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Choose the best answer.

1. Rani : Dani, I got a schoolarship.

Dani : Congratulations, you deserve it.
. . . . (Dani says that her parents will be proud of her)
Rani : Thank you.
Which statement is true based on the situation given?
A. I am proud of your parents C. I’m sure your parents’ll be more successful
B. I hope your parents’ll be better D. Your mom and dad will be proud of you
2. Edo : I’ve just finished my drawing. Look at this.
Ali : . . .
What will Ali say to praise Edo’s drawing?
A. Amazing C. Congratulations
B. I’m proud of you D. It’s ok
3. Sandra : That’s a very beautiful handycraft.
. . . . (Sandra hopes that Beni’ll win this national competition)
Beni : Thank you. I hope so.
A. I hope he will win in this national competition
B. I’m sure you’ll be the winner in other competition
C. I hope you will win in the next national competition
D. I’m sure you’ll get the first prize in the national competition
The following text is for no. 4 – 5
Woman : Congratulations, Dayu. You represent our school for the story telling competition
next month.
Girl : Thank you, ma’am.
Woman : You have to work hard for the next competition. Good luck.
Girl : Thank you for your support.
4. Who is the the woman?
A. Dayu B. Dayu’s mother C. Dayu’s teacher D. Dayu’s friend
5. The woman says, “Good luck.” What does she express?
A. She praises C. She congratulates
B. She expresses hope D. She expresses dream
6. Saskia : Look the plants are withered.
Harris : Yes, you’re right. Let’s give fertilizer.
Saskia : . . . . Then I’ll water them.
A. I disagree B. I agree C. I don’t think so D. I am not sure
7. Bella : My dad was angry with me because I got home too late yesterday. I didn’t tell him that
I did English assignment at Karin’s house.
Syafa : . . . .( Syafa suggests to her to ask permission before going somewhere)
Which statement is true based on the situation given?
A. You must call your father up
B. You should go home first before going somewhere
C. You should ask your parents’ permission beforehand
D. Bella must ask permission to your dad before going somewhere
The following text is for no. 8 – 10
Lina : I don’t fell well. I’m catching a cold.
Udin : You should go to the doctor
Beni : I don’t think that’s a good idea. What you need is just have a good rest and drink a lot of
fresh water.
Siti : I agree with Udin. You should go to the doctor. You look pale. You need take medicine
Dayu : I think the best way to do is go home, Lina. Your mom and dad know better what you
should do.
8. How does Lina feel?
A. She is well B. She is weak C. She isn’t ill D. She has a fever
9. Does Siti agree with Beni’s opinion?
A. Yes, she does C. Yes, he does
B. No, she doesn’t D. No, he doesn’t
10. Beni : I don’t think that’s a good idea. What does Beni express?
A. Opinion C. Agreement
B. Suggestion D. Disagreement
The following text is for questions 11 – 13
Many kinds of instant foods are not good for our health. They may contain dangerous
chemicals, like MSG, presentatives and artificial colors. We should not eat too much instant food
to avoid serious diseases. In order to stay healthy, we should eat healthier home-made foods.
11. What should we do to stay healthy?
A. We should do exercises and eat nutritious foods
B. We shouldn’t do exercises and eat healthy foods
C. We should have jogging and eat junk foods
D. We should avoid to eat nutritious foods
12. “We should not eat too much.....” What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The readers B. The writers C. You and I D. The writer and the readers
13. “They may contain dangerous chemicals..” What does the underlined word mean?
A. injurious B. harmless C. reliable D. destructive
14. We must obey the traffic sign in order to . . . .
A. we can be safe C. avoid an accident
B. we can keep safety D. protect us from danger
15. We have to warm up before doing exercises so that . . . .
A. avoid muscle injury C. We can keep our health
B. make our muscle injury D. our muscle is not wounded
16. Fani : What should we have breakfast for?
Nanda : So that . . . .
A. we can reduce our health C. we have good body
B. we have energy to do our activities D. we can be ill easily promptly
17. Rully : What for do we need to eat various kinds of healthy food?
Laila : . . . .
A. To have wellbuilt body C. To have strong lung
B. To catch serious diseases D. To keep our body healthy
18. Vivi : There are so many mosquitoes in my house. I feel so annoyed.
Rara : . . . .
A. You must use mosquito repellent C. You shouldn’t clean your house
B. You may not tidy the room up everyday D. You have to sweep your home once a month
The following text is for questions 19 – 21
19. How many calories will you consume if you eat 3 servings of Crispy Chips?
A. 139 B. 280 C. 417 D. 560
20. Crispy Chips do not contain any . . . .
A. vitamin B B. Calcium C. Calories D. Protein
21. What gives the flavor of barbecue in the chips?
A. Vegetables oil B. Sliced potatoes C. Artificial flavor D. Sousages and meat

The following text is for questions 22 - 24

22. The medicine is packed in . . . .

A. capsules B. sachets C. tablets D. bottles
23. “Alcohol free” What does the underlined word mean?
A. The medicine contains alcohol C. The medicine does not contain alcohol
B. The sick may consume alcohol D. The sick limits the alcohol consumption
24. The medicine is to relieve these diseases, except . . . .
A. dizzy B. sore throat C. fever D. cough

The follwing text is for questions 25 – 28

Chocho Balls
 cookies
 1 carton of chocolate milk
 1 sachet of chocolate sprikles
 water
Steps :
 Pour enough milk on the cookies
 Smooth the cookies with spoon
 Make small balls from the cookies
 Sprinkle the chocolate sprinkles on the balls
 Put bread paper on a plate
 Put the chocolate balls on it and decorate it
 The choco balls are ready to be served
25. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To make cookies C. To buy choco balls
B. To form cookies into balls D. To tell how to make choco balls
26. How many kinds of materials do you need to make choco balls?
A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six
27. What material is not mixed into dough?
A. Milk B. Water C. Cookies D. Bread paper
28. “Smooth the cookies with spoon”. What does the underlined word mean ?
A. Flatten B. Cumple C. Soften D. Crinkle
The following text is for questions 29 – 31
How to Use Chopstick
 Take one of chopsticks, then (29) . . . it between the ring finger and base of the thumb.
 Hold the other one with your index and middle fingers.
 Try to move the upper chopstick with your thumb and index finger (30) . . . .
 Pick the food between the lower and upper chopsticks
 Make sure the (31) . . . in that position while grabbing the food
29. A. reach B. start C. put D. eat
30. A. rarely B. hardly C. repeatly D. infrequently
31. A. hard B. finger C. thumb D. chopsticks
32. Arrange the sentences to form a sequential text.
How to Chop Raw Fruits and Vegetables Using a Food Processor
1. Press the PULSE/OFF lever at the rate of 1 second on and 1 second off until the food is coarsely
2. Put up to 6 cups (1.4 l) in the work bowl
3. Use the spatula to scrape any pieces that stick to the sides.
4. Lock the cover and pusher assembly into place
5. Hold down the PULSE/OFF lever letting the machine run continuously until the food is chopped
as fine as you want. Check frequently to avoid over processing.
6. First, cut the fruits and vegetables into 2 inch (5 cm). You get more even chops when all pieces
are approximately equal in size.
The correct arrangement of the sentences is . . . .
A. 6 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 1 C. 6 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3
B. 6 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 3 D. 6 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 1
33. I – reading – when – was – a novel – She – met – her
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The correct arrangement of the words is . . . .
A. 1 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 8 C. 6 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 1
B. 1 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 3 – 8 – 7 D. 6 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 7 – 8
34. will – there – for – Royal Hotel – be – the – staying – days – we – at
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. 9 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 10 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 8 C. 9 – 1 – 7 – 6 – 10 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 8
B. 9 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 10 – 7 – 2 – 8 D. 9 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 10 – 2 – 3 – 8
35. Gery : The air is polluted, . . . people cannot breathe fresh and clean air.
Noval : Yes, you’re right.
A. because B. so C. but D. although
36. Tania : People would like to plant trees.
Linda : Yes, they realize that trees reduce air pollution. . . ., people plant trees.
A. However B. Therefore C. Because D. Meanwhile
37. Wenny : Why did your father decide to stay in this town?
Yani : He . . . from work since 2016.
A. retired B. was retired C. has retired D. has been retired
38. Intan : Why do many pedestrians get accidents?
Aurell : . . . ..
A. Because there are many motor vehicles.
B. Because they do not cross the road carefully.
C. Because they do not drive their vehicles carefully.
D. Because many people don’t violate the traffic sign.
39. Combine the sentences.
Mr. Jufri keeps trying to stop smoking.
He knows that is not easy.
A. Mr. Jufri keeps trying to stop smoking but he knows that is not easy.
B. Mr. Jufri keeps trying to stop smoking and he knows that is not easy.
C. Mr. Jufri keeps trying to stop smoking because he knows that is not easy.
D. Mr. Jufri keeps trying to stop smoking although he knows that is not easy.
40. Combine the sentences.
Saskia has a lot of things to do everyday.
She can always finish her homework.
A. Saskia has a lot of things to do everyday,but she can always finish her homework.
B. Saskia has a lot of things to do everyday and she can always finish her homework.
C. Saskia has a lot of things to do everyday because she can always finish her homework.
D. Saskia has a lot of things to do everyday although she can always finish her homework.

The following text is for questioning no. 41 – 43

When I walked into the library, the librarian (41). . . out several forms. In the reading corner,
several students (42) . . .notes from the books they had read. Several others were looking for reference
books. The librarian (43). . . them to put the books in the box provided when they had finished reading
41. A. is filling B. was filling C. were filling D. will be filling
42. A. were talking B. was talking C. will be talking D. are talking
43. A. told B. were telling C. was telling D. will tell
44. Combine the sentences.
The sky is clear. People can see thousands of stars every night.
A. The sky is clear, so people can see thousands of stars every night.
B. The sky is clear, but people can see thousands of stars every night.
C. The sky is clear because people can see thousands of stars every night.
D. The sky is clear although people can see thousands of stars every night.
The following text is for questioning 45 – 47
The Simple Way to Browse a Website

In Internet era, you should know how to browse a website. Before you browse the Internet,
make sure that:
1. Your modem and telephone line are connected to your computer.
2. Internet Explorer is installed in your computer
3. Your computer is turn on
Steps to be followed:
 First, find the Internet Explorer icon I your desktop and double click it to activate/ to run the
program. It will connect your computer to Internet Service Provider (ISP) automatically.
 Second, wait until the first page (homepage) completely loaded.
 Then, type a website address in the address bar. The address bar is usually under the menu bar.
Push “Enter” button on your keyboard to begin searching the web.
 Wait for a moment until the first page of the website appears. To choose the information you
want, click one available menu on it.
 If you want to surf other website, repeat the 3rd and 4th steps.
 End your internet browsing by closing Internet Explorer and don’t forget to disconnect your
computer and your provider.
Be happy, enjoy your life.
45. How many steps should be done to browse the Website?
A. three
B. six
C. nine
D. seven
46. Here are the things you must do before you start browse the website except.............
A. your modem and telephone line are connected to your computer.
B. internet Explorer is installed in your computer
C. your computer is turn on
D. wait until the first page (homepage) completely loaded.
47. “Push “Enter” button on your keyboard to begin searching the web”
The synonym of the word push is....
A. pull
B. press
C. touch
D. click
48. Dandi : Is it right that Edo’s town is the cleanest in the province?
Boby : Yes. . . .
A. Therefore, it won the Adipura award on the Independence Day.
B. However, it won the Adipura award on the Independence Day.
C. Although, it won the Adipura award on the Independence Day.
D. Because, it won the Adipura award on the Independence Day.
49. Gilang : We shouldn’t eat too much instant food for?
Fira : Why?
Gilang : . . . .
A. So that we can be sick easily C. To stay our body healthy
B. So that we get serious diseases. D. To avoid our body healthy
The following text is for questioning 50

50. What is the % Daily Values for? It is to help you . . . .

A. serve the food C. discover your daily calorie requirement
B. eat nutritious food D. discover the nutrient levels in one serving of food
51, Zidam :Why do we sweep and mop the floor regularly?
Yusuf : . . . .
A. To make the floor grimy C. To avoid the floor clean
B/ To prevent the floor dirty D. To keep the floor dusty
52. Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentences.
and – the – ceremony – flag – come – we – on – class – to – must – to – time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A. 6 – 10 – 5 – 7 – 12 – 11 – 8 – 1 – 9 – 2 – 4 – 3
B. 6 – 10 – 5 – 7 – 12 – 11 – 8 – 1 – 9 – 3 – 4 – 2
C. 6 – 10 – 5 – 7 – 1 – 11 – 8 – 12 – 9 – 2 – 4 – 3
D. 4 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 12 – 11 – 8 – 1 – 9 – 2 – 6 – 10

The following text is for questions 53 - 56

How to Make Milk Pineapple Juice

Pineapple Juice is one of the yummy fruit juice. But if we can add milk
on it the taste will be more fresh and delicious.
Things you’ll need: Electric Blender, Knife, Jar, Glass, Pineapple, Full
cream milk, Sugar, Water, Salt, and some ice cubes.
1. Peel off Pineapple using a knife. Cut it into pieces.
2. Wash out the slices of Pineapple and give a little salt.
3. Plug in the electric blender, put the slices into the blender.
4. Add some sugar, milk, water, and ice cubes.
5. Blend in five minutes, and pour the juice into the Jar.
6. Serve the juice on a glass and put two or three ice cubes
53. How many materials do we need for making Milk Pineapple Juice?
A. Ten
B. Eleven
C. Twelve
D. Thirteen
54. What do we do after put the slices of Pineapple into the blender?
A. Blend in five minutes
B. Pour the juice into the jar
C. Put two or three ice cubes
D. Add some sugar, milk, water, and ice cubes
55. The word it in the first instruction refers to …
A. Milk
B. Knife
C. Blender
D. Pineapple
56. The word pour in the fifth instruction has the same meaning with …
A. put into
B. add some
C. give more
D. drainage to
57. Kyanu : What do we have to wash our bath tub regularly for?
Amanda : . . . .
A. So that mosquitoes can lay their eggs. C. To make mosquitoes away
B. So that mosquitoes don’t lay their eggs. D. To avoid your bath tub clean
The following text is for questions 58 – 59
Our school does not have many English books and we do not a languae laboratory, ...(58) we can
speak English well . . .(59) Mrs. Siregar alaways uses English with us and makes us use English with
her, too.
58. A. and B. so C. since D. but
59. A. although B. however C. because D. meanwhile
60. A: Have you heard that our village will hold bike race tomorrow?
B: Sure. Actually I want to join it, . . . I have to take care my little sister.
A. so B. but C. and D. hence

Text for no 61 – 62


61. The notice means . . . .

a. students must speak c. students must make a noise
b. students must not speak d. students must not make a noise
62. You can find the notice in . . . .
a. a hall b. a library c. restroom d. Classroom

63. Selly : Hello Dani, What about the English novel I lent you ?
Dani : Oh, it’s quite good, but . . . I forgot to bring it now.
Selly : Never mind. You can bring next time.
a. I’d like you to help me b. I don’t think so c. I’m sorry d. I’m glad you lent me it
64. Arrange the sentences into a good paragraph !
1. He lives in a small village as a farmer.
2. This is because I like to see farmers working in the rice field.
3. I have an uncle, Mr. Rohan.
4. Next week, I want to go there.
a. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 c. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4
b. 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 d. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2

65. 1. Cut the mango into small pieces.

2. Put the small pieces of mango into the blender.
3. Switch on the blender
4. Open the blender.
5. Prepare mango, sugar and water.
6. A glass of mango juice is ready to be served.
7. Switch off the blender.
8. Peel the mango.
9. Wait a minute.
10. Pour it into the glass.
The correct order is . . . .
a. 5 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 9 – 7 – 4 – 10 – 6 c. 5 – 8 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 7 – 9 – 4 – 1 0 – 6
b. 5 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 9 – 4 – 10 – 6 d. 5 – 8 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 9 – 7 – 10 – 4 – 6
66. What is the topic for the text above ?
a. How to serve mango juice c. Steps of serving mango juice
b. A glass of mango juice d. How to make a glass of mango juice
Text for no. 67– 69
I am used to travelling by air but once I felt very frightened. After taking off, the flew low over the city.
It slowly went high to the sky. But, suddenly It turned round and flew back to the airport. An air- hostess told
us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly a soon as it touched down. Every body on board was worried
and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on
board. Earlier, someday told the police that there was a bomb on the plane. After we landed, the police
searched the plane carefully. Fortunately they did not find a bomb and five hours later we were able to take off

67. How does the writer usually travel ?

a. by train b. by plane c. by car d. by bus
68. Why did the plane fly back to the airport?
a. The plane landed to the airport c. There was a bomb on the plane
b. The plane had to turn around d. It was presumed that there was a bomb on the plane

69. In the last sentence, Fortunately they did not find . . . “They” refer to . . . . .
a. the passengers b. the police c. the pilots d. the readers

70. 1. People will watch one of the programs according their interests.
2. They are TV3, Trans TV, Indosiar, Metro TV, Arsenal TV, and many others.
3. These TV stations offer various programs to attract audience.
4. There are so many TV channels we can choose today.
The best arrangement of the above sentences to make a paragraph is . . . .
a. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 c. 1 – 2 – 4 – 3
b. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 d. 1 – 3 – 2 – 4

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