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Work Study

New Developments in Employee Training

Christianne Derouen Brian H. Kleiner
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Christianne Derouen Brian H. Kleiner, (1994),"New Developments in Employee Training", Work Study, Vol. 43 Iss 2 pp. 13 -
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Aaron W. Hughey, Kenneth J. Mussnug, (1997),"Designing effective employee training programmes", Training for Quality,
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Farhad Analoui, (1994),"Training and Development: The Role of Trainers", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 13 Iss
9 pp. 61-72
Sharon Daniels, (2003),"Employee training: a strategic approach to better return on investment", Journal of Business
Strategy, Vol. 24 Iss 5 pp. 39-42

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New Developments in
Employee Training
Christianne Derouen and Brian H. Kleiner

In order to accommodate the rapid (1) aligning training strategies with various problems and assignments
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technological changes, employees corporate goals; presented to them on the computer.

must master increasingly complex (2) continuous learning; Group training follows the
technical skills. Five major forces employees to the workplace, where
behind training becoming so important (3) manufacturer-user; and groups often meet to discuss needs and
and central to any firm’s operations are (4) designing and delivering training problems of the company. From this
as follows: cost-effectively. process the goals of training for the
company are met. The computer/no
(1) global and domestic competition; Additionally, various magazine articles instructor process is not mentioned
supplement some of the ideas very often but is a more modern way to
(2) changes in technology;
discussed in the two books as well as train as computer use is so widespread.
(3) mergers, acquisitions and dives- introduce new training methods. American Transtech found this method
titures causing realignment of
is successful in getting people to work
structures and functions of together as well as learn together.
companies; Aligning Training Strategies Corning Glass Works is another
(4) better educated workforce; with Corporate Goals company which implemented a
The first type of training mentioned in training programme aligned with its
(5) emergence of new occupations
the above books discusses aligning corporate goals. Training is so
(computer, etc.).
training strategies with corporate goals, important to Corning Glass that it felt
New training ideas are developed which is necessary because each the training given would directly relate
because trends are towards making company must evaluate what is needed to success and hopefully put it a step
training more practical, realistic and for it to be competitive and successful. ahead of its competition. The
pertaining to employees’ jobs. Training Once this is known, training can be corporation, with the help of outside
must give employees broader applied accordingly. consultants, put together a textbook
knowledge, enabling them effectively American Transtech, a subsidiary of about quality at Corning Glass. The
to utilize new technology and integrate AT&T, aligns its training with training department worked hard
it into the workplace. Lower costs, corporate goals by focusing its training exposing all 28,000 employees to
better quality, faster return on training in product and people quality.
in the following manner: managers are
investment, increased productivity and Mid-level management was the focus
trained to hire their own personnel,
long-term growth are all achieved once of the training. The book was used as a
relying less on Human Resources.
guideline, and the emphasis was
employees adapt to changes and are Once hired, new employees go through teamwork. From the initial training,
trained accordingly. In the past, a two-day orientation where company Corning Glass found problem areas
training was very classroom/instructor- policy and procedures are outlined and which needed to be addressed in
oriented. This has recently proven teamwork participation is encouraged, further company training courses,
ineffective compared with more since teamwork is an integral part of including interpersonal relationships
modern developments. American Transtech. On completion of and problem solving. Though use of
Two books published in 1988[1,2] the orientation, the new hires are books is by no means a modern
discuss many companies and modern placed in groups and trained about their training method, a company writing its
employee-training ideas which are job and its functions with the aid of a own book for training purposes and
being utilized today to keep pace with computer. There are no instructors updating as needs arise is not a
technology. The four areas addressed leading the class, so it is necessary for commonality. Most companies rely on
are: the teams to discuss among themselves outside training courses.

Work Study, Vol. 43 No. 2, 1994, pp. 13-16, © MCB University Press, 0043-8022 WS March/April, 1994 13
Continuous Learning and motivation of all employees has has recently become widespread but
More recent trends show training going proved effective. not a major training impetus.
beyond “job specific” to “continuous Factories are also utilizing modern
learning”, in which the focus is on training ideas. They are prone to
other areas of expertise within the employ multiskilled workers and use Manufacturer-User
company. In continuous learning multipurpose machines. Factories now Another form of training is
employees are encouraged to learn and use flexible automation – organizing “manufacturer-user”, which involves
understand the jobs and skills needed the shopfloor into cells and short the vendor and supplier sharing ideas
of those around them and more often assembly lines. Workers in each cell and information about design and
perform them on a regular basis. Semi- must have knowledge and skills to implementation and having joint
autonomous work teams are most operate a variety of machines and responsibility for training. Turning to
conducive in the continuous learning know product requirements. Single the manufacturer for aid in training
environment because each employee purpose assembly lines are a thing of would seem a likely choice as it should
trains others in their group. This way the past because the ability to do more know about the machine in use and its
employees know one another’s jobs than one job increases productivity, various functions. This form of
and can perform them in case of an giving companies a competitive training can result in more up-time,
employee absence. Employees begin to advantage. Traditionally, single-skilled increased creative applications,
realize that learning and continuous training was highly specialized with manufacturer and customer
training is as big a part of their job as centralized decision making. The satisfaction and improved design of
the job itself. “factory of the future” focuses on
machines. It is also a relatively
Training one another, or “train the cross-training and decentralized
inexpensive way to train because the
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trainer”, is another important aspect of decision making.

supplier does not need to implement
continuous learning. It allows training programmes or hire outside
employees to develop new applications consultants. Manufacturer-user
and techniques and share them with
their peers or supervisors.
S.B. Thomas, Inc. feels there are two
“Communication training asks for a training
commitment from the supplier on
entering into a buying agreement; and
types of training in its continuous
learning plan – social and technical
plays a the more co-operative and committed
the vendors and users are, the more
task training. In social training productive the training is. It is believed
employees are given a secondary job, major role that this type of training, although not
such as communicator, counsellor, used extensively, will gain a foothold
safety officer. These secondary jobs
change frequently and are minor jobs
in ensuring in the next ten years.
Goodyear Tire and Rubber
compared with the job for which they Company is an example of a company
are hired, but it gives employees a tasks are which initiated a manufacturer-user
“teamwork” sense of pride in programme with its suppliers. It
productivity. Although this is not an requires its suppliers to enter into a
actual training course in the truest
sense, it is a training method to
increase employees’ morale, and good
” training agreement on award of an
equipment bid. A typical training
agreement with suppliers requires:
employee morale increases work ● Access to supplier’s plant by
output as well as interpersonal In order to succeed in using training poeple from Goodyear in
relations. multiskilled employees, a factory must order to prepare task analysis and
The technical task training is train immediately, get employees training material.
focused on learning the job which the involved, and get the support of top
employee will perform. Films are used management. Training must address ● Hands-on use for operators,
to illustrate and explain various tasks many issues such as planning, maintenance workers, and
the company performs and those which operating methods, communication managers. Classroom work,
will be undertaken by the new flows, safety, etc. Communication media, equipment and instruction
employee. As this is not a new are also used.
plays a major role in ensuring tasks are
development, it will not be discussed. learned. Additionally, stress and con- ● Training content matching
S.B. Thomas has work teams in flict must be overcome for employees specifications required.
which members train one another. A to be most productive. ● Complete training before the
new hire learns from a facilitator the Through performing a variety of equipment goes into operation.
overall job of the group in which functions, the employee gains task
he/she is placed. In the course of this, a identity and skill variety, creating ● A training representative of the
new employee receives direction and increased motivation, work perfor- supplier dedicated to full-time
support from a co-worker already mance and decreased absenteeism. training.
experienced in the task. Although S.B. This is another form of continuous Goodyear’s training is limited,
Thomas does not focus as much on learning, as employees are learning not teaching only a basic knowledge of
outside training (e.g. college courses), only their particular job but also those how to use the equipment, then leaves
its commitment to the in-house training of their cellmates. This area of training training new or additional employees

14 Work Study
up to the supplier using train-the- as employees’ companies allows ● be supportive,
trainer style mentioned earlier. National Technical University to ● accommodate different learning
emphasize high quality instruction. speeds, and
Companies pay a fee to join, which
Designing and Delivering ● provide group-based learning.
allows employees to partake in the
Training Cost-effectively education. Then the student pays the Atlantic’s C&P Telephone Company
There are three approaches to fees and may receive reimbursement implemented accelerated learning and
designing and delivering training cost- from the employer. The basic functions found its costs of one course reduced
effectively. The first is a systems of National Technical University are, by 42 per cent. Collaboration rather
approach, which organizes the in addition to awarding master degrees than competition is important in this
educational process into manageable in selected disciplines, to provide technique because the group is
steps, resulting in improved decision responsible for its success. For
research seminars, operate tele-
making and training delivery. example, one student will relate to
communication for on-site services,
The second approach is training another the material just learned and
offer short courses, seminars and
partnerships with community colleges. vice versa. This process helps to speed
Companies get together with colleges workshops to introduce new the learning process. Other types of
to decide which training courses can be technology, and establish a satellite learning accelerators may include
offered and what the company needs. network between industries and positive suggestion, metaphors,
Then the company signs up employees universities. Classroom time is done analogies, mental imagery exercises
to attend. This area is enhanced when on-site or at work, over satellite. This is and role plays.
colleges increase their flexibility of the wave of the future, as there is a There are three essential elements in
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courses offered and provide high growing number wanting to take part in teaching accelerated learning – state
quality instruction. this type of programme. of mind called relaxed alertness,
The third approach is satellite or live The US Army utilizes the third exposure to subject by orchestrated
interactive TV, which usually offers approach – TV – for effective, cost- immersion, and active processing.
graduate level courses. Many efficient training. Although this Relaxed alertness calls for low threat in
companies use a combination of the method is already used in industry, the the classroom allowing students to be
above three approaches. approach which the army took in motivated to take on the challenge at
presenting it is more modern. The hand. Orchestrated immersion is an
Army Training Department found that educational process enveloping the
a simple, dry lecture on TV was not the learner in multiple, interactive contexts

“They realized most productive way to train. They

realized that learning occurs on the
receiving end; so, getting the students
and integrating experiences in those
contexts. Active processing involves
internalization of learning by the
that involved through TV training would be learner. It includes reinforcement and
a tough challenge. They decided to conscious analysis of what has been
restructure TV training by having their learned and succeeds when skills, basic
learning lecturers “interact” with the viewers by information and theoretical under-
speaking to them as if they were in the standing are all integrated into the
occurs same room, asking questions, and
presenting problems which required
teaching process. The instructors enjoy
teaching in the accelerated learning
teamwork among the students. environment because it allows them to
on the Training was found to be more fun, as step out of their “teacher” role.
students sat forward in their seats and Although the information behind
accelerated learning seems quite
receiving end
” concentration increased, creating a
more conducive training programme.
This “interactive” approach, although
it works best, does not seem to be the
complex, the end result shows cost
reduction and employees who enjoy
learning and are back to work sooner.
approach which many companies take.
The first approach mentioned is not a
modern development so will not be Action Learning
Accelerated Learning Action learning is a newer deve-
discussed. The second and third
Accelerated learning is based on lopment. It is intended to be practical
approaches have more recent
providing good training in a short and realistic and requires four things:
National Technical University is an amount of time and learning new skills (1) managers with a common interest,
example of a company which uses both and knowledge at an increased rate.
(2) an external consultant,
the second and third approach to design The major principles behind acce-
lerated learning are that it: (3) the real problems faced by the
cost-effectively and deliver training-
company, and
college and satellite TV. National Tech ● be positive,
is a non-profit private educational (4) teams focused in their areas of
● have a comfortable setting, responsibility.
corporation which awards master
degrees in selected fields. Involvement ● exalt the trainees, Once all four are brought together,
by 24 universities nation-wide as well ● reduce learning barriers and stress, the problem-solving phase begins.

WS March/April, 1994 15
for, training should be a very important
part of the job. Considering that and the
First-line management rapid technological changes, new
training methods are being developed.
Middle management
Some of the training methods
mentioned in this article will be used
extensively in the next few years, while
Senior management others may take some time in catching
on. Deciding on what training
method(s), new or old, will work best
Conceptual skills
for the needs of the company is an
important consideration which all
Human skills – significant
people responsibilities companies must address and constantly
Human skills – communication and re-evaluate.
negotiation, people and non-people resources

Technical skills – specialized

Technical skills – new technology
1. Casner-Lotto, J., Successful Training
Strategies, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San
Figure 1. Levels of Management Skills Francisco, CA, 1988.
2. Rosow, J. and Zager, R.H, Training –
The Competitive Edge, Jossey-Bass
Downloaded by Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan At 01:42 31 January 2016 (PT)

Employees are allowed to take on information or set(s) up for their part. Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 1988.
responsibilities not currently defined in When it is question and answer time,
their present job, therefore creating the team trainers are there to answer,
role differentiation and developing supplement, redirect, or clarify Further Reading
team skills. Action learning also brings contributions made by the other(s). Caine, G. and Caine, R.N., “Learning about
out shortcomings to the work group To be a team trainer, one should Accelerated Learning”, Training and
and helps the team develop ways to complement the other trainers and Development Journal, Vol. 43 No. 5,
work well with them, as this aids their 1989, pp. 65-73.
deal with them. It is geared towards
product and process versus traditional training process to run more smoothly Clancy, J.A., “Training Workers for the
and efficiently. The whole training Factory of the Future”, Training and
organizational development which is
Development Journal, Vol. 43 No. 2,
inclined to be quite process-oriented. phase is enriched by utilizing team 1989, pp. 46-9.
Action learning is known as a rough training. Team training is a proved and
Gill, M.J. and Meier, D., “Accelerated
process because not only is learning effective mechanism when the
Learning Takes off”, Training and
involved but also that learning needs to company and trainers co-operate to Development Journal, Vol. 43 No. 1,
be transferred to action, as the real make it work. 1989, pp. 63-5.
problems of the company must be Johnson, D.A., “Training by Television”,
solved. It takes time and can be Training and Development Journal,
frustrating; but the end result is having Management Level Training Vol. 43 No. 8, 1989, pp. 65-8.
company problems solved and The skills needed in management are Lawrie, J., “Take Action to Change
employees having learned a great deal, somewhat different from those needed Performance”, Personnel Journal, Vol.
not only about how to work in groups, by lower-level employees and also 27 No. 1, 1989, pp. 59-69.
but also about operations of the differ depending on what level the Pell, V.L., “Management Insights”, Journal
company. manager is (see Figure 1). These data of Property Management, Vol. 54 No. 1,
are taking a foothold as more 1989, p. 14.
companies realize their managers do Ripley, D., “Trends in Management
not have the knowledge needed to Development”, Personnel Admin-
Team Training istrator, 1989.
perform their jobs at the highest level.
Two can learn more together than one
As one moves up the corporate ladder, Snyder, K.J. and Anderson, R.H., “Team
can learn in twice the time. This is the
less technical skill is needed and more Training”, Training and Development
main force behind team training, which Journal, Vol. 43 No. 2, 1989, pp. 58-61.
conceptual skill is required. First-line
has recently become widespread. Team
managers must focus their training on
training utilizes more than one trainer
human skills and the more experienced
to teach a course, and team members
managers on technical skills. The
share in planning and doing the actual
senior managers learn more of the
training. Studies show that this
coaching and self-development side.
interaction arrangement stimulates
understanding and increases Christianne Derouen and Brian H. Kleiner
productivity for the students. Training are with the Department of Management,
is handled in several ways. With the Conclusion School of Business Administration and
Economics, California State University,
team-training arrangement, as one No matter what type of job one Fullerton, California, USA.
presents, the other(s) distribute(s) performs or the company one works

16 Work Study
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