Soal Bing 12 KTSP

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Questions 1 – 3 are based on the following text.


When fossil fuels, or other fuels, such as wood or peat, which contain carbon are burned,
carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Vehicles also give out, and so add, carbon
dioxide to the atmosphere.

The Earth’s atmosphere allows most of the Sun’s rays to pass through it to heat the Earth’s
surface. The Earth reflects much of the heat energy back into the atmosphere, but much of
this reflected radiation cannot escape because gases such as carbon dioxide absorb it. They
grow warm and send heat radiation back to Earth. This is the greenhouse effect. Many
scientists think that the greenhouse effect may change the climate, over the next 100years or
so. One consequence of so-called "global warming" resulting from the greenhouse effect
could be melting of the polar ice caps. This in turn, could lead to a rise in sea level which
could flood large areas of highly populated coastal land.

If carbon dioxide proves to be as harmful as thought, in order to reduce carbon dioxide levels
we need to reduce the amounts of carbon-rich fuels burned.

Taken from Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia, 1997

1. What is emitted out when fuels which contain carbon are burned?
A. Carbon dioxide.
B. Wood.
C. Peat.
D. Radiation.
E. White smoke.

2. What effect does carbon dioxide have on the atmosphere?

A. It makes the atmosphere darker to long-wave radiation.
B. It makes the atmosphere allow most of the Sun’s rays to pass through.
C. It makes the atmosphere allow most of the Sun’s rays to pass through it to heat the
Earth’s surface.
D. It makes the atmosphere become warmer.
E. It makes the atmosphere block the Sun’s rays.

3. What causes the Earth to become warmer?

A. The Sun’s rays reflected by the Earth into the atmosphere.
B. The heat radiation sent back to Earth by gases that grow warm.
C. Reflected radiation that escapes into the atmosphere.
D. The burning of wood or peat.
E. The increasing intensity of the Sun’s radiation.

4. What will happen if the sea level rises?
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A. The polar ice will melt and make the sea get cooler.
B. Some large areas of coastal land will be inundated.
C. Some large areas of coastal land will be dried up.
D. The surface of the Earth will be flooded with water.
E. More tropical storms will occur.

Questions 5 – 8 are based on the following text.


Insecticide is a substance that kills insects. Insecticides are sometimes called pesticides.
Farmers and gardeners usually use insecticides to protect plants and animals. Apple trees
must be sprayed, or many of the apples will become "wormy" with moth larvae (young).
Many livestock owners spray their livestock or dip them in an insecticide solution to protect
them from flies, lice, mites, and ticks. These pests spread such diseases as cattle fever and
sheep scab. Diseases such as malaria and typhus can be controlled by using insecticides to
treat the breeding places of the insects that spread the diseases.

Agricultural pesticides prevent a monetary loss of about $9 billion each year in the U.S. For
every $1 invested in pesticides, the American farmer gets about $4 in return. These benefits,
however, must be weighed against the costs to society of using pesticides, as seen in the
banning of ethylene dibromide in the early 1980s. These costs include human poisonings, fish
deaths, honey bee poisonings, and the contamination of livestock products. The
environmental and social costs of pesticide use in the U.S. have been estimated to be at least
$1 billion each year. Thus, although pesticides are valuable for agriculture, they also can
cause serious harm.

5. What is insecticide?
A. A substance that kills weeds.
B. A substance used to kill insects.
C. A substance used to eradicate malaria and typhus.
D. A substance used to fertilize land.
E. A substance that promote an insect’s growth.

6. ‘Apple trees must be sprayed, or many of the apples will become "wormy" with moth
larvae’. ‘Wormy’ means_____
A. Like worms.
B. Eaten by worms.
C. Killed by worms.
D. Full of worms.
E. Becoming warmer.

7. What is the cost-benefit ratio of using pesticides?

A. The ratio is 1:4.
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B. The ratio is 1:9.

C. The ratio is 4:1.
D. The ratio is 9:1.
E. The ratio is 1:1.

8. What is the conclusion of the text?

A. Pesticides are useful.
B. Pesticides are dangerous.
C. Pesticides are harmful.
D. Pesticides are valuable, but they can cause serious harm.
E. The use of pesticides should be reevaluated by the government.

9. Shop assistant : Good afternoon. May I help you?

Andy : Yes. _____. I bought this pair of shoes yesterday. I believe I have
asked for size 43, but you gave me 42.
A. I want to blame you.
B. I propose to exchange the shoes.
C. I have a complaint to make.
D. I am really curious.
E. I am not satisfied with your service.

10. Retno :He used to raise protest against the Drug abuse._____.
Denias :People change.
A. No wonder that now he becomes a drug dealer.
B. It is unquestionable that he is now becoming a drug dealer.
C. It is no doubt that he becomes a drug dealer.
D. You don’t have to be surprised that now he becomes a drug dealer.
E. How on earth can he become a drug dealer?

11. Ayu : If you were to choose, would you take your future children to public school
or would you home school them?
Adib : Even though homeschooling to some extent develop high quality academic
skills, _____.
A. I would prefer my children to go to a public school.
B. I would rather home school my future children.
C. I think I would rather teach them myself.
D. I’ll do my best to educate them at home.
E. I believe that mother should be a primary source to learn.

12. Dadi : Would you mind making a copy of this book?

Reni : Oh, _____ no part of the book may be copied.
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A. I have no objection
B. sure
C. I suggest
D. sorry to say that
E. it might be a mistake that

13. Nadia : Hey, Adi. Do you have any plan for Tomorrow?
Adi : No. _____. Why?
A. I’m planning on a mountain climbing
B. Nothing’s come up yet
C. I’m thinking of going to Mount Salak
D. Maybe you can go camping
E. I’d rather be alone

14. Hamka : Hi, _____ you would answer a question for me.
Hatta : It depends. What’s it for?
A. I think d.
B. I wonder if
C. I feel
D. I have to say
E. I insist

Questions 15 – 20 are based on the following text.

Most firms ignore waste treatment

Only 26 percent of a total of 2,173 medium and large-scale enterprises in the city regularly
submit samples of their liquid waste for assessment, the Jakarta Environmental Management
Agency has said.

The remaining 1,602 enterprises failed to deliver reports of the liquid waste they produced as
set out in gubernatorial decree No. 299/1996.The decree requires all enterprises producing
liquid waste to treat the waste before disposing of it into rivers. It also requires them to send
samples of the treated waste to the agency every three months.

The companies on the list include hotels, apartments, office buildings, restaurants, hospitals,
and industrial plants.

The above figures do not include registered small-scale enterprises such as community
markets, small workshops and small offices which amount up to at least, 15,845 concerns.

Worse still, out of 571 companies which have sent their samples to us, only 35 percent, or
199 companies, comply with the decree and send us the samples every three months. The rest
submit the samples every four months, six months, or even only once a year. No wonder the
quality of our river water is getting worse.
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High levels of pollution in the city's 13 rivers are suspected of being behind the red tide
phenomenon, which killed thousands of fish in Jakarta Bay in May.

The real issue here is whether the agency has the political will because the administration has
ignored the existing Law No. 23/1997 on the environment. The law authorizes all
environment management agencies to control the liquid waste treatment of any enterprises.
The law gave the administration the power to censure transgressing companies and the city
could close companies down if they continue to ignore existing regulations.

The law says companies found to be polluting the environment with liquid waste are given
six months to improve their treatment facilities. If they fail to meet the deadline, the agency
has the power to close the waste treatment facility, the area of production causing the waste,
or the entire production process.

Taken from The Jakarta Post, July 5, 2004

15. The topic of the text above is_____

A. the small numbers of enterprise that concern about waste.
B. the ignorance of waste treatment.
C. high level of pollution.
D. uncontrolled waste.
E. thefailure of the regulations on waste treatment.

16. The companies that are required to send samples of the treated waste to the agency are
mentioned below, except_____
A. hotels.
B. restaurant.
C. apartments.
D. community markets.
E. hospitals.

17. The statements below are true based on the text, except_____
A. 76 percent of the companies on the list did not submit the liquid waste for
B. Gubernatorial decree No. 299/1996 doesn't have any legal sanction.
C. Community markets should submit the sample of the waste as well.
D. The quality of river water gets worse because the waste control is still weak.
E. Damage to Jakarta’s river water has extended to its marine ecosystem.

18. How often should companies send the samples to the agency?
A. Every two months.
B. Every three months.
C. Every four months.
D. Every six months.
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E. After each production process.

19. Does gubernatorial decree No.299/1996 carry legal sanctions?

A. Yes, it is.
B. No, it isn't.
C. Yes, it does.
D. No, it doesn’t.
E. No, it carries.

20. The word ‘they’ in the last paragraph refers to_____

A. regulations.
B. companies.
C. enterprises.
D. instruments.
E. facilities.


1. A. Carbon dioxide.
Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 1 dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah A.

Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Stated detailed question)

2. D. It makes the atmosphere become warmer.

Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 2 dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah D.
Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Ustated detailed question)

3. B. The heat radiation sent back to Earth by gases that grow warm.
Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 2 dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah B.

Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Stated detailed question)

4. B. Some large areas of coastal land will be inundated.

Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 2 dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah B.

Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Stated detailed question)

5. B. A substance used to kill insects.
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Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 1 dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah A.

Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Stated detailed question)

6. D. Full of worms
Berdasarkan konteks kalimat di atas, maka wormy berarti full of worms.

7. A. The ratio is 1:4.

Jawaban ini diperoleh dari kelimat berikut: “For every $1 invested in pesticides, the
American farmer gets about $4 in return.”

8. D. Pesticides are valuable, but they can cause serious harm.

Berdasarkan keseluruhan isi wacana, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pestisida sangat
bermanfaat namun dapat juga menjadi masalah serius.

9. C. I have a complaint to make.

Shop assistant : Good afternoon. May I help you?
Andy : Yes. _____. I bought this pair of shoes yesterday. I believe I have
asked for size 43, but you gave me 42.
Ekspresi yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut adalah “I have a complaint
to make.”

10. E. How on earth can he become a drug dealer?

Retno :He used to raise protest against the Drug abuse._____.
Denias :People change.
Ekspresi yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut adalah “How on earth can
he become a drug dealer?”

11. A. I would prefer my children to go to a public school.

Ayu : If you were to choose, would you take your future children to public school
or would you home school them?
Adib : Even though homeschooling to some extent develop high quality academic
skills, _____.
Ekspresi yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut adalah “I would prefer my
children to go to a public school.”

12. B. Sure
Dadi : Would you mind making a copy of this book?
Reni : Oh, _____ no part of the book may be copied.
Ekspresi yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut adalah “sure.”
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13. B. Nothing’s come up yet

Nadia : Hey, Adi. Do you have any plan for Tomorrow?
Adi : No. _____. Why?
Ekspresi yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut adalah “Nothing’s come up

14. B. I wonder if
Hamka : Hi, _____ you would answer a question for me.
Hatta : It depends. What’s it for?
Ekspresi yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut adalah “I wonder if”

15. B. the ignorance of waste treatment.

Berdasarkan keseluruhan isi wacana dapat diketahui bahwa topik utama dari teks
tersebut adalah ketidakpedulian terhadap penanganan limbah.

16. D. community markets.

Berdasarkan informasi yang ada pada paragraf 3 dan 4 dapat diketahui bahwa yang tidak
tergolong instansi yang harus mengirim sampel limbah olahan adalah D.

17. B. Gubernatorial decree No. 299/1996 doesn't have any legal sanction.
Berdasarkan informasi berikut, “liquid waste they produced as set out in gubernatorial
decree No. 299/1996. The decree requires all enterprises producing liquid waste to treat
the waste before disposing of it into rivers.” Dapat diketahui bahwa dekrit / surat
keputusan tersebut memili sangsi legalnya. Maka opsi B tidak sesuai dengan teks.

18. B. Every three months.

Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 2 dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah B.

Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Stated detailed question)

19. C. Yes, it does.

Ekspresi yang paling tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut adalah “Yes, it does.”

20. B. companies.
Kata ‘they’ pada paragraf terakhir merujuk pada " companies.” Maka jawaban yang
paling tepat adalah opsi “B.”
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Choose the best answer to the following questions.

Questions 1 – 4 are based on the following text.


A mouse who always lived on the land, by an unlucky chance, formed an intimate
acquaintance with a frog, who lived, for the most part, in the water.

One day, the frog was intent on mischief. He tied the foot of the mouse tightly to his own.
Thus joined together, the frog led his friend the mouse to the meadow where they usually
searched for food. After this, he gradually led him towards the pond in which he lived, until
reaching the banks of the water; he suddenly jumped in, dragging the mouse with him.

The frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a good
deed. The unhappy mouse was soon sputtered and drowned in the water and his poor dead
body floating about on the surface.

A hawk observed the floating mouse from the sky, and dove down and grabbed it with his
talons, carrying it back to his nest. The frog, being still fastened to the leg of the mouse, was
also carried off a prisoner, and was eaten by the hawk.

Adapted from

1. Where did the mouse and the frog live?

A. They lived on the land.
B. They lived in the water.
C. They lived above the tree.
D. The mouse lived in the water and the frog lived on the land.
E. The mouse lived on the land and the frog lived in the water.

2. How did the mouse die?

A. He was tied on the frog’s leg.

B. He drowned in the water.
C. He floated about on the surface of the water.
D. He was eaten by the hawk.
E. He was imprisoned by the hawk.

3. How was the end of the frog’s life?

A. He was fastened on the mouse’s foot.

B. He drowned in the water.
C. He was eaten by the hawk.
D. He was eaten by the mouse.
E. He became the prisoner of the hawk.
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4. What do you learn from this story?

A. We can make friends with everybody.

B. We should choose our friends carefully.
C. Do not play in the river if you do not want to get drowned.
D. Practice swimming if you do not want to get drowned.
E. Do not play with animals.

Questions 5 – 8 are based on the following text.

Recycling is a collection, processing, and reuse of materials that would otherwise be thrown
away. Materials ranging from precious metals to broken glass, from old newspapers to plastic
spoons, can be recycled. The recycling process reclaims the original material and uses it in
new products.

In general, using recycled materials to make new products costs less and requires less energy
than using new materials. Recycling can also reduce pollution, either by reducing the demand
for high-pollution alternatives or by minimizing the amount of pollution produced during the
manufacturing process.

Paper products that can be recycled include cardboard containers, wrapping paper, and office
paper. The most commonly recycled paper product is newsprint. In newspaper re-cycling, old
newspapers are collected and searched for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminum
foil. The paper goes to a processing plant where it is mixed with hot water and turned into
pulp in a machine that works much like a big kitchen blender. The pulp is screened and
filtered to remove smaller contaminants. The pulp then goes to a large vat where the ink
separates from the paper fibers and floats to the surface. The ink is skimmed off, dried and
reused as ink or burned as boiler fuel. The cleaned pulp is mixed with new wood fibers to be
made into paper again.

Experts estimate the average office worker generates about 5 kg of wastepaper per month.
Every ton of paper that is recycled saves about 1.4 cu m (about 50 cu ft) of landfill space.
One ton of recycled paper saves 17 pulpwood trees (trees used to produce paper).

Adapted from Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006

5. The following things can be recycled, except_____

A. precious metals.
B. broken glass.
C. old newspapers.
D. plastic spoons.
E. fresh vegetables and fruits.

6. Which of the following is not the benefit of recycling?

A. It costs much money for the process of recycling.
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B. It costs less to make new products.

C. It requires less energy.
D. It can reduce pollution.
E. It reduces the demand for high-pollution alternatives.

7. What is the third step of recycling paper products?

A. Collect and search for contaminants such as plastic bags and aluminum foil.
B. Mix the paper with hot water in a blender which turns it into pulp.
C. Screen and filter the pulp to remove smaller contaminants.
D. Put the pulp to a large vat to separate the ink from the paper fibers.
E. Mix the pulp with new wood fibers to be made into paper again.

8. We can make use of the ink after being separated from the paper fibers by doing the
followings, except_____

A. Skim it off.
B. Dry it.
C. Reuse as ink.
D. Burn as boiler fuel.
E. Mix it with the pulp.

Questions 9 – 12 are based on the following text.


One of the biggest things a student must figure out upon entering school is what to do with all
that time. Free to schedule as they please and free from the obligations of life at home,
students find themselves with a wealth of time they may or may not have.

There are things which you might consider working. First of all, if you want to be cool and go
out with your classmates and buy some cool stuff, well you need money! By getting a job,
you get money. Of course, you have to work for it, but still, it can—and probably will—be
useful. There is not only money to consider though. Experience is an important asset for after
finishing your school. When you work during your school year and add it to your resume, it
will show your future employers that you are able to manage to pursue two activities at the
same time, or more if you are involved elsewhere. Another interesting thing to consider is the
contacts you might make by working. By contacts, I mean people that can be useful to you
later in life. If you have different jobs, you make new references you can later add to your CV
along with the experience. Also, if you are lucky enough to get a job in your area of studies, it
may later become a permanent job.

The main disadvantage on your life is that you will have less time for schoolwork—and
social life of course. This also means you get less free time to just hang out or party or do
other stuff than work and study. This is an important part of your life if you do not want to go
all crazy! It is also important if you want to be cool. Having a job can also add another source
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of stress to your life. Depending on the type of job you are looking for, you may get a boss
that always wants more hours and presses you to be more available. One of the things you
can do is to set yourself a maximum number of hours you want to work per week and make
this clear with your employer at the beginning of the year.

My biggest recommendation is not to rush into anything. It’s perfectly acceptable to spend
the first few weeks of school adjusting and having fun, and then slide a job into the mix when
you’ve grown comfortable with everything else. Finally, never allow an outside job to get in
the way of your health and school years in general. While work may keep you motivated and
get you needed money, it’s not worth losing your education or well being over. Obtain what
you need, but if you feel yourself slipping take some time off, or find a better place to work.
You’ll have plenty of time to work post school.

Adapted from

9. Which of the followings is not the advantage of taking part-time jobs?

A. You will get money which you can use to buy some cool stuff.
B. You will have less time for schoolwork.
C. You will gain working experience.
D. You will expand your contacts and networking.
E. You will get references which you can add to your CV later on.

10. The followings are the disadvantages of taking part-time jobs, except_____

A. You will have less time for your social life.

B. You will have less free time to hang out with your friends.
C. You will get another source of stress to your life.
D. You can prove that you can manage to pursue two activities at the same time.
E. You may get a boss that always presses you.

11. What does the word ‘they’ in paragraph 1 line 2 refer to?

A. Students.
B. Schools.
C. The readers.
D. The reader and the writer.
E. Cool stuff.

12. What is the word ‘disadvantage’ closest in meaning to?

A. Benefit.
B. Profit.
C. Drawback.
D. Reward.
E. Advantage.
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Questions 13 – 16 are based on the following text.


Indonesians are awesomely bilingual; indeed many people have a good command of three of
four languages. In infancy most people learn at least one of the country’s many local
languages and later learn Indonesian at school or in the streets of cities or from television and
radio. It is not clear how many people learn Indonesian in infancy as their very first language,
but at the dawn of the 21stcentury it cannot be less than 20% of the country’s population, and
this percentage is steadily rising. Indonesian tends to be most used in the modern
environment of major urban areas. The local languages tend to dominate in rural areas and
small towns, and are most used in homes, fields and markets.

Indonesian is the medium of instruction in educational institutions at all levels throughout the
country. In the early years of the Republic, local languages continued to be used in some
places as the medium of instruction in the first years of primary school but this practice has
now almost entirely disappeared. In schools and universities most textbooks are in
Indonesian, but at the tertiary level, especially in highly specialized courses and at the
advanced level of study, textbooks in English are also widely used.

Although there are several newspapers in English and Chinese, their circulation is relatively
small and Indonesian is by far the dominant language in the country’s print media.
Indonesia’s domestic Palapa satellite system brings television to almost every corner of the
country. With the exception of some newscasts in English and a small number of cultural
programs in regional languages, domestic programs are entirely in Indonesian, and almost all
programs of foreign origin are dubbed into Indonesian or have Indonesian-language subtitles.
Similarly Indonesian dominates in the very diverse and vibrant domain of radio broadcasting,
although there are a small number of specialist programs in English and in some local

Adapted from

13. Where do most Indonesian children learn local languages and Indonesian?

A. At school or from the mass media.

B. From the other countries.
C. From their parents.
D. At the laboratory.
E. At the library.

14. What language is used at tertiary level?

A. Indonesian.
B. English.
C. Local languages.
D. Local languages and Indonesian.
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E. Indonesia and English.

15. What is the synonym of the word ‘dominant’ in the first sentence of the last paragraph?

A. Main.
B. Important.
C. Significant.
D. Overwhelming.
E. Awesome.

16. Which is the false statement about the dominance of Indonesian language over mass

A. Indonesian newspapers dominate the English and Chinese ones.

B. Indonesian newscasts and programs dominate the English and Chinese ones.
C. Almost all programs of foreign origin are dubbed into Indonesian.
D. Almost all programs of foreign origin have Indonesian-language subtitles.
E. All newspapers are printed in Indonesian language.

Questions 17 – 21 are based on the following text.

In the beginning there lived one man and one woman, Toglai and Toglibon. Their first
children were a boy and a girl. When they were old enough, the boy and the girl went far
away across the waters seeking a good place to live. Nothing more was heard of them until
their children, the Spaniards and Americans, came back. After the first boy and girl left, other
children were born to the couple; but they all remained at Cibolan on Mount Apo with their
parents, until Toglai and Toglibon died and became spirits. Soon after that there came a great
drought which lasted for three years. All the waters dried up, so that there were no rivers, and
no plants could live.

“Surely,” said the people, “Manama is punishing us, and we must go elsewhere to find food
and a place to dwell in.”

So they started out. Two went in the direction of the sunset, carrying with them stones from
Cibolan River. After a long journey they reached a place where there were broad fields of
cogon grass and an abundance of water, and there they made their home. Their children still
live in that place called Magindanau, because of the stones which the couple carried when
they left Cibolan.

Two children of Toglai and Toglibon went to the south, seeking a home, and they carried
with them women’s baskets (baraan). When they found a good spot, they settled down. Their
descendants, still dwelling there, are called Baraan or Bilaan, because of the women’s

So, two by two the children of the first couple left the land of their birth. In the place where
each settled a new people developed, and thus it came about that all the tribes in the world
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received their names from things that the people carried out of Cibolan, or from the places
where they settled.

All the children left Mount Apo except two (a boy and a girl). Hunger and thirst had made
them too weak to travel. One day when they were about to die the boy crawled out to the field
to see if there was one living thing, and to his surprise he found a stalk of sugarcane growing
lustily. He eagerly cut it, and enough water came out to refresh him and his sister until the
rains came. Because of this, their children are called Bagobo.

Taken from

17. How many children did Toglai and Toglibon have?

A. Two.
B. Four.
C. Six.
D. It is not stated in the text.
E. More than eight.

18. Who were the Spaniards and Americans descended from?

A. Toglai and Toglibon’s first children.

B. The children who were born after the first children left.
C. The children who were called Magindanau.
D. The children who remained at Cibolan.
E. The last two children who remained at Mount Apo.

19. Why did the children of Toglai and Toglibon leave Cibolan?

A. Because the Spaniards came to the Philippines.

B. Because there came a great drought which lasted for three years.
C. Because the region where they lived was inundated with water.
D. Because their parents passed away.
E. Because Mount Apo was erupting.

20. "Surely," said the people," Manama is punishing us, and we must go elsewhere to find
food and a place to dwell. "What does ‘Manama’ probably mean?

A. Father. d.
B. Mother.
C. God.
D. Spirit.
E. Mount Apo.


1. E. The mouse lived on the land and the frog lived in the water.
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Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 1 dan 2 dapat diketahui bahwa
jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E.

Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Stated detailed question)

2. B. He drowned in the water.

Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 3 dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah B.

Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Stated detailed question)

3. C. He was eaten by the hawk.

Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 4 dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah C.

Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Stated detailed question)

4. B. We should choose our friends carefully.

Berdasarkan keseluruhan informasi yang ada di dalam teks tersebut, dapat diketahui
bahwa pesan moral yang dapat kita petik dari cerita tersebut adalah kita harus memilih
teman kita dengan hati-hati.

5. E. fresh vegetables and fruits.

Berdasarkan informasi yang ada pada penggalan paragraf berikut “Recycling is a
collection, processing, and reuse of materials that would otherwise be thrown away.
Materials ranging from precious metals to broken glass, from old newspapers to plastic
spoons, can be recycled.” Maka dapat diketahui bahwa bahan yang tidak termasuk bahan
daur ulang adalah buah segar.

6. A. It costs much money for the process of recycling. Berdasarkan informasi pada
paragraf ke dua, maka yang bukan merupakan manfaat/keuntungan daur ulang adalah
opsi “A.”

7. D. Put the pulp to a large vat to separate the ink from the paper fibers. Berdasrkan
informasi yang ada pada paragraf terakhir padaa penggalan informasi berikut “The pulp
is screened and filtered to remove smaller contaminants. The pulp then goes to a large
vat where the ink separates from the paper fibers and floats to the surface.” Maka dapat
diketahui bahwa langkah ke tiga pada proses tersebut terdapat pada opsi “D.”

8. E. Mix it with the pulp. Berdasarkan penggalan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf
terakhir seperti berikuti ini ”The pulp then goes to a large vat where the ink separates
from the paper fibers and floats to the surface. The ink is skimmed off, dried and reused
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as ink or burned as boiler fuel. The cleaned pulp is mixed with new wood fibers to be
made into paper again.” Maka dapat diketahui bahwa yang bukan merupakan tindakan
yang dapat kita lakukan setelah proses pemisahan tinta dari kertas adalah opsi “E.”

9. B.You will have less time for schoolwork.

Berdasarkan informasi yang ada pada paragraf 3 berikut “The main disadvantage on
your life is that you will have less time for schoolwork—and social life of course.” Maka
dapat diketahui bahwa yang bukan merupakan keuntungan bagi seorang siswa yang
mengambil part time job adalah opsi “B.”

10. D. You can prove that you can manage to pursue two activities at the same time.
Berdasarkan informasi yang ada pada paragraf 2 berikut “Experience is an important
asset for after finishing your school. When you work during your school year and add it
to your resume, it will show your future employers that you are able to manage to pursue
two activities at the same time, or more if you are involved elsewhere.” Maka dapat
diketahui bahwa yang bukan merupakan keuntungan bagi seorang siswa yang mengambil
part time job adalah opsi “D.”

11. A. Students
Kata ‘they’ pada paragraf 1 baris ke 2 merujuk pada "Students.” Maka jawaban yang
paling tepat adalah opsi “A.”

12. C. Drawback
Kata ‘disadvantage’ yang berarti kerugian menurut konteks tersebut memiliki arti yang
paling dekat dengan opsi “C. Drawback.”

13. A. From their parents.

Berdasarkan informasi berikut“In infancy most people learn at least one of the country’s
many local languages and later learn Indonesian at school or in the streets of cities or
from television and radio.” Maka dapat diketahui bahwa pada masa In infancy / in
childhood mereka belajar bahasa lokal dan bahasa Indonesia dari media massa dan

14. A English.
Berdasarkan informasi berikut “In schools and universities most textbooks are in
Indonesian, but at the tertiary level, especially in highly specialized courses and at the
advanced level of study, textbooks in English are also widely used.” Maka dapat
diketahui bahwa bahasa yang dipakai pada lever tersier adalah bahasa Inggris.

15. A. Main
Kata ‘dominant’ yang berarti kerugian menurut konteks tersebut memiliki arti yang
paling dekat dengan opsi “A. Main.”
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16. E. All newspapers are printed in Indonesian language.

Berdasarkan informasi berikut “Although there are several newspapers in English and
Chinese, their circulation is relatively small and Indonesian is by far the dominant
language in the country’s print media.” Dapat diketahui bahwa informasi pada opsi E
tidak tepat.

17. D. It is not stated in the text.

How Di dalam teks tidak dinyatakan berapakah jumlah anak dari Toglai dan Toglibon,
maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi “D.”

18. A. Toglai and Toglibon’s first children.

Berdasrkan informasi berikut, “In the beginning there lived one man and one woman,
Toglai and Toglibon. Their first children were a boy and a girl. When they were old
enough, the boy and the girl went far away across the waters seeking a good place to
live. Nothing more was heard of them until their children, the Spaniards and Americans,
came back.” Dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

19. B. Because there came a great drought which lasted for three years.
“Soon after that there came a great drought which lasted for three years. All the waters
dried up, so that there were no rivers, and no plants could live.
“Surely,” said the people, “Manama is punishing us, and we must go elsewhere to find
food and a place to dwell in.” Berdasarkan informasi di atas dapat diketahui bahwa
alasan anak Toglai dan Toglibon meninggalkan Ciloban adalah karena terjadi kemarau
yang berlangsung selama tiga tahun di sana.

20. C. God

"Surely," said the people," Manama is punishing us, and we must go elsewhere to find food
and a place to dwell.” Berdasarkan informasi tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa
Manama adalah Tuhan.
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