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Entertainment Speech

Don’t trust your mother!

When I was in sixth grade my mother used to tell my sister that she must work hard, that
she should not let any boys ruined her future. When she was in college, my mother told
her that she must work harder now, don’t let men destroy your future. Then suddenly she
told her, stop working! Get marry, have babies or you won’t have a future. So that’s why I
couldn’t understand my mother.

But anyway, her mission in searching for a son in law has started. My mother said she
didn’t look good enough so she took away my sister’s clothes, told her to change the way
she walk and the way she talk. Three months pass my sister still have no boyfriend so my
mother came up to her and treat her for a full body spa and treatment. Now it’s getting
scary, because in six months if she don’t have a boyfriend yet she’d probably cut my
sister’s off and put Angelina Jolie’s head on her.
After all my mother’s effort for her I started questioning myself why men don’t want to be
with my sister, then something came to my mind I realize that it’s not about her, it’s about
all the men. From my observation, handsome men want beauty, rich men also want rich
women, and the very little percentage left are gay.

Until one day God must have heard her desperate plea and then send her a guy “Yes! A
guy! Wohoo!” she said. Right now she’s happily married, and she’s still my mother’s good

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