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Campbell Working for Oldbrook, Fishermead, Springfield, Willen, Campbell Park & Woolstone

Caring within
the community The magazine for where YOU live October 2010

Multiple occupancy
multiple risks!
Special Report
Campbell Park Parish Council (CPPC) has some of the
highest concentrations of Houses in Multiple Occupations
(HiMOs) in Milton Keynes.
That is largely due to the number of three-storey properties in areas
such as Fishermead and Oldbrook.
That type of dwelling, if properly licensed and converted, can offer a
vital source of housing stock which is often the first step in families
establishing themselves on the housing ladder.
But with so many people living in a small space, it is inevitable Parked vehicles blocking both pavements
that there will be increased risks in terms of health and safety and
also exploitation of tenants.
Those risks are almost always significantly increased in unli- What can you do?
censed HiMOs and, in the worst cases, can lead to people being If you suspect you are living in a HiMO, or
killed. want to report a suspected HiMO, please con-
Where such a tragedy occurs locally CPPC will always call tact MK Council’s private sector housing team
on MK Council and other authorities to prosecute the land- on 01908 253271 or email
lords and owners of the offending property.
The concern of parish resi-
Your enquiry will be treated in confidence.
dents and CPPC centres on
WHAT IS CPPC DOING the increasing number of Every new report of a HiMO not known to the
team will be inspected.
ABOUT HiMOs? HiMOs and the resulting is-
sues around parking, rub-
bish, and noise pollution.
At its September meeting
CPPC passed a motion call-
The government is not
helping the problem because
Have your say!
ing on MK Council to act on: they have now made it easier Contact CPPC on this subject. Write to:
G Strict enforcement of the for single family houses to be HiMOs Initiative
converted to HiMOs by with- Campbell Park Parish Council
Housing Act 2004 (which re-
drawing the need for new de- 1 Pencarrow Place
quires compulsory registra- velopments to go through the Fishermead
tion of three-storey HiMOs) planning process, changes ef- Milton Keynes MK6 2AS
which is essential for the fective from October 1.
or email:
safety of people in the Parish At street level the chal-
lenge is how we deal with
G Investigate properties sus- the three major effects of
pected of being unlicensed HiMOs; namely lack of ade- INSIDE
HiMOs quate parking, rubbish, and
Boundary review update -p2
noise. Take a look along
G Ensure that unlicensed your street any evening and Latest moves on bus changes - p 3
HiMOs are either brought up see how many cars are
Summer fun days pictures p 4&5
to standard and licensed, or parked on pavements, often
the owners prosecuted. obstructing the access of Advice on staying safe -p8

Campbell Park Parish Council –  MK 608559

2 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for the people of...

Latest on Parish boundary review

The shape of things to come

or the past three years, the boundaries of And as for Willen; even though Great Linford PC
F Campbell Park Parish Council (CPPC) have
been under review as part of MK Council’s
accepted the wishes of the people and the BRG, its
representative left the meeting in no doubt that the
boundary review programme. option will be discussed again, and it should not be a
That council established a Boundary Review Group surprise if another attempt is made by that parish to take
(BRG) and charged it with overseeing the process and over Willen Ward.
making recommendations. Its original proposal was for: In light of this development, CPPC will be debating its
I Central Milton Keynes Town Council (CMKTC) and options in readiness for this new review.
CPPC to amalgamate If you have an opinion on these issues, or would like to
I To transfer Willen ward away from CPPC to Great attend meetings when they are discussed, please contact
Linford Parish Council CPPC.
CPPC consultated on both proposals. In the case of the
amalgamation 88% of respondents were in favour.
Write to:
An even greater percentage (99%) of those from Willen
Boundary Review, Campbell Park Parish Council
voted to remain with CPPC and, as a result, the loss of
Willen was removed from the agenda. 1 Pencarrow Place
The BRG shifted its direction on the amalgamation, in Fishermead
September last year, by accepting a proposal from Milton Keynes MK6 2AS
Central Milton Keynes Town Council that – rather than Email, with ‘Boundary Review’ as the subject, to
being amalgamated with CPPC – it should continue to
exist and expand its territory to include CPPC’s Campbell For Campbell Park Parish Council meeting dates
Park ward.
Needless to say CPPC strongly opposed that. call 01908 608559
Threat on hold for now
A BRG meeting last month had been due to recommend
to MKC that Campbell Park ward be moved to CMKTC.
A strong delegation of staff and CPPC councillors turned
Community cohesion
out to make final objections but, in the end, did not need Another successful social cohesion meeting has been held
to fight – not for now anyway. between CPPC and repres-
That was because, at the outset of the meeting, a entatives from ethnic groups within the parish.
proposal was accepted by the BRG that where there are Discussions centred
disputes between parishes, they be referred to a new on the aims and
review body in 2011, after the next local elections. aspirations of different
Because of new legislation, that second review must be ethnic groups, and a
completed within 12 months of its start date. way to devise practical
What does that mean? plans which can help
For the time being things remain as they are. CMKTC bring them about.
will still want to relieve CPPC of Campbell Park ward. Sport, music and
food are seen to cross
all boundaries and
MK Credit Union unite people, and it is
An MK Credit Union community collection hoped that an event
point has opened at CPPC’s Pencarrow combining those
Place, Fishermead, offices. elements can be
You can join the credit union there or get further organised in the
information about membership benefits from trained future.
volunteers on Tuesdays, between 11.30am and 1.30pm.
Members can also make payments to their savings
accounts and apply for loans. Graffiti Busters
MKCU offers an alternative way of saving and Call MK Council help-line 01908 252570 to
borrowing, and anyone who lives or works in Milton report graffiti in YOUR neighbourhood.
Keynes is eligible to join. It is a financial cooperative, Or go to
owned and run by its members.
and access a simple online report form via
Savings are used only for the benefit of members, and
the streetcare page.
regular savers become eligible to apply for loans at low
Reports will be placed on a register and dealt with.
interest rates.
Offensive and or racist graffiti will be removed on
To find out more call 01908 525086
or e-mail
the first Friday following the report.
or visit
...Oldbrook, Fishermead, Springfield, Willen, Campbell Park & Woolstone. 3

Extra dog bins Place (the Green).

Fishermead: Falmouth Place,
(carpark), Marshalls Lane (near play-
park), Newport Road (allotments),
esponding to public Polruan Place (near playpark), Newport Road (bus stop beside Mill
R demand CPPC has
installed seven new ‘dog
Kernow Crescent (near playpark), Lane), Newport Road (cricket
Pencarrow Place (near playpark),
bins’ – taking the total it has provid- Penryn Avenue, Tolcarne Avenue Willen: Granville Square, Portland
ed to 29. (near playpark), Vellan Avenue. Drive (playing field), The Well, The
The sites are listed below. Springfield: Stamford Avenue Hooke, Willen Pavilion.
Oldbrook: Rashleigh Place, The (near playpark), Falcon Avenue (near The Parish spends £3,500 a year
Oval, Hutton Avenue (the Green), playpark), Turnmill Avenue, Bridge keeping the bins clear, so If you see
Oldbrook Green youth shelter (the 85, Belsize Ave, Walbrook Avenue. any of them full or overflowing, please
Green), Boycott Avenue, Leyland Woolstone: Marshalls Lane contact CPPC on 01908 608559.

Buses get the BUG

In the previous issue of Homeground CPPC asked for
comments about recent changes to local bus services
and, of the responses received, 83 per cent said the
service had deteriorated while 17 per cent thought it
had improved.
The Parish is aware that, in light of public reaction,
further changes have been made in an attempt to
address the strength of public feeling.
One recent development, with regards to public
transport, is the newly created Milton Keynes Bus
Users’ Group (MK BUG).
Interim chairman Peter Ballantyne said: “The Bus
Users Group is being set up completely independent-
ly, so that we can work with, criticise, and monitor
both the council and the bus companies.
“This is a very positive move and it is important
that bus users now have a voice. The group will
endeavour to develop relationships with the providers
and ensure we get a bus service that we can be proud
of and worthy of the city.”
If you want to join MK BUG or contact them with an
issue, please send an email to

New coachway is looking good to open for Christmas

The new Coachway building is now Redevelopment of the Coachway Department for Transport.
in the final stage of development is part of a £2.6m partnership proj- For more about this story, please
after MK Council handed it over to ect by MK Council on HCA land. see: ‘New Coachway set to open in
the Homes and Communities The facility will be leased and December’ at
Agency (HCA). operated by the National Express http://www.miltonkeynespartnershi
Final fitting out work is now Group.
underway prior to opening to the Funding for the project has been .php?ID=167 on the Milton Keynes
public, scheduled for December 13. provided by the HCA and the Partnership website.

Property transfer talks Estate’s regeneration plan

The Parish (CPPC) is in discussions with MK Council A Neighbourhood Action Plan, a blueprint for the
about taking over the running of Springfield regeneration of Fishermead, has been published and
Community Centre, Fishermead sports grounds and the public invited to comment.
Woolstone cricket field. Meanwhile, at day-to-day level, CPPC
Both Councils want those local facilities to stay in is working closely with the Probation
local hands and to be run by, and for, the local com- Service – and Community Payback
munity. teams are dealing with more obvious
The Parish will consult the immediate local communi- problems such as clearing litter, cutting
ties, about how the different facilities might be man- back overgrown hedges and restoring
aged, when the transfer is imminent. path edges.
4 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for the people of... ...Oldbrook, Fishermead, Springfield, Willen, Campbell Park & Woolstone. 5

From dominoes to a day at the sea-side

Some played rounders and football on
Something for everyone!
the beach while others spent most of
HETHER they were nine- breezeblocks with hammers and
the day in the sea. Others enjoyed the
fun fair and seaquarium on the
W months or 90 years there
was something for everyone in
chisels under the watchful eye
of Play Rangers were all part of
Victorian pier.
the Campbell Park Parish the fun.
Back in Milton Keynes there were Council Family Fun Days. So were bouncy castles, and
multisports and family games on the And despite August’s weather mixing record tracks DJ style
Willows Field every Friday in the school swinging between sunshine and with the MKC youth workers,
holidays. Children of all ages, and par- showers, it didn’t stop people along with learning to sing and
ents too, ran in relay races and tackled enjoying themselves. dance.
the space-hopper assault course. Face painting, arts and crafts, Then there was face painting,
It was brilliant to see families playing play for the under 5’s with the African drumming, stories from
together and learning new games, such Pre-School Learning Alliance, Awake to Know Africa, and
as quick cricket and giant dominoes. toasting marshmallows on scary lessons from the fire
At Oldbrook’s Fun Day there was jew- sticks and creatively re-shaping brigade with their kitchen fire
ellery making organised and run by displays – making everyone
local lady Lorraine, and Vanessa from jump back as flames shot into
A day at the seaside was the high-
light, for 80 people who went to
Clacton-on-sea, of summer holiday ses-
Craftability showed how to make button
bracelets and earrings. Another local
the air.
Photo shoots with Gully
sions organised by volunteer craft Mouse, designing badges with
the Community group made and Jane Housego, refreshments
Mobiliser. decorated birds. and games with Oldbrook
The volunteers Christian Centre, and sales of
The activities
baby clothes by the young
were run with the were all on an
mums of Orbit Housing were
help of volunteers ‘organising events
also part of the activities on
and various partner and activities’
Fishermead, Oldbrook,
agencies. course run on Springfield and Willen.
The weather was Fishermead by
MK Dons provided their
beautiful for the MK College, with ever-popular football
Clacton outing, on support from the training – and chil-
which families Parish and dren and adults alike
from the Parish Community were enthralled by
were joined by Mobiliser, as part snakes, lizards, a giant
some from of MK Council’s tortoise and other rep-
Bletchley and regeneration tiles on display.
Bradville. project.

And Pebbles go up on the Downs...

Teacher and family support workers from The Pebbles Children’s

Centre took five families out for a day on Dunstable Downs.
Kite flying provided great fun, and some of the children went
walking with their parents while others loved watching the gliders
soaring so high up in the sky.
After lots of fresh air and exercise everyone had a picnic, and a
good fun day was had by all!
6 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for the people of...

Christian centre ‘reborn’

Expansion of Milton Keynes multi-purpose space to expand
Christian Centre, on Oldbrook, is FoodBank, parents & tod-
complete! dlers, the senior citizens
The work took just over a year group – and our ever-pop-
and opening ceremonies are ular children’s club
planned for October 30. ‘Frantic’, on Fridays. It
The centre’s Billy Ritchie (pictured) will also house a great
said: “The new church hall will give coffee shop with a large
us much needed extra room for seating area and, eventu-
Sunday Services, allowing us to ally, free WiFi. There will
move from three to two services at be rooms for small meet-
10 am and 12 noon.” ings of community
The building is not exclusively for groups.”
church members’ use and the com- Parish residents are
munity-at-large will also benefit. invited to an open day on
“As well as a new church hall wel- Saturday October 30
coming visitors, we believe Milton between 12 noon and
Keynes Christian Centre can be a 4pm. A host of activities for all
great facility for the whole of our ages, including music, dance, free
Parish. coffee and food from around the
“We believe our church needs to world are planned. Comedian Bobby
be active in serving our special Ball will be performing in the
community, and the new facilities evening. Above: a hall for 600 and the huge
will enable us to develop these Tickets are free, just call MKCC on new cafe foyer – all part of a £2.5
activities. We now have use of a 01908 670655 to reserve yours. million investment

investigate your complaint.

Bonfires can be a flaming nuisance Its staff have power to issue an
abatement notice under the
nder the Environment occasional fire, that will not be con-
U Protection Act 1990, it is
an offence to cause a statu-
sidered a nuisance because no single
individual can be held responsible.
Environment Act. That act also allows
you to take private action in a magis-
trate’s court.
tory nuisance. What to do if a neighbour’s bonfires What are the alternatives, more
That includes smoke, fumes, are causing a nuisance: environmentally beneficial, methods
gasses ‘emitted from premises so as Approach the neighbour to try and of rubbish disposal?
to be prejudicial to health or a nui- resolve the matter – they may not be MK Council issues green bins for
sance’ and can include nuisance cre- aware of the problem, and talking garden waste – including leaves and
ated by bonfires. may make them more considerate in small branches – removing need for a
What counts as a nuisance? the future. a bonfire. If you have more than the
To legally be considered a nuisance If that fails contact MK Council’s bin will hold, take it to the recycling
a bonfire would be a regular problem Environmental Health Department sites. Or you can create your own
and interfere with other people’s well which must take reasonable steps to compost bin.
being and comfort or enjoyment of
their property.
If a fire is only an occasional event
it is less likely to be considered a
Skills ladder cation, budgeting, marketing events
and health and safety.
nuisance. Similarly, if you are trou- The participants also gained in con-
Ten Fishermead and Oldbrook people
bled by a series of bonfires from vari- fidence as the course progressed,
have taken part in a six-week accred-
ous neighbours, each only having an culminating in their organising and
ited training course – Organising
presenting events themselves at the
Events and Activities – delivered by
Oldbrook Family Fun Day.
Milton Keynes College Skills Ladder
COUNCIL MEETINGS and funded by the Parish Council.
Please come along and see I There’s a great Business Diploma
how the Parish Council con- course starting now – FREE if you
have been unemployed for over six
ducts its business. Meetings of
months, receive job seeker’s
the council are held on the third
allowance and are computer literate.
Tuesday of each month, start-
You must also want to take part in
ing 7.30pm, at the Oldbrook a café project at The Trinity centre.
Centre, Oldbrook Boulevard, Interested? Call Chris on 01908
Oldbrook. Visitors are welcome Supported by CPPC’s community 222827 or email
to come and see what goes on. development manager and the local
We also deliver ESOL (English
The next meetings are on community mobiliser, the tutor
classes) at The Trinity centre –
Oct 19, Nov 16 and Dec 21 worked with participants to develop
Mon-Fri – if you need help.
skills such as team work, communi-
...Oldbrook, Fishermead, Springfield, Willen, Campbell Park & Woolstone. 7

Working together to beat rubbish dumpers...

Parish and its partners in grime

By parish warden
Mitch Mitchener Residents can be assured that this one flytipping incident.
action will continue wherever such Therefore I would like to remind
orking with MK dumping continues.
W Council’s enforcement
team, waste officers, and
In a recent incident a large amount
of flytipped rubbish was set alight
residents that MK Council runs a
MKC councillors, the Parish has and, unfortunately a large ash tree Just call Environmental Services on
attempted to rid various streets of was damaged and had to be felled. 01908 252570
the habit some people have of leav- That is a typical escalation: email:
ing contaminated pink and black
G Thoughtless person dumps rubbish visit:
sacks dumped on green areas –
G Another one sets it
sometimes many days prior to sched-
uled collection days.
That behaviour has been a common G Established tree is
cause of complaint from many local damaged
people. G Fire service has to
One particular Fishermead street deal with incident
has been targeted with such sacks G Police have to inves-
searched for evidence of the guilty tigate
parties’ identities. G Waste services have
As a result many residents have to clear debris
received section 46 letters explaining G Landscape officer
that they should only put their waste inspects damaged tree
out on collection days. G Contractor employed
The letters also inform them that to fell and clear of logs
should they continue with such inap- Adding on the value
propriate behaviour they will receive of the damaged tree,
a fixed penalty notice – £100 fine. it’s a considerable
If that is not paid court action amount of public
could increase that to £1,000. money being wasted on
Thanks to some help from CPPC the

families of Woolstone are to get a much

Get your out - test your smoke alarm improved play area.
Following removal of an unsafe play
Following last month’s fatal email area at Rectory Lane, the Parish has
fire on Fishermead all resi- They will be only too happy assisted residents in achieving its rein-
dents are urged to check that: to send a fire crew to advise statement.
I You have a smoke alarm fit- you as to the correct location.
Public consultation between resi-
ted in your home. They will even supply and fit
dents, Campbell Park Parish Council
one free of charge, and also
I It is working. It should be and MK Council led to an application
give you invaluable information
checked weekly. on fire prevention. for help being made to WREN (a body
I Normally batteries should They will advise on making funded by a tax on waste going to
be changed every 12 months escape plans to save yourself landfill).
(though 10 year smoke alarms should you become trapped by That bid was successful, and com-
are now on sale). a fire. A cup of tea is all you bined with further funding from CPPC
PLEASE DON’T need provide them with... and MK Council, has enabled installation
Many people remove smoke Please read the fire safety work to get underway.
alarm batteries, to use them advice on the back page.
in a child's toy or because the
alarm sounds when cooking.
PLEASE don’t – no alarm
Better parking for disabled drivers
means no alert if there’s a Disabled users of the Parish’s Oldbrook The work was completed and funded
fire...a fire which could kill Centre and Oldbrook First School are by MK Council after Campbell Park Parish
you, your family and your benefiting from recent changes to park- Council had asked that authority to con-
neighbours. ing arrangements for the neighbouring sider the matter.
If the alarm is triggered by properties. CPPC applauds the posi-
your cooking it has probably tive response from MK
The changes have come about with the
been installed incorrectly. Council, and courteously
creation of two new disabled access bays requests drivers to respect
If in any doubt do not hesi-
within the existing car parking area. the new bays.
tate to contact the fire service
on 01908 665567 or, if you live Installation of a dropped kerb has further They are for use by Blue
on Oldbrook, 01908 263374 or improved access to the buildings. Badge holders only.

Campbell Deepest sympathy

HOMEGROUND It is with deep regret that Campbell
Council The magazine for Park Parish Council records the trag-
Caring within
the community where YOU live ic death of a mother and child in a
house fire on
issue of October 2010 Fishermead last month.
On behalf of everyone
living in the Parish,
CPPC sends its condo-

Stay safe and alive! lences to the victims’

bereaved relatives.

Fire Safety in the Kitchen  If the oil has started smoking turn heat – but never lean over the pan to
round 60 per cent of accidental fires off the heat and leave to cool down, reach the controls.
A in the home start in the kitchen,
and taking a few simple steps can dra-
otherwise it may catch fire.
 Turn off the hob if you have to leave
 Leave the kitchen, close the door
behind you, get everyone else out of
matically reduce your risks. the kitchen (many fires start while peo- the house...and DO NOT go back inside
 Keep electrical leads, tea towels, ple are answering the door or tele- for any reason.
cloths, loose clothing and phone).  Call 999.
anything which may catch Get a smoke alarm
fire away from your oven and Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue
hob. Service is offering free risk checks
 Keep ovens, hobs, grills to anyone who would like one.
and extractors clean – build That involves assessment of the
ups of fat and grease can fire risks in your home, carried
easily catch fire. out by fire-fighters, and takes 20
 Keep toasters clean, free of to 30 minutes. You will need you
crumbs and away from cur- to be there to answer questions.
tains, towels and anything If they think you need them,
else that could catch fire. they will also fit as many smoke
 Never put metal in a alarms (British Standards
microwave or try to sterilise approved with sealed batteries
dish cloths/sponges in it. which should last 10 years) as
they think necessary. In certain
 Don’t overload electrical
premises, they may fit heat
sockets – use one plug in
each socket. If you have to,
And that is all FREE.
use a fused adapter and keep
the total load to no more See page 7 for more about
than 13 amps (a kettle alone smoke alarms and how to
can use 13 amps). DON'T PUT WATER ON FAT FIRES! This huge fireball request a check.
was caused by just half a cup of water tipped into a If you are deaf or hard of hearing,
 Make sure plugs have the burning fat frier during a CPPC Fun Day display.
correct fuse for the appliance they can provide an appropriate
being used. If in doubt, refer to the smoke alarm system.
If Your pan catches fire: They will, with your consent, pass
manufacturers instructions.
 Don’t panic and don’t take risks your details to the RNID who will
 Turn off electrical appliances when
not in use, and keep them and leads  Do not move the pan. arrange a hearing assessment for you.
away from water.  Never throw water or use a fire Subject to the results of that they will
 Use spark devices to light gas cook- extinguisher on a hot fat fire. loan you a special smoke alarm system
ers – it’s safer than matches or lighters.  If it’s safe to do so – turn off the suitable for your needs.
 Never leave children alone in the
 Keep pan handles turned to back of
News in brief updates as the project progresses.
hobs and away from other gas burn- Work has started on a woodland Fishermead’s George Damien has
ers/electric rings. management plan CPPC’s parkland won the draw for a £25 Co-op vouch-
 Take pans off heat and turn off area on Oldbrook Green. It is intend- er in the estate’s regeneration com-
hob/or grill if you have to leave the ed to safeguard and develop the area munications survey. Thank you the
kitchen while cooking. Make sure oven, for future generations. Co-op for putting up the prize.
hob and grill are turned off when you An initial survey has been complet-   
have finished cooking. ed and shows a diverse range of Police report a growth in burglaries in
 Avoid cooking if you are tired, have species with over 400 trees in total. which car keys have been taken and
been drinking alcohol or are taking The next step is to establish the then used to steal the owners’ cars.
medication that can make you drowsy. current condition of the trees. There Entry is often through cat flaps and
Chip pans/hot fat frying is no intention to make wholesale open windows...with some thieves
 Never fill a pan more than a third full changes, but to work with the best ‘fishing’ through letterboxes to steal
with oil or fat. existing features and to see how keys left on hall tables.
 Dry chips/food before putting them in they can possibly be complemented Secure your house and hide your
the pan. and enhanced. There will be more keys – even when you are at home!

Campbell Park Parish Council –

 MK 608559
Home Ground created for Campbell Park Parish Council by Intermedia (ICS Ltd) – 01908 270000. Printed in England

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