1390 1590
4) 870 1100 1300 1520 1710

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 126 155 184 213 252
2) 121 155 184 213 242
3) 121 150 179 208 242
4) 121 150 179 208 242
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1710 2110 2570 2980 3410
2) 1630 2030 2440 2850 3260
3) 1720 2130 2570 2980 3440
4) 1630 2030 2440 2850 3260
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 7020 8730 10510 12230 14030
2) 6980 8740 10450 12170 13960
3) 6940 8650 10390 12110 13870
4) 6920 8660 10370 12110 13810
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 135 170 200 235 270
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 106300 132800 159400 186000 212500
Air consumption of engine kg/s 29.0 36.2 43.4 50.7 57.9
178 87 83-1.0

Fig. 6.04l: List of capacities, S70MC with high efficiency turbocharger and central cooling water system stated at the
nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 108 r/min kW 11320 14150 16980 19810 22640
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 5.3 6.6 7.9 9.2 10.6
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.9 3.6 4.3 5.1 5.8
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 105 125 150 175 205
2) 94 120 140 165 190
3) 99 125 150 175 200
4) 94 120 140 165 190

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 375 465 560 650 750

2) 370 465 560 650 740
3) 370 460 550 650 740
4) 370 460 550 640 740
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 255 320 385 445 510
2) 255 320 380 450 510
3) 245 310 370 430 490
4) 260 320 380 445 520
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 6.2 7.8 9.4 10.9 12.5
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 4820 6030 7240 8440 9650
Seawater m3/h 248 310 372 434 496
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 890 1090 1310 1510 1780
2) 930 1190 1380 1660 1860
3) 800 990 1190 1390 1590
4) 880 1100 1300 1520 1760

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 127 155 188 216 254
2) 122 155 188 216 244
3) 122 150 178 216 244
4) 122 150 178 206 244
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1720 2130 2590 3000 3440
2) 1640 2050 2460 2870 3280
3) 1730 2140 2590 3060 3470
4) 1640 2050 2460 2870 3280
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 140 175 205 240 280
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 113400 141800 170100 198500 226800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 30.9 38.7 46.4 54.1 61.9

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 84-3.0

Fig. 6.03m: List of capacities, L70MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 108 r/min kW 11320 14150 16980 19810 22640
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 5.3 6.6 7.9 9.2 10.6
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.9 3.6 4.3 5.1 5.8
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 105 125 150 175 205
2) 94 120 140 165 190
3) 99 125 150 175 200
4) 94 120 140 165 190
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 295 370 445 520 590

2) 295 370 440 520 590

3) 295 365 440 510 590
4) 295 365 440 510 590
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 355 440 530 620 710
2) 350 440 530 620 700
3) 350 435 520 610 700
4) 350 435 520 610 700
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 255 320 385 445 510
2) 255 320 380 450 510
3) 245 310 370 430 490
4) 260 320 380 445 520
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 6.2 7.8 9.4 10.9 12.5
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 4790 5990 7180 8380 9580
Central cooling water m3/h 172 215 258 301 344
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 890 1090 1310 1510 1780
2) 930 1190 1380 1660 1860
3) 800 990 1190 1390 1590
4) 880 1100 1300 1520 1760

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 123 155 187 219 246
2) 123 155 182 219 246
3) 123 150 182 209 246
4) 123 150 182 209 246
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1720 2130 2590 3000 3440
2) 1640 2050 2460 2870 3280
3) 1730 2140 2590 3060 3470
4) 1640 2050 2460 2870 3280
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 7400 9210 11080 12890 14800
2) 7360 9230 11020 12910 14720
3) 7320 9120 10960 12830 14640
4) 7310 9140 10940 12770 14620
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 140 175 205 240 280
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 113400 141800 170100 198500 226800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 30.9 38.7 46.4 54.1 61.9
178 87 85-5.0

Fig. 6.04m: List of capacities, L70MC with central cooling water system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 105 r/min kW 9020 11275 13530 15785 18040
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 4.5 5.6 6.8 7.9 9.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.3 2.8 3.4 3.9 4.5
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 80 105 125 140 160
2) 76 95 115 135 150
3) 79 100 120 140 160
4) 76 95 115 135 150

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 300 370 445 515 600

2) 300 370 445 515 590
3) 295 365 440 510 590
4) 295 365 440 515 590
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 190 240 285 330 380
2) 190 240 285 335 380
3) 185 230 275 320 370
4) 190 240 290 335 380
Booster pump for exh. valve act. m3/h 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 3670 4590 5500 6420 7340
Seawater m3/h 198 247 297 346 395
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 700 900 1060 1220 1400
2) 760 950 1110 1340 1500
3) 640 800 960 1120 1280
4) 710 870 1050 1220 1380

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 97 128 148 174 195
2) 97 123 148 174 195
3) 97 123 143 164 195
4) 97 118 143 164 195
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1390 1730 2060 2390 2770
2) 1320 1650 1980 2310 2640
3) 1380 1740 2070 2400 2770
4) 1320 1650 1980 2310 2640
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 120 145 180 205 235
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 85260 106575 127890 149205 170520
Air consumption of engine kg/s 23.2 29.0 34.9 40.7 46.5

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 45 58-2.0

Fig. 6.03n: List of capacities, S60MC-C with high efficiency turbocharger seawater system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 105 r/min kW 9020 11275 13530 15785 18040
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 4.5 5.6 6.8 7.9 9.0
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.3 2.8 3.4 3.9 4.5
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 80 105 125 140 160
2) 76 95 115 135 150
3) 79 100 120 140 160
4) 76 95 115 135 150
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 225 285 340 395 450

2) 225 280 335 395 450

3) 225 280 335 390 445
4) 225 280 335 390 445
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 275 345 410 480 550
2) 275 340 410 480 550
3) 270 340 405 475 540
4) 270 340 405 475 540
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 190 240 285 330 380
2) 190 240 285 335 380
3) 185 230 275 320 370
4) 190 240 290 335 380
Booster pump for exh. valve act. m3/h 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 3640 4550 5460 6380 7290
Central cooling water m3/h 126 158 189 221 252
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 700 900 1060 1220 1400
2) 760 950 1110 1340 1500
3) 640 800 960 1120 1280
4) 710 870 1050 1220 1380

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 99 127 151 174 198
2) 99 122 146 174 198
3) 99 122 146 169 193
4) 99 122 146 169 193
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1390 1730 2060 2390 2770
2) 1320 1650 1980 2310 2640
3) 1380 1740 2070 2400 2770
4) 1320 1650 1980 2310 2640
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 5730 7180 8580 9990 11460
2) 5720 7150 8550 10030 11430
3) 5660 7090 8490 9900 11340
4) 5670 7070 8490 9910 11310
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 120 145 180 205 235
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 85260 106575 127890 149205 170520
Air consumption of engine kg/s 23.2 29.0 34.9 40.7 46.5
178 45 59-4.0

Fig. 6.04n: List of capacities, S60MC-C with high efficiency turbocharger central cooling system stated at the
nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 105 r/min kW 8160 10200 12240 14280 16320
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 4.2 5.3 6.4 7.4 8.5
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.0 2.5 3.1 3.6 4.1
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 67 82 100 120 135
2) 62 78 93 110 125
3) 66 83 98 115 130
4) 62 78 93 110 125

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 265 325 395 455 520

2) 260 325 390 460 520
3) 260 325 390 455 520
4) 260 325 390 455 520
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 175 220 265 310 350
2) 175 220 265 310 350
3) 170 210 255 295 340
4) 180 220 265 310 350
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.1 10.4
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 3240 4050 4860 5670 6480
Seawater m3/h 172 215 258 301 344
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 640 780 960 1100 1250
2) 680 850 1000 1200 1340
3) 580 720 860 1010 1150
4) 650 790 950 1110 1250

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 93 110 137 154 176
2) 88 110 132 159 176
3) 88 110 132 154 176
4) 88 110 132 154 176
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1250 1550 1860 2160 2460
2) 1190 1480 1780 2080 2380
3) 1250 1580 1880 2170 2500
4) 1190 1480 1780 2080 2380
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 110 140 170 195 225
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 77300 96600 115900 135200 154600
Air consumption of engine kg/s 21.1 26.3 31.6 36.8 42.1

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 30 51-8.1

Fig. 6.03o: List of capacities, S60MC with high efficiency turbocharger seawater system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 105 r/min kW 8160 10200 12240 14280 16320
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 4.2 5.3 6.4 7.4 8.5
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.0 2.5 3.1 3.6 4.1
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 67 82 100 120 135
2) 62 78 93 110 125
3) 66 83 98 115 130
4) 62 78 93 110 125
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 210 265 320 370 420

2) 210 265 315 370 420

3) 210 260 315 365 420
4) 210 260 315 365 415
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 245 305 365 425 485
2) 245 305 365 425 485
3) 240 300 360 420 485
4) 240 300 360 420 480
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 175 220 265 310 350
2) 175 220 265 310 350
3) 170 210 255 295 340
4) 180 220 265 310 350
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.1 10.4
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 3220 4020 4830 5630 6440
Central cooling water m3/h 122 152 183 213 244
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 640 780 960 1100 1250
2) 680 850 1000 1200 1340
3) 580 720 860 1010 1150
4) 650 790 950 1110 1250

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 88 113 137 157 176
2) 88 113 132 157 176
3) 88 108 132 152 176
4) 88 108 132 152 171
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1250 1550 1860 2160 2460
2) 1190 1480 1780 2080 2380
3) 1250 1580 1880 2170 2500
4) 1190 1480 1780 2080 2380
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 5110 6350 7650 8890 10150
2) 5090 6350 7610 8910 10160
3) 5050 6320 7570 8810 10090
4) 5060 6290 7560 8820 10070
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 110 140 170 195 225
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 77300 96600 115900 135200 154600
Air consumption of engine kg/s 21.1 26.3 31.6 36.8 42.1
178 30 53-1.1

Fig. 6.04o: List of capacities, S60MC with high efficiency turbocharger central cooling system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 123 r/min kW 7680 9600 11520 13440 15360
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 4.1 5.2 6.2 7.3 8.3
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.0 2.4 2.9 3.4 3.9
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 64 79 99 115 130
2) 60 75 90 105 120
3) 64 79 95 110 125
4) 60 75 90 105 120

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 250 310 370 430 490

2) 245 310 370 430 495
3) 245 305 365 425 490
4) 245 305 365 430 490
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 175 220 265 305 350
2) 175 220 260 305 350
3) 170 210 255 295 340
4) 175 220 265 305 350
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.1 10.4
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 3060 3820 4590 5350 6110
Seawater m3/h 160 200 239 279 319
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 630 770 950 1090 1230
2) 670 840 990 1190 1330
3) 570 710 850 990 1140
4) 640 780 940 1100 1240

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 90 110 131 151 171
2) 85 110 131 151 176
3) 85 105 126 146 171
4) 85 105 126 151 171
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1210 1500 1800 2090 2380
2) 1150 1440 1720 2010 2300
3) 1210 1500 1820 2100 2390
4) 1150 1440 1720 2010 2300
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 110 135 165 190 220
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 73900 92400 110900 129400 147800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 20.1 25.2 30.2 35.3 40.3

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 86-7.0

Fig. 6.03p: List of capacities, L60MC with high efficiency turbocharger seawater system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 123 r/min kW 7680 9600 11520 13440 15360
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 4.1 5.2 6.2 7.3 8.3
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 2.0 2.4 2.9 3.4 3.9
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 64 79 99 115 130
2) 60 75 90 105 120
3) 64 79 95 110 125
4) 60 75 90 105 120
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 200 250 300 350 400

2) 200 250 300 350 400

3) 200 245 300 345 395
4) 200 250 295 345 395
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 235 290 350 405 465
2) 230 290 345 405 465
3) 230 285 345 400 460
4) 230 290 345 400 460
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 175 220 265 305 350
2) 175 220 260 305 350
3) 170 210 255 295 340
4) 175 220 265 305 350
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.1 10.4
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 3030 3790 4550 5300 6060
Central cooling water m3/h 113 142 170 199 227
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 630 770 950 1090 1230
2) 670 840 990 1190 1330
3) 570 710 850 990 1140
4) 640 780 940 1100 1240

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 87 108 130 151 173
2) 87 108 130 151 173
3) 87 103 130 146 168
4) 87 108 125 146 168
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 1210 1500 1800 2090 2380
2) 1150 1440 1720 2010 2300
3) 1210 1500 1820 2100 2390
4) 1150 1440 1720 2010 2300
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 4870 6060 7300 8480 9670
2) 4850 6070 7260 8500 9690
3) 4810 6000 7220 8390 9590
4) 4820 6010 7210 8410 9600
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 110 135 165 190 220
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 73900 92400 110900 129400 147800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 20.1 25.2 30.2 35.3 40.3
178 87 87-9.0

Fig. 6.04p: List of capacities, L60MC with high efficiency turbocharger central cooling system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 127 r/min kW 6320 7900 9480 11060 12640
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 3.7 4.6 5.6 6.5 7.4
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 53 70 84 100 115
2) 53 66 79 92 105
3) 56 69 83 97 110
4) 53 66 79 92 105

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 195 245 340 345 390

2) 195 245 335 340 390
3) 195 240 335 340 385
4) 195 245 335 340 385
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 135 165 200 235 265
2) 135 165 195 230 260
3) 125 160 190 220 255
4) 130 165 200 230 265
Booster pump for exh. valve act. m3/h 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 2570 3210 3850 4490 5130
Seawater m3/h 126 158 234 221 252
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 530 610 720 870 980
2) 520 650 760 900 1010
3) 440 550 660 770 880
4) 495 620 730 840 970

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 69 87 106 124 138
2) 69 87 101 119 138
3) 69 82 101 119 133
4) 69 87 101 119 133
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 920 1220 1450 1690 1920
2) 920 1150 1380 1610 1840
3) 980 1210 1440 1700 1930
4) 920 1150 1380 1610 1840
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 97 120 145 170 195
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 59600 74600 89500 104400 119300
Air consumption of engine kg/s 16.2 20.3 24.4 28.4 32.5

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a. Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 32 47-3.2

Fig. 6.03q: List of capacities, S50MC-C with high efficiency turbocharger seawater system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 127 r/min kW 6320 7900 9480 11060 12640
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 3.7 4.6 5.6 6.5 7.4
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 53 70 84 100 115
2) 53 66 79 92 105
3) 56 69 83 97 110
4) 53 66 79 92 105
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 170 215 260 300 345

2) 170 215 255 300 340

3) 170 210 255 300 340
4) 170 215 255 295 340
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 190 240 285 335 385
2) 190 240 285 335 380
3) 190 235 285 330 380
4) 190 235 285 330 380
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 135 165 200 235 265
2) 135 165 195 230 260
3) 125 160 190 220 255
4) 130 165 200 230 265
Booster pump for exh. valve act. m3/h 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 2550 3190 3820 4460 5100
Central cooling water m3/h 103 128 154 180 205
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 530 610 720 870 980
2) 520 650 760 900 1010
3) 440 550 660 770 880
4) 495 620 730 840 970

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 67 87 106 120 140
2) 67 87 101 120 135
3) 67 82 101 120 135
4) 67 87 101 115 135
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 920 1220 1450 1690 1920
2) 920 1150 1380 1610 1840
3) 980 1210 1440 1700 1930
4) 920 1150 1380 1610 1840
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 4000 5020 5990 7020 8000
2) 3990 4990 5960 6970 7950
3) 3970 4950 5920 6930 7910
4) 3970 4960 5930 6910 7910
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 97 120 145 170 195
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 59600 74600 89500 104400 119300
Air consumption of engine kg/s 16.2 20.3 24.4 28.4 32.5
178 32 48-5.2

Fig. 6.04q: List of capacities, S50MC-C with high efficiency turbocharger central cooling system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 127 r/min kW 5720 7150 8580 10010 11440
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 3.5 4.4 5.3 6.2 7.1
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.9
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 44 59 70 81 96
2) 44 55 66 77 87
3) 46 58 69 82 93
4) 44 55 66 77 87

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 170 210 250 290 335

2) 165 210 250 290 335
3) 165 210 250 290 330
4) 165 205 250 290 330
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 125 155 185 215 250
2) 125 155 185 220 250
3) 120 150 180 210 240
4) 125 155 190 220 250
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.3 8.3
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 2280 2840 3410 3980 4550
Seawater m3/h 104 130 156 182 208
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 495 570 670 770 910
2) 480 610 710 840 950
3) 405 510 610 710 810
4) 460 560 680 780 880

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 66 80 94 108 127
2) 61 80 94 108 127
3) 61 80 94 108 122
4) 61 75 94 108 122
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 840 1110 1320 1530 1750
2) 840 1040 1250 1460 1670
3) 880 1110 1320 1560 1770
4) 840 1040 1250 1460 1670
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 92 115 140 165 185
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 54200 67700 81300 94800 108400
Air consumption of engine kg/s 14.8 18.4 22.2 25.8 29.5

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a. Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 88-0.0

Fig. 6.03r: List of capacities, S50MC with high efficiency turbocharger seawater system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 127 r/min kW 5720 7150 8580 10010 11440
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 3.5 4.4 5.3 6.2 7.1
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.9
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 44 59 70 81 96
2) 44 55 66 77 87
3) 46 58 69 82 93
4) 44 55 66 77 87
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 155 195 220 255 295

2) 155 195 220 255 295

3) 150 195 220 255 295
4) 150 190 220 250 290
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 170 215 255 300 345
2) 170 215 255 300 340
3) 170 210 255 300 340
4) 170 210 255 295 340
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 125 155 185 215 250
2) 125 155 185 220 250
3) 120 150 180 210 240
4) 125 155 190 220 250
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.3 8.3
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 2260 2820 3380 3950 4510
Central cooling water m3/h 90 115 126 144 170
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 495 570 670 770 910
2) 480 610 710 840 950
3) 405 510 610 710 810
4) 460 560 680 780 880

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 65 80 94 111 125
2) 65 80 94 111 125
3) 60 80 94 111 125
4) 60 75 94 106 120
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 840 1110 1320 1530 1750
2) 840 1040 1250 1460 1670
3) 880 1110 1320 1560 1770
4) 840 1040 1250 1460 1670
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 3600 4500 5370 6250 7170
2) 3580 4470 5340 6250 7130
3) 3550 4440 5310 6220 7090
4) 3560 4420 5310 6190 7060
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 92 115 140 165 185
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 54200 67700 81300 94800 108400
Air consumption of engine kg/s 14.8 18.4 22.2 25.8 29.5
178 87 89-2.0

Fig. 6.04r: List of capacities, S50MC with high efficiency turbocharger central cooling system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 148 r/min kW 5320 6650 7980 9310 10640
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 3.4 4.3 5.2 6.0 6.9
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.7
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 41 51 66 76 86
2) 41 51 62 72 82
3) 43 55 65 75 87
4) 41 51 62 72 82

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 160 200 240 280 320

2) 160 200 240 280 320
3) 160 200 240 280 320
4) 160 200 240 280 320
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 125 155 185 215 245
2) 125 155 185 215 245
3) 120 150 180 210 240
4) 125 155 185 215 245
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.3 8.3
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 2080 2600 3120 3640 4160
Seawater m3/h 100 125 150 175 200
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 490 590 670 770 870
2) 480 580 710 810 940
3) 405 500 600 710 810
4) 455 560 670 780 880

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 60 75 90 105 120
2) 60 75 90 105 120
3) 60 75 90 105 120
4) 60 75 90 105 120
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 790 990 1250 1450 1650
2) 790 990 1190 1390 1580
3) 840 1050 1250 1450 1680
4) 790 990 1190 1390 1580
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 89 115 135 155 180
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 50300 62800 75400 88000 100500
Air consumption of engine kg/s 13.7 17.1 20.5 24.0 27.4

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a. Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 90-2.0

Fig. 6.03s: List of capacities, L50MC with high efficiency turbocharger seawater system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 148 r/min kW 5320 6650 7980 9310 10640
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 3.4 4.3 5.2 6.0 6.9
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.7
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 41 51 66 76 86
2) 41 51 62 72 82
3) 43 55 65 75 87
4) 41 51 62 72 82
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 125 170 200 220 265

2) 125 170 200 215 265

3) 125 170 195 215 265
4) 125 170 195 215 260
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 160 200 240 280 320
2) 160 200 240 280 320
3) 160 200 235 275 315
4) 160 200 235 275 315
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 125 155 185 215 245
2) 125 155 185 215 245
3) 120 150 180 210 240
4) 125 155 185 215 245
Booster pump for camshaft m3/h 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.3 8.3
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 2060 2580 3090 3610 4120
Central cooling water m3/h 64 94 108 112 144
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 490 590 670 770 870
2) 480 580 710 810 940
3) 405 500 600 710 810
4) 455 560 670 780 880

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 61 76 92 108 121
2) 61 76 92 103 121
3) 61 76 87 103 121
4) 61 76 87 103 116
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 790 990 1250 1450 1650
2) 790 990 1190 1390 1580
3) 840 1050 1250 1450 1680
4) 790 990 1190 1390 1580
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 3340 4160 5010 5830 6640
2) 3330 4150 4990 5810 6640
3) 3310 4130 4940 5770 6610
4) 3310 4130 4950 5780 6580
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 89 115 135 155 180
Exhaust gas flow at 235 °C** kg/h 50300 62800 75400 88000 100500
Air consumption of engine kg/s 13.7 17.1 20.5 24.0 27.4
178 87 91-4.0

Fig. 6.04s: List of capacities, L50MC with high efficiency turbocharger central cooling system
stated at the nominal MCR power (L1) for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 129 r/min kW 5240 6550 7860 9170 10480
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 3.4 4.3 5.1 6.0 6.8
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 44 55 66 81 92
2) 44 55 66 77 88
3) 46 57 70 81 92
4) 44 55 66 77 88

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 170 215 255 300 340

2) 170 215 255 300 340
3) 170 210 255 295 340
4) 170 210 255 295 340
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 125 150 170 190 210
2) 130 150 170 190 210
3) 120 140 160 180 200
4) 125 145 165 190 210
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 2010 2510 3010 3510 4010
Seawater m3/h 108 135 162 189 216
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 485 610 710 790 890
2) 490 600 730 830 930
3) 415 520 620 730 830
4) 470 570 680 800 900

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 62 80 93 111 124
2) 62 80 93 111 124
3) 62 75 93 106 124
4) 62 75 93 106 124
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 830 1030 1240 1510 1720
2) 830 1030 1240 1450 1650
3) 870 1080 1300 1510 1720
4) 830 1030 1240 1450 1650
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 89 115 135 155 180
Exhaust gas flow at 255 °C** kg/h 44900 56100 67400 78600 89800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 12.2 15.3 18.3 21.4 24.4

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
*** No booster pumps are required for engines produced according to Plant Specifications ordered after January 2000

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 32 71-1.1

Fig. 6.03t: List of capacities, S46MC-C with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal MCR at 129 r/min kW 5240 6550 7860 9170 10480
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 3.4 4.3 5.1 6.0 6.8
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 44 55 66 81 92
2) 44 55 66 77 88
3) 46 57 70 81 92
4) 44 55 66 77 88
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 150 185 225 250 285

2) 150 185 225 250 285

3) 150 185 220 250 285
4) 150 185 220 250 285
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 160 200 235 275 315
2) 160 195 235 275 315
3) 155 195 235 275 310
4) 155 195 235 275 310
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 125 150 170 190 210
2) 130 150 170 190 210
3) 120 140 160 180 200
4) 125 145 165 190 210
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 1990 2490 2980 3480 3980
Central cooling water m3/h 87 108 130 142 162
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 485 610 710 790 890
2) 490 600 730 830 930
3) 415 520 620 730 830
4) 470 570 680 800 900

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 63 77 95 108 123
2) 63 77 95 108 123
3) 63 77 90 108 123
4) 63 77 90 108 123
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 830 1030 1240 1510 1720
2) 830 1030 1240 1450 1650
3) 870 1080 1300 1510 1720
4) 830 1030 1240 1450 1650
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 3310 4130 4930 5780 6590
2) 3310 4120 4950 5760 6560
3) 3280 4090 4900 5720 6530
4) 3290 4090 4900 5730 6530
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 89 115 135 155 180
Exhaust gas flow at 255 °C** kg/h 44900 56100 67400 78600 89800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 12.2 15.3 18.3 21.4 24.4
178 32 72-3.1

Fig. 6.04t: List of capacities, S46MC-C with central cooling system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 136 r/min kW 4320 5400 6480 7560 8640 9720 10800 11880 12960
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.3 5.0 5.7 6.3
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.4
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 41 51 61 71 82 96 100 110 120
2) 41 51 61 71 82 92 100 110 120
3) 43 53 64 75 85 95 105 115 125
4) 41 51 61 71 82 92 100 110 120

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 385 420
2) 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 385 420
3) 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 380 415
4) 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 385 420
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 100 125 150 175 195 220 250 275 295
2) 99 125 150 175 195 220 250 275 300
3) 95 120 145 165 190 215 240 260 285
4) 98 125 150 170 200 220 250 270 295
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1660 2070 2490 2900 3310 3730 4140 4560 4970
Seawater m3/h 88 110 132 154 176 199 221 243 265
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 400 480 580 660 740 800 960 1080 1160
2) 395 485 570 650 760 840 970 1050 1140
3) 330 410 490 570 660 740 820 900 980
4) 360 465 550 630 730 810 930 1010 1090

Lubricating oil* m3/h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"

Seawater m3/h 1) 52 65 78 91 104 116 129 142 155
2) 52 65 78 91 104 116 129 142 155
3) 52 65 78 91 104 116 129 137 150
4) 52 65 78 91 104 116 129 142 155
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 700 880 1060 1230 1410 1650 1760 1940 2110
2) 700 880 1060 1230 1410 1580 1760 1940 2110
3) 750 920 1100 1300 1470 1650 1850 2020 2200
4) 700 880 1060 1230 1410 1580 1760 1940 2110
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 58 68 76 92 100 115 130 150 165
Exhaust gas flow at 260 °C** kg/h 37200 46500 55800 65000 74300 83600 92900 102200 111500
Air consumption of engine kg/s 10.1 12.6 15.2 17.7 20.2 22.7 25.2 27.8 30.3

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
*** No booster pumps are required for engines produced according to Plant Specifications ordered after January 2000

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 42 71-6.1

Fig. 6.03u: List of capacities, S42MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 136 r/min kW 4320 5400 6480 7560 8640 9720 10800 11880 12960
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.3 5.0 5.7 6.3
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.4
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 41 51 61 71 82 96 100 110 120
2) 41 51 61 71 82 92 100 110 120
3) 43 53 64 75 85 95 105 115 125
4) 41 51 61 71 82 92 100 110 120
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 385 420

2) 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 385 420

3) 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 380 415
4) 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 385 420
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 130 165 195 230 260 295 325 360 395
2) 130 165 195 230 260 295 325 360 390
3) 130 160 195 225 260 290 325 355 390
4) 130 165 195 225 260 290 325 360 390
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 100 125 150 175 195 220 250 275 295
2) 99 125 150 175 195 220 250 275 300
3) 95 120 145 165 190 215 240 260 285
4) 98 125 150 170 200 220 250 270 295
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 1650 2060 2470 2880 3290 3700 4110 4530 4940
Central cooling water m3/h 88 110 132 154 176 199 221 243 265
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 400 480 580 660 740 800 960 1080 1160
2) 395 485 570 650 760 840 970 1050 1140
3) 330 410 490 570 660 740 820 900 980
4) 360 465 550 630 730 810 930 1010 1090

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 52 65 78 91 104 116 129 142 155
2) 52 65 78 91 104 116 129 142 155
3) 52 65 78 91 104 116 129 137 150
4) 52 65 78 91 104 116 129 142 155
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 700 880 1060 1230 1410 1650 1760 1940 2110
2) 700 880 1060 1230 1410 1580 1760 1940 2110
3) 750 920 1100 1300 1470 1650 1850 2020 2200
4) 700 880 1060 1230 1410 1580 1760 1940 2110
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2750 3420 4110 4770 5440 6150 6830 7550 8210
2) 2750 3430 4100 4760 5460 6120 6840 7520 8190
3) 2730 3390 4060 4750 5420 6090 6780 7450 8120
4) 2710 3410 4080 4740 5430 6090 6800 7480 8140
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 58 68 76 92 100 115 130 150 165
Exhaust gas flow at 260 °C** kg/h 37200 46500 55800 65000 74300 83600 92900 102200 111500
Air consumption of engine kg/s 10.1 12.6 15.2 17.7 20.2 22.7 25.2 27.8 30.3
178 42 75-3.1

Fig. 6.04u: List of capacities, S42MC with central cooling system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 176 r/min kW 3980 4975 5970 6965 7960 8955 9950 10945 11940
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.3 5.0 5.7 6.3
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.8 3.1
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 32 40 48 56 64 76 80 88 96
2) 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
3) 34 42 50 58 68 76 85 93 100
4) 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 120 150 180 205 235 265 295 325 355
2) 120 150 175 205 235 265 300 325 355
3) 120 145 175 205 235 265 295 325 355
4) 115 145 175 205 235 265 295 325 355
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 95 110 130 145 160 180 205 220 235
2) 95 115 130 145 160 180 205 220 235
3) 91 105 120 135 150 175 195 210 225
4) 94 110 125 140 155 180 200 220 235
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1410 1760 2120 2470 2820 3170 3530 3880 4230
Seawater m3/h 75 94 113 132 151 170 189 208 227
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 335 410 495 560 630 670 820 890 990
2) 340 415 485 550 620 720 830 900 970
3) 270 340 410 475 540 610 680 750 820
4) 305 375 460 530 600 680 750 850 920

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 45 56 67 73 84 95 106 117 128
2) 45 56 62 73 84 95 111 117 128
3) 45 51 62 73 84 95 106 117 128
4) 40 51 62 73 84 95 106 117 128
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 580 720 860 1010 1150 1360 1440 1590 1730
2) 580 720 860 1010 1150 1300 1440 1590 1730
3) 620 760 910 1050 1220 1360 1530 1670 1820
4) 580 720 860 1010 1150 1300 1440 1590 1730
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 58 68 76 92 100 115 130 150 165
Exhaust gas flow at 255 °C** kg/h 33800 42300 50700 59200 67600 76100 84500 93000 101400
Air consumption of engine kg/s 9.2 11.5 13.8 16.1 18.4 20.7 23.0 25.3 27.6

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
*** No booster pumps are required for engines produced according to Plant Specifications ordered after January 2000

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 42 51-3.1

Fig. 6.03v: List of capacities, L42MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 176 r/min kW 3980 4975 5970 6965 7960 8955 9950 10945 11940
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.3 5.0 5.7 6.3
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.8 3.1
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 32 40 48 56 64 76 80 88 96
2) 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
3) 34 42 50 58 68 76 85 93 100
4) 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 120 150 180 205 235 265 295 325 355

2) 120 150 175 205 235 265 300 325 355

3) 120 145 175 205 235 265 295 325 355
4) 115 145 175 205 235 265 295 325 355
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 110 140 165 190 220 250 275 305 330
2) 110 140 165 190 220 245 275 305 330
3) 110 135 165 190 220 245 275 300 325
4) 110 135 165 190 220 245 270 300 330
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 95 110 130 145 160 180 205 220 235
2) 95 115 130 145 160 180 205 220 235
3) 91 105 120 135 150 175 195 210 225
4) 94 110 125 140 155 180 200 220 235
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 1400 1750 2100 2450 2800 3150 3500 3850 4200
Central cooling water m3/h 75 94 113 132 151 170 189 208 227
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 335 410 495 560 630 670 820 890 990
2) 340 415 485 550 620 720 830 900 970
3) 270 340 410 475 540 610 680 750 820
4) 305 375 460 530 600 680 750 850 920

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 45 56 67 73 84 95 106 117 128
2) 45 56 62 73 84 95 111 117 128
3) 45 51 62 73 84 95 106 117 128
4) 40 51 62 73 84 95 106 117 128
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 580 720 860 1010 1150 1360 1440 1590 1730
2) 580 720 860 1010 1150 1300 1440 1590 1730
3) 620 760 910 1050 1220 1360 1530 1670 1820
4) 580 720 860 1010 1150 1300 1440 1590 1730
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 2320 2880 3460 4020 4580 5180 5760 6330 6920
2) 2320 2890 3450 4010 4570 5170 5770 6340 6900
3) 2290 2850 3420 3980 4560 5120 5710 6270 6840
4) 2290 2850 3420 3990 4550 5130 5690 6290 6850
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 58 68 76 92 100 115 130 150 165
Exhaust gas flow at 255 °C** kg/h 33800 42300 50700 59200 67600 76100 84500 93000 101400
Air consumption of engine kg/s 9.2 11.5 13.8 16.1 18.4 20.7 23.0 25.3 27.6
178 42 52-5.1

Fig. 6.04v: List of capacities, L42MC with central cooling system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 173 r/min kW 2960 3700 4440 5180 5920 6660 7400 8140 8880
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 28 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85
2) 28 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85
3) 30 37 45 52 59 66 74 83 90
4) 28 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 89 110 130 155 175 195 220 240 265
2) 88 110 130 155 175 195 220 240 265
3) 87 110 130 150 175 195 215 240 260
4) 87 110 130 155 175 195 220 240 260
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 65 80 96 110 130 145 160 175 190
2) 64 80 95 115 130 145 160 175 190
3) 61 76 91 105 120 135 150 165 180
4) 63 79 94 110 125 140 160 175 190
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1100 1370 1640 1920 2190 2470 2740 3010 3290
Seawater m3/h 53 66 79 92 105 118 131 144 158
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 290 345 415 475 550 600 690 770 830
2) 280 355 410 475 530 590 710 760 820
3) 230 285 345 400 460 510 570 630 690
4) 250 320 375 455 510 570 640 700 750

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 37 44 51 63 70 77 89 96 107
2) 37 44 51 63 70 77 89 96 107
3) 37 44 51 58 70 77 84 96 102
4) 37 44 51 63 70 77 89 96 102
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 465 580 700 820 930 1050 1170 1280 1400
2) 465 580 700 820 930 1050 1170 1280 1400
3) 495 610 740 860 980 1090 1230 1370 1490
4) 465 580 700 820 930 1050 1170 1280 1400
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 39 47 52 63 71 79 87 94 100
Exhaust gas flow at 270 °C** kg/h 25200 31500 37800 44100 50400 56700 63000 69300 75600
Air consumption of engine kg/s 6.8 8.6 10.3 12.0 13.7 15.4 17.1 18.8 20.5

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
*** No booster pumps are required for engines produced according to Plant Specifications ordered after January 2000

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 42 72-8.1

Fig. 6.03x: List of capacities, S35MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 173 r/min kW 2960 3700 4440 5180 5920 6660 7400 8140 8880
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 28 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85
2) 28 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85
3) 30 37 45 52 59 66 74 83 90
4) 28 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 89 110 130 155 175 195 220 240 265

2) 88 110 130 155 175 195 220 240 265

3) 87 110 130 150 175 195 215 240 260
4) 87 110 130 155 175 195 220 240 260
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 88 110 130 155 175 195 220 240 260
2) 88 110 130 155 175 195 220 240 260
3) 87 110 130 150 175 195 215 240 260
4) 86 110 130 150 175 195 215 235 260
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 65 80 96 110 130 145 160 175 190
2) 64 80 95 115 130 145 160 175 190
3) 61 76 91 105 120 135 150 165 180
4) 63 79 94 110 125 140 160 175 190
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 1080 1350 1630 1900 2170 2440 2710 2980 3250
Central cooling water m3/h 53 66 79 92 105 118 131 144 158
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 290 345 415 475 550 600 690 770 830
2) 280 355 410 475 530 590 710 760 820
3) 230 285 345 400 460 510 570 630 690
4) 250 320 375 455 510 570 640 700 750

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 37 44 51 63 70 77 89 96 107
2) 37 44 51 63 70 77 89 96 107
3) 37 44 51 58 70 77 84 96 102
4) 37 44 51 63 70 77 89 96 102
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 465 580 700 820 930 1050 1170 1280 1400
2) 465 580 700 820 930 1050 1170 1280 1400
3) 495 610 740 860 980 1090 1230 1370 1490
4) 465 580 700 820 930 1050 1170 1280 1400
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1840 2280 2750 3200 3650 4090 4570 5030 5480
2) 1830 2290 2740 3200 3630 4080 4590 5020 5470
3) 1810 2250 2720 3160 3610 4040 4510 4980 5430
4) 1800 2250 2710 3180 3610 4060 4520 4960 5400
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 39 47 52 63 71 79 87 94 100
Exhaust gas flow at 270 °C** kg/h 25200 31500 37800 44100 50400 56700 63000 69300 75600
Air consumption of engine kg/s 6.8 8.6 10.3 12.0 13.7 15.4 17.1 18.8 20.5
178 42 76-5.1

Fig. 6.04x: List of capacities, S35MC with central cooling system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 210 r/min kW 2600 3250 3900 4550 5200 5850 6500 7150 7800
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 23 28 34 39 45 51 56 62 68
2) 23 28 34 39 45 51 56 62 68
3) 24 30 36 42 47 53 60 65 72
4) 23 28 34 39 45 51 56 62 68

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 79 98 115 135 155 175 195 215 235
2) 79 98 120 135 155 175 195 215 235
3) 78 97 115 135 155 175 195 215 235
4) 77 97 115 135 155 175 195 215 230
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 63 75 90 105 115 125 145 155 160
2) 64 74 90 105 120 130 145 155 160
3) 61 71 86 100 110 120 135 145 150
4) 63 73 89 105 115 125 140 155 160
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 940 1170 1410 1640 1880 2110 2350 2580 2820
Seawater m3/h 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 240 300 350 410 455 500 600 650 700
2) 240 290 355 405 460 510 580 630 710
3) 190 240 290 335 385 430 480 530 580
4) 215 265 320 370 420 485 530 600 640

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 32 40 43 51 59 67 75 83 91
2) 32 40 48 51 59 67 75 83 91
3) 32 40 43 51 59 67 75 83 91
4) 32 40 43 51 59 67 75 83 86
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
2) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
3) 430 530 640 750 850 950 1060 1160 1290
4) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 39 47 52 63 71 79 87 94 100
Exhaust gas flow at 265 °C** kg/h 21600 27000 32400 37800 43200 48600 54000 59400 64800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 5.9 7.3 8.8 10.3 11.7 13.2 14.7 16.1 17.6

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
*** No booster pumps are required for engines produced according to Plant Specifications ordered after January 2000

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 87 92-6.0

Fig. 6.03y: List of capacities, L35MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 210 r/min kW 2600 3250 3900 4550 5200 5850 6500 7150 7800
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 23 28 34 39 45 51 56 62 68
2) 23 28 34 39 45 51 56 62 68
3) 24 30 36 42 47 53 60 65 72
4) 23 28 34 39 45 51 56 62 68
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 79 98 115 135 155 175 195 215 235

2) 79 98 120 135 155 175 195 215 235

3) 78 97 115 135 155 175 195 215 235
4) 77 97 115 135 155 175 195 215 230
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 75 94 110 130 150 165 190 205 225
2) 75 93 115 130 150 170 185 205 225
3) 74 92 110 130 150 165 185 205 225
4) 74 92 110 130 145 165 185 205 220
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 63 75 90 105 115 125 145 155 160
2) 64 74 90 105 120 130 145 155 160
3) 61 71 86 100 110 120 135 145 150
4) 63 73 89 105 115 125 140 155 160
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator*** m3/h 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 930 1160 1400 1630 1860 2100 2330 2560 2800
Central cooling water m3/h 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 240 300 350 410 455 500 600 650 700
2) 240 290 355 405 460 510 580 630 710
3) 190 240 290 335 385 430 480 530 580
4) 215 265 320 370 420 485 530 600 640

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 32 40 43 51 59 67 75 83 91
2) 32 40 48 51 59 67 75 83 91
3) 32 40 43 51 59 67 75 83 91
4) 32 40 43 51 59 67 75 83 86
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
2) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
3) 430 530 640 750 850 950 1060 1160 1290
4) 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1570 1960 2350 2740 3120 3500 3930 4310 4700
2) 1570 1950 2360 2740 3120 3510 3910 4290 4710
3) 1550 1930 2330 2720 3100 3480 3870 4250 4670
4) 1550 1930 2320 2700 3080 3490 3860 4260 4640
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 39 47 52 63 71 79 87 94 100
Exhaust gas flow at 265 °C** kg/h 21600 27000 32400 37800 43200 48600 54000 59400 64800
Air consumption of engine kg/s 5.9 7.3 8.8 10.3 11.7 13.2 14.7 16.1 17.6
178 87 93-8.0

Fig. 6.04y: List of capacities, L35MC with central cooling system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 250 r/min kW 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
2) 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
3) 24 28 25 29 34 38 55 47 51
4) 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48

Seawater cooling pump* m3/h 1) 70 88 105 125 140 160 175 190 210
2) 71 88 105 125 140 160 175 195 210
3) 73 90 105 125 140 155 180 190 210
4) 71 88 105 125 140 155 175 190 210
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 49 57 65 72 84 94 99 105 115
2) 51 58 66 73 83 93 100 105 115
3) 48 55 63 70 80 90 95 100 110
4) 50 57 65 72 82 92 99 105 115
Booster pump f. exh. valve actuator m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 570 710 850 990 1140 1280 1420 1560 1700
Seawater m3/h 45 56 68 79 90 101 112 123 134
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 220 275 350 400 460 510 550 600 700
2) 230 280 340 390 450 500 580 630 680
3) 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
4) 225 275 325 375 425 475 550 600 650

Lubricating oil* m /h See above "Main lubricating oil pump"
Seawater m3/h 1) 25 34 37 46 50 59 63 67 76
2) 25 34 37 46 50 59 63 72 76
3) 25 34 37 46 50 54 68 67 76
4) 25 34 37 46 50 54 63 67 76
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 310 385 460 540 620 690 770 850 920
2) 310 385 460 540 620 690 770 850 920
3) 395 470 485 560 650 720 940 890 970
4) 310 385 460 540 620 690 770 850 920
Jacket cooling water m /h See above "Jacket cooling water pump"
Seawater m3/h See above "Seawater quantity" for lube oil cooler
Fuel oil heater kW 39 47 52 63 71 79 87 94 100
Exhaust gas flow at 260 °C** kg/h 12400 15600 18700 21800 24900 28000 31100 34200 37300
Air consumption of engine kg/s 3.4 4.2 5.1 5.9 6.8 7.6 8.4 9.3 10.1

* For main engine arrangements with built-on power take off (PTO) of an MAN B&W recommended type and/or torsional
vibration damper the engine’s capacities must be increased by those stated for the actual system
** The exhaust gas amount and temperature must be adjusted according to the actual plant specification
n.a. Not applicable

1) Engines with MAN B&W turbochargers 3) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type VTR
2) Engines with ABB turbochargers, type TPL 4) Engines with Mitsubishi turbochargers
178 42 72-8.1

Fig. 6.03z: List of capacities, S26MC with seawater system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
Cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nominal MCR at 250 r/min kW 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 1) 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
2) 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
3) 24 28 25 29 34 38 55 47 51
4) 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
Central cooling water pump* m3/h 1) 70 88 105 125 140 160 175 190 210

2) 71 88 105 125 140 160 175 195 210

3) 73 90 105 125 140 155 180 190 210
4) 71 88 105 125 140 155 175 190 210
Seawater pump* m3/h 1) 52 66 79 92 105 120 130 145 160
2) 53 66 79 92 105 120 130 145 155
3) 56 68 78 91 105 115 135 145 155
4) 53 66 78 91 105 115 130 145 155
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 1) 49 57 65 72 84 94 99 105 115
2) 51 58 66 73 83 93 100 105 115
3) 48 55 63 70 80 90 95 100 110
4) 50 57 65 72 82 92 99 105 115
Booster pump f. exh. valve actator m3/h n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation approx. 560 710 850 990 1130 1270 1410 1550 1690
Central cooling water m3/h 45 56 68 79 90 101 112 123 134
Lubricating oil cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 220 275 350 400 460 510 550 600 700
2) 230 280 340 390 450 500 580 630 680
3) 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
4) 225 275 325 375 425 475 550 600 650

Lubricating oil* See above "Lubricating oil pump"

Central cooling water m3/h 1) 25 34 37 46 50 59 63 67 76
2) 25 34 37 46 50 59 63 72 76
3) 25 34 37 46 50 54 68 67 76
4) 25 34 37 46 50 54 63 67 76
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation approx. kW 1) 310 385 460 540 620 690 770 850 920
2) 310 385 460 540 620 690 770 850 920
3) 395 470 485 560 650 720 940 890 970
4) 310 385 460 540 620 690 770 850 920
Jacket cooling water m3/h See above "Jacket cooling water"
Central cooling water m3/h See above "Central cooling water quantity" for lube oil cooler
Central cooler
Heat dissipation approx.* kW 1) 1090 1370 1660 1930 2210 2470 2730 3000 3310
2) 1100 1380 1650 1920 2200 2460 2760 3030 3290
3) 1160 1430 1640 1900 2180 2440 2850 2990 3260
4) 1100 1370 1640 1910 2180 2440 2730 3000 3260
Central cooling water* m3/h See above "Central cooling water pump"
Seawater* m3/h See above "Seawater cooling pump"
Fuel oil heater kW 39 47 52 63 71 79 87 94 100
Exhaust gas flow at 260 °C** kg/h 12400 15600 18700 21800 24900 28000 31100 34200 37300
Air consumption of engine kg/s 3.4 4.2 5.1 5.9 6.8 7.6 8.4 9.3 10.1
178 42 76-5.1

Fig. 6.04z: List of capacities, S26MC with central cooling system stated at the nominal MCR power (L1)
for engines complying with IMO's NOx emission limitations

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Starting air system: 30 bar (gauge)

Cylinder No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 14.5 2 x 15.0 2 x 15.5 2 x 15.5 2 x 15.5 2 x 16.0 2 x 16.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 870 900 930 930 930 960 960
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.5 2 x 8.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 480 480 480 480 480 510 510

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 13.5 2 x 13.5 2 x 13.5 2 x 13.5 2 x 13.5 2 x 13.5 2 x 14.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 810 810 810 810 810 810 840
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 420 420 420 420 420 420 450

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 15.0 2 x 15.0 2 x 15.5 2 x 15.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 900 900 930 930
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 480 480 480 480

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 13.5 2 x 14.0 2 x 14.0 2 x 14.5 2 x 14.5 2 x 14.5 2 x 15.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 810 840 840 870 870 870 900
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.5 2 x 7.5 2 x 7.5 2 x 7.5 2 x 7.5 2 x 8.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 420 450 450 450 450 450 480

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x10.0 2 x 11.0 2 x 11.5 2 x 12.0 2 x 12.0 2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 600 660 690 720 720 750 750 750 750
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 5.5 2 x 6.0 2 x 6.0 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 7.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 330 360 360 390 390 390 390 390 420

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 12.0 2 x 12.0 2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5 2 x 12.5 2 x 13.0 2 x 13.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 720 720 750 750 750 780 780
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 6.0 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 7.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 360 390 390 390 390 390 420

178 87 96-3.0

Fig. 6.01.05a: Capacities of starting air receivers and compressors for main engine

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Starting air system: 30 bar (gauge)

Cylinder No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 12.0 2 x 12.0 2 x 12.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 720 720 750
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 390 390 390

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 9.5 2 x 10.5 2 x 11.5 2 x 11.5 2 x 12.0 2 x 12.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 570 630 690 690 720 720
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 5.0 2 x 5.5 2 x 6.0 2 x 6.0 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 300 330 360 360 390 390

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 8.5 2 x 9.0 2 x 9.5 2 x 10.0 2 x 10.0 2 x 10.0 2 x 10.0 2 x 10.5 2 x 10.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 510 540 570 600 600 600 600 630 630
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 4.5 2 x 5.0 2 x 5.0 2 x 5.5 2 x 5.5 2 x 5.5 2 x 5.5 2 x 6.0 2 x 6.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 270 300 300 330 330 330 330 360 360

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 8.5 2 x 8.5 2 x 9.0 2 x 9.0 2 x 9.0 2 x 9.0 2 x 9.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 510 510 540 540 540 540 570
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5 2 x 5.0 2 x 5.0 2 x 5.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 270 270 270 270 300 300 300

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.5 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 420 450 480 480 480
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 3.5 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 210 240 270 270 270

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 7.0 2 x 7.0 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 420 420 480 480 480
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 240 240 240 240 240

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 5.5 2 x 6.0 2 x 6.5 2 x 6.5 2 x 7.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 330 360 390 390 420
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 3.0 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 4.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 180 210 210 210 240
178 87 96-3.0

Fig. 6.01.05b: Capacities of starting air receivers and compressors for main engine

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Starting air system: 30 bar (gauge)

Cylinder No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 4.5 2 x 5.0 2 x 5.0 2 x 5.5 2 x 5.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 270 300 300 330 330
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 3.0 2 x 3.0 2 x 3.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 150 150 180 180 180

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.5 2 x 5.0 2 x 5.0 2 x 5.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 240 270 300 300 300
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 3.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 150 150 150 150 180

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 3.5 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 210 240 240 270 270
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 120 120 150 150 150

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 240 270 270 270 270
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 3.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 120 150 150 150 180

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 210 210 210 240 270
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 3.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 120 150 150 150 180

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 4.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 210 210 210 210 240
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 120 120 120 120 120

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 4.0 2 x 4.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 210 210 210 240 240
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 120 120 120 120 120
178 87 96-3.0

Fig. 6.01.05c: Capacities of starting air receivers and compressors for main engine

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Starting air system: 30 bar (gauge)

Cylinder No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 3.0 2 x 3.0 2 x 3.0 2 x 3.0 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5 2 x 3.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 180 180 180 180 210 210 210 210 210
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 150

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.0 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 150
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 60 60 60 60 90 90 90 90 90
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 60

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 60 60 60 60 90 90 90 90 90
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 60

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 0.9 2 x 0.9 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0 2 x 1.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 54 54 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 0.4 2 x 0.4 2 x 0.4 2 x 0.4 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5 2 x 0.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 24 24 24 24 30 30 30 30 30

178 87 96-3.0

Fig. 6.01.05d: Capacities of starting air receivers and compressors for main engine

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Auxiliary System Capacities for The percentage power (P%) and speed (n%) of L1
Derated Engines for specified MCR (M) of the derated engine is used
as input in the above-mentioned diagrams, giving
The dimensioning of heat exchangers (coolers) and the % heat dissipation figures relative to those in the
pumps for derated engines can be calculated on the “List of Capacities”, Figs. 6.01.03 and 6.01.04.
basis of the heat dissipation values found by using
the following description and diagrams. Those for
the nominal MCR (L1 ), see Figs. 6.01.03 and
6.01.04, may also be used if wanted.

The examples represent the engines which have the

largest layout diagrams. The layout diagram sizes
for all engine types can be found in section 2.

Cooler heat dissipations

For the specified MCR (M) the diagrams in Figs.

6.01.06, 6.01.07 and 6.01.08 show reduction fac-
tors for the corresponding heat dissipations for
the coolers, relative to the values stated in the
“List of Capacities” valid for nominal MCR (L1).

178 06 56-6.1

Fig. 6.01.07: Jacket water cooler, heat dissipation

qjw% in % of L1 value

178 06 55-6.1 178 08 07-7.0

Fig. 6.01.06: Scavenge air cooler, heat dissipation Fig. 6.01.08: Lubricating oil cooler, heat dissipation
qair% in % of L1 value qlub% in % of L1 value

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Pump capacities reduced proportionally to the reduced heat dissipa-

The pump capacities given in the “List of Capa- tions found in Figs. 6.01.06, 6.01.07 and 6.01.08,
cities” refer to engines rated at nominal MCR (L1). respectively.
For lower rated engines, only a marginal saving in
the pump capacities is obtainable. However, regarding the scavenge air cooler(s), the en-
gine maker has to approve this reduction in order to
To ensure proper lubrication, the lubricating oil avoid too low a water velocity in the scavenge air
pump and the booster pump for camshaft and/or cooler pipes.
exhaust valve actuator must remain unchanged.
As the jacket water cooler is connected in series
Booster pumps for
with the lubricating oil cooler, the water flow capac-
Camshaft and
Exhaust valve ity for the latter is used also for the jacket water
exhaust valve None
actuator cooler.
K98MC-C X If a central cooler is used, the above still applies, but
S90MC-C X the central cooling water capacities are used in-
L90MC X stead of the above seawater capacities. The seawa-
K90MC X ter flow capacity for the central cooler can be re-
K90MC-C X duced in proportion to the reduction of the total
S80MC-C X cooler heat dissipation.
L80MC X Pump pressures
K80MC-C X Irrespective of the capacities selected as per the
S70MC-C X above guidelines, the below-mentioned pump
S70MC X heads at the mentioned maximum working tempe-
L70MC X ratures for each system shall be kept:
S60MC X Pump Max.
L60MC X head working
bar temp. °C
S50MC X Fuel oil supply pump 4.0 100
L50MC X Fuel oil circulating pump 6.0 150
S46MC-C X Lubricating oil pump
S42MC X K98, K98-C 5.0 60
S90-C, L90, S80-C, S80 4.6 60
K90-C, K90 4.5 60
S35MC X K80-C, L80, S70-C, S70 4.3 60
L35MC X L70, S60-C, S60, L60, S50-C, 4.0 60
S26MC X S50, L50, S46-C, S42, L42,
S35, L35, S26
Also the fuel oil circulating and supply pumps and Booster pump for camshaft 3.0 60
the fuel oil heater should remain unchanged, and/or exhaust valve actuator
Seawater pump 2.5 50
In order to ensure a proper starting ability, the Central cooling water pump 2.5 60
starting air compressors and the starting air recei- Jacket water pump 3.0 100
vers must also remain unchanged.
Flow velocities
The jacket cooling water pump capacity is relatively For external pipe connections, we prescribe the
low, and practically no saving is possible, it is there- following maximum velocities:
fore kept unchanged. Marine diesel oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 m/s
Heavy fuel oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6 m/s
The seawater flow capacity for each of the sca- Lubricating oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 m/s
venge air, lube oil and jacket water coolers can be Cooling water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 m/s

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Example 1:

Derated 6S70MC-C with high efficiency MAN B&W turbocharger with fixed pitch propeller, seawater
cooling system and without VIT fuel pumps.
The calculation is made for the service rating (S) of the diesel engine being 80% of the specified MCR.

As the engine is without VIT fuel pumps the specified MCR (M) is identical to the optimised power (O)

Nominal MCR, (L1) PL1: 18,630 kW = 25,320 BHP (100.0%) 91 r/min (100.0%)
Specified MCR, (M) PM: 14,904 kW = 20,256 BHP (80.0%) 81.9 r/min (90.0%)
Optimised power, (O) PO: 14,904 kW = 20,256 BHP (80.0%) 81.9 r/min (88.0%)

Example 1:

The method of calculating the reduced capacities

for point M is shown below.

The values valid for the nominal rated engine are

found in the “List of Capacities” Fig. 6.01.03a, and
are listed together with the result in Fig. 6.01.09.

Heat dissipation of scavenge air cooler

Fig. 6.01.05 which is approximate indicates a 73%
heat dissipation:

7600 x 0.73 = 5548 kW

Heat dissipation of jacket water cooler

Fig. 6.01.07 indicates a 84% heat dissipation:

2830 x 0.84 = 2377 kW

Heat dissipation of lube. oil cooler

Fig. 6.01.08 indicates a 91% heat dissipation:

1440 x 0.91 = 1310 kW

Seawater pump
Scavenge air cooler: 404 x 0.73 = 294.9 m3/h
Lubricating oil cooler: 206 x 0.91 = 187.5 m /h
Total: 482.4 m3/h

If the engine were fitted with VIT fuel pumps, the

M would not coincide with O, and in the figure the
data for the specified MCR (M) should be used.

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Nominal rated engine (L1) Example 1

high efficiency Specified MCR (M)
Shaft power at MCR 18,630 kW 14,904 kW
at 91 r/min at 81.9 r/min
Fuel oil circulating pump m3/h 8.3 8.3
Fuel oil supply pump m3/h 4.6 4.6
Jacket cooling water pump m3/h 165 165
Seawater pump* m3/h 610 482.4
Lubricating oil pump* m3/h 390 390
Booster pump for camshaft and exhaust valves m3/h 3.0 3.0
Scavenge air cooler
Heat dissipation kW 7600 5548
Seawater quantity m3/h 404 294.9
Lub. oil cooler
Heat dissipation* kW 1440 1310
Lubricating oil quantity* m3/h 390 390
Seawater quantity m3/h 206 187.5
Jacket water cooler
Heat dissipation kW 2830 2377
Jacket cooling water quantity m3/h 165 165
Seawater quantity m3/h 206 187.5
Fuel oil preheater: kW 220 220
Gases at ISO ambient conditions*

Exhaust gas amount kg/h 176400 138200

Exhaust gas temperature °C 235 226
Air consumption kg/sec. 48.1 37.6
Starting air system: 30 bar (gauge)

Reversible engine
Receiver volume (12 starts) m3 2 x 8.0 2 x 8.0
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 480 480
Non-reversible engine
Receiver volume (6 starts) m3 2 x 4.5 2 x 4.5
Compressor capacity, total m3/h 270 270
Exhaust gas tolerances: temperature -/+ 15 °C and amount +/- 5%

The air consumption and exhaust gas figures are expected and refer to 100% specified MCR, ISO ambient
reference conditions and the exhaust gas back pressure 300 mm WC
The exhaust gas temperatures refer to after turbocharger
* Calculated in example 3, in this chapter

178 45 72-4.0

Fig. 6.01.09: Example 1 – Capacities of derated 6S70MC-C with high efficiency MAN B&W turbocharger and seawater
cooling system.

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Freshwater Generator peller (FPP) or for constant speed, controllable pitch

propeller (CPP), respectively, in Fig. 6.01.10.
If a freshwater generator is installed and is utilising
the heat in the jacket water cooling system, it should With reference to the above, the heat actually avail-
be noted that the actual available heat in the jacket able for a derated diesel engine may then be found
cooling water system is lower than indicated by the as follows:
heat dissipation figures valid for nominal MCR (L1)
given in the List of Capacities. This is because the 1. Engine power between optimised and specified
latter figures are used for dimensioning the jacket power.
water cooler and hence incorporate a safety margin
which can be needed when the engine is operating For powers between specified MCR (M) and op-
under conditions such as, e.g. overload. Normally, timised power (O), the diagram Fig. 6.01.07 is to
this margin is 10% at nominal MCR. be used,i.e. giving the percentage correction
factor “qjw%” and hence
For a derated diesel engine, i.e. an engine having a q jw%
specified MCR (M) and/or an optimising point (O) Qjw = QL1 x x 0.9 (0.87) [1]
different from L1, the relative jacket water heat dissi-
pation for point M and O may be found, as previ- 2. Engine power lower than optimised power.
ously described, by means of Fig. 6.01.07.
For powers lower than the optimised power, the
At part load operation, lower than optimised power, value Qjw,O found for point O by means of the
the actual jacket water heat dissipation will be re- above equation [1] is to be multiplied by the cor-
duced according to the curves for fixed pitch pro- rection factor kp found in Fig. 6.01.10 and hence
Qjw = Qjw,O x kp [2]


Qjw = jacket water heat dissipation

QL1 = jacket water heat dissipation at nominal
MCR (L1)
qjw%= percentage correction factor from Fig.
Qjw,O = jacket water heat dissipation at optimised
power (O), found by means of equation [1]
kp = correction factor from Fig. 6.01.10
0.9 = factor for overload margin, tropical
ambient conditions

The heat dissipation is assumed to be more or less

independent of the ambient temperature condi-
tions, yet the overload factor of about 0.87 instead
of 0.90 will be more accurate for ambient conditions
corresponding to ISO temperatures or lower.

If necessary, all the actually available jacket cooling

water heat may be used provided that a special tem-
178 06 64-3.0 perature control system ensures that the jacket
Fig. 6.01.10: Correction factor “kp” for jacket cooling cooling water temperature at the outlet from the en-
water heat dissipation at part load, relative to heat gine does not fall below a certain level. Such a tem-
dissipation at optimised power

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Freshwater generator system Jacket cooling water system

Valve A: ensures that Tjw < 80 °C

Valve B: ensures that Tjw >80 – 5 °C = 75 °C
Valve B and the corresponding by-pass may be omitted if, for example, the freshwater generator is equipped with an
automatic start/stop function for too low jacket cooling water temperature
If necessary, all the actually available jacket cooling water heat may be utilised provided that a special temperature control
system ensures that the jacket cooling water temperature at the outlet from the engine does not fall below a certain level
178 16 79-9.2
Fig. 6.01.11: Freshwater generators. Jacket cooling water heat recovery flow diagram

perature control system may consist, e.g., of a spe- When using a normal freshwater generator of the
cial by-pass pipe installed in the jacket cooling single-effect vacuum evaporator type, the freshwa-
water system, see Fig. 6.01.11, or a special built-in ter production may, for guidance, be estimated as
temperature control in the freshwater generator, 0.03 t/24h per 1 kW heat, i.e.:
e.g., an automatic start/stop function, or similar. If
such a special temperature control is not applied, Mfw = 0.03 x Qjw t/24h [3]
we recommend limiting the heat utilised to maxi-
mum 50% of the heat actually available at specified where
MCR, and only using the freshwater generator at en-
gine loads above 50%. Mfw is the freshwater production in tons per 24


Qjw is to be stated in kW

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Example 2:
Freshwater production from a derated 6S70MC-C with high efficiency MAN B&W turbocharger, without
VIT fuel pumps and with fixed pitch propeller.
Based on the engine ratings below, this example will show how to calculate the expected available jacket
cooling water heat removed from the diesel engine, together with the corresponding freshwater
production from a freshwater generator.
The calculation is made for the service rating (S) of the diesel engine being 80% of the specified MCR.
As the engine is without VIT fuel pumps the specified MCR (M) is identical to the optimised power (O)

Nominal MCR, (L1) PL1: 18,630 kW = 25,320 BHP (100.0%) 91.0 r/min (100.0%)
Specified MCR, (M) PM: 14,904 kW = 20,256 BHP (80.0%) 81.9 r/min (90.0%)
Optimised power, (O) PO: 14,904 kW = 20,256 BHP (80.0%) 81.9 r/min (90.0%)
Service rating, (S) PS: 11,923 kW = 16,205 BHP (64.0%) 76.0 r/min (83.5%)

The expected available jacket cooling water heat at Calculation of Exhaust Gas Amount and
service rating is found as follows: Temperature

QL1 = 2830 kW from “List of Capacities”

Influencing factors
qjw% = 84.0% using 80.0% power and 90.0%
speed for M=O (as no VIT fuel pumps are The exhaust gas data to be expected in practice de-
used) in Fig. 6.01.07 pends, primarily, on the following three factors:
a) The optimising point of the engine (point O):
By means of equation [1], and using factor 0.87 for
actual ambient condition the heat dissipation in the PO: power in kW (BHP) at optimising point
optimising point (O) is found: nO: speed in r/min at optimising point

q jw% b) The ambient conditions, and exhaust gas

Q jw,O = QL1 x x 0.87 back-pressure:
84.0 Tair: actual ambient air temperature, in °C
= 2830 x x 0.87 = 2068 kW pbar: actual barometric pressure, in mbar
TCW: actual scavenge air coolant temperature, in °C
If the engine were fitted with VIT fuel pumps, M would DpO: exhaust gas back-pressure in mm WC at
not coincide with O, and the data for the optimising optimising point
point should be used, as shown in Fig. 6.01.07.
c) The continuous service rating of the engine
By means of equation [2], the heat dissipation in the (point S), valid for fixed pitch propeller or
service point (S) is found: controllable pitch propeller (constant engine
Qjw = Qjw,O x kp = 2068 x 0.85 = 1760 kW
PS: continuous service rating of engine,
kp = 0.85 using Ps% = 80% in Fig. 6.01.10
in kW (BHP)

For the service point the corresponding expected

obtainable freshwater production from a freshwater
generator of the single-effect vacuum evaporator
type is then found from equation [3]:

Mfw = 0.03 x Qjw = 0.03 x 1760 = 52.7 t/24h

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Calculation Method a) Correction for choice of optimising point

When choosing an optimising point “O” other than
To enable the project engineer to estimate the ac- the nominal MCR point “L1”, the resulting changes
tual exhaust gas data at an arbitrary service rating, in specific exhaust gas amount and temperature are
the following method of calculation may be used. found by using as input in diagrams 6.01.13 and
Mexh: exhaust gas amount in kg/h, to be found 6.01.14 the corresponding percentage values (of L1)
for optimised power PO% and speed nO%.
Texh: exhaust gas temperature in °C, to be found
mo%: specific exhaust gas amount, in % of specific
The partial calculations based on the above influ- gas amount at nominal MCR (L1), see Fig.
encing factors have been summarised in equations 6.01.13.
[4] and [5], see Fig. 6.01.12.
DTo: change in exhaust gas temperature after
The partial calculations based on the influencing turbocharger relative to the L1 value, in °C,
factors are described in the following: see Fig. 6.01.14.

PO m o% DMamb% Dm s% P
Mexh = ML1 x x x (1 + ) x (1 + ) x S% kg/h [4]
PL1 100 100 100 100

Texh = TL1 + DTo + DTamb + DTS °C [5]

where, according to “List of capacities”, i.e. referring to ISO ambient conditions and 300 mm WC
back-pressure and optimised in L1:
ML1: exhaust gas amount in kg/h at nominal MCR (L1)
TL1: exhaust gas temperatures after turbocharger in °C at nominal MCR (L1)

178 30 58-0.0

Fig. 6.01.12: Summarising equations for exhaust gas amounts and temperatures

178 06 59-1.1 178 06 60-1.1

Fig. 6.01.13: Specific exhaust gas amount, mo% in % Fig. 6.01.14: Change of exhaust gas temperature, DTo in
of L1 value °C after turbocharger relative to L1 value

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

b) Correction for actual ambient conditions and

For ambient conditions other than ISO 3046/1-
1986, and back-pressure other than 300 mm WC at
optimising point (O), the correction factors stated in
the table in Fig. 6.01.15 may be used as a guide, and
the corresponding relative change in the exhaust
gas data may be found from equations [6] and [7],
shown in Fig. 6.01.16.

Parameter Change Change of exhaust Change of exhaust

gas temperature gas amount
Blower inlet temperature + 10 °C + 16.0 °C – 4.1%

Blower inlet pressure (barometric pressure) + 10 mbar – 0.1 °C + 0.3%

Charge air coolant temperature + 10 °C + 1.0 °C + 1.9%

(seawater temperature)

Exhaust gas back pressure at the optimising point + 100 mm WC + 5.0 °C – 1.1%
178 30 59-2.1

Fig. 6.01.15: Correction of exhaust gas data for ambient conditions and exhaust gas back pressure

DMamb% = -0.41 x (Tair – 25) + 0.03 x (pbar – 1000) + 0.19 x (TCW – 25 ) - 0.011 x (DpO – 300) % [6]

DTamb = 1.6 x (Tair – 25) – 0.01 x (pbar – 1000) +0.1 x (TCW – 25) + 0.05 x (DpO– 300) °C [7]

where the following nomenclature is used:

DMamb%: change in exhaust gas amount, in % of amount at ISO conditions
DTamb: change in exhaust gas temperature, in °C

The back-pressure at the optimising point can, as an approximation, be calculated by:

DpO =DpM x (PO/PM)2

PM: power in kW (BHP) at specified MCR
DpM: exhaust gas back-pressure prescribed at specified MCR, in mm WC

178 30 60-2.1
Fig. 6.01.16: Exhaust gas correction formula for ambient conditions and exhaust gas back-pressure

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 06 74-5.0 178 06 73-3.0

Fig. 6.01.17: Change of specific exhaust gas amount, Fig. 6.01.18: Change of exhaust gas temperature,
Dms% in % at part load DTs in °C at part load

c) Correction for engine load

Figs. 6.01.17 and 6.01.18 may be used, as guid-
ance, to determine the relative changes in the spe-
cific exhaust gas data when running at part load,
compared to the values in the optimising point, i.e.
using as input PS% = (PS/PO) x 100%:

Dms%: change in specific exhaust gas amount, in

% of specific amount at optimising point,
see Fig. 6.01.17.

DTs: change in exhaust gas temperature, in

°C, see Fig. 6.01.18.

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Example 3:
Expected exhaust data for a derated 6S70MC-C with high efficiency MAN B&W turbocharger, with fixed pitch
propeller and with VIT fuel pumps.
In order to show the calculation in “worst case” we have chosen an engine with VIT fuel pump.
Based on the engine ratings below, and by means of an example, this chapter will show how to calculate the
expected exhaust gas amount and temperature at service rating , and corrected to ISO conditions
The calculation is made for the service rating (S) being 80% of the optimised power of the diesel engine.

Nominal MCR, (L1) PL1: 18,630 kW = 25,320 BHP (100.0%) 91.0 r/min (100.0%)
Specified MCR, (M) PM: 14,904 kW = 20,256 BHP (80.0%) 81.9 r/min (90.0%)
Optimised power, (O) PO: 13,935 kW = 18393 BHP (74.8%) 80.1 r/min (88.0%)
Service rating, (S) PS: 11,923 kW = 16,205 BHP (59.8%) 74.3 r/min (81.7%)

Reference conditions: Mamb% = + 0.75%

Air temperature Tair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 °C DTamb = 1.6 x (20- 25) + 0.01 x (1013-1000)
Scavenge air coolant temperature TCW . . . . . 18 °C + 0.1 x (18-25) + 0.05 x (262-300) °C
Barometric pressure pbar . . . . . . . . . . . . 1013 mbar
Exhaust gas back-pressure DTamb = - 10.5 °C
at specified MCR DpM . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 mm WC
c) Correction for the engine load:
a) Correction for choice of optimising point:
PO% = x 100 = 74.8% Service rating = 80% of optimised power
By means of Figs. 6.01.17 and 6.01.18:
80.1 DmS% = + 3.2%
nO% = x 100 = 88.0%
DTS = - 3.6 °C
By means of Figs. 6.01.13 and 6.01.14:
mO% = 97.6 % By means of equations [4] and [5], the final result is
found taking the exhaust gas flow ML1 and tempera-
DTO = - 8.9 °C
ture TL1 from the “List of Capacities”:

b) Correction for ambient conditions and ML1 = 176400 kg/h

13935 97.6 0.75
Mexh = 176400 x x x (1 + )x
The back-pressure at the optimising point is found 18630 100 100
by means of equation [8]:
3.2 80
(1 + )x = 107117 kg/h
ì13935 ü 2 100 100
DpO = 300 x í ý = 262 mm WC
Mexh = 107000 kg/h +/- 5%
By means of equations [6] and [7]:

Mamb% = - 0.41 x (20-25) – 0.03 x (1013-1000)

+ 0.19 x (18-25) – 0.011 x (262-300) %

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

The exhaust gas temperature:

TL1 = 235 °C
Texh = 235 – 8.9 – 10.5 – 3.6 = 212 °C
Texh = 212 °C -/+15 °C

Exhaust gas data at specified MCR (ISO)

At specified MCR (M), the running point may be con-
sidered as a service point where:

PM 14904
PS% = x 100% = x 100% = 107.0%
PO 13935

and for ISO ambient reference conditions, the corre-

sponding calculations will be as follows:

13935 97.6 0.42

Mexh,M = 176400 x x x (1 + )x
18630 100 100

-0.1 107.0
(1 + )x = 138233 kg/h
100 100

Mexh,M = 138200 kg/h

Texh,M = 235 – 8.9 – 1.9 + 2.2 = 226.4 °C

T e x h , M= 226 °C

The air consumption will be:

138200 x 0.98 kg/h = 37.6 kg/sec

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

No. Symbol Symbol designation No. Symbol Symbol designation

1 General conventional symbols 2.17 Pipe going upwards

1.1 Pipe 2.18 Pipe going downwards

1.2 Pipe with indication of direction of flow 2.19 Orifice

1.3 Valves, gate valves, cocks and flaps 3 Valves, gate valves, cocks and flaps

1.4 Appliances 3.1 Valve, straight through

1.5 Indicating and measuring instruments 3.2 Valves, angle

2 Pipes and pipe joints 3.3 Valves, three way

2.1 Crossing pipes, not connected 3.4 Non-return valve (flap), straight

2.2 Crossing pipes, connected 3.5 Non-return valve (flap), angle

2.3 Tee pipe 3.6 Non-return valve (flap), straight, screw down

2.4 Flexible pipe 3.7 Non-return valve (flap), angle, screw down

2.5 Expansion pipe (corrugated) general 3.8 Flap, straight through

2.6 Joint, screwed 3.9 Flap, angle

2.7 Joint, flanged 3.10 Reduction valve

2.8 Joint, sleeve 3.11 Safety valve

2.9 Joint, quick-releasing 3.12 Angle safety valve

2.10 Expansion joint with gland 3.13 Self-closing valve

2.11 Expansion pipe 3.14 Quick-opening valve

2.12 Cap nut 3.15 Quick-closing valve

2.13 Blank flange 3.16 Regulating valve

2.14 Spectacle flange 3.17 Kingston valve

2.15 Bulkhead fitting water tight, flange 3.18 Ballvalve (cock)

2.16 Bulkhead crossing, non-watertight

Fig. 6.01.19a: Basic symbols for piping 178 30 61-4.0

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

No. Symbol Symbol designation No. Symbol Symbol designation

3.19 Butterfly valve 4.6 Piston

3.20 Gate valve 4.7 Membrane

3.21 Double-seated changeover valve 4.8 Electric motor

3.22 Suction valve chest 4.9 Electro-magnetic

3.23 Suction valve chest with non-return valves 5 Appliances

3.24 Double-seated changeover valve, straight 5.1 Mudbox

3.25 Double-seated changeover valve, angle 5.2 Filter or strainer

3.26 Cock, straight through 5.3 Magnetic filter

3.27 Cock, angle 5.4 Separator

2.28 Cock, three-way, L-port in plug 5.5 Steam trap

3.29 Cock, three-way, T-port in plug 5.6 Centrifugal pump

3.30 Cock, four-way, straight through in plug 5.7 Gear or screw pump

3.31 Cock with bottom connection 5.8 Hand pump (bucket)

3.32 Cock, straight through, with bottom conn. 5.9 Ejector

3.33 Cock, angle, with bottom connection 5.10 Various accessories (text to be added)

3.34 Cock, three-way, with bottom connection 5.11 Piston pump

4 Control and regulation parts 6 Fittings

4.1 Hand-operated 6.1 Funnel

4.2 Remote control 6.2 Bell-mounted pipe end

4.3 Spring 6.3 Air pipe

4.4 Mass 6.4 Air pipe with net

4.5 Float 6.5 Air pipe with cover

178 30 61-4.0
Fig. 6.01.19b: Basic symbols for piping

430 200 025 198 22 41

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

No. Symbol Symbol designation No. Symbol Symbol designation

6.6 Air pipe with cover and net 7 Indicating instruments with ordinary symbol designations

6.7 Air pipe with pressure vacuum valve 7.1 Sight flow indicator

6.8 Air pipe with pressure vacuum valve with net 7.2 Observation glass

6.9 Deck fittings for sounding or filling pipe 7.3 Level indicator

6.10 Short sounding pipe with selfclosing cock 7.4 Distance level indicator

6.11 Stop for sounding rod 7.5 Counter (indicate function)

7.6 Recorder

The symbols used are in accordance with ISO/R 538-1967, except symbol No. 2.19

178 30 61-4.0

Fig. 6.01.19c: Basic symbols for piping

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.02 Fuel Oil System

Pressurised Fuel Oil System This automatic circulation of preheated fuel during
engine standstill is the background for our recom-
The system is so arranged that both diesel oil and mendation:
heavy fuel oil can be used, see Fig. 6.02.01.
constant operation on heavy fuel
From the service tank the fuel is led to an electrically
driven supply pump by means of which a pressure In addition, if this recommendation was not fol-
of approximately 4 bar can be maintained in the low lowed, there would be a latent risk of diesel oil and
pressure part of the fuel circulating system, thus heavy fuels of marginal quality forming incompatible
avoiding gasification of the fuel in the venting box in blends during fuel change over. Therefore, we
the temperature ranges applied. strongly advise against the use of diesel oil for oper-
ation of the engine – this applies to all loads.
The venting box is connected to the service tank via
an automatic deaerating valve, which will release In special circumstances a change-over to diesel oil
any gases present, but will retain liquids. may become necessary – and this can be performed
at any time, even when the engine is not running.
From the low pressure part of the fuel system the Such a change-over may become necessary if, for
fuel oil is led to an electrically-driven circulating instance, the vessel is expected to be inactive for a
pump, which pumps the fuel oil through a heater prolonged period with cold engine e.g. due to:
and a full flow filter situated immediately before the
inlet to the engine. docking
stop for more than five days’
To ensure ample filling of the fuel pumps, the capac- major repairs of the fuel system, etc.
ity of the electrically-driven circulating pump is environmental requirements
higher than the amount of fuel consumed by the die-
sel engine. Surplus fuel oil is recirculated from the The built-on overflow valves, if any, at the supply
engine through the venting box. pumps are to be adjusted to 5 bar, whereas the ex-
ternal bypass valve is adjusted to 4 bar. The pipes
To ensure a constant fuel pressure to the fuel injec- between the tanks and the supply pumps shall have
tion pumps during all engine loads, a spring loaded minimum 50% larger passage area than the pipe
overflow valve is inserted in the fuel oil system on between the supply pump and the circulating pump.
the engine.
The remote controlled quick-closing valve at inlet
The fuel oil pressure measured on the engine (at fuel “X” to the engine (Fig. 6.02.01) is required by MAN
pump level) should be 7-8 bar, equivalent to a circu- B&W in order to be able to stop the engine immedi-
lating pump pressure of 10 bar. ately, especially during quay and sea trials, in the
event that the other shut-down systems should fail.
When the engine is stopped, the circulating pump will This valve is yard’s supply and is to be situated as
continue to circulate heated heavy fuel through the close as possible to the engine. If the fuel oil pipe “X”
fuel oil system on the engine, thereby keeping the at inlet to engine is made as a straight line immedi-
fuel pumps heated and the fuel valves deaerated. ately at the end of the engine, it will be necessary to
mount an expansion joint. If the connection is
made as indicated, with a bend immediately at the
end of the engine, no expansion joint is required.

402 600 025 198 22 42

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 46 91-0.0

–––––– Diesel oil

––––––––– Heavy fuel oil
Number of auxiliary engines, pumps, coolers, etc. Sub-
Heated pipe with insulation ject to alterations according to the actual plants speci-
a) Tracing fuel oil lines of max. 150 °C
b) Tracing of fuel oil drain lines: maximum The letters refer to the “List of flanges”
90 °C, min. 50 °C f. Inst. By jacket cool- D shall have min. 50% larger area than d.
ing water

Fig. 6.02.01: Fuel oil system commen for main engine and Holeby GenSets

402 600 025 198 22 42

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

The introduction of the pump sealing arrangement, A separate booster pump, supplies diesel oil from
the so-called “umbrella” type, has made it possible the MDO tank to the GenSet engines and returns
to omit the separate camshaft lubricating oil system. any excess oil to the tank. In order to ensure opera-
tion of the booster pump, in the event of a
The umbrella type fuel oil pump has an additional black-out, the booster pump must have an immedi-
external leakage rate of clean fuel oil through AD. ate possibility of being powered by compressed air
or by power supplied from the emergency genera-
The flow rate in litres is approximately: tor.

0.10 l/cyl. h S26MC, L35MC A 3-way valve is installed immediately before each
0.15 l/cyl. h S35MC GenSet for change-over between the pressurised
0.20 l/cyl. h S42MC, L42MC and the open MDO (Marine Diesel Oil) supply sys-
0.30 l/cyl. h S46MC-C, S50MC-C tem.
0.45 l/cyl. h S50MC, L50MC
0.50 l/cyl. h L60MC In the event of a black-out, the 3-way valve at each
0.60 l/cyl. h S60MC, S60MC-C, L70MC GenSet will automatically change over to the MDO
0.75 l/cyl. h S70MC, S70MC-C, L80MC, K80MC-C, supply system. The internal piping on the GenSets
K90MC-C, K90MC, L90MC-C will then, within a few seconds, be flushed with MDO
1.00 l/cyl. h S80MC, S80MC-C and be ready for start up.
1.25 l/cyl. h K98MC-C, K98MC, S90MC-C

The purpose of the drain “AF” is to collect the unin- Operation in port
tentional leakage from the high pressure pipes. The
drain oil is lead to a fuel oil sludge tank. The “AF” During operation in port, when the main engine is
drain can be provided with a box for giving alarm in stopped but power from one or more GenSet is still
case of leakage in a high pressure pipes. required, the supply pump, should be runnning. One
circulating pump should always be kept running
Owing to the relatively high viscosity of the heavy when there is heavy oil in the piping.
fuel oil, it is recommended that the drain pipe and
the tank are heated to min. 50 °C. The by-pass line with overflow valve, item 1, be-
tween the inlet and outlet of the main engine, serves
The drain pipe between engine and tank can be the purpose of by-passing the main engine if, for
heated by the jacket water, as shown in Fig. 6.02.01. instance, a major overhaul is required on the main
Flange “BD”. engine fuel oil system. During this by-pass, the
overflow valve takes over the function of the inter-
nal overflow valve of the main engine.
Operation at sea

The flexibility of the common fuel oil system for main

engine and GenSets makes it possible, if necessary,
to operate the GenSet engines on different fuels, –
diesel oil or heavy fuel oil, – simultaneously by
means of remote controlled 3-way valves, which are
located close to the engines.

402 600 025 198 22 42

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Fuel oils
Marine diesel oil:

Marine diesel oil ISO 8217, Class DMB

British Standard 6843, Class DMB
Similar oils may also be used

Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)

Most commercially available HFO with a viscosity

below 700 cSt at 50 °C (7000 sec. Redwood I at
100 °F) can be used.

The data refers to the fuel as supplied i.e. before any

on board cleaning.

Property Units Value

Density at 15 °C kg/m < 991*
Kinematic viscosity
at 100 °C cSt > 55
at 50 °C cSt > 700
Flash point °C > 60
Pour point °C > 30
Carbon residue % mass > 22
Ash % mass > 0.15
Total sediment after ageing % mass > 0.10
Water % volume > 1.0
Sulphur % mass > 5.0
Vanadium mg/kg > 600
Aluminum + Silicon mg/kg > 80

*) May be increased to 1.010 provided adequate

cleaning equipment is installed, i.e. modern type of

For external pipe connections, we prescribe the

following maximum flow velocities:

Marine diesel oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 m/s

Heavy fuel oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6 m/s

402 600 025 198 22 42

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.03 Uni-lubricating Oil System

178 46 92-2.1
The letters refer to “List of flanges”
* Venting for MAN B&W or Mitsubishi turbochargers

Fig. 6.03.01: Lubricating and cooling oil system

Since mid 1995 we have introduced as standard, The system supplies lubricating oil through inlet “R”,
the so called “umbrella” type of fuel pump for which to the engine bearings and through “U” to cooling oil
reason a separate camshaft lube oil system is no to the pistons etc.
longer necessary.
For some engine types the “R” and “U” inlet can be
As a consequence the uni-lubricating oil system is combined in “RU” as shown in Fig. 6.03.01.
fitted with two small booster pumps for exhaust
valve actuators lube oil supply “Y” and/or the cam- Turbochargers with slide bearings are normally
shaft for engine of the 50 type and larger, depending lubricated from the main engine system .
on the specific engine type, see Fig. 6.03.01.
Separate inlet “AA” and outlet “AB” can be fitted for
Please note that no booster pumps are required on the lubrication of the turbocharger(s) on the 98 to
S46MC-C, S42MC, L42MC, S35MC, L35MC and 60-types, and the venting is through "E" directly to
S26MC produced according to plant specifications the deck
orderd after January 2000. .

440 600 025 198 22 43

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

The engine crankcase is vented through “AR” by a Lubricating oil centrifuges

pipe which extends directly to the deck. This pipe has
a drain arrangement so that oil condensed in the pipe Manual cleaning centrifuges can only be used for at-
can be led to a drain tank. tended machinery spaces (AMS). For unattended
machinery spaces (UMS), automatic centrifuges with
Drains from the engine bedplate “AE” are fitted on total discharge or partial discharge are to be used.
both sides.
The nominal capacity of the centrifuge is to be ac-
Lubricating oil is pumped from a bottom tank, by cording to the supplier’s recommendation for lubri-
means of the main lubricating oil pump, to the lubri- cating oil, based on the figures:
cating oil cooler, a thermostatic valve and, through
a full-flow filter, to the engine, where it is distributed 0.136 l/kWh = 0.1 l/BHPh
to pistons and bearings.
The Nominal MCR is used as the total installed effect.
The major part of the oil is divided between piston
cooling and crosshead lubrication.
List of lubricating oils
From the engine, the oil collects in the oil pan, from
where it is drained off to the bottom tank. The circulating oil (Lubricating and cooling oil) must
be a rust and oxidation inhibited engine oil, of SAE
For external pipe connections, we prescribe a maxi- 30 viscosity grade.
mum oil velocity of 1.8 m/s.
In order to keep the crankcase and piston cooling
space clean of deposits, the oils should have ade-
Flushing of lube oil system quate dispersion and detergent properties.

Before starting the engine for the first time, the lubri- Alkaline circulating oils are generally superior in this
cating oil system on board has to be cleaned in ac- respect.
cordance with MAN B&W’s recommendations:
“Flushing of Main Lubricating Oil System”, which is Circulating oil
Company SAE 30/TBN 5-10
available on request.
Elf-Lub. Atlanta Marine D3005
BP Energol OE-HT-30
Castrol Marine CDX-30
Chevron Veritas 800 Marine
Exxon Exxmar XA
Fina Alcano 308
Mobil Mobilgard 300
Shell Melina 30/30S
Texaco Doro AR 30

The oils listed have all given satisfactory service in

MAN B&W engine installations. Also other brands
have been used with satisfactory results.

440 600 025 198 22 43

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.04 Cylinder Lubricating Oil System

oils with higher alkalinity, such as TBN 80, may be

beneficial, especially in combination with high sul-
phur fuels.

The cylinder oils listed below have all given satisfac-

tory service during heavy fuel operation in MAN
B&W engine installations:

Company Cylinder oil

SAE 50/TBN 70
Elf-Lub. Talusia HR 70
Castrol S/DZ 70 cyl.
Chevron Delo Cyloil Special
Exxon Exxmar X 70
Fina Vegano 570
Mobil Mobilgard 570
The letters refer to “List of flanges” Shell Alexia 50
178 06 14-7.2 Texaco Taro Special
Fig. 6.04.01: Cylinder lubricating oil system
Also other brands have been used with satisfactory
The cylinder lubricators are supplied with oil from a results.
gravity-feed cylinder oil service tank, and they are
equipped with built-in floats, which keep the oil level
constant in the lubricators, Fig. 6.04.01. Cylinder Lubrication

The size of the cylinder oil service tank depends on Each cylinder liner has a number of lubricating ori-
the owner’s and yard’s requirements, and it is nor- fices (quills), through which the cylinder oil is intro-
mally dimensioned for minimum two days’ con- duced into the cylinders. The oil is delivered into the
sumption. cylinder via non-return valves, when the piston rings
pass the lubricating orifices, during the upward
Cylinder Oils The cylinder lubricators can be either of the me-
Cylinder oils should, preferably, be of the SAE 50 chanical type or the electronic Alpha lubricator.
viscosity grade.

Modern high rated two-stroke engines have a rela- Cylinder Oil Feed Rate
tively great demand for the detergency in the cylin-
der oil. Due to the traditional link between high The nominal cylinder oil feed rate at nominal MCR is
detergency and high TBN in cylinder oils, we recom- for all S-MC types
mend the use of a TBN 70 cylinder oil in combination
with all fuel types within our guiding specification re- 0.95-1.5 g/kWh (0.7-1.1 g/BHPh)
gardless of the sulphur content.
and for L-MC types and K-MC types
Consequently, TBN 70 cylinder oil should also be
used on testbed and at seatrial. However, cylinder 0.8-1.2 g/kWh (0.6-0.9 g/BHPh)

442 600 025 198 22 44

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 47 15-2.0

Fig. 6.04.02: Electronic Alpha cylinder lubricating oil system

Electronic Alpha Cylinder The whole system is controlled by the Master Con-
Lubrication System trol Unit (MCU) which calculates the injection fre-
quency on the basis of the engine-speed signal
The electronic Alpha cylinder lubrication system, given by the tacho signal and the fuel index.
Fig. 6.04.02, is an alternative to the mechanical en-
gine-driven lubrication system. The MCU is equipped with a Backup Control Unit
which, if the MCU malfunctions, activates an alarm
The system is designed to supply cylinder oil inter- and takes control automatically or manually, via a
mittently, e.g. every four engine revolutions, at a switchboard unit.
constant pressure and with electronically controlled
timing and dosage at a defined position. The electronic lubricating system incorporates all
the lubricating oil functions of the mechanical sys-
Cylinder lubricating oil is fed to the engine by means tem, such as “speed dependent, mep dependent,
of a pump station which can be mounted either on and load change dependent”.
the engine or in the engine room.
Prior to start up, the cylinders can be pre-lubricated
The oil fed to the injectors is pressurised by means and, during the running-in period, the operator can
of lubricator(s) on each cylinder, equipped with choose to increase the lube oil feed rate by 25%,
small multi-piston pumps. The amount of oil fed to 50% or 100%.
the injectors can be finely tuned with an adjusting
screw, which limits the length of the piston stroke.

442 600 025 198 22 44

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.05 Stuffing Box Drain Oil System

For engines running on heavy fuel, it is important We therefore consider the piston rod stuffing box
that the oil drained from the piston rod stuffing drain oil cleaning system as an option, and recom-
boxes is not led directly into the system oil, as the oil mend that this relatively small amount of drain oil is
drained from the stuffing box is mixed with sludge used for other purposes or is burnt in the incinerator.
from the scavenge air space.
If the drain oil is to be re-used as lubricating oil, it will
The performance of the piston rod stuffing box on be necessary to install the stuffing box drain oil
the MC engines has proved to be very efficient, pri- cleaning system shown below.
marily because the hardened piston rod allows a
higher scraper ring pressure. As an alternative to the tank arrangement shown,
the drain tank (001) can, if required, be designed as
The amount of drain oil from the stuffing boxes is a bottom tank, and the circulating tank (002) can be
about 5 - 10 litres/24 hours per cylinder during nor- installed at a suitable place in the engine room.
mal service. In the running-in period, it can be
higher. The above mentoned cleaning system for stuffing
box drain oil is not applicable for the S26MC.

178 47 09-3.0
The letters refer to “List of flanges”

Fig. 6.05.01: Optional stuffing box drain oil system

443 800 003 198 22 45

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Piston rod lube oil pump and filter unit

The filter unit consisting of a pump and a fine filter

could be of make C.C. Jensen A/S, Denmark. The
fine filter cartridge is made of cellulose fibres and
will retain small carbon particles etc. with relatively
low density, which are not removed by centrifuging.

Lube oil flow . . . . . . . . . . . see table in Fig. 6.05.02

Working pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6-1.8 bar
Filtration fineness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 mm
Working temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 °C
Oil viscosity at working temperature . . . . . . 75 cSt
Pressure drop at clean filter . . . . maximum 0.6 bar
Filter cartridge . . . maximum pressure drop 1.8 bar

Minimum capacity of tanks Capacity of pump

C.J.C. Filter option 4 43 640
No. of cylinders Tank 001 Tank 002
004 at 2 bar
m3 m3 m3/h
4-9 1 x HDU 427/54 0.6 0.7 0.2
10 – 12 1 x HDU 427/54 0.9 1.0 0.3
178 34 72-4.1

Fig. 6.05.02: Capacities of cleaning system, stuffing box drain

443 800 003 198 22 45

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.06 Cooling Water Systems

The water cooling can be arranged in several config-

urations, the most common system choice being:

• A seawater cooling system • A central cooling water system,

and a jacket cooling water system with three circuits:
a seawater system
a low temperature freshwater system
a jacket cooling water system

The advantages of the seawater cooling system are The advantages of the central coling system are:
mainly related to first cost, viz:
• Only one heat exchanger cooled by seawater,
• Only two sets of cooling water pumps and thus, only one exchanger to be overhauled
(seawater and jacket water)
• All other heat exchangers are freshwater cooled
• Simple installation with few piping systems. and can, therefore, be made of a less expensive

• Few non-corrosive pipes to be installed

Whereas the disadvantages are:
• Reduced maintenance of coolers and components
• Seawater to all coolers and thereby higher main-
tenance cost • Increased heat utilisation.

• Expensive seawater piping of non-corrosive ma-

terials such as galvanised steel pipes or Cu-Ni
pipes. whereas the disadvantages are:

• Three sets of cooling water pumps (seawater,

freshwater low temperature, and jacket water
high temperature)

• Higher first cost.

An arrangement common for the main engine and

MAN B&W Holeby auxiliary engines is shown in
Figs. 6.06.01. and 6.06.02.

445 600 025 198 22 46

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 46 93-4.1

Fig. 6.06.01 : Seawater cooling system common for main engine and Holeby GenSets

445 600 025 198 22 46

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Seawater Cooling System ble scavenge air temperature, and thus optimum
cooling is obtained with a view to the highest possi-
The seawater cooling system is used for cooling, the ble thermal efficiency of the engines.
main engine lubricating oil cooler, the jacket water
cooler and the scavenge air cooler, and the cam- Since the system is seawater cooled, all components
shaft lube oil cooler, if fitted. are to be made of seawater resistant materials.

The lubricating oil cooler for a PTO step-up gear should With both the main engine and one or more auxiliary
be connected in parallel with the other coolers. The engines in service, the seawater pump, supplies
capacity of the SW pump is based on the outlet cooling water to all the coolers and, through
temperature of the SW being maximum 50 °C after non-return valve, item A, to the auxiliary engines.
passing through the coolers – with an inlet tempera- The port service pump is inactive.
ture of maximum 32 °C (tropical conditions), i.e. a
maximum temperature increase of 18 °C.
Operation in port
The valves located in the system fitted to adjust the
distribution of cooling water flow are to be provided During operation in port, when the main engine is
with graduated scales. stopped but one or more auxiliary engines are
running, a port service seawater pump is started
The inter-related positioning of the coolers in the up, instead of the large pump. The seawater is led
system serves to achieve: from the pump to the auxiliary engine(s), through
the common jacket water cooler, and is divided
• The lowest possible cooling water inlet tempera- into two strings by the thermostatic valve, either
ture to the lubricating oil cooler in order to ob- for recirculation or for discharge to the sea.
tain the cheapest cooler. On the other hand, in
order to prevent the lubricating oil from stiffening
in cold services, the inlet cooling water tempera-
ture should not be lower than 10 °C

• The lowest possible cooling water inlet tempera-

ture to the scavenge air cooler, in order to keep
the fuel oil consumption as low as possible.

Operation at sea

Seawater is drawn by the seawater pump, through

two separate inlets or “sea chests”, and pumped
through the various coolers for both the main engine
and the GenSets.

The coolers incorporated in the system are the lubri-

cating oil cooler, the scavenge air cooler(s), and a
common jacket water cooler.

The camshaft lubricating oil cooler, is omitted if a uni-

lubricating oil system is applied for the main engine.

The air cooler(s) are supplied directly by the seawater

pumps and are therefore cooled by the coldest water
available in the system. This ensures the lowest possi-

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 46 94-6.0

Fig. 6.06.02 : Jacket cooling water system common for main engine and Holeby GenSets

445 600 025 198 22 46

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Jacket Cooling Water System There is one common expansion tank, for the main
engine and the GenSets.
The jacket cooling water system, shown in Fig.
6.06.02, is used for cooling the cylinder liners, cylinder To prevent the accumulation of air in the jacket wa-
covers and exhaust valves of the main engine and ter system, a deaerating tank, is to be installed.
heating of the fuel oil drain pipes.
An alarm device is inserted between the deaerating
The jacket water pump draws water from the jacket tank and the expansion tank, so that the operating
water cooler outlet and delivers it to the engine. crew can be warned if excess air or gas is released,
as this signals a malfunction of engine components.
At the inlet to the jacket water cooler there is a ther-
mostatically controlled regulating valve, with a sen-
sor at the engine cooling water outlet, which keeps Operation in port
the main engine cooling water outlet at a tempera-
ture of 80 °C. The main engine is preheated by utilising hot water
from the GenSets. Depending on the size of main
The engine jacket water must be carefully treated, engine and GenSets, an extra preheater may be
maintained and monitored so as to avoid corrosion, necessary.
corrosion fatigue, cavitation and scale formation. It
is recommended to install a preheater if preheating This preheating is activated by closing valves A and
is not available from the auxiliary engines jacket opening valve B.
cooling water system.
Activating valves A and B will change the direction
The venting pipe in the expansion tank should end of flow, and the water will now be circulated by the
just below the lowest water level, and the expansion auxiliary engine-driven pumps.
tank must be located at least 5 m above the engine
cooling water outlet pipe. From the GenSets, the water flows through valve B
directly to the main engine jacket outlet. When the
MAN B&W’s recommendations about the fresh- water leaves the main engine, through the jacket in-
water system de-greasing, descaling and treatment let, it flows to the thermostatically controlled 3-way
by inhibitors are available on request. valve.

The freshwater generator, if installed, may be con- As the temperature sensor for the valve in this oper-
nected to the seawater system if the generator does ating mode is measuring in a non-flow, low temper-
not have a separate cooling water pump. The gener- ature piping, the valve will lead most of the cooling
ator must be coupled in and out slowly over a period water to the jacket water cooler.
of at least 3 minutes.
The integrated loop in the GenSets will ensure a
For external pipe connections, we prescribe the 3 constant temperature of 80 °C at the GenSets out-
following maximum water velocities: let, the main engine will be preheated, and GenSets
on stand-by can also be preheated by operating
Jacket water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 m/s valves F3 and F1.
Seawater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 m/s

Fresh water treatment

Operation at sea
The MAN B&W Diesel recommendations for treat-
An integrated loop in the GenSets ensures a con- ment of the jacket water/freshwater are available
stant temperature of 80 °C at the outlet of the on request.

445 600 025 198 22 46

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.07 Central Cooling Water System

178 47 05-6.0

Letters refer to “List of flanges”

Fig. 6.07.01: Central cooling system

The central cooling water system is characterised cooler as low as possible also applies to the central
by having only one heat exchanger cooled by sea- cooling system. This means that the temperature
water, and by the other coolers, including the jacket control valve in the FW-LT circuit is to be set to mini-
water cooler, being cooled by the freshwater low mum 10 °C, whereby the temperature follows the
temperature (FW-LT) system. outboard seawater temperature when this exceeds
10 °C.
In order to prevent too high a scavenge air tempera-
ture, the cooling water design temperature in the For external pipe connections, we prescribe the fol-
FW-LT system is normally 36 °C, corresponding to a lowing maximum water velocities:
maximum seawater temperature of 32 °C.
Jacket water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 m/s
Our recommendation of keeping the cooling water Central cooling water (FW-LT) . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 m/s
inlet temperature to the main engine scavenge air Seawater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 m/s

445 550 002 198 22 47

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Central Cooling System, common for the cooling water through the main engine to the
Main Engine and Holeby GenSets fresh water generator, and the jacket water cooler.

A thermostatically controlled 3-way valve, at the jacket

Design features and working principle cooler outlet mixes cooled and uncooled water to
maintain an outlet water temperature of 80-85 °C from
The camshaft lubricating oil cooler, is omitted in the main engine.
plants using the uni-lubricating oil system for the
main engine.
Operation in port
The low and high temperature systems are directly
connected to gain the advantage of preheating the During operation in port, when the main engine is
main engine and GenSets during standstill. stopped but one or more GenSets are running,
valves A are closed and valves B are opened.
As all fresh cooling water is inhibited and common
for the central cooling system, only one common A small central water pump, will circulate the neces-
expansion tank, is necessary for deaeration of both sary flow of water for the air cooler, the lubricating
the low and high temperature cooling systems. This oil cooler, and the jacket cooler of the GenSets. The
tank accommodates the difference in water volume auxiliary engines-driven pumps and the previously
caused by changes in the temperature. mentioned integrated loop ensure a satisfactory
jacket cooling water temperature at the GenSets
To prevent the accumulation of air in the cooling wa- outlet.
ter system, a deaerating tank, is located below the
expansion tank. The main engine and the stopped GenSets are
preheated as described for the jacket water sys-
An alarm device is inserted between the deaerating tem.
tank and the expansion tank so that the operating
crew can be warned if excess air or gas is released,
as this signals a malfunction of engine components.

Operation at sea

The seawater cooling pump, supplies seawater

from the sea chests through the central cooler, and
overboard. Alternatively, some shipyards use a
pumpless scoop system.

On the freshwater side, the central cooling water

pump, circulates the low-temperature fresh water, in a
cooling circuit, directly through the lubricating oil
cooler of the main engine, the GenSets and the scav-
enge air cooler(s).

The jacket water cooling system for the GenSets is

equipped with engine-driven pumps and a by-
pass system integrated in the low-temperature

The main engine jacket system has an independent

pump circuit with a jacket water pump, circulating

445 550 002 198 22 47

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 46 95-8.0

Fig. 6.07.02 Central cooling system common for main engine and Holeby GenSets

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.08 Starting and Control Air Systems

178 47 04-4.0

A: Valve “A” is supplied with the engine

AP: Air inlet for dry cleaning of turbocharger * The diameter depends on the pipe length and the
The letters refer to “List of flanges” engine size

Fig. 6.08.01: Starting and control air systems

The starting air of 30 bar is supplied by the starting Please note that the air consumption for control air,
air compressors in Fig. 6.08.01 to the starting air re- safety air, turbocharger cleaning, sealing air for ex-
ceivers and from these to the main engine inlet “A”. haust valve and for fuel valve testing unit are momen-
tary requirements of the consumers.The capacities
Through a reducing station, compressed air at 7 bar stated for the air receivers and compressors in the
is supplied to the engine as: “List of Capacities” cover the main engine require-
ments and starting of GenSets.
• Control air for manoeuvring system, and for
exhaust valve air springs, through “B” The main starting valve “A” on the engine is combined
with the manoeuvring system, which controls the start
• Safety air for emergency stop through “C” of the engine.

Slow turning before start of engine is an option rec-

• Through a reducing valve is supplied compressed ommended by MAN B&W Diesel.
air at 10 bar to “AP” for turbocharger cleaning
(soft blast) , and a minor volume used for the fuel
valve testing unit.

450 600 025 198 22 48

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 46-97-1.1

Fig. 6.07.02: Starting air system common for main engine and Holeby GenSets

Starting Air System common for Main

Engine and Holeby GenSets
Starting air and control air for the GenSets is sup- If high-humidity air is sucked in by the air compres-
plied from the same starting air receivers, as for the sors, the oil and water separator, will remove drops
main engine via reducing valves, see Fig. 6.07.02, of moisture form the 30 bar compressed air. When
item 4, that lower the pressure to the values speci- the pressure is subsequently reduced to 7 bar, e.g.
fied for the relevant type of MAN B&W four-stroke for use in the main engine manouvering system, the
GenSets. relative humidity remaining in the compressed air
will be very slight. Cosequently, further air drying will
An emergency air compressor and a starting air bot- be unnecessary.
tle are installed for emergency start of GenSets.

450 600 025 198 22 48

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.09 Scavenge Air System

178 07 27-4.1

Fig. 6.09.01: Scavenge air system

• On aft on end
The engines are supplied with scavenge air from 50, 46-types
one or more turbochargers either located on the 4-9-cylinder 42, 35 and 26-types
exhaust side of the engine or on the aft end of the Optionally on 60-types.
engine, if only one turbocharger is applied.
The compressor of the turbocharger sucks air from
the engine room, through an air filter, and the com-
Location of turbochargers pressed air is cooled by the scavenge air cooler, one
per turbocharger. The scavenge air cooler is pro-
The locations are as follows: vided with a water mist catcher, which prevents
condensate water from being carried with the air
• On exhaust side: into the scavenge air receiver and to the combustion
98, 90, 80, 70, 60-types chamber.
10-12-cylinder 42, 35, 26-types
Optionally on 50-46-types

455 600 025 198 22 49

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

The scavenge air system, Fig. 6.09.01 is an inte- fitted to the air chamber above the air cooler ele-
grated part of the main engine. ment.

The heat dissipation and cooling water quantities Sludge is drained through “AL” to the bilge tank, and
stated in the 'List of capacities' in section 6.01 are the polluted grease dissolvent returns from “AM”,
based on MCR at tropical conditions, i.e. a SW tem- through a filter, to the chemical cleaning tank. The
perature of 32 °C, or a FW temperature of 36 °C, and cleaning must be carried out while the engine is at
an ambient air inlet temperature of 45 °C. standstill.

Auxiliary Blowers Scavenge air box drain system

The engine is provided with two or more electrically The scavenge air box is continuously drained
driven auxiliary blowers. Between the scavenge air through “AV”, see Fig. 6.09.03, to a small “pressur-
cooler and the scavenge air receiver, non-return ised drain tank”, from where the sludge is led to the
valves are fitted which close automatically when the sludge tank. Steam can be applied through “BV”, if
auxiliary blowers start supplying the scavenge air. required, to facilitate the draining.

The auxiliary blowers start operating consecutively The continuous drain from the scavenge air box
before the engine is started and will ensure com- must not be directly connected to the sludge tank
plete scavenging of the cylinders in the starting owing to the scavenge air pressure. The “pressur-
phase, thus providing the best conditions for a safe ised drain tank” must be designed to withstand full
start. scavenge air pressure and, if steam is applied, to
withstand the steam pressure available.
During operation of the engine, the auxiliary blowers
will start automatically whenever the engine load is
reduced to about 30-40%, and will continue operat- Drain from water mist catcher
ing until the load again exceeds approximately
40-50%. The drain line for the air cooler system is, during run-
ning, used as a permanent drain from the air cooler
water mist catcher. The water is led though an ori-
Emergency running fice to prevent major losses of scavenge air. The
system is equipped with a drain box, where a level
If one of the auxiliary blowers is out of action, the switch is mounted, indicating any excessive water
other auxiliary blower will function in the system, level.
without any manual readjustment of the valves being

For further information please refer to the respective

project guides and our publication:

P.311 Influence of Ambient Temperature Condi-

tions on Main Engine Operation

Air cooler cleaning

The air side of the scavenge air cooler can be
cleaned by injecting a grease dissolvent through
“AK”, see Fig. 6.09.02 to a spray pipe arrangement

455 600 025 198 22 49

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

The letters refer to “List of flanges”

178 47 10-3.0

Fig. 6.09.02: Air cooler cleaning system, option: 4 55 655

178 06 16-0.0

Fig. 6.09.03: Scavenge box drain system

455 600 025 198 22 49

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Fire Extinguishing System for Scavenge

Air Space
Fire in the scavenge air space can be extinguished
by steam, being the standard version, or, optionally,
by water mist or CO2, see Fig. 6.09.04.

The alternative external systems are using:

• Steam pressure: 3-10 bar

• Freshwater pressure: min. 3.5 bar

• CO2 test pressure: 150 bar

178 06 17-2.0
The letters refer to “List of flanges

Fig. 6.09.04 Fire extinguishing system for scavenge air


455 600 025 198 22 49

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.10 Exhaust Gas System

178 07 27-4.1

Fig. 6.10.01: Exhaust gas system on engine

Exhaust Gas System on Engine
Turbocharger arrangement and
The exhaust gas is led from the cylinders to the ex- cleaning systems
haust gas receiver where the fluctuating pressures
from the cylinders are equalised and from where the The turbocharger is, in the basic design, arranged on
gas is led further on to the turbocharger at a constant the exhaust side of the engine types 98-60 and on the
pressure, see Fig. 6.10.01. aft end on the 50-26 types, but can, as an option, be
arranged on the aft end of the engine, on the 60 types
Compensators are fitted between the exhaust and on the exhaust side on the 50 and 46 types.
valves and the exhaust gas receiver and between
the receiver and the turbocharger. A protective grat- The 10,11 and 12 cylinder engines of the S46MC-C,
ing is placed between the exhaust gas receiver and S35MC, L35MC and S26MC types are equipped
the turbocharger. The turbocharger is fitted with a with two turbochargers on the exhaust side.
pick-up for remote indication of the turbocharger
speed. The engines are designed for the installation of either
MAN B&W turbochargers type NA, ABB turbochargers
The exhaust gas receiver and the exhaust pipes are type VTR or TPL, or MHI turbochargers type MET.
provided with insulation, covered by steel plating.
All makes of turbochargers are fitted with an ar-
rangement for water washing of the compressor
side, and soft blast cleaning of the turbine. Washing
of the turbine side is only applicable on MAN B&W
and ABB turbochargers.

460 600 025 198 22 50

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

For dimensioning of the external exhaust gas piping,

the recommended maximum exhaust gas velocity is
50 m/s at specified MCR (M).

The actual back-pressure in the exhaust gas system

at MCR depends on the gas velocity, i.e. it is propor-
tional to the square of the exhaust gas velocity, and
hence inversely proportional to the pipe diameter to
the 4th power. It has by now become normal prac-
tice in order to avoid too much pressure loss in the
piping, to have an exhaust gas velocity of about 35
m/sec at specified MCR.

As long as the total back-pressure of the exhaust gas

system – incorporating all resistance losses from pipes
and components – complies with the above-mentio-
ned requirements, the pressure losses across each
component may be chosen independently.

Exhaust gas piping system for main engine

The exhaust gas piping system conveys the gas

from the outlet of the turbocharger(s) to the atmo-

The exhaust piping is shown schematically on Fig.


The exhaust piping system for the main engine com-


• Exhaust gas pipes

178 33 46-7.1
Fig. 6.10.02: Exhaust gas system • Exhaust gas boiler

• Silencer
Exhaust Gas System for main engine
• Spark arrester (compensators)
At specified MCR (M), the total back-pressure in the
exhaust gas system after the turbocharger – indi- • Expansion joints
cated by the static pressure measured in the round
piping after the turbocharger – must not exceed 350 • Pipe bracings.
mm WC (0.035 bar).

In order to have a back-pressure margin for the final

system, it is recommended at the design stage to
initially use about 300 mm WC (0.030 bar).

460 600 025 198 22 50

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

In connection with dimensioning the exhaust gas piece of the turbocharger outlet are indicated in the
piping system, the following parameters must be respective Project Guides as DA and DR.
The movements stated are related to the engine
• Exhaust gas flow rate seating. The figures indicate the axial and the lateral
movements related to the orientation of the expan-
• Exhaust gas temperature at turbocharger outlet sion joints.

• Maximum pressure drop through exhaust gas The expansion joints are to be chosen with an elas-
system ticity that limit the forces and the moments of the ex-
haust gas outlet flange of the turbocharger as stated
• Maximum noise level at gas outlet to atmo- for each of the turbocharger makers in the corre-
sphere sponding Project Guide.

• Maximum force from exhaust piping on

turbocharger(s) Exhaust gas boiler

• Sufficient axial and lateral elongation abitity of Engine plants are usually designed for utilisation of
expansion joints the heat energy of the exhaust gas for steam pro-
duction (or for heating of thermal oil system.)
• Utilisation of the heat energy of the exhaust gas.
The exhaust gas passes an exhaust gas boiler
Items that are to be calculated or read from tables which is usually placed near the engine top or in
are: the funnel.

Exhaust gas mass flow rate, temperature and maxi- It should be noted that the exhaust gas temperature
mum back pressure at turbocharger gas outlet and flow rate are influenced by the ambient condi-
tions, for which reason this should be considered
• Diameter of exhaust gas pipes when the exhaust gas boiler is planned.

• Utilising the exhaust gas energy At specified MCR, the maximum recommended
pressure loss across the exhaust gas boiler is nor-
• Attenuation of noise from the exhaust pipe outlet mally 150 mm WC.

• Pressure drop across the exhaust gas system This pressure loss depends on the pressure losses
in the rest of the system as mentioned above. There-
• Expansion joints. fore, if an exhaust gas silencer/spark arrester is not
installed, the acceptable pressure loss across the
boiler may be somewhat higher than the max. of 150
Exhaust gas compensator after turbocharger mm WC, whereas, if an exhaust gas silencer/spark
arrester is installed, it may be necessary to reduce
When dimensioning the compensator for the expan- the maximum pressure loss.
sion joint on the turbocharger gas outlet transition
pipe, the exhaust gas pipe and components, are to be The above-mentioned pressure loss across the si-
so arranged that the thermal expansions are absorbed lencer and/or spark arrester shall include the pres-
by expansion joints. The heat expansion of the pipes sure losses from the inlet and outlet transition
and the components is to be calculated based on a pieces.
temperature increase from 20 °C to 250 °C. The verti-
cal and horizontal thermal expansion of the engine
measured at the top of the exhaust gas transition

460 600 025 198 22 50

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Exhaust gas silencer

The typical octave band sound pressure levels from

the diesel engine’s exhaust gas system – related to
the distance of one metre from the top of the ex-
haust gas uptake – are shown in the respective Pro-
ject Guide.

The need for an exhaust gas silencer can be de-

cided based on the requirement of a maximum
noise level at a certain place.

The exhaust gas noise data is valid for an exhaust

gas system without boiler and silencer, etc.

The noise level in the Project Guides refers to nomi-

nal MCR at a distance of one metre from the exhaust
gas pipe outlet edge at an angle of 30° to the gas
flow direction.

For each doubling of the distance, the noise level

will be reduced by about 6 dB (far-field law).

Spark arrester

To prevent sparks from the exhaust gas from being

spread over deck houses, a spark arrester can be
fitted as the last component in the exhaust gas sys-

It should be noted that a spark arrester contributes

with a considerable pressure drop, which is often a

It is recommended that the combined pressure

loss across the silencer and/or spark arrester
should not be allowed to exceed 100 mm WC at
specified MCR – depending, of course, on the
pressure loss in the remaining part of the system,
thus if no exhaust gas boiler is installed, 200mm
WC could be possible.

460 600 025 198 22 50

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

6.11 Manoeuvring System

Manoeuvring System on Engine Slow turning

The basic diagram is applicable for reversible en- The standard manoeuvring system does not feature
gines, i.e. those with fixed pitch propeller (FPP). slow turning before starting, but for Unattended Ma-
chinery Space (UMS) we strongly recommend the
The layout of the manoeuvring system depends on addition of the slow turning device shown in Figs.
the engine type chosen, but generally can be stated 6.11.01, 6.11.02 and 6.11.03, option 4 50 140.
The slow turning valve allows the starting air to par-
• The 98-80-types have electronic governors with tially bypass the main starting valve. During slow
remote control and electronic speed setting, ac- turning the engine will rotate so slowly that, in the
cording to Fig. 6.11.01. event that liquids have accumulated on the piston
top, the engine will stop before any harm occurs.

• The 70-50-types have also electronic governors

with remote control and electronic speed setting, Governor
according to Fig. 6.11.02.
When selecting the governor, the complexity of the
installation has to be considered. We normally dis-
• The 46-26-types have normally mechanical/hy- tinguish between “conventional” and “advanced”
draulic governors from Woodward, with pneu- marine installations.
matic speed setting and electronic start, stop and
reversing according to Fig. 6.11.03, but they can The electronic governor consists of the following
optionally be fitted with an electronic governor. elements:

• Actuator
The lever on the “Engine side manoeuvring console”
can be set to either Manual or Remote position. • Revolution transmitter (pick-ups)

In the ‘Manual’ position the engine is controlled from • Electronic governor panel
the engine side manoeuvring console by the push
buttons START, STOP, and the AHEAD/ASTERN. • Power supply unit
The load is controlled by the “Engine side speed set-
ting” handwheel. • Pressure transmitter for scavenge air.

In the ‘Remote’ position all signals to the engine are The actuator, revolution transmitter and the pres-
electronic or pneumatic for 50-26-types, the sure transmitter are mounted on the engine.
START, STOP, AHEAD and ASTERN signals acti-
vate the solenoid valves EV684, EV682, EV683 and The electronic governors must be tailor-made, and
EV685, respectively. the specific layout of the system must be mutually
agreed upon by the customer, the governor supplier
and the engine builder.
Shutdown system
It should be noted that the shutdown system, the
The engine is stopped by activating the puncture governor and the remote control system must be
valves located in the fuel pumps either at normal compatible if an integrated solution is to be obtained.
stopping or at shutdown by activating solenoid
valve EV658.

465 100 010 198 22 52

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

“Conventional” plants Fixed Pitch Propeller (FPP)

A typical example of a “conventional” marine instal- Plants equipped with a fixed pitch propeller require
lation is: no modifications to the basic diagrams for the re-
versible engine shown in Figs. 6.11.01, 6.11.02 and
• An engine directly coupled to a fixed pitch propeller 6.11.03.

• An engine directly coupled to a controllable pitch

propeller, without clutch and without extreme de- Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP)
mands on the propeller pitch change
For plants with CPP, two alternatives are available:

• Plants with controllable pitch propeller with a • Non-reversible engine

shaft generator of less than 15% of the engine’s If a controllable pitch propeller is coupled to the
MCR output. engine, the manoeuvring system diagram has to
be simplified as the reversing is to be omitted.

With a view to such an installation, the engine can be The fuel pump roller guides are provided with
equipped with a Woodward governor on the non-displaceable rollers.
46-26-types or with a “conventional” electronic
governor approved by MAN B&W, e.g.:
• Engine with emergency reversing
• Lyngsø Marine A/S electronic governor system, The manoeuvring system on the engine is identi-
type EGS 2000 or EGS 2100 cal to that for reversible engines, as the interlock-
ing of the reversing is to be made in the electronic
• Kongsberg Norcontrol Automation A/S digital remote control system.
governor system, type DGS 8800e From the engine side manoeuvring console it is
possible to start, stop and reverse the engine,as
• Siemens digital governor system, type SIMOS well as from the engine control room console, but
SPC 55. not from the bridge.

“Advanced” plants Engine Side Manoeuvring Console

The “advanced” marine installations, are for example: The layout of the engine side mounted manoeuvring
console is located on the camshaft side of the engine.
• Plants with flexible coupling in the shafting system

• Geared installations Control Room Console

• Plants with disengageable clutch for disconnect- The manoeuvring handle for the Engine Control
ing the propeller Room console is delivered as a separate item with
the engine.
• Plants with shaft generator requiring great fre-
quency accuracy.

For these plants the electronic governors have to be


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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 46 65-9.0

Fig. 6.11.01: Diagram of manoeuvring system for reversible engine with FPP, with remote control

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178 44 39-6.1

Fig. 6.11.02: Diagram of manoeuvring system for reversible engine with FPP, with remote control

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MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

A, B, C refer to ‘List of flanges’. 178 39 96-1.1

Fig. 6.11.03: Diagram of manoeuvring system, reversible engine with FPP and mechanical-hydraulic governor prepared for
remote control

465 100 010 198 22 52

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

7 Vibration Aspects standards or recommendations (for instance related

to special agreement between shipowner and ship-
The vibration characteristics of the two-stroke low yard).
speed diesel engines can for practical purposes be, The natural frequency of the hull depends on the
split up into four categories, and if the adequate hull’s rigidity and distribution of masses, whereas
countermeasures are considered from the early the vibration level at resonance depends mainly on
project stage, the influence of the excitation sour- the magnitude of the external moment and the en-
ces can be minimised or fully compensated. gine’s position in relation to the vibration nodes of
the ship.
In general, the marine diesel engine may influence C C
the hull with the following:
• External unbalanced moments
These can be classified as unbalanced 1st, 2nd
and may be 4th order external moments, which
need to be considered only for certain cylinder B
• Guide force moments
• Axial vibrations in the shaft system
• Torsional vibrations in the shaft system. D

The external unbalanced moments and guide A– Combustion pressure

force moments are illustrated in Fig. 7.01. B– Guide force
C– Staybolt force
In the following, a brief description is given of their D– Main bearing force
origin and of the proper countermeasures needed to
render them harmless. 1st order moment, vertical 1 cycle/rev
2nd order moment, vertical 2 cycle/rev
External unbalanced moments

The inertia forces originating from the unbalanced

rotating and reciprocating masses of the engine 1st order moment, horizontal 1
create unbalanced external moments although the cycle/rev
external forces are zero.

Of these moments, only the 1st order (one cycle per

revolution) and the 2nd order (two cycles per Guide force moment,
revo-lution) need to be considered, and then only for H transverse Z cycle/rev.
engines with a low number of cylinders. On some Z is 1 or 2 times number
large bore engines the 4th external order moment of cylinder
may also have to be examined. When application on
container vessel is considered. The inertia forces on
engines with more than 6 cylinders tend, more or
Guide force moment,
less, to neutralise themselves. X transverse Z cycles/rev.
Z = 1,2...12
Countermeasures have to be taken if hull resonance
occurs in the operating speed range, and if the vibra-
178 06 82-8.0
tion level leads to higher accelerations and/or veloci-
ties than the guidance values given by international Fig. 7.01: External unbalanced moments and
guide force moments

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

1st order moments on 4-cylinder engines

1st order moments act in both vertical and horizon- counterweights
tal direction. For our two-stroke engines with stan-
dard balancing these are of the same magnitudes.

For engines with five cylinders or more, the 1st order

moment is rarely of any significance to the ship. It
can, however, be of a disturbing magnitude in
Aft Fore
four-cylinder engines.

Resonance with a 1st order moment may occur for

hull vibrations with 2 and/or 3 nodes. This reso- Fixed
nance can be calculated with reasonable accuracy, counterweights Adjustable
and the calculation will show whether a compensa- counterweights
tor is necessary or not on four-cylinder engines.

A resonance with the vertical moment for the 2 node

hull vibration can often be critical, whereas the reso-
nance with the horizontal moment occurs at a higher
speed than the nominal because of the higher natu-
ral frequency of horizontal hull vibrations.

As standard, four-cylinder engines are fitted with Fixed

adjustable counterweights, as illustrated in Fig. counterweights
7.02. These can reduce the vertical moment to an in-
significant value (although, increasing correspond-
ingly the horizontal moment), so this resonance is
easily dealt with. A solution with zero horizontal mo-
ment is also available.

Fig 7.02: Adjustable counterweights

178 16 87-7.0

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 06 76-9.0
Fig. 7.03: 1st order moment compensator

In rare cases, where the 1st order moment will cause

resonance with both the vertical and the horizontal
hull vibration mode in the normal speed range of the
engine, a 1st order compensator, as shown in Fig.
7.03, can be introduced as an option, in the chain
tightener wheel, reducing the 1st order moment to a
harmless value. The compensator comprises two
counter-rotating masses running at the same speed
as the crankshaft.

With a 1st order moment compensator fitted aft, the

horizontal moment will decrease to between 0 and
30% of the value stated in the last table of this
section, depending on the position of the node. The
1st order vertical moment will decrease to about
30% of the value stated in the table.

Since resonance with both the vertical and the hori-

zontal hull vibration mode is rare, the standard en-
gine is not prepared for the fitting of such compen-

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

2nd order moments on 4, 5 and 6-cylinder engines A decision regarding the vibrational aspects and the
possible use of compensators must be taken at the
The 2nd order moment acts only in the vertical di- contract stage. If no experience is available from sis-
rection. Precautions need only to be considered for ter ships, which would be the best basis for deciding
four, five and six cylinder engines in general. whether compensators are necessary or not, it is ad-
visable to make calculations to determine which of
Resonance with the 2nd order moment may occur the solutions (1), (2), (3) or (4) should be applied.
at hull vibrations with more than three nodes. Con-
trary to the calculation of natural frequency with 2 Experience with our two-stroke slow speed engines
and 3 nodes, the calculation of the 4 and 5 node has shown that propulsion plants with small bore
naural frequencies for the hull is a rather compre- engines (S/L42MC, S/L35MC and S26MC) are less
hensive procedure and, despite advanced calcula- sensitive regarding hull vibrations exited by 2nd or-
tion methods, is often not very accurate. der moments than the lager bore engines. There-
fore, these engines do not have engine driven 2nd
A 2nd order moment compensator comprises two order moment compensators.
counter-rotating masses running at twice the en-
gine speed. 2nd order moment compensators are If compensator(s) are omitted, the engine can be de-
not included in the basic extent of delivery. livered prepared for the fitting of compensators later
on. The decision for preparation must also be taken
Several solutions, as shown in Fig. 7.04, are avail- at the contract stage. Measurements taken during
able to cope with the 2nd order moment, out of the sea trial, or later in service and with fully loaded
which the most cost efficient one can be chosen in ship, will be able to show whether compensator(s)
the individual case, e.g. have to be fitted or not.

1) No compensators, if considered unnecessary If no calculations are available at the contract stage,

on the basis of natural frequency, nodal point we advise to order the engine with a 2nd order mo-
and size of the 2nd order moment ment compensator on the aft end and to make prep-
arations for the fitting of a compensator on the front
2) A compensator mounted on the aft end of the end.
engine, driven by the main chain drive
If it is decided not to use compensators and, further-
more, not to prepare the main engine for later fitting,
3) A compensator mounted on the front end,
another solution can be used, if annoying vibrations
driven from the crankshaft through a separate
should occur:
chain drive
An electrically driven compensator synchronised
4) Compensators on both aft and fore end, com-
to the correct phase relative to the external force or
pletely eliminating the external 2nd order mo-
moment can neutralise the excitation. This type of
compensator needs an extra seating fitted, prefera-
bly, in the steering gear room where deflections are
Briefly, it can be stated that compensators posi-
largest and the effect of the compensator will there-
tioned in a node or close to it, will be inefficient. In
fore be greatest.
such a case, solution (4) should be considered.
The electrically driven compensator will not give rise
to distorting stresses in the hull, but it is more ex-
pensive than the engine-mounted compensators
(2), (3) and (4).

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 47 06 -8.0

Fig. 7.04: Optional 2nd order moment compensators

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 46 98-3.0

Fig 7.05: Power Related Unbalance (PRU) values in Nm/kW for S-MC/MC-C engines

Power Related Unbalance (PRU) PRU Nm/kWNeed for compensaor

from 0 to 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not relevant
To evaluate if there is a risk that 1st and 2nd order from 60 to 120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unlikely
external moments will excite disturbing hull vibra- from 120 to 220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . likely
tions, the concept Power Related Unbalance can be above 220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . most likely
used as a guidance.
The actual values for the MC-engines are shown in
External moment
PRU = Nm/kW Figs. 7.05, 7.06 and 7.07.
In the table at the end of this chapter, the external
With the PRU-value, stating the external moment moments (M1) are stated at the speed (n1) and MCR
relative to the engine power, it is possible to give an rating in point L1 of the layout diagram. For other
estimate of the risk of hull vibrations for a specific speeds , the corresponding external moments are
engine. Based on service experience from a greater calculated by means of the formula:
number of large ships with engines of different types ìn ü 2
and cylinder numbers, the PRU-values have been MA = M1 x í A ý kNm
classified in four groups as follows: î n1 þ
(The tolerance on the calculated values is 2.5%).

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 46 99-5.0

Fig. 7.06: Power Realted Unbalance (PRU) values in Nm/kW for L-MC/MC-C engines

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 47 00-7.0

Fig. 7.07: Power Related Unbalance (PRU) value in Nm/kW for K-MC/MC-C engines

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

178 47 14-0.0
Fig. 7.08: H-type and X-type force moments

Guide Force Moments As this system is very difficult to calculate with the
necessary accuracy, MAN B&W Diesel strongly
The so-called guide force moments are caused by recommend that a top bracing is installed be-
the transverse reaction forces acting on the cross- tween the engine's upper platform brackets and
heads due to the connecting rod/crankshaft mecha- the casing side. The only exception is the S26MC
nism. These moments may excite engine vibrations, which is so small that we consider guide force mo-
moving the engine top athwartships and causing a ments to be insignificant.
rocking (excited by H-moment) or twisting (excited
by X-moment) movement of the engine as illustrated The mechanical top bracing comprises stiff connec-
in Fig. 7.08. tions (links) with friction plates and alternatively a
hydraulic top bracing, which allow adjustment to
The guide force moments corresponding to the the loading conditions of the ship. With both types
MCR rating (L1) are stated in the tables. of top bracing above-mentioned natural fre-
quency will increase to a level where resonance will
Top bracings occur above the normal engine speed. Details of
the top bracings are shown in section 5.
The guide force moments are harmless except
when resonance vibrations occur in the engine/dou-
ble bottom system.

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Definition of Guide Force Moments

During the years the definition of guide force mo-

ment has been discussed. Especially nowadays
where complete FEM-models are made to predict
hull/engine interaction this definition has become

H-type Guide Force Moment (MH) X-type Guide Force Moment (MX)

Each cylinder unit produces a force couple consist- The X-type guide force moment is calculated based
ing of: on the same force couple as described above. How-
ever as the deflection shape is twisting the engine
1: A force at level of crankshaft centreline. each cylinder unit does not contribute with equal
amount. The centre units do not contribute very
2: Another force at level of the guide plane. The much whereas the units at each end contributes
position of the force changes over one revo- much.
lution, as the guide shoe reciprocates on the
guide plane. A so-called ”Bi-moment” can be calculated (fig. 7.08):

As the deflection shape for the H-type is equal for ”Bi-moment” = S [force-couple(cyl.X) • distX]
each cylinder the Nth order H-type guide force mo- in kNm2
ment for an N-cylinder engine with regular firing or-
der is: N • MH(one cylinder). The X-type guide force moment is then defined as:

For modelling purpose the size of the forces in the MX = ”Bi-Moment”/ L kNm
force couple is:
For modelling purpose the size of the four (4) forces
Force = MH / L kN (see fig. 7.08) can be calculated:

where L is the distance between crankshaft level Force = MX / LX kN

and the middle position of the guide plane (i.e. the
length of the connecting rod). where:

As the interaction between engine and hull is at the LX : is horizontal length between ”force points” (fig. 7.08)
engine seating and the top bracing positions, this
force couple may alternatively be applied in those Similar to the situation for the H-type guide force
positions with a vertical distance of (LZ). Then the moment, the forces may be applied in positions
force can be calculated as: suitable for the FEM model of the hull. Thus the
forces may be referred to another vertical level LZ
ForceZ = MH / LZ kN above crankshaft centreline.These forces can be
calculated as follows:
Any other vertical distance may be applied, so as to
Mx • L
accommodate the actual hull (FEM) model. ForceZ,one point = kN
Lz • Lx
The force couple may be distributed at any number
of points in longitudinal direction. A reasonable way
of dividing the couple is by the number of top brac-
ing, and then apply the forces in those points.

ForceZ,one point = ForceZ,total / Ntop bracing, total kN

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Axial Vibrations Based on our statistics, this need may arise for the
following types of installation:
When the crank throw is loaded by the gas pressure
through the connecting rod mechanism, the arms of • Plants with controllable pitch propeller
the crank throw deflect in the axial direction of the
crankshaft, exciting axial vibrations. Through the • Plants with unusual shafting layout and for special
thrust bearing, the system is connected to the ship`s owner/yard requirements
• Plants with 8, 11 or 12-cylinder engines.
Generally, only zero-node axial vibrations are of in-
terest. Thus the effect of the additional bending The so-called QPT (Quick Passage of a barred
stresses in the crankshaft and possible vibrations of speed range Technique), is an alternative option to a
the ship`s structure due to the reaction force in the torsional vibration damper, on a plant equipped with
thrust bearing are to be considered. a controllable pitch propeller. The QPT could be im-
plemented in the governor in order to limit the vibra-
An axial damper is fitted as standard to all MC en- tory stresses during the passage of the barred
gines minimising the effects of the axial vibrations. speed range.

For an extremely long shaft line in certain large size The application of the QPT has to be decided by the
container vessels, a second axial vibration damper engine maker and MAN B&W Diesel A/S based on fi-
positioned on the intermediate shaft, designed to nal torsional vibration calculations.
control the on-node axial vibrations can be applied.
Four, five and six-cylinder engines, require special
Torsional Vibrations attention. On account of the heavy excitation, the
natural frequency of the system with one-node vi-
The reciprocating and rotating masses of the en- bration should be situated away from the normal op-
gine including the crankshaft, the thrust shaft, the erating speed range, to avoid its effect. This can be
intermediate shaft(s), the propeller shaft and the achieved by changing the masses and/or the stiff-
propeller are for calculation purposes considered ness of the system so as to give a much higher, or
as a system of rotating masses (inertias) intercon- much lower, natural frequency, called undercritical
nected by torsional springs. The gas pressure of or overcritical running, respectively.
the engine acts through the connecting rod mecha-
nism with a varying torque on each crank throw, ex- Owing to the very large variety of possible shafting
citing torsional vibration in the system with different arrangements that may be used in combination with
frequencies. a specific engine, only detailed torsional vibration
calculations of the specific plant can determine
In general, only torsional vibrations with one and whether or not a torsional vibration damper is nec-
two nodes need to be considered. The main critical essary.
order, causing the largest extra stresses in the shaft
line, is normally the vibration with order equal to the
number of cylinders, i.e., five cycles per revolution
on a five cylinder engine. This resonance is posi-
tioned at the engine speed corresponding to the
natural torsional frequency divided by the number
of cylinders.

The torsional vibration conditions may, for certain

installations require a torsional vibration damper.

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide

Undercritical running Overcritical running

The natural frequency of the one-node vibration is The natural frequency of the one-node vibration is
so adjusted that resonance with the main critical or- so adjusted that resonance with the main critical or-
der occurs about 35-45% above the engine speed der occurs about 30-70% below the engine speed
at specified MCR. at specified MCR. Such overcritical conditions can
be realised by choosing an elastic shaft system,
Such undercritical conditions can be realised by leading to a relatively low natural frequency.
choosing a rigid shaft system, leading to a relatively
high natural frequency. The characteristics of overcritical conditions are:

The characteristics of an undercritical system are • Tuning wheel may be necessary on crankshaft
normally: fore end
• Turning wheel with relatively high inertia
• Relatively short shafting system
• Shafts with relatively small diameters, requiring
• Probably no tuning wheel
shafting material with a relatively high ultimate
• Turning wheel with relatively low inertia tensile strength
• Large diameters of shafting, enabling the use of • With barred speed range of about ±10% with
shafting material with a moderate ultimate ten- respect to the critical engine speed.
sile strength, but requiring careful shaft align-
ment, (due to relatively high bending stiffness) Torsional vibrations in overcritical conditions may,
in special cases, have to be eliminated by the use of
• Without barred speed range
a torsional vibration damper.
When running undercritical, significant varying
Overcritical layout is normally applied for engines
torque at MCR conditions of about 100-150% of the
with more than four cylinders.
mean torque is to be expected.
Please note:
This torque (propeller torsional amplitude) induces a
We do not include any tuning wheel, or torsional vi-
significant varying propeller thrust which, under ad-
bration damper, in the standard scope of supply, as
verse conditions, might excite annoying longitudinal
the proper countermeasure has to be found after
vibrations on engine/double bottom and/or deck
torsional vibration calculations for the specific plant,
and after the decision has been taken if and where a
barred speed range might be acceptable.
The yard should be aware of this and ensure that the
complete aft body structure of the ship, including
For further information about vibration aspects
the double bottom in the engine room, is designed
please refer to our publications:
to be able to cope with the described phenomena.
P.222 “An introduction to Vibration Aspects of
Two-stroke Diesel Engines in Ships”
P.268 “Vibration Characteristics of Two-stroke
Low Speed Diesel Engines”

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4- Uneven Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-

order 4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 0 545 214 987 180 76 0
2nd 6108 c 1773 0 813 123 126 0
4th 285 809 329 403 565 727 210
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 141 1008 476 0
4th 0 0 0 1034 1307 1066 0
5th 0 0 0 1006 427 530 0
6th 2234 0 0 264 129 540 0
7th 0 1662 0 72 871 763 0
8th 0 0 1130 99 221 581 0
9th 0 0 0 542 120 49 0
10th 0 0 0 38 138 79 0
11th 0 0 0 11 67 203 0
12th 160 0 0 28 28 62 320
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 0 282 111 511 93 39 0
2nd 306 89 0 41 6 6 0
3rd 1846 2019 2980 3519 3937 5125 6143
4th 1473 4187 1701 2086 2924 3759 2946
5th 0 336 4854 1792 643 3095 0
6th 0 54 0 3464 2307 251 0
7th 0 0 14 609 2670 266 0
8th 266 21 0 406 293 1563 532
9th 336 38 4 59 111 203 1168
10th 73 208 0 96 231 149 0
11th 0 159 235 92 200 266 0
12th 0 15 58 203 101 117 0

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
c 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 33 22-7.2

Fig. 7.09a: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for K98MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4 Uneven Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-

order 4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 0 581 228 1052 192 81 0
2nd 6283 c 1824 0 836 126 130 0
4th 273 776 315 387 542 697 546
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 119 851 401 0
4th 0 0 0 910 1151 939 0
5th 0 0 0 891 378 469 0
6th 1933 0 0 229 111 467 0
7th 0 1409 0 61 739 647 0
8th 0 0 985 86 192 507 0
9th 0 0 0 467 103 42 0
10th 0 0 0 31 112 62 0
11th 0 0 0 10 55 168 0
12th 137 0 0 24 24 53 275
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 0 278 109 503 92 39 0
2nd 154 45 0 21 3 3 0
3rd 1671 1828 2698 3186 3564 4640 5806
4th 1392 3955 1607 1971 2763 3551 2784
5th 0 319 4611 1702 610 2940 0
6th 0 50 0 3217 2142 233 0
7th 0 0 12 554 2429 242 0
8th 249 19 0 380 274 1463 498
9th 310 35 4 54 102 187 1078
10th 64 181 0 83 201 130 0
11th 0 142 209 82 178 237 0
12th 0 13 53 187 93 108 0

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
c 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 86 03-5.1

Fig. 7.09b: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for K98MC-C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 6 7 8 9

Firing order 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5-4-3-6 1-8-3-4 1-9-2-7-3

7-2-5-6 6-5-4-8
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 0 1006 173 1045
2nd 5336 c 967 0 556
4th 359 1234 415 1939
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 0
4th 0 0 0 0
5th 0 0 0 0
6th 2676 0 0 0
7th 0 2057 0 0
8th 0 0 1435 0
9th 0 0 0 861
10th 0 0 0 0
11th 0 0 0 0
12th 208 0 0 0
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 0 679 117 706
2nd 563 102 0 59
3rd 1663 2200 2784 658
4th 1442 4954 1665 7782
5th 0 216 5176 6426
6th 0 149 0 778
7th 0 67 17 52
8th 304 60 0 62
9th 422 29 5 22
10th 98 337 0 20
11th 0 244 309 7
12th 0 11 68 61

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
c 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 36 71-3.2

Fig. 7.09c: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S90MC-C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4- Uneven Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-

order 4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 0 1056 182 726 256 177 0
2nd 4841 c 878 0 630 36 213 0
4th 244 839 282 342 501 640 488
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 131 941 144 0
4th 0 0 0 1023 1293 1055 0
5th 0 0 0 1075 456 566 0
6th 2255 0 0 279 136 569 0
7th 0 1738 0 75 911 798 0
8th 0 0 1187 104 232 611 0
9th 0 0 0 587 130 53 0
10th 0 0 0 41 149 85 0
11th 0 0 0 9 54 166 0
12th 105 0 0 19 18 41 211
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 0 681 117 468 165 114 0
2nd 514 93 0 67 4 23 0
3rd 1490 1971 2495 2937 3267 4250 5310
4th 1261 4334 1456 1767 2588 3307 2522
5th 0 194 4653 1676 633 2902 0
6th 0 125 0 3246 2170 247 0
7th 0 55 14 570 2484 256 0
8th 242 47 0 384 260 1457 484
9th 315 22 4 63 104 191 1123
10th 69 236 0 92 222 142 0
11th 0 136 172 67 146 193 0
12th 0 5 33 120 60 69 0
a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.

c 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 86 05-9.1

Fig. 7.09d: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for L90MC-C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4 1-6-7-3- Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-
order 4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 5-8-2-4-9 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 2502 b 794 0 473 207 1630 291 202 0
2nd 5322 c 6625 c 4609 c 1338 0 1504 34 203 0
4th 0 21 163 463 188 234 334 427 326
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 0 0 0 747 352 0
4th 2437 0 0 0 0 0 1018 830 0
5th 0 2342 0 0 0 0 325 403 0
6th 0 0 1680 0 0 0 97 406 0
7th 0 0 0 1257 0 0 659 577 0
8th 426 0 0 0 852 0 167 439 0
9th 0 0 0 0 0 460 89 37 0
10th 0 145 0 0 0 0 103 59 0
11th 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 131 0
12th 59 0 88 0 0 0 15 34 176
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 997 317 0 188 82 650 116 80 0
2nd 132 164 114 33 0 37 1 5 0
3rd 180 635 1148 1256 1922 2306 2517 3274 4091
4th 0 125 963 2738 1112 1387 1977 2526 1927
5th 302 0 0 215 3220 1066 438 2009 0
6th 511 57 0 34 0 2310 1503 171 0
7th 116 408 0 0 10 1743 180 0
8th 0 242 168 13 0 181 1015 337
9th 33 10 210 23 3 33 127 748
10th 53 0 46 131 0 12 149 95 0
a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.
178 87 58-1.0

Fig. 7.09e: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for K90MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing order 1-5-3 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4 Uneven Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-

-4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 0 497 1669 890 81 35 0
2nd 4859 c 1411 0 641 56 28 0
4th 172 490 199 243 346 444 345
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 89 640 302 0
4th 0 0 0 713 901 735 0
5th 0 0 0 688 292 362 0
6th 1468 0 0 174 85 355 0
7th 0 1063 0 46 557 488 0
8th 0 0 745 65 146 383 0
9th 0 0 0 346 76 31 0
10th 0 0 0 22 80 46 0
11th 0 0 0 6 35 106 0
12th 81 0 0 14 14 31 162
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 0 196 657 350 32 14 0
2nd 163 47 0 22 2 1 0
3rd 1092 1195 1531 2106 2351 3060 3827
4th 947 2692 1094 1337 1901 2439 1894
5th 0 214 2689 1147 419 1984 0
6th 0 33 0 2143 1429 158 0
7th 0 0 69 368 1608 162 0
8th 164 13 0 253 129 970 327
9th 200 22 20 37 66 121 702
10th 40 113 0 52 126 81 0
11th 0 78 100 45 99 131 0
12th 0 7 27 97 49 56 0

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
c 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 87 59-3.0

Fig. 7.09f: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for K90MC-C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 6 7 8

Firing order 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4-

4-3-6 7-2-5-6
External forces in kN
0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 0 252 847
2nd 3405 c 988 0
4th 230 652 265
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0
4th 0 0 0
5th 0 0 0
6th 2118 0 0
7th 0 1628 0
8th 0 0 1122
9th 0 0 0
10th 0 0 0
11th 0 0 0
12th 117 0 0
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 0 182 610
2nd 517 150 0
3rd 1395 1526 1956
4th 1023 2906 1181
5th 0 241 3025
6th 0 41 0
7th 0 0 91
8th 211 16 0
9th 289 32 29
10th 63 180 0
11th 0 107 137
12th 0 9 34

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
c 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment

178 36 72-5.1
Fig. 7.09g: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S80MC -C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5-4-3-6 1-8-3-4-7-2-5-6 Uneven

External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 429
External moments in kNm
1st a 1289 b 409 0 244 817 429
2nd 3346 c 4166 c 2898 c 841 0 378
4th 0 20 152 433 176 214

Guide force H-moments in kNm

1st 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 0 0 143
4th 2558 0 0 0 0 845
5th 0 2490 0 0 0 815
6th 0 0 1927 0 0 228
7th 0 0 0 1502 0 65
8th 515 0 0 0 1029 90
9th 0 0 0 0 0 570
10th 0 223 0 0 0 43
11th 0 0 0 0 0 10
12th 71 0 107 0 0 19

Guide force X-moments in kNm

1st 822 261 0 155 521 274
2nd 497 619 431 125 0 56
3rd 220 775 1400 1531 1963 2743
4th 0 117 900 2558 1039 1264
5th 286 0 0 204 2554 1096
6th 522 59 0 35 0 2283
7th 123 434 0 0 78 423
8th 0 260 181 14 0 285
9th 41 13 264 29 26 52
10th 72 0 63 178 0 84
11th 15 5 0 103 132 61
12th 0 36 0 7 29 104

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.
178 35 07-4.1

Fig. 7.09h: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S80MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-2-6- Uneven Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-
order 4-2-6 4-3-6 4-5-3-7 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 1470 b 467 0 278 466 489 128 620 90
2nd 3616 c 4501 c 3131 c 909 0 409 12 599 122
4th 0 19 148 420 683 208 301 654 386
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 0 0 88 630 297 0
4th 1936 0 0 0 0 640 809 660 0
5th 0 1904 0 0 0 623 265 328 0
6th 0 0 1425 0 0 169 82 344 0
7th 0 0 0 1106 0 48 580 508 0
8th 384 0 0 0 767 67 150 395 0
9th 0 0 0 0 0 405 89 37 0
10th 0 159 0 0 0 31 113 64 0
11th 0 0 0 0 0 7 43 130 0
12th 48 0 73 0 0 13 13 28 145
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 768 244 0 145 244 256 67 47 0
2nd 178 222 154 45 0 20 1 5 0
3rd 152 536 968 1059 679 1897 2112 2748 3434
4th 0 99 765 2175 3535 1075 1561 1997 1531
5th 246 0 0 175 1096 941 352 1629 0
6th 434 49 0 29 0 1897 1267 143 0
7th 102 359 0 0 32 350 1525 156 0
8th 0 218 152 12 0 239 164 910 303
9th 33 11 211 24 10 41 70 128 747
10th 58 0 50 143 0 67 162 104 0
11th 12 4 0 85 55 50 110 146 0
12th 0 28 0 6 88 80 40 46 0
1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.
178 35 08-6.1
Fig. 7.09i: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for L80MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing order 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4- Uneven Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-

4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 0 321 1078 574 54 28 0
2nd 3418 c 992 0 451 36 23 0
4th 144 408 166 203 289 370 287
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 74 527 248 0
4th 0 0 0 578 730 596 0
5th 0 0 0 565 240 297 0
6th 1224 0 0 145 70 296 0
7th 0 889 0 38 466 408 0
8th 0 0 623 55 122 321 0
9th 0 0 0 293 65 27 0
10th 0 0 0 19 68 39 0
11th 0 0 0 6 32 98 0
12th 77 0 0 14 13 30 154
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 0 148 497 265 25 13 0
2nd 47 14 0 6 0 0 0
3rd 865 946 1213 670 1864 2425 3033
4th 739 2099 853 1042 1484 1904 1477
5th 0 169 2124 907 332 1568 0
6th 0 27 0 1720 1147 127 0
7th 0 0 56 296 1294 131 0
8th 132 10 0 204 144 781 263
9th 163 18 16 30 54 99 572
10th 32 92 0 43 103 66 0
11th 0 69 88 40 87 116 0
12th 0 6 25 89 45 52 0

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
c 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 87 60-3.0

Fig. 7.09j: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for K80MC-C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4-

4-3-6 7-2-5-6
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 854 b 271 0 161 542
2nd 2515 c 3131 c 2178 c 632 0
4th 0 19 147 417 170
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 1771 1805 1387 1802 766
2 x No. of cyl. 383 160 67
3 x No. of cyl. 44
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 612 194 0 116 388
2nd 365 455 316 92 0
3rd 133 469 847 927 1188
4th 0 82 636 1807 734
5th 212 0 0 151 1889
6th 383 43 0 26 0
7th 91 319 0 0 57
8th 0 198 138 11 0
9th 31 10 198 22 20
10th 53 0 46 131 0
11th 11 3 0 75 96
12th 0 23 0 5 18

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4.5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.
178 44 37-2.0

Fig. 7.09k: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S70MC-C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4-

4-3-6 7-2-5-6
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 944 b 300 0 178 599
2nd 2452 c 3052 c 2123 c 343 0
4th 0 14 111 317 129
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 1503 1488 1124 876 602
2 x No. of cyl. 301 129 50
3 x No. of cyl. 34
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 533 169 0 101 338
2nd 149 186 129 37 0
3rd 101 355 642 702 899
4th 0 69 529 1503 611
5th 171 0 0 122 1526
6th 304 34 0 20 0
7th 72 253 0 0 46
8th 0 152 106 8 0
9th 24 7 150 17 15
10th 42 0 36 103 0
11th 8 3 0 58 74
12th 0 17 0 3 14

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment

178 87 68-8.0

Fig. 7.09l: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S70MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-2-6-

4-3-6 4-5-3-7
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 1094 b 347 0 207 347
2nd 269 c 3350 c 2330 c 676 0
4th 0 14 110 313 508
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 1274 1275 954 741 514
2 x No. of cyl. 257 107 49
3 x No. of cyl. 33
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 523 166 0 99 166
2nd 23 28 20 6 0
3rd 82 289 522 571 366
4th 0 65 503 1431 2325
5th 165 0 0 117 734
6th 290 33 0 19 0
7th 68 241 0 0 22
8th 0 146 102 8 0
9th 22 7 141 16 7
10th 39 0 34 96 0
11th 8 3 0 57 37
12th 0 18 0 4 59

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 87 61-5.0

Fig. 7.09m: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for L70MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4-

4-3-6 7-2-5-6
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 533 b 169 0 101 338
2nd 1570 c 1954 c 1360 c 395 0
4th 0 12 92 261 106
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 1116 1136 873 681 482
2 x No. of cyl. 241 101 42
3 x No. of cyl. 28
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 385 122 0 73 244
2nd 236 294 204 59 0
3rd 85 300 542 593 759
4th 0 52 401 1139 463
5th 133 0 0 95 1189
6th 241 27 0 16 0
7th 57 201 0 0 36
8th 0 124 87 7 0
9th 20 6 124 14 12
10th 34 0 29 83 0
11th 7 2 0 47 60
12th 0 14 0 3 12

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 44 38-4.0

Fig. 7.09n: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S60MC-C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4-

4-3-6 7-2-5-6
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 582 b 185 0 110 369
2nd 1510 c 1880 c 1308 c 380 0
4th 0 9 69 195 74
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 949 937 708 552 380
2 x No. of cyl. 190 82 32
3 x No. of cyl. 21
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 334 106 0 63 212
2nd 109 136 94 27 0
3rd 66 233 421 460 590
4th 0 43 334 949 386
5th 108 0 0 77 961
6th 192 22 0 13 0
7th 45 160 0 0 29
8th 0 96 67 5 0
9th 15 5 95 11 9
10th 27 0 23 65 0
11th 5 2 0 37 47
12th 0 11 0 2 9

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 87 62-7.0

Fig. 7.09o: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S60MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-2-6-

4-3-6 4-5-3-7
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 656 b 208 0 124 208
2nd 1615 c 2010 c 1398 c 406 0
4th 0 9 66 188 305
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 782 783 606 481 335
2 x No. of cyl. 168 78 27
3 x No. of cyl. 18
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 312 99 0 59 99
2nd 12 15 10 3 0
3rd 49 171 309 339 217
4th 0 40 309 878 1428
5th 101 0 0 72 451
6th 184 21 0 12 0
7th 44 156 0 0 14
8th 0 95 66 5 0
9th 16 5 99 11 5
10th 29 0 25 70 0
11th 5 2 0 38 24
12th 0 10 0 2 32

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 87 63-9.0

Fig. 7.09p: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for L60MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4-

4-3-6 7-2-5-6
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 302 b 96 0 57 192
2nd 891 c 1109 c 771 c 224 0
4th 0 7 52 148 60
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 649 658 506 394 279
2 x No. of cyl. 140 58 24
3 x No. of cyl. 16
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 222 71 0 42 141
2nd 146 181 126 37 0
3rd 51 180 326 357 457
4th 0 30 233 662 269
5th 77 0 0 55 689
6th 140 16 0 9 0
7th 33 116 0 0 21
8th 0 72 50 4 0
9th 11 4 72 8 7
10th 19 0 17 48 0
11th 4 1 0 27 35
12th 0 8 0 2 7

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 38 95-4.2

Fig. 7.09q: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S50MC-C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4-

4-3-6 7-2-5-6
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 343 b 109 0 65 218
2nd 891 c 1109 c 772 c 224 0
4th 0 5 41 115 47
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 548 543 410 319 219
2 x No. of cyl. 110 47 18
3 x No. of cyl. 12
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 194 62 0 37 123
2nd 56 70 48 14 0
3rd 37 130 236 258 330
4th 0 25 293 548 223
5th 62 0 0 44 556
6th 111 12 0 7 0
7th 26 92 0 0 17
8th 0 56 39 3 0
9th 9 3 54 6 5
10th 15 0 13 38 0
11th 3 1 0 21 27
12th 0 6 0 1 5

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 87 64-0.0

Fig. 7.09r: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S50MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-2-6-

4-3-6 4-5-3-7
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 383 b 122 0 72 122
2nd 943 c 1174 c 817 c 237 0
4th 0 5 39 110 178
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 449 451 350 278 195
2 x No. of cyl. 97 46 16
3 x No. of cyl. 11
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 180 57 0 34 57
2nd 14 17 12 3 0
3rd 27 94 171 187 120
4th 0 23 177 504 820
5th 58 0 0 41 260
6th 106 12 0 7 0
7th 26 90 0 0 8
8th 0 55 39 3 0
9th 9 3 58 6 3
10th 17 0 15 42 0
11th 3 1 0 22 14
12th 0 6 0 1 20

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 87 65-2.0

Fig. 7.09s: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for L50MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8

Firing order 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4-

4-3-6 7-2-5-6
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0

External moments in kNm

1st a 238 b 76 0 45 151
2nd 702 c 874 c 608 c 177 0
4th 0 5 41 117 47
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1 x No. of cyl. 530 537 411 318 224
2 x No. of cyl. 112 47 27
3 x No. of cyl. 18
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 173 55 0 33 110
2nd 110 137 95 28 0
3rd 39 137 247 271 347
4th 0 23 181 515 209
5th 60 0 0 43 536
6th 108 12 0 7 0
7th 25 89 0 0 16
8th 0 55 38 3 0
9th 8 3 54 6 5
10th 15 0 13 37 0
11th 4 1 0 24 31
12th 0 9 0 2 7

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
c 4,5 and 6-cylinder engines can be fitted with 2nd order moment compensators on the aft and fore end,
eliminating the 2nd order external moment.

178 87 66-4.0

Fig. 7.09t: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S46MC-C

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4- 1-6-7-3- Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-
order 4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 5-8-2-4-9 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 151 b 48 0 29 96 99 13 9 0
2nd 392 488 340 99 0 111 1 11 0
4th 0 2 18 51 21 26 36 46 36
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 0 0 0 211 122 0
4th 408 0 0 0 0 0 171 155 0
5th 0 384 0 0 0 0 53 72 0
6th 0 0 286 0 0 0 16 74 0
7th 0 0 0 219 0 0 115 106 0
8th 75 0 0 0 150 0 29 78 0
9th 0 0 0 0 0 87 17 7 0
10th 0 30 0 0 0 0 22 11 0
11th 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 25 0
12th 14 0 21 0 0 0 4 8 39
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 119 38 0 23 76 78 10 8 0
2nd 122 152 106 31 0 35 0 4 0
3rd 41 145 262 287 368 455 572 913 1141
4th 0 17 131 371 151 188 266 379 291
5th 40 0 0 29 358 141 57 289 0
6th 70 8 0 5 0 274 206 25 0
7th 16 58 0 0 10 13 244 26 0
8th 0 35 24 2 0 6 26 146 49
9th 5 2 32 4 3 0 11 18 108
10th 9 0 8 24 0 2 25 14 0
11th 2 1 0 16 21 2 21 23 0
12th 0 7 0 1 5 20 10 10 0

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.

178 41 24-4.1

Fig. 7.09u: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S42MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-2-6- 1-6-7-3- Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-
order 4-2-6 4-3-6 4-5-3-7 5-8-2-4-9 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 229 b 73 0 43 73 149 20 14 0
2nd 562 700 487 141 0 159 2 16 0
4th 0 3 23 65 106 33 47 60 46
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 40 0
4th 288 0 0 0 0 0 120 98 0
5th 0 285 0 0 0 0 40 49 0
6th 0 0 213 0 0 0 12 51 0
7th 0 0 0 164 0 0 86 75 0
8th 57 0 0 0 114 0 22 59 0
9th 0 0 0 0 0 68 13 5 0
10th 0 24 0 0 0 0 17 10 0
11th 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 20 0
12th 8 0 12 0 0 0 2 5 24
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 115 37 0 22 37 75 10 7 0
2nd 18 20 14 4 0 5 0 0 0
3rd 20 71 129 141 91 258 282 367 458
4th 0 15 114 324 526 164 232 297 228
5th 37 0 0 26 164 130 53 244 0
6th 65 7 0 4 0 291 190 21 0
7th 15 53 0 0 5 12 227 23 0
8th 0 32 23 2 0 6 24 135 45
9th 5 2 31 3 2 5 10 19 111
10th 9 0 7 21 0 2 24 15 0
11th 2 1 0 13 9 2 17 23 0
12th 0 5 0 1 15 16 7 8 0

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.

178 41 25-6.1

Fig. 7.09v: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for L42MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4- 1-6-7-3-5- Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-
order 4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 8-2-4-9 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 89 b 28 0 17 56 58 15 10 0
2nd 231 287 200 58 0 65 3 13 0
4th 0 1 11 30 12 15 22 28 21
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 53 0
4th 224 0 0 0 0 0 94 76 0
5th 0 212 0 0 0 0 30 37 0
6th 0 0 155 0 0 0 9 38 0
7th 0 0 0 117 0 0 62 54 0
8th 41 0 0 0 82 0 16 42 0
9th 0 0 0 0 0 47 9 4 0
10th 0 16 0 0 0 0 11 6 0
11th 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 17 0
12th 8 0 21 0 0 0 2 5 25
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 68 22 0 13 43 45 11 8 0
2nd 67 83 58 17 0 19 1 4 0
3rd 22 78 141 154 197 244 311 405 505
4th 0 9 73 207 84 105 151 192 145
5th 23 0 0 16 201 79 33 150 0
6th 39 4 0 3 0 151 115 13 0
7th 9 31 0 0 6 7 135 14 0
8th 0 19 13 1 0 4 14 81 27
9th 3 1 18 2 2 0 6 11 63
10th 5 0 4 12 0 1 14 8 0
11th 1 0 0 9 12 1 12 16 0
12th 0 4 0 1 3 12 6 7 0

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.

178 41 26-8.1

Fig. 7.09x: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S35MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4- 1-9-2-5-7- Uneven Uneven 1-8-12-4-
order 4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 3-6-4-8 2-9-10-5-
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 94 b 30 0 18 60 56 16 11 0
2nd 232 289 201 58 0 86 3 13 0
4th 0 1 10 27 11 40 20 25 19
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 36 0
4th 160 0 0 0 0 0 67 55 0
5th 0 153 0 0 0 0 21 26 0
6th 0 0 111 0 0 0 6 27 0
7th 0 0 0 84 0 0 44 39 0
8th 30 0 0 0 61 0 12 31 0
9th 0 0 0 0 0 36 7 3 0
10th 0 12 0 0 0 0 8 5 0
11th 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 11 0
12th 5 0 7 0 0 0 1 3 14
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 64 20 0 12 40 38 11 7 0
2nd 53 66 46 13 0 20 1 3 0
3rd 19 68 123 135 172 103 272 354 442
4th 0 9 66 188 76 276 137 175 132
5th 21 0 0 15 183 211 30 137 0
6th 35 4 0 2 0 67 105 12 0
7th 8 29 0 0 5 9 123 13 0
8th 0 18 12 1 0 3 13 76 25
9th 3 1 17 2 2 0 6 10 61
10th 4 0 4 11 0 1 13 8 0
11th 1 0 0 8 10 1 10 13 0
12th 0 3 0 1 2 4 4 5 0

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
178 87 67-7.0

Fig. 7.09y: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for L35MC

407 000 100 198 22 53

MAN B&W Diesel A/S Engine Selection Guide
No. of cyl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Firing 1-3-2-4 1-4-3-2-5 1-5-3- 1-7-2-5- 1-8-3-4- 1-9-2-5-7- 1-8-5-7- Uneven 1-8-12-4-
order 4-2-6 4-3-6 7-2-5-6 3-6-4-8 2-9-4-6- 2-9-10-5-
3-10 3-7-11-6
External forces in kN
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
External moments in kNm
1st a 57 b 18 0 11 36 34 21 23 0
2nd 147 183 127 37 0 54 27 31 0
4th 0 1 7 19 8 28 6 15 13
Guide force H-moments in kNm
1st 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3rd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0
4th 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0
5th 0 89 0 0 0 0 0 15 0
6th 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 17 0
7th 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 26 0
8th 21 0 0 0 42 0 0 21 0
9th 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 2 0
10th 0 10 0 0 0 0 21 4 0
11th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0
12th 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 8
Guide force X-moments in kNm
1st 31 10 0 6 19 18 11 12 0
2nd 7 8 6 2 0 2 1 1 0
3rd 6 20 36 40 51 30 38 91 114
4th 0 4 33 93 38 137 29 75 65
5th 11 0 0 8 97 112 193 68 0
6th 20 2 0 1 0 39 16 6 0
7th 5 18 0 0 3 5 33 6 0
8th 0 11 8 1 0 2 2 42 16
9th 2 1 12 1 1 0 1 7 39
10th 4 0 3 9 0 1 0 6 0
11th 1 0 0 5 7 1 0 8 0
12th 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 2 0

a 1st order moments are, as standard, balanced so as to obtain equal values for horizontal and vertical moments
for all cylinder numbers.
b By means of the adjustable counterweights on 4-cylinder engines, 70% of the 1st order moment can be moved
from horizontal to vertical direction or vice versa, if required.
178 41 28-1.1

Fig. 7.09z: External forces and moments in layout point L1 for S26MC

407 000 100 198 22 53


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