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Tropical Plant Biol.

(2011) 4:22–30
DOI 10.1007/s12042-011-9076-3

Sugarcane Underground Organs: Going Deep

for Sustainable Production
Sizuo Matsuoka & Antonio Augusto Franco Garcia

Received: 2 February 2011 / Accepted: 14 March 2011 / Published online: 30 March 2011
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Sugarcane breeding has greatly advanced in one of the most desired traits. Ratooning ability comes
recent decades, but many aspects of sugarcane physiology mainly from the rhizomatousness of S. spontaneum, but this
are still poorly understood, including the root-shoot trait has been diluted during the selection process so that the
relationships that ultimately affect yield. Traditional methods stubble of hybrids does not have rhizomes sensu stricto. In
for studying root systems are imprecise due to methodological this review, we revisit some basic aspects of the sugarcane
difficulties of in situ assessment and sampling; this seems root system, mainly from an ecophysiological view, and
especially true for the sugarcane root system. Studies on point out considerations for breeders to consider in designing
sugarcane roots lag well behind those on other crops, in part the architecture of a new sugarcane cultivar that can meet the
due to the large plant stature and long crop cycle. need for sustainable agricultural production.
Commercial sugarcane cultivars are hybrids from crosses
mostly between Saccharum officinarum and S. spontaneum Keywords Saccharum officinarum . Saccharum
made by breeders at the beginning of the last century. These spontaneum . Rhizomatousness . Sugarcane breeding .
hybrids have a genomic structure composed of 80% S. Energy cane
officinarum, 10% S. spontaneum and 10% recombinants of
these two species. S. spontaneum is included in large part for Abbreviations
the robustness of its underground organs (root and rhizome). QTLs Quantitative Trait Loci
The S. spontaneum genes controlling these characteristics GHG Greenhouse Gas
may be lost during recurrent backcrosses with S. officinarum DMA Dry Matter Accumulation
to increase sugar content and yield. Thus, ratooning ability is SOC Soil Organic Carbon

Communicated by: Paulo Arruda

S. Matsuoka
Universidade Federal de São Carlos,
Campus de Araras-SP,
Araras, Brazil
The first interspecific crosses to produce the noble canes
S. Matsuoka (*) were made as early as 1893 in Java, but success with this
Rua Ciro Lagazzi,
approach did not appear until the 1920s with the production
01. 13603–027, Araras, SP, Brazil
e-mail: of world famous hybrids POJ 2725 and POJ 2878, which
are progenitors of most cane cultivars worldwide. These
A. A. F. Garcia successes stimulated the establishment of sugarcane breeding
Departamento de Genética, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz
and research centers in the main sugar-producing regions of
de Queiroz (ESALQ), Universidade de São Paulo (USP),
CP 83, CEP 13400–970, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil the world, with further advances in knowledge supporting the
e-mail: expansion of the sugarcane industry (Tew 1987; Matsuoka et
Tropical Plant Biol. (2011) 4:22–30 23

al. 2009). In spite of the technological advancements made Most studies of the sugarcane root system have
during the last century in techniques for sugarcane farming disregarded the substantial influence of the genetic consti-
throughout the world, researchers have reported that practical tution of the cultivars under study. Modern cultivars are
yields still lag behind the theoretical physiological limit highly heterozygous interspecific hybrids derived mainly
(Garside et al. 1997; Moore 2005). from the introgression of a small genomic proportion of
Plant-ecosystem interactions are governed by many accharum spontaneum into a predominantly S. officinarum
complex factors so that complete control over all of them genome. Due to complex cytogenetic process the hybrids
is not possible in a variable and large agrosystem like a have about 80% of the S. officinarum genome and 10% of
sugarcane plantation, even when all of the available the S. spontaneum genome, with the remaining 10% of the
advanced technologies are adopted. Moreover, the climatic hybrid genome as recombinant chromosomes (D’Hont et al.
conditions over the large area and long crop cycle will be 1996; Grivet and Arruda 2001; Cuadrado et al. 2004). S.
less than optimal for maximum performance of the crop. officinarum transmites high sucrose content and good
One important and often neglected issue is the functioning milling characteristics, while S. spontaneum contributes
of the root system and the root-shoot interactions, which physiological characters that allow the hybrids to be grown
ultimately affect productivity and the agro-environment in diverse, frequently unfavorable, environments (Tew
(Lynch 2007). In this context, the comprehensive review on 1987). The ability to adapt to harsh environments is
the “growth and function of the sugarcane root system” by possible because S. spontaneum is more diverse, both
Smith et al. (2005) is of particular value. However, in within the species and a single genome, than S. officinarum,
addition to affecting agricultural production, the root and contributes characteristics such as adaptation to biotic
system has a major influence on carbon and mineral and abiotic stresses, high tillering, and increased ratooning
nutrient cycling in the ecosystem (Gill and Jackson 2000; ability (Jackson 1994; Legendre and Burner 1995). One
Kumar et al. 2006) and these issues are particularly relevant example of greater adaptability to distinct environmental
in managing the shift from traditional farming to a conditions as the result of a higher fraction of S.
sustainable agriculture system. Thus, the aim of this paper spontaneum in the hybrid can be seen in the performance
is to revisit the sugarcane underground organs with a of two cultivars, R570 and NCo376. R570 is a modern
holistic view, discussing issues that have received little cultivar with a chromosome constitution of 80:10:10 of S.
attention to date, but which we recognize as extremely officinarum, S. spontaneum, and recombinants between the
important in developing a new paradigm for sugarcane. two, respectively, whereas the old cultivar NCo376 has a
chromosome constitution of 70:20:10 (Ming et al. 2006).
NCo376, released in 1955, is one of the cultivars with the
The Importance of Underground Organs longest commercial life in the last century (Wilson 1974),
while the cultivation R570 is restricted to specific, more
Plants have evolved to exhibit a characteristic balance ideal areas. One can hypothesize that the success of
between the mass contained in the shoot and root proportions NCo376 could be attributed to its adaptation to the stressful
in a given ecophsiological stage, and this ratio is characteristic climate-soil-management conditions of South Africa and
for each species or genotype (Marschner 1995). The other southern and central African countries (Meyer 2007).
ecophysiological stage is defined by specific environmental The roots of NCo376 have been shown to extend deeper
conditions dictated by light, temperature, wind, water, and more profusely than those of other cultivars under
nutrients, noxious substances, physical constraints and unfavorable conditions (Smit and Singels 2006). Other pair-
biological interactions (diseases, pests, plant competition, wise comparisons like this are strongly needed to foster the
parasitism and symbiosis) that affect the morphology and hypothesis.
physiology of both the aboveground and belowground Molecular studies have suggested that the minor chromosome
organs (Eissenstat and Yanai 2002). Despite the importance complement inherited from S. spontaneum confers diversity and
of roots in plant ecophysiology, relatively little is known adaptability to modern cultivars (Lu et al. 1994; Jannoo et al.
about the complex root-soil-shoot-atmosphere interactions. 1999; D’Hont et al. 2008), and that plant selections for
This lack of knowledge can be attributed to the inherent cultivation in subtropical conditions generally give rise to a
difficulties involved in comprehensive studies of root greater fraction of S. spontaneum chromosomes than selections
systems and their relationships with the environment for cultivation under tropical conditions (Jannoo et al. 1999;
(Marschner 1995). The anatomy and morphology of sugar- Selvi et al. 2005). Thus, the underground part of S. spontaneum
cane roots have been reviewed elsewhere (Moore 1987a; can be imputed as largely responsible for the success of the
Smith et al. 2005) and is largely omitted from the present hybrid cultivars throughout the world and the potential for
review, which concentrates more on the genetic basis of the increased use of S. spontaneum for adverse environments
root system functioning. merits more attention.
24 Tropical Plant Biol. (2011) 4:22–30

The Rhizome overwintering and produce ratoon canes may explain this
fact, as the success of LCP85-384 has been attributed to its
Like many other grass species, S. spontaneum forms capacity to produce additional ratoons when compared to
rhizomes, but S. officinarum does not (Paterson 2009). other contemporary cultivars. Therefore, rhizomatousness
Thus, the rhizomatous characteristics of commercial sugarcane should be considered a key trait to be incorporated in
come from S. spontaneum (Hu et al. 2003). The F1 generation sugarcane hybrids to encourage improved ratooning ability.
derived from pioneer crosses between S. spontaneum and S. In S. officinarum, the primary shoot grows vertically, and
officinarum gave rise to rhizomatous populations. However, subsequent generations of shoots arise from buds at the
due to the successive backcrosses and selection to augment small bend at the previous shoot base to reach an upright
the traits of S. officinarum, rhizomatousness of the progeny, position. In S. spontaneum, the primary shoot first grows
together with other traits of S. spontaneum, gradually declined horizontally, to variable extents, before emerging from the
(Burner and Legendre 1995). Nevertheless, a set of rhizome- ground; thus the primary shoot may be more properly
specific genes have probably been maintained in some called a rhizome (Moore 1987a). The buried section of the
individuals, in a process similar to what happened during stalk and the rhizome are essential for tillering and for the
the domestication of cereal crops (Hu et al. 2003). regrowth of the stool after the harvest of the stalks
Rhizomes develop from axillary buds at the lowermost (ratooning ability). As each stalk forms its own root
nodes of the erect shoot. Rhizome growth is oriented system, this tillering ability influences the final root system
perpendicular to the force of gravity (diageotropic), and of the stubble. Given the high cost of establishing a new
they retain the ability to produce geotropic shoots that sugarcane crop, the greater the number of harvested ratoon
become independent ramets. Rhizomes are key to the crops, the greater the profitability. The rhizomatous trait
ability of many species to survive in harsh environments from S. spontaneum has been diluted during the selection
(Hu et al. 2003; Paterson 2009). For example, in Louisiana, process so that the stubble of modern hybrid cultivars does
USA, sugarcane planting is done in the fall early enough to not have rhizomes sensu stricto. Therefore, increasing the
allow development of underground organs as a way to rhizomatousness of cultivars is not only of direct agronomic
avoid the annual freezing temperatures to which sugarcane value but could also represent a great contribution to a
shoots are very sensitive. Freezing winter temperatures kill sustainable agriculture (Glover et al. 2007; Glover et al.
the young shoots in late December, but the stubble stays 2010). A successful case was demonstrated when an early-
protected underground during the coldest temperatures; generation hybrid with a highly prolific stalk population
when spring comes, new shoots are formed from the and deep root system exhibited outstanding ratoon regrowth
overwintering belowground buds. The developed cane is without a decrease in cane yield through eight ratoons,
then harvested in the next fall, before the frost, and the benefiting from its rhizomatous growth habit (Giamalva
underground buds overwinter and sprout new shoots in the et al. 1984).
spring to produce the ratoon crop. In studies with grasses, Studies on sugarcane roots usually do not consider the
QTLs for rhizomatousness and ratooning have been rhizome or the underground stubble. Thus there is a paucity
identified and have been shown to be associated with one of information on the total dry mass of the belowground
another as a result of an ancient duplication, suggesting parts of any Saccharum species or hybrid cultivars. The
long-term functional conservation of the underlying genes limited data that exists is generally only fresh weight,
(Jang et al. 2006). which is of little use for a dependable comparative analysis.
Good ratoonability in sugarcane is undoubtedly linked to The new demand for biomass production to help
high tillering ability that is in turn linked to high mitigate the greenhouse gas (GHG) effect on the planet
rhizomatousness. Others have noted that genes associated has driven plant scientists to seek the development of crop
with tillering in the Poaceae may have some relationship to plants having a high efficiency in fixing atmospheric CO2
rhizomes (Jang et al. 2006). It is possible that rhizome- while being as environmentally friendly as possible in its
specific genes may serve multiple functions for plant management. These lines of investigation frequently focus
growth and development as well as serving regulatory on the potential use of C4 grasses, as opposed to C3 plants
functions (Jang et al. 2009). The temperate region sugar- because of their more efficient conversion of solar energy;
cane cultivars showing better production performance are greater capacity to produce in suboptimal environments
generationally less distance removed from the ancestral S. where they are exposed to stresses such as drought, salinity,
spontaneum (Tew and Cobill 2008). Pan et al. (2004) found sodicity, low temperature, low nutrient availability, etc.;
more than 60% homology between US56-15-8, a S. higher resistance to diseases and pests; perennially to
spontaneum clone, and the highly successful cultivar in require less tillage and reduced inputs of fertilizer and
Louisiana, LCP85-384, which is a BC4 derivative of that herbicide, thus causing less soil erosion and creating fewer off-
ancestor. The maintenance of rhizomatousness to permit site consequences (Glover et al. 2007; Jonhson et al. 2007;
Tropical Plant Biol. (2011) 4:22–30 25

Yuan et al. 2008; Gonzalez-Herandez et al. 2009; Jakob et al. The higher number of sett roots produced by S. officinarum
2009). C4 plants have a high capacity to sequester C, both as compared to S. spontaneum (Moore 1987a) is probably
aboveground and belowground. Grasses producing rhizomes also a survival strategy of the former, since, in the tropical
fit well with these characteristics (Paterson 2009) and, conditions where it evolved, vigorous shoot growth is
thus, increasing the effect of rhizomatousness in sugarcane essential to competing and surviving in a vigorous plant
cultivars is not only of direct agricultural value but should community. S. spontaneum, on the other hand, is generally
also contribute to a more sustainable agriculture (Glover growing in a harsh environment where there are not many
et al. 2010). vigorous competitors; the survival strategy in this case is to
A recent trend in sugarcane development is a shift to the develop strong underground tissues (rhizome) to withstand
so-called “energy cane” (e.g., Mislevy et al. 1995; Bischoff environmental stresses instead of developing a large
et al. 2008; Tew and Cobill 2008; Matsuoka et al. 2010), number of shoot roots. This is probably why F1 hybrids
which is a cultivar developed for energy production, rather of S. spontaneum and Miscanthus usually have slow growth
than conventional sugar production. Energy cane will add during the initial months, and the aerial mass is usually
considerable efficiency to the alternative biomass energy lower in the plant crop cycle than in the immediately
model once the technology of second-generation biofuels subsequent ratoons (Bischoff et al. 2008).
becomes more prominent (Sticklen 2008; Sainz 2009; As indicated above, the second group of sugarcane roots
Kalluri and Keller 2010). This efficiency will result because is those coming from the base of the shoots. These originate
the new energy cane will maintain many of the characteristics from the base of the primary shoot as well as from the bases
of its wild ancestors, including rhizomatousness. Paterson of the young tillers (Smith et al. 2005). In this group of
(2009) stated that “growth and development of rhizomes is an roots, there are three types: “superficial roots”, “buttress
area of plant biology that remains unexplored” adding that roots” and “rope systems” (Moore 1987a; Smith et al.
much remains to be learned on complex traits like rhizoma- 2005). Superficial roots are thin and abundant, spreading
tousness and regrowth. Although rhizomatousness may be an horizontally in the upper 6 to 10 cm of topsoil and forming
undesirable trait in weeds, it is advantageous in crops to be an entangled mat. They extend from the tiller nodes near
used as biomass-bioenergy feedstock in a more sustainable the surface and undergo abundant branching. They are
way (Hu et al. 2003; Jang et al. 2006; Paterson 2009). The covered by root hairs and are the principal absorbing roots
genus Saccharum is one of the best candidates for use in in sugarcane. The buttress roots grow from the basal nodes
breeding for that purpose because of its high energy- of the young shoot. They are white, succulent and thicker
conversion efficiency (Ming et al. 2006; Tew and Cobill than the superficial roots. Growing at 45 to 60º angles, they
2008) and strong ratooning ability as well as other favorable are not much branched, and their main function is to anchor
traits. The most likely candidate species is S. spontaneum the plant. Rope systems are those roots that penetrate the soil
(Ming et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2008). profile vertically and are characteristic of S. spontaneum
(Moore 1987a).
Characteristics of sugarcane root system depend on the
The Root proportion of S. officinarum and S. spontaneum genomes in
the cultivar, and usually, the fewer generations removed
There are two groups of roots in sugarcane. The first from the original ancestor, the higher the contribution of S.
consists of the roots that grow from the root primordia of spontaneum. Roots consist of various functional zones from
the root band of the stalk nodes. These have been the root cap to the base, with the root hair zone being the
designated as the sett roots (sett is a word used to denote most permeable and thus playing a role in water uptake
a section of stalk or culm containing one or more nodes (Segal et al. 2008). As root hairs may vary in length,
with an axillary bud for asexual propagation). The growth number and positioning along the root according to the
rate of sett roots is higher than that of the roots originating genotype (Marschner 1995; Segal et al. 2008; Zhu et al.
at the base of the shoot (called shoot roots) possibly to 2010), their physiological activity should vary accordingly,
quickly supply enough water and nutrients to the highly and this may play a role in the agronomic value of a
demanding young shoot. However, not all of the root cultivar. In sugarcane, 80 to 90% of the root mass is
primordia on the sett form roots. Some primordia remain concentrated in the top 60 cm of soil, and more than 50% is
dormant and germinate roots only if the roots that are in the top 200 mm (Ball-Coelho et al. 1992; Vasconcelos
already growing are severely damaged. Thus, the spare root et al. 2003; Otto et al. 2009). It has been shown that
primordia provide a survival mechanism to supply water nitrogen fertilization via the application of vinasse, a
and nutrients for the young shoot in its early phase; later, as nitrogen rich aqueous residue from alcohol distillation,
the shoot grows and develops its own shoot roots, the sett favors intense root growth in the surface layer of soil (Otto
roots gradually die off (Moore 1987a; Smith et al. 2005). et al. 2009). Continuous irrigation also promotes root
26 Tropical Plant Biol. (2011) 4:22–30

development mostly superficially whereas water starvation Evensen et al. (1997) found a decrease in the proportion
promotes roots to grow more evenly and deeply (Smith et of the belowground biomass from 17% of the total biomass
al. 2005). These observations indicate that providing plants at 6 months to 11% at 12 months. Studies have shown that,
with a medium environment quality would stimulate during the phase of high tiller mortality, there is no
growth of roots to cover a larger volume of soil, thus impairment of the growth of living shoots, and shoot
reducing root damage from episodes of environmental growth may even be favored in the remaining shoots (Otto
stress. Roots may also develop more in a superficial patch et al. 2009). In field conditions, the constraints of
as a result of soil strength of the sub-soil layer (Monteith competition for limited resources occur intermittently; since
and Banath 1965; Marschner 1995), restriction of essential roots and shoots are intimately connected, root dynamics
nutrients in the lower soil layers (Dias et al. 1999), sub-soil depend on shoot dynamics and vice versa (Reich 2002).
acidity and the presence of toxic chemicals ions such as Root growth responds strongly to the soil environment,
aluminum (Matsumoto 2002). Root also grows deeper in creating plasticity in the form and size of the root system
advanced ratoons as compared to plant cane (Vasconcelos (Glover 1967). The most efficient cultivar in using limited
et al. 2003). It is well established among sugarcane farmers resources is one that loses few tillers, and thus fewer roots,
that ratoon crops have a faster rate of canopy development throughout its life span so that it maintains an adequate
than do plant crops. The persistence of roots from a previous number of roots even during stressful conditions. However,
cycle could be a significant factor in more rapid development a compromise is needed for satisfactory stubble regrowth,
of ratoon crops since part of the driving force for the which is usually linked to the capacity for bearing a high
production of new shoots would be the input of water and number of tillers (Hu et al. 2003), which as emphasized
nutrients provided by these persistent roots, especially during earlier is a trait inherited from S. spontaneum (Dunckelman
a dry period. Differences in root mass between crop cycles 1974; Jackson 1994).
may also result from climatic conditions prevailing during the The higher the root mass, the greater the environmental
crop cycle or in the immediate period anteceding the benefits, mainly via an increase in soil organic matter (with
sampling time and field-management procedures (mainly all of its beneficial consequences in terms of fertility),
harvesting method, if manual or mechanical), in interaction improved soil structure and, as result of these improve-
with the cultivar (Vasconcelos et al. 2003). ments, higher erosion control (Kumar et al. 2006). As
discussed by Smith et al. (2005), studies determining
“living root biomass seriously underestimate C allocation
Root Shoot Ratio to roots”. The C sequestered in the root debris in the soil
profile is an important contribution by plants to alleviating
Root and shoot dry matter accumulation (DMA) is used to the GHG, but it represents only a small fraction of the total
calculate a root/shoot ratio of a given plant in a crop field soil organic carbon (SOC). A significant proportion of the
environment. It must bear in mind that in sugarcane crop SOC results from rhizodeposition, i.e., the C released by
shoot growth is much influenced by competition among roots as exudates in the form of a wide array of organic
plants that results from the spacing of the rows (Kanwar compounds (Kumar et al. 2006), together with the cells of
and Sharma 1974; Irvine and Benda 1980). Although most the root cap that is continuously sloughed off as the root
root studies to date have been done in field conditions, the grows. On average, 30% to 60% of the C photosynthesized
root/shoot ratio has been mostly ignored which makes by the plant is allocated to the root system, and of this, 40%
effect of treatment comparisons difficult and weakens the to 70% may be released to the rhizosphere (Lynch and
interpretations. Whipps 1990). The rich substrate in the rhizosphere is a
The harvestable portion of the stalk fluctuates roughly medium for intense activity of a wealth of microorganisms
between 60 and 85% of the total aerial biomass on a fresh and soil fauna that may be beneficial, neutral or harmful to
weight bases, depending on the cultivar, age, ripening stage the root (Jones and Hinsinger 2008).
and environment (Muchow et al. 1994; Singels et al. 2005).
After planting, sugarcane starts its development by sprouting
and emergence of a primary shoot with its corresponding Drought Stress Tolerance
shoot roots. The plant then proceeds through a stage of intense
tillering and shoot formation and development referred to as Drought stress tolerance is a genetic trait in which breeders
the grand growth phase (Robertson et al. 1996; Singels and of most crops are extremely interested. When analyzing
Smit 2002). Later, many of the shoots die as a result of plant data for modern sugarcane cultivars, we must keep in mind
competition, leaving only a fraction of the initial shoots at that we are dealing with hybrids having the genomic
harvest (Kanwar and Sharma 1974; Inman-Bamber 1994; constitutions discussed above. Drought-resistant S. spontaneum
Robertson et al. 1996; Muchow et al. 1997; Zhou 2005). clones have been shown to possess deeply growing rope root
Tropical Plant Biol. (2011) 4:22–30 27

systems that are not found in drought-susceptible cultivars. and, most importantly, the better is the soil conservation.
Vigorous root systems correlated with drought tolerance Re-growth of the stool after harvest is also an important
(Moore 1987b). It is possible that the fine horizontal roots issue to consider in dealing with drought stress tolerance in
growing in the topsoil have fundamental functions in sugarcane. Water deprivation not only reduces normal plant
absorbing water and nutrients under less stressful conditions, growth, thereby diminishing productivity, it also reduces
however, as they are more sensitive to water deficit and can die survival of the stool after harvest. Throughout the long
easily as it progresses, deeper and more robust roots will duration of the harvest season for the sugarcane crop (from
gradually take their place to supply the plant’s necessities. A 3 to 11 months, depending on the region), the occurrence of
remarkable characteristic of the sugarcane root system that a dry period in some fields is inevitable, and depending on
allows it to thrive satisfactorily under the intermittent water of the intensity of the drought interacting with the temperature
rain-fed conditions is the capacity of rope roots to grow down (low in some regions and high in others), the stool may die.
to 400 to 600 cm, a depth to which other crop plant roots The resulting number of gaps without plants in the field
rarely reach (Canadell et al. 1996). Quantitative cause-effect may make it necessary to plow out the field precociously to
relationships for characteristics such as drought stress tolerance establish a new crop. This is a costly operation in sugarcane
are not always simple to determine, since many interacting farming, so that an ability to increase the number of
factors may be acting simultaneously (Whitmore and Whalley successive ratoons between plantings is a desire of all
2009; Passioura 2010). In each case, the combination of factors farmers. Rhizomatous growth, as mentioned above, is
causing drought stress is unique. In one field, the main factor critically important for good ratooning. In hot regions,
could be soil compaction resulting from improper use of such as in Australia and parts of Brazil where there is little,
vehicles (Yang 1977), in another, the primary factor could be a or variable, rainfall, summer dormancy is an important trait
chemical impediment (soil acidity or low levels of an essential for improving survival rates of pasture grasses (Nie and
nutrients), while in another field, a root disease or a pest attack, Norton 2009). Fully investigating the summer dormancy
individually or in conjunction, may be the main cause trait could be an important contribution for the future
(Whitmore and Whalley 2009). Moreover, the complex and advancement of sugarcane cultivar improvement for hot
active biota of the rhizosphere is another significant factor and dry regions.
influencing root dynamics (Jones and Hinsinger 2008). Root diseases and pests represent an additional group of
Breeding of sugarcane for resistance to abiotic factors is factors that exert an indirect negative influence on drought
usually made indirectly via the effects they have on plant stress tolerance. Sugarcane roots are prone to being attacked
development. As sugarcane is a very complex plant and by several soil microorganisms. Such microorganisms can
almost all of the agronomic characters are of a quantitative cause root rot and other physiological disorders, as well as
nature, the biometric breeding and selection approach is inject harmful toxins capable of killing the roots and even the
most utilized. In early breeding stages, selection is made for young shoots (ex: pineapple disease and leaf scald). Like pests
general morphological appearance and for the introgression that feed on the roots, or on the base of the shoots, or suck the
of specific desired agronomic traits such as sugar content photoassimilates, they can exacerbate the drought sensitivity
and resistance to diseases. With later stage advancement of of the plants. However, the degree of influence of these factors
selection and the corresponding reduction in the number of depends on the growing conditions of the plant. A plant's
selected individuals, multi-location yield trials are established “spare capacity” can effectively buffer it against root loss or
to evaluate performance of promising clones. Breeding and sub-optimal soil environment conditions. However, this
selection programs never seriously consider features such as spare capacity is effective only for limited periods of time,
root structure, even in those programs focused on drought since most times the agroecosystem is rather poor in several
stress tolerance. Root structure selection is only derived factors. The role played by root lysis to increase water
indirectly by selecting for better performance under drought penetration in the soil profile through the microchannels left
conditions. by this process is also an important area for investigation; the
The rhizome is an important organ for drought stress consequences of root lysis may be important in alleviating
tolerance. In some clones of S. spontaneum, the rhizome the level of water stress during dry spells as the resulting
extends far from the base of the plant, and tillering is very micro-channels could favor water penetration in the soil.
intense. This characteristic, when transferred to new It is important to note that drought conditions bring
cultivars, can lead to longer persistence of ratoons even about several side effects that might interfere with the
under conditions of intense mechanization or in poor soils physiology of plants. For a given soil, mechanical impedance
and marginal areas. Rhizomatous is a breeding and increases as the soil dries out, and this is a stress factor
selection trait worthy of consideration: the longer the crop along with low soil water potential (Marschner 1995).
stays in the field without plowing, the less costs for The effect of mechanical impedance on root growth is well
machinery, management operations, fertilizers, fuels, etc. known (Passioura 1991; Marschner 1995), but other
28 Tropical Plant Biol. (2011) 4:22–30

factors also come into play, including oxygen deficiency, which do not reflect conditions in nature (Lynch 1995).
elevated concentrations of ethylene and differential Realizing this problem, Zobel (1992) stated that the evidence
uptake of nutrients, to mention a few (Marschner 1995; suggests that the roots routinely studied in laboratory
Passioura 2010). experiments are normally either nonfunctional in the field,
or have different functional characteristics than the majority
of the active roots of field grown plants”. This present
Concluding Remarks review shows that the sugarcane root system requires more
comprehensive studies. Any research project on roots should
Over the last 50 years, agriculture advancements have been be very carefully designed and executed without a restricted
driven by the philosophy of the “Green Revolution”, that is, disciplinary approach, but rather holistically as is being
agricultural research has focused on improving productivity. increasingly done in the biological sciences (Kalluri and
Currently, a new era has begun that emphasizes sustainability in Keller 2010) by an interdisciplinary team, for exploring the
addition to productivity. Sustainable agricultural production biological, genetic, agronomical, chemical and physical
will necessitate a compromise between maximum productivity aspects of rooting. In this way, the results and the
and sound management practices to maintain or restore the interpretations will be robust and foster the development of
health of agroecosystems for the long term. In other words, reliable knowledge. Cutting-edge technology for the study of
actions taken to develop an environmentally benign agriculture roots is being developed, including high throughput imagery
will help preserve world resources to benefit human popula- equipment formerly developed for industrial and medical
tions, ultimately preserving the life of our planet. The only way research and use, together with other modern instruments
to adequately address the paramount requirement for food and and new procedures and protocols (e.g., Pierret 2008; Segal
energy is to increase our focus on agriculture marginal areas, et al. 2008; Skaggs and Shouse 2008; Tulinson et al. 2008),
both in terms of soil and climate, and to exploit these areas with with the added support of advanced modeling programs run
a minimum resource input. Lynch (2007) considered this shift by high capacity computers (Pierret 2008; Skaggs and
towards sustainability as a central role for the “second green Shouse 2008). The application of these tools and techniques
revolution”. Perennial grasses, either for food or for energy, should speed the development of our understanding of
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