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A Race Against Time

Racial Heresies for the 21st Century

Edited by

George McDaniel

Foreword by

Jared Taylor

New Century Foundation

Other titles from New Century Books:
Jared Taylor, Ed., The Real American Dilemma: Race, Immigration,
and the Future of America, 1998
Michael Levin, Why Race Matters: Race Differences and What
They Mean, 2005
Carleton Putnam, Race and Reason: A Yankee View, 2006
Samuel T. Francis, Essential Writings on Race, 2007
Steven Farron, The Affirmative Action Hoax: Diversity, the
Importance of Character, and Other Lies (Second Edition), 2010
Jared Taylor, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st
Century, 2011
Jared Taylor, Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race
Relations in Contemporary America (20th Anniversary Kindle Edition,
2014, based on First Carroll & Graf Edition, 1992)

Published daily on the Internet:

American Renaissance
Copyright © 2014 by New Century Foundation
All rights reserved.
This Kindle edition is based on the First New Century Books Edition,
Copyright © 2003 by New Century Foundation.
New Century Books
Box 527
Oakton, Virginia 22124-0527
Tel. (703) 716-0900
Fax (703) 716-0932
Cover: Callanish Stones on the Scottish island of Lewis in the
Hebrides. The megaliths were erected 5,000 years ago to form a circle
and several avenues. The tallest is just over 15 feet high. The stones
were abandoned around 800 BC, and had nearly disappeared beneath the
peat when they were excavated in the mid-19th century.
Photo by Charles Tait
Kindle edition prepared by John Vawter
To Glayde Whitney
1939 – 2002
Kindle Notes

Current Events

The Racial Revolution

The Religion of Anti-Racism
Multiculturalism and the War Against White America
Race, Crime, and Violence
Hell on Wheels
White Man in a Texas Prison
The Myth of Diversity
Life Along the Fault Line
White Might, Black Fright
Pushing Out Whitey

The Past

Race, Nation and the Soldier

The War with Mexico
Forgotten Black Voices
The “Reparations” Hoax
Madison Grant and the Racialist Movement
Multiculturalism and Marxism
The Decline of National Review
Undue Process
Sowing the Seeds of Destruction
Integration … Disintegration
Selma to Montgomery, 30 Years Later
The Doctor in Spite of Himself


The Descent of Man

A New Theory of Racial Differences
Race and Psychopathic Personality
The Definitive Word on Intelligence
Why Race Matters


Why Race Matters

The Morality of Survival
Race and the American Identity
The Evolution of Racial Differences in Morality
Is There a Superior Race?

The Future

If We Do Nothing
Fairest Things Have Fleetest Endings
Closed Minds Are an Open Book
Towards Renewal and Renaissance
A Certain Trumpet
Twelve Years of American Renaissance
Notes on the Kindle Edition
This text is based on the First New Century Books Edition,
Copyright © 2003 by New Century Foundation. It includes minor
corrections and is current as of July 10, 2014.
The print edition contains a few page footnotes, some of which
include content as well as any citations. These notes have been
collected and placed at the end of each chapter.
Tables present a problem on e-readers. The tables in this book have
been formatted to be as narrow as possible for maximum compatibility,
but if a table appears truncated on the right margin or if it’s distorted
by line wraps, please reduce the font size to compensate.
Each table contains a link that moves the table to the top of the
current page, so that a maximum amount of data is visible on a single
page. This is intended to prevent a table from spanning two pages.

by Jared Taylor

On March 10, 2003, two policemen died in a shootout at the Stapleton

Houses in New York City. Grace Watkins, who lives in the virtually
all-black housing project, explained that when people learned of the
killings they said the policemen got what they deserved. “I think a lot
of people out here weren’t worried about [the shootings],” she
explained, “because they thought they were white cops, but when they
heard the cops were black, their attitude changed totally, and they
started expressing concern for the police officers’ families.”1
Grace Watkins is 18 years old, which means she was born 20 years
after the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s. Since well
before the 1980s, every pillar of American society has passionately
supported the goal of eliminating racial prejudice. For her entire life,
people of Miss Watkins’ race have not only been legally protected from
discrimination but have benefited from the preference programs we call
“affirmative action.” Our country has invested more moral energy in
the fight against “racism” than in any national undertaking since the
Second World War. And yet, nearly 40 years after the crowning
achievements of the civil rights struggle, Miss Watkins calmly tells a
reporter that her black friends and acquaintances were unconcerned by
the deaths of two men they assumed were white. The policemen
became human beings in their minds only when they turned out to be
Miss Watkins’ comments were just a touch of atmosphere to liven
up a routine crime story. No doubt most readers soon forgot about her.
But what Grace Watkins said—and the silence that greeted it—are
symbols of the almost complete failure of the colossal effort our
country has made to transform race relations. Grace Watkins does not
live in the America the activists of the civil rights movement promised
us. None of us does.
The goal of integration, of eliminating racial prejudice, of
dismantling racial barriers was to build a society in which race would
lose its significance. We were, in Martin Luther King’s now almost
scriptural terms, to judge each other by the content of our character and
not by the color of our skin. Grace Watkins’ friends certainly judge
people by the color of their skin. Although whites do not usually
express themselves quite so freely, they often do the same.
Americans still separate themselves by race. Residential
neighborhoods are almost as segregated as they were in the 1960s.
Church congregations are segregated. Generation after generation,
school children fail the “lunch-room test” by sitting with friends of
their own race. If they ever stop to think about it, Americans know that
the constant cheerleading for integration and “diversity” only masks
deep divisions. Outside of a few pockets of self-conscious mixing,
Americans generally live their lives among people like themselves.
Occasionally, the country goes through a spasm of self-
righteousness, in which someone pretends to take the old civil-rights
vision seriously. Does anyone remember President William Clinton’s
racial initiative? Launched with great fanfare during his second term, it
was supposed to be the cornerstone of his legacy. It would set the
country back upon the road to racial harmony and become the basis for
building—to use the initiative’s full name—“One America in the 21st
The very fact of the initiative was a recognition that race relations
are not as we had expected. Its name even implied that racial conflict
threatens the idea of “one America.” And yet, despite all the power and
prestige of the White House, the initiative achieved nothing. Perhaps
not even Mr. Clinton himself would claim it accomplished anything.
What was to carve a president’s name into history has disappeared
without a trace. Like hundreds of other race initiatives, outreach
programs, commissions, and blue-ribbon panels, it was a futile
exhalation of hot air.
The only interesting thing about this failure was that, like so many
before it, it in no way dimmed the official goal of establishing an
America in which race does not matter. We still celebrate Martin
Luther King Day, we still muster fury on an Inquisitional scale for
blasphemers like Trent Lott,2 we still mouth platitudes about the glories
of “diversity”—but are there any real believers left? Does anyone still
think blacks can be taught to do as well in school as whites, that the
ghettos will become middle class, that whites will stay when blacks or
Mexicans move in, that racial tension will disappear, or that the
national unity we took for granted in the 1940s and 1950s can survive
bilingualism, multiculturalism, and the reduction of whites to a
We have become like the Soviet Union, where a classless utopia
continued to be the official national goal, even though everyone knew it
was impossible. Our racial myths may have been propounded with the
best intentions but they are as mistaken and corrupting as Marxist
economics. Nations cannot be built in pursuit of unobtainable goals,
and on principles in which almost no one believes.
The authors represented in this book reject today’s racial
orthodoxy. A few never believed it. Most initially absorbed it without
question, but finally accepted the evidence of their senses. They are all
fully aware that what they propose in its place is no less a revolution
than the one that rescued the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe from
their own moribund orthodoxy.
This book is a collection of articles from a monthly magazine,
American Renaissance, of which I am editor. During its 13 years of
publication, the many contributors to AR have, I believe, laid the
foundations of the only approach to race that is genuinely factual,
historical, and moral. This book represents an unapologetic break with
the assumptions and clichés of the civil rights era. The authors believe
that when decades of experience do nothing but contradict the
assumptions that underlie social policy, those assumptions must be
reexamined. America has tried—as earnestly as a nation can try
anything—to build a society according to a certain vision. Grace
Watkins—and Grace Watkins is hardly alone—tells us we have failed.
It is time to recognize failure, and stop blundering down a path that
leads nowhere.
If we are not to keep repeating the same mistakes, we must accept
at least the following propositions:

Race is an important aspect of individual and collective identity.

Most people have strong feelings of racial loyalty, and prefer the
culture and way of life associated with their race.
When people of different races come into contact there is friction.

These three statements are universally true, and are controversial

only in a society determined to ignore the obvious. Even if they would
not admit these principles openly, most Americans live by them.
In this book we go a little further than the obvious: Races are not
identical or interchangeable in terms of average ability and capacity for
high civilization. Any society that expects—or as ours often does,
demands—equal outcomes by race is asking the impossible.
Ultimately, given the reality of racial loyalty and racial differences in
ability and behavior, separation comes more naturally than integration.
We go further still: Racial and ethnic groups have collective
interests, and these interests often conflict. One example is
“affirmative action.” Blacks and Hispanics like it, because it benefits
them at the expense of whites and Asians. Whites and Asians dislike it
for the same reason. These are antagonistic interests that cannot be
reconciled, and yet for decades whites who raise their voices against
systematic racial discrimination against themselves have been accused
of “racism.”
Another example of conflict is the demographic transformation of
America. Whenever census figures report increases in the numbers of
Hispanics, Latino activists celebrate the political, cultural, linguistic,
and economic gains that come with numeric gain. They make no secret
that they want the country to become yet more Hispanic, to reflect their
tastes, acknowledge their way of life, celebrate their holidays, and
glorify their heroes.
Most non-Hispanics do not want their country to become more like
Latin America, and there is no reason they should. Many would like to
see the burgeoning Hispanic presence reduced. Like “affirmative
action,” this is yet another symmetrical, irreconcilable conflict: The
country cannot become more Hispanic without harming the interests of
those who liked it the way it was, and it cannot become less Hispanic
without harming the interests of those who want it more Hispanic.3 Is it
unreasonable or immoral for those who built the country to prefer that
it reflect their own heritage, to prefer to keep it for their own children
rather than turn it over to strangers?
Perhaps the most controversial position taken in this book is that
whites have the right to resist displacement by people unlike
themselves. This is a fundamental right we recognize for non-whites
everywhere. It is only whites—whether in Europe or North America or
Oceania—who are expected to act as if it is a privilege to share their
lands with aliens who arrive in ever-greater numbers, transforming
everything they find.
Displacement is the group equivalent of death. Whites will only see
their cultures and ways of life slip away if they continue to let their
homelands fill up with immigrants of other races. On an individual
level, whites show their distaste for racial transformation by moving
away when their neighborhoods turn black or Mexican or Haitian—or,
in Europe, when they turn Turkish, Pakistani, or Algerian. If whites
refuse to accept this transformation at the local level, why should they
welcome it at the national level?
George McDaniel, web page editor of American Renaissance and
editor of this collection, has given it the title A Race Against Time.
Whites are, indeed, in a race against time. If they do nothing, if they let
themselves become minorities, their destiny will be taken out of their
hands. The newcomers have their own ideas about government,
religion, culture, law—and how to treat racial minorities. Once they
have arrived in sufficient numbers, they will disregard the wishes of the
founding stock, just as they already have in those parts of the United
States, Germany, Britain or France where they have become local
majorities. Whites have every right to resist dispossession, and if they
fail to assert this right, if they lose the race against time, they will be
brushed aside by others who do not hesitate to assert collective rights.
It is not too much of an exaggeration to think of this book as a
collection of heresies against the state religion. It is a religion few
people actually live by (If integration is such an important national
goal why don’t whites buy houses in black neighborhoods?) but it still
has the power to dictate policy, and to terrify and punish scoffers. At its
simplest, our heresy is this: Race is important, and whites have rights
as a race.
Our country, and indeed whites everywhere, have taken a terrible
wrong turn. The consequences of multiracialism are plain to see,
whether in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, London or Milan. Everywhere it
has been attempted, racial integration has produced friction. As soon as
they arrive in sufficient numbers, immigrants cease to assimilate to
their host countries and insist, instead, that the host country adapt to
them. In the long term, adaptation means the disappearance of one way
of life and its replacement by another.
The authors of this book and the movement we represent are
entirely in earnest about the survival of our people and our culture.
Unless whites shake off the teachings of racial orthodoxy they will
cease to be a distinct people with a culture of their own. History,
morality, biology, and generations of common sense justify our desire
that our children should walk in the ways of their own people, that they
should be the heirs to the culture and civilization of Europe, that their
lives be shaped by their own history rather than by the demands of
people unlike themselves. More and more whites are awakening to the
crisis they face. They will eventually shake off their lethargy and
secure for themselves that to which all men have a right: survival as a
Oakton, Virginia, July 2, 2003

1. Douglas Montero, “Surprising Sympathy Dawns in Projects,”
New York Post, March 12, 2003.
2. On December 5, 2002, at a 100th birthday celebration for Strom
Thurmond, Mississippi Senator Trent Lott said: “I want to say this
about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president we voted for
him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our
lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over all these years,
Mr. Thurmond was the 1948 candidate of the “Dixiecrat” Party, and
ran on a segregationist, states’-rights platform. Mr. Lott’s reference to
this campaign was widely denounced as an endorsement of segregation.
Mr. Lott apologized repeatedly, but the denunciations did not stop. He
resigned from his position as Senate Majority Leader when the
Republicans threatened to remove him.
3. Needless to say, every American institution is entirely on the side
of those who want the country more Hispanic. They say “diversity” is
good for non-Hispanics. They would not, of course, take this position if
the roles were reversed, and Americans were emigrating to and
transforming other countries in the name of “diversity.” Double
standards of this kind are analyzed in detail in several of the articles
that follow.

by George McDaniel

The working title of this book was “The Best of American

Renaissance.” Although we eventually discarded it for the current one,
it is that title that has symbolized our challenge throughout this project.
Somehow, we had to pore through 13 years of work, almost 500 feature
articles and reviews, and distill a collection of no more than about
seven percent of the total.
Our first step was simply to get a grip on the task by getting out the
back issues and having a look. There they were, more than fifteen
hundred 8.5-by-11-inch pages, including 400 major articles and more
than 100 book reviews, written by scores of authors from all over
America and many countries around the world. The range of the
contributors’ occupations alone was astounding: from police and
firemen to research scientists, historians to subway conductors to
prison inmates to Catholic priests, those 1,500 pages represented
contributions from people from all walks of life.
But before we decided how to make the difficult selections, we
needed a plan. AR is a journal of ideas and not a news magazine. For
that reason, we decided that a conceptual approach would be best.
The articles and reviews (each of which is essentially an article,
with one or more books as a backdrop) fell into some fairly easily
identifiable categories. Those that described events or situations were
either current events, historical accounts, or extrapolations to the
future. Most of the rest could be classified as either science or
philosophy. So these became our categories. But which articles to use?
We worked our way through the AR oeuvre, looking for signs of
repetition and overuse, with an eye for stylistic quality and factual
depth. We wanted a book that would be a statement of what AR has
been about during its first 13 years and also a book that could stand
alone, providing its readers with the very best work from a wide
spectrum of experts in a variety of fields.
You now hold in your hands our “seven-percent solution” as we
distilled it from those often heroic works. It contains contributions
from AR stalwarts such as Sam Francis and Sam Dickson, leading-edge
scientists like Richard Lynn, free-thinking philosophers like Michael
Levin, bold commentators such as Michael Masters and Joseph Fallon,
and some of the most cogent and hard-hitting work by AR editors
James Lubinskas, and, of course, Jared Taylor.
This short preface would not be complete without heart-felt
acknowledgment of one member of the AR community who will no
doubt have a place in any future AR collection. Even the most casual
reader of AR over the past few years knows the name of Stephen
Webster and is familiar with his excellent work both inside and outside
the pages of AR. I would like to acknowledge his very able assistance
in creating this book.
In closing, readers familiar with AR might ask, what of those
regular features of AR not represented here: the Letters section, those
trademark AR line drawings, and, especially, the irrepressible “O
Tempora, O Mores”? At least 700 letters have appeared in AR, from
readers worldwide, most of them friendly, a few decidedly unfriendly,
but each making its own contribution. None of these appears in the
present volume, though a separate and very interesting volume all its
own could be culled from them. As for OTOM, each month that unique,
sardonic feature exposes the peculiar approach modern society has to
race, ethnicity, and culture. We have published close to 3,000 of those
little nuggets over the years, chronicling, in bite-sized chunks, the
absurd results of our society’s collisions with the truth, and of its
desperate attempts to hide from the truth. How could we possibly
publish a compilation that left them out altogether?
Well, we couldn’t. So here―complete with trademark drawing―is
just one of the 3,000 tiny gems from “O Tempora, O Mores!”
PC Gone Wild
The June 1995 Reader’s Digest included the following short item:
From the Fresno, Calif. Bee: “An item about the Massachusetts
budget crisis made reference to new taxes that will help put
Massachusetts ‘back in the African-American.’
“The item should have said ‘back in the black.’”
The Racial Revolution

by Jared Taylor

Everyone knows that during the last 50 years or so there have been
fundamental changes in the ways Americans think about race. In fact,
what has occurred is nothing short of a revolution, a complete rejection
of what earlier generations of Americans—from Colonial times until
perhaps the 1950s—took for granted.
Although contemporary racial thinking is so monolithic it has
become hard to imagine how Americans could have thought otherwise,
we can get a sense of how radical the change has been if we try to
imagine equally far-reaching changes: What would it be like for
America to reverse the sexual revolution completely and return to
Victorian propriety in just a few generations? Or for a country suddenly
to stop being deeply and universally religious and become atheist? Or
to abandon the principle of private property and switch to hippy-style
communal living?
The United States has gone through a revolution that is not only just
as dramatic, but astonishing in another respect: What was once taken
for granted about race has become not just outmoded but immoral. Only
revolutions bring such sweeping, back-to-front moral changes.

Yesterday’s Assumptions
The best way to gauge the extent of the revolution is to compare the
present to the past. The contrast is staggering. Practically every
historical American figure was by today’s standards an unregenerate
white supremacist.
Until just a few years ago virtually all Americans believed that race
was a profoundly important aspect of individual and national identity.
They believed people of different races differed in temperament and
ability, and that whites built societies that were superior to those built
by non-whites. They were repelled by miscegenation—which they
called “amalgamation”—because it would dilute the unique
characteristics of whites. They took it for granted that America must be
peopled with Europeans, and that American civilization could not
continue without whites. Many saw the presence of non-whites in the
United States as a terrible burden.
Among the founders, Thomas Jefferson wrote at greatest length
about race. He thought blacks were mentally inferior to whites, and
though he thought slavery was a great injustice he did not want free
blacks in American society: “When freed, [the Negro] is to be removed
beyond the reach of mixture.” Jefferson was, therefore, one of the first
and most influential advocates of “colonization,” or sending blacks
back to Africa.
He also believed in the destiny of whites as a racially conscious
people. In 1786 he wrote, “Our Confederacy [the United States] must
be viewed as the nest from which all America, North and South, is to be
peopled.” In 1801 he looked forward to the day “when our rapid
multiplication will expand itself … over the whole northern, if not the
southern continent, with a people speaking the same language,
governed in similar forms, and by similar laws; nor can we contemplate
with satisfaction either blot or mixture on that surface.” The empire
was to be homogeneous.
Jefferson thought of the United States as only the latest outpost in
the ever-expanding march of the Anglo-Saxon, the Saxon branch of
which had originated in the Cimbric Chersonesus of Denmark and
Schleswig-Holstein. He was thinking of the Saxons when he proposed a
1784 ordinance to create new states in the Mississippi valley,
suggesting the name Chersonesus for the area between lakes Huron and
Michigan. Its shape reminded him of Denmark. The race was not to
forget its origins.
James Madison, like Jefferson, believed the only solution to the
race problem was to free the slaves and send them away. He proposed
that the federal government sell off public land to raise the huge sums
necessary to buy the entire black population and ship it overseas. He
favored a Constitutional amendment to establish a colonization society
to be run by the President. After his two terms in office, Madison
served as president of the American Colonization Society, to which he
devoted much time and energy.
The following prominent Americans were not merely members but
officers of the society: Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster,
Stephen Douglas, William Seward, Francis Scott Key, Gen. Winfield
Scott, and two Chief Justices of the Supreme Court, John Marshall and
Roger Taney. As for James Monroe, the capital of Liberia is named
Monrovia in gratitude for his help in returning blacks to Africa.
Abraham Lincoln considered blacks to be—in his words—“a
troublesome presence” in the United States. During the Lincoln-
Douglas debates he said:
“…I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors
of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with
white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical
difference between the white and black races which I believe will
forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and
political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do
remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I
as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position
assigned to the white race.”
He, too, favored colonization and even in the midst of a desperate
war with the Confederacy found time to study the problem and to
appoint Rev. James Mitchell as Commissioner of Emigration. Free
blacks were going to have to be dealt with, and it was best to plan ahead
and find a place to which they could be sent.
Before Lincoln’s time, no President had ever invited a group of
blacks to the White House to discuss public policy. On August 14th,
1862, Lincoln did so—to ask blacks to leave the country. “There is an
unwillingness on the part of our people, harsh as it may be, for you free
colored people to remain with us,” he explained. He then urged them
and their race to go to a colonization site in Central America that his
Commissioner of Emigration had investigated. Later that year, in a
message to Congress, he even argued for the forcible removal of free
His successor, Andrew Johnson, did not feel differently: “This is a
country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall
be a government for white men….” Like Jefferson, he thought whites
had a clear mandate: “This whole vast continent is destined to fall
under the control of the Anglo-Saxon race—the governing and self-
governing race.”
Before he became President, James Garfield wrote, “[I have] a
strong feeling of repugnance when I think of the negro being made our
political equal and I would be glad if they could be colonized, sent to
heaven, or got rid of in any decent way….”
What of 20th century Presidents? Theodore Roosevelt thought
blacks were “a perfectly stupid race,” and blamed Southerners for
bringing them to America. In 1901, he wrote: “I have not been able to
think out any solution to the terrible problem offered by the presence of
the Negro on this continent … he is here and can neither be killed nor
driven away….” As for Indians, he once said, “I don’t go so far as to
think that the only good Indians are the dead Indians, but I believe nine
out of ten are, and I shouldn’t inquire too closely into the health of the
William Howard Taft told a group of black college students, “Your
race is adapted to be a race of farmers, first, last and for all times.”
Woodrow Wilson was a confirmed segregationist, and as president
of Princeton prevented blacks from enrolling. He enforced segregation
in government offices and was supported in this by Charles Eliot,
president of Harvard, who argued that “civilized white men” could not
be expected to work with “barbarous black men.” During the
Presidential campaign of 1912, Wilson took a strong position in favor
of excluding Asians: “I stand for the national policy of exclusion….
We cannot make a homogeneous population of a people who do not
blend with the Caucasian race…. Oriental coolieism will give us
another race problem to solve and surely we have had our lesson.”
Warren Harding’s views were little different: “Men of both races
may well stand uncompromisingly against every suggestion of social
equality. This is not a question of social equality, but a question of
recognizing a fundamental, eternal, inescapable difference. Racial
amalgamation there cannot be.”
Henry Cabot Lodge took the view that “there is a limit to the
capacity of any race for assimilating and elevating an inferior race, and
when you begin to pour in unlimited numbers of people of alien or
lower races of less social efficiency and less moral force, you are
running the most frightful risk that any people can run.”
In 1921, as Vice President-elect, Calvin Coolidge wrote in Good
Housekeeping about the basis for sound immigration policy: “There are
racial considerations too grave to be brushed aside for any sentimental
reasons. Biological laws tell us that certain divergent people will not
mix or blend…. Quality of mind and body suggests that observance of
ethnic law is as great a necessity to a nation as immigration law.”
Congressman William N. Vaile of Colorado was a prominent
supporter of the 1924 immigration legislation that set policy until the
revolution of the 1960s. He explained his opposition to non-white
immigration this way:
“Nordics need not be vain about their own qualifications. It well
behooves them to be humble. What we do claim is that the northern
European, and particularly Anglo Saxons made this country. Oh yes,
the others helped. But that is the full statement of the case. They came
to this country because it was already made as an Anglo-Saxon
commonwealth. They added to it, they often enriched it, but they did
not make it, and they have not yet greatly changed it. We are
determined that they shall not. It is a good country. It suits us. And
what we assert is that we are not going to surrender it to somebody else
or allow other people, no matter what their merits, to make it
something different. If there is any changing to be done, we will do it
Harry Truman is remembered for having integrated the armed
services by executive order. Yet, in his private correspondence he was
as separatist as Jefferson: “I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought
to be in Africa, yellow men in Asia and white men in Europe and
America.” In a letter to his daughter he described waiters at the White
House as “an army of coons.”
As recent a President as Dwight Eisenhower argued that although it
might be necessary to grant blacks certain political rights, this did not
mean social equality “or that a Negro should court my daughter.” It is
only with John Kennedy that we find a President whose public
pronouncements on race begin to be acceptable by contemporary
Politicians usually express careful, non-controversial views, and
their sentiments were reflected by men of letters as well. Ralph Waldo
Emerson, for example, believed that “it is in the deep traits of race that
the fortunes of nations are written.” Walt Whitman wrote: “Who
believes that Whites and Blacks can ever amalgamate in America? Or
who wishes it to happen? Nature has set an impassable seal against it.
Besides, is not America for the Whites? And is it not better so?” Jack
London was a well-known socialist, but he did not think socialism was
universally applicable. It was, he wrote, “devised for the happiness of
certain kindred races. It is devised so as to give more strength to these
certain kindred favored races so that they may survive and inherit the
earth to the extinction of the lesser, weaker races.” Mark Twain, in an
essay that no longer appears in popular anthologies, once described the
American Indian as “a fit candidate for extermination.”
There is essentially no limit to the “racist” quotations one could
unearth from prominent Americans of the past, but views that are
considered unacceptable by today’s standards were so widespread that
virtually anyone who said anything about race reflected those views.
Needless to say, this embarrasses today’s guardians of orthodoxy.
Most historians ignore or gloss over the racial views of prominent
figures, and most people today have no idea Lincoln or Roosevelt were
such outspoken “white supremacists.” Some people deliberately distort
the views of great Americans. For example, inscribed on the marble
interior of the Jefferson Memorial are the words: “Nothing is more
certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [the
Negroes] shall be free.” Jefferson did not stop there, but went on to say,
“nor is it less certain that the two races equally free, cannot live under
the same government”—which rather changes the effect.
Another approach to Jefferson is to bring out all the facts and then
try to repudiate him. Conor Cruise O’Brien did this in a 1996 cover
story for Atlantic Monthly. After describing Jefferson’s views, he
“It follows that there can be no room for a cult of Thomas Jefferson
in the civil religion of an effectively multiracial America—that is, an
America in which nonwhite Americans have a significant and
increasing say. Once the facts are known, Jefferson is of necessity
abhorrent to people who would not be in America at all if he could have
had his way.” Richard Grenier agrees, likening Jefferson to Nazi
Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler, and calling for the demolition of the
Jefferson Memorial “stone by stone.”
It is all very well to wax indignant over Jefferson’s views 170 years
after his death, but if we start purging American history of “racists”
who will be left? If we demonize Jefferson we have to repudiate
everything that happened in America until the 1960s—which is
precisely what the revolution in racial thinking logically requires.
After all, until 1964, any employer could refuse to hire non-whites
and merchants could refuse to do business with whomever they pleased.
Until 1965, immigration laws were designed to keep the country white.
In 1967, when the Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional, 20 states
still had anti-miscegenation laws on the books. State legislatures were
unwilling to repeal laws that reflected the customs and ideals of
generations of Americans.

The Revolution
So how does a society handle a revolution that turns the common
sense of previous eras on its head? One thing that changes is language.
Because the thinking of men like Lincoln and Wilson was so
widespread, there was no need for a special term to describe it. Just as
there is no word to describe only those days on which the sun rises—
because it rises every day—there was no word to describe people who
thought of race the way they did.
The word “racism,” therefore, did not appear until the 1930s, and
was a description not of American thinking but of Nazi ideology. Only
in the 1960s did the word become common in its current usage, and as
late as 1971, the Oxford English Dictionary had no entry for it. We
managed to establish slavery, abolish it, establish Jim Crow, and
abolish it too without ever using a word that today’s newspapers find
indispensable. When our ancestors wrote about race, they wrote of
antagonism, kindness, hostility, admiration, hatred, and a host of other
feelings, but never about “racism.” The word does not appear even in so
late and influential a book as Gunnar Myrdal’s An American Dilemma,
published in 1942 (see “Sowing the Seeds of Destruction” on page
152). Only in the context of mid-20th century assumptions did the word
become necessary as a way to condemn what people had always taken
for granted.
Even the word’s predecessor, “racial prejudice,” is a recent
construction (it is the term Myrdal used). Whatever Abraham Lincoln
or Theodore Roosevelt thought about other races, they would have been
insulted to be told it was prejudice, that is to say, unreasonable
preconceived judgment. “Racial prejudice” was a particularly clever
coinage because it implied that white attitudes were a form of
ignorance that could be cured with proper education. It managed to
discredit while appearing to describe.
What Americans traditionally practiced was racial discrimination,
that is, they made distinctions. Choice and freedom are impossible
without discrimination, and a “discriminating man” is one who knows
the differences between things and chooses wisely. Discrimination—
the most necessary and natural thing people do—is now called
The very newness of terms like “racism” and “racial prejudice” is
reason enough to be suspicious of them. To define a serious moral
failing with words that did not even exist in the time of our
grandparents is not a sign of normal social change. It is revolution.
The race revolution has been like the Russian revolution, which also
stood common sense on its head. In the Soviet Union the profit motive,
which had been the driving force of every economy in history, became
a sin against the people, and new words had to be invented for new
crimes. People who still believed in private property had a “petty
bourgeois mentality.” Those who wanted to keep what they made were
“stealing from the state.” Anyone who defended free markets was a
“stooge of imperialism.” After the fall of Communism common sense
was rehabilitated, and all the new crimes and words to describe them
Ironically, during the years that led to the return of common sense
in the former Eastern Bloc, the reverse process continued in the West.
“Racism” was such a success it inspired the discovery of all sorts of
new crimes: sexism, lookism, ableism, speciesism, male chauvinism,
homophobia, nativism, etc. One natural, healthy distinction after
another was discovered to be a crime. It must be a uniquely 20th
century experience for large numbers of people to be accused of crimes
for which the very words to describe them have only just been invented.
Rules for Whites
So what is racism, anyway? For whites (and only for whites), it is
anything that deviates from the following principles: Race is an utterly
insignificant matter. It means nothing, explains nothing, and stands for
nothing. The races are not only equal, they are interchangeable.
Therefore, it makes no difference if the neighborhood turns Mexican or
the nation turns non-white or your children marry Haitians. For whites,
race is not a valid criterion for any purpose, and any decision they
make on the basis of race is immoral. For whites to take notice of race
at all is “racism.”
Of course, this contradicts one of the current myths about America,
that racial diversity is one of our great strengths. If the races are
equivalent, how can racial diversity have any meaning at all? For racial
diversity to be a strength (or a weakness or be noticed at all) race must
have some kind of meaning, and to the extent that race stands for
something why is it wrong for whites to take race seriously both in
their personal lives and political views?
The benefits of racial diversity are now supposed to be so important
that they justify “affirmative action,” or racial discrimination against
whites. If racial diversity is that valuable, race has to mean something
significant. But if race is both real and important, why is it wrong to
notice and care about these meanings? Why is it wrong for whites to
find these differences not to their liking?
Presumably, the theory is that although races are essentially
equivalent and interchangeable, blacks, for example, have had different
experiences from whites, and whites benefit from contact with the
different “culture” blacks have acquired. This doesn’t explain why
whites must be forcibly brought into contact with this “culture.” And if
it is so different from white culture that “affirmative action” must be
resorted to in order to expose whites to it, some whites will find that
they don’t like it all, and decide they want nothing to do with it.
The real, unspoken explanation for why diversity is a strength is
that race is in fact meaningful. Diversity is thought to expose whites to
superior people and superior ways of thinking. After all, sermons about
diversity are directed only at whites. Bringing non-whites onto campus
or into the club is supposed to be improving and edifying for whites,
not for non-whites.
In fact, the idea that whites are inferior, or at least deeply and
uniquely flawed is the one distinctly racial idea whites are allowed to
have about themselves. Outside the underground “racialist” press it is
impossible to find whites portrayed in positive terms as a race. In the
past 30 years, probably no mainstream public figure or commentator
has expressed pride or satisfaction in being white or urged other whites
to do so. On the contrary, in any discussion of race, it is obligatory to
write disparagingly about whites, to remind them of past and present
crimes, to make them ashamed to be white. Most of the time, whites
are supposed to believe that race is simply an empty category, but if
they are to have one explicitly racial sentiment about themselves, it is
“The white race is the cancer of human history,” says Susan Sontag.
“Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity,” says Noel Ignatiev of
Race Traitor magazine. He wants to “abolish the white race—by any
means necessary.” Christine Sleeter writes that “Whiteness … has
come to mean ravenous materialism, competitive individualism, and a
way of living characterized by putting acquisition of possessions above
humanity.” This is presumably the sort of thing President William
Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, was supposed to think about when her high
school had her write an essay called “Why I am Ashamed to be White.”
The text book for teacher training reviewed in the previous issue of AR1
is packed with creative ideas about how to make whites apologize for
their race and for their very existence.
The black author James Baldwin once wrote that any white person
who wants to have real dialogue about race must start with a confession
that is nothing short of “a cry for help and healing.” Perhaps columnist
Maggie Gallagher was crying for help when she wrote that she thinks of
herself as an American, a Catholic, and sometimes an Irish-American
but added, “I hate the idea of being white…. I never think of myself as
belonging to the ‘white race.’ Those who do, in my experience, are
invariably second-raters seeking solace for their own failures. I can
think of few things more degrading than being proud to be white.”
For almost all whites, the only time they ever speak as whites is to
apologize. President Clinton is typical. When he speaks as a white man
it is to apologize for the Tuskeegee medical experiment that left black
men untreated for syphilis or to apologize for slavery.
The celebration of Martin Luther King’s birthday is a celebration of
white apology. King spent his life telling whites they were wrong. This
is now thought to be so valuable a role that it makes no difference that
he was a plagiarist, adulterer, and communist sympathizer. For having
succeeded in persuading so many whites that they were wicked he has
now eclipsed George Washington as America’s most honored son. Only
King and Jesus Christ have national holidays on their birthdays.

The Final Solution

So where has the revolution brought us? Whites are to pretend that
race is meaningless. They have no legitimate group aspirations. Racial
diversity is a good thing if it comes at the expense of whites. Slavery is
a crime for which we—and only we—must be forever guilty. The
conquest of the continent was not the expansion of civilization but a
rape and an abomination. We have no claim to this land, but must let in
every band of Third-Worlders that wants to come. If we believe the
propaganda of the last 50 years, we must rethink and abandon virtually
everything about America. Whites are a uniquely flawed race, and the
sooner we are reformed by virtuous non-whites the better.
Once more, we can rely on President Clinton to show us the way.
He says that after independence from England and the War Between the
States, the reduction of whites to a minority will be “the third great
revolution of America.” He looks forward to the challenge of seeing “if
we can prove that we literally can live without having a dominant
European culture.”
Former Republican congressman Robert Dornan of California
agrees. In 1996, while he was still in the House, he said, “I want to see
America stay a nation of immigrants. And if we lose our Northern
European stock—your coloring and mine, blue eyes and fair hair—
tough!” In his next election, he lost to a Hispanic, Loretta Sanchez.
This is exactly what Mr. Dornan’s cheerfulness about immigration
should have prepared him for—his constituency had rapidly become
half Hispanic—but apparently it did not. He refused to concede defeat
and charged Miss Sanchez’ supporters with vote fraud. He has not,
however, changed his position on the advisability of whites becoming a
And it’s not just Americans who look forward to oblivion. Gwynne
Dyer, a London-based Canadian journalist, takes for granted that
“ethnic diversification” is a good thing for white countries, but notes
that Canada and Australia, which have opened their borders to non-
white immigration, are trying to “do good by stealth.” Politicians
understand the advantages of diversity but think they must not let
ordinary whites know what is happening: “Let the magic do its work,
but don’t talk about it in front of the children. They’ll just get cross and
spoil it all.” Being reduced to a minority will be good for whites but the
prospect must be kept secret from them for fear they might object. Mr.
Dyer looks forward to the day when politicians can be more open about
displacing their own people.
Pauline Hanson is the famous Australian politician who doesn’t
want whites to become a minority. Such a view is “racist,” of course,
and an Australian writing in the Washington Post describes the people
for whom Miss Hanson speaks as “the beast,” which is “alive and well,
slimily squirming.” No doubt these loathsome forces will be
vanquished. The Chicago Tribune gave an article about Miss Hanson
the sub-headline: “A new, anti-immigrant party appeals to some
Australians who still harbor notions of remaining a Caucasian society.”
Fancy that: There are still a few Australians who “harbor the notion”
that their country should stay white.
Of course, reducing whites to a minority is only a good first step;
with enough interracial marriage, whites might be made to disappear
completely. It has therefore become fashionable to propose
miscegenation as the final solution to the race problem. “It would be a
lot easier if each of us were related to someone of another color and if,
eventually, we were all one color,” writes Morton Kondracke in The
New Republic; “In America, this can happen.” “I think intermarriage
may be the only way out [of our racial problems],” writes Jon Carroll
of the San Francisco Examiner. Ben Wattenberg, noting the increase in
interracial marriages writes happily, “Does all this mean that as we
move into the next century race will be much less of an issue? That we
will all end up bland and blended? That (as I believe) we will fulfill our
difficult destiny as the first universal nation?”
Even “conservatives” think intermarriage is the answer. Douglas
Besharov of the American Enterprise Institute says it may be “the best
hope for the future of American race relations.” In a recent book,
Stephen and Abigail Thernstrom write that the “crumbling of the taboo
on sexual relations between the two races [black and white]” is “good
news,” because that will make it impossible to draw racial distinctions.
John Miller is a reporter for National Review, which is thought to
be the main “conservative” magazine in America. He thinks
miscegenation is inevitable and could be the only way to end racial
tension. “Perhaps the best way to undermine the ideology of group
rights is to permit this natural process of assimilation to work its way
down the generations as people of mixed background marry and have
children.” “In the future,” he adds confidently, “everyone will have a
Korean grandmother.” This is the happy ending. As they become a
minority, whites will dissolve into a glorious café au lait.
Not only was this the very reverse of what the founders had in
mind, it was not even what the racial activists of just a few decades ago
had in mind. The post-1965 changes in immigration policy were not
supposed to upset the ethnic balance. The civil rights movement was
supposed to usher in a new Camelot of racial understanding and
harmony. Both predictions were dead wrong: the percentage of whites
is shrinking and scarcely anyone pretends that race relations are good.
What do we do? Just toss the whole country into a blender and do away
with race entirely. Of course, this really means doing away with whites.
Whites are only about 15 percent of the world’s population and are
having perhaps seven percent of the world’s babies. No one is
proposing the blender treatment for Africa or Asia.
The racial revolution has stripped whites of any intellectual
defenses against this final solution. Race is a forbidden criterion—at
least for their purposes—and whites are a vexatious bunch anyway. A
people whose only collective sentiment is guilt might as well fade
away. We have come a long way from Jefferson’s vision of Europeans
filling the Americas from north to south.
Pierre Vergniaud (1753–1793) was a French lawyer and
revolutionary politician who, like so many others, ended up on the
guillotine. It was he who said that the revolution “might devour each of
its children in turn.” Ours has been a revolution that, if left unchecked,
will certainly devour our children.
However, revolutions that violate the laws of human nature
eventually founder. Some day ours will collapse, as biology reasserts
itself over sociology, and white racial consciousness reawakens. The
Soviet Union staggered on for 75 years before its revolution collapsed
under its own weight. The racial revolution has been in full swing for
50 years, and its absurdities and contradiction have never been more
This article appeared in the May 1999 issue. Jared Taylor is the
editor of American Renaissance.

1. See “The Religion of Anti-Racism,” page 13.
The Religion of Anti-Racism
Enid Lee, Deborah Menkart and Margo Okazawa-Rey (Eds.)
Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-
Racist, Muticultural Education and Staff Development, Network
of Education on the Americas, 1998, $27.00, 464 pp. (soft

reviewed by Thomas Jackson

Most people know that teachers and professors are well to the left of
most Americans—their loonier antics sometimes make it into the press
—but few outsiders have any idea of the real designs “anti-racists”
have on American children. Beyond Heroes and Holidays is a collection
of 80-odd essays by “progressive” school teachers and education
professors about how to use the classroom to fight “racism.” It is
supposed to be a guide for training teachers and instructing students—
but is nothing less than a field manual for the subversion of American
This is a characterization many of the authors would not dispute.
Anyone who can drag himself through the more than 450 large-format
pages of this book soon learns that everything in America—including
the economic system—will have to be revamped in order to eradicate
“racism.” The authors have a mentality exactly like that of doctrinaire
Marxists. Although they never mention Marx or Communism, and they
write about “transformation” rather than “revolution,” they have the
same totalitarian compulsion to control and reform every detail of our
lives. They even have the equivalent of dialectical materialism. Just as
Marxists used the dialectic to interpret reality, they use “critical
thinking” to interpret everything—and I mean everything—in terms of
“racism,” “sexism,” and a batch of other “isms.” What the “crits” have
established is a militant, secular religion, with schools as churches and
children as compulsory congregations.
The central message of this religion is that every group difference
is proof of exploitation, and every form of exploitation has been
perfected by whites. The history of whites is an unending chronicle of
rapine and despoliation, and only when these sins have been atoned for
and all group differences eradicated will there be justice.
The “crits” do not yet control society but they control what they
teach: “All aspects of the curriculum [must] integrate multicultural,
critical thinking and justice concepts and practice.” “Diversity and
equity issues are integrated into all aspects of the teacher-training
curriculum.” This is necessary because, as one of the editors of the
book puts it with breath-taking finality, “The purpose of education in
an unjust society is to bring about equality and justice.” Thus, “schools
should be the place where students can analyze the forces which
maintain injustice and develop the knowledge, hope and strategies
needed to create a more just society for us all.”
In short, education is indoctrination and its purpose is political:
“Every student whom we help to read and write is being provided with
tools to defend herself or himself. We are helping prepare them for the
onslaught of antihuman practices that this nation and other nations are
facing today: racism, sexism, and the greed for money and human labor
that disguises itself as ‘globalization.’”
Success is measured by how many students can be turned into anti-
racist fanatics, and properly managed students can be made to unbosom
grateful testimonials like: “I also learned that all the institutions in this
country are inherently racist and exist for the purpose of maintaining
the power and wealth of the dominant group.” (emphasis added)

Curing Whites
Because whites are the world’s biggest problem, the fight against
“racism” begins with them. This book emphasizes over and over that
“racism” is not just a matter of thoughts and acts. It is an entire way of
being that permeates society, institutions, and whites as a group. We
know most whites are openly, hopelessly “racist,” but what about the
ones who think they are not? They must be made to understand that
“racism” is not something practiced by other whites but is in the very
marrow of their bones. As one anti-racist expert explains, his job is to
take well-meaning white naïfs and give them “a new recognition of
themselves as race-privileged, capable of racist thoughts and
behaviors.” All whites are “racist” whatever their intentions, whereas
no non-whites are “racist.”
This goes without saying for most of the authors, but one or two try
to explain it. As Peggy McIntosh of Wellesley, a celebrated proponent
of this goofiness explains, inherent “racism” is all about something
called “unearned privilege”:
“I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper
and see people of my race widely represented.” “I can if I wish arrange
to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.” “I can
easily buy posters, postcards, picture books, greeting cards, dolls, toys
and children’s magazines featuring people of my race.” “I can take a
job with an affirmative action employer without having coworkers on
the job suspect that I got it because of race.” “I can choose blemish
cover or bandages in ‘flesh’ color and have them more or less match
my skin.”
As Miss McIntosh explains, for non-whites these privileges are
experienced as oppression. “Whiteness protected me from many kinds
of hostility, distress, and violence, which I was being subtly trained to
visit in turn upon people of color,” she explains. Not recognizing and
renouncing “privilege” is the same as oppressing non-whites.
Of course, nearly all the “privileges” Miss McIntosh describes are
found just about everywhere. Japanese and Nigerians see people of
their own race on television, too. A Frenchman living in Japan
presumably suffers just like a black in America. There is the further
implication that American whites gain some kind of stupendous
advantage simply because non-whites live here. Having millions of
poor, crime-prone, violent people among us gives us a great advantage
over Norwegians, for example, who presumably don’t experience
“white skin privilege” ten times a day the way we do. It beggars the
imagination how anyone could have thought of anything so stupid but,
as Miss McIntosh explains, it is vital to open whites’ eyes to how awful
their country really is: “To redesign social systems we need first to
acknowledge their colossal unseen dimensions.”
This doctrine of inherent racism is so weird and implausible it takes
a lifetime to master it: “Because the ideology of White racial
superiority is so deeply embedded in our culture, the process of
‘unlearnng racism’ is a journey we [whites] need to continue
throughout our lives.” “Keep in mind that learning about racial identity
and racism is a lifelong process.” “Racism is learned, and it can be
unlearned, but it takes a commitment to stay aware, to keep working
and to accept the unlearning as a lifelong journey.”

Start Early
The authors all agree that anti-racist education has to start just as
soon as teachers get their hands on children. Even for pre-schoolers, we
are to “integrate anti-bias issues into every theme,” and put toddlers
through “activism activities” that will teach them that “injustice is not
overcome by magic or by wishes, but that people make it happen and
that each one of them can make it happen.”
Teachers must be ready to pounce whenever a child utters an act of
oppression, and the book offers such improbable examples as: “People
in wheelchairs can’t be mommies and daddies,” or (to a child with
lesbian parents) “you can’t have two mommies,” or “she dresses like a
Puerto Rican.”
One recommended exercise is to get a box of bandages, put them on
black children, and jeer at any company that would claim they are
“flesh colored.” Advanced subjects can be made to scratch out letters of
protest to the company. Other lessons can be learned by getting
children to designate parking spaces for handicapped people and having
the children issue “tickets” to violators. Classroom walls should be
covered with pictures that refute stereotypes: black doctors, white
janitors, people in wheelchairs at the beach, etc.
Day care staff should rewrite children’s books. The story of the
three pigs, for example, implies that European-style brick buildings are
superior to Third-World straw and stick houses. The wolf should be
changed into an elephant that blasts water from its trunk. The Third-
World house of sticks survives because it is on stilts while the brick
house floods.
Another “teaching tool” is to get parents of toddlers to come to
class and “share” experiences of “racism.” But it is best to get children
themselves on the march. Trot them down to greeting card stores to yell
because there aren’t “cards or decorations for non-dominant holidays.”
Or, says one author, pre-schoolers can be made to protest non-union
fruit [!]. Better still, children can be put to work for the staff’s own
selfish interests. The book actually recommends that little ones be
taught “why better wages are necessary for child care center staff,” and
be recruited to help teachers “working in their union to get smaller
classroom sizes.”
Once children are older, there are countless techniques for attacking
“the dominant culture,” and the book suggests particularly lively ways
to take the stuffing out of whites. Children can pretend to be
Congressmen debating the Indian Removal Act of 1830, or can try to
think of all the evil motives for the Chinese Exclusion Acts of the 19th
century. They should put on a mock trial of “the profit system” as the
cause of the drug trade, as they consider “drugs as a weapon against the
Black community.” Students can draw cartoons about the “racism” they
experience, or can collect tourist brochures about Hawaii and note that
they fail to mention that whites seized the islands and raped the culture.
They can discuss why Thanksgiving Day can be thought of as a day of
mourning, or take turns answering the question: “What is your earliest
recollection of being excluded because of your race or culture?” Whites
can keep diaries of the unearned privileges they enjoy each day.
Children can pretend to be Congressmen at the 1870s hearings on KKK
violence. To learn about today’s Klan, they should get anti-Klan
activists—not Klan members—to speak to the class. Students should be
trained in “critical literacy,” which is the ability to detect oppressive
messages in books, newspapers, and advertising. A very common
theme is to get students to devise “action plans” for combating
“racism” in their schools.
Clearly, the object is to rear up fanatical little busy-bodies who will
be a kind of anti-racist Red Guard. It is important constantly to remind
children of oppression, and never to let the favored groups forget they
are victims. One workshop “to explore and celebrate what it is like to
be a girl,” was a success because participants later said things like, “I
learned that too many young women are being disrespected by young
In one school, “activist” teachers got students to start a Let’s-Stop-
Racism-in-Our School campaign. (One complaint had been that a girl
said a teacher told her to “prove others wrong and not get pregnant by
the age of sixteen like all the other Puerto Rican girls.”) At their first
session, how did they prepare for the campaign? “Students reenacted
the forced migration of over fifty million Africans brought to the
Americas and sold into slavery, and the slaughtering of native
Americans for land and gold.”

Heroes and Holidays

The title of this book makes the point that tacking a few non-white
heroes onto the curriculum or eating tacos on Cinco de Mayo is not
good enough. Every lesson in every subject must be propaganda.
Besides, whooping up the occasional distinguished black may give the
false impression that talented non-whites can get ahead in America. In
order to supplement the usual study of King and Harriet Tubman, the
authors recommend that students look into 150 or so lesser-known
“activists for social change.” On the list are Angela Davis, Malcolm X,
Che Guevara, Morris Dees, Marcus Garvey, and the two slave
insurrectionists Nat Turner and Denmark Vesey. Chief Crazy Horse is
identified as a “Native American rights activist.” Still, the book warns
that we should be careful with the idea of heroes because it gives the
impression that individuals actually count for something, whereas we
all know that it is groups that “empower.”
“Heritage celebrations” also must be handled carefully. Making
much of national costumes and unfamiliar food is wrong because it
suggests foreigners are exotic and Americans are normal. Also, when
food and pageantry are taken by themselves “they mask the obstacles
that people of color have faced, [and] how they have confronted those
obstacles….” Lots of oppression must therefore be worked into all
exercises of this kind, and they cannot be called “international” because
that suggests things can be foreign to America.
Language is an important part of the multi-culti cult: “In our racist,
sexist, classist and heterosexist society, our decisions about word usage
are political decisions.” For example, Irish peasants live in “cottages”
but we have been trained to say Africans live in mere “huts.” Likewise,
to speak of “slaves” and “masters” implies that status is inherent. It is
better to speak of “enslaved Africans,” and really “transformative”
people say “African people stolen from their families and societies.”
One author notes that whites are only ten percent of the world
population. In an American context, “use of the word ‘minority,’
therefore, obscures this global reality and reinforces racist
assumptions.” We are always to say “people of color,” a term which
“was borne out of an explicitly political statement that signaled a
solidarity among progressive African Americans, Asian Americans,
Latinos, Native Americans and Pacific Islanders.”
Anti-racists agonize over black English. They would never say it is
bad English, and instead complain about “the arbitrariness of
designating one variety [of English] over another as ‘standard.’” “On
the other hand, it is equally important to understand that students who
do not have access to the politically popular dialect form in this
country … are less likely to succeed economically…. How can both
realities be embraced?” The trick is to call black English a dialect and
try to help blacks become “bi-dialectical.” When a student asks “Who
do dat?” you do not “correct” him; you encourage him to translate into
the politically popular dialect.
We must have bilingual education for immigrants, because
expecting them to learn English is “racist.” One author writes that “in a
moment of generosity” one could imagine that English-only advocates
just want newcomers to assimilate and get ahead, but that would be
wrong. As he points out, white women speak English as well as white
men, but don’t earn as much money. Therefore, since speaking English
doesn’t lead to equality, the English-only people can be shown to be the
racist frauds they really are. Thus, “language policy in the United
States continues to be used as an effective tool to control access to
social, economic and political resources.”
Math classes must be indoctrination, too. Inequities in income, the
number of blacks in jail, unemployment rates by race—studying these
makes math “a tool to interpret and challenge inequities in our
society.” In the right hands, math can “uncover stereotypes, understand
history, and examine issues of inequality.” Pure science is harder to
turn into propaganda but instruction can be “transformed to consider
how science itself is conceptualized, valued and practiced by those who
have traditionally been outside the scientific mainstream”—whatever
that may mean.
The anti-racists hate free markets and world trade. The profit
motive is a gruesome thing that “values property over people,” but is
beaten into all Americans: “Where do people learn the values of this
system? Just think back to elementary school. Columbus, who killed
hundreds of Native Americans in his search for gold, is touted as a
hero.” Here are some basic economic concepts:
“Wealthy countries became wealthy by exploiting the resources of
the Southern countries.”
“The colonial and capitalist systems, which grew up together, were
also inherently and inescapably racist.”
“The world financial system is a greater cause of hunger in Africa
than is bad weather.”
If teachers do their jobs they will be rewarded with student
comments like:
“I had not previously understood that capitalism requires keeping a
large group of people in extreme poverty, and is deliberately and
purposefully racist, promoting divisions among people in order for the
dominant group to maintain political, economic, and social power and
Oddly, none of this leads to outright advocacy of Communism, and
neither Marx nor Mao is on the list of sainted “social activists.” It is
unclear what will replace capitalism in the anti-racist paradise.

Hating White People

Ultimately this brand of “anti-racism” shows its true colors as a
religion—the religion of hating white people. It has a few other
doctrines but they all derive from racism: “we must ask how sexism,
classism, and linguicism [?] are part of this oppression called racism.”
(emphasis in the original) It is a religion that calls for total devotion.
As one author explains, “We must grapple with both [individual and
institutional “racism”] at every moment of our lives.”
Like all fanatics, these people cannot see obvious contradictions.
Over and over we hear that all children must have positive self-images
and yet even science lessons must be stuffed with anti-white
propaganda. There is incessant talk of fighting stereotypes—except for
one: the wicked white man. America is a cesspool of “racism,” but non-
white immigrants are quite right to want to come. This book purports to
promote multi-culturalism, but its myriad “celebrations” leave no room
for Western Civilization. In fact, Western Civilization is just another
name for evil “isms.” As the authors say repeatedly, their goal is to
transform every institution in the country. This is nothing less than an
open declaration of war on Western Civilization—and a veiled
declaration of war on the people who built it.
There are a few worthy whites—John Brown, Morris Dees, Andrew
Goodman, Fidel Castro, Gloria Steinem—but every one is a radical
critic of his own society and people. In the minds of these authors the
only role left to whites as a group is that of demons to be routed by
heroic non-whites. This book is full of photographs, but of the hundreds
of faces in them, perhaps three percent are white.
White-hatred flows naturally from the doctrine of racial
egalitarianism. So long as the “mainstream” denies racial differences,
and insists that all group differences in achievement are caused by that
blackest of all crimes, “racism,” there will be anti-racist fanatics who
will stop at nothing to eradicate this evil.
This review originally appeared in the April 1999 issue. Thomas
Jackson is a frequent reviewer for American Renaissance
Multiculturalism and the War Against
White America

by Lawrence Auster

Underlying everything we have heard at this conference [the 1994

American Renaissance conference held in Atlanta] are two bedrock
truths about race and race relations that go against everything we have
been taught. The first truth is that there are significant differences in
average intelligence between different populations, and that such gaps
in intelligence cannot be closed by any known human means.
The second truth is that not all groups are equally assimilable to
each other, in the sense of the ability to come to share a common
outlook, identity and way of being. The greater the historical and racial
differences between two peoples, and the greater the numbers involved,
the harder assimilation is going to be, and the more likely it becomes
that conflict between such different peoples will be permanent.
Today’s liberal and conservative orthodoxies hold the opposite
beliefs—first, that all racial groups are equal in inherent abilities, and
second, that all racial groups in the world, no matter how different, are
at bottom basically alike and equally assimilable into American
The first belief, in the equality of abilities, leads to the notion that
any actual differences in achievement between races must be due to
discrimination, which is to be overcome by preferential racial quotas.
The second belief, that everyone in the world is equally assimilable,
has led to an immigration policy based on what are in effect racial
quotas applied to the entire world. The continuing influx of over a
million immigrants per year, 90 percent of them non-Europeans,
combined with higher nonwhite birth rates, is steadily turning America
into a multiracial, nonwhite country—a “mirror” of the entire world.
A good way to understand the impact of massive nonwhite
immigration on American society is to compare it to the impact of
preferential minority admissions in the university. As Dinesh D’Souza
has described it in Illiberal Education, universities admit
underqualified minority students, while assuring them that they are
perfectly well qualified. When these students find themselves having
academic difficulties, they blame “institutional racism,” then they
blame the curriculum itself, which they say is culturally alien to them.
The administration, not wanting to admit the truth, eagerly agrees
with the minority activists that racism is at work. In effect, the
administration makes the entire university community, especially the
white students and the faculty, the scapegoat for a racial inequality that
was created by the administration itself when it admitted unqualified
minorities. The school then sets up coercive “anti-racist” programs and
speech codes aimed at whites, and adopts multicultural curricula and
intellectual standards that conform to minority cultures and “learning
styles.” When white students protest these things, the minorities, in
D’Souza’s words, “conclude that they have discovered the latent
bigotry for which they have been searching.”
In sum, the result of admitting large numbers of unqualified
minorities into a university is that whites start to be demonized as
racist and are systematically silenced, while their civilizational
heritage is attacked as unrepresentative and illegitimate and begins to
be systematically dismantled.
Now if all these things happen when you admit large numbers of
non-white students into a predominantly white school, what happens
when you admit massive numbers of nonwhite immigrants into a
predominantly white society? The very same things. The failure of the
nonwhite population to fit into the society is blamed on the society
itself, rather than on the fact that they were admitted in the first place.
The white majority starts to be demonized as racist and is
systematically silenced, while its civilization is attacked as
unrepresentative and begins to be systematically dismantled. The great
irony is that the admission of non-whites is supposed to prove that the
society is nonracist and egalitarian, yet the more non-whites are
admitted, the more racist and unequal the society seems.

Impact on American Life

While the “delegitimizing” impact of unassimilable immigrants can
be seen in many areas of American life, in no other field is it more
obvious than in the arts. Cultural institutions in cities with large Third-
World populations are rapidly abandoning the Western high culture
tradition in favor of Third-World folk cultures. According to music
critic Edward Rothstein writing in the New Republic, the new
immigrants simply aren’t interested in Western music:
“[S]trikingly in a city like New York, [classical music culture] is
largely a racially stratified culture as well: there are almost no black or
immigrant faces (aside from Asians) to be seen in concert halls…. My
neighborhood arts organization, like many others around the country,
has been unsuccessful in marketing Western art music to the new racial
and international communities in the area. So instead they’ve begun
presenting the folk musics of immigrant and black cultures.”
The same applies to the theater. “The reason that Broadway appeals
less to New Yorkers these days,” writes theater critic Thomas Disch,
“isn’t just that Broadway has changed: so have New Yorkers…. [A]
glance around the lobby at any Broadway show reveals who isn’t there:
any of the city’s readily identifiable minorities: blacks, Hispanics,
Theatrical companies have tried to address the problem by
introducing multiracial casts into Western plays, but have been
disturbed to find that the audiences for such multiracial productions are
still almost exclusively white. Evidently, Third Worlders are simply
not attracted to Western theater, even when it has lots of non-whites in
the cast. Since changing the cast doesn’t work, the only solution will be
to give up the plays themselves. The irony is that these problems, are
not seen as the result of non-whites’ lack of interest in Western culture,
and therefore as proof of their non-assimilability; rather, Western
culture itself is blamed for not appealing to non-whites.
Artistic images of American history are also coming under attack.
Rush Limbaugh recently noted that the state of Oregon, after
commissioning a beautiful bronze statue of a 19th century pioneer
family, had rejected the completed statue because the image of a white
pioneer family was considered “racist” and “noninclusive.” While Rush
was unusually upset about this incident, it didn’t seem to occur to him
that it had anything to do with demographic change—i.e., that it is our
society’s increasingly nonwhite character that is making any “all-
white” image seem unrepresentative and therefore illegitimate.
In 1993 there was an angry protest by black and Hispanic students
at the University of Massachusetts who wanted the school to dump its
official symbol, the Minuteman. The image of a “white man carrying a
gun,” they charged, was racist. For the time being the school has
resisted this demand. But for how long? As the university’s white
population continues to decline, can we expect the Chinese and
Pakistani students and administrators of the future to care enough about
the image of the Minuteman to defend it against intimidating black and
Hispanic protesters? Who will preserve the symbols of our Anglo-
European national heritage after whites are gone?
Indeed, who will defend that heritage even now, while whites are
still the majority? On Long Island this past spring, a school production
o f Peter Pan was canceled at the last minute, after six weeks of
rehearsals, because the town’s American Indian minority felt that the
play’s portrayal of Indians (which, remember, is simply a childlike
fantasy taking place in Never-Never Land) was insulting to them. So, to
accommodate multiracial America, this classic play that we all
remember with fondness from our childhood is to be proscribed. The
most significant thing about the incident was that no one in the town,
including the parents whose children had their play taken away from
them, seriously protested this outrage.
In an even more horrifying example of white surrender, an elite
private school in New England was considering hiring a well-known
multicultural curriculum consultant when it was discovered that the
consultant—a Caribbean-born black woman based in Toronto—had
admitted in a published interview that her approach would make white
children feel intimidated and guilty. After some discussion, the
school’s board of trustees went ahead and hired her anyway.
These are examples of what is happening to our entire country and
culture. As America becomes more and more nonwhite, everything we
think of as the American culture and identity will be either censored,
squeezed out or transformed into something else.
The response of establishment conservatives to these concerns is to
say that such problems are created not by immigrants but by alienated
white elites, as well as by the general moral decay of our society. “It is
true that radical and liberal elites in education, government, and media
appear to be doing everything they can to destroy whatever is left of
traditional America, and they might well be doing so even if there were
no immigrants at all.” But we must understand that even if there were
no “cultural revolution” going on in this country, the kind of massive
demographic change we are experiencing as a result of immigration
would still be enough, by itself, to destabilize and ultimately destroy
our culture.
The list of horrors proving this point goes on and on: the dominance
of Latin American mores and language in southern Florida; the
transformation of southern California into an outpost of the Third
World; multiracial juries unable to reach verdicts because jury
members don’t share any common understanding of reality; the exodus
of hundreds of thousands of whites from immigrant-intensive areas
every year; the booming population of Southeast Asian refugees that
will make a town like Wassau, Wisconsin (which was 99 percent white
15 years ago) a Hmong-majority city in a generation; the Santeria
animal sacrifice cult from the Caribbean; Muslim extremism and
terrorism; expanding Chinese and other foreign-based criminal
networks; the takeover by Dominican drug-dealers of upper Manhattan,
where Dominicans marched with huge banners denouncing “500 Years
of Genocide” after a Dominican drug dealer was killed by a police
officer in self-defense.
These and many other disorders are occurring not because of
cultural radicalism or affirmative action or middle-class moral decay.
They are happening as the direct result of revolutionary changes in this
country’s ethnic and racial make-up.

The Weapon of “Race-neutrality”

What is it that prevents whites from protesting their own
demographic and cultural dispossession? The most common
explanation is that people fear being called racist. That is true, and it’s
not just political correctness. Deep in the American mind is the ideal of
America as a country where advancement is open to anyone, where “it
doesn’t matter who your parents were.” The fatal problem with that
formula is that it can work only within certain limits—when you’re
speaking of individuals sharing a basic commonality. If you apply it en
masse to radically diverse populations, it becomes absurd and
dangerous. The ideal of “race-neutrality,” applied to incommensurable
groups, turns out to be not race-neutral at all, but becomes a weapon
used by one race to dispossess the other.
I came across a remarkable example of this in the coverage of the
South African election. Amidst all the media’s joyous talk about a
“nonracial” or “multiracial” democracy being born, Newsweek came
out with a sensational cover with bold letters crying “Black Power!” So
deep is the doublethink in which we live today, that I wonder if more
than a handful of people noticed the gross contradiction of celebrating
black power in what was supposed to be a “nonracial” election. But of
course it’s not a contradiction at all: What “nonracial” really means is
that it is whites who are supposed to be indifferent to race, in order to
help non-whites advance their racial interests.
This same double standard and delusion works across the board. For
example, the belief that all the peoples of the world are equal in
intellectual abilities is thought to be a race-neutral or “nonracial” idea,
since it is saying that race doesn’t matter. But since the races are not
equal in average abilities, this “nonracial” belief in equality turns out to
be completely racial. It holds that blacks have far greater abilities than
they in fact have, and invariably blames white racism for actual black
inequality. It is therefore the duty of whites, until the end of time, to
exhaust their wealth and spiritual energy in a hopeless effort to make
blacks collectively equal to themselves. The “nonracial” belief in
equality thus turns out to be a kind of black racialist mythology.
Similarly, our immigration policy, which is thought to be race-
neutral, is in fact turning America into a nonwhite country,
dispossessing white America and its culture. Yet it is considered
“racist” to oppose this policy, and “nonracist” to support it.
Ultimately the pursuit of race-blindness (in anything more than a
legal and procedural sense), leads to complete incoherence. Columnist
Jon Carroll of the San Francisco Examiner once complained about the
fact that we are supposed to respect everyone’s differences, while at the
same time we’re supposed to treat everyone equally—which requires us
not to notice differences at all. Carroll continues:
“One is required to deny the evidence of one’s senses. I perceive
that African American men are different from Caucasian men are
different from Asian women are different from (what?) Ethiopian Jews.
Can we compare these differences? No, we cannot. We may say for the
record that these differences are beautiful, equally beautiful, precisely
geometrically equally beautiful, but that’s it.”
And if we do begin to compare these differences, Carroll says, that
leads us right back to value judgments about racial differences, which
immediately devolve into “racism.”
Paralyzed by these contradictions, as well he should be, Carroll
concludes: “I think intermarriage may be the only way out…. Of
course, we’d lose a lot of interesting specific cultures that way….”
What he means, of course, is that we’d lose a lot of interesting races
that way, including our own.
Along the same lines, but with far more enthusiasm, Morton
Kondracke in the New Republic wondered how America could
overcome its racial inequalities, and concluded that racial
intermarriage is the only solution: “It would be a lot easier if each of us
were related to someone of another color and if, eventually, we were all
one color. In America, this can happen.” Racial intermarriage is even
more aggressively championed by Ben Wattenberg, who sees it as the
path to universal salvation.
I want to make the meaning of all this very clear. Modern
liberalism told us that racial differences don’t matter, and on the basis
of that belief, liberals then set about turning America into a multiracial,
integrated, race-blind society. But now that very effort has created so
much race consciousness, race conflict and race inequality, that the
same liberals have concluded that the only way to overcome those
problems is to merge all the races into one. The same people who have
always denounced as an extremist lunatic anyone who warned about
“the racial dilution of white America,” are now proposing, not just the
dilution of white America, but its complete elimination. Race-blind
ideology has led directly to the most race-conscious—and indeed
genocidal—proposal in the history of the world.
This is the insanity that results from uncritically accepting the idea
that race doesn’t matter. And the moral paralysis of whites in the face
of immigration comes from the terror or distaste that they feel at
saying that race does matter. There is also whites’ inability to face the
fact that they are a civilizationally distinct group—comprising only 15
percent of the world’s population—that is demographically threatened
by the rest of the world’s desire to live in the uniquely attractive
societies that whites have created.
If whites continue to be open to non-whites, as their race-blind
moralism tells them they must, their societies will cease to exist; but if
they exclude or disengage from non-whites, that will require them to be
“harsh,” “unkind,” “mean-spirited.” It will require them to say that they
care about the survival of their race vis-à-vis other races. To the
contemporary white person, such an idea is utterly evil and
unacceptable. But the funny thing is, there is really nothing evil or
horrible about it at all. It turns out to be the most reasonable and
commonsensical thing in the world. It’s the current race-blind ideology
that is insane.
So before we recoil in horror or embarrassment from speaking
explicitly about race, let us remember that America’s current politics is
already a race-conscious politics, only it’s a politics based on lies about
race. It’s a politics directed against whites and their civilization. And it
pretends that it’s not about race at all, but that it’s race-neutral and
universal. So instead of today’s race-conscious politics, which is based
on lies about race, let us have a race-conscious politics based on truths
about race.
These truths include the following propositions:

Long-term harmonious relations between a racial majority and

racial minorities are possible only when the minorities do not
exceed a certain percentage of the population.
While individuals of different races living in the same society can
get along on a basis of equality and mutual recognition, entire
races, living in the same society, cannot.
In the right circumstances, individuals or small groups of one
people can be assimilated into a host culture of a different people,
but there are limits to such assimilation. Certainly if the entire
people associated with the host culture is displaced or swamped by
a different people, the host culture will also disappear. Even
smaller shifts in numbers can be enough to delegitimize the host
culture and produce chronic cultural conflict.
Therefore, the culture, identity and traditions of white America
and Western civilization cannot survive in any community or
institution that becomes multiracial or white-minority.
Because of the greater attractiveness, prosperity and openness of
white Western societies, non-whites will keep moving into them
as long as they can. Therefore white America can survive
demographically and culturally only if it recognizes itself as a
threatened ethnoculture; if it ceases or drastically reduces, on a
national scale, all non-European immigration; and if it assures, on
a local scale, communities where its own institutions may survive.
The large and enduring differences in average intelligence
between blacks and whites mean that blacks cannot in any
foreseeable future be expected to achieve collective economic
equality and other kinds of parity with whites. The forced attempt
to achieve such collective equality, through affirmative action and
through endless attacks on white racism as the supposed cause of
existing inequalities, can only break down all the institutions and
standards of society and lead to race warfare.
There are therefore only two sane options for black-white relations
in this country. Either blacks accept the above facts; accept a
society where white Western standards of law, behavior and
intellectual life are dominant and where advancement will be open
for blacks only on an individual, not a collective basis; accept
their status as an ethnic minority and be grateful to be living in a
white society where they have goods and opportunities undreamed
of in a black society; or else, if blacks are not willing to accept
these things, then to avoid race warfare there must be peaceful
separation between the races.

These propositions have nothing to do with any notions of race-

hatred of the other, or of race-worship of one’s own. White people are
just as sinful and imperfect as any other people. Unlike ideologies such
as Afrocentrism and Nazism, which are based on the deification of
one’s own people and the demonization of others, this new politics is
based on a Christian recognition of our human limitations, namely that
we do not possess the godlike power to create a perfect world where
everyone is equal, and where differences don’t matter. If there is any
arrogance to be seen today, it is in our current immigration and
affirmative action policies, which are among the greatest examples of
hubris in the history of the world.
The irony is that whites are terrified that non-whites will hate them
and even start a race war if whites stand up for themselves, while the
truth is that many non-whites will begin for the first time to respect
whites. Currently minorities don’t respect whites because whites have
defined themselves ideologically as nothing while, in personal terms,
they still try to protect their self-interest. Whites thus seem both weak
and hypocritical and therefore despicable, and non-whites just keep
moving into the vacuum left by white surrender. But when whites begin
to assert their own civilizational and racial identity and their desire to
preserve it, not in a hateful way but in a calm, intelligent and firm way,
then non-whites will begin to see whites, not as the “oppressors” of
left-liberal demonology, but as human beings who have the same basic
interests and concerns for their people and culture that the minorities
have for theirs.
At bottom, all we are doing is making an appeal to justice. The
injustice and unacceptability of the current double standard will
become obvious to any person of good will once it is pointed out. And
that is why the principles I’ve described need to be at the center of an
anti-multiculturalist, pro-Western civilization politics in this country.
In my view, given current demographic realities, any conservative
politics that lacks these principles cannot be a serious politics.
I n Deuteronomy, Chapter 28, God pronounces the curse that will
fall on the people of Israel if they fail to follow God’s law:
“Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people,
while your eyes look on and fail with longing for them all the day; and
it shall not be in the power of your hand to prevent it. A nation which
you have not known shall eat up the fruit of your ground and of all your
labors; and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually; so that
you shall be driven mad by the sight which your eyes shall see.”
Unless America wakes up to the threat of demographic and cultural
dispossession, and finds the will to resist it, the curse pronounced in
Deuteronomy awaits us all.
This article is adapted from a speech given at the 1994 American
Renaissance conference, and originally appeared in the August 1994
issue. Lawrence Auster is a freelance writer living in New York City.
He is the author of The Path to National Suicide.
Race, Crime, and Violence

by Jared Taylor

Who is committing crime in this country and against whom? How

much crime do blacks commit? Are Hispanics as violent as blacks?
What about Asians? How much so-called hate crime is there in the
country and who is committing it? The US Department of Justice
collects a huge amount of information on crime—enough to answer
these questions—and indeed, there are substantial racial differences in
crime rates.
Government statistics are essentially of three kinds: victim survey
data, statistics on crimes reported to police, and arrest figures. The
annual Department of Justice victim survey is important because it
gathers information on many crimes that victims do not report to the
police. Even more important, every few years it gathers information on
the race of both victims and perpetrators of violent crimes. It is
therefore the only information about interracial crime collected at the
national level. The survey is about as accurate a picture as it is possible
to get of crimes Americans say they have suffered.
Racial data are also included in Department of Justice figures on
crimes reported to the police and the number of arrests made. Needless
to say, these three kinds of information—crimes reported in surveys,
crimes reported to police, and arrests—represent a steady decrease in
volume. For example, in 1997, the most recent year for which there is
complete information, the annual survey found there were 1,883,000
cases of aggravated assault (attacks that could cause serious injury or
death). Only 1,022,000 cases were reported to police, and only 535,000
resulted in an arrest.
It is significant that the racial proportions for perpetrators as found
in the survey data and the racial proportions for arrests are remarkably
similar. Americans reported in the survey that close to 60 percent of all
robberies are committed by blacks and, indeed, 57 percent of arrests for
robberies in 1997 were of blacks. The proportions are close for other
violent crimes as well, which means that the police are arresting people
of different races at essentially the same rates at which the public is
being victimized by them. Endless assertions that the police arrest non-
whites because of “racism” are clearly false.

So who is committing the crime—and against whom? To start with

the survey data on interracial violent crime, in 1994 (the most recent
year racial data were gathered) there were about 1,276,000 single-
offender crimes and 490,000 multiple-offender crimes. The survey
categorizes victims and perpetrators only as “white,” “black,” and
“other,” but 89 percent of the single-offender and 94 percent of the
multiple-offender interracial crimes are recorded as committed by
blacks against whites.
These are astonishingly lopsided figures. One way to understand
just how lopsided they are is to express them as rates. The frequency of
crime is usually expressed as a rate per 100,000 people. In these terms,
3,494 blacks out of every 100,000 committed a violent crime against a
white person in 1994 while only 63 whites out of every 100,000
committed a violent crime against a black. The black rate is more than
55 times the white rate, meaning that the average black was 55 times
more likely to attack a white than vice versa. In the case of robbery, or
“mugging,” blacks were 103 times more likely to go victimize whites
than the reverse. These figures are shown on Graph 1.
The numbers are even worse for group attacks. For overall group
violence, the black-on-white rate is 102 times the white-on-black rate,
and for robbery it is 277 times the white-on-black rate. It is very
unusual to find multiples this great when comparing the behavior of
different groups. If blacks are just two or three times more likely than
whites to drop out of school or die of prostate cancer, it is considered a
matter of national importance. But practically no one even knows that
blacks are 50 to 200 times more likely than whites to attack someone of
the other race. If whites were just four or five times more likely to
attack blacks than the reverse, it would be considered a crisis that
required national attention.
Some people have argued that blacks attack whites because whites
are richer and more likely to be profitable robbery targets. However,
fewer than 20 percent of all violent black-on-white crimes are
robberies. The rest are assaults and rapes, which presumably do not
have an economic motive. In 1994 more than 30,000 white women were
raped by black men while only 5,400 black women were raped by
whites (the latter figure is uncertain because the actual survey found
too few actual white-on-black rapes to permit confidence in an
extrapolation to the country at large). Blacks are thus approximately 40
times more likely to rape whites than vice versa. It is hard to avoid the
conclusion that much of the violence committed by blacks against
whites is motivated by racial hatred.
From the national survey data it is possible to tell how much
violence is interracial and how much is not, and in fact there is more
black-on-white violent crime than black-on-black. When blacks
committed violent crime in 1994, they attacked whites 56.3 percent of
the time, whereas when whites committed violence they attacked
blacks only 2.6 percent of the time. This does not mean that blacks are
victims of violent crime no more often than whites are. Even if blacks
are victims of only about half of all black violence, that half is
concentrated in the 13 percent of the population that is black.
Therefore, blacks are still about five times more likely than whites to
be victims of violent black criminals.
These findings from the national survey data are very important,
but the data are limited to crimes of violence other than murder (you
cannot survey a murder victim) and the racial breakdown of “white,”
“black,” “other” tells us nothing about Hispanics or Asians. For
information on other crimes and for better racial categories we can turn
to arrest data.
Murder is, of course, the most spectacular violent crime but it is
relatively rare. Of all violent crimes reported to police, fewer than one
percent are murder. In 1997 there were 15,289 known murders in the
United States, which represented a rate of 6.8 per 100,000 Americans.
This is the lowest rate since 1968, and represents the fourth straight
year of decline. The murder rate hit an all-time high of 10.2 per
100,000 in 1980.
Of the 15,289 Americans who were killed in 1997, 49 percent were
black, 48 percent were white and the rest were “other” with a handful of
“unknowns.” More than half of those arrested for murder were black.
Murder is the one crime for which the federal arrest data give some
information about the race of both victim and criminal, and murder
usually does not cross racial lines: Approximately 90 percent of
murderers were the same race as their victims.
When murder is interracial, blacks are considerably more likely to
be the offenders. There were approximately 1,100 whites killed by
blacks and 480 blacks killed by whites, which means that a black was
about 15 times more likely to kill a white than vice versa.

Because blacks are so much more likely to commit murder and

robbery than any other racial group, the percentage of blacks in the
local population is probably the best single indicator of the level of
violence. Graph 2, compiled by the late Glayde Whitney of Florida
State University, plots the murder rate against the black percentage of
the population for the 50 states and the District of Columbia (which is
the outlying data point at the upper right). The trend could not be much
Puerto Rico is not included in Prof. Whitney’s data, but according
to 1997 data, it had a murder rate of 18.9 per 100,000, which was three
times the national rate of 6.8, and higher than that of any state. The
murder rate was lower than that of the District of Columbia, however,
which had a 1997 rate of 56.9. The states with the highest murder rates
were those with the highest percentage of blacks: Louisiana (15.7 per
100,000) and Mississippi (13.1). The lowest murder rates are found in
overwhelmingly white states like North Dakota (0.9), South Dakota
(1.4), New Hampshire (1.4), and Vermont (1.5).
Needless to say, big cities with large black populations had the
highest murder rates. In 1996, New Orleans came in first at 72 per
100,000 followed by Atlanta (47), Baltimore (46), St. Louis (44),
Detroit (43) and Birmingham (42). By contrast, Seattle—mostly white
—had a murder rate of seven per 100,000.
When arrest data for other crimes are compared by race, the results
are as shown in Graph 3 and Graph 4. Here, arrest rates for different
groups are calculated as multiples of the white arrest rate, with the
white rate always set to one. The black rate of about nine for murder,
for example, in the first graph does not mean that blacks committed
nine time as many murders as whites, but that they were arrested for
murder at nine times the white rate. Since there are about six times as
many whites as there are blacks, it means that in absolute numbers,
more blacks than whites were arrested for murder—in this case about
7,200 as opposed to 5,350.
Graph 3 shows a very clear pattern: Asians are arrested at lower
rates than whites, and American Indians and blacks are arrested at
consistently higher rates. (The “Asian” category includes Pacific
Islanders, some of whom are quite crime-prone. Tongans, for example,
are much more violent than Chinese or Koreans. However, their
numbers are small and do not distort crime rates very much. All the
data in this article on Asians also include Pacific Islanders.) As we saw
earlier, arrest rates are a very good indicator of actual crime rates.
Blacks are the most dangerous, crime-prone group in America and
Asians are the least dangerous. Only a few crimes break this pattern.
Graph 4 shows multiples of arrest rates for atypical crimes.
Gambling, for example, is the only crime for which Asians are arrested
at a higher rate than whites (blacks are arrested at a much higher rate).
Alcohol offenses are unusual in that whites are arrested for them at
essentially the same rates as blacks, while Indians—true to their
reputation—are the worst offenders. For white-collar crimes like
forgery, fraud, and embezzlement, blacks are arrested at about three
times the white rate and Indians at something close to the white rate.
For most crimes, however, the pattern is consistent, with blacks
committing the most crimes, followed by Indians, whites, and Asians.
Hispanic Crime
What about Hispanics? The national arrest data give the impression
that Hispanics are never arrested for anything. Hispanic criminals are,
of course, included in the four obligatory racial categories for arrests:
white, black, Indian, and Asian. How many in which categories? The
US Census Bureau gives us a clue. Its official estimate of the 1997
population divides all 268 million Americans into the four standard
racial groups, but adds that there were also 29 million Hispanics who
“can be of any race.” However, it also gives an estimate of non-
Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, etc. Thus we find that according
to the strictly racial classification there were 221 million whites in the
country in 1997 but only 195 million non-Hispanic whites. When
American Hispanics—approximately half of whom are Mexicans—are
apportioned to the four racial categories, the Census Bureau thinks 91
percent are white, six percent black, one percent American Indian, and
two percent Asian. This makes no sense—it would be more accurate to
consider the majority of them American Indians—but as far as the US
government is concerned, almost all Hispanics are white.
This makes for odd census results. For example, in 1990 it was not
uncommon to describe the 3,485,000 people of Los Angeles as 77
percent white, 14 percent black, and 9 percent Asian, which adds up to
100 percent. However, the city also had 1,300,000 Hispanics who could
officially be “of any race,” but most of them were counted as white.
Take them out of the white population, and it suddenly plummets to
about 37 percent—a more realistic figure.
What does this mean for crime rates? Since at least 91 percent—if
not all—Hispanics are lumped in with “whites,” if Hispanics commit
crimes at higher rates than whites, official statistics inflate the white
crime rate. Fortunately, some government jurisdictions can tell the
difference between whites and Hispanics. The state of California, which
has more Hispanics than any other, classifies its criminals as black,
white, Hispanic, and other (it would be useful if it had a separate
category for its large population of Asians). Graph 5, on the next page,
shows California arrest rates for the major violent crimes. As expected,
blacks are the most violent, and specialize in mugging. Hispanics are
roughly three times more likely than whites to be arrested for violent
There is another way to estimate Hispanic crime rates. In 1996 the
Department of Justice calculated incarceration rates per 100,000
population for non-Hispanic whites (193), Hispanics (688), and non-
Hispanic blacks (1,571). Expressed as multiples of the white rate, the
Hispanic rate is 3.56 and the black rate is 8.14. These multiples are
close to the multiples for the California arrest data and justify the
conclusion that Hispanics are roughly three times more likely than
whites to commit various crimes.
We can calculate more accurate racial arrest rates at the national
level if we separate out the 91 percent of Hispanic criminals we can
assume are classified as white when they are arrested. By doing so, the
white arrest rate decreases by about 20 percent and the arrest multiples
for other races increase proportionately (in some cases Asian rates
begin to approach white rates). Graphs 6 and 7, on the following pages,
show how arrest rate multiples change when Hispanics are treated
separately. For lack of more precise information, the Hispanic multiple
is set at three times the white rate for all crimes even though there is
certain to be some variation. Both graphs are drawn to the same scale,
with the white arrest rate set to one. They show at a glance how treating
Hispanics as “whites” distorts racial comparisons.
It is worth noting that the survey data from which interracial crime
data were extracted do not treat Hispanics as a separate category and
probably include virtually all Hispanics in the “white” group. It is
therefore impossible to know how many of the “whites” who were
reported to have done violence to blacks (or against whom blacks did
violence) were actually Hispanic. If Hispanics commit violent crimes
against blacks at a higher rate than whites—and judging from their
higher arrest and incarceration rates for other offenses this is likely—
then the survey data inflate white crime rates. The true figures for
interracial crime are probably even more lopsided than those reported
in the survey.
Disproportionate black crime rates have a seldom-discussed
consequence: A lot of blacks lose the right to vote. In all but four
states, felons cannot vote. In twelve states, a felony conviction can
mean disfranchisement for life, but in most states, felons can reapply
for the right to vote after they are off probation. Lefties have been
wringing their hands over this, unsure of whether by calling attention to
the number of blacks without the vote they can fight “racism” or
whether calling attention to staggering black arrest rates will promote
“racism.” Human Rights Watch and the Sentencing Project have
plumped for the former, and report that two percent of all American
adults are without the vote because of felony convictions and that
among black men the figure is 13 percent. In seven states―Alabama,
Florida, Iowa, Mississippi, New Mexico1, Virginia, and Wyoming―a
quarter of all black men are permanently ineligible to vote.
The lefties go on to point out that by 2020 about one third of all
black men will probably have lost the right to vote. In the black parts of
cities like Houston, Memphis, Miami, and New Orleans, as many as
half the black men could be off the rolls. It causes the lefties great pain
to imagine cities with black majorities but more white voters than
A very illuminating comparison can be made between arrest rates
for blacks as compared to whites, and men as compared to women. We
find that in terms of their likelihood to commit violent crimes, blacks
are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more dangerous
than women. Graph 8, on the previous page, shows arrest rates for men
for various crimes as multiples of the arrest rates for women. The next
three graphs (Graph 9, Graph 10, and Graph 11) compare the male-
female arrest multiple to the black-white multiple. Blacks are as much
more dangerous than whites as men are more dangerous than women—
and these graphs are not even adjusted for the inclusion of Hispanics in
“white” arrest figures.
Everyone knows that a group of unknown men is potentially more
dangerous than a group of otherwise similar women. It is entirely
reasonable to take precautions around men one would not take around
women. From a statistical point of view, it is just as reasonable to
distinguish between blacks and whites as carefully as one distinguishes
between men and women. It would be foolish not to lock the car doors
when driving through black neighborhoods.
Police, of course, know that blacks commit a great deal of crime,
and this explains “racial profiling,” the practice of stopping and
questioning proportionately more blacks than people of other races.
The police would be foolish not to. They also stop more men than
women and more young people than old people. The police know from
experience who the crooks are likely to be. If they spent as much time
investigating old Asian ladies as they did young black men they would
never get their jobs done. Everyone understands that men are more
crime-prone than women, and understands why men are stopped more
often than women. It is only because of racial hysteria that so many
people at least pretend to believe the police stop blacks more often than
whites because of “racism.”
Why Crime is Down
Politicians and the press have made much of the fact that crime
rates are inching down—and indeed they are. The rate of violent crime
declined every year from 1991 to 1996 and decreased by a total of 12.7
percent during that period. However, violent crime rates were still 300
percent higher than they were in 1960. President William Clinton likes
to take credit for the recent decline, claiming that his initiative to spend
federal money on a few thousand more police officers is what did the
trick. Reality is not so kind. Crime rates are down because of the huge
increase in the number of bad guys who are in jail. As the next graphs
show, we have never had so many people in prison, and incarceration
rates, in terms of prisoners per 100,000 population are at
unprecedented highs.
As Graph 12 shows, America has traditionally had about 100 people
in jail for every 100,000 citizens. In the decade of the 1960s there was a
terrific increase in crime. Perhaps not coincidentally it coincided with
the triumph of silly liberal views about crime: society rather than the
criminal is to blame, imprisonment is ineffective, the police are brutal,
blacks never get a fair shake, etc. And so, despite the surge in crime,
prison sentences were reduced and incarceration rates actually went
down during the decade. By 1970, however, the combination of more
crime and less imprisonment had reached intolerable levels, and we
started sending people back to jail: to the point that we now have 400
prisoners per 100,000 citizens—a four-fold increase in incarceration
Current research suggests that every year of incarceration prevents
12 to 21 crimes. If we returned to our traditional incarceration rate of
100 per 100,000 it would require releasing nearly one million jailbirds
—and would loose upon the country a crime wave that would drive
every citizen into the arms of the National Rifle Association. The
connection between falling crime rates and increasing incarceration
rates should be clear to even the dimmest liberal; a crook who is doing
time can’t stick a knife in your ribs. And yet, the most common big-
media reaction to the swollen prison population is to argue that it is
caused by some kind of malicious “prison-industrial complex,” and to
worry that so many of the prisoners are black.
Because of the unprecedentedly large number of adults who are
locked up and off the streets, juvenile arrest rates are a better indicator
than adult arrest rates of real crime trends in the country. All children
begin life out of jail, after all, so their crime and arrest rates are not
held down by the fact that the worst of them are already locked up and
out of circulation. And, in fact, the celebrated drop in adult arrest rates
has largely passed them by. From 1991 to 1996, while adult crime rates
were dropping steadily—as more and miscreants were put behind bars
—juvenile violent crime was rising for all but one of those years. In
fact, since 1987, juvenile violent-crime arrest rates have risen every
year but one. There is every reason to think that this is the true crime
trend in the United States.
Crime trends for girls have been even worse than for boys. In 1967,
boys accounted for 92 percent of juvenile arrests for violent crime and
girls for only eight percent. By 1996, girls were committing fully 25
percent of violent juvenile crime. From 1967 to 1996, violent crime
arrest rates for boys increased 143 percent, but for girls the increase
was an astonishing 345 percent.
It is often pointed out that immigration keeps the population young
because immigrants have more children than natives. Most immigrants
are non-white, so the American population is turning non-white most
quickly at the younger ages. With the exception of Asians, non-whites
commit considerably more crime than whites, so the demographic shift
cannot help but produce more crime. Rising rates of juvenile crime—
probably fueled largely by immigration—are reliable harbingers of
rising rates of adult crime. Since the country does not seem likely to go
through another 1960s-style period of soft-headedness about
sentencing, we can expect the prison population to continue to grow at
a good clip.
The prison population will also turn increasingly non-white—
whites are already a minority. According to the Department of Justice,
the 1995 racial breakdown in American prisons was as follows:
Table 1. [Table to Top]
Race Number Percentage
All Races 1,126,287 100.0%
Black 544,005 48.3%
White 455,021 40.4%
Indian/Eskimo 10,176 .9%
Asian 6,483 .6%
Not Known 110,602 9.8%

110,000 Not Known? A footnote to the table warns that in

California, Illinois, New Jersey, Nevada, Wyoming, and 15 other states,
“some or all Hispanic prisoners [are] reported under ‘not known’”!
Footnotes also tell us that Montana considers all Hispanics to be white
and that seven states—including big ones like Texas and Mississippi—
just “estimate” the racial numbers. Once again, crazy bookkeeping
makes it impossible to keep track of Hispanics, and impossible to know
how many are lumped in with “whites.” But even if we ignore all the
“not knowns” and assume none of the “whites” is Hispanic, “whites”
account for only about 40 percent of all prisoners.
In 1995 there were 100,250 federal inmates, of which 20 percent
were non-citizens. The feds do not have any “not knowns,” and report
their prison population to be 36.9 percent black, 32.6 percent white, and
27.5 percent Hispanic, with Indians and Asians at 1.5 percent each. It is
clear that an all-white America could make do with a much smaller
prison system.
The dwindling minority of white prisoners—now likely to be
controlled by non-white prison guards—will be increasingly vulnerable
to rape, humiliation, violence, and extortion. More and more will seek
protection by joining white-consciousness prison gangs. Already, in
largely non-white prisons, it is whites who are members of “racist”
gangs who maintain the best morale.
The large number of black and Hispanic prisoners has a significant
but unquantifiable bearing on racial differences in rates of violent
crime. According to the graph on page 40, blacks are about five times
more likely than whites to be arrested for violent crime. Periodic
Department of Justice surveys also find that Americans report blacks to
be committing violent crime at about five times the white rate. It is
worth noting that these figures apply only to blacks and whites who are
not already in jail. To get a true indicator of genuine racial differences
in violent or other criminal tendencies rather than just a record of
criminal behavior for a given year, one would have to turn all the
convicts loose and then compare crime rates. The 1997 black-white
differential of 500 percent is large enough already, but it is
substantially reduced by the fact that, proportionately, eight times as
many blacks as whites are already in jail and are restrained from the
violent acts they would certainly commit if they were free. A true
black/white multiple of violence not distorted by existing differential
incarceration rates would be considerably greater than five.
With the exception of Asians, the burgeoning non-white population
presents a very significant threat to our safety and security. Crime
considerations alone would justify a return to a much more selective
immigration policy. So long as whites remain too timid to discuss the
challenges they face, those challenges will never be met.

Police Bias? Says Who?

The “racist” police officer is practically a cliché. White cops all
over the country are supposed to be shooting, beating, and arresting
innocent blacks and Hispanics—or at least trying much harder to collar
them than whites. Aside from some isolated incidents of racially
motivated brutality, this is a false image. The police arrest blacks and
Hispanics because they commit crimes.
The first line of evidence is the close correspondence between
survey data and arrest data. If the public says half the muggers are
black, and half the muggers the police arrest are black, it is unlikely the
police are making “biased” arrests. Even more to the point, the police
have essentially no discretion over whom they arrest for a violent
crime. Except for murder victims, most people get a good enough look
at an assailant to know if he is black or white. If the victim says a white
man took his wallet, the police can’t very well go out and arrest a black
man even if they wanted to.
Police have much more discretion over whether to make an arrest in
the case of non-violent crimes, such as violation of liquor laws. Unlike
murder or rape, there is not a great deal of public pressure to make
arrests, and the police can walk away from public drunkenness if they
want to. Presumably, a “racist” officer would see a drunk on the gutter
and make an arrest only if the drunk were black. In fact, drunk driving
and other liquor offenses—in which police can make arrests or not
largely as they choose—are the very crimes for which the black
multiple of the white arrest rate is the smallest (see page 33). If “racist”
cops are picking on blacks they are not doing a good job.
Finally, if the police are “racist,” why are Asians arrested at
consistently lower rates than whites? Wouldn’t “racist” cops think of
some way to snare Asians?
It is often argued that the large number of blacks arrested for drugs
—particularly crack cocaine—is evidence of police bias. However,
there is a completely independent indicator of who is using illegal
drugs, which suggests that the police are arresting the very people they
should. The Department of Health and Human Services keeps statistics
on people admitted to emergency rooms because of drug overdoses.
Blacks are admitted at 6.67 times the white rate for heroin and
morphine, and no less than 10.5 times the white rate for cocaine
(Hispanics are admitted at two to three times the white rate). What
better evidence could there be that people of different races are using
drugs at markedly different rates, and that the police are simply doing
their job?
Like so many other destructive racial myths, the myth of the racist
cop refuses to die.

Eye-opening crime facts from “the Sourcebook.”

The Department of Justice collects an enormous amount of
information in addition to arrest records and crime survey data. Some
of the most interesting findings are summarized in a fat, annual volume
called Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics. The most recent
edition generally reports data no later than for 1996, but it includes
many interesting facts, which are presented here in no particular order.
We find, for example, that in 1996 Americans murdered 300 infants
and about the same number of children aged one to four. Races of
perpetrators and victims are not reported. In a rather chilling table we
discover the number of children under the age of ten who were arrested
in 1996 for the following crimes: Murder - 17, Rape - 61, Robbery -
266, Aggravated Assault - 1,000, Car Theft - 199, Forgery - 28,
Drunkenness - 103, Weapons Carrying - 600. Once again, it would be
instructive to know the racial distribution of these arrests.
We also find that although during the 1970s, 120 to 130 police
officers were killed in action every year, there has been a substantial
decline since then, mainly because of the increased use of bullet-proof
vests. In 1996, criminals killed only 55 police officers. Every year
since 1979 (the first year for which data are given), no fewer than 80
percent of the slain officers have been white, and the figure has been as
high as 91 percent. In 1996, blacks killed more officers than “whites”
(including Hispanics) did—45 percent of killings v. 42 percent.
As of December 31, 1996, there were only 48 women on death row
—1.5 percent of the total. Executions were halted in 1968 by a Supreme
Court ruling but became constitutional again in 1976. Since then, there
have been only 358 executions, with Texas killing the most (107)
followed by Florida with 38 and Virginia with 37. Since resumption in
1977, 188 “whites” (there are no separate data for Hispanics) have been
executed and 121 blacks.
Although it is not included in the standard government index of
violence, suicide is a crime, so Sourcebook covers it. The very elderly
have the highest suicide rates (around 22 per 100,000) but otherwise the
most dangerous years are between ages 20 to 24 with a rate of around
16 per 100,000. At every age men are five to eight times more likely to
kill themselves than women, and have grown more likely to do so over
time. Male suicide rates have shown a steady increase from 9.3 in 1950
to 27.7 in 1995, though the rate has held steady in the mid- to high 20s
since 1990. From 1950 to 1995, the suicide rate for women aged 20 to
24 has been as low as 2.9 and as high as 5.6 and was most recently 4.3.
There is essentially no trend.
“Whites” are considerably more likely to knock themselves off than
blacks. The white rate is about double the black rate at virtually all ages
except for people 75 and over, at which point they begin to treble and
quadruple. White men over the age of 85 are the most dangerous to
themselves, with a suicide rate of 68 per 100,000. Black women at that
age kill themselves at a rate of only 1.5 per 100,000.
Racial differences in suicide rates are seldom reported, though we
can be sure that if blacks were killing themselves at two to three times
the white rate it would be explained as a reaction to “racism.”
The Sourcebook tells us that 1996 was a record year for deporting
illegal aliens, which is different from catching them at the border. The
feds bounced 50,000, which was a jump from 41,800 the previous year.
About 33,000 had been convicted of crimes, which means that most
illegals need to have a record before the feds bother to send them home.
In 1996 authorities eradicated more marijuana plants in Tennessee
(1,113,000) than in any other state. California took second place with
In 1997, counterfeiters passed 589,000 bogus banknotes with a total
value of $31,750,000.
Only ten percent of rapists were complete strangers to their victims;
the rest were at least acquaintances. Seventy-eight percent of robbers,
however, were total strangers.
Every year there are about 25 times as many thefts from
automobiles as there are incidents of pickpocketing or purse-snatching.
Every year about 0.66 percent of all cars in the US. are stolen, or about
one in every 150.
The Sourcebook also reports crime-related attitude surveys carried
out by private organizations. There has been a steady increase in
support for the death penalty. In 1965—perhaps the height of the
society-is-to-blame era—only 38 percent of Americans supported the
death penalty, but by 1997 that figure had grown to 75 percent. There
are substantial racial differences, with 80 percent of whites in favor of
capital punishment but only 46 percent of blacks. Seventy-two percent
of Hispanics support it.
There are considerable racial differences in reported gun
ownership, with 47 percent of whites, 17 percent of blacks, and 37
percent of Hispanics saying they have a gun in the house.
Religion does not seem to have a great influence on attitudes to
crime and law enforcement except in the case of Jews. They are most
likely to favor stricter gun control, least likely to own a gun, most
likely to favor legalization of marijuana, and most likely to want to
liberalize pornography laws.
In a rather surprising finding, Sourcebook reports that American
attitudes toward legalization of homosexual acts between consenting
adults have hardly budged in 20 years. In 1977, 43 percent favored
legalization, 43 percent were opposed, and 14 percent couldn’t make up
their minds. In 1996, 44 percent favored legalization, 47 percent were
opposed, and only nine percent were unsure. Public opinion has been
remarkably impervious to the pro-homosexual movement.

The Great Hate Crimes Hoax

The idea of “hate” crimes and the increased penalties attached to
them are a radical departure from traditional criminal justice in that
they punish certain motivations more than others. Increased penalties
are justified by pointing out that the law has always taken a criminal’s
state of mind into account: Was the killing deliberate or an accident?
Was it planned in cold blood or done in the heat of the moment?
However, these are questions of intent, and intent is, indeed, a factor in
determining guilt. “Hate” crimes break new ground by considering
motive. Traditionally the law does not care about motive. You are just
as guilty of murder whether you kill a man because he stole your wife,
blackmailed you, or stepped on your toe.
Hate crime laws require that the courts search for certain motives
and add extra penalties if they find them. Therefore, if you punch a man
in the nose because he took your parking spot or because he was
unbearably ugly or because you just felt like punching someone that
day, you are guilty of assault. If you say “nigger” and punch a black
man you are guilty of a hate crime, and are punished more severely.
Like almost all recent innovations in morals, what started with race has
expanded to “sexual orientation” and even disabilities like blindness or
Ever since 1990, when Congress passed the Hate Crime Statistics
Act, the FBI has been charged with collecting national statistics on
criminal acts “motivated, in whole or in part, by bias.” The law does
not force local police departments to supply this information but most
do. In 1997, the most recent year for which data are available, the FBI
received “hate crime” information from 11,211 local agencies serving
more than 83 percent of the United States population.
That year, there was a total of 9,861 “hate crimes,” of which 6,981
were based on race or ethnic origin. The rest were for reasons of
religion (1,493—of which 1,159 were anti-Jewish), sexual orientation
(1,375—of which 14 were anti-heterosexual), or disability (12).
The FBI reports 8,474 suspected offenders whose race was known—
5,344 were white and 1,629 were black. Their crimes can be divided
into violent and nonviolent offenses, and by calculating rates we find
that blacks were 1.99 times more likely than whites to commit hate
crimes in general and 2.24 times more likely to commit violent hate
crimes. This overrepresentation of blacks in hate crimes—not just in
race bias cases but in all categories—runs counter to the common
impression that whites are the virtually exclusive perpetrators of hate
crimes and are certainly more likely to commit them than blacks.
The real significance of “hate” crimes, however, is their small
number. Of the 6,981 offenses based on race or ethnicity, only 4,105
were violent, involving murder, rape, robbery, or assault. The rest were
such things as vandalism and intimidation. These numbers are almost
insignificant compared to the 1,766,000 interracial crimes of violence
(combining both single- and multiple-offender offenses) reported in the
Department of Justice survey for 1994.
How important is the distinction between interracial crimes that are
officially designated as hate crimes and those that are not? For a crime
to be considered a hate crime, the perpetrator must make his motive
clear, usually by saying something nasty. It is not hard to imagine that
of the nearly two million interracial crimes committed in 1994, some—
perhaps even a great many—were “motivated, in whole or in part, by
bias” but the perpetrators didn’t bother to say so.
Given the realities of race in the United States, would it be
unreasonable for someone attacked by a criminal of a different race to
wonder whether race had something to do with the attack, even if the
assailant said nothing? Such suspicions are even more likely in the case
of the 490,266 acts of group violence that crossed racial lines in 1994.
A white woman gang-raped by blacks or a black man cornered and
beaten by whites will think he was singled out at least in part because
of race, even if the attackers only talked about the weather.
Hate crime laws assume that special harm is done to society when
people are attacked because of race. But which does more damage to
society: the few thousand violent acts officially labeled as hate crimes
or the millions of ordinary interracial crimes of violence—90 percent
of which are committed by blacks against whites? If race relations are
so fragile they must be protected with laws that add extra penalties to
race-related crimes, why not automatically add extra penalties to any
interracial crime, on the assumption that it harmed race relations? The
problem, of course, is that most of the people slapped with heavier
penalties would be black.

Official thinking about “hate crimes” suffers from another crushing
defect. As Joseph Fallon, who has written for AR (see page 87), has
noted, the FBI reports hate crimes against Hispanics but not by
Hispanics. In the forms the FBI has local police departments fill out,
Hispanics are clearly indicated as a victim category but they are not an
option as a perpetrator category when the FBI asks for “Suspected Race
of Offender.” The FBI therefore forces local police departments to
categorize most Hispanics as “white” (see page 34). Official figures for
1997 reflect this. The total number of “hate crimes” for that year—
9,861—includes 636 crimes of anti-Hispanic bias, but not one of the
8,474 known offenders is “Hispanic” because the FBI’s data collection
method doesn’t permit such a designation.
If someone goes after a Mexican because he doesn’t like Mexicans
it is an anti-Hispanic crime. If the same Mexican commits a “hate
crime” against a white, both the victim and the perpetrator are
considered white. And, in fact, the 1997 FBI figures duly record 214
“white” offenders who committed anti-white hate crimes! The
offenders were undoubtedly Hispanic, but the report doesn’t say so.
Some of the “whites” who are reported to have committed hate crimes
against blacks and homosexuals are almost certainly Hispanic, but
there is no way to be sure.
Hispanic perpetrators show up only if you investigate specific
“hate” crimes. The FBI lists five cases of racially-motivated murder for
1997—three “anti-black” and two “anti-white.” The report says nothing
about the perpetrators or the circumstances of the killings, so AR got
the details from local police departments.
Two of the anti-black killings took place in the same town, a
mostly-Hispanic suburb of Los Angeles called Hawaiian Gardens.
Hawaiian Gardens has a history of black-Hispanic tension that is so bad
many blacks have cleared out. In one of the 1997 murders, a 24-year-
old black man was beaten to death by a mob of 10 to 14 Hispanics who
took turns smashing his head with a baseball bat. In the other, a
Hispanic gang member challenged a 29-year-old black man’s right to
be in the neighborhood. A few minutes later he came back and shot the
man in the chest. In both cases, the victims and killers did not know
each other and the motivation appears to have been purely racial. These
crimes are typical of what we think of as hate-crime murders, but
because no Hispanics are identified as perpetrators in the FBI report,
the killers were classified as white.
The third anti-black killing took place in Anchorage, Alaska. A
white man, Brett Maness, killed his neighbor, a black man, Delbert
White, after a brief struggle. Mr. Maness, who was growing marijuana
in his apartment and kept an arsenal of weapons, had been shooting a
pellet gun at Mr. White’s house, and the black came over to complain.
Interestingly, a jury found that Mr. Maness killed Mr. White in self-
defense. The incident—which sounds rather ambiguous—was classified
as a hate crime because Mr. Maness had shouted racial slurs at Mr.
White in the past and because “racist” literature was found in his
The remaining two killings were classified as anti-white, but only
one fits the usual idea of these crimes. Four white men were walking on
a street in Palm Beach, Florida, when a car came to a stop not far from
them. Two black men got out with their hands behind their backs and
one said “What are you crackers looking at?” One of the white men
replied, “Not you, nigger,” whereupon one of the blacks brought a gun
from behind his back and fired several times, killing one white and
wounding another. Attackers and victims did not know each other, and
the motivation appears to have been purely racial. The other anti-white
killing involved a Texas businessman from India, Sri Punjabi, who shot
his Mexican daughter-in-law because his son had divorced an Indian
wife to marry her. Mr. Punjabi was furious because his son married
someone who was not Indian. (Presumably, this crime could have been
classified as anti-Hispanic rather than anti-white.)
These five “hate crime” murders reported for 1997 do not exactly
fit the media image of whites brutalizing non-whites. In fact, only one
perpetrator, the Alaskan, was “white” in the usually accepted sense.
What was the nature of the thousands of other officially-reported hate
crimes? Without examining all 9,861 of them it is impossible to say.
It is clear, though, that the FBI report gives a false impression of
what is going on. It inflates the number of hate crimes committed by
“whites” by calling Hispanics white, and suggests that Hispanics never
commit “hate crimes.” Every year, the press duly reports this nonsense.
No one, apparently, ever bothers to ask why hundreds of whites are
reported to be comitting hate crimes against other whites. By leaving
out Hispanics and blaming their crimes on whites, the FBI report paints
a picture of race relations in America so distorted it is worse than
This article appeared originally in the July 1999 issue.

1. New Mexico rescinded the permanent ban on felon voting in
Hell on Wheels

by Daniel Attila

I was born in Hungary, from which I escaped in 1982 at age 18. I

settled in New York in 1984 with the intention of becoming an artist,
but after nearly a decade of struggle I realized I might never make it. In
1993 I enrolled in the City University of New York, while I supported
myself for four years as a conductor on New York City subway trains.
There can be only a few jobs that so quickly introduce an immigrant to
the realities of multiracialism. Beneath the streets of New York I have
seen and done things that very few whites will—I hope—ever see or do.
Conductors operate the doors of trains, make announcements, give
information to the passengers, and oversee the safety of people on
trains and platforms. Most of the time they stay in a small
compartment, or cab, in the middle car of the train. There are many
cities that operate subways with only a driver, but New York City is a
challenging place, where putting only one person on the train would
expose the system to violence and chaos.
Attending college while working under ground is not a dream come
true, but conductors are well paid. The starting salary is $30-40,000 a
year, with a top salary of $40-50,000, which can be reached in three
years. Conductors who become drivers can earn $50-70,000 a year,
depending on overtime. The high salaries are a result of the monopoly
the Transit Authority (TA) enjoys over city transportation. The union is
a mostly-black workforce, which cannot be tampered with by any
politician who wants a career in New York. Even as far back as the
1930s, the all-powerful TA got through the depression without laying
off a single employee.
I went to a high school in China Town to take the civil service exam
for the job. Once inside, I noticed that I was the only white person
there. Except for an Asian-Indian woman who sat in front of me, I saw
only black people, even though there were at least 40 of us taking the
test. “How come I’m the only white person here?” I wondered. “Don’t
white Americans want a job that pays $40-60,000 a year and doesn’t
even require a high-school education?” Perhaps in answer, one of the
blacks in front of me turned around and gave me a bizarre, hate-filled
look—a look I would often encounter in the years ahead.
The test was easy—surprisingly so—and I wondered if it was
possible for anyone over the age of six not to pass it. I clearly
remember one of the questions; I find it impossible to forget:

If you are a bus driver and find that a kid jumped onto the back of
the bus, traveling on the outside, what are you going to do?
a) I will suddenly brake, then accelerate, repeating this process until
the kid falls off and learns a lesson.
b) I will just ignore the kid and keep on driving as if unaware of the
c) I will stop the bus and personally make sure that the kid gets off.

As part of the test, we also had to find various places in the city,
such as the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the United
Nations, with the help of a city map provided to us. This is similar to
having Parisians find the Eiffel tower with the help of a map. Needless
to say, the test went well and I congratulated myself for having settled
in a country where well-paying jobs are so easy to get.
I began learning about the reality of America’s racial dilemma right
at the beginning of my training program at the Transit Authority. There
was a huge black fellow in our class who had the habit of physically
bumping into me at every opportunity. I could feel that he did this
intentionally, trying to make it hurt more than an accidental collision
would, but not enough to make it look like an assault.
The class consisted of about 80 people, with only a half dozen
whites. Most of the training was given by an old white veteran who
kept telling us funny and scary stories about transit workers on duty.
We were told to watch out for assaults by passengers. “Every one of
you will be spat at,” he insisted repeatedly, “I guarantee it.” After the
class training, which lasted about four weeks, we spent two weeks on
trains, operating under the supervision of experienced conductors.
Right on the first day, a strong black man who stood on the platform,
whose right arm was bigger than both of my thighs put together, made a
sudden attempt to punch me in the face as I leaned out the window to
observe the platform. The conductor who supervised me assured me
that such things are very dangerous and happen every day.
Also during the break-in period, I saw a horrible incident in the East
New York section of Brooklyn. A horde of black teenagers descended
upon a black boy who was sitting quietly by himself. Within seconds,
they beat him from head to toe, then quickly fled before the doors
closed. We tried to talk to the boy, who was in bad shape, asking him if
he wanted medical help or the police. When he said he didn’t want
either, we asked about the attack. It turned out he was on his way to the
first day on a job. The gang beat him up because they didn’t want him
to work.
After the break-in period, I was qualified as a conductor and began
to operate without supervision. It didn’t take long for our instructor’s
prediction to come true. I was conducting a “D” train in the Bronx
when I noticed a large group of black men gathered on the platform,
just outside the conductor’s window. I felt their threatening presence
instinctively, but the rules require that the conductor lean out the
window and look down the platform in both directions before he closes
the doors. I had no choice but to open my window and take the risk. As
soon as I opened it, one of the men spat right into my eyes. I was
wearing safety goggles but still got some of the saliva on my skin—
regulations require that goggles be worn primarily to protect against
passenger assaults.
Throughout the four years I spent as a conductor, blacks and
Latinos would hide behind posts or other cover and spit at me—with
astonishing power and accuracy. Other times they would throw things
at me, try to punch me, or yell vile and sometimes inarticulate things at
One attack involved a black man of about thirty, who threw a large,
glass bottle at my face. I managed to close the window just as the bottle
struck—it hit with such force, a piece of glass stuck in the acrylic
window of my cab all the way to the end of the trip. As we came into
the terminal, I spotted a black supervisor on the platform and couldn’t
help asking: “What am I supposed to do when someone attacks me as I
operate, and the attack is really nasty?” “If you have an injury, you pull
the cord and call command to send for the police and the ambulance,”
was the reply. “But what if you have no injuries? What if he almost
killed you but you lucked out?” I continued. “Then there is no
problem,” said the supervisor, “you keep on going.”
On another occasion, when conducting a “D” train in the Bronx, a
boy in a crowd of high-school students threw a heavy stone right at my
face with great accuracy and force. I instinctively held up my hand to
shield my face and was injured severely enough to go to the emergency
room. At the hospital, the nurse told me that a bus driver, also injured
in an assault, had just been treated and released a couple of hours
When operating during the “school hours,” the early afternoon
when students come home from public schools, rowdy students—none
of whom was ever white or Oriental—would routinely disable the
trains. They would break windows, pull the emergency brake, and tear
open the seats so they could cut out electric switches. If the train crew
couldn’t fix the problem, we would discharge the passengers and
transfer the train to the storage yard for repair. When we discharged
trains, black and Latino passengers would threaten violence, accusing
us of deliberately disabling trains so that we could “go home early.”
My ordeal did not end with the work-day. The commute home was
just as agonizing as time on the job. In the late hours, when I usually
made my way home, the trains were largely bereft of normal, working
people. Often there were gangs of “youths” roaming the trains, walking
from car to car, jumping on seats, starting fights, and harassing
passengers. I often locked myself in the conductor’s cab, as I did on the
One night, after work, as I was climbing the steps from the subway
platform in my own neighborhood, a tall black man came running the
other way and crashed into me. He was so badly dressed he looked like
a bum. He was carrying a box of Chinese take-out food, which he
dropped when he slammed into me. There went his dinner. Although
the collision was entirely his fault, he began threatening me, cursing
me, and demanding money. I looked around to see if there was anybody
else in the station—not that one can expect help from whites in
situations like this—but there was no one.
I don’t know how long we argued, but it seemed like an eternity.
Keeping him from attacking me took all the energy I had. I finally
managed to break away and run home. Exhausted, I collapsed on the
floor and began crying, in a way I don’t remember doing since I was a
small child. What broke me down was not so much this particular
incident but the sum of all the assaults and humiliation that took place
before it—the attacks, the spitting, the name calling, and, ultimately,
my complete inability to do anything about it. Violent self-defense
would certainly cost any white transit worker his job.

New Horizons
My job offered me the opportunity to see parts of New York whites
seldom see. The United States may be the only country that has never
been attacked, but still has places that look as though they went through
a war. This once-glamorous cultural capital has neighborhoods, the size
of cities, that look like Stalingrad or Yokohama right after a carpet
The job also acquainted me with blacks I would never otherwise
have known. My black colleagues never seemed upset by the behavior
of our “customers,” nor did they try to avoid working in horrible
neighborhoods. One reason was that although they were not entirely
safe, they did not face attacks of the same severity or frequency, let
alone attacks with racial overtones.
In their off hours, the blacks often held little parties in our filthy,
stuffy, underground crew rooms, where they celebrated birthdays or
Kwanzaa with cheap cake and fast food. Non-blacks were ordered to
leave the room before such events; most blacks believed that
segregation on equal terms was better than integration.
The blacks also talked about what a scandal it was that the schools
do not teach that Jesus Christ and the ancient Egyptians were black.
Every day, during lunch breaks, I witnessed heated debates about such
topics. I also learned that anything wrong in black neighborhoods is the
fault of whites. My colleagues believed that slavery caused illegitimacy
and welfare dependency, and that the government simply refuses to
spend money on neighborhoods where they live. “When are they going
to take the money and clean up the Bronx, Brooklyn, and upper
Manhattan?” they would ask.
Whites never engaged in open debate about such things, preferring
to scribble their opinions on the walls of the bathrooms provided for
transit workers. “Kill all Niggers,” was the harshest sentiment I ever
saw, along with such admonitions as “Do your country a favor, kill a
liberal!” Working underground seemed to degrade everyone.
In addition to the pressures of the job, I was forced to put up with
the anti-white atmosphere of City College. One of the most anti-white
teachers was an otherwise intelligent English professor named Hannah
Rogers. After a few classes filled with insults to whites, Prof. Rogers
made a little speech that went something like this:
“In the beginning, before the white man came along, the colored
peoples who once owned this land lived here peacefully, cohabiting
with each other, with nature, and with the animals. Then came the
Europeans, who killed the people and the animals, and destroyed
nature. Now, however, the people of color are beginning to reclaim the
land that belongs to them, and there will come a day when the colored
masses rise up, and the white people who managed to enslave every
other race will be destroyed. The land will be taken back so that the
people to whom it belongs can return to living in peace and harmony
with each other, and nature. I only hope,” she concluded, “that when
that day comes, the whites who were good will be spared.”
I was offended and shocked, but I learned something I had never
suspected. I always thought “liberals” are the way they are because they
live in white ghettos and don’t realize what is happening around them.
Not so. At least some of them believe a civil war is on the horizon.
They hope for it, they encourage it, and may even expect to gain from

East New York

Perhaps the most dreadful incident of my career at the TA was in
the summer of 1993, while I was working on the A line. This is one of
the lines that goes into the worst neighborhood of the city, the East
New York section of Brooklyn. I never operated there for a single day
without being assaulted or humiliated in some way.
On one hot afternoon, as I opened the doors at the Ralph Avenue
station, I heard what sounded like gunshots. They were a lot quieter
than in movies, and at first I thought it was just some noise coming
from the equipment. However, I was unnerved to see a couple of
blacks, wearing face masks, rush out of the last car, up the steps, and
There was no way to misunderstand the situation; an incident had
taken place in the last car, and the rules required the conductor to
investigate. No experienced conductor would ever go back to the last
car in a situation like that, no matter what the rules say, but I was not
very experienced. After making some announcements to the
passengers, I gathered all my courage and walked back to the last car,
pretending to be calm.
There were people standing in every door shouting about the delay.
In the last car, I found a man lying on the floor with bloody wounds in
his legs. I used my portable radio to tell the train operator what had
happened, and began to walk back to the center of the train to my
position. The train operator made a loud announcement requesting that
all passengers leave the train, and I was to make sure that all the cars
were empty before we closed the doors to wait for the police.
I was the only white person in the station. As the passengers got off,
they stayed on the platform and began to form a row close to the train. I
walked toward my position, fenced in by the train on the left and by the
row of people on the right. I passed three cars and had two more to go,
to reach the only position from which I could close the doors. I was
supposed to walk all the way to the front, passing all ten cars, to make
sure that no passengers remained in them. I sensed that I could not
make it to the front of the train, and tried only to get back to my
As I advanced, the people seemed to move closer to the train,
gradually narrowing the path until it became too narrow for me to pass
without touching them. “Who got shot, black or white?” I heard a
young man shout. Then I saw hands reaching out to grab me and fists
aimed to punch me. Just as I was about to pass the third car, one of the
punches hit my shoulder. At this point I realized there was a real
chance that I could be—well, lynched—before the police arrived.
My heart pounding, I jumped into the car and began running inside
the train, trying to reach my position. I no longer cared about any
passengers remaining in the cars; I just ran. There were two more cars
to cross, each separated by a pair of heavy, steel doors that open slowly.
I wrenched them open with all my might. Meanwhile, the crowd
seemed about to follow me into the train. I finally reached my position
and, without any announcements or sticking my head out to observe the
platform, shoved my key in and hit the door close buttons. The lights
indicated that half the doors had not closed, meaning that people were
holding them. When this happens, normally the conductor opens them
again to let people in or out, but I refused to open up. After several
tense minutes, people stopped holding the doors and they finally
I hid in my cab for perhaps as long as half an hour until the police
finally arrived. “What kind of people did you see running in masks?”
asked a black bureaucrat dressed in a business suit. I refused to answer,
for fear that mentioning blacks could get me in trouble. He seemed to
be familiar with this attitude on the part of whites, because he calmly
and understandingly said, “They were black, right?” He nodded his
head in answer to his own question, and made a note on a piece of
Later, as we were slowly moving into the service yard,
accompanied by a police escort, I reflected on the incident. I recalled
how many times I have heard liberals claiming that 99 percent of the
blacks who live in these neighborhoods are “hard working and law
abiding,” with only a tiny one percent who cause trouble. Perhaps I’m
prejudiced, but among the hundreds of people on that platform who
looked as though they were ready to lynch me, I didn’t see many who
looked hard working or law abiding.
During the same summer, there was another incident, while passing
Kennedy Airport. I heard something that sounded like an explosion. I
investigated but didn’t find anything that could have caused it, though
the sound seemed to come from nearby. Then, as we pulled into the
next station, I was notified over the radio that my train operator, a
black woman, had had her windshield broken out by a stone block, the
size of a child’s head, thrown from somewhere on the airport’s
property. I then realized, that what I had heard was the sound of another
stone smashing between the two cars, just missing my cab window. One
of these rocks is heavy enough to kill a person easily. The train
operator was lucky to be alive.
It is hard to believe, but I worked for two more years in the subway
before I finally turned my back on that hellish job, in the summer of
1995. I now live in a privately policed community in Manhattan. I ride
the subways only if an emergency requires it.
This article appeared originally in the January 1997 issue. At the
time of publication, Daniel Attila was a junior at Columbia University.
White Man in a Texas Prison

by D. Zatukel

Demographers predict that some time around 2050 whites will

become a racial minority in the United States. This status has already
arrived for many of the several hundred thousand whites who have the
least control over their lives: prisoners. They are forced to live in the
most intimate contact with a class of blacks and Hispanics whom most
whites have carefully arranged their lives so as to avoid completely.
Forced integration has produced racial animosity in society at large; the
even more intensive integration in prisons creates even greater
Prison administration is also a classic example of judicial
dictatorship. At least in Texas, prisons are operated according to the
desires of liberal judges, desires that would never be ratified by voters.

New Wave Texas Prisons

I am 39 years old, and have served 10 years of a 55-year sentence
for aggravated robbery. For seven years I was confined in minimum-
and medium-security prisons, but in 1992 I was shipped, without
explanation, to the maximum-security McConnell Unit in Beeville,
Texas. I believe that this was because I had been subscribing to racialist
publications and was therefore wrongly classified as a “gang-related”
Since this transfer I have been living in a “new wave” Texas prison
that meets the standards established in the early 1980s by federal judge
William Wayne Justice. The McConnell Unit is spacious, comfortable,
and was incredibly expensive to build. It houses a maximum of 2,880
inmates but cost an astonishing $65 million—more than $22,500 per
prisoner. The McConnell Unit and others like it are anything but
penitentiaries. They are “resorts” for men who might otherwise be
living in squalor. They are “recreation centers” where prisoners can
practice sports and play games, and they are schools where inmates can
study any number of academic and vocational subjects.
Judge Justice put great emphasis on sports, and the McConnell Unit
shows it. The general population—that is to say, all but the 500 or so
prisoners who are in solitary confinement, now known euphemistically
as “Administrative Segregation”—live in four cell block buildings and
two dormitories. Each dormitory houses about 300 inmates and is for
“minimum custody” prisoners. The four cell block buildings, for higher
custody prisoners, each house about 430 men.
For these six buildings there are four gymnasiums, each with a
basketball court and a “universal” weight machine. Each cell block
building also has an outdoor recreation area with a basketball court,
weight machine, and two handball courts. There are other sports
facilities at McConnell, so that the 2,400 men in the general population
have a total of nine full-court and two half-court basketball courts, ten
handball courts, ten “universal” machines, a softball field, and two full
sets of “free” weights. This is a lavish complement of equipment even
by the standards of fancy health clubs.
Many inmates, especially the blacks, devote themselves to physical
conditioning. Many spend hours each day playing basketball and lifting
weights; they are bulging with muscles and are an intimidating
presence for inmates and guards alike.
In the day-rooms of the dormitories and cell-blocks, men can watch
television or play chess, checkers, scrabble, or dominoes. These
facilities are also lavish. For example, a day-room set aside for 60 men
has two color television sets, eight four-man game tables, and seven
three-man benches, and can therefore seat 53 men at once.
Anyone interested in education has an enormous variety of classes
from which to choose, from remedial reading up to Master’s degrees.
There is vocational training in computers, electronics, drafting and a
host of other professions. Until September first of this year, when a
new policy came into effect, all courses were free—crime opened the
door to unlimited education. Now prisoners will be required to
reimburse the state for anything other than high school-equivalency
courses or low-level vocational training.

Criminals are in jail because they are rule-breakers, and a jail
cannot be run without rules. Traditionally, there have been both
“official” and “unofficial” ways to keep order. The official way is
through formal disciplinary charges that can result in loss of status or
privileges. For example, a prisoner may be denied commissary
privileges, which means he cannot buy coffee, food, radios, sneakers,
ice cream, etc. This is not much of a hardship. Ever since the ban on
smoking in Texas prisons, the “store” no longer sells tobacco, which is
what prisoners want most.
A more serious penalty is a reduction in class. There are seven
status levels or classes in Texas prisons, including four categories of
trusty. A reduction in class can mean that a trusty may no longer work
unsupervised; a reduction to the lowest class means a man forfeits
“good time,” or periods of good behavior that can lead to earlier
release. For prisoners facing a long sentence, this means very little.
Even administrative segregation, or “ad-seg,” is not much of a threat. A
cell of one’s own is luxurious privacy. Also, ad-seg units are the only
ones with air conditioning; Beeville gets very hot and humid in the
summer, so the worst discipline cases live in the best conditions!
The formal penalty system often does not work. It involves
paperwork, which is a bother. Punishment usually goes into effect long
after the infraction, and there are some men on whom it simply has no
effect. Therefore, Texas prisons traditionally had an informal discipline
system as well as the formal one. A popular way to handle an unruly
inmate used to be to have him “stand on the wall” or stand in one place
for a long time with his toes and nose touching the wall. There were
occasional beatings and the threat of beatings. All this is now
forbidden, and guards can never punish prisoners physically and may
use force against them only if guards are, themselves, in clear danger of
Guards therefore have very little real control. Take the case of the
dormitories. They are supposed to be less restrictive housing for better-
behaved prisoners but affirmative action has been at work here: blacks
must be assigned to them in proportion to their numbers in the prison
population. If 45 percent of the prisoners are black, 45 percent of the
men in the dormitories must be black, so many aggressive, hostile
blacks are assigned to low-security areas. The six-foot five-inch, 260-
pound black who recently became my neighbor was quite surprised to
be assigned to a dormitory; he was in close custody just before his
A white officer is making the rounds of a 55-man dormitory unit at
11:00 p.m. to conduct a head count. All prisoners are supposed to be in
their bunks after 10:30, so he doesn’t expect to find much activity, but
he is wrong. Many blacks are up and carousing. Two are in the showers,
some are at the latrine, others are visiting friends’ quarters.
“Get to your houses or get an out-of-place case [Go to your bunks
or face a citation for being where you are not supposed to be.],” orders
the officer.
The order triggers shouts of “Suck a d**k, mother f****r!” “F**k
you, whore!” “Get your bitch ass outta here, whore!” The officer says
nothing as he waits for the inmates to get to their bunks. They
deliberately move slowly. They repeatedly call the officer “bitch” and
One muscular black inmate blatantly ignores the officer’s order and
struts to the latrine. “Looky here, can’t I take a piss?” he says.
“It’s count time,” says the officer.
An argument develops. The dorm resounds with shouts of “bitch!”
“whore!” and “motherf****r!” The officer knows he faces the
possibility of a riot and a serious beating at the hands of men who
would love to hurt him. He backs down and lets the inmate use the
latrine. His authority has been successfully challenged, he has been
humiliated, his count has been disrupted, and his work has been
These are the well-behaved blacks. Officers face even more danger
and abuse in the “medium” and “close” custody areas. These prisoners
are discipline problems and have already lost most of their privileges
and “good time.” They have little else to lose. They may have jobs
assigned to them but work seldom, if at all. Instead, they lift weights,
work out, watch “rap” music on MTV, and play dominoes.
They know the restrictions on physical punishment as well as the
officers do. They do not hesitate to get into an officer’s face, shout
abuse at him, and dare him to strike or touch them. Verbal attacks of
the vilest kind are not sufficient cause for a guard to strike a prisoner,
and any who do so are fired. Racial abuse of the guards is standard fare,
though whites are now “bitches” and “whores” rather than “honkies” or
Because there is so little that can be done to punish them, prisoners
in high-security areas exact special privileges from a system that has
adopted a de facto policy of black appeasement. “Problem” prisoners
are quietly allowed to ignore rules that forbid beards and long hair, and
that require them to be fully clothed in the TV-game rooms. Known
trouble-makers get more food than well-behaved prisoners because
officers want to avoid trouble. For the same reason, officers rarely
inspect the living areas of problem inmates—they don’t want trouble.
By contrast, men assigned to dormitories may not put up so much as a
pin-up because it might offend female officers.

What is it like to live in close quarters with underclass blacks? One
of the greatest torments is constant noise. Blacks are always shouting at
each other, banging around, making a din. The TV-game rooms, for
example, are often-times scenes of pandemonium. Blacks congregate
around domino games and yell at each other while the players slap their
dominoes on the table as hard as they can. This combination of yelling
and domino-slapping goes on for hours at a time: “C’mon, nigger!”
BAM! “You ain’t got nuthin,’ nigger!” BAM! “Give me ten, nigger!”
BAM!…. The racket and incessant shouting of blacks is so loud that
many whites and Hispanics (and a few blacks) wear earplugs 24 hours
a day.
Because blacks, as a group, are more aggressive than whites or
Hispanics, they generally get their choice of exercise facilities or
television programs. In any TV-game room with more than one
television set, one set is constantly tuned to sports programs, which is
what blacks want. Since blacks have rioted when they were not able to
watch what they wanted, they have essentially been given their own
television sets.
Whenever an important sporting event is broadcast, groups of
blacks set up an ear-splitting din yelling at the television set. The noise
is so loud it is painful to be in the room, and the yelling carries
throughout the building. During the spring of 1994, the “sports only”
televisions carried basketball play-offs until 1:00 a.m., seven days a
week, for about two weeks. The policy of black appeasement meant that
prisoners were shouting at the television late into the night, making it
impossible for others to sleep.
Before Judge Justice rewrote prison rules, inmates were not allowed
to talk in the chow halls. Inmates must now be permitted to talk at a
“low level” but this restriction is ignored. Groups of blacks yell to each
other across the length and breadth of the chow hall just as they do in
cell blocks and dormitories. Meal times are a constant racket, and in
the commotion, many inmates slip back into the chow line to eat again.
Most officers will not confront an inmate who goes through the line
twice, especially if he is black; other blacks would immediately take
his side and there could easily be a riot. Perhaps as many as half of the
black prisoners eat twice or more during each meal.
Since racial integration is official prison policy, it is difficult for a
white prisoner to get a white roommate for his two-man cell. Over the
years I have had four black, three Hispanic, and three white cell-mates.
Even if a black or Hispanic “cellie” is well behaved, there is always
tension in this unnatural integration. Generally blacks are provocative
and make terrible cellies. About the only way for a white to get a
“whites only” designation for cellies is to have inflicted serious
violence on a black for racial reasons—and the punishment for this
makes it a costly strategy.
Blacks and Hispanics have much greater racial loyalty than whites.
Even most white criminals are racially passive and endure racial insults
without reacting. I do not permit blacks to insult me, but if I were to
fight every time I heard someone called “white boy” I would never get
out of lock-up. Typically, whites are greatly outnumbered, and to make
a stand for racial loyalty would be suicide. Some whites do develop a
racial consciousness, however, and begin to look out for each other.
For Hispanics, the racial bond has an added dimension in that they
normally speak Spanish to each other. In the old days they were
required to speak English, but Spanish is now a civil right.
Nevertheless, whites and Hispanics tend to have a lot in common and
share a similar temperament. Hispanics appear to be a bit more
emotional than whites, but blacks are very emotional and aggressive.
Whites and Hispanics share an antipathy towards blacks and will work
together when faced with a black threat. There is only a small amount
of fraternization across racial lines and most prisoners would clearly
prefer the old segregated system.
Race riots are common in integrated prisons. They generally start
when whites or Hispanics get fed up with being pushed around by
blacks. Tension builds up between the races until it explodes in a riot.
In one “close custody” unit (a high-security building for prisoners
with discipline problems) there has been an ongoing war between
blacks and Hispanics that started soon after the unit opened in October
1992. The Hispanics got very annoyed at black rudeness, yelling,
domino slapping, and at blacks who would masturbate when Hispanic
female guards were in the area (see below).
One Friday evening, groups of blacks and Hispanics were watching
a televised boxing match between a black and a Hispanic. Words were
exchanged and a fight broke out. The fight quickly spread as blacks and
Hispanics began rumbling throughout the whole building. The fighting
overflowed into the recreation yard and soon over a hundred inmates
were hammering each other.
Dozens of officers converged on the area, wearing crash helmets
and wielding shields and batons. They broke up the riot, herded the men
back to their cells (and the badly injured to the hospital) and locked
them down. As punishment for the riot the inmates were locked down
for about three months. This means they had to stay in their cells for 24
hours a day, except for showers, and were given sack lunches, which
they ate in their cells. Shortly after they were let out, there was another
race riot and the prisoners were locked down again. This cycle of race
riots has repeated itself endlessly in this unit. The obvious solution
would be racial segregation, but this would violate prison policy.
Riots with white prisoners are unusual because most whites are
passive. However, there was one serious black-white incident during
the basketball play-offs mentioned earlier. A dozen whites were
watching a television movie but were told by a guard that they would
have to let blacks watch the play-off instead. As usual, the guard was
placating the group most likely to make trouble, but this time he got it
wrong. As the blacks filed in to watch the game, one of the whites,
angry at not being allowed to watch the end of the movie, pulled the
plug on the television. There was a free-for-all with about a dozen men
on each side, but the fisticuffs were soon broken up by officers. The
incident could have been much, much worse.
One of the worst kinds of racial assault is homosexual rape—
usually blacks gang-raping a white. This is known to happen in the
McConnell Unit, but it takes place in maximum- and medium-security
areas, about which I have little direct knowledge.

It may be a surprise to people on the outside to learn that Texas
prisons are rife with public masturbation. Masturbation is now such a
problem that prison trousers no longer have flies or pockets. Men used
to cut holes in the front pockets so they could masturbate with their
pants up.
Affirmative action means that there are now many female prison
guards, and prisoners—mostly black—sometimes masturbate as they
follow women around the cell block. Blacks have a special term for
this: “killing.” Practitioners of this lewdness are “gunslingers” or
“snipers” and engage in “drive-by-shootings.” White women are the
preferred targets but any woman will do. Many killers drape a coat or
shirt over themselves but some blacks expose themselves any time, any
place, to anyone!
Until recently, a favorite perch for snipers was a set of benches
beside the entrance to the administration building, where the secretarial
pool works. Killers would take up positions on these benches and open
fire on the secretaries as they walked by. It finally occurred to someone
to move the benches.
The women’s reactions to “killing” vary enormously. Some do not
tolerate it and write offense reports for it. This can mean a loss of
commissary privileges and, sometimes, a reduction of class. As
explained above, if a man is destitute and is doing a long sentence, this
means nothing. Most of the time, the women simply tell the offender to
stop. Ordinarily this works. When the killing continues despite a
warning, the offender is usually locked up in isolation for a short time.
Again, this means nothing to a man who has nothing to lose. There are
some women who ignore killing and do not react to it at all.
One attractive Hispanic woman who worked in the prison law
library had a real problem. She was stuck at her workplace and,
throughout the day, blacks would come into the library, stare at her and
masturbate. She wouldn’t stand for it, but was soon swamped with
paperwork, filing offense reports. The unit warden eventually told her
not to bother writing up reports, that he preferred less troublesome,
“verbal” solutions.
Sometimes, if a female guard finds a prisoner attractive she will
quietly encourage him to kill on her. Women like this to be done
discreetly, in a cell or some other place where the two will not draw
attention to themselves.
The ostentatious lewdness of blacks creates a lot of racial tension in
an integrated prison. White and Hispanic inmates must endure the
crudest racial/sexual taunting by blacks when white or Hispanic women
come through the area. Blacks will put their hands down their pants and
play with themselves or take off their clothes and decide to take a
shower. Some will go to their cells and call to the women to come
watch them masturbate—all of this in the presence of white and
Hispanic prisoners. In the lax atmosphere of today’s Texas prisons,
there is no way to stop this disgusting behavior.

This is Prison?
The McConnell Unit is certainly a disagreeable place for a white
man; life at close quarters with hostile, loud, masturbating, white-
hating blacks is punishment enough. But for many blacks, a stint in a
“new wave” Texas prison is about as close to country-club living as
they are likely to get. They live in clean, well-maintained buildings.
They get three square meals a day. They can work out, play basketball,
and watch as much television as they like. They can humiliate white
prisoners with impunity and even shout the most inflammatory racial
insults at uniformed white officers. They cannot have sexual
intercourse, but they get the thrill of exposing themselves to white
women and taunting white men as they do it. Even the most drastic
disciplinary measure—solitary confinement—means a transfer to air-
conditioned housing. For a poor, black youngster from Houston, a stay
in the McConnell Unit is a vacation. Who can be surprised to learn that
more than half of the convicts released from Texas prisons are back
within a year? Or that the Texas inmate population has grown 400
percent since Judge Justice’s “reforms”?
And what about the guards? In what other profession must a man
submit every day to constant racial slurs and insults—insults that
would instantly yield huge civil-suit awards if the victim were black
and this happened on the outside? In what other profession must
women put up with men who follow them around masturbating and
mumbling obscenities? This, too, on the outside is grounds for
enormous compensatory damages. In today’s prisons it is the inmates
who punish the guards.
The kid-glove approach to prisoners means that the meanest, most
refractory men—mostly blacks—get better treatment rather than worse.
Since guards have so few meaningful ways to punish offenders,
violations are ignored—essentially rewarded—rather than punished.
Because everyone knows that blacks are likely to riot, even the guards
see to it that they get their way over better-behaved whites and
Hispanics. Wrong-doing and the threat of violence bring special
treatment. One of the abiding lessons that an inmate learns in prison is
that the authorities can be treated with the utmost contempt.
Federal control of the Texas prison system has been a complete
though almost entirely unreported disaster. Unless the state manages to
free itself from the tyranny of federal judges, prisoners will continue to
laugh at the prospect of a jail sentence. Today, the central feature of a
Texas prison is the basketball court. Some day, when Texans regain
control, it may once again be what it was in the old days: the chapel.
This article appeared in the October 1995 issue. Mr. Zatukel works
in the law library of the McConnell Unit. He has been supplying
information on prison conditions to state legislators who are trying to
take control back from the federal government. Mr. Zatukel will be
eligible for parole in the year 2004.
The Myth of Diversity

by Jared Taylor
The idea that “diversity” is one of the country’s great strengths is now
so firmly rooted that virtually anyone can evoke it, praise it, and
wallow in it without fear of contradiction. It has become one of the
great unassailably American ideas, like democracy, patriotism, the
family, or Martin Luther King.
The President of the United States glories in diversity. In May
1995, in a message recognizing the Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo,
William Clinton said, “The Fifth of May offers all of us a chance to
celebrate the cultural diversity that helps to make our nation great.” A
few days later, when he designated May as Asian/Pacific American
Heritage Month, he said, “With the strength of our diversity and a
continued commitment to the ideal of freedom, all Americans will
share in the blessings of the bright future that awaits us.” In his 1996
speech accepting the nomination for President, he asked the audience to
look around the hall and take heart in how varied the Democratic party
In his 1996 Columbus Day proclamation, he said, “The expedition
that Columbus … began more than 500 years ago, continues today as
we experience and celebrate the vibrant influences of varied
civilizations, not only from Europe, but also from around the world.
America is stronger because of this diversity, and the democracy we
cherish flourishes in the great mosaic we have created since 1492.”
Appeals to diversity are not just for domestic consumption. In a
1996 speech before the Australian parliament, President Clinton noted
that both the United States and Australia were becoming increasingly
diverse, and added, “And, yes, we [Australia and America] can prove
that free societies can embrace the economic and social changes, and
the ethnic, racial and religious diversity this new era brings and come
out stronger and freer than ever.”
Hillary Clinton feels the same way. In February 1995, she spoke to
the students of her former high school in the Chicago suburb of Park
Ridge. She noticed there were many more non-whites among the
students than when she was a student, 30 years earlier. “We didn’t have
the wonderful diversity of people that you have here today,” said Mrs.
Clinton. “I’m sad we didn’t have it, because it would have been a great
value, as I’m sure you will discover.”
Diversity has clearly become one of those orotund, high-sounding
sentiments with which politicians lard their speeches. Of course, the
idea that diversity—at least of the kind that Mr. and Mrs. Clinton are
promoting—is a great advantage for America is one of the most
obviously stupid propositions ever to see the light of day.
Nevertheless there is one kind of diversity that is an advantage. A
contractor, for example, cannot build houses if he hires only
electricians. He needs carpenters, plumbers, etc.—a diverse work force.
However, functional diversity of this kind is not what the Chief
Executive is on about. He is talking about largely non-functional
differences like race, language, age, sex, culture and even whether
someone is homosexual. One might call this status diversity.
What advantages would a contractor get from a mixed work force
of that kind? None. What are the advantages the United States gets
from a racially mixed population? None.
The idea that status diversity is a strength is not merely a myth, but
a particularly transparent one. Explaining why diversity is bad for a
country is a little like explaining why cholera is bad for it; the trick is
to understand how anyone could possibly think it was good.
In fact, diversity became a strength after the fact. It became
necessary to believe in it because skepticism would be “racist.”
Otherwise intelligent people began to mouth platitudes about diversity
only because of the blinding power of the race taboo. After diversity
began to include sex, mental disabilities, and everything else that was
alien or outlandish, to disbelieve in the power of diversity was to show
oneself to be “intolerant” as well as “racist.”
Of course it is only white societies—and white groups within
multiracial societies—that are ever tricked by diversity. Everyone else
recognizes the Clinton-Harvard-New York Times brand of diversity for
exactly what it is: a source of weakness and dissension.

Despite President Clinton’s view that “diversity” started with
Columbus, for most of its history the United States was self-
consciously homogeneous. In 1787, in the second of The Federalist
Papers, John Jay gave thanks that “Providence has been pleased to give
this one connected country to one united people, a people descended
from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the
same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very
similar in their manners and customs….”
This is not exactly a celebration of diversity, nor was Jay an
eccentric. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson
were all explicit about wanting the United States to be a white country,
and in 1790 the first federal naturalization law required that applicants
for citizenship be “free white persons.” Until 1965, it was very difficult
for non-whites to immigrate to the United States and become citizens
(an exception being made for the descendants of slaves). Immigration
law was explicitly designed to keep the United States a white nation
with a white majority. It was only in the 1950s and 60s that the country
turned its back on nearly 200 years of traditional thinking about race
and began its long march down the road to nowhere.
Once the country made the mistaken assumption that race was a
trivial human distinction, all else had to follow. Congress abolished not
only Jim Crow and legal segregation but, with the Civil Rights Act of
1964, put an end to free association as well. The Immigration and
Nationality Act Amendments of 1965, which abolished national origins
quotas and opened immigration to all nations, was a grand gesture of
anti-racism, a kind of civil rights law for the entire world.
As has been pointed out in such books as Lawrence Auster’s The
Path to National Suicide and Peter Brimelow’s Alien Nation, the
backers of the immigration bill were at pains to explain that it would
have little effect on the country. “Under the proposed bill,” explained
Senator Edward Kennedy, “the present level of immigration remains
substantially the same. Secondly, the ethnic mix will not be upset.
Contrary to charges in some quarters, it will not inundate America with
immigrants from any one country or area.” The senator suggested that,
at most, 62,000 people a year might immigrate.
When President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill into law, he also
downplayed its impact: “This bill that we sign today is not a
revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions. It will not
reshape the structure of our daily lives, or really add importantly to
either our wealth or our power.”
The point here is not that the backers were wrong about the bill—
even though in 1996, for example, there were a record 1,300,000
naturalizations and perhaps 90 percent of the new citizens were non-
white. The point is that “diversity” of the kind that immigration is now
said to bless us with was never even hinted at as one of the law’s
No one dreamed that in just 20 years ten percent of the entire
population of El Salvador would have moved to the United States or
that millions of mostly Hispanic and Asian immigrants would threaten
to reduce whites to a racial minority in California by 1998.1 In 1965,
before the discovery that “diversity is our strength,” most people would
have been shocked by the thought of such population changes.
Today, the intellectual climate is different, but in entirely
predictable ways. “Racism” looms ever larger as the greatest moral
offense a white person can commit, and anyone who opposes the arrival
of yet more non-whites cannot but be “racist.” There is therefore no
longer any moral basis for opposing the prospect of minority status for
whites, and what would have been an unthinkable prospect before 1965
must now be seen as an exciting opportunity. Thus did diversity
become a “strength,” despite the suspension of disbelief required to
think it so.
This is a perfect example of an assertion, for purely ideological
reasons, of something obviously untrue. Like the equality of the races,
the equivalence of the sexes, the unimportance of heredity, and the
insignificance of physical or mental handicap, the strength of diversity
is one of a whole series of fashionable absurdities.
Having started with race, diversity now includes just about
anything. Feminists, angry people in wheelchairs, AIDS patients,
militant homosexuals, and people who would rather speak Spanish than
English have all taken much of their style and impetus from the civil
rights movement. Demands for “inclusiveness” almost always include
the language of grievance and compensation pioneered by blacks. Fat
people fight discrimination, ugly people struggle against “lookism,”
and at least one local government has required that the stage set for a
strip tease show be wheelchair accessible. Anyone who opposes the
glorification of the alien or abnormal can expect to be denounced with
much fanfare and finger-pointing. The metastasis of diversity is a
fascinating story, but the disease began with race.
Occasionally a mainstream author sniffs around the edges of the
population problem. At some risk to his professional respectability,
columnist Scott McConnell of the New York Post has pointed out that if
it will be such a good thing for whites to become a minority, there is no
reason to wait until the mid-2000s. We could throw open the borders
right now and become a minority in just a few years. “Why deny
ourselves and our children the great benefits of Third Worldism that we
are planning for our grandchildren?” he asks.

Advantages of Diversity
On those rare occasions when people actually attempt to defend
diversity, the one claim they make with any semblance of conviction is
that its advantages will become evident as the world becomes more
“international.” It will be a great thing to have citizens from all around
the world as nations have more and more contact; specifically, our
“international” population will boost American exports. Of course,
since this view is based on the assumption that people communicate
better with people like themselves, it is an argument against national
diversity. If it takes a Korean to deal with the Koreans, how are
Americans supposed to get along with the Koreans who live in
If anyone really thought a diverse population is good for trade, we
would presumably be adjusting the mix of immigrants in accordance
with trade potential. There would be no point in admitting Haitians, for
example, since Haiti is a pesthole and never likely to be an important
trade partner. After Canada, Japan is our largest trading partner. Does
this mean we need more Japanese? No one ever talks about
immigration this way, because no one really believes immigration has
anything to do with promoting exports.
The example of Japan in fact shows just how little racial diversity
has to do with international trade. Japan is one of the most racially
homogeneous nations in the world. By American standards, Japanese
are hopeless “racists,” “homophobes,” “sexists,” and “nativists.” They
even eat whales. Here is a country that should therefore be a complete
failure in the international economy—and yet it is probably the most
successful trading nation on earth.
Taiwan and Korea are close behind, with China now recording huge
trade surpluses with the United States. These countries are even more
closed and exclusionist than Japan. If they could ever be made to
understand the American notion of diversity, Asians would politely
wait until we had left the room and then double up with laughter.
Germany is likewise one of the world’s great exporting nations. Who
would dream of thinking this was due to the presence of Turkish
The fact that millions of Mexicans now live in the United States
does not make our products more attractive to anybody—certainly not
to Mexico, which already has plenty of the things Mexicans know how
to make. “Diversity” adds nothing to our international competitiveness.
Racial diversity is also supposed to bring cultural enrichment, but
what are its real achievements? The culture of ordinary Americans
remains almost completely untouched by the millions of non-white
immigrants who have arrived since 1965. Perhaps they have now heard
of the Cinco de Mayo festival, but even if they live in California or
Texas how many Americans know that it commemorates a Mexican
military victory against the French?
Immigrants do not teach us about Cervantes or Borges or Lady
Murasaki and it would be silly to think they did. Chinese stowaways do
not arrive with a curator’s knowledge of Ming ceramics and copies of
the Tao-te Ching in their pockets. The one cultural artifact immigrants
bring with them is their language—which increasingly becomes an
Americanized farrago that would astonish their countrymen—but the
so-called “culture” of immigrant settlements is a tangle of peasant
folkways, Coca-Cola, food stamps, T-shirts with writing on them, and
High culture and world history cross borders by themselves. Who in
America first learned of Tchaikovsky or the Mayans from an
immigrant? Nearly every good-sized American city has an opera
company but it is not necessary to have a large Italian community in
order to stage Verdi or Puccini.
What, in the way of authentic culture have Miami’s dwindling non-
Hispanic whites gained from the fact that the city is now nearly 70
percent Hispanic? Are the art galleries, concerts, museums, and
literature of Los Angeles improved by the fact that its population is
now nearly half Hispanic? How has the culture of Washington, D.C. or
Detroit been enriched by majority-black populations? If immigration
and diversity bring cultural enrichment, why is it that the
neighborhoods now being the most intensively enriched are the places
where whites least want to live? Like the trade argument, the “cultural
enrichment” argument collapses with a pinprick.
It is true that since 1965 more American school children have
begun to study Spanish, but fewer now study French, German, or Latin.
How is this an improvement? People can, of course, study any language
they want without filling the country with immigrants. Virtually all
Norwegians speak excellent English, but the country is not swarming
with Englishmen.
Any discussion of the real advantages of ethnic diversity usually
manages to establish only one benefit people really care about: good
ethnic restaurants. Still, probably not even William Clinton would
claim that getting an authentic Thai restaurant in every city is a major
national objective.

Public Services
At a different level, it is now taken for granted that public services
like fire and police departments should employ people of different
races. The theory is that it is better to have black or Hispanic officers
patrolling black or Hispanic neighborhoods. Here do we not have an
example of one of diversity’s benefits?
On the contrary, this is merely the first proof that diversity is a
difficult burden. If all across America it has been demonstrated that
whites cannot police non-whites or put out their fires it only shows how
divisive diversity really is. The racial mix of a police force—touted as
one of the wonders of diversity—becomes necessary only because
officers of one race and citizens of another are unable to work together.
The diversity that is claimed as a triumph is necessary only because
diversity does not work.
The same is true of every other effort to diversify public services. If
Hispanic judges and prosecutors must be recruited for the justice
system it means whites are incapable of dispassionate justice. If non-
white teachers are necessary “role models” for non-white children it
means that inspiration cannot cross racial lines. If newspapers must
hire non-white reporters in order to satisfy non-white readers it means
people cannot write acceptable news for people of other races. If blacks
demand black television newscasters and weathermen, it means they
want to get information from their own people. If majority-minority
voting districts must be set up so that non-whites can elect
representatives of their own race, it means elections are nothing more
than a racial headcount. All such efforts at diversity are not expressions
of the inherent strength of multiracialism; they are admissions that it is
a source of tension, hostility, and weakness.
Just as the advantages of diversity disappear upon examination, its
disadvantages are many and obvious. Once a fire department or police
force has been diversified to match the surrounding community, does it
work better? Not if we are to judge from the never-ending racial
wrangles over promotions, class-action bias law suits, reverse
discrimination cases, acrimony over quotas and affirmative action, and
the proliferation of racially exclusive professional organizations. Every
good-sized police department in the country has a black officers’
association devoted to explicit, racially competitive objectives. In large
cities, there are associations for Asian, Hispanic, and even white
Many government agencies and private companies hire professional
“diversity managers” to help handle mixed work forces. This is a new
profession, which did not exist before the idea that diversity is a
strength. Most of it boils down to trying to bridge the gaps between
people who do not understand each other, but since it concerns subjects
about which management is afraid to ask too many questions, some of
it is pure snake oil.
Maria Riefler has trained Nestlé, Walt Disney, Chrysler and
Chevron. She likes to divide employees into groups that represent the
body and the “triune brain.” This is supposed to help them understand
how “stereotypes are hidden deep within the primitive part of
It is a very peculiar “strength” that requires the constant attention
of experts and other buncombe artists. Like hiring black police officers
to patrol black neighborhoods, “diversity training” is an admission that
a mixed work force is a liability.
This is the merest common sense; it is hard to get dissimilar people
to work together. Indeed, a large-scale survey called the National Study
of the Changing Work force found that more than half of all workers
said they preferred to work with people who were not only the same
race as themselves, but were the same sex and had the same level of
education. Even more probably felt that way but were afraid to say so.
These days there is much chirping about how diversity is going to
improve profits. American companies are hard-headed about profits. A
great deal of research, much of it quantitative, goes into decisions
about product lines, new markets, establishing joint ventures, issuing
stock or moving the head office. If there has been any serious research
showing that “diversity” improves profits it would have been first-page
news long ago. Not even the most desperate data massage seems to
have produced a study that can make such a claim.
Just how big a headache diversity actually is for companies is clear
from the endless stream of news stories about corporate racial
discrimination. In just one month—November 1996—“diversity” made
quite a lot of news. Texaco agreed to spend $176 million on black
victims of company “racism,” and lawyers for the firm that sued
Texaco were getting about ten calls a day from people asking how to
file for discrimination settlements. Just a few days later, 22 former
employees of the nation’s largest printing company, R.R. Donnelley
and Sons, sued over what they claimed was $500 million worth of
In the same month, both the US State Department and the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms settled multi-million dollar class
action discrimination suits brought by blacks. Likewise in November,
three blacks brought a class action suit against an Avis Rent-A-Car
franchise with outlets in North and South Carolina, claiming they had
been turned away because of race. Within the month, the owner of Avis
said it would break its contract with the franchisee, and hired a law
firm to check up on other Avis operators. Every one of these cases,
which are expensive, time-consuming, and emotionally damaging, is a
consequence of racial diversity—and these were just the cases that
made the news.
It would be edifying to count the number of public and private
organizations that exist in the United States only because of its diverse
population, and that are not needed in places like Japan or Norway. The
US Civil Rights Commission, Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, Office of Federal Contract Compliance, the Justice
Department’s Civil Rights Division, and every state and local
equivalent of these offices exist only because of racial diversity. Every
government office, every university, every large corporation, and every
military installation has employees working full-time on affirmative
action, discrimination claims, and other “diversity” issues.
Countless outreach programs, reconciliation commissions, blue-
ribbon panels, and mayoral commissions fret professionally about race
every day. Not one of these would be necessary in a nation of a single
race. There must be tens of thousands of Americans consuming
hundreds of millions of dollars every year enforcing, adjusting, tuning,
regulating, and talking pure nonsense about the racial diversity that is
supposed to be our strength.
Indeed, Tom McClintock, a former candidate for controller of the
state of California estimated that before the 1996 state ballot initiative
was approved to abolish racial preferences, the annual cost just to
administer California’s affirmative action programs was from $343
million to $677 million. This figure did not include the cost of private
preference programs or the cost of state and local anti-discrimination
machinery, none of which was affected by the 1996 measure.
If diversity were a strength people would practice it spontaneously.
It wouldn’t require constant cheer-leading or expensive lawsuits. If
diversity were enriching, people would seek it out. It is in private
gatherings not governed by some kind of “civil-rights” law that
Americans show just how much strength and enrichment they find in
diversity. Such gatherings are usually the very opposite of diverse.

Other Races
Generally speaking, whatever timid opposition to diversity that ever
arises is characterized as the whining of resentful, ignorant whites.
Non-whites are thought to have a better appreciation of the importance
of inclusiveness. This is just so much more nonsense. Now that
immigration has added Hispanics and Asians to the traditional black-
white racial mix, fault lines are forming in all directions.
Though we are told over and over that it is ignorance and lack of
contact that cause antipathy, it is groups that have the most contact that
most dislike each other. This is why “outreach” and “bridge building”
do not work, as even the New York Times unintentionally revealed in a
June 18, 1990 headline: “Ethnic Feuding Divides Parade for Harmony.”
The idea that hostility is cured through contact is now enshrined as
part of the diversity myth. George Orwell noted the opposite in his
essay, England Your England:
“During the war of 1914–1918 the English working class were in
contact with foreigners to an extent that is rarely possible. The sole
result was that they brought back a hatred of all Europeans, except the
Germans, whose courage they admired.”
In America one need not go overseas to have contact with
foreigners. What has been the result? In Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit,
and New York City, blacks have tried to drive Korean merchants out of
their neighborhoods. They firebomb stores, assault shopkeepers, and
mount boycotts against “people who don’t look like us.” In Los
Angeles, relations were so bad that in 1986 a Black-Korean Alliance
was formed to reduce tensions. It staggered on uselessly until late 1992,
when it was dissolved in mutual recrimination and accusations. The
more blacks and Koreans talked to each other the angrier they got.
There are now schools and school districts completely dominated
by blacks and Hispanics, which have race wars involving no whites at
all. Some examples? Locke High School in Los Angeles is almost
exactly half-black and half-Hispanic. In February 1996, 50 police
officers had to be called in to break up a pitched battle involving
hundreds of students. After order was finally restored and school
dismissed, police in riot gear had to keep students from rejoining battle
in the streets. What touched off the battle? Hispanics were annoyed—
certainly not “enriched”—by the February observances of Black
History Month.
A similar incident took place at Los Angeles’ North Hollywood
High School, when it took police in riot gear to calm a melee that
started when an estimated 200 to 700 black and Hispanic students
pitched into each other. The spark was reportedly a clash over what
kind of music to play at the homecoming dance, neither side having felt
particularly “inclusive.”
Norman Thomas High School is located at Park Avenue and 33rd
Street in Manhattan. In 1992, tension between blacks and Hispanics
erupted into a free-for-all involving both boys and girls. “The only
thing people cared about was skin color,” explained one 16-year-old.
The New York City Board of Education has “rapid mobilization
guards” for just such emergencies.
Farragut High School in Chicago is two-thirds Hispanic and one-
third black. Recently, racial tension built up to what the principal called
“total polarization,” and it became dangerous to let students mix
without police supervision. At the height of the tension, extracurricular
activities were canceled for 30 days and the school’s homecoming
football game had to be played without a single student in the stands,
for fear they would attack each other.
In Huntsville, Texas, Hispanic students say they need to arm
themselves against violent blacks. In Dallas, Hispanic parents say their
children are afraid to go to school for fear of attacks by blacks.
Tensions of this kind are usually reported only in local newspapers, and
are probably quite widespread.
There is the same racial animosity in jails. Guards keep some cell
blocks in a near-constant state of lock-down because blacks and
Hispanics kill each other if they are allowed to mingle. Life in prison is
more intensely integrated than anywhere else in the country. If
diversity is such a good thing why is racial segregation always one of
the top demands when prisoners list their grievances?
Of course, high-school fistfights and jailhouse brawls are nothing
compared to what can happen when diversity really goes wrong. In the
summer of 1967, 83 people were killed and nearly 2,000 injured when
blacks rioted all across the country. The National Guard had to be
called out to stop violence in Tampa, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Newark,
northern New Jersey, and Detroit.
Nor are race riots a relic from the 1960s. The single worst outbreak
in the nation’s history was in Los Angeles in 1992, when rioters killed
58 people and injured more than 2,300. They also burned 5,300
buildings, causing nearly a billion dollars in damage. There was
smaller-scale violence—all of it directed at whites—in Atlanta, Las
Vegas, New York City, and Richmond and San Jose, California.
The Los Angeles riots showed that Hispanics can behave as badly as
blacks. Although the grievance was ostensibly about a miscarriage of
justice for the black criminal, Rodney King, more than half of the
15,000 people arrested for looting were Hispanic.
“Diversity” can pit one set of Hispanics against another. Puerto
Ricans in Miami have rioted, claiming to have been excluded by the
city’s Cuban power structure. “Cubans get everything; we get nothing,”
explained one rioter. The greater the diversity, the more varied the
possibilities for disaffection and violence.
There has been a Sahara of hot air about why blacks riot, with the
official pronouncement on reasons dating back to the Kerner
Commission Report of 1968: “[T]he most fundamental is the racial
attitude and behavior of white Americans toward black Americans.”
Whatever one may think of this finding, there is one conclusion no one
can deny: Race riots cannot happen without racial diversity.
An occasional glance at a newspaper is all it takes to learn that
diversity of the kind that is supposed to benefit the United States is a
problem wherever it is found. Every large-scale and intractable blood-
letting, be it in the Middle East, Ireland, Burundi, or the former
Yugoslavia is due to “diversity,” that is to say, people who differ from
each other trying to live in the same territory.
Most of the time, the reasons for discord are not even as salient as
race. They can be religion, language, or ethnicity. From time to time,
Americans have fought each other for these reasons, but race is the
deepest, most constant source of antipathy. Unlike language or religion,
race cannot change. Differences between men that are written into their
bodies will always be a source of friction.

The Diversity Double Standard

Diversity, of course, is only for whites. Wherever only whites
gather charges of “racism” cannot be long in coming. On the other
hand, it would be tedious to list the racially exclusive non-white
gatherings the country takes for granted. Shule Mandela Academy in
East Palo Alto, California, is only a little more outspoken than most
when its students meet every morning and pledge to “think black, act
black, speak black, buy black, pray black, love black, and live black.”
The same racial double standard is found in national policies. It is
only white nations—Canada, the United States, and Australia—that
permit large-scale immigration. Non-white nations are careful to
maintain racial and cultural homogeneity and most permit essentially
no immigration at all.
Some nations, of course, could attract no immigrants even if they
wanted to; there is not much pressure on the borders of Bolivia or
Uganda. However, as soon as Third World countries become even only
a little bit more prosperous than their neighbors they quickly become
keen to keep strangers out. Malaysia, for example, recently announced
that in the case of repeat offenders, it will flog illegal aliens, their
employers, and anyone who smuggles them into the country. The Ivory
Coast, which is better-run and more successful than its West African
neighbors, has launched an Ivoirité (Ivorian-ness) campaign to expel all
residents who cannot prove that their grandparents were born within the
national territory.
Even nations that are unattractive to immigrants sometimes display
their feelings about diversity by expelling the few aliens who arrived in
the past. Idi Amin became ruler of Uganda in 1971. The very next year,
his government expelled the 70,000 to 80,000 Indians and Pakistanis
whom the British had brought in to be merchants. Black Ugandans, who
did not like dealing with people unlike themselves, were delighted.
Hundreds of thousands of poor Mexicans sneak into the United
States every year, but even Mexico is attractive to some Central
Americans, whose countries are poorer still. Mexico guards its southern
border with military troops, and is ruthless about expelling illegals. Not
even United States citizens have an easy time moving to Mexico, which
has no intention of diluting its national culture in the name of diversity.
Only whites talk about the advantages of diversity at their own
expense. One of the alleged advantages is so nutty, it is hard to believe
it can be proposed by people capable of human speech, but since we are
shooting fish in a barrel why not fire a final round? We are told that
since whites are a minority of the world population (they are about 15
percent of the total), they should happily reconcile themselves to
minority status in America, that such a status will be good training for
life on an ever-shrinking planet.
Of course, in a world-wide context, every human group is a
minority. There are many more of everyone else than there are
Hispanics or Africans, for example. Does this mean that Mexicans and
Nigerians, too, should strive to become minorities in Mexico and
Nigeria? Like so much that is said about race or immigration, this idea
falls to pieces as soon as it is applied to anyone but whites.
It is only whites who have ever attempted to believe that race is a
trivial matter, so it is only whites who think it may be “racist” to
preserve their people and culture. Having decided to deny the findings
of biology, the traditions of their ancestors, and the evidence of their
senses, they have denied to themselves any moral basis for keeping out
aliens. They have set in motion forces that will eventually destroy
E. Raymond Hall, professor of biology at the University of Kansas,
is the author of the definitive work on American wildlife, Mammals of
North America. He states as a biological law that, “two subspecies of
the same species do not occur in the same geographic area.” (emphasis
in the original) Human races are biological subspecies, and Prof. Hall
writes specifically that this law applies to humans just as it does to
other mammals: “To imagine one subspecies of man living together on
equal terms for long with another subspecies is but wishful thinking
and leads only to disaster and oblivion for one or the other.”
Human nature is part of animal nature. Racial diversity, which is
promoted only at the expense of whites, is nothing more than unilateral
disarmament in a dangerous world. If current population movements
continue, and if the thinking of whites remains unchanged, there will be
little doubt as to which group’s fate will be the “disaster and oblivion”
Prof. Hall so confidently predicts.
This article appeared in the July-August 1997 issue.

1. According to the US Census Bureau, non-Hispanic whites made
up just 46.7 percent of the population of California in 2000.
Life Along the Fault Line
Elijah Anderson, Street Wise: Race, Class, and Change in an
Urban Community, University of Chicago Press, 1990, 279 pp.
(paperback), $11.95

reviewed by Thomas Jackson

Despite the official lip service Americans pay to racial integration,

most whites live far away from underclass blacks and are glad they do.
However, in a multiracial society, some whites will, inevitably live
along the racial fault lines. Even middle-class whites sometimes live
close to the ghetto and share parks and sidewalks with underclass
blacks. How does this change the texture of life?
Street Wise , a fascinating account of just how powerfully race
affects city life, is the result of more than ten years of careful
observation of how the races deal with each other. The author of this
remarkable study, Professor Elijah Anderson of the University of
Pennsylvania, is black. He moves freely among whites but can also
study an underclass world that is off limits to whites. He holds a
conventional, liberal view of American race relations, but he faithfully
reports what he finds, even when it contradicts that view.
Prof. Anderson never mentions the name of the city he studied, but
it is probably Philadelphia. He writes mainly about a part of town,
which he calls the Village, which was rediscovered by whites in the
1960s and is slowly becoming gentrified. Along with the attractions of
its gracious old houses and convenience to the city center, the Village
has a serious drawback that keeps gentrification in check: It borders on
a black slum, which Prof. Anderson calls Northton.
In the 1950s, Northton was a well-kept, black working-class
neighborhood, in which illegitimacy and welfare were thought to be
deeply shameful. However, when housing in the suburbs became
available to successful blacks they fled Northton and it is now home to
all the underclass failings of crime, poverty, illegitimacy, welfare, and
drugs. The working-class blacks who still live in Northton despise the
underclass, though they do not use that term; instead, they talk about
“street niggers,” “lowlifes,” and “pipers” (people who smoke crack

Welfare and Illegitimacy

The underclass thrives amidst welfare and illegitimacy. As Prof.
Anderson explains, the young men of Northton take pride in fathering
babies by different mothers and in doing nothing to support them.
Sexual conquest and the deceit it requires are central to their lives, and
the more blatantly they can exploit women the higher their status
among other men. Marriage is the ultimate defeat. As Prof. Anderson
writes, “If he [a young black] admits paternity and ‘does right’ by the
girl, his peer group likely will label him a chump, a square, or a fool.”
The young women long for marriage but console themselves with
babies, and there is much rejoicing over a new-born child no matter
how desperate the mother’s circumstances. Teenage girls treat their
babies like dolls, to be clothed as expensively as possible and paraded
around the community. Mothers gain status if they have good-looking,
light-skinned babies that other girls admire.
However, once a child is no longer a cute toddler, the mother is
likely to lose interest in it and have another doll-baby to clothe and
exhibit. Consequently, as soon as they are old enough to run, many
children in Northton grow up with virtually no adult supervision.
Occasionally, if a woman can prove paternity she will sue the father
for support. This is called “getting papers” on a man, or “going
downtown on him,” and makes sense only if the man has a real job. A
man may therefore avoid work because he knows how many women
would “go downtown” on him and how little would be left of his
For both men and women in Northton, a baby and the welfare
income it brings are economic staples. On “mother’s day,” when the
checks arrive, fathers appear and try to share the temporary wealth. As
Prof. Anderson explains, “In cold economic terms a baby can be an
asset…. [W]omen receive money from welfare for having babies, and
men sometimes act as prostitutes to pry the money from them.”
Welfare is what fuels this vicious cycle of reckless procreation, but
Prof. Anderson refrains from criticizing it.
Crack cocaine has had an appalling effect on Northton. People lie
about in filth on the floors of crack houses smoking pipes and jabbing
themselves with needles. Neighbors line up with television sets,
stereos, food stamps, and anything else drug dealers accept in exchange
for drugs. Women may wear no underwear so they can have quick sex
in exchange for money or crack. These emaciated, glassy-eyed “crack
whores,” are universal objects of contempt, and drug dealers take pride
in having dragged them down. They joke about stuck-up girls who
refused them sex in high school but who are “now doing everything in
the book.”

The Color of Crime

Along with the drugs has come a huge crime wave and crime has a
distinctive face. Everyone in Northton and in the Village—black and
white, young and old—is afraid of young black men. They are a hostile,
unpredictable element and their presence in a public place always
means potential danger. Even young blacks recognize the menace. This
is how one describes how he acts in the street:
“I watch my back. I observe everything, look in the bushes…. I
never cross the street when I see dudes [other black men] coming….
When you cross the street, that means you’re scared or you can’t
fight…. If someone bump into me on purpose, I keep on rollin’.”
Just as Arabs did in uninhabited deserts and Medieval men-at-arms
did in periods of lawlessness, young blacks have developed a set of
greetings that are used to gauge hostile intent. At night, there is
something like the military’s “rules of engagement” that governs
chance encounters with unknown blacks. It is important not to approach
too quickly or come too close, or appear to be following someone, etc.
Even the author, much as he decries “racial stereotyping,” describes the
elaborate avoidance procedure he used when he found himself alone in
the street at 3:00 a.m. with an unknown black.
Black women in Northton structure their lives around fear of crime.
If they buy a new appliance, they do it in secret. They may then cut up
the cardboard box it came in and put it out with the garbage piece by
piece. This way no one will see the box and think there is something in
the house worth stealing.
Other women deliberately ingratiate themselves with teen-age
neighbors by baking cakes for them or giving them candy. They wear
their purses under their coats and wear no jewelry. If they are
approached by a group of young blacks they will pretend to know some
of them, and greet them with shouts of “Have you seen your sister?” or
“How’s Bea?”
Ploys like this do not work for white women, who are helpless prey.
Young blacks know very well how much fear they inspire and
sometimes feign an assault only to laugh uproariously when whites
cower in terror. Some whites carry “mugger’s money” so they will have
at least a few dollars to give up; thugs who find no money on their
victims have been known to thrash them.
When it comes to street encounters between whites and blacks,
explains Prof. Anderson, “blacks have the upper hand.” They know
whites will run rather than fight. Blacks have the reputation of being
willing to kill a man if provoked, so they can always make a white back
down. As a result, says Prof. Anderson, “the white male is not taken
seriously on the streets….”
Since whites are weak and despised, many young blacks taunt and
insult then when they meet whites in public. One generalized insult to
all whites is to walk down the sidewalk with a boom box blaring loud
rap music. It is a way for blacks to claim the entire area within earshot
as their turf. In the Village, impotent whites submit to this humiliation
whereas if anyone walks though Northton making a noise, locals are
likely to beat him up and break his radio.
Whites are the best targets for robbery, since a black runs little risk
of resistance or injury if he assaults one. Interestingly, the only thing
that changes the balance of power between black and white is a dog.
Almost all blacks are reportedly afraid of dogs and give a white with a
dog the right-of-way. As Prof. Anderson says:
“In the working-class black subculture, ‘dogs’ does not mean ‘dogs
in the house,’ but usually connotes dogs tied up outside, guarding the
backyard, biting trespassers bent on trouble…. When they [working-
class blacks] see a white adult on his knees kissing a dog, the sight may
turn their stomachs—one more piece of evidence attesting to the
peculiarities of their white neighbors.”
In both the Village and in Northton, it is taken for granted that
danger and hostility are one-way streets. As a black explains to Prof.
Anderson, he could take an apartment in the Village and no white
would trouble him, but a white who strays into Northton on a Saturday
night is clearly in danger.
Prof. Anderson points out that many Northton blacks are ashamed
of the reputation they have earned among whites. Some young men who
understand why whites fear them, may go out of their ways to be polite
to whites during chance encounters, and even explain that they are “not
like that.”

“Blaming the Victim”

Working blacks, who still believe in honesty and diligence, are
more openly contemptuous and unforgiving of underclass blacks than
whites are. To Prof. Anderson’s chagrin, they are perfectly willing to
“blame the victim”: “[T]here are a lot o’ guys out there who just don’t
wanta work….” says one man; “There’s a different kind of black man
today.” A retired black tells him, “I’m getting like some of the white
folks do. I don’t want to be bothered with some of us neither.”
Whites in the Village struggle against “racism” and recount their
own muggings in earnestly race-neutral terms. Nevertheless, they learn
to stay off the streets not just at night but also in the afternoon when the
high school lets out. They learn elaborate evasion routines to avoid
walking past young blacks. They put bars on their windows and buy
expensive burglar alarms. Prof. Anderson finds that the new generation
of yuppies is less forgiving, less “sensitive” about race, but older
whites still talk about the benefits of diversity and wonder why they do
not have more black friends.
Prof. Anderson concludes his book with a homily on how crime and
racial hostility will get worse unless the government spends more
money, but his heart does not seem to be in it. Elsewhere, he sums up
the problem in the following house-that-Jack-built manner:
“The yuppie who is mugged and the [black] kid who does it; the old
head [hard-working, older black man] who loses the respect of the kid,
who impregnates the teenage girl, who goes on welfare, which raises
taxes, which drives out local companies, which causes unemployment,
which causes homelessness, which causes crime, which depresses
property values and drives out middle-class residents….”
The whole dismal cycle begins with the young black who mugs the
yuppie and makes the teenager pregnant. Government wrote the welfare
check that helped bring the young black into the world in the first
place. Government spending will not reform him.
This article appeared in the February 1993 issue.
White Might, Black Fright
Patricia Turner, I Heard it Through the Grapevine: Rumor in
African-American Culture, University of California Press, 1993,
260 pp., $25.00

reviewed by Thomas Jackson

Few whites are aware of the nonsense that circulates about them
among blacks. Ever since the days of the slave trade, when Africans
were convinced that whites planned to eat them, to the present, when
more than half of all blacks think that illegal drugs may be part of a
genocidal plot, blacks have believed all manner of things about whites.
Patricia Turner, a black associate professor at the University of
California at Davis, has looked into today’s anti-white rumors and tries
to explain why blacks—even successful, college-educated blacks—
believe them. She says they naturally expect the worst from whites
because American society is so hopelessly racist that virtually any sort
of white wickedness is plausible. Her book is therefore not just a study
of credulity but also an exercise in it.

The Almighty Klan

One of the most persistent themes in the world of black rumors is
the fearsome powers of the Ku Klux Klan. For example, during the
1980s and even up to the present, many blacks firmly believed that the
Church’s Fried Chicken fast food chain was owned by the Klan and that
its food was doctored to sterilize black men. In 1984, a congressman
actually had the FDA conduct mass spectrometry and gas
chromatography tests on Church’s chicken to see what was in it.
Naturally, the FDA found nothing suspicious, but these results did not
satisfy “the folk,” as Prof. Turner often calls blacks. Some of her
informants explained that the Klan would have had no trouble
persuading the FDA to lie about the tests.
Another recent Klan enterprise is said to have been the Troop Sport
clothing company, which was founded in 1985 and sold 95 percent of
its clothes to blacks and Hispanics. The Troop name reportedly stood
for “To Rule Over Oppressed People,” and the linings of shoes and
jackets were supposed to contain messages like “Thank you, nigger, for
making us rich.” Some young blacks who wore Troop clothes despite
the rumor and subsequent boycott were attacked as traitors by other
Troop spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to fight the
rumor. It hired the black singing group Gladys Night and the Pips to
improve its image and posted anti-Klan posters in stores. The campaign
failed and Troop went bankrupt, though the company denied that the
boycott was the cause.
Prof. Turner tells us that the most recent alleged Klan front has
been the Brooklyn Bottling Company, which sells a soda called
Tropical Fantasy. Like Church’s chicken, the soda was said to be laced
with a drug that would sterilize black men. There is no odorless,
tasteless substance that sterilizes anyone, much less only black men,
but the FDA duly trotted out its mass spectrometers and cleared
Tropical Fantasy. The rumor was unaffected and caused serious losses
for Brooklyn Bottling. It also provoked violence; blacks attacked
delivery trucks and roughed up storekeepers who stocked Tropical
“The folk” credit the Klan with other achievements. It is said to
have killed John Kennedy and to be deeply involved in the tobacco
business. The eponymous founders of Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds
are both said to have been important Klan members (despite the fact
that Philip Morris was British), and Kool menthol cigarettes are suspect
because of the brand’s ominous spelling.
The Klan is likewise thought to have killed Martin Luther King,
though the government may have helped. As one informant said, “I
heard it was the FBI or the KKK—one of those groups.” Prof. Turner
notes that for many of “the folk,” there is no real difference between
the two.

Genocidal Government
If the Klan has fearsome powers, those of the United States
government are more fearsome still. As noted earlier, more than half of
all blacks are either convinced that the government supplies illegal
drugs to blacks or that it might well be doing so. Many blacks think it
was Ronald Reagan who started spreading guns and crack cocaine in
black neighborhoods out of a deep-seated hatred for blacks.
One reason many of Prof. Turner’s informants give for believing
the government is spreading illegal drugs is their complete confidence
in its ability to keep them out of the country. Since there are drugs in
America it must mean that the government lets them in so that blacks
will take them and kill each other.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), was said to be behind the
Atlanta child murders of the late 1970s and early 1980s. During that
period 28 young blacks were killed before a black was finally convicted
of the crimes. Even today, the conviction is commonly thought to have
been a frame-up. The CDC employed the FBI to do the killings,
because an essential ingredient for the manufacture of wonder drugs
could be obtained only by extracting it from the sex organs of young
blacks. The comedian Dick Gregory helped promote this rumor.
Many blacks, including the actor Bill Cosby, also believe that AIDS
was invented by the government in order to kill blacks. Prof. Turner
herself isn’t quite sure what to believe. She finds it ominous that when
government agencies deny that they invented the virus they argue that
bio-engineering is too primitive for that. She hints darkly that this may
mean that the government might just spread deadly diseases among
blacks if only it knew how.
Suspicions about drugs and AIDS are so widespread and so
ridiculous that they have broken into the news but there are always
other rumors on the go among “the folk” that whites rarely hear.
The Reebok shoe company funnels its profits to South Africa to
prop up apartheid. Whites adopt Latin American babies to kill them and
harvest their organs for transplants. George Bush started the Gulf War
because there are so many blacks in the military. Colonel Sanders stole
his Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe from a black cook who worked for
his parents. The offices of Planned Parenthood are located in black
neighborhoods to keep blacks from reproducing. The police
deliberately let the Los Angeles riots get out of hand so that blacks and
Hispanics would look bad on television. Clothing designer Liz
Claiborne said on the Oprah Winfrey television program that she didn’t
like to see black people wearing her clothes. Miss Claiborne has never
been on that program, but many blacks threw out their Liz Claiborne
dresses. Whites are always up to some kind of mischief.

Why do blacks believe this nonsense? Whites usually look for a
rational explanation. When a company is said to be trying to sterilize
blacks, its officers suspect that a competitor is trying to do them down.
When the government is accused of wanting to kill blacks, the CIA and
the United States Information Agency go looking for Communist
Prof. Turner is probably right to argue that this sort of thinking is a
waste of time. “The folk” are sufficiently credulous and sufficiently ill-
disposed towards whites to cook up and swallow rumors without much
outside help. Prof. Turner does not quite put it this way. She says that
whites have been and continue to be so implacably racist that any kind
of anti-black evil is plausible even if scientifically impossible.
The first part of her book is therefore full of ancient Klan atrocities
that are supposed to justify today’s delusions, and the rest is sprinkled
with the usual assumptions about contemporary white wickedness:
random blacks are often beaten up while the police look the other way,
television promotes anti-black stereotypes, the government is hostile to
blacks, whites won’t hire blacks, the police persecute blacks, etc. In
Prof. Turner’s world, affirmative action does not exist and it is always
necessary to assume whites are racists.
Her assumptions about sex take us deeper still into the world of
black delusion. For example, we learn that the early Ku Klux Klan was
primarily motivated by a sense of sexual inferiority coupled with latent
homosexual desires for black men. Southern whites called blacks “boy”
in unconscious acknowledgment of their Ganymede attractions, and
lynched them because of this unbearable, suppressed homosexual lust.
We also learn that Ku Kluxers stuffed wads of paper down their pants
before they went calling on blacks so as not to appear insufficiently
Current anti-white rumors, Prof. Turner repeatedly points out, are
filled with sexual elements: the KKK is trying to sterilize blacks, AIDS
will exterminate blacks because it is sexually transmitted, white
doctors need to extract something from black sex organs, etc. She stops
just short of saying that all this is evidence of sexual obsessiveness on
the part of whites.
Prof. Turner cannot bring herself to admit that black beliefs are
aberrant or deplorable. Though she concedes that they may be tough on
innocent companies that are smeared, she thinks goofy rumors are good
for blacks. For her, rumors are “tools of resistance” because the
catharsis of naming oppressors—such as the Klan and the FBI—gives
blacks “a sense of power” and “contributes to an atmosphere of
communal problem-solving.” “Sharing the rumor and joining the
boycott,” says Prof. Turner, “enables individuals to perceive
themselves as powerful.” What must Prof. Turner think of blacks if she
really believes that swallowing preposterous nonsense “contributes to
an atmosphere of communal problem-solving”?
The truth about these rumors is more stark and unpleasant than
Prof. Turner seems to think. If today’s blacks think their government is
trying to kill them or that the KKK can tell the FDA what to put into a
report, they will believe anything. Of course, foreign correspondents in
Africa stagger back to civilization with reports more amazing than
these: sorcerers who can steal a man’s genitals with a handshake,
religious fanatics who believe they can walk on water—and then drown
en masse, witches who call down lightning and must therefore be
burned to death. Africans are champions of credulity, ripe for rumor,
superstition, and nonsense.
Another element in these rumors that escapes Prof. Turner’s notice
is the implied omnipotence of the white man. Whites could stop illegal
drugs if they wanted, or invent viruses, or sterilize black men, or
prevent riots, or just about anything else. “The folk,” on the other hand,
are dolts who, with a little coaxing, can be made to buy shoes, eat fried
chicken, take drugs, shoot each other, and get AIDS. This is powerful
commentary on how blacks see themselves.
Finally, a message that whites ignore at their peril is the
implication of what blacks would want to do to a minority in their
midst. Do not their delusions of genocide reflect their own desires and
fantasies? Whether it be Idi Amin’s massacres or South African
necklacings or corpses by the truckload in Burundi, Africans often
make short and bloody work of their tribal enemies.
Much as she tries to blame “the folk’s” fantastic beliefs on white
racism, Prof. Turner unwittingly points to the depths from which they
This article appeared in the February 1994 issue.
Pushing Out Whitey

by Joseph E. Fallon

Hispanics, as we are so frequently reminded, are the fastest-growing

minority group in America. At just under 12 percent of the population,
they are poised to overtake blacks, and massive immigration of
Hispanics is the main reason whites are projected to become a minority
sometime in the middle of the new century. There are now some 32
million Hispanics in the country, and the figure could more than triple
to 98 million and 24 percent of the population in 50 years. Who are
these people, what do they want, and who speaks in their name?
The four main Hispanic-interests pressure groups are the League of
United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the Mexican American
Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), the National Council of
La Raza (La Raza), and the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán
(MEChA). They have different histories and go about their work in
different ways, but they are essentially united in their objectives. They
promote the agenda of a racially- and ethnically-conscious group,
largely composed of immigrants, whose interests frequently conflict
with those of the majority. Indeed, these groups exist precisely because
of these conflicts, and it is at those points on which Hispanic and
American interests are most at odds that the groups are most active.
There are several general issues on which all Hispanic
organizations agree. They want more immigration of their own people
to the United States. They want as many government benefits as
possible for non-citizens, whether in the country legally or not. They
want to stop deportation of illegal aliens as a prelude to full amnesty.
They want to spread the rights of American citizenship—some would
include even the right to vote—to non-citizens. They want official
recognition of their own culture, language, and national holidays, and
as much public money as possible to promote them. To this end they
want public school instruction and all government services in Spanish.
They want place and street names, public monuments, and official
observances to commemorate their history and their culture. They want
recognition of Spanish as at least co-equal with English, and they
support Spanish as the official language in areas in which Hispanics
predominate. They want to expand all racial preference programs, and
gear as many as possible to the direct benefit of Hispanics.
In short, Hispanics want the very things they would achieve if they
were able to invade and conquer the United States. Many activists do
not hesitate to describe their goal as reconquista.
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), which is
the oldest and largest of the groups, was established in 1929 in Corpus
Christi, Texas, by the merger of three rival, and often feuding,
Mexican-Texan organizations: The Order Sons of American [sic], the
Knights of America, and the League of Latin American Citizens.
Until the 1950s, LULAC was a middle-class, patriotic citizens’
organization with an agenda of traditional “Americanism”—Mexican-
Americans must learn English and assimilate to “Anglo” culture. It
stressed an American rather than Mexican identity, and an integral part
of its work was promotion of US citizenship and loyalty to the United
States. LULAC rejected the idea that the American Southwest should
be returned to Mexico, and opposed establishment of Spanish-language
enclaves. Because illegal aliens from Mexico were violating US laws
and lowering wages for Mexican-Americans, LULAC endorsed
immigration control and supported President Eisenhower’s “Operation
Wetback,” which sent one million illegals back to Mexico.
By the 1950s, LULAC had discovered litigation, and in 1954 it took
to the US Supreme Court Hernandez v. Texas , the first “Hispanic” civil
rights case. The Court overturned the murder conviction of a Mexican-
American in Jackson County, Texas, on grounds that the composition
of the jury was unconstitutional. Although Mexicans were 14 percent of
the county, none had served on a jury for 25 years. LULAC argued that
the absence of Mexicans on the jury violated the convicted murderer’s
14th Amendment rights. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote that “persons
of Mexican descent were a distinct class”—neither black nor white—
and had to be an explicit part of the judicial process.
This victory spelled the beginning of the end for the original
LULAC. No longer were Mexicans trying to be like Anglos; they were
a separate class with separate goals to be achieved by separate interest
groups. The old shell remains: The official colors of LULAC are still
red, white, and blue; the official logo is still a shield emblazoned with
the stars and stripes bearing the name “LULAC”; “Washington’s
prayer” is still the official league prayer; “America” is still the official
hymn, and members still recite the Pledge of Allegiance before
meetings. But the LULAC that so vigorously championed traditional
“Americanism” is gone. Today, it is an ethnic pressure group that
opposes everything its founders stood for.
While the original LULAC asserted that Mexican-Americans had
no interests other than those of other Americans, today its goal is the
group entitlements clearly spelled out in its Legislative Platform
displayed on its website (
Among its objectives: preferences for Hispanic small businesses;
affirmative action hiring policies “to ensure diversity in all
workplaces”; establishment of “Hispanic Serving Institutions” that
would have “many of the same benefits provided to Historically Black
Colleges and Universities”; more Hispanics at all levels of the federal
government, especially in “key positions in the State Department, the
Foreign Service and the United Nations”; appointment of 60 Hispanic
judges; appointment of a Hispanic as the next Supreme Court justice;
more “Hispanic-oriented programming in TV and print” as well as
more Hispanics in “creative positions” in major media companies.
US citizenship is no longer important to LULAC. “Residents of the
United States” are now eligible for membership, and they don’t have to
be legal residents. US citizenship is no longer a qualification for league
positions, whether elected or appointed.
In 1954, LULAC supported immigration control and mass
deportation of illegal aliens. Today, it opposes both. José Velez, head
of LULAC from 1990 to 1994, has said that the US Border Patrol is
“the enemy of my people and always will be.” Needless to say, LULAC
opposes having the military defend US borders—not even to stop drug
smugglers—because “military personnel are not trained for border
patrolling and might easily violate the civil rights of those they
intervene with.”
In the 1950s, LULAC recognized English as the official language of
the United States. Today, it vigorously opposes any official recognition
of English. In 1996, when the US House of Representatives passed the
“English Language Empowerment Act” declaring English the official
language, the league responded with an “Action Alert” claiming that
“English-only is incredibly divisive because it sends the message that
the culture of language minorities is inferior and illegal. With a
dramatic increase in hate crimes and right wing terrorist attacks in the
United States, the last thing we need is a frivolous bill to fuel the fires
of racism.”
Compared to the multi-million-dollar Hispanic organizations
funded by the Ford Foundation, LULAC is a financial piker. In 1997,
for example, it had revenues of only $250,000, of which $67,000 was
donations. It received $150,000 in membership fees, which does not
exactly square with its claims to have a membership of “approximately
115,000.” That would mean dues of $1.30 a year, whereas annual
membership is $25.00. At that rate, its $150,000 take works out to
6,000 members. At the end of 1997, LULAC had $322,000 in assets,
mostly cash. In its IRS filing it listed only two directors—a president
and treasurer—both unpaid. At the same time and somewhat
mysteriously, it managed to spend $150,000 on salaries and $62,000 on
Every summer LULAC holds a National Convention & Exposition,
which can be a big money-maker. In 1996 it appears to have turned a
profit of more than $1 million. According to its IRS report for the year,
it spent more than $390,000 on conferences and conventions, which
must have been flossy affairs.

Ford Steps In
Ironically, one of the reasons LULAC dropped middle-class
patriotism for the ethnic hustle was that it had to compete with the
more radical Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
(MALDEF) and National Council of La Raza (La Raza)—which were
not popular Hispanic organizations but creatures of the Ford
Perhaps the best book about MALDEF is Importing Revolution:
Open Borders and The Radical Agenda by William R. Hawkins, on
which this account draws heavily. MALDEF’s founder, Peter Tijerina,
was a disaffected LULAC chapter chairman who didn’t think the league
had followed up on Hernandez v. Texas with enough legal activism. He
wanted LULAC to copy the NAACP Legal Defense Fund (NAACP-
LDF), and in 1966, he sent a league member to the NAACP-LDF’s
Chicago convention. On the strength of contacts made at the
convention, Jack Greenberg, president of the NAACP-LDF, arranged
for Mr. Tijerina to meet Bill Pincus, head of the Ford Foundation. Mr.
Pincus agreed to fund a new organization to push Mexican interests
exactly the way the NAACP-LDF pushed black interests. Mr. Tijerina
was MALDEF’s first executive director, and, in 1970, Mario Obledo,
former Texas Attorney General, became General Counsel. The
Foundation then awarded the organization a five-year grant of more
than $2 million.
Ford handled more than just the money. It appointed the executive
director, decided where the headquarters should be, and the type of
legal cases to pursue. At first, MALDEF brought cases about education,
school desegregation, voting rights, job discrimination, composition of
draft boards, and the status of anti-Vietnam war protesters. Ford
thought this wasn’t radical enough. It wanted precedent-setting cases to
go all the way to the Supreme Court for rulings that would change the
country. MALDEF duly redirected much of its efforts towards bilingual
education and immigration.
In one of its most famous cases, MALDEF supported the plaintiffs
i n Lau v. Nichols, in which the Supreme Court required that non-
English speaking students be taught in English or “other adequate
instructional procedures.” MALDEF brilliantly misinterpreted this to
mean education in languages other than English. The fund also sued for
free public education for the children of illegal aliens, and got what it
wanted in the 1982 ruling, Plyer v. Doe. These are perfect examples—
just like Brown v. Board of Education —of clever, foundation-
sponsored lawyers getting the courts to do things no democratically-
elected legislative body would do.
MALDEF cases are exactly the kind one would expect. It fought
California’s Proposition 187 that denied social services to illegals, and
once it was voted in, filed a class-action suit challenging every
provision. It filed suit in 1997 to abolish the requirement that Texas
high school students pass the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills
(TASS), claiming that the “test contributes to the high drop out rates
among Mexican Americans and African Americans.” The fund sued in
California, claiming school textbooks were biased against minorities. A
number of figures associated with MALDEF have demanded that US
citizenship be eliminated as a requirement for voting. The fund
successfully lobbied for the “motor-voter” bill of 1993 that allows
voter registration at welfare offices or when applying for a drivers
license, and discourages states from verifying an applicant’s eligibility
or citizenship. Needless to say, it is now defending racial preferences at
the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
MALDEF opposes securing the Mexican border even to stop the
flow of illegal drugs. When the federal government launched “Joint
Task Force Six” to combat drug smuggling along the border, MALDEF
filed suit to halt the project, arguing that “it would cause irreparable
damage to the human and physical environment in the area.” What does
MALDEF want? According to Mario Obledo, who rose to become head
of the fund, “California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who
does not like it should leave.” In 1998, President Clinton awarded Mr.
Obledo the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
MALDEF gets funding from corporations—AT&T and IBM in
particular—and foundations. For the period 1991–1995, the total
amount of “gifts, grants and contributions” to MALDEF was over $17
million. Between 1996 and 1998, MALDEF received over nine million
dollars from just three foundations: the vast majority—over six million
dollars—from the Ford Foundation; $1,200,000 from the Carnegie
Corporation, and another $1,525,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation.
The fund does not even pretend to be a membership organization. Other
than gifts, its main source of income is settlements and awards of
attorneys’ fees in court cases. In 1995, for example, it collected over
$1.1 million spread over a number of different cases. The largest award
was $299,000 in something called Lopez v. Del Valle.
Another important source of income for MALDEF is fund-raising
dinners, which it holds in places like San Antonio, San Francisco, Los
Angeles, and Chicago. In 1996, the Los Angeles dinner brought in gross
revenues of $306,000 but cheapskates in Chicago came through with
only $135,000.
At the end of 1996, MALDEF had total assets of over $7 million,
most of which was money in the bank. It reported $2.7 million in
securities and another $2.7 million in short-term cash accounts. This
was after it had splashed out $120,000 in salary and benefits to its
president, Antonia Hernandez, and $93,900 to vice president Teresa
Fay-Bustillos. Three other vice presidents—all Hispanics—got just
over $50,000 each. A hired gringo, Al Kauffman, was the Senior
Litigator who ran the legal work. He got $85,000, and his four best-paid
staff lawyers got $50,000 to $60,000.
MALDEF spends some of its money training Hispanic law students
to take over Al’s job. In 1996, Ruth Flores at Columbia Law School got
the Valerie Kantor Memorial Scholarship and Christina Mireles at
Northwestern School of Law got the Helena Rubenstein Scholarship.
Thirteen other Hispanic law students got lesser scholarships; two thirds
of the recipients were women, as are the top two officials at the fund.
MALDEF also wants more Hispanics in the media. As it explains,
because of “the powerful position the media maintains in shaping and
molding the beliefs and attitudes of the general public,” this important
work cannot be left in the hands of gringos. The fund therefore dishes
out $3,000 and $4,000 scholarships to promising young propagandists
who fit the right ethnic profile. In 1996, the fund granted a total of 25
scholarships, all to Hispanics. It is probably safe to assume that
citizenship or even legal residency are not requirements for MALDEF
grants. If there were a similar organization that boasted about giving
scholarships only to whites, MALDEF would file a discrimination suit.
MALDEF is an aggressive, well-funded group designed to advance
explicit racial-ethnic interests at the expense of the white majority.
Ironically, its support comes almost entirely from “Anglo” sources,
without which it would collapse. Ford Foundation and IBM would be
indignant at the idea of an organization that promoted white interests.
Ford’s other raven-haired child is the National Council of La Raza
(“the Race”), which was established originally in 1968 as the Southwest
Council of La Raza. According to its IRS filings La Raza’s purpose is
to “improve life opportunities for Hispanic Americans.” In 1996, its
biggest single expenditure for this purpose was to throw fancy parties.
Every year it has a Congressional Awards Dinner, a national
conference, and an American Latino Media Arts (ALMA) program at
which it gives “Alma” awards. In 1996, these soirées cost no less than
$3.9 million, or more than a quarter of the budget. La Raza says the
hoopla is “designed to communicate the needs and concerns of the
Hispanic community.”
Its other most expensive program is distribution of money to
“Hispanic community-based organizations.” In 1996 it handed out cash
to dozens of groups no one has heard of: $126,000 to El Hogar del
Niño, $9,000 for Chicanos por la Causa, $30,000 to Cabrillo Economic
Development, etc., etc. The boodle added up to $1.3 million, but La
Raza appears to have spent another $2 million just administering the
distribution. La Raza also spent more than $1 million “to improve
education by placing academic concepts and skills in a context familiar
to Hispanics, and forming a network of interactive community-based
Hispanic healthcare providers.” It was no doubt in this latter context
that it carried on its books a $81,000 ten-year loan to a dentist by the
name of Carlos de la Peña.
La Raza operates a Policy Analysis Center, which claims to be “the
pre-eminent Hispanic ‘think tank’,” and uses its findings to lobby for
the usual: affirmative action, bilingual education, mass immigration,
more hate crime laws. In 1996, the pre-eminent Hispanic think tank had
a budget of about $700,000, or less than one fifth the party budget.
On policy, La Raza sings the same Hispanic song. It says increased
immigration control violates civil rights, and that Congress’ 1996
cutback on handouts to immigrants was “a disgrace to American
values.” It wants another amnesty for illegals and is willing to make
threats to get it: “Our elected officials should not be surprised if their
failure to act on reforms of these terribly unjust [immigration] laws is
met with a firm response at the ballot box.”
In 1999, La Raza made a big noise about anti-Hispanic hate crimes,
warning about “a growing pattern of harassment, hate violence, and law
enforcement abuse against Hispanics.” In a report called The
Mainstreaming of Hate, it fussed about such people as Samuel Francis,
“member of a number of hate groups,” and Jared Taylor, who argues
that “the existence of civil rights organizations [like La Raza] require
Whites to organize in self-defense.” The glossy, 50-page report never
mentioned that the FBI lists Hispanics as a hate crime victim category
but not as a perpetrator category; any Hispanic who commits a hate
crime is officially “white.”
La Raza is the richest of the Hispanic organizations, with total
revenue in 1996 of no less than $14 million, of which $8.5 million was
private contributions, $3.2 million was government grants, and $2
million was largely government fees and contracts. In other words, the
US government gives millions of dollars every year to an ethnic
advocacy group that criticizes immigration legislation as “a disgrace to
American values.” The organization makes no pretense of grass-roots
or even Hispanic support, and like MALDEF would disappear if its
gringo patrons came to their senses.
From 1992–1996, La Raza got a total of $38 million in “gifts,
grants and contributions,” and this doesn’t even include millions in
government fees and contracts. Over three years, 1996–1998, La Raza
received over $5 million from just three foundations: the majority—
nearly $4 million—from the Ford Foundation, $850,000 from the
Carnegie Corporation, and another $850,000 from the Rockefeller
Foundation. In 1996, the president of La Raza, Raul Yzaguirre, got over
$180,000 in pay and benefits, and his two senior vice presidents got
$115,000 and $85,000. Four other employees made more than $50,000.
La Raza literally has more money than it knows what to do with. At
the end of 1996 it reported $2.6 million sitting in non-interest-bearing
cash accounts and only $114,000 in securities. It listed total assets of
$7.8 million, of which $3.8 million were grants receivable.
At La Raza, the ethnic hustle is not as tightly focused or subversive
as it is at MALDEF. La Raza likes to throw parties and give money to
Hispanic tenants’ organizations. However, any organization that can
raise $14 million in a single year has the means for serious work.
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA) is the
youngest, most incendiary, and unabashedly anti-white of the four
Hispanic organizations. It is mainly a student group, and its first
chapter was established at UC Santa Barbara in 1969. It now has
chapters of varying size and effectiveness at a number of universities
and high schools. It is not possible to confirm numbers like this but
according to Miguel Carillo, a Chula Vista High School teacher, there
are MEChA chapters at over 90 percent of the high schools in San
Diego and Los Angeles.
In English, the group’s name would be Chicano Student Movement
for Aztlán. “Chicanos” are Mexicans living in America, and “Aztlán” is
the pseudo-Aztec name radicals want to give to the Southwestern part
of the United States after they kick out all the white people and make it
an independent country.
MEChistas, as they call themselves, combine very militant talk
with old-fashioned Communism. Ernesto “Che” Guevara, of all people,
is still one of their big heroes. Miguel Perez of MEChA at Cal State
Northridge has explained that Aztlán would have a government that
would be closer to Communism than anything else and adds, “Non-
Chicanos would have to be expelled … opposition groups would be
quashed because you have to keep the power.”
Rodolfo Acuña is a MEChA advisor and a California State
University professor. He has said that “the [demise] of the Soviet
Union was a tragedy for us” and that “Chicanos have to get a lot more
militant about defending our rights.” At a 1996 MEChA conference
held to condemn California’s Propositions 187 (ending benefits for
illegals) and 209 (ending affirmative action), he said “anyone who’s
supporting 209 is a racist and anybody who supports 187 is a racist….
You are living in Nazi US. We can’t let them take us to those
intellectual ovens.”
In 1997, a MEChA representative declared during a rally in front of
Los Angeles City Hall: “When the people in this building don’t listen
to the demands of our community, it’s time to burn it down!” This was
not an empty threat. In 1993, to underscore its demand for full
departmental status for Chicano Studies at UCLA, MEChA started a
riot that destroyed half a million dollars worth of campus property.
MEChA spreads the word in campus newspapers such as El Popo,
Aztlan News, Chispas, Gente de Aztlan (UCLA), Voz Fronteriza (UC
San Diego), La Voz Mestiza (UC Irvine), and La Voz Berkeley . These
choleric broadsides are generally paid for out of school student-activity
funds. While an independent Aztlán is a distant goal, MEChA’s
shorter-term objectives are essentially the same as the Hispanic groups
for grown-ups; it is just nastier about them. For example, the May
1995, issue of Voz Fronteriza gave the following headline to a front-
page article about a Hispanic INS agent who died in the line of duty:
“Luis A. Santiago: Death Of A Migra Pig.” “Migra” is a derisive term
for the INS.
Voz Fronteriza (“Voice of the Frontier”) is located in San Diego,
“Califaztlan,” and celebrated 25 years in print with a photo spread of
Pancho Villa-type revolutionaries on the front page and more recent
shots of Central American female revolutionaries on the back. It also
printed a photo of Lolita Lebrón, a Puerto Rican lady who helped shoot
up the US Congress in 1954. Inside was a huge, center-fold of Guevara.
The lead editorial sets the tone. Titled, “If You Can’t Take the Heat Get
the Fuck Out the Kitchen,” its first sentence is “God damn, the shit has
really been flying at UCSD.” Writers like to use “Raza,” capitalized, to
mean Hispanic, as in “Three Raza students confronted the power
structure last weekend at….”
News stories included information about how the US government
plants drugs in Hispanic neighborhoods and warnings like: “The gringo
colonial establishment will hunt down and frame anyone who refuses to
denounce the principles of Raza self-determination.” One article ends
with “Que viva Mao!” [Long live Mao!]
La Voz Mestiza is a sister publication printed at UC Irvine. In a
typical issue we learn that “the materialism in the everyday lives of
North Amerikkkans makes them blind and incapable of free thought.”
One editorial addressed to capitalist whites ends with: “You’ve spilled
enough of our blood, now it’s your turn to bleed you fucken [sic]
subhuman beasts.” We also learn that “in the US as well as in other
countries the US government only protects the civil rights of its white
racist citizens…. Thus we are caught in the middle between those who
want to enslave us and those who call for our extermination.” The back
cover is a photo spread of people like Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan,
Bob Dole, and Jesse Helms with swastikas printed on their foreheads.
“ILLEGAL ALIENS,” screams the headline, with the further
explanation that they are “demonic, vicious, barbaric, rapist, bestial
Voz Mestiza lurches occasionally into spiteful feminism, which is a
little surprising in a Hispanic publication. One article about respect for
women begins: “Ramming his dick up, penetrating, with full force of a
3 inch penis that pretends to be a work-horse of pleasure. She: a hole in
the wall for his two minute pleasure.” Yet another fine campus
publication supported by the taxpayer.
MEChA has a rather spotty web presence that pushes the same
general line. The home page for the University of Oregon chapter
boasts that the “site is maintained in the USA by illegal Mecha aliens.”
MEChA does not appear to have a formal, corporate existence and
does not have a national headquarters. From an organizational
standpoint, it is essentially a network of school-funded student clubs.
Since it is not a non-profit organization it cannot accept grants from
Ford or Carnegie, but would probably only have to tone down its
language a little to get them.
It is impossible to know how many Mexican-Americans feel as the
MEChistas do. Probably very few hate America with such intensity.
MEChistas probably get scholarships from MALDEF and become
professors of Chicano studies, get jobs at CBS or the Los Angeles
Times, or go to work for the innumerable little Hispanic groups La Raza
supports. Whatever they do, they probably never completely lose their
dream of throwing all the white people out of California and moving
into a Beverly Hills mansion.
In the long term, what the more moderate-sounding Hispanics are
pushing amounts to the same thing: more Hispanics, more preferences,
more “multiculturalism” (which is just another way of saying more
Hispanics), which can only lead to eventual domination, cultural and
demographic, of the United States. Hispanics have a strong, entirely
natural sense of peoplehood, of la raza, and want to refashion America
in their own image. They are different from other groups only in that
they have stumbled onto an incredibly rich country full of people who
not only accede to their ethnic demands but actually help pay for them.
These are heady times for the reconquista crowd, and will continue to
be until the majority comes out of its trance.
This article appeared in the March 2000 issue. Joseph Fallon is a
writer living in Rye, New York.
Race, Nation and the Soldier

by Steven Schwamenfeld
What accounts for the extraordinary expansion of British power in
the 18th and 19th centuries? Most “respectable” academics offer
economic reasons for British success against European powers, and
take the view that Western technological superiority accounts for
colonial expansion. My study of the British army of the Napoleonic era
suggests a different explanation: the moral power of the British soldier,
as manifested in his devotion to his regiment, to his nation and—when
he was fighting colonial wars—to his race. Patriotic conviction
together with contempt for foreigners made the average British soldier
the best in the world.

The Invincible Duke

The British army under the command of the Duke of Wellington
won 15 general engagements between 1808 and 1815 without suffering
a single defeat. Its victories shattered the myth of French invincibility
and inspired the resistance of the other European nations.
The most sincere assessment of British arms came from the enemy.
The French marshal Nicolas Soult described the victors after his defeat
at Albuera in 1811 with rueful sarcasm: “[T]here is no beating these
troops in spite of their generals. I always thought they were bad
soldiers; now I am sure of it. I had turned their right, pierced their
center and everywhere victory was mine, but they did not know how to
run.” Another French observer, General Chambray, praised the British
infantry for its “orderliness, impetus and resolution to fight with the
A Prussian observer left this description of Wellington’s army:
“For a battle, there is not perhaps in Europe an army equal to the
British, that is to say none whose tuition, discipline, and whole military
tendency, is so purely and exclusively calculated to giving battle. The
British soldier is vigorous, well-fed, by nature highly brave and
intrepid, trained to the most rigorous discipline and admirably well-
armed. The infantry resist the attack of cavalry with great confidence,
and when taken in the flank or rear, British troops are less disconcerted
than any other European Army.”
Although it is the Duke of Wellington’s forces that are of particular
interest to us here, the British infantry had long been redoubtable, and
maintained its prowess well after the Iron Duke’s day. A Spanish
chronicler, writing in 1486, left us this description of a force of English
“This cavalier was from the island of England and brought with him
a train of his vassals, men who had been hardened in certain civil wars
which had raged in their country…. They were withal of great pride,
but it was not like our own inflammable Spanish pride…. [T]heir pride
was silent and contumelious. Though from a remote and somewhat
barbarous island, they yet believed themselves the most perfect men on
earth…. With all this, it must be said of them that they were marvelous
good men in the field, dexterous archers and powerful with the
battleaxe. In their great pride and self-will, they always sought to press
in their advantage and take the post of danger…. They did not rush
forward fiercely, or make a brilliant onset, like the Moorish and
Spanish troops, but went into the fight deliberately and persisted
obstinately and were slow to find out when they were beaten.”
Likewise, in 1854, two years after Wellington’s death, the armies
he had commanded were still an astonishing force. The Battle of Alma,
during the Crimean War, gave rise to this first-hand account:
“…the Grenadiers and Coldstreamers [and Scots Guards], though
under a deadly fire, formed into line with as much precision and lack of
hurry as if they had been on the parade ground, and began deliberately
to advance up the glacis toward the Great Redoubt.
“It was an unforgettable sight. The men marched as if they were
taking part in a review. Storm after storm of bullets, grape, shrapnel,
and round shot tore through them, man after man fell, but the pace
never altered, the line closed in and continued, ‘ceremoniously and
with dignity,’ as an eyewitness wrote, on its way…. The Guards
marched into the Great Redoubt, and there was a shout of triumph so
loud that William Howard Russell [correspondent for The Times] heard
it on the opposite bank—the battle of the Alma had been won.
“A French officer turned to [British Colonel] Evelyn Wood…. ‘Our
men could not have done it,’ he said.”
How were the British capable of such feats of arms? It was partially
the result of intense training. The great French military theorist Baron
de Jomini believed only British troops were adequately trained to fight
in a thin, two-deep battle line. It required a maximum of discipline to
maneuver in this unwieldy formation; less trained troops required a
deeper formation to maintain cohesion.
In addition, British troops displayed a tremendous corporate
loyalty, not only to their regiments but to their nation. Almost alone
among the armies of the 17th and 18th centuries, the British army
possessed no permanent mercenary units. It was always a national
force. As the historian of 18th century warfare, Christopher Duffy,
writes: “the most pronounced moral traits of the English were violence
and patriotism…. All classes were united in their contempt for
foreigners.” It was this ferocious patriotism that helped breed, in
Samuel Johnson’s words, “a peasantry of heroes.”
The uniquely nationalist sentiment of the English soldier dates back
long into the past. To quote historian Linda Colley: “a popular sense of
Englishness … considerably predates the French Revolution.” An
Italian visitor to England in 1548 described his hosts thus: “the English
are commonly destitute of good breeding, and are despisers of
foreigners, since they esteem him a wretched being and but half a man
who may be born elsewhere than in Britain.” This was true not only of
the aristocracy but of the common people as well. It was especially true
of bowmen. They were of peasant stock but, in the words of the 15th
century jurist, Sir John Fortescue, who fought at their side, they were
the men whom “the might of the realm of England standyth upon.”
The English archers of the Middle Ages left no memoirs about their
contempt for foreigners, but their successors in Wellington’s time did.
Here is Private William Wheeler of the 51st Light Infantry on
Britain’s allies during the Peninsular War (1808–1814):
“What an ignorant, superstitious, priest-ridden, dirty, lousy set of
poor devils are the Portuguese. Without seeing them it is impossible to
conceive there exists a people in Europe so debased. The filthiest pigsty
is a palace to the filthy houses in this dirty stinking city [Lisbon], all
the dirt made in the houses is thrown into the streets, where it remains
baking until a storm of rain washes it away. The streets are crowded
with half-starved dogs, fat Priests and lousy people. The dogs should all
be destroyed, the able-bodied Priests drafted into the Army, half the
remainder should be made to keep the city clean, and the remainder if
they did not inculcate the necessity of personal cleanliness should be
Sgt. John Cooper of the 7th Fusiliers was no more complimentary
about Spaniards: “The lower orders of this nation are dirty in their
persons, filthy in their habits, obscene in their language, and vindictive
in their tempers. Their houses are intolerably smoky and vermin
Observations such as these are to be found throughout soldiers’
memoirs. About the military prowess of their Iberian allies, Sgt.
William Lawrence of the 40th wrote: “the smell of powder often
seemed to cause them to be missing when wanted.” Sgt. William
Surtees of the 95th Rifles recalled the Duke of Wellington’s jest about
a Spanish division fleeing the field from the Battle of Toulouse in
1814; Wellington “wondered whether the Pyrenees would bring them
up again, they seemed to have got such a fright.” Surtees asserted that
the Duke “did not indeed depend on their valour, or he would have
made a bad winding up of his Peninsular campaign.”
On first viewing a Spanish army, Sgt. Andrew Pearson of the 61st
recalled: “Falstaff’s ragged regiment would have done honour to any
force compared to the men before us.” Surtees wrote of the Spanish
officer corps:
“In short, they had all the pride, arrogance, and self-sufficiency of
the best officers in the world, with the very least of all pretensions to
have an high opinion of themselves; it is true they were not all alike,
but the majority of them were the most haughty, and at the same time
most contemptible creatures in the shape of officers, that I ever
The British had an entirely different view of their own superiors.
Rifleman John Harris of the 95th wrote this of his Brigadier, William
“He was equal to his business, too, I would say; and he amongst
others of our generals, often made me think that the French army had
nothing to show in the shape of officers who could at all compare to
ours. There was a noble bearing in our leaders, which they, on the
French side (as far as I was capable of observing) had not; … They are
a strange set, the English! and so determined and unconquerable, that
they will have their way if they can. Indeed, it requires one who has
authority in his face, as well as at his back, to make them respect and
obey him.”
Harris frankly believed that the British aristocracy produced the
finest leaders of men in the world.
Britain was very much a class society, but in battle the shared
characteristics of courage, stoicism and perseverance united all.
Thomas Howell, of the 71st Highlanders, was a man of some gentility,
who joined the army as a private as a result of financial disaster. He
had a difficult time adjusting to life among men of a lower class.
However, he left this moving account of his rough-hewn comrades
during his first battle with the French:
“In our first charge I felt my mind waver, a breathless sensation
came over me. The silence was appalling. I looked alongst the line. It
was enough to assure me. The steady, determined scowl of my
companions assured my heart and gave me determination. How unlike
the noisy advance of the French!”
During the Peninsular War, the British had a far higher regard for
their enemy than for their allies. They regarded the French as brave, if
erratic, soldiers and generally chivalrous. One of the few really
negative descriptions comes from Sgt. Edward Costello of the 95th
Rifles, and it is a condemnation of only a specific group of men rather
than of the French nation. It casts light on those qualities that either
impressed or revolted British soldiers.
After the capture of Ciudad Rodrigo in 1812, some French prisoners
were present at the interment of British dead:
“One more careless than the rest viewed the occurrence with a kind
of malicious sneer, which so enraged our men that one of them, taking
the little tawny-looking Italian by the nape of his neck, kicked his hind-
quarters soundly for it. I could not, at the time, help remarking the very
under-sized appearance of the Frenchmen. They were the ugliest set I
ever saw, and seemed to be the refuse of their army, and looked more
like Italians than Frenchmen.”
Wellington’s men had a stoic pride that, in their minds, set them
apart from men of any other nationality. A remarkable incident was
recorded by Sgt. Edward Costello when he was recovering from a
wound received at the Battle of Salamanca in July 1812. His hospital
ward was under the charge of a fellow Irishman, Sgt. Michael
“Mike was exceedingly attentive to the sick, and particularly
anxious that the British soldier, when dying, should hold out a pattern
of firmness to the Frenchmen who lay intermixed with us in the same
wards. ‘Hould your tongue, ye blathering devil,’ he would say in a low
tone, ‘and don’t be after disgracing your country in the teeth of these
’ere furriners, by dying hard. Ye’ll have company at your burial, won’t
you? Ye’ll have the drums beating and the guns firing over ye, won’t
ye? … For God’s sake, die like a man before these ’ere Frenchers.’”
After Waterloo, Costello again found himself in hospital, this time
in Brussels, and recorded something even more remarkable:
“I remained in Brussels three days, and had ample means here, as in
several other places, such as Salamanca, &c., for witnessing the cutting
off of legs and arms. The French I have ever found to be brave, yet I
cannot say they will undergo a surgical operation with the cool,
unflinching spirit of a British soldier. An incident which came under
my notice may in some measure show the differences of the two
nations. An English soldier belonging to, if I recollect rightly, the 1st
Royal Dragoons, evidently an old weather-beaten warfarer, while
undergoing the amputation of an arm below the elbow, held the injured
limb in his other hand without betraying the slightest emotion, save
occasionally helping out his pain by spirting forth the proceeds of a
large plug of tobacco, which he chewed most unmercifully while under
the operation. Near to him was a Frenchman, bellowing lustily, while a
surgeon was probing for a ball near the shoulder. This seemed to annoy
the Englishman more than anything else, and so much so, that as soon
as his arm was amputated, he struck the Frenchman a smart blow across
the breech with the severed limb, holding it at the wrist, saying, ‘Here,
take that, and stuff it down your throat, and stop your damn

The Colonial Campaigns

Warfare against non-Europeans inspired a far greater sense of
distance and alienness. John Shipp of the 87th, the only man of his era
to win two commissions from the ranks, wrote of battle against the
“Caffres” of South Africa:
“At every farmhouse in our line of march we found appalling
scenes of murder and desolation. Whole families had been massacred
by these wild people, whose devastations it was now our duty to check.
So ignorant were they, that I am convinced they were unaware that
murder is a crime…. The savage Caffre exults in these appalling sights.
To his bestial mind the groans of the wounded, and the dying, are the
greatest of pleasures. When the frenzy of the attack is on him he is
wrought up to ecstasy, dancing and jumping about, and hauling spears
at man or beast with reckless abandon…. I have seen them with
[murdered] women’s gowns, petticoats, shawls and things tied round
their legs and between their toes, capering about the woods in a frenzy
of delight.”
Sgt. George Calladine of the 19th recalled his first encounter with
Africans: “I certainly saw little naked children running about which, if
I had seen nothing of them but their faces, I should have taken them for
monkeys.” Sgt. Pearson wrote of the “Caffres” with more sympathy,
marveling at their physiques: “six feet six inches to seven feet, with
most symmetrical figures.”
William Richardson was a common seamen who served in the
Royal Navy between 1793 and 1819. Before being impressed into the
Navy he served on several merchant vessels, including a slaver. He
recorded his impressions of the trade:
“Some people in England think that we hunt and catch the slaves
ourselves, but this is a mistaken idea, for we get them by barter as
follows: their petty kings and traders get them not so much by wars (as
is imagined) as by trade and treachery, and when they get a number for
sale bring them to the coast and sell them…. There was one of their
petty kings who, when he came on board, would strut along the deck as
if he had been one of the greatest men in the world: he was a little fat
fellow dressed in a suit of coarse blue cloth edged with something like
yellow worsted, but what spoiled all was that he had no shirt, shoes or
stockings on, and his naked black feet and legs being dabbed over with
mud and salt water, made him a laughingstock to the sailors; but did
not put him out of conceit of himself.”
Colonial wars were not confined to Africa. Thomas Howell of the
71st Highlanders recorded his none too flattering impressions of the
Indians of Montevideo:
“The native women were the most uncomely I ever beheld. They
have broad noses, thick lips, and are of very small stature. Their hair,
which is long, black and hard to the feel, they wear frizzled up in front
in the most hideous manner, while it hangs down their backs below the
waist. When they dress they stick in it feathers and flowers, and walk
about in all the pride of ugliness. The men … are brave, but indolent to
excess…. As for their idleness, I have seen them lie stretched, for a
whole day, gazing upon the river, and their wives bring them their
victuals; and if they were not pleased with the quantity, they would beat
them furiously. This is the only exertion they make willingly—venting
their fury upon their wives.”
These remarks concerning the physical characteristics of Africans
and Indians (not to mention Latins) point to the British soldier’s racial
consciousness as part of his patriotism. This is not to say that the
British soldier loathed non-European foes because of race; it was
because of the latter’s savagery. Sgt. James Thompson served with the
78th Highlanders at Quebec in 1759, during one of the North American
campaigns of the Seven Years War. He witnessed the repulse of a
British attack on the Ile d’Orleans: “When the French saw us far
enough on the retreat, they sent their savages to scalp and tomahawk
our poor fellows that lay wounded on the beach.”
During the War of 1812, British troops this time found themselves
allied to Indians. Historian Donald Graves describes an event that took
place after the Battle of Lundy’s Lane in 1814: “Sergeant Commins of
the 8th and Private Byfield of the 41st watched with horror as an Indian
‘busy in plundering came to an American that had been severely
wounded and not being able to get the man’s boots off threw him into
the fire.’ A nearby British regular ‘filled with indignation for such
barbarity shot the Indian and threw him onto the fire to suffer for his
unprincipled villainy.’”
Sgt. William Lawrence of the 40th described a grisly encounter
with Indians near Buenos Aires in 1807. A corporal and a private were
killed while destroying native huts: “This was a great glory to the
natives; they stuck the corporal’s head on a pole and carried it in front
of their little band on the march.” Later: “As we marched along on our
next day’s journey, about two hundred Indians kept following us, the
foremost of them wearing our dead corporal’s jacket, and carrying his
head—I do not know for what reason, but perhaps they thought a good
deal more of a dead man’s head than we should feel disposed to do.”
Later the 200 Indians attacked Lawrence’s party of 20 infantrymen
and were easily repulsed, they “not liking the smell and much less the
taste of our gunpowder.” The Indian chief who carried the corporal’s
head was wounded and captured by the British. He was not killed out of
hand but was treated according to civilized custom and left with
friendly Indians to be nursed back to health.
It did not take long for non-Europeans to discover and profit from
the differences between British and native warfare. Sir Evelyn Wood
writes of interrogating Zulu prisoners in 1879 after the Battle of
“When I had obtained all the information I required I said, ‘Before
Isandwhlana [an 1879 battle in which a Zulu army of 20,000 routed and
massacred 800 encamped British infantry] we treated all your wounded
men in our hospital. But when you attacked our camp your brethren,
our black patients, rose and helped to kill those who had been attending
on them. Can any of you advance any reason why I should not kill
you?’ One of the younger men, with an intelligent face, asked, ‘May I
speak?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘There is a very good reason why you should not kill us.
We kill you because it is the custom of the black men [to kill
prisoners]. But it isn’t the white man’s custom.’”
The Englishman reportedly had no answer to this, and the blacks
were later freed.
When it came to actual warfare against non-white armies, the
popular conception is of an unfair contest with European colonial
troops discharging advanced weaponry on natives armed with sticks
and clubs. The truth was often quite different. In discussing
Wellington’s great victory over a Mahratta (Indian) army six times the
size of his own at Assaye in 1803, historian Jeremy Black points out
that “success owed much to a bayonet charge, scarcely conforming to
the standard image of Western armies gunning down masses of non-
European troops relying on cold steel.” This contemporary historian
refrains from analyzing how that small red-coated force achieved its
moral triumph, and certainly does not discuss any patriotic or racialist
motivations. The British commander knew better.
The Duke of Wellington is notorious for describing his infantry as
the “scum of the earth.” Yet this was most of all a description of their
social class and their vices (drink above all). In battle, the British
soldier was “the item upon which victory depends.” On his return from
India in 1804, Wellington wrote a memorandum in which he offered an
explanation for the incredible achievements of the British, especially in
India. It should be studied by all military “experts” who would deride
the importance of national (and racial) feeling among soldiers:
“The English soldiers are the main foundation of the British power
in Asia. They are a body with habits, manners and qualities peculiar to
them in the East Indies. Bravery is the characteristic of the British
army in all quarters of the world; but no other quarter has afforded such
striking examples of the existence of this quality in the soldiers as the
East Indies. An instance of their misbehavior in the field has never
been known; and particularly those who have been for some time in
that country cannot be ordered upon any service, however dangerous or
arduous, that they will not effect, not only with bravery, but a degree of
skill not often witnessed in persons of their description in other parts of
the world. I attribute these qualities, which are peculiar to them in the
East Indies, to the distinctness of their class in that country from all
others existing in it. They feel they are a distinct and superior class to
the rest of the world which surrounds them; and their actions
correspond with their high notions of their own superiority…. Their
weaknesses and vices, however repugnant to the feelings and prejudices
of the Natives, are passed over in the contemplation of their excellent
qualities as soldiers, of which no nation has hitherto given such
extraordinary instances. These qualities are the foundation of the
British strength in Asia, and of that opinion by which it is generally
supposed that the British empire has been gained and upheld. These
qualities show in what manner nations, consisting of millions, are
governed by 30,000 strangers….”
Thus it was through a sense of national superiority, of the white
Briton as a being apart, that the British Empire was won and held.
Years later, Wellington would state plainly (in a parliamentary debate
on Asian Indian participation in the higher levels of the Civil Service):
“That the white man has an influence [of a moral kind] which the black
man has not.” Wellington would scarcely have been able to credit the
notion that one day British governments would discourage racial
feelings among their soldiers. He praised the racial arrangements in the
Southern United States, and considered them essential if America’s
liberal system of government was to survive.
An understanding of the role of race has not entirely died among the
British. A ranker (a soldier holding a rank other than that of officer) of
the Second World War has left us with an analysis of the motivations
of his comrades in Burma. George MacDonald Fraser’s bluntly honest
account (put to paper in 1992) should ring as a battle cry for anyone
interested in his own nation’s defense:
“There is much talk today of guilt as an aftermath of wars—guilt
over killing the enemy, and even guilt for surviving. Much depends on
the circumstances, but I doubt if many of the Fourteenth Army lose
much sleep over dead Japanese. For one thing they were a no-surrender
enemy and if we hadn’t killed them they would surely have killed us.
But there was more to it than that. It may appall a generation who have
been dragooned into considering racism the ultimate crime, but I
believe there was a feeling (there was in me) that the Jap was farther
down the human scale than the European. It is a feeling that I see
reflected today in institutions and people who would deny hotly that
they are subconscious racists—the presence of TV cameras ensured a
superficial concern for the Kurdish refugees and Bangladeshi flood
victims, but we all know that the Western reaction would have been
immeasurably greater if a similar disaster had occurred in Australia or
Canada or Europe; some people seem to count more than others, with
liberals as well as reactionaries, and it is folly to feel that racial kinship
and likeness are not at the bottom of it.”
A measured statement such as this would not be tolerated in
America, and this bodes ill for the future, especially the future of our
armed forces. As long as the basic principle of racial kinship is denied
by our leaders, America’s very existence will be in peril. There can be
no stability in a society which will not allow its members to favor their
own brethren. An army that will deny its soldiers this right is an army
on the road to defeat.
This article appeared in the April 1997 issue. Mr. Schwamenfeld is
a writer living in Dundee, New York. He holds an MA in European
The War with Mexico

by Erik Peterson

April 25, 1996, marked the 150th anniversary of the outbreak of the
Mexican War. Today, most Americans have been taught that it was an
imperialistic war of aggression, and Mexicans cite the “illegal seizure”
of their territories to justify the current colonization of the American
Southwest. In fact, by contemporary and even by today’s standards, the
war was far from unjustified.
The conflict began with Texas. When the colony of New Spain
broke free from its European namesake in 1821 and christened itself
Mexico, it inherited vast lands north of the Rio Grande that had been
only nominally under Spanish control. Texas was a remote wilderness,
constantly terrorized by Commanches, with a Mexican population of
only 3,500.
Mexico could have concentrated on subduing the Indians and
settling its northern territories. Instead, almost from the first days of
independence, the country was wracked by a series of political
upheavals. The small, predominantly white, Spanish-speaking elite
consumed all of its energies in fratricidal power struggles, while the
Mestizo and Indian majority remained mired in poverty.
In order to legitimize its claim on Texas, Mexico needed to occupy
it. Since it was unable to do this itself, the Mexican government
enlisted the help of immigration agents or empresarios to recruit
settlers from the United States. The empresarios, chief among them
Steven F. Austin, acted as representatives of the Mexican government.
They were authorized to offer immigrants cheap land in return for
accepting Mexican citizenship and converting to Roman Catholicism.
The Americans appear to have made a good faith effort to fulfill the
first requirement but often sidestepped the second.
The new settlers created a frontier version of the plantation-based,
slave-owning society of the neighboring Southern states. By the early
1830s, however, Mexico began to fear that the empresarios had been
too successful: American immigrants outnumbered Mexicans four to
one, and seemed likely to identify with the land of their birth.
General Antonio López de Santa Anna became president of Mexico
in 1833, and in 1835 abrogated the constitution and declared himself
dictator. This act alone provoked rebellion in seven Mexican states,
including Texas, but Texans had additional reasons for discontent.
Determined to reverse the Americanization of the territory, Santa Anna
had decreed an end to American immigration, abolished slavery,
repealed the local political autonomy Texans had enjoyed, and
announced he would forcibly settle the land with Mexican convicts.
It is hard to imagine policies better calculated to rouse the ire of
free-spirited Texans. In 1836 they overthrew local Mexican garrisons
and declared independence. Santa Anna promptly invaded Texas with
an army of 3,000 men, but after several engagements was decisively
beaten by Sam Houston’s army at the Battle of San Jacinto. Santa Anna
was captured, and in order to gain freedom agreed to recognize Texan
independence, with the Rio Grande as its border. He later disavowed
this treaty, and Mexico waged a nine-year guerrilla war against its
former territory.
The United States recognized Texas as an independent republic in
1837, and recognition soon followed from France, Great Britain,
Holland, and Belgium. Despite strong Texan sentiment to join the
Union, the American government demurred; Mexico threatened war if
Texas were annexed, and the United States was unwilling to upset the
delicate balance between slave and free states.

Western Destiny
The presidential election of 1844 brought into office a firm believer
in what soon became known as “manifest destiny.” James K. Polk was
determined to complete the annexation of Texas, buy California from
the Mexicans, and bluff the British into ceding the better part of
Oregon. The Texans were impatient for a settlement, and Polk’s
predecessor, John Tyler, had welcomed the Lone Star State into the
Union three days before he left office. If the United States had
continued to hesitate because of Mexican sentiments, Texas might have
remained independent or even accepted protectorate status from Britain
or France.
As for California, Mexico’s position was so weak it was bound to
be supplanted soon, if not by the US then by Britain, Russia, or perhaps
even the Mormons. Polk had reason to believe that Mexico would be
willing to sell. In the meantime, if Oregon joined the Union the careful
balance of free and slave states could be maintained.
When Texas joined the United States in March 1845, Mexico
immediately broke off diplomatic relations and threatened war. Polk
sent General Zachary Taylor with 2,000 men to protect the new state
from Mexican depredation while annexation was accomplished.
Nevertheless, Polk had every reason to seek a diplomatic solution with
Mexico, partly because he was afraid war might break out with Britain
over the Oregon question. He decided to send a special emissary, John
Slidell, to Mexico with instructions to resolve all outstanding issues.
On the question that had caused the rupture—annexation of Texas
—Slidell was not to compromise. Mexico had been unable to reconquer
her wayward territory, whose independence had been recognized by the
major powers. By refusing to accept the loss of Texas and by persisting
in border skirmishes, Mexico had perpetuated a crisis on the American
border that could have led to European intervention. Texas was now
part of the United States.
Several other matters were open to negotiation. One was the
settlement of $3.25 million in claims by Americans on the Mexican
government. Mexico had recognized these claims under international
arbitration, but had later refused to pay. Another issue was final
determination of the Texas-Mexico border. As a Mexican territory, the
Texas border had been at the Nueces River, but after their revolution
the Texans claimed the Rio Grande as the border—without, however,
establishing full authority in the disputed territory. Slidell was
authorized to release Mexico from the $3.25 million obligation in
return for recognition of the Rio Grande border. This was a reasonable
offer, especially since Mexico had already, in effect, declared war, and
unpaid international obligations were then considered grounds for
belligerency. By accepting this offer, Mexico could easily have avoided
Besides these immediate questions, Slidell was to offer $15 million
but, if necessary, propose considerably more for the Mexican lands
stretching from Texas to the Pacific. If the entire tract was not for sale,
he was to offer $5 million for New Mexico.
The Mexican government, threatened by a militant opposition and
wracked by internal dissension, refused even to receive Slidell. This
was a fatal mistake. The rebuff left Polk with no means to negotiate a
peaceful settlement. He ordered Zachary Taylor into the disputed
region between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande, but he warned
Taylor not to seek engagement with any Mexican troops he might
encounter. In the meantime, he made preparations to ask Congress to
declare war, but Mexico forced the issue.
On April 23, 1846, sixteen hundred Mexican troops crossed the Rio
Grande. Two days later they ambushed a US Army patrol, inflicting
sixteen casualties and taking prisoners. Mexico “shed American blood
upon American soil,” and the war began.
The Mexicans, of course, saw the war as a just effort to retake what
was rightfully theirs. Why, though, would they make war on the United
States when they had been unable to subdue a breakaway territory?
Astonishingly enough, Mexico fully expected to win. It had a standing
army of 27,000 men versus an American army of only 7,200. French
advisors to the Mexican army had an exaggerated estimate of its
fighting prowess, which the Mexicans gladly believed. The generals
intended not only to take back Texas but to annex parts of the United
States. Indeed, the Mexican dictator of the moment, General Mariano
Paredes, boasted that he would not negotiate until the Mexican flag flew
over the capitol dome in Washington. The Mexicans were also counting
on diplomatic and even military support from Britain, but the Oregon
issue was resolved just before they attacked.
In his two-volume work, The War With Mexico , Pulitzer prize-
winning historian Justin H. Smith described the war fever among the
generals: “Mexico wanted [war]; Mexico threatened it, Mexico issued
orders to wage it.” By no stretch of the imagination was Mexico thrust
into an unwanted war by Yankee aggressors.

American Arms
The military history of the Mexican War makes interesting reading
and is a credit to the tradition of American arms. Throughout the two-
year campaign, small but superbly led and highly motivated American
units consistently outfought the Mexicans. The Mexican army,
impressive enough in numbers and parade-ground panache, was utterly
unable to fight a determined adversary.
The American war effort was not all glorious. Although the Regular
Army behaved with proper discipline, some of the volunteer militia
units conducted themselves so badly they created guerrilla resistance
among previously noncombatant Mexican civilians. Also, the war was
all-too-effective training for America’s fratricidal tragedy just 13 years
later. Among the junior officers sent to Mexico, 200 would go on to be
generals in the Union and Confederate armies.
The Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo ended the war in 1848 on terms
advantageous to the United States. Mexico agreed to cede California,
Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and the western parts of Wyoming, Colorado
and New Mexico—in all, 525,000 square miles of land that contained
virtually no Mexicans.
All but overlooked today is the fact that the United States forgave
the $3.25 million debt, and paid Mexico $15 million for the ceded
territories. According to the rules of 19th century warfare, after routing
Mexico’s armies and occupying its capital, the United States could
have seized territory under whatever terms it liked. To have paid what
it considered a reasonable amount before fighting an expensive war—
estimated to have cost $100 million—was a magnanimous gesture.
The Mexican position today is that the United States stole Mexican
territory. However, Mexico could have refused the money or promptly
returned it. By accepting payment it ratified the transfer. Furthermore,
only five years later, Mexico agreed to sell an additional parcel of land
to the United States, which was to be used for the southern route of the
transcontinental railway. The Gadsden Treaty of 1853 settled a number
of disputes about the post-1848 US-Mexico border and secured 19
million additional acres of territory for the United States. In return, the
United States paid Mexico $10 million. There was no threat of war or
coercion. This freely negotiated settlement of the new border and
additional transfer of land were further ratification by Mexico of the
consequences of war with the United States.
In conclusion, the United States had ample reason to pursue, in
1846, the course that it did. As a practical matter, the real issue decided
by the war was whether Britain, France, Russia, Mexico or the United
States would acquire the vast territories of the American Southwest.
President Polk resolved the question in favor of the United States in
a refreshingly straightforward nineteenth-century manner.
This article appeared in the September 1995 issue. Eric Peterson
lives in Oregon and writes about American history.
Forgotten Black Voices

by Gedahlia Braun

In the June and July 1993 cover story in AR on black claims for
reparations because of slavery, there was a discussion about slaves and
the conditions in which they lived. Your readers may be interested to
know that during the Depression someone had the idea of sending
people to the South to interview the last remaining blacks who had been
slaves—all then in their 80s and 90s. Someone named George P.
Rawick has compiled these narratives into a 19-volume collection
called The American Slave: A Composite Autobiography, which is
published by Greenwood Press.
Several books have been based on these interviews, and a few years
ago I read one called Before Freedom: 48 Oral Histories of Former
North and South Carolina Slaves. It was edited by Belinda Hurmence,
and published by Mentor (Penguin) in 1990. I recall that of these 48
interviews only two could be called hostile to former masters, slavery,
or whites. Some were more or less neutral, but certainly the largest
number expressed a positive attitude toward former owners and to
slavery. Here are some excerpts:
Patsy Mitchner, age 84 when interviewed on July 2, 1937 :
“Before two years had passed after the surrender, there was two out of
every three slaves who wished they was back with their marsters. The
marsters’ kindness to the nigger after the war is the cause of the nigger
having things today. There was a lot of love between marster and slave,
and there is few of us that don’t love the white folks today…. Slavery
was better for us than things is now, in some cases. Niggers then didn’t
have no responsibility; just work, obey, and eat.”
Betty Cofer, age 81 : “The rest of the family was all fine folks and
good to me, but I loved Miss Ella better’n anyone or anything else in
the world. She was the best friend I ever had. If I ever wanted for
anything, I just asked her and she give it to me or got it for me
somehow…. I done lived to see three generations of my white folks
come and go and they’re the finest folks on earth.”
Adeline Johnson, age 93: “That was a happy time, with happy
days…. I’ll be satisfied to see my Savior that my old marster
worshiped and my husband preach about. I wants to be in heaven with
all my white folks, just to wait on them and love them, and serve them,
sorta like I did in slavery time. That will be enough heaven for
Mary Anderson, age 86: “I think slavery was a mighty good thing
for Mother, Father, me and the other members of the family, and I
cannot say anything but good for my old marster and missus, but I can
only speak for those whose conditions I have known during slavery and
since. For myself and them, I will say again, slavery was a mighty good
Simuel Riddick, age 95: “My white folks were fine people…. I
haven’t anything to say against slavery. My old folks put my clothes on
me when I was a boy. They gave me shoes and stockings and put them
on me when I was a little boy. I loved them, and I can’t go against them
in anything. There were things I did not like about slavery on some
plantations, whupping and selling parents and children from each other,
but I haven’t much to say. I was treated good.”
Sylvia Cannon, age 85: “Things sure better long time ago then they
be now. I know it. Colored people never had no debt to pay in slavery
time. Never hear tell about no colored people been put in jail before
freedom. Had more to eat and more to wear then, and had good clothes
all the time ’cause white folks furnish everything, everything. Had
plenty peas, rice, hog meat, rabbit, fish, and such as that.”
As I reflect on these interviews, they remind me of what I find now
among non-Westernized Africans. They like and respect whites
because, generally speaking, whites treat them better than their fellow
blacks do.
In the introduction to this collection, the editor is at pains to explain
all of these favorable statements about whites and slavery. The best she
can do is to point out that these interviews were conducted in the midst
of the Depression and people must have looked back nostalgically to
the past when blacks had food, clothing, housing, etc.
Even if this could explain the fond memories of the condition of
slavery, it does not explain fond memories of white owners. What is
especially surprising is that after sifting through thousands of
interviews, and with the clearly expressed liberal bias of the editor,
there is still such a preponderance of positive expressions about whites
and slavery. One is bound to conclude that this was at least a very
common reaction if not perhaps even typical.
This article appeared in the September-October 1993 issue.
Gedahlia Braun is the pen name of an American philosophy professor
who taught for twelve years at universities in black Africa and Papua
New Guinea. Since 1988, he has lived in Johannesburg.
The “Reparations” Hoax

by William Robertson Boggs

The latest attempt by blacks to extract race-based benefits from
whites is the increasingly popular demand for “reparations” for the
injustice of slavery. Although neither Congress nor any state legislature
is likely to pass a reparations act any time soon, black activists are
laying the groundwork for what they hope will be a massive transfer of
wealth from whites to blacks.
The demand for reparations is based on a misguided understanding
of the origin, nature, and consequences of slavery. Nevertheless, the
climate of our times is one in which whites listen patiently to virtually
any demand blacks make in the name of race. Preposterous as the idea
can be shown to be, our country may yet be capable of handing over
money to today’s blacks in atonement for practices that came to an end
130 years ago.
The rationale for reparations is that today’s blacks have a moral
right to compensation for the unpaid labor of their ancestors. That right
is not open to question; the only disagreement is over the amount of
compensation and how it should be distributed. Activists’ convictions
are based in part on the idea that blacks “built America,” that slavery
was uniquely profitable and productive, and that today’s Americans
owe their material comfort to the past labor of slaves. The billions of
dollars to be handed over to blacks would be only fair compensation for
their ancestors’ vital contributions.
Reparations activists were vastly encouraged by the 1988 Wartime
Relocations Act, which provided for payments of $20,000 to each of the
120,000 surviving Japanese-Americans who were interned during the
Second World War. Blacks also point to the billions of dollars
Germany has paid over the years as compensation for its wartime
Jewish policies. Payments have gone not just to individuals but to the
state of Israel. Transfers of this kind set a precedent for punishing
today’s (and tomorrow’s) taxpayers for acts their governments
committed in the past.
Although many different groups around the country agitate for
reparations, the largest and best-organized is the National Coalition of
Blacks for Reparations in America, which has the African-sounding
acronym of N’COBRA. The group is based in Washington, DC, and has
chapters and affiliates in other states. Vince Goodwin, the group’s co-
chairman, describes slavery as the “the largest holocaust committed,”
and sees reparations as the only way America can “heal itself.”
N’COBRA was delighted when Rep. John Conyers of Detroit
introduced a bill in Congress to establish a presidential commission to
study black reparations. Today, N’COBRA’s main mission is to
encourage the introduction of similar legislation both in Congress and
in state legislatures.
Massachusetts state senator William Owens has actually held
hearings on a reparations bill, and one has been introduced in
Michigan. Cities with large black populations have passed resolutions
calling for reparations. Detroit and Washington, DC, have both issued
official demands, and the Detroit chapter of N’COBRA has taken to
picketing the local federal office building.
The Urban League and the NAACP have gotten on the reparations
bandwagon and Jesse Jackson has endorsed the idea. Former Harvard
Law School professor, Derrick Bell, believes in reparations because
“The struggle against racism requires action…. Anything and
everything should be tried.” Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam has
long preached a form of reparations that would involve turning over
several American states to blacks, along with huge cash payments.
Even one prominent white, neo-conservative Charles Krauthammer,
has publicly endorsed reparations. He says that payments to blacks
would be better for them than “the warm glow of condescension that
permeates affirmative action.” Once the debt of slavery were paid off,
America could abandon affirmative action with a good conscience and
finally institute color-blind policies.
For the reparations activists, that would not be enough. Dorothy
Lewis of the Black Reparations Committee explains that affirmative
action and reparations are remedies for different wrongs. As she
explains, “Affirmative action is needed to curtail racism that exists
Reparations movements are gaining ground in Brazil, Jamaica, and
England. As Cindy Owens, wife of the Massachusetts state senator
says, “The slaves built not just this country but Jamaica, the Bahamas,
England and other places. Why shouldn’t we all be paid for that labor?”
Even the dark continent has caught reparations fever. In 1991,
President Ibrahim Babangida of Nigeria made a public demand that
Africa be compensated for the people it lost in the slave trade, and he is
planning an international conference this summer [1993] to flesh out
details. Speakers will include Nelson Mandela of the African National
Congress and President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.
There is great fun to be had in calculating the damages to be
awarded. Andrew Jenkins, a Detroit real estate agent who has been a
reparations activist for 27 years, says every black in the country is
entitled to $1 million. It does not seem to bother him that this would
work out to about $30 trillion, or the equivalent of the entire federal
budget for the past 20 or so years. State Sen. Owens of Massachusetts is
more modest. He calculates the debt at only $3 trillion, with perhaps
another trillion in back interest.
One favorite way to calculate the debt is to figure what 40 acres and
a mule were worth in 1865, and then add the accumulated interest up to
the present. A theorist in Washington state concludes that this works
out to $98,191.35 per black person. Mr. Krauthammer’s is the stingiest
proposal of all: $100,000 for every black family of four.
Like so much of what our country says and does in the name of
race, all this is pure lunacy. First, slave owners certainly did buy and
sell slaves and forced them to work without wages. However, all slaves
and slave owners are dead. There is no legal basis either for punishing
distant descendants for the wrong-doing of their ancestors or for
rewarding the distant descendants of those who were wronged.
The parallel between compensation for interned Japanese and
today’s blacks is tenuous. First, only those who were actually interned
have been compensated. Surviving children get nothing. Furthermore,
internment was a deliberate act of the United States government, so a
case can be made for government redress. Slavery was a private
practice regulated by states and localities. The federal government
never owned a single slave. When it abolished slavery it ended a
private practice that had begun more than a century before the federal
government even existed.
Those who ignore these obvious arguments and nevertheless insist
on government compensation do so because they believe two things:
that slavery was a unique and unparalleled evil done by whites to
blacks, and that it was so productive America would have remained
poor without it. The first of these ideas has been so widely promoted it
is almost an article of faith, and it is worth looking into slavery in some
detail in order to refute both charges.

The Slave Trade

Slavery and the trade in human property were well established on
the continent long before Europeans ever arrived. There is no record of
whites ever venturing into the interior of Africa in search of slaves;
they had no need to. The 800,000 or so blacks who were brought to the
United States were first captured by Africans and delivered to the coast
by professional African slave traders.
Slaves were usually captured in tribal wars, but Africans had
learned that it was impractical to enslave people from neighboring
tribes, since they could easily escape back to their own people.
Captives were therefore sold to traders who resold them only after they
had marched the slaves so far from home they could not return. This
infrastructure was easily adapted to meet the needs of white slave
Nevertheless, the trans-Atlantic trade had some requirements
different from those of the traditional inter-tribal trade. In African
warfare, the usual practice was to enslave captured women and children
but to kill all male prisoners. It was an agreeable surprise for Africans
to discover a profitable export market for men. Many of the slaves who
were marched in coffles to the sea would therefore have been
slaughtered had there been no demand for them in the New World.
Some Africans formed raiding parties specifically to supply
European slavers, but the primary source for the trans-Atlantic trade
was the overflow of captives from tribal warfare. The most promising
slaving sites therefore moved up and down the coast, depending on the
fortunes of war. When there was peace along the Gambia river,
operations shifted to the Sassandra or the Konkoure.
Whites certainly did not rob Africa of its manhood. Unlike the
Africans who supplied them, whites paid for what they got. If today’s
Africans have a quarrel, it is with their own warfaring ancestors rather
than with whites.
As for American blacks, the idea that they should be paid because
of the injustices done to their ancestors crumbles when one compares
their present state with that of Africans. There has never been a group
of blacks anywhere in the history of the world that has enjoyed the
material prosperity of American blacks. Even the poorest American
black is vastly better off than the average African. Whatever one may
say about the wrongs that were done to slaves, their descendants have
every reason to be grateful their ancestors were shipped to America
rather than killed or left in Africa.
The high standard of living blacks enjoy in America is due to the
fact that they live among whites. For an example of the kind of society
they would have built for themselves one need only visit Liberia. This
West African nation, established by freed American slaves, has long
been one of the most miserable nations on an unhappy continent, and is
now in a state of barbarous anarchy.
Moreover, despite the lip service they give to Afro-centrism, very
few American blacks emigrate to Africa. Those who think they would
like to “go home” usually change their minds after a single visit. The
power of attraction runs entirely the other way; hundreds of thousands
of Africans would come to America if they could.
It is silly to claim, as reparationists do, that the United States was
made uniquely prosperous by the labors of blacks. Blacks contributed
to the development of America by laboring under the direction of
whites. Moreover, it was those parts of the country where slaves were
most common that have always been poorest and remain poor to this
Eugene Genovese, a Marxist historian of slavery who certainly has
little sympathy for slaveholders, writes that the slave system retarded
the development of the South. He argues that since slaves could not be
taught to handle livestock carefully, the South did not develop a cattle
industry. Modern agricultural equipment could not be introduced on
plantations because slaves were sure to break it. The only farm
implements that survived were simple, crude, and heavy. The “nigger
hoe,” for example, weighed three times as much as the more effective
“English hoe,” which slaves habitually broke. Slave labor in factories
was virtually out of the question because slaves could not be trusted
with machinery.
The slave was said to be the laziest, most untrustworthy servant on
earth and had constantly to be watched. A common reflection on his
abilities was that “It takes two slaves to help one to do nothing.” Nor
was it always possible to wring more work out of a slave by threat of
punishment. “Every attempt to force a slave beyond the limit that he
fixes himself…” wrote one owner, “only tends to make him
unprofitable, unmanageable, a vexation and a curse.”
Other than in the cotton fields, there is some doubt as to whether
slavery was even profitable. Frederick Law Olmstead (1822–1903), the
landscape architect who designed Central Park in New York City, made
a study of slavery when he toured the antebellum South. He estimated
that on many plantations slaves worked one third as much as a hired
hand on a New England farm. He was convinced free blacks could be
hired for considerably less than the cost of keeping slaves.
Although some slaves were driven for long hours, Northern anti-
slavery tracts abounded with accounts of how the excessive leisure of
slavery would be ended under strict, Northern employment practices.
They promised that abolition would produce a decisive rise in the
nation’s productivity.
Northern working men were well aware of these arguments. Slaves
were provided for as children and maintained in sickness and in old
age. Northern wage earners, who had no sick leave, children’s
allowances, or retirement benefits, often wondered if they were not
worse off than slaves.
A workingman’s newspaper, The Fall River Mechanic, lashed out at
“men who stand and dole out pity for the southern slave but would
crush with an iron hand the white laborer of the north.” Another paper,
The Man, mocked the upper-class women who supported abolition:

Their tender hearts were sighing

As the negro’s wrongs were told
While the white slave was dying
Who gained their father’s gold.

Many Southerners firmly believed they treated slaves better than

Yankee capitalists treated workers. James Hammond, a Southern
senator once rebuked his colleague from New York on the Senate floor
with the following words: “Our slaves are hired for life and well
compensated…. Yours are hired by the day, not cared for, and scantily
One indication of the value placed on the lives of slaves was a
practice Olmstead noted in his travels: Irish navvies were invariably
hired to drain swamps and dig irrigation ditches. Malaria and intestinal
disease made this some of the most dangerous work in the South. When
Olmstead asked why the Irish were hired for it, he was told, “It’s
dangerous work and a negro’s life is too valuable to be risked at it. If a
negro dies it is a considerable loss you know.”
The black man’s value as a slave protected him in other ways. From
1840 to 1860, of the more than 300 people lynched by mobs in the
South, fewer than ten percent were blacks. So long as the black man
had tangible property value he was safer from lynch mobs than a white
As Olmstead noted, when the black man was definitely a slave, it
seemed to break down the “natural” revulsion of whites for blacks, and
lead to affection and intimacy of a kind that sickened Northerners. It
was after Reconstruction, when free blacks were goaded on by
carpetbaggers to mistreat and humiliate their former masters, that
lower-class whites began to hate blacks and take pleasure in lynching

Reign of Terror
Today, as part of the reparations campaign, slavery must be
described as a psychopathic reign of terror, the blackest blot on the
record of the white man. There certainly were cases of barbarous
mistreatment, but they were exceptions.
I n The Mind of the South, W.J. Cash writes that the standard that
“no one but a cur beat, starved, or overdrove his slaves became a living
rule of daily conduct; a standard so binding as to generate contempt for
whoever violated it.” Many owners took pride in the kindness they
showed “their people,” and even among Northern abolitionists there
was grudging acknowledgement of a certain noblesse oblige among the
better element in the South. It is worth noting that even in that great
abolitionist tract, Uncle Tom’s Cabin , the sadistic villain was not a
Southern slave owner but a Yankee overseer.
Slaves were valuable property, which only one Southern household
in five could afford. The rougher classes who might have been abusive
masters were generally too poor to own slaves.
Although it is unfashionable to acknowledge it today, the bonds of
master and slave were often affectionate. A contemporary ditty
illustrates why some slaveholders resisted the idea of “colonizing”
blacks by sending them back to Africa:

What! Colonize old coachman Dick!

My foster brother Nat!
My more than mother when I’m sick,
Come, Hal, no more of that!

That slaves were commonly addressed as “Auntie,” “Uncle,” or

“Mammie,” showed the affection their masters felt for them. There
certainly were acts of cruelty against slaves, but to dwell on them is to
paint a false picture of the South. When Jefferson Davis took leave of
the slaves on his Mississippi plantation to assume the presidency of the
Confederate government in Montgomery, he wept and his slaves wept.
Of course, the “happy darkies” picture of slavery is not the whole story
either. Wherever Union armies marched through the South, all but the
house servants usually escaped to join them.
Reparations activists commonly maintain that the government
“promised” freed slaves 40 acres and a mule, and that this gives today’s
blacks a legal claim. It is true that Thaddeus Stevens, who wanted to
punish the South, proposed legislation to seize all Southern land
holdings worth $5,000 or more, break them up into 40 acre plots and
give them to blacks. His intention was not so much to benefit blacks as
to humiliate the Southern aristocracy, which he hated, and his bill never
became law.
Reparations agitators also ignore the fact that some slaveholders
were black. In 1830, more than 3,600 free blacks owned slaves, and a
few were prosperous enough to own as many as a hundred. How would
a reparations program treat the descendants of blacks who owned slaves
—or who were owned by blacks?
Although it is specifically slavery over which the white man is
supposed to beat his breast, by some measures slaves fared better than
free blacks. According to one contemporary study, the slave infant
mortality rate was 153 per thousand. As late as 1915, the infant
mortality rate among blacks in Massachusetts was 163 per thousand,
while in Pennsylvania it was 185 and in New York, 192.

The Final Tally

The reparations argument is based in part on the view that even if
there are no longer any slaves who can be paid for their forced labor,
the country as a whole has benefited so much from slavery that it
should pay for that benefit. In fact, the final tally on the presence in
America of blacks, whether slave or free, is overwhelmingly negative.
Far from contributing to the nation’s progress, slavery was probably
an obstacle to the South’s development. Moreover, as Abraham Lincoln
once pointed out to a delegation of blacks, the presence of their race
was the cause of the nation’s greatest frenzy of self destruction: “See
our present condition—the country engaged in war!—our white men
cutting one another’s throats…. But for your race among us there could
not be war, although many engaged on either side do not care for you
one way or another.”
Ever since abolition, those parts of the country with large black
populations have been afflicted with crime and poverty, which have
only worsened in recent decades. It is through only the most heroic
“celebration of diversity” that the presence of blacks in the United
States can be seen as anything short of a burden, and it is one for which
whites continue to pay a high price.
Prisons, welfare, and crime prevention are disproportionately paid
for by whites. Underclass blacks have made many of our cities so
squalid and dangerous that whites rarely venture into them. School
integration has so lowered the standards of public instruction that many
whites now pay for two systems: public schools for blacks and private
schools for their own children. As Southerners now sometimes observe,
“If we had known then what we know now, we would have picked the
cotton ourselves.” They feel they have already suffered more than
enough for the sins of their ancestors.
Slavery was practiced by a fraction of the people in just one section
of the country. Only a tiny minority of the current white population
counts slaveholders among its ancestors. Slavery came to an end nearly
130 years ago and it is because of slavery that today’s black Americans
enjoy a higher standard of living than blacks anywhere on earth. The
call for “reparations” is therefore just one more attempt to blame
whites for the failures of blacks and to use this as a pretext for more
race-based spoils.
This two-part article appeared in the June and July 1993 issues.
William Robertson Boggs is a pen name.
Madison Grant and the Racialist

by George McDaniel

Perhaps more than any other man, Madison Grant created what we
might call the “racialist moment” in American history. This was the
period beginning approximately with the administration of Theodore
Roosevelt (who wrote that the Negro was a member of “a perfectly
stupid race”) and continuing through the administration of Warren
Harding, during which the country discarded its remaining, melting-pot
sentimentalism about blacks and foreign immigration. The period also
saw the emergence of a new science―eugenics―which promised to
banish inherited evils. This era of explicit, intellectual racialism lasted
until approximately the Great Depression, then withered under Franklin
Roosevelt’s massive shift to the Left, and finally collapsed during the
war with Nazi Germany.
Madison Grant (1865–1937) worked tirelessly for the racialist
movement for almost this entire period. He joined, chaired, and often
founded its organizations. He counted among his closest associates US
Presidents, top industrialists, best-selling writers, and some of the
greatest scientists of the time. And he wrote two of the seminal works
of American racial thought: The Passing of the Great Race (1916) and
The Conquest of a Continent (1933).
Grant was born in New York in 1865, just as the first of the modern
white-against-white conflicts was closing. He was descended from
Jacobites who came to the colonies from Scotland after the defeat of
“Bonnie Prince Charlie” in the Forty-Five uprising (1745), and
throughout his life retained the Jacobite brand of conservative fire. He
was graduated from Yale in 1887 and received a law degree from
Columbia in 1890.
The Passing of the Great Race was published in 1916 to immediate
popular success. It established Grant as an authority in anthropology,
and laid the groundwork for his research in the emerging science of
eugenics. It was read by presidents, dictators, scientists, and common
people alike, and even today—excoriated as it is—it has much to teach.
The impact of the book can be understood only in the cultural milieu in
which it appeared.
Immigration just after the War Between the States proceeded at
great speed. The decade of the 1880s saw the arrival of 5,246,613
immigrants; 788,992 were admitted in 1882 alone. Two hundred twenty
thousand Chinese came from 1854 to 1882. Subsiding a bit in the
nineties, the influx rose again after the turn of the century, averaging
over 800,000 arrivals each year between 1900 and 1914. Most of these
were immigrants from parts of the world unfamiliar to Americans:
Russia, Poland, Austria-Hungary, Italy, the Balkans, and Turkey. Many
newcomers brought Marxist and anarchist ideas alien to the old
American stock.
Just as it does today, the American identity faced a double threat: a
large influx of aliens and the presence of a large Negro element. Negro
migration to the Northern industrial cities brought a slow awakening to
the entire country of the true nature of the race problem, and Thomas
Dixon’s 1905 novel, The Clansman, was one of the first works in the
new century to focus on it. The book’s sympathetic account of the first
Ku Klux Klan encouraged a reappraisal of often-sentimental notions
about blacks.
In a sense, this reappraisal came to a head in August 1908, in
Lincoln’s own Springfield, Illinois. A black habitual criminal attacked
a white girl in her bedroom and killed her father with a razor when he
defended her. At least one other attack on a white woman was also
reported, and the white people responded by killing two blacks and
burning down a crime-ridden black neighborhood called the
“Badlands.” Thousands of local blacks fled Springfield. It was this
event that inspired the creation of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in Springfield in 1909.
In 1915, a new entertainment medium widened the audience for the
racialist message when D. W. Griffith debuted his film masterpiece,
Birth of a Nation. Based upon The Clansman, and, to some degree, on
Dixon’s 1902 novel, The Leopard’s Spots , this movie was hailed as a
technical triumph even by its harshest critics. Nevertheless, the
NAACP, along with other black and some Jewish organizations,
picketed the movie and threatened violence in the cities where it
The success of the film was in some doubt when Dixon contacted
his old Johns Hopkins classmate, President Woodrow Wilson, and
arranged a special showing at the White House. Wilson is said to have
leapt to his feet, exclaiming, “It is like writing history with lightning.
And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.”
With the news that the President loved it, audiences flocked to see
Birth of a Nation. During its opening in Atlanta, William J. Simmons
announced the founding of the second Ku Klux Klan, in nearby Stone
Mountain, Georgia. This Klan organization went on to sweep the
country, becoming especially strong in the midwest.
The Passing of the Great Race was published the next year, in 1916.
Grant intended it as a call to American whites to counter the dangers
both from blacks and non-traditional immigration. Adopting the then-
popular racial taxonomy of William Z. Ripley in The Races of Europe,
Grant describes the three European subraces of Nordic, Alpine, and
Mediterranean. As was common in his day, he unabashedly favored the
Nordic and went to great pains to contrast Nordic civilization and traits
with those of other races and subraces. For example, he faulted Nordic,
altruistic devotion to blacks and other unsuccessful groups, a devotion
that he warned was always self-destructive.
Grant concluded that America should abandon a largely open-door
immigration policy. He favored a eugenics program that would
promote the Nordic race and discourage the expansion of the colored
races in the white world. In particular, he condemned miscegenation.
It is worth noting that one of the reasons Grant and other racial
thinkers opposed the new immigration was that it brought alien
ideologies. The First World War had seen the triumph of Bolshevism,
and continuing immigration from Eastern Europe brought Marxists.
Like most racialists, Grant saw socialism as unfit for Nordics. When he
was helping found the Galton Society in 1918, he wrote to the other
organizers: “My proposal is the organization of an anthropological
society … confined to native Americans, who are anthropologically,
socially, and politically sound; no Bolsheviki need apply.”
The Passing of the Great Race became an immediate best-seller,
with new editions in 1918, 1920, and 1921, multiple printings, and
translations into German, French, and Norwegian.
It was reviewed favorably by Science, the journal of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, and by periodicals as
diverse as the Journal of Heredity and The Saturday Evening Post. The
editor of the Post commissioned a series of articles on immigration in a
similar vein, and in an editorial in the May 7, 1921, issue wrote: “Two
books in particular that every American should read if he wishes to
understand the full gravity of our present immigration problem: Mr.
Madison Grant’s The Passing of the Great Race and Dr. Lothrop
Stoddard’s The Rising Tide of Color…. These books should do a vast
amount of good if they fall into the hands of readers who can face
without wincing the impact of new and disturbing ideas.”
The Passing of the Great Race did indeed fall into the hands of such
readers, turning up in the personal libraries of some of the most
important figures of the day. It was typical, for example, that Dr.
Rupert Blue, Surgeon General of the United States, gave a copy
personally to Sir Henry Wellcome the British pharmaceutical
Grant was not alone in sounding the alarm. Some of the other books
published during this period include: Mankind at the Crossroads by
E.G. Conklin (1914), America’s Greatest Problem: The Negro by Major
R. W. Shufeldt (1915), The Rising Tide of Color Against White World
Supremacy by Lothrop Stoddard (1920, Introduction by Grant); Race
and National Solidarity by Charles Josey (1923) (reviewed in AR, Aug.
1992), Applied Eugenics by Paul Popenoe and Roswell Johnson (1923);
and The Fruit of the Family Tree by Alfred E. Wiggam (1924). These
were all intended for a mass audience, but academic textbooks soon
joined them, including Genetics and Eugenics by W.E. Castle (1916)
and Evolution, Genetics, and Eugenics by H.H. Newman (1921).
The effect was felt at both the state and federal level. Twenty-four
states passed laws encouraging sterilization of those who were retarded,
insane, or had criminal records. At the federal level, in 1921, Albert
Johnson, head of the House Committee on Immigration and
Naturalization, began a series of hearings on immigration. He
appointed Harry Laughlin, who in 1922 would be one of Grant’s co-
founders of the American Eugenics Society, as an expert witness on
eugenics. In 1922, Laughlin reported extensively on racial differences
in IQ as measured by the new army intelligence test.
In 1923, Grant’s close friend Henry Fairfield Osborn, the famous
paleontologist who named “Tyrannosaurus Rex,” spoke enthusiastically
about intelligence testing: “We have learned once and for all that the
Negro is not like us.”
This was precisely the kind of thing Grant and others had been
saying for years. These ideas helped pass the Johnson Act of 1924,
which established national origin immigration quotas of 2 percent of
the number of foreign-born already in America as determined by the
census of 1890. This greatly reduced the flow of immigrants from non-
traditional sources, a policy that remained essentially unchanged until
Grant called the act a “new Declaration of Independence,” and his
entry in The Dictionary of American Biography credits him with
helping it pass. In its 1937 obituary, the New York Times said of Grant’s
book: “Besides being a recognized book on anthropology, it has often
been called to Congressional attention in the passage of restrictive
immigration laws…. Mr. Grant … helped frame the Johnson
Restriction Act of 1924.”

Grant was active throughout the 1920s, serving as president of both
the Immigration Restriction League and the Eugenics Research
Association. He was also treasurer of one of the most important events
in the history of eugenics, the Second Eugenics Congress of 1921. This
event continued the pattern of the First Eugenics Congress, which had
been held in London in 1912, with Winston Churchill as one of the
sponsors and at which Prime Minister Arthur Balfour delivered the
inaugural address. The second congress was hosted by the American
Museum of Natural History in New York. More than 300 delegates
came from Europe, Latin America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
No German scientists were invited because of the policy of ostracism
that continued after the First World War.
Among the notables in attendance were future president Herbert
Hoover, Alexander Graham Bell (the Congress’s honorary president),
conservationist and future governor of Pennsylvania, Gifford Pinchot,
and Leonard Darwin, son of Charles Darwin. Henry Fairfield Osborn,
director of the museum, was president. Harry Laughlin was in charge of
exhibits, and Lothrop Stoddard handled publicity. One hundred eight
papers were presented on topics ranging from plant and animal genetics
to anthropology and political science. The conference signaled the
vitality of a young science that was nevertheless destined to die an
early death.
Madison Grant continued to lobby for immigration control even
after the passage of the Johnson Act. In 1927, he and other eugenicists
signed a “Memorial on Immigration Quotas,” urging the President and
Congress to extend “the quota system to all countries of North and
South America … in which the population is not predominantly of the
white race.”
Grant continued to write. In 1930, along with Lothrop Stoddard,
Harry Laughlin, Charles Davenport, Paul Popenoe, and Henry Fairfield
Osborn, and others, he contributed to The Alien in Our Midst, subtitled
Selling Our Birthright for a Mess of Pottage.
The book was Grant’s idea and—like Conquest a few years later—
was written to defend the 1924 immigration act. It included essays on
race and immigration from both contemporary writers and from great
Americans of the past like Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, James
Madison, and George Washington. The book was widely distributed to
legislators and editors by the American Coalition of Patriotic Societies.
In 1933, Grant’s second major work, The Conquest of a Continent,
appeared. In it, he explained why he wrote the book:
“A controversy immediately arose over this new basis [the national
origins immigration quotas], as it was to the interest of every national
and religious group of aliens now here to exaggerate the importance
and size of its contribution to the population of the country, especially
in Colonial times…. The purpose of this opposition was to warp public
opinion in regard to the merits of various national groups and to
exaggerate the non-Anglo-Saxon elements in the old Colonial
population. This book is an effort to make an estimate of the various
elements, national and racial, existing in the present population of the
United States and to trace their arrival and subsequent spread.”
He then embarks on what Henry Fairfield Osborn in the
introduction calls the “first racial history of … any nation.” Especially
interesting today is Grant’s analysis of the Negro problem. He writes:
“Among the various out-land elements now in the United States which
threaten in various degrees our national unity, the most important is the
Negro.” He discusses several proposed solutions.
First, “slow amalgamation with the Whites,” he rejects
immediately, arguing that this would “produce a racial chaos such as
ruined the Roman Empire.” He considers repatriation at somewhat
greater length, but rejects this as well, for reasons no longer applicable
in our time: “Today, [repatriation to Africa] is not possible, because
Africa, with the exception of Liberia, is under the control of white
states, which certainly would not welcome such an enormous addition
to their own color problem….”
The third solution Grant considers is the establishment of a separate
black nation within the territory of the United States. This he tends to
reject because it would involve the abandonment of large sections of
the South, but he admits that something similar had already occurred in
some areas, both in America and, especially, in the West Indies:
“This has actually happened in some places along the lower
Mississippi River, where the numbers of the Negroes have become so
overwhelming that the few remaining Whites have simply moved out
and abandoned the district to them. It has happened and is happening in
the West Indies. Haiti and Santo Domingo have been entirely turned
over to Negroes and other examples of West Indian Islands almost
abandoned to Negroes can be found.”
In the final analysis, Grant has no easy answers to the problem. He
urges states to adopt laws prohibiting intermarriage and he castigates
Christian churches in the North for “trying to break down the social
barriers between Negro and White.” Social separation is paramount, he
says, and to that end public opinion “might well stop exalting the
Mulatto and thereby putting its stamp of approval on miscegenation.
Negroes should be encouraged to respect their own racial integrity.”
And, finally, contraception should be made “universally available to
Perhaps because Passing of the Great Race had been so influential,
Conquest of a Continent provoked an immediate storm of opposition.
On December 13, 1933, the director of the Anti-Defamation League,
Richard E. Gutstadt, sent the following letter to the publishers of a
number of Jewish-owned periodicals:

“Scribner & Sons have just published a book by Madison Grant
entitled ‘The Conquest of a Continent.’ It is extremely antagonistic
to Jewish interests. Emphasized throughout is the ‘Nordic
superiority’ theory, and the utter negation of any ‘melting pot’
philosophy with regard to America.
“We are interested in stifling the sale of this book. We believe that
this can be best accomplished by refusing to be stampeded into
giving it publicity. Every review or public criticism of the book of
this character brings it to the attention of many who would
otherwise know nothing of it. This results in added sales. The less
discussion there is concerning it, the more sales resistance will be
“We therefore appeal to you to refrain from comment on this book,
which will undoubtedly be brought to your attention sooner or later.
It is our conviction that a general compliance with this request will
sound the warning to other publishing houses against engaging in
this type of venture.”

In fact, Grant wrote very little about Jews, noting only his view that
they were of Central European, Khazar origin: “It is doubtful whether
there is a single drop of the old Palestinian, Semitic-speaking Hebrew
blood among these East European Jews.”
Nevertheless, by this time, Hitler had begun consolidating power in
Germany and his excesses were undermining eugenics and scientific
racial theory. The New York Times, in its review of Conquest, was quick
to make the connection: “Substitute Aryan for Nordic and a good deal
of Mr. Grant’s argument would lend itself without much difficulty to
the support of some recent pronouncements in Germany.”
Grant actually had occasion to caution others about the National
Socialist government. In 1934, he wrote to Laughlin warning that
American eugenicists should be careful in their relations with Germany
and should “proceed cautiously in endorsing” the actions being taken
by the German government.

Another aspect of Grant’s career that he considered intimately
related to his work in racial science was conservationism, and his
involvement with nature and wildlife was long and varied. Just as with
the racialist movement, he was always a leader. In 1895, along with
Theodore Roosevelt and a handful of others, he co-founded the New
York Zoological Society (now the Wildlife Conservation Society), and
served as its secretary until 1924. He helped found the American Bison
Society in 1905; was president of the Bronx Zoo for many years; was
co-founder and president of the Bronx Parkway Commission (which
built the road to the Zoo); co-founder of the Save the Redwoods
League; and a founding member of the Boone and Crockett Club, which
helped establish Yellowstone National Park.
In an excellent essay in the April 1995 issue of The Mankind
Quarterly, Roger Pearson writes about the link between conservation
and racial thinking:
“The success of the conservationist movement in the United States
at this vital period in the nation’s history was facilitated by the
sympathy of President Theodore Roosevelt, who was deeply concerned
about the threat to the quality of both the natural and human stock of
“With Madison Grant serving as secretary and later as president,
the Boone and Crockett Club was largely comprised of eugenicists and
eugenics sympathizers. Renowned as one of the more active members
of the eugenics movement, and especially for his efforts to preserve the
‘Old American’ component of the American population, Grant worked
just as ardently to preserve the natural heritage for future generations
of Americans and should be remembered always with honor as one of
the nation’s greatest benefactors.”
Despite disavowals by American eugenicists, Nazism had already
begun to erode support for the eugenics movement by the 1930s.
German policies played into the hands of people like the anti-
eugenicist, Franz Boas of Columbia, a socialist who launched a one-
man crusade to destroy eugenics and “undermine the belief in race as a
primary factor in cultural behavior.” Through his many books and
students (including Margaret Mead and Ashley Montagu), Boas’ views
began to prevail.
Even so, Grant’s efforts never flagged. In 1932, he again served as
treasurer of the third and final Eugenics Congress. This Congress was
also held at the Museum of Natural History, and included as sponsors
Mrs. E. H. Harriman Harriman, Mrs. H. B. Dupont, Dr. J. Harvey
Kellogg (of Kellogg’s cereals), and Leonard Darwin.
Conquest was published in 1933, after which Grant served on the
advisory board of Eugenical News. He continued to write, to plan, to
lobby. But the old days were ending. A schism had developed among
eugenicists between those who favored “negative eugenics” and those
in the “mainstream” who promoted “positive eugenics.” Moreover,
Nazism was rapidly discrediting the science. By mid-decade, Osborn
had died, and Grant himself died on May 30, 1937. The man who had
devoted so much of his life to preserving his race left no children.
Two years later, Hitler invaded Poland. From then on, eugenics
would be equated with concentration camps, Nazi doctors, Holocaust,
and war crimes. As a science it was dead. Ironically, Grant’s views on
nature and wildlife have been largely adopted, and conservation is at
the forefront of mainstream thought. Of course, Grant receives little
credit for this. His dreams of racial preservation, which he saw as part
and parcel of nature conservation, are reviled today by all but a few.
They owe it to the memory of this early activist to carry on his work, to
ensure that the ideals of Madison Grant do not perish.
This article appeared in the December 1997 issue. George
McDaniel is the editor of this book and is the webmaster for the
American Renaissance website.
Multiculturalism and Marxism

by Frank Ellis
“For the purposes of everyday life it was no doubt necessary, or
sometimes necessary, to reflect before speaking, but a Party member
called upon to make a political or ethical judgment should be able to
spray forth the correct opinions as automatically as a machine gun
spraying out bullets.”
—George Orwell, 1984

No successful society shows a spontaneous tendency towards

multiculturalism or multiracialism. Successful and enduring societies
show a high degree of homogeneity. Those who support
multiculturalism either do not know this or, what is more likely, realize
that if they are to transform Western societies into strictly regulated,
racial-feminist bureaucracies they must first undermine those societies.
This transformation is as radical and revolutionary as the project to
establish Communism in the Soviet Union. Just as every aspect of life
had to be brought under political control in order for the commissars to
impose their vision of society, the multiculturalists hope to control and
dominate every aspect of our lives. Unlike the hard tyranny of the
Soviets, theirs is a softer, gentler tyranny but one with which they hope
to bind us as tightly as a prisoner in the Gulag. Today’s “political
correctness” is the direct descendent of Communist terror and
Unlike the obviously alien implantation that was Communism, what
makes multiculturalism particularly insidious and difficult to combat is
that it usurps the moral and intellectual infrastructure of the West.
Although it claims to champion the deepest held beliefs of the West, it
is in fact a perversion and systematic undermining of the very idea of
the West.
What we call “political correctness” actually dates back to the
Soviet Union of the 1920s (politicheskaya pravil’nost’ in Russian), and
was the extension of political control to education, psychiatry, ethics,
and behavior. It was an essential component of the attempt to make
sure all aspects of life were consistent with ideological orthodoxy—
which is the distinctive feature of all totalitarianisms. In the post-Stalin
period, political correctness even meant that dissent was seen as a
symptom of mental illness, for which the only treatment was
As Mao Tse-Tung, the Great Helmsman, put it, “Not to have a
correct political orientation is like not having a soul.” Mao’s little red
book is full of exhortations to follow the correct path of Communist
thought, and by the late 1960s Maoist political correctness was well
established in American universities. The final stage of development,
which we are witnessing now, is the result of cross-fertilization with all
the latest “isms”: anti-racism, feminism, structuralism, and post-
modernism, which now dominate university curricula. The result is a
new and virulent strain of totalitarianism, whose parallels to the
Communist era are obvious. Today’s dogmas have led to rigid
requirements of language, thought, and behavior, and violators are
treated as if they were mentally unbalanced, just as Soviet dissidents
Some have argued that it is unfair to describe Stalin’s regime as
“totalitarian,” pointing out that one man, no matter how ruthlessly he
exercised power, could not control all the functions of the state. But, in
fact, he didn’t have to. Totalitarianism was much more than state
terror, censorship, and concentration camps; it was a state of mind in
which the very idea of a private opinion or point of view had been
destroyed. The totalitarian propagandist forces people to believe that
slavery is freedom, squalor is bounty, ignorance is knowledge, and that
a rigidly closed society is the most open in the world. And once enough
people are made to think this way, it is functionally totalitarian even if
a single dictator does not personally control everything.
Today, of course, we are made to believe that diversity is strength,
perversity is virtue, success is oppression, and that relentlessly
repeating these ideas over and over is “tolerance and diversity.” Indeed,
the multicultural revolution works subversion everywhere, just as
Communist revolutions did: judicial activism undermines the rule of
law; “tolerance” weakens the conditions that make real tolerance
possible; universities, which should be havens of free inquiry, practice
censorship that rivals that of the Soviets. At the same time, we find a
relentless drive for equality: the Bible, Shakespeare, and rap “music”
are just texts with “equally valid perspectives”; deviant and criminal
behavior is an “alternative life-style.” Today, Dostoevsky’s Crime and
Punishment would have to be repackaged as Crime and Counseling.
In the Communist era, the totalitarian state was built on violence.
The purges of the 1930s and the Great Terror (which was Mao’s model
for the Cultural Revolution) used violence against “class enemies” to
compel loyalty. Party members signed death warrants for “enemies of
the people” knowing that the accused were innocent, but believing in
the correctness of the charges. In the 1930s, collective guilt justified
murdering millions of Russian peasants. As cited by Robert Conquest
i n The Harvest of Sorrow (p. 143), the state’s view of this class was,
“not one of them was guilty of anything; but they belonged to a class
that was guilty of everything.” Stigmatizing entire institutions and
groups makes it much easier to carry out wholesale change.
This, of course, is the beauty of “racism” and “sexism” for today’s
culture attackers—sin can be extended far beyond individuals to
include institutions, literature, language, history, laws, customs, entire
civilizations. The charge of “institutional racism” is no different from
declaring an entire economic class an enemy of the people. “Racism”
and “sexism” are multiculturalism’s assault weapons, its Big Ideas, just
as class warfare was for Communists, and the effects are the same. If a
crime can be collectivized all can be guilty because they belong to the
wrong group. When young whites are victims of racial preferences they
are today’s version of the Russian peasants. Even if they themselves
have never oppressed anyone they “belong to the race that is guilty of
The purpose of these multicultural campaigns is to destroy the self.
The mouth moves, the right gestures follow, but they are the mouth and
gestures of a zombie, the new Soviet man or, today, PC-man. And once
enough people have been conditioned this way, violence is no longer
necessary. We reach steady-state totalitarianism, in which the vast
majority know what is expected of them and play their allotted roles.
The Russian experiment with revolution and totalitarian social
engineering has been fully chronicled by two of that country’s greatest
writers, Dostoevsky and Solzhenitsyn. They brilliantly dissect the
methods and psychology of totalitarian control. Dostoevsky’s The
Devils has no equal as a penetrating and disturbing analysis of the
revolutionary and utopian mind. The “devils” are radical students of the
middle and upper classes flirting with something they do not
understand. The ruling class tries to ingratiate itself with them. The
universities have essentially declared war on society at large. The great
cry of the student radicals is freedom: freedom from the established
norms of society, freedom from manners, freedom from inequality,
freedom from the past.
Russia’s descent into vice and insanity is a powerful warning of
what happens when a nation declares war on the past in the hope of
building a terrestrial paradise. Dostoevsky did not live to see the
abominations he predicted but Solzhenitsyn experienced them first
hand. The Gulag Archipelago and August 1914 can be seen as histories
of ideas, as attempts to account for the dreadful fate that befell Russia
after 1917.
Solzhenitsyn identifies education and the way teachers saw their
duty as instilling hostility to all forms of traditional authority as the
major factors that explain why Russia’s youth was seduced by
revolutionary ideas. In the West, during the 1960s and 1970s—which
can collectively be called “the 60s”—we hear a powerful echo of the
collective mental capitulation of Russia that took place in the 1870s
and continued through the revolution.
One of the echoes of Marxism that continues to reverberate today is
the idea that truth resides in class (or sex or race or erotic orientation).
Truth is not something to be established by rational inquiry, but
depends on the perspective of the speaker. In the multicultural
universe, a person’s perspective is “valued” (a favorite word) according
to class. Feminists, blacks, environmentalists and homosexuals have a
greater claim to truth because they are “oppressed.” In the misery of
“oppression” they see truth more clearly than the white heterosexual
men who “oppress” them. This is a perfect mirror image of the Marxist
proletariat’s moral and intellectual superiority over the bourgeoisie.
Today, “oppression” confers a “privileged perspective” that is
essentially infallible. To borrow an expression from Robert Bork’s
Slouching Towards Gomorrah , black and feminist activists are “case-
hardened against logical argument”—just as Communist true believers
Indeed, feminist and anti-racist activists openly reject objective
truth. Confident that they have intimidated their opposition, feminists
are able to make all kinds of demands on the assumption that men and
women are equal in every way. When outcomes do not match that
belief, this is only more evidence of white-male deviltry.
One of the most depressing sights in the West today, particularly in
the universities and in the media, is the readiness to treat feminism as a
major contribution to knowledge and to submit to its absurdities.
Remarkably, this requires no physical violence. It is the desire to be
accepted that makes people truckle to these middle-class, would-be
revolutionaries. Peter Verkhovensky, who orchestrates murder and
mayhem in The Devils, expresses it with admirable contempt: “All I
have to do is to raise my voice and tell them that they are not
sufficiently liberal.” The race hustlers, of course, play the same game:
Accuse a late-20th century liberal of “racism” or “sexism” and watch
him fall apart in an orgy of self-flagellation and Maoist self-criticism.
Even “conservatives” wilt at the sound of those words.
Ancient liberties and assumptions of innocence mean nothing when
it comes to “racism”: You are guilty until proven innocent, which is
nearly impossible, and even then you are forever suspect. An
accusation of “racism” has much the same effect as an accusation of
witchcraft did in 17th century Salem.
It is the power of the charge of “racism” that stifles the derision
that would otherwise meet the idea that we should “value diversity.” If
“diversity” had real benefits whites would want more of it, and would
ask that yet more cities in the US and Europe be handed over to
immigrants. Of course, they are not rushing to embrace diversity and
multiculturalism; they are in headlong flight in the opposite direction.
Valuing diversity is a hobby for people who do not have to endure its
A multicultural society is one that is inherently prone to conflict,
not harmony. This is why we see a huge growth in government
bureaucracies dedicated to resolving disputes along racial and cultural
lines. These disputes can never be resolved permanently because the
bureaucrats deny one of the major causes: race. This is why there is so
much talk of the “multicultural” rather than the more precise
“multiracial.” Ever more changes and legislation are introduced to
make the host society ever more congenial to racial minorities. This
only creates more demands, and encourages the non-shooting war
against whites, their civilization, and even the idea of the West.
How is such a radical program carried forward? The Soviet Union
had a massive system of censorship—the Communists even censored
street maps—and it is worth noting there were two kinds of censorship:
the blatant censorship of state agencies and the more subtle self-
censorship that the inhabitants of “peoples’ democracies” soon learned.
The situation in the West is not so straightforward. There is nothing
remotely comparable to Soviet-style government censorship and yet we
have deliberate suppression of dissent. Arthur Jensen, Hans Eysenck, J.
Philippe Rushton, Chris Brand, Michael Levin, and Glayde Whitney
have all been vilified for their racial views. The case of Prof. Rushton
is particularly troubling because his academic work was investigated by
the police. The attempt to silence him was based on provisions of
Canadian hate speech laws. This is just the sort of intellectual terror
one expected in the old Soviet Union. To find it in a country that prides
itself on being a pillar of Western liberal democracy is one of the most
disturbing consequences of multiculturalism.
A mode of opinion control softer than outright censorship is the
current obsession with fictional role models. Today, the feminist and
anti-racist theme is constantly worked into movies and television as
examples of Bartold Brecht’s principle that the Marxist artist must
show the world not as it is but as it ought to be. This is why we have so
many screen portrayals of wise black judges; street-wise, straight-
shooting lady policemen; minority computer geniuses; and, of course,
degenerate white men. This is almost a direct borrowing from Soviet-
style socialist realism, with its idealized depictions of sturdy
proletarians routing capitalist vermin.
Multiculturalism has the same ambitions as Soviet Communism. It
is absolutist in the pursuit of its various agendas, yet it relativizes all
other perspectives in its attack on its enemies. Multiculturalism is an
ideology to end all other ideologies, and these totalitarian aspirations
permit us to draw two conclusions: First, multiculturalism must
eliminate all opposition everywhere. There can be no safe havens for
counter-revolutionaries. Second, once it is established the multicultural
paradise must be defended at all costs. Orthodoxy must be maintained
with all the resources of the state.
Such a society would be well on its way to becoming totalitarian. It
might not have concentration camps, but it would have re-education
centers and sensitivity training for those sad creatures who still
engaged in “white-male hegemonic discourse.” Rather than the hard
totalitarianism of the Soviet state we would have a softer version in
which our minds would be wards of the state. We would be liberated
from the burden of thought and therefore unable to fall into the heresy
of political incorrectness.
If we think of multiculturalism as yet another manifestation of 20th
century totalitarianism, can we take solace in the fact that the Soviet
Union eventually collapsed? Is multiculturalism a phase, a periodic
crisis through which the West is passing, or does it represent something
fundamental and perhaps irreversible?
Despite the efforts of pro-Soviet elements, the West recognized the
Soviet empire as a threat. It does not recognize multiculturalism as a
threat in the same way. For this reason, many of its assumptions and
objectives remain unchallenged. Still, there are some grounds for
optimism, for example, the speed with which the term “political
correctness” caught on. It took the tenured radicals completely by
surprise, but it is only a small gain.
In the long term, the most important battleground in the war against
multiculturalism is the United States. The struggle is likely to be a
slow, frustrating war of attrition. If it fails, the insanity of
multiculturalism is something white Americans will have to live with.
Of course, at some point whites may demand an end to being punished
because of black failure. As Prof. Michael Hart argues in The Real
American Dilemma1 there could be racial partition of the United States.
We may find that what happened in the Balkans is not peculiar to that
part of the world. Race war is not something the affluent radicals
deliberately seek but their policies are pushing us in that direction.
I have argued so far that the immediate context for understanding
political correctness and multiculturalism is the Soviet Union and its
catastrophic utopian experiment. And yet the PC/multicultural
mentality is much older. In Reflections on the Revolution in France,
Edmund Burke offers a portrait of the French radicals that is still
relevant 200 years after he wrote it:
“They have no respect for the wisdom of others; but they pay it off
by a very full measure of confidence in their own. With them it is
sufficient motive to destroy an old scheme of things, because it is an
old one. As to the new, they are in no sort of fear with regard to the
duration of a building run up in haste; because duration is no object to
those who think little or nothing has been done before their time, and
who place all their hopes in discovery.”
Of course, multiculturalism is far from being a solution to racial or
cultural conflict. Quite the contrary. Multiculturalism is the road to a
special kind of hell that we have already seen in this gruesome 20th
century, a hell that man, having abandoned reason and in revolt against
God’s order, builds for himself and others.
This article appeared in the November 1999 issue. Frank Ellis is
professor of Russian at the University of Leeds in England.

1. Published in 1998 by New Century Foundation.
The Decline of National Review

by James P. Lubinskas

The October 11, 1999, cover story of National Review was a piece by
Senior Editor Ramesh Ponnuru called “A Conservative No More,”
which argued that Patrick Buchanan has abandoned conservative
principles. The article complained about Mr. Buchanan’s isolationism,
opposition to free trade, and support for certain government programs,
but the most serious charge appeared in the subtitle: “The tribal politics
of Pat Buchanan.” According to Mr. Ponnuru, “Buchananism is a form
of identity politics for white people—and becomes more worrisome as
it is married to collectivism.” Any expression of white identity is now
apparently a betrayal of conservatism. It was not always so.
National Review is considered the flagship publication of post-
World War II conservatism. William F. Buckley founded it in 1955,
declaring that it “stands athwart history yelling Stop, at a time when no
one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so
urge it.” Mr. Buckley was yelling “stop” to the spread of communism
abroad and liberalism at home. That National Review should now attack
Mr. Buchanan for supporting protectionism and market intervention is
consistent with founding principles and no surprise. But few would
have thought that after 44 years of publication, a senior editor with an
Indian surname would condemn a popular white conservative for
speaking up for whites.
In fact, the National Review of the 1950s, 60s and even 70s spoke
up for white people far more vigorously than Pat Buchanan would ever
dare to today. The early National Review heaped criticism on the civil
rights movement, Brown v. Board of Education , and people like Adam
Clayton Powell and Martin Luther King, whom it considered race
hustlers. Some of the greatest names in American conservatism—
Russell Kirk, Willmore Kendall, James Kilpatrick, Richard Weaver,
and a young Bill Buckley—wrote articles defending the white South
and white South Africans in the days of segregation and apartheid. NR
attacked the 1965 immigration bill that opened America to Third-
World immigration, and wrote frankly about racial differences in IQ.
There were always hints of compromise, but passages from some back
issues could have been lifted right out of American Renaissance. No
longer. NR still supports immigration reform and is not afraid of the IQ
debate, but Mr. Ponnuru’s article is just one example of its complete
abandonment of the interests of whites as a group. What used to be a
central part of the NR message it now dismissed as illegitimate “white
identity politics.”

“Why the South Must Prevail”

A famous example of the early NR stance on race was an August
24, 1957 unsigned editorial titled “Why the South Must Prevail.” It was
almost certainly written by Mr. Buckley, since he uses similar language
in his book Up From Liberalism. The editorial argued against giving
blacks the vote because it would undermine civilization in the South:
“The central question that emerges … is whether the White
community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are
necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does
not prevail numerically? The sobering answer is Yes—the White
community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced
race. It is not easy, and it is unpleasant, to adduce statistics evidencing
the cultural superiority of White over Negro: but it is a fact that
obtrudes, one that cannot be hidden by ever-so-busy egalitarians and
“National Review believes that the South’s premises are correct….
It is more important for a community, anywhere in the world, to affirm
and live by civilized standards, than to bow to the demands of the
numerical majority.”
“The South confronts one grave moral challenge. It must not exploit
the fact of Negro backwardness to preserve the Negro as a servile
class…. Let the South never permit itself to do this. So long as it is
merely asserting the right to impose superior mores for whatever
period it takes to effect a genuine cultural equality between the races,
and so long as it does so by humane and charitable means, the South is
in step with civilization, as is the Congress that permits it to function.”
The final passage about “genuine cultural equality between the
races” can be read either as a last-minute loss of will or as a description
of a criterion for the black franchise that could never be met. In any
case, the editorial recognizes a principle NR would never articulate
today: the right of a civilized minority—racial or otherwise—to impose
its will upon an uncivilized majority. NR Contributing Editor L. Brent
Bozell dissented from the editorial on constitutional grounds but still
admitted, “It is understandable that White Southerners should try to
have it both ways—they can’t know what would happen should Negroes
begin to vote, and they naturally want to cover their bet.”
Needless to say, even in the 1950s, when the interests of whites
were more openly recognized, the editorial called down the wrath of the
liberals. Prof. William Muehl of the Yale Divinity School wrote: “[I]n
that vicious and wholly amoral thesis you exposed again the basic
savagery of the reactionary mentality at bay.” Would anything NR
publishes today evoke such fury from established liberals?
But Mr. Buckley’s magazine stood firm. A book review from the
July 13th issue of the same year—1957—by Richard Weaver was
called, “Integration is Communization.” Mr. Weaver found Carl
Rowan’s Go South to Sorrow “a sorry specimen of Negro intellectual
leadership,” and went on to express deep suspicion about the whole
integrationist enterprise:
“‘Integration’ and ‘Communization’ are, after all, pretty closely
synonymous. In light of what is happening today, the first may be little
more than a euphemism for the second. It does not take many steps to
get from the ‘integrating’ of facilities to the ‘communizing’ of
facilities, if the impulse is there.”
He concluded with a restatement of the principles of voluntary
association. “In a free society, associations for educational, cultural,
social, and business purposes have a right to protect their integrity
against political fanaticism. The alternative to this is the destruction of
free society and the replacement of its functions by government, which
is the Marxist dream.” Government’s current “civil rights” powers to
limit freedom of association have, indeed, brought virtually every
corner of our lives under bureaucratic control, but would NR dare say
so today?
Likewise in 1957, Sam M. Jones interviewed segregationist Senator
Richard Russell of Georgia. In a Q&A format, Mr. Jones asked, “Do the
people of the South fear political domination by the Negro or
miscegenation or both?”
Senator Russell replied, “Both. As you know, Mr. Jones, there are
some communities and some states where the Negro’s voting potential
is very great. We wish at all costs to avoid a repetition of the
Reconstruction period when newly freed slaves made the laws and
undertook their enforcement. We feel even more strongly about
miscegenation or racial amalgamation.
“The experience of other countries and civilizations has
demonstrated that the separation of the races biologically is highly
preferable to amalgamation.
“I know of nothing in human history that would lead us to conclude
that miscegenation is desirable.”
Sam M. Jones wrote another article that year criticizing integration
in the Washington, D.C., public schools. Titled “Caution: Integration at
Work,” the article accurately predicted that “the problem of school
integration in the nation’s capital may be eventually solved by the
steady migration of the white population out of the District of
Columbia.” Jones criticized school integration on the grounds of IQ
differences, citing “a white average ranging from 105 to 111 and a
Negro average of 87 to 89. (An intelligent quotient of 85 is generally
considered the minimum for receiving education.)” He went on to note:
“Data on juvenile delinquency … revealed a marked increase in
truancy, theft, vandalism and sex-offenses in integrated schools.
Dances and dramatic presentations have been quietly given up by most
high schools. Senior and junior class plays have been discontinued.
Inter-racial fights are frequent and constant vigilance is required to
prevent molestation or attempted molestation of white girls by Negro
boys or girls. In contrast, the schools outside the integrated
neighborhoods have no more such problems than they had four years
ago.” Mr. Jones concluded that “the record shows … that the problems
of integration are extremely serious and that no solution is in sight.”
The September 28, 1957, issue contained a piece by James
Kilpatrick called “Right and Power in Arkansas,” in which he endorsed
Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus’ call-up of the National Guard to
prevent forced integration at Little Rock’s Central High School.
Defending a community’s right to keep the peace, he wrote that “the
State of Arkansas and Orval Faubus are wholly in the right; they have
acted lawfully; they are entitled to those great presumptions of the law
which underlie the whole of our judicial tradition.” Predicting a
“storm” of white resistance he wrote, “Conceding, for the sake of
discussion, that the Negro pupil has these new rights, what of the white
community? Has it none?”
Cartoon from the issue of June 13, 1957
Would we see its like today?

An unsigned editorial in the September 21, 1957, issue put the

blame for the whole incident squarely on the Supreme Court:
“Under the disintegrating effects of Brown v. Board of Education ,
the units of our society are forced into absolute dilemmas for which
there is literally no solution within the traditional American structure.
“Violence and the threat of violence; base emotions; the cynical
exploitation of members of both races by ruthless ideologues; the
shameful spectacle of heavily armed troops patrolling the lawns and
schoolyards of once tranquil towns and villages; the turgid dregs of
hatred, envy, resentment, and sorrow—all these are part of the swelling
harvest of Brown v. Board of Education.”
On the tenth anniversary of Brown, NR offered this June 2, 1964,
“But whatever the exact net result in the restricted field of school
desegregation, what a price we are paying for Brown! It would be
ridiculous to hold the Supreme Court solely to blame for the
ludicrously named ‘civil rights movement’—that is, the Negro
revolt…. But the Court carries its share of the blame. Its decrees,
beginning with Brown, have on the one hand encouraged the least
responsible of the Negro leaders in the course of extra-legal and illegal
struggle that we now witness around us….
“Brown, as National Review declared many years ago, was bad law
and bad sociology. We are now tasting its bitter fruits. Race relations in
the country are ten times worse than in 1954.”
In the 1960s NR continued to oppose the civil rights movement and
the assumption that race could somehow be reduced to irrelevance. A
July 2, 1963, editorial declared: “The Negro people have been
encouraged to ask for, and to believe they can get, nothing less than the
evanescence of color, and they are doomed to founder on the shoals of
existing human attitudes—their own included.” Race, as AR continues
to point out, cannot be made not to matter, and NR once understood
An article by James Kilpatrick in the September 24, 1963, issue
argued that the Civil Rights Bill (eventually passed in 1964) should be
voted down. He wrote, “I believe this bill is a very bad bill. In my view,
the means here proposed are the wrong means…. In the name of
achieving certain ‘rights’ for one group of citizens this bill would
impose some fateful compulsions on another group of citizens.” After
it passed, an editorial declared: “The Civil Rights Act has been law for
only a little over two months, yet it already promises to be the source
of much legalistic confusion, civic chaos and bureaucratic
Mr. Kilpatrick also took aim at the 1965 Voting Rights Act in the
April 20, 1965, issue. “Must We Repeal the Constitution to Give the
Negro the Vote?” he asked, accusing the bill’s supporters of
“perverting the Constitution.” He thought certain blacks should be
given the right to vote but notes, “Over most of this century, the great
bulk of Southern Negroes have been genuinely unqualified for the
franchise.” He also defended segregation as rational for Southerners.
“Segregation is a fact, and more than a fact; it is a state of mind. It lies
in the Southern subconscious next to man’s most elementary instincts,
for self-preservation, for survival, for the untroubled continuation of a
not intolerable way of life.”
Mr. Buckley softened his position on civil rights in the 1960s but to
a point that would still be intolerable for conservatives today. In a
column written five months before the passage of the 1965 Voting
Rights Act and called “The Issue at Selma,” he called for giving blacks
the vote but perhaps restricting the franchise to high school graduates.
He sympathized with the Southern position, writing, “In much of the
South, what is so greatly feared is irresponsible, mobocratic rule, and it
is a fear not easily dissipated, because it is well-grounded that if the
entire Negro population in the South were suddenly given the vote, and
were to use it as a bloc, and pursuant to directives handed down by
some of the more demagogic leaders, chaos would ensue.” He also
warned of “a suddenly enfranchised, violently embittered Negro
population which will take the vote and wield it as an instrument of
vengeance, shaking down the walls of Jericho even to their foundations,
and re-awakening the terrible genocidal antagonisms that scarred the
Southern psyche during the days of Reconstruction.”
Mr. Buckley expressed similar doubts about multiracial democracy
in his 1959 Up From Liberalism: “Democracy’s finest bloom is seen
only in its natural habitat, the culturally homogenous community.
There, democracy induces harmony. Harmony (not freedom) is
democracy’s finest flower. Even a politically unstable society of
limited personal freedom can be harmonious if governed
democratically, if only because the majority understand themselves to
be living in the house that they themselves built.”
NR loathed the “Black Power” movement, which it described in a
July 19, 1966, editorial as a natural outgrowth of the civil rights
“It isn’t surprising when you come to think of it, that the militants
in the civil rights movement should move to a new concept—they call
it Black Power—at this stage, the movement having come into
doldrums. What made it inevitable was the ravenous rhetoric of the
past few years, whose motto ‘Freedom Now’ called for nothing less,
when analyzed, than the evanescence of color. Since no such thing
could be brought about, can be brought about, there is a sense of
disappointment among those civil rights workers who somehow
permitted themselves to believe that the passage of a few bits and
pieces of legislation would transform the life of the American Negro….
It never followed that Negroes would suddenly cease to be poor, that
whites would cease to prefer the company of whites, that the
overwhelming majority of the American population would not continue
to concentrate on individual and family concerns.”
The February 12, 1963, issue attacked another element of the
movement: “the Black Muslims—who have no connection with real
Mohammedanism—are ferociously anti-white and anti-Christian …
believe in violence, and train actively for the War of Armageddon, in
which the blacks will kill all the whites.”
An October 8, 1968, article called “Black Power and the Campus”
by David Brudnoy observes: “Black power today means a total striving
by embittered groups of Negroes for everything their fancies demand.
In its path lie the crumpled remains of the Constitution, the tattered
sleeves of law, the punctured corpse of Reason, and literally the bodies
of those Negroes and whites who oppose it.”
In the July 15, 1969, issue we find an editorial about the Black
Panthers: “Under a portrait of Che Guevara they installed in a church
auditorium, they distribute free food and comic books to kids at
breakfasts. The food is contributed by local merchants, who risk having
their stores burned down (one case so far—enough to make the point) if
they refuse. The comics are crude, nasty affairs depicting heroic black
kids killing and intimidating pigs in police uniforms.”
NR used to be forthright about dressing down prominent blacks. A
June 7, 1958, editorial on Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. stated, “That
Powell is a racist has been clear for years. Last June, in National
Review, Miss Maureen Buckley covered the subject neatly: ‘Adam
Clayton Powell’s championing of the Negro cause has led him to a
strange racist extremism…. In 1946 he pronounced in the
Congressional Record his fixed conclusion that, ‘the best thing that
could happen would be the passing of the white man’s world [which]
has stood for nationalism, oppression, and barbarism.’”
In the same manner, a September 7, 1965, article by Will Herberg
blames Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement for the 1965
Los Angeles riots:
“For years now, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and his associates
have been deliberately undermining the foundations of internal order in
this country. With their rabble-rousing demagoguery, they have been
cracking the ‘cake of custom’ that holds us together. With their
doctrine of ‘civil disobedience’ they have been teaching hundreds of
thousands of Negroes … that it is perfectly all right to break the law
and defy constituted authority if you are a Negro-with-a-grievance….
And they have done more than talk. They have on occasion after
occasion, in almost every part of the country, called out their mobs on
the streets, promoted ‘school strikes,’ sit-ins, lie-ins, in explicit
violation of the law and in explicit violation of the public authority.
They have taught anarchy and chaos by word and deed….”
In 1979 Mr. Buckley was still criticizing Martin Luther King
saying, “When it was black men persecuting white or black men—in
the Congo, for instance—he was strangely silent on the issue of human
rights. The human rights of Chinese, or of Caucasians living behind the
Iron Curtain never appeared to move him.” This is pretty mild criticism
but it would not appear in today’s NR, which fawns over King as much
as the liberals do.

A Reliable Voice
Criticism of the American Civil Rights movement was not the only
way in which NR used to promote “identity politics for white people.”
It wrote articles about South Africa clearly endorsing apartheid as the
only workable system for the country. In the March 9, 1965, issue
Russell Kirk decried court-enforced black voting rights as “theoretical
folly” that the US would nevertheless survive, but declared
prophetically that the same dogma in South Africa, “if applied, would
bring anarchy and the collapse of civilization.” For Kirk, civilization
required apartheid: “In a time of virulent ‘African nationalism,’ … how
is South Africa’s ‘European’ population … to keep the peace and
preserve a prosperity unique in the Dark Continent?” White rule, he
answered, is a prudent way, “to govern tolerably a society composed of
several races, among which only a minority is civilized.” He called for
humane treatment of South African blacks but dismissed their leaders
as “witch doctors” and “reckless demagogues.” He wrote frankly about
the “‘European’ element which makes South Africa the only modern
and prosperous African country.”
NR also used to understand immigration. A September 21, 1965,
article by Ernest van den Haag called “More Immigration?” took on the
impending reform [signed into law on October 3, 1965, by Lyndon
Johnson] that would open up America to the Third World. Mr. van den
Haag, who is still listed as a contributing editor to NR, argued that our
then-sound immigration laws should be made even stricter, not looser.
Rejecting the charge that the laws were “racist,” he wrote: “one need
not believe that one’s own ethnic group, or any ethnic group, is superior
to others … in order to wish one’s country to continue to be made up of
the same ethnic strains in the same proportions as before. And,
conversely, the wish not to see one’s country overrun by groups one
regards as alien need not be based on feelings of superiority or
‘racism’.” He goes on to say, “the wish to preserve one’s identity and
the identity of one’s nation requires no justification … any more than
the wish to have one’s own children, and to continue one’s family
through them need be justified or rationalized by a belief that they are
superior to the children of others.”
A September 26, 1975, review of Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the
Saints makes much the same point.1 Prof. Jeffrey Hart, who is currently
listed as a senior editor, called the book a “sensation” that rocked
liberal sensibilities. He wrote: “Most people … are able to perceive
that the ‘other group’ looks rather different and lives rather differently
from their own. Such ‘racist’ or ‘ethnocentric’ feelings are undoubtedly
healthy, and involve merely a preference for one’s own kind. Indeed—
and Raspail hammers away at this point throughout his novel—no
group can long survive unless it does ‘prefer itself.’ … The liberal rote
anathema on ‘racism’ is in effect a poisonous assault upon Western
Mr. van den Haag took a thoroughly sound position on IQ
differences. In the December 1, 1964, issue—a full thirty years before
The Bell Curve and five years before Arthur Jensen’s celebrated article
in the Harvard Educational Review—he interviewed an unnamed
“eminent sociologist” (who happened to be himself). Under the title
“Intelligence or Prejudice?” and the subtitle, “An eminent sociologist
discusses Negro intelligence and accuses certain of his colleagues of
prejudice against logic and discrimination against facts,” the article
took on the ever-trendy nonsense that intelligence cannot be tested and
that the concept of IQ is meaningless. The “eminent sociologist”
defended IQ testing by citing the work of Hans Eysenck, and research
on identical twins. He claimed intelligence is largely heritable and that
environmental factors cannot improve it by much. Mr. van den Haag
wrote that integrated education impairs whites and “demoralizes”
blacks, and advocated separation: “I am all in favor of improving the
quality of education for all. But this can be done only if pupils are
separated according to ability (whatever determines it). And this means
very largely according to race.”
In an April 8, 1969 column, called “On Negro Inferiority” Mr.
Buckley wrote about the furor caused by Arthur Jensen’s research about
race and IQ, calling it “massive, apparently authoritative.” Mr. Buckley
even bragged that “Professor Ernest van den Haag, writing in National
Review (Dec. 1, 1964) … brilliantly anticipated the findings of Dr.
Jensen and brilliantly coped with their implications.”
The late Revilo Oliver, classicist and outspoken racialist, made
regular appearances in the early NR. Mr. Buckley thought so highly of
him he put his name on the masthead and invited him to his wedding.
Oliver, who refused to compromise and was eventually banished from
the magazine, also knew something about race and IQ before Arthur
Jensen did. This is from his November 2, 1957, review of Ashley
Montagu’s Man: His First Million Years:
“Dr. Montagu, who composed the UNESCO Statement on Race, has
again skillfully trimmed the facts of anthropology to fit the Liberal
propaganda line. Every anthropologist knows, for example, that
aborigines in Australia propagated their species for a hundred thousand
years without ever suspecting that pregnancy might be a consequence
of sexual intercourse. Equally striking evidence of intellectual capacity
is provided by the many peoples that never discovered how to kindle a
fire or plant a seed. But Dr. Montagu, after making a great show of
cautious objectivity, proclaims that ‘anthropologists are unable to find
any evidence’ of ‘significant differences in mental capacity’ between
‘ethnic groups.’ If you can tell such whoppers with a straight face, you
too can ask the ‘United Nations’ to recognize your right to largesse
from the pockets of American taxpayers.”

No Longer Yelling “Stop”

Clearly, the early National Review was often a voice for white
Americans. It not only defended their culture, it defended their race.
White Southerners had a right—both constitutionally and morally—to
protect themselves from black rule and black incivility. White South
Africans had the same right. The nation as a whole had a right to defend
its European heritage and racial identity by closing its borders to non-
whites. As Mr. van den Haag wrote, this policy needed no justification.
And if low black intelligence and high crime rates hindered white
students from learning, that was sufficient reason for separate
Today’s NR has not yet abandoned every subject of interest to
whi t es qua whites. It is solidly against affirmative action and
multicultural education. It defended The Bell Curve and has published
reviews of J. Philippe Rushton’s work. It still advocates immigration
reform, though its position now is that a pause in immigration will
make it easier for the non-whites who are already here to assimilate.
Even that stance could crumble. In 1998 Mr. Buckley demoted the two
men most responsible for the magazine’s anti-immigration tone, editor
John O’Sullivan and senior editor Peter Brimelow. Filling their places
are people like Mr. Ponnuru and John Miller, who like immigration and
are afraid of “identity politics for white people.” Today’s NR is no
longer the brave journal that fought integration and tried to keep
America European. It is not yelling “stop” to multiracialism and the
displacement of the country’s founding stock by aliens. That, as Mr.
Ponnuru explains, would be to play “tribal politics.”
This article appeared in the September 2000 issue. James Lubinskas
is a former assistant editor of American Renaissance.

Mr. Buckley is Silent

After reading James Lubinskas’ article about the firm positions NR
used to take on racial matters, I was curious to know how Mr. Buckley
would explain the change, and inquired about the possibility of an
interview. His secretary asked that I fax her an outline of the subjects I
wanted to cover, so I sent several past and present quotations from NR,
explaining that I wanted to know why the magazine had shifted its
ground. A few days later, I telephoned her again to ask about the
interview, and she told me Mr. Buckley is writing a book and giving no
interviews. I asked why I had been told to summarize what I wanted to
talk about if he is giving no interviews, and she told me to fax the same
material again.
The next day, August 5, 2000, Mr. Buckley’s syndicated newspaper
column was about the very subjects I had raised in my faxed message.
It was a meandering piece about the Republican convention’s
celebration of diversity, but added that Jared Taylor, “a white separatist
of sorts,” had wondered whether whites are allowed to have racial
interests as a group. Mr. Buckley then quoted several sentences from
the passage from Ernest van den Haag’s 1965 article that Mr.
Lubinskas cited, and which I had included as part of my letter to Mr.
Buckley. The column managed to avoid reaching a conclusion about the
legitimacy of white racial consciousness.
I telephoned Mr. Buckley’s secretary again, pointed out that Mr.
Buckley had used my letter as material for a column, and asked once
again for an interview. No, she said, Mr. Buckley is writing a book and
must not be disturbed. ― Jared Taylor

1. The AR review of this book appears on page 292.
Undue Process
Arnold Krammer, The Untold Story of America’s German Alien
Internees, Rowan & Littlefield, 1997, 209 pp., $27.95

reviewed by Joseph E. Fallon

Since 1948, the internment and re-location policies implemented by

the Roosevelt Administration during World War II have been presented
by Congress, the news media, some historians, and the Japanese-
American lobby as an expression of racist war hysteria against
Japanese living in the United States.
This distortion of history has been used to justify financial
compensation to “victims” of those policies on nine separate occasions
between 1948 and 1992. It has now become part of the ideology of
“white racism” and a precedent for demands by blacks for reparations
because of slavery and by Hispanics because of the Mexican-American
I n Undue Process: The Untold Story of America’s German Alien
Internees, Arnold Krammer, professor of history at Texas A&M
University, describes the extensive wartime policy of interning
Europeans—a policy that has disappeared from history books and that
gives the lie to the now orthodox view that Japanese relocation was a
race-based policy. Using government documents, newspaper accounts,
and interviews with former internees, Prof. Krammer has documented
the officially-forgotten history of the internment of Germans and
It is important at the outset to distinguish between internment and
relocation. Internment was literal incarceration, and was reserved
primarily for enemy aliens. Relocation was the requirement that people
considered to be threats to American security—some of whom were US
citizens—move out of the Western part of the United States. It is the
relocation of Japanese, both citizens and aliens, that is now represented
as a shameful example of “racism,” but Prof. Krammer’s book puts this
policy in proper perspective.

Internment of Enemy Aliens

According to a 1798 law still on the books, an enemy alien is any
citizen of a country at war with the United States. He need not show
hostility towards the US to be included in this category. While not all
enemy aliens are interned, by law only enemy aliens can be interned,
and internment often leads to deportation. US citizens may
“voluntarily” join their enemy alien spouses or parents in internment.
Prof. Krammer points out that President Roosevelt’s internment
policy followed a precedent set by Woodrow Wilson, who interned
approximately 6,300 enemy aliens during the First World War. This
number included crewmen from German and Austro-Hungarian ships
visiting US ports at the time war was declared, and nationals of
Germany and Austria-Hungary living in the United States.
Approximately one third of the World War I internees were repatriated
to Europe, and the last internees were not released until April 1920—
seventeen months after the war ended. German nationals not interned
were required to register at post offices and carry a government
registration card at all times. They were also forbidden to, among other
things, “own guns, radios, or explosives” or “live within a half-mile of
munitions factories, aircraft stations, forts, arsenals, or naval vessels.”
President Roosevelt’s internment policy during World War II was
vastly greater in scope. As early as 1939—well before America entered
the war in December 1941—Roosevelt authorized FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover to collect information on people to be interned if war
broke out. Much, if not all, of the information was unsubstantiated
allegations from unnamed sources, but once a person’s name was on
the FBI list only death could remove it.
The United States started to intern German and Italian merchant
seamen in US ports in April 1941 while the country was officially
neutral—a clear violation of law. By October 1941, it had formal plans
for interning Germans and Italians living in the United States, and
began implementing them on December 8, 1941—three days before the
US was officially at war with Germany and Italy. Some Germans who
were naturalized citizens were stripped of US citizenship so they could
be interned “legally.”
The total number of enemy aliens interned by the Roosevelt
Administration was 31,275. This included 10,905 Germans, 16,849
Japanese, and 3,278 Italians. The rest consisted of Hungarians,
Romanians, Bulgarians, and others, with Europeans constituting 46
percent of the total. Among the internees were more than 6,600 Latin
Americans—approximately 4,100 Germans, 2,300 Japanese, and 300
Italians—who were rounded up by Latin American governments at the
request of the Roosevelt administration and sent to the United States.
All Japanese enemy aliens were released from internment by June
1946, but some Germans and other Europeans were kept until August
The Roosevelt Administration also deported enemy aliens, and
continued shipping German and German-Latin American internees to
Germany even after the war in Europe had ended. It took Congressional
legislation in 1947 finally to end deportation of Germans.
Prof. Krammer tells the stories of a number of German internees,
many of whose careers and reputations were ruined by internment.
Alfred Heitmann, for example, was an engineer for Standard Oil. He
was interned in 1942 and released on parole in 1945, on condition that
he not return to his old job at Standard Oil. For the rest of his life, this
professionally-trained engineer could get work only as a grave digger, a
foundryman, and a maintenance man.
Robert Minner had been a journalist. After his release in 1946, the
only job he could get was shoveling coal. Albert Krause was a physics
teacher. He was also released in 1946, but never again worked as a
physics teacher. His family survived on his wife’s income and the part-
time and summer earnings of their three daughters.
Arthur D. Jacobs was 11 years old when, on three separate
occasions, the FBI ransacked his family’s home looking for contraband
or Nazi propaganda. Although the FBI found nothing, his father was
interned in 1944 on the basis of unsubstantiated accusations from
unnamed sources. Left without an income, the family “voluntarily”
joined the father in internment. In 1946, the Jacobses were repatriated
to Germany. Twenty-two months later, Arthur and Lambert, US
citizens by birth, managed to return, but they came alone. Their father
could not forgive the US government for the way it treated him, and
their mother stayed with their father.

Relocation of Japanese-Americans is largely outside the scope of
Prof. Krammer’s study, but this is the policy that is so frequently
described as “racist.” It was not at all the same as internment.
Internment was national in scope and involved incarcerating specific
individuals for the purpose of deportation, whereas relocation did not
begin until February 1942, and was limited to the West Coast. It
authorized the Secretary of War or the appropriate military commander
temporarily to exclude any or all persons—US citizens, resident aliens,
and enemy aliens, Germans and Italians, as well as Japanese—from all
of California, the western halves of Washington and Oregon, and the
southern third of Arizona. The government encouraged anyone who was
excluded to resettle in the eastern halves of Washington and Oregon or
in any of the other unaffected 44 states.
It is widely assumed that people excluded from the West coast were
forcibly kept in “concentration camps.” This is not true. Exclusion
prohibited residence in certain areas—nothing more—and anyone
excluded could move anywhere else in the country. The relocation
centers, which provided free housing, food, medical care, and education
for children, were made available to anyone who would rather live at
government expense than find another place on his own. As the US
Supreme Court wrote in the 1944 case of Korematsu v. United State s
that found exclusion constitutional, no Japanese citizen or enemy alien
was compelled “either in fact or by law” to go to a relocation center.
The Court added, “We deem it unjustifiable to call them concentration
camps with all the ugly connotations that term implies.” Anyone living
in a relocation center was free to leave at any time so long as he did not
return to the exclusion zone, and during the war, some 30,000 Japanese
moved out of the centers.
It is not well known that Germans and Italians were excluded from
the West Coast along with the Japanese. The relocation centers,
however, were open only to Japanese. Originally only Japanese
excluded from the West Coast could live in them but later, Japanese
from other parts of the country were allowed in after petitioning the
It is true that far more Japanese than Europeans were forced out of
their homes on the West coast—112,000 as opposed to just a few
hundred. It is this difference that was presumably “racist,” but in
Korematsu, the Court explained that “there were disloyal members of
that population [the Japanese] whose number and strength could not be
precisely and quickly ascertained.” The Court also evoked the fear of a
Japanese invasion.
Both reasons were legitimate. To begin with, there was a real
question about the loyalty of Japanese-Americans even before the war.
According to a Japanese government census, 78 percent of Japanese-
Americans held dual Japanese citizenship, which indicated a less-than-
total attachment to America. Once the war began, unlike German- and
Italian-Americans, many Japanese-Americans were openly disloyal.
For example, approximately 14,000 filed to renounce US citizenship.
The demand for renunciation was so great that in 1944 Congress
amended the Nationality Act of 1940 to allow US citizens to renounce
citizenship during wartime. Of these 14,000 petitioners, 5,620 followed
the process through to full renunciation, and gave up citizenship. They
were then interned as enemy aliens, a consequence that probably kept
many other disloyal Japanese-Americans from renouncing citizenship.
Without this group of 5,620 Japanese—officially known as
“renunciants” and, in effect, self-selected internees—the number of
European internees would have been greater than the number of
Japanese. Researchers are unaware of any case of a US citizen of
European origin renouncing citizenship during the war.
What other indications do we have of the Japanese attitude towards
the United States? Just five weeks after the West Coast exclusion order,
the government offered Japanese resident aliens naturalized US
citizenship if they would serve in the American war effort. This was a
remarkably generous offer at a time when Japanese were otherwise
barred from naturalization. Virtually no one accepted.
Japanese-Americans living in relocation centers were free to join
the armed forces but only six percent of those of military age did so. In
most cases this was because they would not side with the United States.
In fact, many wanted to go back to Japan. By 1945, more than 20,000
US citizens and enemy aliens in relocation centers had filed papers
with Washington to return to Japan. Eventually, over 8,000 Japanese,
including Japanese-Latin Americans, were repatriated.
Another indication of the state of mind of Japanese-Americans was
the refusal of hundreds of young men to register for the draft—at a
time when draft evasion was virtually unheard of. Eventually 85
citizens of Japanese descent were tried and sentenced to prison in the
largest mass trial of draft resisters in US history. Also, approximately
20,000 Japanese-Americans who were living in Japan at the time of the
Pearl Harbor attack remained in Japan and supported the war effort
against the United States.
Finally, by means of MAGIC, the project that broke Japan’s
diplomatic codes, the government learned of espionage rings organized
by and operating out of Japan’s West Coast consulates. Both enemy
aliens and US citizens were among the spies.
What about the fear of Japanese attack? Unlike Germany and Italy,
Japan invaded and occupied American territory: the Philippines, Guam,
Wake Island, and Attu and Kiska just off Alaska. On a number of
occasions, particularly during the early part of the war, Japan shelled or
bombed the West Coast, or sunk US ships off the coast. Near the end of
the war, Japan launched over 9,000 transoceanic balloon bombs against
the West Coast.
Given these circumstances—open disloyalty by many Japanese-
Americans and what appeared to be direct Japanese military threats
against the West Coast—the exclusion order appears entirely
reasonable. If there had been parallel circumstances with Germans and
Italians in the eastern part of the United States, there can be little doubt
there would have been an East Coast exclusion order as well. Both in its
internment and exclusion policies, the American government appears to
have been making strictly military decisions, which did not take race
into account.
Perhaps it should have considered race. The record shows that
Japanese-Americans were far more likely than German-Americans to
favor their homeland over the United States—and quite naturally so.
Loyalty to the US required that German-Americans turn their backs on
an ethnic and cultural identity; Japanese-Americans were renouncing
not just their culture but their race.

Ironically, it is now on racial grounds that Japanese claim they were
wronged. Activists succeeded in winning financial compensation from
Congress on seven separate occasions—in 1948, 1951, 1952, 1956,
1960, 1972, and 1978—before their most recent success.
In 1988, Congress issued an official apology, and awarded $20,000
to each former internee and relocated person of Japanese descent. Four
years later, Congress extended eligibility for the $20,000 to non-
Japanese spouses of Japanese internees who voluntarily joined their
families in internment. In June 1998, the Clinton Administration
announced it would pay financial compensation to Japanese-Latin
Americans interned in the United States during the war.
Note that for Japanese, internment and relocation were treated the
same, but that only Japanese and no Europeans have received money or
an apology. Japanese who were relocated but then returned to Japan out
of loyalty to their country of origin were eligible for the $20,000 just as
were Japanese who were relocated, enlisted in the US Army, and served
the United States. The government has never awarded financial
compensation, or offered an apology of any kind to the thousands of
Europeans it interned, relocated, or deported during and after the war.
As Prof. Krammer concludes, America’s German and Italian
internees have suffered a double tragedy. During the war, many were
locked up on suspect grounds, and today, virtually no one even knows
about it. It has now become virtually impossible to acknowledge the
truth because this would knock an important prop out from under the
now-essential ideology of “white racism.”
This article appeared in the January 1999 issue.
Sowing the Seeds of Destruction
Gunnar Myrdal, An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and
Modern Democracy, Harper and Row, 1962, 1,483 pp., $16.50

reviewed by Jared Taylor

An American Dilemma, written by the Swedish economist, Gunnar

Myrdal, is unquestionably the most influential book ever written about
race relations in America. Published in 1944, this 1,400-page treatment
of “the Negro problem” went through 25 printings—an astonishing
record for a heavily academic work—before it went into a second,
“twentieth anniversary” edition in 1962. It influenced presidential
commissions and Supreme Court decisions, and established rules for
public discussion about race that endure to this day. More than any
other book, it laid the groundwork for integration, affirmative action,
and multiracialism, and destroyed the legitimacy of white racial
Although the title is as famous as ever, virtually no one now reads
An American Dilemma. Partly this is because its exhaustive statistics
are out of date, and the legal segregation it set out to eradicate has been
gone for 30 years. Another reason is that by today’s standards the book
is grossly “insensitive,” not only to Southern whites whom Myrdal
obviously despised, but even to blacks whose cause he championed.
Yet another reason may be that for anyone with an interest in the
ideas that have paved the way for an increasingly Third-World
America, this book is a gold mine. Every anti-white cliché is here, as is
every excuse for black failure. What is more, Myrdal pronounces them
in the starkest, most unsubtle terms. Liberal race policies had not yet
been tried. Myrdal had not witnessed their failure and therefore did not
temper his language as liberals do today. The result is the clearest
possible statement of the calamitous ideas that have shaped the last 40
For Myrdal, “the Negro problem” has only one cause. Today he
would have called it “racism” or “bigotry” but those words were not yet
part of the liberal vocabulary. He writes instead of “prejudice” and
“discrimination,” and this is perhaps his key passage:
“White prejudice and discrimination keep the Negro low in
standards of living, health, education, manners and morals. This, in its
turn, gives support to white prejudice. White prejudice and Negro
standards thus mutually ‘cause’ each other.”
In other words, whites degrade blacks and then point to their
degradation as justification for degrading them. Myrdal saw several
ways out of this vicious cycle. If whites could be cured of prejudice,
they would not oppress blacks so much, blacks would improve
themselves, and their example would further cure whites of prejudice.
Alternatively, the government could take measures to improve the
circumstances of blacks, which would reduce white prejudice, which
would permit blacks to improve themselves still further. Myrdal
devotes an entire appendix to this “principle of cumulation,” whereby
even the smallest improvement will constantly magnify itself.
For this to work, though, blacks must be, aside from their
oppression, no different from whites. Although anthropologists had
been promoting this egalitarian view since the 1930s, Myrdal was the
first economist to write that discrimination rather than low intelligence
caused black poverty. Myrdal knew this claim was central to his
argument and repeated it throughout the book.
“Social research,” he says, is “constantly disproving inherent
differences and explaining apparent ones in cultural and social terms.”
He cites the assertions of Franz Boas and his disciples (but offers no
data) to discredit conventional views about racial differences in
intelligence and temperament: “[T]he popular race dogma is being
victoriously pursued into every corner and effectively exposed as
fallacious or at least unsubstantiated.” As a result, “the undermining of
the basis of certitude for popular beliefs has been accomplished.”
Myrdal is sure science is on his side, and voices a complaint that is,
ironically, echoed in the pages of AR—that there is a “wide gap
between scientific thought and popular belief.”
The difficulty, he says, is that unlike biological differences, the
cultural explanation is just too much for rubes: “It requires difficult
and complicated thinking about a multitude of mutually dependent
variables, thinking which does not easily break into the lazy formalism
of unintellectual people.” We can be optimistic, though, because “white
prejudice can change … as a result of an increased general knowledge
about biology, eradicating some of the false beliefs among whites
concerning Negro racial inferiority.”
Already in 1944, Myrdal sensed the demise of theories about racial
differences: “Most of them never reach the printing press or the
microphone any more, as they are no longer intellectually respectable.
The educated classes of whites are gradually coming to regard those
who believe in the Negro’s biological inferiority as narrow-minded and
The better class of whites now understood that “the Negro problem
in America represents a moral lag in the development of the nation,”
and this was, in fact, the American dilemma. Blacks were in every
respect the equals of whites, yet were treated as inferiors. This injustice
was particularly jarring in the United States because it violated what
Myrdal calls “the American creed” of equality.
Why did Americans persist in violating the creed? In the South,
Myrdal discovered elaborate mechanisms of racial separation that he
called the “caste system.” He notes that although caste rules govern
virtually all contact between blacks and whites they serve one central
function: to keep blacks from marrying or having sex with whites. In
both the North and the South Myrdal found a universal revulsion
among whites for miscegenation and the “amalgamation of the races”
that this would bring. In virtually all the states, this revulsion was
reflected in laws that forbade interracial marriage.
Myrdal scoffs at this. He even “jestingly argues” that amalgamation
“might create a race of unsurpassed excellence: a people with just a
little sunburn without extra trouble and even through the winter; with
some curl in the hair without the cost of a permanent wave; with,
perhaps, a little more emotional warmth in their souls; and a little more
religion, music, laughter, and carefreeness in their lives.”
Myrdal never even accepted white opposition to amalgamation as
genuine. With no data to support his view, he insisted that opposition
was nothing more than a pretext for keeping blacks out of economic
competition. He went on to call it “an irrational escape on the part of
the whites from voicing an open demand for difference in social status
between the two groups for its own sake.” Whites, he said, have a
purely tyrannical desire for supremacy, but claim that they are trying to
prevent miscegenation.
What, then, underlies the desire for supremacy? Myrdal claimed to
understand white Americans better than they understood themselves:
“Without any doubt there is also in the white man’s concept of the
Negro ‘race’ an irrational element which cannot be grasped in terms of
either biological or cultural differences…. In this magical sphere of the
white man’s mind, the Negro is inferior, totally independent of rational
proofs or disproofs. And he is inferior in a deep and mystical sense.”

The Vicious South

This form of mysticism was particularly prevalent in the South;
some of Myrdal’s comments about Southerners beggar the imagination:
“[It would be correct to say that] the white South is virtually
obsessed by the Negro problem, that the South has allowed the Negro
problem to rule its politics and its business, fetter its intelligence and
human liberties, and hamper its progress in all directions….”
“The issue of ‘white supremacy vs. Negro domination,’ as it is
called in the South, has for more than a hundred years stifled freedom
of thought and speech and affected all other civic rights and liberties of
both Negroes and whites in the South. It has retarded its economic,
social and cultural advance. On this point there is virtual agreement
among all competent observers.”
“White Southerners are prepared to abstain from many liberties and
to sacrifice many advantages for the purpose of withholding them from
the Negroes.”
These charges—that Southerners are obsessed with blacks, that
obsession retards progress, that whites deny themselves liberties in
order to withhold them from blacks—are tossed off without elaboration
or substantiation.
Although Myrdal conceded that by the time he studied race
relations lynchings were unusual and widely condemned, he finds great
significance in them:
“The South has an obsession with sex which helps to make this
region quite irrational in dealing with Negroes generally…. The
sadistic elements in most lynchings also point to a close relation
between lynching and thwarted sexual urges.”
Oddly, he thought that Southern Christianity was partly to blame
for lynching:
“[Another factor is] the prevalence of a narrow-minded and
intolerant, ‘fundamentalist’ type of Protestant evangelical religion.
Occasional violently emotional revival services, and regular appeals in
ordinary preaching to fear and passion rather than to calm reasoning, on
the one hand, and denunciations of modern thought, scientific progress,
and all kinds of nonconformism, on the other hand, help to create a
state of mind which makes a lynching less extraordinary.”
Of course, lynching was part of the “amazing disrespect for law and
order which even today characterizes the Southern states in America
and constitutes such a large part of the Negro problem.” Thanks to this
lawlessness, “a white man can steal from or maltreat a Negro in almost
any way without fear of reprisal….” This is part of a long tradition:
“[A] main way to get and remain rich in the South has been to exploit
the Negroes and other weaker people, rather than to work diligently,
make oneself indispensable and have brilliant ideas.” Exploiting blacks
is apparently known as “mattressing the niggers.”
Myrdal writes that although Southerners claim to understand
blacks, this is “one of the most pathetic stereotypes in the South.” On
the contrary, the Southern white is willfully ignorant: “The ignorance
about the Negro is not, it must be stressed, just a random lack of
interest and knowledge. It is a tense and highstrung restriction and
distortion of knowledge, and it indicates much deeper dislocations
within the minds of Southern whites.”
Mental dislocations characterize Southern politics: “[F]ear of the
Negro shadows every political discussion and prevents the whites from
doing anything to improve themselves.” This, says Myrdal, results in
“an amazing avoidance of issues in Southern politics.” Debate is one-
sided: “Even at present the South does not have a full spectrum of
political opinions…. There are relatively few liberals in the South and
practically no radicals.” He describes Southerners as the only true
reactionaries in the developed world; their goal is “to accept the static
state as ideal and to denounce progress.”
What little hope there may be is found in Southern liberalism,
which he finds “beautiful and dignified.” As for its proponents, “they
are the intellectuals of the region and are responsible for a large part of
the entire high-grade literary, journalistic and scientific output of the
region…. They are, indeed, the cultural facade of the South.” This
“gives to liberalism in the South a flavor of intellectual superiority….”

Victims of Discrimination
As these passages suggest, when An American Dilemma turns to
analysis, its subject is whites rather than blacks. This is consistent with
Myrdal’s view that “the Negro problem” begins and ends in the minds
of whites. Without discrimination, blacks would be perfectly ordinary
Americans, so it is only whites who must be dissected and denounced.
The descriptive passages, on the other hand, are largely of the
circumstances of blacks, with detailed accounts of agriculture,
education, the professions, social life, criminal justice, government
employment, black churches, protest movements, and much more.
Myrdal finds a great deal that is unpleasant, even “pathological,” but he
always has explanations: slavery, Jim Crow, and discrimination.
If blacks riot it is because their just resentments have boiled over.
Blacks have been given a place in popular music but “have been greatly
hampered in more serious music.” Violent crime is a reaction to
Southern lawlessness. Slavery broke up the black family.
Discrimination causes poverty—and prostitution, drug addiction, even
bad manners and anti-white crime.
What is striking about these arguments is not that Myrdal made
them—in the pre-civil rights 1940s they were powerful and persuasive
—but that people make them today. This habit of trotting out white
wickedness to explain every form of black failure is one of the most
persistent and destructive elements of liberal thinking. Myrdal was its
most influential progenitor.
On the other hand, it may have been Myrdal’s confidence in his
explanations for black deviance that allowed him to write about it with
candor that would today be called “racist.”
“[M]any Negroes, particularly in the South, are poor, uneducated,
and deficient in health, morals, and manners; and thus not very
agreeable as social companions,” he writes. Any given black is “more
indolent, less punctual, less careful, and generally less efficient as a
functioning member of society.” He notes that blacks are more likely to
be repeat criminals, and that “Negro criminals have become more
addicted to crime and less corrigible.”
Myrdal finds black thought narrow and sloppy: “Negro thinking in
social and political terms is thus exclusively a thinking about the Negro
problem…. Particularly in the lower classes, and in the Southern rural
districts, the ideological structure of Negro thinking—even in its own
narrow, caste-restricted realm—is loose, chaotic and rambling.”
He also notes the hypocrisy of middle-class blacks who denounce
segregation but profit from the monopoly business of serving black
customers. He also writes that much as blacks may claim to be proud of
their race, they often describe themselves as lighter-skinned—and
never darker than they actually are. He observes that successful black
men invariably marry light-skinned women.
Although many authors praise the black church, Myrdal was
repelled by black worship services and writes disapprovingly of
“rolling in a sawdust pit in [a] state of ecstasy, tambourine playing,
reading of the future, healing of the sick, use of images of saints,
footwashing, use of drums and jazz music, etc.” “These ‘rousements,’”
he goes on to say, “bring most of the congregation into some degree of
‘possession.’” “There is a tendency to emotionalize the collection so as
to elicit more money.”
Preachers are worse than congregations: “The chief prerequisite for
becoming a minister in most of the denominations to which Negroes
belong is traditionally not education, but a ‘call’ which is more often
the manifestation of temporary hysteria or opportunistic self-
inspiration than of a deep soul-searching.”
Myrdal doesn’t see much use for church at all: “The small upper
class of Negroes tends to belong to the Episcopalian, Congregational,
and Presbyterian churches, since for them a main function of church
membership is to give prestige.” Furthermore, “Negro preachers
condemn extra-marital sex relations, but they seldom take any specific
steps to stop them because usually so many of their congregation
engage in the condemned behavior.”
Even when he is complimenting blacks, Myrdal can adopt a
contemptuous tone:
“Negroes have acquired the art of enjoying life more than have
whites. Because they have no direct background in puritanism, they
have taken sex more as it comes, without all the encumbrances and
inhibitions…. The habit of spending a good deal of leisure time out-of-
doors, due in part to the over-crowdedness of the Negro home, has
contributed to the social pleasantness of Negro life, since being outside
involves meeting friends and having no worries about destroying
furniture.” Destroying furniture?
Myrdal professes to admire the “wholesome” way blacks entertain
themselves while working: “Singing, for example, accompanies all
work, even on the chain gang; gambling while working is another
example.” Gambling while working?
Myrdal can’t seem to decide whether black illegitimacy is good or
bad. He notes that the black rate is eight times higher than the white
rate but adds that “the Negro community also has the healthy social
custom of attaching no stigma to the illegitimate child….” This means
that “the Negro lower classes, especially in the rural South, have built
up a type of family organization conducive to social health, even
though the practices are outside the American tradition.”
On the other hand: “The over-crowdedness of the homes and the
consequent lack of privacy prevent the growth of ideals of chastity and
are one element in encouraging girls to become prostitutes.” Myrdal
sometimes seems as sex-obsessed as he claims Southerners to be.
Indeed, he spends several pages in fascinated speculation about the
illicit couplings that gave blacks so many white genes.

Social Engineering
Today, one of the most striking aspects of An American Dilemma is
its touching faith in social science. Myrdal writes with much
satisfaction about his “scientific” methods and solutions. Rather more
ominous is his infatuation with “social engineering.” The following
passage is one of the clearest statements imaginable of the goals and
tactics of liberalism:
“Many things that for a long period have been predominantly a
matter of individual adjustment will become more and more
determined by political decision and public regulation…. [T]he social
engineering of the coming epoch will be nothing but the drawing of
practical conclusions from the teaching of social science that ‘human
nature’ is changeable and that human deficiencies and unhappiness are,
in large degree, preventable.”
This passage, which could have been written by Karl Marx, is worth
re-reading for its breathless arrogance. Society will make all sorts of
decisions for people that they used to make for themselves. Social
engineering will then prevent unhappiness by changing human nature.
It was, of course, enlightened liberals like Myrdal who would boss us
around for our own good. The first project for Americans was to stamp
out their pathological attitudes towards blacks and their false
opposition to racial amalgamation.
Myrdal’s arrogance leads to contempt for American institutions,
especially if they stand in the way of “social engineering.” He writes of
the “nearly fetishistic cult of the Constitution” and goes on to complain
that “the 150-year-old Constitution is in many respects impractical and
ill-suited for modern conditions and … drafters of the document made
it technically difficult to change….” Once again he sounds like Marx
when he writes, “the Constitutional Convention was nearly a plot
against the common people.”
Given that he seems to make no attempt to conceal his politics—he
even refers to Eleanor Roosevelt as the President’s “gallant lady”—it is
baffling to find an appendix in An American Dilemma on how to avoid
bias in social science. Mere description, Myrdal writes, is actually bias
because it implies that society cannot or should not be changed. His
approach—vastly superior—is to analyze rather than describe, and to
do so with the clear intent of transforming society. Unlike many who
followed him, he was at least honest about his goals, yet he makes the
astonishing claim that his analysis was unbiased:
“In a particular problem where public opinion in the dominant
white group is traditionally as heavily prejudiced in the conservative
direction as in the Negro problem, even a radical tendency might fail to
reach an unprejudiced judgment….”
Just as remarkable is another appendix called “A Parallel to the
Negro Problem.” He argues that men oppress women just as whites
oppress blacks, and predicts massive social transformation. Myrdal
concludes that the Soviet Union is perhaps the only country in the
world to get sex roles right.

Without Opposition
Why, though, was the Myrdal vision of race able not only to sweep
everything before it but prepare the ground for all the other “liberation”
movements? One reason, undoubtedly, was selective reporting,
combined with repeated assertions of moral superiority. But there is
another reason that Myrdal himself unwittingly suggests. He notes that
even the most conservative whites rarely defend segregation
personally, but say that “community feeling” or “tradition” requires it.
He says this about the intellectual bases for white solidarity and an
understanding of racial differences:
“They live a surreptitious life in thoughts and private remarks.
There we have had to hunt them…. When they were thus drawn out into
the open they looked shabby and ashamed of themselves. Everybody
who has acquired a higher education knows that they are wrong.”
He then adds the very interesting observation that the white man
“does not have the moral stamina” to codify and defend a system based
on explicit racial differences.
Those who would promote white consciousness today face the same
obstacles. The Myrdal vision triumphed because there was no
thoughtful, moral argument to oppose it. Many conservatives were
ashamed of their views and afraid to voice them. Compared to
maintaining segregation, the goal of preserving a people and a way of
life should, by anyone’s terms, be morally irreproachable. And yet
hesitancy, shame, and fear of opprobrium are still the greatest obstacles
to the pursuit of legitimate white interests.
It is for this reason that the expression of group interests, which for
others is simply a matter of stamina is, for whites, a matter of moral
stamina. The Myrdal vision succeeded because it harnessed, in a
dangerously deluded way, the moral energy of whites. Only by
directing that energy toward their own survival will whites break the
shackles that Myrdal and his followers forged for them.
Although Gunnar Myrdal is best known in the United States for his
work on race, he was primarily an economist and politician. From his
student days in Sweden he had dreamed of a “party of the intelligent”
that would manipulate the masses and guide the nation. He was
radicalized in 1929 when he first visited the United States. The
depression-era contrast between millionaires and paupers convinced
him that “market forces work to perpetuate inequality.”
Myrdal had already served in the Swedish Riksdag and had
established himself as an architect of the Swedish welfare state by the
time the Carnegie Foundation asked him, in 1936, to do a study of
American blacks. Myrdal writes that he was chosen for the job because
the foundation wanted a foreigner’s untainted perspective. A Swede
was the perfect choice because the foundation thought blacks would
trust an author who was not from a nation with an overseas empire. The
foundation gave Myrdal $300,000—a huge sum at the time—and free
rein to hire staff and commission research. One reason the book was so
well received is that Myrdal deliberately involved as many prominent
liberals as possible in the project. They became co-authors, in a sense,
and promoted the book in universities and the press. Myrdal called An
American Dilemma his “war work,” because he considered its message
an attack on Nazism.
After the war, Myrdal returned to Sweden and was Minister of
Commerce from 1945 to 1947. He continued to spread a socialist,
redistributionist message, and even argued that once enough welfare
states had been established in the advanced countries, they could
inaugurate a global “welfare world.” Not everyone approved of Myrdal.
The FBI compiled a list of 41 people acknowledged in the preface of An
American Dilemma, noting that many were Communist Party members,
sympathizers, or members of front groups. Myrdal’s wife and son, Alva
and Jan, were investigated by the FBI for pro-Communist activity. Alva
Myrdal was eventually denied entry to the United States and Jan
Myrdal went on to organize a communist “festival” in Bucharest.
Meanwhile An American Dilemma was helping change the United
States. Myrdal was a personal friend of Supreme Court Justice Felix
Frankfurter, and his book was cited in the Brown v. Board of Education
decision. When President Truman established a presidential
commission on civil rights, its members used An American Dilemma as
their central text. In 1947 the commission issued a report, “To Secure
These Rights,” which followed Myrdal’s recommendations. Truman
implemented the report in his 1948 civil rights program that abolished
segregation in the armed forces, set up a civil rights division in the
Justice Department, and promoted national legislation to combat
racism. During the first sit-in demonstration, in Greensboro, North
Carolina, blacks cited Myrdal as an important influence. In the 1960s,
Saturday Review asked American intellectuals which book of the
previous 40 years had been most influential. Only John Maynard
Keynes’ General Theory got more votes than An American Dilemma.
Myrdal went on to win the Nobel Prize in economics in 1974, and
cultivated a role as international elder statesman. In his later years he
lost faith in “social engineering” and began to see that it led inevitably
to tyranny. At the time of his death in 1987, he was working on An
American Dilemma Revisited. The black sociologist Kenneth Clark was
to be co-author but withdrew because of Myrdal’s “egocentricity and
desire to dominate the project.”
Not surprisingly, blacks still cite An American Dilemma. Last year,
the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research held a three-
day conference to mark the book’s 50th anniversary. Black academics
from two dozen universities gathered at Harvard for the occasion. As a
spokesman for the Du Bois Institute explained, “Myrdal was not only
on the mark 50 years ago but continues to provide a scathing analysis
of the contemporary scene.” Wilbur Rich of Wellesley College no
doubt summed up the thinking of many blacks when he said that,
compared to 50 years ago, “blacks are more complicated and whites are
less enlightened.” The spirit of Myrdal lives on.
This article appeared in the April 1999 issue.
Integration … Disintegration
Raymond Wolters, The Burden of Brown, University of
Tennessee Press, 1984 (paperback edition 1992), 346 pp.,

reviewed by Thomas Jackson

The most unjustifiable excesses of “civil rights”—affirmative action,

busing, racially gerrymandered voting districts—have invariably been
the work of the US Supreme Court. Nine unelected justices have
repeatedly endorsed ruinous policies that flouted the Constitution, the
Congress, and the will of the American people. In The Burden of
Brown, Professor Raymond Wolters of the University of Delaware
chronicles the formulation of one of those ruinous policies: the
mandatory racial mixing that transformed the American public school
The United States has a written Constitution that is supposed to be
the basis for all laws. There is a procedure for amending it. However, in
Professor Wolters’ view, Supreme Court justices have essentially
appointed themselves as a standing constitutional convention. On
matters of race and education, they have ignored the framers’ intent
and simply draped their own liberal values in constitutional language.
The mischief began in 1954 with the Court’s famous decision in
Brown v. Topeka Board of Education which Professor Wolters calls one
of the most important events in recent American history. As is well
known, this ruling repudiated the 1896 decision of Plessy v. Ferguson,
which established that the races could be separated if they were treated
The Supreme Court ruled that separate schools were inherently
unequal, but this is not necessarily so. In fact, the NAACP had
successfully sued many districts and forced them to give black schools
equal facilities. Professor Wolters notes that in many segregated
districts, black schools were better appointed and black teachers were
better paid than their white counterparts. Whites were willing to pay
higher school taxes in order to maintain separate instruction.
The Court’s assumption about the inequality of separateness was
based largely on the work of Kenneth Clark, a black sociologist. In a
famous experiment, Dr. Clark had shown black children a white doll
and a black doll, and asked them to pick the one they liked. Most
picked the white doll, and Dr. Clark argued that segregated schools
made blacks feel inferior.
What Dr. Clark did not publicize was the fact that when black
children attending integrated schools in Massachusetts were given the
same test, they chose the white doll more often than did Southern
blacks attending segregated schools! The Supreme Court was persuaded
by Dr. Clark’s data and searched the Constitution for a way to order
school integration. The justices found it in the 14th Amendment, which
requires that states give all citizens equal protection under the law.
However, to read this amendment as forbidding segregated schools
was an act of pure imagination. The same 1866 Congress that passed
the amendment established racially segregated schools in the District
of Columbia. Twenty-three of the 37 states then in the Union also had
legally segregated schools and did not desegregate them after ratifying
the amendment. Neither Congress nor the states saw any contradiction
between equal protection and racial separation. The Brown decision
forced upon the 14th Amendment concepts alien to the men who had
written and ratified it.

Massive Resistance
One of the great strengths of The Burden of Brown is that in
explaining the machinations of the Court, Professor Wolters describes
in fascinating detail what the ruling meant to real people in real
schools. By the time Brown was decided, it was a consolidation of suits
filed in five different districts. Professor Wolters recounts the
depredations of 30 years of integration in each of them. It is startling to
realize what has changed since the 1950s—and what has not.
One thing that has certainly changed is the extent to which whites
are willing to mobilize to defend their own racial interests. One of the
districts to which Brown immediately applied was Prince Edward
County in Virginia, a state that briefly mounted what was called
“massive resistance” to integration.
The governor, Lindsay Almond, insisted states have the right to
resist unlawful federal tyranny. Under his guidance, the state
legislature voted to withhold funds from any school that integrated and
to issue tuition vouchers for students to use in private schools.
In 1958, when federal judges ordered integration, the state cut off
funds and the schools closed. Many students found places in private
schools, but others were left in the lurch. The next year, the Virginia
Supreme Court ruled that the state constitution required the operation
of public schools, and pronounced the closures illegal. Governor
Almond, realizing that the only way to forestall integration was to defy
the court and keep all schools closed, gave up and agreed to integrate.
However, as Professor Wolters points out, massive resistance
collapsed only because whites broke ranks. Whites who lived in areas
with few blacks were the first to capitulate. They assumed that a trickle
of blacks would not ruin their schools, and they were not willing to
hold out for the benefit of districts in which whites would be swamped.
Also, it is important to remember that in the late 1950s, no one had
heard of busing. Everyone thought desegregation simply meant the
removal of racial barriers so that blacks who wanted to cross them
could. If the Virginians in their safe suburbs had known that blacks
would one day be bused into their midst from the slums, they might
have fought on against the federal government.
The whites of Prince Edward County, 65 miles southwest of
Richmond, did fight on. There were more black than white students in
the county, and whites had good reason to fear integration. Blacks were
not only far behind whites in academic subjects, they were 14 times
more likely to have venereal diseases and ten times more likely to have
illegitimate children. Whites also feared that racial mixing could lead
to miscegenation.
The county therefore closed its public schools and reduced property
taxes to offset the difference. With a tremendous outpouring of unity,
whites built private schools—first in temporary quarters and then in
sturdy, permanent buildings. Contractors donated materials, parents
volunteered time, and a private, all-white school system known as
Prince Edward Academy was born.
Whites offered to set up similar schools for blacks, where students
could spend their vouchers just as whites did. On the advice of the
NAACP, the blacks refused. It made much better copy for liberal
newspapers if blacks were left with no schools at all; idle children
made whites look like cruel bigots.
Prince Edward County was free to act as it did because counties
were not under a state constitutional obligation to provide public
instruction. As it happened, the public schools stood empty from 1959
to 1964—longer than anyone had anticipated. When President John
Kennedy took office he urged foundations and big corporations to
donate money and materials for public schools. The Free Schools, as
they were called, opened with great fanfare in 1963, with per pupil
expenditures twice as high as those at the Academy.
Finally, in 1964, the US Supreme Court ruled that since Prince
Edward County had closed its public schools solely to evade an
integration order, it must reopen them. Of course, there is nothing in
the Constitution that forbids doing something legal for the sole purpose
of avoiding something illegal—people do it all the time—but legalities
scarcely mattered since segregationists had to be taught a lesson. Even
some liberals worried that the Court was exercising tyrannical powers
by ordering a county to raise taxes and spend money against its will.
Prince Edward County obeyed the Court. Per pupil spending at the
reopened public schools was slightly more than at Prince Edward
Academy, but blacks still complained that it was less than at the Free
The county has continued with its two school systems. The voucher
system was, of course, struck down by the courts and whites had to
reach into their own pockets for tuition. Most were glad to. During the
1970s, while the national average SAT scores dropped by nine percent,
scores at the Academy rose by five percent. As graffiti, vandalism, and
violence spread through integrated schools, they were practically
unknown at Prince Edward Academy. Unlike students elsewhere who
locked up their belongings for fear of theft, academy students left
things wherever they liked. As the rest of the country plunged into the
blackboard jungle of the 1970s and 1980s, the academy retained the
civility and demeanor of the 1950s.

Across the Country

Professor Wolters’ accounts of what happened in the other districts
directly affected by Brown are equally illuminating and well told. In
Washington, DC, there was little resistance to integration; whites
simply vanished.
During the brief, initial collision whites were astonished at the
language of blacks. One school principal said that he “heard colored
girls at the school use language that was far worse than I have ever
heard, even in the Marine Corps.” At Theodore Roosevelt High School,
blacks shouted so many obscenities at cheerleaders during the 1954–5
school year that the school switched to boy cheerleaders. Blacks were
notorious for pawing white girls in the halls. Noting that black high
school students were 23 times more likely to have venereal disease than
whites, some principals stopped having school dances.
Some things never seem to change. The Washington Post used to
sponsor an annual football game between the champions of the public
schools and the parochial schools. By 1962, the public league was
almost all black and the parochial league was almost all white. That
year, when the black team lost, thousands of blacks poured onto the
field, brandishing sticks and shouting “Get the whites.” In the two-hour
brawl that followed, all but 30 of the 346 injured were white.
Newspapers solemnly reported that race had nothing to do with the
As the DC school district turned black, standards plummeted. In
1976, the valedictorian at one high school was in the 39th national
percentile in verbal ability and in the 16th percentile in math. Schools
saw the inevitable increase in shootings, muggings, knifings, rapes, etc.
Another Brown district was in South Carolina. Here, whites
mounted a full-blown court case against integration based on the view
that blacks were intellectually inferior to whites and that the gap in
inherent ability was wide enough to justify separate education. No
matter how good their case, the South Carolinians were in the awkward
position of asking a district court to overturn the Supreme Court’s
ruling in Brown. This the lower court refused to do, and the state
became the last to integrate its schools. As happened all across the
country, whites promptly left the public schools which, when left to
blacks, descended into chaos.
During this time, it was common for Southerners to argue that if
Northerners only had blacks in their midst they would understand the
folly of school integration. Senator Richard Russell of Georgia even
advocated a plan to pay black families $1,500 each if they would move
to the North and show Yankees just what a scourge they were. Robert
Patterson, founder of the anti-integration Citizens’ Councils, used to
argue that a sure cure for integration was a stiff dose of Negroes.

The Burden of Green

Of course, Northerners got their comeuppance when the Supreme
Court decided that schools must not merely be open to all races but that
students had to be forced to mingle whether they wanted to or not. This
resulted in the nightmare of busing, which wracked Boston and
Louisville as much as it did any city in the South.
As Professor Wolters explains, until 1968, when the Supreme Court
once again decided to amend the Constitution, virtually everyone
thought the Brown decision required only the dismantling of legal
segregation. Black students who had been denied admission to white
schools now had the right to attend them. All that the NAACP asked in
1954 was that race be disregarded when students were assigned to
schools. No one dreamed that race could be made the primary criterion
for assigning students to schools in order to mix the races.
That, however, was the result of Green v. New Kent County . After
the failure of “massive resistance” this Virginia county had duly ended
legal segregation. It allowed all students to attend the schools of their
choice and provided free transportation to make this possible. However,
no whites transferred to black schools and only a few blacks transferred
to white schools. Though the system was no longer legally segregated,
most children of both races still had classmates of the same race.
The Court held the then-fashionable view that unless the races were
thoroughly mixed they could not be properly educated. As Judge J.
Skelly Wright had written in a 1967 lower court decision, “Racially and
socially homogeneous schools damage the minds and spirits of all
students who attend them.” He wrote that schools should “produce
attitudes of tolerance and mutual sharing,” and had visions of “Negro
and white children playing innocently together in the schoolyard.”
By no stretch of the imagination can the Constitution be read to
allow the federal government to force black students to go to school
with whites if blacks are free to do so but choose not to. And yet, in its
wisdom and its bliss, the Supreme Court decreed that Americans could
not be left with free choice if they did not exercise it in a way that
brought the races together in promiscuous contact. The Court decided
that the children of New Kent County must once again be assigned to
schools on the basis of race, but this time in order to mix them rather
than separate them.
Professor Wolters notes that on the day after the Court heard the
oral arguments in Green v. New Kent County , Martin Luther King was
assassinated. A wave of race riots swept the country as the Court
deliberated. No doubt the justices thought their ruling benefited the
country, but Professor Wolters quotes Daniel Webster: “It is hardly too
strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against
the dangers of good intentions.” The folly of busing had begun.
One of the school districts that bore the full brunt of busing was
New Castle County, Del., another Brown district that Professor Wolters
describes in detail. This case was yet another striking triumph of rule
by the judiciary.
New Castle County contains the city of Wilmington, whose schools
had become black, dangerous, and ineffective, as well as a number of
surrounding white suburbs that had good schools. There were 11
different school districts in the area, none of which practiced
segregation but all of which reflected the essential racial homogeneity
of their neighborhoods.
Professor Wolters explains that those who first brought the suit to
disperse Wilmington’s black students throughout the county had two
motives they did not reveal to the courts. First, they wanted whites to
share the burden of dealing with troublesome blacks. Second, they
thought that if the suburbs lost the advantage of having all-white
schools, there would be less incentive for whites to shun Wilmington.
Some might return to the city and property prices might recover. The
argument they made to the Court, however, was the usual one about
how racial separation was bad for education.
The Court’s 1978 ruling was a breathtaking intrusion on local
autonomy. It dissolved the 11 separate districts and appointed a single
school board for the entire 250 square-mile area. It also ordered that
students, both black and white, be bused so that every school would
reflect the 80:20 white-to-black ratio of the total student population.
In the suburbs, property taxes were raised 20 percent to pay for the
costs of busing and to establish a new, uniform curriculum. White
teachers attended dewy-eyed seminars on how to see themselves as
“facilitators” rather than lecturers, who would teach “cooperation” as
much as the three Rs and thereby raise the “self-esteem” of ghetto
blacks. An “interfaith taskforce” was set up to prepare teachers for
“empathetic listening” and “values clarification.” Big companies like
DuPont, whose executives already sent their children to private schools,
churned out propaganda in favor of the new plan.
Of course, shipping underclass thugs to the suburbs where
“facilitators” greeted them with “empathetic listening” was no cure for
delinquency. Along with the blacks came graffiti, false fire alarms,
broken windows, theft, extortion, fights, and assaults on teachers.
Gangs of thieves would clear out suburban lockers by the score and
bring the booty home to Wilmington in school buses. Although blacks
were only 20 percent of the student population, they accounted for 66
percent of all racial assaults.
Whites responded as they always do. In just the first four years, 35
of the 103 public schools in the area closed as whites cleared out. The
number of private schools went from 44 to 78, and most had waiting
lists and were bursting at the seams. Before busing, the suburban
schools had a rich array of options for gifted students. After busing,
these programs shriveled to nearly nothing, with all the old effort
devoted to remedial education.
Judge Murray Schwartz had personally overseen the execution of
the Supreme Court ruling. Three years after busing—to the hoots and
jeers of angry whites—he took his own children out of public schools
and sent them to private academies. Even Joseph Biden, the relentlessly
liberal Democratic senator from Delaware, had to admit that the New
Castle County plan was a failure.
New Castle County is a symbol for virtually every school district in
which blacks were sent in large numbers to white schools. The schools
deteriorated. Whites fled. Whites who cared about education had to pay
for two school systems: a taxpayer-financed one for blacks and a
privately financed one for themselves.
Did this upheaval accomplish anything? If racial mixing was the
goal, it was a modest success in some areas. In others, the transition
from free choice of schools to forced busing left schools more
segregated than ever. Whites welcomed the motivated blacks who came
to white schools for better educations, but civility and learning could
not survive court-ordered bus loads of underclass truants.
What about the racial gap in test scores? As Professor Wolters
explains, the media trumpeted the cheerful prediction that integration
would help blacks and not harm whites. For a brief period this seemed
true. Studies in the early 1960s showed that blacks in majority-white
schools had slightly better test scores than blacks in all-black schools.
Few people realized that this was because of free choice. It was smart,
ambitious blacks who went to majority-white schools. They would have
done better work than other blacks no matter where they studied.
Thirty years after Brown, which ravaged the public schools,
emptied the cities of whites, and sowed chaos in the lives of millions of
Americans, the brute facts remained unchanged: average black test
scores were at the 15th percentile for whites. Black first-graders were
still one year behind whites, and black high school students were still
three years behind. Just as before integration, household income could
not explain these gaps. Whites from the poorest families got higher test
scores than blacks from the richest families.
The hopes of school integration foundered, as egalitarian hopes
always do, on the unyielding facts of biology. The Supreme Court
trampled the Constitution in the name of liberal pieties about the
dominance of environment over genetics. Willful ignorance has a price
and, as always, it was whites who paid it.
This article appeared in the July 1993 issue.
Selma to Montgomery, 30 Years Later

by Marian Evans

March 1995 marked the 30th anniversary of the Selma-to-

Montgomery voting-rights march. The surviving leaders of the
demonstration recently met to commemorate what was one of the most
effective efforts of the civil rights era. The atmosphere was one of
amity and self-congratulation, in which it was taken for granted that the
marchers and their purposes were noble and their opponents were
despicable racists. In an act of contrition, Joe Smitherman, who was
mayor of Selma 30 years ago, presented the keys to the city to a group
of aging civil rights leaders.
Rituals like this firmly establish today’s view of who was right and
who was wrong. And yet, does Mr. Smitherman, who saw the now-
sanctified event as it really unfolded, not harbor even fleeting
reservations about the new America that the civil rights movement
created? Perhaps not. George Wallace, former governor of Alabama,
recently gave a framed photograph of himself to Rosa Parks, who
started the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955. He inscribed it “To a
great lady.”
The 1965 demonstrations in Selma and Montgomery were part of a
massive campaign to secure voting rights for blacks. In the states of the
former Confederacy, it had been only during Reconstruction that blacks
had had more or less uncontested voting rights. In Alabama, blacks
were first given the vote under a state constitution written in 1867 by
Northerners and forced upon the state by the US Congress.
A new constitution, written in 1901, eliminated most blacks from
politics, by limiting suffrage to people who could read and understand
the US Constitution, and who had been employed during the previous
year or who had paid property taxes. The new constitution also required
separate schools for black and white children. Since that time, as in
most of the South, the vigor with which suffrage restrictions were
applied to blacks varied from region to region.
In 1965, black civil rights leaders seemed to be winning every
battle they fought. The Supreme Court outlawed school segregation in
1954, and the “sit-in” movement, begun in 1960, successfully
integrated many Southern lunch counters, restaurants, hotels and
churches. President Eisenhower used federal troops forcibly to
integrate public schools in Little Rock, Arkansas, and in 1962 President
Kennedy used them to overwhelm resistance to integration at the
University of Mississippi. The movement’s greatest success, however,
had been the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited
discrimination in employment and public accommodation.
The national press was warmly sympathetic to black demonstrators
and their white supporters. The movement basked in an aura of great
moral superiority, and the obvious next step for what seemed to be an
unstoppable juggernaut was to secure unrestricted voting rights for
Southern blacks.
Martin Luther King, who led this stage of the movement, was by
then world famous. Having come to prominence only ten years earlier
during the Montgomery bus boycott, he was now a winner of the Nobel
Peace Prize and a frequent guest at the White House. He chose Dallas
County, Alabama, as the target for demonstrations because it had been
particularly inhospitable to black voters. Although there were more
blacks than whites of voting age in the county, 28 white voters were
registered for every black. Selma, 50 miles from Montgomery, was the
county seat.
A Board of Registrars examined prospective voters, black and
white. It had a small office in the Selma courthouse and could handle
no more than 50 applicants per day. On January 18, 1965, King and his
close assistant, Ralph Abernathy, led six or seven hundred people to the
courthouse and demanded that they be registered. There was already a
line of ordinary applicants, and the demonstrators were turned away.
They marched back to their headquarters at Brown’s Chapel Church,
and held a press conference, claiming—correctly—that blacks had been
denied registration. Overlooked were the facts that blacks had been
among those waiting to be tested and that in the days before the
demonstration a number of blacks had been duly registered.
Similar nationally-reported exercises took place throughout the
months of January and February. King was constantly in and out of
town, flying around the country raising money and holding press
conferences. He returned to give speeches and lead marches.
Meanwhile, more and more Northern whites trickled into town.
At the time, Selma had a population of 29,000 people, of whom
15,000 were black. It took only a small crowd to paralyze the town, and
at the height of the demonstrations approximately 11,000 outsiders
were swarming the streets. Selma’s mayor, Joe Smitherman,
complained that for three months he spent three quarters of his time
dealing with out-of-town demonstrators. Selma police were swamped
with complaints of thievery, and townspeople were soon heartily sick
of the visitors, many of whom were drunk and left garbage wherever
they went.
Some Northerners came just to have a good time. Many were
“beatniks,” who drifted across the country from one demonstration to
another. They had no money for hotels which were, in any case,
commandeered by the hundreds of journalists covering the
demonstrations. Many whites of both sexes found accommodation in
black churches and in the George Washington Carver Homes, the black
housing project.
Intimate mixing of the races in this fashion was unheard of in the
rural South, but even more shocking to the people of Selma was the
public sexual behavior of the demonstrators. If the accounts of what
can only be described as public debauchery were not given in sworn
affidavits by citizens, state troopers, and national guardsmen, they
would be difficult to believe. Residents of Selma could be forgiven for
beginning to wonder whether the demonstrations were as much about
public interracial copulation as they were about voting rights. Many of
the journalists were disgusted by what they saw, and complained that
candid accounts of the demonstrators’ behavior were edited out of the
stories they filed.
Language as well as behavior was edited. On one occasion, James
Forman, secretary of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
(SNCC), spoke at the Beulah Baptist Church in Montgomery.
Addressing a mixed-race group that included many ministers, nuns, and
church women, he said: “If the Negro isn’t given his place at the table
of democracy … it’s time for us to knock the f***ing legs off the
table.” Some of the ministers expressed surprise at this language, but
Forman offered no apology.
A few minutes later, Ralph Abernathy tried to smooth things over
by saying, “I’m sure that God will forgive him, that the television
crews will delete it from their films, and newspapermen will not print
it.” A beatnik came to Forman’s defense: “What’s wrong with ‘f**k’?”
he asked; “It’s a good old American word, and expressive.”
There were demonstrations in Montgomery during this period as
well. On March 10, at about 8:00 p.m., approximately 100 people were
being harangued on a well-lit street a short distance from the state
capitol. One of the black leaders of the group then said in a loud voice,
“Everyone stand and relieve yourselves.” Practically the entire crowd,
male and female, young and old, black and white, did as they were told,
as rivulets ran almost to the next block. Two blacks were arrested for,
according to a bystander, particularly lewd and offensive exposure of
their private parts.
Adding to public revulsion for the demonstrators was the sight of
men and women in religious garb drunk in public and fondling each
other. The civil rights movement had always draped itself in religion,
and King made a point of giving ministers and priests very visible
roles. The presence of clerics was so useful that some of the
demonstrators dressed as priests or nuns appear to have been impostors.
This may have been the case during a small demonstration in
Montgomery on March 16. A group of 34 men, most dressed as priests,
arrived at the capitol late in the evening and insisted on praying on the
capitol steps. Finally, at 3:00 a.m. the police let them say the Lord’s
Prayer on the bottom step. As they broke up to leave, two
photographers came running across the street. One of the men dressed
as a priest said to one, “You stupid son-of-a-bitch, after all this time
here, you didn’t get a picture of us saying a prayer on the bottom step.”
An Alabama state policeman said that many of the “priests” swore like
sailors and that he doubted more than half were authentic.
It may have been the disgraceful behavior of false clerics that
prompted one of the three killings associated with the Selma
demonstrations. On March 8, a white Unitarian minister from Boston,
James Reeb, was brutally clubbed to the ground as he left a restaurant,
and died two days later. The night before Reeb died, the demonstration
leaders held an all-night, out-door vigil to pray for his recovery.
Disgusted journalists noted that a number of young couples at the rear
of the crowd fornicated during the services.
About this time, Jimmie Lee Jackson, a black civil rights leader,
was shot and wounded in an altercation with police. Activists swept
him away, medical treatment was delayed, and the man died. The Chief
Deputy Sheriff of Dallas County thought the delay was deliberate. “I
believe they wanted him to die,” he said; “They wanted to make a
martyr out of him….”
The day after Rev. Reeb was clubbed, Selma demonstrators defied a
court order and set out to march the 50 miles to Montgomery. As they
crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge leading out of town, they were met
by a line of state troopers standing shoulder to shoulder. “This march
will not continue….” boomed the public address system, but there was
deadlock for 15 to 20 minutes, while King and his associates knelt to
pray, and police pleaded with the demonstrators to go home. When
officers finally moved forward with night sticks held horizontally and
tried to push the demonstrators back, the resulting mayhem ended in
clouds of tear gas. Eighteen officers were injured by flying rocks and
According to press accounts, the police had “whipped and clubbed”
unoffending demonstrators, and television pictures showed crowds of
fleeing blacks choking on tear gas. Reeb died the day after the
confrontation at the bridge. These two events were a tremendous
propaganda advantage for King, and they brought thousands more
demonstrators to Selma from the North.
A few days later, President Lyndon Johnson went before Congress
and evoked Reeb’s name in a strong call for legislation to ensure voting
rights for blacks. He also ordered mobilization of the Alabama National
Guard to protect a second attempt at a Selma-to-Montgomery march,
this one newly sanctioned by a federal judge.
Thus began, on March 21, 1965, the now-famous march. King,
Abernathy, and U.N. Undersecretary Ralph Bunche—also a Nobel
Peace Prize winner—took the lead down Selma’s Sylvan Street. On the
way to the Pettus Bridge, the crowd marched past a record store, where
an outside speaker alternately blared “Dixie” and “Bye, Bye,
Blackbird.” At the head of the procession a mixed group of young men
carried the US flag upside down—the sign of distress. Many
demonstrators wore “GROW” buttons, which stood for “Get Rid of
Wallace.” Nearly two thousand Alabama National Guardsmen, 100 FBI
agents, 75 federal marshals, and dozens of state and county police
officers guarded the marchers.
Just outside Selma, the Citizens’ Council of America, an anti-
integration group, had set up posters showing King sitting next to
known Communist leaders at the Highlander Folk School in Tennessee.
The caption read, “Martin Luther King at Communist Training School.”
History books call this a “massive” demonstration and, indeed,
some 11,000 people set off on the first leg of the journey. However, the
highway to Montgomery narrowed to two lanes shortly after leaving
Selma, and permission was granted for only 300 marchers on all but a
few miles of roadway. Most of the crowd therefore streamed back to
Although it is impossible to know even their approximate numbers,
some of the demonstrators were shills. A few openly boasted that they
were in Selma because they had been offered food, money and sex.
Dora Brown’s unusual financial arrangements came to light when the
checks stopped coming. In a sworn affidavit she testified as follows:
“I was at Brown’s Chapel Church with the movement along with a
blind man and a one-legged man who were both white people. I am
one-armed and we were told at the time that we were the ones they
needed worst, since we were handicapped it would help the movement.
We were told that if we would make the march from Selma to
Montgomery we would be paid $100.00 per month plus food and
clothes…. James Gildersleeve would pay us.”
“I have received three checks from Gildersleeve for $100.00 each
but now he has quit paying me.”
Gildersleeve was not to blame. Rev. Frederick Reese, president of
the Dallas County Voters League, was arrested after other blacks
accused him of stealing thousands of dollars in movement funds.
Miss Brown’s unhappy testimony continues: “Gildersleeve told me
that he couldn’t pay me since Frederick Reese had gotten all the
money. Gildersleeve gave me one pound of lard, some greens, a
watermelon and $1.00 in money. He said that is all he could give.”
It is not recorded whether Miss Brown or the one-legged white man
were among the select 300 who spent four nights on the road to
Montgomery. It is known that the evenings were characterized by the
now-usual drunkenness and fornication. On at least one occasion,
police officers prevented newspapermen from photographing the
revelry. And even among this inner circle, there were frequent
complaints about stolen clothes and missing bed rolls.
Most of the marchers slept in the open except for King, who set up
housekeeping in a trailer that was moved from camp to camp. There are
no reports on how he spent his evenings, but his inclinations are now
well known. His companion, Ralph Abernathy, was not a model cleric,
either. In 1958, a Mr. Davis was arrested for threatening Abernathy
with a hatchet because Abernathy kept trying to have sex with Mrs.
Davis. She testified in her husband’s defense that Abernathy had first
seduced her when she was a 15-year-old member of his congregation.
As the march went on, the press continued its adulatory, front-page
coverage. All around the country, supporters held sympathy marches
and worship services.
The night before the last leg of the trek, more than 30,000 people
gathered in a field a few miles outside of Montgomery for a free
concert. Harry Belafonte, Nina Simone, Sammy Davis, Jr., Billy
Eckstein, Mahalia Jackson, the Chad Mitchell Trio, and Frankie Laine
serenaded the crowd until nearly one in the morning.
On March 25, the 30,000 were joined by another 5,000 as King and
Abernathy led the march into Montgomery, up to the steps of the state
capitol. The city was festooned with Confederate flags, one of which
fluttered along with the state flag over the capitol building. It was
widely—and falsely—reported that not a single United States flag flew
in Montgomery that day. The Stars and Stripes waved, as it always did,
from a tall flag pole on the capitol grounds.
The leaders of the march asked to see Governor George Wallace, so
they could present him with a list of grievances. He refused to meet
them. The rest of the day was filled with speeches by Hosea Williams,
Roy Wilkins, James Forman, Ralph Bunche and other black leaders.
Joan Baez and Peter, Paul and Mary were among those who entertained
the crowd, which finally broke up around 4:00 p.m. The march was
over. It took until midnight for sanitation crews to clean up the
mountains of trash demonstrators had left behind.
Late that evening, a third killing took place when a white civil
rights worker name Viola Liuzzo was shot to death as she was driving
between Selma and Montgomery. Both the press and President Johnson
were outraged, although accounts of the killing were often incomplete.
Given the sanitized view of the demonstrations that had been
broadcast to the world, Alabama congressman William L. Dickinson
undoubtedly met much skepticism on March 30 when he tried to
convey a different picture to his colleagues on the floor of Congress:
“Drunkenness and sex orgies were the order of the day in Selma, on
the road to Montgomery. There were many—not just a few—instances
of sexual intercourse in public between Negro and white. News
reporters saw this—law enforcement officials saw this….
“Has anyone stopped to ask what sort of people can leave home,
family and job—if they have one—and live indefinitely in a foreign
place demonstrating? This is no religious group of sympathizers trying
to help the Negro out of a sense of right and morality—this is a bunch
of godless riffraff out for kicks and self-gratification that have left
every campsite between Selma and Montgomery littered with whiskey
bottles, beer cans, and used contraceptives.”
The nation was profoundly uninterested. In fact, the Selma-to-
Montgomery march was probably one of the most effective events in
the entire civil rights movement. Unlike the “March on Washington” in
1963, in which 200,000 people took part and where King gave his “I
Have a Dream” speech, the agitation in Selma and Montgomery led
directly to national legislation. The nation was riveted by the march,
and President Johnson constantly referred to it in his push for a voting
rights bill. The killings of James Reeb and Viola Liuzzo were also a
great stimulus to lawmakers.
The legislation passed and was signed into law in August 1965. In
what would appear to be a direct abrogation of the reserved powers
specified in the Tenth Amendment, it prohibited all state tests of voter
literacy and education. It even authorized federal elections examiners
to register voters who had been rejected by state authorities, and to
patrol the polls to see that such people voted. The law affected states
outside the South, notably New York, which had required that voters be
literate in English. New York promptly sued on Tenth Amendment
grounds, but the Supreme Court ruled in 1966 against the literacy
provisions—to great rejoicing among the state’s Puerto Ricans.
With a total of three deaths, the march was one of the most
sanguinary episodes in the civil rights period. However, very few
demonstrators were harrassed or assaulted. In retrospect, it is surprising
that there was not more violence.
As invariably happens in racial matters, a group of whites with little
experience of blacks saw fit to give instruction on race relations to
people with a great deal of experience. Northerners invaded the South,
a deeply conservative society, demanding that Southerners change their
way of life. To add insult to arrogance, Northerners then proceeded
publicly to violate some of the most deeply felt norms of privacy and
decency. The self-control—even passivity—of the citizens of Selma
and Montgomery is as astonishing as the degeneracy of the
demonstrators. Perhaps even Mayor Smitherman, desperately trying to
run a city overrun with disorderly demonstrators, harbored thoughts of
Now, 30 years later, Selma is a sacred name, one of the stations of
the cross on the road to integration and racial equality.
The following excerpts are from sworn affidavits made by
witnesses to the events in Selma and Montgomery in March 1965.
V.B. Bates, Deputy Sheriff of Dallas County : “To begin with, I
saw white females in from other counties, other states I believe,
building up their sexual desires with Negro males. After a few minutes
of necking and kissing, the Negro male would lead them off into the
Negro housing project. I watched this procedure many times.”
Black man, name withheld: “[M]en and women used this room [in
the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee headquarters] for sex
freely and openly and without interference. On one occasion I saw
James Forman, executive director of SNCC, and a red-haired white girl
whose name is Rachel, on one of the cots together. They engaged in
sexual intercourse, as well as an abnormal sex act…. Forman and the
girl, Rachel, made no effort to hide their actions.”
“During this same period, March 8, 9 and 10, a large number of
young demonstrators of both races and sexes occupied the Jackson
Street Baptist Church for approximately forty-eight hours…. On one
occasion, I saw a Negro boy and a white girl engaged in sexual
intercourse on the floor of the church. At this time, the church was
packed and the couple did nothing to hide their actions. While they
were engaged in this act of sexual intercourse, other boys and girls
stood around and watched, laughing and joking.”
Corporal H.M. Brown, Alabama State Trooper : “I observed on
many occasions the so-called men of the cloth, who were white,
fondling the breasts and buttocks of black female demonstrators. On
numerous occasions, I saw couples of the opposite sex and color
leaving the crowd, fondling each other and going into the houses and
alleys along Sylvan Street.
“Since 1961, I have observed mobs and demonstrations, but the
crowd of demonstrators in Selma, Alabama, was the lowest scum of the
earth. This gathering of demonstrators in Selma included the largest
crowd of sex degenerates that I have ever observed in one place in my
life. They had no morals or scruples and did not appear to care who saw
them during their orgies.”
Captain Lionel Freeman, Alabama State Troopers : “One Negro
who was standing beside a priest and both standing about three feet
from a line of troopers, made several attempts to provoke a trooper into
hitting him. The Negro waved three dollar bills in the trooper’s face
and then dropped them, saying ‘Why don’t you pick them up, I know
you need it.’…. The Negro then said, ‘I’ll sleep with a white woman
tonight.’ The priest seemed to think this was real funny.”
“[S]everal newspapermen who were allowed to go to the rear of the
demonstration came back up to the front and told us they observed
white and Negro couples in the act of sexual relations. They told us that
they had sent the story and pictures home to their papers. One told me
that the only thing he recognized about his story when it was printed
was his name.”
Lieutenant J.L. Fuqua, Alabama State Trooper : “I also saw
Negro men feel the breasts and butts of white girls, making no attempt
to hide this, but rather appearing like they wanted everyone to see
Charles R. McMillan, Selma policeman: “Both Negroes and white
demonstrators were bedding down side by side. A young teenage Negro
boy and girl were engaged in a sexual intercourse [sic] that was
interrupted by a newsman who attempted to take a picture of the act.”
Selma citizen: “I, Marion J. Bass, did, on the night of the 23rd of
March, 1965, see at the camp site of the Selma-to-Montgomery march,
a young white girl and a colored man having sex relations. They were
on the ground out in the open and did not try in any way to hide as I
walked within six or eight feet of them.
“There were many colored girls and white boys laying in the same
sleeping bags. I also saw a white girl about 17-years-old and four
colored boys get into the back of a truck and close the doors…. They
were in the truck about 45 minutes and when they opened the door to
get out, the girl was dressing.”
Lieutenant R.E. Etheridge, Alabama State Trooper : “The action
and movement of the two wrapped in the quilt left no doubt whatever
that they were having sexual intercourse. They were within 30 feet of
the main body of demonstrators, and in plain view of them. They
remained on the ground for about 20 minutes, got up and went toward
Brown’s Chapel Church.”
“On the morning of March 14th, at about 11:00 a.m. I saw a white
preacher with a Negro girl in the back seat of an automobile. He had
her breasts out of her blouse and was handling them.”
“I observed white ministers on at least three occasions who were in
what appeared to be a very intoxicated condition.”
First Lieutenant Samuel Carr, Alabama National Guard : “I
hereby further swear and attest that during such time of duty with my
National Guard unit, I personally saw one case of sexual intercourse
between a young white boy and Negro girl. I further swear and attest
that I saw occasions of public urination….”
Cecil Atkinson, resident of Prattville, Alabama : “Between Selma
and the first stop, I observed both men and women relieving themselves
in public, all together and making no attempt to conceal themselves at
“At one point I observed a young beatnik-type man with his collar
turned around to resemble a priest. He told me that it was ‘the way to
get along.’ Another told me that he had been offered $15 a day, three
meals a day, and all the sex he could handle if he would come down and
join in the demonstration from up North.”
Mrs. Nettie Adams, resident of Montgomery: “There were white
and Negro people all over the Ripley Street side of St. Margaret’s
Hospital [in Montgomery on March 15]…. They were all kissing and
hugging. This one particular couple on St. Margaret’s lawn was
engaged in sexual relations—a white woman (skinny blond) and a
Negro man. After they were through, she wiggled out from beneath him
and over to the man lying to the left of them on the lawn and started
kissing and caressing his face.”

The Many Deaths of Viola Liuzzo

On March 25, 1965, a woman from Michigan named Viola Liuzzo
was driving along Highway 80 from Selma towards Montgomery.
Riding with her was Leroy Moton, a 19-year-old local black who had
become her inseparable companion during her stay in Selma. She had
just dropped off a car-load of demonstrators in Selma, and was on her
way to Montgomery to pick up more, when she was killed by a volley
of bullets fired from a passing car. Moton was uninjured.
T h e Birmingham News of March 26, 1965 set the tone for the
national coverage when it described her as “the red-haired, attractive
Mrs. Liuzzo,” and the press widely published a photograph of her that
had been taken twenty years earlier. By contrast, the coroner’s report
noted that she was 39 years old and a “moderately obese white female”
with needle marks in her arms and very dirty hands and feet. She was
not wearing panties when she was shot, but the coroner did not examine
her for recent sexual relations.
The Birmingham News also referred to Liuzzo as “a mother of five.”
This was correct, but the press left out a few other facts. She had been
married three times, the first marriage having lasted only one day. One
of her daughters had run away from home at age sixteen, and Liuzzo
herself had been arrested and fined for failing to send her children to
school. In 1964, her husband had reported her missing and she later
turned up in Canada. At the time she went to Selma she was under
psychiatric care.
Although she had registered to vote in her home state of Michigan,
Liuzzo was dropped from the rolls after a few years because she never
voted. She was demonstrating for a right for blacks that she, herself,
had never exercised.
President Johnson took an intense interest in her murder and within
24 hours of Liuzzo’s death went on television and radio, with FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover at his side, to announce the arrest of four
members of the Ku Klux Klan. Due to a mix-up in timing, some of the
men had not yet been arrested, and at least one listened in amazement
as the President of the United States announced that he was in custody.
Johnson heaped praise on “the very fast and always efficient work
of the special agents of the FBI who worked all night long, starting
immediately after the tragic death of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo….” He did not
mention that the arrests were so quick because one of the arrested
Klansmen, Gary Rowe, was a paid FBI informer who had been present
at the killing. Nor did he mention that the FBI had advised against
sending condolences to Viola Liuzzo’s husband because, according to
one bureau report, “the man himself doesn’t have too good a
background and the woman had indications of needle marks in her arms
where she had been taking dope.” Johnson also urged Congress to
mount a full-scale investigation of the Klan, which was promptly
undertaken by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).
The trials of Liuzzo’s accused killers were a remarkable story in
themselves—in part because of the speed with which they took place.
The first trial of Collie Wilkins, the alleged trigger-man, was held in a
segregated courtroom in Hayneville, Alabama, just two months after
the killing. Wilkins was defended by Matt Murphy, “Imperial Klonsel”
of the United Klans of America. Women were not then eligible for jury
duty in Alabama, and the one black prospective juror excused himself,
so Wilkins was tried by 12 white men. The case was covered by
approximately 40 newsmen, and a direct telephone line to London,
England, was set up in the courthouse for on-the-spot reports.
Imperial Klonsel Murphy, a third-generation Klansman, made much
of the fact that the state’s case depended almost entirely on the
testimony of a paid informer who had broken his oath of loyalty to the
Klan to betray his brothers. “What kind of man is this,” he thundered,
“who comes into a fraternal order by hook and crook, takes the sacred
oath, and sells his soul for 30 pieces of silver?”
Throughout the trial, he wore a lapel button that said “Never,”
which was a popular anti-integration slogan. He also tried to turn the
trial into a question of white supremacy and segregation rather than of
guilt or innocence. “I’m proud of my heritage; I’m proud that I am a
white man,” he shouted in his closing argument; “I’m for white
supremacy. The communists and the niggers have taken us over….
Racial integration breaks every moral law God ever wrote.”
The jury’s decision was complicated by its having to decide
whether the informer, Rowe, was an accomplice, since under Alabama
law a felony conviction could not depend on the uncorroborated
testimony of an accomplice. In the end, the jury deadlocked, ten-to-two
in favor of conviction on manslaughter charges. The two holdouts later
explained that they could not rely on Rowe’s testimony, since he
“swore before God [in his Klan initiation] and broke his oath.” Several
jurors also said they were insulted by the defense’s attempts to make
white supremacy an issue in the case.
Wilkins was retried in October 1965. Interest in the case was
heightened, if that could be possible, by the HUAC Klan hearings,
which started on almost the same day. Kleagles, Kludds and Kligrapps
testified before a Klan-happy Washington press corps while the out-of-
town correspondents descended once again upon Hayneville.
This time, the prosecutor tried to show that some prospective jurors
were racist by asking them, “Do you believe a white person is superior
to a Negro?” and if they believed in the inferiority of whites, like
Liuzzo, “who come down here and try to help Negroes integrate our
churches and schools.” Eleven of 30 prospective jurors answered that
they did, but they also claimed that they could fairly consider the
evidence and impose the death penalty on a man who killed an
“inferior” civil rights worker. The judge ruled that the men could be fit
The total jury pool was composed of 49 whites and six blacks.
Some of the blacks were disqualified because they did not believe in
the death penalty or, in one man’s case, because he was a police officer.
The resulting panel was all white. Klan lawyer Murphy had died in a
car crash shortly after the first trial, so Arthur Hanes, former mayor of
Birmingham, conducted the defense.
Once again, Rowe swore that Wilkins fired the fatal shots, but he
also admitted that he, too, held a gun out the car window and pretended
to shoot. For the defense, Hanes called the informer a “Judas goat” and
the alleged trigger man a “scape goat,” and referred to the trial as the
“Parable of Two Goats.” Hanes also managed to find two alibi
witnesses, who testified they had seen Wilkins drinking beer at a VFW
Hall near Birmingham, 125 miles from the murder scene, an hour or
less after Liuzzo was shot.
In his closing argument, Hanes gave no sermons about segregation
or white supremacy, but the “Judas goat,” he said, “sells information
for money. If there is no information, he makes—he fabricates—
information and then he goes and peddles it.” Wilkins was acquitted.
Martin Luther King’s reaction to the verdict was not Gandhian. He
said the civil rights movement would “possibly institute economic
sanctions against communities which perpetrate such a mockery of
justice. It is either this or the risk of the beginning of vigilante justice.”
The federal government then put the three Klansmen on trial in late
November, 1965, in the District Court at Montgomery. This was
Wilkins’ third trial in eight months. The charge, based on a
Reconstruction-era civil rights law, was complicated: “conspiracy to
injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate citizens … in the free exercise
and enjoyment of rights and privileges secured them by the
Constitution of the United States.” The expected arguments about
double jeopardy were quashed. Once again, an all-white jury was
empaneled, but the court room was integrated.
By now, lawyers and witnesses could practically recite each other’s
lines, but the results were dramatically different: The jurors, mostly
from small Alabama towns, found all three men guilty. The judge
imposed the maximum sentence of ten years. One Klansman died of a
heart attack not long afterwards, but Collie Wilkins and Eugene
Thomas served full terms in federal prison.
The legal drama was not yet over; in 1966, Thomas—now a
prisoner—was tried by the state of Alabama on murder charges. In the
same Hayneville courthouse that had already seen two Liuzzo trials, he
now faced a jury of eight blacks and only four whites. The prosecution
decided not to use Rowe, their star witness in the three previous trials,
because earlier jurors had disbelieved the testimony of an “oath-
breaker.” Instead, the state relied on an FBI expert who explained that
the bullet that killed Liuzzo could have been fired only from Thomas’
gun. Hanes once again used the alibi defense. It worked. “Jury With
Negroes Acquits Klansman in Liuzzo Slaying,” was the surprised
headline in the New York Times.
The case lay dormant for more than ten years before it resurfaced
during investigations of the FBI’s covert Internal Security
Counterintelligence Program, known as COINTELPRO. By now, J.
Edgar Hoover was dead, and the program that had hired Rowe was
under intense scrutiny—mainly for its infiltration of leftist
Much was revealed about Rowe. Although some press reports had
referred to him as an FBI “agent,” he was nothing of the kind. The FBI
had found the former bartender and night club bouncer, thought he
would make a good Klansman, and asked him to be a spy. Rowe was
the agency’s star informer for years—partly because he threw himself
so enthusiastically into Klan work.
Investigations in 1978 implicated him as an agent provocateur, and
he was accused of helping plant the bomb that killed four black girls in
a Birmingham church in 1963. Wilkins and Thomas, now out of jail,
scuttled their beer-drinking alibi and claimed they had seen Rowe kill
Viola Liuzzo. Rowe himself said that the FBI had approved his
participation in beating Freedom Riders in 1961, and had ordered him
to make internal trouble for the Klan by all possible means, including
the seduction of Klansmen’s wives. Rowe even claimed to have shot a
black to death during a Birmingham race riot in 1963—though police
had no record of such a killing—and that the FBI covered up his
The bureau claimed this was all nonsense, and that Rowe was
simply drumming up publicity for the TV-movie version (starring
former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Don Meredith as Rowe) of his
1976 autobiography, My Undercover Years with the Ku Klux Klan . The
Alabama district attorney thought otherwise. In November, 1978 a
grand jury indicted Rowe for first-degree murder in the killing of Viola
Liuzzo. The state initiated extradition proceedings against Rowe, who
was living in Savannah, Georgia, where the FBI had set him up with a
new identity.
In 1980, still fighting extradition, things got worse for Rowe. An
internal FBI file came to light, which acknowledged that Rowe had led
the beating of freedom riders, whom he clubbed with a lead-weighted
baseball bat. The FBI paid the medical bills for Rowe’s own injuries
and gave him a $125 bonus. One of his FBI handlers was found to have
said, “If he happened to be with some Klansmen and they decided to do
something [violent] he couldn’t be an angel and [still] be a good
Mrs. Liuzzo’s children now waded in, convinced they were on to a
good thing. With the help of the ACLU, they sued the FBI for $2
million, charging that the bureau’s agent, Rowe, was at least partially
responsible for the death of their mother.
Luckily for Rowe, in October 1980, a federal judge blocked
extradition to Alabama, saying that a federal “agent” has rights that
protect him when “placed in a compromising position because of his
undercover work.” This surprising ruling was sustained by the federal
appeals court.
The Liuzzo children did manage to get Rowe into court in Ann
Arbor, Michigan, for their 1982 trial against the FBI. Eugene Thomas
duly identified Rowe as Liuzzo’s killer but the trial judge disbelieved
Thomas. He threw out the Liuzzo children’s case, ordering them to pay
the $80,000 the government had spent defending itself.
Viola Liuzzo has not since been in the news. The story about the
woman whose death helped spur passage of the landmark Voting Rights
Act may finally have come to an end.
This article appeared in the May 1995 issue. Marian Evans has
written frequently for American Renaissance.
The Doctor in Spite of Himself
Theodore Pappas (Ed.), The Martin Luther King, Jr. Plagiarism
Story, The Rockford Institute, 1994, 107 pp., $10.00 (soft cover)

reviewed by Thomas Jackson

Late in 1987, a graduate student working on the project to publish the

collected papers of Martin Luther King discovered that King had
plagiarized huge parts of his doctoral dissertation. Clayborne Carson,
the director of the project, decided to suppress this fact, thus setting in
motion one of the most sordid tales of academic dishonesty and race-
based special pleading in recent memory.
This book is an invaluable collection of several accounts of what
King did and of the contemptible coverups and justifications that
followed. Not surprisingly, its editor, Theodore Pappas, could not find a
commercial publisher, so the book is unlikely to be in book stores or
even in libraries. Only if enough people buy and read it will its story
survive the whitewash.

Starting Early
It is now clear that King began plagiarizing as a young man and
continued to do so throughout his career. At Crozier Theological
Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, where he received a bachelor’s
degree in 1951, his papers were stuffed with unacknowledged material
lifted verbatim from published sources. The King papers project has
dutifully collected this juvenilia, and Mr. Pappas explains how it
strikes the reader today:
“King’s plagiarisms are easy to detect because their style rises
above the level of his pedestrian student prose. In general, if the
sentences are eloquent, witty, insightful, or pithy, or contain allusions,
analogies, metaphors, or similes, it is safe to assume that the section
has been purloined.”
Mr. Pappas notes that in one paper King wrote at Crozier, 20 out of
a total of 24 paragraphs show “verbatim theft.” King also plagiarized
himself, recycling old term papers as new ones. In their written
comments on his papers, some of King’s professors chided him for
sloppy references, but they seem to have had no idea how extensively
he was stealing material. By the time he was accepted into the PhD
program at Boston University, King was a veteran and habitual
Some of the most devastating parts of Mr. Pappas’ book are nothing
more than side-by-side comparisons of material from King’s PhD
thesis and from the sources he copied without attribution. King was
overwhelmingly dependent on just one source, a dissertation written on
the same subject as his own—the German-born theologian, Paul Tillich
—by another Boston University student named Jack Boozer.
Here is a typical passage from King’s thesis that is lifted, word for
word, from Boozer’s:
“Correlation means correspondence of data in the sense of a
correspondence between religious symbols and that which is
symbolized by them. It is upon the assumption of this correspondence
that all utterances about God’s nature are made. This correspondence is
actual in the logos nature of God and logos nature of man.”
There is word-for-word copying throughout the thesis. Mr. Pappas
notes that the entire twenty-third page is lifted straight out of Boozer,
and that even when King was not stealing Boozer’s words without
attribution, he was stealing his ideas: “There is virtually no section of
King’s discussion of Tillich that cannot be found in Boozer’s text.”
Even when King is “quoting” Tillich, complete with footnotes, he
may actually be quoting Boozer. Boozer occasionally typed the wrong
page number in a Tillich footnote, or made an error transcribing
Tillich’s words. King copied the errors along with everything else.
King’s plagiarism is even more breathtaking than it seems. Boozer
was not just any BU graduate student. He had written his thesis in 1952,
only three years before King wrote his, and had submitted it to the same
advisor. Since the advisor is now dead, we will never know whether he
failed even to notice the copying or was simply practicing early
affirmative action. The second faculty reader of King’s thesis now
excuses himself by saying he read it early in his career, at a time when
he was naive about plagiarism.
Even after he became famous, King continued to plagiarize. His
“Letter From Birmingham City Jail,” is now known to contain passages
he had cribbed so often he knew them by heart. Some of the best-known
passages from his “I Have a Dream” speech are taken from a 1952
address by a black preacher named Archibald Carey. His Nobel Prize
Lecture and his books, Strength to Love and Stride Toward Freedom ,
are also extensively plagiarized.
Moreover, it is clear that King did not take from others because he
thought ideas and words were common property. He copyrighted the “I
Have a Dream” speech, pilferings and all, and vigorously defended it
against unauthorized use. King’s estate continues to enforce the
copyright. Only last year, in a paroxysm of adulation, USA Today
printed the full text of the speech, beginning on the front page. The
estate sued.

Shielding the Saint

Like his penchant for adultery, King’s intellectual dishonesty
detracts from his reputation as Saint and Great Man. Perhaps it is
because they reveal other failings that his FBI files are still sealed.
King, alone of all Americans, is honored with a national holiday, and it
is awkward for a saint to be caught stealing. The line of defense has
therefore been predictable: He didn’t do it, and even if he did, it doesn’t
A three-year cover-up began with Mr. Carson at the King papers
project. He forbade anyone on the staff to use the word “plagiarism,”
and has since written of the “similarities” and “textual appropriations”
that were part of King’s “successful composition method.” Mrs.
Coretta Scott King also appears to have played a role in the cover-up by
refusing to release King’s handwritten dissertation notes. Mr. Carson
deliberately misled reporters who had heard rumors of plagiarism, and
came clean with the facts only when it became clear that the story
would break anyway.
The project leader’s disingenuousness has not affected funding for
the King papers. They have probably swallowed up nearly a million
dollars in tax money as well as support from the Ford and Rockefeller
Foundations, IBM, Intel and many other donors. In eight years, the
project has published only one volume of a projected fourteen.
To the profound discredit of the American press, it was a British
paper, the Sunday Telegraph , that first published a story, in December
1989, about allegations of plagiarism. It was not until nearly a year
later, in November 1990, that the Wall Street Journal reported the story
to a large American audience. Chronicles had briefly mentioned the
rumors a little earlier, and Mr. Pappas had prepared a thorough exposé
but was beaten into print by the nimbler Journal. It is now established
that the New York Times , Washington Post , Atlanta Journal-
Constitution, and New Republic all had heard about the plagiarism but
had decided not to investigate it.
Once the truth was out, official reactions were just as craven. The
Wall Street Journal wrote a typically lickspittle editorial, arguing that
King’s plagiarisms do not reflect on his character but “tell something
about the rest of us.[!?]”
Boston University formed a committee to look into the matter and
concluded that since King had stolen only 45 percent of the first part
and 21 percent of the second part of his dissertation, it was an
“intelligent contribution to scholarship” and that “no thought should be
given to revocation of Dr. King’s doctoral degree.” The second reader
of the thesis actually defended the plagiarism by saying that King had
accurately conveyed Boozer’s thinking—something not hard to do,
since King copied him verbatim.
Boozer, who lived just long enough to learn of the plagiarism, was
perhaps the greatest groveler of all. As his wife later explained, “He
told me he’d be so honored and so glad if there were anything that
Martin Luther King could have used from his work.”
Keith Miller of Arizona State University has already written a full-
length exculpation of King called Voice of Deliverance: The Language
of Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr. Pappas notes that Prof. Miller has come
up with an astonishing variety of ways to say “plagiarism” without
using the word: voice merging, intertextualization, incorporation,
borrowing, consulting, absorbing, alchemizing, overlapping, quarrying,
yoking, adopting, synthesizing, replaying, echoing, resonance, and
Prof. Miller says that non-whites, who have strong oral traditions,
should not be held to stuffy, Western standards of bibliography, and
that King could not be expected to understand the demands of an alien
white culture. “How could such a compelling leader commit what most
people define as a writer’s worst sin?” he asks; “The contradiction
should prompt us to rethink our definition of plagiarism.” Since Martin
Luther King did it, it must be all right.
Even those who condemn plagiarism claim to have no idea why
King should have done it. Mr. Pappas drops us a hint when he writes,
“[W]e know from his scores on the Graduate Record Exam that King
scored in the second lowest quartile in English and vocabulary, in the
lowest ten percent in quantitative analysis, and in the lowest third on
his advanced test in philosophy—the very subject he would concentrate
in at BU.” People steal ideas when they are too lazy or unoriginal to
come up with their own.
Blacks and Whites
Of course, the story that Mr. Pappas tells says far, far more about
white America than about Martin Luther King. King was a dishonest
scholar and got away with it—a small-time con-man whose degree
would be revoked if Boston University had any integrity.
There is no doubt about what would have happened had King been
white. Mr. Pappas reminds us that Joseph Biden’s bid for the
Presidency ended when he was shown to have copied from a speech by
Neil Kinnock, the British Labor Party leader. Boston University itself
recently stripped a dean of his position when it was learned he had
cribbed from a Wall Street Journal article for a commencement
There is not a single white person, dead or alive, whose reputation
academics and journalists would go to degrading lengths to preserve,
but blacks are different. It is now well established that Alex Haley, the
author of Roots, did not merely fake his African family tree but stole
parts of it from a novel by a white man. His reputation remains
unsullied, his Pulitzer Prize unrevoked. The black poet Maya Angelou’s
“Inauguration Poem” likewise appears to have been an unattributed
adaptation, but her reputation and academic sinecure are unshaken.
To criticize Maya Angelou or Alex Haley is merely in bad taste but
to question the sanctity of Martin Luther King is lèse majesté. Why?
In his forward to this book, Jacob Neusner writes that the impulse
to defend a shameless plagiarist “stems from insufficient faith in the
authentic achievements of Martin Luther King….” In other words,
anyone who does not find room in King’s spacious personality for a
few personal failings does not grasp the man’s true greatness.
People toady to King’s memory because he is a symbol of white
racial atonement. To evoke his name is to confess white sinfulness and
to ask forgiveness. Any attitude towards him other than worshipfulness
suggests insufficient yearning for atonement or, to call it by its every-
day name, “racism.”
To go further and actually criticize King is to risk more than the
taint of bigotry; it is to insult the contemporary idea of America itself.
King’s birthday is a holiday because he symbolizes what is thought to
be America’s finest triumph—the triumph over white wickedness. King
stands for integration and racial egalitarianism, from which flow
quotas, multiculturalism and non-white immigration. Policies that will
weaken the country and dispossess the white majority must have
nothing less than a saint as their symbol.
This article appeared originally in the April 1994 issue.
The Descent of Man
Richard Lynn, Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern
Populations, Praeger Publishers, 1996, 237 pp., $59.95

reviewed by Thomas Jackson

Human traits are heritable. Children resemble their parents. Does it

therefore make any difference who has children and who doesn’t?
Farmers have understood selective breeding for thousands of years,
and common sense suggests that the same principles apply to man.
Indeed, from the mid-19th century until part way through the 20th, it
was understood that if people of low ability outbred their betters it
posed a threat to society. Only in the 1950s and 1960s did dogmatic
egalitarianism force eugenic thinking underground (see AR, Feb. 1997).
The publication of Dysgenics, by Professor Richard Lynn of the
University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, marks a very significant and
promising beginning to the rehabilitation of eugenics. Some recent
books, such as The Bell Curve (reviewed in AR, Feb. 1995) and The
Decline of Intelligence in America (reviewed in AR, Feb. 1996) have
pointed in this direction, but Dysgenics is the first book in decades to
make a comprehensive case for protecting the human gene pool.

Benedict Morel
As Professor Lynn points out, it was a now-forgotten Frenchman,
Benedict Morel, who first argued for eugenics. Writing in 1857, even
before Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, Morel noted that the upper
classes were having fewer children than the lower classes. He thought
this could not help but drag down the population, since the upper
classes were healthier, more intelligent, and of better character than the
lower. The eugenicists of Victorian England took the same view, but it
was not until 1974 that William Shockley gave the name dysgenics to
society-wide genetic decline.
Professor Lynn explains that from the dawn of human existence up
until only a century or so ago, people with the best qualities had the
most children, thus spreading superior characteristics through
populations. This is still happening in primitive societies, where able
men achieve high status and have the most children. For example, a
1979 study of the Kung San tribe (Bushmen) of the Kalahari desert
found that 62 percent of the men—the least successful hunters—had no
children, whereas the most successful men had multiple wives and
many children.
In most non-Christian societies polygamy has been one of the
rewards of high status, and to the extent that status reflects ability,
polygamy is eugenic. It allows huge differences in the numbers of
children men can produce; Moulay Ismail the Bloodthirsty (1672–
1727), a Moroccan emperor, is said to have fathered 888 children.
In Europe as well, up until about 1800, the wealthy had
considerably more children than the poor. There was no public
assistance for single mothers, so there were strict sanctions against
illegitimacy. Women generally did not marry men who could not
support them, and many people in the serving classes therefore did not
marry or have children. Prof. Lynn notes that when the lower classes
had illegitimate or unwanted children they often exposed them; dead
babies were a common sight in gutters or on rubbish heaps.
The 20th century has eased many of the forces that once culled the
lower classes, but a few remain. Infant mortality is still higher among
the poor than among the middle and upper classes, and this is true
without regard to access to medicine. Prof. Lynn writes that this is
because poor parents are less disciplined and health-conscious.
The poor show other signs of what Prof. Lynn calls a lack of
conscientiousness. They are more likely to die from drowning, fire,
traffic accidents, and suffocation. They are also more likely to smoke
cigarettes and drink to excess. Sexually transmitted diseases are also
far more common among the lower classes; venereal diseases can
render women infertile and AIDS is lethal. Until cures are found,
reckless sexual behavior will have a reproductive price.
How then do the less able manage to outbreed the more able? As
Prof. Lynn explains, the main reason is birth control, which the
provident use more successfully than the improvident. Until its
invention there was no “dysgenic fertility,” to use the specialist term.
The first book on contraception to have a real influence on the
English-speaking world was Every Woman’s Book, published in London
in 1826. It explained the withdrawal method and how to use sheep-gut
condoms. This was followed by an even more successful American
book, somewhat opaquely entitled The Fruits of Philosophy. Later in
the 19th century, contraception got an enormous unintended boost from
the obscenity trials of several Englishmen who had published books on
birth control. With the invention of the rubber condom in the 1870s,
people who wanted to limit their families had a reliable way to do so.
Of course, not all social strata had the foresight, discipline, and
means to use condoms. The intelligent and far-sighted were most likely
to use them. As Prof. Lynn writes: “Once contraception became widely
available, dysgenic fertility became inevitable.”

Proof by Numbers
Although the eugenicists of the 19th century had a common-sense
understanding of the dysgenic threat, it was not until the 20th century
that its effects could actually be measured. One of the great strengths of
Prof. Lynn’s book is his careful presentation of the data that have been
gathered over several generations of research.
Once IQ tests became available in the 1920s, researchers found a
clear trend: children with high IQs tended to have few brothers and
sisters. This was later shown conclusively to be an effect of dysgenic
fertility rather than any kind of IQ-depressing effect of large families.
The correlation between IQ and number of siblings is on the order of
Later population studies have taken a different approach, measuring
the IQs of parents and counting their children. On the basis of all
available data, Prof. Lynn concludes that the overall genetic IQ decline
in the developed world is something like one point per generation. In
Britain, for example, he estimates genetic IQ to have declined 6.2
points from 1890 to 1980. All studies seem to show that the decline was
greatest in the first half of the 20th century, when contraception use
was even more concentrated in the upper classes than it is today.
Recent, fine-grained studies of fertility have confirmed other
important findings. In the United States, multiracialism itself is
dysgenic since blacks and Hispanics have more babies than whites.
Also, dysgenic trends are more pronounced among blacks than among
whites, since the black underclass is outbreeding high-IQ blacks at a
greater rate than the equivalent populations among whites. The IQ of
white Americans is probably declining at a rate of just under one point
per generation, whereas the decline for blacks is estimated at just over
two points.
Another interesting finding is that dysgenic trends are sharper
among women than men. The most intelligent women often spend
many years in school and at work. Once they are in their mid-30s they
may not find husbands, and they have also cut short their child-bearing
years. Intelligent, successful men who delay marriage have less trouble
finding suitable wives.
As Prof. Lynn explains, the sex difference is exacerbated by
behavior at the low end of the intelligence curve as well:
“Low-IQ women tend to have higher fertility because they are
inefficient users of contraception and there are always plenty of men
willing to have sex with them. Low IQ men, on the other hand, tend not
to have such high fertility because many of them are unattractive to
females and lack the social and cognitive skills required to secure
sexual partners.”
Greater dysgenic fertility among women than men is particularly
pronounced among blacks. College-educated black women have a
notoriously small number of children whereas the underclass is fertile.
Although Prof. Lynn considers contraception to be the primary
dysgenic force, he also notes the baleful effects of welfare. This has
been the medium in which the underclass grows, and it has fueled
illegitimacy rates among blacks that now approach 70 percent. Prof.
Lynn notes that this cannot but be dysgenic:
“It is easy to understand why single mothers tend to have low
intelligence and weak character. They are less able to foresee, and they
care less about, the adverse consequences of having an illegitimate
In fact, in the United States, over half of the single women on
welfare are in the bottom 20 percent for IQ.
Interestingly, much of the developing world is going through the
same, steep dysgenic decline that Europe and the United States suffered
earlier in the century. In much of Latin America, for example,
contraception is used almost exclusively by the upper classes while
peasants still show “natural fertility.” Black Africa is the one great
exception. Prof. Lynn reports that almost no one practices birth control
there, so the genetic stock is not deteriorating.
Professor Lynn devotes a chapter to the so-called Flynn effect, the
finding that performance on IQ tests has actually been rising during the
20th century despite dysgenic fertility. This trend is confirmed when IQ
tests are routinely renormed to give an average score of 100. Today’s
test-takers score better on tests normed for the 1940s and 1950s than
they do on tests normed for the 1990s.
How can this be? Prof. Lynn accepts that the approximate three-
point-per-decade rise in IQ since the 1930s is real, and not an artifact of
better education or greater literacy. Since the rise has been the same for
small children as for adults, experience with test-taking appears not to
be the cause. Prof. Lynn believes that better nutrition and the control of
most childhood diseases explain performance gains that have masked
the decline in underlying genetic intelligence.
Prof. Lynn likens this to using progressively poorer seed on
increasingly fertile land. Crops may improve in the short-run but even
the best land will some day be unable to make up for degraded seed.
Figures for IQ decline are therefore calculations of what must be
happening at the genetic level despite higher measured intelligence.
The Flynn effect—named for the New Zealander, J.R. Flynn, who
publicized it—is one of the most perplexing findings in current IQ
research. Prof. Lynn’s treatment of it is as convincing as any in the

Other Consequences
Intelligence is not the only important trait now shaped by modern
techniques. Medicine has a dysgenic effect on health, since weak
children who would ordinarily have died young now survive to have
children of their own. In the case of some heritable diseases that can
now be treated, there will be a sharp increase in defective genes. In the
next 30 years, hemophilia is likely to become 25 percent more
common, and cystic fibrosis and phenylketonuria (PKU) will increase
by 120 percent and 300 percent.
Prof. Lynn also notes that criminal propensities, which he considers
separately from intelligence, are also spreading through the population.
Although this is a field that has been almost completely ignored, Prof.
Lynn’s own findings are that, at least in Britain, criminals and
psychopaths are 77 percent more fertile than other people. Given
heritability estimates for criminality derived from twin and adoption
studies, Prof. Lynn finds that the excessive fertility of criminals alone
probably accounted for a 52 percent crime increase in Britain in a
single generation. He considers the spread of criminality a potentially
greater problem than the decline of intelligence.
Perhaps the book’s most dismal assertion is that the current
reproductive habits of Western populations not only ensure decline,
they rule out even the theoretical possibility of genetic improvement.
In an era when the most able members of society limit themselves to
two or three children, even the most dramatically favorable mutation
would have no way to spread through a population. Improvement
requires eugenic fertility, which is no longer found in Western
populations. They have reached a genetic dead end.
What can be done? Prof. Lynn is silent on the subject of policy, but
not from shyness. Dysgenics is to be followed by a second volume,
which will outline the steps that can and must be taken to stop genetic
deterioration. This volume could be even more important than the first.
This article appeared in the April 1997 issue.
A New Theory of Racial Differences
J. Philippe Rushton, Race, Evolution, and Behavior, Transaction
Publishers, 1995, 334 pp., $34.95

reviewed by Jared Taylor

Race, Evolution, and Behavior is one of the most important books

about race to be written in many years. Not only does it describe the
myriad ways in which the races differ, it advances a persuasive and
original explanation for what these differences mean and how they
came about. Prof. J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western
Ontario has written a rigorously scholarly book that is not always easy
to understand, but it could well become a classic in its field, like Race
by John Baker and Bias in Mental Testing by Arthur Jensen.
Just how different are the races? Most experts now take differences
in intelligence for granted. Prof. Rushton has gone much farther and
marshaled a wealth of data on other important differences. Some of
these are summarized in the chart below. The most striking finding is
not just that Asians, whites, and blacks are different, but that the
differences fit a pattern, with Asians and blacks at opposite ends of a
spectrum, and whites in the middle.
A large part of the book—and a good portion of this article—are
devoted to reviewing these data, but Prof. Rushton’s most provocative
and original contribution is his application of what is called r-K theory
to this pattern of Asians-whites-blacks. The central element of r-K
theory is represented graphically in the drawing below.
Different species have evolved different approaches to propagation.
At one extreme is the r-strategy, by which an organism produces a very
large number of offspring, but gives them little or no care. The oyster is
a good example. Every year it releases millions of eggs into the ocean
and leaves them to the mercies of weather and predators. Almost all of
them die, but a few survive.
r organisms must mature quickly because they get no help from
their parents. The ones that survive repeat the cycle by producing huge
numbers of eggs, only a few of which will live. The symbol r stands for
the maximum rate of increase in a population, and when the conditions
for reproduction are good, an r-strategist can increase its numbers at a
terrific rate.
At the other extreme is the K-strategy, which is used by more
advanced animals, including man. The number of offspring is much
smaller, but great effort is taken to give each one a good chance of
survival. K- and r-strategists consequently are very different both in
biology and in what Prof. Rushton calls life histories.
K-strategists live longer, have larger brains, and take longer to
reach sexual maturity. Unlike the simpler r-strategists, they tend to
have some kind of social organization. Besides the care they give their
young, adults may share food, cooperate in the hunt, and fight predators
together. The K-symbol stands for the carrying capacity of the breeding
area, and represents the production of small numbers of offspring that
are carefully nurtured for a particular environment.
All humans follow an extreme K-strategy. They have few young,
who take years to mature and require a great deal of care. They have
large brains and complex societies based on cooperation. However,
human races are not identical. The chart on the next page (Table 1)
shows that Asians consistently show more K behavior than whites, who
in turn show more than blacks. There is virtually no departure from this

Maturation and Reproduction

In almost every respect, racial differences in the physiology of
reproduction show an r-K pattern that runs from blacks to whites to
Asians. Fraternal twinning, for example, which happens when a mother
releases more than one egg during ovulation, is clearly an r-strategy of
producing more and smaller young, who are more likely to be
miscarried, be born underweight, die in infancy, and receive less
parental care.
Fraternal twinning is twice as common among blacks as among
whites, and twice as common among whites as among Asians. Triplets
are ten times more common among whites than among Asians and 17
times more common among Africans than among whites. In some
African populations, multiple births account for 60 out of every 1000.
In Japan, where twins are very rare, they are viewed suspiciously as the
products of a “litter,” more akin to dogs than to humans.
Offspring of the different races gestate and mature according to
different r-K strategies. Blacks are born earlier and smaller than whites,
are stronger and better coordinated. They can sit up and roll over
sooner than whites, who can do so sooner than Asians. On average,
blacks walk at age 11 months, whites at 12 months, and Asians at 13
Table 1. [Table to Top]
Race and r-K Variables
Variable Asians Whites Blacks
Brain Size Large Medium Small
IQ 105 100 85
Decision Times Fast Medium Slow
Cultural High High Low
Gestation Times ? Medium Short
Development Late Medium Early
Age of First Late Medium Early
Life Span Long Medium Short
Twinning per 4 8 16
Hormone Levels Low Medium High
Genitalia Small Medium Large
Intercourse Low Medium High
AIDS/Syphilis Low Medium High
Aggressiveness Low Medium High
Cautiousness High Medium Low
Dominance Low Medium High
Self-Concept Low Medium High
Marital High Medium Low
Criminality Low Medium High
Administrative High High Low

Although it is a specialized measure of development, permanent

tooth eruption occurs sooner in Africans than in Europeans, and later in
Asians. Among primates in general, there is near-perfect correlation
between lateness of permanent tooth eruption and such things as length
of life, brain size, years to maturity, and complexity of social
Blacks reach sexual maturity sooner than whites, who reach it
sooner than Asians. By age twelve, 19 percent of American black girls
have fully developed breasts and pubic hair whereas only five percent
of white girls do. Blacks, on average, have earlier first menstruation
than whites, and Asians menstruate later than whites. In the United
States, the average white woman is two full years older than the
average black woman when she first has sexual intercourse, and Asians
start having intercourse even later than whites.
Professor Rushton has bravely taken on the delicate subject of
genital size, which has received reluctant but official attention because
of AIDS. International organizations that try to provide condoms to
people all over the world have discovered that one size does not fit all.
Blacks have larger penises than whites, who have larger penises than
Asians. The length of the vagina also differs proportionately in each
race. Black men produce more sperm than do whites, and Asian men
produce the least.
In the United States, black married couples report the greatest
frequency of sexual intercourse, and Asian married couples report the
lowest frequency. AIDS, like other sexually transmitted disease, is
most common among blacks, rarest among Asians.
In Africa, compared to Europe or Asia, it is common to have sexual
relations with many partners and to expend less effort on child-rearing.
Older brothers and sisters often look after smaller children. There are
also huge racial and regional differences in the number of offspring
produced. In the United States, the average woman produces 14
children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; in Africa the figure is
258. This prodigious African reproductive effort takes place over a
shorter life-span. Blacks do not live as long as whites who, in turn, do
not live as long as Asians.
Here, clearly, are patterns of maturational and reproductive
behavior that show a consistent r-K pattern. Quick maturity, early
reproduction, numerous offspring, and shorter lives put blacks closer to
the oyster end of the scale than whites, who are closer to it than Asians.
Differences in sexual activity, life-span, and number of children are
usually attributed to “culture” or “environment,” but there is every
reason to believe that they are at least partly genetic, just as size of sex
organs or age of sexual maturity are almost entirely genetic. Life-span,
for example, is clearly hereditary in part. The age at which an adopted
child will die is more easily predicted from the life-spans of the
biological parents than from those of the adoptive parents. Likewise,
identical twins die, on average, only 37 months apart whereas fraternal
twins die 78 months apart.
What about the other components of the human K-strategy, such as
altruism, law-abidingness, and the other characteristics that make up
distinctly human social organizations? To what extent are what we
think of as personality—and the cultural institutions that reflect a
population’s group personality—the products of heredity, and thus
properly included in an analysis of r-K strategy? Prof. Rushton has
exhaustively surveyed recent studies of heredity, which suggest a
powerful genetic influence on virtually all aspects of human behavior.
Some of the most startling and convincing data on the relative
influences of genes vs. environment come from studies of identical
twins who were separated at birth and reared apart. Identical twins
come from a single egg that splits in two; the twins are genetically
identical. Fraternal twins are produced by a double ovulation and are no
more genetically alike than ordinary siblings. (Unlike fraternal
twinning rates, there are no racial differences in the frequencies of
identical twinning.)
The crucial finding is that identical twins reared apart are more like
each other in virtually every way than are fraternal twins who were
reared in the same household. From these similarities it is possible to
estimate how much of the variation in personality traits is caused by
genes and how much by environment.
Table 2 shows twin-study estimates of the genetic contribution to
various attitudes:
Table 2. [Table to Top]
Estimated Heritabilities
of Attitudes
Death Penalty .51
Royalty .44
Apartheid .43
White Superiority .40
Divorce .40
Sabbath Observance .35
White Lies .35
Mixed Marriage .33
Legalized Abortion .32
Nudist Camps .28
Socialism .26
Learning Latin .26
Computer Music .26
Bible Truth .25
Pajama Parties .08
Coeducation .07

These estimates almost certainly undervalue heritability because

the method used to calculate it assumes that all aspects of environment
are arbitrary. In fact, to a very large degree, people influence their own
environments according to traits that are at least partly genetic. Thus,
even within the same family, an aggressive child elicits different
responses from parents and playmates—and thus has a different
environment—from a child who is placid and cooperative. Once they
are independent of their parents, young people follow their genetic
propensities even more freely by choosing entirely different
The methodology of heritability estimates ignores this. Thus, much
of the influence on personality traits that is due to “environment”
undoubtedly reflects personal surroundings that differ primarily
because people shape their surroundings to match their genetic
Intelligence, which is one of the most important, stable and most
frequently measured traits, is also one of the most heritable. Variations
in intelligence within a population appear to be 60 to 80 percent
governed by heredity.
It is important to note that heritability estimates are for variations
in IQ, not total IQ. Thus, for two brothers with IQs of 100 and 120, a
genetic component of 60 percent (and an environmental component of
40 percent) does not imply that 40 IQ points of the 100-IQ brother’s
intelligence are theoretically attributable to environment. It means only
that 40 percent of the 20-point difference between the brothers—8 IQ
points—is theoretically governed by non-genetic factors.
Furthermore, no one is really sure how environment influences the
40 to 20 percent that is presumably non-genetic. Non-genetic factors
may well be grossly biological events like malnutrition, childhood
diseases, and mishaps in the womb, rather than the household or
educational differences that most people think of as environment. Such
things as Head Start or special education appear to have very little
lasting effect on IQ differences either between individuals or races.
For the different racial groups, Prof. Rushton has aggregated the
results of a great many IQ studies to arrive at the following averages:
Whites - 100, Asians - 105, American blacks (who are about 25 percent
white) - 85, African blacks - 70 to 75, Amerindians (including Central
and Latin Americans with little or no European blood) - 89,
Polynesians, Micronesians, Melanesians, and Maoris - 80 to 95.
Although Asians have a higher general intelligence than whites, the
difference is mainly in visuo-spatial performance rather than verbal
ability. This makes Asians good engineers and mathematicians, but
they do not have a pronounced advantage in careers like law or
language teaching. Not surprisingly, a 1980s survey of professions in
the United States found that Chinese-Americans were over-represented
in the sciences at a rate six times their proportion in the population.
However, there were only one fourth as many Chinese-American
lawyers as their numbers would suggest. Blacks were minimally
represented in both fields.
Although it is common to criticize IQ tests precisely because they
give disparate results by race, there are other, more obviously
biological indicators of intelligence that cannot be accused of “cultural
bias.” One that Prof. Rushton himself has studied in depth is brain size.
Larger heads (containing larger brains) are positively correlated
with intelligence. This is true within families, with the sibling with the
largest head likely to be the most intelligent. It is also true within races,
with large-brained blacks or Asians likely to be more intelligent than
their small-brained co-racialists.
As groups, whites and Asians have larger brains than blacks. At age
seven, for example, black children are 16 percentile points taller than
white children, but their head perimeter is eight percentile points
smaller. Asians are likely to have larger brains than whites, though
some indications of larger size appear only after correcting upward for
the fact that Asians are smaller than whites. A small person with the
same sized brain as a big person can be thought of as having a “larger”
brain, because smaller bodies require less brain to maintain basal
Whites probably have about 100 million fewer cerebral neurons, on
average, than Asians and blacks have about 480 million fewer than
whites. The black/Asian difference is especially significant because of
differences in body size. Blacks with small brains in large bodies are at
a serious intellectual disadvantage compared to Asians because a larger
proportion of their already-smaller brains is probably occupied with
basal functions and not available for conscious thought.
Yet another directly physiological assessment of intelligence is the
type of reaction-time test pioneered by Prof. Arthur Jensen of Berkeley.
These tests require people to make simple choices when a light goes on.
Intelligence is correlated with both speed and consistency of reaction
time, and Asians perform better than whites, who perform better than
Prof. Rushton cites several additional reasons to suspect that racial
differences in intelligence are due to genetics rather than environment.
One is something called regression towards the mean. Individuals who
are at extreme points in a normal distribution of any trait are likely to
have children not so extreme as themselves. Very tall people, for
example, are likely to have taller-than-average children, but their
children’s heights tend towards the average for the population. With
respect to IQ, studies have repeatedly shown that black Americans
regress towards a mean of 85 while whites regress towards a mean of
Inbreeding depression scores are another persuasive indicator that
racial differences are genetic. Children that result from unions of very
close relatives often have unusually low scores on certain kinds of
intelligence tests, indicating that the abilities measured by those tests
are highly susceptible to genetic influence. As it happens, these
measures of intelligence are the very ones that show the greatest black-
white differences, which suggests that the intelligence gap is also

Other Personality Differences

High intelligence is not the only hallmark of K-strategy. Professor
Rushton explains that the races with more K traits have more complex
and cooperative social organizations, are more sexually restrained and
law abiding, and show more altruism. In terms of r-K strategy, altruism
and social cooperation permit individuals to rear their young under
more dependable and peaceful circumstances—which is a precondition
for groups that have staked their survival on producing small numbers
of large-brained but slow-maturing offspring.
For traits like altruism and aggression to be properly included in an
r-K pattern, they must be shown to be, like intelligence, at least partly
controlled by heredity and to differ from race to race. Research
suggests that these traits are greatly influenced by heredity, and that
they appear early in life. In one study, children who were rated as
“aggressive” by their peers at age eight were rated the same way by a
different set of peers 10 years later. By the time they were 19 years old,
those in the “aggressive” group were three times more likely to have a
police record than those who were not considered “aggressive.”
Identical twins are about twice as much alike in terms of altruism
and aggression as fraternal twins. Studies in both Europe and Japan
have confirmed that when a twin has been convicted of a crime, an
identical co-twin is two to three times more likely also to have been
convicted than is a fraternal co-twin.
Shyness and sociability also appear very early in children and
endure through adulthood. Studies of identical twins reared apart have
shown astonishing similarities not only in personality, but in careers,
marriage patterns, style of dress, and individual mannerisms.
Research also shows that predictions about criminal behavior in
adopted children can be made more accurately from the behavior of
biological parents rather than adoptive parents. Some time between the
ages of 21 and 30, the adult personality is “set like plaster,” and
environment seems to have little effect on it.
Prof. Rushton points out that most people marry and make friends
with people who are genetically like themselves. They seek others who
not only look but think like they do. Durability of marriage has been
shown to be linked to genetic similarity of the partners—in
intelligence, appearance, and in other personality traits that are to some
extent under genetic control.
It is therefore not surprising that biological siblings have more
similar friends than do adopted siblings. Likewise, young criminals—
who appear to have a genetic propensity for crime—commonly make
friends with other young people with the same propensity.
This clearly demonstrated human preference for associating with
others who are similar has important implications for race relations.
Even very young children are conscious of race and show racial
preferences. Prof. Rushton writes that ethnocentrism and “racism” are
probably natural mechanisms built into the human genotype.
Expressions of altruism also have important implications for race
relations. In virtually all species, the closer two individuals are,
genetically, the more likely they are to help each other. This makes
evolutionary sense if genes are thought of as the basic units of
evolution. Genes for altruism are likely to leave more copies of
themselves in future generations if they produce a trait that causes
individuals to help their close kin survive.
Ants and bees are especially altruistic—frequently dying in great
numbers to protect the colony—because they have an unusual
reproductive pattern that causes workers to share 75 percent of their
genes. Squirrels and monkeys can detect genetic distance between
themselves and others, and are more cooperative towards close
Male Rhesus monkeys are promiscuous and cannot be sure that the
child of a mate is their own. However, they have some unknown way of
recognizing their offspring, and are kinder to them than they are to
unrelated youngsters. (Actual kinship has been confirmed through
blood tests.)
Belding’s ground squirrels mate with multiple partners, and
females have litters that contain both sisters and half sisters. Despite
the fact that they share the same womb and the same nest, full sisters
fight less often and help each other more often than half sisters.
Among humans, preschool children are 40 times more likely to be
assaulted by a step-parent—that is to say, a genetic stranger—than by a
biological parent. In promiscuous societies in which fathers are not
sure which children are their own, they put more effort into caring for
their sisters’ children than for those of their wives. A sister’s child is
always close kin, whereas a promiscuous wife’s child may not be kin at
Experiments in altruism confirm the obvious: People are more
willing to help people like themselves. Similar appearance is a good
indicator of genetic similarity, and Prof. Rushton observes that racial
solidarity can be viewed as a kind of extended nepotism. He also argues
that it is often fruitless to look for sociological or economic reasons for
the racial conflicts found all around the world. Genetic similarity and
the desire to preserve a common set of genes are more likely

Racial Differences
The races differ consistently in the personality traits that can be
classified according to r-K theory, just as they do in intelligence.
Asians are more restrained, cooperative, and less aggressive than
whites; whites are more restrained and less aggressive than blacks.
These rankings are the same, whether subjects are assessed by
personality tests or by their peers. From an early age, blacks are more
impulsive and dominant than whites. Asians are least dominant and
Differences in crime rates by race are too well established to bear
repeating. (See “Race, Crime, and Violence,” page 28.) These
differences are consistent across multi- and mono-racial societies.
Nevertheless, stiff resistance to genetic explanations leads to
environmental theories that are unintentionally funny. As Prof. Rushton
notes, earlier in this century, all forms of deviance were so low in
American Chinatowns—despite their poverty―that the ghetto was
thought to protect people from crime. For blacks, isolation is routinely
said to cause crime.
Although trendy talk of “self-esteem” suggests otherwise, blacks
have higher opinions of themselves than whites, who have higher
opinions of themselves than Asians. Asians are the most introverted
and anxious; blacks are the least. Suicide figures reflect this: Whites
kill themselves twice as frequently as blacks, and Asians kill
themselves more often than whites. Self-consciousness and
introspection seem to rise along with K characteristics.
Rates of mental instability show the opposite trend. Two hundred
and forty out of every 100,000 blacks are in mental institutions whereas
only 162 of every 100,000 whites are. Nor is this a function of poverty
or wealth; blacks suffer from mental disorders, drug addiction, and
alcoholism at higher rates than whites in all social classes. Asians,
despite their introversion and anxiety, have the fewest mental

Differences Within Races

Prof. Rushton points out that r-K theory can account for differences
between individuals of the same race. That is to say, people of the same
race tend to vary according to the same pattern that distinguishes the
races. In both Europe and Africa, the following traits tend to go
together: large families, short life-span, criminality, high levels of
sexuality, loose family ties, frequency of twinning.
Mothers of fraternal twins are more likely than other mothers to
have had early first periods, larger families, lower birth-weight
children (even when they are singletons), more infant mortality, to have
been promiscuous, and to have shorter lives. Prof. Rushton has found
that in all societies, fraternal twins are more likely to be born into the
lower than the upper classes.
A Swedish study determined that girls who have early first periods
are more likely to cheat, be truant, and try marijuana than girls who
have late first periods. In the United States, early maturation is
correlated with promiscuity, illegitimate births, leaving school, crime,
and other social problems. Early sexual maturity seems to be heritable,
with daughters resembling their mothers.
If altruism is an important K trait, crime would be an extreme r
trait. Across broad populations, crime is associated with behavior that
almost perfectly describes how blacks differ from whites and whites
differ from Asians: large families, illegitimacy, low intelligence, early
sexual maturity, promiscuity, weak family ties, little investment in
children, and a short life.
Prof. Rushton suggests that the entire complex of r-K trait
differences is therefore largely under genetic control, and that it
characterizes different social classes just as it does races. There is little
question that the most physiological r-K traits are heavily influenced
by heredity. Prof. Rushton makes the additional point that physiology is
closely correlated with many other forms of behavior previously
thought to be independent of heredity but now found to be greatly
influenced by it. The result is a strong case for believing that the
patterns of behavior that distinguish races as well as individuals are
largely inherent, reflect a consistent r-K pattern, and are impervious to
social “programs.”
Prof. Rushton takes the argument one provocative step further. In
the current era of social mobility, in which most hereditary social
privileges have disappeared, people succeed or fail in life very much
according to their native abilities. The children of the rich are usually
smart and talented because they inherit the qualities that made their
parents rich.
As Prof. Rushton points out, a child’s IQ is a better predictor of his
adult social status than is the social status of his parents. And, when the
unintelligent children of the rich start descending the social scale, they
take on the habits and values of their new class rather than keep the
ones of the class into which they were born. Even the most K-oriented
parents can have an r child, whose life increasingly reflects his genetic
Prof. Rushton’s findings are a serious blow to contemporary
egalitarian dogma. Unfortunately, the usual reaction to his work is
simply to make wild accusations about his motives. In an article called
“Professors of Hate,” the October 20, 1994, issue of Rolling Stone
claims to have unmasked him as a vicious racist.
Of course, it is the haters of science and free inquiry who build
societies that cannot but degenerate as ours has. Anyone who wants to
understand the world as it, and to base policy on facts rather than on
fantasies, cannot ignore this very important book.
This article appeared in the December 1994 issue.
Race and Psychopathic Personality

by Richard Lynn

For as long as official statistics have been kept, blacks in white

societies have been overrepresented in all indices of social pathology:
crime, illegitimacy, poverty, school failure, and long-term
unemployment. The conventional liberal explanation for this is white
“racism,” past and present, which has forced blacks into self-
destructive choices. More clear-headed observers, however, have
sought a partial explanation in the low average IQ of blacks.
Low IQ can lead to crime because less intelligent children do
poorly at school and fail to learn the skills needed to get well-paid jobs,
or even any job. Unemployment is therefore two to three times higher
among blacks than whites. People without jobs need money, and have
relatively little to lose by robbery or burglary, and may therefore
commit property crimes. The association between low intelligence and
crime holds for whites as well, among whom the average IQ of
criminals is about 84.
Nevertheless, as Charles Murray and the late Richard Herrnstein
showed in their book The Bell Curve, low IQ cannot entirely explain a
black crime rate that is six-and-a-half times the white rate. When
blacks and whites are matched for IQ, blacks still commit crimes at
two-and-a-half times the white rate. This shows that blacks must have
some other characteristic, besides low intelligence, that explains their
high levels of criminality.
Prof. Herrnstein and Dr. Murray found the same race and IQ
relationship for social problems other than crime: unemployment,
illegitimacy, poverty, and living on welfare. All of these are more
frequent among blacks and are related to low IQ, and low IQ goes some
way towards explaining them, but these social problems remain greater
among blacks than among whites with the same IQs. Low intelligence
is therefore not the whole explanation. Prof. Herrnstein and Dr. Murray
did not offer any suggestions as to what the additional factors
responsible for the greater prevalence of these social problems among
blacks might be. They concluded only that “some ethnic differences are
not washed away by controlling for either intelligence or for any other
variables that we examined. We leave those remaining differences
unexplained and look forward to learning from our colleagues where
the explanations lie” (Bell Curve, p. 340).

Psychopathic Personality
I propose that the variable that explains these differences is that
blacks are more psychopathic than whites. Just as racial groups differ
in average IQ, they can also differ in average levels of other
psychological traits, and racial differences in the tendency towards
psychopathic personality would explain virtually all the differences in
black and white behavior left unexplained by differences in IQ.
Psychopathic personality is a personality disorder of which the
central feature is lack of a moral sense. The condition was first
identified in the early nineteenth century by the British physician John
Pritchard, who proposed the term “moral imbecility” for those deficient
in moral sense but of normal intelligence. The term psychopathic
personality was first used in 1915 by the German psychiatrist Emile
Kraepelin and has been employed as a diagnostic label throughout the
twentieth century. In 1941 the condition was described by Hervey
Cleckley in what has become a classic book, The Mask of Sanity. He
described the condition as general poverty of emotional feelings, lack
of remorse or shame, superficial charm, pathological lying,
egocentricity, a lack of insight, absence of nervousness, an inability to
love, impulsive antisocial acts, failure to learn from experience,
reckless behavior under the influence of alcohol, and a lack of long-
term goals.
In 1984 the American Psychiatric Association dropped the term
psychopathic personality and replaced it with “anti-social personality
disorder.” This is an expression of the increasing sentimentality of the
second half of the twentieth century, in which terms that had acquired
negative associations were replaced by euphemisms. There are other
examples. Mentally retarded children are now called “slow learners” or
even “exceptional children”; aggressive children now have
“externalizing behaviors”; prostitutes are “sex workers”; tramps are
now “the homeless,” as if their houses were destroyed by earthquake;
and people on welfare are “clients” of social workers. However, the
term psychopathic personality remains useful.
While psychopathic personality is a psychiatric disorder, it has long
been regarded as the extreme expression of a personality trait that is
continuously distributed throughout the population. In this respect it is
like other psychiatric disorders. For instance, severe depression is a
psychiatric disorder, but everyone feels depressed sometimes, and
some normal people are depressed more often and more severely than
others. It is the same with psychopathic personality. There are degrees
of moral sense throughout the population, and psychopaths are the
extreme group.
There is a difference between blacks and whites—analogous to the
difference in intelligence—in psychopathic personality considered as a
personality trait. Both psychopathic personality and intelligence are
bell curves with different means and distributions among blacks and
whites. For intelligence, the mean and distribution are both lower
among blacks. For psychopathic personality, the mean and distribution
are higher among blacks. The effect of this is that there are more black
psychopaths and more psychopathic behavior among blacks.
In 1994 the American Psychiatric Association issued a revised
Diagnostic Manual listing 11 features of anti-social personality
disorder: (1) inability to sustain consistent work behavior; (2) failure to
conform to social norms with respect to lawful behavior [this is a
euphemism for being a criminal]; (3) irritability and aggressivity, as
indicated by frequent physical fights and assaults; (4) repeated failure
to honor financial obligations; (5) failure to plan ahead or impulsivity;
(6) no regard for truth, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or
“conning” others; (7) recklessness regarding one’s own or others’
personal safety, as indicated by driving while intoxicated or recurrent
speeding; (8) inability to function as a responsible parent; (9) failure to
sustain a monogamous relationship for more than one year; (10)
lacking remorse; (11) the presence of conduct disorder in childhood.
This is a useful list. Curiously, however, it fails to include the
deficiency of moral sense that is the core of the condition, although this
is implicit in virtually every feature of the disorder. All of these
behaviors are more prevalent among blacks than among whites, and
suggest that blacks have a higher average tendency towards
psychopathic personality.
Questionnaires can be used to measure psychopathic personality in
normal populations. The first to be constructed was the Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), which was devised in the
1930s. This instrument consists of a series of scales for the
measurement of a variety of psychiatric conditions regarded as
continuously distributed in the population, such as hysteria, mania and
depression, and includes the Psychopathic Deviate Scale for the
measurement of psychopathic personality.
During the 65 or so years following its publication, the MMPI has
been administered to a great many groups. Mean scores have been
published by different investigators for a number of samples of blacks,
whites, Asian-Americans, Hispanics and American Indians. All of these
studies show a consistent pattern: Blacks and Indians have the highest
psychopathic scores. Hispanics come next followed by whites. Ethnic
Japanese and Chinese have the lowest scores. The same rank order of
racial groups is found for all the expressions of psychopathic
personality listed by the American Psychiatric Association, and these
differences are found in both children and adults.
Conduct Disorder
The terms psychopathic personality and anti-social personality
disorder, however, are not used for children or young adolescents up to
the age of 15 years. They are instead said to have conduct disorders.
The principal criteria set out by the American Psychiatric Association
(1994) for a diagnosis of conduct disorder are persistent stealing, lying,
truancy, running away from home, fighting, arson, burglary, vandalism,
sexual precocity and cruelty. Childhood conduct disorder is therefore
an analogue of psychopathic personality in older adolescents and
adults. A number of studies have shown that conduct disorder in
children is a frequent precursor of psychopathic behavior.
Studies have found that the prevalence of conduct disorders is about
twice as high among blacks as among whites. This is the case not only
in the United States but also in Britain and the Netherlands. Other
racial groups also differ in the prevalence of conduct disorders among
children. As with all the other expressions of psychopathic personality,
conduct disorders are frequent among American Indians.
Children with conduct disorders are sometimes suspended or
expelled from school because of constant misbehavior, particularly
aggression. In both the United States and Britain, black children are
disciplined in this way three or four times as frequently as white
children, while East Asians have low discipline rates. In misbehavior in
schools, as in so much else, East Asians are the “model minority.” In
the United States, Indians have a high discipline rate.
Lack of honesty is one of the core features of the psychopathic
personality, and one measure of this characteristic is the default rates
on student loans. About half of American college students take out
loans but not all graduates repay them. The 1987 National Post-
secondary Student Aid Study consisting of 6,338 cases reports default
rates as follows: whites—5 percent, Hispanics—20 percent, American
Indians—45 percent, blacks—55 percent.
Bad credit ratings also reflect a failure to honor financial
obligations. A report by Freddie Mac of 12,000 households in 1999
found the highest percentage of poor credit ratings was among blacks
(48 percent). The next highest was among Hispanics (34 percent), while
whites had the lowest at 27 percent.
A prominent feature of psychopathic personality is a high level of
aggression, which is expressed in a number of ways including
homicide, robbery, assault, and rape. All of these are crimes, so racial
and ethnic differences appear in crime rates. High black crime rates
have been documented by Jared Taylor and the late Glayde Whitney in
The Color of Crime. For homicide, rates for black males are about six
times the white rate, and for black females they are about four times
higher. The homicide rate for East Asians is about half that of whites.
The high homicide rate of blacks is also found in South Africa, and
homicide is generally higher in black countries than in white and East
Asian countries.
As regards other crimes, the robbery rate for blacks is about twelve
times the white rate, while the assault rate is about five times higher.
The high black rates for these crimes are followed in descending order
by Hispanics, American Indians, whites and East Asians. The rate for
rape is about five-and-a-half times greater for blacks than whites, and
two to three times greater among Hispanics and Indians as compared to
whites, while East Asians commit rape at about half the white rate.
Domestic violence shows the same race differences. Severe
violence by husbands against wives is about four times more common
among blacks as whites. Black wives assault their husbands at about
twice the white rate. American Indians assault their spouses even more
often than blacks do. High crime rates among blacks have been found
not only in the United States but also in Britain, France, Canada and
A prominent feature of psychopathic personality is an inability to
form stable, long-term loving relationships. David Lykken, a leading
expert on psychopathic personalities, writes of the psychopath’s
“undeveloped ability to love or affiliate with others,” and Robert Hare,
another leading expert, writes that “psychopaths view people as little
more than objects to be used for their own gratification” and “equate
love with sexual arousal.”
Marriage is the most explicit expression of long-term love, and a
number of studies have shown that blacks attach less value to marriage
than whites. Questionnaire surveys have found that blacks are less
likely than whites to agree that “marriage is for life.” Two American
sociologists, R. Staples and L. B. Johnson, write that “Blacks do not
rank marriage as highly as whites” and that “Black Americans’
acceptance of this form of relationship is inconsistent with their
African heritage.”
In a study of an American sample of 2,059 married people, C. L.
Broman found that “blacks are significantly less likely to feel that their
marriages are harmonious and are significantly less likely to be
satisfied with their marriages.” Other studies of racial and ethnic
differences in attitudes have found that whites think about marriage
more often than blacks, and have a stronger desire than blacks to find
the right marriage partner. There are also racial differences in rates of
cohabitation, which also reflects a commitment to a long-term
relationship. A survey of 24- to 29-year-olds in Britain found that 68
percent of whites had cohabited but only 38 percent of blacks.
Blacks in the United States, Britain, France and the Caribbean are
less likely than whites to marry or enter into stable relationships. In an
American survey of 18- to 64-year-olds carried out from 1990 to 1996,
61 percent of whites were married but only 35 percent of blacks. The
most likely to be married were East Asians (66 percent). Fifty-five
percent of Hispanics and 48 percent of American Indians were married.
The same race differences are found in Britain. In a survey carried out
in 1991, among 30- to 34-year-olds 68 percent of whites were married
but only 34 percent of blacks. Studies of marriage rates for France in
the 1990s have also found that blacks are less likely to be married than
whites. These differences are also found for cohabitation, with fewer
blacks living in unmarried cohabitation relationships than whites.
Differences in marriage rates are reflected in differences in
illegitimacy rates. In the United States, black illegitimacy rates are
down slightly from their high in 1994, when 70.4 percent of black
women who gave birth were unmarried. The 2000 figure of 68.7 is still
the highest for any racial group, and is followed by American Indians at
58.4 percent, Hispanics 42.7 percent, whites 22.1 percent, and Asians
14.8 percent. The Asian figure includes populations with greatly
differing illegitimacy rates, with native Hawaiians, for example, at 50
percent, Japanese at 9.5 percent, and Chinese at 7.6 percent.
Low rates of stable relationships are found among blacks in the
Caribbean islands. In a review of the literature the sociologists B. Ram
and G. E. Ebanks write that “In the Caribbean in general … there is a
substantial amount of movement from one sex partner to another and
also a very high percentage of reproduction outside marriage.”
When they do marry, blacks are less tolerant than whites of
monogamous constraints. An extreme form of intolerance is murder of
one’s spouse. In Detroit in 1982–3, 63 percent of the population was
black but 90.5 percent of those who killed their spouses were black.
Less extreme forms of aversion to monogamy are adultery and divorce.
The Kinsey data on college graduates, collected in the 1940s and 1950s,
found that 51 percent of blacks were unfaithful to their spouses during
the first two years of marriage compared with 23 percent of whites.
Several other studies have confirmed that the incidence of marital
infidelity is greater among blacks than among whites. Blacks cite
infidelity more frequently than whites as a cause of divorce.
Blacks also have more sexual partners than whites. The Kinsey
survey found that about twice as many black college graduates had had
six or more partners before marriage than whites. Many later studies
have confirmed this. A survey of 2,026 15-to-18-year-olds in Los
Angeles in the mid-1990s found that 38 percent of blacks had had five
or more sexual partners, 26 percent of whites, 21 percent of Hispanics
and eight percent of East Asians.
The same differences are found in Britain. In a study of a nationally
representative sample of approximately 20,000 16- to 59-year-olds
carried out in 1990, 36 percent of blacks had had two or more sexual
partners during the previous five years, compared with 29 percent of
whites and 18 percent of Asians.

Delay of Gratification
The impulsiveness component of psychopathic personality includes
an inability or unwillingness to delay immediate gratification in the
expectation of long-term advantage. The first study to demonstrate
differences between blacks and whites in the delay of gratification was
carried out by W. Mischel in Trinidad in the late 1950s. He offered
black and white children the choice between a small candy bar now or a
larger one in a week. He found black children were much more likely to
ask for the small candy bar now, and this difference has been confirmed
in three subsequent American studies. This racial difference has been
noted but given different names by different writers. In The Unheavenly
City Revisited, Edward Banfield writes of the “extreme present-
orientation” of blacks, and Michael Levin writes of “high time
preference,” an economist’s term for preferring cash now rather than a
greater sum in the future.
The APA Diagnostic Manual refers to the psychopathic
personality’s “inability to sustain consistent work behavior,” and a
number of studies have shown that blacks are less motivated to work
than whites and Asians, while Hispanics are intermediate. For example,
black students do fewer hours of homework than whites and Asians.
Among college students with the same Scholastic Aptitude Test scores,
blacks get poorer grades than whites, probably because they don’t work
as hard.
This helps explain black unemployment. Several American
ethnographic studies of inner city blacks have concluded that many are
unwilling to work. Thus, E. Anderson writes that “there are many
unemployed black youth who are unmotivated and uninterested in
working for a living, particularly in the dead-end jobs they are likely to
get.” The sociologist S. M. Petterson writes that “it is commonly
contended that young black men experience more joblessness than their
white counterparts because they are less willing to seek out low paying
jobs.” American Asians are the opposite of blacks in this respect. They
have low rates of unemployment and it has been shown by James Flynn
that they achieve higher educational qualifications and earnings than
would be predicted from their intelligence, suggesting they have strong
work motivation.
In the United States, unemployment rates are highest among
Indians followed in descending order by blacks, Hispanics, whites and
ethnic Chinese and Japanese. These differences are frequently
attributed to white racism but it is difficult to reconcile this explanation
with the lower rate of unemployment among East Asians as compared
with whites, and also with the higher rate of unemployment among
Indians as compared to blacks.
Blacks in Britain, Canada and France are frequently unemployed. In
Britain, the 1991 census found that 26 percent of black men were
unemployed, compared with 11 percent of whites and ethnic Chinese.
In Canada in 1991, 13 percent of black men were unemployed
compared with seven percent of whites. In France in 1994, 11 percent
of black men were unemployed compared with eight percent of whites.

Psychopaths appear to enjoy taking risks because it stimulates
them, and there are several ways in which blacks show greater
recklessness and risk taking than whites or Asians. In the 1989–93
American Teenage Attitudes and Practices Survey, 9,135 youths aged
12 to 18 were asked to consider the question: “I get a kick out of doing
things every now and then that are a little risky or dangerous.” Fifty-six
point nine percent of blacks agreed, as compared with 38.6 percent of
whites. Driving habits are an index of risk taking and recklessness. A
number of studies have shown that blacks run red lights more often
than whites, and have more frequent accidents. Five studies have shown
that blacks do not use seat belts as often as whites. Hispanics and
Native Americans likewise have more accidents caused by recklessness
and risk-taking than whites and East Asians.
Sexual behavior can be reckless. Among those who do not wish to
have children, blacks are less likely to use contraception than whites,
and this has been found in both the United States and Britain. One
result is that black women have more unplanned babies than whites. In
the United States in the 1990s blacks had about twice the proportion of
unplanned babies as whites and Asians. In Britain, a survey of teenage
births carried out in 1994 found that these were three-and-a-half times
more common among blacks than among whites and Asians.
The behavior of reckless men also causes unplanned pregnancies.
Surveys have asked adolescent males if they would feel “very pleased”
or whether they would care if they were responsible for an unplanned
pregnancy. Twice as many blacks as whites say they would be very
pleased or that they would not care. To be very pleased or not care
about saddling a teenage girl with an unplanned pregnancy expresses a
great degree of recklessness regarding the well-being of others. In the
United States, the percentage of teenage blacks who have fathered an
illegitimate child is approximately three times greater than that of
whites, with Hispanics intermediate.
Another consequence of reckless avoidance of contraceptives is that
blacks are more likely to get sexually transmitted diseases—including
HIV and AIDS—all of which are more prevalent among blacks than
among whites and Asians. At the present time, about 80 percent of the
word’s HIV carriers are blacks in sub-Saharan Africa.
A common expression of conduct disorder in children and young
adolescents is sexual precocity. Many studies have shown that blacks
are more sexually precocious than whites and Asians. Surveys in the
United States in the 1990s have found that about a third of black 13-
year-olds have had sexual intercourse compared with 14 percent of
whites and Hispanics, and four percent of East Asians. Similarly, a
survey in Britain in 1990 found that by the age of 16, 18 percent of
blacks had had intercourse compared with 13 percent of whites and five
percent of Asians.
We consider finally the psychopathic characteristic described by
the American Psychiatric Association as “inability to function as a
responsible parent.” One of the most straightforward measures of this
is abuse and neglect. The American Association for Protecting Children
has found that black children constitute approximately 15 percent of
the child population and about 22 percent of cases of child abuse and
neglect. The First (1975) and Second (1985) National Family Violence
Surveys carried out in America examined the use of violence towards
children, defined as hitting them with the fist or with some object, and
kicking, biting and beating them up. It does not include slapping or
spanking. It found that 1.2 percent of white parents and 2.1 percent of
blacks inflict this kind of severe violence on their children.
Data published by the United States Department of Health and
Human Services for 1996 showed that maltreatment was about three
times more common among blacks and about one-and-a-half times
more common among Hispanics, than among whites.
The most extreme expression of the inability to function as a
responsible parent consists of killing a child. Racial differences in the
homicide of infants in their first year of life were examined for
approximately 35 million babies born in the United States between
1983–91. This study found that 2,776 of these had been murdered, the
great majority by mothers or the mothers’ husbands or partners. The
rate of infant homicides for blacks and Native Americans was 2 per
10,000, compared with 0.6 per 10,000 for whites and 0.4 per 10,000 for
East Asians. In the early 1990s the racial differences became even
greater, with blacks having four-and-a-half times the infant homicide
rate of whites.
Complete Consistency
There is almost complete consistency in the racial differences in
outcomes that can be considered measures of psychopathic personality.
In everything from child behavior to sexual precocity to adult crime
rates we find Asians at one extreme, blacks at the other, and whites,
Hispanics and American Indians in between. These differences are not
only consistent through time but are found in countries such as France,
Britain, Canada, and the United States, which have very different
histories of what could be called “racism.” Indices of high
psychopathic personality in blacks are likewise found in the virtually
all-black societies of Africa and the Caribbean.
Racial differences in psychopathic behavior persist even when IQ is
held constant, and the same racial differences are found in essentially
every kind of measurable behavior that reflects psychopathic
personality. The most plausible explanation for these differences is that
just as there are racial differences in average IQ, there are racial
differences in what could be called “average personality,” with blacks
showing greater psychopathic tendencies. The argument that white
“racism” is responsible for black social pathology is increasingly
Richard Lynn is professor emeritus of psychology of the University
of Ulster. This article originally appeared in the July 2002 issue, and is
based on a longer paper published in Personality and Individual
Differences, 2002, Vol. 32.
The Definitive Word on Intelligence
Arthur Jensen, The g Factor, Praeger Publishers, 1998, 648 pp.,

reviewed by Jared Taylor

Arthur Jensen of UC Berkeley is one of the greatest social scientists of

our time. He virtually single-handedly resurrected the scientific study
of intelligence, and he has been at the center of many breakthroughs in
this field. Needless to say, he is a courageous man, who has never let
hysterical opposition or even death threats keep him from studying
some of the most important and contentious issues we face.
The g Factor is only the latest of the many publications that
resulted from what can now be seen as a watershed event: the 1969
appearance in the Harvard Educational Review of Prof. Jensen’s
famous article on the heritability of IQ and how difficult it is to raise.
This article not only reestablished the connection between genetics and
intelligence but set the direction of Prof. Jensen’s career. He has since
written countless articles in this field and three major books:
Educability and Group Differences (1973), Bias in Mental Testing
(1980), and now, The g Factor.
These books chart the recent remarkable progress in the study of
intelligence. If Prof. Jensen had so dominated any less controversial
field he would certainly be a candidate for the Nobel Prize.
Unfortunately, his real stature is recognized only by a small number of
specialists and professional colleagues, but the implications of his work
continue to reverberate through the larger society. Whatever
recognition he may ultimately receive, his work has gone far to set the
study of mental ability once more on a firmly scientific basis.
The g Factor
This book is an investigation of the nature of intelligence, the
extent to which it is under genetic control, and its uneven distribution
between individuals and groups. The first part is a complete and
sometimes technical treatment of “the g factor” itself, which appears to
be a unitary mental ability underlying all activities we think of as
requiring intelligence. “Factors” are the end result of a mathematical
procedure called factor analysis, and the g factor is the “general” factor
of intelligence, first hypothesized by the British psychologist, Charles
Spearman (1863–1945). Spearman thought of g as a direct analogy to
the “G” of physics, that is Newton’s gravitational constant. Spearman’s
view, substantiated by almost a century of research, was that g is of
central importance to psychology just as G was to Newtonian physics.
g can be thought of as the undifferentiated raw cognitive power of
the brain. It cannot be directly measured, but it manifests itself in all
types of cognitive activity, and people who are good at one kind of
mental test tend to be good at all of them. To use the statistical term, a
person’s different abilities are correlated, and similar abilities tend to
correlate most closely with each other. For example, someone who is
exceptionally good at any mathematical test is likely to be very good at
all mathematical tests—but he is likely to perform well on verbal tests,
too. As we will see, g is at work when even the smallest demands are
made on the mind.
If people take enough different kinds of mental tests, their scores
can be analyzed for factors, or the tendency of the correlations between
similar abilities to cluster in groups. There will be factors for such
things as verbal, musical, mathematical, and spatial manipulation
abilities. Further analysis of these factors reveals a fundamental factor
common to them all, which is the g factor.
We can therefore imagine a series of different factories in the brain,
all powered by the same energy source. One of the factories
manufactures solutions to mathematical problems, while another
produces correct understandings of words and sentences. Other
factories produce solutions to other kinds of mental problems, but all of
them can be thought of as running off a common power source, which
is g.
People differ in the efficiency of their individual factories, which is
why smart people have different strengths in different areas despite
being smart in a general sort of way. But people differ most
significantly in the level of the general power source, or g. Someone
with an IQ of 100 may have a math factory that is relatively more
efficient than his verbal or music factory, but even in math he is likely
to fall well behind someone with an IQ of 130 whose math factory is
relatively less efficient than his verbal factory. It is the difference in
levels of power available to all of a person’s factories that produce the
marked differences in ability that characterize our species.
Many kinds of mental performance can be taught and people can
show improvement, but what is improving is an ability that is not g. As
Prof. Jensen explains, “At the level of psychometrics [mental testing],
ideally, g may be thought of as a distillate of the common source of
individual differences in all mental tests, completely stripped of their
distinctive features, of information content, skill, strategy, and the
Interestingly, Prof. Jensen reports that it is at the highest levels of g
that people show the most variation in abilities that are independent of
g. Thus, very intelligent people may have markedly different mental
ability profiles despite similar levels of g. If all the factories are getting
lots of power from their common source, some of the factories are
likely to be unusually efficient so that the pattern of different levels of
efficiency can differ considerably from one smart person to another.
Some critics have complained that g is not real because it cannot be
measured directly and must be derived by a complex statistical process.
Prof. Jensen shows that it is not, for this reason, artificial. If there were
no g factor, sophisticated mathematics could not coax it into existence.
Moreover, the same g factor is found in all human populations, and can
be derived from the results of mental tests prepared by people who
have never heard of g or who have even doubted there was such a
factor. g can be calculated only because it exists, and in that sense is
purely objective. Prof. Jensen believes that it reflects one of the basic
functions of the brain, and that although all normal people share the
same biological structures they differ greatly in the efficiency of
certain neurological processes.

Direct assessment of brain functions gives strong evidence that g is
a real, physiological phenomenon, and Prof. Jensen has been a pioneer
in using what are called elementary cognitive tasks (ECTs) to study
intelligence. The simplest sort of ECT involves a test device with two
push-buttons (see below). The subject holds down the black button
while he waits for a light to go on inside the smaller, white button. He
then presses the illuminated button as quickly as possible. This
measures two things. The first is reaction time: the time between the
light going on and the subject taking his finger off the black button.
The second is movement time: the time it takes the subject to move his
finger from the black button to the illuminated button.

ECT Device

Obviously, this is a very simple (indeed, elementary) task, though

tests of this kind can be made more complicated. For example, there
can be a number of smaller buttons that can light up in different
patterns, requiring the subject to make slightly more complicated
decisions before moving his finger. We do not think of this sort of
thing as mentally demanding—no one ever fails these tests—but the
neurological processing that goes into these very simple tasks is closely
related to intelligence.
Prof. Jensen has found that reaction speed is strongly correlated
w i t h g level, but that the highest correlation is between g and
consistency of reaction time. With a set of scores from various
different ECTs, it is possible to achieve a 0.7 correlation with g as
calculated from conventional IQ tests. This approaches the g
correlation (0.8) of Ravens Progressive Matrices, the IQ test that comes
the closest to measuring g itself. Surprising as it may seem, careful
monitoring of the processes that underlie ECTs can give results that are
so reliable they rival pencil-and-paper tests.
ECT performance matches group differences in intelligence. It is
worse in children than in adults, and better in gifted children than in
normal children. Blacks have quicker movement times than whites
while whites have quicker and more consistent reaction times. Asians
do slightly better than whites, and performance for no group improves
with practice; ECTs appear to measure something basic to the brain.
Another direct assessment of mental processing is the inspection
time test. This uses an instrument called a tachistoscope to throw an
image on a screen for a very brief period. Starting at the millisecond
level, which is too quick for anyone to see the image, the exposure is
gradually increased until a subject can just make it out. There is a
correlation of .54 between speed of inspection time and IQ—
remarkably high for a task that is so different from an IQ test. Once
again, the test seems to be measuring a neurological process closely
associated with mental processing.
Yet another direct assessment is the study of brain waves. Prof.
Jensen explains that a wave pattern called average evoked potential can
be analyzed in specialized ways that show a surprisingly high
correlation with IQ.
Finally, researchers have devised something that is essentially a
direct test of brain efficiency. The brain’s fuel is glucose, or simple
sugar. When a radioactive isotope of glucose is injected into a subject’s
blood stream it is possible to measure the rate at which the brain takes
it up and metabolizes it. When rate of metabolism is measured while
subjects are taking an IQ test, the high scorers use less sugar than the
low scorers, with a remarkable correlation with IQ of around .7 or .8.
The less powerful brains get wrong answers despite burning more fuel.
If we return to the analogy of the brain as composed of factories, the
common power supply simply appears to be less efficient.
If advances continue to be made in direct assessment of the brain,
conventional IQ testing may be superseded. This would certainly
silence any complaints about “test bias.”

Because the issue of whether education or environment can
influence IQ levels is central to so much policy-making, The g Factor
thoroughly covers the question of heritability. Kinship and adoption
studies have provided some of the most illuminating data on this
question, and Prof. Jensen reports them in detail.
Some of the most significant findings are the correlations of IQs of
identical twins reared in the same family (.86), identical twins
separated at birth and reared in different families (.75) and fraternal
twins reared in the same family (.60). That identical twins separated at
birth should have more similar IQs than fraternal twins reared by the
same parents is perhaps the single most powerful argument for the view
that genes have a greater effect on IQ than environment. As Prof.
Jensen points out, “similarities in the MZA’s [monozygotic (identical)
twins reared apart] environments cannot possibly account for more than
a minute fraction of the IQ correlation of +.75 between MZAs.”
Studies of siblings and adopted children likewise confirm the power
of heredity in determining differences in IQ, and it is now generally
agreed among specialists that 60 to 80 percent of human IQ variation is
due to genes. This does not mean, however, that the remaining
environmental influences are well understood or can be used to raise
IQ. As Prof. Jensen explains, “a large part of the specific environmental
variance appears to be due to the additive effects of a large number of
more or less random and largely physical events—developmental
‘noise’—with small, but variable positive and negative influences on
the neurophysiological substrate of mental growth.”
What is this developmental “noise”? “[S]uch effects as childhood
diseases, traumas, and the like, as well as prenatal effects such as
mother-fetus incompatibility of blood antigens, maternal health, and
perinatal effects of anoxia and other complications in the birth process,
could each have a small adverse effect on mental development.” These
appear to be the kind of non-genetic factors that influence IQ, and they
are not the sort of thing that can be easily manipulated.
As Prof. Jensen makes emphatically clear, the non-genetic
influence comes only slightly, if at all, from what are called between-
family differences: education of parents, social status, family income,
school quality, etc. Liberals believe that these are the crucial factors
that make people different from each other, but liberals are wrong. IQ
(like other personality traits) is astonishingly impervious to any but the
most degraded and unfavorable environments.
Prof. Jensen calls the environmentalist view “the sociologist’s
fallacy.” It is true that children from wealthy homes tend to be smarter
than children from poor homes, but wealth does not make them smart.
They get genes for intelligence from their smart parents, and their
parents are likely to be well off (and have homes full of books and
speak in complete sentences) because they are smart. Of course,
children do differ from their parents in intelligence, and these
differences explain how families rise and fall. A person’s IQ has a
correlation of .7 with his own adult socio-economic status but only
about .4 with that of his parents.
Error though it be, the sociologist’s fallacy has driven not only an
enormous number of government uplift programs but several well-
publicized private efforts to raise the IQs of poor black children. Prof.
Jensen reviews the results of the Milwaukee Project, Head Start, and
the Abecedarian Project, some of which made extraordinary attempts to
improve environments.
In some cases, the early results were very encouraging: gains of 20
or even 30 points compared to control groups. But as Prof. Jensen
convincingly argues, what the children learned at intensive “infant
stimulation centers” and the like was information and strategies that
helped them take the tests. g very probably did not change. In most
cases, administrators did not give a battery of tests and attempt to
calculate g. Instead, they gave the same test at different ages and
rejoiced to find improvement.
Professor Jensen gives a striking example of how training can
improve test results without raising g. He notes many children’s IQ
tests have a memory component: How long a string of letters or
numbers can the child repeat back to the tester? Most adults can’t
remember more than about seven numbers, but with lots of practice and
training, people can remember as many as 70 or even 100 digits. They
can do this because they develop a specific strategy or skill, not
because their memory or g level has improved. The tricks a person uses
to remember 70 digits are so specialized, in fact, that they do not even
help the same person remember more than an average number of letters
(rather than digits)!
Children who took part in these widely-acclaimed IQ-raising
programs probably learned specific skills of this kind during the
thousands of hours of instruction they received. But even the most
intensive enrichment programs had virtually no permanent effect on
school performance or IQ, which suggests that g itself was unchanged.
Prof. Jensen concludes that IQ cannot be appreciably increased by
specialized education.
It is true that the IQ test scores of children are affected to some
degree by the environment their parents make for them. This is almost
certainly because they learn more facts and absorb test-taking
strategies and not because the love and care of good parents improves
g. In fact, as children grow older they create environments that suit
their own genetic endowments, and Prof. Jensen is categorical about
what then happens: “By adulthood, all of the IQ correlation between
biologically related persons is genetic…. [T]he environmental
contribution to the familial correlations is nil.” Surprising as it may
seem, once a child grows up, his IQ score is similar to that of family
members only because he is genetically related to them, not because
they spent many years in the same household.

Racial Differences
Prof. Jensen is equally forthright in explaining that genes account
for the well-established IQ differences between the races. First, he
points out that approximately half—or 50,000—of the genes that vary
in human beings play a role in brain functions, and that 30,000 affect
the brain exclusively. It would be astonishing if genes did not play a
central role in intelligence and if the races, which differ physically in
so many ways, did not differ in brain function.
He also offers an arresting refutation of the fashionable view that
race is purely a social construct and is not biological. Prof. Jensen
likens race to the visible colors. A rainbow forms when the wave-length
of light changes continuously and uniformly, but we do not perceive a
continuous change. Instead, we see distinct bands of color. Though
there may be some blurring of race at the edges because of cross
mating, races are as distinct as the bands of visible color. Prof. Jensen
also cites the increasingly persuasive genetic evidence for the
biological distinctness of different populations (genetic distance
between populations is graphically illustrated below).
A number of elegant demonstrations based on the principle of
regression toward the mean strongly suggest a genetic origin for group
differences. This principle is a biological law according to which
parents who are at the extremes of any trait are likely to have children
who are less extreme. Two very tall parents are likely to have children
who are not quite so tall, and two very short parents are likely to have
children who are not quite so short. In the children, these traits revert
toward the average, or the mean. The same effect is found in
intelligence, but the mean toward which the black IQ regresses is a full
15 points lower than the white mean.
Therefore, when black couples and white couples are matched for
IQ, the black/white IQ difference in their children increases as parental
IQ increases. In other words, high IQ is an anomaly in all races, but
more of an anomaly for blacks than for whites, and the children of
high-IQ blacks regress further because they are regressing toward a
lower mean.
Prof. Jensen reports a study of high-IQ children in one school
district that provides more evidence for the difference in means. When
white and black students were perfectly matched for IQs of 120, the
average IQs of the siblings of the whites was 113 whereas the average
IQs for the siblings of the blacks was 99. Among blacks, an IQ of 120 is
simply a much greater deviation from the norm than it is for whites,
and this is reflected in the IQs of their more ordinary siblings.
Regression toward the mean explains something that has always
baffled the “sociologists”: children of low-income whites (and Asians)
get better SAT scores than the children of high-income blacks. If
environment controls IQ, the children of wealthy blacks should be
enjoying the benefits of good environment. They are, but those benefits
are meager and do not make up for the effects of heredity and the lower
mean toward which black children regress.
There is no non-genetic explanation for group differences that can
account for phenomena of this kind, but they are perfectly consistent
with widely accepted principles of genetics. Specialists understand the
force of arguments of this kind, which is why the view that “racism”
and other environmental factors cause the black/white IQ gap persists
mostly among the ignorant—who are the great majority.
More strong evidence for a substantially different biological mean
for IQ is found in studies of the low end of the IQ distribution curve as
well. Mental retardation—IQs below 70—is generally of two types,
familial and organic. Familial retardation occurs in children who are
otherwise normal but were simply dealt a very poor hand of the genes
that affect intelligence. Given a normal distribution of intelligence, a
few people are inevitably going to have very low IQs, just as a few will
have very high ones. Organic retardation, on the other hand, is caused
by clear biological defects, like Down’s syndrome (Mongolism) and
children who suffer from it are obviously abnormal.
An important racial difference lies in the fact that half of whites
with IQs below 70 are organic retardates but only 12.5 percent of the
blacks are. The source of this difference is the racial disparity in
naturally occurring distributions of intelligence. Given that the
distribution curve for black intelligence is shifted approximately 15
points toward the left, a substantially larger proportion of otherwise
normal blacks will fall below an IQ of 70.
The opposite is true at the high end of the curve. The percentage of
whites with IQs higher than 130 is 20 times that of blacks. Because
there are approximately six times as many whites as blacks in America,
in real terms there are perhaps 120 times more whites than blacks with
IQs at this level. This is why, without racial preferences, it is
impossible to admit large numbers of blacks to competitive universities
or to promote them to challenging positions.
Brain and head size studies likewise confirm the biological origins
of group differences. It is now well established that brain size
correlates with intelligence, and Prof. Jensen reports that the heads of
black newborns are a full .4 standard deviation smaller than those of
whites. Black and white children matched for IQ have similar head
sizes, but matching for head size alone does not produce populations
with the same intelligence levels. Similar head size appears to be a
necessary but not sufficient condition for racial parity in IQ.
It has long been known that near-sightedness, or myopia, is
correlated with intelligence; children with IQs over 130 are three to
five times more likely to be nearsighted than children with normal IQs.
There seems to be no functional, cause-and-effect connection between
myopia and intelligence, but a pleiotropic relationship exists in that
some of the same genes affect both traits. Intelligence and myopia are
somehow “side effects” of each other to some degree. Prof. Jensen
finds that myopia is most common in Jews, next in Asians, then in
whites, and least common in blacks—precisely the distribution one
would expect. Moreover, reading does not cause myopia. An oculist can
examine the eyes of children who are too young to read and who are not
yet near-sighted, and accurately predict whether they will need glasses
later in life.
It is well known that the test score gap between blacks and whites
varies from one IQ test to another, and that the gap narrows on the least
abstract, most information-laden tests. Prof. Jensen explains that the
meaningful difference lies in the extent to which a test measures g; the
m or e g-“loaded” a test is and the fewer specific non-g abilities it
measures, the greater the black/white gap.
Like many others who have studied the question, Prof. Jensen finds
that the racial gap in IQ is increasing because of dysgenic birth
patterns. In both races, less intelligent mothers are having more
children than more intelligent mothers, but the disproportions are
higher among blacks than whites. Also, since blacks have children, on
average, two years earlier than whites, the generation time for blacks is
shorter and dysgenic effects spread more rapidly.
One of Prof. Jensen’s most interesting racial findings is that the
average IQ difference for blacks and whites in the same social class is
12 points—almost as great as the average difference between the two
races (there is an average 17-point difference between any two people
in the population picked at random). This is explained not only by
preferential policies but also by racial differences in IQ distribution. If,
for example, a demanding profession requires a minimum IQ of 125,
blacks in that profession will tend to have IQs that cluster at the
minimum, whereas whites will show greater variety. Because of this
effect, the IQ gap between blacks and whites in the same social class
narrows as one moves down the social scale.
Prof. Jensen finds that the geographic distribution of IQ is also
uneven. For both blacks and whites, there is a continuous gradient that
rises from the south towards the north and west. The gradient is sharper
for blacks than whites, and both gradients are apparent in pre-school
children, so regional differences in education do not explain it.
It has been widely reported that from infancy black children
develop motor skills more rapidly than whites. Interestingly, Prof.
Jensen finds that lower-class children (both white and black) develop
more quickly than upper-class children, which suggests that slow
maturation and high intelligence are correlated not just between races
but within races.
For the most part, Prof. Jensen does not make policy
recommendations; the facts alone are persuasive enough. He does point
out, though, that life itself is a kind of continuous intelligence test, and
that high g is one of the most important ingredients of success. He
explains that scores on a highly g-loaded test are the best indicators of
performance on any but the most specialized jobs. IQ is an excellent
predictor for performance even on jobs that require manual dexterity
and coordination. To a remarkable degree, g is the central mental
characteristic of humans. Of course, intelligence is not everything. It
takes more than brains to become a doctor—it takes persistence and
discipline too, but persistence is not enough. For many things, a certain
level of g is indispensable, and low g cuts off desirable options at every
stage of life. Low g is therefore a more accurate predictor of
achievement than high g, since a lack of intelligence cannot usually be
made up for by other qualities whereas high intelligence can be wasted.
When people with low g are scattered through otherwise normal
communities it affects only individuals. Friends and relatives step in to
help them. However, as Prof. Jensen points out, when people of low
intelligence gather in large numbers, as they do in welfare housing,
society falls apart. Prof. Jensen notes that in America there are now
entire apartment blocks in which, even with welfare, the residents
cannot get by without help from social workers. Dysgenic trends and
increased immigration of low-g stock mean areas like this will only
In this connection, Prof. Jensen makes some interesting
observations about adult illiteracy. Most people assume that the cause
is poor schooling, but he argues that the problem is usually not the
process of decoding written language but understanding it. Most
illiterates do no better on reading comprehension tests when the
selections are read to them than when they try to do the reading
themselves! Illiteracy, in Prof. Jensen’s view, is much more a problem
of low g than of somehow not learning how to read.
There are a few points on which Prof. Jensen’s data differ from
results AR has reported elsewhere. Some researchers have found that
although the average IQs of men and women are the same, a greater
standard deviation for men means that more of them are bunched at
both high and low IQs. Prof. Jensen does not find sufficient evidence to
draw this conclusion. He does confirm the standard sex differences in
verbal and spatial abilities and even reports that some higher mammals
show the typical male superiority in spatial ability. He also writes that
in addition to their well-known advantage in verbal ability, one of the
largest sex differences favoring women is in something called “speed
and accuracy,” which is similar to clerical checking.
Prof. Jensen also takes up the question of why black women are so
much more successful than black men. They are more likely to
graduate from high school and college, pass high-level civil service
tests, and enter skilled professions. This difference is not found among
whites, and some researchers have wondered if black women may have
a higher average IQ than black men. Once again, Prof. Jensen finds no
such difference—but he offers no other explanation.
Prof. Jensen also differs from researchers who explain part of the
black/white crime rate difference in terms of high black testosterone
levels and an inability to defer gratification. He argues that population
differences in g alone explain differences in crime rates. He notes that
criminals of all races have IQs that are some 10 points below those of
their siblings, and finds that within the same ranges of IQ, blacks and
whites have essentially the same crime rates.

More than Generous

Needless to say, Prof. Jensen has spent his career disagreeing with
others, and from time to time in The g Factor he must explain why his
critics are wrong—and he is always a gentleman. Even with those who
have disagreed with him in strong terms, he is more than generous in
pointing out the parts of their theories that may be correct, and couches
his own criticism in the gentlest terms. He treats his wildest, least
scientific critics to nothing more than dignified silence: The names of
Leon Kamin and Stephen Jay Gould do not even appear in an otherwise
exhaustively researched and footnoted work.
The g Factor is not an easy book to read. Prof. Jensen writes clearly
and repeats explanations when it would be unreasonable to expect
perfect recall in his readers, but he writes for an informed, even
specialist audience. He has already begun collaboration with a
journalist on a more popular version of The g Factor. But those who are
willing to invest the effort this book requires, will find that it is the
monumental work of an extraordinary mind. A review can only begin to
touch on its breadth and detail. This book is likely to become one of the
landmark works in psychology, and it is the great good fortune of our
society that a man of Prof. Jensen’s stature has made his career in this
crucially important but thankless field.
This review appeared in the September 1998 issue.
Why Race Matters
Michael Levin, Why Race Matters: Race Differences and What
They Mean, Praeger Publishers, 1997, 415 pp.

reviewed by Jared Taylor

Michael Levin’s long-awaited book on race has finally arrived, every

bit as powerful and insightful as his admirers had hoped it would be.
Why Race Matters does exactly what the title promises—it removes all
illusions about the insignificance of race, and explains what racial
differences mean for a multiracial society. It is a thorough,
overwhelmingly convincing treatment of America’s most serious and
least understood problem. Like the work of Arthur Jensen and Philippe
Rushton, it destroys the egalitarian myth, but Prof. Levin parts
company with other academics in his willingness to tell us what
biology means for policy. Facts imply conclusions, and this book draws

Basic Data
As Prof. Levin points out, a book like Why Race Matters should not
have to be written. The only sensible conclusion to be drawn from
simple observation is that races differ: “To put the matter bluntly, the
question is not why anyone would believe the races are unequal in
intelligence, but why anyone would believe them equal.” For centuries,
people as different as Arabs and Englishmen have judged Africans to
be unintelligent, lascivious, jolly, and keen on rhythm. Today, in
whatever corner of the globe one looks, blacks behave in certain
consistent ways.
Nevertheless, every important racial policy in this country is based
on the assumption that race differences in ability are known not to
exist. Current beliefs are a remarkable victory of dogma over not only
the evidence of our senses but the findings of science.
Prof. Levin begins by presenting the data. This has been done many
times by others, and the basics need not be repeated here. Prof. Levin
capably and thoroughly presents twin studies, adoption studies, test
data, and heritability estimates, all while dismantling the desperate
attempts of egalitarians to dismiss them.
There is now not much informed opposition (though a great deal of
uninformed opposition) to the conclusion that IQ tests test intelligence,
that intelligence is at least partly hereditary, and that the races differ in
average IQ. The last-ditch battle of the egalitarians is to try to save the
idea that race differences are caused by environment—primarily by
malevolent white people, past and present.
To counter this view, Prof. Levin gives a thorough account of recent
work on the strictly biological correlates of intelligence. When smart
people think, their brains emit different electrophysiological signals
from those of the less smart. Prof. Levin notes that advances in the
study of brain waves could probably establish quite precise racial
differences, but fear appears to have halted the research. Brain size also
has a robust correlation with intelligence, and intelligent people’s
brains metabolize glucose relatively slowly.
Egalitarians claim that childhood nutrition accounts for this sort of
thing, but the differences remain when nutrition is held constant (when
only those blacks and whites who get the same diet are compared).
Moreover, black children mature more rapidly than white children, are
more athletic, and go on to dominate professional sports—not what one
would expect from the malnourished. Likewise, diet does not explain
metabolic or brain size differences in fraternal twins reared in the same
family on the same food. If the anti-biology camp is not to be silenced
completely it must argue that people unconsciously single out children
with large heads for favorable treatment or give white children subtle
training in how to retard glucose oxidation.
It is nevertheless theoretically possible that the most hotly-
defended egalitarian position is correct: that the black-white IQ gap
persists only because the two populations are reared in different
environments. According to this view, blacks and whites should be
thought of as identical twins reared apart, but with the black twin’s
environment so dismal it robbed him of 15 IQ points.
Such a view might be plausible if intelligence is easily molded, but
it is not. Prof. Levin points out that since it is generally accepted that
70 percent of the variation in IQ is controlled by genes and only 30
percent by environment, “it is almost but not quite irrational to believe
that the interracial IQ difference of +1 SD [standard deviation, or 15
points] can be completely explained by differences in black and white
environments.” Blacks and whites would have to live in fantastically
different worlds (Prof. Levin calculates them as 1.85 SD apart) to
account for this IQ difference, yet the difference has been unchanged
by integration, huge transfers of wealth, and the very considerable
reduction in the gap between black and white environments.
There have, of course, been many attempts to raise black IQ by
“enriching” the environment. As Prof. Levin explains, the most
ambitious such efforts, including Head Start, the Perry Preschool
Program, and the Milwaukee Project all failed to produce lasting gains
in IQ. Recent ingenious testing methods for young children have shown
that the one SD difference between blacks and whites is present by age
three. It is hard to imagine white society managing to damage black
children permanently during the very years when most blacks have
virtually no contact with whites.
The tenacity with which egalitarians hold to social rather than
biological explanations for group differences probably bespeaks a fear
that biology is immutable in its power to determine our lives. And yet,
if blacks are so vulnerable to environment that they have been
collectively beaten out of 15 points of IQ, environment must be just as
ruthless and deterministic as biology. The difference is that so long as
there is a chance that white people are to blame for black failure, there
is joy in denouncing and persecuting “racists.” All the fun goes out of
the game if nature and not bigots is to blame. Thus, as Prof. Levin
explains, so long as there is even the flimsiest, post facto
environmental explanation for differences, there will be zealots to
defend it.
In the end, however, unless the data are somehow suppressed, Prof.
Levin expects the Human Genome Project to identify intelligence-
related genes and to show that they are not distributed with the same
frequency in all races. He expects the distributions to match the social
science data, which is indirect but relentlessly consistent. He tips his
hat to W.E.B. Du Bois who, he says, will stand vindicated by science.
When Du Bois spoke of “the talented tenth”—the minority of blacks on
whom racial progress depends—he was very close to the truth.
Approximately 12 percent of blacks are born at or above the white
average in intelligence.

Mental Acrobatics
The modern debate about IQ has been quietly raging ever since
Arthur Jensen relaunched it in 1969.1 Since many of the data are now
unassailable, debate centers on how they should be interpreted. Much
of Prof. Levin’s book is therefore devoted to taking the stuffing out of
the sometimes comical arguments of people like Steven Jay Gould and
Andrew Hacker. As his book shows, egalitarians are always shifting
their ground, ignoring data, and creating mysteries where none exists.
Examples of the latter are the currently fashionable views that race
is a purely social artifact that should be junked, and that intelligence is
undefined and unknowable. Prof. Levin notes that acrobatics of this
kind are pure tendentiousness. Those who would discard the idea of
race in any discussion of IQ find it essential for affirmative action. As
for the pose that intelligence is unknowable:
“People who make a point in argument of not understanding
‘intelligence’ invariably do understand it in all other contexts. They
know an ‘intelligent’ child is one who learns quickly, and that, of the
two, Nobel laureates tend to be more ‘intelligent’ than manual
laborers…. People pretend not to understand ‘intelligence,’ I suspect,
to avoid embarrassment over race.”
There is also much ignorant shrieking about the “bias” of IQ tests
designed by white men, but it is an odd bias that permits Asians to
outscore whites. As Prof. Levin explains, a real example of bias would
be a test of hand-eye coordination that involved only the right hand.
Lefties could prove the bias of such a test by demonstrating their
ability with their left hands. “If the races are equally intelligent,” he
writes, “it should be possible to find a task intuitively requiring
intelligence that blacks perform as well as whites.” No such task has
ever been found.
This is what leads otherwise reasonable people to insist that
musical and athletic abilities are forms of intelligence in which blacks
may surpass whites. As Prof. Levin points out, it tortures the language
to claim that Babe Ruth was a genius, but egalitarians must either take
fantastic positions or cease to be egalitarian.
Even scientists lose their bearings when it comes to race. It is now
fashionable to point out—correctly—that there is more genetic
variation among African populations than in all other groups combined
and then to suggest—stupidly or deceitfully—that this means genetic
racial differences do not matter. Prof. Levin patiently explains that
there is vastly more genetic variation among dogs than in giraffes, but
that does not prevent people from noticing that giraffes are taller than
dogs. The egalitarian literature is full of “science” of this kind, and one
of this book’s great strengths is its relentless pursuit and exposure of
claims that may well be deliberately deceptive.2
Egalitarians may be best at deceiving themselves, as Prof. Levin
shows in his neat analysis of the trendy view that blacks cannot be
racists. When people say this, they are probably thinking of “racism” as
the claim that one’s race is superior to others. In some dark recess of
their minds, liberals cannot imagine anyone really believing that blacks
are superior to whites, so blacks cannot be “racist.” Since this
reasoning is taboo, they instead claim that only members of “the
dominant culture” or the group with “power” can be racist.

Prof. Levin is at his most original and provocative when he moves
beyond well-established data on intelligence, and takes up the even
more controversial question of morality. Other researchers have
suggested that blacks differ from whites in ways other than IQ, but
have not followed this argument very far.
For example, the widely used Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI), which subdivides personality into a number of
categories, shows consistent differences in how blacks and whites
evaluate themselves. Blacks, for example, hold themselves in higher
regard than whites (or, in today’s jargon, have “higher self-esteem”).
They are consistently more likely to agree with statements like:

I am an important person.
I am entirely self-confident.
If given the chance I could make a good leader of people.
I have often had to take orders from someone who did not know as
much as I did.

The common assumption that blacks are “taught to hate

themselves” is wrong; blacks are quite pleased with themselves. At the
same time, they consistently score higher than whites on the MMPI
scales for such things as Hypomania, Psychopathy, Schizophrenia, and
Masculinity, which are precisely the traits that distinguish incarcerated
criminals from the rest of us. They tend to agree, for example, with
statements like:

Most people are honest chiefly through fear of being caught.

Most people make friends because friends are likely to be useful
to them.
Most people will use somewhat unfair means to gain profit or an
advantage rather than lose it.
It is not hard for me to ask help from my friends even though I
cannot return the favor.

Another finding is that blacks are more impulsive or present-

oriented than whites. Given a choice between a small candy bar today
and a big one tomorrow, black children are more likely than white
children to want the small one today.
Finally, even within races, moral reasoning is closely associated
with intelligence. Intelligence does not guarantee good behavior, but a
certain level is necessary for self-knowledge and the comprehension of
moral distinctions.
Prof. Levin does not flinch from drawing what may appear to be an
unkind conclusion: Given the crime rates, social irresponsibility, lack
of foresight, impulsiveness, and general self-centeredness of black
behavior, blacks probably have a different inherent capacity and
appreciation for morality.
He proposes that this difference can be explained by the
environments in which blacks and whites (and Asians) evolved. In a
warm climate in which food can be gathered year-round, people do not
need to develop habits of cooperation and planning in order to get
through the winter. In the north, it took mutual trust and cooperation
for groups of men to bring down large game, so reciprocal morality
evolved along with intelligence.
Climate and terrain could also have influenced sexual behavior.
Since African women could gather food for themselves and their
children even if a mate abandoned them, there was less pressure to
insist that men support their children. For the same reason, there was
less evolutionary pressure on fathers to stick around. In the north, a
man who abandoned his children might well leave no descendants to
behave in like manner. And in fact, the family habits of Africans and
transplanted blacks are extremely loose by white standards.
What we think of as moral behavior, including sexual morality, is
now known to be heavily influenced by genes. As Prof. Levin points
out, there is no biological reason to expect different populations to have
evolved exactly the same distribution of morality-influencing genes.
Therefore it is likely that “the races have … evolved divergent
evaluations of cooperativeness, aggression, rule-following, and concern
with the future.”
That blacks care less about others and worry less about the future is
suggested in virtually every area of behavior. Crime is only the most
obvious example, nor is it the expression of wretchedness and self-
loathing that excuse-making whites pretend it to be. Prof. Levin notes
that “the criminal behavior of young black males just does not look like
an expression of despair. In account after account, these individuals
come across as full of themselves and unrepentant.” He might have
added that if blacks were really reduced to hopelessness by white
oppression, they would presumably have high suicide rates, whereas in
every age group blacks kill themselves at only one half to one quarter
the white rate.
The other prominent black deviation from white morality is
reckless procreation, but other traits are just as striking: unwillingness
to do volunteer work, support charities, donate organs, volunteer as
medical test subjects, keep quiet in theaters, recycle trash, save money,
exercise, or keep houses in good repair. Black mothers are twice as
likely as white mothers to smoke, drink, and take drugs during
pregnancy, even when doctors tell them not to. Blacks between ages 15
and 24 are ten times as likely to have fatal gun accidents as whites of
the same age even when gun availability is controlled for. By white
standards, black behavior is impulsive, shiftless, and inconsiderate.
People respond better to norms their ancestors evolved than to
norms imposed on them by strangers. This may explain why black
children get into trouble when held to standards of classroom decorum
not “natural” to African societies. It may also explain current calls for
“respecting the black learning style” or for Afrocentric curricula, but it
is hardly fair of blacks to insist that the rules be changed to suit them
after pushing their way unbidden into white institutions.
The personality differences Prof. Levin emphasizes explain why
standardized tests “overpredict” black performance. Black students do
not get grades as good as their SAT scores suggest they should, and
even when IQ is held constant blacks are more likely than whites to be
criminals. Why? It is likely that impulsiveness, a lack of concern for
the future, and a lower regard for moral norms keeps blacks from
performing at the levels IQ alone would predict.
Prof. Levin nevertheless warns whites against the mistake of
thinking any human standard is absolute. Blacks can find whites
moralistic, repressed, and incomprehensible: “A degree of helpfulness
considered obligatory by hunters is considered foolish by gatherers,
whereas hunters might regard gatherers as selfish. Each may think
‘something is wrong’ with—and dislike—the other.” He goes on to say
that for people who have evolved under different circumstances “a
propensity to violate white norms need not be disordered or
dysfunctional.” Such differences are inherently no more value-laden
than the fact that owls live in trees and moles live in holes. Blacks are
simply different from whites and it may be foolish to expect them to
behave like whites.
Of course, in a society built to white standards, it is difficult to
refrain from ranking groups invidiously according to intelligence and
morality. Prof. Levin argues that whites may therefore have valid
reasons for wanting to avoid blacks. In this sense whites may well think
whites (and Asians) “better” than blacks. Is this shocking? “The
ranking of individuals and groups goes uncontested in nonracial
contexts,” he notes, and adds that “few egalitarians would have the
effrontery to deny that the average minister has more qualities he
admires than the average murderer.”
At the same time, low intelligence and low self-control may mean
blacks are simply less able to govern themselves. In Prof. Levin’s view,
“a person of limited mental ability, not given to worrying about the
quality of his desires or the likely consequences of following them, is
relatively less free. So are people who follow an impulse as soon as it
enters their heads.” This suggests that “the white advantage in
intelligence and self-restraint implies that, on average, whites are more
autonomous and responsible for their actions than are blacks…” and
that blacks may be “less capable of scrutinizing the self and its
Curiously, many liberals unintentionally speak of blacks in much
the same way. They describe deviance as the understandable and even
inevitable consequence of “oppression,” thus implicitly accepting black
helplessness. The literature on race is filled with the hunt for “root
causes,” which is another name for excuses. And yet if the environment
excuses blacks why does it not excuse the whites who are said to
oppress them? That liberals never speak sympathetically of the “root
causes” of racism suggests they think whites are more autonomous and
responsible than blacks.

Affirmative Action
Affirmative action is a somewhat less controversial subject but
Prof. Levin tackles it with characteristic thoroughness and none of the
mumbled apologies common even among “conservatives.” He notes
that justifications for preference keep shifting:
“As the compensation argument has tottered—mainly with growing
awareness that the beneficiaries of affirmative action have never been
discriminated against, and that its white victims have never
discriminated—there has been a migration to new grounds, few of
which were heard of in 1965.” Nonsense about role models, self-
esteem, fighting stereotypes, diversity, etc. is now spouted by “people
who have forgotten, or never knew, why they supported racial
preferences in the first place.”
Prof. Levin explains that the only valid excuse for preferences is
compensation for past wrongs, but far from deserving compensation,
American blacks have benefited enormously from life in a white-
dominated society. Since black limitations are overwhelmingly likely
to be inherent, whites have no obligation to help them overcome them.
If anything, whites deserve compensation for the continuing violence
and larceny they suffer at the hands of blacks.
Prof. Levin also points out the contradictions in affirmative action
thinking when preferences are justified on probabilistic grounds: Even
if it cannot be proven than any given black has suffered from white
wickedness or that any given white has benefited from it, the reasoning
is that chances are high enough to justify rewarding the one group and
punishing the other. However, preference advocates refuse to consider
any probabilistic policies that might inconvenience blacks. Blacks are
vastly more violent than whites but liberals would gasp at the idea of
making it more difficult for blacks than whites to own guns. Preventing
violence is a far more legitimate role of government than promoting
“diversity,” so why is probabilistic reasoning unwarranted in crime
Affirmative action also violates the liberals’ cherished notion that
“separate is inherently unequal.” If separate employment or promotion
standards are valid for blacks, why not separate schools—which would
presumably be designed to meet their special needs? Incoherence on
questions of this kind is mere cover for the conviction that the state
may never allow race to be used against blacks but can require that it
be used against whites.
Affirmative action is, of course, a policy that Prof. Levin would
abolish today. While he is at it, he would legalize all private forms of
discrimination. On libertarian grounds, people should be free to choose
their associates or neighbors even for irrational reasons, and on
empirical grounds it is often rational for whites to avoid blacks.
Prof. Levin would also abolish welfare. He argues that a social
safety net may be a permissible luxury in a society of whites who will
not abuse it but is, for blacks, too great a temptation to indolence.
Likewise, the minimum wage is an unnecessary obstacle to blacks (and
others) whose labor is simply not worth what government insists it
should be.
Although blacks may be less able than whites to control behavior it
does not mean wrongdoing should go unpunished, but that different
punishments may be appropriate for different races. For blacks it
should perhaps be swifter and include corporal punishment, especially
for men who treat a jail term as a badge of honor and a rite of passage.
It might also be sensible to try some black juveniles as adults, since
blacks mature more rapidly than whites. Finally, since blacks have
frequently shown themselves unable to transcend racial loyalty, they
might be excluded from juries in trials that could inflame racial
Interestingly, Prof. Levin’s exhaustive study of racial differences
leads to policies strikingly similar to those of the pre-civil rights era
American South. It may be no coincidence that the latest scientific
findings support the traditions of whites who lived for generations in
the most intimate contact with blacks.
The only real objection to this excellent book is what some readers
will consider its excessive thoroughness. As the author himself
concedes, he sometimes appears to be “defending the obvious with
complicated rejoinders.” He explains that “where race is concerned,
however, people seem capable of doubting what they elsewhere find
self-evident, so argumentative overkill is difficult to avoid.”
The symbolic logic is confined to footnotes, but some readers will
still find the overkill heavy going, especially when Prof. Levin veers
into his own field of philosophy. Nevertheless, this is an invaluable
volume, packed with insight and information, and deserves the close
attention of anyone with a serious interest in the American racial
This review appeared in the October 1997 issue.
1. See “The Definitive Word on Intelligence,” page 213.
2. For a comprehensive debunking of the view that race does not
exist, see Glayde Whitney, “Diversity in the Human Genome,” in The
Real American Dilemma, also published by New Century Books.
Why Race Matters

by Samuel Francis

There is an old saying—supposedly an ancient Chinese curse: “May

you live in interesting times.”
Today the curse has come true. The interesting times are here. What
is most interesting about them is that for perhaps the first time in
history, certainly for one of the few times in history, we are witnessing
the more or less peaceful transfer of power from one civilization and
from the race that created and bore that civilization, to different races.
In South Africa, the transfer has already been completed, at least in
a formal political sense, with the apparent support of most of the white
population. In the remainder of what was once the common imperium
of the European people in Africa and Asia, the transfer has long since
taken place, occurring when the imperial powers withdrew or were
chased out of the territories they had conquered.
In Europe the transfer has probably not quite yet begun on any
major scale, and it probably will not begin until the immigration of
non-whites is considerably further along than it is now. But in North
America and more especially in the United States the transfer is well
under way. It is in our own nation that the times are most interesting
and therefore most cursed.

Culture and its Symbols

We see the transfer of power in almost every dimension of public
and private life. Thus far, the transfer is more cultural than political or
economic; it is clear in the rise of multiculturalism, Afro-centrism, and
the other anti-white cults and movements in university curricula, and in
the penetration of even daily private life by the anti-white ethic and
behavior these cults impose. It is clear in the ever-quickening war
against the traditional symbols of the old civilization and the elevation
of the symbols of the new peoples who aim at their displacement.
The Martin Luther King holiday in 1983 was the first and most
important instance of the trend but by no means the last; indeed, it can
be argued that the King holiday was merely the legitimizing agent of
the attacks on other symbols that have occurred since. Attacks on the
display of the Confederate battle flag and on other Confederate and
Southern white symbols are now commonplace, but the Alamo in San
Antonio is another traditional white symbol that is also under attack—
by Hispanics. The Custer battlefield in Montana now celebrates the
Indian victory, although what is historically memorable about the
Battle of the Little Big Horn is not the victory of several thousand
Indians over a small American cavalry detachment but rather the defeat
of whites at the hands of non-whites.
The holidays, public anniversaries, flags, songs, statues, museums,
symbols, and heroes that a people shares are fundamental to its identity
and its existence as a people. What we are witnessing on the official
level of public culture in the attacks on these traditional symbols and
their displacement by the symbols of other races is the effective
abolition of one people and the gradual creation of another.
Of course, this process is not limited to official culture, which is
often merely the plaything of politicians. It is also true even more
clearly on the level of popular culture, by which is meant today not the
culture created by the people but rather the culture created by elites for
consumption by the people. Western movies now routinely define the
whites as the villains and the Indians and Mexicans—or, even more
fantastically, blacks—as the heroes or martyrs. Almost all TV and
cinematic depictions of the Civil War now unequivocally portray the
South and Confederates as the villains; perhaps at best misguided but
nonetheless on the wrong side of history.
It is routine also to display almost all criminals—rapists,
murderers, robbers—as whites, though the statistical truth, of course, is
that violent crime in the United States is largely the work of non-
whites. A few years ago, political scientist Robert Lichter showed in a
study that while during the last 30 years, whites were arrested for 40
percent of the murders committed in the United States, on television
whites committed 90 percent of the murders.
Non-whites are frequently shown as not only heroic but also
dominant over whites. It is a staple feature of police movies to portray
blacks as the administrative superiors of the white protagonists, Mel
Gibson’s “Lethal Weapon” series being perhaps the best-known. The
second installment in the series even depicted white South Africans—
today’s Hollywood version of Nazis, no doubt—as masterminding drug
smuggling into the United States.
While the explicit racial hatred of whites expressed in black-
directed films is well known, an increasingly common theme in
mainstream television and film is that of the dangers represented by
hordes of violent and vicious white supremacists, skinheads, neo-Nazis,
paleo-Nazis, and racist terrorists who seem to lurk in every city, behind
every storefront, in every small town throughout the country,
everywhere, all the time. Recently, in the ABC-TV production of the
eight-hour film of Stephen King’s “The Stand,” a tale of the final
struggle at the end of the world between supernatural forces of good
and evil, the personification of goodness and of God was an elderly
black woman, while the devil was portrayed as a blue-eyed, blond-
haired white man, whose evil followers waved the Confederate flag.
Even at the end of the world, it seems, Hollywood cannot rid us of
white racism.
Most of these examples, to be sure, are trivial enough. Euro-
American civilization and the people who created it can survive the
artistic contributions of Stephen King and Mel Gibson—maybe. But
these examples are of interest precisely because they are so trivial and
because for the most part they do not represent the main, explicit
subject matter of popular culture today. In the 1960s, a film like “Guess
Who’s Coming to Dinner” explicitly explored the subject of interracial
marriage and brought it up for discussion, but today anti-white themes
more typically provide the background and the context of popular
entertainment. As such they either sneak into the public consciousness
unexamined or in many cases are already there.
The erasure and displacement of official cultural symbols and the
similar process in elite-produced, mass-consumed popular culture
represents the expropriation of cultural norms, the standards by which
public and private behavior is legitimized or condemned and a culture
defined. While the traditional norms that are being attacked and
discarded were almost never explicitly racial, the new norms that are
being constructed and imposed are, and they are not only explicitly
racial but also explicitly and vociferously anti-white.
This is a calculated tactic aimed at seizing cultural legitimacy and
cultural hegemony and ultimately coercive political power on behalf of
non-whites at the expense of whites. At the most extreme, the anti-
white racialist movement resembles the ideology of German National
Socialism. It offers a conspiratorial interpretation of history in which
whites are systematically demonized as the enemies of the black race,
and a myth of black racial solidarity and supremacy. “Afro-racism” is
the ideological and political apparatus by which an explicit race war is
prepared against the white race and its civilization, not as part of “rage”
nor as a response to “injustice” and “neglect” but, like any war, as part
of a concerted strategy to acquire power. It is not confined to blacks but
extends also to other non-whites who care to sign up.

Digging Our Own Grave

Of course non-whites are by no means the only peddlers of anti-
white racism. One of the most remarkable features of our interesting
times is the degree to which whites themselves help dig their own
racial and civilizational grave. I have in my hand here a relatively new
magazine to which I am sure you will all want to subscribe at once,
entitled Race Traitor: A Journal of the New Abolitionism, published in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, whose motto is, “Treason to Whiteness is
Loyalty to Humanity.” The editors quote Julius Lester as writing that
“White is not in the color of the skin. It is a condition of the mind, a
condition that will be destroyed.”
While Race Traitor does not seem to advocate physical genocide, it
assumes that race is merely a social invention rather than a fact of
nature and argues for the abolition of the concept of race as applied to
whites. Racial identity is forbidden for whites but not for non-whites
(or at least blacks). Of course the explicit goal is to destroy white
civilization by doing away with the symbols and institutions of the
collective consciousness that defines the race and is the foundation of
the culture.
Yet the war against the white race and its civilization is not new. It
is part of a world-historical movement that began in the late 19th
century, perhaps not coincidentally, around the time of the Battle of the
Little Big Horn, and which the American racialist writer Lothrop
Stoddard called, in the frank language of the 1920s, “The Rising Tide
of Color Against White World Supremacy” and which Oswald Spengler
a few years later called the “Coloured World Revolution.”
It is easy to smile at such formulations today, but Martin Luther
King himself explicitly and repeatedly linked the American civil rights
movement with what in a 1960 address entitled “The Rising Tide of
Racial Consciousness” he called a “worldwide struggle.” In his Playboy
interview in 1965, King remarked, in a frank endorsement of racialist
sentiment, that the American Negro “feels a deepening sense of
identification with his black African brothers, and with his brown and
yellow brothers of Asia, South America and the Caribbean.”
We recently witnessed just such a display of racial solidarity at the
inauguration of Nelson Mandela in South Africa, when King’s widow,
Coretta Scott King, arrived to stand by his side. Mrs. King, of course,
does not travel thousands of miles to celebrate the victories of
democracy in Eastern Europe, but only to countries where her racial
comrades are being empowered.
It is true that Martin Luther King, Mrs. King, Mr. Mandela, and
many other spokesmen for the “rising tide of [non-white] racial
consciousness” espouse a liberal rhetoric that ostensibly promises
racial equality rather than domination. But whether these spokesmen
really believe in such a liberal vision or whether they merely wield it as
a weapon against whites, there is little question that most blacks in the
United States do not share liberal views about equality, freedom, and
A recent Harris poll conducted for the National Conference released
in March 1994 showed that non-white minorities (Hispanic as well as
black) “are more likely than whites to apply harsh stereotypes to other
minorities but are united in the view that whites are ‘bigoted, bossy and
unwilling to share power,’” and the poll found that each minority
believed it “is discriminated against by a white-controlled economy
and educational system.” Regardless of the liberalism espoused in
public by many non-whites, these are hardly the attitudes from which a
genuinely liberal policy can be expected to develop.
Some who support racial revolution may be sincere in invoking
liberty, equality, and fraternity, but historical evidence suggests that it
cannot be so. Historian William H. McNeill argues in a set of lectures
delivered in 1985 at the University of Toronto that what he calls
“ethnic hierarchy” is “on the rise, everywhere,” and that it is indeed the
normal condition of human civilizations. “Other civilized societies,”
writes McNeill, “have almost always accepted and enforced inequality
among the diverse ethnic groups of which they were composed.”
McNeill’s term “ethnic hierarchy,” of course, consists of words
derived from Greek; if those words are loosely (but not too loosely)
translated into their Latin equivalents, it is clear that McNeill is saying
that racial domination, in one form or another, is the norm of human
civilizations, that equality has little historical foundation, and that the
illusion of such equality is about to be rudely dispelled.
The fraudulence of the liberalism espoused by the leaders of the
racial revolution was clear to Spengler himself. “The hare,” he wrote in
his last book, The Hour of Decision, “may perhaps deceive the fox, but
human beings can not deceive each other. The coloured man sees
through the white man when he talks about ‘humanity’ and everlasting
peace. He scents the other’s unfitness and lack of will to defend
himself…. The coloured races are not pacifists. They do not cling to a
life whose length is its sole value. They take up the sword when we lay
it down. Once they feared the white man; now they despise him.”
What is happening in our interesting times, then, to summarize
briefly, is this. A concerted and long-term attack against the
civilization of white, European and North American man has been
launched, and the attack is not confined to the political, social and
cultural institutions that characterize the civilization but extends also to
the race that created the civilization and continues to carry and transmit
it today. The war against white civilization sometimes (indeed often)
invokes liberal ideals as its justification and as its goal, but the likely
reality is that the victory of the racial revolution will end merely in the
domination or destruction of the white race and its civilization by the
non-white peoples—if only for demographic reasons due to non-white
immigration and the decline of white birth rates.
We know from the population projections by the US Census Bureau
last year that by the middle of the next century the present white
majority of the United States will have dwindled to a minority in its
own country, and given that fact and the increasing legitimization of
anti-white racism in the United States, the situation in this country for
whites is not going to get any better, to say the least.
Of course, the revolution could not have succeeded or gone as far as
it has without the active assistance of whites. Some have supported the
racial revolution against their own race and civilization and even larger
numbers have acquiesced passively, their allegiance to their own
people steadily subverted by the infusion of hidden assumptions hostile
to them.
Self-Generated Poisons
Stoddard and Spengler as well as the late James Burnham in his
Suicide of the West analyzed these self-generated poisons by which the
Western people prepare their own destruction. The ideological poison
has assumed several different names: Marxism, liberalism, globalism,
egalitarianism, and indeed much of the conservatism now espoused by
people like Jack Kemp, Newt Gingrich, Bill Bennett, and William
Buckley, as well as a good part of Christianity, especially in its “Social
Gospel” forms. But behind all of these ideologies and slogans lies the
pervasive venom of universalism, the vision of mankind with a capital
M, which now often extends to include “animal rights” so as not to
offend our brothers of field and stream.
In the universalist world-view, there is neither history nor race nor
even species, neither specific cultures nor particular peoples nor
meaningful boundaries. Therefore there are no concrete duties to race,
nation, community, family, friend or neighbor and indeed no
distinctions to be drawn between neighbor and stranger, friend and foe,
mine and thine, us and them.
In the happyland of universalism, we owe as much to the children
of Somalia—indeed, more—than we do to the hapless citizens of Los
Angeles, and Marines who could not have been sent from Camp
Pendleton to Los Angeles during the riots of 1992 and who are not
ordered to prevent violation of the Mexican border adjacent to their
own installation in southern California are speedily dispatched to
Somalia. Even to invoke “our” identity, our interests, our aspirations is
to invite accusations of all the “isms” and “phobias” that are deployed
to prevent further discussions and to paralyze the formation or the
retention of a common consciousness that might at some point swell up
into actual resistance to our dispossession. The principal white
response to the incipient race war thus far, manifested in neo-
conservative critiques of “Political Correctness” and multiculturalism,
is merely to regurgitate the formulas of universalism, to invoke the
spirit of Martin Luther King, and to repeat the universalist ideals of
equality, integration, and assimilation. The characteristic defense of
Western civilization by most conservatives today is merely a variation
of the liberal universalism that the enemies of the West and whites also
invoke. It is to argue that non-whites and non-Westerners ought to
value modern Western civilization as in their own best interests. It is to
emphasize the liberal “progress” of the modern West through the
abolition of slavery, the emancipation of non-whites, the retreat from
imperialism, the achievement of higher living standards and political
equality, etc.
Of course, if the liberalism espoused by non-whites is a thin veil for
the assertion of their own racial solidarity against whites, then all such
argumentation is vain. It accomplishes nothing to preach liberalism to
those who despise liberalism along with everything else derived from
the white West. The uselessness of doing so was pointed out by the
19th century French rightist Louis Veuillot in his ironic comment,
“When I am the weaker, I ask you for my freedom, because that is your
principle; but when I am the stronger, I take away your freedom,
because that is my principle.” Or, as Neitzsche put a similar thought
even more succinctly, “The values of the weak prevail because the
strong have taken them over as devices of leadership.”
Instead of invoking a suicidal liberalism and regurgitating the very
universalism that has subverted our identity and our sense of solidarity,
what we as whites must do is reassert our identity and our solidarity,
and we must do so in explicitly racial terms through the articulation of
a racial consciousness as whites. The reassertion of our solidarity must
be expressed in racial terms for two major reasons. In the first place,
the attack upon us defines itself in racial terms and seeks through the
delegitimization of race for whites and the legitimization of race for
non-whites the dispersion and destruction of the foundations of our
solidarity while at the same time consolidating non-white cohesiveness
against whites.
Historian Isaiah Berlin noted in 1991 that “nationalism and racism
are the most powerful movements in the world today,” and at a time
when the self-declared enemies of the white race define themselves in
racial terms, only our own definition of ourselves in those terms can
meet their challenge. If and when that challenge should triumph and
those enemies come to kill us as the Tutsi people have been slaughtered
in Rwanda, they will do so not because we are “Westerners” or
“Americans” or “Christians” or “conservatives” or “liberals” but
because we are white.
Secondly, we need to assert a specifically racial identity because
race is real—biological forces, including those that determine race, are
important for social, cultural, and historical events. I do not suggest
that race as a biological reality is by itself sufficient to explain the
civilization of European man—if race were sufficient, there would be
no problem—but race is necessary for it, and it is likely that biological
science in the near future will show even more clearly how necessary
racial, biological, and genetic explanations are to understanding social
and historical events more fully.
The civilization that we as whites created in Europe and America
could not have developed apart from the genetic endowments of the
creating people, nor is there any reason to believe that the civilization
can be successfully transmitted to a different people. If the people or
race who created and sustained the civilization of the West should die,
then the civilization also will die. A merely cultural consciousness,
then, that emphasizes only social and cultural factors as the roots of our
civilization is not enough, because a merely cultural consciousness will
not by itself conserve the race and people that were necessary for the
creation of the culture and who remain necessary for its survival. We
need not only to understand the role of race in creating our civilization
but also to incorporate that understanding in our defense of our
civilization. Until we do so, we can expect only to keep on losing the
war we are in.

Unwitting Identification
The fundamental problem of the American white population was
unwittingly identified by Newsweek in its March 29, 1993 cover story
on “White Male Paranoia.” In an effort to puncture any tendencies
among white men to think of themselves as victims, endangered or
exploited, Newsweek pointed out that “White males make up just 39.2
percent of the population, yet they account for 82.5 percent of the
Forbes 400 (folks worth at least $265 million), 77 percent of Congress,
92 percent of daily-newspaper editors, 77 percent of TV news
directors.” From this avalanche of numbers, Newsweek infers that it’s
“still a statistical piece of cake being a white man, at least in
comparison with being anything else.” Newsweek may be right in its
numbers, but the numbers miss the point.
What the numbers tell us is that whites do not act cohesively or
think of themselves as a unit, that whites have no racial consciousness;
if they did, they would be using their persisting political, economic,
and cultural power in their own interests, and the very perceptible
“white male paranoia” that Newsweek was talking about—the very real
sense of an incipient slippage from a position of control—would not
In the United States today, whites exist objectively but do not exist
subjectively, and that is in my view the fundamental racial problem
they face, the basic reason they (I should say “we”) are losing the racial
war against us, the very reason we are in a war at all. Newsweek’s
numbers offer proof of the objective existence of whites and of white
power as measured materially and quantitatively; the spineless
abnegation of their own country and culture that is at the root of white
male paranoia offers proof of the absence of a subjective existence.
Whites do not exist subjectively because they do not think of
themselves as whites, they do not act cohesively as whites, and they do
not think being white is important or even meaningful.
As long as whites continue to avoid and deny their own racial
identity, at a time when almost every other racial and ethnic category is
rediscovering and asserting its own, whites will have no chance to
resist their dispossession and their eventual possible physical
destruction. Before we can seriously discuss any concrete proposals for
preserving our culture and its biological and demographic foundations,
we have to address and correct the problem we inflict on ourselves, our
own lack of a racial consciousness and the absence of a common will to
act in accordance with it.
What Benjamin Franklin told his colleagues at the birth of the
American Republic remains true today as the Republic, and the race
and civilization that gave birth to the Republic, approach their death: If
we do not hang together—not only as members of a common nation but
also as part of a common race, a common people—then most assuredly
we will all hang separately.
Samuel Francis is a syndicated columnist and author of Beautiful
Losers and Revolution from the Middle. This is an abbreviated version
of a lecture he gave at the 1994 AR conference in Atlanta. It appeared
in the September 1994 issue. Dr. Francis was fired from his position as
staff columnist at the Washington Times after the contents of this
lecture become widely known.
The Morality of Survival

by Michael W. Masters
“[The West] has not yet understood that whites, in a world become
too small for its inhabitants, are now a minority and that the
proliferation of other races dooms our race, my race, irretrievably to
extinction in the century to come, if we hold fast to our present moral
principles.” [emphasis added]
—Jean Raspail, The Camp Of The Saints

The loss of racial identity in the Western world is symptomatic of a

deeper crisis within the European peoples, whose culture and
technology have provided the world with much of what we know today
as modern civilization. At its core, the crisis is the inevitable
consequence of a profound, and perhaps fatal, misunderstanding of the
nature of morality. We have lost sight of ancient and eternal laws of
Nature on which our civilization must be based if we are to survive. We
no longer have the luxury of indulging in universalist altruistic
principles that, no matter how noble they may appear, have driven us to
the brink of ruin.
Demographic projections based on American and European
immigration policies, as well as the evidence of one’s own observations
as one walks the streets of any large Western city, point to a bleak
future. Within a century or two, perhaps less, the peoples of the West,
those whose ancestry derives from the Nordic and Alpine subraces of
Europe, will have ceased to exist as a cohesive entity. How quickly the
end will come depends on immigration rates, differential birthrates
among ethnic groups, and mixed-race childbearing rates. But the final
outcome is fixed so long as we adhere to our present course.
And yet, frank discussion of the outcome, the submergence of the
race that produced the world’s first, and perhaps only technological
civilization, is usually silenced with words like “racist,” “bigot,” and
“xenophobe.” Neither the flawed moral system that enforces this
silence nor the people who support it will outlive the demise of the
West. But when the West is gone, it will be of little consolation that
those responsible will have expired as well. If we are to reverse course,
it is vital that we take steps now, before it is too late.
If, today, the West’s moral system is flawed, how can it be
corrected? The first question we must ask is whether it is moral for
ethnic groups as well as individuals to seek survival. And if so, what
are the moral actions we may undertake to secure survival? What must
be the moral basis of our civilization if it is not to be lost? In his book,
Destiny of Angels, Richard McCulloch calls these questions a matter of
“ultimate ethics.”

The Moral Dilemma of the West

The dilemma of our people is the product of a deep misconception
about nature and morality. It arises from the mistaken, sentimental
belief that altruism can be extended beyond its evolutionary origin—
kinship and within-group altruism—to all of humanity. It results from
failure to accept the role of genetic factors in defining human
temperament and potential.
The standards that govern public debate are reminiscent of the Dark
Ages in that they have no basis in science or in human experience.
Instead, they consist of moralistic assertions derived from a world view
rooted in radical egalitarianism. The long term consequence of
adherence to these principles is rarely examined, let alone subjected to
scientific scrutiny.
Most Western people would agree that an innate sense of right and
wrong plays a key role in the Western moral system, a system that
values individual worth and reciprocal fairness. The tragedy of this
moral view is that it has been extended to the world at large—
seemingly the most noble behavior humanity has ever exhibited—and
has become the threat to the survival of the West.
As biologist Garrett Hardin argued in his 1982 essay,
“Discriminating Altruisms,” universalism—a chimerical One World
without borders or distinctions—is impossible. Groups that practice
unlimited altruism, unfettered by thoughts of self-preservation, will be
disadvantaged in life’s competition and thus eliminated over time in
favor of those that limit their altruistic behavior to smaller groups,
usually their own genetic kin, from whom they receive reciprocal
Professor Hardin writes:
“Universalism is altruism practiced without discrimination of
kinship, acquaintanceship, shared values, or propinquity in time or
space…. To people who accept the idea of biological evolution from
amoeba to man, the vision of social evolution from egoism to
universalism may seem plausible. In fact, however, the last step is
impossible…. Let us see why.
“In imagination, picture a world in which social evolution has gone
no further than egoism or individualism. When familialism appears on
the scene, what accounts for its persistence? It must be that the costs of
the sacrifices individuals make for their relatives are more than paid
for by the gains realized through family solidarity….
“The argument that accounts for the step to familialism serves
equally well for each succeeding step—except for the last. Why the
difference? Because the One World created by universalism has—by
definition—no competitive base to support it … [Universalism] cannot
survive in competition with discrimination.” [emphasis in original]
Professor Hardin adds:
“[W]e must not forget that for three billion years, biological
evolution has been powered by discrimination. Even mere survival in
the absence of evolutionary change depends on discrimination. If
universalists now have their way, discrimination will be abandoned.
Even the most modest impulse toward conservatism should cause us to
question the wisdom of abandoning a principle that has worked so well
for billions of years. It is a tragic irony that discrimination has
produced a species (homo sapiens) that now proposes to abandon the
principle responsible for its rise to greatness.”
It is to the advantage of non-Europeans, virtually all of whom retain
their cohesion as distinctive, discriminating groups, to exploit the
economic wealth and social order of the West, benefits many
demonstrably cannot create for themselves. When this cohesive drive is
placed in competition with self-sacrificing Western altruism, there can
be only one outcome. In the near term, Europeans will be displaced by
groups acting in their own self-interest. In the long run, biological
destruction awaits us. Since those who displace us do not, by definition,
maintain our moral standards—for if they did, they would not be
replacing us—our flawed moral system will vanish with us.
The fact that universal, self-sacrificing altruism destroys its
practitioners is its most obvious flaw. Any survivable moral order must
recognize this.

The Cosmic Race

The dream of a Utopia in which racial harmony prevails, has never
come true. Today, racial encroachment is a threat to the very existence
of Western peoples. Lawrence Auster, author of The Path to National
Suicide, An Essay on Immigration and Multiculturalism, has elsewhere
summarized the situation thus:
“Modern liberalism told us that racial differences don’t matter, and
on the basis of that belief, liberals then set about turning America into a
multiracial, integrated, race-blind society. But now that very effort has
created so much race consciousness, race conflict and race inequality,
that the same liberals have concluded that the only way to overcome
those problems is to merge all the races into one. The same people who
have always denounced as an extremist lunatic anyone who warned
about 'the racial dilution of white America,’ are now proposing, not just
the dilution of white America, but its complete elimination. Race-blind
ideology has led directly to the most race-conscious—and indeed
genocidal—proposal in the history of the world.”
This change of strategy was signaled by the cover story of a fall
1993 special edition of Time. The story featured a computer
synthesized image of a woman representing the intermixture of all of
the ethnic population elements of the United States in their present
proportions. The subliminal message conveyed by this computerized
android, obviously still of predominantly European ancestry, was:
“Don’t worry, this is harmless.” Or, in the current idiom of
multiculturalism, “let us celebrate our diversity.” Of course, this image
represents the utter destruction of diversity, not its conservation.
This computer-generated android is a lie. The American population
base is in a state of rapid change. Whites are now having fewer
children, and there are thus fewer whites of child-bearing age than Time
assumes. This is happening worldwide. The question is, what would be
the result of this plan being carried forward on a larger scale, carried to
its logical conclusion in a world sans borders? Time’s android is but a
way station on the road to what some lovingly call the Cosmic Race.
People of European ancestry constitute something over ten percent
of the world’s population, but since 1980, white births amount to only a
little more than five percent of the world’s new children. The birth rate
in the West has fallen to dangerously low levels, now about 1.8
children per woman. A level of 2.1 is required to balance deaths. Birth
rates in the Third World remain very high, thanks in large measure to
the infusion of Western food, medicine, and “peacekeeping.”
Because people are not computer morphs but have discrete
ancestors, let us assume that the fraction of people with European
ancestry is now one-sixteenth of the child-bearing population. When
the Time experiment is complete on a world-wide scale, the resulting
human will have only one white great-great-grandparent. He will be
visibly Asian since about 60 percent of the world’s population is Asian.
In round numbers, this amounts to ten of the sixteen great-great-
grandparents, including four from China alone. Three would come from
India and three more from Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Africa
would supply three and non-white Latin America and the Caribbean
basin the remaining two.
In this scenario, which is already unfolding on the North American
continent and in Europe and Australia, the single European ancestor
would leave no discernible residue in homo cosmicus. Europeans would
be extinct, fulfilling the nightmare vision that Jean Raspail described in
The Camp Of The Saints.1 This is not a condemnation of any real human
being with such an ancestry. Nevertheless, this process would eradicate
the biological diversity that multiculturalists claim to cherish. In its
place would be only uniformity, the irreversible submergence of all
The passing of any race is an event of great significance. The
destruction of an entire population is, in fact, genocide by the
definitions of the UN Genocide Convention, which defines genocide as
“…the destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial or national
group. The acts so defined include … the destruction of the conditions
of life necessary for the physical existence of the group….”
The debate about race must be framed in these terms in order to
convey its true importance. The battle cannot be won by allowing the
other side to limit the terms of debate by declaring certain subjects
beyond discussion. The consequences are too important.

The Dual Code of Morality

Why, though, does race matter? The answer lies in the biology of
genes and in the impact of genetic kinship on altruism. For many
decades, altruism was a paradox for theories of evolution. Darwin
himself realized that altruism was difficult to explain in terms of
individual “survival of the fittest.” In his book, Race, Evolution and
Behavior, Philippe Rushton writes, “If the most altruistic members of a
group sacrifice themselves for others, they run the risk of leaving fewer
offspring to pass on the very genes that govern the altruistic behavior.
Hence, altruism would be selected against, and selfishness would be
selected for.”
Prof. Rushton suggests that this paradox is resolved by genetic
similarity theory, a field pioneered by biologist W. D. Hamilton and
others. Prof. Rushton writes:
“By a process known as kin selection, individuals can maximize
their inclusive fitness rather than only their individual fitness by
increasing the production of successful offspring by both themselves
and their genetic relatives…. Genes are what survive and are passed on,
and some of the same genes will be found not only in direct offspring
but in siblings, cousins, nephews/nieces, and grandchildren … thus,
from an evolutionary perspective, altruism is a means of helping genes
to propagate.”
Over time, kin selection has resulted in a dual code of morality, an
altruistic code for one’s genetic kin and a non-altruistic code for
everyone else. Anthropologists have suggested that humans evolved
through a process of migration and tribal warfare between groups
composed of genetically related individuals. In A New Theory of
Human Evolution, Sir Arthur Keith wrote, “The process which secures
the evolution of an isolated group of humanity is a combination of two
principles … namely, cooperation with competition…. I hold that from
the very beginning of human evolution the conduct of every local group
was regulated by two codes of morality, distinguished by Herbert
Spencer as the 'code of amity’ and the ‘code of enmity.’”
Garrett Hardin writes, “The essential characteristic of a tribe is that
it should follow a double standard of morality—one kind of behavior
for in-group relations, another for out-group.” In-group relations are
characterized by cooperation while out-group relations are
characterized by conflict. Liberals have tried to discredit the role of
tribal conflict, claiming that such distinctions have been lost as groups
reached nation size. But in so doing, they miss the vital message of
genetic similarity theory. National ethnic groups represent the growth
and consolidation of genetically related tribes over time.
Professor Hardin argues that, because of the nature of altruism and
competition, the dual code of morality is inescapable and cannot be
eliminated from human society:
“In the absence of competition between tribes the survival value of
altruism in a crowded world approaches zero because what ego gives up
necessarily … goes into the commons. What is in the commons cannot
favor the survival of the sharing impulses that put it there—unless
there are limits placed on sharing. To place limits on sharing is to
create a tribe—which means a rejection of One World…. A state of
One World, if achieved, would soon redissolve into an assemblage of
The in-group out-group distinction still operates today; it is only
the battleground that has shifted. Tribal warfare has been replaced by
territorial irredentism and competing birthrates.
The liberal campaign to eliminate feelings of national, cultural, or
racial solidarity among Western peoples was undertaken largely in the
hope that the abolition of “tribalism” would inaugurate an era of world
peace. As Professor Hardin has shown, tribalism cannot be eliminated.
Worse still, any idealistic group that unilaterally dismantles its own
tribal sense will be swept away by groups that have retained theirs.
Unless the current direction is changed, the West will be destroyed in
this new form of biological competition.
The dual code of morality is therefore the cornerstone on which any
enduring moral order must be based. It is also an answer to the question
of ultimate ethics posed earlier: “Is it moral for ethnic groups to seek to
survive?” Since it is impossible to eliminate “tribes” from the human
race, the answer to this question must be yes. That which is built
inextricably into the laws of the universe cannot be immoral.
Universalists might try to caricature the dual code of morality as an
invidious double standard, but it is something we practice every day
without even thinking about it. Without it, no group―be it a family,
club, corporation, political party, nation, or race―would exist. It is
how groups distinguish between members and non-members.
Employees of the same company treat each other differently from the
way they treat competitors. Members of the same political party
cooperate with each other and run against opponents. Families draw
sharp distinctions between members and strangers. It is easy to
overlook the dual code of morality precisely because it is so
fundamental a part of human nature.
The “code of amity, code of enmity” explains racial loyalties. It is
an extension of the biologically necessary fact that parents love their
children more than the children of strangers. Such feelings are normal
and natural. Yet “racism” has become the curse-word that stops
discussion. Those who use the word as a weapon say that racial loyalty
is racism when exhibited by whites but is justifiable pride when
exhibited by non-whites. The word is simply a means of gaining power
over people who have exaggerated moral scruples.

The Biology of Diversity

Feelings of racial loyalty are grounded in biological differences.
These are discussed authoritatively in J. Philippe Rushton’s Race,
Evolution, and Behavior, but they do not imply that one race has a right
to rule over another. Frank discussion of real differences must not be
considered morally repugnant. Scientific truth cannot be racism, at
least not in the pejorative sense that the word is now used.
Most forms of behavior (by whites) that are characterized as racism
do not involve unprovoked assault on people of other races, but are
simply the natural loyalty of humans for their own group. They are
necessary for survival. Unprovoked violence is a moral evil, but by all
statistical measures, whites are overwhelmingly the victims of crimes
of racial violence, not the perpetrators.
Blacks are twelve percent of the population but commit almost two-
thirds of the violent crime in America, are over twelve times more
likely to murder whites than the reverse, are more than a thousand
times more likely to rape white women than the reverse, and choose
whites as crime victims fifty percent of the time compared to whites
choosing blacks as victims only two percent of the time.
Interracial crime is just one manifestation of a fundamental
biological principle called Gause’s Law of Exclusion. In his book, The
Mammals of North America, University of Kansas biology professor
Raymond Hall states the law as follows: “Two subspecies of the same
species do not occur in the same geographic area.” [emphasis in
original] One will inevitably eliminate or displace the other. Prof. Hall
specifically includes humans in this rule: “To imagine one subspecies
of man living together on equal terms for long with another subspecies
is but wishful thinking and leads only to disaster and oblivion for one
or the other.”
Oblivion need not come in the form of physical destruction. It may
simply involve the loss of habitat. Harlem, Watts, East St. Louis, and
many other black neighborhoods were once occupied by whites. The
arrival of blacks (or other non-whites) in sufficient numbers makes it
impossible for whites to survive, whereas the process does not work in
reverse. Even without the carnage of interracial crime, whites could be
eliminated through sheer loss of territory. Viewed in biological terms,
ethnic diversity is prelude to destruction.
The great majority of people, of any age and origin, do not concern
themselves with the rise and fall of civilizations. Like fish in water,
they are conscious of their environment only when it changes rapidly
and threateningly, a rarity in most people’s lifetimes. Yet civilizations
do fall, and the warning signs for ours have been present for more than
a century. Rudyard Kipling’s line, “East is East, and West is West, and
never the twain shall meet,” presaged the message of early twentieth
century Americans, Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard, whose
books, The Passing of the Great Race and The Rising Tide of Color,
helped bring about the immigration restrictions of 1924.
The 1924 national origins quota system was dismantled in 1965
during the wave of self-recrimination that accompanied the Civil
Rights era. Should Chinese historians of the twenty-second century be
writing the final history of Western civilization, no doubt they will cite
the 1965 Immigration Act as the blow that broke the back of Western
Elmer Pendell, in his book, Why Civilizations Self-Destruct,
surveyed historians’ theories as to why civilizations fall. They include
Oswald Spengler’s analogy to individual aging and death, theories of
moral decay, and theories based on ecological deterioration.
Pendell’s own hypothesis seems closest to the mark. A civilization
arises when natural selection produces a people of above-average
intelligence. As the founders conquer natural culling forces, those who
would have been removed from the population due to their lesser
abilities survive and produce more children than the more intelligent
founders. Francis Galton, Charles Darwin’s cousin and author of
Hereditary Genius, first noted that ‘men of eminence’ have fewer
children than the average. Eventually the intelligence level of the
population falls below that needed to sustain civilization.
Pendell suggests another factor in the collapse of civilizations, the
gradual adulteration of ethnically homogeneous founding populations
through losses in wars and, in ancient times, the taking of slaves. The
modern analogue of slavery is immigration. Tenny Frank, in his book
History of Rome, wrote, “The original peoples were wasted in wars and
scattered in migrations and colonization and their places were filled
chiefly with Eastern slaves.” We cannot speak of the spirit of Rome or
the culture of Rome, Frank said, “without defining whether the
reference is to the Rome of 200 BC or 200 AD.”
Theodor Mommsen wrote in The History of Rome, “The patrician
body … had dwindled away more and more in the course of centuries
and in the time of Caesar there were not more than fifteen or sixteen
patrician gentes (clans) still in existence.” In 9 AD laws were passed
requiring each patrician family to have three children. Lead poisoning
has been implicated in the failure to reverse the decline of Roman
blood, but the reasons do not change the outcome. Even in ancient
Rome, slaves did not stay slaves forever, and their gradual suffusion
through the population by intermixture would have contributed to
Rome’s demise. The same situation, massive infusion of non-Western
peoples and a birthrate below replacement level, threatens the West,
and for reasons quite unrelated to lead poisoning.

After The Fall

Eric Fischer, writing in The Passing of the European Age, said that
a new civilization never arises where an earlier civilization has died. If
Pendell’s theory is correct and if the hypothesis of Tenny Frank and
others explains the loss of a hereditary capacity for civilization, then
Fischer’s observation has a genetic explanation. Civilization cannot
arise on the site of an earlier civilization once the hereditary character
of the people is permanently altered. This process is happening in the
Western world today through immigration, welfare, and liberal policies
that promote the submergence of ethnic groups into a global “melting
Should the West suffer the fate of Rome, there will be no recovery.
Whether or not other civilizations arise among other peoples remains to
be seen. Present economic success indicates that East Asia may be a
future center of civilization. However, modern innovations flow
predominantly from the creative wellsprings of the West. Whether
innovation could be sustained in the absence of Western peoples
remains to be seen. There is evidence that this might not happen;
intelligence testing of Asians shows a relatively small standard
deviation, suggesting a smaller right tail of the IQ distribution and a
smaller percentage of innovative individuals.
Although dire predictions about the future are often ridiculed, it is
wise to remember Rome—catastrophes can and do occur, and in a
globally linked world, the consequences could be shattering. In The
Limits of Altruism, Garrett Hardin cites Harrison Brown, author of The
Challenge of Man’s Future , as the first person to recognize the
vulnerability of the West’s advanced civilization. Brown focused on the
role of metals in modern civilization and on the technology required to
obtain metals. Prof. Hardin summarizes:
“Looking only at the copper component of the problem, we should
note that preliterate man managed to create the Bronze Age only
because of the ready availability of copper ores assaying greater than
20 percent…. Only the most primitive of means are required to process
high grade ores. But now we are reduced to extracting our copper from
ores that assay less than 1 percent, and soon we will have nothing better
than 0.1 percent. It takes a very sophisticated technology to deal with
low-grade ores, a technology that only a large population of
technologically advanced people can muster.”
Prof. Hardin continues, “Our many technologies form an incredible
network of mutual support, mutual dependence. If this network were
disrupted… it is doubtful if our kind of technology could ever be
rebuilt…. On all counts, it looks as though our civilization, once fallen,
will never be replaced by another of comparable quality.”
Prof. Hardin suggests two possible causes for the destruction of
modern civilization: nuclear warfare and a population crash brought on
by exceeding the Earth’s carrying capacity. However, genetic
submergence of the peoples with the innate ability to sustain
civilization will do just as well.

The Roots of Western Order

T h e Map of Freedom, published annually by Freedom House,
graphically demonstrates that free forms of government generally track
population concentrations of people of European descent, a strong
suggestion that freedom has a genetic origin. Although there are
exceptions, notably Japan, which lost a nuclear war to the West and had
a Western constitution imposed on it, the world of the free is largely
the world of the Western European. The partially free include newly
emerged Eastern Europeans and a scattering of other nations around the
world. Much of Africa and Asia remains in the not free category.
Thomas Jefferson foresaw this. Fearing “importation of foreigners,”
he wrote in Notes on Virginia , “They will bring with them the
principles of the governments they leave, or if able to throw them off, it
will be in exchange for an unbounded licentiousness, passing, as usual,
from one extreme to the other…. In proportion to their number, they
will infuse into it [the nation] their spirit, warp or bias its direction, and
render it a heterogeneous, incoherent, distracted mass.”
Because economic inequality between groups inevitably produces
envy, stable societies are almost always homogeneous. Multi-ethnic
and multicultural societies live on the edge of dissolution. In such
cases, the role of government turns to conflict management, as Brent
Nelson points out in America Balkanized. “Government as conflict
management is an emerging theme of public life in the US, a theme
which recurrently manifests itself in the concepts of dialogue,
mediation, sensitivity, tolerance, and balance. The latter terms are
increasingly the shibboleths of American public life. The fiction is
maintained that these concepts … will produce a final resolution of
inter-group conflicts…. [T]he reality is something quite other.” Laws
against “hate crime” and “hate speech” reflect that other reality.
If today’s ethnic minorities become a majority it will be beyond the
power of Western peoples to control, peacefully by means of the ballot,
the destiny of the nations that were once their own. There is no
guarantee that protections prevalent in Western societies will be
preserved in societies that become non-Western. There is no historical
reason to believe that governments based on principles of individual
liberty will survive the disappearance of Western peoples.
Post-colonial Africa is enlightening. For the most part, the Dark
Continent is reverting to its ancestral ways, suitably updated by the
infusion of Western weapons, as evidenced by carnage in Somalia and
Rwanda. That this disturbs our heightened Western sense of
compassion is understandable. But sentimentality should not blind us to
the long term implications for our own survival. Nature’s books are
being balanced in Africa, and they will be balanced in the West, either
by us or by Nature itself. Just as giving food to people who cannot feed
themselves simply hastens an inevitable population crash, bringing
Third World people into the West simply hastens the transformation of
the West into an extension of the Third World.
The European tradition of ordered, self-governing liberty is
probably part of our genetic heritage. Throughout the Third World,
governments range from anarchy to dictatorship. That too, is surely
genetic. Those few non-European countries that appear to be free have
generally maintained democracy through intimate contact with the
West. If Europeans are marginalized and ultimately absorbed by the
Third World, the idealism of Western liberalism that permitted the
Third World invasion will have proved to be a lethal genetic flaw.
Few concepts are more ingrained in Western thought than respect
for the “rule of law.” The West has a history of order that predates the
eight-hundred-year-old Magna Carta. Roman Law was supreme in the
Mediterranean world for nearly a thousand years. Unique among the
peoples of the earth, the people of the West recognize, at least in
theory, the subordination of government to individual rights. But laws
have been instrumental in bringing on the current crisis. Although there
is virtually no popular support for immigration in the Western world, it
is everywhere proceeding under laws passed by governments elected by
the people.
In the end, laws are no better at ensuring liberty than the people
who make and enforce them. Sir Roger L’Estrange said, “The greatest
of all injustice is that which goes under the name of law.” America’s
Founders recognized the existence of a natural order to freedom that
supersedes laws made by men. Although the American concept of
liberty owed much to British and French political thought, the
American act of creation, the Declaration of Independence, provided
perhaps the best-known expression of “natural law” ever penned.
Writing about securing “unalienable Rights” endowed by “Nature and
Nature’s God,” Thomas Jefferson wrote:
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among
Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, having the foundation on such principles and organizing
its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect
their Safety and Happiness.”
The rights Jefferson identified, “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of
Happiness,” were set forth by George Mason in the Virginia
Declaration of Rights, ratified on May 6, 1776. Mason’s work was the
basis for Jefferson’s statement, but the Mason version is superior
because it eschews Jefferson’s poetic nonsense about all men being
created equal. Mason’s language still stands as a monument of Western
political thought:
“[A]ll men are by nature equally free and independent, and have
certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society,
they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely,
the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and
possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.”
Mason’s words are preferable to Jefferson’s for two reasons. First,
he said that men are “equally free,” not “equal.” The difference is vast.
There is ample evidence that Jefferson understood the difference as
well as Mason, but much of the dispossession of Europeans in their
own homelands can be traced to exploitation of this egalitarian
philosophy by later Western liberals.
Second, Mason states directly the central thesis of natural law:
People cannot, by any agreement, deprive their posterity of rights.
Natural law is therefore the fulcrum on which rests the case that
immigration is genocide. The governments of the West have no right to
impose present levels of immigration and race mixing on their people.
Nor are we morally bound to accept them.
The Ultimate Moral Principle
Mason recognized the role of “safety” as a motive for the creation
of law and government. Others have said the same thing. William
Blackstone wrote, “self-defense is justly called the primary law of
nature…. [It] cannot be taken away by the laws of society.” Jefferson
wrote, “A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the
highest duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of
necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger,
are of higher obligation.”
Their message is simple. Laws alone, independent of their survival
utility, are not, and cannot be, the underlying basis of civilization. In
the end, whoever makes and enforces the laws has the power to
determine who lives and who dies. Survival is the ultimate principle
upon which all enduring moral systems must be based. This is the third,
and final, cornerstone of any permanent moral order, for any people
who “divest” their posterity of the right to existence will vanish, and
their flawed moral system will vanish with them.
All systems of law and government must serve the imperative of
survival. Speaking on the eve of the War for Southern Independence,
and in the aftermath of John Brown’s attempt to incite a slave uprising
at Harper’s Ferry, President James Buchanan expressed the fear felt by
white Southerners who saw their very existence imperiled: “Self-
preservation is the first law of nature, and therefore any state of society
in which the sword is all the time suspended over the heads of the
people must at last become intolerable.” Where law and survival were
in conflict the Founders took their cue from Cicero: “Laws are silent in
the midst of arms.”
The West is surrendering the power of life and death into the hands
of Third World aliens. In a world ruled by the dual “code of amity,
code of enmity,” this decision, which was never subjected to systematic
scrutiny by an informed electorate, is tantamount to suicide. Sometime
in the next century, the sword Western society has suspended over its
own head will become intolerable. What our response will be remains
to be seen. If there is no response, the long descent into night is sure to

Which Way Western Man?

What would be lost with the passing of Western civilization and its
peoples? Two thousand years ago, the Roman historian, Tacitus, wrote
i n De Germania that the peoples of the Germanic tribes possessed a
fondness for personal freedom, an independence of spirit, an unusually
high status accorded women and a deep affection for the land. These
traits have survived twenty centuries. Without the West, will the spirit
of individual liberty persevere? The Map of Freedom suggests not.
Despite the tendency of liberals to denigrate the only culture on earth
that would tolerate their presence, these virtues uniquely characterize
only Europeans and their civilization.
Now, the descendants of those same Germanic tribes, the ancestors
of much of the white world, and the creators of the only advanced
technological civilization the world has ever known, are on the road to
extinction. Do Western moral principles require that its creators
commit suicide in order to fulfill those principles? Such a belief is
insane. It therefore follows that if the West is to survive it must come
to grips, as Jean Raspail foresaw, with the profoundly destructive
nature of its moral beliefs.
Any enduring moral order must be based on the following
principles: 1) a dual code of morality, which is of evolutionary origin,
binds the members of ethnic and racial groups together; 2) universal,
self-sacrificing altruism in a world in which racial cohesion is
elsewhere the norm is lethal; and 3) the imperative of survival and the
primacy of self-preservation supersede all laws made by man.
What then, must we do? Raymond Cattell, in his book A New
Morality From Science: Beyondism, called for a reversal of the
universalist creed and creation of many social laboratories where
evolution can proceed without harm or subjugation of anyone by
anyone else. Wilmot Robertson urged this path as the basis of
nationhood in The Ethnostate. Richard McCulloch has elevated this
principle to a “racial Golden Rule” in The Racial Compact.
The only course that gives cohesive groups a chance to survive is
ethnic separation. Without separation, the dual code of morality will
ensure a long, chaotic period of strife and bloodshed. Eventually, what
racial conflict does not finish, miscegenation, diminished birthrates,
and physical and psychological displacement will. Personal liberty and
individuality, without which Europeans simply cannot exist, will
disappear long before the European genetic heritage is completely
submerged. Lest this outcome seem remote and therefore of no
concern, let the time scale of Rome’s decline be always kept in mind.
Though those reading this may or may not live to see the collapse of
the West, the white children being born today may well suffer it.
Jean Raspail also believed that the end was not far off. In the
introduction to the 1985 edition of The Camp of the Saints, he wrote,
“The Roman empire did not die any differently, though, it’s true, more
slowly, whereas this time we can expect a more sudden
conflagration…. Christian charity will prove itself powerless. The
times will be cruel.”
Louis Veuillot, the 19th century French writer, captured the
dilemma facing the West in confronting peoples who do not conform to
Western moral principles. “When I am the weaker, I ask you for my
freedom, because that is your principle; but when I am the stronger, I
take away your freedom, because that is my principle.” The West must
recognize this appeal for compassion by “the wretched refuse of [the
non-Western world’s] teeming shore,” for what it is: a form of
beguiling parasitism that can, by definition, only seduce those with
Western moral principles.
In The Decline of the West , Oswald Spengler wrote, “One grows or
dies. There is no third possibility.” The peoples of the West must come
to believe in and act in accordance with the only moral principle Nature
recognizes: for those who live in harmony with Nature, survival is
moral. For those who do not, the penalty is extinction. Without this
understanding, Western Man, progenitor of law, compassion,
technology and a spirit of quest that is unparalleled in the history of the
human race, will perish at the hands of those who do not possess the
same innate spark. For the sake of our children who are yet to be, let us
choose life—by whatever means we must—while the choice is still
This article appeared in the July 1995 and August 1995 issues.
Michael Masters has written articles appearing in The Social Contract,
Southern Patriot, and The Citizens Informer.

1. See the review on page 292.
Race and the American Identity

by Samuel Francis

In December 1991, as Pat Buchanan announced his candidacy for the

Republican presidential nomination, the Republic was edified by the
reflections of columnist George Will. Mr. Will quoted from a column
by Mr. Buchanan to the effect that “No one questions the right of the
Arabs to have an Arab nation, of China to be a Chinese nation…. Must
we absorb all the people of the world into our society and submerge our
historic character as a predominantly Caucasian Western society?” and
then proceeded to explain what was wrong with the candidate’s
reasoning. Mr. Buchanan, he wrote, “evidently does not understand
what distinguishes American nationality—and should rescue our
nationalism from nativism. Ours is, as the first Republican president
said, a nation dedicated to a proposition. Becoming an American is an
act of political assent, not a matter of membership in any inherently
privileged group, Caucasian or otherwise. The ‘Euro-Americans’ who
founded this nation did not want anything like China or Arabia—or any
European nation, for that matter.”
Mr. Will’s bald assertion that America is a “nation” defined by no
particular racial or ethnic identity and indeed by no particular content
whatsoever is not unique. The best-known formulation of the same idea
is the phrase popularized by Ben Wattenberg, that America is the “first
universal nation,” and indeed only this year the new Washington editor
o f National Review, John J. Miller, has published a book, The Un-
Making of Americans, in which he too asserts the universalist identity
of the nation and uses that concept as the basis for endorsing virtually
unlimited immigration. “The United States can welcome immigrants
and transform them into Americans,” Mr. Miller writes, “because it is a
‘proposition country.’” The proposition by which the American nation
defines itself, the sentence fragment from the Declaration of
Independence that all men are created equal, means that the “very sense
of peoplehood derives not from a common language but from their
adherence to a set of core principles about equality, liberty, and self-
government. These ideas [Mr. Miller writes] … are universal. They
apply to all humankind. They know no racial or ethnic limits. They are
not bound by time or history. And they lie at the center of American
nationhood. Because of this, these ideas uphold an identity into which
immigrants from all over the world can assimilate, so long as they, too,
dedicate themselves to the proposition.”
Nor is the idea of America as a universal nation confined to the
contemporary right. Historically, it is based on a core concept of the
left, born in the salons of the Enlightenment and underlying the French
Revolution’s commitment to a universal “liberty, equality, and
fraternity”—which was sometimes imposed at the points of rather
unfraternal bayonets. Today it continues to inform the American left as
well as the right. Bill Clinton himself last year cited the projected
racial transformation of the United States from a majority white to a
majority non-white country in the next century as a change that “will
arguably be the third great revolution in America … to prove that we
literally can live without in effect having a dominant European culture.
We want to become a multiracial, multiethnic society. We’re not going
to disintegrate in the face of it.” More recently, in remarks at
commencement exercises at Portland State University in Oregon in
June, Mr. Clinton praised the prospect of virtually unlimited
immigration as a “powerful reminder that our America is not so much a
place as a promise, not a guarantee but a chance, not a particular race
but an embrace of our common humanity.”
The idea of America as a universal nation, then, is an idea shared by
and increasingly defining both sides of the political spectrum in the
United States. The fact that the right, in such persons as Mr. Will, Mr.
Wattenberg, and Mr. Miller, to name but a few, does share that idea
with Mr. Clinton helps explain why the right today can think of nothing
better to criticize the president for than his sex life and his aversion to
telling the truth. Any substantial criticism of his globalist foreign
policy, his defense of affirmative action, his policy of official
normalization of homosexuality, his support for mass immigration, and
in particular his “national dialogue on race” would involve a criticism
and a rejection of the universalist assumptions on which those policies
are based.
The common universalist assumptions of both left and right, then,
are a major reason for the rapid convergence of left and right in our
political life. They are the reason why, to coin a phrase, there is not a
dime’s worth of difference between them on so many issues and a
major reason why we are seeing the emergence, not just of a One Party
State in the United States, but also of a Single Ideology that informs the
state and the culture. As I discovered myself, those who dissent from
the Single Ideology of a Universal Nation or Proposition Country are
not allowed to express their views even in self-proclaimed conservative
newspapers [as noted previously, Dr. Francis was fired as staff
columnist for the Washington Times because of his speech at the 1994
AR conference], and it is hardly an accident that Mr. Miller accuses me
in his recent book of what he calls “racial paranoia.” Prior to his
elevation to National Review, he admitted that he had “wanted to run
[me] out of polite society for months, if not for years.” Nor am I the
only journalist to discover that you get “run out of polite society” for
departing from the Single Ideology of Universalism. Joe Sobran, the
New York Post ’s Scott McConnell, and National Review’s Peter
Brimelow have all met the same fate for essentially the same reason,
though all of them remain in circles rather more polite than the ones I
travel in.
But the most casual acquaintance with the realities of American
history shows that the idea that America is or has been a universal
nation, that it defines itself through the proposition that “all men are
created equal,” is a myth. Indeed, it is something less than a myth, it is
a mere propaganda line invoked to justify not only mass immigration
and the coming racial revolution but also the erosion of nationality
itself in globalist free trade and a One World political architecture. It
also justifies the total reconstruction and redefinition of the United
States as a multiracial, multicultural, and transnational swamp.
Nevertheless, the myth of the universal nation or proposition country is
widely accepted, and today it represents probably the major ideological
obstacle to recognizing the reality and importance of race as a social
and political force.
In the first place, it is not true, as Miller writes, that the
“Proposition” that “all men are created equal” and the ideas derived
from it are universal and “not bound by time or history.” If that were
true, there would never have been any dispute about them, let alone
wars and revolutions fought over them. No one fights wars about the
really self-evident axioms of Euclidean geometry. Mr. Miller’s
propositions are very clearly the products of a very particular time and
place—late 18th century Europe and America—and would have been
almost inconceivable fifty years earlier or fifty years later. Nor have
they ever appeared in any other political society at any other time
absent their diffusion from Europe or America. They are based on
concepts of anthropology and history, including an entirely fictitious
“state of nature,” a “social contract,” and a view of human nature as a
tabula rasa, that no student of human society or psychology took
seriously after the mid-19th century.
Secondly, it is not clear what the proposition that “all men are
created equal” means, either objectively or in the minds of those who
drafted and adopted it in the Declaration. Assuming that “men” means
women and children as well as men, does it mean that all humans are
born equal, that they are equal, or that they are created equal by God? If
they are born or created equal, do they remain equal? If they don’t
remain equal, why do the rights with which they are supposedly
endowed remain equal, or do those rights remain equal? If they are
created equal by God, how do we know this, and what does it mean
anyway? We certainly do not know from the Old Testament that God
created all men equal, because most of it is about the history of a
people “chosen” by God and favored by Him above others. Does it
mean that God created humans equal in a spiritual sense, and if so,
what does that spiritual equality have to do with political and social or
even legal equality? Or does it mean that we were created equal in
some material or physical sense, that we all have one head and two legs
and two arms and so forth? If it means the latter, it is true but
In short, taken out of the context of the whole document of the
Declaration and the historical context and circumstances of the
document itself, the “equality clause” of the Declaration opens so many
different doors of interpretation that it can mean virtually anything you
want it to mean. It has been invoked by Christians and freethinkers, by
capitalists and socialists, by conservatives and liberals, each of whom
merely imports into it whatever his own ideology and agenda demand.
Taken by itself, it is open to so many different interpretations that it
has to be considered one of the most arcane—and one of the most
dangerous—sentences ever written, one of the major blunders of
American history.
Yet, if the sentence is taken to imply that race and other natural and
social categories are without meaning or importance, it ought to be
clear that America as a historic society has never been defined by that
meaning. The existence of slavery at the time of the Declaration and
well after, and the fact that no small number of the signers of the
Declaration were slave-owners and that some parts of Jefferson’s
original draft denouncing the slave trade were removed because they
were objectionable to Southern slave-owners ought to make that plain
on its face.
The particularism, racial and otherwise, that made the American
people a nation was very clearly seen by John Jay, in a now-famous
passage of The Federalist Papers, No. 2, that:
“Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to
one united people—a people descended from the same ancestors,
speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to
the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and
The racial unity of the nation is clear in Jay’s phrase about “the
same ancestors,” and with respect to the US Constitution, although the
words “slave” and “slavery” did not appear in the text until the 13th
Amendment, the Constitution is, as historian William Wiecik of
Syracuse Law School writes, “permeated” with slavery:
“So permeated was the Constitution with slavery that no less than
nine of its clauses directly protected or referred to it. In addition to the
three well-known clauses (three-fifths, slave trade, and fugitive slave),
the Constitution embodied two clauses that redundantly required
apportionment of direct taxes on the federal-number basis (the purpose
being to prohibit Congress from levying an unapportioned capitation on
slaves as an indirect means of encouraging their emancipation); two
clauses empowering Congress to suppress domestic insurrections,
which in the minds of the delegates included slave uprisings; a clause
making two provisions (slave trade and apportionment of direct taxes)
unamendable, the latter providing a perpetual security against some
possible antislavery impulse; and two clauses forbidding the federal
government and the states from taxing exports, the idea being to
prohibit an indirect tax on slavery by the taxation of the products of
slave labor.”
Moreover, Professor Wiecik notes, with respect to the changes in
the Constitution after the Civil War,
“Only by recognizing the extent to which the constitutional vision
of Lincoln and the Republicans was a departure from the original
Constitution can we understand the long struggles through the war,
Reconstruction, and after to incorporate black Americans into the
constitutional regime. Freedom, civil rights, and equality for them were
not the delayed but inevitable realization of some immanent ideal in
the Constitution. On the contrary, black freedom and equality were, and
are, a revolutionary change in the original constitutional system, truly a
new order of the ages not foreseen, anticipated, or desired by the
But even aside from slavery, the persistence of clear and
widespread recognition of the reality and importance of race
throughout American history shows that Americans never considered
themselves a universal nation in the sense intended today. Historian
David Potter writes:
“The ‘free’ Negro of the northern states of course escaped chattel
servitude, but he did not escape segregation, or discrimination, and he
enjoyed few civil rights. North of Maryland, free Negroes were
disfranchised in all of the free states except the four of upper New
England; in no state before 1860 were they permitted to serve on juries;
everywhere they were either segregated in separate public schools or
excluded from public schools altogether, except in parts of
Massachusetts after 1845; they were segregated in residence and in
employment and occupied the bottom levels of income; and at least
four states—Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Oregon—adopted laws to
prohibit or exclude Negroes from coming within their borders.”
Nor were blacks the only non-white racial group to be excluded
from civic membership. The first naturalization act passed by Congress
under the Constitution in 1790 limited citizenship to “white men,” and
even after citizenship was granted to blacks through the 14th
Amendment, naturalization continued to be forbidden to Asians: to
Chinese until World War II, and to Japanese even later. Racial and
ethnic restrictions on immigration remained in federal immigration law
until 1965, when they were removed, as Larry Auster has shown, after
sponsors of the reform assured opponents that removing them would
not alter the ethnic and cultural composition of the nation—an
assurance we now know to have been false.
As late as 1921, Vice President-elect Calvin Coolidge wrote an
article on immigration called “Whose Country Is This?” in the popular
women’s magazine Good Housekeeping. He argued that “There are
racial considerations too grave to be brushed aside for any sentimental
reasons. Biological laws tell us that certain divergent people will not
mix or blend. The Nordics propagate themselves successfully. With
other races, the outcome shows deterioration on both sides. Quality of
mind and body suggests that observance of ethnic law is as great a
necessity to a nation as immigration law.” Not only the white but the
Northern European racial identity of the nation could thus be publicly
affirmed by a leading national political figure in a widely read
magazine as late as the 1920s.
What President Coolidge wrote then was by no means exotic or
alien. Thomas Jefferson’s views of racial equality are probably well
known to AR readers. In Notes on the States of Virginia, he discussed
the significant natural differences between the races, and while he was,
at least in principle, opposed to slavery, he was adamantly in favor of
forbidding free blacks to continue to live within the United States. Nor
did he favor non-European immigration into the Northwest Territory
nor into the lands of the Louisiana Purchase. In 1801 he looked forward
to the day “when our rapid multiplication will expand itself … over the
whole northern, if not the southern continent, with a people speaking
the same language, governed in similar forms, and by similar laws; nor
can we contemplate with satisfaction either blot or mixture on that
James Lubinskas has written an excellent article in the August 1998
American Renaissance on the American Colonization Society, a society
that sought the expatriation of blacks to Africa, and which included as
members Henry Clay, James Madison, Andrew Jackson, Daniel
Webster, James Monroe, John Marshall, Winfield Scott, and many
other of the most prominent American public leaders. They may have
held different views of slavery and race, but none of them believed that
free blacks should or could continue to live in the same society with
Nor did Abraham Lincoln entertain egalitarian views of blacks, and
his clearest statements on the subject are to be found in the course of
his debates with Stephen Douglas during the Illinois senatorial
campaign of 1858. While opposing the extension of slavery to new
states, Lincoln repeatedly assured his audiences that he did not believe
in or favor civic equality for blacks. In the debate at Charleston, Ill., on
Sept. 18, Lincoln said:
“I will say that I am not nor ever have been in favor of bringing
about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black
races: that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters of the
free negroes, or jurors, or of qualifying them to hold office, or to
intermarry with white people. I will say in addition that there is a
physical difference between the white and black races which I suppose
will forever forbid the two races living together upon terms of social
and political equality, and inasmuch as they cannot so live that while
they do remain together there must be a position of superior and
inferior, that I as much as any other man am in favor of having the
superior position being assigned to the white man.”
He repeated this and similar ideas throughout the debates. Lincoln
also was strongly in favor of expatriation for blacks and seriously
explored the practicality of establishing a black settlement in Central
America. Indeed, he proposed what would have become, had it passed,
the 13th Amendment to the Constitution permitting federal support for
the colonization of blacks outside the country.
In his annual message to Congress in December 1862, in which
Lincoln made this proposal, he said:
“That portion of the earth’s surface which is owned and inhabited
by the people of the United States is well adapted to be the home of one
national family, and it is not well adapted for two or more. Its vast
extent and its variety of climate and productions are of advantage in
this age for one people, whatever they might have been in former ages.
Steam, telegraphs, and intelligence have brought these to be an
advantageous combination for one united people.”
He obviously was thinking, as a unionist, of what he regarded as the
inappropriateness of secession, but he was also thinking of the
inappropriateness of a different “people” or race inhabiting the same
territory, and his remarks are thus a fairly clear expression of what can
only be called racial nationalism.
As for Stephen Douglas, he was even more outspoken on the issue
of race than Lincoln (the following passage from his opening speech in
the debates is from the edition published in 1993 by Harold Holzer,
which incorporates into the text the audience responses as recorded by
the newspapers of the day, in this case the Chicago Daily Times, a
Democratic paper):
“For one, I am opposed to negro citizenship in any form. [Cheers
—Times] I believe that this government was made on the white basis.
[‘Good,’—Times] I believe it was made by white men for the benefit of
white men and their posterity forever, and I am in favor of confining
the citizenship to white men—men of European birth and European
descent, instead of conferring it upon negroes and Indians, and other
inferior races. [‘Good for you. Douglas forever,’— Times]”
Douglas, of course, won the election.
Nor, even after the end of the war, during congressional debates on
the 14th Amendment—which today is considered the cornerstone of
federal enforcement of egalitarian policies—even then, there was no
endorsement of racial equality. Thaddeus Stevens, whom constitutional
historian Raoul Berger calls the “foremost Radical” in Congress, was
not in the least committed to black voting. He was mainly concerned
with perpetuating the domination of the Republican Party. It suddenly
began to dawn on the Radicals that with the abolition of slavery, the
three-fifths clause of the Constitution, which had limited Southern
representation in Congress, was no longer meaningful. The result would
be that Southern representation in Congress would be vastly increased
to the point that the South, just defeated in the war, would suddenly
gain political dominance.
As Professor Berger writes, “Now each voteless freedman counted
as a whole person; and in the result Southern States would be entitled to
increased representation and, with the help of Northern Democrats,
would have, as Thaddeus Stevens pointed out at the very outset of the
39th Congress, ‘a majority in Congress and in the Electoral College.’
With equal candor he said that the Southern States ‘ought never to be
recognized as valid states, until the Constitution shall be amended … as
to secure perpetual ascendancy’ to the Republican Party.”
The 14th Amendment was passed in order to grant the federal
government the authority to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and
the meaning of the language of the amendment is clarified by the
debates over the earlier law. The Civil Rights Act was mainly intended
to overcome the so-called “Black Codes” imposed on blacks after the
end of slavery and the war, and it gave to “the inhabitants of every
race” … “the same right to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be
parties, and give evidence, to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold and
convey real and personal property, and to full and equal benefit of all
laws and proceedings for the security of person and property, and shall
be subject to like punishment … and no other.” In explaining the
language of the bill to the House, Rep. James Wilson of Iowa, chairman
of the House Judiciary Committee, was explicit about the limits of the
“What do these terms mean? Do they mean that in all things, civil,
social, political, all citizens, without distinction of race or color, shall
be equal? By no means can they be so construed…. Nor do they mean
that all citizens shall sit on juries, or that their children shall attend the
same schools. These are not civil rights and immunities. Well, what is
the meaning? What are civil rights? I understand civil rights to be
simply the absolute rights of individuals, such as ‘The right of personal
security, the right of personal liberty, and the right to acquire and enjoy
Rep. James Patterson of New Hampshire, a supporter of the 14th
Amendment, said much the same. He was opposed to “any law
discriminating against [blacks] in the security of life, liberty, person,
property and the proceeds of their labor. These civil rights all should
enjoy. Beyond this I am not prepared to go, and those pretended friends
who urge political and social equality … are … the worst enemies of
the colored race.” Republican Senator Lyman Trumbull of Illinois, who
drafted the Civil Rights Bill, concurred. “This bill is applicable
exclusively to civil rights. It does not propose to regulate political
rights of individuals; it has nothing to do with the right of suffrage, or
any other political right.”
What the framers of the Civil Rights Bill of 1866 and the 14th
Amendment were proposing, in other words, was simply to extend to
the emancipated black slaves what is generally called “equality under
the law,” a concept of equality that merely recognizes the equality of
citizens and does not rest on any supposition of the natural equality of
human beings. Equality under the law demands that the same
fundamental civil rights belong to all citizens—what are often called
the “Blackstonean rights” of life, personal liberty, and property—and
which were generally agreed to be the content of the “inalienable
rights” mentioned in the Declaration.
But these basic civil rights were sharply distinguished from
“political rights” such as voting or holding office. The Blackstonean
rights are fundamental because it is not possible for an individual
citizen to function without them—to live without security of being
murdered or being abducted or imprisoned or enslaved or having his
property stolen. If the black population were not going to be enslaved
and not going to be colonized abroad, it was essential that ex-slaves
possess these basic civil rights simply in order to function in society;
but the Blackstonean civil rights have nothing to do with voting,
holding political office, sitting on juries, racial intermarriage, getting a
job or being promoted, or school integration, which is what the concept
of “civil rights” has come to mean today. It would be possible to
continue with an almost inexhaustible list of quotations from
prominent American statesmen and intellectual leaders well into the
twentieth century abjuring any belief in the equality of the races or any
belief that non-white races should or can have the same political
position as whites in the United States. I will not rehearse all of them,
but my purpose in what I have said so far is not to invoke all these
institutions and ideas about race in American history as a model of
what we should seek to restore or because I necessarily agree with all
the views of race that have been expressed throughout our history
(indeed, some of them are more or less contradictory), but to reinforce
two points: First, we are not and never were a “universal nation” or a
“proposition country” defined by the equality clause of the Declaration
or the bromides of the Gettysburg Address. On the contrary we—
Americans in general and our public leaders in particular—repeatedly
and continuously recognized the reality and importance of race and the
propriety of the white race occupying the “superior position,” and
indeed it is difficult to think of any other white-majority nation in
history in which recognition of the reality of race has been so deeply
imbedded in its thinking and institutions as in the United States.
Second, whatever we think of that history and its recognition of
race, we have to understand that the current propaganda line about
being a universal nation is not only a totally false account of American
history but also is a prescription for a total rejection of the American
past and the national identity as we have always known it. Racial
universalism is not simply an adjustment or a “reform,” let alone a
continuation of the proper direction of American history, but a
revolutionary reconstruction of the American identity.
In a 1996 article and a later book on Thomas Jefferson, historian
Conor Cruise O’Brien demands that we eject Jefferson from our
national pantheon precisely because of his views of race. O’Brien has a
point that is perfectly logical if you accept his premise that America
should be, even if it never has been, a universal nation. If indeed we are
or should be a universal nation, then Thomas Jefferson must go. If
indeed race is a meaningless “social construct” and a device for
repression and exploitation as we are commanded to believe, then
Jefferson was one of the main architects of and spokesmen for racial
tyranny. But let us be aware that Jefferson is not the only god who has
to be dethroned. If Jefferson must go, so must George Washington, and
indeed, Washington’s name has already been removed from a public
school in New Orleans because he was a slaveholder.
But Abraham Lincoln has to go as well, and so must Theodore
Roosevelt and the leaders of the American Colonization Society and the
framers of the 14th Amendment and so must virtually every other
president and public leader in American history. You cannot have it
both ways: either you define the American nation as the product of its
past and learn to live with the reality of race and the reality of the racial
particularism and racial nationalism that in part defines our national
history, or you reject race as meaningful and important, as anything
more than skin color and gross morphology, and demand that anyone,
past or present, who believes or believed that race means anything
more than that be demonized and excluded from any positive status in
our history or the formation of our identity. If you reject race, then you
reject America as it has really existed throughout its history, and
whatever you mean by “America” has to come from something other
than its real past.
That of course is exactly what President Clinton is telling us when
he gloats that “we literally can live without in effect having a dominant
European culture. We want to become a multiracial, multiethnic
society.” And that also is what we are being told by contemporary
liberalism. In 1997, the New Republic published an article by George P.
Fletcher, professor at the Columbia Law School, in which Prof.
Fletcher argued that “The republic created in 1789 is long gone. It died
with the 600,000 Americans killed in the Civil War. That conflict
decided once and forever that the People and the States do not have the
power to govern their local lives apart from the nation as a whole. The
People have no power either to secede as states or to abolish the
national government.”
The reason the Old Republic died, according to Professor Fletcher,
is that it “was grounded in a contradiction” that “glorified the freedom
of some and condoned the slavery of others.” The new Constitution, he
tells us, “begins to take hold in the Gettysburg Address, in which
Lincoln skips over the original Constitution and reconstitutes it
according to the principles of equality articulated in the Declaration of
Independence.” As a matter of historical fact, Professor Fletcher is
more or less correct. The Civil War did destroy the Old Republic, and
the new state that arose from it is defined, at least today, as a
universalist and egalitarian regime based on the equality proposition of
the Declaration. What he does not tell us, however, is how the new
regime can be a legitimate one, since it is, by his own admission,
simply the result of victorious military power and not of consent or
legal authorization by the representatives of the old regime. It is easy
enough to destroy an existing constitutional order, but quite a different
matter to construct a new one.
Nevertheless, the significance of Prof. Fletcher’s article is that it
makes perfectly clear what we are facing from the contemporary
supporters of universalism, whether of the left like Prof. Fletcher
himself or President Clinton or of the “right” like John Miller. What we
are facing and what they are advocating is in no sense a continuation of
American history or the American national identity as it has existed
throughout our history, but rather a revolutionary reconstruction of the
nation, a reconstruction that ruthlessly follows the logic of Mr.
O’Brien’s exclusion of Jefferson in excluding just about everything
else characteristic of the Old Republic. The old identity and everything
associated with it have to be excluded because their embrace of non-
egalitarian and non-universalist institutions are simply incompatible
with the new republic. Once we understand that, most of the
universalists’ actions, policies, and ideas are perfectly logical. What
they are aiming at is precisely what William Wiecik described in a
passage I quoted earlier, “a revolutionary change in the original
constitutional system, truly a new order of the ages not foreseen,
anticipated, or desired by the framers.”
And not desired by most Americans today, either, at least not by
those white Americans who grasp what is going on. As Peter Brimelow
notes in his book on immigration, Alien Nation, Americans have never
been asked whether they think it’s a good thing for their nation to
undergo the transition from a white majority to a non-white majority
country. They have indeed been lied to about the transition, in being
told in 1965 that it wouldn’t happen, but until President Clinton
embraced it last year, no president has even bothered to mention it.
If white Americans do not desire the transition, they still have a
short time to prevent it and to try to salvage what is left of the Old
Republic most of them still imagine they live in, and if they do wish to
salvage it, they will have to reject, as clearly and firmly as the original
Framers did, the universalism and egalitarianism that now threaten to
destroy them and their race. Political philosophies and constitutional
forms come and go, but nations—peoples and races—remain. Yet
without the common blood that made us a nation in the first place,
there will be no American nation, no matter what abstractions and
forms we vainly invoke.
Samuel Francis is a syndicated columnist. This article is adapted
from his remarks at the AR conference held in August 1998, and
originally appeared in the December 1998 and January 1999 issues.
The Evolution of Racial Differences in

by Michael Levin

Readers of AR will be aware of the well-documented race differences

in intelligence and temperament. The mean black score on valid IQ
tests is 85, while the white mean is 100 (and some Asian groups
outscore whites). Black children adopted into upper-middle class white
families fail to attain IQs much above 85, which implicates genes as
the cause of this difference. Twin studies and cross-cultural
comparisons implicate genes in the greater levels of impulsiveness and
aggression also found in blacks.
A less frequently noted point is that these psychological differences
suggest race differences in morality. Part of the difference may be due
simply to different levels of intelligence. The mean IQ of incarcerated
felons is about 90, and Lawrence Kohlberg’s extensive research on
children found that IQ is correlated with moral development. It should
not be surprising that mental ability is linked to moral character, since
the latter requires grasping rules and thinking through the consequences
of one’s actions.
However, different levels of intelligence are not likely to be the
sole cause of racial differences in morality. Data reported in The Bell
Curve show that black and white populations differ in crime and
illegitimacy rates even when IQ is held constant. Thus, in one large-
scale study, blacks in general were 6.5 times more likely to be
incarcerated than whites, but when the comparison was restricted to
blacks and whites with IQs of 100, blacks were still 2.5 times more
likely to be incarcerated.
Temperament therefore appears to have an effect on behavior that is
independent of intelligence. This is intuitively obvious, as aggression
easily becomes heedlessness of the rights of others; we should
therefore expect black and white standards of behavior to differ.
Examples of this difference abound. “Trash talk,” the stream of
arrogant banter with which black basketball players seek to intimidate
and humiliate opponents, is alien to white ideals of sportsmanship.
Likewise, Montel Williams, the host of a television talk show, claimed
to have discovered racial bias in a question on an IQ test that asked
children what they would do if they threw a baseball through a
neighbor’s window. The answer scored as correct was offering to pay
for the window, but Mr. Williams, who is black, objected that in his old
neighborhood a “Sorry, man” would have sufficed. No doubt, Mr.
Williams was right that blacks do attach less urgency than whites to
compensating damage.
Numerous fights among blacks result from “dissing”—males
seeking dominance over each other by shows of disrespect—a practice
that indicates disregard for the golden rule. Moreover, it is hard to
imagine a more blatant violation of the golden rule than the constant
demand for royalties by Martin Luther King’s estate whenever his
speeches are published—especially when his own plagiarism is
justified as “voice merging.”

What Morality Is
Evolutionary biology suggests an explanation for race differences
in moral values. But first, to begin with a definition: An individual’s
“morality” is the rules he wants everyone to follow, and that he wants
everyone to want everyone to follow. Honesty is a moral value for him
if he tries to be honest, tries to make his children honest, hopes others
will be honest, and encourages others to reinforce honesty. A group’s
morality is the moral rules its members share.
The clause about “wanting everyone to want everyone” is needed to
distinguish moral questions, like honesty, from other “universal”
concerns. If you are like most people, you think others ought to be
honest. But you may also think everyone should exercise, without
considering exercise a “moral” value. The difference between the two
is not in their usefulness, since both are useful: jogging is healthful,
and honesty facilitates such profitable activities as trade. But honesty,
unlike exercise, is advantageous only if everyone else is honest. Jogging
strengthens my heart whether or not you jog, whereas being honest
helps me only insofar as it induces others to reciprocate, allowing me
to rely on their words. This is also why it is smart to be honest even
when tempted to lie—if you are found out, others will feel no
obligation to be honest with you.
On the other hand, if everyone else is a liar, honesty only lets others
take advantage of you. Therefore, since honesty, self-restraint, and
other moral virtues are good ideas only when everyone thinks they are
good ideas, you not only want everyone else to be honest, you want
everyone to encourage others to be honest, and to ensure that honesty is
The advantages of honesty and other virtues have a biological
dimension. Since moral individuals in a moral community do better
than scoundrels, they live longer and have more children. Obeying and
reinforcing moral rules is adaptive. If there is any genetic tendency to
obey and reinforce moral rules, a tendency to obey and reinforce them
and to be susceptible to reinforcement will be passed on to offspring.
However, selection for morality need not have been uniform, since
honesty, cooperation, and the other virtues need not have been equally
important in all environments. Cooperativeness (like intelligence) was
probably more adaptive in the colder, harsher, Eurasian environment in
which whites and Asians evolved than in sub-Saharan Africa. Food
grows year-round in a warm climate. There is little danger of freezing
to death, so it is not necessary to work together to build large shelters.
Sexual patterns are also influenced by environment: Since a woman
abandoned by her mate has a better chance of supporting herself and
her children in a benign environment, there is less pressure on women
to evolve a demand for male fidelity, or for males to evolve a strong
sense of attachment.
The situation was otherwise in Eurasia, where large game was a
dietary staple. Bringing down a cornered mastodon takes cooperation,
with each man in his assigned position, ready to respond to shouted
instructions. There must be jointly acceptable rules for dividing the
kill. And, since females depend on male hunters for their own survival
and that of their children, an advantage would accrue to females who
chose mates likely to support them for a lifetime. Sexual selection
would then mold males more inclined to satisfy the female demand for
Environment does not consist merely of natural factors like climate.
Since morality is advantageous only when others are moral, a major
determinant of the fitness of an individual’s “gene for morality” is the
character of those with whom he interacts. As Robert Axelrod and
William Hamilton put it in their classic study, “The Evolution of
Cooperation” (Science 1981), “there is no single best strategy
regardless of the behavior of others in the population.” In fact,
seemingly irrational levels of mistrust can become locked into a group.
Suppose a mild physical environment has selected for weak cooperative
tendencies. A worsening of the environment might make greater
cooperation in everyone’s interest, but not necessarily more fitness-
enhancing, for any honest, helpful mutants who appear will simply be
exploited until they die without issue. It is perfectly rational to be
indifferent to others when they are indifferent to you.
In short, observed race differences in honesty, sexual self-restraint,
and cooperativeness may be due to the fact that these traits did not have
the same evolutionary value in Africa that they did in Eurasia. Indeed,
since universality and reciprocity are built into the very concept of
morals, it is incorrect to talk of “different moralities.” It is more
accurate to say that individuals of Eurasian descent tend to be more
moral than individuals of African descent.
Nobody can go back in time to verify whether the races really
developed in the way outlined. Still, the hypothesis sketched above is
plausible enough, and it may be useful to note some of its implications.
1) Black behavior that is unacceptable by white standards—theft,
drug use, preoccupation with sex—is not “sick.” It is how traits that
were once adaptive in Africa express themselves in Western urban
society. This may be part of the reason blacks seem not to experience
white laws and standards of personal responsibility as binding, and why
black spokesmen are so curiously unapologetic about black crime. They
will caution black males that crime is “stupid” (i.e. apt to lead to
punishment), and Jesse Jackson may denounce black-on-black crime as
harmful to blacks, but they do not say that crime, particularly black-on-
white crime, is intrinsically bad.
In one remarkable incident, Edmund Perry, a Harlem teenager
recruited on full scholarship to the prestigious boarding school of
Exeter, was killed a few weeks after graduation when he attempted to
mug a plainclothes policeman. Angry demonstrations ensued, in which
blacks complained of Perry’s alienation at Exeter. Far from expressing
regret over Perry’s actions, blacks blamed white society for them. In
fact, the difficulties blacks experience in conforming to American
society cannot really be blamed on black attitudes or white norms, but
on the mismatch between the two.
2) Black children cannot be expected to respond as white children
do to externally imposed white socialization. If the races evolved
different values, black and white children will be receptive to different
sorts of training and exhortation, a point with important practical
consequences. It is often suggested, for instance, that black children
would do better in school if told, as white and Asian children are, that
school is important. But black children will not care about grades and
the esteem of teachers, no matter how much they are told to, if valuing
knowledge is a more weakly evolved norm among blacks. Since black
societies never evolved formal education, it would make no sense for
black children to be ready to internalize praise of education.
3) Violence will skyrocket when a group acquires a killing
technology it did not develop. Groups that have invented such things as
firearms without killing themselves off must also have developed
sufficient inhibitions about using them. Groups that acquire weapons
from outside sources are less likely to have evolved the same level of
self-restraint, just as groups that do not discover fermentation are
unlikely to develop a tolerance for alcohol, and often fall prey to
drinking problems when alcohol is introduced from outside. Blacks
may have been unprepared for access to the firearms developed in
Western society.
Consider the remarkable increase in gunshot homicides among
black men in the last half-century. In 1943 there were 44 handgun
homicides in New York City; in 1992, 1,500 black males died of
gunshot wounds inflicted by other black males. Since 92 percent of the
2,200 murders recorded in New York that year were committed by
blacks, black males must have also killed several hundred non-blacks
with firearms as well. The parallel increase in gunshot homicides
nationally over the same period is essentially an increase among
Now, the sheer availability of guns does not automatically mean
murder. Guns have been available for centuries to the whites who
invented and manufacture them. Every adult male Swiss citizen owns a
gun, yet the annual homicide rate in Switzerland is one two-hundredth
that of Washington, DC or Harlem. The immediate cause of the rise in
homicide has been the sudden availability of guns to blacks, who seem
ready to resort to firearms in disputes that whites would regard as
trivial. (Gunfights over calls in pick-up basketball games are not
uncommon in New York City.) It may well be that blacks lack the
restraints that would have evolved during the march to the invention of
firearms—a possibility that should be considered in any discussion of
gun control. If the “gun problem” is really the problem of black access
to firearms, forbidding whites to have guns is pointless and unjust.
4) Moral signals may become confused when divergent groups
interact. To explain the point with a crude example, suppose that
blacks, being less empathetic than whites, must use stronger signals to
rouse each others’ solicitude. It takes angry shouting to get another
black to notice an injury that a white can be induced to attend to by less
strident means. Likewise, a white will take an angry shout as
expressing a more serious injury. If these signal patterns have
themselves become innate in the two populations, whites will interpret
the signals of blacks as if they were coming from other whites, and
consistently overestimate the seriousness of injuries claimed by blacks.
The tendency of whites to interpret the angrier manner of blacks as
if blacks were other whites leads whites to respond to black complaints
with inappropriate generosity, thereby reinforcing black anger by
teaching blacks that anger is rewarded. The result is intensified
demands and further white confusion—a dynamic that may explain the
puzzling phenomenon of white guilt, and the indulgence of many
whites toward even the most unreasonable black demands.

Neither is Better
The idea that blacks and whites evolved different systems of values
says nothing about which values are “better,” and each group can be
expected to think its values best. Whites will continue to consider
blacks “irresponsible” and blacks will, more openly, continue to call
whites “up tight.” But the practical decisions of life require the
adoption of some standards, and a group can use only those standards
evolution has given it.
What by white standards is a black deficiency in morality—defined
as conformity to the golden rule—explains the persistent unwillingness
of the races to associate with each other. People almost by definition
prefer the company of those who share their values, so it is no wonder
that whites feel more comfortable with whites. Indeed, while blacks—
even including Malcolm X—prefer to send their children to white
schools and to use the other amenities of white society, blacks
nevertheless prefer the company of blacks. The conventional idea is
that these preferences are entirely due to “prejudice” that can and
should be extirpated by education (i.e. propaganda). But if preference
for one’s own kind is due to deep-seated differences in values, there
seems nothing wrong with it, and there certainly seems no reason for it
to be illegal.
Moreover, from their own point of view, whites are right to prefer
their own company. By white standards, adherence to the golden rule
and norms associated with it are the chief criteria of personal merit.
Since blacks are on average less likely than whites to adhere to the
golden rule—less cooperative, more aggressive, less respectful of
property and persons—the average black is, by white standards, not as
good a person as the average white. This is perhaps the least politically
correct statement it is possible to make, but it is true and must be made.
And, put in non-racial terms, it is one that even liberal egalitarians
would assent to. Even they would admit to preferring the company of
people who are less apt to steal, kill, lie, cheat, and shout them down in
a debate.
It is possible to argue on purely philosophical grounds that people
should be able to associate with whomever they please. This right, after
all, can be enjoyed by everyone, and is itself in conformity with the
golden rule. And this right, which implies that whites can
“discriminate” in favor of other whites in housing, employment, and
the schools to which they send their children, has been contravened by
civil rights laws. This was allowed to happen because Americans, who
respect freedom but also like to see that freedom is not abused, became
convinced by the 1960s that use of the freedom of association to avoid
blacks was entirely arbitrary. They became convinced that it could be
motivated only by ignorance and hatred, and saw no reason not to
forbid actions so maliciously based. Race differences in moral outlook,
which people have long sensed, are perfectly good, non-arbitrary
reasons for whites to wish to avoid blacks. Perhaps when this is more
widely realized whites will once again permit themselves this liberty.
This article appeared in the April 1995 issue. Professor Michael
Levin teaches philosophy at City College of New York. He is the author
of several books, including Why Race Matters.
Is There a Superior Race?

by Michael Levin

Whether some races are superior to others is a question all those

concerned with race must consider, if only because their critics are sure
to force them to. Just say that whites are, on average, more intelligent
than blacks, and you will be told “Oh, so you think whites are superior
to blacks.” If you say that Jews are, on average, more intelligent than
gentiles you will be lectured that that sort of thinking led to the
Behind all this passionate confusion lie real issues. Academics tend
to duck them, from a desire for scientific neutrality or simply to avoid
trouble. They will say that race differences in IQ and temperament have
nothing to do with questions of value, that the greater intelligence of
whites, for example, is just a fact of nature like blood pressure. But
very few people view intelligence this way, and I am sure the typical
psychologist prefers that his children have IQs of 120 rather than 80. In
fact, both views of racial differences are valid. The scientist’s “Sgt.
Friday,” just-the-facts-ma’am approach is basically right, I believe, but
at the same time, we must acknowledge that group differences touch
people’s deepest hopes and fears.
To sort out these issues we must revisit an old riddle common in
college philosophy courses: the place of value in the universe. The
question is whether justice is “natural” or “conventional”—that is,
whether right and wrong, good and bad, beautiful and ugly are objective
features of the world, or fictions with no basis in the nature of things.
Incidentally, only Europeans have ever reached the level of intellectual
abstraction necessary to pose such questions, and the first to do so were
the Greeks. They wanted to know whether judgments of good and bad
are discovered or invented, whether they are based on reason or on
mere projections of human emotion onto the real world. The skeptical
view implies that nothing—including one or another race—is
inherently better or worse than anything else.
The most eminent ancients—Socrates, Plato and Aristotle—did see
value as an objective feature of reality accessible to reason, but they
have always had opponents. Socrates’ contemporary, Xenophanes,
joked that if horses could draw, they would draw their gods as horses.
Plato thought that most men failed to understand the existence of
objective good. According to him, the Greek-in-the-street thought that
all sensible men were profoundly selfish but had reluctantly agreed to
limit their pursuit of self-interest to avoid a catastrophic war of all
against all. These agreed-upon limits set on selfishness—which are
necessary evils—are the laws of justice. They are like traffic rules: It is
useful for everyone to agree to stop on red and go on green, but no one
imagines that there is something inherent about red that makes
stopping when you see it obligatory. (It is a tribute to Greek genius that
the hoi polloi had an opinion on so deep a question.)
Although I have great respect for the belief that God determines
what is good and what is evil, I’m afraid I must count myself among
the skeptics. As I see it, nothing in the world is good or bad, or right or
wrong, or better or worse. People, like other organisms, have
preferences, some of which are more common in some groups than
others, but none is objectively better or worse than any other. They just
It is not right or good that a lion catch the gazelle he is after,
although a catch will certainly please him, and, as Xenophanes might
have added, if lions could talk they would doubtless say that gazelle-
catching was “proper” and “what all decent lions deserve.” Gazelles,
for their part, dislike being caught and would, if given voice, accuse
lions of violating their rights. In fact, the universe roots for neither.
There is no neutral standpoint from which to rank the lion’s evolved
appetite for gazelles against the gazelle’s evolved aversion to being
lunch. It is not possible to say which is right or wrong.
So in my view it makes no sense to say that one race is better or
worse, superior or inferior, to another. It makes as little sense as saying
that lions are “better” than gazelles.
Before I go into my reasons for this, let me add a few words about
that singular value called morality. Man alone has preferences about
preferences, his own and those of others. For instance, most of us not
only want to be honest and punctual, we want others to be honest and
punctual, too. In fact, most of us feel distinctly uneasy about doing
things we don’t want others to do. This higher-order desire, that our
actions conform to general rules that we can also prescribe for others,
is the essence of morality. A person is said to be conscientious or
principled when he subjects his behavior to the golden rule, the how-
would-I-like-it-if-everyone-did-that test.
Concern for morality, like other traits, is not equally distributed. In
Why Race Matters and elsewhere I cite evidence that, on average,
blacks are less concerned than whites about the golden rule. This is
clearly suggested by the very high rates of black criminality not only in
the United States but around the world. At a more mundane level it is
also reflected, for example, in the unwillingness of many blacks to take
turns and a tendency of blacks to “talk back” to movies (which displays
a lack of sympathy with audience members who want to watch in
Having taught philosophy for many years to a “diverse” student
body, I have been able to compare the preferences and actions of
different groups by using a classic philosophical conundrum. When I
introduce ethics I always ask my students what you should do if a
supermarket cashier gives you too much change, and there is no chance
of discovery if you pocket it. While I have not kept precise statistics,
disproportionately more black students say that “you’d be a fool” to
return the money. Many back up their position by saying that the
mistake is the cashier’s problem. When I ask what they would do if
they were the cashier many reply, irrelevantly, that they wouldn’t let it
happen to them.
Why conformity to universal rules is important to whites may be
linked to another Caucasian specialty, the quest for scientific
knowledge. The hallmark of scientific explanation is that it follows
general rules. Whenever you say that A is why B happened, you
implicitly refer to a law of nature. When you say the window broke
because the baseball hit it, you have in mind that whenever glass of that
sort is struck with a sufficiently great force, it shatters. We find events
comprehensible when they fall into general patterns, and we find
behavior acceptable only when it obeys rules. It is no coincidence that
the race that invented science is also the one pre-eminently concerned
with right and wrong.
Having said this, I reiterate that being moral—being concerned with
the golden rule—isn’t better in any absolute sense than being amoral. It
is a preference, neither right nor wrong, that some people feel more
intensely than others, and that still others lack altogether.

The basic reason for skepticism about values is that they explain
nothing. There are, as I see it, only two grounds for believing in
something: It can be observed, or it is needed to explain something else
that can be observed. I believe in elephants because I have seen them at
zoos. I believe in electromagnetic waves because, if they didn’t exist,
television could not be explained. Values are not observable—you
cannot literally see the goodness of helping a blind man cross the
street. Nor is there any phenomenon that requires values to explain it.
Nothing in nature happens because it is right; lions chase gazelles and
gazelles run away because of natural selection, not because it is “right.”
Human beings act as they do, not because of right and wrong, but
because of their convictions about right and wrong, and I believe these
convictions are ultimately explained by natural selection.
So we seem to be back at the Sgt. Friday position, with its corollary
that high intelligence and moral concern are not inherently better than
dimwitted amorality. There is no progress over evolutionary time, just
change—tendencies, for instance, for organisms to display more
intelligence, but no direction towards something inherently better.
This position has its attractions, chiefly as an all-purpose reply to
inevitable nagging about “racism”: You can doggedly insist on the facts
of race and disavow any moral interpretation. But not only will this
never satisfy egalitarians, it misrepresents what people ordinarily have
in mind when they make comparisons. People do not usually intend
some sort of cosmic, absolute judgment when they make comparisons
or talk about superiority. Not even the most fanatical users of Apple
computers claim that Macs are just better than PCs, period, in the eyes
of God. What they have in mind is that Macs are better than PCs
according to certain accepted standards like speed and ease of use. Beef
is not graded according to some mysterious quality of inherent
goodness, but by tenderness and marbling. Of course, accepted
standards may change, but so long as the standards in force are clear,
there should be no misunderstanding.
In fact, people have four definite standards more or less clearly in
mind when they compare human groups, and relative to those standards
it is possible to draw conclusions about different races.
1) The first of these standards is influence. The most salient test for
ranking individuals is influence: How different would the world be if
so-and-so had never been born? (Michael Hart uses this test in his book
The 100, which is his list of the most important people in history.)
Columbus is more important than Joe Blow because the world would
have been very different without Columbus, whereas Joe Blow’s
absence would scarcely have been noticed. This test applies to groups
as well as individuals. The Greeks were more important than the
Iroquois because they made more difference to the world as a whole.
It is a matter of verifiable fact that the influence of whites
dominates mankind. Had blacks never existed, Europe and Asia would
be pretty much as they are today. Had Asians never existed, the world
would be somewhat different, but still recognizable. But a world in
which there had never been Europeans is unimaginable. It is not just
that everyone else has been Westernized in the superficial respects that
are easy to criticize, like clothing and music. Western science and
technology shape mankind’s building, trade, transportation,
communication and education. Cars are almost everywhere, and where
there aren’t cars there are bicycles—both Western inventions. People
pay bills by check, an innovation of late medieval Europe. They erect
large structures according to mechanical principles discovered in the
West. Terrorists attack with guns of Western design and explosives
mixed according to Western chemistry. Every high school student in
the world learns Cartesian co-ordinates, another product of Caucasian
2) The other side of the coin of influence is emulation. Every other
culture wants—covets—the control over nature that Western man has
achieved by scientific methods of thought. It is important to emphasize
this standard, for egalitarians always describe Caucasian influence as
“imperialism,” as if whites forced it on the rest of the world. Not so;
other countries would give a great deal for Western standards of living,
infant mortality rates, longevity, productivity and individual freedom.
While from a cosmic point of view no culture may be better than
another, when all sides agree in prizing the products of one culture,
there is from a practical point of view not much to argue about.
This is not to say that other cultures always realize or admit that
they emulate the West. They often treat the fruits of Caucasian science
as natural resources they are entitled to. Negotiations about sea-bed
mining are forever breaking down when backward countries demand
that the Western world give them their “fair share” of the world’s
mineral wealth. They ignore the fact that it takes Western ingenuity and
effort to extract it, and that effort and ingenuity deserve to be rewarded.
But it is clear that if a magic wand could give the Third World Western
skills, Third-World critics of “imperialism” would wave it without
Western values are emulated not just collectively, but individually.
Everyone admires the traits in which whites excel, chiefly intelligence.
Do not be fooled by the esteem in which athletic and sexual prowess
are held by some groups. Intelligence may not be valued as highly
elsewhere as it is at an American university but there is no culture in
which the local equivalent of “bright” is not a compliment nor “stupid”
an insult. The picture is fuzzier for traits like law-abidingness, but on
the whole Caucasians and Mongoloids excel Negroids in individual
traits that members of all three groups prize. In many of these same
traits Mongoloids slightly excel Caucasians, while in others—perhaps
originality—Caucasians excel Mongoloids.
To repeat, it is a verifiable fact that all cultures agree on the value
of certain traits. This is why racialists are always accused of claiming
racial superiority when they note the high intelligence of whites. The
average person values intelligence, and assumes that other people,
including psychometricians and racialists, do too. So when he hears
whites described as more intelligent than blacks, he naturally concludes
that the speaker is calling whites superior. This, after all, is the
inference he would draw from the same data. Deep down, even
egalitarians view intelligence as an important standard of personal
value, so, since they would conclude that whites are superior if they
admitted to themselves that whites are more intelligent, they foist this
view on racialists. Hearing someone say a steak is tender and juicy, you
would as a matter of course assume he is praising it. You would be
surprised and a little doubtful if he insisted he was only describing the
steak’s properties.
3) Closely related to the emulation standard is that of efficiency.
Given certain goals or ends common to all groups, one group is
considered “superior” when its means to those ends are most efficient.
“Better” often means “is a better means.” Crop rotation, for example, is
better than sacrificing to the Sun God, because it produces a bigger
harvest. By this means-ends test, Caucasians have created a verifiably
better civilization because it more readily secures certain universal
Every group has wanted indoor lighting, for instance. Most have
achieved it with dangerous, expensive fire, while whites achieved it
with cheap, easily controlled electricity. Every culture has wanted the
ability to travel from one place to another. All have attained walking
speed—about 3 miles per hour. A few have mastered the horse,
allowing them to move at about 10 miles per hour. Caucasian mastery
of jet propulsion allows people to travel in comfort at 600 miles per
Of course, the desirability of speed and indoor lighting are not
inscribed in stone, and one can imagine a society consciously
eschewing them. The Amish still ride carriages rather than drive cars.
But since the desire for technological advance is in fact so widely
shared, and Caucasians are better at achieving it than anyone else,
Caucasians are “superior” in the sense of having developed the best
means to certain universal ends.
Technological preeminence is not the only source of Caucasoid
means-ends superiority. Let me describe some recent experiments that
shed light on how Western moral attitudes create wealth and other
generally accepted goods. Western morality is more efficient.
Suppose someone gives me $10, but with the following proviso: I
am to offer you any part of that $10, from one cent to $5 to $9.99. You
then decide whether or not to take my offer. If you take it, you get what
I have offered and I keep the rest. If you reject my offer, the $10 is
taken back and we both get nothing. We both know these conditions.
What do I offer you? What offer should you accept from me? (There is
a real-world parallel: Having discovered there is gold on my land, but
being physically weak, I offer you a share of the profits to mine it for
me. If you turn me down, the gold stays in the ground and neither of us
is any better off. What deal should we strike?)
From a strictly logical point of view, one would expect you to take
any offer, down to a penny for you and $9.99 for me. After all, even a
lopsided deal like that leaves you a penny richer. However, when this
“take it or leave it” game has been tried on Germans, Americans,
Yugoslavs, Japanese and Israelis, offers that deviate significantly from
$5 for each person are almost always rejected—in effect punished—
and no player ever accepts a split as unbalanced as $2.50 for him, $7.50
for the fellow making the offer. What is more, very few players from
these countries ever offer a deal significantly more advantageous to
himself than $5/$5, perhaps because each player knows that no such
offer will be accepted.
The reason for this seems to be a sense of equity, probably innate,
that moves players to punish behavior they see as unfair, even at some
cost to themselves. This moral indignation, though it may appear
irrational and counterproductive, is one of those rules by which
sensible men bind themselves for the sake of their own and everyone
else’s long-run profit. For imagine a society of egotists with no
compunction about making lopsided offers in the interest of
maximizing short-term gain. No one egotistical enough to feel entitled
to a $9.99/1¢ split is likely to settle for the one cent when someone
makes that lopsided offer to him, so in such a society few beneficial
bargains will be made. In such a society I will offer you one percent of
the profits for mining my gold, you will give me a piece of your mind,
and we will both remain poorer than we need to be. In a society where
everyone has a sense of equity and 50/50 offers are apt to be made,
these offers are also apt to be accepted, and everyone will become
better and better off. Emphasis on equity leads to mutually enriching
My sense is that Mongoloid moral systems put less emphasis than
Caucasoid on conscience but endorse similar rules of fairness. I would
love to see take-it-or-leave-it experiments with subjects of different
races, although I cannot imagine such experiments being allowed in the
present climate. I would predict that racial differences would be found
in the lopsidedness of offers made and in offers accepted, with whites
and Asians tending toward a 50/50 equilibrium, with blacks more
inclined to make—but disinclined to accept—offers deviating from this
midpoint. Please recall the “you’d be a fool” view of keeping incorrect
change. This attitude would surely encourage short-sighted, unbalanced
offers; would it also lead to the acceptance of such offers (since a
penny is better than nothing) or militate against them? I suspect the
latter, but I would like some data.
4) A fourth criterion of group excellence is power: When the
ordinary person calls one group superior to another, he may mean that
members of the first group can be counted on to defeat equal numbers
of the second in battle. However unlovely, this is a standard people
often have in mind, and there is no doubt that Caucasians predominate.
The weapons they have invented would allow easy conquest of the
planet, and they would meet resistance only from societies that have
managed to imitate the weapons of the West. Nor is there much doubt
that, say, a thousand Caucasoid males could organize themselves into a
more effective fighting force capable of defeating a thousand Negroids.
It is not clear that whites would have equal success against Asians, but
again it must be remembered that ever since the Middle Ages, Asian
armies have done reasonably well against white armies only by using
white inventions. If in our imaginary 1,000-on-1,000 battle each group
is restricted to weapons developed by its own society, whites would
certainly win every time.
This standard is not as brutish as it sounds, since, for better or
worse, military power is the upshot of traits that are admired in their
own right: courage, intelligence (to devise better weapons and better
treatment for the wounded), discipline, audacity, and concern for the
Superiority by this standard also has some interesting demographic
implications. The first is that whites may well govern—that is, occupy
virtually all positions of power—no matter what ideology is dominant.
Blacks and non-European Hispanics may become more numerous in the
United States, but even in a democracy they will have to have someone
to vote for, and whites will generally manage to be the ones that get
into a position to be elected. (We see this with the sexes: there are more
female than male voters, but at the national level virtually all leaders
are men.) This may explain why whites rule in Brazil, even though the
black population is proportionally much larger than in the United
States. It is not that blacks think whites are more fit to rule, it’s just
that the naturally dominant group always does dominate.
Thus, I fully expect that when 2050 rolls around, and assuming (as
the demographers assure us) whites become a minority, whites will still
rule because they will be better organized. However, at some point they
will be unthroned through sheer weight of numbers—perhaps by the
22nd century.
Thus, according to four common criteria—influence, emulation,
efficiency and power—whites come out on top, but as I have pointed
out, a determined skeptic can reject all four. We can fully expect
egalitarians to reject them, at least in public: “What’s so great about
influence or intellect or the capacity for moral thinking?” I doubt that
anyone can mean this question seriously, but it can’t be answered
except by appealing to other standards egalitarians can also
disingenuously challenge. All anyone can do is point out that we do
care about these things, and ask anyone who doesn’t to suggest traits
we should care about more.
As I emphasize in my book, the values we have as individuals and
as a culture are the ones we can’t help but use. While upbringing counts
to some extent, our values are the heritage of eons of selection. We are
born with them. That is the way we are. One can be objective about
one’s own values for a few hours in the study, but detachment becomes
impossible as soon as the world presses in. Values are like emotions. I
know intellectually that the grief I might feel for the death of a son is a
biological adaptation—nature’s way of making sure I take better care
of my other offspring—but realizing that emotions are a trick of neural
wiring would not reduce my suffering one bit.
The much touted “wisdom of the East” that teaches the extirpation
of emotions is foolish. It can easily counsel an alienation from one’s
own deepest commitments, and this trivializes life. The Western
approach of engagement with the world, with its attendant risks of
suffering, is more honest.
Each group therefore finds its own standards best, and judges the
rest of the world by them. How could it be otherwise? A group of
people that disapproved of its own nature would suffer a spiritual
dissonance not conducive to survival, and psychologists tell us that
pride in one’s ethnic group is a sign of mental health (although this sort
of pride is supposed to be reserved for non-whites). By Caucasian
standards Caucasians are best.
Critics of white “ethnocentrism,” like Capt. Reynaud in
Casablanca, pretend to be “shocked I tell you, shocked” that whites
give the highest grades to white writers, artists, composers, statesmen
and inventors. What do they expect? If blacks preferred non-black
culture, these same critics would say that whites have taught blacks to
hate themselves. In any case, even if ethnocentrism is bad it is
inevitable. We have the values we have, and we have no choice but to
apply them.
So what should you say if someone asks you whether you believe in
racial superiority? Ask him what he means by “superior,” what
standards he has in mind. If he can’t or won’t answer, remind him that
the question was his. If he doesn’t know what “superior” means, he is
as much as admitting that he doesn’t know what he is talking about—
and if he doesn’t know what he is talking about, why should you
continue the conversation?
If he says accusingly “You know darn well what I mean,” pin him
down: Tell him you know what you mean, but not what he means. If
you finally elicit a concrete standard from him apply it, but remind him
that any aspersions cast are his. For instance, if he says creation of
material wealth is a measure of superiority, point out that, yes, white
societies are richer than others and therefore better by his criterion, and
that it is he, not you, who is assuming the value of wealth. This tactic
will shame the most shameless egalitarian. In his heart he believes that,
by his own criteria, whites (and Asians) are better than blacks. Since he
will never admit this, with luck you can at least get him to go away.
This article appeared in the February 1999 issue.
If We Do Nothing

by Jared Taylor

In March 1996, the Census Bureau released its periodic projection of

the ethnic makeup of the United States during the next few decades. It
reported cheerfully that if current immigration and birth rates hold
steady, by the year 2050 the percentage of Hispanics will have
increased from 10 to 25 percent, that of Asians from three to eight
percent, and that of blacks from 12 to 14 percent. All these increases
will come at the expense of whites, who are projected to fall from 74
percent of the population to about 50 percent.
Within 54 years, therefore, whites will be on the brink of becoming
just one more racial minority. And because whites are having so few
children, they will be an old minority. Within just 34 years—by 2030—
they will already account for less than half the population under age 18,
but will be three quarters of the population over 65. Many of the people
reading these words will be alive when these things come to pass.
As usual, the Census Bureau’s projections stirred little interest. The
New York Times did note that the projected changes would represent “a
profound demographic shift” and that the future mix of old whites and
young blacks and Hispanics might give the debate about Social
Security “a racial and ethnic tinge.” This seemed to be the most
disturbing thing the Times could think of.
Why is there almost complete silence about a population shift that,
if it takes place, will transform much of the country beyond
recognition? Why is there no debate about what this would mean in
terms of education, politics, democracy, the jury system, national unity,
racial friction, crime, foreign policy, labor productivity, or virtually
any other national indicator?
The demographic future of the United States is perhaps the most
important question we face, yet it receives no attention. Most whites
simply refuse to think about what is happening to their country or about
the Third-World future they are ensuring for their children and
grandchildren. Those who do think about demographic change have
been browbeaten into believing it is inevitable and that resistance
would, somehow, be immoral.
What makes the silence so unaccountable is that there is very little
mystery about the nature of the changes we can anticipate. Miami and
Detroit and Monterey Park, California are good examples of what
happens when a city becomes Hispanic, black, or Asian. The details of
the transformation are interesting, but it is sufficient to note the
obvious: Once the concentration of non-whites reaches a certain level,
whites cannot or will not live among them. Except in a few gilded
enclaves, there are virtually no whites left in Miami or Detroit or
Monterey Park. “White flight” is a universal fact of American life.
Liberals may deplore it, but no one can deny it. In the 1960s and 1970s,
whites were generally fleeing blacks, but the great black migrations
have largely come to an end, and whites have reestablished distance
between the two races. In recent decades, it is massive, non-white
immigration that most often drives whites from their neighborhoods,
and continuing immigration only hardens the alien character of these
places. No one believes that the arrival of yet more Haitians,
Guatemalans, Mexicans, Jamaicans, or Vietnamese will somehow
restore the former character of South Central Los Angeles or Miami
and induce whites to move back.
The process works in precisely the other way. As their numbers
increase, non-whites continue to expand into adjacent areas. Whites,
many of whom fled their homes in the face of the first incursion, move
away once again.
This, then, will be one of the certain effects of demographic change:
More and more parts of the United States will become, for whites,
essentially uninhabitable. It will be physically possible for whites to
live with the Mexicans of Brownsville, Texas or the blacks of Camden,
New Jersey but such places will be almost as alien and as uninviting as
Oaxaca or Mombassa. They will actually be more uninviting. The
people of Oaxaca and Mombassa like and admire white Americans,
whereas those of Brownsville and Camden have a strong and
sometimes violent dislike for whites.
There is much irony in the course on which our nation has been set.
Most white Americans can think of any number of communities or
neighborhoods in which they might want to live. Not one is likely to
have a non-white majority. Likewise, most whites cannot name a single
non-white community in which they could bear to live. Furthermore, if
one were to ask whites what countries they might move to if given a
choice, almost all will mention a European country, Canada, Australia,
or New Zealand. All are white. Our country has therefore embarked on
a course that will make ever larger parts of it inhospitable, even off-
limits, to whites. Eventually the country as a whole could become one
in which whites do not wish to live.
At some level, everyone in America understands this. Not even the
most deluded white liberals live in Harlem or Watts or South Central
Los Angeles, or in any of a thousand other neighborhoods that have
been transformed by non-whites. Despite their pronouncements about
the vital importance and desirability of integration, virtually no white
is willing to take the most obvious step towards making it happen: buy
a house in a black neighborhood.

Destroying the Infrastructure

Where it matters most—where they make their homes and rear their
children—even the most liberal whites suddenly demonstrate a grasp of
reality at odds with what they claim to believe and stand for. Even they
have noticed that although the details of non-white dispossession differ
according to the part of the country and the people who arrive,
something essential is always lost when whites move away.
Blacks frighten even the most ardent integrationists. East Coast
blacks, in particular, have the disconcerting habit of physically
destroying the cities they move into. Detroit, Newark, the South Bronx,
Camden, North Philadelphia, and the South Side of Chicago now have
huge expanses of vacant lots and derelict buildings.
Detroit can no longer afford to serve some of its most blighted,
sparsely inhabited neighborhoods. It is considering moving out the few
remaining people and decommissioning whole sections of itself—
shutting off utilities, stopping mail delivery, pulling out bus lines,
ending police and fire service, and letting nature take over. There are
similarly stark proposals for parts of downtown, where empty
skyscrapers tower over deserted streets. Some people want to turn the
area into a theme park for urban architecture—like the ghost towns in
the West.
Blacks have destroyed cities in several ways. One is arson. Many
East Coast neighborhoods never completely rebuilt after the race riots
of the 1960s. Today, black youngsters in Detroit, Newark, and
elsewhere celebrate Halloween eve—which they call Devil’s Night—by
burning down as many houses as they can. Other buildings, often
charming turn-of-the-century townhouses, become uninhabitable
because no one bothers to maintain them. Others are simply abandoned
as the decent, responsible blacks flee crime and degeneracy. The result
is the blasted, vacant look of so many Eastern black ghettos.
Entire cities have slowly shifted away from the parts that blacks
have occupied, as whites build homes and businesses away from the
expanding blight. In what were once the centers of important cities,
whole chapters of urban history have been wiped away. Not a trace
remains of generations of industrious whites who worked hard, reared
children, and hoped for a better future.
Hispanics do not ordinarily tear cities down, though the 1992 Los
Angeles riots showed that they can sometimes burn and loot their own
neighborhoods just as blacks sometimes do. Likewise, the Puerto Rican
sections in New York’s outer borough can be as menacing as any
inhabited by blacks.
Hispanics have a different effect. They bring crime and lower the
quality of public schools—reasons enough for whites to move out—but
they also bring an alienness blacks do not. Many are willing to live ten
to a room, turn garages into bedrooms, park cars in the front yard, keep
chickens, and practice a gaudy, Third-World version of Catholicism.
But the greatest sign of alienness is Spanish. The airwaves, magazine
racks, storefronts, and the very air itself ring with a language most
whites do not understand. The occasional passing car marked “Police”
rather than “Policia” is a reminder that this is still, theoretically, the
United States.
In 1991, the president of a black home-owners association in South
Central Los Angeles explained her opposition to a wave of Mexicans
moving into a formerly black area: “It’s a different culture, a different
breed of people. They don’t have the same values. You can’t get
together with them. It’s like mixing oil and water.” The now-forgotten
and long-departed white residents may well have said the same things
about blacks.
When Asians arrive in large numbers, their effect is more
ambiguous. Some North Asian groups commit fewer crimes than
whites, make more money, and do better in school. Others, like the
Hmong and the Cambodians, have fantastically high rates of poverty
and welfare dependency. However, it does not matter whether Japanese
or Chinese build societies that are, in some respects, objectively
superior to those of Europeans. It matters only that they are different.
When large numbers of North Asian immigrants moved into
Monterey Park, the long-term white residents did not leave because the
newcomers rioted, opened crack houses, covered walls with graffiti, or
were rapists and robbers. They moved out because Monterey Park, in
countless ways, ceased to be the town in which they had grown up or
the town to which they had moved.
The merchandise in the stores and the faces behind the counters
changed. So many signs appeared in strange languages that the fire
department insisted that at least street numbers be legible to English-
speakers. Even city council meetings began to include exchanges in
languages other than English. The newcomers reworked zoning laws to
permit businesses in what had been residential neighborhoods. Asians
bought the little bungalows whites had lived in, bulldozed them, cut
down all the trees, and built huge new houses nearly out to the property
All these changes and many others—some of them vastly more
troubling than issues that are routinely put to the voters to decide—
took place without the permission or consent of the whites who had
lived there for years. One unhappy resident paid for a billboard that
said, “Would the last American to leave Monterey Park please take
down the flag.”
Once again, the significance of racial change does not lie in the
particulars. It lies in the fact of unwelcome, uncalled for, irreversible
change. People have every right to expect their children and their
children’s children to be able to grow up and walk in the ways of their
ancestors. They have a powerful, natural desire that their grandchildren
be like them—that they speak the same language, sing the same songs,
tell the same stories, pray to the same God, take pride in the same past,
hope the same hopes, love the same nation, and honor the same
traditions. The crucial elements of people-hood cannot be preserved in
the face of a flood of aliens, especially when the central institutions of
the nation itself preach fashionable falsehoods about the equivalence of
all races, cultures, and peoples.
Most people who grew up in America want to grow old in America,
not in some bustling outpost of Mexico or Southeast Asia. They should
not have to move to Montana or Idaho in order to grow old with people
like themselves. Eventually, of course, if the foreign outposts continue
to expand, there will be no refuge in Montana and Idaho either.
This, then, is the effect of racial change at the local level: Whites
become refugees in their own land.
What will happen at the national level? We cannot be sure but we
can guess. Many non-whites now seem genuinely to believe that equal
treatment requires preferences for themselves. It may yet be possible to
abolish racial preferences while whites are still a majority, but what
will prevent their reappearance when whites become a minority?
Whites will still have higher incomes than blacks and Hispanics,
but this will be seen only as proof of white wickedness and
exploitation. Is it so outlandish to imagine outright confiscation of
property owned by whites? supplemental taxes for whites? sumptuary
laws? exclusion from certain professions? Asians will also be a small
but successful racial minority, and their wealth, too, is likely to attract
unwelcome government attention.
What sort of foreign policy would a non-white America have? What
would it do—or not do—with nuclear weapons? What sort of public
health standards would it maintain? How would a Third-World
America treat its national parks, its forests, its rivers? So far, only
whites have shown much interest in the environment.
In the long term, there is some doubt that a non-white America
could even maintain a functioning democracy or any semblance of the
rule of law. The record of non-white nations suggests not. Even if our
forms of government survive, what fanciful, anti-white readings will a
black and Hispanic Supreme Court find in the Constitution? What
subjects or opinions will be found to lie outside the protection of the
First Amendment?

Not an Ounce of Sympathy

But these will be future concerns. To return to the present, in the
United States today, there is not an ounce of public sympathy for
whites who escape when the neighborhood turns black or Mexican. The
theory is that only ignorant bigots run away from non-whites, but the
fact is that people with money never even have to face the problem. As
a very clever man once put it, the purpose of a college education is to
give people the right attitudes about minorities and the means to live as
far away from them as possible.
And, indeed, college-educated, right-thinking people have come up
with a whole set of mental exercises for the working-class unfortunates
who do not have the money to send their children to private school. The
first exercise is to try as hard as possible to believe that aliens and
strangers are bearers of a special gift called diversity. We are not being
displaced; we are being enriched and strengthened.
Of course, the idea that racial diversity is a strength is so obviously
stupid that only very intelligent people could have thought it up. There
is not one multiracial anything in America that doesn’t suffer from
racial friction. Our country has established a gigantic system of laws,
diversity commissions, racial watchdog groups, EEO officers, and
outreach committees as part of a huge, clanking machine to regulate
and try to control racial diversity—this dangerous, volatile thing that is
supposed to be such a source of strength. People are so exhausted by
this source of strength that they run from it the first chance they get.
Families, churches, clubs, and private parties—which are not yet
regulated by the government—tend to be racially homogeneous.
Nothing could be more obvious: Diversity of race or tribe or
language or religion are the main reasons people kill each other on a
large scale. Diversity—within the same territory—is strife, not
Another comical idea is that a “diverse” workforce is somehow a
great advantage for business or world trade. This is one of those giant,
untested notions that otherwise skeptical people swallow without a
gurgle. Ninety-nine percent of the things we buy have nothing to do
with “diversity.” No one cares whether his computer was assembled by
a Chinaman or a Dane or whether his bread was baked by a robot or a
It does not take an Irishman to sell things to the Irish. The world’s
most successful trading nations today are Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and
China, none of which has even heard of “diversity” or “tolerance.”
American companies are full of blather about multiracial workforces
that “look like America”—and are constantly being whipped in their
own markets by workforces that look like Yokohama or Shanghai.
At the same time, people seem to be too dazed by this
incomprehensible diversity argument to notice that it seems to be only
whites who suffer from the paralysis of homogeneity and for whom
diversity is going to be such a tonic. No one is urging Howard
University, which is overwhelmingly black, to recruit Hispanics or
Asians so its students can benefit from racial diversity. No one is
suggesting that Mexico should start an immigration program to reduce
Hispanics to a minority in a few decades. But if racial diversity is such
a great thing for the United States, why not for Mexico, too? Why not
for Howard and for all the other “historically black” universities?
If white Americans were pouring across the border into Mexico
demanding that their children be educated in English, insisting on
welfare, demonstrating for ballot papers in English rather than Spanish,
demanding voting rights for aliens, celebrating July 4th rather than
Cinco de Mayo, could anyone trick the Mexicans into thinking this was
joyous diversity? No. The Mexicans would recognize an invasion when
they saw one. They would open fire.
There used to be much talk about “ugly Americans,” who traveled
overseas expecting to find hamburgers and English-speakers, and who
ignorantly deprecated the quaint customs of the natives. We were
supposed to be deeply ashamed of them—and they were only tourists!
“Ugly Mexicans” and “ugly Haitians” come here to live permanently,
but we are supposed to be endlessly sensitive to their peculiarities, and
revel in the diversity of toadying to their ethnic demands.
“Racial diversity,” therefore, is strictly a one-way street. Only
whites are ever expected to practice it or benefit from it. The ultimate
insult is to expect whites to celebrate diversity. This is nothing less
than asking them to celebrate their own capitulation, their dwindling
numbers and declining influence. The astonishing thing is that so many
whites actually do go through the motions of rejoicing in their decline.
Just Deserts
Of course, a few whites refuse to believe that dispossession is a fine
thing. For these stubborn cases, there is a completely different
argument to justify demographic shift: Whites took America away
from the Indians, so it is now someone else’s turn. This argument is
made by the same people who chant the mantra of diversity, but it
implicitly concedes that diversity is a fraud.
Diversity advocates never suggest that what happened to the Indians
was a good thing. But have Indians not benefited more than any other
people in history from the joys of precisely the kind of diversity whites
are, today, supposed to welcome? If diversity is to be celebrated, it
should be Christmas all year ’round for the Indians. Of course, no one
tries to make this point. The you-took-it-away-from-the-Indians
argument recognizes that the European conquest of the continent was a
catastrophe for Indians and that what is happening now is a catastrophe
for whites. It is a catastrophe whites are supposed to accept cheerfully
because they took America from its rightful owners.
But this, too, is a completely one-sided argument. The Cherokee,
for example, took away the land of an earlier group called the Mound
Builders. Why are they known as the Mound Builders? Because the
Cherokee exterminated them and no one even knows their name. All
that is left of them are their strange earthworks.
If whites are supposed to stand aside while every Third-World tribe
marches into the United States because whites took the country from
Indians, then the Cherokee should have stood aside for the Europeans—
because they took the place away from the Mound Builders.
Needless to say, current orthodoxy holds that for Indians it makes
no difference how many people they killed to get the land or how
recently; it was theirs to defend with every means at their disposal.
Whites, on the other hand, have an unending debt not just to the
descendants of the peoples they refrained from exterminating but to
every other non-white people on the face of the earth. Just like fairy
tales about the joys of diversity, the land-title argument is used
exclusively to criticize and demoralize whites.

Successful Societies
What is it, though, that gives rise to movements of peoples and
debates about who has rights to the land? It is the fact that whites build
successful societies non-whites want to move into. Generous
Nicaraguans and Haitians do not come to America eager to share the
gift of “diversity” with poor, benighted white people who are about to
expire from a galloping case of homogeneity. They come because their
societies don’t work and they know life will be better here.
The same process is at work in Europe, Australia, Canada, and New
Zealand. Whites establish the most desirable societies in the history of
man. Desperate people from failed, non-white societies are willing to
risk nearly everything—sometimes even their lives—for a chance to
live in these societies.
If Europeans had turned North America into a giant pesthole no one
would want to come. No one would then have to think up reasons why
everyone had the right to come, or why whites actually benefit from
being out-numbered and pushed aside by people unlike themselves.
The same is true on a smaller scale. Rarely is it ever said, but in the
United States virtually every desirable place to live, work, or go to
school is desirable because whites made it that way. Non-whites
naturally want access to these places even if they did not—and could
not—create them. This is why it is always non-whites who are pushing
their ways into white institutions—never the other way around and why
all the overblown dramas of “exclusion,” “tolerance,” “justice,” and
“racism” are played out on white territory and put whites on the
Whites are not, of course, clamoring to get into Howard University,
live in Harlem, or to move to Guatemala. But if there were something
rare and desirable in those places, the non-whites who made them
desirable would fight like demons to keep others out.
The sad truth is that, generally speaking, once non-whites have
gotten what they want, and have arrived in large numbers in what were
previously white institutions or neighborhoods, those institutions and
neighborhoods slowly lose the qualities that attracted non-whites in the
first place. Whites leave, and the spoor of European man begins to fade.
For the most part, Third-World immigrants eventually recreate in the
United States the societies they left behind—with all the shortcomings
that prompted them to leave home in the first place.
The mystery in all this is not why non-whites want the benefits of
white society, but why whites are so willing to hand over to strangers
the land of their ancestors—why they appear to be so willing to permit
aliens to occupy and transform their nation. Just like every other
argument about race in America today, white passivity is based on yet
another double standard: Non-whites have powerful and legitimate
group interests but whites do not.
Before he was assassinated, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
explained that what mattered most to him as an Israeli was that his
country remain at least 80 percent Jewish. No one suggested that Mr.
Rabin was a bigot or hatemonger—and of course he was not. He was
merely stating the obvious: That if Israel ceased to be predominantly
Jewish it would change in irreversible ways that would be intolerable to
Mexicans, Japanese, Algerians, Senegalese—all non-whites
understand that demographic transformation is a national calamity. It is
so obvious it need not even be stated. For whites it is just as much a
national calamity, and the morality and reasoning of a white who wants
America to stay at least 80 percent white are exactly the same as those
of Yitzhak Rabin.
The forms of civility, the folkways, the demeanor and the texture of
life that whites take for granted cannot survive the embrace of large
numbers of aliens. The things whites love most about culture and
human society have not survived in Detroit and Miami. It is not
considered “nice” to say so; it prompts shouts of “racism” to say so.
But it is because the things they love have not survived that whites have
moved away from Detroit and Miami. Individually, whites react in an
entirely natural way to racial change. American Renaissance is unusual
only in making explicit what virtually all whites feel but never say.
The crisis that whites face today is that for fear of being called
“racists,” for fear of being thought not nice, they seem prepared to let
their country change in ways that they know will not be an
improvement. How can it be good for America—or good for whites—
for it to become increasingly like those very parts of the country in
which they refuse to live?
Whites are so fearful of the charge of “racism” that they are
unwilling even to discuss what they might do to avoid leaving a Third-
World nation to their grandchildren. Whites are therefore preparing to
pass on to future generations a nation in which they, themselves, might
well be unwilling to live.
The colonists did not fight for independence from Britain in order
for our generation to turn this country over to Mexicans and Haitians.
The Founders did not frame the Constitution to celebrate diversity.
Americans did not spill their blood at Gettysburg or in Europe or the
Pacific for multiculturalism. And yet, the rightful heirs to what could
have been a shining beacon of Western Civilization are giving up their
country without a struggle—for fear that to do otherwise would be
What we are witnessing is one of the great tragedies in human
history. Powerful forces are in motion that, if left unchecked, will
slowly push aside European man and European civilization and then
dance a victory jig on their collective grave. If we do nothing, the
nation we leave to our children will be a desolated, Third-World
failure, in which whites will be a despised minority. Western
Civilization will be a faint echo, vilified if it is even audible. There is
no other tragedy that is at once so great, so unnatural, and so
This article appeared in the June 1996 issue.
Fairest Things Have Fleetest Endings
Jean Raspail, The Camp of the Saints, (trans.) Norman Shapiro,
The Social Contract Press, 1995, 316 pp., $12.95 (soft cover)

reviewed by Jared Taylor

Fiction can be more powerful than fact. Authors have always lent their
talents to causes, often swaying events more effectively than journalists
or politicians. Fiction, including virtually everything emitted by
Hollywood, has usually been in the service of the left, but occasionally
an author declares his allegiance to culture and tradition.
I n The Camp of the Saints, Jean Raspail goes further and declares
his allegiance to his race—though it is an allegiance tinged with
bitterness at the weakness of the white man. Originally published in
1973, this may be the first significant racialist novel since the days of
Thomas Dixon. It is the story of the final, tragic end of European
civilization which falls, like all great civilizations, by its own hand.
The novel is set in the near future in France, where the leftist
sicknesses of multiculturalism and multiracialism have undermined all
natural defenses. As Mr. Raspail writes of young Europeans:
“That scorn of a people of other races, the knowledge that one’s
own is best, the triumphant joy at feeling oneself to be part of
humanity’s finest—none of that had ever filled these youngsters’
addled brains, or at least so little that the monstrous cancer implanted
in the Western conscience had quashed it in no time at all.”
By then, “the white race was nothing more than a million sheep,”
beaten down by decades of anti-white propaganda. As Mr. Raspail
explains, it was “a known fact that racism comes in two forms: that
practiced by whites—heinous and inexcusable, whatever its motives—
and that practiced by blacks—quite justified, whatever its excess, since
it’s merely the expression of a righteous revenge….”
This is the state of mind with which the West confronts its final
crisis: nearly a million starving, disease-ridden boat people—men,
women, and children—set sail from the Ganges delta for Europe.
Practically no one is willing to say that this flotilla must be stopped at
all costs. Instead, liberals and Christians spout confident nonsense
about welcoming their Hindu brothers into the wealth and comfort of
The thought of this wretched brown mass sailing for Europe is a
source of great joy for the World Council of Churches. Its men are
“shock-troop pastors, righteous in their loathing of anything and
everything that smacked of present-day Western society, and boundless
in their love of whatever might destroy it.” They are determined “to
welcome the million Christs on board those ships, who would rise up,
reborn, and signal the dawn of a just, new day….”
One of the few Europeans who recognizes that what has come to be
called the “Last Chance Armada” spells the doom of Christendom
reproaches a group of anti-Western churchmen:
“There’s not one of you proud of his skin, and all that it stands
“Not proud, or aware of it either,” replies one. “That’s the price we
have to pay for the brotherhood of man. We’re happy to pay it.”
Europe is rife with fifth-column propagandists, products of earlier
capitulations. Typical of these is Clement Dio, “citizen of France,
North African by blood … [who] possessed a belligerent intellect that
thrived on springs of racial hatred barely below the surface, and far
more intense than anyone imagined.”
Knowing full well that acceptance of the first wave of Third World
refugees will only prompt imitators that will eventually swamp the
white West, he writes happily about how “the civilization of the
Ganges” will enrich a culturally bankrupt continent:
“Considering all the wonders that the Ganges had bestowed on us
already—sacred music, theater, dance, yoga, mysticism, arts and crafts,
jewelry, new styles in dress—the burning question … was how we
could manage to do without these folks any longer!”
As the flotilla makes for Europe, school teachers set assignments
for their students: “Describe the life of the poor, suffering souls on
board the ships, and express your feelings toward their plight in detail,
by imagining, for example, that one of the desperate families comes to
your home and asks you to take them in.”
The boat people steam towards the Suez Canal, but the Egyptians,
not soft like whites, threaten to sink the entire convoy. One hundred
ships turn south, around the horn of Africa—towards Europe. The
refugees run out of fuel for cooking and start burning their own
excrement. Pilots sent to observe the fleet report an unbearable stench.
A few deluded whites have boarded the ships in Calcutta and sail
along with “the civilization of the Ganges,” dreaming of Europe:
“Already they saw it their mission to guide the flock’s first steps on
Western soil. One would empty out all our hospital beds so that
cholera-ridden and leprous wretches could sprawl between their clean
white sheets. Another would cram our brightest, cheeriest nurseries full
of monster children. Another would preach unlimited sex, in the name
of the one, single race of the future….”
The Hindus tolerate these traitors until almost the end of the voyage
and then strangle them, throwing their naked bodies overboard so that
they drift onto a Spanish beach as the armada heads for the south of
France. The boat people have no need for guides of this kind, from a
race that has lost all relevance:
“The Last Chance Armada, en route to the West, was feeding on
hatred. A hatred of almost philosophical proportions, so utter, so
absolute, that it had no thoughts of revenge, or blood, or death, but
merely consigned its objects to the ultimate void. In this case, the
whites. For the Ganges refugees, on their way to Europe, the whites had
simply ceased to be.”
Finally, on the morning of Easter Sunday, the 100 creaking hulks
crash onto the beaches. The local inhabitants have abandoned all
thought of taking in a family of Hindus, and have fled north. Many of
the fashionable leftist agitators have likewise left their editorial jobs
and radio programs and disappeared, with their gold bars, to
Switzerland. The army has been sent south to prevent a landing, but
there are doubts as to whether whites can be made to slaughter unarmed
As one government official explains to another, “[D]on’t count on
the army, monsieur. Not if you’ve got … genocide in mind.”
The other replies: “Then it just means another kind of genocide….
Our own.”
At the last moment the French President is unable to give the order
to fire. He urges the troops to act according to their consciences. They
throw down their rifles and run.
Bands of hippies and Christians, who have come south to welcome
their brown brothers also turn and run as soon as they get a whiff of the
new arrivals. “How could a good cause smell so bad?”
The few remaining whites with any sense of their civilization find
they can communicate practically without speaking: “That was part of
the Western genius, too: a mannered mentality, a collusion of aesthetes,
a conspiracy of caste, a good-natured indifference to the crass and the
common. With so few left now to share in its virtues, the current passed
all the more easily between them.”
A handful of citizens drive south with their hunting rifles on suicide
missions to do the job their government is unable to do. One of these,
ironically, is an assimilated Indian. As he explains to another band of
citizen-hunters, “Every white supremacist cause—no matter where or
when—has had blacks on its side. And they didn’t mind fighting for the
enemy, either. Today, with so many whites turning black, why can’t a
few ‘darkies’ decide to be white? Like me.”
The Indian is killed, along with his white comrades, in an attack by
fighter-bombers sent by the French government to put down resistance
to the invasion. Soldiers who were unable to kill brown people make
short work of “racist” whites.
All over France non-whites take the offensive. Algerians on
assembly lines rise up and kill their white bosses. African street
cleaners knock on the doors of de luxe Paris apartments and move in. A
multiracial government, including a few token whites, announces a new
Capitulation by the French means capitulation everywhere. Masses
of ragged Chinese pour into Russia, whose troops are likewise unable to
fire on hungry civilians. Huge fleets of beggars set sail from every
pestilential southern port, heading for Europe, Australia, and New
Zealand. The same drama unfolds In the United States. “Black would
be black, and white would be white. There was no changing either,
except by a total mix, a blend into tan. They were enemies on sight, and
their hatred and scorn only grew as they came to know each other
better.” Americans lay down their arms just as the French do.
Raspail hints here and there at what the new Europe will be like:
“At the time, each refugee quarter had its stock of white women, all
free for the taking. And perfectly legal. (One of the new regime’s first
laws, in fact. In order to ‘demythify’ the white woman, as they put it.)”
The first provisional government also has a Minister of Population
—a French woman married to a black—to ensure a permanent solution
to the race problem. After all: “Only a white woman can have a white
baby. Let her choose not to conceive one, let her choose only nonwhite
mates, and the genetic results aren’t long in coming.”
And so ends the saga of Western man, not in pitched battle, not in
defeat at the hands of superior forces, but by capitulation.
Even after a quarter century, the novel is astonishingly current. It
was written before Communism collapsed, and the new French
revolution is spiced with anti-capitalist slogans that now sound slightly
off-key. One might also complain that a few of the characters verge on
caricature. Nevertheless, the central tragedy—suicidal white weakness
—is brilliantly portrayed and could have been written in 1995.
Mr. Raspail obviously loves his culture and his race, and wrote in
the afterward that although he had intended to end the book with a
spasm of white self-consciousness that saves Europe, the final
catastrophe seemed to write itself. Perhaps he could not, in good faith,
write a different ending. In the preface to the 1985 French edition he
“[T]he West is empty, even if it has not yet become really aware of
it. An extraordinarily inventive civilization, surely the only one capable
of meeting the challenges of the third millennium, the West has no soul
left. At every level—nations, race, cultures as well as individuals—it is
always the soul that wins the decisive battles.”
The Camp of the Saints puts the white man’s dilemma in the most
difficult terms: slaughter hundreds of thousands of women and children
or face oblivion. Of course, a nation that had the confidence to shed
blood in the name of its own survival would never be put to such a test;
no mob of beggars would threaten it.
The story that Mr. Raspail tells—the complete collapse of Western
man even when the very survival of his civilization so clearly hangs in
the balance—may seem implausible to some. And yet, what whites do
i n The Camp of the Saints is no different from what they have done
every day for the past forty years. The only difference is that the novel
moves in fast forward; it covers in months what could take decades.
Whites all around the world suffer from Mr. Raspail’s “monstrous
cancer implanted in the Western conscience.” South Africans vote for
black rule. Americans import millions of non-whites and grant them
racial preferences. Australians abandon their whites-only immigration
policy and become multicultural.
Even if he did not actively cooperate in his own destruction, time
works against the white man. As Mr. Raspail writes in the afterward,
“the proliferation of other races dooms our race, my race, irretrievably
to extinction in the century to come, if we hold fast to our present
moral principles.” No other race subscribes to these moral principles—
if that is really what they are—because they are weapons of self-
Mr. Raspail’s powerful, gripping novel is a call to all whites to
rekindle their sense of race, love of culture, and pride in history—for
he knows that without them we will disappear.
This review appeared in the June 1995 issue.
Closed Minds Are an Open Book
Roberto Suro, Strangers Among Us: How Latino Immigration is
Transforming America, Alfred A. Knopf, 1998, 349 pp., $26.95

reviewed by Thomas Jackson

This book’s premise is all in the subtitle: Hispanic immigration is

transforming the United States. But unlike the countless books and
articles that would have us celebrate transformation, Strangers Among
Us sounds the alarm. Hispanic immigration is causing big problems
and they are getting worse:
“[T]he outcome [of how we handle these new immigrants] will
determine whether the nation’s cities work or whether they burn.”
“Latino immigration could become a powerful demographic engine
of social fragmentation, discord, and even violence.”
Because of the surging number of Hispanics, “the size of America’s
underclass will quickly double and in the course of a generation it will
double again.”
“The choice [of making immigration a success] is still possible, but
the opportunity is rapidly disappearing.”
So, do we have here another Peter Brimelow-style argument for
restriction? Well, no. Roberto Suro, a half Puerto Rican-half
Ecuadorean reporter for the Washington Post says that the crisis is
proof we are neglecting the millions of Hispanics now pouring into the
United States. It is to spur us to ever-greater acts of liberalism that he
describes the failures of Hispanic immigration and the dangers that
loom ahead.
This is a risky game for a liberal to play. The very picture of
Hispanic failure Mr. Suro paints in the name of better schools, more
jobs, more effective assimilation, etc. is the very one a restrictionist
would use to argue that Third World immigration should stop right
now. This book, therefore, is built around a gaping logical flaw. It is a
readable, honestly-drawn, sometimes agonized portrait of the major
Hispanic immigrant groups in the United States, but not once does it
consider the most obvious solution to the problem of Hispanic
immigration: end it. It is like discovering that the house has a leaky
roof, and then devising ingenious and complicated ways to channel the
water around the furniture and away from the clothes closets. Why not
just fix the roof?
Mr. Suro, like so many others, seems to think Hispanic immigration
is an irresistible force of nature like an earthquake or hurricane. We can
prepare for it and try to deal with its consequences but there is no hope
of stopping it. Indeed, the last words of the book’s first chapter, in
which Mr. Suro introduces the problem, are “they will keep coming.”

Portaits of People
Most of the book is a report of what Mr. Suro has found while
roaming, notebook in hand, among his fellow Hispanics. But he has
also done some research, and keeps dropping interesting little facts into
the narrative: During one 15-year period, half of the entire population
of the town of San Cristobal, Guatemala, moved to Houston. The
fertility of Hispanics is three times that of other groups, and Hispanic
mothers have even less education than blacks. The average California
household headed by a native pays $1,178 per year in state and local
taxes to pay for services for immigrants, legal and illegal. Three
quarters of immigrants from Mexico never made it through high
Mr. Suro is a good reporter and his portraits are vivid. The only
trouble is that what he shows is not what most people want for
What most disappoints Mr. Suro is the downward mobility of so
many Hispanics. Other immigrants start out with a substantial income
gap compared to natives, which they narrow over time. Not Hispanics.
Their gap widens.
The first generation often has a stolid, peasant work ethic and is
grateful to trade the hard scrabble life south of the border for a
minimum-wage job and a garage converted into an apartment. The
children are different: “With no memory of the rancho [subsistence
farm], they have no reason to be thankful for escaping it. They look at
their parents and all they see is toil and poverty.”
Disaffected children go on to assimilate the worst of America—
essentially black behavior. Many, says Mr. Suro, are “racing ahead of
their parents in absorbing American ways but are turning into
unemployable delinquents as a result.” He regretfully describes one
young US citizen this way: “He could have remained in Mexico and
become a very different person, but now, like the rest of the night
people [who hang around the barrio doing nothing], he walked a walk
and talked a talk that had been largely plagiarized from the black
Central Americans share the same fate. Many of them “learned how
to become gang bangers from their Mexican and Mexican-American
neighbors who had been at it for a long time….” Mr. Suro concludes
that “the chances for downward mobility are greatest for second-
generation youths who live in close proximity to American
And so it is that in many Hispanic communities, every succeeding
generation is less likely to graduate from high school or get a job, and
more likely to run drugs, go to jail, have illegitimate children or go on
welfare. Not surprisingly, some parents and grandparents now regret
coming to a country that has turned their sons and daughters into thugs
and whores. A few, says Mr. Suro, are even going home, where they
will be poor but will have children they can be proud of.
The least successful Hispanic immigrants have been Puerto Ricans,
many of whom have not even managed to rise much above the level of
life back in the Third World. In New York, many live on vacant lots in
thrown-together shacks just like the ones they left behind: “Men with
no work sit and play dominoes and tend little gardens as if they were
back on their island and the whole migration had simply taken them
back to where they were fifty years ago.” New York’s Puerto Ricans are
actually worse off than the city’s blacks. They are more likely to be on
welfare, and only 50 percent have a high school diploma (as opposed to
66 percent for blacks.)
Mr. Suro marvels at how quickly Hispanics degenerated to the point
that during the 1992 Los Angeles riots after the first verdict in the
Rodney King beating case, more Hispanics than blacks were arrested
for arson and looting. “L.A.’s blacks had taken a journey of centuries—
from Africa, through slavery, out of the rural South, and into urban
poverty—to reach that kind of rage,” he writes. “The Latinos who took
to the streets had accumulated enough bitterness to reach critical mass
in less than a decade.” As a young man in South Central Los Angeles
explained to him, “To most people here, this is still a foreign place that
belongs to someone else.”
Indeed, Hispanic immigration cannot help but keep foreigners
foreign. Most are a different race from the majority. They come in
large numbers and create ghettos. They can easily go home and revive
nationalist sentiments. The Dominicans of New York, says Mr. Suro,
are just one more typical group. They never considered the United
States their home, and the 330,000 that had piled into New York City
by 1990 went through “the classic process of assimilation, but in a
downward cycle.”
(A study that came out after this book was published puts the
current Dominican population in New York at 500,000. From 1989 to
1996, the Dominican per capita income dropped 23 percent in inflation-
adjusted terms to $6,094, and the poverty rate rose from 37 to 46
percent. The Dominican Republic is sending losers to America. The
ones who come are half as likely to have a college education as the
ones who stay. Within just two years there could well be 700,000
Dominicans in New York City.)
Mr. Suro is not even satisfied with the Cubans of Miami. He rightly
describes them as the richest Hispanic enclave in the United States—a
barrio with country clubs—but “it remains a place apart from the rest
of the country.” And poverty alone does not explain why Hispanics are
separate: “Rich Latinos remain ambivalent toward America just as
much as poor ones. In fact, wealth may make it even easier to avoid full
engagement with the new land….” Mr. Suro quotes one of the gilded
young men who attend a snooty private school for upper-crust Miami
Cubans: “Our parents had to hassle with Anglo society, be we don’t.
This is our city.”
Mr. Suro notes that Hispanics have not closed ranks with blacks to
fight for “equality,” and other redistributive schemes. He finds that
Hispanics don’t like blacks, and complain that they are lazy and crime-
prone. All this is disappointing to him but he concedes that the historic
experience of Hispanics is different from that of blacks and thinks this
may explain why there is no rainbow coalition: “The logic and the
mechanism of civil rights law developed as a solution to the plight of
African-Americans, and it was never particularly well suited to
Mr. Suro reluctantly acknowledges that race is the great divide.
Even when they are forced to live close to blacks, most Hispanics try to
ignore them. The only real exceptions are the young men—who fight
them. They “call themselves raza and march forward as ethnic
Mexicans to do battle against American blacks.” If anything, Hispanics
seem even more likely than blacks to form gangs, and turf battles are
small-scale race wars.

So, what is to be done about Hispanic immigration? Though Mr.
Suro thinks white America has not done enough to assimilate new
immigrants, he cannot deny that Hispanics are largely responsible for
their persistent status as outsiders: “[T]his country’s Latinos must
answer a basic question about who they want to be.” Mr. Suro very
much wants them to be Americans and is pained that they remain so
alien. He wants them to learn English, and he even wants them to
oppose illegal immigration—to put respect for American law over
ethnic solidarity.
Mr. Suro admits that he is asking Hispanics to “put the whole
question of group identity in a new light.” They must think of
themselves as Americans with a stake in an English-speaking country
with Anglo-Saxon institutions. Then they will oppose illegal
immigration and turn their backs on south-of-the-border kinfolk who
keep sneaking into the country.
But is this possible? Mr. Suro concedes that “more than half of the
entire Latino foreign-born population of the United States has had some
direct experience of illegality.” He notes that many neighborhoods and
even households are a mix of legals and illegals. How realistic is it to
think Hispanics are going to repudiate their friends, co-workers, or
even family just because they don’t happen to have papers?
Moreover, Mr. Suro completely ignores the reconquista element of
Hispanic immigration, the zealots who want to “retake” the Southwest
and drive out whites. The last thing these people will do is think of
themselves as “Americans.”
Therefore, Mr. Suro’s “solution” to the problem of Hispanic
immigration—more liberalism and an effort by Hispanics to renounce
their ethnicity—is pure fantasy. Americans are tired of uplift programs
that don’t work, and the past 40 years have shown how illusory is the
idea of a race-unconscious America. One might take Mr. Suro more
seriously if he added to these recommendations a call for a halt to
further Hispanic immigration. But, no. He looks forward to more and
more. Anyone who suggests that Hispanics are going to set aside race
and foreign loyalties while yet more millions march into the country
has either fooled himself or is trying to fool his readers.
This book, therefore, is an excellent example of the incoherence
that characterizes any social question that touches on race. Mr. Suro
could hardly be more compelling when he describes the failure and
degeneracy that has often followed Hispanic immigration.
After detailing the dead-end lives of so many Puerto Rican
immigrants, he returns to his central theme:
“Like the Puerto Ricans, many of today’s Latino newcomers arrive
with little education and not much in the way of technological job
skills. The main difference is one of scale. The Puerto Rican migration
was small enough so that the primary victims of the disaster were the
Puerto Ricans themselves. Today’s Latino migration is so much larger
and more wide-spread that the entire nation will suffer grievously if the
Puerto Rican fate is repeated.”
There is one sure way to avoid more suffering: Stop the
immigration. This is so obvious that not even intellectuals and policy-
makers can fail to see it. But until Americans can shake off the mental
paralysis that falsifies every discussion of race and immigration, they
will be unable to take the most basic steps necessary to save their
This article appeared in the August 1998 issue.
Towards Renewal and Renaissance

by Fr. James Thornton

I am greatly honored to have been invited to address this assembly of

men and women who seek some deliverance from the contemporary
dilemma surrounding the question of race. This question has bedeviled
our poor country for the better part of two centuries, and has brought
about in our history expenditures in human lives and treasure of tragic
proportions. Of late, it threatens thoroughly to overwhelm us and
transform this nation, totally and permanently, into a national and
social entity radically dissimilar from that represented by the past four
hundred years of our history.
We have come to think it curious that a committed Christian would
have an opinion on the subject of race not consonant with the prevailing
and rather rigorously invoked view, and would express that personal
opinion in a public forum. For in these closing years of the twentieth
century, Christianity has come to be looked upon by some as a religion
for the fainthearted and the perfidious, as a kind of fifth column within
our European culture, and as one of the seeds of European man’s own
destruction. Needless to say, I do not agree with that view.
Yet, I would be the first to admit that among those who call
themselves “Christians,” and especially within the leadership councils
of certain official, mainstream, ostensibly Christian groups, there are
multitudes of spiritual charlatans and cultural Bolsheviks. Just as the
early Church was disturbed by heretical offshoots that amalgamated
elements of Christianity with some of the more bizarre forms of
paganism, so in our day do we witness the proliferation of heretical,
sectarian modes of thought. These are perfectly described by the
Russian Orthodox philosopher and sociologist Pitirim Sorokin in these
“…a wild concoction of a dozen various ‘Social Gospels,’
diversified by several beliefs of Christianity diluted by those of
Marxism, Democracy, and Theosophy, enriched by a dozen vulgarized
philosophical ideas, corrected by several scientific theories, peacefully
squatting side by side with the most atrocious magical superstitions.”
What he refers to, of course, is the World Council of Churches kind
of Christianity—that artificial, ideological, politically correct
substitute for the original product. It is, indeed, the very antithesis of
traditional Christianity.
I contend that our magnificent European culture, stretching across
the North American continent eastward through Europe to the Urals
(and incorporating some outlying areas such as Australia and New
Zealand), is one of the matchless and wonderful gifts of Christianity, of
Christian teaching, of Christian civilization. We need only think for a
moment of buildings such as Notre Dame, Chartres, Justinian’s Hagia
Sophia, San Marco in Venice, San Vitale and Sant’ Apollinare in
Ravenna, and Dormition and Annunciation Cathedrals in Moscow;
works of architecture of matchless beauty; buildings, all of them, that
still, even in this age of skyscrapers, produce gasps of awe from those
blessed to visit them.
We need only think, too, of the literature of the Christian European
peoples—Dante, Shakespeare, Milton, Cervantes, Schiller, Goethe,
Dostoyevsky—of the music—Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven,
Berlioz, Bruckner, Rachmaninoff—and of the great works of art—Fra
Angelico, Titian, Raphael, Michelangelo, Dürer, Rembrandt, Rublev. I
mention only a few names from each field. The point is that virtually
all of the works of creative genius of the past 2,000 years, all that we
admire as monuments of European high culture, all of those things that
nurture the spirits of refined men and women, come from Christian
Pre-Christian, ancient Mediterranean civilization, with its own
great accomplishments in philosophy, law, sculpture, architecture, and
so forth, had by the second century of the Christian Era reached an
impasse. The tremendous edifice erected by the ancients was rapidly
crumbling by then, and was in danger of being lost forever. But this did
not happen. Christianity took dying Greco-Roman civilization,
perfected and transformed it to a remarkable degree, and imparted new
life to it. In the West this was done under the auspices of barbarian
tribes who very slowly absorbed aspects of the dying pagan civilization
they found, and who, though they possessed no real understanding of
this civilization for a long time, after some centuries of comparative
darkness gave birth to Western European civilization.
In the East the process was different. The Empire, and Greco-
Roman civilization, lived on under New Rome, under Constantinople.
What took place there was, in the words of the renowned scholar Father
Georges Florovsky, “a conversion of the Hellenic mind and heart” or,
to put it another way, the “Christianization of Hellenism.” And the
achievements of the resulting Eastern European Christian civilization
—first in Byzantium and then in Old Russia—are incomparable. So
Christianity, far from the “culture destroyer” or “culture distorter” of
Nietzsche, et al., was a premier culture preserver and profound culture
creator. Both in the Eastern and Western halves of Europe, civilization
and culture sprang forth from Christianity; they are Christian.
What interests us here today is the culture sickness that seems to
have infected European mankind over the whole of the globe, a
sickness that seems slowly to be pulling us downward towards some
terrible void. It is only by understanding this larger sickness that we
can begin to grasp the dimensions of the peculiarly racial sickness that
is the subject of this gathering.
I suggest that we have come to this melancholy state precisely
because the old traditions of European Christian civilization have been
lost. Were Christianity as vital today as, say, 1,000 years ago, or 500
years ago, or even 150 years ago, the state of affairs in which we now
find ourselves would be impossible. What brought us to this unhappy
condition? Why is the way of life of our American and European
forebears dissolving around us?
Many men have analyzed this question; to name only a few, Juan
Donoso Cortés, Friedrich Nietzsche, Konstantine Pobiedonostev, Jacob
Burckhardt, Oswald Spengler, José Ortega y Gasset, and the twentieth-
century American Richard Weaver. All grasped that our way of life was
at grave risk, that those concepts and ideals which we value so highly
were in danger.
Insofar as precise diagnosis is concerned, many would disagree
with the others. Some were Christians and some were not. Nietzsche
contended that Christianity had exhausted itself and that a new system
of morality should replace it, for the sake of the survival of civilization.
Spengler believed that the fate of Europe was inevitable, that European
man had lived out his natural, allotted span of time and now must face
his doom. Others, like Sorokin, held out the hope that civilization
might regenerate itself through a spiritual awakening and live on for
many hundreds of years to come. I will not argue the precise merits of
each of these points of view, though I will now briefly discuss a few of
In re-reading the nineteenth-century Swiss historian Jacob
Burckhardt’s Reflections on History, I was struck by his extraordinary
insights into the pathologies that were then beginning to attack
European civilization. Those pathologies are no different today, though
they have advanced to a critical stage. Those familiar with Burckhardt
know that he speaks of the interaction within societies between three
primary institutions: Church, State, and Culture. The terms Church and
State require no definition, but Burckhardt’s use of the word Culture
requires some elucidation.
Culture, in Burckhardt’s scheme, is very broad and encompasses
just about everything not included in the first two. In Burckhardt’s
words, “[culture’s] total external form…, as distinguished from the
State and religion, is society in its broadest sense.” Now, history after
the rise of Christianity is the record of a long rivalry between Church
and State. Both tend, however, to be very conservative forces and,
though they compete for power, both inhibit Culture, which tends to be
revolutionary. The most revolutionary of the forces within Culture is
money-making, that is, the economy.
From the time of Constantine until the French Revolution, Church
and State acted successfully to keep Culture circumscribed, particularly
its money-making component. Since the time of the French Revolution,
the prestige of both Church and State have suffered and Culture has
broken free, so to speak. The State has now become the instrument of
Culture, and to some extent the Church too. Economic Man, in both his
capitalistic and Marxian incarnations, sits triumphant, bestriding the
whole globe.
Burckhardt writes, “We need not wish ourselves back into the
Middle Ages, but we should try to understand them. Our life is a
business, theirs was living. The people as a totality hardly existed, but
that which was of the people flourished.” He goes on to warn of “the
vast increase in the power of the State over the individual, which may
even lead to the complete abdication of the individual, more especially
where money-making predominates to the exclusion of everything else,
ultimately absorbing all initiative.” And, ponder these prophetic words
from Burckhardt: “Money-making, the main force of present-day
culture, postulates the universal State, if only for the sake of
communications….” To Burckhardt, unrestrained money-making, the
obsession with materialism, the “bourgeoisification” of the spirit of
European man, are dangerous things.
So long as Church, State, and Culture interacted with one another in
an organic fashion, curbing one another and thereby holding back
certain darker human proclivities, then our European civilization
remained essentially healthy. Once these institutions were uncoupled
from one another, thanks to the forces loosed by the Enlightenment, the
foundations of the structure of our civilization began to disintegrate.
Contemplate, for a moment, the reality of contemporary television,
radio, films, entertainment, music, advertising, painting, sculpture, and
so on—all powerful elements of a culture without restraints. Consider
how our present culture sickness undermines the authority of the
traditions of society, of family, of morality, of religion, of nation, of
language. Rightly is it said that the great crisis of our age is a crisis of
the breakdown of authority. Our modern commercial, hedonistic
society denies the father authority over his family, the parent authority
over his child, the law authority over miscreants, the priest authority
over his flock, the Church authority over sinners, man authority over
the living things of the Earth, and God authority over His creation.
More than likely, such propensities are intrinsic characteristics of
the commercial way of thinking that makes money the king of all and
the final arbiter of right and wrong, that atomizes the community, that
transforms citizens into consumers and units of production. They are
innate in an economic-rationalist mode of thought that teaches that
materialistic self-interest is the engine of human history and human
society, that holds that men do live by bread alone.
If money is king and money-making the ultimate criterion, if
materialistic self-interest is the engine of history, if men do live by
bread alone, then what utility is there in the preservation of the unique
civilization of European man? Does not some sort of “global village”
with a world culture make far more economic sense? The more uniform
the habits, tastes, and mores of the peoples of the world, the easier to
do business, the easier for some to make money.
It is expressive of our current predicament that such discourse as is
now allowed in the matter of Third-World immigration to North
America revolves exclusively around economic arguments—the
economic advantages or disadvantages of immigration. A young
American, supposedly a conservative, recently told me that he does not
believe that Third-World immigration is a problem and that if we can
simply stimulate the economy to grow more quickly, such growth will
solve all concerns about immigration. Would that the things of this
world were that easy!

“The American Dream”

Today, terms such as “the American Way of Life” and “the
American Dream” are almost exclusively associated with a successful
business mentality; they are formulated in materialistic, even
hedonistic, terms. That type of thinking dominates our nation, and
much of today’s world. Ask even most modern “conservatives” in
America and Europe what they stand for, and the glories of our
economic system and our prosperity will form the dessicated heart and
soul of their ideological analysis—the so-called conservative
philosophy will be shot through with materialism, although there is
nothing conservative in the commercial Weltanschauung. By its very
nature, the unfettered money-making mentality tends always to wreak
havoc on traditional relationships within society, the traditional
hierarchy and patriarchy of European custom, the traditional family,
traditional religion and morality, and the traditional ways of life.
Is it any wonder, since successful money-making has become the
ultimate criterion for our society, that education has become a kind of
glorified job training and that to make education into job training,
traditional curricula—from classical languages and history to
philosophy and great literature—have been largely abandoned? One can
become prosperous with an MBA, but probably not with an MA in
classical Greek or Ancient History.
Is it any wonder that entertainment, literature, films, and the like
have become the domain of degenerates whose products flow straight
to our youth from moral and intellectual cesspits? There are vast sums
of dollars to be made from such cultural sewage, and men become rich
thereby. Since becoming rich is considered the supremely admirable
quality these days, such men are admired above all others.
Is it any wonder that rock “music” has supplanted nearly all other
musical forms? Rock “music” and its multiform appurtenances, are the
very quintessence of decadence. Rock music celebrates primitiveness,
is soddened in nihilism, and luxuriates in barren, loveless sexuality. It
is a musical lowest common denominator and so possesses colossal
appeal today. Such music generates huge revenues, so much so that it is
one of America’s great export products. More importantly, perhaps, it
represents the negation of genuine musical culture, which draws its
inspiration from particular national cultures, and represents its
replacement with the artificial, rootless, pseudo-culture of
internationalism. It is the perfect music for the new world order, the
perfect accompaniment for life in a “global village.”
Is it any wonder that illegal drugs are a source of spreading chaos
and tremendous pain in contemporary American and European
societies? I believe that it may be declared with confidence that our
current money-oriented society will never take decisive action against
the drug barons at home and abroad who have done so much to corrupt
our society in the past thirty-five years. The corruption already touches
the upper echelons of both major political parties, and so apart from
certain gestures and political posturing about the issue, nothing will be
Finally, is it any wonder that enjoyment of the “good life” by most
ordinary citizens necessitates such drastic limitations on family size
that in virtually every nation of the European world, birthrates have
fallen considerably below replacement level? Thanks to money-
mindedness and hedonism, we are a dying breed.
If obsession with money and the commercial worldview have
brought us near collapse, it can come as no surprise that, with regard to
questions surrounding America’s racial dilemma, short-term economic
considerations supersede all other considerations. When one
contemplates the kind of well-ordered society we had 50, or 60, or 80
years ago, the conclusion is inescapable that for primarily the economic
enrichment of certain groups and individuals, the country is being
systematically strip-mined, culturally speaking.
Rightly did Solzhenitsyn speak of our heritage being trampled upon
by the party mob in the East and the commercial mob in the West. This
is sensed by many ordinary citizens who for good reason feel
threatened by the societal revolution that has overtaken us in the past
forty years. Whatever hope we have seems to reside with ordinary
Americans, especially those of the lower middle-class who no longer
enjoy so great a measure of material prosperity as heretofore. Though
they are confused by a continual spate of propaganda from the mass
media, nevertheless they know in their hearts—at the deeper levels of
their consciousness—the source of their gathering troubles. To bring
these people to a realization of their priceless Christian European
heritage, and its source, is therefore essential for the resurrection of
this country and of the West.

Healthy Cultures
I wish here briefly to mention another diagnostician of our current
time of troubles, the sociologist Pitirim Sorokin. Sixty years ago,
Sorokin wrote that healthy cultures are integrated unities. Art,
architecture, music, literature, philosophy, ethics, morals, government,
and religion are all interrelated with one another. Useful elements may
be drawn from foreign cultures, so long as they do not contradict the
unity of the host culture, and so long as they are modified and digested,
so as to become wholly a part of that unity.
Until relatively recently, our own European culture was just such a
unity, consistent throughout the multiplicity of its elements. Drawing
that which is valuable from other cultures (for instance, Hindu-Arabic
numerals), it digested these things, so that they became completely part
of its unity. The values of this healthy culture were still strong, its
creativity still vigorous, its “soul” still undefiled. That which was
intrinsically contradictory it rejected, since, as a healthy entity, it was
highly selective and discriminatory.
Now, however, the picture has changed. Our society is no longer
healthy, but is sick or perhaps dying. While still robust, still believing
in itself, its genius created a grand civilization. This creativity,
however, has now been lost. It can no longer discriminate between the
useful and dangerous, and, consequently, everything pours in and takes
root in our unhealthy culture, often to the exclusion of the healthy,
formerly unified elements.
As the flood of undigested, foreign elements becomes greater and
greater, the host culture becomes more distorted, more sickly, and less
able to protect itself. Thus, the host culture undergoes disintegration, at
times more slowly and at other times more rapidly. We may observe all
of this in our contemporary culture which, in its variety of undigested
elements, is utterly astonishing. Literally everything and anything can
be found within it, each loudly competing for our attention and
allegiance. All possess “rights” equal to those of every other, and all
enjoy equal tolerance by society. Between that which is venerable and
native, and that which is new and foreign, there are absolutely no
distinctions. So it is with a society that has lost faith in the source of its
greatness; so it is when a living ideal no longer exists to inspire it.
Interestingly, Richard Weaver writes similarly in his book, Visions
of Order. He observes that the spirit of a culture “always operates
positively by transfiguring and excluding. It is of the essence of culture
to feel its own imperative and to believe in the uniqueness of its
worth…. Syncretistic cultures like syncretistic religions have always
proved relatively powerless to create and influence…. Culture derives
its very desire to continue from its unitariness.”
I have given you some thoughts, borrowed from some great thinkers
of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, touching on one or two
aspects of our crisis. I have striven to show that the racial dilemma
does not exist in isolation, but is part of a whole matrix in which we are
bound, which is itself the consequence of evil choices made by our
forebears long ago.
I wish now to say a few words specifically on the question of race.
One of the most valuable sociological attributes of traditional
Christianity since its founding two thousand years ago has been its
recognition that human beings are not equal. Christianity, it is quite
true, holds that all men are equal when standing before the throne of
God at the Last Judgment. But, apart from that, the doctrine that human
beings are, or should be, equal in a worldly sense appears nowhere in
Christian teaching. That human beings are intellectually equal, or that
such differences as do exist in individuals or groups are rooted, for
example, in economic deprivation, would have been preposterous
notions to most traditional Christian thinkers and teachers of past ages.
That all cultures or peoples of the world are equally suitable as bearers
of high Christian civilization would have been a laughable proposition
to these men.
No, traditional Christianity believes that healthy societies are
socially diverse and that a healthy society is organized hierarchically,
with different orders and classes and with the differing material
conditions and privileges appropriate to those orders and classes. We
see this in the very organization of the Church itself, with its many
distinct levels: clergy and laity; Archbishops, Bishops, Archpriests,
Priests, Deacons, Subdeacons, and so forth. The levels of responsibility
attained correspond to the special God-given gifts of each, in
accordance with the needs of the Church. Certainly, that elaborate,
consciously hierarchical organization, entwined by the symbols of
sacred mystery and blessed by the Church, is evident in every Christian
society, from that of Constantine and Justinian all the way down
through the centuries to that of Nicholas II. It was true in Western
Europe as well as Eastern Europe.
The Fathers of the Church taught that just as the spiritual world is
organized hierarchically, so too should be the earthly world; any other
kind of societal structure was regarded as something demonic, in that it
promotes spiritual and societal disorder. The Fathers believed that God
abhors chaos, that in a Christian society the earthly order should
properly reflect the heavenly order, and that egalitarianism and rule by
the mob—that is, rule according to the whims and lusts of the herd—
are injurious to the morals of Christians and to the fabric of the
Christian community. Clearly, if the Christian ideal is that human
society is constituted in aristocratic, hierarchical fashion, and if this
kind of constitution is regarded as something of divine origin, so it is
implicit in such theories of organization that men are not created equal
insofar as their innate abilities are concerned. Christianity is clearly not
a religion of earthly egalitarianism.
Our own country is rooted in a somewhat different philosophical
tradition, but even here no objective scholar would dispute that the
Founders of this nation, most of whom were Christians, did not believe
in the inherent equality of individual men or of races, apart from the
idea that free men should be equal in the eyes of the law. In no other
sense were men born equal. Certain it is that insofar as this country was
traditional in its religious beliefs, it strongly believed in the superiority
of its European-derived way of life. There could be no question of
overthrowing that order.
John Baker, in his volume, Race, suggests that a marked sense of
racial differences has existed in mankind for thousands of years,
certainly during all of recorded history, and very likely in pre-historic
times. Italian sociologist Corrado Gini writes similarly, showing how
all ethnic or racial groups exhibit a strong consciousness of human
ethnic differences with a preference for their own. Today, some, most
notably Marxists and liberals, may decry this inclination which seems
to be intrinsic to human nature, yet it is nonetheless an indisputable
fact of man’s existence. Towards the Canaanites, the ancient Hebrews
showed, as Baker puts it, a “marked disrespect.” Virtually all outsiders,
according to the reckoning of the ancient Greeks, were barbarians. Even
among certain primitive tribes of Africa, there is evidently a belief that
some of the even more primitive tribes are inferior. Until fairly
recently, especially the last fifty or sixty years, these facts did not
appear to trouble Christians.
Everyone here probably has some familiarity (directly or indirectly)
with the writings of Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau. Gobineau, in
his Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races makes clear that he
believes that different races of men have been blessed by God with
different attributes and that certain races of men are exclusively
responsible for the creation and maintenance of high culture and
civilization. The important matter for me is that this author was a
devout Christian, and accepted as a matter of course that, a) men, and
ethnic groups of men, are not equal in their inherent abilities, and, b)
that all men, from the most noble to the most primitive, have within
themselves a divine spark, the Imago Dei, that entitles each to the
special dignity reserved for children of God. Each is unique in his
abilities, in the gifts that God has bestowed on him—and this is true
also of ethnic groups—but all are human and all possess a dignity
appropriate to humankind.
In Gobineau’s own words, “I believe, of course, that human races
are unequal; but I do not think that any of them are like the brute, or to
be classed with it.” To the theory that some human races are simply
bipedal beasts, Gobineau responds: “I absolutely reject such an insult to
humanity….” Though some of his friends and some other writers
disagreed with him, Comte de Gobineau was never chastised by his
Church for his widely published belief in the inequality of the human
races. So far as I can determine, he remained a faithful communicant of
the Roman Catholic religion until his death in 1882.
Alexis Carrel, author of one of the most widely read works of
nonfiction in the 1930s and 1940s, Man the Unknown, was also a
devout Roman Catholic. Carrel was a surgeon and biologist, who won
the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine in 1912, and the
Nordhoff-Jung Prize for Cancer Research in 1931. Reading Man the
Unknown, it is clear that the author entertains no notion of the equality
of the human races. He writes: “Man is the hardiest of all animals, and
the white races, builders of our civilization, the hardiest of all races….
The great white races owe their success to the perfection of their
nervous system—a nervous system which, although very delicate and
excitable, can, however, be disciplined. To the exceptional qualities of
their tissues and consciousness is due the predominance over the rest of
the world of the peoples of western Europe….”
This forthright statement caused not the slightest ripple of
controversy when it was published in 1935, nor did it do so in
subsequent editions of his book published even in the immediate
postwar years. As recently as that, men seemed able to discuss and
debate things, and to disagree with one another, without resorting to
hyperbole, ad hominem attacks, hysteria, and defamatory labelling.
Intelligent men were still able to focus their minds on facts and issues
and to think and express themselves rationally. In the 1960s, Father
Joseph T. Durkin, S.J., honored the memory of Carrel in his highly
laudatory biography entitled Hope For Our Time, in which he discusses
Carrel’s deep religious faith. Dr. Carrel, he writes, was a Christian
believer through and through, though at times rather singular in his
expressed opinions.
My third example is the Russian Orthodox sociologist and
philosopher, Pitirim Sorokin, from whom I have already drawn several
quotations. On the last page of Part One of John Baker’s book, Race,
the author pays special tribute to Sorokin for a chapter on the racial
question in Sorokin’s work, Contemporary Sociological Theories,
which appeared in 1928. About this work, Baker writes that, “Sorokin’s
chapter is well worth reading today, as a reminder of what was still
possible before the curtain came down.”
In this work, as well as in an earlier work entitled Social and
Cultural Mobility, Sorokin discourses at considerable length on
differences in cognitive ability between Europeans and some non-
Europeans. Considering about twenty-five separate studies of the
subject of IQ and race that had been completed and published up to the
middle of the 1920s, Sorokin concludes that, “the difference in the
cultural contributions and in the historical role played by different
races is excellently corroborated by, and is in perfect agreement with,
the experimental studies of race mentality and psychology.” That
heredity is a crucial factor in the development of complex forms of
civilization, Sorokin asserts, “may scarcely be questioned by any
serious investigator of facts.”
I have mentioned two prominent Roman Catholics and one
Orthodox Christian. I shall also briefly mention a Protestant Christian,
Thomas Carlyle. One of the great essayists and historians of the last
century, Carlyle was a Calvinist. In his early years he served as a
minister of the Scottish Kirk, and though he later gave up the ministry
in disagreement with certain of the dogmatic pronouncements of his
Calvinist ancestors, it is written that “he was and always remained in
profound sympathy with the spirit of their teachings.” Anyone who
knows the essays of Thomas Carlyle knows also that he was not a
believer in the equality of the human races. In fact, he wrote somewhat
harshly on the subject.
Inasmuch as he wrote on this subject at the end of the first half of
the nineteenth century, perhaps his thinking is not so remarkable.
Nearly all educated men, Christian or non-Christian, believed similarly
at that time. But the point is that, insofar as I am aware, the published
beliefs of Carlyle were not condemned at the time by the leaders of his
Church. Nor, in this century, have the published beliefs of Drs. Carrel
or Sorokin been condemned by the leaders of their respective Churches.
It may be argued that the evidence I have just presented is purely
anecdotal and that Christian spokesmen representing the opposite
viewpoint could also be assembled. Doubtless that is true. But my
response to that must be that scientific findings with regard to the
equality or inequality of human beings in cognitive ability in fact is not
a subject on which there exists any Christian dogmatic teaching
whatsoever. Those mainline sectarian groups that have attempted to
create such dogma in recent years represent not authentic traditional
Christianity, but a blend of decadent, rationalized Protestantism and
With respect to what I have just said, I must also add a caveat that
the formulation of secular, procrustean ideologies based on race,
especially those that deny the innate dignity of all men, or promote the
unjust or inhumane treatment of persons on account of their race,
would indeed run contrary to Christian teachings and would rightly be
opposed by traditional Christians.
Since the late nineteenth century, science has grappled with the
subject of racial differences and, apart from pockets of inveterate
ideologues within the scientific community, it is now generally
acknowledged by scientists in relevant fields that the accumulated
evidence has become overwhelming that such differences do exist. (It
is interesting that in 1928, Sorokin regarded the evidence as
overwhelming even then.) Findings related to genetically determined
differences in intelligence and temperament among the various races of
mankind are slowly coming to be accepted within scientific circles,
despite formal and informal barriers now frantically being reared by
Marxists, crypto-Marxists, ignorant journalists, and cowardly
In many so-called free countries of the West (in Canada and
England, for example), it is now illegal (at least to some extent) to
discuss such scientific findings publicly or to publish them in most
periodicals or in books. In the United States, though it is not yet illegal,
those who do muster the courage to discuss such findings publicly,
often find themselves subject to informal sanctions; commonplace now
is character assassination in articles printed in the daily press, written
by uncouth journalists—those masters of inferential falsehood. Also
commonplace are threats of physical violence against the person,
family, and property of the politically incorrect speaker or writer,
various kinds of mob actions, and, of course, threats to the person’s
Thought control thus comes in several forms: at one end of the
spectrum we have the Gulag of the old USSR, at the other end the more
informal processes of thought control favored in this country, and
somewhere in between the harsh laws now in force in Europe and
Canada. In any case, the Orwellian intent and thug mentality are
identical, only the methods and degree differ slightly. And I would add
it is questionable how much worse it is being confined to a
concentration camp for a thought-crime (as in the old USSR), as
opposed to being ruined financially and professionally, lied about in the
press, unjustly held up to public ridicule, and subjected (along with
one’s family) to mob violence and terror for the same variety of
One would hope that in the journalistic profession a man of
conscience and courage, a man of elementary decency, would
occasionally step forward to remind his colleagues of their duty in a
free country. Alas (though I can think of one or two exceptions) such
men seem to be almost as scarce here as in Stalin or Brezhnev’s Soviet
Union. Liberal journalists and their political allies justify the evil they
do by pretending that they oppose what they call (in the cant of our age)
“hate,” “prejudice,” “racism” and the like.
The plain truth is, however, that their madness has generated a
sociological disaster and human misery of appalling dimensions, in the
cities of the United States, primarily among racial minorities—from
whom, despite their endlessly repeated slogans, the liberal journalists
and politicians assiduously shield and segregate themselves and their
families. Their experiments threaten in the next century to generate
horrors which, by comparison, will make our current difficulties seem
trifling. “Great humanitarians,” these men who think of human beings
as laboratory specimens! May God protect us all from their further
Even to attempt to extricate ourselves from the morass in which we
now sink will require a major miracle—the renewal of our courage and
of our belief in the preeminence of our way of life. The civilization of
the European peoples around the globe must return to its roots if it is to
accomplish that miracle, if it is to save itself. Those roots are
traditional Christianity. Father Joseph Koterski, in a recent article in
Modern Age, states that all civilization arises out of religious belief,
that culture comes from cult, and that a renewal of our commitment to
traditional religion would be the “best strategy for the renewal of high
culture amid the collapses of order now being experienced in a largely
post-Christian era.” I could not agree more.
Father Koterski goes on to make another important point: “But this
is not to say with the skeptics that that high culture is itself the goal and
religion a more or less convenient means…. Rather, culture itself has a
further purpose: to enable human beings progressively to discover the
deepest truth about themselves as human, that their real fulfillment
resides in reverence for the Transcendent God in whose image they are
made.” The aim of religion is not the creation of culture, but the culture
it creates assists religion in achieving its ultimate goal.
Grotesque attempts have been made to obviate the need for a return
to traditional Christianity by the substitution of secular ideologies.
Such attempts have been catastrophic. In the last century Nietzsche
postulated a coming new moral system that would replace Christianity
—such systems were attempted in this century and brought about an
even more dramatic erosion of the position of European man and his
civilization, as well as the deaths of tens of millions of human beings in
wars and revolutions. Apart from traditional Christianity, there is no
alternative path, in my judgment, which will lead us to the successful
revitalization of our civilization. For 2,000 years the soul of European
man has been Christian. Remove that soul, and we now know that
European civilization becomes sterile and soon dies. European
civilization is Christian. If we recognize that, we begin the mighty
endeavor that will lead us to renewal and renaissance.
This article appeared in the August 1996 issue. It is the text of a
speech given at the 1996 AR Conference, held in Louisville, Kentucky.
Fr. James Thornton is a priest in the Greek Orthodox Church.
A Certain Trumpet

by Sam G. Dickson

The title of my remarks is drawn from First Corinthians, Chapter 14:

“For if the note of the trumpet be uncertain, who shall prepare himself
for the battle?” At this conference we have had speakers who have
served as trumpeters, sounding a clear and certain note, and the battle
to which the trumpet calls is likely to be the decisive one for our
As most of you know, the militant advocates of racial equivalence
and racial integration tried to prevent this conference from taking
place. It was their intention to prevent our ideas from being heard, and
to keep in place an iron curtain sealing off any discussion of racial
differences. Their campaign failed and, I would note, their failures have
not been limited merely to one momentary failure here in Louisville.
Their failures have been consistent.
When the theory of racial egalitarianism had not yet been put into
practice, it did not have the disadvantage of a track record that could be
examined to test the validity of their hypotheses. Thoughtful people—
those who opposed the integration of the school systems in the 1950s
and other subsequent proposals to force racial mixing—predicted
correctly that these policies would fail. However, they had no examples
to point to as proof of the inevitable failure of racial egalitarianism.
The advocates of integration had the advantage of a theory that
appealed to human emotion and that promised to accomplish great
things. We were told when the liberal program was in its infancy and
was then called “desegregation,” that if the races were mixed and white
control of our society removed, poverty would be abolished. Blacks
would rise to the academic levels of whites. Crime rates would drop.
Schools would improve. As blacks were elevated academically, welfare
would decline. Since the theory had not been put to the test, such
prospects were very alluring.
Despite the warnings of such men as Lothrop Stoddard, Madison
Grant and Carlton Putnam, the racial liberals had their way. They
triumphed—temporarily, of course—but they triumphed. The policies
they advocated have been implemented all across America, and indeed
throughout the entire European world. In every case they have failed.
Who can name an integrated community that has succeeded? Where
has integration led to greater prosperity, higher academic standards,
reduced welfare and less crime? “Success” exists only in the
imaginations of liberals, who are always willing to try their failed
experiments yet again.
It is perhaps significant that the liberals themselves speak of their
policies as “experiments,” yet they are unable to draw any lessons from
the results. As each liberal program fails for the umpteenth time, the
liberal diverts his gaze and focuses on the horizon where he sees his
utopia hovering somewhere out there; where everyone of every race
and hue will be exchanging comments in their bathrooms—as they do
on television—over the wonders of respective brands of toothpaste or
The fact that the liberal racial program has failed consistently for
40 years does not faze or deter the liberal. He remains convinced that
he is only one more civil rights law, only one more government
program, only one more Supreme Court decision away from reaching
his dream. The liberal reasons: “It didn’t work in Miami, but we are
going to make it work in Jacksonville. Maybe it didn’t work in Atlanta,
but we are going to make it work in Louisville.”
The only concession the liberal seems to make to the reality of his
program’s terrible record is that he cleverly gives the same policy
different names. We note that the egalitarian product has been
constantly repackaged, as the public comes to associate the name with
its failed results. Thus does the name keep changing, from
“desegregation” to “integration” to “multiculturalism” to “diversity.”
What is truly appalling is how slow this country is to catch on to the
failure of the experiment. It took the United States only about a decade
to recognize that Prohibition was unworkable. Prohibition was correctly
described by Herbert Hoover as “the noble experiment,” but it failed.
The country soon realized that the costs of Prohibition outweighed the
benefits. And unlike
desegregation/integration/multiculturalism/diversity, Prohibition could
show some successes. Alcoholism and its attendant tragedies declined.
Nevertheless, Americans by and large, after only one decade,
recognized that the cost to society in the form of organized crime
outweighed this benefit, and that Prohibition should be abandoned.
Today, Americans seem to be slow learners.
When the grip of the Communists began to slip in the Soviet Union
a few years ago, opponents of that cruel system, who had previously
been silenced by the secret police finally were able to demonstrate
openly their disdain for the failed Marxist state. In the first anti-
Communist demonstration in Red Square in Moscow, Russians
marched with placards bearing a wise and clever slogan: “70 years on
the road to Nowhere!”
I could not help but notice the absence of any similar slogan or
demonstration here in the United States two years ago on the 40th
anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education . Where were the
demonstrators bearing signs reading, “40 years on the road to
One also wonders how it is that our people ever succumbed to the
nonsense of racial equality. People have known the truth about race for
centuries. They did not need the research of Arthur Jensen or Philippe
Rushton. The truth about race was obvious to virtually all people until
very recent times. Now is it not odd that the burden of proof has been
shifted to us to prove a negative—that the races are not equal?
Two clear examples come to mind immediately to show how
preposterous is the liberal position. The first is the evolution argument.
Most liberals believe in evolution, as do I. Yet the position of a liberal
who believes in evolution can be summed up as follows:
“After a period of hundreds of thousands of years, evolving under
different climatic conditions, encountering different challenges such as
the Ice Ages, suffering different epidemics, subjected to different
catastrophes and good fortune, all races magically ended up equal.”
It would appear unlikely and hard to believe that after such an
enormous length of time and under such different circumstances every
group would end up at the same point, but this is the theory the liberal
has to sell to intelligent people. Astonishingly, they seem to buy it.
The other example of a liberal position that seems impossible to
defend is the view that the human brain is the sole exception to the laws
of heredity. It is now indisputable that heredity governs many facets of
human life. It is admitted even by the liberal that heredity governs
height, eye color, and hair color. The liberal will concede that heredity
governs all forms of plant and animal life. Nor will it be disputed that it
governs every organ of man—except for the human brain.
The egalitarian’s position may be summarized as follows:
“All creation, including plant and animal life, is subject to the laws
of heredity. Every organ of the human species is likewise governed by
the laws of heredity. The human brain stands alone as the only object of
creation whose functioning is unaffected by heredity and is controlled
strictly by environment.”
Amazingly, this goofy theory prevails in our greatest universities,
and its opponents have to explain scientifically why such a
preposterous theory is fallacious. And those who refute the theory of
racial equality have to do so at the risk not only of their financial
security, but sometimes even of their physical safety.
This situation has been brought about in part by the strategic use of
guilt. The only people who outperform Christians in the business of
guilt are liberals. And I will concede that when liberals decry the white
race as the cancer of history, they are right about one thing: It was our
race that gave the world liberalism and for that we should feel guilty.
White Racial Weaknesses
Our race has many fine qualities. We have given the world great
things—a magnificent literature, incomparable music, the world’s
greatest architecture, the breakthroughs in science and medicine that
have made humanity’s lot so much better. But while we may take pride
in the achievements of our race, we would be foolish not to recognize
that our race also has its peculiar weaknesses.
We are already able to warn individuals of genetic susceptibilities
they may carry. We will soon be able to determine, for instance, if a
child has the genes that dispose him toward alcoholism or Alzheimer’s
disease. We would be similarly advised to look at ourselves to see if
there are any peculiar weaknesses we have as a race that put our
survival at risk. Specifically, we need to determine if there are any
particular factors that make whites vulnerable to the preposterous but
fatal theory of racial equality and even equivalence—the theory that
whites could be displaced, without much loss, by people of any other
One notes at the outset a peculiar phenomenon―the more gifted
and well educated a European is, the more likely he is to succumb to
this fantasy. It is a commonplace observation that the average truck
driver in America has a far better understanding of race than the
average professor. Anyone who has talked with cab drivers in London
knows that they have a much better grasp of racial problems in England
than does Prince Charles with his Cambridge education.
We can partly excuse the academic and the Prince of Wales because
of their relative lack of exposure to racial realities. Certainly, Prince
Charles knows little more about race than what he has been told. But
how is it that the leading minds of our people have succumbed to the
fallacy of egalitarianism? Observations of this kind are admittedly
speculative, but I think the explanation lies in our genetic weaknesses,
weaknesses that are the unfortunate “other side” of our virtues.
The excessive sense of “fair play” of which Mr. Taylor spoke in his
talk can be a severe and crippling weakness in the struggle for self-
preservation. Blacks are, I believe, less hampered by such feelings. For
example, they vote far more intelligently than whites. Whites vote to
please their college sociology professor, their newspaper editor, their
priest, or their fellow yuppies. Whites therefore do not vote for what is
good for themselves, their people, their progeny, or their country.
Blacks are not so befuddled. They go to the polls in election after
election and return an overwhelming vote for candidates and policies
that favor them, their race, and their children.
Only a tiny number of whites are able to think coherently about
their survival as a group. Even we in this room are often unable to think
consistently; we must concede that we, too, can be victims of liberal
guilt feelings foisted upon us. Recently, American Renaissance
published an elegant essay in two parts written by Michael Masters1,
explaining in most convincing terms why it is moral for whites to
survive, why it is moral to resist the forces that are reducing us to a
racial minority here and, eventually, even in Europe.
One would think that even an amoeba would know that survival is
better than death! With our people, however, one has to argue them into
surviving. This situation is comparable to being sent onto the playing
field, huddling with the team, and having to explain the exciting new
idea that it is better to win than to lose. It is breathtaking, absolutely
breathtaking, that our race is so tripped up in abstractions about racial
equality and equivalence that we can now be objective about our own
survival. To have to argue the men and women of our race into survival
is like going hunting and having to carry the hound.
It could even be said that the prevalence of such fuzzy thinking
about racial survival is an argument in favor of those who dispute the
theory of evolution and believe in creation. The scientists among us are
forced to explain how genes that permit abstract speculation about our
own survival could possibly have survived the millennia. One would
think that the genes of people this befuddled would be found only by
scientists doing DNA research on the fossilized dung of saber-tooth

Squanto and Ephialtes

When I was a child, my parents were not great believers in
television. The first television program we were allowed to watch was
the coronation of Queen Elizabeth, which we were marched up the
street and ordered to sit and watch. Since I had thought from what my
friends had said that TV was some sort of sinful treat, I was surprised
to see what appeared to be nothing more than another boring church
service, with adults walking around in robes and reading the Bible.
The lack of television meant that I did a lot of reading, much of
which was from the tales of antiquity and novels by the Victorian
writer, G. H. Henty. One of these stories was that of the pass at
Thermopylae. Like generations of Europeans before me, I
sentimentally identified with the men of Sparta who died “obedient to
her laws.” One main character in that story, however, fails to stick in
most people’s memory. You will remember that a Greek shepherd
showed the Persians a mountain path around the pass by which they
could ambush the Greeks from the rear. That man was Ephialtes the
As a child I read about Ephialtes and imagined that he must have
been the most shocking sort of out-and-out traitor. However, in my old
age, having had much experience with liberals, and especially with
Christian liberals who believe that Christianity enjoins more concern
for other groups than for our own, I have changed my image of
Ephialtes the Malian. I no longer see him as simply a traitor, pure and
simple, but as a much more complicated psychological type.
I see him looking at the Persian “immigrants” as they come to take
his people’s homeland. I hear him saying, “Oh, look! Here come those
poor Persians looking for a home. I bet they have interesting things to
eat. Maybe they will open up a Persian restaurant. We’ll have diversity.
Why, look at that one there; he might want to marry my daughter. Poor
things. They look hungry and thirsty. Maybe I can help them. It’s what
Zeus would have us do.”
Likewise I thought for some time that only our race produced
renegades like Ephialtes. However, I then recalled the story of little
Squanto. Some of you will remember Squanto, the kindly Indian boy
who showed the Pilgrims how to fertilize their corn by planting a little
fish in the ground with each corn seed. Most of us were told the
Squanto story in 5th or 6th grade, as the schools were already softening
us up for multiculturalism and laying the ground work for guilt feelings
we were supposed to have for mistreating the noble, kindly Indians,
especially when whites should have been grateful to clever Squanto for
teaching them how to plant crops.
In the light of later history, it certainly seems that Squanto and his
female predecessor, Pocahontas, were both unlucky draws of the cards
for the Indians. When one reflects that the Indians generally sired brave
heroes like Geronimo and Sitting Bull, who defended—albeit without
success—their people’s patrimony, how unlucky for them that at the
precise moment when they most desperately needed a Geronimo or a
Sitting Bull they got a Squanto and a Pocahontas!
Our own race has gone from a situation in which our equivalent of
Squanto, Ephialtes the Malian, was the rare exception to one in which
we have almost nothing but Squantos in churches, schools, colleges,
newspapers and labor unions helping the alien colonizers plant the
corn. I wonder if any of them ever reflect on how the descendants of
Geronimo and Sitting Bull today—cooped up on reservations, having
lost their native languages and culture—must gnash their teeth and
curse the day when Squanto and Pocahontas were born.
If a fate for our people different from that of the Indians is to be
avoided, it will require brave and intelligent leadership. When I was a
child, one of my favorite chapters of history was the story of the
Spanish Armada. I read and reread the G. H. Henty novel on this
episode in British history, With Drake in the Armada.
Most of you remember the story. In the time of Queen Elizabeth,
England was a poor little island on the fringe of Europe. It was one of
the last citadels of freedom left, as the Spanish Empire had crushed
nation after nation beneath the weight of royal absolutism and the
Inquisition. Everyone knew that there would eventually be war between
the colossal empire of Spain and little England. For years the
government of Queen Elizabeth had scrimped and saved, pouring what
little revenue was available into preparing the fleet for the inevitable
war and into succoring the hard-pressed Dutch patriots. Every loyal
Englishman knew how high the stakes were, because he could see
across the Channel what the results of Spanish despotism were.
At last, after years of waiting, came the long anticipated declaration
of war from Spain. The greatest fleet in human history was preparing to
sail. All the forces of Spain, the Inquisition, and the Counter-
Reformation were descending upon England. Every Englishman knew
what the fate of his country would be if that Armada were ever able to
escort to an English port the Duke of Parma with his dreaded Spanish
tercios, the unrivaled Spanish military formations that had never
known defeat on land. No nation had ever stood up to the Spanish
infantry. The only hope was to imitate the Dutch, who had opened the
dikes, flooded their land, and defended themselves at sea. At all cost
the Armada had to be stopped.
All during the spring and summer the sentinels had stood on the
rocky promontories along the southern coast of Britain, straining their
eyes south for the first sight of the Spanish sails. Finally, the word
came to The Lizard, the southernmost point in Britain, that the Armada
had been sighted and was now bearing down on the little island. The
bonfire was lighted at The Lizard and then as planned all across
southern England bonfire after bonfire was lighted as signals to send
word to London and the Queen that the Armada was coming.
The Queen, knowing the mortal threat to England’s very survival,
made a royal inspection of her army, gathered at Tilbury for the
nation’s defense. After riding slowly through the ranks, she made a
magnificent declaration to the men, which was met with a thunderous
ovation. It still speaks movingly—or should—to every Anglo-Saxon
wherever he lives.
“My loving people, I have been urged by some to take care how I
expose myself to armed multitudes for fear of treachery [there had been
assassination attempts]. But I do not desire to live to distrust my
faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear their people. I have always
so governed that, next to God, I have placed my chiefest strength and
safeguard in the loyal hearts and good will of my subjects. Therefore, I
come amongst you at this grave hour as you see, being resolved in the
midst of the heat of battle to live or die amongst you all for my God,
for my kingdom, for my people and in defense of their religion and
liberty. I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman but I have
the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, and think
foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any prince of Europe should dare to
invade the borders of my realm; to which, rather than any dishonour
shall grow by me, I myself will take up arms.”
One can imagine the impact of this proclamation on the English.
Spain was defeated by the superior seamanship of the British sailors as
well as by a stroke of good luck in the form of favorable weather (the
“Protestant Wind”), which scattered the Armada at a crucial moment.
Today, as an adult, having read more widely, I know that the story
is not quite so pat as this. While England was freedom’s hope, her
freedom was not all that it could have been. Catholics and the Irish did
not enjoy that freedom, although in time they would come to do so.
Nevertheless, I do not regret having enjoyed a boy’s view of such
events, free of qualifications.

The Drakes of Today

As a boy I dreamed of being involved in such a cause. I would read
such stories by Henty and other writers and I would imagine what it
must have been like to have sailed with Drake. I never dreamed,
however, that during my own lifetime there would arise an issue the
stakes of which would dwarf to insignificance the stakes at issue in the
battle between Sir Francis Drake and the Spanish Armada. Today we
stand at a turning point in the history not merely of our country or even
of our race, but of civilization itself.
Most of us can see three worlds. We can look back to the world of
the America-that-was, the America of our childhood—which is a
laughing-stock to liberals—the “Eisenhower era” America. That
America was already not what it had been earlier or should have been.
It already bore within itself the seeds of its own decline. Nevertheless,
we remember it with fondness as a happy America of safety and
confidence. That America is gone. It will never return.
When we look forward, there are two worlds in the future. We see
one world in the chasm and one at the summit. Our species can take the
road to either of these worlds. If we continue on our present course, we
will use our marvelous scientific advances to encourage the procreation
of the sorriest sort of our species and drag ourselves down into a
debased humanity.
Or we could use the knowledge science has given us to carry our
people and humanity to greater heights than have ever been dreamed of.
We have it in our capacity to bring forth brilliant people who will be
free of hereditary physical and mental diseases, people who will
surpass the great geniuses of Pericles, Shakespeare, Goethe, and
If we continue our present dysgenic policies (for we do have a
national genetics policy—a policy of subsidizing the incompetent at the
expense of the competent), we can continue to increase the number of
problem causers and diminish the number of problem solvers with each
generation. This policy can be pursued until we have debased the
human race and are bereft of genius.
If we are to pursue the path to a higher, greater humanity, it may be
in no small measure due to the work of many of you in this room today.
We are the Drakes and his seamen of this later age. It is up to us. No
one else is going to do it, not even among conservative groups not
represented here today.
For our opponents are not limited to liberals. Indeed, some liberals,
a very few, are not totally lost to the cause of the survival of our race
and the development of our species. Some liberals, who see the
cessation of immigration as the sine qua non of a sensible
environmental policy, can be welcome allies. Most liberals are quite
otherwise. But while we condemn liberals, let us not forget that many
conservatives are equally if not more to blame for our circumstances.
On the right you find many “responsible conservatives,” like the
Bill Bennetts, the Ralph Reeds, the Jack Kemps. You find many people
on the right who believe that it is immoral to work for the survival of
our race. Such conservatives firmly believe that it makes no difference
if whites are displaced by non-whites. Admittedly, this is a strange
mind-set, the “anti-racist” conservative, but it is a common problem.
Indeed, such people are more dangerous to us at this stage than liberals.
Through such conservatives the establishment is able to choke off
debate on the crucial issue of race. The thought control begins with
those conservatives who are in essential agreement with liberals when
it comes to race.
Leadership on the race issue will have to come from the Right.
Although there are some few liberals who may come to our cause, they
will always be a minority. The Left can never part from its
commitment to egalitarianism, which is the warp and woof of Leftism
of all stripes. It has been the Right, which historically has accepted the
fact of human inequality. A belief in the inequality of individuals and
of races was the faith of the American Right from Jefferson, to John
Randolph, to John C. Calhoun right down to the Taft Republicans and
Southern statesmen like Senator Richard B. Russell only several
decades ago.
Only in the last decades has the leadership of the Right been
usurped by those who call themselves “conservatives,” but who are
actually committed egalitarians. The establishment has succeeded in
coopting the legitimate Right and replacing it with an opposition that
opposes nothing of consequence.
Jack Kemp or Ralph Reed appear as purported conservative
spokesmen yet they promote egalitarianism and denounce opposition to
the establishment’s racial program as “evil.” The unsuspecting white
who looks upon them with a measure of trust is confused and misled
into accepting the idea that it is somehow immoral to oppose the
reduction of whites to a minority. This is especially true because the
leftist view on race being promulgated by Mr. Kemp and Mr. Reed is
seasoned with free enterprise economics by the former and a shallow,
trendy theology by the latter.
It is up to us to break through the Iron Curtain imposed on the
honest discussion of racial issues and it is time to get on with the task.
When Joan of Arc finally found someone who offered to lead her to the
King of France, he asked her when she would like to go. She replied,
“Better today than tomorrow. Better tomorrow than later yet.” How
then are we to get on with the task which history has laid before us?
First by having the trumpet sound a certain note, “for if the note of the
trumpet be uncertain, who shall prepare himself for the battle?” If we
are unequivocal and unwavering in our message, our people will
respond to the call.
Our message must be clear and uncompromising—not hysterical or
overstated, but certainly clear and uncompromising. We must never
waver or falter. We must without qualification stand for what we
believe and hold our positions even under the fiercest fire. In the words
Shakespeare put into the mouth of Henry the Fifth, “he which hath no
stomach to this fight, let him depart…. We would not die in that man’s
company that fears his fellowship to die with us.” Those conservatives
who cannot or will not take a principled stance in defense of the
historic conservative truths about race should retire to their homes and
leave the field to those who can. After all, what could be more worthy
of being conserved than the very genetic survival of our people?
Let the fair weather patriot and the sunshine soldier depart. We will
not depart. We will not be silenced by media denunciations. We will
not be bullied by threats of financial reprisal. We will not be silenced
by appeals to guilt offered in the guise of Christianity. We are resolved
to fight these issues out to their ultimate conclusion so that we can say,
with the men who sailed with Nelson at Trafalgar, “Thank God we have
done our duty!” As Rudyard Kipling said: “The strength of the wolf is
the strength of the pack, and the strength of the pack is the strength of
the wolf.” Each of us adds his individual strength to our cause and each
of us is strengthened by the strength of our cause.
To plagiarize William Lloyd Garrison in The Liberator, many will
object to the severity of our language, but is there not cause for
severity? We will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as
justice. We are in earnest. We will not equivocate. We will not excuse.
We will not retreat a single inch. And we will be heard.
This article is adapted from a speech delivered at the American
Renaissance conference held in Louisville, Kentucky in 1996. It
appeared in the May 1997 issue. Sam G. Dickson is a lawyer who lives
in Atlanta, Georgia.

1. See “The Morality of Survival” on page 242.
Twelve Years of American Renaissance

by Jared Taylor

With this issue, American Renaissance marks 12 full years of

publication. Our readership has never been larger nor our reach greater,
but the crises the inaugural issue was launched to combat remain as
acute as ever. We can look back with some satisfaction on what AR and
other activists have achieved during the past 12 years, but any
successes are only the smallest beginnings of a struggle that will
continue for decades.
What does AR stand for? What must whites do if they are not to
lose their peoplehood and their civilization? And from the perspective
of more than a decade of advocacy, are we any closer to achieving our
goals? Perhaps it is time to reflect on some of these questions.

Racial Consciousness
AR’s purpose has always been to recall to whites their legitimate
and even noble interests as a race, to reinstill in them a consciousness
of race without which they cannot survive as a race. It is to remind
whites that they are not isolated individuals but a people with common
goals. It is to resurrect the pride and sense of destiny that were once
ours, and that gave rise to our greatest achievements.
But what does it even mean to survive or to prosper as a race? Most
whites have only confused and contradictory ideas about this, while
virtually every non-white instinctively understands the importance of
racial solidarity. Non-whites feel a powerful tie of race loyalty that
requires neither instruction nor reflection, and they support explicitly
racial goals that can be achieved only at the expense of others. Whites
have an uneasy awareness that non-whites stick up for each other, but
most have no idea what this means for whites, and have learned to think
it is wrong for whites to do the same.
Blacks and Hispanics, for example, consistently call for more
power, representation, and privileges for their own groups. They clamor
for “affirmative action,” political appointments, safe electoral districts,
and official recognition of their distinctive celebrations and
characteristics. They have established large, well-funded organizations
to make demands that are emphatically racial. They do not call for
better judges or legislators, but for black judges or Latino legislators. A
black or Latino is automatically better because he will fight for their
narrow racial interests.
Only the most unusual non-whites even pretend to work for the
country as a whole or to consider the interests of other racial groups.
When non-whites do call for “fairness” or “justice” it is almost always
an attempt to make a narrow, racial demand look like a principled
appeal. For non-whites, America is like a football game, but with skin
color instead of uniforms. They know which side they are on, and take
the support of their teammates for granted. That is why non-whites are
so angry when one of their own reaches a position of authority but
refuses to carry the ball. Most blacks hate Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas more than they hate any white man, because to them
he is a traitor. He wears the uniform but does not play for the team.
Judges and legislators are, of course, just the beginning. Non-whites
want more firemen, teachers, policemen, editors, bureaucrats, fat cats,
politicians, movie stars, holidays, and festivals. They want America to
reflect them, to be more like them, to celebrate and glorify them. If
these gains come at the expense of whites it only makes the triumph
that much sweeter.
Non-whites close ranks around their own, no matter how criminal
or degenerate. Blacks, especially, like to riot when some thug gets
rough treatment at the hands of a white policeman. This is the classic
spark for arson and violence, from the pitched battles of the 1960s in
Newark and Detroit to the mayhem in Cincinnati in April a year ago.
An insult to one—even a hardened criminal—is an insult to all, and a
benefit for one is a benefit for all.
As their numbers rise even Asians, who have generally been quiet
about group interests, have begun to assert them more vigorously.
When the immigrant Taiwanese nuclear physicist Wen Ho Lee was
charged with espionage in December 1999, Asians of all nationalities
rallied to his defense, and there are now publications like Monolid that
cultivate resentment against whites. Wherever Asians gather in
sufficient numbers they will assert racial interests, but will never do so
as crudely as blacks and Hispanics because Asians can often succeed on
their own merits.
Robert Frost once defined a liberal as someone who cannot take his
own side in an argument. When it comes to racial arguments, whites
are so liberal they do not even realize they have a side. They are a
perfect example of unilateral disarmament. They have abandoned and
even condemn every sign of loyalty to their own group while they
encourage solidarity and group loyalty among the members of every
other group.
Before the age of “tolerance” and “sensitivity,” whites had a clear
grasp of their group interests. They kept non-whites out of the country
through restrictive immigration laws. They prevented them from
voting. They maintained the quality of their schools and neighborhoods
by restricting non-white access. Their vision of the United States took
for granted its European, Western character, which they never imagined
could be transformed by mass immigration and claims of
“multiculturalism.” This conviction of the essential “whiteness” of
America was central to American thought from colonial times until
only 50 or 60 years ago. Virtually all whites had the instinctive racial
consciousness of the kind non-whites express so aggressively today. It
is only by rekindling this sense of solidarity, loyalty, and pride that we
can hope to see a real American renaissance, and it is from this vision
that AR takes its name.
Whites still have a residual racial consciousness that only requires
cultivation. People of all races start out with healthy feelings of racial
loyalty, which are evident in every integrated school in America.
Blacks, Hispanics, and whites can be assigned mixed seating in the
classroom, but at lunch time and on the playground they separate by
race. Self-segregation persists generation after generation in the face of
every effort to combat it. There are school districts like those of Shaker
Heights, Ohio, and Montclair, New Jersey, that go to absurd lengths to
spread blacks, whites and Hispanics evenly through every class, extra-
curricular activity, and position in student government. It makes no
difference; left to themselves the children sort themselves out by race.
Left to themselves, adults do the same. Gary Orfield of Harvard and
William Frey of the University of Michigan are always publishing
hand-wringing articles about the return of segregation. Prof. Orfield
gets press attention every year when he warns that today’s blacks and
Hispanics go to school with fewer whites than the year before. He
blames increasing residential segregation and the end of court-ordered
busing. Prof. Frey writes frequently about the most recent kind of white
flight, in which whites are abandoning those parts of the country that
receive the most immigrants. And although people seldom write
scholarly papers about it, anyone can see that church services and
private gatherings are almost always segregated.
This, then, is the great white paradox: Whites claim to adore
“diversity,” but they make every effort to avoid it. They make every
important decision in their lives—where to live, whom to marry, where
to send their children to school, whom to choose as friends, which
church to attend—as if it were made for racial reasons, but deny that
race had anything to do with it. As one wag put it, in their mating and
migratory habits, liberals are no different from members of the Ku
Klux Klan.
Unlike non-whites, who understand their interests and work
together consciously to promote them, whites express their racial
interests only as individuals. Their choices reflect their deep desire not
to be part of a darkening, alien America but they refuse to admit they
are fleeing the rising tide of color. They would say, instead, that they
are protecting their families from crime and bad schools. Crime and
bad schools would hardly be a problem were it not for blacks and
Hispanics, and if whites defended their collective interests as actively
as other races defend theirs, we would close the country to non-
Europeans, expel all illegals, and repeal the anti-discrimination laws
that make it impossible to maintain the character of neighborhoods and
institutions. Because whites will not act as a group, because they are
left to solve the daily problems of “diversity” only as individuals, their
sole strategy is flight. They are displaced piecemeal, until even the
most stubborn hand over to aliens the homes and schools their
ancestors built.
How can we bring this suppressed racial sentiment to the surface?
How can we persuade whites of the legitimacy, the necessity, the
urgency and morality of acting together as a race?
The first step—and this is one all readers can take—is to break the
silence. Most people do not have original ideas; they only absorb the
ideas around them. The racial ideas that circulate in this country are
unnatural and destructive, but they are in the ascendancy, and only the
most remarkable people can single-handedly face down the zeitgeist.
This is why it is so important to shine even the faintest ray of light into
the darkness. It may illuminate the one obscure stumbling block that
has prevented someone from understanding our crisis. What whites are
told to think is so contrived, so obviously false, so contrary to their
interests, that sometimes the scales fall from their eyes after only a
little instruction. Likewise, there are some whites who have kept
healthy racial feelings alive despite the zeitgeist, but think they are
alone in doing so.
AR has received many letters and e-mail messages from people
who say they had feared they were the only people left in America who
thought as they did, and are relieved to discover they are not alone. As
one woman put it, “Thank God. Now I know I’m not insane.” Of course,
she is not insane. Racially conscious whites are the only sane ones. And
yet, when whites see glorification of multiracialism and miscegenation
everywhere, when they see the most alien and disconcerting
immigrants held up as lovable examples of “diversity,” when they hear
the failings of non-whites everywhere blamed on white wickedness,
when every politician and commentator tells them they must celebrate
the transformation of their country into a jabbering outpost of the Third
World, it is very hard not to deny the evidence of their senses and to go
along—at least outwardly—with lies and nonsense. For some, AR has
been a lifeline.
Of course, it is because the prevailing racial message is so
unnatural and destructive to whites that those who promote it are so
intent on quashing dissent. “Watchdog” groups such as the Anti-
Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center invariably
describe AR as “dangerous,” and would love to see us disappear. If AR
is dangerous it is only because it is right, because it makes sense,
because it cannot be refuted. It is the highest compliment for AR and
other racially-oriented publications to be described as dangerous.
Still, there are only a few whites with fully-formed racial
consciousnesses, just waiting to learn they are not alone. Most whites
cling to conventional, self-destructive thinking because it is all they
know. Even when the views propounded by every respected institution
are shown to be wrong, it still takes an independent turn of mind to
reject them. People do not happily give up fashionable fantasies about
equality and harmony in exchange for the disagreeable facts of
inequality and friction, and those facts must be put before them
repeatedly and persuasively. This is why AR actively seeks out
speaking engagements and radio and television appearances. It is our
belief that every calm, well-considered racial argument plants a few
seeds of dissent. As the editor of AR, I have been a guest on hundreds
of radio programs, and these often bring in new subscribers.
Fortunately, argument is not the only thing that changes people’s
minds. The most persuasive arguments for our side are the simple facts
of demographic change. As aliens spread into every corner of our
country, more and more whites find that reality is far different from
media-driven fantasy. When I first began to speak on radio, callers
overwhelmingly opposed what I said. Not anymore. Now, even
“conservative” talk show hosts are surprised by the level of support for
the AR point of view.
Although callers sometime mention that they are AR readers, we do
not pretend that AR has had any but the slightest role in changing the
way Americans think. It is the constant racial double standards, the
destruction of neighborhoods, the demonizing of whites, and the alien
and unpleasant behavior of the newcomers that are waking up more and
more people. The truth can be denied for only so long. Whites can run
away only so many times. Eyes are constantly being opened, and the
change in the way I am received as a radio guest is one of the most
encouraging developments since AR began publishing.
Another reason racialist ideas are better received is that compared
to a dozen years ago, there are far more voices of active white dissent.
Besides AR, there are the Citizens Informer, the Nationalist Times,
Middle American News, and The Occidental Quarterly. The Truth At
Last, and the publications and broadcasts of the National Alliance also
openly attack racial conventions, although they come with a harshly
anti-Jewish message.
Ten years ago, it would have been impossible to find a public
meeting devoted to white racial consciousness, but they are now
commonplace and well attended. Every two years, American
Renaissance holds conferences at which racially-oriented academics,
journalists, and clergymen address several hundred people. The Council
of Conservative Citizens also attracts large audiences to its meetings.
Gatherings of this kind sometimes get media coverage, and have even
been broadcast by C-SPAN.
Today, there is no end of Internet web sites offering every possible
dissenting view on race and immigration, from environmentalist
reasons to oppose a growing population to outright National Socialism.
For any white person with a computer, powerful arguments against
orthodoxy are just a few keystrokes away. This deeply disturbs the
purveyors of lies and foolishness. There is a constant outcry about the
dangers of “hate” on the Internet—meaning any opposition to the
demonization and displacement of whites—but no one is worried that
Marxism or Maoism, for example, are making a comeback via the
Internet. Free speech is “dangerous” only when it is plausible, and this
is what distinguishes racial dissent from Communism or tree worship
or feng shui, or any other body of thought outside the mainstream. We
have history, science, tradition, morality, and human nature on our side,
which makes our positions impossible to refute.
At this point only a small number of whites fully understand our
racial and civilizational crisis, but many have lost patience with the
demands of non-whites. For decades, whites quietly put up with
“affirmative action,” but lawsuits and referenda have beaten it back,
and systematic racial preferences may be only a Supreme Court
decision away from extinction.
There are other signs of resistance. In the aftermath of the Sept. 11
attacks, the city of New York considered building a bronze statue of the
three firemen who raised the flag over the ruins of the World Trade
Center—except that instead of the three whites, the statue would be of a
white, a Hispanic, and a black. This proposal was swept away by a
mighty blast of outrage. In a show of backbone I would not have
expected ten years ago, whites flatly rejected this falsification of
Likewise, whites do not conceal their contempt for the idea of
reparations to blacks for slavery. I was recently on perhaps a dozen
radio programs devoted to this subject, and was encouraged by the
essentially unanimous white view that reparations would be larceny.
Several whites predicted violence if Congress gave money to blacks.
Although the mainstream media do not acknowledge it, there is
smoldering resentment among whites that could burst into flame over a
new round of handouts. A dozen years ago, demands for reparations
were not met with outright derision.
There has also been great progress in the scientific study of race
and genetics. The dozen years since AR began publishing have seen the
appearance of The Bell Curve, The g Factor, Why Race Matters, Race,
Evolution, and Behavior, and a whole series of pioneering books by
Richard Lynn. The famous 10-year study by Sandra Scarr and Richard
Weinberg that was to prove that black children adopted by whites
would grow up as smart as whites proved the opposite. Increasingly, if
only for medical reasons, scientists are setting aside the silly idea that
race is a “social construct,” and although the Human Genome Project
has prompted absurd pronouncements about the meaninglessness of
race, it is steadily revealing the profound importance of the kind of
small genetic differences that distinguish the races. The gene variations
that code for intelligence and other characteristics are already being
found. It will inevitably be discovered that they are not distributed
equally among all races, and these data will become public knowledge
despite every attempt to suppress them. Every new study is another
arrow in our quiver.
The myth of racial equality—of racial equivalence, really—has
been one of AR’s permanent targets. It is disastrous for at least three
reasons. First, it supports the view that anyone can become American.
Even after 300 years, the mass of blacks are still not Americans in the
sense whites are, and Hmong, Bolivians, and Mexicans are yet more
proof that race is an almost insuperable barrier to assimilation. Second,
myths about race encourage interracial sex and miscegenation, which
often put white women at the mercy of violent non-whites and further
reduce our numbers.
Finally, liberals love to blame the failures of blacks and Hispanics
on white “racism,” and though fewer and fewer whites accept this
blame, the image of wicked whites oppressing noble people of color is
still a potent weapon against us. Comparative data from the Human
Genome Project will eventually exculpate us completely, but until that
day we must continue to use the nearly as conclusive data gathered by
researchers like Arthur Jensen, Philippe Rushton, Richard Lynn,
Michael Levin, Linda Gottfredson, Charles Murray, and Robert
Gordon. The facts and arguments support us; the challenge is to make
them better known.
The social sciences as a whole are finally turning away from the
“blank slate” theory that there is no such thing as human nature and
that all behavior is learned. Even the worst fanatics are grudgingly
conceding that men and women are different, that some children are
smarter than others, that genes set limits on what the environment can
change. Myths of racial equivalence were a natural extension of the
blank slate theory, and the return of a common sense understanding of
heredity and human nature will eventually illuminate the question of
race as well.

Immigration Control
Immigration is the greatest world-wide threat to our race. With
perhaps the single exception of Iceland, every white country is besieged
by non-white immigrants. Whites have built the most successful
societies in human history, and non-whites from failed societies are
flooding into them. Once non-whites arrive in large numbers,
especially once they have become naturalized citizens, it is very
difficult to remove them. In any democratic society, where elections
are often nothing more than racial head counts, once non-whites reach a
certain percentage of the population there is no longer any realistic
hope of preserving our race and civilization except in activist enclaves.
A constant flow of non-whites into our lands threatens our very
survival as a people.
To cut immigration is therefore the most urgent practical measure
we can take, and AR applauds any immigration-control group, no
matter what its orientation. In the current “anti-racist” intellectual
climate it may be that organizations like Numbers USA, which stresses
only the strains that additional people put on our resources and
infrastructure, will be the ones that win enough support to change
policy. We should endorse any arguments that work.
There are now countless grass-roots immigration-control groups,
and more come into existence all the time, and no matter how “anti-
racist” a position their leaders take, racial consciousness runs strong
among the activists. Recently, I spoke to a regional group that officially
opposes only illegal immigration. The organizers were worried I might
say something “racist,” but as I got acquainted with the activists it was
clear they feel as I do: They don’t want large numbers of non-whites
changing their country. I gave a talk little different from one I would
give to an AR audience, and received a standing ovation.
Immigration control is an almost exclusively white concern, and
would be nothing like the issue it is if all the newcomers were
handsome, high-IQ, English-speaking white people. Although there are
exceptions, almost all immigration-control activists—even the
occasional black or Hispanic activists—do not just see people; they see
It is in Europe, however, that immigration control has had the most
success in the past 12 years. There is hardly a European country that
does not have an explicitly nationalist party that calls for strict limits
on immigration. Most Europeans are almost as terrified of charges of
“racism” as we are, but parties in France, Denmark, Switzerland,
Belgium, Italy, Austria, and Holland now campaign openly to preserve
their national cultures and populations—and win votes for doing so.
Progress has been slower in Germany and Britain, but the successes of
European nationalist parties are pushing “mainstream” politicians in a
sensible direction. Nationalists have held cabinet positions in Italy and
Austria, and it is only a matter of time before a staunch nationalist
heads a coalition government or even wins an outright majority.
These parties are seldom openly racialist, but they do not have to
be. An appeal to the Danes that their nation remain Danish is difficult
to criticize as “racist,” even though its practical effect is to keep out
non-whites. European nationalists are probably very much like
American immigration activists: Racial sentiment lies just below the
Europeans have a number of advantages over us in the struggle to
preserve their people and civilization. “We are a nation of immigrants”
is a slogan that has no effect on them, nor can they be attacked for
perpetuating “the legacy of slavery.” They did not displace native
populations within the last few centuries, and the smaller countries did
not even have overseas empires. Europe therefore has much better
defenses against the guilt-mongering that paralyzes so many American
whites. Although no nation in Europe has achieved the decisive
political and psychological breakthrough that would completely
remove it from danger, that day will come. Just as Austria faced a
period of clumsy European Union sanctions when Jörg Haider’s
Freedom Party entered a ruling coalition, any nationalist European
government will have to weather a storm of outrage, but the first
nationalist government could be the first domino. It may not be long
before American activists look across the Atlantic not only for
inspiration but for material support.
People often ask if there is still any hope for a white America. No
one can answer that question. Sometimes social change is surprisingly
quick. Ten years before the fall of the Soviet Union hardly anyone
would have predicted it would crumble so quickly. There had been
years of growing disaffection, just as racial disaffection grows in
America, and collapse in one quarter led to collapse in all quarters.
Could there be a similar collapse of racial myths in America? It is
impossible to know, but if there ever is a collapse it will be because
racial activists have been systematically undermining the foundations.
Ultimately, the odds of victory are not a preoccupation for those
who know their cause is just. We fight for our children, in the name of
our ancestors. We fight so that generations to come will walk in the
ways of their forefathers, so that they will live as men and women
rooted in the West rather than as waifs without loyalty or destiny. We
fight so that our grandchildren will be the unmistakable descendants—
biologically, culturally, and spiritually— of our grandparents. Like all
who fight with conviction, we fight for what we love, and if there is
justice in this world we will surely win.
This article appeared in the November 2002 issue.
Note to readers:
Anyone with an interest in reading more about the subjects covered
in this book will find an extensive archive of American Renaissance on
the AR web page,, as well as other material that has
not appeared in the print publication.
Back Cover

What does the future hold for the West? Must our civilization give
way before waves of Third-World newcomers? It is increasingly clear
that race and civilization cannot be separated, that only the people who
created a culture can sustain it. If immigration changes the face of
America—and of Europe—nothing else will remain unchanged. This
collection of essays from American Renaissance explains why Western
man can save himself and his heritage only by returning to a better
understanding of race—an understanding now reviled as heresy.
“Americans of all races who want the truth about race—without hate,
whining, guilt, or cant—will find it in American Renaissance. This
collection offers the best informed, most articulate, most serious, and
most honest discussion of race this country has seen in decades.”
— Samuel Francis, Nationally Syndicated Columnist
“American Renaissance and the authors who write for it represent a
movement that may now seem marginal but has the unstoppable
momentum of truth. Our understanding of race and racial policy is
finally emerging from the Dark Ages.”
— Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of
“A Race Against Time represents a courageous counterassault by
serious opponents of ‘diversity.’ Unlike establishment critics, who are
as much a part of the problem as what they cautiously criticize at the
edges, the contributors to this collection go to the ultimate sources of
our cultural and social crisis. They are not enlarging the received
picture of what has gone wrong, but supplying a provocative alternative
— Paul Gottfried, author of After Liberalism and Multiculturalism
and the Politics of Guilt

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