English Evidence 8 Export Andor Import

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FICHA: 1565299


All consignments require an import permit from the Veterinary Division before importation
into the Federation
The importer must present a signed copy of a health certificate with an official stamp from
the exporting country for all poultry and meat products.
Fish and other sea food products are referred to the Marine resources Department for
A fee of EC$50.00 is payable for the import permit when it is issued.
A copy of the import permit is taken to the Department of Trade (Supply Office) where an
application is made for an Import Licence.
Upon approval of the import licence the goods may be imported.
The consignment must be accompanied by a valid Health Certificate from the country of
The department of Agriculture must be notified of the time of arrival of the goods.
The consignment will be inspected upon arrival by a Veterinary Officer who will advise
Customs to release the goods if it conforms to the quarantine requirements.
The import procedures for live animals including dogs, cats, horses and livestock are more
technically oriented and specific to the nature of the importation.

-Referencie el link seleccionado sobre el tema de importación (import).


-Escriba, con sus palabras, la idea principal, en inglés, del artículo seleccionado.

Requirements and steps to be followed for the importation of live animals or their
Palabra clave Definición (en inglés) , según el Significado Referencia (no
del texto contexto de la negociación internacional puede ser ni de
un traductor, ni
de un diccionario
de español)
Import To bring or carry in from an outside sourc Importar, https://www.thefr
e, especially to bring in (goods or materia importación. eedictionary.com/
ls) from a foreign country fortrade or sale. import

1. Quarantine 1. a strict isolation imposed to prev Cuarentena https://www.dicti

ent the spread of disease. onary.com

2. a period, originally 40 days, of d

etention or isolation imposed upo
n ships, persons,animals, or plan
ts on arrival at
a port or place, when suspected
of carrying some infectiousor con
tagious disease.

3. a system of measures maintaine

d by governmental authority at p
orts, frontiers, etc., forpreventin
g the spread of disease.

2. property sent to an agent for sale, Envío https://www.dicti

Consignments storage, or shipment. onary.com
3. Poultry Domesticated fowl collectively, e Aves de corral https://www.dicti
specially those valued for their m onary.com
eat and eggs, aschickens, turkey
s, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl.

4. Advise to give counsel to; offer an opinion or Asesorar https://www.dicti

suggestion as worth following onary.com
5. Customs The official department that administers Aduana https://en.oxford
and collects the duties levied by a dictionaries.com
government on imported goods.
6. livestock The animals you find on a farm are Ganado https://www.voca
collectively called livestock / any animals bulary.com
kept for use or profit.
7. Licence 1. (Law) a certificate, tag, document, etc, Licencia https://www.thefr
giving official permission to do something eedictionary.com
2. formal permission or exemption
8.Requirements That which is required; a thing demanded Requerimientos https://www.dicti
or obligatory onary.com

9. Procedures An established or official way of doing Procedimientos https://en.oxford

something. dictionaries.com
10. Notified To notify is to officially give someone a Notificado https://www.voca
piece of information. bulary.com

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