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Manning’s Equation and Watercourse Design Formulas

Manning Equation
V = (1/n) * R2/3 * S1/2 Q = Discharge, L/s
A = Q/V V = Average Flow Velocity, m/s
P = A/R n = Manning’s Coefficient, Constant
R = Hydraulic Radius, m = A/P
P = Wetted Perimeter, m
S = Longitudinal Slope or Energy Gradient, m/m

1. Flow Area and Wetted Perimeter of Rectangular X-section

A =bd b = Flow bottom width, m

P = b + 2d d = Flow depth, m
b = (P+(P2-8A)1/2)/2
Optimum X-Section: b = 2 d
d = A/b

2. Flow Area and Wetted Perimeter of Trapezoidal X-section (Sharp Corners)

A = b d + d2 Z Z = Side Slope
P = b + 2 d (Z2 + 1)1/2 X = (Z2 + 1)1/2
d = (P-(P2-4A(2X-Z)) ½)/(2(2X-Z)) Optimum X-Section: b = 2 d ((Z2 + 1)1/2-Z)
b = (A-Z d2)/d

3. Flow Area and Wetted Perimeter of Trapezoidal X-section (Round Corners)

A = b d + d2  + d2 cot 
= b d + d2 ( + cot ) Z = Side Slope
P = b + 2 d + 2d cot  = cot 
= b+2 d ( + cot ) X = ( + cot )
d = (P-(P2-4AX) ½)/(2X)
b = (A-X d2)/d

4 Flow Area and Wetted Perimeter of Triangular X-section (Sharp Corner)

A = d2 Z Z = Side Slope
P = 2 d (Z2 +1)1/2 X = (Z2 +1)1/2
d = 2 R X/Z R = A/P

5. Flow Area and Wetted Perimeter of Triangular X-section (Round Corner)

A = d2  + d2 cot  cot  = Z
= d2 ( + cot ) = Side Slope
P = 2 d + 2d cot  X = ( + cot )
= 2 d ( + cot ) R = A/P
d =2R

6 Flow Area and Wetted Perimeter of Parabolic X-section

A = 2/3*t*d
P = ((t/2*((((1+(4*d)^2)^0.5) + ((t/(4*d)*ln((4*d/t)+(1+((4*d/t)^2)^0.5)))/1000

7 Flow Area and Wetted Perimeter of Semi-Circular X-section

A = r2 /2 – (r-d) * t cos /2 = (r-d)/r

P =r r = Pipe radius, m
t = Top flow width, m
= 2 r sin /2

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