How Did You Hear About CELTA

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How you heard about Celta:

I didn’t know about Celta until 2 days ago when I had a talk with this friend. She
is a graphic designer, but her interest was never in it. She took the Celta course 2 years
ago, and she was the one who introduced me to the course after knowing that I am
also passionate about education in English.
I didn’t take a second thought about joining the course right after I knew about
it. It was really excited to see someone in the same situation can become a really good
English teacher after the course, and I am looking forward to doing it.

Reason why I wish to attend.

#1 change my career path from “IT” to “Education”

After graduating from university, I knew that computer science is not what I
would want to do for my life. And my previous work experience as a trainer in E-
commence gave me a chance to learn how to be a teacher, and I had a lot of fun doing
it. Only by then did I realize I want to devote myself into education in the future.
Celta enables people who are not in the industry to become an expert in teaching
English. From that, I see myself grabbing a chance to change my life.

#2 English is my passion
Ever since I started to learn English, I have been obsessed with the language. I
love learning about it, and hearing myself expressing in it. My high school teacher gave
me a lot of help and inspiration. If I was not for her, I wouldn’t become who I am right
now. I am very grateful of it and I want to become one that can make people feel the
same way.

To sum up, teaching in English is my passion and I am ready to devote myself into

My plan after the course:

I am planning to become a English teacher in a language center in New Zealand
after the course. After I go back to china I will be likely to make a living out of it in
education related organization like EF.

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