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Research Project

Effectiveness of Training & Development Process- A
Study on Padma Oil Company Ltd.
(This Project report Is Submitted For the Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration with a Major in HRM)

Submitted To:
Nurshad Yesmin
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business Administration
University of Science and Technology Chittagong

Submitted By:
Asif Mahmud
Student ID: 932
Reg. No. 910
Batch: 22th
Program: MBA (Regular)
Major in HRM
Faculty of Business Administration
University of Science and Technology Chittagong

Submission Date: 9th May, 2019

University of Science and Technology Chittagong

Letter of Transmittal

Date: 9th May, 2019

The Honorable Madam
Nurshad Yesmin
Department of FBA
Faculty of Business Administration
University of Science and Technology Chittagong

Sub: Submission of Project Report on “Effectiveness of Training & Development

Process- A Study on Padma Oil Company Ltd.”.

Dear Madam,
With due respect and humble submission, I would like to submit here with my Project report
titled “Effectiveness of Training & Development Process- A Study on Padma Oil Company
Ltd.”. Which has completed under the prudent guidance of Shahnaz Begum, Department of
FBA’, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Science and Technology
Chittagong. I carefully studied both the theoretical & practical aspect of the topic.

I tried my level best to know about the Organization by observing its activities. This Project
which I would like to submit to you for your evaluation is an outcome of my own observation
and contribution. I do believe and hopes that you will find this study very interesting,
informative and insightful.

Therefore, I would like to request you to take steps for the evaluation of my Project and
oblige thereby.

Asif Mahmud
Student ID: 932
Reg. No. 910
Batch: 22th
Program: MBA (Regular)
Major in HRM
Department: FBA
University of Science and Technology Chittagong

Student of Declaration

This Project “Effectiveness of Training & Development Process- A Study on Padma Oil
Company Ltd.” Has been prepared by me. It is my original work performed through primary
and secondary data collected from different sources. This Project report has been submitted to
the University of Science and Technology Chittagong for Business Administration, as the
partial fulfillment of the MBA program, with major in HRM .I would further like to declare
that the Project has not been submitted to any other university or institution to get any Degree
of Diploma, and also not submitted for publication or fulfillment of any other purpose.

Asif Mahmud
Student ID: 932
Reg. No. 910
Batch: 22th
Program: MBA (Regular)
Major in HRM
Department: FBA
University of Science and Technology Chittagong


The path toward completion of a Project is hard and often times can seem quite difficult.
Thanks and all praises to Almighty Allah for his blessings to complete this Project.
First of all, I would like to offer heart felt thanks to my supervisor Nurshad Yesmin,
Department of FBA, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Science and
Technology Chittagong, for her whole-hearted supervision, suggestions and comment was
really a great source of courage for me.

Secondly, I would like to show deepest gratefulness to my family members, colleagues and
branch in charge of Effectiveness of Training & Development Process- A Study on Padma
Oil Company Ltd.” for helping me to complete my Project.

Lastly, I am very much grateful to my all teachers, for this important contribution and
cooperation in advancing the Project and thereby completing my MBA program ultimately.

Executive Summary
An organization cannot build a good team of working professionals without good Human
Resources. The key functions of the Human Resources Management (HRM) team include
recruiting people, training them, performance appraisals, motivating employees as well as
workplace communication, workplace safety, and much more. HRM encourages the people
working in an organization, to work according to their potential and gives them suggestions
that can help them to bring about improvement in it. The team communicates with the staff
individually from time to time and provides all the necessary information regarding their
performances and also defines their respective roles.

In an organization, there are several issues on which disputes may arise between the
employees and the employers. One can say conflicts are almost inevitable. In such a scenario,
it is the human resource department which acts as a consultant and mediator to sort out those
issues in an effective manner. They first hear the grievances of the employees. Then they
come up with suitable solutions to sort them out. In other words, they take timely action and
prevent things from going out of hands.

The responsibility of establishing good public relations lies with the HRM to a great extent.
They organize business meetings, seminars and various official gatherings on behalf of the
company in order to build up relationships with other business sectors. Sometimes, the HR
department plays an active role in preparing the business and marketing plans for the
organization too.
Any organization, without a proper setup for HRM is bound to suffer from serious problems
while managing its regular activities. For this reason, today, companies must put a lot of
effort and energy into setting up a strong and effective HRM.
I choose “Effectiveness of Training & Development Process- A Study on Padma Oil
Company Ltd.” for my Project because it is a large organization in our country with a
resourceful HRM department

Table of Content
Particular Page No.
Cover page I
Letter of Submission II
Student Declaration III
Acknowledgement IV
Executive Summary V
Chapter One - Introduction
1.1 Introduction 02
1.2 Background of the Study 02
1.3 Problem of the Study 03
1.4 Sampling Frame 03
1.5 Limitations of the study 03
Chapter Two - Overview of Padma Oil Company Ltd.
2.1 Background of Padma Oil Company Ltd. 06
2.2 History 06
2.3 Operations 07
2.4 Company Profile 07
2.5 Vision 08
2.6 Mission 08
Chapter Three - Literature Review
3.1 Training Delivery Methods 10
3.2 Coaching Training Delivery 10
3.3 Mentoring and Coaching Training Delivery 10
3.4 Brown Bag Lunch Training Delivery 10
3.5 Web-Based Training Delivery 11
3.6 Job Shadowing Training Delivery 12
3.7 Job Swapping Training Delivery 12
3.8 Vestibule Training Delivery 12
3.9 International Assignment Training 13
3.10 Learning Styles 13
3.11 Delivery Mode 14
3.12 Delivery Style 14
3.13 Communication 15
Chapter Four - Methodology
4.1 Data Collection 17
4.2 Descriptive study 17
4.3 Research Design

Chapter Five - Analysis and Finding
5.1 Analysis 20
5.1.1 Methods of Training 20
5.1.2 On-the-Job Training Method 20
5.1.3 Off-the-Job Training Method 22
5.2 Training Process 23
5.3 SWOT analysis: 23
5.4 Findings
Chapter Six - Recommendation & Conclusion
6.1 Recommendation 27
6.2 Conclusion 28
References 29


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