Recommendation Vlir Icp Bu Teti

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(This questionnaire can be filled out in English, French, Spanish or Dutch!)

Name of applicant: Muhammad Fariz Ramzy

Application number: IN00053630

1. How long have you known the applicant?

I met the applicant occasionally as he attended the classes I am giving my lecture to since his
freshmen year.
Do you know him/her well?
I got to know him well when I trusted him to work on my project which I allowed him to make the
project as the topic for his minor thesis.
What is your relationship?
I became his minor thesis supervisor at his senior year of college. We have gotten pretty close as he
asked for advices a lot in finishing his minor thesis.
2. How do you judge his (her) intellectual and professional abilities?
 average  good √ very good  exceptional: explain: His attention to detail is quite good. The
way he applied creative thinking and technical abilities to deliver output is also impressive.. ..............
3. How do you estimate his/her maturity and his/her psychological equilibrium?
 average  good √ very good  exceptional: explain: He is very mature in communicating,
voicing out his opinion, and also in making a decision. His ability to command himself to finish his task
shows how much he has matured over the years in college. ................................................................
4. In your opinion will the chosen specialisation prepare the candidate to the needs of his/her
Our Country is still lacking in terms of food sustainability, although we are currently in the right track
towards that goal. Having more people with the same goal and integrity to fight for food sustainability
would be a great addition for our country. Hopefully being nurtured by the institution that has more
resource for him to develop his interest towards this field would give him the best experience he could
get, and that he would be able to apply his knowledge to our country. .................................................


5. In your opinion, which profession will the proposed studies of research work enable him/her
to practise in his/her country?
I think it is better for him to become a researcher that focuses his study towards functional
commodities that would support food security and sustainability. But I also think that having
experience in food industry is also important to develop his technical abilities and is the best way to
apply what he has learned from his master degree study. Having the right proportion of industrial
experience will turn him into a knowledgeable individual that will allow him to see problems from
different point of view, and that would be an advantage for him. .........................................................

6. Which are in your opinion the weak points and the principal qualities of the candidate,
especially concerning his/her planned studies and career?
What he has to learn further is the ability to make quick decision as he likes to take as many time he
has to make sure that he is making the right decision. This weakness is actually a good thing to have
since that means he has many things to anticipate, but sometimes an immediate decision is necessary
to provide short-term solution for a problem. Aside from his weakness, he is very persistent, proactive,
and versatile which I believe are what it takes to excel in both his studies and career .......................
7. Is it true that the candidate has absolutely no financial resources; is there no institution in
his/her country that could grant him/her a scholarship?
He does not have any financial resources to afford pursuing a master degree abroad. There are
several institutions that could provide him scholarship for his master degree, but I believe that he is
trying to choose which institutions that he feel he could give as much as he could get the most.........
8. Personal remarks


Name: Sudarma Dita Wijayanti……………………………………………………………… ........................
Function:……………………………………………………………. ..............................................................
Organisation: Department of Food Products Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology,
University of Brawijaya………………………………………………………. ..............................................
Address:……………………………………………………………. ...............................................................
…………………………………………………………… ................................................................
…………………………………………………………… ................................................................
…………………………………………………………… ................................................................
Date: January 30th, 2019


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