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Brief History of Music

In all age, music has played an important role in the lifecycle of humans even before we speak,
many evidence has been discovered that very early man used primitive flutes from animal bones
and used stones and wood as percussion. Voice is the first and most natural expression in our
ancestors, used to bond socially and comfort a sleepless child. It is the humble beginnings of the
music we enjoy today develop med.If we move to the deep history of music we see many
evidence and its role in human civilization.These influences from the west to the east and merged
into the pre-Christian music of the Greeks and later the Romans. Musical practices conveyed by
travelling musicians to may be various kingdoms and country.

Greek Period:

Notations are introduced and developed from this period according to the musical
history which is given by scientists and musicologists because Greek only they introduced
theater and other stage arts alike a vital clue to the way that the music of the time might have
sounded. It certainly indicates remarkable links to the music that would follow, perhaps most
notably through the use of modality in Greek music.

There are same accounts, the Bible, we can learn about the instruments and features in the
Roman and Greek times and their significance to the cultures. The trumpet is an instrument of
announcement and ceremony, and the lyre is an integral player in the songs of poets.
Across Europe from the early part of the first century, the monasteries and abbeys became the
places where music became mingled in to the lives of those devoted to God and their followers.

Christianity established a new liturgy for a new music. Even though early Christian
music had its roots in the practices and beliefs of the Hebrew people, . The chants that were
composed devoutly followed the sacred Latin texts to praise the glory of God. Music was very

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